THE COLUMBIAN CiltOMBI DKIIOOBAT.ITAROPTIIIC NORTH ANncOI.CM' MAN OOKSOt.tDATRDi) lusuoil weokly, overy 1'rlJay morulns ,at i,r.,u i if sunn n. tin Mitt a notivr-v . , vrono'l.Atupuryoar, McenUdlscoutitulloweuj I -i " ' ' ' L .1 ? um oi uie aouuty nio villus " cer ,vcur,Mricuy in antittieo I'll'' ' ........... .,, U'lVit lib III.- U(M inn U (, nuDill ! , imlll all arrearages aro ptiM. lm u,M mtinucil croillts ufler the. expiration of Ilia urm Ml i tper sent out of tho stain ortoitlstantpost ji t must uo p:hl rn r In aitvant'e, unless a respon. ,, n rson In Columbia rotinty assumes to nav the inn .Tiplioit into on tii'manrt. piiiTAtiKH no longer exacted from stitwcrluersln .TO 13 HPIB.HSTTItlXrC'- ,,rt .iciindnur.r b l'rlillnwnt''oiiiparpf.ivo'm. WTo&t. """H Columbia County Official Directory. it i.lont'fii' viivoll. Anicl.iio.ltiilijes - I. IC Krlckbaurn, I', t shaman, t'lutliutiotary, Ae. William Krlekoautn. i rtrt .ilciiiK'r.iplii'r -s. n, Walker, it, i t c ll.'i"irl"r -Williamson It. .laooby. ii itrlot Atlnrnnj liobcrl It; Little. , rllt-l'. II Hot. , or -Urn i"l Noyharl, i tror-ll A. snvpi"'iilieler. ,i ,f -Hlnnors -iteplien l'olie, diaries ltlehart. it ilorr'nir. i n m .ilonors'i'lor!:- 1. 11, Casey. Viimrs-s. II, smlili, w. Mannlnif, 0. 1). See- '''i'li ' 'O' llobolus, Theodore w, it it. , nit y SiiP'Tlnten lent William It. Snyiler. u t n Poor Dlstrlit -hlreetors-r.. .1. Alliortnori, 1. 1 nwnoili lloioo Palnum, seolti Caleb inrton. Hi omburu. Bloomsburg Official Directory. tv llentntTown Council (1, A. HLT.IltXO. t r .1. K. tirul, t nii'f nr Poileelt. ltiirrt-t. IT itilentor tins Company 8, Knorr, Sitretarj t W. Miller. hi .runtoiiri) tl.inkliii'Cniiiinny-.Tnhn x.rtinMnn, p. lili lit, II. II. oroir, Cashier, .lolm 1'oncoc.k, Tel ler. Irs' li ink cn.irlo-j It. l'aiton.i'resMcnt I. P. Tun Iti, l .filler. cituncii imtKcioiw. IHrTHT CHCIICP, Pastor To be supplied. i ill ty sen lees -i'ii4 a rn an-l 7 p. tn, nuii'liv Scttool it a. tn, ''t i -er Mcetlti'i-Kvery Weilneailiy eienlnR nt . o k. ,..1 sfroe. Tho publlii am Invlleil toallend. ST, SIATTIlKW'rt l.rTIIEKAS- CULKCII. Minltfr -r,"V. o. I), s. Mirrlay. i mi J iv Si-rvlcis tovj a. in. an 1 T p. m. Sunday cliu'l -9 a. m. iT.iver Mceiltis Hvery iVednosday evuiiii at 7 o lo k. ieatrrcp. Vopews rented. Allarewtleome. ritKIIYTF.KIlSCUrKCIt. Mlnl-tter lt"v. Stuart Mlnlwll. m ii it i iv frvlci's ioj-j a. in, and T p, rn. itld.lV Si'linnl -II a. til. ITaver Meuilnt; Kvi ry V'tdiip,sday evening a!. 7 o' loek. s free. Vo pi ws rented. SI rangers u eleome. MKTH01ll?T hPHCOI'At. 1 llfKCll. Pre .Mini; I'.lder ltev. W. Brans. Mliimer -ltev. I:. II. Yoeun, sen l.'eH iti's and 7 p. m. ii i.iv selinol-o a. in. in f!e I'ltni-uveri Mimdav eentni? at 7 o'clock. Younir Men'i l'raer Meo'ln U'.ery Tuesday til n - at 7 o'clock, i ral ITajer Meeting niery Thursday eienltiir 7 o'clock. KKFOttMrnciiritcn, Corner of Third anil Iron streets, i' iitor it. II. strunck. itftiletiPe -Corner tth nnd Catharine sjreets. -ilti.l.W Services -lltitf a. in. and 7 p. in. - itii'.iv School i a. in. v. TAiei'tln?- satttritav. 7 p. m. VI are invited There h alvvajsroom. ST. PAfl.'SCIll'llCil. d'l'tnr-Hev I,. Zatiner. 'imd iv sen tcet nit a. m., 7 p. m. hmH sctinnt -'i a. tn. i a Mind.iv In the month, Holy comratinlnn, n. rlees prepiratnrv to comtnunlon on ITU1 ty v 'iilmr before the sf sundiv tn each month. P us rented i buf evi't-jbody welcome. KVANOKMC!. Clll'KCIt. "reHldlnir Klder llev. A. I lieeber MUil-let -llev. fieorpe Hunter. s'nulav serilce 1 p. in.. In the Iron street Church I'r.ucr Meetlni;- Kterysibhathat 2 p.m. Ml are Invlieil, Allaro welcome. ISI.OOMSIU'Iia l)!ltI-.(T(iUY. lMltll'INSIoSAI, ('AIM)s. 1") r.rCKINT.II M. Attornev nt-I.nw. ff L Vi .tlei'. tl. !.'8 liullillng, '.'dton rui'in li i nuHbunj. may 7, '-.o-t f ( it. BVltKI.KV, Dlice V . o ttrowi r's buttdln'. 'Jnd s'ory, It'"mH 4 .ij j li. UOlilSON, Atlninev-at-I,iw. OIBeo I . m's building, Main street. D .. rt'.M. M. lil':ilHI!,SiirKeoii and l'hyi lan. uiiuo Market ureet. Metr depot. T 1(, KVVNS, M. I)., Surgeon ami Ihyi O '"luii, ((;ilcn ami Ui-slilenre on Thtnl Rtreet T Jt. McKKLVY, M. D-.Siirk'Oon nn.l IMiy t) . hii', north hide .Main btrt( t, in low Market. D 11. J. C. HUTTKIl, PlIVML'IAN ASUIIOCON, oniee, North Market ttreet, Ulocmsburc, I'a. Oct. 1, '75. iH. I. I,. UAIili, IMlACTIOAIi DKNTIST, Main street, opposite Kplseopil Chuali, Iilooin1?- tiltr ', I'll, ; Teeth extracted nitliout pain, net 1 lii DW(I,MiT I ONNKK, M. I., I'lIY.xl ai UN mil si l.'i.l'uN. l,"i'(t U .iltenllon clven i.i 'lie Ili'.iAi nnd nn'ters of the 1- K, Ilia I 1 1 f and M tuiKliv In nil Its nl lo i brain lies . " Msn i .in fll'lj uiljusts the i: U wllh I'l.ul Lit 1.1. VSihS. f il n a. tn. Hoi ks :! I::sn p in. I 7 -s "i. ."i I KiiHt street. llliMiiiitiiirv, I'a. July 10, 'irtf W. HrHOUSS3; BLOO.MSHUUG, COL. CO. PA. Ml styles of work done tn a supi rlor manner, work'ed as reiir.-setili d 'I ekth I xtkact- KP II 1IOCT I'AIN b the tlv of lull, and free or eliurk-i' vIhui aiiin. HI teeth an liihirtid oniiw foni'T Main and Iron streets. 7o be oficn at nil hours during the day. Nov. J.1Y Jil-l KLL.Ni;ilL's M. UKIXKKIt, (,UN nnd LOCKSMITH. awiiii MaeMnes and Machinery of all kinds re- i itred. (ii'Ska Ilorsi: liulldluBF, lilooiiiaburir, l'a. )) VVIP LOWKXltKIlfl, Mirtliant Tailor Main St., aboi" Central Hotel. I S MUX, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., tJ ni re -.trcei, bi tweeL Second and Third. I'l.l'.SlL'S I'l'iKUXI). rraetical liotne.) XX nathte llorae and L'ow Doctor, Hlonmtburi;, l'a. lib. U, '79 ! j.Ml.S lli:iLLY, 'ronsoi'iiil Ai'tiist. 1'avinn retiirin il iii d rpened a HrM-class HAIHIKU silul' in l.xeliatu!. liloc k, kthi.iI lloor, oer I'eler iirosv h.iloi.n. respeeifullj Kilt, listhe patrutiaiit'eof ul oldeukti nut and of Ihe puntlc Kdarally, inly 1U, sn-il C'ATAU'IcSA. w f.M. L KYLKLY, AT1XHLNEV.AT.LAW, CatawUsa, l'a. 'ollectlons pron.r'ly made and remitted, onin i QHtte i at twitsa Li.'poslt lunk. 4m-3S II. lill.VU'X, ATTOUXEY-AT-UAW, cataw Issa. l'a. unice, eotuerof Third and Main Btrects. IIVUTMAN El'KKSRNTS TOE KOtLOWINU AMUUfAN INKUKAM'K OO.MPAX1KS: bycoinliii;of Muncy 1'ennsi lvanla. N orth Anictcan of l'h.iid.-lphla, I'a ; ran kiln, of ' " I'eiitisylvarUnf " ' riuers of.York, l'a. iianoierof Now ork. Minhatianot " Olllco on Martet street No. r, U t.omat.uri:, fa net, 'Kt, 79-ty Farm for Sale ! The lllid klL'liul on", runt pillate fa'e n I'MIM 01' SIM V 'I IIIIIK ACItlS. Willi K1IAMF lltd Ml. barn and 01 lit r oiit.tiiillilliiew tin rn ii. t.11 u te 111 I IaIiIiil' crei k leWI hlilp In foi d ttutoot eultllatloll. Unaled iirnr rtwuurv l an lie pureaai-eu on redulllll le u i niw. A tlou orchard tin the pio) etti, at da ncu-r fatlnik' -I'iiiiki ii Blirteur llie titti-e reri'i'iinuiaiBuu. duss . JOHN .1., auir, is, '(.a-Stn yoikj.coliiinblaiouutj, l'a. pIUK INSL'IUNCE. CII1IIHT1AN I', KNAl'l', ULOOMSIll'IK), I'A. 1IHITISII AMEI1ICA ASsl'nAM'E COMI'ANV, JiKHM AN KIllKINM'ltAM'K COMI'ANV NTIONAI.KIIIE INsl'lUNCK CUMI'ANV. b MON I.NSUHANCK CU.Ml'A.N V. 'ihe.o old coKroHAtioss are wt 11 bensoned by a?o '.u'itKKTKSTKnaiiaiiaveneier)ei ii'ju a toss set ll'ld bl an piiiirl nr Inu' 1 lit Ir t nr,, iitl ttiVcKt el In soiiiisKrrKiTUsand are llallelo Ihe hazard or nan oid). LlihbtH i-momiti vmil iiOKviiri v ndliifited nnd natil a soon as determine d bj chhiktiak F Kmrr, sriic- AtHNT ANI1 AlUl hUK IILOOkSSCM), I'A. The people of Columbia c uniy should patronlre me sneucy where losses Uany are nettled and paid by or.ootlhelr oncltUens. Mot it "soT ' Jll"TV R psac1"0 G. E.ELW3LL. 1 BCTTEltBSHDEB, ? "PriltOFI. LAWYEIIM, Q II. IIUOCKWAY, A T T 0 U N V, Y-A T-L A W, CoifiintAN llfit.niMi, liloomburi, I'a. Memo r cf tho fnlted states Law Ataorlatlon. ColKMoiis made In any part of Amtrlca or Hurope. li. U'ALLKI!, Attoi'tioj-nt-Jnw. li.Tlee, second doc.r from 1st National Hank. Itt-OOMsnuiKi, I'A, Jan. u, l:s II. 1T.VIC, A 1 1 ovutf 5'- t-1 .n w, I.lMlMSI10Ill,rA. ORlce Iii nnt'i llrli.niKii, Q ix W.J.llUCKAl.rAV, ATTOitNi:VS.AT.IlV, Uloomsbirg, i'a. otllcp on Main stt tet, nrf t door t clow Court House fyOIIX M.OLAHK, ATTOUNKV.AT-l.AW, Uloomsbiiri;, I'a. onice over Sch'tytt r's Hardware store. P r. IiILLMKYKU, ' AI-IOIINEV AT IAW, okkick In llanoan's l'.ullil'.ni,, MalnFtreet, lifoomsburi:, l'a. E. II.ttTII.I!. KOBT. H.I.ITTIR. E. H. It. LITTLE, AT'l011NKVi-AT-IJiW, nioomsWirs, V. Q W. MILLKlt, ATWKNEV-AT-LAW oniccln Hroct'abulldlnir,second floor, room No. 1. Uloomsburir, I'a, p I'UAXK ZAIiU. Attornoy-at-l .nw. 'llLOOMSIlUltd, I'A. oniee corner of Centre and Main streets. Clark's llulldltiS. (!.m bo cnu'tilteil in German. Jan. in, 'si-tr G i i:o. v.. i:iavi:ll, A T TO U X E Y-A T-L A W, Com'msian Hen ciNU, llloomsburi;, I'a. Men'ber of tho United Mates Law Association, colleilluis made In any part el Amirlia orttirope oct. 1, ls7'J. s, hsoim. U . Mf-TtitlSTKKV. Noliiry Public k WIXTEItSl'lvEN', A tt o i 'n o y s-f 1 1-1 jaw . Ofllculnllartiuiii's Iilock, Cortcr Main and Mar !:cl streets, r.lnotnHUUlITi l'a. f3rI'cion iint HountU Calhilcd. p.UL r.. WHIT, Attorncy-at-Law. oniceln lhowii's liloik, one door bi low Coifsimis liuiiiiliii; 111 OOMSliUllG, I'A. July 10, 0 It ITY .1 AL'OHY, ALLoi'iioyatI.nw, l'.LOOMSlll HO, I'A. (imoe In tho cou-sintAX liutldlne, second Boor, ret. , 'vi. NT 13 W V IHJ1! The will known c. 11. wnnCI'roprlctcr ct the OHANdKVIII.i: AllI'.ICl'LTUIIAL WOHKS, lias si'Id a hair Inierest In Hie same tn J. W.Conner. The i lp.'iii have repaired the w oiks, and are prc- iwred lo uci otiiiniid.iteall who want anjtlilr.t' In the ilie of Imp'elre' trt. They haul JilM eompleti d a lit w li It hand White plow .which I! po Mbl.', will beat th" ikht hand .Nn vurtace plows or Jointers tor 'he fame. new Thrchi rand Clean er wllh centre ihake of rldule i-hoc, culled the iliiolicr ami Clcimor, Willi both livtr and rallwav powerson a Rrcaili ImproM'd plan. le iii.inut.ieuiie l.Mi with i ast Iron heads, c .ni Plow-, double and Mimic Cllltll Itlif- hide bill Plows, Mill C'llHll.lfS. I tin i nf mo ilesi up linn iliini' wlln promptniss. Me i ist.itiiu mi ban I a I itlf' assi rt in. lit of I'li'W slurt", l"r our own nul main n'ln r plows thai nie used Iii the ei.uiiin. i will ma be iimliTso.d In work or or the vunii-ipiallij. 411 our wotl, liw.ur.mted tut-ho s.ui-f icilon. or the tnonej te rmi'lnl. wnHK.FY coMI'K ITIoN. rarmirs aul Ihe publle In policial ..te leuui Mi d to call and ex amine in tot c put i hasliiK eltew h. l e. WHITE & CONNER, Jan. ic, '-o-ly oltANi.LVH.l.E, I'A. B. F. SHAHFiESS, Cur. Celine and Kail lload S'.s., near I., t p. liepot. L:west Prico: will net 'o: uricrco'.d. Maniifaitiinr tr MINK CAlt WHKF.l.s, Coal Iireak er and III Id," Caitlnus. Water ripi s, Holes, Tin ware, Ilua -, I HON FENCE, and all kinds or Iron and llrassC Hints. Hiu 'i nlbal Montrose, Iron beam, rlffht l.aud, leltlianu, oudslde hill 1'lows, the best lu the mil k- t, and till kinds ol plow repairs. cook siovea, l'oom stoves, and sioie.s tor Iteatlne stolen, uhool houses, churches, Ac, Also Iho lars- st stock of repalis tor city stoves, wholesale and retail, such as l ire Urlck.t. rates, Cross l'iet is, Lldl Ac. AC, Stoio ripi, Co- k Hollers, skllllls, Cake- llales, lartre lion Keliles, tva eallona to 1 barrels) I'aria Hells, si 'd Soles, Wat'iui Ilexes, "AUantown Bono Manm'o" PLASTER, 'iLT.AC, SC. Jan 5, 'n iy Dauchy & Co'h. Advt'B. l)" VU U Hopst Si Is I!ieds,tlM.V fa r i ri 1'lAMis, t if. up. 1'upir rue Ad lie s Oaiuel . II 'ally, s;.on, N. J. d net, 'ell 4W A CUKAT OKFK k t Ntu Oi:Tifis ft" i . ..). M I'l.Wl-s. 1 Ml 111) 1 r.i- NHTIil W- it I' If l I - v 1 1,1 u it ) WW hi lllllh'l lt il ( Lltli'l 1 Il CO., V(J i.HiaUHll , N. THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE IT ri'lll r Is i i . i. ! r t t tt 1 1 rtu" rar.U 1 tie bis- 1 i ii i : 1 1 1 w i rii i llli'llll'll Alllll. HO''H till! IHIIIII r j HI j fin , i,li tl.e hi do. i urn h' ihe bl'od. Uhl) he bi ins hulileli tin li nub n'lli I tU nilMs.ebeir 111' mind, ler'ei I dip sthm. 11 nuliitt' the stt laach alii li.wi Ik. cent's' mi l r ;i -tlpi'WllhNtW IIVKen i tlll'dl r tho bull. II" wuleiillinltallusallillat un"ed- lock Mr Up c"i .," s sli.MTC I win b appenrs plalnl) n the Kill nt b o" , ';""'" MM I I'll l'l--ltsli..MI'AM,l,i'slo.N,MA. i'l tl, 'so 4-w a Nii mill aitriKlli'- .tilt- ire tiuiv nail). tnsillVl HIM ciiiiNKr ' il 1'Aitl on oil; ........... ,, ,v an-. IN IHE w.illlli, MU-nirsoi Al llltl'.l I KH'i'i ' at KV"iy t.teai Mi.rl.l'. I iliil'llli'" lr '" " HAMLIN l.o fir; and' upward For easy i-j , I in 'bta nn a nuatter ard unwa rd (IIUHNS lati'li'imslrte M tSi'N A HAM UN Willi. ,M ,r,,nontsi,no'on, 4 fa' t tub f n sifuin ), Y. lis wbali ei,r. I'llii,fa'. ti. !".:' Avenue, ChloatJ. cirtlK-AW civile ti 1 i ir-iTuriiimi lt jo'i ft'clduU, flruwsv, tl.'blliuitrt.!, have frequent lu-tilirln', iikuiHh iiisi-h bvllv. p'nr nppctltp, unit nimotis'ii sh" una hi.timi w i't i urv von no pn Trt' llv ah I p rtnuicntlv im to tiko ."Imiioxs' l.usn IIKIIl I ATOIl Or .MCIIP im Th Ch"avst, piireit nndcA Hest Kanilly Meulchio In-HfiiHn AN F.I I rCTt'AI. "l'lllttf fil3 mi mi nisi- ..,-. in iiu-iiv vf-j(,. rr. Milium Imntl spleen S lieirulsle Ihe 1.1m rand II ririnint cllll.ts AM) I'RVrtt MAI, MUM'S n-VKIC. no i in. ciniri mn coMPI lis ' s, VrjV ttsii.i;ss nn i, ami Hail lircitllit Nnihlntr ts s i nnpl' is ml n' Hiin . cnnm m a bail nit nili ui ii in t,. ,rh tun i- b i na s trom Ihi'slTitii'ih iiiiliitii.i 1-11. mi en in it tl If ion will tnke SIMM, s' lnni bti't i a t mi . no hnt'rie ir'i'et so siiie a r. tin th fiiriii s u ihiMm. iiismdi r It will also itnpii'ii. jiiiu .'p tile, t until, xiut, and Health. IMIrst llowninn su'li r torinr.' il iy after dnv, maklntr life n burden nnd n Id duu exislcnee t all rl .isnre. imltiK lothe Si en t "UltiTlri! r oat pll"S t teller Is le nil lo th hand or alinoit anyone who will u.o syhteii.nllea'lv the remcdi bus periiiaiii ntly enrcii llinmanils. shimons Lu bk KtuiTtioit, Is No lute"0 '"'e"1 l""f''' ljUt a k'eatle a-sistaut t jni- 'oiistli;t(lon! Slinuld not be resitd 'd as alrlillint iPment-ln raet naliite denintiiis t ,i'uttn ist leiralarl y or the bow els, and anv tlevlatlnii Iri.tu thisdetniind paiesl'.o way otb'ti to setprlsibi'itrer. It Is quite as neeesn rv loti'iniiie inip'tr.' aeetuii'i'atlutH rrnni Hie luiiv elsnslt or sleep, and no If tilth can be ox pected where a C'XtlV" of boil) pr'valls. Sl It IlcatlticlK' I This dtsttes-ltiir iiiiiietlnti oeiMtrs tn is' rreq fnt'v. Hie rllstiirbanei' or he s' aiHIni; Irotntha ttnpi rl' elli illtfi'sti'd ennu tits, e ,us sa selere pain In Hie It'll I iifi'nmpif.l.'i) wpti Ms! inn-eat. le nillsen, and lids emstp'oes wlini is pipnlaily Uiown as Shk lli'iidtebe; t ,r the n-ter ol will h, T.IKB sot MONs'LlVhK tKilfl.lUlH ItlSirtlTl Hill OM.V I'.V .1. II. .I II. IN A- ( ll I'llII.AIlELI'llIA. I'i Ic 11,00. so d by all in crisis. Apulia 'sa-!. ins vrr.rrcT to;iic 1 ti -v.":., -JT' TO a ivi m fa a The only CS cent ami . H ;JA.'AI15 ' 'EE ' t 'f VT" I III' biLD HEIDS A WONDERFUL DISCOVEnYl wnr.t Ml wm mm, ik;'' life! HSfcjaE? m 23 U U U J A Deodorized extract of Potrolouni, Tho Only Arliclo that V.'ill Ito siuro Hair on Haiti Heads. tVhal the Vorltl Ihh been W:u4i:i:J Cur s'emt tsrie4. T'.e runlet iV'".' of nMr da, so Tir ai a lar'e 1 rllun nr I u-ni. 1'ty I, c 'r.ei rani, liCAIi Itiil.lM". i n arllil' pr. paied rrma peimleuni, aad wlili h elti-t Nat na,i'tto ni d rt.d eal cure lu case of lal.Ill c"- Mln'-ti t .j h ir, ovin' to dlieain's of the i-ialp, h .s liLiini.) thai aad t mil to fall out, li U h'. n n i dy n -r-irinu.. ali'I ulnl.) Its una fo iiins al'i . ii j-r,iw 111 Thalr, itnl-u brings baclc tlict.i.tiiriili 'nr. fault,' tho l.m .t compltto twt-I-fi 1 1! -1 1 1 .o . - . 'fa- f i'.I.iit out of the liatr, ther.c'a'ii'ih-io.isi.r danilrnlT, and tho prcaiatura cliia.. hi culiir are a.l uluVtict" of a dl-enird con lUllin i-r the scalp i.nd tho ghtiuls which nuaridU tha l.alr. To am t l!ae s tho artli le used mutt po.pc.s tncdlc il in well cicheniteal ihtue. aaJths itiungc taiifct beyhi uinlir tho fectfp to hoot perma nent ninl lasting tieneill. Paeh on article Is CAll 1I01.INE, ami. Ilka lanny other woniletful dinar, tries, It Is f mini toconsint of ilemer.ta slmoit hi tlnlr t.utural ttate. l'ttrt.Ieam oil Ii iho crtieli which Is made to work sneli cf inordinary result! ; but it is aftct It Im bee,; iheulcally lroatc.1 and completely dcoilnrlzid thai it Is In propir comiitloa f .Mho. to'.l.'t. It wai l-i far-oil I'.ujsI; that th) iffict ct p. tnileuiu iipun the l,a rwaa f.rt obi.irved, a Giiverimicnt u.iker havim; nollc.-d Halt a p-.rtlally Inlil hea led sinant or lt', when triiainia t!u l.til', had a I. tl..t or wi.iln li's oil la-ia, irol liamls ia ids tcnnly locks, and tho result wa. in i fin t moths a liner Ik.uI or bhak, yti'.sy hair than ho mr leid before. Tho oil was tllwi on horMSondiatlleth.t 1 .d I -t tlutr hair f ran; tho cattle platnie. and tv- tin h- aero as rapid us th7 were tuarvi loin. The i.i'.uc" and inn ilw tails o( horsn, whlih had fal'.-a oat, wire comphtely ro flnreililia few weik'. Tl.i-o olin-hnenu wcrj heralded to tho world, but thu knoivIedi nai pras llcally useless to Cie premntiin'ly buld atul gray, ixi no otic In clilllzcd waioty oald tolerate the me of nllui J pi troleuia in a driWiif r.'r the hair. Dat tto i-klll of one of oiiriheml, oiirennio thcdlllt cnlty. and by a procinl known only to dliat-eir, h.) lias, nliir very i hiburmo and costly er; n hueuw, sue cciiled In deodorlziiiff wliiej petr ! mat, wide!; rrnilcn It susci ptiblo or belr h inditsl as ilalntlljr at the famoiisiilK (IccojM. Tlioeilielimelits will; Ihe iliodotled lupild on tho ha.r ero at luided with the tno.t nnonlahiiii ru-nit-. A low applications, whero tho ha'r wai tld i ii'il r.ilHnir, cai o n niarkahle tone and i !")r 1 1 iho n i p un I La't. Hnry pinlclo or I'.iudriill dho', ,)-ar o'; tin fn -t or second dressing and the liqind -o e. arcit lliC ill Its nature, see-as to p -uetr .to lo l'i'' rools at oine, mid ct up a rad calihaiie'i fioni the sti.rt. U a u!l kuoun t.iat tho nm.t bcjut.rul ul a j am laado rrou; petroleum, and, by soaio my-lerlons tlHratioti ol naturo,ll.o uoir tins arthlo i nidu r.!'y hnpar's a beautlfa! l'j'.t-hMwn cl"r I ' tlw Klrwliiih by na..hiued u e,'ti' to u Llac1. The color reniatiii. h rtiiaui nt f-r ua L. . . ' N nllt et Hue, and the lUugJli t" lira, eal t'ut the niott lutim.ito rrielal call Eearei';.' detect l.i 1 " rtvu In a i.ord.ltlsth- raot w nihi.'.l i'.'. .' ry of the i . . and wc'l I'.hu'.iti 1 In t,.-'..o th pr aia lunl; ba d aiul gruy lejoae. W. nilvl-e our readers t ii've ! atrl .!. f tin j i .tl, 1. I in a on-iiipia.alnm wnl e mi. a e ta in or 1, M.nihrfill cl!ti.'.J.-M"tii'''""'. ' -i ' VI !,'. 1ST7. The nrthle Is tellhi.' lis own t ,'y In I' h in;'" "f t , .u-'.ii U wlln are ii-injt u wila too ni- ( iti.t i.. .1 ii.iiiiii.i.'iu rcuhs i V II linn i A t o . I'd h Av ' ne I'linrniaey, iv. ",.i lino.ldl' m t im I orfurupivanl 1 1 tin ntv bat n t liil.loue tonulloi v.. II urulio.a. Il ni.ii T-al . i Ti n.'l. We t ier.' r in r. iinaii i 1 It w.i'i luuuucnvs to our friends M.JIL. y, i.tralpullic." Mr Cii-ruid I' ll .u, or tho Oat.a Open Tr.. ,.e. i i.i ''Alur .ixw,s.'ks' U4. I an; i ou mii .il, us uie alo lay comrades, tliut your 'Carbo. inn' t.isund lipr diicin a woudufnl growth or Lair nLltli 1 had UOUO for .arb.' ( II SiiiTit. if tlicjomilo lllclit ComVnatlon, writ. : Afurii-iin:)oar ' Carlnuiuu' tliriy wmk I am i online. d thai Udd heailseni lo 'to-lulled. II eiuiply woods tful in my tis'." II F Aiitui it, ch,m -'. Ho'M.'.e, M;is writes: " 'I'ttibollu ' lis-r..lorei' uij l.alr uficroui). ttailohsd rallid." Jiiicru V. I'o-sd, attorney-.! la" . No. All eboro, Jiai.. , wrius : 1'. r i.ioti. tii.iii J" m n-a i..ilioa of lav heal hu Isiuas siuoo h in I f'i e rio a I. sir as i biilmrd ball, but nana i.l'hl wnks u.' . 1 was In ilucid to try jour Curboibic, a. it i'.. ui d ui In en simply woudirlal. Wh i en i.r I. . Uo.i lien rnrjears II" re lioiv iipp. i i stli k It owtll. ninl lniuc.iuilnu.l il nt I'j i i.i .mum Isha'l l.aio as i'iskI a I ' '! ,.f I " n- Inn I ad. Il Is eroMlni; now t.iui.j as ra .i'j a. u-i dots aftar It U cut. OAEBOLOE Is now presented to the public a ithoul fear or coa tradlctionaithebix Ikoto'-i'iK- u id ll' UUUSvr of the Hair tho world has t w r pr sl u.-d l'rlri', ONI! DOI.I. MC pvrbotllo. bold by ull ltruKtilsl. KENNEDY & COTPITTSDUnC, PA Colt) AZvhM for lbs United States, tug Cuiada aih4 Ureal UrlUllu Cl 10 ' t ifP tiff! lit $ ii 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 n ii li ii 1 1" 1 1 1 m i in iiiii ii 1 1 wn i n 1 1 1 ii i iii 1 BLOOMSBUllG,PA.,FlUDAy,NOYEMI)EIi 12, mwc Original Poetry. For Iho Coi.t'Mnii" 1 tiii: iiiiAVK in t iik wi:sr, UV JOHN It. St'TtOS. When inornliiif awakens myiMial devotions, And dutv to labor Is cal.i'd tor the day, .Ml heart Is opt ressed with Us painful cmollnn", And my thoughts uncoiitrolliii, troMcailDir away, I tltl ik ol ttto li ime, wh're th djar ouaa aro weep- In,', LU,, Ihieln I ofo'd, who nrnsed 'olio b'estj Alnni' In He irsnrro.v their vigils are keepliu, l'ei'iu-i or that new i made grave In tho wcri. All d ii while at labor, I'm constantly thinking, lion Lit it r tilt- cup, that Is pressed toourllps, Ar.ili.'tmj hiartiravis rroiu thy oup lo lajiulnk Hi if, As Ih'ViBli lhrc was sweet In Hie gall that It s'ps, I I urn rrom Ihe graves that ate 'roil'.d in", and near mo N h ro Iho dust ut our luted onea Ins long tecn at lest, I turn rrom the, Ji I hit to leu re mo, A;v.i to Hi it graiu lu Iho nr dlst int Wi st. At iittjli' , when I ought lobe quietly sleeping, And gal hetlng str. ligili Ter the tltj 1 hat's tn come, I lltid mjselt wither .1 mil till nty wit ping, For those in their ill-tn it and ilesolale home, lite lessen tr patience I ought It) be learning, 1 rullv I'clleio that it's alltorllio best, .MkI jit In ni weakness, my heart will Icycarnln;, I'crhlm that lies low, In that graie In the West. Alas I how tihcertatn are human arrangements, our wiwl ui; i,nd prudence m.iy Mile avail, Our plans tor th- tin are are run ot i"rnhsremcnu, And nur best etlejlatlonsolt utterly lull, ct his cherished design r irldseatlhlj enhaneemerit. 'Ibis puigiess already hadirlien :; lest, our hopes ror his n"ntnl and moral it hanoemetil, Are binl, d, alike, In that graio lu th? West. The marble nny show where his ash"H are resting, And How era bo planted with love's pure lliiltit Hut the nets or his Hie nUv,in true to I'irlr lestingi Knran d on our hearts aiehls uiU monument, As long as my reason and memory aio left tut nd may Ihej continue, Cud grant Iho teq tist, 'Till tlod It) his pleasure, in) life hath belilt Hid I'll think or that giau'li. Iho tar distant West. Nor do 1 1 e leie that we're parted loreier. 'I hough .Ionian's daik t Lions arerollltii;betwf in. The Hcs formid In .Iimis, dr nth i cier can seier, -Mid the Mi las oi i r .Ionian will nlwnjs be green, 1 n Hint ot lilfc'hl premise, I hopu soon to miet htm, And n host ct dear rrlends In Iho homo lithe blest, WPh songs thai are pcrro I, I m hoping to greet hlin, And Ihlnk neu r mote or f inc In tho West. STIt I.WITKH, OCt. VI, IS-O. Select Story. TAKKS l!Y SIOIIM. .Mndamoistlli'. we are nhligul to ak jour hiispilalily. llilieve me, we will "encroach upon it as little as pos-iMc' The speaker, a oiing I'nissiaii ollicir in lull tinifiinn.lieiii low before the he.iu tilul gill w hum he uihliessed. littl .Maria .Moieau saw neither the courtly giace of inanner nor notid the young, handsome face and form. She iuilj knew that the enemy of hereountiy stooil lit line her, that the tricolor of France had lieen dragged from its sttind anl where it limited proleetingly our the the little l'Veneh town, andthe hated liaaner of l'i tissia put in its stead; that the very privacy ol their healths ami h mil's had liccn'intnidediipon in many instances ruthlessly and that the man licfiue her was lmt a lcprcsentatheot all that disaster entailed, Sir.' she answered, her lip curling In uiiili.sguised sciirn as she spoke. 'e ale women, and defenseless. It tits votl well that you should make airetense nt iskintr thriiiiLrh cottrtesv, that which you have already ohtained through force. l'hi' only leipiest we can make of our guests emphasizing the latter woni with supremo irony 'is that we may he iiennitti d to see as Httle of them as pos. Hi i'. I tiles, voui regrelltil cmisniera- lion ili ni'iinl all the house, leave us anv portion, however small, that shall he ours, not onlv in woni i tin in deed. .Mademoiselle, vour wihcs are com maiuR answered the voting olliivr, t In nigh a Hush had risen to his cheek at her hot words of scorn. 'Mv adlce to vim would he to take the upper lloor, where there would lie no excuse ol in tttision upon vou. I wish most earnest v t hat 1 might withdraw mv men ironi tte house, hut it is inipossihle. The town is small and Ihe troops aie ninny. They ure nuaitercil everywhere, and, even should I withdraw them. oit might he siihieeted to annoyance, from winch it shall lie mv earnest endeavor to shield vou. Permit me, mademoisell to hand vou mv card, and to hog vou to oiuniauil my services, and to report to me any incivility which ou may en counter.' So speaking, he placed on the tahle beside her a slip of pasteboard, and mal- ing a low bow withdrew. The girl made no motion toward it, not even bending the haughty little head in recognition of his couitesy. 'Ileallv, .Maria.' said her aunt, streel ing.otit her hand for the card, 'the young man was very polite. It would have been policy, mv dear, had vour nanner not been so repellant.' liepell.'tiit!' exclaimed the voting gill rising from her scat in her excitement and pacing up and down Ihe room. ! wish 1 could have erusheil him withinv scorn. Din's lie not Know that a true Fiench woman will bear any insult rati er than the humiliation of I'ltissiati ma; nauimitv' 1 hate him! I hate them all How shall I ever draw a flee bieall knowing that thev live mi the same air that sustains im! Ah! Fiance, be p liiut. it is but tor a little longer.' Hugh Von Ti click,' nail the eld lady aloud from the card. "W e must not lose this. The young man mav reiillv he of lulille service to us.' 'Aunt, how can vou! (iivo mo the card, or tear it up vonistlf. Do vou think 1 would ask u favor at his hand aye, or accept one; .Never, ncvci! am the bright eyes llashed. lint madam quietlv slipped the piet of pastthoanl within the iilieiile sh wore at hei belt, determining, if lice sarv, to take thu voung ollicer at hi Weld. 'Madame will pardon a stranger's teiferenee, but I must beg that m ithe she nor mademoiselle xentiue out into the The soldiers arc in statu of icvelrv and riot, which might subject them to insult. Anv commands I should bo happy to fulfill. Itespectfullv, Hi on Vo Tih.m k .Madaiuu Moieau, some three days hit er, nails aloud the above from a caul just slipped heui ath the door. Hirnuue stood before thu glass tying on her hat and listening, with ctirlin Hps. 'Vou see, Maria,' she said, glaiicin up from the writing, 'you must not go -out. ji would he rash madness. Hut Maria onlv picked up lu r veil and began adjusting it acrost her patty face. Alorift w.,t linfiv limit' ...... ,. J v.. VM. ,11,.,. 1 mwminimiii iwrMlmf.tni,,uaagaQi,w,i m Mil Ves, ,'iiint,' slio !inswt'ii(l. Mint iii.'is iiiitcli in I urn very liiin,ir,iy, ninl tlioro U liolinii'' lit llio honso to tat, I tlmik it itlier tl Hinlti'i' of iiii'cssilv tliini of llok'O. liisiik'.s. I would liilliii' lmvo lii'i'ii ol'i'iilv iiisulkil limn to li:no lli'if llii";li Von 'I'li'tick's iii.niiioiuiiiotis itilci'- ftri'iii'i1. Have no fear, attiilit'. 1 urn iiilti alilc to lake care of myself.' Anil in sinte ol Hie eliler linlv s eli- tieaties, nnd with a "ood-live kiss ami leassiirinj; smile site was piiie. lint tlie smile faileil as she stood a moment on the threshold of the outsitle ooi and irldlK'cd III) atul dim n the sheet I with siildieis. The color in her ks puled to whiteness and her heart loml anil fast. .She almost determined to turn hack, lieu some one, standiii'' at her ellmw. iitl, in tones so earnest as to be nearlv' ! arsli, 'nni vour aunt not iceeivu any irningf" It was Hugh Vim Trcnek oke. 'Are von authoritv in this house, sir. oxer all its intuatis she tiietiontd. 'If ire prisoners let us know it. i tut in then elifuiee vour wishes." You tlo me injustice, mademoiselle.' ic leplicil, in low, thrillim; tones. 'I heir lor your om it sake, not for mine, not to eiitiire out this tiiorniiitr.' Vour pi:i ers an 1 conimaiidi are all one lo tne, sip, sm retorteil. The next inometit she had c.iitied the streit, fear forgotten in lienniliL;nant an gir. Willi iu'rck step she hastcnetl in o neeiss iry ilireetmn. lii'Vond a riule ire of athniialion she was untnolested, mil her purchases were el'fecteil. Mie siaiteil to lettiru, when eoniinj' inunciliateiy lowaid her, I'Mi niling Ironi the cilili to the waik, was a line ol I'rus- an soliliii's, arm linked in arm, their unsteady Ironi liipior, anil their loiees raised in lantrliter ami soli":. What should she tlo? She feared to tin ii ami line li st thev shoul pui's'iic her. I'erhaps l'- hiilimr her tremor ami walk ing liohllv on thev might nioie enough for her to iias. Ill it on 1 renek s ited aihiee rang ill her ears. She hniilil hate him tiehlv if it proved llti- ess.iry. lint now all the snMid's Mere ttiined upon her. as they slootl in iinpassilile plialanv liairuig her way. 'I av us toll, my pretty little I'lani'i ,' Mini one, histeninL' his coarse tjae upon her. 'les, pay us toll, the tuners eclioetl. ki sS Iplec Concealing the awful sinking at her leal t she stiove to pass them bv stepping own from the curb; but the outsitle man and nr-l speaker threw out his arm prevent her escape. Xy, no!' he said, in fieezing tones. Yi ml are our pi isoner.iind we I'd vou oil isy. ray us willingly and we will prove rood as our woni. Drive us to mice ami '11 help ourselves.' To scream Mould lie but to gather round her flesh tornieittois, so she strug- led to appear calm. 'Let me pass,' she said, in low indig mt tones, when, without deigning ful ler parley, the lirst speaker threw his iritis aliotit her waist. She felt his tainted breath upon her nek. i). (loil! must her lips be pollu- tul bv bis touch ! With sudden strength she wrenched ci'selt ironi ins grasp, tne iiriuai latign f ihe others jeering mi her ears scream, long and loud, iiiir-t ironi her lips.followeil bv another and another . her persecutors again approached, hen, as if bv in igic,mue one datted in between them and felled the nitli.iti to the nth. The others, bold with think, iniirmur- 1 augrilv, but a gleaming pistol somi ilencil them, even as they recognized their young colonel, and respectfully moved awav. Calling a guard he put the man he Id un It his heel in arrest, then tur ned and oll'eted his arm to the trembling girl. She saw. then, for the lirst time, that it was Hugh on lrenckwlio had savui her. Haughtily refusing his arm, hating herself hating him more, she walked on in silence bv his side. At her door sh he forced herself to speak. 'Sir, I owe vmi nivinatiKs, mic sain. Mailuntoisclle the dav will come when you will pay me vourileiil III inn, lie re 'plied and left hei'. hat did lie mean r His wolds, me man hinist'lt, haunted her. now nrave mil full of courage! How hohlv he had oiuc to her relief ! How generously he nut oiiercd no worn oi reproach, or of the truth that she hail brought it on herself. If he hail not been a I'litssjan, she might almost havt liked him. As it was hut shu got no further than this. She broke down m a storm of tears. A weik later thu troops, all hut : mall reseivcweic ordered out lor a sor lie rails had long been ill siege and iiuist soon capitulate. With all her might -Marie pravei night anil dav lor success to the ling ill teadv doomed, That her cuiim' could be los seemed to her impossible. Xow and tin n thu winds hotv to her the boom of cannon. Thev wem light iif ' not Jar of, and aiiiongiheui was the man she hadtieat''d with disdainful con tempt. i ould it iiuthat she thought ot him at such a tune. I'lie thiid'ilav the lighting cca-cd the I'ru-sians wire again vieloiioiist but all night long thev were linnging back the lead and the wounded to thu littl low u. It was just tl.iv break when a stniad of soldiers hulled at her door. Shu had no! beamed of undressing during the Ion night A namiless tlie.ul had toitnrcd her Shu knew in this moment what il was, and shu heiself went down ami threw open thu door to receive the pale senseless loi ni they Dole. I'his way!' said she.with ipiiet tlignitv and led the wavto her ow n room, and he own bed. lie nan lolil her lie should lepav her debt. Could he have forseen this dav Would he ever know what shu had don for him. For weeks his life hung in thebalam but one night he opened his gray ey to consciousness, and they rested on the solitary hgiire at his side. Her aunt weary, hail gone to lest. A siuilu btoki over thu white, thin face. 'You heie, iiiadanioi.selle?' he said 'Yes,' she answerid, ! aid here.' He held out his wasted hand, and slit silently placid hers within it. Then, still with a smile upon his Inn.he fell asleei but from that moment the tide hud tin ned, ami hfu had gamed the victory. He was almost well again, when one day came tho tidings of the fall of 1'aris and on the same tlav, by the fatality of r I.!... .1 r r , i line, viiiiiu to liiut mi' ncxvriUl HIS 1111 . . 1, motion id i iicncrniit ranK, 18S0. "wtui m i',,i'ij 'Ah, mademoiselle,' ho said, 'I cannot rejoice while you weep. I once said you should pay your debt. I little imagined hove you would pay it. I meant then that tho day should come when you should love and marry inc. I have' loved vou from the lirst moment my eyes iisteti on you, in spite of xourscorii and contempt. Hut now you havup.iitl jotirtlebt in your own way. Ymi have given me back" my life. I will no longer toiture you bv my prist nee t I go away and leave you.' And he turned his head that sheinight not see the moi(mi in his eves. Hut softly she stolejto iiis side and kneeling, nestled her head on his arm. 'If 1 stay, llugh.theii will yo go I' '.Mv hive in v darling I lio mi mock nie this is eitter!' 'X.iy, Hugh, I am like my own poor ii is, she replied. 'The siege has been long one, but she and I, I fear have hei en 'Taken by Storm" ' A hosing .hike. ,V pruiiiliif nt pliysii'inn of l,iittiuriti laid joking,!)' ton lady patient why was com- lilHliilli J ol Her ronltniieil III lienltli, niil ol ids inability to cure her, ''ay Hup Ililtersl" I lie latiy took it in earnest aim ueu Hie llilters, from which she nhtnlnetl perma nent health She now hujiln nt, thu doctor inr his joke, hut he is mil so well phoned with it us it cost hitn a i'ooil pttieiit ir- ruliinj J'atriol. A Jinn with ii.Mfrm.iiil. i in: siniNOF. i itK.v n t:r.' wom n and ii vi. r I'isii, now in st. i.oris, Vow the S. Loii'm (Hole JKmoriat' Mr. Charles A. Doyle is a San Fran ean. lately returned from .lapan. He rcgistetctl at the I.indill Hotel from Yokohama, and in addition to the in terest that .attaches to him, owing to the t range country he hails from, he enjoys the further distinction of being known is the man with a mermaid." A Globe Dfimn'i'iit rein n I er learned yesterday that Mr. Doyle not only enjoys the distinc tion mentioned, but really is thu possess- r of a genuine menu lid. The reporter hunted up Mr. Dovle ami hail a pleasant 'hat with him. Hu had been in Japan or several vears and was gteallv inter led in the nianv modernizing inilueiices work in the Orient. Mr. Dovle, who an art critic and collector, went into ptiires over the nchniss of Japan's nt products, anil this is jtisi w lint was xpected Irom hiin.ainl he is hero with a ire ipi'itnlv ot rare Japanese in ions as thev tire eosllv. int these lost all interest to the repot'- r when a long deep glass case, in Ihe ape ol an aipiarmin, was exhibited! hieh held the most curious and rarest f all the objects iii the collection. It as a wondcifiil looking thing almost diotis to look upon, but possessing a iwerftil atti action for the beholder, owing t" the oncer amalgamation ot lecies displaved in its formation. Those ho hav e mi the old-time geography las' ration, which has recently been used is a trade mark lorn eeitam patent hair restorative and which represents the mermaid raising from the sea anil comb- her long looks with one baud while in the other sip' holds a small looking lass, can m all this picture and thereby to"in an idea ol what the present iiimi- trusitv looks like, bailing, however, the beauty which is a distinguishing trait of the ideal mermaid. Mr. D.ivle's strange tttiositv is hallliiiinan, hall fish. '1 hu head, chest, abdomen and aims are un mistakable human, but from the arms lowu tlif creature is a lih scalv, linv itnl lornieil like the extrctnetles ot a wi'ller in the water. The aims are ivuivd with scales to the wrist, and the teks of the small, hands have the same llv eoveiing to the linger tips, The hi ad is small as that of a babv but is perfect in every detail : the forehead Iocs not recede, hut is high and strait Hid Is of a class that indicates an iiiiusu degree of intelligence. The eves are It, swiintny atul Iighlless, as those ot lish, hut Ihe mouth, thu eais, thu nose, ind in iact all thu other featuies, aio pronounced human, legular, clear cut mil as pcricci as a oeatuiiiu unmans face. A light eoveiing ol brown hair, several inches in length, and eve lirows of the same color arc the onlv hirsute ippeiulage. I he spinal column is clearly seen run ning up to the ba-e of the skull and fall ing down tl o 1 ae,k i.n il It is lost in tl lishv extremity. Ten libs are easily 'minted upon thu breast, and the mam nialian development for heeding the young is readilv discernible. The iner maid uieasiues sdmtist three frcet from the crown of the head to the extremity ol the caudal Im, and is said to be larger than anv other spicitnen of the kind ev r seen in this country. Tho other mer maid is now on exhibition in the New k Aou.iriuiii, and attracts a vast uuoiint ot attention Jroni scientists as well as from the general public. .dr. Dovle is very proud ot his mer maid, ami, although a great manv at tempts have been made to induce him tn .-ill the cuiioiis enature, he has thus far refusid to part with her. lie savstlu niolstro-ilv has been suhiictcil to the loses! scruiiny by scientists ui the I . ilic slope, all of whom have pronounct her the ino-t phenome noli ever brought to their notice, and have coiiciirtctl in declaring mermaid no longer invihs. me curiosity wa apturcil two years ago bv three Jishe men, near l rishaba, in the great inland sea. 1 hey hail seen her manv lime and had made manv attempts to eaptuie her, and succeeded in taking her only niler the most pei sistt nt ellorts. Whcii taken she was jilacetl lu the iniieumat Tokio and rcnmimd there for a vear and a half. She had been heaid by the li.h eriiieti to sing a peculiar song' while on the rocks, but nuver spoke, except to fiiebly try to aiticulate after her capture She was fed on a peculiar siyt weed, the M'crel of which is only known to thu Ja panese, ami thiived under the great earn taken of her. Mr. Dovle purchased her Jroiil the authorities at' Tokio at tho ex travagint liguie of Iivo thousand sats, or dollars. The iiurohaso was made to sat islyja sudden desire to the strange eteature, and Mr. Dovle tines not know special advantage he cujovsin be ing one ol tlic v i v few men who own nui'inuid. n .i. .. i i i . ,, unieii uiniiinvti ueen given Up uy lliiir uenest iiietiiis as beyond help, i,ivh beu I , iiiiMiieiiuv cunu oy inu uso ol I.yilia y4 rinkhstn'a Vceeiahln Compound. 'It u tii.ittve cure tor all LViuhIb SinJ'oMrs Initial: I'liiklmm 233 h eaten! av uue uynn, anus., tor pamphlet. TKK COhUMIIIAX, VOL. XIV, NO in coiiumiiia iiKMUi'tiA l , ol. ali, co, i 1,1 fe Anions I, Ions. A TALK Willi rvviiai tip nir. 1 began with lions nbotit lHrt.". I was ossnig Ihe annuals in .lolm U linens circus in liirard. I vntisvivama. helix Donald, the lion man, got a bad bite that pnt'hiiii for two month in the hos pital. Somebody had to go into the ige. ami I went. I d seen limi olteii, mil I knew the animals pretty well. I lidn't have "much tlillicullv till the next lning in i'oltsville. 1 was t inlaliing the lions four of 'em with law heal. Hid one of the females got behind me and, muck as a U ish. bit through mv tl f. 1 kept quid and turned atoilud ind hammered her until she let go.' How tlo you train l hem'' We tieat green ones thosj captured ill Africa and tame ones bom in me- ageiies very much the same. The wild ones are better and sater. I ins is he cause a lion used to a cage, and to being iked and teased, i less afraid of vou. 1 sooner handle ten green lions than one that's used to the public, Upside, the green ones have great ileal more plav mil spirit to 'em. W e begin with them hen the re two n a hall or Ihice ve.ns Id. When I !iri go into a cage of un tamed ones, I'd have a tile near by with three or four iron tods in it, led hot. If the beasts go for me, the men stand ready to jab the irons in their mouth and make 'em let go. 1 have hjiii tough handled sometime, '"it never b.idlv hurt. It tak.'s two years to train one pel feet, because vou have lo go so slow Ith em. sot one lion in live is good or tricks any wav. Just as soon as von lind one that don't act right vou have lo i row them out. Some of them are to ) itable. Others are sulky and lie down in the corner, and if you go behind them vou lake big chance. Vou want to keep our face towatd 'em all the time. I've nked on one four or live mouth the lird one there and all he'll tin is to jump a little. 'How do you teach them! We teach 'em to jump ov er a stick In lying a board fence in Ihe middle of the cage and driving them over it. To make them stand up ill the corner we ave a tackle hitched to their neck and till 'em' up. Then we pet 'em atul thev linally get used to it. We make 'em lie iwh by vvlnpjiing llieni. vv hen theyre 1 1 iced up in the comer we catch 'em by i m ii it i t and mist! Hs and teach them to keep their mouth open bv holding it. 1'heii we git to sticking our heads in.' ' 1 hat s rather nky, am 1 it' Xot very, You can tell in an instant hen they ale goin to close, and jelk our head out. I saw one man killed in that way, though. Hi name wa Whit tie .loo Whittle. 1 broke him in in Man-land and hu took four lion, two of m weiu Frank and (leorgo that I am using now, anil worked cm tor three ears. Finally, in Frankfort, l'a., he is nervous one day and thought he inlil have a rehearsal before the show. He put his head in in Frank's mouth and the beast bit him, biting clean through hi face, and partly through his head so that his lower jaw fell down on his breast. Thev tried to get him out, but lank grabbed his leg with his teeth and he was badly chewed before thev got him. lie died a few davs after.' Do they get up anv affection for y0,d' .No, thev ami inucli on auection. Thev would go for mo if I was outside just a quick as anybody. They're de- cening lirules and verv quick. 1 rec- t in Oalveston one of the boys, who was a little drunk, swoie they would not hurt a llv, and went up to the cage. In minute one of thiui, I don't know whether it was Frank or (Seorgc that id him, and his right shoulder and the hi side of his head weren't worth union when thev got linn away, lve only had live accidents that amount etl to anything. Once one of them claw ed olf mv shiit and most of the meat on mv chest along with it, but mv scratch es are mostly little ones. In evidence he showed a pair of hands that had evidently seen hard usage, hav- . . , . i i t ..ii ........ ing ueeu gasneti in an direction.. Dr. I'ayne in his lecture uiuui the Fr.e nml liiai'e stvs Hint tljspepsia Is n ureal Inn to er.iro. It darkens the sky ami lire.iks the hopes of many Christina. Thev think the trouble, is in ihuir hearts, win n it Is in their stomachs Thus the slotiiiich inlltion ees the leellinrs to such H decree that it liould ho inure c irefttlly looked afttr an I eJtiUteil with Ihe never Iniling Sinini'ins Liver It eillat'ir, (lie ennst int use nl' ivhte't will "ii improve the feelings as to lit ike the heart puppy anil lhc sjurils light. What t'atisr.s liray Hairs. (!rav hair sometimes comes pr matuulv bv inhentauce, trouble or the large use of water containing lim The suddtii blanching of a head of hair is frequently caused bystvere nervnn shock, and numerous historical ami tra litional ease may be cited in which slid den tear or overwhelming news has turn ed the hair white in a few hours. The ea-e of Marie Antoinette is one of the most tender and touching, for in a sin gle day her hair was changed to a siivt grav. A sepov of the Heegal army wn taken prisoner in IS.'iS andthe fright le eeivi'd caused Ins hair lo become com pletelv vvhiteeneil within half an hour the change being so rapid as to cause hi: captms to exclaim in aslonishmcni: "11 is tin ning gruy!" I'mlcr thu inlluenei of fear or anv great mental shock tin blood recedes from the stnface of th body to the hcuit, and it is suppoMil the same mniiencc mav cause the coloring tluid oi the hair to retire lo the rool bulb, xv here it lemaiiis thereafter. Orav hair has been known to become dark without the chemist's aid. lu 1771. Xazarelia, a man ln." vears old. was pre sented by a new set of teeth by nature, ami a icstoratioii of the black hair of his youth. .Town Weeks was blessed wiih a regeneration of the' color ol! hi hair a shoit time beforo his death, which oe currcd at the age ot lit; anil Sir John Sinclair, dying at lid, lejoieed at a youthful head of hail dining the latter veais of his life. Dr. ltiehards has 10 iioited the case of a man who had thne changes of hair from black to white dining his life, the thollist taking place when he was about ,'i" vears old. Have ou Kut Known any prr-oa to he .eri"tily ill with tint h weak sUmuch or inactive liv.-r or IM liovs? And when these organs aro ill piod C'lnlill'iti ill) you mil liml their iu.senr en jjynil! ro'hI healtl? i'arUr's (i'tier Tonic always regulates these important organ,aiid never fails lo inaktj the blood rich anil pure ami to Ktrengthrii every part of thu system. It has cured liuntlrets of tli'apa.riui; inval itla, Ask your neighbor tttoul it. See oth er cuhuim, uov KATES OF,Al)VERTJSliNU. tU. tl.lll 6.1 iO ex IS.tsi S.1'0 11.(0 la." if.m 11.11 rti.iui It ttt.U' JDelnch I00 U.60 rwoincnea saw I'hrec inches 4.1" 4.f.0 'our Inches M'O quarter column s.rti Hair column In.oi IB.oi l.eo r to p no le on t."ti 1S.IS lo.'s. 16.1s. I 10 It ion.', me column si .eo ao.en Vi..,,lv itilvertlsetnt'litji nain'ili' nbalttrl; I ml. tlenl adrertlseiiients inusl be paid lot berol itn'-erUC neepl where parties have act tibnts, Lcgn) adi artlsemiiitat wo dollars s.i liieliftittlirc insertions, mil at that rate tor nd.lltk Milium tilt it without rcferencotoltngth, Rxectitor'a.Atnlnlstrntor'a and Auditor') notlcj Ithrei dollars, xitisi be paldfor wheti Itinrtld j Transleiii or I.hchi nolltes. twuit) cctih allce ,n1 )n tho "liuslnna Directory" column, one tooiiar per ; ear i or cacn lino Ills llrlile's Mausoleum, nir. MLMoiiiAi. i.'itrm-n hiirctld nv punn- SV I.V VNIa' IliON KIMI. fstninon iti'intch fa Xun Fori mm. A new church etliliec, the piincely gift of a I'ennsylvauin iron king, wa conse crated in thi quiet hack coiintty borough recently. Thcio is quite a roinantio chapter of love ami sorrow connected with it Thenewetlilliv cost a very largo sum of money, and it i gent raily known that every dollar was paid by Mr. liob i tt Cnlcmaiyine of the lending members of the "house of Cornwall," founded up on three tiioimlaiii of iron ore here m Lebanon county, about 1 10 miles west of Xew York. 'i'he church is in the bor ough proper. Cornwall, a few miles dis tant, is the home of the Coleman, thu richest iron family in the State. ' Several years ago Mr. Itobert Cole man met a vonng lady of very prepos essing appearance in a tour he made of New J'lnglaud. .Shewn the daughter of a repi etnble family of Connecticut in inoderale circumstances. A mutual at tachment followed, and not long after ward the couple weie married. A short linn- after the marriage the voting hrido w.i suddenly taken ill, and a trip on the continent was ai ranged by her husband. It wa thought that the 'climate of thu "itlli France, Italy, or Spain would be bel for her. All that loye ami bound. les wi allheoillil give was fill tiished with a liberal hand. The husband was com pelled to remiii at home by business en gagement. It wa conlideiitially be lieved that the btide would soon be le stined to good health, and very soon af ter Ii "i- dcpaiturn the husband set about pieputing a surpti-o to her. He sup posed that she would be abroad about a vear, and Im determined to erect one of the most costly resiliences she had ever seen and have it all furnished and fur nished in time for her artival home. Sho wa to know nothing about it until the carriage should drive her to the door Irom the railioad st.itiun. Mr. l'owell,:i I'hil.idelphia architect, was instructed to prepare the plan. The structure was to lie in the Scottish hatonial stvle, and Mr. Coleman cared very little about the cost. A line cite was chosen, broad anil level and elevated, with a commanding view of a long stretch of thu I.eb'inon Val ley. The Coleman estate comprises about live thousan 1 acres. In onu part of it is a brown stable, containing some th'nty thoroughbred horse. The most valuable animals aie quartered in rooms having mirror on the walls and Brussels carpet on poitionsof the lloor. Five uionstioyiis furnace are smelting ore night and day on the estate. Three hills contain ing an inehautable siipnlv of oro. I'hcse furnaces have made millionaires f a tlo.en families or more. Hubert Coli muii is the youngest of the iron kings of the present line of owners. In tcrested paities and heirs arc scattered in many climes, lull Air. Coleman remains in complete charge of the vast estate. I'.verythmg I conducted in princely style. Kvery employee lives on the place, rent free. The cottages are models of neat cleanliness, and convenience. A liurch, Sunday school and other necess ary waul are supplied. The great farm supplies employees with wheat, corn, pt -tatoes and vegetables far below market price. Splendid family mansions occupy prominent places. lally-ho coaches, Ir.iwn bv loiir-iii-hands.eiinvev tin- up hi hers of thu Coleman family and their many iitorv lothe railway station-. IKuee the new mansion that was to bo elected by Mr. Kobiit Coleman as a surprise to his can readilv be imagined, was to be something e.xcecd- lv grand. The foundations were mas sive and hunt ot limestone and granite. I'he underground divisions vvcie como- ious and linishsd in the most modern tvle. A hard cement lloor was laid. I'he frames of the bav windows for tho lirst lloor weighed several tons apiece. The siiper-structiiie was to have been of inaible, iron and granite. The work was proceeding splendidly and some fifty men weiu steadily employed. L nr alter car load of material was nt riving and being int into place. All efforts were inado to rapidly push on the completion ot tho work. Kverv detail of furniture and up holstery had been decided upon Tho jardncr had received his special instruc tions. Infact even thing had hi ell ar ranged looking to tlie rapid completion d the mansion, when a telegram came iverthe sea that the voung bride was verv HI in rails. tlincklv iolloivcil an other dispatch that she wa dead. Kvery tool in the new hint-o was dropped. The voting husband, stiicl.iu with grief, was for u lime not tube ionoled. lie onler doicd the w inking men on the new man sion togo lothe nllice ainldraw theirpav and then emove iheir tools and other propeity. In a few days tudors were given to tear down what had been put up i to throw in excavations, nnd plow tlie place tiver. All that icmaiuetl of what was to have been a palace was or dered to bo iihliteraltd. The construction of the beautiful church concludes the story. The remains of the dead biide weie embalmed and brought back to Ameiiea, and were then placed in a vault until the conniructiou of the church walls bad been suilicientlv advaneed to nceivelheiu. The new cdf licc is ciHcifoiin. !Hi by 7.) feit. Tho lloor isof Spanish tile fiom Valencia. Tlie woodwoik isofoihd oak. A maivo tower, twenty-lour feet square, rises ono hundred feel' in the nir. Tlie structure is of gray stoue,eveu to the window sills. A hydraulic engine in the buc luciit sup plies the air for the oigan. The si vie of lin'.sh is old F.nglish, with massive 'gran ite columns. The leading Episcopal cleigviiiaii of the eastern sictioii of tho State were piivsentat theconsicration,iii cluding M. Du Wolfu Howe, bishop of the diocese, who was consecralor. Tho isutnlshiivc boot) cured ol dumb ague, bllli'iiis disorder, jjuntliip, dyspepsia, nnd nil iliseii-e "f tho liver, hbuitl "hiuI t maili when all nt' er re medic have failed, by u l"L' Prof. Guihnetli'a French Hlver Tad, which is a quick and permanent cure for ihii-e ibsiinlcis. Ask your uruye;lt for ihe yrent runedv, and titliH no other, and if lie dm s not krt-i) It Hf rut 51 60 to Ihe French I'ad Co., anil recolypone by mall post. paid, A valuable heifer belonging to a far mer near Xoithalleiton, in Kuglnud.rtf ccnth broke ils leg, anil it had to be nni puttiled. Thu animal has since been tit ted with a wooden leg.oii which it moves about with the utmost ease, which proves tho iibniidity of hastily ordeiiiig the des truction of animals that meet with such accidents. For all derangements nf tho Uriuary Or gan! wear a Day Kidney 1'aJ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers