The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 05, 1880, Image 1

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Issued wecmjr, orery Friday morning ,at
... ..ittullttllll. Out. (Hint l nrillvtKt ...
Il..'f ......... muni i ,
., nnjuotxins per) car, 60 rants ll4connt nlljnp.i
'',n,uiiii ilnncn, To subscribers out or the
'ant tno terms yro tl per leur.strictly in advance.
Noiiip'-rilhcoiillnueil, except uttho option or the
Mtilll-liors, tintllnll nirenrnirea nro paid, but lone
. .iimuo'l credits after tho cvplralton or tno nrsf
, .f will uf. Hi'f.i
Ul pipers sent put of tho State or lo distant post
os inusi u I'-uu lumi nuvan''e, unless a resnon.
i piTinn In uoiiuniil.i county assumos to pay the
,.i t mini iiuu uii ui'iiiiinii.
HPI limii"B'i univiw liuiu BUU'H.TlUerSln
1 Tr-i-p TTf.TTr'TTTv.T-a.
imp! 'te, ami our. t b l'rlntlnijwUlcomp.irornvoraVQ.
n,Mir '."!? M,TKpAci.,:ork d0ne nJ-
Columbia County Official Directory.
ITnlJonUuilso William Etrtell.
AMocl.ite.luilies-l. K Krlckbnum, P. I,. Miumnn,
i'roilionotaiy, xc Mlllam Krlckbaum.
i jurt. stonoirraplu-r s. N. Walker.
,, hi r x liei'or.ler-wiiii.mnon II. .lacoby.
runnel Attorney liobcrt 11. l.tttlo.
s i Till II Knt.
' v o'-'itn Ml ""eyh int.
i'triT II V. sweppeniielser.
. ...nljclnnitmStpnllon I'nli.. rMmtlita IHaI.a-.
'i ii Hi-ir'nir.
t.uitors-S. It. Smith. W. Manntnir.C. II. see.
j'Vi'r'i'ominlssloncrs-Kll liobblns, Tlieodoro W.
' utirv Superintendent -William It. Snyder.
i a I'nnr Institet-lilrcctnrs n. .1,'"on,
( iinuoil; Hccco JMIrimn, Scott; Caleb li.irtou,
HI omsburg.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
r tent nt Town ronnclt-d, A. lllHIIUMl.
rt .1. K. (Irotz.
, i t ni Police It Harris.
P'litor ii.ti S. Unorr.
.' 'tar -0. W. Miller.
hi iiinntjurij It.ttikln r cmnn.inv .tnhn V. t'unsinn.
n .Wen'. II. H. tlrntz, cashier, John Peacock, Tel.
Va lonnl Charles It Pjntifin.Pri.Bi, lent
ij, p. Tiisttn, C'.ishler.
nirnsT citi'ttcn,
Pastor To im supplied,
n Uy Servicn -inta; n m an l 7 p.m.
m school 9 a. in.
it Meeting Kvery Wednesday etcnlnff nt T
: soisfreo, Tho public nro lmltctl to attend.
8T. MlTTllPlW'S I.UrtlFHAS cltl'ltCn.
Minuter -ltev. o. I). S. M.irclay.
.. ly Services -Hi' n. in. and 7p. m.
I .uil.iy school -i) n. in.
,'rn r Mcuiln,' Hvry .Vcdncsdvy eroslji at 7
"siatsfrcn. Nopcws rented. All are welcome.
Minister-Hot. Stuart Minhell.
Sunday services 1( a. in, and p. m.
.iinil.iv school 0 a. in.
i , tier Mco ins Hvery Wednesday evening at 7
"si'.its'free. No pews rented, strangers welcome.
Presiding Rider Ilcv. W. Evans.
Minister Itev. i:. II. Yocinti.
(,in lav services Pi and 7 p. ra.
ind.iv school 9 a. tn.
liilcCliss -l-.verv M indiv evening at 7 o'clock,
inn? Men's Praier .Meeting Kicry Tuesday
. ilng at 7 o'clock.
!) neral Praer Meetlng-r.icry Thnrsday evening
: o'clock.
RKFOttMKn cncitcn. ,
Corner nt Third and Iron streets,
i-.stnr t). II. strunck.
i: , ('nrnei'41h anil riuliarlne sireeta.
Sunday services lfltf a. in. and 7 p. m.
.tind.iv School D a. in.
i' awr Meeilng Saturday, 7 p. in.
All are ln lied There Is always room.
ST. rAtM.'i cncKCti.
'lector Ilcv U Zahner.
viindw ServleeB a, m., 7 p. m,
siiud iv School 0 a. m.
F,rst sundav in the month, Holy Communion,
unices prepiratorv to Communion on Friday
fnlng hetoro tho st sundav In each month.
Pews rented; but everybody welcome,
EVANdEI.IC'AI. Clll'ltcll.
l'r siding r.lder ttev. A. L. Ileeser
linl"icr llev. (leerge lluntir.
siindav service 2 p. m.. In the Iron street Church
en er Meeting UM'rySilitiatu at 2 p. in.
) are lnlteil. Allnro welcome.
piton:ssioNAL ( Aims.
V .tlee. 11. ,1. Clalk'H llulldlug. Vil slnrv rnom
jinstiurg. in.iy . -i i
1 ,. llAIlK I,K V, AlKiriiey-al-l.iiw. Uliiic
in llrower's building, 2nd s'ory. llooni.s 4 k :
I!. i:illIStJ.N, Atlnrni'V-al-L:iw.
. In ll.ulinin'sbiillillng.Maliiblreet.
U'M. M. i:KI!l''.U,SirKeim ami I'hysi
in. once Mirket itiei-i. Near depot.
II. KVAXS, M. U, Surgeon ami I'liysi
elan, (OPlee and Residence on Third street
r IS. McKKIA'Y, M. I)., Surgeon ami I'hy
r . Menu, nurth side AI
? Main btreet, below Market.
1 TIt..J. C. IiUTTEll,
wuv.., ..i.iiii .Market ftrect,
net. i, ;).
Ploomsburg, 'a.
K. I. I,. KAIWi,
Valnsireit, opposite Church,
mn-, Pa.
:if" Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct 1 ls7'J
.CHN'aml m mifon. srei'lii.iilentlrm given
I I Hie IIHESM mill DFtFCTS lit the I'A F. Kilt
l iwiut and sriKintY In nil Its vurlins liram lies
' Hsu eanrililj adlusU the KM: llh PI.IPPIIII
( S -In a. in.
Horns '! I '!() p in.
17 Sp m
I 11. 1st street, HIiMMii.linrK, I'ii.
inly 1(1, n-it
w. "bc7houss7
All styloa of work dono In a suporlpr manner, work
warrut'd ns reprt'sciitcd '1ktii Kxtract
ki without Tain by tho iii of (ins, mid
freo of chiiro v lin tteth
nrv lii-M-rteil
OIlUw Corner .Main uml Iron Mifets.
7o be npen at all hours iluring'the day.
wing Machines and Machluen 01 all kinds re
I.ued. ur-iitA lloi'bk llulUlng, moom.burg, Pa.
AVH) I,()VKN15ElUf, Merchant Tailor
Main St., above Central lintel.
I S. K'UH.V, ilealcr h. Meat, Tallow, He,
I Oenlin street, between Mcond and Third.
A lu 1US ITS rniiU.N'I), I' liouieo
I L Pal hie Iloroe and Cow Doctor, Hlonnifburg, Pa.
tsb. 11, it
Toiif-oiial Ai'tir-t,
having rrturne.l nnrt rpeneda tlrst-closa liAlllli:)!
Mlup In i:.chanire Plotk, Uoor, ovei petir
iiruss' haloi.ii, ie&Kt ltull tolliistliu palronangett
ms bldeusli'iiier uml l the public neiaralli.
Inly 10, 'nut
C'atawlasa, Pa.
collections piomptly inado and remitted, onice
-"posite L'.iUiwPw i Deposit Dank. ra-SS
A T T O It N E Y-A T-h A V ,
Cataw tssa, I'u.
uin-e, corner of Th'.id and Main ftrceta.
J-i coming or .Muncy I'ennsjlvanU.
"orth .Mni'lcan nt Philelfhla, I'a
ranklin, or "
ei,nsivuiUi.t "
, aruera ot Voik, Pa.
II mover or Sew Votk,
Maihattnaof "
Ullco on .Market Mroct No. t, IPooiortmrg, I'a
1"t. 'id, 7-ty
Farm fox Sale 1
The undrhigDfd (iir.'rii at p Ivalefa'ea FU OK
MJtTY-'llllfKK ACIIIS, Hllh 1'ltAMi: lldl'SE. t.aru
nn othir out.bulMlngu ll.i itun. Mill le In tbhliig
frei k I wr slilp In gin d n.ile ct cu llv.ulon. Ks'iilet
tiesr Asbury can U iurcliace I on rea-sotiit'te tcinis.
A lluo (Mellaril (in rho nruiieits, and a neuT-ralltiig
JPrlneet Water near the house PirpnrCeulars ad
oiess JOHN ,i. Vials,
au.Ms, So-sm1 Forks, cnluiut'la count) I'a.
CllltlSTIAN K, KNAPP, lir)OMSIll'It(l, PA,
'1 liet.0 oui f OHPOHiTlOKS urn w, II RPRsr.npil tiv sirii
and ikk TfcHTEit and have neter yet had a loss set.
lied bV unviviiirl nr lau' 'I l.i I r u.u.aii n i-.i ull liiixnt.
ed In solid SEci'KiTiKsand aie hallo to the hazard
t'f rial only.
IOStie8 ekouiTi v iini.LhTT v iilliisrrrl anil nalil
noun at actermlned by Chkiiiiiik f KKirr, sriio-
Al. AlllST AhU AbJr&TIK 111 OOllaSl IU, PA.
The people of Columbia o unty should patronize
iho agency where losses It any urti settled and paid
Not, h, 10.
" "
K' 2KTEU3EMDEB, piUti.
CoustsiAS lliitbisn, llloomsburg, Pa.
Member of tho t'nltod Slates to Afsoclatlon,
Colcr?0iV;9n'1'10 "' 5"y ml Amt,rlca or l-uroro.
E. WAIilil'.Il,
nmce, Second doortiom 1st National P.ank.
IlLOOMSllt'Hd, pa.
Jan. 11, ls:s
U. l'tJNK, '
Attoi noy-at-T.nw,
DKce in Iml's Ucn.mso.
f It W.J.I!UCKAU:V,"
l'.loomsbiirg, Pa.
Offlco on Malu street, Prpt door below Court House
IP.oomsburg, I'a.
omcc over Sclriyler's Hardware Store.
A'l-ltlllNEV AT LAW.
Otrictt-In llnrtnnn'H I'.ulldlng, Msln street,
!uomtiburg, I'a.
e. n. tirrLs.
7 11. A 11. K. LITTLE,
KOB'T. K. l.tTTlH.
Uloomsburg, I'a.
onicoln Iirowcr's building, second No,
i' Ploomsburg, I'a,
g I'liA.NK ZAKi:,
A t tnpnni'-n t -1 n
OPleo corner of Centre and Main streets. Clark's
(!an be con-tilteil ill German.
Jan. 10, 'S -tt
QJ'.O. E. El.WELL,
A T TO 11 N E Y-A T-L A W,
Cot,L'MbKN licit niNO, llloornsbivrg, Pa.
Member of the United states Law Association,
Collections made In any rart ot America or Europe
oct. 1, 1S7D.
:,otai public
Atroi'iieys-nt-3 av.
onice In llaitman's Uloek, corntr Main anl .Mar.
ketsimls, ltloomsbuig. Pa.
tr2'eniiint mnl Honntie Colkcliil
p.ri, E. WHIT,
(.lilieln lirou s liloik, one door lielow coii'jiimin
lunoMs-isuiic, pa.
julj ic, -so tr
f i TV JAt'OllY
A tLoi'ney-iit-I.tiw,
limce In mo (.ol.l jdutAN m.uuiiiK, stconu noor.
Oct. s, V).
N 12 YV FIRM! WHITE, Proprietor ot the
has soi l a half Interest In the same to.I. W. Conner
'I heciiiiipiny ha- r paired the wetks, aim aieprc.
pared to .leeoliiniinlati' all who waul nlijlhlrg In the
lino or Implements. 'I hey hc JusI
coinpleii il a new I. tl haml v hlle plow.whKhll pn -sllile,
will beat the right hand. Also Mirtace plows
or Jointtis tor ilm sanie. A new Thresher and Chan
er with cenlio fluiku of rldjle. rhoe, called the
nviillt; Tlircslicr mill Cleaner,
with both lever and laitway powerson a gieatlv
lmproed plan. We manufacluie 1 AM) Hdl.l.HIts
w'tn cast Iron he ids. U irn Plows. donMo and slnol"
Cii.llvator- Urtc bill Plows, Mill CaMlngs. TiitiiUig
nt eir ilesi rlpiion done wit n promptness. Wr
kee . eiiiift.uill, on hand a large assortment ot How fi roar own.iml many otiur plows that are
use I in the i "Hiti'rv We willnit te undersold In
wink hi tin. 1 1 il it - ,f Hie Mime niinltty. il our wmk
Is wat tabled in give miM-icium, or the mone re it. SK I'M'Y ctiMI'i: ITIdN. l'nimits. in il
tin pulille In j.eiu ml mi HiiuiHrdto call nd eii-
amint oi lore piiunasiiig t'lscw ii-it-
Jan. If, '-n-lj
(1(AN(1KVIU.E, PA.
Rowell & Co'a. AcIvc'h.
Long Cut Smoking Tobacco
Is mild moist rraitraiit ami sweet, smokiscool
andootstwicK Ar- FAKiisgranulaUiltoliucco,
A- CINTCII. Hiiiiiil'iieliirer.
Itii liiniMiil, IrKlsfu.
OCt. 15, '60-4W r
(iEl). P. Hurt H.L K CD's.
SKIXC'T l.lsrol' l.i)i'AI. NUUSPAPY1IS.
All ailvrilSi r Wllvl s penus upniiius vi i i.j . .
and who Imestedti s I nn or 11 In this list,
writes: "Vourseli'-l I oi at I.l't pal I tne o llf r LiM
It is not ;i t o-niici'iitivo lii.-t.
It is not it Uii'iip IjM.
It is an Honest Iii-t.
'I heealalogiie states exuetlv what the papers are.
When Hie. uiiio (f a mir H printed In II I.l.
KAl K I M l. II Is in 1 vi'rj UISI.HU-C him itr.-'i.
W hen plluted In i'APITAI II t- Hi" ' I V rI r m
I he place. Tie list gUes the pu ! n nl er
low n aim me iiiviiiaiM'u ui "i irw
lhe ra es cluiged for aiUertisIng niebaiely m -lirthlhepubllsiicis-Mhedtile.
"1 lie price lor slegl;'
... ,.n,. t. in i rl'l,. nr fur nni li.rl.
Kr one month In the entire 'Ut Is fi'ss 'lln Tales I l MIC Il.l'll IKl llirrrm, r,.,., ......
time are f 2,s0 14. "I I o list Includes m pnj,eis I
whhhtSI ure Issued llslLV HUd Ti.i W EKKl.l . 'lliel
are nxaieu m issuur nn, i.v.s '
which 20 aro statu Ci pltals, scj plates d oer 5.ei
PUPUIUIIUII, U1IU V UUHl, r.Q. ... - fj
and other Information, ndilriss
lesprucosiieci New ork.
oct. 15, "so-tw r
'J'llO Oil I on (TO
AYoaUIy 'uv
will be lent, puitpftld,
fruia ate to Jan. lit
neit, for 10 ctuls. Tail
trill iutucrlraioa wilt
ensble mdrri to b
cutue sciiuilnteil ttltll
Ujm clivuiirst metro
Khun wreklr lu tbo
H. lnarlirndent III
politics, ill tno uewi.
corrert nurkrtriports.
ill completed itorleis
Inesirrliiue. Afliror
Iturunllr I'sper Nelut
1U rtinti (sllrer) at
once iii'l Ret 11 null
Jsii. 1. IfSL KIhi-hii
trill iiitiscrlptlous for
11 00. llenuuri rlrell
Iflctl. ixur. AddrvH
Victor I'. I.Hw;in.
fubll.tiel Wfrhlr
News. Chicago, 111.
oil, 15, V0.4W r
Oar CsUlarn sf tks4 InilnmssU. IU KnrslDP f Suh
Can. H.IU, 1 .nt.,. I !. luswlltjo.,' OuiBU , ILu. i
I.U. Um-, &UB.IsOiilU,llsts tiiiMiW"! sl tii4lli
Ikiiili,fcl Vif tluIU UtunusUva U UiukUiit, ua4nssx
M.Ca.lV UuUi tot A nUar Bf4i. ts4 PuUs prsnfBlalutl
rsctks. boflk ef 10 tH-, nalt4 tut II, !.(.
Uui 1111X7, HwliM U.4 HI Sit .CLUuo. IU
tut, 10, ee IW r
a VEAIt ana eiremei to agetits.
DUltlt Krt, Addrual'.O. VK'KBl.V,
VIvi:ilTsl It" vy anuressmg tii.ii. r. nun- i
K 1 1, i CO., lu bpructt iirtet, New York, can
leain theeiact lost or any pritd line or AH
VEUTlslMI la A er can new spa) ra. Iiviiio
Ptidf l U..e. r UCU15-4W
t-IVKH IiIskvik and Indi
te dun prea I .of greater ex
cut tnan probably nny other
:m iliily, i.nd rdlef Is nlwata
itnlnnsly Miiivrht utter. Ifllie
IJ'.er Is regulated In Its action
heillh isa ini st int.irlnllv Si 1 r, d Ind gestton or
want or .irllim tnthellwrcaun s Headache, Consll.
pttl in, .laiimllce, Pain In the Mioulucr'.Cough, Mr,
'Iniss.tntirMiiinArh.liKl list,. Inilie moiiih bll.
Ions ntlni k. nnt nation of the heart, del rcssion of
spirits or the biins, nml n h irdnd other swnptnms
SIMMONS' 1.1 1 It HK(,l 1..M0II Istheliest Vl meily
that has i ,;r teen iM-emor-i a tor lliee nllmcnls.
It acts mlMH, effectually, .ind lep f a simp! ege-tabl-
compniind. can do mi Injurv In nnv iii inildes
that It mnv be taken. It is liirmless lime j waj;
It Ins ii 'mi iiteil f ir r irly ars, anil humiredt Irnin
a'l tnrls nt tin- cnuntrv w PI totl'h for lis Mrtlles.
U7I lion. AicTani-tr li.Me
hint, of ticiirgtil Plsliep
I ten .oflleorglu.lohntllll
s'i.,r'cr of AI ibimaj den.
Mm 11 (inrdon, II, L .Molt,
if t .iluinbus, tle'.rgH, nro
einotig lhe huiiiiKds luwhum wc can riftr. Kv
tract tt nlcttirfroni Alexander H. siephcns, ditrd
March s, lsT-i: "i occasionall.v ue whin tnycnndl
Hon reiiulrtslt, lir, Mmtnoiis' 1.1 11 r llegulitor with
(rood elicit. It Is mild, and suits me better than
mnrc aeMip m"dltine
Lw,,u-t J- m 1 itsi "sin Itls notthe qualltv eaten
nnnrtT 1 rrmn B'hat gltesstrenglh, lltc.blood
RPrillT ATflB rj,lluhVnlth. It Is the tnor
lmuULiliUfi.H'll',1 digestion of the fotsl
lltnken lit It be much or title, 1 hi rcfoic do not stltn-iiiau-
up iiu- -.p, in, nn to crate f-rnd, but lallicras
Ust diet Minn stu r i .iiing by taking
Sl.1l.tlll.-' l.lVlllt IIPCrl.ATIHt
OrlKlriil nml ttciiiilnc
.1. II. 7.i:ll. IN .V CO,,
Price fl.CHi. Po'dhy all Druggists.
April 16, 'sn-iy.
ski 1 i a r
T 1 IV E.
rVlillltz I'uwilcrs,
1 U. ini,. fi r'MllM 1 I"
ittMit ki ft gift A 9 Of
All iTtlBtOrM.
vs. rr 1 iv m. I.iirrogi-s f r Itegltlnttng tha
lliiwcls, lTctiuts aul euros Constipation.
g,i ci ills Jier li. All lirug Stores.
1'r.oji 12Licn Tiiojisom, Pastor of tho
CliuixUof thoDiscililcaof Christ, Dttroit,
Mich. "My noli wim il.ingcrously ill anil
tntircly jirostratctl from Chills oiul l'cvcr,
QuiniuoutiilcitUcrtnotlitiniuliail bern trieil
without effect. Mr. Crai(? Uo liml usc.l
Ihcrui.ilihu nan Tonic, nilwst'fl atrial of it,
rliu b wiw done, r tilling in lila coiupUto
recovery vitam n lew days."
IplHIUliU ulU Hsfii ami rpllblo cure for
IsAylwll H PlKlilucy Ooinplsjnts, snd
f'hrlfr JriASm IiistiJii's of tint Urinary
Orpjua. Id'ccut r 1 urvible. They will euro sny
roc nt case lu sevtn days. The wont Ilocuta Is
on every Imh. iTiroprr bm.wltb milillris"tlons,
Cafsulnts (small plz.) 75 ci-nts, Capnuliis (liro
rl:,)Jl'iO. AtallDrugSlori' Mailed on roeelnt
cl price by Itl'NItAH DICK & CO., 35 Wooatcr
btreet, New lork t'iri-ularBtrco.
I Instlintly TclloTOtl, hy tho
I nseof MacqnccnIMiitlco
Oha nioi 1 1 , nnil PSfJffSJS after c -vcral
applications of it. Sold by all
Druggists, ormaileil uu receipt of 5
CLcinlsta, a3 Voootcr Strcit, New iork.
x,uroi ivUhout ?Iodieinv-SImply hy
Aljorpllon. Tho Only True
M.ilarlal Autiilute.
Ilr. rinlmnn cant m tho pul-llc aira'airit conn
torft'ltaii,) iin)tnil..ii "1 tis' of tMlkltuK In
fllst upon the Kind liCflniiR tlie nliovti UUoneHa
anil rroeu jrivnt rothuo tftuiuu ot liolmun
rmlfo., .'W rK
Tlild Hii iruroinotly -wltliout inMifln'1. Its
Vi hv ii red i" IMnlarln, Vv vrf
CIiIIIm, Itllloiihiiesn, SA vr 'unpluliitt
nml i'hroiilu MnmiH'li INriM.-. It l&
only lun-eusary to getlho OL.NL'IMiilulnifln'a
l'aa. Itnover falls.
IIoImairH lud (t,'nnlnc) la uoM Tiy Drnpifts.
If tu doubt ithuiit tho Knulnontt.-4 cf l'ad-i
oirt-'i'tM, enclooe tf2 In rtKlatcrtM h't'i-r to us
runl ri'Celvu tho Tt iinly by return mall, j'OBt-1-aU.
nr wrlto uh fur treo trentlse. If Sk'vurcly"
ntUlcte-l wlih rhmnlc ftllmontn, tlesci Hosymi
Umn fully. l)r, Iloliunti'a atlvh o is f.niTiy.
Aaarcas, ISiI,.i.. vu o.,
IU William fctrcL-t, ..v Vorli
Ti.m mxhthppjifcBt
ami ttetst; acn lntA!,.
taneouIy, iirottuclnp
tin; mo ,t niturnl bhsklti
of Mack orbrowntdoeii
iri 'ii'iis'lhs'VHwui ii,iin'n, i Biiuiiiaru
lSy jwrwsireiiftrot!oii j favorito
vt gentle ia n. KM by
aJl driiiiUtii r.hI au-
IUel Vy ml iiair dreasers. J, CULaTADOlU),
i;w York.
la rrlnlnetl by Ilio Walicut Motnncli.
Jh lire Irani I'lljilt'lttlllt 'lllste
Arrt'stM lleitl) vierKt'lsi UlttlcliU
It cures t'oHtt,n;tIori, hcrofuiti, Aatluua,
Jlronefitrls, Kmntlulloti, Cntiohn, Cijlds, Hi'ii.
crrtinges and oil (uttiand conslidttfoMuf com
j.ln ittfs.
Asa HftW rurll-ftlio Carb ilnlcd 0.1 Is re
markably rftlcletiL ItiiisoliiStrofulousAlfsttlODs,
ICtitfumatlliu, In strongly rt'Cotiiuiitiiiled. lu
T'UrlMnrf potrer la wondtfrfulln Cuueuuititiou ihs.
jsMidllig. as It frequently dots. uou hcrofuLus taint.
It acts upon the rational ttasiry of Immeiiutci r
AnaeniNii Iiecay ttuaa it Huilds ui'tub bri
tkm, ecabltu It to throw oft Hie disease,
told only la w edge-shancd bottles. Wlllson Ii
rpellcdwlth a double 'U'' Itciuotnbcr the word
t'CinBOLATsu" lu ordering frouijourdrufirist, and ou nut lug iuu ngiii B.1UU.
Ilret Ealvo in tha 'Wcii;.
Quick and Stnrllln-; Cares,
L It Heala Without n Sour.
Alluya Pulu &Stop3 Uleedlnir.
Soothes it Burn or Scald,
Meals n Cut Islko Maglo,
j ' DrawsPoliouout of aWonnd.
ads liulird'y citl it.o Hcjic.
Ton Salt Itlieiini, Sira Tlirimt, ll"r,
Iluilia, bculils. Cuts, WtiltlltU, I llrsv
Sma , yes. Pulintiuiii HtlitKS utl l.l.e ,
lluilier'a llrll, l'lluiivtl llutlils, hi I" ln
I ,ii, botea.unt any mdcrery oiler luryumror
u.tU a islte ur Uiatnieat tat js uiiaI, I'ii--'i,
it's Ti bollo JUlnt Clintmrmtl'iha
i- - i laratn.u tint cm ulways bti 'bul itptn.
i i u baa illful Jjlly-ci tutil irtlili. U In flu
t wPU thu burl) " traht-uiir'i " wliltuut
r in1 It pmuim. B 1 1 It tin your arua
s y a 1.. ius's, is fttsiva t.f'nb.t I. cir.
s a ai-at tr4 tu op.d.ciUt.4 tJ uo -tfiulw.
I.;.ni ?i.Nt.'iMCTt'xtiNC co.
lavon Indelliblo Ink.
i 1 7 llw in the worl ls Ukk a tho HI flfJ'T
t'ttt rateiwiwiililllowllsirleiliy lIUll I
.jl.IJ U,!aJt,rra.! lwa I )U C II
l 'I il UCC will ' Ifuro any Uhric, fill T
jLU I nCO SoUbyalllru;'Kt.tsIlk.UU
KUert aaJti.iia".T. (j uut r Luuuua Us, N.
M tiirUhA.J' J
iif ISB
Uf II f If IMitf it ill
W; lp f HI 111 lp f If (
paoM hcott's araKitiCN.
Mslonle stood at .Murphy's bar
Anil quailed hU beer, nnd Inurinurcd: ''Ahl
Twas tfoodl And now most t.oblotfrlmd.
To lisor I my way must weud,
And for tho beer that I hnto dtank,
You, sir, most heartily I thank."
'I ho Murphy save his l.nlr a poke,
I'old id his arms, and thus ho spoke:
"Yo can't work no such racket here)
I nant llvo cents, surr, for that beer."
Maloutu nnsttertd straight:
I t hi'iiuM 1 drunk nt Jour espense.
Hut 1 won't kick about 111 u cents,
Just put It on tho slate."
Murphy replied! "Not lunch, )ou know,
I want five cenls before ou so,"
Then turned M tl tnlu's checks llko lire,'
And shook ht t cry frame for Ire:
"An' this w luel" ho sild,
"And 'tnero not for thy hoary beard, 'talonlo had not t-pireil
To punch the Muipli)'shiadi
Anil .Murphy, more I tell thee, hero
E'en In thy pitch ot pride,
As thon ussert'nt 1 m not tho peer
Jtany mm In this ward h:re
Atid can't bo trusted for a beer,
Then Murphy, thou lust lied:"
On Murphj's .ace an angry Hush
Heepenid the rum created blush.
Pierce he burst botthi "And dar'st thou then
'I o beard the Hon In his a, n,
The Mm Hi) In his mill;
And hop'st thou le-uce tinllcked to go?
No! Hy old Moses piper not
Hartcndcr, close tho door, an' oh
This blackguard 1 will kill "
Malonlu tumid, lie had fu'I need
or all.hls noted powers or speitl
iircr tho threshold (piiik he kprans,
.lust as the door closed w 1th a bang.
to little time had lie to clear,
A brick luirltd at him grazed his ear.
Hut, when the Muiphy reached tho door,
He'd gone and there w as seen no more.
llostoii 7Vf.
Select Story.
MY FIKST l lloruAIi.
'A faint licart licM'i' won n fair 1ml v,'
lias liicoinu a M'tllcd titiiMii; but wlittli
jp a s-lioni; lioait ever won a cotiuotle. in
iiolik'iiialic:il: yet, as lar us I ant coii-
iini'tl, 1 will i'ii(I('aoi' to miIiu the
I lie iliillncvs ol tliu MiiiiniL'i' mouths in
the city iiidiii-i'il me to rutin 11 to my na
tive town. I I mil been absent several
ears and lont'ed to visit once mure lite
tcenes of my childhood, and enjoy the
luire air anil idleness ot the country. It
Mas in the unlet ami Miber villain) of
I'elhani that 1 met with tho heroine of
inv stoi v.
I hail been in town but a few davs,
hen the (inlet ol the illai;i' was sens'i
lily distui bed that .Mis. Meals was to
ni1 a part v, tor the litii iinse ot mtio-
luiintf her neiee, .Miss l'ollv Shivers.
Such an uncommon ooi'imeni't' fonncd
nt eoiiise the all-abMiihine; tojiiu of con-
eisatHin. and vaiious were the lipints
cireillali'd leirardinit the voillij' ladv wlio
was to form thu chief attraction ol tho
eiiiuir; but all agreed that she was an
hei.'css, and diseni;aj'ed. A residenee in
the citv for seteral veal's had softened
the natural uiicoiithiiess of inv manners,
mid, ai veil me a detrree of conlideni'e
necessary to lii;iiie in society, and this
confidence was i endured douhlv strum;
when I thought of the iu-ii'itiricatit ri
valry I should meet amoiii? the village
beaux; so I full v lesolved to inoiiopoli'.11
Miss Shivers, and, if possible gain
The evening for tho part v arrived, and
in order to create an ovei whelmint; sen
sation, as well as to "ive oiilenee of
city brei'diiijr, I lepaired at a late hour to
Airs. leas, and, ot course, louinl the
whole eoinpanv assembled. Opposite tliu
duor were seen hall adoen vuiiiijrlailie-,
tandiiiL', arm in arm. watchinc; tor the
entrance ot each party, while aiiothu
jxruitp were leHinj; toi tunes or looking
over some soiled cnirnn inirs. The il
he'e lieailM ehisteieii about thu dour.
keepiiif; at a respectful distance fiimi lhe
ladies, their cuiiiileiiaiices betraviny; tile
Mill tu do but not the soul to dare.
Mis.s Shiveis was standin;; in the iv-
cess ui a winnow iisiiessiy gazing on uie
scene around her, but without appealing
lu paiticipato in the gaiety of her coni-
lainons. Her person was rather be
yond the common sue, or peihaps 1
should say it was a wry uncommon size,
and she would haw been viiluaily
termed fleshy. Her hair, the color of
which might have been poetically called
auburn, but which, in plain prose, we
will describe as sunburnt yellow, was
dressed smoothly back from her fore
head, and gathered into a knot tin tho
crown of her head, over which a gilded
comb Mood stilly up like a gravt Mouc in
a deseit.
I could neverdiscovcr tho color of her
cet, but they must have been very at
tractive, for they were continually look
ing at each other troiu over the 'bridge
uf her no-u which, by thu way, offered
but a slight obstacle so that" the lady
would haw been called, by malicious
persons, cross eyed. I have often heard
uf a transparent skin, and a brilliant
complexion, but never exactly under
stood the nicniiing of the terms', but 1
should not say that IMiss Shivers had a
transpaieiit skin, though her complexion
was M'ty lnilliant and beautifully re
llected the lights in the room and shone
conspicuously ubow all others.
The lady was dressed in a white catin.
gayly ornamented with flounces, lace anil
ribbons, and the dress shone off like a
newly painted hutise, and was as stiff as
sliisied drapery. 'An enormous gold
chain hung troiu her neck, lo which was
attached a watch uf no delicate dimen
sions, the dial being evposed il was
eiy useful to her neighbors; a pair of
lung white kid gloves covered the lower
pint of her rather muscular arms and
finely cuntiasle.1 with a pair of most in
Mler.lte led elbows.
Xow, tlear reader, you havo befoie
u, a well as my feeble pen can de
scribe, the belle of' .Mrs. lteal's paitv.
Though .Miss Shivers was not 'very
p cpo.s,.s,jn.r i )., jipiieaijuu.,., the ten
t'liiusand dollars which lni had in her
own right, induced me to bu introduced
to her. lint I will not weary the reader
by a narratiouof the numerous llatteriug
attentions I bestowed upon the-oiing
lady or tlie significant icmarks which
those civilities occasioned among the
,'iiests; sullice il to say, that I returned
homo that night fully resolved to win, at
all hiunrds. tl.u heart of the heiress.
Kor thu tirat weik I mado hut little
progress, but I was not to be dicour
aged. Xo attention was omitted not
an art in the whole catalogue, was left
untried still my ladylove was Hummed;
slip spoko rot a word of encouragement.
Still I perscveied; day after dav 1 wasat
her house: books I broUL'ht from the li
Ibrary, tho choicest fruils were to bo
found on her table, I read onu volume of
"Klegant UxtractH," merely to Hud some
lines for her album expressive of my
I'oets have sung of the duvotediiess
of I.cander, who swam the Hellespont
to see his lady love, but I waded neck
deep in (lie horse pond to procure for
my love the water lily, l'omeo leapid
the gulden wall lo ne'e his .lidiel, but 1
Hal for houis on the leiice to watch my
Polly as she retiied to her chamber,
llut 'all these evidences of my devotion
weie of no avail) 1 wrought no change;
I was enduring "Ilio ki client of all ills
iinceitailily," and resolved to luiiigthe
affair to a criis.
How to make the propoil was the
next question. After a doeii plans I
lesolved lo ak the lady lo take a ride,
.ami lo sii.e that oppoituuily lu open my
heart to her. My invitation was accept
ed, aiwl hope icvived again. At two
o'clock l was seen (hiving through the
town with ,Mi"s Shivers sealed at my
The awful moment now anived. I
was now to know my destiny; I was to
bu the acciptcd lover or i ejected one. I
became excessively agitated; every word
of the beautiful a'ddriss I hail concoclid
the night previous vanished from my
memory. Hut an attempt was to lie
made, and when we had passed through
the village into tliu open country 1 broke
thu ice.
1 began first by calling her attention
to tt 'beautiful soeturr, or I thought a
liltle M iiliiiieiit was ncccjtiary. J spoke
of the waving grass, the laughing flow
ers, the a.iiru skies, ami the thousand lit
tie beauties that every where iwl the
eve. The lady agreed with me cxto tly,
lr.;t she spoke with no enthusiasm; theie
was no sentiment, uu romance, no fecl-
t ii tr, and I found tins wou'd not answer,
so 1 stood ou another attack.
Have von ever been to Xew York.
.Miss Shivers!" I ventured to ask.
'Xo, sir.'
'Don't you think you should like to
riisdc there!' giving the horse a cut.
'1 j'eallv cannot say, Mr. Sinqtwn.'
'I liiiiik von conlii bo pleasantly situ
ated thcie (another cut); thu society is
vciy fine, though one cci thinly wishes
for his friends around him. I often feel
lonely, and igh for a companion '
'Yes sir.'
'fain confident y on could bu happy
theie,' I leplied, almost in despair, and
giving tlie horse a tremendous lash. f
should delight to introduce you to my
friends, if inv soeielv is as agreeable tu
you as yours is '
'.Mr. Simpson !' slnirkcd Miss Shivers,
'you are driving into the ditch !'
The woidsvvcrc Hosounerspokeii than
over we went, and both weie thrown
from tlie chaise. .Miss Shiveis scieained
thu tmor horse kleked.aild I endeavored
to free myself from the reins.
1 arose :il lust lint in the vet-v aironv of
despair. I ga.ud upon the lady. W'hat
an object ! lionnct torn, dress soiled and
face covered witli mud. I felt like sink
ing into tlie cm til. I bogged, entreated,
but had not the power to move.
'I will never venture into that chaise
again,' said the lady; 'but why don't
you assist me I Miall die I am dying.'
She went into hysterics. I caught her
as -he fell, and though my arm was
nearly broken in (he attempt to save, I
.supported her- Shu revived at last, and
1 succeeded in ieisiiading her to take a
seat in thu chaise, 1 turned tlie horse's
head toward tlie village.
Here was a lo all my hopes.
I was a mined man I knew. 1 tlnew
my In ad back against the chaise, and in
silence indulged in my misery. The
lady mnttiietl a few words about care
less driving, broken bones and ruined
dresses, hut spoke not a wotd of con
solation. I diow rapidly home, scarcely know
ing where 1 was going, until 1 was
annisdi h the renewed Mitimis ol itli-s
Shiveis, and I had ju-t time to Hue that
I had I im over a child that uu ulaviiig
in the road. .My companion Wcaino
alarmed, and ordeicd me to give up the
reins.' In vain I cxpoMulaicd in vain
I slated the rediculous figine we should
make driving through tlie town ; 1 wa
obliged to yield my light as driver, and
the lady look tlie reins.
Iiuugiiieme.dearivailer.iiding through
tlie village, driven by a lady.
I retiiined home in a state of mind
bordering on insanity. I thought of the
scandal tlie affair would create, thu jokes would lo made at my expense, and
the utter aimihilatio i of all my dreams
ol bliss. I rushed from my room, and,
finding no pcinon on which to wreak my
vt iigeanee, 1 ran to thestablc and lashed
tliu poor horse until 1 was exhausted by
tlie cxetcisc.
A week passed and I scaicc vctitimil
from tlie house, but remained "a wcaiy
win n ami wretched thing," acling in
perfection the tlef.paii ing lover. Al last
1 ventured to open my henit to a fiiend,
wliu infoi mid me that Miss Shiveis had
quite forgotten the affair and coiisideied
it a capital juke. .My fiiend :iKn Mnlul
that I should iiti.i t her tit lhe house thai
ev aning, when all would b explained
and settled.
Mv In ai l heal warm again and a smi'e
was seen imcu more upon her faee.wheit.
with a faint heart I succeeded in making
an humble apology for my past comlucl.
I could have cried for joy when I found
that all was lorgiyoii. and that I was iv
iiistalid in Miss Shivirs' good graces.
Shnitly after our ricouciliatioii I was
inviled to iiiiother paily, mid of com se
was Miss Shiveis' escnit.
The evei'i ig pas-ed rapidly away, and
when tho hour an ived fur the s'ump.iny
lo tit pail, it was di-ciiveied that a cluiiil
had ni iseii.w'hlehthreulened a tremendous
Mis Shivers was determined to walk
In, me. although I hinlid thai I would
older my chaisc,loigeltiug lhe churned r
thai I had isiablished as a thiyer. My
arm was offered, huwevir, and under an
umbrella we dcpailed. We hid two
two miles to walk, but wo h. id not pro
ceeded many rods before tho rain be
gan to fall in ton cuts, accompanied by
silting symptoms otniunder and light
li'Mg. I diew the shawl closely around
the lady .nml lnqniicdif she wasnlarmed.
She leplied :
'1 tlo not 1 1 ii i it I lhe thunder much,
I am rather shy of lightning.'
1 liad ileteiinhied dining (he evening
to renew my proposal, and I thought the
prcst ,1 a good oppoituuily, though we
walked nearly a mile ere j could screw
my eoiii age to the sticking poitit. At
last liroko the painful silence.
.miss Miiver.s our linloitiinafo upset
pievemcu me ironi expressing my feel
mgs as fully as 1 could wish, but 1
'Oh I .Mr. Simpson how it lightens: 1
tiojiujuu navo no sun in voiir uin-
'Xo, nor is my licait of steel, I leplied.
I have so longed foran opportunity to
express to you my deep
'I low caieless you ate, .Mr. Minpson,
volt have let I me into a middle of water.
I should think the lightning would direct
'Oh! lint tlm lightning of jour eyes
alojie directs me!' I cxclaiincif with sonic
'Don't falk such nonsense Mr. Simp
son, I won't listen to it.'
Itiit I had committed myself and my
tongue would not be silent.
'I love you,' I exclaimed, 'and I must
tell you so.'
'Mr. Simpson, if you don't mind your
business I won't walk with you.'
1 graspid her hand, fell down on my
knees in a puddle of water, mid while
tlie rains from heaven and burning tears
tiickled tluwn my face I gave nttitniice
to my feelings in nosltidiid language.
lu vain 1 spoe ol the ardor and sinceii-
tv of inv attachment
invaiii I pictured
inv future misei v if I shoul
be reject-
til. Kloqiiincu was of no avail, audi
changed my language. 1 upbraided her
and called he a coqiicttce, a hard-hearted woman, and a traitor with my
affections. 1 talked of pistols and sui
cide, hut all in vain. The lady tore the
umbrella from mv hand, and alter a few
peculiar epithets left me in ui) misery.
The rain was falling in (orients, tlie
lightning flashed, the thunder toaied.biit
I hieded them not. I remained fixed,
immovable, senseless. How long I stood
upon that spot I know ind. but when I
came to my souses I was drenched to the
skin and cold as an icle. Mortal man
could nut resist tlie elements longer. I
gnvp iiiii' more lotik.o'iemoreijaeiilatiou
of angb-ia'h, and ran for home., vVct.e.x
haiisdd itcj-pualc, I entered tlie house
sealed mvsell tutors the kitchen Inc. A
little nlU'ctioti luiil me of my infatua
tion. 1 saw that J had been jilled,
laugliid at and .deceived. I knew that I
had made a tool of mvscJf, audi be
came enraged.
I paced the room like a mud man ; it
rang mu willi vows of vengeance. I up
set a clipboard of crockery overthrew
the t.'ibli'sandchuiis I threw mv motlurs
fiiv.jiitc cat into the lire and knock'
Aunt Nanev's Ian dug into tlie load
with thi' grid iron. The whole house
was in confusion mv mother sci earned.
tlie children eii.'d. but I hisdid them
nut. but lushed to ;iicchainbiran(l luek-
('d the door
How I nasseil Uml night (lie reader
can imagine: sullice it to say that 1 lefl
totvii lhe next morning cursing the day
I visit t'd J'elliam, and mollified by tin
result oi "mv fii'M proposal."
nr.. il(,"tiiii i'i disease of tin'
Dnv's Jviducv J'.tl is the .sure
.t'lieap Varliii grants.
Fur room tkeoratiun win do nut peo
Jile take some liai'dy tilings tl.jt do not
mind heat nor froA or thought or flood
that is if none or these things .pome
into gi cat extremes. 'There arc such among
things; hut instead of looking for them
lender green hou-e thtigs that leqnir
much light and great care tilings whicl
even a lloiit with all liisskill can scarce
lv glow aru taken in hand, and tliu
neoiile very ofleii fail cf success. Of
course sifter making a' cltc acquaintance
witli plants and lcaiiiiu.; 'heir littiewhiin
and l.iiicies and just hov"' to humor them
111 tltosf 111,1 le lileillcs tin 11115 sci nnir
hearts uptiii. the parlor gaiilnir can do
as vvell as the gieiti house
often much bettir.
"aidiicr, am
II however the hardier things are 1 -
r t iin.Ts are n -
wiihnii much
w ilhou'.
ken. success is eeilaiu
anxietv or cue, and one can practice on
(Ik m until they are able to care for the
more (Iclieale tilings.
Among tho lies, of these old fa'hioiied
plants easy to grow in sunshine or shade
there is nothing so good as the various
vaiieties of Knglish evergiucii ivy As
iMiuU sieu in puts ou stieel corners,
pietty its thej';jre they give no idea ol tlie
great beaii.y .tvliV-di a plant of several' old prisents ',. have seen some
growth in siwj tubssiv or sev
en feet high U'ahiid ovir win so as tu
make back to seats or even littl" aibor
like coveriii'-s or alcoves, adniiialile fur
standing in wide entrvs n- halls. 'fhev
may be trained up in pots high enough
mil thick enough to covey window framett
entirely, not oiily up the sides but round
mil over (uls, itrsAJug what is iisiiall a
iliiiutv ruuiii look lilvo a iiviiigliowcr.or a
room adorned by the highest art look all
lite lovliir for lhe ineiiisitiii of beautiful
mUiiie on her (special domain.
VV o have seen I lie iv v ill lllst these
oiidilions frequently mid wonder whv
the succissfiil example is i.tif calchiii'
siippus,. ii miii ho Mmply ;t waul ol
ton thought. We see and iitlmire and
ifsolve that we will do hkewisv. hut we
leave these fail y spots and get into lhe
rushiig bu-T woild, forgcitlng
asiii.itile iiiiiiiessioiu and only iivicm
beiing t In 111 when chance throws iu in
tlie way ul seeing them again.
I lie time is now ft line wlicii prepiirivljuii
tii"i v !' made fo.- these Sol t of (kings.
The voting ivvs should be iiotlid in the
spiing in goiul gaitlun soil, and aflci' a
iciniiidi r that they aro e.xpectul totinvil
upwaids by being put to a stout stake set
in the eentie of lhe put, set out in par
tial shade to grow It will mid to have
just the same wa(eri,- niul jn- the same
general eullnre lis orilinai v it ants, uml
by fall w ill he e enough for some
-ho,v the same winter, lint it isthc stc-
ond scison and alteiwwilstlial the g.'ent
b '.-lilty of (he ivy will be seen, 1u.1l it is
JIM three or I mi'-vear-old phint.s
that people very seldom w.
now dearly vve should like to see a
couple of these, pots of iyj in everybody's
winter Inune, ami especially in the home.-',
of the poor. Wo read every year in th"
daily pupirs of some iu'di'v idual.t at
Christinas giving awav loafs uf Invad to
the pour. 'fhis mav lie well enough in
Us wily, though il is looked 011 ofion as a
huge juke and tlie loafs tossed about in
tun. and though it is at other liuiesnieie
ly a dodge for cheap adveitisiug by muiic
tiader w ho thinks himself sharp i'11 thus'
cheating a publisher of a live tlolhu- bill,
vve are willing to believe that some do it
from good motives and that some return
genuine thanks fur timely udicf ; but if
some one would tllsiriljulo a t.w liuiitl
ictls of well grown, ivy to the poor tied
luiiiniiiii inn id say v icioiis, at this ge.i
crallj eheei fid lime, we iH-lieie an im
ineiiMMiiiioiiin 01 pieasiiiawiuild do given
to a class who know not what rntiinnil
phasiire is, nml no doubt other good
1 1 t
wt tun junow .
' froublp cointpcncds curly in life,"
11,01 1 1, 15 nn,, mv. V , . ,i, ior rt
boi.luot Dr. Hull' likhu-jni., 10 two lite
rifn oofrulfniANrvT?n. my
A llutJl t liurcliiti;;.
lit IXN ClIMffTlNA OP sl'.VIV (IIVI'.S Til VMi.S
id rnr. vi mions poi'i: i no s ihtkii-
mi:hci;ih'.s mo and
A Mathid coi respondent (tlegraphs
(he following: "Koitv days liav ing claps
since the bit 111 of Infanta Meieetles
I wo curious ceremonies took place in the
iilace oil the 211 lilt , oil lhe occasion
of the Ihst appearance in public of
Queen ('liii"lina. Ilefole Ii n o'clock in
the morning ciowds of people assembli d
before the palace, caiiiages deposited
many ladies w earing black or white man
tillas. Ministers, goticinls and diplomat
isis followed in full uniform. When
they got (o (he galh lies on the first floor
they found them tills. 1 1 with a lnilliant
company and the Chuiiel Koyal alieady
occupied with niaishals, judges, giand-
ees, nnd the roval household. .Maiiv
niests andchoiisd'is ehit( red round the
tltur, which was splendidly lit tip and
tlie Cardinal l'.itiiarch of (lie Indict and
Mutate were b illl readv with a cioss
borne aloft, with a pallium andholv wat-
(o church Om en Cliti-liii.i. I'I 1 1 - nil
went to the dour ol the dint,,. I tn mi-nit
the Queen, who appeared, ui ceded by
;iaiidees, gentlemen, lords and gentle
men in lull conit ( less. ' in uneeo
looked null- under It. r dinilein ami hie,,
iiinnillln llee loin' nili. i.liil.- liuiu ,.f
alio and lace was burn be two Dukes. 1
fhe King was in inaishal's uniform and
Wui e tlie tumuli il' or. The Queen loo!.
the Ii fanta Meiccdes ftom the aims of
the governess, the Duchess of Medina de
as 'I'm res, ami knelt ou nvdvet cushion
milling her child while the ('ardinal Pa
triarch read tho (lo.-pcl of publication
over hir. Then she rose anil entered
the church, followed by the piincesscs.
all in light blue satin trains and white
mantillas. The king and queen during
tlie mass, which was beautifully chant-
bv the choir of the chapel Hoval, sat
1. i..: . ..r : :. i .....f ... ...
linnet .t tuns in curious mm iiuiiiiin.. in
pestiv.'W) years old. The court vaids
mil staneasis ol the palace vvt re ot'cit
pied l iv thousands u peuple eager to
enter, but in vain.
I'1:ii'.ms most hip. I'opi:.
Directly a ft en lhe cei cinoliv the Papal
Xuni'io anived at tlie palace with his
mile in slate carnages, oscoitcd by the I
rovai nurse guards aim troops, mini
colli tvard lie -was received witli roval
honors, 'fhe Nuncio was conducted to
the throne room by the Lord Chamber
lain, and there tlie Canlinal read to th
King, siiirottndcd by his ministers ami
com tiers, a Papal brieif in which I.eo
XIII, c.xpiessid great sympathy for tin
soveieigu of Spain, and sent his parlieu
lar blessing to the Queen and her infant
'flic Nuncio, accompanied by
the King anil ministers, went to th
chamber of Queen Christina, who was
standing with the piuipess and her la
dies. Tlie Infanta Mercedes was held in
the arms of her governess, tin. Ducliee
Medina de las 'I'm res. 'flic Ximcio. sit
ter a short address to the Queen, opened1
splendid alabaster and gold embossed
casket, coiitaiiiinglwoiiiagniliceiit drc
e in r-atin. several beautifully embr
dcred covers for cushions destined for
the Iiif.tni.a. several precious relies for the
Queen, ami .'iNo a Papal briel and roll
for each of VW Infantas I-abc, Kulalie
and Pa., 'flic principal iclie, a cross of
brilllanlh, -was immediately hung round
(he neck of the infanta Mercedes, and
ladies in wailing also swathed her in
beautiful sashes, eiiibroideied bv lloman
ladies and blessed bv the Pope, 'fhe
mili-chambcts were eiowded with tlie
, .,: , , ,. . , ,,
I '"duhly and ladies nnxioiio to seethe
I jp.,.,.i luescnts. To-day Queen Christi
na 'ind liiiama .tiiri((ies go 111 state to
tin .itocha Cathedral lor a le Deiim,
A Ions' will be held ill the Palace and a
liaiioiiel uf 120 covers will be given lit
the hall r the columns 10 iiie.viiiiMcii.
and the chiefs of the diplomatic corps
(iiU'ti .'if iy llniiors.
"I- it nn, -ib'.c tit,, 'tr. Godficy is 110 uml
it tvirk, sp.ii cur 11 i,y st s'uiplc a reii'.-
"I I'-sti r. vr.ti it is true .'ust ' e is tn
ti'ely s lire I "soil with luitifl ij: tut JIop
HiUrrs; and enlv tfcn 'lays ngit hisdie'or
cat e him uu KLtl "U d 1 must tlu
"Well-n-ilavf Thn is- rHiintrkalilr. 1 will
in I Ms day nt'd p'.t inuie fer my p sir
irrgt 1 Knew h"ps are Konrl. .U111
'fur. Lvian. Winrr. iloit-i:.. 1
tlie biggest louse in the woild is the
"White," of llerlst-liiic, Hi .gland.
It is one liiindud n'ldsevii'.ty yat'tls long
lo the tip of the tail. It is a tigiuc cut
in tlie side of the hill. A 'Uig ;ay oil'
it looks as though diawn in clwdk lino,
but the -lit lint s are leally th op dilchis
cut in the soil and kept clean ;ii!? free
1 1 fin grass bv tliu people who lalvf ride
tu it. 1 he ditelies :iii. st viuils t i,liti.i,l
I'.. .1 ,T. I
two fc( t deep. The eve of tlie ho) se 'u
four fei across andthciar is lifinui vard:.
Il can be seen tor sixdsai mil
Win n (he time conies lo clear out the
lilehi's the piople make :t roil uf picnic
ol it play all soils of m-tic g:iius. mid
i.ive tine time. Who made lhe White
Horse, or what for, it is not known. Il
is vt rv old.
It is iiiiimi.lWe to liml a evimh it 11 tl cold
mul'ict'tit' io compare fivtirsdilv ttilh Dr.
Urottntiu: s ('. ,x- C. t on nil ! i n nmni
lo the t'c, stiitches nut Ilio nllfctHl pints,
uml silintiv hut 1 liVctual I v nm.ui lislns ith
tiHssiiiii W , Hilri'H unv uue ruutilt'd A-iih
a null or edd to "ive it u trial. It will
s eeillW help ciiii.iiinf tives As'lui a i.
tr.inlilfs s sm disi,p;,, ttiui the 1 nti-nt h
tlie'nl n ull llut terrilile o..iiuii,titif stii.11 d
st once procuri n l it tie. Price fill eeiiis.
IfVlilir lllll -gll (l(H s nut s, II P. n-nl tllrrrt
'11 I)r. Iliutv.ioiL', lll'Aitfll treu:. Pltila-
hlphia, l'.t.
A IIJ's fitllily A Tumhiiig Sl.iry,
, day or soiij-itliB eneintcr of h Irtir.
neir Montresl satv .1 Inro ilo; truck,
htrkini; 1' The eiluter vvliis'bd
but the tln( paid no atttntion to tli,- imise.
and r-ft.ed to stir. The tUs w.ts 111 11 cyt-r
n'ul killeil. The euiiiueci' (il)servsd that lie.
itnhiliil croujticd clo-o 1 1 lhe K'ountl as he
ivasktrtiek by the cotveatcht r. A minute
later tlm firoii'itii sitv n hit 01 while muslin
llutlerlnt' uu I'jo loe.iii.iit i v l'. j.lui lie klopped
the iMiiiiiie. O'l ii.iii'jr back to w litre Ilio
dou was killed it a ill.envpiisl mt mu
nnU the doj; hut h little child, bed lh-rn
killed. It was then men tha. the' tl.ig hnd
been Htnnding gusnl over the child, mid had
barked to attract the Attention of Ilio enpi
nee.. The ftithful animid hud M?ritietd In.
life ruthfr than desert his yhitrpe. The
child liml wninltryil uwny from a ut-ight.ot.
Ing linn.' , tu 'imul hv I'm ttl;, it
tiupposcd that (ho child lay Mown uml
to bleep on the track.
u. lu. AH. IT
Twolnt iea ...... $.w t.t .k.wj'
ihrcc inches. .. .... 4.'i ' '!'" H?
Four ncnes. n.uo ., ... -
t(urtcr column f .00 n.ini tj--'jn
llflircolurnn in.i'i is. tie .1
column n''.oo 8.(0 o.eo doae im
Vearli advertisements naiable iitiartfily. Trai-
nilv, riald for LiefOtllnSC tUHl
except where parties nave accounts.
t .., I n.t , rt la, mm t lit wrt dollars lirr Inch fotthlct
In sci lions, and at that rato tor nddllloiisllnst tiloti
'wiiuouircterencc loicngm.
Kiecutor's.Amlnlstrntor's and Auditor"! hotlc.
llinc uollats. juusi iropamior wi.en iiipcihh
lillMLMIU, i.l ', l.uium, . " . ., . J ss.,..
in-tfatMrtlJcrneMf hslf ratrr - t( '
cards In the "liuslness Directory" COlutnnv oni
An A i my of I'lis'imislfis.
1 10,00(J Pi-.tisoss r.Mi'i.ovr.KiN'TiiK rsimi
status postal pr.itvit.1.,
'fhe animal renin t of the iippoininont
division of the i'osl Ollice Depailmeiit
fur (he last fiscal vtar shows that the
tmnibt r of pi si olliccs in operation in the
I'niltd Stales on the HOI i of .lime last
I'.VJV, an iiieiease of 'J, till tinting the
vtar. 1,701 of the postmasters ate ap
poind es of the I'lcsideiif. Tiie rcinaili
lligll.'JiiS nflicts me lillcdby atipoitit
lui tils of the Pied Master (ieiirral. 15e
sides (he nearly (;i,()i)() postmasters theie
ale 17. I'l l persons tlnoiighout the conn
Ity who peifotm service and receive
compensation upon the written authoriz
ation of the 1'ost Master liciictnl or his
chief ns.i.lnnt. comprising -11!) in tliu
'ust Ollice Dipartmeiil at Washington,
"loIS ch iks in ptwt ollieesof the fust and
second classes, IMiSM letter earners, ."(!
special agents. B,!i(i employes of the
taihtay mail s.rviee and o,S(i2 mail con.
triu loi's. In addition to the post ollice
elt i ks above l( cki lud.for whose employ
ment allowances ate made to Presiden
tial post masters of the first and second
grades, il is estimated n( (lie department
Hull there are at least IP),!)!)!! persons act
i"u' as cleiks in tlie thiid and fourth class
P"' "inctw who iook iui men tninuy
liient anil com itnsai iiiii tiueeiiy mum
local aillhorily, and It is bellev id. till re
h ie. that there are now not less than
HI.OJ') persons dinctlv connected with
our posinl service.
I' v u sre triiii'ilP'l tiith fevr nutl acne,
lu iili i.(in-, billions O-vt r j lumlice eyspep-
, or .my ill .ap ul the liver, uiuuu or
in n 't, 'i'.mI ih tu pet well, trv the f ew
Handy, l'r"f (iniliiii li's l'teticli Liver rad.
tv'iieli i in s h siwoi piitin. Ask voiir dtng-iii-i
fur it, nnd lake no other, uml if he tins
I col it setul SLftll in ii loiter l lhe I'renoli
ICtilney 1'iul (lo., Tultilii, O., nnd n ceiveunu
liy return mail. u
(incil t'onp.iuy Niirilier Ttnrteen.
(iood Cuiiipanv" Xiimber Thirteen.
C:).'!!) a year. Springfuhl, .Mass.) begins
new volume and subscriptions aro
theiefoie tine at once. The feature,
which many will welcome most, peihaps,
is the opening installment of a new se-
ualsloiv bv Kllen W. Olney. It is en
titled "litisu and the Doctor;" and while
it will as may be judged by tlie oiieiiing
hauler bv no means without a love af
fair, the plot hinges but in part on that.
'fhe principal complete stories of thu
number are "That l.ette," bv Hdwarii
llellaniv. author of "A Xantnckit Idyl;'
one liv Horace p.. cimuei : anil -unr
New Kdilor" bv Miss Louise Stockton.
Mam ieo Thompson lias a contiibntio'i.
An Idyl of tlie Longbow," which be
sides having tlm full flavor of the woods
and bow shooting piques citiiosity as to
;i cei tain eminent editor whose name is
fhe number abounds in sketches of
(ravel and foieign lands, llotirv 1!. Kl-
liot, who was tor considerable timu a
resident there, xylites ol "Tokio," tlie mi
metisc Japanese capital. Mountain folk
tells of experience ill Swit Zetland house
keeping, with some account of the gov-
inmi' iii. "Davs 111 the Island ot v aii-
ri" isbv 1. F. DeCosta.
K. S. (iilbert has a graphic word pic
ture of "Niagara; there are some rem
iniscences of the author uf "llome.Svveet
Home:" Mary 15. l'crrv and I.ucrcco
have poems; and among the shorter ar
tides aie included "Keating on the Kng
lish Thames" and the "Whispciing
It tnnv he observed tnat no atlcmpt is
mail', to fur t out of way or uuknemn places
to fiml imuits lo tndorre Siumidii's I.lvfr
ltep ulatnr.
Hun. Alfttsmlcr II. Mepliens.
lulu) V H'eVnidi, Hislinp of Ga.
(!en. Jithn li (i iplcu, IT. S. Senator.
II 11. .f ilm lilll t'iortv, e.x-U.ivernor of
K-v. Inv:d XVil's D. D , rremleut Ug-
letliarpe ('s)llepe
lltsiioi) rieree (iitfia j
linn .1 .lines Jnitsun, (firmj (Howell. .Cobb
& Jiim s Jarkk m,J Ailorney at J.atr,, Maon,
.Inn H rnhli.
1!. I, Mod, (JolnmVu', Ga.
Country KnaiU.
It is estimated, says the Country
(itnthmun that two million tarmeis in
this country ate compelled Im- at least,
one month ill inch year to plough with
1-t.hcir wagons and teams thiough deep
rujil, i'i going iwice a wet w 10 111:11
to rtc.-, village .stoic and to the machine,
and lll".fk.inith shop at an actual ex
pense, in lw aggitgate. uf many million
dullais. t'vuiitl dry mads would picvent
a vast deal of ui..,b!c and c.eiisc. and
add much to lhe value of the fauns, to
say nothingof the lucieau'd eomfoit and
uttistactiuii of driving ovis- ihcnt.
I lie lciison that public UsiiU Miiiaiii
1 ! muddy so long, till liundieds of -kWilii
wagons have cut the nuliu-c inlodcip
xtii s. is that Iheie ii no iscape lornni
iiuf ll'iit falls iqiuii thein. One or mom
prtiK'Jv cuiisttiiclcd tintleitliaitis extend
ing loiijfihvrisc along (he loud would af
ford 11 gif;d iVintdy. in locaiiues wneio
ravel ant', .sina..' stones can 1.0 11:11. inn
drainage mity be made .'ilmtist pirfect.
The falling ' vv'Uii.'iss thiough tho
gtavil liul to ti.e tlr.u'.'i beneath neaily
:m fasl as it falls,. Mini in' '"ltd can bo
formed. When gr.ivl and stones cannot
be procmcd, the wsltr will li.' longer ill
fimitiig its way down.'lmt tlie diain will
in visihless carry off the ivati r in ii lunch
htiitts" lime than when ii 1ms to escape,
by tbepioeev- ol 1 v a pond ion.
The lust mode fur iistrucling the
drain., is us follows: A good siisl pipu J
tiie is laid at the butloiu. surrounded
v.itli Miiitiler Vto'its. tin these a'i placid
smaller ui broken stones or cuai so giav
el, iheii finer gi.ivtl, and soil or liner
giavc! at liie siuface. ,'u free water
cut r.'iiutin long on top of a mad thus
di jiiticd. A sieglo diain in the iiiiddlo
of the track will t.fttn be siiflicienl, but
for wider and more traveled roads it
may be tu cessarv to piuee two or even
three parallel drains -dung the load,
Xeaily all public mails hnve a more or
less undulating surface, and outlets must
ibe made at ev cry depression of tlie water
'.ironi the tilo to the roadside.
'fhe expense of making efficient (Indus
wed not exceed JiUlf a dollar a rod for
likiple ditches, ' ami a dollar or more
wltcro two or three are 11101 ted. The
prisciit season of the war when the
vvi-rk can be dono without interference
oi vater and mud is thu time for its pcr-toitiaiuce.
Lvdit l: JMiifclihin's Vtjjtttihle Compound
i- a reiiiarkaMe remtdy fur td' tin s pnlnful
. 1 tlllitatfis Hid vs. tit, 1.1 --. rr. tim 11 en In
vvcm 1 V"ri '""t' ll'"mh' I ' I"''rl n -"'"',1 t" Mm.
1 i'd,a ', I'"'"'""'. Wt.tmi Avcmte,
t l.yne, iltvbs., lor jitiitiphU s.