4 I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC RAT, B LOOj LSB U 1 G , COLUMBIA COlNTl, iA. Iff litkiiiBian. 0. S. EL772LL, Editor. J. K, BITTENB2ND2B, Faultier. BLOOMSIJUKQ, PA. Fi-iil ny, Nov. 5, 1880. TIIH KliKCihiS'. Al liii lime, (Weil lay sltinionii) It Links Very ninth ns iIiiiiikIi I lie 1 )f iniicrnry liuvu millered iv In iiienilniH defeat. I'ln Uepulilicaiu are claiming New York, Con necticut, Iiii1Iiis,MiiIii,1 California mill otli er utiites. While it U ton cntly yet to make an accurate statement iT the remit, there cm he but little doubt that they have car rii-J Nmv York State, ami if this he true, there li very strong pruhahilitlfs that Oar li 'hi is elfcted. I'etn slvania ha jriveii lilm about about 20,000 nmjority. Hie rc mlt was scarcely expected by the re ubli can, though for a lew days pail it has hejn indicated by many signs. Whl'o our defeat in Indiana was no worse than the republican defeat in Maine in Sep' tember, they had llio advantao of in in havinc tne last victory. The Indiana dm aster was mainly due to the unpopularity of Ladders and EtiglUh. and : greatly av slated b the coercion of the workingmeii III the othe Jstnt a we had to contend with this defeat and the grrat blunder made at the Cincinnati Convention in adopting th "tariff for roveuue only" plank. While w are warmly in lavor of protection, and tie lievo that llii-i plank when properly undir stood doei not mean freo trade, it w.w s worded a to allow of mUreprestntalioii b; the republicans. Th'y a' onre saw the! alvantage and seized it. Following thi came the "business scare" which stiried u men of money all over the country, and they set to work wilh their purses am! iu lluence to beat in. In many instances th must unscrupuloU9?uieans were resorted t to compel laboring mi n to vote the repub llcan ticket. They were told that the mill and furnaces would all stop, and that ihere would be either very low wages or no wages at all, if Hancock was elected, and mtic other similar nonsense tiiat no intellig-n man of any party ever talievfd for a mo ment. With 11)0,000 office holders dislril uted ovir the whole country to manage ihel campaign, from whom the leaders drew m lionsof dollars to pay so called ''expenses ; with tho "tariff fur revenue only" plank with English and I.audirs in Indiana ; wit John Kelly iu New York ; with the refusal of Samuel J. Tildeti to lend a helping hand iu the organization of the campaign; will intimidation.of laborers, and heaps of mon ey used against us in every state, we are d feated. Hut the Democracy never gives up, nor loses hope. They will nrisa from (his tie- feat with greater determination to win the end, and win they will, if the leaders will only acquire wisdom from the lesson taught in the recent campaign. MIXTION KBTUI1NS. About '.1.000,000 votes were cast on Tues day for President, and the returns show tliu a large majority of them were given to th Kepublican electors. Tho electoral votes ol the several states will probably be cast as follows .- fOH OAKPIELP. Co'orado l!ODDeCtlCUt....w Illinois lullana.. Iowa ... ...... Kansas Maine Massachusetts Michigan .Minnesota........ . Nebraska H New Hampshire.... New York- - Ohio Pennsylvania H. Ithode Island ...... Vf rmont .......... .. Wisconsin . Total 2'0 FOR HANCOCK. Alabama Arkansas ruilfornia Delaware Florida fieorgla Kentucky Iiulslana.. Maryland - .Mississippi Missouri Nevada ... New .Itrsev North Carolina. oitgon South Carolina Tenuissee Texas Virginia West Virginia .. . Official Vote of Columbia County, November 2, 1880. Total 1S9 The Democrats retain control of the Na tional legislature, so far as can be ascertain ed up to this time. In this county all of our candidates are elected. The majority is about 2304, a vain over 1870. PlIU.AIiKI.l'IHA, November 3. The offi cial returns and corrected estimates in this state received to day increase Gar field's majority about 1,000 over the esti mate telegraphed this morning. .The Penn sylvania congressional delegation in the Forty-seventh congress will stand as follows: First district, 11. H. Bingham, republican; Second, Charles O'Neil, republican; Third, Samuel J, llaudall, democrat ; Fourth, William D. Kelley, republican ; Fifth, Al fred O. Harmer, republican ; Sixth, Wil liam Ward, republican ; Seventh, William Uodshalk, republican ; Eighth, Daniel Er uientrout, democrat, Ninth, A. Ilerr Smith, republican ; Tenth, William Mutchler, dem ocrat, Eleventh, Hubert Klotz, democrat ; Twelfth, Joseph A. Scranton, republican ; Thirteenth, John W. Kyon, democrat; Fourteenth, Samuel F. Ilarr, republican ; Fifteenth, CI. C. Jadwin, republican ; Six teenth, will require official vote to decide ; Seventeenth, J, M. Campbell, republican; Eighteenth, Horatio O. Fisher, republican ; Niuteenth, F. K Iteltzhoovcr, democrat ; Twentieth, A. O, Curtin, democrat ; Twenty-first, Morgan U. Wise, democrat ; Tweu-ty-secoud.JUussel Errett, republican ; Twenty-third, Thomas SI. Bayne, republican ; Twenty-fourth, W. S, Shallenberger, repub lican ; Twenty-fifth, Harry White, republi can ; Twenty sixth, S. iI,Miller,republican; Twenty-seventh, Lewis F. Watson, republi can, I'mi.Ai)i:u'lllA,Nov. 3. The Timet makes the Pennsylvania legislature stand as follows senate, republicans 29, democrat' l'J, green backers 1, vacaucy 1 ; house,repuhlicans 111) democrats 79, greenbackeu 3 ; republican majority over all on joint ballot -17. J. A Scranton, republican, is elected to congress from the 12th district, Connelly democrat,and lendrick I). Wight, greenback, er. Stanley Woodward is probably elected Judge in Luzerne county, We belelved that Garfield wroto the Chi nese letter when we published it, and we have not yet seen anything to change our views. It is to he hoped, however, now that be has been chosen by the people as President, that if bo did not write It, be will show the fact conclusively. An attempt to bribe the paper that first printed it, to a denial will not do. The bouses at the Cambria Iron Works went around among their men on Monday aod told them to vote as tbey pleased, but if Hancock was elected the works would be stopped ou Wednesday, Was not this bull doiiutc? If this thing bad occurred In the south the republican party would have thrown out the whole vote of the state, aA tick man is considered out of danger jsl.ta the doctor dltcoullows ula villi. lusTiiicrs. Itenver Berwick llenton Blnnm K Bloom W Brlarrreek Catnvvlssa .... (Yiitmlia Centri1 ; CniiynsliauiN t'nnyngham S r ihlii''creeK Franklin Greenwood .. Hemlock Jackson Locust Madison Main .Ml ill in Montour Mt. Pleasant Ornngo Pino l'oarlnecrcek Scott E W Sugarloaf..,.. isjii H fa 2l'.l I IS 221 211 Ml) i lM i til 122 I mi 1 I2S II'.'J 2'.ll f)'.l '203 Ifi'.l 122 272 181 133 200 , 'J'1 I 102 .1 130 ij'SJ 111?! v. 2!l 213 11 19.V 1!U f2 "2.1 117 lift r, filial r.2 n 125 10, 53 111 09 30 12 122 1 n AuJiUruen' H u pre mo Jiultfu 229 29 229 29 190 2SI 8 187 281 8 211 fit 211 r.i f. 29') 202 I X 202 -I 150 173 9 1 19 173 9 157 57 15 157 57 15 230 I'ftli 230 25li 159 91 8 159 91 8 207 50 Id 2(Ui 50 III 1113 28 11 f,:i 11 101 27 31 mil 07 .".1 288 71 5 8S "1 5 lid 53 5(1 53 , 191 157 15 19t 151 100 02 2 159 (12 2 129 13 129 13 289 129 289 129 199 17 1 191! -17 1 131 7 1 13' 207 49 207 49 SO 47 9 79 47 9 105 52 105 52 112 70 II 110 70 41 131 35 0 129 35 (i 82 31 3 80 31 3 9S S3 1(1 99 S(i 11 07' 63 1 07 53 178 12 178 12 2 ?29 191 211 !84 52 275 188 150 174 15(1 511 229 2ill 159 '.HI 205 f,3 I (15 2S 101 21 2SS 71 57 50 192 153 ICO 02 129 292 li'ii 133 209 80 107 Congress IP ? 13 128 4li 8 4(1 47 50 130 81 95 07 175 33 7, 32 SO 53 12 229 29 171 29S 211 49 207 172 139 159 141! 51 225 201 157 90 2(15 53 1 Hi 28 101 20 288 08 5(1 52 203 133 168 69 130 12 287 12S 198 40 132 20S 78 100 109 131 81 95 07 177 Fcoato tw o 3 3 10 29 191 281 209 62 280 190 160 173 105 60 229 203 Kill 911 209 6(1 103 28 101 20 307 47 65 62 U 139 100 68 130 11 2SS 128 199 -Hi 132 8 ,207 13 SO 100 60 115 11 132 -11 81 31 103 3 07 41 74 Assembly n 29 229 afo 182 ISS 2S8 Hi 211 200 61 47 271 259 190 07 131 160 167 100 10'i 1 12 65 71 252 160 258 Ills 105 91 205 172 67 139 101 91 1111 2S7 202 69 30 107 107 151 135 125 71 290 21(i 190 00 167 109 101 8 208 208 S2 111) 99 79 91 1(13 08 95 05 30 20 74 65 115 140! 02 Ofl 60 4 18' 9 144 107 120 103 '.15 01 17(1 147 48 45 60 (1(1 32 33 6S 62 12 iiwrict Airy f - K Surrejir 229 29 229 29 198 270 9 1S8 287 212 60 8 213 60 271 189 14 202 197 143 179 12 161 175 155 60 18 159 63 232 201 231 201 102 88 11 100 90 202 65 II 205 51 103 28 7 103 28 101 20 35 103 20 2S8 70 (i 207 70 60 62 67 62 192 162 21 191 162 158 01 6 168 01 121 13 2 130 12 238 128 2S8 12S 199 40 1 199 40 132 7 1 131 S 207 49 200 47 81 47 9 81 47 105 61 105 61 10.5 00 47 108 (10 132 33 7 132 33 81 32 4 80 32 82 63 69 93 09 01 63 3 05 63 I 170 12 3 170 12 PUBLIC SALE Of VAI.l'AHtK REAL ESTATE ! In pursuanco otan order ot tlio OrplmliV Court of Columbia county, the. unilcrslgncit 1 rustco appoint C't by H.il Court 111 epo to salo on tlio premises as the lato property ot niton I.rnir, l.ito ot the town ot lllooiiubiirg, la satl county, ilccenscil, ou SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 18S0, commencing at ten o'clock a. m., ot said day, tlio rot lo Inu describe'! It 12 A I.. ESTATE. lo-wiii Alumt pleco or pared ot land sltuato In tliu sal. 1 low n o. i;looinsliutjr. In said county, I'a., bounded and described ns tollonsi canal n'rett of sal.t town on the smith, a lit litely oivnod by Mar tha Try on Ihe east, an alloy on th.) north an I Thornton's alley on tlio wost.contaliilnj,' lltly feet In width on Canal street, anil two hundred and lltly reet more or lots In de tli, when on me elected two One and a halfSttry Fraxo Spelling IIcusss, andolher otit-bultdlr.K3. A (rood well cf wateron tho premises, TKHMS OF 8.M.K. Ten per cent otone-fotirlhot the rurchaso money to I nalil nt.lho striking down of the property, the ose-tourlh lefs the ten per cent, nt the conllriuitlon absolute and the remaining three-fouiths In onejenr thereafter with Interest from coniltmstton nisi, lMucliaser to pay U r d.cdf. V. II. KST, litoomsburtr, Nov. 6. lssi-ta 'I rustic. Total 4102 2009 4593 2230 (' Democratic candidates are in smail capital', Kepublican in italics, Greenback in lower case, hibitliin tn ket in the ('mini v. About 30 votes were cast for the Pro- President Oarflelil-llin Man Whom Stlic lie publican Parly Has Put in the Unite House. 7 em the lleruld October SO, 1873, If Mr. lOaine men no to he Speaker and run for llie Pieddeney he must soon decide one qnes ion, What will he do with the Credit Mc hlliir members ot the Hoist? Tike Diwes an 1 Mr. Garfield ,for instarc. Does he mean to give these two ilislionei't lteprtsenutivcs the Chairuianshlpj of the two most important com-millee-' From the lletu'd Ikeanbcr 0, lbi.'l. The reputstion of these men is so soiled and hen rut and that to titar Dawis und Gnrfiihl inlking virtue is much like listening to Ihe Evil One counselling sinners to pursue the slraight and narrow palh. . From thr Times Fib. 19, 1873. Ol the mtiulcrs rc fir rid to Mes.rs. Kelly nnd Gatfield recent a most dislres-ing figure Their partiiipntUn in the Credit Mobilicrnf fuir is complicated by the most uuforlHtiate ronlradicdons of testimony, whith the coniniit te do not undertake to unravel, From the 'Units Feb. 20, 1873. The committee errs gravely in not probing such cases to Ihe coie. It distinctly rtjects Ihe te-tlmony of several of the members. This can only be done on the ground that it is ur.ttut-. But untrue testimony given under oath is mor ally, if not legally, perjury. From the Tribune Fib. 19, 1873. J a mts A. Osrfield of Ohio, had ten share-; he never paid a dollar; received $329, which afitr the investigation began he was anxious to have considered as a lojn from Oakes Ames to himself. These men betrayid the trust of the neonle. dfcefvptl Ihpir mnolitutnts. ai.d lv their evasions and falsehoods confessut' Irarif actions to be di'graceful. From the Tribune Fell. 20, 1873, Mr. Ames establishes very chnrly the point that he wi not slone in lliis ofiehce. If he is lo be expelled for bribtry the men who were bribed should go with him. From Ifarjyer't liceiy, March 15, 1S73, miiir it picture rj Jtimet A Gaijiiltl. Disgracid in the eyes of the public for own ing Credit Mhbilter stock, which was iu fact ami inter t a Fraud upon the Government. Al so lurlhceit nrd Evasion The High Trutt' Legislation MmisuI The l'eo le will nol loin,' retpectthe Laws, if ihty loie rispul for the law makers Mr. GarhVl.l's nse is like Mr. Kelly's, with the exception hat ihe check for $329 has not been found. The invesligation into Cok McCouib's Van, paign lie' bis proved terribly deadly. lis ef fect on Congressional reputations may bo brief ly summed up this way: Total loss, one Sena tor; badly damaged and not serviceable for fu ture iolitical use, two Vice Presidents anl eight Congressmen. From the Xation Jan. 30, 1874. To lake the the case of Mr. W. 1). Kelly, for instance, he was to pay for ten shnres of stock $1,000 nnd inte.esl from July 1, 1867. On the other side of the account llure was a dividend ol 80 in bonds of the Union Killroad, which Mr. Ai.es says he received and sold for Mr. Kelly, and another in carh of CO pi r cent. These together made considerably mote than the $1,000 and interest; tho bilance due Mr. Kelly was exactly $329, which Ames paid to him by check payable to 'W. D. K.' drawn on the corruption fund in the hands of the b'er" geant-at-Arms. y-Voin Me Indejiendenl July 30, 1874, Were we citizens of the Nineteenth DistiiU of Ohio we should seek from Mr, Garfield very clear explanations ot his conduct belore con stilting lo vote for his re-election. Wo refer only lo facts iu his late career, which we judgt of simply from the uncontradieted rtcord. W; cannot forget tl at he was more deeply inyoluil in the md Cridi: Mi biltrr difiiei hy than any other member tl the House t f Ktpre sentatives ixcepting, tf lourc, Ames anil Brooks. After such an ixpirieme be ought lo have been extremtdy ciulious, But the testimony taken iu the iuvisiigation of Ihe Ditriito Columbia frauds shows that Mr. Gartiehl re ceived $5,000 for his aid in gelling through a paving contract, accepted by the District Gov eminent. A Mr. Parsons, a notorious jobber, madu an argument for the paving company, and then got Mr- Gailirld to make a further argumeut and to use his pirconal ii.llutuee iu its favor. Of course Mr. Gurfi U'a argument w.s sue cesful. How could it be uthirwis,? He wa. chairman of the Cuinuiitlie of Appropriations Kvery cent of money vottd to the Dutr.et had to tome thiol gh him. Shepherd could not af ford to ri-fu-e him anything that he askrd, uud Mr. Gailieid knew it wheu he asked and re ceived for his service u lee which would have been grossly eUravgunt but for his olliua! itosition. That is, so far as tl t ca-e is kuuwn lo the public, for $5,000 he was willing to tell lo the McClelland contractor Ins iullueuce us a legis lator. For $5,000 he was willing to usi his uisilion as u guardian of tho Treasury of the nu, lion lo make the Dutrici Government award a profitsble is nlr.icl, K) far us most men can see, $5,000 was an extravagant price for any service which Mr, Ga field could render thut did uotdienil upon hisotliiial position ; and, if we :an judge,lhe breaking away of the Will itmaburg dim no iu ru ibarly indicate! Ihe worthltssners of its corxiiuition llian docs such an act us tois the giving away of the founda tions of a mni's character, Fromthe Albany Krenimj Journal, Feb 20, 1673. Mr. Dawes emcrr wiili a complete vindica tion. We think Mr, Killty, Mr. Garfiellaid some of the olhi rs do not stand quite so well, What is the nature of their oIl'enseT Ihiu wrong was Out they did nol frankly and fully tell Ihe li u h that they ccnccalid aud prevari cated and ml-r presented, We do not under lake to shield iheiu frvm the charge of de ception, From tkt Albany Evening JiAurnalFti,, 28, 1873 Thr re can be no doubt thai under all the cir cumilaiirti tha Cniit Mpbllit-r itctkwn an inir per stoik for a Cougrcssuitn to hold This critislsm, llltcer It is, obviously np plies to till. It seems evident that iluxa who paid for ll ctr sltck, like Daw ps, stand much loiter, (ban these who waited, hko Ktlley nnd (iaifield, for the dividends to pay lor it, Tlinso who told ihe truth c.inuit bo crt'ciid lile those who "tijuivocated," nnd here egaln llure ,1s a contra-t between Dawes tn the cue sidear.il t vo or three of the others. TIihc are only n few of ihe many cuntnents made t n Gnrlitld by the republicm npJisiu 1873. If his own party pre-s coniloniiied him, Drmoirals cannot bo binned for Joit.g ihe same thing on ihe ptoof furnished by his own party. Kires That Cannot be Uiientlied. I'llAI. .MINKS IIIAT 1IAVU lU'ltM'.D Kl)l lKAKS.MAKl.Ntl A llKSKHT OK I.AUUK AUKAN A despatch from Potlsvilleto the N. Y. .Sim, say-: The fiiluro of all tho attempts to extin guish 1 1 1 o lire which bus been raging In tho KetleyHtin colliery for several weeks, it it feared, will add anothtr to the perpe'iially burning mines that now exist in the l'ctiu sjlvimia anthracite regions. Thegrea'c-t of these is probably that in the jugular vtin, near Coal Castle, this county. This has bien burning since 1S35 Lewis V. Dough cry opt mil this vein in 1S33. The upper drill of tlte mine was above water level, aud a huge lire was kept iu a grate at the mouth ol Ihe mine in winter to keep the water from free z n in the gutters. Onu night in the abne year the timbers of the drill cacgiil fire Irom the grate. When itwasdis coveted the lire had been carried Jowu the air hole to tho lower drifts, nnd was beyond loiitH 1. Two mini r.s entered the mine, ho ping lo recover their tools, 'lhey never came out. The mine was abandoned. No tfl'orl was made to mine any of the coal near the binning vein, although it was considered the te coul in the region until 1850. Then .1 .I'll MeClinuis put in a slope on the east ude i.i it, below water level, He struck tho M ill ai a plae-J wheie the coa! was so thick that Uo miners could keep a largo breaker s i Ittil When 400 jards of gangway had bei n excavated the heat Irom the burning Doiubir') mine b gm to bother the miners. M.tlim i attempled to open nu air holt. Tl e ho it bic.uiie so great that Ihe men wete p,.i. double wapes to induce them to work, lhe-ywirkid rutin ly naked and werert lieud iv. iy ten minutes. Finally the heat became so intense that wurk was abandontd. The mine was lljoded. Af.er being pum etl out, men could airaiu work for a lew d ). The mine was Hooded nine linns. MiGinnis finally failed, and the mine wfs theu abandoued. The tire has b -e.i ir,i u in the vein ever since. An area ol hall a mile iu tvery direction has been burned. So vegetation grows on tho surface. 1 2. places the ground has caved in, forming chasms a hundred feet deep, Titero is but a thin shell of earth over the pit of fire. At night blue, sulphurous llames issue from the crevices in the ground. It is dangerous to walk across the spot. Several persout have mysteriously disappeared in the vicinity du ring the past twenty years. It is believed that in a msjnrily of the cases they have fallen into the burning mine. Dougherty, the original proprietnr of the mine at tempted to go across once. He sank to his armpits through the crust, and was only saved by courageous friends who ventured tn his assistance. The stones on the ground arc hot, and sunw never rests there' Haiti turns to vapor as fast as it falls on the roof of the burning mine. Millions ol dollars' worth of the best ijiiallty of coal have been consumed by the lire. Thesimmit Hill mine.ne'ir Maucli Chunk has been burning twenty live )ers. It is believed tint this ininn was set on fire by dis;ontcnted miners. Thousands of dollars have b-en exiii-nded in fruitlei-s 1 llbrts to extinguish the II lines. The Until r mine, near Pi'tston, bat been burning three vears. Ilwasset nu lire by a party of tramps. who built a lire in the mine iu 1877 The fire is iu the upper drifts. It is conti i"il to an area of forty acres by an im mense ditch forty feet wide, which was ex cavated between the burning drift and con nectinir lines. The dicing 01' the canal cost $50,000. Hut for that obstacle the fire would have cninmuni n'ed to stmeof the most extensiv- mini's in the LsekHwanna Vallev, and a nihtmanenus coi.tlration would have swept under the whole of West Pulsion. Minors have worked iu the lower drift of the llutler mine ince the fire broke out, but there are but fortv fret of ruck be tween them and the fi-ld of fire ahove. The watc that trickles tlirouuh the roof is scald ing hot, The temperature is so high that the men otn wear but little clothing. I'ave You V.ser Known any per on to be seriously ill with out a weak stomach "r inactive liver or kid neys? And when tln-t organs are in good conditio! do vou not find the r nifsessnr en. joying good heatth Parker'" Ginger Tonic I always regulates tnese important orgsns.anil never fails to make the blood rich and pure and to slre-igtli. 11 overy part of the system, It has cured hunlre.1t of despalrlnir luval ids. Ask your uelghbor about it. See oth er column, nov PUBLIC SALE op vai.vaiiu: REAL ESTATE! Tne undersign! d executor of Samuel Drum, Into of .Main township, Columbli county, Pennsylvania, de ceased w HI oner at puollc salu on tho premises on SATUKDAY, NOVr.MIIKlt 20th, 1SS0, at 1J o'clock a. iu., ull that certain messuage, tent mect and Tit ACT OF 1.AN1D. situate m .Main townihlp, aforesaid, crtcrlbcd os fullon s, lz: lieglnnlngnt a stone , a corner of laud or 1'h.irlis stiuinin and running from thence by latnl ot William Hitler soutli eighty-tour degrees west one hund td and twenty-six pciches to a stone, thence along land of John Klcfcr norlh mo ilegiccs, west one hundred nnd forty-seven pitches to an oak, thence along land of Harmon John and late of btacyJnhn norlh elglity.four and one-halt degrees east one hundred and twentj-threo perches loan oak, thence along land of Kllas Shttman and Cliarlrs Shtunau south me nnd three fourths degrees east onu hundred uDd foity-slx perches to the place of beginning, containing 114 ACRES, more or less, whereon are creeled a Two-story Stono House. KltAMK HANK UAltN, Wagon thods and cut-bulld- ings. Ah- O, at the same time and place, all that certain mi'sstuge, teneiii.'nt and Tract of Land, situate In Montour township, Columbia county, and state ot Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: On the south by lands late of William tl. Hurley and lalo of (leorge A. Prick, on the west by lands of Pe tcr M . Ka.slincr.ou the north by.lands ot Lewis ltoath and 011 the east by lands lato ot llutlcyand Prick, containing NINUTY-TWO ACMM, more or less, w liereqn are erected a two-story frame ami Lop; Duelling Hoiinc, frame HANK 1IAKN and out-bul'dlngs. Parties desiring to examine the abovo premises can do so Ly calling upon John K. IloMns, Cata wlssa. Pa. Terms and conditions inado known on day of sale. JOHN K. ltOIOIINS, W. II. ltiiaw .v. Attorney. Executor, nov. 6, o-ts ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. OP VALUAIILE BEAL EST -A. T 33 1 Pursuant to an ordi r ot tho Orphan's Court of Co lumbia county, I'l uiisj Ivan! , will be sold at public sale on llie premises In the townsblp of Hemlock In said county on SaUii'iluy, November 27th, 1880. at2o'clockp. m., the following dcscilbe 1 IIIULKK TATE, late of Catharine shoemaker 1I1 crowd, to wn: A certain housj and lot In tho Milage ot llttck horn, In said Hemlock township, bounded on tnn north by un alley, east by the main street of said tll'a.-e, south by lot of I. w. JlcKeUy nud west by an alley, containing ono foartn of an acre more cr lebs; on which are a DWELLING HOUSE and outbuildings, fruit trees, e. Tesiiiiok Sale, Ten per cent of one-forthol tho purchase money to be paid at the striking down ot tho property, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent at tlio conttrmatlpn or sale and Ihe remaining thiee fourths In one' jear thereafter with Interest from conrlrmatlon nisi. SKTH SIIOU.MAKIMI Administrator. Nov. 3 'so 3--.v R MUSTEK'S NOTICHS Notice Is here by gli en to :s. OveraJ.OOO pupils in the St. Louis public schools aro studying Deruntn, It should be the aim of every owner of IIorses.Cnws.Ac.lo make them as hanilsome and useful as possible. The German Horse an l Cow Powder helps to develop all Ihe powers of the animal, It improves Its beau ty and IncroasM its usefulness. It makes milk, muclo and fat. Uy using it a horse will do more work and a cow glvemore milk aud be In better condition with less fetd. Bold only hy weight at IS cents a pound by (J. A. Kleini, Illoomsburg, IW12, '79-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. class SuU-rlptlon lies ks, ylve X'MAS 737 llrundH.r, N. 1 Y.. nublinlierornrkU PtlOD llotkjl. ulvea sltadv mTjnvinr.t to Airents and all steklue a change la business. II. lustnuited circulars ol new books and proof ttiatjioo per luonth 1 laadq sent on appllcaUon. 4 nov, &-4w PIIISKNTH, treo. Send 1dm for rartleulanL r.TmitriTuiinij w Uoston, Mass. r i.ov, vmw Ovc-teen tn all li'irati'ps. rrt'ill. tors and other persons lnteiestcd In the estates of tuo respi'ciiveoeceui'nis ana minors, inattno tot lowlng administration and guardian accounts hac been tiled In tho omce ot tlio lleglster ot Columbia couuty, and will bo presented tor continuation and allowance In the 01 plums' court to be held In Illoomsburg, on Monday, Dec. c, lsso, at 3 o'clock, p. m. ou said day : J. First nnd nnsl account ct John Lelby and Wil liam P. .Mauser, executors of Jacob Lctoy, late of Montour township, deceased. !. Tho Ilnallaccount of Allen Jlann, guardian of Sarah llennlnger, now Sarah lions, minor child ot lieuben llennlnger lato of Heaver township, deceased. 3. The final uccount of Allen Mann, guardian of ths person and estate of Emily How man, minor child ot Iteuben llennlnger.luto of Heaver town ship, deceased. 4. The account ot David It. Mower, guardian of too person and estate of Henry -M. .Muvvry. minor "iim 01 aiiciiaei .viovvry, jaie or jioariugcrccK township, ac'ieascd. S.I ho first and partial account of Stephen Hill, admliilstratorof ilary Itemley, late of Flshlng eieek township, Ueceaseil. 0. First and Ilnal account of Mlas Conner, ejeculor et .Marj Conner, late ot orangevllle, deceased. 7, The account of James Pi terman, administrator uo uoius nou, 01 rump ucss, latooi uugarioar township, deceased. 8. The account of Samuel Huorr, administrator of 11 KkimK, law or tin) l own 01 illoomsburg, deceased, V, The final account of J. II. It tier, guardian of the pe rssu and esiate ot Wll lam A. ht'sicr, ml norchllil or lllrum Kestcr, lato ot tirtinwcod tovvnslilp, de cease it, ID, Ihe second account of vllen .Mann, guardian cf ntv peiBuu uuu eauiiu vi -arau .i, i.e-aruari. mi nor Child ot Henry Ciearhart.lato of Heaver town ship, deceased. 11, The account ot Allen Mann, guardian ot the per son and estate of Natiev .1. tii-arbart. now Trov. 111 In' r child of Henry tlearhart, late of Heaver lutiuBuip, ueceasuu, HI, The tlrst and nnal account of Hiram A. Sweppen heUer, admliitstuiior. do bonis 1100 cum testa. lnento nnnexo, ot William Henderson, lato 01 Centie township, deceased. 3, The account ef AbruUam nice, executor of John lloats, late of peaver township, deceased, It, Thu tlrst and Una) account of .10I111 J. Fox and Zets dee Hitter, executors of Kncch Fox, lato ot riue cow nsuip, ucceaseu, IS, The first and hnal nccoust of Franklin Itarlir and John Karlg, uilinlnlslralors cf Daniel llarlg, iuiu ui iioaringcrucK cuwusuip, ueeeaseu. 1C. Theilrst and Ilnal account ot II, 11, Crevellng acting e xecutor ot John Itui kel, lato of Alt Pleasant towiiShlp, deceased. 17, The first and final account ot John Stadon, ad ministrator of llannaii tvtudou, lato of linen wood township, Columbia county, deceased, by 1119 cAKvuior isuuu jieucock, Id. 1 bo third and nnrltnl nrontinf of liver I.. tTlinnln one ot the administrators or John iloslou, lale ot risiungereeK towusnip, deceased. Iteglsler's timce, 1 W. II.JACOHV, Illoomsburg Nov, I Vi. ( lleglster. WIDOWS' AlTKAl.SK.MKNTS. Tlio roUowiuif appraisements of real and Eersonal proeityhet opart to widows of decedent ave been nied In tho ofliee of the Heglster of Col. umbla county, under the itutes ot Court, and will be presented tor absolute confirmation to the Orphans' Court to tie held In llloomsburg.ln and rorsald conn ty. on Monday, tho 6th day ot liec. Isno, at two o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions lo such continuation are previously nted, of whlcn all per sons interested In said estate will take notice 1 1, widow ot Joseph c. Pajker, late ct areenvvood low nsldp, deceased. . Widow of Lllslia Kobblns, latent Jackson town ship, deceased. 8, Widow of I'etir llayrnan, late of Hrlarcreek township, (te'eased. 4. Widow of William II. Price, late cf Cenlralla Horough, deceased. 5. Wlduw of Par fin Eves, lalo of tlrcenwood town ship, deceased. a. Widow of Oliver Watta, late of Centre township, dcosased. KefIsle r's OHKe. Illoomsburg, Nov, 0, kj W II. JAiXJMV, UetrU tor F Br intra uriuer' pfr moi.U rcuntv. It $45 TO $100 rcuLtv. lii(t?rtitiiL'aucl lttJuable lLrormbtlaii. N XOTICU LOT. ft WXW j.o, Mecym.v a 00. Not lco Is licrcbv eUon tlmt Ihe follow Ipl nccount tn tn-f n (1 let! iti t hr. I'i nl tiAtmt ir 'u r.tlirn nf I 'nl 11 111- bm county aniwlii lj prcsfutfil to th umrt or Ouminnn Pit-as or said cmintvon TiU'sdiiy, the Tth diiy of ixeeinber A. i, v, anil conilrmer! nfliT 1 no itiunu ti.iy or sii'i ivna uuk'ss fxctpiions HU'll tUUUU lU.lllUIR'. 1. Tho f-t'couil (iccoutitof Sflinucl CrcrltDrt Com' milieu of rirKllti(;ri'U'Untf. WSI, KHICKMAl'Mi O. M. LICK, I'ruthonot lry. Jteputy, nov, 5, V-ic A UDITOltVS NOTICE. l.N 1IIK MAT 1 11 OP THE KSTATK OF I'KTBH nKAHIUUT, DrCKASEt), The urirttTlfrnrd Auilltor nppolatnl on cxcfpilona lo tliu thin. iittU partial iifcouiit of th rxciMtor i.I tlio itoiu nt ivur (if-aihcart: VU hjvmt lo maVo illrtiJiiuttoD r f tin fund, wllliiu-il thn p,ur'(s nt his olilcv In liloomsburif utt rrld.iy, Ihui inhtTloth H-o nt 10 o'clock ft. in., fi r thppuipon 1 1 hW hi pulnliiiPiit, t which tliuo ami pl.He nil ii-oii U ln.r ciiitms ajriiltt sniii estflt wll npiH'cr und pie- from lic-ihltiL' hl share oft.nl 1 fmnl. O. 11. lli;CKAl-KW. oct aa.lssiMw Aii'Jitor jgXlXU'I OII'S XOTK'i:. ESTATE OK HKNJAU1N ilCUKSUY, HECEASFP. Uttcrfl trhtaiiu-iiUioon the ofitnte of IH'Djimln Mrllenry, Lite or Ucnton township C'olumUla coiwi t, reuiisjiYiuila, tltci-o-sed, luno been gra tod by the HotfMi'r or suld county to Airied Mcllcnry, of llenton, F.xecutor. All lvrsons h.ivlntr claims upaln&t the e&tfttc of kjIu dece dent are requested to leae.nt them ror svitlemeiit. and thobe Indebted tothe cstAto to mnko pa)ment to tho undersigned Kxecutor.wlthout delay. ALFI(El) .McllKNHV. Kxecutor, oct. V3, &o-Cw Keuton, I'a. C 10LUMBIA COUNTY, SS. Atnonir thu nt'Lids anil iirorcedl tumor tbet'ouit of (junrter Sfloi.s In and fur said count j ittslnUr alia thus coiitulned. No vc, septombtr Term, KSo. In re-potltlon of the sunenlsors of Conyniiham township rerun order to levy additional lax. And now Oetoter 2'ind, ls, on the petition of the supervisors or suld township rur an order dlreetlntr the levy of un additional tax of one ami one-hnir iniusotiuie aiuuuuiior taxuoio property, uuu io W irniuttd. retuiniiblo o o'tioeK p.m. Notice to beu-uen by it copy hercor 11th, UsuatouH sliow causewh the piajer ( t petitioners Miall not einuer IrerUd In a newspaper puHWied In theeountynt least ten da berore the u.iy or hearing, find bj copies jiosud np In nt least three public places tn thu township of Con) ham duiln said period of ten dajs Certlned from the records October 25, IhM). Deputy. VM. KIUCKHU1M, Clerk ii s. OCt. OT-tf JULKON IIKIKS. K.STATK OF JACOB CIWKLL, DKCEASKD. COLUMBIA couvrr, SS: 'I ho Commonwealth or Vennnyhaiila to Kllz.icte well. widow, cnatles Clow ell. Christian Clew ell, Sar ah Mtler. lliinnau Crltcs, ucuben "human, iruar dlan nd litem of Cora Haibster, all or Columbia county and JertmhiU Cecll or New York, lineal deseendanta or.Iicob Clewell, deceased, and to all pereous lnterested.C) root Ing: You are hereby ;eliul lobe and appear berorn tho Juduea or our Orphans' court at nu orphans' Court to held at Uloonnbu g on the tlrst Monday of December next, then nd theretoatceptor refuse to tako the real estate of H.1I1I .Ifleob Clewell. tcoenst d, at thu,t.pi.t ,.t nlu ntlon put uphill It by the Inquest, duly awiiued by tl.e said Cutirt.and returned by thu hluilU. Aud hereof fall not. Witness the Honorable Willi im Elwell. l'.ealdfnt ct our sihl O Mru at Hloomsburj. tho iwenu-seeond diyor se U"iiler, A. D.. ono thousand eight hun died andjclghty, W'M, KKCKI1AUM. - o. M. (jnch- Cleik o. C. Deputy. oct..V9, vo-tt SLIEHirFS SALE. Hy virtue o' sundry wrlt Issued out or tho Court of Common I'leas or Col imbla county, nnl to me di rected, will be exposed to public sale ftt the Couit House in the town or lUoom-sburg. at 2 o'clock, p. m. Monday, iVoveiiibiT 22nd, 1880; All the following descrlbi'd real estate .situate In Catavvlssa, Columbia couuty, stale of lnnslvanla. bounded and deserlbed as follows, vU: on the casi by public roid leaaln? from Catawlssa to Mllllln, on tho west by Fourth s'.rect, conttiiuatton thereof) on the south by land of Williams and on tho uorth hy land of Mroue, whereon are ejected a two-story frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at the suit ef A. W. Cri'amer against A. V. Cool aud to bo sold as tho projierty of A. V. Cool. KntwN, Attorney. Vend Ex. ALSO, A certain pleco of land situate In llenton town ship, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: Hy land of Uavld lloberts on the north, by laud of Michael llartman on tho east, by land of Jo seph Iluit ou the south, and land of John Itobei is on the west, whereon aro ertcteda plank dwelling house, a stablo aud other outbuildings, consisting of twenty-one acies of land more or less. Seized, takes In execution 1 1 the suit of John J. Mcllcnry, against Edward .Mclleniy, and to bo sold as tho property of Edward Jltlle nry. Fbkkzi!, Attorni'y. Al. Veuil. Ex, AI.0, All that certain piece of land situate In Minitn tovvnslilp Columbia county and Mate of l-eu'nslva nla. described as lollovvs to-vvli: Hounded on the north by lauds of John .Men, ou the east by II Schweppenhelser, on the south by lan lis of Thomas Aten, an 1 ou the west by lands ct diaries Miuger' nun, contatcli g ono hundred nnd ten acres more or lesB, ou which aro ereete-d a name house, barn nnd outhulldlugs. ALSO, tine tract of Nnd situate to same township, boun did on the norlh aud east hy lands ol Thoinaa A leu, on the south hy land ot .Michael (hover's heirs, on the west by turn! of William Parr, containing twen ty-fnur ncris more or less, on which aro erected a frame dwelling houso auJ out-bulldlngs. AL-.O, duo tract bounded ruthe noith by land of I. K schwepiienhelser and Samuel HnjihT. on the east by land ot Lavvienco Wuters, ou the south by land: Abraham schwtppeuhher, aud on the west by land of John .Men, containing thlity-four acres more or les, on which are erected tt tramo dwelling house. barn and other out.bulhllngs. MHO. unetrict of Itnd bouudel on tho nor'h by land of Stephen (leurhait and ol hers, on I ho rastby I. K Sehwippei.hi.'lser,tiii the south by land of John .Men and on tho w. st by land of Joseph ilnarliart, eon talulnu one hundiid aires morn or less, on which aie ereited a frame duelling liuu-).', L.un and out buildings, MHO, (luelot or gruund situate In Ihtown tf Malnvule, county aud stale eforesald, bounded and duscrlbed asfullovis, to-vvll: lioiinded by land of J. E.lang. etibergeT and two public roads being a corner lot lo said town, on whl'haro erected a two-story trick store house with the appurtenances. Mlzed taken tn execution at tho suit e.f t-amuel Hack, asilgnett to Columbia County Mutual Paving Fund and U uu Association agtlnst I. k Schwepien h' tser and to be Bold as tho propel ty of I, K.bcmvep- penhelser. Hint MIM.LK, Attorneys. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain messuage and tract of land situate In the townsMncf Hrlar Creek, Columbia county, and State of Peun)lvatla, bounded ou the north by land herrtcforef t John Van Pelt now M, E, Jack. son's heirs, and land of Jshn lieavencr, on the west by laud of said John Heave ner lately, now Aiaiu lkHcilcli and I'rsncis Evans on the south by laud htretof ore owned by P. M. Trough, now petit and others.coulalDlng two hundred and twenty live acre, more or less, on wtlca the de li'ndant now re sides, on whtcu are erected a frame ! k barn, a frame dwelling house and out-buuaiogs.&uo a wood tenant house. There are ou the uremlar also an excellent apple orchard and other trull trees Relied taken tn elocution at the suit ct William J, Kuorr assigned to Joseph Uuuaa sgalnst William Luman and to be sold as the proporty of William LatniBi llnctiiwa Attornejs. Kl. I'a. ALHO, All that certain tractor piece ot land situate In 1ust township, Columhli County, and staio ot Pennsylvania hounded nud described as follows, to I w it i tin Hit, norlh bv land of Jeremiah SVott nnd .Mrs. snyder, on the east by tleorge Ycdgtr and llav Id Veagcr, ou tho south by Wll'liui Yeager, and on tho west hy Wlllam Yeager, contalnlnjf forty-live noies more or loss, on which aro erected a two sloiy tramo duelling house, u log ham, elder mill and outbuildings. ALSO, All that certain other lot or ptecoot ground snuaio a Locust township. Columbia county, anil siatooi Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to wn i tin tho north by land of llanlel Morris nndll, soult. on tho east by other lauus ot iiuuoirn Yeager, on the south by lands of John llerner, on tho west by hinds of H. Yeager, M. Hughes, Monte llus Yeager, and public road.contalnlng twenty four acres and eighty one perchi R neat ii.-nsure.on vv hlch are erected a two and a half story tramo hotel, a two and a hair story frame dwelling uouse, uaim barn, shed, and other out-bulldlngs. Helzed taken In execution at tho suit of Jacob ilHlner, administrator ot 1-anah Yeager deceased against Itudolph Yeager and to bo sold as tho prop erty ot Itudolph Yeager. Pkebzk, Attorney, vouue-A, AI.SO, All those tvv o certain pieces of land adjoining each other sltuato In tho township of Locusi, oounaco iiml discrliii'd ns follows, to-wlt! Heglnnlng irt n .ion . and fr jui Iheni-ealonir tho public road lead ing from Catawlssa to Ahland souin sixty-inreo degrees east ten porches and eight tenths ton slone, Ibcnco by land of Majbirry Snyder, lale John Yeager, sr., deceased, norm eigniy-two uegrtes uu.. a half, west six nerehes nnd slx-tentnaioavvniie oak, thnce;by th'Himo north thirty-eight degrees nnd a halt wtst llvcpciclies to tuo piaco oi ockiu- nlng, containing eleven perches and tight-tenths strict u.rfisuro. The second lot beginning at a w lute Dlno stump and riiunimr from thenco by linds ot Ma) berry Hughes, lato P. K. Ilerbeln, north elghty-stx degrees nnd thrce-ouartcrs east seventeen peiclics and roup tenths to a stono under tho so-called Slabtovvn hild.'c. Ihcnco along the road leading from Catawls sa to Asliland noiththlrtj-ono degrees nnd a halt west six perches to a stone-, thence by the atoresald 1'itsoiillieljhtyoue d 'gives we-st six perches and nine teutha to a black oak stump north thirty enn ,i.".ivi'sweet three ix'rches to a and thenco b) lands ot.Maberrysudcr,latoJohu Yeager, Eouth Ihlrtj-seven degrees and tlnec-auarlers west nine perches and seven-tenths to tho place or oegiunin, containing tevenly-tvvo perches bo the sani' inoio or less, whereon nieeiecled a goidtramn dwelling houso and sUihle, iilsa a good w agon shop, black smith shop and wood house together vvl'.halllhe necessary outbuildings. sclzeiJ, taken In execution nt tlio suit ot Danes Yeager agalust Waller l'.ll'man with notice to teno tenants ana to be sold as tin property of w alter liui- man, Isei.ek, Attorney. Lev. I'a. ALSO, All that certain tractor pleco ot land situate in lawust township, Columbia county, and state ol Pennsylvanla,baunded and described ns tollows.io wit I on the north by lands ot Elijah Yocuin.ou tho east by land of Michael sune, on the south by land ot Solomon and tleorgo Mowrer,andon the west bj land of Daniel Stlne-. containing forty-two acre moreor less, on which are erected a story and halt frame dwelling house, frame barn and out buildings. Seized, taken lu execution nt the suit ot Ijifajetl Fetterman, admlnls rator ot Charles Fetterman, de ceased, against Peter Movvrer and to bo sold as the property ot Peler Movvrer. I'nKKiK, Atlornoy. Vend. Ex. ALSO, All that certain lot or pleco of land sltuato 1 (Ireenwood township, Columbia county and stale e Pennsjlinnla, bounded and described as follows.to wit: Ou the cast by lands of Frederick lleagle, on tho south by Llttlo Flshlngcreek on tho west by lands ot Aunlo Welllver and on the north by land of Moses McIIonry, containing about three fourth of an acre more or less, on width are erected a one and a halt story plank dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of F. P, Tay. lor assigned to Clark Callendar against Henry Cot terman and to bo sold as the property of nenry cot terman. Ixblkk, Attorney. Vend. Fx, ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of land sltuato In the Horough of Herwlck, Columbia county aud stale cf Pennsylvania, bounded and described, as follows, to. wit: Un the south by Second street, on tho west b) '1 he Jackson & Woodln Manufacturing Company, on tho north by lilc Piesbyteilan paiaonage.on the east by Pine street, on whleli uro erected alarge brick pottery, the part ot which ts used us a dwell- lug una oiner winnings. AI.SO, The llfu estate cf llie d teiidunt In all that mi ssu age or tract of land situated In Centre towti'-lilp.Co- lumhUcounty and state of Pennsylvania, boundi and described as follows, to-wlt: tin the north h) land of William Shatter, and George Hlnkieinaii, on thu i.rnl by land of John Kclchner, sr., on the south by tho 1.. & ll. railroad, vvestby land of Uiiac lless Low Iiros. A company and others, containing one hundred and ten acres more or less, on which are ere'Cte-d a two nnd one-lnlf siory brick dwililig house, large bank birn and other nut-bullnlngs seized, takin lu execution at the suit of Sarah A Eck against H. c. Pleas and lo Ik! sold ns tho pio ertv ot II I'. I'leas. V, J, Hte'KAi.kw, Attorney. Vmd. Ex, ALSO. All that terlaln lot c-r pl ce of land situate In Main townshlp.Coluinbla county and state of Penn sylvania, bounded and dctciltiedus follows, to-wlt; Heglnnlng at a stone, thenco by land of said Wll Ham Menslnger, north suvenly degrees slxlj-clgli and one-tenth peruhes to a stone, thence by lan lato ot ele-orgo Longenberger north twenty scve nnd a halt degrees west eighty-six and five-tenth- lurches to a stone, thence by the same south sev enly and thicc-quarler degree's west forty-sove and thieo-tenths perehes to a stone, and thencefby land of tho said lianlel .Miller south fourteen degne cast eighty seven and tvvo-teiths perches to the p ace ot beginning, containing thirty-one acres aud six perches of land strict measure, ALSO, One other tract or pltco ct land situate In said Main towubhlp and county and ttato aforesaid, bounded and debcrlhed an follow a, to-wit; begin ning at a atone, a corner of land or James McAtar nuy south blxty aud a quarter degrees "est nrt threo and four-tenths perches to a &one, thenco Ly land of said William Mensluger south twenty-etghl and onu-etghth decrees east thlrty-ulno and live tenths percheto a past, thenco by laud of llenja mln Nublxty-nlno nnd a half degiees east llttj tinea and four-tenths perches to a stono In lino litulor lUnry Uowman, thenco by tho same north teut-nlno and threo-fourlhs degrtcs west fort eight und lle-tentha perihes to tho piuco ot begt, iilnj,. eontalnlng fonrto'n acres aud eUhty-elght perches btrl;t lneasiue. bo tho bdiao moro or lets. ALSO, Ono other tract or pkeoof land sltuite tn Mat towubhlp and county and btuto ufuretal'l, und boun ded and described us fullOMti to wlt: llegtunlii; a stone eormr In the lino ot lmd of John I'ulfer and thenco norlh Mxt)-seen and a hair degrees ta-i ono hundred atd ftttytwo perches aloog tho lino John lVlft-r ana 1'eter Mowman, thenco north thirtj one di'giees west sixty ierihes lu a a ton a eorne thento south HUtjseveu und u hllf decrees w no hundred and nfty-two perches to a stono come thunco south lhlrtyono du,jro.'H, east sixty perehei to thu place or beginning, containing tlfty-tlire acres .uid tAouty-llvo eielies moro or less whhh aio trecttd a two-story frame Uwcllfi house, largo bant barn, wagon sDedand outoulM Ing. helzed, tuken In execution at the suit of lllrum Mm.'urs, bdinlnUlrutor of (ieoigo HollcnbaeU de ceased, a gal nt. I tttl.Um Meuslnger. uud lo bo sold as I ho property f Wlillali Meusli.gtr. ZniK, Attorney, Vend Ix. ALSO, The folio a lug dc set Ibid real uute situated lu the town of (,'iitawisnn, t'u'umtlicountj, renuslanU: All Uiat m-rlulii lot No lit the geueru) plan of t'ataulisa, bounded on tho west by Kiuit street, thirty tlo feit.iu UuMiorth by lot or John Uruhit, two hundred und Un feet, on the east by un alley tlilrlj'1 ofen t, on tho south hy an alley two huu. dre.latid tn fo t to tho ufopmU froat street, tho placet nf veglnnlrg. whereon uro ertcttd a iwc-story fiaino dwelling houso ulU out-bulldlngs. ALSO, Alt thut olh'T certain lot, No. 11, In the general plan ot CetawUsa, beginning at a corner of lot No, IV, ou V'rout street of said town southeaslwardjy seventy feet to a post, thence by land latoofLewhs Met tit cf and, touthwestwardly a course parallel to bald From ttutt K' verity feet to a itost, in a line of lot No, lu, thence by tho same north-eatwardly bcveuty feet to bald Front street, thenco by line of bald rront em-el northeastwardly buventy fett to the p'aco of beglnntnsr, whorcon are tree ltd a two-story frame dwelling house, BeUed, taken la executloa at Ue tult of Cut ti urine Urjwn, assigned to w'm Urjuon and V, J, Hucka low against Itobett Hrjbon and to bo sold as tho property of liobei t Urj son. W, J, jDvciilbw, Attorney, Fl Fa, Tur ma cash on Uy of &alo. U, II, KNT, oct. S9, 'bo-ta tihvirr, yl ait lethal tock o.C iJy Uoods TMWBl i I CLOTHIER UAiuaixs -IX- 3 HAIKJAIXS IS DRESS GOODS1 3 HAUUAIXS -IX BLACK GOODS. 3 HAIKJAIXS HOSIERY. Colored Satin Do Lyon sit $ 1.2.3. In ai tlio (iiwliinniililit i-nlni'imrj 'I'lia mi. . . . ... . . " v. 1 1 1 e e. 1 1 1. I'lltt! is $2.00. Black Satin Do Lyon nt $l.f0, pntin fnce. The lcnl value 82 25. Vclvot and Satin Stripos at Sl..J.3 t ll.- .1 .!..!... 1. 1- ! 11 ' '1 tlio most desirable medium and lias been Belling nt $:S.00. Lupin'o 36 inch Colored Morinoautoo cty. Extra lienv,, mid the regular iirice everywhere is (521 eeuts. English Half Silk Fancioa nt 25 cCnt 05t mo niipoi ier .jieenuto luiul side ot the Atlantic. 46 inch Silk aud Wool Dress Sooda lit 75 eonts. These eo-st 81.25 on the maim, faeturc's loom. on this PUBLIC SALE HAND BILL8 Printed at thin Office OS 8HOKTE9T NOTICE ND AT TUK MOST UEAHONADLK TERMS 46 inch all wool Black Cashmeres at Theso aro f'teneli goods and worth 75 ctJ. ' 4G inch all wool Black Shoodas at j ch A great bargain, well worth $1.25. 46 inch silk and wool Damasses at $i 7,5 worin c-.-u. used much lor Irnnmings and overdresses. Ladies' Fleeced Lined Hoso at 25 cents, l ull, regular made and actual ly worth !57! et.. Children's solid colored Merino Hoso at 23 cis. in all sizes, iliese goods must bo to appreciate their cheapness Men's English Merino Half Hoso at IJ7 i Full regular made ami worth 50 cents. Haiuushuko, Pa., October 1, 18S0. Gi:xtm:mi:n: I thank you for filling my orders for Dry Goods s promptly nnd satisfactorily. Your system is perfect and as ladies fin iney can wnn entire cutely shop without: the trouble oi going to tie city, anil can nure hase trom t u sum (.t m'tinln tn liinwlv.., nf,ir.n' worth, with entire satisfaction, through your Mail Order Department. I am sure this mode of shopping will become general with consumers 111 a distance. Very lespoetlullv, iMewrs. Strawbiidge ct Clothier, " Mrs. Philadelphia. Market st. to Filbert tf. Ar. Corner of Eighth Street, PHILADELPHIA. TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD A Positive and Permanent Curo Guaranteed In all cases ol'Clnivcl, Oinlietm, Dropsy, IlrigUVt Di-eKM- of (Le KiJueyH, Iucontliieuce anil Iteti'ii-ion ut Urinr, IntlatnHtlnn f tlip Kiiliicjp, Catarrh of the lUmliler, High Cclnrni Urlni', l'mn in tho Hack, SiJo or Loim, Ni rvmis Weaknenj, nml in hut all ilisncilcrs 11I tlio Ulaililtr iinj Urinary Oiriidi, whether cnntrict ed by privulp ilheaeor othervviM'. ThH cri-ut remedy I1.13 b en used with mioci&s tor nearly ten' win I'rance, wltntiio iiinstwonilertulUiiriitlvc KtTects. II cures liy atjiri'iitt noiiJubi'OuslaterualmedlclrieslH'luirii'iiulred. VV'n liuvc liucdndj 01 urn imiiiUls or cuii a t.y this fad In n ull pie lull failed LAIUbs, It yo.i iiruHurfrrlni; troin 1'i iii.ile vveukuess, I'iicorrlitet, ,.r iSl' drugSt;IatCror ' l I'"la,L'''0'', ,icl dlwaMi ottlie tniui'jK, usk jtir I'voi: (itilliiictle'N I Kiicli It Id 11 cy I':nl aiiiltakmio other If tie has not cot It, tendu.iio and jou will rcutvea I'm! Uy return uwll. .Midie.ss U. s. lirancli FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio, II. MM'OIUK, Druggist, .Main Street abovo Iron, ilr,ms- (ir JOHN burif, I'a. BCp, to 'o-ti Pro Guilmette's French Liver Pad Will poMtlvrly cure Jevrr Pint Agve. Dumb .Ague, Ague ftV.e, Dlllous Kever, Jaundice, Dvtierbla onila. dlseaacet llie I.tver, Stomach and lilooj. The pad cures by absorption, and la permanent. Mis iiraggW ror this pad and take no other. If he dots not kiep It, tend $!.ro tothe KuKNCH 1'Ali Ct), ll . liranch) 'I ULKIii), Ohio, and receive tl by return mill, For tale by JOHN 11. KINl'Oltl'S, lrui;glst, Mala street, abovo Iron, blooaisbarj 1'u. sep'lu 'no i'AUT 1 im. GET THE BEST. STKONG COMPETITION In the manufacture of Organs is resulting in tho production anil ttd of cheap goods, made fiom inferior materials. I refer particularly to bonus OrCans that aro continually snrinirini' into existence, without any merit whatever, except to ho offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found to bo dear nt any prico. "Will yuii not then, reador, If you Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing t'1 names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment ot styles of the celebrated Fstey Omnns can now bef cen at tlio new rooui3 of tho Only Authoriztd .Agent foi the Estey Organs m Columbia County. A guarantee ior live years Irom tno nmuu facturers accompanies every Estey Orgnn. J. SELTZER, Agent, Jttn,u Bloomsbure, F.a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers