The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 05, 1880, Image 3

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Hl.OUllSIIlilifl, HllllAV, N01 KM 111 U 8, USD
1), 1 Ztrr nnil Wm.T. Slimiiin, ailtiitn'ulM.
tnta of Andrew UiniiltM, iU crura) ( will roll veil
mMo real crlnlo on (lie premises In Cenlro
loini'lilp on Friday, November 1'.', 1SS0.
Kllelmll I'a tic, mi r
viyliiR ciccntors ol Churls II. Doeliler, !e
ceased, vtlll sell valuable rial estite nt the
Cuiirl Itonse, Illooinauiirg, on Moiuley, Decem
ber 0, 1SS0.
See advertisement.
November 23tli lias been appointed as a eliy
William II. Mllnes anil fun'ily of Virginia
are visiting friends in Mils county.
Dr. Jamion anil family of Wirli'ngton, D.
(.., are visiting at Mr. J, It. Ilctidersliutt's.
The Republican miltes no comments this
iieekonllic vote in llloomsburg.
When no need llio 1'itriot llio most it does
not lonie through, It dlil not get here on Wed
nesday. Wlialis the matter?
Quite a number of perrons engaged In busi
ness at other place, but w!ioe icsidences are
here, came home to vote on Tues lay.
The public will please excuse our rooster for
not appearing this week, lie docs not ful
The town council met on Wednesday even
ing, but no quorum being preent the meeting
was adjourned until next Wednesday.
1'rom prerint appearances, no Klectoral Com
mission will be needed to determine who is
ilccltd President.
A stove, coil box and book case, with pigeor.
holes for sjU. Apply In Freeze & Kyerly.
October 111), li,
NotMlhil.indiug the tinfavotablc,
large delegation of the Hancock ilub went over
to C.itawia l.i't Sntiireliiy night on H canal
boat. The Glee Club acconi aniid them in tlio
band wagon.
Mr. I. Scosliollz. of C'alawi?a, and Mi's
Mirtlia I'olcn, of Hloointtuirg, were united in
matrimony by the Kev. Dr. Mitchell at the
Presbyterian ehurcii on Thursday morning.
May liappiuees attcml lliiin.
The Democrneyof Columbia county bad, in
tlic late campaign, a uioet illiiin.t and popular
cliiirnian of their Coi:ntv Cemtniltte, to whom
ureal iredit is duo for the excellent vole in
Illoouitburg and in the county.
The opening address in the l'rtc Cburcli lit
Millville, Nov. 7ili, Lord's day next, will be
delivered by C. W. Cooper, i f Providence, Pa.
intead of D, M. Kintcr, as latncek notice
Tlio Itev Dr. Wells, of Ohio, the I'.vangeli-t
who producul eueh a favorable impression in
iVillininsport last winter, is to lie in the Pre s,
byterian ch'iieh hele next Sabl nth, and will
conduct services during Ibe week lollowing.
Now is a good time lor seme of our temper,
aice friend" lo make anew vow to vote ni.tli
in.' but the Prohibition ticket in future. A
number who male such a promise in public
some time ago, forgot it en Tuesday.
rileplieti W. DePelchin, hui of Prof. DePilih
in, formerly connected witli the Norn al
school, spent several days in town recently. He
attended the Toachers' Institute at Orantrei ille
in the capacity of general agent of n pultlishin
house in Syracuse, New York. Prof. Dol'el
chin is living in New Orleans.
Wo 1. nop just received a new lot of beveled
and Htrnicht k'ilt edeed calling cauls of the lat
est design. Also mourning caid'. We in
vite the attention of the ladies to these cards
samples of some of which tan be seen atti, A
Clark's book store. They are just as as
mi engravid pi etc, end much cheaper.
The greatest outrage of ibe CJmp iin wi.s the
Chinese ti'i-uo ballot furui-lieil by the I.i'ptilili
em Slnlo comuiittes with a heading on it to
.In. what ticket was beiim voted This device
was intended as a mums of "spotting" workit g'
men who did not vole ibo repullican ticket
And yet the great moral parly never bull-dozes
any body. Oh, no I
Gen. Maker doe not think tho independent
Iiiisiiipsa n verv liavinir inverlmuit. Outside of
his ow township wlure be nceivid agooil com
I limcntarv vole of llll.he only got three ballots,
one in Kast Hloom, one in Madison, and one in
Jut knoll .
The republicins paraded through the streets
with torches and a drum nt about throe o'clock
on Wednesday morning to inform their sleep
ing friends of the result of the election in olher
ktitos. Tlrv mule a g ml ileal ol noise over a
;inr n,t tltnv had a very small hand in
nnl,!oiir. Tliev are very much like the old
man and the bear.
In tli ia county the Democrats have majorities
in 1M out cf the 'S! tltction di-tricti, and ineiib
of the Ibrie exceptii'iinl ones the Kei ublicau
majority is less than it was in 1S70. In Iler
wlck it is one less; in Catawi'Si three, and in
WeH Illoouisbnrg twenty light-
A the table of volts was nude tipst the H-t
moment before giiog lo pri-s, tbem may be
some slight inaccuracies in it. We had no time
to foot up the columns, s some of Ibe returns
were re: lied up, anil wecduld not gel them un
til they wore opened in Court Thursday uum.
TheiiWre ipiielly mule at Mr. Vandcridice
by the Republican and openly by Hie Cula
wissi .Vtuj Item, was at no time at all danger
ous. There seuned to be something be-ide
patriotic motive behind it, and when tho liem,
in its lust issue before the eleilion, went to
homing, ''vole for liuckingbam!" the ' negro
in the wood-pile'' becani" distinctly visible.
There was great interest manifested in the
election by both panics in town. Voting bciaii
early and by noon Ihcro wore nearly 7UU bal
lots in, the whulo vole cast being 811. Kvery
thing pined oll'ipllelly and pea. eibly. In ly
ery instance wheie there was llieslighteat d )ubt
of the right ti vole, the perons otlWIng their
Ixliots were cha'lenged by one side or the oili
er. The whole vote of the town in 1670 was
770 for Prisidenl.
The result of the election ill 1( oomeburg is
a deservid u-.-tiiuonlnl lothewyiiicciinnid uWe
generalship of Ibo o"l otlice ling and i's lieu
tenants. In Xfc.70 Hayos had " mrjority. Tlr
year Hancock has 70 majority. This shows
that the workingmtii of this town are not to be
frightened into aubmisMon by tho false bsues
raisod by tie republiians en ibe tarill' ipns'
lion, and their absurd cry about a business pan.
Ic. Willi auih leaders everywhere the repub
lican party would have been buried long ago
The Republican arade on Thursday night
last was ijuite o success. Clubs wtro here tt m
Danville and Ilerwlck. Thoro frcin Duntill
wera handfomily uniformed and mailt) a line
anpearance. 'I he llerwkk club had whltetaps
and capes. Their marching was very Irregular,
owing partly to the (act lhat thiy arrivid here
long enough before Ibo parade lo allow some of
them to get up considerable steam. One Dan
ville ma n got lo the lock-up, and tevcral from
lierwlck were warned after midnight that un
lou they itcpned the'r noise i n the streets, they
would ba treated liWwbe. There were 021 In
procession, Including binds and lays. Many
republican hputeiweio liandeonulf lllumlna
Ml persons hiving In thnlr It04f!nn tin-it
ntly belonging lo the Demoeintlc club will
eae riturn tho ton lies lo this oflice. ml il.
cap. and sishes to )av, I.owenhcrg.
Mrs. Andrew Ikelcr, of Stillwater, d.-d nn
Monday last and was buried on Wednesday.
She wns n ulster of Hon, U,J, Mcllenry and a
most estimtblo In ly.
J'ontmarter to Xotarii, (eontemi.latlni Ibo
Illoomrburg election!) "I think It was that last
.Vudiri to Voitmattcr. "No, It was that Infer. Jew I"
Wo bare much plcasuro In rrrommoniling
Thrnnalino to nur Traders, an an alwolot
enro for Malaria. The mannf.vlnrers' immo
alone. Is a gnnrautee of IU merit. It sells at 2.",
ct nta per box. Tor particulars see Ailt t.
inly 30, 'SO 0m
A preliminary ineeling nf graduitis of the
various Soldiers' Orphan Schools of Pennsylva
nia, will be hel I nt ibe Capitol buildimr, liar-
nbi,rg, on rimrsday and l'riday, D.ceinbcr
r.Oih and .list, 18S0, for the purpote of arrang
ing for a grand reunion of nil tho ""
It is desired by ibe rominiltee having the mat
ter in chare that there be a large attendance
at this meeting,
ill send llieir celebrated llleclro-Vullnic
liclts to the nfllicted nnon 30 i avs trial. Snced?
cures guaranteed. They mean what they ray.
rite to them without delay. Nov. Hl-ly.
We arc informed that in our report of the
races at the fair we were mistnkin in assigning
hnguag" to Mr. O. T. Wilon, in wb'uli ho
charged "Hint the'ntlirers of the society had
promised llotrpur the rate if lie would enter."
We so under-tood him, but glidly make the
correction en learning that lie did not use such
words. We fully endoind all that Mr. Wil-on
said about the deci-ion of tliejudger, and hence
intended no harsh rriticirm, as be is a gentle
man for whom we have the highest regard Our
only intention was to give a full report of the
occuirences of thai afternoon and we alluded lo
Mr, Wilson's remarks only because we beard
versions of thrni on the street entirely differ
ent from what he bad said.
Ladies, and all who lead sedentary live,
should use JJr. Meitaur t Jlcaaache and Dm
peiisia l'ilh. Price 25 cents. Fur sale at
all drug stores. oct. 15-lm
The final pnrade of the Democrats look place
lai-t Monday night. There were 03 mounted
men' and 0!2 on foot from Ijghtstrcet and
cinity, mounted men and foot from Centre,
Hemlock, Oiange, Montour, Scott, and other
towmjiips, and a good delegation from llcutou.
The Catawissa club numbering about 130, will:
btndrome uniform,ard a club from Lightstrect
were the only visiting organizations, the Dan.
villu clubs not being able to accept the invita
tion, a liiey had a parade at home, postponed
from Saturday on account of the rain. The
llcnton, Orangeville, l'spy and Hloom band
were m line. There weic over 200 horr.enien,
and the wholo lino was estimated at about feOO,
all from our own county. If there had been
mure torches the number could have been in
creised 300; as there were many Deinccrats on
the streets who could not get lights, The illu
minations along the route were numerous and
beautiful. Down Ka-t street almost every house
was radiant, pictures of Hancock and Ki glisli
were to be seen all along, and arcbesofevir
green were sprung acros the street, A con.-t.inl
cheering was kept up along the whole length ol
the march. In eery part of the town the dwel
lings of Democrats were brilliant. There was
a large crowd of people in town from the coun
try to willies the parade.
Are you going to paint? If so, send to the
Montour Paint Mills, Kuprrt, Pa., for your
Poie Lea'd, Plate Colors, Pure Paints, Ac, and
save the wl.ole-.ile and retail profit. You can
mix your own colors with pure linseed oil for
SI cents to $1 20 pergillon. sep. 10-3m
The following table shows the number
votes cast for each candidate on Tuediy.
li. Disf
W. Dist.
( irfield,
Hancock's inaj. over flailleld,
.ltufffer (iiiini.
K, Di-t. W. Dist.
2i).j 1 W
202 173
1 0
I -1
Siijimne .Italy?.
275 150
1S3 171
13 10
Cb ers.
2D7 139
-12 37
172 159
2W) 150
l'JO 173
2JQ 150
271 131
li)0 157
U7 100
DUcict Attorney,
27-1 1
lfeO 179
14 12
202 131
197 1"3
11 iriou,
The result is very mtiafactory In the Demi
crats. They did rot ililni more than ou mr
ioritv at any time, ubilo republicans were
chuckling over the Idea ol carrryu g Hie tuwn
by 25 majority. It is a rebuke to ibe leailers
who atlemptrd lo bull d ut Ibe wi rkingmen in
many wais, Woikinguien of llloomsburg do
not vote through their eyes They are ipiite
ns iiitpiliuoiitnsgjuu of those who attempted
lo 1 11 ittiuu ilium.
In its last week's issua the Hem shows the
cloven hu (', and ackmnle-lges the tiuttilul
tie.-. of what we have mid in legtrd to Its
coure.t"Wirds Mr. Vandersllce, While pre
1011111111.' to bo very much intere-ted in the
wcllare of the D.-uuoritlo parly and its rep
ten n' ltives, it has only l-ren rngag-d in the
grat licelioii eif personal spite, and it at
tacs mi Vauderslice were made in the inter'
est ot 1 party candidate li. A. Ducking
ham. This appears In its last i-siie when it
urges a'l Democrat to. vote lor llucktng-
ham NnU'iths'.aiVling its coiitimpt.
ible kbiime mid its f.iiuiiyiiious circulars freely
distributed Just beor) t)e election, which
its editor ha 1 nut l bo courage to put In
name to, Mr, Vauderslice ha been reelec
ted by a ban Isoute majority. The Milton
Argus, and the Duville JnltUnjtnctr we
hope will feel repaid by the nsult f r the
space given by them to articles wriiten In
llloomsburg an I published by them so as to
gUetbe lem an opportunity to reprint lliem
as coining fintii paper outot this county
The re-ult show lliit whllo Y-"'!!""6
has lust aomo vote in curtain di-trlcts iu.t.
ly tbDii.jli the c.indl lacy ot Kit llirton, the
ft has astnla good deal ol jpace airi
lime in iniiiosliii.' him. The Democrats of
Columbia county pay but little stlcpijori Jo
that paper, An to the JrjiiJ and Inlelwjeii
r,it must now bo apparent to thcm.tbat the
people of tbh county are capable of iuid
aging their own affairs without any advice
or Interference from tliem. lUla Is a lesson
that Challaut, a.1 cut, should have learutd
tome time go
tion or tiii: am:
ritiKNtior the r.tiiron ok "tuuih"
iip.niai, or the oenuini:-
NES3 OPTIinoAltriKLIl-
jioiiey i.ETrr.u
TO Til,' I'
The New York Star of Saturday publishes
an allidavit nf Joseph Hart proprietor of the
New lork truth, which rxpoes a most cor
rupt ptul shameful attempt of Marshall Jew
ell.chaiimati of the republican national com
mitter, lo procure (from 7'n;f7e a denial of
the genuineness nf the Oarfield Cliino'e let
ter, first printed in it columns. The affida
vit shows that Jewell wrote a letter to Oar
field requesting that Hart might have a "con
sideration" thtnugh A, J. Dittenlioefer.
Phi "consideration" was to bo the ollice of
United State District Attorney for New
York, Garfield's delay In pronouncing the
Chinese letter a "forgery" is thus accounted
for. He Was waiting for hi bosom friend
and chief manager, Jewell, to conumniate
the bargain with tho publisher of 7nn7i.
The Star piints n facsimile nf Jewell's let
ter making the corrupt proposition to Gar
field and Jewell had not dared to dcti that
be wrote the letter. Tho editor of the New
Vnrk Sun says in ye-lerday's edition of bis
paper that be "sent to the republican head-
uartcrs to inquire about the letter. Jewell
refused to deny, while bis secritary admitted
It genulnenc." Jewell evidently knew
his man or he would not have attempted to
draw Garfield into the corrupt transaction.
City ami Oiunbj of Xeui York, ft:
Joseph Hart of the City and county of
New lork, being duly sworn, deposes and
says : That he resides in the city of New
York and is the publisher of the newspaper
called 7rA.
That be received infoimation that it wa
the intention of the republican party in
the city of New York, with the aid and
u-sistance of the notorious John I. Davcn
port, and the marhals of his own choos
ing, to destroy tho property of deponent,
cou-isting nt p'e-cs and 1'ac-siniiies nf the
proofs and genuineness of the CI. u lie Id Chi
nese cheap labor letter.
That this was to li lye been done on Mon
day evening, October 2"i, 1SS0; but by a dis
agreement in their own camps the raid
was po-tpoued until the Tuesday evening
When this positive information came to
the publisher of the Trull, ho looked about
him for ways and minus to protect his
property and the honor and integrity of
the gentlemen who were pledged to prove
the Garfield Chine-e cheap labor letter not
a forgery but a lect. Determined at all
hazards to do so, the publi-ber placed liim-
ae It in communication with a pretended
friend, but a laitl;lul republican, by the
naino ot Abratn J. Dittenlioefer, who bad
insisted to this deponent that the letter was
a lorgcry, with the thorough knowledge that
when doing so bo was impeaching the honor
of personal friends, He urged this deponent
to make f or himself the greatest record lhat
any man could posses by declaring that the
letter was a forgery,
Tli is came Irom a "friend" and counsel,
and not a friend alone of Ibis deponent but
the Iriend of an ther attacliee of the paper,
in whom lie lias profesed to have fur years
the most implicit confidence) and to whose
word a doubt never ane in bis mind, and
who repeatedly assured him that the Gar
held Chinese cheap labor letter was gen
uine. And witli this knowledge in liis pen
se.-ion of the truth of the statement ho still
urged this deponent t" say it was u forgery.
When this deponent became fully con
vinccd of the fact that all tlio mean at the
command of the republican party, all the
machinery of the District Attorney's ollice,
the marshals and Commissioner Davenport
and treachery were to be ued against him,
he felt, iu justice to him-clf, lhat be must
protect his interests, and even lliougti b
adopted the ame trick and elevico and re
sorted to the same means they had adopted
Di pjnent recognized that the situation de
manded war to the knile "an eye for an
eye, a tooth for a tooth."
He sent for this "friend," who, upon his
arrival, iuformed him that the republicans
intended In arrest one of tho nttachees of
Truth olliM known as Kenard Philp,
Deiionent said : "Is that really so? Is it
Hu replied, "Yes; Davenport has tho
"Why," said deponent, ' it i Impossible
for any prouls to exist except that tho letter
i genuine."
"Oh, well," said lie "they are going to
swear to it. Garfield's denial is conclusive
and you are foolish if you don't save your
It occurred to this deponent then and there
that lie would try to save himself, and
be nroceeded ill the following manner to
do so.
"What will they give you, judge?" said
the deponent, "il you could influence me to
come out and say that wo have been decei
ved?" Fire flashed In his eyes. "Will they
give you what you have long sought?" con
tinned tbl deponent "the Unitu-1 Slates
district attorneyship."
He said: "I thiufc they will."
Desponeiit then said : "Place yourself in
comtiHinieiitlun with tneni and let uie know
the result
In Ibe course of two hours from that tinio
the judge returned and said ho had secured
what was to tiim sati-factory lhat he would
ccure ibe appointment from General Gar
field, and be stated furlhti that Hon. -Mar
shall Jewell desired lo see thlsdeponeut,
Having accomplished the llrst part of his
determination to saye himself and prove the
Gaifie'.d Chinese cheap labor letter genuiue,
deponent permitted himself lo be drawn in
to an interview with Hon. Marshall Jewell,
which took place at tlio ofljco of Jud,'e Dit
teuhoefer at S o'clock on the afternoon of
Turn lay, October 20, I8S0, tho day upon
which the raid upon Truth was to have been
made to prevent the publicat on on the fol
lowing morning ol the proofs against Gar
field. Tlihdopoueut took with hint three wit
nesse and entered lle otlice of Judge Dit
tenlioefer arid there found Hon. Marshall
Jewell accompanied, as he sail by bis sec
retary He gave to this deponent what he
(Jewell) considered sufficient proof that be
would fulfill the compact ho ha, that day
cpterid Into with Dittenlioefer for purpose
of having Truth braud ilselfaa tbe yiW
sheet ever published.
Deponent Mid to Hon, Marshall Jewell
lhat lie did uot think tho promise was en
tirely satisfactory Thereupon Judge Dp.
teuhoefer exclaimed: "It Isentlrel) sills.
factory to me I" 'I h it beln the deponent's
cue, ho said ! "Well, If It be satisfactory I"
you, it must bo to no,"
The Hon, Marshall Juwi II after mteriug
into this, and In further conversation, said
to this deponent i "Well, is not that letter a
Deponent replied to linn, Marshall Jew
ell that It was no' a forgery, and that be
could, by positive proofs In his poseesslon,
establish the fact that It was not a fo'gery
and that lie did not w ish to hear that word
used again to him, in that conference, In
reference to that letter, because he (Jewell)
himself knew that It was not a forgery, That
ended all talk of die letter being a firgery
except n heretofore slated.
The Hon, Marshall Jtwell started In
leave with a happy an I smiling face Hut
this deponent had not accomplished the
renl object of the Interview up to that mo
ment. Ho now proceeded todn so by stating
to Hon. Marshall Jewell that ho had been iu
formed through various channels that a raid
was contemplated on 7VufA for the purpose
of destroying Its property, and thus prevent
the publication of what had been promised
in the Wednesday edition positive proofs
that James A. Garfield did write tbe Chi
nese cheap labor letter.
"Why," said Hon. Marshall Jewell, "we
have nothing to do with that ; that 1 en
tirely In the band of Mr. Davenport, who
says that ono Kenward l'hilp torged the
"Why," said the deponent, "it i nn'nb-
surdity ; the proofs in my possession aro so
positive that it makes it a still greater
S-ald Hon Marshall Jewell : "Didn't this
Philp write the leading articles upon this
subject in Truth!"
This deponent replied : "No, sir ; on my
oath lie did not. Nur did ho write the letter
or know of its existence until it wa pub
"Who did write these articles?" said Mr.
"You mti't excuse mo from answering lhat
question," deponent replied, "but Philp did
not write them'"
" Well," said Hon. .Marshall Jewell, you
surprise roc! Iain pleased to bear it; but
you will understand that I have nothing to
do with Mr. Davenport's arrangement."
Then," said the deponent, "Mr. Daren
port should be informed that a satisfactory
arrangement ha been arrived at and that ho
should not make hi raid,"
Well," said Hon Mar-hall Jewell, "that
shall be attended In,"
When Marshall Jewell left the deponent
sent Judge Dittenbofer out to him to receive
his piomi-e that Mr. Davenport should be
notified. He rettirui d and informed this de
ponent that that bad been so promised him
This deponent believes lhat such was the
cae lioni information received from an at
tachee of the republican paper known as the
Tribune "that Titith had been Iwinlit, and
was to come out to-morrow without the
proofs, and to say that it thought it was mis
taken, nnil proposed to investigate further."
It would be impossible in this affidavit
t ) tell all tb precautions that were taker,
to bring that paper of Wednesday before the
public. Davenport' niarshals,despite of all
arrangements that bad been entered into.
surrounded the neighborhood in which tbe
Truth is printed, secretly entered what they
the day before know n a tbe composing room
of Truth, and bung in gangs at the very door
of the pre-raom of Truth.
Truth, howver, bad prepared itself. Twelve
police officers in citizen's clothing were
locked in Truth's press-room. As the night
wore on tbe paper did not appear,for we were
convinced that should It not appear,as Hon
Marshall Jewell expected it would under all
circumstances, be made; for the upper part
of the post ollice building, the headquarters
of Davenport and his satellites, wa brill
iautly illuminated and filled with mi n, as this
deponent was informed.
This deponent then telegraphed to police
headquarters and re quested comniunica
lion at once witli Inspector of Police Mur
ry ; the publisher in tlio meantime had giv
en tbe most positive orders that uot a pa.
per should leave the priss-room until broad
About ti o'clock on the morning of that
Wednesday In-pector Murry arrivedat Truth
ollice. Tbe publisher stated to him what he
has hereinbefore stated, and demanded that
as a citizen and property holder he should
have the protection of the law for bis pro-
erty and for himself.
The Inspector at once ordered from two
station houses in the vicinity a platoon of
uniformed men ; they arrived, they passed
through Spruce street, made a thoroughfare
to and from the press room of Truth,nud saw
the spies that were there the marshals re
treat to tho headquarters of their chief in
the post ollice building.
In ten minutes Wednesday's Truth with
the convicting prouf that Garfield had writ
ten the Chinese cheap labor letter, wa up an
the street.
At all time being resolved since entering
the newspaper business to be prepared with
proofs for all 7Vut7i should state, deponent
took pains to secure indisputable evidence
of the foregoing bargain with Marshall Jow
ell, tbo chairman of the republican national
It is a follow
New York, October 20, 1 80. My Dear
General Uarfielu: I think truth wa deceived
abuut the Morey letter. They thought it
wa genuine. Finding it ia not they have
consulted their lawyer a"d frlendand throng!
him offer to inme out and say so plainly, the
only consideration for it being consideration
for Judge Ditto nbocfer, their friend and
By consideration I mean tbat you and
myself should kuowr and recognlzj it as
Judge D.'s act, and the obligation, if any;
should be from you to him for it, So far as
I could I have assured them that you would
so consider it. It's a great service, to-day
It I tholr pr.ipnitiou and I have accept
od it. "iou's very truly,
Marshall Jewell,
Joseph Ha nr.
fjworu before uie )
this 311th day )
October, 1880,)
C. Donhoue.
A His Success.
' .My wife had been ailing a long time with
dyspepsia and nervousness and wa in bed
two yeai. with a complication of disorders
her physicians could not cure, when I was
led by reading a circular at my door to try
Parser's Ginger Tonic. Having been ao of.
ten deceived by worthless mixtures, nothing
hit my wife's dangerous condition could
hive led us to make any more experiments.
But It wa, a big succea. Three boitlea
euro! ber at a cost or aeiollarand fifty cents
and lio is now as ttroner as hiiv woman
and regularly does her household duties
ll. I)., isumuo, tee other column. iiov
Hie-A.H, T. Ci.' Ilia k Pip for ihlhlren's
shoes, l siitii'iior to idl niliers for die followiig
rei'on. Thry pro .cr tli. lie Irum weerji-t
at llir point where 1 1 c we r conns, n il do not
glvi tin- line a li uigui'g Mid patched nppca
ance, a do ti e e.'ips sewed on to tbr ep'r.
The lland-oin Nickel Plated New Homo
i.miui helm? introduced lo th" public this sei
son, is the uiot meritorious nrtirle over i florid
agents loniake money wi'li, I mVr and n.oro
roiivrnient thnn tlin student 1 linn, which his
here trfitc hid Hie re pulnttnn or lioing t tin saf
est lemp in nlc, il ba a clamp to it 1 1 . c 1 it In
se w l 1 i! tueLhiii", in mo, org 1 1, iii-ic, e r.
'Hie frar nf the nrdir erv 1 imp being arel.tenl.
ally ii f stt or Mirnwn 'rom the t.vue, fs eniirr'v
tebieedbv tli" slninlr climiti lonlilrat'C . Il
ran bo adjo-tid to lliniT ibe light just where It
is wuiit,dte o t the eves, noelcen ho convert
ed into a li ind-niii" wall lanip It hns the best
argui'l burner, nulling indicifr. and conveni
ent match bos, and it priteis wiibln the reach
of every one Ithss been folly tes'eel arid eeli-
toriIly endorsi d hv the llrsfora Uirn'i'in Ad. I
oratr. Am. CViM-'iein Ihtiev, lltrahl ami y'irs
bytcr, Journal and MctxcnrjLr, ami ChtiMan Slaw
lanl, the lending religion pepers ol Cincin
nati, and i end irsed ny the Mayor and lwt-in-ister
of Cincinnati, the agent nf the Ameri
can express company slid presidents nf lnur
mice cotnf ante, us ncing ine saiesi, mou com
venlent and best lamp mane.
There are three eeasona why agents slinii d
seek such an article lo canvass fir first for its
l-S'ilute safely nnd great convenience, it is
riled n every homo seeoad it low once
maos its sale iuiiuenec third it will be a
great credit to handle such an article. One
southern nucnt write", it sells fistet than (Itn.'s Darn nit sdd rich: aber the war, anoth
er wriie, it.hents tli" palmy elsys of the sew
ing machine, its raptet sale-, low price, anil nii
crnl term surprise i hi ngi tits, Addrr Home"
I, imp Co , Cinrinnnli, O , iiienllnliig our pi
per and they will give ou foil pellicular and
xclu-ivu territory to rinvass in. nov.o-i.iivi
I'.h's Cnsiii Halm is the only Catarih
remedy nf many I have tried which has act
ed as acure. I liavu been troubled lor over
fifteen years; my bead has been most nf tbe
time stopped and vnrymuch Inlluneil. It has
opened my nostrils r.rnl reduced the inflam
mation. .My eye are Improving, o that 1
can stand strong llcht, wtiicti I neve not
been able to do for vcar. Nathaniel I'rglry,
with V. V. Montz, meichnnt, W ilkcbarre,
My son, aged nine vciirs, was 11 III lot eel
with Catarrh; the use of Dlv's Cream Halm
efl'eeted a complete cure. W. K. Ilammnn,
Druggist, hastnn, I'a.
Ely's Crcnni lliltn rflls better than any
other preparation for Catarrh, and gives
better snti!uction. is. Armstrong, urttg-
gist, Wilkebaric, l a.
iied imn-sK roWDEIt nuts more linrsrs. mules
and sheep than any other medicine, sine eeeiy
tune. ocivt. a'l-i j cow
Female weaknes, cau-ed by ebrirged kid
ney, permanently and 1 ositivelv euinibv the
ute of Prof liuilinelle's l nnih KnlreyPad.
All iliuggi-t sell tin in.
Itr.NltY'd CARHOI.10 SM.VK,
Tho Hi st Siller In the world for cut. Uruhes.
Sore. I'leei s. rsjlt Ithetun Tetur. Chnnniil Hands.
l minimus, corns nun nil Kinoscc ismii rriiiiuia
rie-eklcsaml Pimples. 'I he sslve 1 guaranteed to
trie e rerfert satisfaction In eeery ras,. or n.nm.j rr-
rundnl. lie sure to erit Hriiri's Citil'ollc .-alu-, as
nil others are hut Imitations, nleenarei.ts. For
sale by all Utugglsls. oct .', 'Mi-ijeow
tr seems strantro ttnit linv ono will surfrr from the
many eleiatigetnerits brrnudit on liv alt Impure- con
dition of Hie liioiul. whin M'llVI' lll.llilD and
i.ivm: sYliri' i:i restore i'rnct iir.utn tome
tilie steal ortraiilallon it Is in le,cl a slrenerihrniin:
spiup, pleasant 10 takr.jind has rioeen Itself to be
cue LCi-l 1 101111 liiiruur cm r insi-ow-reti tneei-
u illy ciirtnir s.crC'Iul.1, syphilitic diseases, Weakness
ot ine luutiejs, an .eivtitis tnsoriii-is nun i'euoii.,
It corrects liitlljjt-sllrn. It makes the old lei 1 sotinn',
anil llir eouiiL' rt el irav : and will I'liirlabH illlu
out or cue system 1110 many 111s inai unman 111 mi is
lulrto. A sIiiijIi- botUewllliroeo to j.-u It mer
its ns a health rcnewer. fnr It nets Hko a
cli.irm. rsnerlnl'v when the roliiiilalnl tsoriinr
It.llisiiee nuiilii' liaeiuie ee'iiueno 10 ii-s-i-u inu
Laturai 11ror 1 1 me oram auu ceieous hyMcni
oci rc.-scu j row
Demott Kvi5. At the residonce of the
bride's falher in Millville on the 7th in-t , by
the Itev. II. C. Munro, Mr. Hi'ain J. Dcuiott
and Miss I.ois M Kvea.
Pauiceii IloTK. At the tame time and
place, by I ten ennie, Mr. Theodore Parker
to Mis Nareiia Itote, all of Millville, Pa
Fakn.sWORTU llr.NYo.N On the evening of
the 7th inst., bv the same. Mr. Hartley I'arus
wortli and Mi Alice Itunjon.
IlitnnsT (iiKTOS On the lib lilt , at tie
M K. ParsjriMg.. in lhukhoru, by Itev li. '
Sevitlue, Mr. Jacob li. 1'rohst to Mi-s Alice 1!
Girton, both o f llloom-bur.
Ki'aj-.u- Kixt. At tbe M. I'.. P.trsoiceg ii
lliickhorn on the oOth id'., by the same Mr.
Uiehard Kester to Mifs Clara l. Kit.dt, both
of Morelansville, Colombia county, Pa.
Maivth.i nt Ki'c ki.k. On the 14th ini.
at Ibe Heformed par-onage in Orangeeilie-, Mr,
Isaiah' M MausleHcr to Miss Klla M. IttieU
both of Jersey town.
Thomas ItictiAr.iis. On the 2i el int., at
tbe M. hi. parsonage in Jerseytown, by ley.
T. II. Tubh, Mr. John Tliomasto Min Sn
Hichards, all tif Columlda county.
Tuhim MlLLEii. On the Mt inst., al the
Hitue place and by the same, Mr. Clinton
Tubbs, of llenton, Columbia county, to Miss
Tresay M, Miller, of ltohr-burg, Columbia
.Mll.Ltu hTo.veiE On the Hth int., nl
llloomsburg, by I'ev. J. P. Tuslin, Mr. Oil
Yin I. Miller, of Uerwiik, I'a., to MUs Emma
Slonge, of llloomsburg, Pa.
int., by ihessme, Mr. John II. Schweppenhi
ser, of Iierwick, I'a , to Mis Sadie I.. lCrw i
of Mainville, Pa,
II.I.IAMS MYKas On the lMi inl., r,t
the result ncr of J. C. Myers, lii., by llev, .1
fluldin, Mr. Paniel Williams to Mi.s llosctta
C Myers, both of ltoarincretk township, Co
lutnhta county.
llKl.lifciiiUMiT Ivv.exs-On Ibe evening of
the 21st inst., nt the residence i f I) eni.l Sl
ncr in llloomburg, by Itev. O II, Strunck
David J. Heldehrandt, of Orangeville lo Miss
hlla M. l-.vans, of Kobe-long.
hock SIIOKMAKKU On October IOib at
the M. II. pnrsanage in llmk Horn by ltey
0. , havulsie, Mr. Charles 11. Hock lo Mrs,
l.avina Shoemaker, bulb ufllloomburg,
S.NYIimt 1-MCK-On October Utli at Ibe
ssmo pi no and by the same, Mr. Jeremiah
Sn)der to M!-si:ila Flick, luili of Danville,
Montour county,
Lui'KA Ki.ixt On the l i b ofOctoler by
James It. lUrman, J. P.,al tbe house ofMarilu
KI ne in Orange tnwn-hlji, Mr. John N. I.our.
to Heiuittta K Kline, botli of Mt, Pleaianl
HiTEXiuiu Hf.STiMniiN On the 15th
of October, by the same, Mr. Charles I),
Whitenight nf Ml. Pleasant to MbsSaral.
Huntington of Hemlock tcwn.hip.
I.istox PiiKXTiisa At F.'py on tlio 19, It
i.f September, ISfcO, by the Key, 11. C, Cheslon
Mr. -harles C. Lit. ton, of iluflalo, Perry conn
ly, Pa,, and Miss Sadie A. Prentis of lllooraa
Jacouy Itnui.E-On Sunday, October 31si
1830, at Ibo residence of II. P. Folk, in Slab
town, by Iiov. J. V. Ilodlue, Dr. l.'dward M
Jaco,by, of Derwick and Miss I.izzio Heigle. of
XT... ..... . . . ,
ixm'i.i.w AiiMsiitoMi ai uie parson
age In Centre em Ocleber 21sl, by Hev.
Spear, Mr, A. M. Nephew to Miss I.aura
Armstrong, both of West Hemlock.
Cole IIkssAi the pirsonage In lieu
ton on October '-Mid, by II. Fortner,
Mr. J. lliyd Cole t Mi.s Nancy lle-s, all of
New" Philadelphia.
Hty In Kspy on the 14ttt inst, Mrs. Sar
ah C. Hess, only daughter of Henry Anglo ai
consort ot Heed D. Ilea, ageel 23 Jturs,
months and C days.
Headache, I )j stiep.l.i, llido o-n 's, nnd
(! 'hsiipatb 11 etiri el e' mice be Dr Mrttaur't
ltmttacht nnil fri f Pi Ice &"
lent. ni" I ft I in
The molielri s i t luxiiAn ln it , c.i
line xcvlh el lor el ..'.tirr, pvrty, mil r Ni
hility. Thrlr Sohllititie SeidllU lWdon,
are a pleasant iw I.rmnnade. Their Soft
Ciepsiilos are world fainnns. See Adit.
July "0, 'SO Cm
Agent' and Canvassers make from f"" to
$30 per week selling good for K. G. Hide
out .t Co., 10 liarclay strcet.New York, f-eml
for their catalogue and term, sep. 10, 'SO. ly
W'Ai.vri t.!?Ai-II cm Itus-niiieii' is rntlrrlN illlTrr
nl finin nil others It lensi'l-ar sh w-iiier.iiiid as
Us liaiiie liidtiatrs, ts ujisr e-i r Veerrtal)lr Hair lie
storer and eloe-a nut In nur in inner nirert Hie he-ulin
wliten Miiphur, Migsr of 1..-H.I mid Ml rate or s-H.-r
in pa rat tons ilono. It will In nn'illairie Ine
he lirtiil r-nlii all DaiiitriUT hetore tlrae Hair to its
natural color, rroil i -i ii tieu crow-th w In ru It.
Ins falli'N otr. Ilwllleliinge light or fattest lulr In
rew d is In a heauttriil glosny lrown. Ever) ooi
e Is warranted. Ask lour eirutrkMst for it. For
Hunt Movkh linos., niiioiiiMtnirg. Fa., Kill e
Co.. I' iin.l Hull A- lloekrll. New tk.
Wholesale Agtli's. es-t 2!, Ml-lf
Business iXoticcs
vi-rv fine fssnrtinriil of Ladies' Coats.
aH nicely made and trimmed in t-ilk, Satin
ml velvet ul thelntist style and tchioii
for sale by Silas Young, I, iglit Street, jul
got in from tberjtv manufacturers in prices
from $i 00, il 30, &T, f.O, $15 30, !7 CO.
H 30, i'J fill, ilO 00, $12 30, $13 30, lfi 50
to JIS OU. oct. Mini
All i arties interested In buying irnnd.
cheap and FASlllONAlS,: (M.Ol'IIING
m d tiiul Itto their interest to call at t be
old reliable Clothing Store of
David liwcnlerg s.
Fur Dros (J mils and Silks, Satin or Vel
vet to match go tu-I.titz e: Sloan's,
The verv highest market price paid for
nice elried Pitied Clierries, Diird Raspber
ries and Dried lllackherries. Itring litem
Irom the north, smith, cast mid west by the
pound. ack, bag, one anil two l.or-e load to
ila lining, Light blrret. oct. l-2m
Appleton A. Muslin S cents a Mini by the
bolt at I.ulz eiSluaii'.
H.irrka ! Ltireka 1 ! Kureka ! ! !
The place to buy a good cheap Winter
Coat or suit of Clothe i at
David Loweiiberg s.
Hoot and Shoes cheap at McKi.incy';.
Jitst.rtceiusl all the latest and mo.t Nob
by btjlcs of Hats tor men and boys at
uaviu liiiwenoi rg s.
Morp Felt Skirls nnd Shawls this week at
.utz ,t Sloan's.
Harriet A. New kirk, of Salem, saw 1 was
rtirisl of tette r in niv hand by tbn e iipplici
lions d Cainpbiir Milk. .My bii-band was
lire-it id old running voics ley u-ing v, i
urid m "Hi id n siirnimd ankb. I'ri i' 2")
cents rsniil liy V. A , Klcini, llnie liistmrg.
april 10, 'S0,ly
Prettv Suits lor children, Ulsters for little
liojs, new, nice, and neat, call and see tin
fall te les at
IJ.tvii! l.owrnneig -.
hutz & Sloan want to sell 2tlll 1idies'
C"iits nnd Dolman- this fail nnd they an
iflering them ve ry tun up.
Itubbt-rs at McKinnej's.
Highest Ciisli Price i-icil for 1,000(1, oil
Fat, LiveVKAh CAI.VI-iS ihi- F.ill anil
Winter. en ran brimr tlin.i neht along
now em MiiioIh, 'I'ueMlii .mil cdiii-dny e I'
e'srli anil i-vrrv e.ei k llii I a'l anil Winter
lliing in Mitir gOisl lat calves now anil gel
ill r cash tor I hem llnog tl.em Irom ihe
north, south en-t ntitl c-'. he t the in come
riirlit iiloinr now to i-ilas Yoiirig, Light
Street. oct. l -em
AiUiiission free at McKinney's.
lleautiful Ulier,
I-.isliionable Overcoats,
Nobbv Fall Suits,
Lowes', prices at
David 1,'iwenberg
IloiitlieadiUarters al McKiiiurj's.
-1.0(10 iioumls tii"e dried ruiibtiries, 1,000
I'iiiiiuIs nice- eh ii'dpitii'd clierries wiintid this
lull by lining, Light ctrerljiiy y-uni
Call at MuKiiiiiey'it for Slioes.
linn. CJenrire N. 1,'orsnn, Nnrri-tnwn, savi-;
Ihe Pbcrnix I'ectonil Is indisprtipable in my
family. It acts like a charm in curing
roughs and cedds w ith (he e bilditn.anil I
alwavs il when adelir int.' a jury. Price
rj c.'iii.s. O. A. Klriiu, leloom-liiirg. aprlli-ly
GET almost
Do you know how to get
in the easiest way and to best
advantage what yon want for
dress and house-furnishing?
First, how: .Write for a
catalogue ; sec what you can
learn from it about the things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, a .k for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
.samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods arc kept in the
greatest variety; where they
are sold for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices are lowest;
where most care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably ; and where you have
the right to return whatever
id not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you arc if you make your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best tilings in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes by mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost for car
riage than tho money you
save in the price.
John Wanamakcr,
Philadelphia, Pa.
cl,c!iiut, TlilrUcnlli, Metrlect mij Junior.
Iv ourt,iUi's l.j m iiitiir mone-r
J vliennirnlii n iiuu.-o h 0f.
ferfe. tiicrihy alHajakcerninu
. iwvciij Irom your door, 'll.o o
v,.w -.i,. t..u ..uiuuittt. Ul 111) KHOll-UUIlOC'!. t.s
in k.liis uioncy lhl aro unrcel, Ki-titrttlly Uocutt
vtiaiiuy. muie mono ho rto nol luipro,i miou
..,.,u ,u, nam uisuy women,
Uiybuiitlifrlsttjiiorlclorusi rlsUlln ihiir own 1-
Cafllle'S. Tile bUlneHA Hill luev i,ir.t el.ttn I... . T..V
or'llnetry wairen. Wo an ( tie ...i
all Uiat you ue-wl. frew. No ono who e-ottiiroii una to
.. V "i'iteir eou van uuvjui jour
w time lo Uio woru or only our iiani momftits.
Veil! ictoimatloii and mi ii,4t u ele-U M'iit ti"il
.HWMM..,.dun i vi ie.ieu,. AinillCN Cioe. 1611-1 J-
I'lnc Itnuiellcsi, WlilslUe s, filns. Ititins, mill tilt Ullielee of Vlticx :-
sttentlj (111 lllttlll,
UH'OlU'i;!) A1.I S AM) l'OKTHIIS IN ltOTTI.KS 1SY Till': DDZIiN.
I.niiiilemU tin1 fotmty will find it to their tulvaiilngc to
cull tintl cxitniiiic my ste.t-k Ih-Ioii' jtti elm-itij iWwhm
Ivlaia Street, 2nd Door balow Iron.
hS n
V.II-riV k...lll,niifliiKhlnCII i n. mUll ell-
SK) .-"-
A&'S' nlno 3-cont i njtouo Stamp-, i r,i-juii Vwi
-frffJ colx rno.'itiSTcir , JM,
Plumber, Gno Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Or.i'iii Hoiisi', 5th dour
UDl'l'OIt'.S MU'Rl-
L, iv.......ivi,.i , c-,,iiimliti roiintv. is.
MS inuri'" ZrwwZuT ni... i. I.
!!!'rrui"or eiotlert. i.iu.ilirr, .l,-crUs.,i.
lll'iiiri. Itolie-ll llufklntlnilii Is npiU.UU AWIUur I
en rxce'iittons to itfcuutii.
l.V THE fe 1 HI.
rrtltli ii trurn Uie iccorel, tl.H twriuli-lliel.ij e t .srs
unilK.r, I.
VM Kltii'KHAl M
Link n. I'.
el. M. uriri;.
,., el... i.l iii itrtHilnllnrr.t. Hu' itti-
eVrsllinill will lllllt UK- 1'KI Ms ts ll.t. It -1 1 el ! o.-
ni'O n iiiuciusuiiiK c ii tiiuiuj -Mv "i,v,.. -. . . . .1
Inl.iT, A. 1)., Ismi, Iclllteli till- Lours U lit u ill. lecil
I p. in,
H. Ilt'CltlMIIIAM,'
eici. l.'SO-iw
t.TATKCKJMKS llAllltV, lll.t'l' liKti.
-1 ,o uiulirsUtii-a ullli tliroon;
si-nt et i.ertlrs In lute-rust, "t mo imi ii.-i
court nf ejuliunt l.i reiuniy to iNiilrdlstrinutlcin cr
Hu.' oi tin- niuus in ino ii.H in-"", s-'"""
hilus. .uiiiilnlstieitiir, ns i'i- urctiunt lilc-u, to i rut
nlili.illt tlie- punle'l entitle el tlUTCtO, will imri un-
urlli-8 intt-irsiru ni ins iiiimi m ,.i--... . - .. sou lulu r mil l-si.nt le n orlts k in !
l.iie iiiKin nt Mtltl ilny to rriromi tin- iliu I'sornis
i,pi.,li,tlii- m i In ti in il where nil icr-ons li.te re t.'
t ii .ire ii 'i'imteil to jiih lit llielrelilnis to sutil
or is- t never Ui'iiiirreil Hum cummer m lor.i sn no
ul is.el'l Iui.el. .... , ,
oct. Mi 4w '' ' 'Auil'uor.
t;i)iToii'.s M)iici:.
is i ii i: MiTTkii or Tums-uiNhU kstitk hkhiliiah
iiici .
Hie iinelt-rsl"iie-el iilnllteir
nrrotnieel tn Uie conit
r t i , ,,Mttnn I'll e.f I o il
iilinnlihl eiilinl,e.n txiep.
iil.S 10 till' 111'fi'UIlI.I'r 11 . II aetji I . t'aniKi'"- "'
Willi mi Iiililli. ii HI sit lit Ills mice in IUiioni-.i;tin; ell
Mtlllll.ll. .SUMUIUIT Hill. IsSII, III 1110 CIlltllK III
Hie nr'i'ri.oiin cr sniu ii.ii inr-ue- ru i-'-i- " "is .n
nulliliui-lii, ul iililult lime oliil iliicoitll lelsuns lu
leiiblnl htjy nttend It ll.e j lliinl: prys r
i.. ii. n t-.t.f it.
oct. si, '.-ii-nv AUilltor.
I.MAIIll'l I. It' ... i. r.ifc
1 1 item ti stiiiui niary on tit" i-i-tuti. ct leurtoiili
siiuin in, lite it M.lei tnvnli!p, Uuliimtli i its
illieet!.tU, lllllo Lien t-nitltiel tij Hie HeKlStcr ot Mid
iMiinty to the uirtti-ltiLul cxeruie.ri.. All jvr
suits li.tilr.t- rutins iit-auitt tho mtute are r, iiuentesl
to pi est nl i lie in tor Milium let nnet Uioe-ei tituctiiul
eo ma..e ,u,u-ut nt ... -,,., ...
j. K. i.oeii:Mihi:i!KU,
c.,'-2, 'i-elll" V.iililllle, Pi.
A UDlTOlt'S NOric-K.
(tui.L'.MIII. C11UN1 y, .SS.
liion-r llie lerurdt nnd nrorredtnirs of the C'oiltt
of common I'll ns In anil lor t.ilit euuuty, It is Inter
In tltf in. mt r of the ox'i i'tlons loiLo nccoiiitt or
.1. M. Mnllli. Assignee it l..loltn lit d N. P. .Mm.
on iiioilon of 11. K. Z.irr, ej i,. luikle) uppiiiuuil
Auuitur on leuld oxciptli'its.
Itv Tin: Couier.
In pursu.inre of the nttoio appoint incut tlin un
ilrli;lit el mil merl the p.irtlos U.l"lei-ti il ul i f
lire In liliNMii-liuruou .-.iteirilay, ."oit mliei' ia iwi,
ul ' o'clut k a. in.
c. ei.IlAIIUI.P.V,
oct. 13, 'sei.-iiv Au.iltor.
uiiTons oncK.
i'.st ii k op MtiAii KA(;K iikckaskh.
Tho niitl.'r-Tietl ninlltcr itpivjlntt'tl wtihtlio en-
si-tii if unties In llili'tt ht. In the OH hallS' Cull! t
or colmni-l.i I'oiiiity lf uniki' ill-tribuiloii or tin- ImI-
iit i l i,r Hu1 lui.iU tn Itif luiitts vt the uilmlhWnit")
f Hi r-l iitf ( T I Hlali Ymii;h, iltvcavnt, us hiimwi
tiv ihtir tlrt inn) mrnm.t. tit itinl iiinoi,LT
Ihe p .1 tkh fiilltinl Uitti'iD, will stt .it Ills Ulli-f in
lite it mm t'l UlCMimsttir' on MMmUy November
l.d h li o, at lo oVlukln Hit lun iiuuii In piirui.a
i lie uuii'-s ei .tu;iumi'ui. .mi jier ousihimiil
fl.i'llis llLMlll-! ClUl I'Vt.lll' Will ..tix'111' lll.U ITCM'Qt
tlnmut 'iim,nr lnjioruMi- UtUiin-il iputu re-
tMviuu any or sa.m muu,
CCt. AUdilur.
S!.uo or roiinbjlvaiil.i,('olumlila county, s.
AtnniiL' the nntitla uliI iirocet iIIiilth tt the ni
nliai.s't uiu tin and Tor Haiti couLt ll U tnUr till a
lutiH- iii.uu! ot cccp11oii to the r.rcnuht of
is. 'iiiv, iMitnoroi .. ij nans, ucctastu.
A inl iiovvTj)UiiiU.r )ailt, ivu on inot'oa 1,1 Mt
oy J smtili, hhtf the court appolut liuuel!
I'.ueKtr-luia Auilttoi on except Iols.
Cirtliu-d irna tlio record this tMChtj-nlulh d.ij
(1. M. (JlU'K. VM. KltlCKIlAfM,
l"l Ul) . t H'lh i J.
Ill pmsuain-e of the al'0c anp-clrtnit'iit llu-rn-d-M-Mrit
rt lll iiioct tie turtles lhUTet-teilat htSo,
lU-e lu ItUxin-eUtirj; on I iit-tdav ihe iilmii d.i ol
NoumUr, A. 1). lssu, Utfen the houis or y a in.
and i p. in.
it. uukin;iiav,
OCt. S, MW AUd tar.
' HP V.M.LAne.r.
rursuunttoanorderot tho Orphans' ' mrt of Co
lumbia ei unty, l oinslaiita, wlltbo sold at pubite
sale on the preinl-sts lu ihe township ot Centre In
said county on
Friday, November 12th, JScSO,
nt i o i in k p. m , the toiioii inir Ui'M.rii-a hum, r-.
TA'I l:, l.lle' of Ai'eliew l.lluflc.s de'e-e'llst-il, t .1-11 tt:
Un uiuliiitl'd oi.i'-lutir ol all thai icrtula Le.t or
l.lino Lliii-'htoiH' nr
kltiui lu h-elii outre lonnslilii, I'l.Iuuit'li e'uunti,
I'a , liiiUQtlt-il unci dt- ri Un d us loiloii litKliiitl' t;
nt a Mom- on tho north eldf of tho Luc-kan anitii .uni
Illjoiiu-ltuii: lullroad, thc-nceliy luhd lute- e f I'liillj,
Mille r ninth tin ntj-e Ighl tend thl'ti'-fulirlh. eli -
grce-s uei-t tiitr,tj-tlirtt-itrl.c-sto u htohc, ihe-in e
tty the' sumo i-ouiii ec ie-nt-tour t11.1l thrt-e-fourilis
di'frres ne'St llio rerolios to a biune-, ilipt.i',. 1,1
otUt" Mint Holt" lot holltll tnolit.iUlit tu nl ll.n-1-rourtliRili-itivoHtu
1 lucnty-tlii'-'o jK-reltca ti sti,
I.iukaii'aiiini nn1 1'.IoomftCiurff rtellroud, tlii-nt 0 r'ui
tbo wiino north w en1J-fuiir and one Murih Ue
tres eust me is'lctii-H to the plaoo cf U'tluul.',-.
115 MJUA11K lT.llClIKsf,
bo tilt1 fame' innro or li'nn.
Kxctntlnir utid n-fcrMns unto tho lirlrsit I'hlllit
Miller emu aihik'i.sall iho t lulls r tlio) nu iii.t.i
for lone tug iilihlntiio juals In 111 tlio llliilsj
Noembi-r, A. !., 11.711, iiImj ten reltitflho uo and i-c-cuiulloli
ot llin I'Oith tint of Kaltllocua lliobliuii
caa tj larmt'el uniil t-uth lime ortlmtti that tin.
kateeo xli ill uo uiiiiti ti It r iiuuirilitK titivctw-b, Suld
101 li ope'UCHi up as a lluicaiono iiutetrj,
Also, all lhat leilulii 1 Ino or lot c-f iiroiiinl hint.
ntolnsatd entire town-hip, e'oliinihl.icsiuiily, I'a..
noundt'd and dc-trrlMdetii follon i.. to-n ll; iinin,
norm Ly publlo road h'sdlti; Ire iii,lilooiuhuri to
Item let, on llio cut Ly luiul. iJ ine belt el Klitta
Tltoittas, Uiii'ttftd, on Iho soi.Ui Lylanelof niiuan
Hai-le and on Unmeet l y hi-lnsii Iioiik' lot, romalu-
Intf nlncty-olilit rinUi. ThlteU a ei'iy elc-iiablc
bulldlhk- lot.
Tho above lota Mil) L ild 011 lhcfollin.ini; tunm
and condltlonb:
Txmiiiii'SiLi!. Ten iHrtcnttionu-foeulli cf the
purchase money lu be paid ut the .11 Iktiu; elonii of
the proiicrty, the one u uitlt k.atheteu ivrutitiit
lie coi.tltitiatloa ulnalo and Ihe remialnlnu lUree
fourllinln ono ear ibirou.n.r with IMirem irom
exinllriuatlou iilbi, .
11 I'UANK i! Villi,
WM.T. Mill MAN',
AUmliil.iraloiaif ALdriwlilngie.
cu Si, VttKU
AOKNT WANTBI) for our popular New Hook
Th IndustriilUllUrv cf tha Ur.itti Slit...
;es Acruuiiutv, Manniaciurea, liaiUns;
insunui-u tie. Ac-nes eaaku ft' 10 i siperwotk
J per i
to ii'i iu rn t u.iiua m ueury uiu rm iL-nir,crc
horlcJj, Ot,
' v.'-'--iJjjJjrTTlI3
. ..-; . --. ,,0f
nprlim "-ty
t t Ni nn
lit the
matter ot tilt" Osteite ot Ultntlit MlUlt 7., elr.
,;. nr un iriBUiiev, Auejiifj potritrt. by u,e or-
,il,t,,u,it,..,i ,,r ihc- in fli., 'j;''i,;1I:
litl. eitli'
in. heieliy Kin s tiollro thai lie Mill hit.
in il.o .it tli.iiK" ir tli- unties or his ui'poihtiiiiht;
al Ills ''i' ii lltuiUllsbui ltH,n 'lue.l.i', lliei H'tll
ii.ii nr x 1,1 ,.iii,..j., , ii., nt ten o'rliHk in il m
Lit. -ii sj. i ol wiiil tiny at time and place nil tir
Kims lute ri'Meil in suet ttinil uie lupilruel lo eetieitil
en be loi ei t r Irani uns fcliuTu vi hu tame.
i.tri i- leu, i .
l'M i. i:. wnti.
Oct. t.l, VIMW
The un (IfMgMd Aiml'or npprlhUtl 1y the Or
plmiv t nut t ol t'clmni'U cninti, lo iwn-i dNtriou
t on or ih; rmjH in ihe luiidsor fobrad Krumer, jUii lu tho nald eslalc, will hit ut Llaonico
lu itlooiiH'-uiK on .-.auitla), NoemtH r stuli, lwi, nt,
ten ti'ci'Kk In urn tuieiioon to ptrioiin the duties of
Ids nppuiMiM'iit. All 1" roiis Un ln-j elatiiis ajjntnst
sild is'ute will apiear ai'd vrcH-nt tlifmatthat
lltue ui bo forfer debuirod lioni rttel Inn any ut
h.iM luiul.
W. il. AltnTT,
cct. ift "st-iw Auditor,
1 XllClTims' S.U.K
HI' V l.l till K
lly Mttue of power In Pi wl'l. the surIlncxec
utorstr (hui't-Hll. iKtfl-l. r, dioeas-'d, WV sell at
l'uM.c s.ik' at tin cot Ii r n dK tu bloomsuurff.on
at one u-clock In Uto arterncM-n, a T1IAC T UP TI.M
UCU I.ASP, contalnlny
Four Hundred Acres,
more or lem, descrlliud and bouuded us
wlt: Ljlnptn MiKarloit towti'hlp, county,
and bounded on I lie i.s l lands ol the heirs nf
Janvrt I'url.aleu, on IV - iinh by lands cf thy lMrs
of Willtain stietH, on tin by luti.1. cf J.l
i lupin and Jam-'! Kobi-its, nud on the iorU by
lands of llcss and Ciewllnfr.
TEliMS -In older to clu!o up tli" estate, tho
leiius wl.lli; one hundred dollar- cuMi on Mrlkliiff
dnwntiw propel ly, and tUuri'inaludfrln ten days
whenadfed sl'l be dellvcrtd and jK))-eiSslon glTtn
i:msiia ii. ir,c,
sunlvln Kecutors.
oct 15, y-t-s.
U. IIakhis
jsotick to iu;ins.
To .Tt- ."M.liacl. M ir, IntiMnarrled with Wil
liam l', .lohti MlclMtl. IjdKi Miclu'l. Iiilfriiur
rhd ultli limn M'in'r.llaItuon( i'a., l'hoene.lntrr
iiiairhd wtlh 1 rlth .MeAf e. hamwci MlclmH, Wa-lt-lii!,.'twn
Mli h id utid flt'M n t'runui'htlaif n ol said de-
easi'd, tit-Mi nrah ohe, Kaslon. 1M., llebeccn
Hi ok, Interiu.tiTleti ul h (.haiifn'on, Wll-U.tni-poit,
l-a. I.llab Hi Ut i k William Heck. last
ltlm: ui I'ldl olrlpijt i, pa .smntiel n; d-r, irdlin
'ad lti in' of frank IVck ; .Joseph lu ck, Ualty UecK,
tnienttt rhd with Mich ltd, all idn; clillaren
of Ul.Utli Ml. luu Jiovv de e;iM-d Inlet tnarrkd
with !M'inu 1 itvK. Hidtt'cca ZliiitneriitJU. llt-nry
.tniiiiprfii in, ItliKtuw tt. M-tiiUiu coiaii , I'a.,
Km h Xlmm'Tnun, ftiift'ifiii, uu nnarnd with
1 -MM. Iu-, uH bflli'B'Clltl(MV'H f Nira- rn-d with ihrlsiian .lmmmnan, U.ih do
cea-i d. The sail it.-hi i v i Zlmnu'i man. Henr Zlm
menn in anrl I'.uoch Zlmuu-ntian arc inlinrs. italtjtf
Ludwlrf inui Mtnan, Ittutuwii, Si-Hu iklll c.juntj ,
I a , rr then -lutdlali.
Vnti art heiei.v iH-'irh-d 1h it In nivunl i with H
writ li-u. d iui nt ihe tu ph'tii-.' court of vlurubU
eimr, atnl u. nit dtr-st- d. I will held an lnti'iest on
ceri ith land-. -Uii.ii u MiHIln low twdp, f-ai I eoun
l, tl-'v ni't d lu wiit, to pa-iltlonof tho
sod 1 1. inlsH to ati I umo'i'.' lite partlehltittrestt-d,
ir p.itiniein eao i-cmaem wituoui ptcjMdtto tu
or!pi!linK the w hoi", nnd If such partition cannot
bo made, then lo vulut! and appraise tho same.
s.ttd ltn tt v'il Lk hi M on tho pu iulvs In Miff
lin tOhVllMllp i.n
at Un oVIut k, u. in.
MieilHsolllee, (Atober !:(lh.
ii. kn r,
Or. Centre' and lull Un..d '.tee., near L. 4 U. Depot.
L5'.vc3: Pries: will n:t b: undersold.
Manufacturer of JUNE I'Alt IIKKLS, coal l'.reak
er and llrtdju C'euttink's. Water l'Ipes, htoies, Ttu
11 are, I'M.-, mux FKSCE, und all klnilsot Iron aud
UrassC clink's,
Tho ir'tlnal Montrose, Iron lieam, rl-ht hand,
ii'tt lianu, and side lull I'Iohr, tliube'iit In the mark
et, unci all kinds ot i low repairs.
t ool; Mines, IintniMoviH, utitl Moves for heating
stores, 'eliool hnuKen, cliuivhi's, ic. Also tho lare
ekt Mori; of ropalre for illy stoics. Mholesalo and
retail, such us lire Uiirk.lirattit, ( tot I'leces, Udj
Sc. fie., mow ripe, cock Hellers, s-uiuts, Cake
I'latrs, iurK'e lion lie tiles, co gallons lo I barrels)
rami lli'ils M'd soles, Wuiron lloies,
"Allontowu Bone Manure"
I'lJiMim. s i ,r, Ac., ao.
)an t),
1 iy
Drtuchy &. Oo'a, Advt's.
mi( i VC'4-'"isi'i:eds,i).Ni,Y7o5
V 1 , .N , I'livtts. i s5 up. I'apcr Flew
tl in- le.iitli 1 K II till, uvltlniflon, N. J.
is I s,t 4iv ' ,1
a i;ukt
.-i, elruteriH III)
i;s shomi
M ills IVANTKl).
,. ll ,1 I W AThl K &
1 cl tt. VJ-4W
'PHKrti; tsuo flu 1 r I
t ti 1 rt dm e r al el I Ife mil-
1 iuiiiihk 11 u.e 11 it
Ill Ihe vo lei ett t.ulitrtr m.iei.
. mi- 'nun .uni 1 in e 1 uiu, ri c ) fi re ci ireni 1 tiler
iiniited Halt, lloiHaiid ijulnli e 'Ihey feed U.e
bum und 1 in in mi, .until tho blood, solldlly ll.o
Limes'i n 11. n men - cutlet Ihe nereis, cheer
tilt- luma, i-er tt 1 u k'estlon, regulate the stciuacli
mil In. in is, ei..n-. iheiur nud klfine it. emil -1.
11 with M.w;.ie-ri Hunt n ilieltodv. licv
nari nl luillullt lis sin Until L.iueU. lick for llie,
Ml'NN hitiNMi h MhtiU arts, rs nlalniv
U till' Is tit 1
l iier initio told tiniiiliue.
MAI ' I'M 'I hi.''
l'tlillA , HliMej.N,lAi,
oct n, "ot) 4-w
until id iillinillii .1)1,-. M. u0 rr,,,
MASON 1 ,'VNS: VMi.,, ''A'"'''! oi':
... . ..i.,,i., ,,iui.ciaoi
Hi in si Msiini-tiiu ut Fv- iy i.reat
Vleerlei'ei lUliltiilliiti tur ehlrie-eii
e tei.. .et s, fit. JOT fe4 H, 111.,
tov 0 ami uiru, lor rui .
eiienls, ta.js a iiuntir aid uim aril
lal ' . B .MAs.iNiltA.MLIK
' ) ivo
(iKUtV.s eei, 1(4 icin mlt liostoii.
e Un "-n l-ciuare N. 11a w.iid.ii
ifn... inn it
aViiuo. chicnao. ti imtj-cw