THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BUXMIHBllliU. COLUMBIA COL NT. PA. I' in mi i N Nlus nml llielr NcuK Mim ( l.ini Colliv, nf Nolirnkn, itniln ( i jivm nt I 'out mi on lliu ills wliirli nt ti n lyl tin- lift' of lli'p fnuncr'H wlfp. Hit l-1 1 1 t - nf t!p I'llllnu'lt'tiM'tM nf i .1 I lie i "i a fnrm uti" ili'iiwn tliVf ' I ii i.'i 1 1 i.'ilum nl the 1 :tri ni 11 i'miii l I i 1 1 - nl (he Vi"t mill f:ir Went i lull 1 v !ifi sin1 ilwiiWco in a link' ililTcii'iit fii nt tlmt we sii' in nuiii'iilluiiil 1'iiiiioiii ! ivilillii.' nlili'st Sliitis ;il till' Kat. r i iv i- tin1 same imnioloiiy, tlio winii' wr ion, tlio s:iinc luck of vv lioii'siitiic .'.linn with ftiicii'ty, win tlur (lie ik' til liul in i.s in Xi'liniskn tirXt'W Vol k mill tin1 iliiily tontine is olio pkiee iiy Iiki llnil in tlie otli-f, Mofiover.we Hunt ruin iiiUer tlmt onv mint fiiiiiiii.i: rc ' me no Iniit'if nt tin- Hint i tlmt the i . ii I r:inmii'fi of llie enttnlry nnil of ill'l' lllil IlllW III ( il II. 8.1 il. hut in Aliiiiii'solit mnl lii'uuiil. 1 nlliy llrsl spnke ofemfy in.if ii ' us 1 1 1 tit I ii 1 of ni:iti li'iinliles.' Mill i in. v i e.isily nnil. tli'iken in uirnl life, iiniliae umntn k'i'1 iiiniR'.stlio enii'.s of a li itmlmlil nml liiiiternity nt mi niro vvn i Ii" fit v niiil vitiligo irjiN mv still .i i ll.1. (ler lienltli is liki'iy to liienk il i in ciiisi'inu'iice, luT nrrves to lie r mi slimtci'fil, mid ll.e Inn ilshipH wliirli a iii'i'i'Ss'uily ini'iili'tit to farm life in In 'iniiinij maile lier olil prematurely nt -V tuny mlil iiiiutlur to "die liinjt hsi i ' t ' tin r'.s wives wlio are foiltnl in our i .-me asylum." li' ii tlio eoimtry boy thinks ofstnit in, i. nt for liiniM'li in life, liitiit niv is ' Ii k mil lur n wife mnoiij; tlio neili In i ' ':rls. l'liliapstliere nrenol ery ni.i is i' inipetiloi.s to interfeie uilli liini, ,nul if lie is a likely ntinir. fellow, lie is not apt to linil il lianl to win a lielpinate. He is not aftet niuni'v, nor a line soeinl allianei'. All he wants is a wife, nml liL'oaiiso he has nolliin to offer her lint Ii s heart the it'iil is none the less irmly to accept him. Woihlly eonsiileratioils ilo n it nll'ict her choice of a hmliainl. !Slit receives a cow ami a feather lieil as her tlnviiy, ami he j;ets a team fiom his faOier as his capital in business, nl'ii r IniMii; iven his work iilnliT parental aiilh iiily up to the age of tvuiiij une. 'Dit Mis, Colby hays, the conmioii custom lliionnhont the reirion of which, ami it is substantially '.he same as thai pro..lcnt in the Cniieil States. The couple may begin housekeeping on a icnteil farm, one thinl of the pio ilnce ol which coinos to lheni from their toil. If they get more than a hare stib Mstence, it must lie an exceptionally good ear lor crops at. il piiee. I'erhaps some i f the young men maybe abl- to lmj iheir own latins,, or make a lirst pay i teat on them. In the the olilw.t ami in the west the youngest son gi nu ll ly stays at the homestead, but the life is apt to be irksome to him, and at last he plucks up courage and goes alter his brothers to new fields in the west. The most eastern States for these pio iieirs nowadays are Iowa and .Minnc-u a hut t ne chief object points are Del otn, Nebraska, Kansas, and Texas. Dugout unhealthy anil gloomy at the best, ma be their lirst habitation, and even when houses are built they are small, income l.ieiit, and linisheil only by ilegicis. The women's woik in them is pcculmly try ing. 'vXo one only familiar with the comfoitable homesteads of the Kast,can form any conception of what fanning is to the Western women. The fuel is not under cover, the water is haul to diaw, when the land is bought, and not home stead, there are payments to be met: and until the land is clear the farmer feels that nothing must be expended for com forts in the house." Debt and poverty roM over these homes, ovcnvoik bleaks down the wom en, who may rebel against the hardships of their lives, and seek to change them by escaping from the bonds of maliimo ny. "Divorces are frightfully common a nong the farmers of the 'iM," .Mrs. Colli tells ii. And even when the farmer's wife sees her husband gain ing injitosperily she finds no lessening i t her arduous labors. They may lath cr iiieiease ".Mine stock, mole grain and fruit, moiu help to the fanner, all these mean more work to the woman. She can seldom procure help, for such iu there is naturally seeks the town.' liesiili's taking care ot the hou-e and children, she must look after the poultry, a id, her husband having no time to "pot ter" in the ganlen, she nm-l plant, hoe, and gather such vegetables as she needs for tlio table. She is cook, nurse wa-li maid, chore boy, gardener, all in one. Shu loses icgaid for her personal ap pearance, and perhap-i becomes an untidy drudge, careless of beauty in herself o'i her surroundings. "Anything will do at home or is good enough for the family." They live, as they tell you, a dog's fife of it, hut without a thought that they aro in any way responsible for their wretchedness. They do not even bin e the diversion and excitement ot buying their own clothes. "As a rule, the husband makes the purchase, even to procuring his wife s dresses, while she larely or nevci has control ot a dollar. The, wife re mains a child in linauci',- and if she is ev er inti listed with the shopping, she does it awkwaidly and unwisely.' She mav get to town twice a year; her ncaies't neighbor may be iiiiks'awny; the liiueli ness of thu faimlito diive's the daugh teis to town to woik, ami leaves the mother to still greater loneliness at home, 'in which, peihaps the spirit chafes until it breaks the bounds of icason." An early mariiago has prevented her getting Miflicicnt schooling and she is la meiitably deficient ill intellectual iisonr eis She knows nothing of hygieiie.aiid only a stout constitution canicsistthe haul usage to which she subjects hei health with indigestible food and impure air What little social inteicomsc she has may serve to add to hcrlabors. rather than to relieve them; for when shecntu tains company she is overcome with the work of providing a piofiision of food for her company, and' "the extra fuss nccesbitatcs stinting nftcrvvaid." This is a gloomy picture certainly, and tlio life it ho'ds up to us is one devo-d of all those graces and beauties which make e-ist"nco tolerable to a person of relire ineut or of social tastes. And yet, that it t utlifully represents tlio circumstances of tlio lives of many thousand farmers' wives thero can be no ipiestion. Their hard lot and the dreary monotony and coarse toil of their existence, aio told in their haggard faces and dull eyes. But what is the remedy? Mrs. Colby advocates thu establishment of agrieiil tural colleges in every State, with free tuition for both men and women, for by tlio cciibus nf 1870 there were over 21) 0)0 women in the United States engaged .ii agricultural lnusuits, besides five mil lion farmers' wives Sho would also have colleges of domestio economy for gills, where tlio proper picpnrntiou of tood, earn ot tlio ncaltli anil dwelling, and household thrift should he taught "The educatid women will govirn mole tconomically, govern mote wi-elv and iiioio advantageously. In sides having a bettir time in doing it." She bliouhl also bo btimuhited to intercut herself in tlio county agiicultmaUocicty, anil Jheto hodi'tics Blioulil beconio a guild looking ..r..... .1.- ..-.II-.. .. .1 .l!-.t-l. I unci uiu wewuro oi meir inui yiMiiiu lucmbciti, men anil women both. "Thu Hi ango might havo lx-eu such a guild had It nnl uiulcitaketi to manage the politics and linanccs of the liationi jet even this has belli a gical educator to women in d'nliiclN vvheie it has been sue ecssfullv establish! d." 'flu te is no class in the country whose mm nl mid intellectual itniirov enieiit needs more caie than these Immcis' I w ivi s, and i one w hose social wauls aie j M ill sllppliul. 1 lie (ircnli'st Hlcssiiif,', A Simple, pure, rrnudy, ihnt niri.s every lline nml pitvrnts tll'iuv by keeping the bint it pure, slcniach regular, knllif ys itlnl liver nillve, mill in Hie grentt ' Mpvlnif e cr ronlirriil upi u mm. Hon lllllrrt l that u mf i!v. nml II iiimitlrlnr Hteliiliiir b i -cil bv tin iininN wli'i imvp' I feu saved mjd ennd liv it. Will Vontrv ii?! s: t. - ii.-i.. " ' cu niiuiii.i 1 1 I ii ii I I . iyiyu hflllT l'll..ll'. now v M.vvt.v Mvniiiiti i.vnv nt i rtv i ii IM'.I! 1 1 I'M! V Ml. Somebody sends the following to the Sjfiit-ime ,oiii'Htit, with a reipicst to have il repiinted, to show the ingenuity of a young bible who was obliged tii show her correspondence to a tyrannical husband in wilting to a ft mini: 'I cannot be at isticd, my deal est fiielul blest as I am in the niatiinioiiial stale, unless I pour into your fiiendly bosom, which has ever been' in united w'itli mine, the varioiH deep sensations which swell with the lievcliest emotions of plca-mo my almost, bursting hem t. I tellyoui'iar husband is ore ot the most unliable men. I have been married seven weeks, and have never found the least leason to lepcnl the day that joined us; lie is in person and uiaiincr.s.far from resembling in ugly dis.'igieeable, jealous monster who think by confiding to secuio a wife, it ij his maim to ticat as a bosom friend and conlideiit, and not as a play thing or menial slave, the woman chosen to be his companion. Xeilhcr party ho says ought to obey implicitly : bill each yield to the other by turns. An ancient maiden aunt nearly seven) v, a obi crfnl, venerable, pleasant old lady lives in ihe house with us she is the de light of the young and old she is civil to all in the neighboihood around generous and charitable to the poor I know my husband loves nothing more than he does mo : he ilatters ino more than the glass, and his intoxication (for such I must call the excess of love) makes me blush for the unw oi'tliincss of its object, wish I could be deserving of the man whose name I bear. To say all in one word, my dear and to clown the whole, my lorinergallant lover is my indulgent husband, my fondness is lctiirned, and I might have nianicd a prince, without the felicity I find with him. Jlay vou be blest, as I am un able to wish that I could be made mine happy." ' The key to the above letter is to lead thu fust and then every alteinatu line. Ventilation of Hums ami Mines. Il is a matter of tlio most common cvery-day experience that in the wealing of boots am. shoes, and especially those made of rubber, the feet .sweat and heat almost continually in cold weather, mak ing the feet clammy and cold.and inducing chilblains, and warm weather, with the best precaution, exceedingly noxious. It is doubtless because of much of the rotting and breaking of uppers, and is. above all, an exceedingly unhealthy, fea ture of the present method tf dris-iiig the feet. Attcmptshave heretofoie been made to obviate this in a number of ways for instance, by inner soles of different kinds intended to absoib the moisture; mid tin-uccessful efforts have been made to ventilate the boot or shoe. Kvcay per son (eels the need of somethingthat will satisfactorily accomplish this object. A lecent invention does this effectully, and is an exceedingly simple device, it con sisls of a spiral coiled brass wire, laid in a groove extending in and around the tinier side of llie insole of the boot oi shoes, width holes punched nt close inter vals immediately overthe coil. The coil is extended along to the heel, and eaiiiul to the toi, while it stops at an eyekt hole, forming, when walking, a complete automatic air pump, continually diawing in lime air and throw ing olt" the fowl ami heated air. $5! Outilt free to tliie who wM lo entfiiKUln llie iiijst pk-aiiut una piutUubUilJiWuL'-e Kiiunii. rujj miiiy new. l upiLU' 1101 ri- uulrtit. We will tutulfili miu tntrvthinL- sn. a day una upw-.ias ts vusUy nude without btaylnp uvtuj- nuiu iiuiuu ui-i ii ii, nt. w iifK miaiuxtr. Many new wurktrs AvanU'U nt once. .Mirny niv m ik liitf toi l UW3 ul t be biialnew Ladles inn ko hs much iw men, una jounj,' bujH ami girls nrnkeyrtat pay Noone who wiuiiu umvuik I Hi lu make moie money eu'ry day tuan can be madeln aweek at an) ordinary euiplujinent. 'Uujsc who engage a- once will Una a MUort to furtunc. AddrtsH U 1UL LKrr x, Co., t'odland, .Mali.e, oct. 16, nIj B USINESS CARDS' visrriK'i cr)s. LBTTBH UEAOS llll.l, HEADS, POSTBIS, 0 tO., N"tly and U ihaI priu'.l a' 'he Oomv nivi 0'fii PERRY MWV VEGETABLE ' fell lM. PI g Vi.-. . .. j-riit PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. 5. Proprlotcrs, pni 9, iv eow bpo roit Cuufjtti, ( o!J-, UruurlittUt HuarKrnrtto, TlrLllaiiorl)riJikuf tito Thruuli Koro Tl.roal, Cold hi (ho Head, Crount Jiifluruxu Wliooplnff-Couiihi fold lu the lJoirrlst AktLiuuilo Coughs, ad rcllrfof CuoHuuiytlvt' lV,CILUIlIOV IHlOrNfN,ilI. f JJT-l till HAl.K UY 1 i Vrrx ' 1 an i,i-i)r-ow MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. Of-' LYNN, MASS. lri." ittfcovr.itEii dp LYD2A E. PBNKHARTS 7E0ETABLB COMPOUND, For all rcnuilo Complainto. DiNprpp-Tntti'in, in Id tamn l?nlflp, rnnnMa pf Vi:f. t v'.io I'iojh lie i tli untili n Ij tlio l ut.t tlcl-l-.t Itiwt.l. I, Hid 'triittV-tiuiila oMl.U t..u p-iu iJ i!ltMlx"iv il;l,ftmltt( U ImtirtHiti nml vln ii H-uwIh mntln'iM, In uliiity-iifno taa In a litn. t'-i !(nMr.n.iii tfurjlicfTtitcit,M(hfiu-.!i . II t il'y. Win .-nit of H rui cittncr.tif it lJto-ty to ctiin. 1 ii..1 1 ar.J 1 itaji'A'il ly tho lot,t ilij dld.uis In t trnntiy. It .i'A euro tntlrrly tlio womt form rf fi'.Hrs of to utonn, l'ucciilifin, incpular ami ilnrvil Irunt.c ti,fll(-iail.iiiTrou1ilcii, Ir.nftmtimtiuii nnJ Llcin'Ioti, flymlltiKi, nllt'l I'liurtnciits njil tlio curt scfjucnt cpltml v. c-uUttetn, r.iul I ri;x.rlnlly m!nj tot I I'l t '; r.fiv-crf t ifo. HflllldMiiiho nnd tyjx 1 tumot i f I'te tiltninInaiipnilyiti.TO of tUviI.tpinont. Tlio V 'nlonfy tit paii't-roua luimor tlioro Ij chocltad ttr il .' by Hi u-w. la IalI It Inn j'cJ t o the front c t nml btt rnit'ily tlmt Ijis c?rr been ilicovor i I. It iiefi.icit icMry ji tiuiiof tli(jy8ttri,fm U'Ura n wllVtiislvi.-i -. 1 ritiiiii3r.ditnc"Ar,atii!tlicy,i 1. 1 yjallt m..tib'rttIiaiiJau(j,aiiilnlJc(.s wia'ucw uf 1'ioittoiincli UcircM'intln-?, ITcmlachen, Nrrroui 1 rost ration , n 'lit r i Uii'i.Utv, Sin p't t nut's, l iifw.ion mA linil I't tkt.. Tlitit f.lj'jf ( f bciiiii'ir ilifB n, rftu&inu pall, uictt ail J bftcl.a;ln.',liiulvAn3Jiemniiently curt illy iUiiric, It ivillnttlUxui, undujultrtill (.frn.uii.tan re i, ii' t 1 1 hai mony v. 1th tlio law ttat rovvru tho foeitlofyIcfi. FurUMiicyCoiuplAlLtHcf tltber net tliU coinixmtij Id ua3urjwuaeJ. Lydi.T E. Pltikham's Vegetable Compound 1 1 rt imred ot '171 Rid K5 W cftcrn Avrntie, 1 3 rn, Mn-A .'rieoflOI. Bt bottl.'8forti.CJ. Kut ly tiind la ll.a f innnf pilN,LljIu tlia foiia tfliffirtreti, in khhI; ifpilrc, $1.00, tvr twt, for d.l.r. Mia. I1.VKIIAS1 fn.-i!y3(t.cr3iiill.ttJij(if liupj.-y. Bond for i-riu-ji.Ut, A.U.TAima'xiva this iier. No famyfhwulJb.-witli-jLt LTUIA li PIXKItAM Tlity cjru Cti.t'imtlo'i, lUliwiutui anlTori;j;tyiftbgIJnr. L'n.i'Ui-i box. JOHXSTOX, HOMOWAY & 10., G:r.o:al Agents, I hih Pa. M'lUI 11 Y V 07 SSL BH0THSE8., BUomsburg, Pa, .liiiel, ly. f It you arc a f man of ti t- nt d by ttu htrniii f ' tritciLnovermid- your liuit.a uiu.n ntL:i)uU"t-itind uuu Hop Uitters. irtVw liraln t en ciuid iate, Mae nop U If tivi aroyoun? nnd Hi-, ttnri i r ili-csllia I Miirerlnir from f ny In- I tlon 11 Ji i ie nnr rn.l or Mmrlc, ilJor txurlicaHb vr laiik'ulfti ticas. nly cu Hop youufr.smicriii iroiu in if on a u.a vi sicit- Bitters. . VhorT(r youare. 1 iinupanari aie an- whenever you hu nunlly f r ii m porno furm or Klunev 1 Mli-iaM) im.'liC I or i-tiiiHiUtinir. MtlioutHfuxiC "ff. ibj a ti'oly uioof tftUn HOP 11nToyniirfl-Mf: fit-ps hi. kiiH"j d. i. c. an absolute nml Irr. kt.ti. of tlio utoimuh, lirct. llonl, ; liitrvrnrrvfi t HOP 'hio cure for (Jrunki nnena , Ymi will be tobacco, or cured Ifyouust Hop uniero If yoilftropim RnlJbydnip. pi t. St mi (or L'iriular. OOP CITTUS TU CO., Rhetrr, S, T. A Toronto, OnU ply we hk am 1 tnwttifrilinl.tri , NEVER 'FAIL I It l It may a nve y our II to ii nns enved hun UrocJs. ; FACTS WORTH KNOWIHC. Ginger, Botha, Uaudrakc, RttlllDeU and' many other of tho bett medicines know u Are uo' akillluliy comDinea in i arkeu a viiNGEti -ionic, aa to make It the preatest Blood Purifier and , Tba Ueit llealth and StronRtU Uentorer Krcr I'scd. ' 6o perfect is tho composition of rA heir's Ginqsr Tonio that no disease can long exist where it is used. If you havuDyipcptia, Head-! cho, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bowel, Kidney or Liver Disorder, or If you iitt'U a mild fitim-' ulant, or appetizer, tho Tonic 13 just tho med-; Icine for you, as it la highly curativo and lu-, Tigorating but never Intoxk-ating, If you oro slowly wasting away ith Con- umptton or any sluaiess, if you have a Painful! Cough or a bad Cold, I'ARKcn'B Ui.oeh Tomc will surely help you. It Rives new lifo and vigor to tno f L-eblo and aped, and in a certain; euro for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. . It lUt Sated Hundred of Litest It May; Navo oum. , ! If you aro feeling miserable don't walt until- Sou are down hick, but uso tho Tomc to-day." o matter what your disease or symptoms may', bo it will fclve prompt lehef. - Itemembcr I l'ARKcn'a OiKOEn Tonio 13 not' ft rum drink but thu Best and Purest Family' Medicine ever mado, comioundtd by a new. process, and entirely different fiom Hitters, pinper preparations nnd all other Tonics. TryJ a COc, bottle. Your druggist can tupply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Tho Best and Most Lconouilcnl Hair Dresiliif exquisitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. TV ill Always lie Mo re ('ray or Faded Hair to Its original youthful color and appearance, and Is warranted 10 stop its fulling, assist its grywth and prevent baldness. A few applications of the Balsam will soften the hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu. Dours of the scalp. Sold by all druccUu at only $qcU, o t I, ' -tf ( t f llt,lt funiMit'd free, with full lnstruc I Ittoiwror cnndiictlnu' t H' mo-it pruiltalile ill I f "'linehs iimi any one cm en'in in. Tho busliiei-sla so easy to learn, utdotir tnstruetluns ure Ristiniio tmd plain, tlmt anyone cm make eat tr tils from thuwrj larl, Noone can fall who Is willhijr to t rtc. Wum-n nro as suc- t fv-ntl an nun. I q und ulrl-can c-.trn lirji1 sums. Many lu'r male at the tuisliiehH mu'oiio hundrtd dcllais In asliiLCle week. Nettling' like It uur known twfoe, All who rinjaije aruhurprlstd atlheease aid rupldliy with which tht-y aie able to make money. You pun enp'tre In thU buslnes-s during inr wpiro time a' nr at nrnilt. Von do not lute to Inve-teapltaltii t. We take ullthe il-k. Those who neod leady money, should write to Lsatoure, All rurnlshed irre. A idiuss 'Ikub & t o., Auusta.Malnt CK't. 15 NO-iy A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal and Eiternnl Uso, Is a SURE CURE fcr all Jio Diseases for which It Ii recommended, and Is ALWAYS HRFECTLY SAFE Ii the hands cf even the mi Inexperienced persons. It U a mre nml uuli-k lcmcdy for COTiJIW, MIU!! TIIUOAT. Bud timi'cr tnmUm KlTonU intent rtltr in U,4 matt mahjnat rmt rf 1)1 1'llTIl Dlt I A. and In Ihn brut l.i.on remedy fcr IJlUUUIATlsJI aud MUUCAl.tilA. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE VORLD, It lirtM been iimc 1 with urh uriulrrfril wiirreix i Hi , ih, ,rtt lov ritA.MI'fH, ClKU.IMtA. HI A It It I 111 :A, IYM:.TMIV, ml u!l HOW III, COJiri.AINTr, that it it vniUtntl an Jui n j r Jor Jimuki, HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS1 CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It It lti:r()M.1ll'M! 1) ly !'!is(-lu!), Mlh,!(iiuul(bt .11 inf -t ! rv, .Miiiincrr of IMitiitntl'it, W'oilt.slioitK, td I'lH'ttirti', Niiimi'm In UiitiiU- it huit, ly i:irjbuuy etr lu-in who hut ter pImti it a trial. IT !3 WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It U uld tdnayn tn i.l f r I'nln In the ltnek nnd hide, and Ir 7 prrmnuri.! rhf in nil ra-cj tf UruUtt 'ntH fMitiilu, M'si're Iliiriix, hctihU, etc, AN SAI'KI.V Hi; WlTIHirT IT. It l nunually mo nmtiy tunc lt ti-t in dot tors' hlljit, and iu irku brtiim it v.itlii:i thu r im Ii ii all It U tuld at !ioe. AUe, and y 1 ,00 tt luttle, aud nut lu lUuined fnui ull tlnifcX'Utn. Ta. JiHOTVNIKfl 13 & tctniW trrdualo tf tuuilaur, a t.UUf ul lunuoclat, cud a thtioUc'U thiiw.t lIU"UiC,,,((.ms'U 4 Coid) Cordial id tut lUo r tmltt-f merethanu.,butcf lotitf mlentillo rt-searili la Uiemtry tud tuwUcliio, K4 id j Ulidy tin u J y fee rajildlty cf iu u.tloa taxi 1U unjralWkd tClracy, hj i-xjk-uho la 1U tuonuf 4 turola ttt h-ai t itn tn irroat m thdt of auy other medidna tjon tlio luarktt, and yet It li uld at iUa exajodlnirl low i rteo rf fiOr, llM I'ruarlrlur. 1117 Arch Htrrrt. llilludilnkl.. I'.. UK Minl'HIFTOri Kn A1J. 1III1KIOIHXH. fl 77 VV.3dSl.,NevvYorkCily $8 1 TnAnn mahi:. DVTXVJiifT. vim JHscasts. fVju'.C Iff tic, lllieittntt thni, ft)'riit;. SIrctvi Eli. ten Hltlousncis,.Vei'voti.i EJrlii!U,ttc, Tho Best REMEDY KNOWN ts ICan ! ;o,ooo acexts i:ats soi.a sixer: is; 9.000,000 Botiiee, T?ns Syrup Possesses Varied Properties. It Mlmnlnlrn !m PytTnllnit H S HntWn, which currrt4 lliontnrrli mid nuiml tho food Into Kliir-oio. A drnelpner In TrtrMllMe rntiirH Wind n.idHourlnc of Hi fd I i th Ktamnrh. If Hip inirltir H t iHru Innnedl ntely nTter fating iho fminentatlua uf food fa prctrnted. It ari tr pnn iho T.lrrr It nets upon thu Klilnrj. II ltrqiilntr thn ltmrrlj It rnrtnea Iho lllood. It ulpt iho 'N'rrviiU'i Sj ctrrti. It rroi.Titp X)igril' n It Nourlfhri, trtiri nnd TnTlstsrffpfl. Iteitrtle a (he Old lll..fd nnd i;mKi i.t f It openM ibr poren f tho hliiu i,nd Induct Ilpulthy I'crfiplratlon. It neutralizes tho hereditary talr t, rrn In tl e Wood, which rerieralcB Scrotulft, 1 ryutjl , ad il manner of fckln diseau a &ud Internal huiuurs. Thero are no uptrita etnplnycd i-i iU manntarttir, and 11 can bo taken by ti.omost djlivato babe, or Ly tho eol nd feohlo, tutt en! lung rtanJ tn a. ttnttsn to directions. raicE cr xotiles, . tb::e all eottli - - so Read the VOLUNTAHY TESTIMCNiALS of Persons who hr.vo been CUHE.D by tha Ute of th HI unH PURIFItP 1 Al TidN TO mtUOWSTS. Ilcnaio or couiitei u it Medlclnn. I enitvoy iio nyvnts or ruiuicra to so icn tr;iue irom druggists. lict Mctliciiui Kvir Uf. K.ton. Vi vrmlnecouritv. 1'a. DrarSlr: I had Ueti truuhletl ror a long time wiiji i ruin in my Moinaru, nni iouiiii lu renei until 1 tnli g your li dhu. Jtloott M.iup. llltid It tho test in' ilielni' lu u-c. nnd l can rec( mineml It to ill, oil nnd younu It suvea in-iti dollars In UocvorH' hills, una one 1 trg-i hot tic did me more good t i iu uvo iioiiaia won u ui miii'r ineuicim'. Ma i him Liiharr. An AHtntiiHliin Cure. Monroe. WvomliiL' I'.t Dear Mr: I had UL-eniittl ctidwith a Coubfhf Loss or Appetlto und DjspepMa for ten jears. I could not pi-'pi'ily attend to my builnt'ba, and hearliu of jour jnMiy encuratod maun Kiooii yrup, i re&oiied to to It, which 1 did, nd In a shoit ttmo wainuch nnnnjM'ii. i now nave a good Appetite, nnd have Vlljuj t u koou Iil'UllU UtT bliietJ 1 LUlUIIlt'IH t U 119 USO, .). Uilurr. click IJtrtildche Uurfd. Uowmau'a Creek. Wvoinlic countv. I 'a. ItuarSlr: 1 hid Mek HeadiChe ai.d hy tho use of your Inlhtu i:ioMl jrup 1 w:n greatly lulleved. 1 ruL-u i:iiijuu an ui irj it" v.imauiu propel uts. J, V. liurnttt. Tlie Il 'inttly dil more than she Kspictctl, Neivtem. LvcjmliiL'eountv. I'a. Dear Mn-lhe Itidlan lllood rup did moro than i twpeciuu it woui.i ami ii iuix emeu me or uur Complaint. 1 uultaaa y.ediilno and woultl not be VtllllOUWL Jlrs. Mary Charmaa. Headache and D.zzines. Wllllaiiifcnoit. LCLinlnL'cumitv. 1'a. Dear yir: Yuur Indian lilood Hiup has cured me ui livuuiiciic, u iifM uuu Luaui .p,H.'iiLe, faomai I am now ahle to work In mv fit torv. .Mv wire iic. rived moie bum tit Iruui 1U uso than Iroiu urj other Henry Uussel. Would not he Without it. WllUamsport, Incoming . ountv. I'a. Dear Sir: The Imlan iiloodMriiD H tho nest 1 ever lined and I would nolbu without It, It Is good John lluikhart. I)ieacei of the Stouiach. Iliton. Vvoiulr.t'CiJtiiitv. Pa. Dear Sir Lis Ih to LiMttfv that i tind u Whmik Stomach and could eat no mo it or any hearty rood whatever. Hya niend's adv ce I toinmeneed the use 'd joai Indian lihod sprup, whlcauitei a t-hort, eilettu Ul, itlKVtd n.o and l can now eat arijiuiug i moose, our birup gives univinul saiisimji ou. ElUahelh Iladsali. All that it U rtLOiiiiiiended to he. Dear sir: 1 have used jour Lxceilent Indian' lllood i u 1 1 aim ii, liaj pi uun jusl us jCJiebeiiLei. i can ieimmvnd It to ull. Whoksalo Mei'thant, 6th street. Uii.iuinuniH H emu im tiiiation The following add 11k Ir leal linony for the Indian 11. i:. tiruitr, tnglneer I' U It. I. (1. vnlth, ut li.Udvln-j .lecl Woik. .Mrs ujder. or Unliuubla. g A. Ilrener.of W'afchh.gLoiibuiyh. John Kenjs, oi Salu iiaibor. Would not be Without it. lienton, ColurnbU co'inty, I'a. Dear Mr: I havu used jour excellent Indian IU.OOU Svaui and have received much benerlt there Irom. 1 tould not get along without It. -Mis. llarber. Never Fails to Cure. DearHlr 1 was sick ror throe jears, and under professional treatment must tt thetlmo without be ing Lent tiled. At lastlwaa lndtaud to try jour Indian lli-oonSYHerandarterashoittilal, 1 round mj sell In better health than l had been ror sU j ears. Mia, iultuu nau Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. Itohrshurg. Columbia Co. la DearMr: ThU U to certliy that jour Indian HloodHykup has been used hy mt, for MuTl'om pla nt, vvhleh had been tioubllngme for a longtime I deilved nioro bt ntilt fiom thu uso or the Mrup than from any other medicine. 1 heai tlly recom mend It, and advlao all sullereib to give It atrial. L 1' .smith Loss of Appetite. llohrsburg Columbia county I'a, Dear Mr: I havo used your excellent Indian 11ix)od SvKri1 for Loss of appeilte nd Weakness of the hiomaeh. with vtu beneiklaln-hults. I bfitfi vour nu'dtelno to bo the giealeit blood purifier known, and auvlse all who may beaurXerlugas 1 was to gUo It a bpeedy trU'. .Mrs, ts Avery Paiim in Shoulders. Hrhrbburg, Columbia county, 1'a. Dear Mr Tnls Is !o curLlfv that. nur inhhv lluiou svklt has irreatlv relieved in of l-iins in th Hnouldcr and Chest, which 1 had been arlllcted wlUi for j ears, I recommend it very highly. Mrs. aiary welsh. Kidney Complaint, IKartlap, Columbia County, I'a, Dear Mr; Mv Fatht-r has tn-nn nuflVrlno' wtth Kldnev Comolamt for a lonirllme aiid hud t n tin. dtr doctors' treatment, but tho doctors could not eCectacuro. I have been subject to a Numbness and Weakness lu in v hcrt Arm. Wo obtained some of your luva'uiiblR Indian ili-oon bvKur irorn jour Agent, Wm. 11. rotter, and It has cured my father completely, and ray arm la much better. It does not trouble me half so much. Your medicine ts excel lent. Joalah John, Female Complaints. Hear (lap. Columbia county, Pa. Doar Mr: This is to certify that I purchased smo of jour Indian Ujoov sthuf for rny wife for Inna mat ion ani female coruplaUit, and tt has given her relief. j k iterner Ilest Medicine Kver Used, itear (lap, Columbia county, Pa. Dear Sir: My little son was troubled with Ida wuttr passing from him constantly, day and night, I coi suited two doctors arid gave him medicine, but without elltct. I bought some of jour celebrated Indian HiAjOD Svkit, a bhort trial ot which, cured htm. Lambert camp. Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Numlda, Columbia County, Pa. Dear Mr : For many j ears my wife was aflllcted with DjspcpHl.i, and ne spent considerable money wltho'it reeelvlug beuellt. We procurtnl somo of 1 our Indian r.uoi KYKt'r audsbe begau to Improve lu health from tho tlmo she comenc d Us ubu. boiomon uhnjder Liyer C"iiiplnint, Centralla, Columbia Co. Pa. llfrtr Sir il hi Ih tOLcrllfv that I was unwell nnd could searcHy attend to my work, 1 think my Liver wh urfei-ted. 1 nrocurtd some of lour Indian Hlood SYhtT und now, altera Bhoit trial, feel llkeanew man. I recommend Us uso to all. uiunci liooauaan, DypepHia and Neuralgia Hj do Park, Luzerne Co., Pa, Dear Sir: Your valuable Indian Humid svki'i- has erfecu-d a tK'rmar ent cure In mv ease. 1 had been atltlcted with the Djspcpsla and Neuralgia, but am no entirely well. iiiia, juiiu iuuiuwu, Ililintis Stoinnch Cured, Hyde Tar, I.uzeruo Co., pi. Dar Sir i I havu Urn troubled with lilllous Complsliit aud by tht; use ot your Indian liiijou b aiT it has euV:tually cured mo. uuu n uiiams. 1 yspepsla Cured. Hyde Park, Luierno Co , pa. iKiar Mr i Your valuable Indian liixton HTarr has cuiedmeof Djsrepsla. Ltver Complaint, Hyde Park, Luzerne Co, Dtiar Sir : 1 havd boon troubled with u. plaint, but 1 was permanently cured by ualigt Tuluftble Ikpum Blood tixxvr. Mrs. u r uarungmw. iin 111' IS P fflffiS 5 3 t :: BLOOM SB UHG STATE WORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOJIMA1, SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. 35. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tllfi SCHOOL u..tpr.1Hi-ntooustUuli,J, o"n.. i.m v.m 'v-ttmillt tuor 1'iofea.lonal uhi ClaiMcai learning. u Ititll.ltnsfn spuoloui, n Itlng una cotnmoJi. j . coiupluk'lj Utaml bj Menu, well tenlllatcd, lliflitcd by g.i, aud furnlslieJ nltli a bountiful sup'ily Of iure,solt S'l'oc!l!oithi'allliti!l, nn i easy ofacce.i. Timi'Ismi ojiperli'ueeil, eniclent, nnd nllve to their ork. Discipline. Ilrm but kind, unlrurin aud thorou.'ii. Espensep nioilerute. Kitty cents u week ileductlin to all upecllii2 to teach, students admitted at any time. Hooum icscired when desired, Untiles ot study jiread Ibed 1 the Male i I. Muilel Schoul. II l'lepuratory. III. Eleiiieiitnry. IV, Clawical. Ailjunct Cimrses : I Ac.iileiiilc. 1 1. Commercial. III. Cour in it hic. IV. Courne in Art. V. Course in t'liynica Culture. The Elementary Scientific and Clas Oounet are I'li'Jl'TmiON'M., an I stilJcnts ijradiiatnu therein, lecelvn Statu Diplomas, ronferrlnc the rollouln cnrre.poiullii? Decrees ; Mailer or the h'eincnis; Ma.ier of tho sciences ; M uterot tin el unci. Oraduates In ttiu other Courses recelio .NorinaT Certlllcates tlielmttalnments,, signed In tlii-oniciTsotthe lioirdtr I'm' Tho course of study prescribed bv the state is lux nil. aud the' Mi'MI'lc nil Classics courses arc not Intel lor to iliose of our best Colleges. The state i euulresa liljjher order nf elt''.eiHldii. Tlio tl'm s del land It. 11 Is ot tin) prime objects of this School to help lo secure it, by furnishing tnlelll. sent anil efflrl,nt Teachers for her schools. To Hits end II .wliclis young persous or foo I abilities and goo I iiirposcs,-lhoso who desire tu linprou' their time and their talents, ns students. To all such 11 promises aldla dcreloplug ihclr powers, and abundant opportunities for well paid labor alter leaMngi School, lor Catalogue, nddres tho Principal. HON. Wll.l.lAII i:i,Vi:i,l l're.ldent lloiinl r TrnMrrn. V. V. HIM..MM:i!, Secretary. Si'Pt S, 'fit.- OF Fill 11 I Ml! TEsc FiBB't Crowds, TBbc MHlcMi Styles, The fewest. l.Brlie IN MENS' YOUTH'S ANI) CHILDREN'S CLOTHIITQ. MA T-B !: MA W t MA TS i FEAMj S1IET BAYED LOWEIMEBGL PEOPLE DRUG STORE, .11 a I ii Mici'i siliovt- ixm, BL COMSBURG FSNA1 'A , IIK.M.IIU 1 I Drugs-, Mctiieini'.-', ( iicinkas',l"iin- cy inui 'Joilct Aitiulcs, Hoiijis 1 iJUsllL'ri, yj.'OllgC's', l'oi- iiiinery, etc. rtlltlClui S ' OH ILllOlkl H enilfllllV ,1 ami oroersnnsvMiui wuii enie nr.ii itftrnirh partn ers nnd physicians Irom the icnnlry lll find our stock of ii.idlcluescoujpliie vurrui.tiil genuine and joiin ii. KisroiiT, 'SWy rrepitcto! (.IIAV'r. M'l.t II it .mdiiici.m:. TRADE MAHKTIIKOllEAT FNCl.yRADC MARK unf.illlng cere for seminal weakness, Spermatorrhea, Im. potency and Hllilis. easethat a seuuence of sdf ultUNO ; ns Loss f f .Miinory, l niersal lnsltul I'aln In IEF0RE TAdlC.the II ick. DUzlnessAFTER Tiliurr or Vihiun, I'rematuro nil Ace, and iu,iii oiiui uu e.les lhat liudto Insinltv or Con..umpllon, und a l'n mature nrue. ff"Kull puniculais lu our yum phkt which u deslie to nnd fiee by mall io every one. CKMho specinc Medicine Is sold by attdrug gists at $1 per packsge or Hx packages for ti, or nil) bo sent rite by ma I ou nceiptoi the money by ail drofMu' TUB IHHV MI.DItiv'K Co, MeehanhV ihuck, iieuoii, aucn. soiu in noomiouig D u A, Kklin. ea may I, 'ts-ly THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Whereas, llie world renowned reputation of Iht White kewing Machino Induces many uriKerupulous comp"tltoi 8 to resort to all kiwis of mean tricks tu injure lis reputation, ho bee to caution all Intending purchasers not lo buya Whitk Machine except from Its regular aulle.rliel dealers, who will ue susiaiueu uy lueiouowiug warranty. Wit W'AitllANT T1IK NATl'ltAI. WEt'lt AND TEAH OV THE White SimlllG Mm Macliiie, l"LTK Nl'MIIRlt Klillll!) l'llll VAMII.V I'l'umi. Kl:S, Ml IIKKK'IV AIIIIKKTO K'KI' TUB SA IK IN ItEI'AIII I'M It T K TKIIM llf TIVI. VIIAKSS riiun iinsii i r.. r niir. nr c;iirt uilic. This warranty I xfcnbd tho breaLairti if m., ll.o bobbins anil shuttles. Tins warranty win n"t no sustained unless the 1)1 ita number shove iflveu eorri'Stionds with tin. uumiier on t ho shuttlu raco slide, Dewaro of defaced or altered numtiers. WIIITKKBWINtl MAClll.MJ CO. Tho "WHITE" Bfautt e Scwinc Machlao IlasouKiTHH CAPiciTf than any cllur family bow Int Machine for douin cu ry variety of work. J, HALTZKH, (loneral Affent, rST A, ' RAIL ROAD TIM TAB g JUST RECEIVED. Bedbiii'cedl to $1.00 AND I Paper Hanging. WM. F. HODINl', I'ON' ci.. llhliiW si:- DMI, IIUeiVSIIUlKl, r. It prei and to dn ull kind of I'laln and urnainentitl PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOIIAT1VK AND 1'I.AIN. til Minis of I'lirnlturr Ilcpnli'Prt tO)I IIIIHll' UH gUUd ilN llfU'. .JONnnuT nusr-ci-ASs wokkjienhhw-oyed Estimates Made on all Work, WM. 1 liODINK fet. 1. ISIS. O. 33. SAVAGE PKAIEH IK Eilverroro. Watchcs.Jcwclry.Clocks.&c. XU Ltnila rt cc'u,,t,a ri-iD . . li repaired and win retted. AOKNTS ..ENGYmnPFnifl csa to si now to BE.7r.'a,r7.K YOUR OWN pitwr&TW. LAWYER ,i'J.eVAV!:?ai r. n. AiLouiAi i co ,i,ow Ann si.,riiir, r- TU -ly aid Highest L'siil at Vlesni aai PMlaJo'.jMa. E. & 11 T. ANTHONY & CO., riO l Broadway, New York, Manufacturers, Importers Dealers lu Velvet Frames, Albuins.Graphosooiiesi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Sncravings, Chromes, Photographs, And ludrid 1,'oods C'elelrllles Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials Weure llcadquartcmforeverythlnsln the wayot Sterospticonr. and Magio Lanterns, S IhantUuU'hotoi'nip'ilo Truiihpareiict! s of statu ary ana Knsraviuirs tc ine winuow, (louvex (llass. tlank-ncturera of Velvet frames for MLnlaturcu and convex Ulaas ITcmres, Catalotrues of Lanteru and slides, with direc tions ror using, sent on nicolpt of tvn.cenu. au .'fio-ijr J" OB PKINTtWO " Neatlf anil elieaply eiecdtwl at the I Weaver & Co'a Ads VirW PlTIJIt' I'ensump Ion t Aslhmn. iJ'i OlJIr., Neer yd failed, ddrets with stamp 'llo.Mn,"rrosll,U'g, lid., 1 tco THE DAVIS. OXK TlI.iUSANI) ll.OOO) IK)LI.AI!S 1'itlvMlU.M cll ie.1 o NV l'KUSO.V Jut II o -k tiUK.VT A K c.N'tiK OI' WOIUC mi ANY 0TI1EU M M'HIN'K. WHAT 'J UK NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED 117 do without busting. IM111 muVo Wldrt liflii (ill Sttt'ets, AC, liOTll fill munucri f i'as woolen kikhN, r.f, ntH int-iino, cripet or pjuils iMiltcMt to In m en oilier nuttlil' (s. It inikeM ii molt il i-t!c MlUh than any otiuTtii'ictilne. It will turn alif m utui put In piping at batnu time ttwlll turn ft !im. n braid en the rlfht Mdo and MlUb on ttlmndnp ul oiic opt lat on. It v ill do f 1 Ihk UrtHoi Hiuiglit, either on cotton or uwiciJ kouus. It wtllU II across seam enpnj goods. I will a nrtts 01 Mvtltnnd sew on fjirlntr. olihor with ( r ulthom Mitwliitf htitclus; ttnn Itre luiiHis nn i nt -s.niif nnil i run, tuner KMiinps.polidH. situates or ht a'L-liT. 'J hu viA tn.n hlne i hut uiu Kills, l luaKs, or other intuu-n with bias, salln or aiiH, jiitin , lu a mi mn in i mi, wiinoui naslln,'. Jt will gii her ulth orwllh ut senilis on. ltwlllathcr hi'twetn two plictsand sew-on at int tv.uiie nine. It will nukearunieard Mitch a pillow slip on to iuu iciLiUi; it Hit,- l Ull I lull;. It will shirr iui kind uffcuoda. It will make platted trlmmliiKcUberwlth or with out hfniu oil. It will iii'.ko pUIUd trimming eltheifccanai)ed or otmiiti. uuur-i n u I'M"' VU Ul IHU billllU IJIlU1. Jl wm in us i! Kmie pnuuny. J. SALTZEIt, Gen'i Agciit, Illoom.Hburg. oct. l.'-SO-tf. CANCERS CURED At Crart's Cancer Infiinarr, Acdi:cn, H. V. Ill Nl)i:Ll) i I' I'Klt-o.NS lieniull nans nf the woildl,av. lien ciiiul of thlj inui h dieadul ills, ease and art-now I llli),- lll,t"-MS thai the' liace ueeiireMuiu uoin auiiit'ie ai.d unitii.ely da Ii liuetois A'lnlsleis I'lid llie Pol r i lah'dfiie Write lor a ciieuiir iiine nnl p.ililt ill i AUOilltss ills l.r.l). II NK ,v i I Ml M.uU.N, ,GdlM.n, . y. net. 1, Ve-iy A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. Ireatl) on L'hroLlc lihe.iw-1 ' . mbi:it.linr im. t.iriJi. 'Ililuat. I.niiL'S. Ileiut. Mon.iuh. I.lvf r. Kid. rn'y.-. i'l (nary and Fun tie IUviis.m ; nlo Ilea; sent tnt' t-o wiy uddie-'S. K ry htilUT r trom tluse dts euseb vju U cuit rl. SfLdfur this Lik k to ilio uikIt- hineu, it Kjxj'.ittiiti large ixpeiu Me, uiotjsui oy hULdied- ot ItLJlli g itllt ns who hslltv to Ms .Kill, Keiid stainp topdj postage tot. j: MMiifc'Sion, il. 11. , tlti UlUllUI DIII.f.1, JURU1J, V 111U, aurll 2. 'su-lv w A co TflS GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. ThoUiands Aurrcilriff fiom nsnenslA. nnHMift' t'ohtheiiess, I Her and Kidney fun plaints, eroi'ula and kindled diseases, will hall with do Iffht thld new ti nd u ondei fill UIx'0 t ry.w hlcti us a disease conn uer or &tal health icstoicr, ha, unequal In mod"in med Idnu. .Mexican lttmed wa llrst lutro duerd liito CallfoinU In wht it- In u revv muntha u eiiitutifj.) inany wonuir ui cure awio enutuR d inand tor Ui medic Ine fiom.Muine to Huiiila, jt isiiiu uniy lumiune m meworia compounded fiom tli' Jiailve iilauta. roots and lit rha of Mexieu ir. cure oil Humors, irtjn tho v oit a com mon LI itth, plmplj, or t-ruption, while It e'earnnnd beaut irlen the eomplextoi. In diseases of the Mo'u nch, lilood, J her aul Mdnejs It hu pernnnerdly cuied Ihoiitf-'wJbif hopdes-i ciwu. wluje all othir Known lenituas naa raut u. imc ooo w tu cure any easoof M k lleidatho. 'iwo closes will buuk up any oidlnaiy tou'h or cold, i'liat ns stiirerlr-ir wlih Heart burr, Satei brush smr Mom!lCh,liJluualel,. I'ostlvi no.-K, Mies, I'alrltation of tho Heart, law ."pirU-H, and kindled allt-cilonii, vi) ( ji,d iho I-Ue.m runedy a -wlit and sure rellei, 'Jnu iri'iiiiit.e Is piuml btforo Um public, i uder tho loilo'.v ixy name' Horbaline BittGis the Great Mox- ican Remedy, Call on your drucgUt and gu a lottle tf the Mexican Il?inedy,antl con Wnco jourself that It Is the Kest Medlclno la tho World, The trade. surplKd ly .Klin Kccthan. Wlidefale Druggist, N, W. colter Clh and Walnut stiK'ts. Cin cinnati, o. General Agent for the I'nltfd states. aprll2, i(o!y wAoo $ 5,0007000. The American Shoo Tip Co. U Vll Co 'LACK B IP That 1, now so eilt-nslrcly orn on GMBLDREN'S SHOES 13 WEAR A3 LONO A8 THE METAL, bli wi, IlilriKliiird liy llin.i, nn.l Py ,(, tlieittfivo ftiiioutit l.ii. been eiu-,1 to oaruiit, an. nually. 'J 1,1a Tip villi katr (III) nion, be.l.le, RIhk worn on ,n eoarwr liradtH) It u worn en Jiuu aixl .lioei where the Meul 'ii; ou aecount oi ita luoli Vtonhl lint houned, 'ihey ull liKini.ur '1'roJoMark ,, M. 'I'. 'o. ftamiH-il on f riit of 'lip. IMieuta ahuiM A'i TOH SHOES lth thli BEi'-UTirUI, SLACK TIP oniho in J"J'i'rhj"j'jr for tl.flr . I.ll.lren. nut; 13M) liw AGENTS WAriTED ("T'nmiiiy , ilnjf Mai lilue orcr ltii nud W 1.1 kuit n i.iruf Huv-kiiikf, Willi lll.KIf tti d '1 Oi; loiupleti', in 5:0 in i null-8, it will il Lnlu.iut va.utj ( funtj. woik fur hUh ilicru luhaj- a tts u mh f r i'i I ir il tin tu il.u '4'uotulily Knilliu Muililiio C'u,t M V u uyUMfcl,, I-jo., Ala. p'j 10, 8X4m aid M."G. SSiOAK & RR'l. IIMIOMSISl'ICW, PI, Manuf.u'turiiraof Carriago3( Bt-gios, Phaetons, Sleighs, 1'LATFOHM WAUON8, 40. FlraKlona wort always on ham. KltrAlKINO NBATLY 1XJNK. Prtroa roduoed U salt the tltnoa. j-OUTIIKUN CJiNTlUJ, 1!AII,Vay On nhd after Sunday, May an, i(u i, ... on the Phi ado phlu A Krlc Ita 1 road iJiWsl mw flJr's follows : uw n-a WESTWARD. Crln Mail 1 -nvc 1 htl.idclphln u tttn wm import " -leisev Miore unTs. ' l.ock Haven 40J " ' Henovo iui a , nnlve nl hrlo ? r& Niagara Exl rt'Sa luavcs I'lilladelr.hla " UmiliUiiiK u 0 arr. at Willi unHpSrt " Iwk iiauu 411' " " l'ciion Stiiiii. Fast Line li'avi'a I'hll ul. Irhia n ,n , '. " Ilirrl-burB a ,i , " arilvo at Miii.uii.di rl Ti, ,, " " l.Ol-k llatl'U 8 4 p u, llAWTWAIItl. I'aclrlo Kxprtsi l.a is l.'ick linvi'n il r. n u " " .Urn'V Sl.mii 7 i.', ,i , ' " VMiili.intiiiii ,, " arrUo at llnirlitmrs 1Uniu,i " " l'lul.idelrlihl iu in Ihiyrixfiri'nalciHi'S hiunvo miiaiu " " Lock llacn II lu " ' V Iht.niiiport Hjiiii " arrlie at llmiWuiiir B4 ' " t'hll.nlilpiila nt'.pt! Kilo Mall loau's llcnuMi i-min, ' " I nek H.iU'ti u ii n m " " '.UliliTRtort li lo ii i,i " airKi'snt IMrrlsliurg 9 4.1 a in " " riitliuti'lpliiii Tirfitim Fast Lino lnnii'H v. I liiimipi.rt l,ir. utu 1 aulus at llanliitir H'onin " " riil'atlelptila '4iiuin Eilo M .ill n pat and Iny ll.vpri'sa Hast mak dc conrt'oiliuia nt iwtllitiiiiln'riiiiirl with I.. A. li. h Ir.iii.s ti r W'l'U'.bairv aim sorai.ton, Kilo Mall WVst, M.iar.i Ilipros West nnd last Lino Wi si in iky tloso I'Oi.tit'ollon at Ntiliunsn.ri with N. u. U. w trains iitirili. Nhiit.iri L.pii'.s Uc.-l ami Day Lxpn s Ft mikocloio oonnicllun at Lctk llaicn with It, K.V H II. trains. lit lo Malt oavt nh'l West connod at Irti nm. triiini .n L. S ,c M. s. It. u. ; at Corry wllh t). t i . V. U. It ; at Hnpnrtnm with tl. N. Y. I P II u and at lirlttnood with A. V. It. il. Parlor cars will rim between I'hlla .elp'ili aw IMl'aiii'-poiton Mnt'ara l..piiMWoit, and Da u pieaa titit. Mceplutf cars uu all nljiht trains WM. A.IIM.IUMN, tiencral .'upt. iV0111' CENT. A L "llAILW'AY 1 COMPANY, on and attor Noteniber stitli, 1ST3, trains hi icavs bunb'iry as follows : NUKTUWAUli. Erie Mall 6.20 a, in., arrUe Ulinlra 11 .6 " Canandalgua . s.r,5 p, a ltochester t.15 ' Niagara 5 io HcnoTo accommodation ll.lo a. ta. airlie ,.uam. port 12.M p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrtro Elmlra a. m. Uunalo Express T.15a. tn. aiihe buffalo .50 1 m bOUTUWAltl). UuIIaloExpreaa 2.50 u. m. arrloll.irrlsbtirtf " llaltlinoios.40 Elminilall 11.15 a. m., arrive Ilarrlsliurt' IM " Waslilnrtiin .3i " Haltlmoro c..,u " ViuhIn;turi narrlsburg accommodation burj; 10.50 p. m arrive Ualtlmor? 11 W'aslilLglon B.13 Erie Mall 13.55 a. m. arrive Ilarrlibure-t I'.'-ii. in ' Haltlmor9 8.4i) " " Wasldngton 10.35 " All d'llly encept Sunday. U. M. 110YI), Jr., tleneral l'assi'Mier Aceo A. .1. CAH.SATT, General Maimer piIILAI)EI,I'IIA ANI) KEADINfi 110 AD ARUAN OEM EXT OK l'ASSKNGGR TRAINS. May II, 1S79. TIU1NS LRAYK KtThUT AH fOI.I OWP(HCNPA V i XCFI'TRD For Now York, l'hlladelphla, Heading, 1'ottsMlh Taiaaqua, Ac, 11,45 a, m ' For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,SG p. m. For WlUUmsport, C,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,rl p. ra. TKAtKSKOH HDl'KaT I.KAVtt AS tOLLOWil, (SCNl)AT K CBfTKD.) Leave Now Y'ork, 8,45 a. ra. Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 n. ra., Pottsvlllc, 12,39 p. m and, 1,35 p. in. Leave Catawlssa, 6,21) e,50 a. m. and 4,00 p. in. Leavo V'llllainsporl,9 45a.m,2,16p. m. and4,top, m Passengers to aud from New York aud I'hlladtl phia go througa v Ithout change of cars. J. B. woiti;, Oeneral .Manager C. (1, HANCOCK, (ieueral 'floLu Ageht. ' Jan. 14, lSliS tf. D ELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA ANL WESTEHN KA1LKOAU. ULOOMHBUKO DIVISION. Tlrco-Tablo No. S9, Takes effect, at 4:.n A, MONDAY. JI'NfS II), 1S78. NOItTH, STATIONS.. SOI 1 11. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p in. p.m 9 30 9 2J 9 17 9 8 68 8 51 b 40 4 1. v 40 .... ..scrantou liellevuo Taili'i villa., ...Lackawanna..., 9 35 2 iu u it 2 13 0 2U 2 22 t 2f 2 III II 3. 2 1- 6 40 9 37 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 II 9 45 3 51 3 43 3 4, 12 41 12 6 3 SO 3 10 rittsiou ... .. w8t rittton. Wj oining , MaltM.... .... licunut .Kingston , . . .Kingston .... .'9 53 2 14 0 45 1(1 07 I 43 0 2 53 6 55 67 59 8 33 8 13 9 04 8 44 10 13 10 33 3 ' 7 10 7 I- 7 lb 7 U .I'lj mouth Julc. 10 8 23 8 20 8 55 ....rljmouth.... 10 ?.j Avondale...., Nanllcoke.... 10 34 .Uunloch'si reek. 10 42 Shlekfhlnny '10 65 ....Illck's Feny....ill 07 ....Ueaeh Haven.. 11 13 l'.erwlck ....Ul 21 Urlar creek ...Willow tlrovc.... Llmo Itldge I 3 15 3 21 7 i 8 12 8 01 7 61 7 38 7 '2 T 25 7 19 7 14 7 10 7 02 e 50 6 Ml 6 45 6 27 3 12 3 (VI 2 il 2 39 2 34 2 28 S 47 8 39 8 28 3 20 7 42 3 35 8 W 3 50 8 25 8 17 4 113 8 15 8 55 9 OS 7 15 7 23 7 3D 7 41 8 12 4 It' 4 IS 12 4 29 4 S3 4 44 2 '4 1 67 1 fl 1 41! 1 27 7 44 espy 1 7 38 Hlor.msburg Ill 41 4 49 6 1.1 7 83 liupert., 116 4 55 8 .12 7 ii Cutaw Lwa Lrldgo. 11 67 6 il 8 5" 1 ir... .nanvino.. iU 13 6 18 s 21 ...chuhiAky 9 IS 9 51 t i 5 45 9 C 15 5 11 1. . ..1 amtron .. . ,NcrthuiaberIaiid,12 45 p.m. p.m. a.m. Bm. p.m. a.n ... TFAI), MpU Safionntendenr'a osice. Mmnton Junn in. tf7J AIKWKKJIIT A CO., WHOLKHALK (UtCIEUS, ruiUPKlFHIA, Doalora In TK.KH, KVliUrS, CUtfTEK, SCO A It, MOLASSES HI- I, 8PlCKfl, B1CABB VOOk, AC, C. $ K. Oornor M-orid und Arch atroftn. OrJ rs will nii'Uc prom pi ttT4'.i.n(H For CaiaiTli, Hay 1'evi r. cold In tlio ,VC., in-f'L mi" llncer. a narililo llm Halm Into nostillsi draw strons biealhs through tno Hno-e. It will bo to imitlrlt Inio ami birh of ihe tar, rubbing W ihiirmighl) Kliy UHKAM HALM H receiving tho eiiiloiirinent tf the nirTei.r Uu' druggM. anil fi fcleiun. Noverhns ainrUil' "fo mi.iti uu lit been iii'iduud for Ihe tie urn m 'I nl .nseaves as ihls n' ver-falil g II M vl ml It in. In rsally otkiicwlei'gi d as Itlug all i'.hi il'tliiiul tor It. 'Hie 111 pllcilloii Is easy inal piea'1 am cuiiliig no mln Is .ralhlin.', ur.d Is f ' -ui1 r' eeillng lliellt-eif pnwm rw, lupilds .1 uITh ii'1'u 5il eent on leuiiil of "0 e. lils will hend 1. p 'k.4 fiie. N ni fur e'.u'Mlai, villi full lull riiinil"ii. ILY W CltKiM HALM Co., owi go, N At,! by NMV Yohk MrKPHWll 4 Itobbllis, Hall .V llm '! C. N. I'llUl'liton. W. II. HI. mill. Ale li M Ml gii i . I,, i.lle, Mainh & liurdiier, 'lair.i.i i 1 " t'l'aer ,v 1 i-i aiiiloiherH ,, . run.. on nti 1 -i-mlili, Johunou, lloi lunuj & 10, M'iummn, 1'a Mattheivs liron AT lltr.UL UV .HI. MUCGlSla., oc. 21. 'so-it PENSIONS. KVIlltY hOLPIKU dlsabhd In line of duty by wouinl. dlsea-.e. or Injuty, la entitled 10 im-i.sI iu. I'KNMiiNS INCItUAM''l.-.Mai;y ore drawing hJJ than eutltlert to. 'i'huiwinils nf llelra inillh'd ' Pension and liouutj. IH-JLCI'KIH AbLS re-opeia'a. A IIANIKINKM cases rliilshed Cojiies of lit dis charges obtaleiil.-Clalinsoi everj description pros ecuted I'lTHM I'Klal'HKtl. Address with slauin, II s. ItEHI.IN 4 CO.. Atturneys, sept, 10, 'sa-cm wico Hu 692 ashlngtou,!). l A)iyi Morphine Hal It cured In 10 Oil) Ml' I'lims, Itbai.uii, o, wico aprlia W-'y PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ON SHORTEST NOTICE ND AT THE MOKT ISEA8ONABI1E TERMS ! I .Af ARrti 1 . R"L ca .'f. . nt iitiin nv.r' :, , -fltfl Bf l'N.WLP,Tcs , &V&HinH''1- rh'niiMiit.'. am; Fir i',U.ttp s't 1 1 me w bra no. tt l.',rJ ...rrir'lV'Wit .ohnjllv a