-1 mm THE COLUMBIAN AND I)liMO(RAT;HL()()ISimiMI, (.OLCJMMA CO I N'i 1. PA. Tliu Kll'orl l!niii llmlness liiloresl. 'I'lic l.iMiiilc niijiiiiinit nijniiHl n li.ni"i' of iiiltitiiiiMiiiliiin U tln itijui) t III III' llilMt I" III!- llll.HH'SN inli i lill'l till! I'lllllltll. 'I'll llsllll tl tilt ,i. ii'lii ami In H'nit tliu nt tick" upon I'm xiilijoct it mi!tit liu iiifi'iri'il tlmt tin r niutry wix ivaliy in tlio kei'iin'i; "f tliu I!"iii1iIkmii tiaity.iuitl MiiiiM fjn st nil.nl 1 1 m ;iv to ruin if mil lookeil lifter In- its i ,ui'l"1.iti". .Milton iliwiilicil tin i'clii"i' 'sli iMinir iII'ii'Imik tuiliulit mi hull tlx lutinlivillil trHli Jittr of I'lutiiiic pl'f lt Mnr iiiiiii.iii'Ih,' lint an irlir mux i. M I- li.ilT miii'Ii :i liilti ilnm in tin' irnlu lin ( ! 'i t niti of ( iimr;il I l.nii'ocK, if w .iiv to Jtl limn lull vtr nuil in I'o ll'i. I I l.'lll'l'4. 'I'llIKO M llll Willi' llllll t ilk siii'h Muff mint lime a very lmv l'HH"ll "f till' l)l)i S('llC llf till! ll'0ll' i.l li' I'niti'il Stall, for llii'y know ory will t lull tlio fui't 'h tin' I'oiintiy u'l'tx alutu hi well hi it iloi't in .spite nftlie u ' 1 i n, iitnl Hot lirrailM' of their pro ti'cliiiL,' o.iro. Two or tlirou very plain n ).i,!H,iih will iltij DSt of the iri'ti'iiri' tlmt the mktos of any party U essential to nil' welfare : 1 im Tin' tni'ii who foiiititiitc tho al i itratioii to il.iy, with one or two i. , i i in-, ni'M i-hail aliilily elioiijrti In iii.ui.i - tlii'ir own business In sui'li a iv ,i- i.i irienlh tlUtitiituUli tlifiiiieh cs, a ul if Mr llau's never lieeatne nuvtliimr inoii' than a sceniul or thinl rati1 lawyer in a mil ill rily liki! t'ini'innali it is ah iu 1 In suppose that Iiv makim him l'u i, lint hi' woiilil hi- lorthwith maile lapahli' ol controlling tlio business in i nitiot tlio whok' country. .Mr. Kvatts t I-., ol i .iiui', ol a higher graili' ; hut alh .' all, he was pretty accurately ile ciilii'il h the late Jililgi1 (ilier lis a on r -. nli iice monger.' Mr. .Sheiinan lias lion ii lair business capacity ill lii-i .in 'iil'iiiN hill llieri' arc lilly men on Tlir I Midi :i in I twice 15 fly "ni Wall street who arc hii superiors, anil there is nut one if Ihe lest ol them who cuillil vt hall the salary in any private corpor at. n he iii'W rtivives. It is a hackiici i.l iUi'tation of the saying of Chancellor (), iislieru ! 'tin, my son. ami see with uli.it utile wImIoiii the win M is goMiii nl. Milt the greatest lack of wisdom is on the pait ol the governed when they iiiiiK to think they owe cwrUhiug to th. ir lilies ; for, eeilainly. if Ihe men in olli.'c lime not Mii'iii'iled in piivate life it is folly t' suppose that they ale am. In tier capahle to manage the affairs of othir people. If the country really iitctl id to he taken caie ol. it would lie in a had Way in such hands, lint, luckily, tliu great Aineiicaii people have it and tlit'iiiseUes in their own keeping, and il the wish to change their sen ants nut llu r rules -they need not and will not he atraid to do it. .Second. H our present piosperily is due to the liepuhhean party, how does il happen that iu 1K":I, w hen the panic occiiired, and dining the long yens of the .steady decline in values theieafter, tho Wepiiiilie.au parly, having full eon trol of all ilepaitineiits of the (lovein incut, did not airest the depreciation and ruin, and restoie confidence and proper ly ? And why was it that it was not until the Ueuioeralio parly had aeipuied contiol ol the House of Kcprcsenlalhcs that there was a cheek to tliu tall, and not until it had seemed the .Senate the reaction set in J If iu were to judgu by the order of events, wo might say the liepubliean paily w as responsible for the breakdown in 1 S7:t, anil the Democrats entitled to the credit of the lovival ol business which began to show itself in 1ST, and fairly set in ITy IN"!) ; but the truth is that this, too, would lie absiinl. The advance ill prices, which is some times mUtakcu lur pinspeiily, went on all over the woi id till 1ST."., and the de cline was eipially universal till IS"!), and ior these general movements up and down niither parly is lcsponsible. Third, It does' not billow, however, that it is a matter of indifference to bu.s iness men whether one party or the olh er gets iu. The mania for railway build nig, stimulated by improvident laud grants, had much to do with the unnat ural high pi ices of IH72 and the com pletcncss of the collapse that followed ihu ne.t ear, and the misgov eminent and plundering of the Southern States from I Sim to 1S7S delayed the l estora tion of prosperity iu that section. The liepubliean policy was certainly fairly tested down theie, am! if we aro to be lieve the accounts given by Republicans theiiiselves.it only led to the lobberv and inassaeie of the negroes. That pol icy wa! given up four years ago, and by common consent good order now pie Vliils ; the negroes aru well paid and well fed, and while we hear a gical deal about the wheat crop inakingrcsuuiplion possible, the value ot the cotton uxpolt cd is almost cipial to that of both wheat ami Hour 2li',0l)ll,0l)i) last year, as a'tauist about isi'i."i,tlil(),Oi)l) and il il had not been lor liepubliean misrule in the South, vvc might have had 'the good limes' a year ur two sooner. Km lunate ly, vvhat has been done iu the South can liol be undone, and theie is no great chance, for mischief lull. I'pon the whole, tlicrefouwvc do not think it great I) matters w hi llcr one hall do.cn ol mi ii or another sil mound the I'abiuit table In v ashingtoii dining the uevt hnu J eaiv So long as plices keep going up, the people will think themselves piosper Mi-, and w hen liic linn comes, four m Iiv or li ii vi ais lience, they will lliink that the world has come to all cud again: but vv hi ther they aic to be rick or pour. uci'i s.-lul or ii i . 1 1 i 1 ii i tat i', will de end Upon lluir own conduct. If thev wish to be happy, they must be Millions, ai.il that is all theiu is about it. Si aiiTi kai.. "Siuiiiiiiii"' I.'vir Kipiila tur is ci iuiinly ii ncifii! I'.ir tlmt clicsol cuiii.liiliils vvliiili it cl.iiins to cure. (Kit lii'lillic .1 cllecls vie ill. 1 now m.i;;c tiling; mill Inim i'its nuil e..iT'iiinil, it Ii on r opinnm itiul its villu' Imvn lint l.ini fXHUHcrItil liy ihe nmiiy lluiieriiiK nntlcen ol tin ;' It' a'iy t our follow beirgs niu Mid' linjj Inim limjiiiu ili'i.nli is, hmI have ilimli's n. lelaumi in the i llicuy et this populsr Of -ntioioii we mil i nly i It. r Ilnm llieMiie ami runiliil Hritunc in ot l'liilip to NutliHiiiel 'I'niiii' ami see.' Try th prnpcsHlrni.nl, niul i lien yi.n cm jmljie f'tr jnuinlvis "It. v Dai-hl Willis, I'lisiilciil nl ('Kk- ilniipc Colli ye ami a-tnr of l'rtshv Ii rim ihurili, Miuuii, (in., 1'iof. Uiilvemily ol South Canilinu." It is n'lon'uliii'.t: how cuinpltilely ki.iui pinphi can be uLmiIhI in Ihtir own (hough's, A prniniui'iil ciniliiUte, who (jives up the whole of his mind lo public... , met a prominent church member, who re marked that h in church had just vol new organ. "I hope It will sum tho rtpular tcujlcti.ii," via the i.Un't-inliid(d teply. "A ckar Lrain and a light aim" ia inanb felted by mothers who Veep Dr. Ilull'a IJ-by Sjrup liuiidy, Alvvaja reliable aud contaimi uothlUi' Injurious Mr. Kdwaid Clink, archllict of Ihe Na tional Capllol.tfjiorla ihe follow lug amounts expended lor Capitol Improvement and re palra for the fiscal year ending June 1, '0: Capitol exleuslou, 150,000; veutllatlng the I all of the House of Kepresentatlves, J30, 000; heating apparatus for the United Stilti .Senate $4,000; llghllbfr Capitol rnJ ground, i 52, "106; CapUtd (f''i',lJ luipri.wj Jiifiit. 00,1K)0; ilnilon o (Vvnij( TifH'tt OiViCO IviOiUdRi W,Si lt-MV i in: I'l.AifuKM The )ciuocrnts of the I'liileil Slali , iu rouvelilioli a-selnbli d, diet. Ile : J I'll;- I We p. d"e oiil'si In .in. w to the i nslifutlou. il ikitltiii- and li.i dillolis of (he Deniocralie Jmitv as il hlstr.ileil bv the teaching aud lAauiph' of a long line of Deliiocuitic slalcsineil uud patiiols and einboilieil iu the plat form of the las National Convention of the pally. Sichmi. Opposiiioii lo cenlrali.atioii and to thai dangerous spiiit nl encroach incut which tends lo consolidate the pow i Is of all the ili pailln 'ills iu one, ami thus to en ate, vv liatevcr be the l.uui ol gov el il hi. 'III. a leal ilcspolisiil. No slluipt tlary law si separation of Chinch or ; Stale, for the good of each: common schools fostered ami protected. Tiiiiiii. Ilomr rule j honest money the sliiel niainleiialicu of the p.ibliu faith - -consisting ,,f gold i nuil silvir and pa pi r conveitible into coin on demand : the si i id inainlenaiiee of Ihe public brilh Slide mid national, anil a tm ill' lor reve line only. I''ori:rn. The subordination of th" military to Ihe civil power, aud a general and thorough ri hum of the civil service. I'll lil. The light to a fiec ballot is the light preservative ol all lights, anil must mid shall be inamlaiiieil in eveiv pail ol the United Slates. Sixiii. Tlie existing Ailininistiaiion is the icprest'iitalivu of conspiracy onlv, audits claim of tight to surround the ballot boves with lumpsum! deputy mai shals to intimiilale and obsiiuci theclei I ois, and the uiiprcccik'Ulcil Use of the veto to maintain its eonupl and despotic power, insults the people and iiupciils their institutions. Sr.v r.vi ii. The great fraud of ISVli '77 bywliieh, upon a false count of the ih'ctoral votes of two Stales, the candi date defeated at the . polls was ihclareil lobe I'resiilcnt, and for the liisl time in Ancriean history the vv ill of the people was set aside mnler a threat ol mililarv violence, sliuck a dcadh blow at our system of lejircscntalivi' govenuneiit. The Democratic pally, to pioseivi' the country fioui the horrois ol a civil war. submitted for the time, iu lirm and pa tliotie failh tliat the people would pun ish this crime in 1SMI). This issuu pre cedes and dwai Is evciy other. It impo ses a more saeied duty upon tho people of the I'niou than ever addressed the conscience of a nation of freemen. Kn.ii i n. We cuiTale the course of this Administration in making places in the civil service a rewind lor political clime, and demand a reform by statute which shall make it forever impossible for tlic defeated candidate lo In ihe his way to the seat of a usurper by billett ing villiaus upon the people. NiMH. The lesolutioii of Samuel , I Tildeii not again to be a candidate lor the e.saltcd place to which he was elect ed by a majority of his countrymen, and Ilnm which he was excluded by tliu lead eis of the Republican paity, is iceiiv cd by the 1 lemocrats of the I'niteil States with sensibility, and they; declare their conlidencc in his wisdom, patriotism and integrity unshaken by the assaults of a common enemy, and they finther assine 1 ii l it that he is followed into the retiri ment liu has chosen for himself by the sympathy and respect of his fellow -citizens, who regard him as onu who, by elevating the standaids of public moral ity and adorning and piuifying tho put -liu service, merits the lasting gratitude of his country and his party. Tumii. Kiee ships and a living chance for American connneicu on the seas and on the land. No discrimination iu favor of traiispoitation lines, torpor atious or moiiopolies. Kir.vi.Niii. Amendment of Ihe liur ling, line tiealy. No mole Chinese im migration except lor travel, education and foreign commerce, and therein care fully "guanled. Twr.i.riii. I'ublic money ami public el edit for public purposes solely, ami public laud for actual sctttcis. Tumi ia:vi ii. The Democratic parly is tlic friend of labor and Ihu laboring man, and pledges itself to pioleet him alike against Ihe cormorants and Commune Imii iti i:i:.m ii. We congratulate ihe counliy upon the honesty and tlnilt ol a Diniouratie Congress, which has ru dueed the public ex'penilitnie S 10.01)0.01)1) a year ; upon the continuation of pros perity at home and tliu national honor abroad, and above all, upon the promise of such a change iu tliu Administration of the (inverument as shall insure us genuinu and lasting relorni ii. "very .lo parlincnl of Ihu public, service. rate I ul Wuuii'ii. Nnii-! riceivp so much kemfi', and noiu aro so proloiui'Uy irratct'ul anil show such an interest iu n commending Hep Itinera as women It is the only remedy pecuiarly udftpttd to the many ills thn s x is almost universally subject lo. Chills and levir, ii. .litimi o ihrargcd liver, constant or pe riodical s'c liiuiiiclies,eukiiiss in the back or kineys, pain iu the siuiuldm uiid di fieri lit par.s ei'tlie body, a feeling of In-Hitinle anil despondency, aru all readily removed by lltese hitti rs. Ojumnl PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS! For Diarrhoea, Dysontory, Cramps, Oholern, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS 60 PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, Ko Remedy known to tho Medical rroftwlon lias been In ue feo long and Willi such uniformly PERRY DAVIS VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER ItbaB been uwd with Rich womlcrful success In all porta of the world In tho treatment of theao dimculllei, that It lion coluo to ho considereJ AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS tinl such It really Is when taken In time and according to tho very plain directions IncloMng tach bottle. In euth dUcacs. tho attack Is usually sudden and frequently very acute; but with a jtafu remedy at liu ml lot Immediate Use, Mure U MlUom dungtrof tbe fatal rrkult 1 hlch bo often follow s a few days' neglect. 1 he Inclination to vt alt and ko If tho morrow docs not bring a tetter feeling, not Infrequently ficoosions a vast amount of needless eu String, and loroetlmei toU a life. A timely (lobe of l'alu Killer will almo&t Invariably bayo both, and with them the attendant doctor's fee, it ims stood thu Uut ut foit) toiutunt use In all countries and climates, and 1$ ierlectly cafe in any ptwrn's hand. it la moinmciiiUa by riiyttcians. Nureos In llorpitals, and persons of all classes and professions who have had opportunity for obbcrUng the wonderful rttulta which havo alwajn followed Its use, THE BEST EVIDENCE: 1 hfiva long iikM the modlclna Vnnwn as PCHRY DAVIH'VKOmAlILK PAIN KlLI.KUinrafirmly hwi woulj not on ftji nwouot be without it. When t!liolor km Uut eiiilemio hare, I uaad no medioina cf ny ort but the l'alu Killer, ni tlthoogh inyelf ui muj buiv uut iuo am riurar. nu'i iiluuukh uijncit kuJ wjvertl niembun ut lot umlly were AitAcked bTurij, i im iuii7 iq ur mat ine ram n.iuer wii mini lu niiirf unmrMnpr I rtmuitiuT I khmil.1 ru.t equal to e?ery ftmurttency, I consider I hbould not im doing mjrdutf to tho wnnmuniLy did 1 not uf im uomjr myuuij vj iag conunum thU mui-h. If I uiim kttu.Ld to-day. 1'am KUlur would l the ouly remedy 1 bhoufd iue. 1 ham thoroughly tobtod it, and know It Con be rehxl oa. I , K. UKIUilNSKND, Galena, llluoU. Ko family can alTord to ho without it, aud Its price brings It within tho reach of alt lha usa cf ft ii ft battle will ira further tn cnnvlnea vru r.f Ita mnrita than tAliimiu tJ i papbr adverUHlnff, Iry tt, and you will never do without 11 JVIm U3c. DOc and 81.00 per bottle. Voi can obtain It at any drugstore or from PERRY DAVI3 & SON, Proprietors, Provldonco, R, Apill I, lv-fow r&co rou Culdt UruwrLItU llutirectii Tlrklinxor Unut-Mwr tUv 71 ru at i Hare Throat t.oM In lh UraJ, Iunnrna.04 oop 1 ft u C u OulJUlhettuMrle, Akttttafttro ltub, rUfVf CMMtfiitlv, I v'tni.nrfrV irtoVMVu"ri.-vM?ff MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM'S VE05TABLB COMPOUND. Tho 1M"H1vp Turn For all Femnlo Complaints. Hilil rr-.tfit itl in, n Id hri'in Hcnlfl' t, rutinWa ot Vi ,:t.uih l'i -,i. 'ii- 1'. ,tlii 1 inni. lutlirliioHtiM 1'iiU-liiT.ilkt. fi-. no w titll!ich.trlta if till Com -filwi'I'j'li ' iiV t, ni relief iJ Imniistllutoj nml y i ii lntiiii' Mn ttlnttj nlnrro.-" il i Aliutu t! !, ip im itn .tLiirxlHL'.rt.'ito.l.'titlKiuwmti nfll tc 1 y. ctioi o-iit i'f it truTiii merits, It htonlajrrix i-M ti-1 ii l I iiml I i-L'iiluil fy tlio -fct j'lijsicUin In liifi wtiiitiy. II Hill raw riitlitly t!u- wnrfct furtti of filling of 1h' utiTH, T-HniiliaM, tiKgul.ir nml jftlnful !'"itstiufl(Inii,filltirniUnTiitil loi, luIJinmnnli-m ainl t J'Ti'itlo'i, MiMnLnp. nit lUijiliw tun ut nn. I tlio -oii fn -liiriit Mn. UtiitLiH i.niiit 14 i-floly n!iiitrl t t'n' l"tiiiK of Ufn. UwHltlU- ho ami i;nl tunioii rr-M rieiitiMwIiiniu.irly tao cf ilftli'inietil. Tim t ivt.'-u-jr tocaiH-i'iuuj Iiuiiivii thvig Ij cticvlc J Yurjr itN'tnlilv I y iln i.j. I l fat Ik )..,sj .mLit t 1J IliO (,'Hnt c t it'll U'lt n imiijr tlmt lifu ivir U-en dixcorpr (I, It i rni'-nti h( t iy -iitiu nf tliyysUtn, mill t:lti )i w Ufi'iiu 1 i nr. It ti I niin fAlntiKM.Ilittuloiii y,tle M lyHiilli -i hi fi'i' i Iliitulmt, miJ ntivt wtnlm-w ir t'ti' htiimni h 1 i "iiv 1 1 itlliic Hi H1iti Im4, N.-iTotH rrustrnHi.n, I n. r.l U blt.ly.! I .lumu, tirtshlon Bi.tl Iiiiil Itstii-r, T.iatlitlliitf t.rUilimtlwivii, tiiuslntr ludn, t itl.t Mi I liu I f.t Jsuh.ujniKTit.am ntly tun J 1 j II 1 u u. It villi t fcll t !mcn, uitl tiuOt rt 11 lirtitiifctmi CsH, tut 1 1 lunnoay vltltl.u law U.at t'u-iu thu fillllk'tijhtt'l.l Km Kli'.iuvC'iiiiiiiljJutjuf iltlur . thl ioni)iouiiJ liuiiritir).iarfi-J. L)Jh E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompounJ lil-rfpftiKlntEaatiil JEttWpitfrn Ainnie, Ijrn, Mi .'l U-o il 0). S.x Iwttlm for ,.t. Si-i.t l,y nuul lil tlm ft.rm ( f j lIKnt-Htiu tho furm i f I-urtmna, on twcl.t f irl.t, tl.i", icr toi, fvr tltUr. Mm. 1'INKIIAM fantyiui'wiMiUlKtttrJif Inquiry, U-nJ tor ixuit I Mt-t. AJJrt-M ai almra Mwtiun Ihtt pater. Nj family itwuM Ui without I.YD! V L. H.SKIIAM' UVCIiriLUl. Titty cum Cutistljuitlcn, I.LUuuuvk auJTorplJity of tho Llrtr, tiititli ir tux. JOIIXSTOX, H0LL0WAY A 10., General Agent:, I hih., Fx WILD 11Y is0YEr BROTHERS., Bhomchirg, Pa. .Lin-l,,ly. 1)US1NFKS CARDS V'tSI IMN I CIA'!nu uKlTEK HEADS Ul 1.1. OKA 11, l'OsTKHl to l SVnily oi lCiuV priii ! a '"i ' ) i um IT iv (I1!- FACTS WORTH KNOWING. ! nl.Hr. ITDrlm. UauilrAkp. Stllllnstft and' 'many other of thu beM, imtliclncs know u aro bo; skillfully combined In I'mitER's Ginoeu To.ic, I to UJft'O H lata Krviiifbi. uioou runner inu Tho llttt Ileal td and Strennth Ueitorrr trer 1'ied. tin Tvrff.ft la tho comrtosltlon of Pahkir'i' 'Qinoer To?ao that no Uisoaso can long exist; fwheroit wusoa. u you navuuytpepua, nia. ichet Rheumatism, neuralgia, uowei, Money, i riiiAfrti.r. or If rou nptil a mild tstlm-' ulan or appetizer, tho Tonic la just tbe med-; iciiie ror you, as it n ihiuj- iiuuuio uv , Tlgoratfng but never lntoxlcatlnp. If you aro slowly wasting atvay with Con-; lumption or any ulclintus. If you linve n Painful, Cough orabad Cold, I'AnKEU's Uinqcii Tonic will surely help you. . It plvcs new hfo and; xIrot to tho feeble ana arwl, and la a ctrtain, euro for Rheumatism and Cholera Infantum. It Mai Sated lliintlrr.li or Lives it JUj; hro loim. If you ftro feeling mlstrablo don't wait until- Sou aro down tick, but use tho Tomc today.; o matter what your tl iseaso or by mptoms may , be It will kIto prompt relief. i Kemember 1 I'liiKER'a Gixoer Tonic la not; a mm drink but tho Best and Purest Family, Medicine ever mode, compounded by a new. process, and entirely different from Bitters.1 gincer preparations and all other Tonics. Try, a 60c, bottle. Your druffplst can supply you. , PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Rest and Most Economical Iliir Preulnr uquUitely pcrfumcil and perfectly harmless. WU Alnays Iiestore (Jray or Faded Hair to Its original youthful cnlor and appearance, and Is warranted to stop its Wlmj, asat iu growth and . prevent baldness. A few applications of the IUliau il soften the hair, cleanse all djBidnifT and cure itching and hu mours of the scalp. SoUbyaUdruccuuat'M5oc. o i i, 3-ir 8, F. SHABPLESS, Cur. Ci'iine anil Hall Uund M., niur I.. 4 11. Iicpol. Lowest Price: will net to undersold. Maiiutaituiir i.i mini: avmviim.soo.ii uifok er nml lirlilj'i l-Astliins, W'iitiT lippa, Sloven, Tin ware, 1'lo.v .IKONKKNua, and all MnJsollron ami llra&sU flings. 1 lie .rklnal Monti cnu1, Iron boom, right hand, lilt liunu, anil Me Mil 1'Iuvib, IIicIk'sI In tlio inark rt, mid all kinds ol plow ii'pulrs. CnrikMovi-s, liooin Moves, and Moves lor hcatlugj hUites, 'Clioul Loused, cliuiclies, Ac. Also Iho laru- estMoekor repairs for city btovea, w hole.salo and rilall, such us llie Uikk.dmtii., Ciit-.s Mills, I . tc. Ac., Stove ripe, I'O'k Hollers, .skllllts, Cake I lales, Urh'o Hon Kettlih, ii i;.ii:oiiS lo l,v Larrel.-.) Kami Hells. H'd Soles, Wnyon lloxcs, "Allontown Bone Manure" 1'L.vsriir., ilT, e., 4c. J.in9, "mj iv M.wri. PEIUIV DAVIS A BONt I Voow you need no testimonial to convince you that your medicine U all that run claim (or il, but 1 cannot rwstrain the lmpuUe to communiciU lu you t tie (act that io my family It hu truly done wonder, 1 administer it to my children (one ntghtoun inonthi, and tho other thrw yean bid) with ferfoct auoouat. It TinUau their buwelB, una iWim all diarrhcra. )if and wile rtwirt u it In aU tataa, both -nal and eiUraal utte. I've uwhI It In mv (uotlv inten for five yean, and itl mat be without It. I'tKjim tnyablf under much oblutation to you, In many tluwi Utlntf relieved from pain. 1 am vary trulyjoum. u t , nuuni, uiuui, uiiicum ui,, i Ufa, t3 jm nnowxiK U amniUr yrttual'tvf U"lU4uti itUttul )hnuv.Ut, a uitvV'N UicudiL UU'CL&aN(Ootvh sad Cold) Cord4 1 uot th tultcf man chAtioetbutVflMiK KtwU&o roacarch fa cheautry nd tatxtMno. M U lalnjy aoea by Iho ra(tdlty of IU Mlou a&4 Ita tmpartUeUid Cttey h tirnM in its mutut actor u at Vt A ' s rreai as that &f luedictno upott U Vin 1 t H W4 tt ua tu. iU 1 f i fv. tfj iittMtttetw K-l j& DR. CLARKE OHISSSON'S Indian Blood Syrup. I-AllOlUTOUY. 77 W.3d St., New York City LATB tiif J timer i-irr. Vlscilaw. VtYa! ..Ifuc, Itlieuntit )tlsm, Ilropat. Ifffti'l lllmfnu IltUousiltKft, vYei'vous IttbUlty, etc, ThoBestRBMEDY KNOWN to Man I ;o,ooo aoe.ms have somi sixci: is;o 9.000,000 Bottles. TTiw Strup Possesses Varied Properties. It tlmnUtre tbo l'ytynllnB In ttic HntlTn, trlilrh ronTrrt thontnrrli nml nurnr nr thu Tood Into qtucmo. A drflclr-ncr In lytynttiie rntie Wind nnd8naili.k' of lit- food In thn tonmrhi If Die nirdlHno N lukrii lininpdl ntely nftf r ratlug the fenueutatluu oflood It prcTenieu. It urtm itpntt ilio I.lvrr. It net upon thn KldnrTt It Itreuliiirn thn llorls It Purlflr iho Itlood. It Qaleto tho Nrnom Syitfrn. It Promote IllKrollnn. It NonrUhrH Htrrntilipn nml Tnvteftrnt". It carrlco oirihe Old lllnnd tind tiinken hrtr. It opn the pnrrn of the kiu mid Inducra Ilealtliy I'erajtiratloa U ncntrslizcs the hemllUry taint, cr jtson In Um blood, which generates Scrofula, hryalpcUs, and all winner of rtin diecruMja aud Internal liuniurn. There are no trlrlts employed in Ita manufacture, and It can bo taken by tho inoBt dollcato bubo, or by the aged and fooblo, curt cnljt Uitf rtfairtJ in Uniitn to dirtdtont, mZZ OP LASOB EOTTLES, . Si.00 rRICE 0? SHALL BOTTLIS, - - BO Rtidthe VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURED by th use of tha BLOOD PURIFIER. LAl'l'lO.N TO DWUUIHSTH. ltt'w.im o( coutiterri It Modlclno. 1 employ no agents or runners tohullelt trady Trom druggists. Hct Medicine Kvcr UhmI. i:.ton, w jomlUKcuui.ty, IM. Dour Mr: I had been troubled for u K'tiy time Willi. i Tain In mv Moimuli, unit fuiiiid no reliel until 1 began nsli j; jour IlUIqii mood sjrup. I find It the befet tntdlcliiu tn use, and 1 can recc lnuuMid H to ii II, oil und joutitr It haves tinny dollars In (loe'.oiH bills, and one l.uji bottlo did mu more tood than live doll.ns uorth or other mullctiit. -Ma i lam I.abnrr. Au Astonishing Cure. Monrcx Wyoming county, I'a. Dear sir: I had b-en tiiUlctid with a Couh Loss or Appetite and Iispepfela Tor ten jfan. l could not pn iHrly attend to my buMness, and heailni; or our Justly celebrated Indian llloodSyrup, I rosolred totr It, which I did, iid In a bliort time wmiiiuch Improved. 1 now have a jrood Appetite, and have enjoyed yood health eti siLce I touimciiced Its use. J. LuUarr. rfick HenilaLlit Curt-d. Uownun's Cieek. Wjomloi; county, l'u. learMr;l had h'tk Head tchu und by thu use of your Indian lilood "jrup 1 wan ureal ly relieved, 1 recoiiiineud all to Ir Its valuable pronerth s. .1. w, uurnett. Tlie Ueiiifdy di'l mure than fhe Kxpeclcd, Newteny, Ljcumlm? county, l'a. IH'ar Mr: '1 his Indian hhjoil S nip did luuio llian I expected It would and II h.ts euteit me uf 1.1 vir Complaint, 1 Uo It usa Medicine und would not be without It, .Mrs. Alary Charman. lle.nluche and Di.ines. Wlillainspcrt, Lci mtnuiounty, l'a. lear sir : Your luniaii nioud jiup naHCUied me ot Headache, Witness and Loss of Appetite, solhat I am now able to wurk tn mv idetno. .My wire de rived more benellt lrum Us use than ironi any uther medicine. Henry ltim-el. Would not m Without il. Wllilarnspturt, l.jcomltiU mint), I'a, Dear Mr: '1'he I tid an luoodsyiup Is the liest I ever used und 1 would not be wit hunt It, It Is yood Tor all eum plaints, John lmiMiart. DUeas nf tlu Stouiach. Katon, WjumlPrf rouniy, l'a Dear sir : '1 his N Ut teitlly that i had u Wea Slom.ieh und could eat no me it uv any heailj Imd whatever. Ity a nien-j's advee 1 tommenced the iiMH.i iMir Indl in lUnod spi-up, whli h aiura .shoit tr.al. eiii-etuallv itllevul me tind I can now e.it anthlntf I cliuuse. unr sjrup w& universal sidlsluil.on. i:il.aU(h lladtll. All that It U ru-oiniiieinled to he. opera Uoum', Columbia, l'a. Dear Sir: 1 have used vuur e.u'iilent Indian Ulood .Sjrupund It hxs piuven Ju.tas upre&euted. l can iLCummeud It to all. Wm. Iloch3.v, Wholesale Merchant, Olh street. Unanimous KecommeudutUiu. The ruhuwlhtf add thtlr testimony for the Indian Itlofjdsjiup: II. K. iin-alT, engineer 1' It It. .1. (1. Sinlih, i.l I!aldwlnMetl Woiks, -Mrs. snjder, nf i.'otuisbla. A. Hrcntr, of Washluutonburt'li. John Ktiijs, or balo Harbor. Would nut he Without it. lienton, Columbia county, I'a. Dear Sir: I havo used jour excellent Indian moon svklt and have received much benefit there rrum. 1 could not Ret ulunu vt llhoul IU .Mrs. IJaiber. Never KailH to Cure. East Union Wyoming Co. Pa. Dear sir I was sick ror thieo )ears, and undtr prufessluuul treatment muster the time without be ing bew MtM, At lustlwas Induct d to try our Indian 111.000 bVKur aud altera short trial, 1 round invselt lu better health than I had been tor six jears, i ilrs.Theron liall Sure Curii fur Liver Complaint. Itobrs.burg. Columtila Co. Pa Dear Mr: This H to certlty that your Indian IiiJXiSVKUr has been Used by me, for Uver com plaint, vvhh h had tnen troubling mo for a longtime I derived more benefit from the uso ut the sjrup than from any other medicine, 1 heartily recom mend It, and udvbo all sulTercrs to glvolt u trial. h 1 Smith Loss of Appetite. Iluhrsburg Culumbla county I'a. iw-ir sir I luive Usid vuur excellent IsiilAh lluiiin Svklt for Loss of .M'Ht and Weakness cl tliesnnmch,wllhverylHi.cMclalrtsulta. 1 Ulleve iniir im-tlii-lne Iu lu the, LTeulett blood Mirltlei know u. and an W' all who may Lu suffering a was tuglveltufcpted) trial. .11 D C AU'I j Vains iu Shoulders. Id hrhburg, culuihbla county, l'a. ir Kir ; Tins is tu ei illfv that vour Indian Hiiii s hL'e bus Lrieutlv lelh'ved in) of I'alns lu Hih I Mntmlder and Chest, which I had lx n utllleted with j ror cars. 1 recommend U very hlghlv. r ji I a. ,u ai j ii trio ii. Kidney Complaint. iu ar dap, Columbia County, Pa. De r Mr- Vy Father has been KiiurtugwHh Ki.ii.fv I'nmiilarnt for a luiiL' llmo and had been un- ib-rdottuib' tteaimeut, but tho dnetors coutd not effect u euro. 1 havu leen subject to a Numbness and vv eakness lu mv U'fi Arm. Wo obtained some it vour Inva'uable Inpian Ituinn svki'P iiaiii vour Au-i-iit. Wm. II. Putter, niid it has cund my rathei couipUtt ly. and my arm U much be tti r. It does noi trouble me nan to lautu. uur uirun iue is vxwi lthl" JofclahJuhn, Female Coinplaintd. Dear (lap ColnmMu county, Pa. 1....L1.. 1 lil- if l i ..rllf t I h.il I tiiiri'liiiwoil u in,. or vour IsiuAw iiumn svkii for my wlfufur lnila m. ill in an 1 Ptmaio compU'-nt, and It has given he l III t Mil Hest Mfilii'ltin Kver Used. IVar (iiip, ColumbU county, P., Denrslr: My little sou was troubled with hi witcr naslngrromhlm consutitly. day und iittht, 1 coi suited twoihicttirs and gave him medicine, but without eiTtct. I tought some or our celebrated Indian Uuou UviitT, u bhort trial uf which, cuied Ulux' lAmtcrt Camp. I))tpeps1u find Indigestion, Numtda, Columbia County, Pa. DearMr-r'ormaiy)eurstny wjrn was arntcted wlih Distfpsla, and we spent coulderablo mono u llhoul MwHlng beuent. Wo procured snmu of our Indian Uuood hVBi'i andsho begun to Improve In houlth frwn tho tlmo hho comonc d Its us Bolomon U Snyder I.Iyer Complaint. Ce ntralta, Columbia Co. Pa. Dear Sir t-1 his Is lo certify that I was unwell and could scarcely attend to my work, I think ray IJver Wbw affected. I procured some of your Indian Ulooi. SvKCt and tiow'ufierafchoit trial, lee I UJceunew man. 1 rtoomui-,t"tll3UW,U)?!1 , . T);spep!a and Neuralgia- Hyde Park, tuter&e Oo l'a. Dear Hlri-Your valiubltt Induw ISLOobHrKCftM etfectAHi a poitxanmi curw la lav Ciwo, 1 had boe Jmiuiwi with im iiypviiJla and Wfrurafia, bU uw UlHoua Stomach Cuied, Uxd? Par, Luieme Co., Pa. iwar Mrfr-l hava beta troubled with UUvptia Compiitnt and by tho use at your InwAh Zun Ljfcpf Cured. llvdo Park. LUtern Oo., ls Ikar Kir -Vour ToiuaUe Ihhan bunv arnvr Us cmodtaounys-dx Mrs. X & Aotlt, . Liver Oacuplalot, Hyde iWit. Luwn Co, Miret,v.lwti.M.t)f tstna UyViUl. 1 1 S nil l Mlm l I fff I' ITIUEE Mill.) BL00MSBUBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMA I, SCHOOL DISTRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Tllls.soimoi.. .uut nreeiit conslltulod, o"crstlioTPrvlii'!,tf.irilltU'sror l'rofrasluii.il nml Cliiuiraili-nruliitf. llulUllnisai.icluiia, ImltlnE atidconimoulous i loraplctrfy liraU'd bj Muntii, tll tculllatuil, ililitud byg.i, 1111J rurnhlii-.l ultli a bounlltul smnly of lmr.'.soll 8"J)"lll!mVi'.(illliriil, ntm i'in- ot nccen. Tu.u'licriCXK'rl','i:l, emol..nt, nml .illvi- totlirir worn. DUrlpllne, firm luil ktrnt, iintform nai tliorouifii. Krprusir niii.lorutc. fifty ivnts 11 woe'k ctorlurtlon lo all uicitlhir to teach. flii'JuntHndmlltcilal any lime. Kooins lesenvd whuu doslii'd. Com u-8 ot niid.v pi cuci Ibvil liy t Iw Mato i I. MoiKI 'xlionl. II, rioiiiriitory. III. Klunuilnry. IV, Clavlcat. Aillmict Cmire : I Ariulciiiiu. IH'oiiinu'riial, 1 1 1. Cuiiru In .MihIi' Tlio Uli'iin'iitary Hi.tonllilo und I'l.isilcal CuiirwM coriTspoinlliiir liiwwi ; Miut i.r I liu IJuim-iild i M.nlrr nr l!u! hoicnces ; .mjuit of tno cuvncn. iir.iou rn-s in ino oincr uiurnvN rwvio .orniai luruncaioi tin. Ir iittuliitm.nti.. Miriii'd Iiv ttic oillciTsot tin-linirct nfi'iH".". Thornnrm nf iiiiil y nrrwrlN'il lv tlm Mali' Is Ill-Till, and tlio Mciitlilr, ami ct.w,loal cuursi's am no lnfi;rlor to tlioso nf our jnt l-oHiys. 'llii'M.iti'ii.iiilri.salitiilii'rnrd.'i'nt clll?fnlilp. Tim Hum's d.-mnd It. II H ononf Hi" prlmo olijcct.s i.l Mils si'iionl to liclp lo scenm It, by turn Wliinif lutt-UU com and cnifti'iitTi.ai.i?i slur Imt Sctmola. To this will It solli'lts yoiiii'jpi.rsoiiHof koo.I ubtlltli'sand cunil purposes, -.Uinsi- Hliodoslri.' lo .mpnic tliflr time uii I llii'lrt:ili.nts,'is xtuduiits, Tn ull such It promKos uldln iloveloplui; ilielr powuis, uiidiiluiiid.wit oppnrliiiilllrs for well paid labor niter lent me school. Vor t'lit.iloiiiMul.lii's Ih ) I'rliii'lpul. .. llilV WII.I.IVH i:i,i:i.l rn-.lilrni ll.nir.l nf Tr . V. V. 1IIM.MM.II, Secretary, hept s. 'Til. mm OT FALL Al WINTER CLOTHING. Tlio asUvsi Slylos, Tlio liowosi Poioos IN MENS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S GLOTHiira. ha m ! ha m i ha m i JUST RECEIVED. FEAEL BAYED LOWIEIBIM, IVIoi'oliaiDl Tsiiloi A mobi? Oulfillor, SSIooiBBsbuoi:, Pa. PEOPLE DRUG STORE, .Haiti Sin id iilime li nn, BLOOMSBURG PBNiN'A, DK.M.KK IN Drugs, Medicines Clu'iniaLs,F;m vy and Toilet Aitii'lcs Hoas HrushcH. Sponges, lVr iiinicry, etc. riiyslcloiis' jirt tcilj tit i taic tully comiwunili'il ami oiilt-rBan&wt na Willi t hicqmI tkt-juttti. Viitur era ami plijMclaiis rrom the lountiy will lluilunr block uf im-ilkliifstouiiilt-Ui vunoijlulKi'iiuliiumiU uf tLu best (jiullly. JOHN II.KlM'OKT, Jan vs. sO-ly rroiniftor. iit. s M'l.cii m .m:ih( i.m:. TRADE MARKTllltmtKAT KN(i-fRADE MARK uiifiiiiiit cuie ror S'luliut wciiKrifhs, sjiermattirrhf.i, Im- jHltl llC Ullll llllflllf t'usc.tlmt rolluw.ns U Sl'qtii IK u Ot tit If iiluisti ; as I.i'hH i r jitiiiory, i tiivirh.ti Ijt-ixliu I'aln In BEFORE TAKING.tno k, IMzlrot- AFTER TAIINO. ul iliii, i'ii mature oj-i unci m my n tier im. t'.mi'H tiuil h'.iUto 1iisuii oi t'oii-siimptloii, uDtl u l'u in-iiiirt' (irae. ti'"Kull puitlcul.iis In oui I'.un phli'l uliiL'U im ill iit) to hi il trt'r bv mall to im i one. 8'Ilu Npcclitu MiillrlLf lshtUII nil 'Iriij.' w'UUitt tl ' i p.u kytuir hlx pJikuKt'S fur (S, or ull) U'hrtii tii'tit iii.t l on rin iiitoi tin1 nioiii'V h ml Urt'-Mu 'I II L UKAY MHHI'MK Co., Mt iluiutcb' Detloll, Midi hold In LlooinstiurK b) (' A. Klilm. ea may 7, 'sc.ly THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Wlien'ia, tho world renowned leputaUon of tho White hewing Machine Induces mnuy miar runuluus coirnftlttim lo rort lo alt kltirli of mean tricks to lujum lu r puuilloii, wu beK lu ruuUu ull tutonUlny uurclioati-buU lu ouya Whitk Machink oxbepllruiu km ivguiar autltoiltel ueftlt-w, w hu will be sustiUrita by tUo follow titt' warranty. WUWAUIIANTIUK NATUltALWKAU ANUTUAH TilK Wliilo Stmiilc Sewiae Maehine, I'LATIC NllHIIKIt 103:i:ill Hill FAMILY I'l'Mro SKJ, ANllllKIIKHV AtlllKKTU UKKI YIIS SMK FOrf D PIUS Or CHaKUU, ThU wamotjr exoe;u Ui Ite&iuo ol setdlei totLlu AnA .JiulU, liili wurauly will not h tuUlueit unless tUe riitti iiumbr above &tvea oorrtispuUiii iaUU ILo uuiAberontWotumu nwuioo. bw ot uwta fcrmwrtd ftuiAbtrt. WlllfKSSWINU MAC1I1NKCU, Tho "W1UTE" Shutto Sewing Haehlot )tui mH MMcirr tUn u,jr niii-r fuioll Uoiui MdCMUD fur tiUr.tf vry vrw iy 01 wort;, J,h.WIXKK,Hir.NV fettil, IV. Coume in am l'tti)t-'K-sio.N l, and sunienn Kru.iiuinit llfcedlmoedl 'to Piipcr Uiingi ii'. W.M. V. U())NI''( IlioN ST., iii:i.ov suro.Nl). lil.(iOWM:n;(i, l; la iirepaled to do nil kinds ot HOUSE rAIWtINO l'lalii and (imaiiuniul PAPER HANGING, JiOTII 1JKC01IAT1VH AND 1'L.MN. All Uliuls ul' 1'iiriilf !-; Ili'ittilrvil UIKt III 11 tli UN good UN ii uv, NO.NE HUTKIIiST- I.A.SS WOllKJIEN I JIl'LOVKl) Estimates Ma do on all Work, WM. K. ltODlNK. OCt, 1,1B78. C. E. SAVAGE, 1IKA! KK IN !3ilverwaro. Wakhcs.Jevrehy.Ckcks Ac, All kind cf WiucLcH, cioeis am Jcuoln Kol Ij repalieii and airai.ttd. ' ir.ay If, Ivif o0sJvSrh.ENCYCLOPEDIA HOW TO BElSttWSS: YOUR OWNS.'ir'KW LAWYER io!"ireev;5;?i!;i 1'. W. ZIEGLEI; i CO., 1.W Anh it., J?LH'. 1' Nov. HI tll.-l; um Ullic:'. irsal at Vienna ani FM'.aieljhia. F. & U. T. ANTHONY & CO., Sill Jiruadway, New York. Manufacturers, Import & Dealers lu VolvotFramesjAlbums.Graphoscopos, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings, Chromes, Photographs, Aud Kdredeooai-ctitkrWloa, Actreaiu. etc., PhotographMaterials Stsrooptlcon and ITaglo Lantoms, BcUMyl9llsir tk leaf, ol Ita class In tl,a inarkrt. IJeauiinu I'UoloifraniM Itansparenclos ol UUtii ary aud Knyrarinw ft the window. Cornfc uTass. Matk-ncturtrs ot VeWct ITramos lor MUllatmts ana CXJi ci UUss llctures. Cataltguei ol I .interns ant) ntkiei, wlUi dlroo tloua lor iuii.i, uut on ttoelH tt un ecLta, o itio-ir T" OuTlUNTIlNO ' Kuil J dret)J Miult) hi lb. Art. V. Course In I'liyrical Culture incrrin, iccoivo Mine inpinmin, mnrrrrinif i lie rononiD i Weaver & Oo's Ads Vl,Mr pntn,1 I'onMunp'loii A Astlima. V. UHIV, .sMret fulled. AditleM Willi Mump 'iiu.mu,"1 rosiuurc mu. feli.c, 'M).yl wtco " THE DAVIS. $1,000 REWARD. O.NK Tllol'SANl) ll.OOO) DOI.I.AKS i'i:i.;.Mir.M itivuii 10 any nsKSON lh.il will iln n (1KEAT a iiNru: (JK WOI!K' on ANY OTIIKH MAUIIINK. WHAT TIIH NEW DAVIS VERTICAL FEED Will do without busting. It will iniiKe ulde liftn 011 suoets, Ac, hem all hianni'! uf U woolen Koods, a soft merino, crape, or jfomlK dimeiili 10 lii'in on oilier niacld'cs. It innkeM a more elitle htluii tlinii any other unelilno. It will turn a lieiu and put In plplnk'nt baino llmo It will turn a In m. sew lirald ( li the right side uiui aiuen on u iiiiiiiui u 1 one opt rat on. It will do f. nine Ll.ijor .iralght, tltlieroncotton or woolen vroods. It wltliill across seanis on any goods. I wlil hir.d a Huss or skirl aril sew on faclnir, i ir lit r Willi or without IiowIukmiicIus; hind liress (IooiIk with the sumo material, either seullops. points, sq lausor sfaifh'. 'J 1,0 onli machine that will bind nil's, LioiisH, or oilier nllliles Willi bias, satin or silk, f 1 11111 xi In II Ineliifclii n loth, without huslliit'. It will Kin lit r wlih or wiiinut souiniron. It ulllK.ither utuieu to plain and sow ou at the same time. It will make. uullloiiMl stitch a pillow slip on to It will Milir aro kind of eeods. It lll make planed trimming tlllieruith or with out, sewing iu on. It will make plalli d tilminlnt,' i llhcr senllaped or mralk'ht and sew a plplecon at tllosaino time. II will make knife plalllne. J.SALTZIHt, Oen'l Ancnt, liloiimsijurir, l'a. oct. 1,'hO-tf. CANCERS CURED At Crane's Cancer Infirmary, Addisen, N. Y. lll'NDltElis 11V 1'KllMiNS fromnll parts or the world tune been cured of 1 Mi much dreaded dis ease and are now mini; witnesses that tliev liavo bet 11 rescued Mom alerilbiu and untimely ileath Honors. Minisieis and tho Poor tnatedfree. Write for a circular elunt; lull particulars. Ailddress Urs. CIKtt. itAM:,v l.lMl Hl.owts, Addlaon, N, V. (let. 1, Nl-ly A VALUABLE HOOK FREE7 "A treatise on I'hronlc Ureases," embraclnif Ca Unrh, 'Ihloat, l.unk'S, Henit, stuinath, l.lveriKld. nejs. Urinary nud Female 111 ases 1 also i-iics; sent free to any address. Lvervsuirtrtrtrom th,-iii eases can be cuicd. Send for this tok to ihe under signed, a phj slclau or atge 1 xiTlei,ee, ( nuorsed by huuclri d of lentllnir cltlit ns w ho testlfj lo his skill. f1 posiatuioi;. 1;. 1. n illusion, ji, 11., Mliiellorstiett, 'lolcdo, Ohio, uurll , "ni.iv vim THE GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. Thousands surfcrlng from Dyspepsia, llabttua' t-oslUtness, I lur and Kidney Comiilalnis. Scrofula and klmlredutseases, will ball with tlclleht this now undwi ndtiful dlsco Lry.w hlch as 11 disease conuuer or and health restour, lias no equal In modem med icine. Ihe meat Mexican Heuiciij was first Intro, duet it Into Cullionila In lsT9. w here In a few months Itclftctedso many wotdeuulcuits aslo u eaten demand foi tin. nifdlelno from.Mnine to Horlda. It Is tho only 1111 tllclno lu Iho world compound! d from Uio name planus, tools and btrbs ot Mexico It cures nil Humors, rroin the uoistSciofula.Ui ucom- i l. ...... 1 . 1 upnyu. iiiiu h clears ami beantl les the coiiiplexlou. Iu diseases of tin, Mum. ach, Jilocd, Liter und Kldneis It has iieruiancntly cuieilltioueinclscf hofltss fuses whi le all other known leini dies bail failed, une tloso will euro any c.tsuofMik lloiiuihe. "iwo doses win break uii any oidlnaiy 1 oui,h or cold. I trst.ns niifeiini,' wttli lleartbuiii, U11I1 1 brash hour Mouiiicli,,iiiiousncs.s. 1 o-ilHiiess I'llts, I'ldiiiatlou of the Heart, Itm spliiw. und kindred altectlons, will nml thu .Mexican rtundy a swltt and sine leilt-i. 'iho mnulno Is placed befoio tho public, endcr the follow ira name: Herbaliue Bitteis the Qreat Mex ican Remedy. Call on your druegfct and Ktt a bottle of the Mexican ltemedy.and cont Inco ) uunielf mat It Is tho Itest Modlclno lu tho World, 'Ihe trailojtuj pllt u by Jchn Kuslinn, Whrlesalo " "nfa,"", . tUIUtl Dill Ulltl tl lillllll lair,', IB ('tn clnnatl, O. tieneral Ak'ent for tho Ublted States. ajirlXS. lsFii.ly wAco $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. W.UllliNT 1I1SIU A. S. T Co. BlackTip That Is now io .iteuilrely worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAK A3 LONQ AS TUE METAL, Wiltli wai Introduted bjtliem.and lytiblch tbe abovt, ainouut hai been iaved to bronu an liually. TbU Him Ic Tip t.lll .ate tl I more, u belldei being worn ou th. coxr.er writes t it worn on llut and co.il .hoe. wher. th. Metal lip on account ot IU loot, would not b. mod. " 'ib.yallhar.ourTrad.Mark A. H, T. t)o. kUnipe.l on f runt cf Tip. 1-areun .bould ASK FOR BH0E3 with ILIl BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP yiJI'j!?. ?!; l'"nhlliit for their eblhlr... auir l!,"so Uw ADENTS WANTEDSrKTCTJl?;,?. tin Mail.lne .y.r loimicd.ui kVat tilt t( lrtl iu yott twwbuiitur.il lr.tvl uiitktt. kney. 4V .vutar .HMI.iiUilt. il.. -'Ul.lltlilr Kult Uut- hepc io, wn M. C. SLOAN & BRO. I.OOI8Bi;nGt VA, Mauulaoturcnu Carriages, Buggios, Phaclena, Slolghu, I'UTHIllU WAUO.NH.ao. t 'lut-OUM iirk tdwaja cut Lkjid. HKrAIIUtra N1UTLV XtONK. 1-rioc.i "rtau(a lu traltu wnv. Warner's sale Kinney and Lifer Cure (IbrmcrlD Zr. Crato'i KUniy Oirr A rrfirlable preparntlnn and Iho ,,i,t. rm..I.T In the world fur III lulu". l,lnl,eleiin,l AM, ICIdtier, l"t,.'-r;'i Urlnnrr llUrn.e.. " "' an, ntlTestlmoulals of Ibo hlghcatorttenn h. . orth.iaatalein.nta, ""tHn,f BtfTor th curt, of lilntMtlra call f.i. u- nrr". Wiafe Itlrthrte. Vmv. " ott-For the cure or llrlultl. and tl,n,, llat.a.r;, call Tor Wartlir'a Ai.lu Itla,,!1! tiltl UrrrCnre. "itiii. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS J, fvery function lo more lipailbrul action 1,3 ils thiiaa ben.dtln alldl.t-naea. "",,n. M i.eurranrrniuinii. ana 01n.rl.ltln tlona and Iilaea.ca, Including In 11 err. if rera. and other ft.irf 11. lt.pelli, iVentinnaef tlie.SIitnn.t. ron.llpallon, lllnltir... Ilrm rni Km," Itr. etc., aro cured by Uio .Salt, llllum 1, .' un.miftletl aa nu appetlEcrand r.iulnr b.nip 1 lloltlea or two sizes ; prlcea, 00c. and a o,i WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly elves Ileal aod Klerp totheamrpini. curpa llentlnrlie and Neuralgia, ,r"t,nf; :pllellrril.,and relleveaNerx.ui ir,,," trntlnn brought on by exresMve Onus ov.; work, m.ntal abocka, and other causes rmverrul aa It Is to atop pain and auolli. il,,. tnrbed Nervea. It never Injures tbo oyaten whether taken In amall or large doaea. ' Uottlesoftwoalzea; prlcea, hoc. and 81 rtn WARNER'S SAFE PILLS ' Are an Immediate and active athntilus f r TortU U..T, and cure CoailTtni.i. Dr.p.e.l.. an? faMMMIfl Ioqiomi, Bllloui hi... rnvft, Mitirli, rTtf u.4 Agu, aud li. u,,i bowels do not uperii frwly and r(;ul.irir. Ko vthtr I'lIU rttquUf II fl.or. fnF 1 !......: wrk. I'rlrt tft tin. bei. arnr r'i Mp tUhivltrt r (Old b ItrURaTill k llratlrrt la BmllrU turjmhrrr, H.H. Warner & Co., lrorflpr E00HE8TER, N, Y( "fi tit OCt. 3l.lS79.-1y RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES j-OHTllKUN CKNTKAIj ItAII.WAY WINTUIl TIME TAIlI.i:. On and ntter Sunday. May , tssn, n,e tfaltt on tlio 1'Miadelphla Kiln lla lroad Dlt Islou w im as follows : WKbTWAItl). Krlo .Mali leaves Philadelphia 11 rr. p in " 11 llarrlsburj; 4xram 11 " williaui.purt s:i5uin " 11 .lersey shore ti 117 a u ' " lick llau'u 9 4i) a m " " Itcnoto li 0 a ri " arrlteat Erie 7.V1 tint Niagara Hxpicss leteRl'lilladclphla iiisiabi "' " llarrlsbtirh Vi in a 111 11 air. at WlllamHirt HISpm " Lock llateii 4 in p m " lccnot & 41) pm l'a't Uno lcaes ridladelplda It tu a in " llarrlsburs 3 35pm arrhe at Wllllamsport 7z3pm " " l.ockllnten s 4)p tn EAST WA Ull. I'acltlo KJtpross leaves Lock Haven r, 45 a m " " Jersey shoro 1 15 a 111 " " Wllllamsport fWam " arrive at llanlsbuti; 1140pm " " riilludelphU 3 15 p in Day Kx press leaves llenovo a roam " " lock Haven 11 loam 11 ' V llilamspurt vt m p in 14 nnlveat llaiilsburi: 340 pm ' " I'blladclphU i4pni Eilo JIall loaves Itenuvo S40pm " lAck Haven y r,o pm " " S tllhimsport 11 in p lu " airlves at llaulsbtiri; 2 45am " " rhlladfli)hl.i Jtsiaiii l.'ast Uno leates Mlllainsiort Vise an. nrrhesnt n.urlsburp runm " " Philadelphia 7 4ti a 111 Kilo Mall v.estand liay Express Kast make ilo coniiicllonsiitNortliumlierliiiiilvtltli I..K II. IC. K, trains for likesbarre and Scrantoii, Erie Mall West, J,'laara Kxpiess West and Kast Line West mako close connection at W Ullouistioit with N. 0. It. W. trains 1101 th Niagara Express West mid Hay Express r make dose conucctluii at Lock llaun nliun.K.V It. It. trains. Krlo Jlall east and West connect at Krlo Mini trains on 1,. s. s.M.s. it. It. j ut t.'oiry with t.t A. V. It. Ii. i ut EmiHirluin with 11. J. V. ,V 1'. It. It and ut Driftwood with A. V, It, It. Parlor cars will run between Phltj itlphu ana VUtlamsport 011 Niagara Kxpress west, anil Da Ex pioss Kast. bleeplni,' curs on all nlalil tialns. W.M. A. IIALlmlN, lienoral Supt, NOlU'll RUN CUN'l'llA I, KA 1 l.WAV l'O.MPAN. On nud urn r Nou mbcr 'ioth, 1973, trains u 111 Ua n Sunbury ustullut.s : NOllTIIWAltD. Krlo Mail 6.so a. in.,arilto Elmlra 11 .s " C'anaiidalKua p. u Uocliestcr 1 5 " Nlagaia .... u 40 1 Kenovo nccornmodat Ion 11,10 u. 111. uirlve W llltau.s. port is,u p. m. Elmlra Mall 4. IB a.m., urrlvo Elmlra lo.vua. m. llutlalo Kxpresa 7.16 a. in. arrlt 0 Duffalo B.) a. til hOUTHW'AHD. liurtalo Express a.t.0 a. tu. arrive llairlsburtr " lUltlmorcs.tiJ Elmlra Mull 11.16 a. m.. ori ho llarrlsburt' t.M " Washltitoii ln.Si " llalllmuieo.ju " Washington Ilarrlsburg accommodation burg 10.60 p. m. arrlvo ltalttmorn " Washington c.13 Krlo Mall l'i.66 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg 3 06 a. iu " lialtlmoro S.40 " " Waslitugton 10.36" All dally except Sunday. D. M. UOYD, Jr., tieneral Passenger Asm A. .1. UAKSATT, tieneral Manaitf pillI.ADKI.I'JIA AND KKAD1NU UOAD AHHANO EM ENT OF l'AHSKNOER T11A1NS. May II, 1S7U. TIUISS I.EAVK KUfKUT AH OI I OK S(srNl)iY KXt KlttD Por New York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'oltmlM Tumnqua, &c, 11,45 a. hi For I'aUwlssa, 11,45 a. in. T,U1 and 7,26 p. ui. For Willi. iins jjoi I, !,' !I,o5 11. 111. und 4,oc p. lu, TltAINStOK KUl'KKT tXAVK AS ItlbLOWS, (BtKOAY II CKITSll.) Leavo Now York, 8,45 a. lu. U'uvt Plillade1.hla, 9,46 a. Dl, Uave Heading, 11,66a. in., PotUtvllle, W,J9p.m and 'I'amaqua, 1,85 p. in. Iavc Catawissa, e.uo s,6i) a, m. and 4,1m p. m. Leavo Wllllamsport , 45a.m. , 15 p. m. und4,:u p. a Passengers to a ltd from N ew York and Philadel phia go througu w itbout chaugu ol cars. J.-K. WOOTTEN, ucner&l Manugcf C. 11, HANCOCK, tieneral Ticket Agent, Jan. 14, IjIC It. I) KI.AWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WESTKltN ItAlLltUAI). MXXMHI!inJ DIVIHION. TImo-Tablo No. 3, Takes effect at 4:J0 A. H MONDAY, JUNK lo, lsls. NOUTI1, STATIONS. sin. '1 11, p.m. p.m. a m. a.m. pm p.ia u so v X3 4 Vi II 4C .. ..Scrunton itellevuo Taylorvtlle., .-.Lackawanna. Mttston..... 9 36 9 45 I IU if 1 li 1 mi uu iu 17 US U &S 3 51 6 61 IU 9 31 a 30 8 II 63 a js 1 44 143 111 if 2 6J t U 61 ew 3 16 7 1 3 15 T Ij 3 111 7 IS 3 15 I M 8 11 I ii ial I II 9 191 .. West Plltaton... U 4. 3 41 9 It Wyoming Mallby .liennelt, Kingston , Kingston , ..Plymouth June.. . .. Plymouth... Avondalo Nanllcoko 10 01 11 41 U 10 3 SO 3 10 6 S3 6 IJ 9 04 S 44 111 19 18 S3 8 11 IW 8 66 10 19 s 11 S 04 7 61 7 38 7 1 7 13 7 IS 7 It T 10 7 W 3 19 8 04 1 61 139 I 34 1 U 8 47 8 89 s is: 10 34 .Uunlock's creek. 111 41 ID 8 W 10 66 tl" If. 11 07 4 Ul S .hhicksiitnny.... ,. Hick's Ferry,,., .Ueoch llavou.. .... Berwick ... ..Ilrlar t'nslc.t,H Willow drove.... 8 11 8 11 8 Ot 11 13 11 II 4 II' 4,1 St! 4 19 1" I 41 I III (0 4 65 g 6UI tB ia t el 0 in 6 43 Llmo Hldge..... 1 ej 7 44 .js&py.... .. . ,llloomsburg.M ltuirt 11 39 11 46 II 6 11 67 11 18 . 64 1 67 7 SSI iu lei 7 83 C 48 1 II 7 19 Catawissa Hrldge. 7 11 , . . , . ItlUt V1IIU..,... .....Cbulasky...... Cameron..... IB Ul 1 (XI 6 45 Northumberland. 13 45 tun. p.m. a. to. , W. V. HAliTiAD. bOPt Uuporttitendont's Uffloo, Keren ton. Juno 10, !' VyAlNWltlOHTACa, WUUUUAL8 ilKUCUCkU, Hiuaoiufuti. DoaJtn tn TKA8, BYltUrU, COFFSB, SUOAlt, MOUS.iS, kict, kricu, kioiia soda, ttk, he. V. a. O&ruj bbbu.axhi A rbn fttxcolA. W-OttSbrixMtl tvAclw trjt IclttbUOL iK.i-iy-tw