THE OOUJMIUAN AND DEiMO(M?AT,BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TUB OOJilpiAN. iii.oonsni'im, fiiihai, (icToin.iiij, uso "joiin It. Ono a Hancock boy, ft Wand new one. , l!v. S. Mllcliet moveil Into llio Mane on Third street 1 t week. incto will 1,0 n. limnrni n .,.il.. .1 11 i-f. . .. . . " iciwitu lo-morrow, the 'am. It l cxptctid tt,nt 1'ruf. C'olnrovo will let. lure nt Iho Normal School on Tnca.lay cvonlnc. U,.I.L.i 111111 .1 .1 nglinli HUM .1 I. .1 . - ""j , .1 iuii is mo nuuer wiui our grammais." Will .eml llmlr pull l.r. In 1 l'li,,... !,;,. Hell m llir sfllicliil 8(1 tl.yi Irlal, S.ctily i In v luotri wh 11 tt-i-v spy. T11K VOLTOOIIKtTl'O., MMMHAM. MICH. I PU1IUO 1M PltO V KM UN V llUlilNU twin All iartir 1 1 rctnl In luiylit; itorio, rlicap nml i'AHII l(NA 111,1. CI.OI'IHNU would flml ittri lluir ihic ti rnll nl li old reliable. Ulotliliiu 1 i.r ' I' I'd' il l.unenlji rg's. Clo to It, .1. I'lrirk it Son's lor ladles routs l.irtfo Mock, lowct prices, lnt("t styles. cure. ..ti ir:,iii,..Hl rile tn 1 lit-,11 wliliuiit ,1 Nov. 21 tr. The Junior Hancock nnd KnglMi club re ciivcil their cips last week and had a pjradu ouPiliirdiiy nlglit. William Itulmts, nf llenton township lias lurctia'C'l tbo grist mill nf T. 11. Cole for C500. . 32n p'iplo if'nt to Berwick hit Saturday on the excursion tntn,f'om this point nnd oilier points lolow, In se the procession. '. C, McKlnnoy If ft limic on Thursihy for trip to improve Ills health. We hope lie il return muc'i lietielilteii. iV lurg- nml tnllimias ic inittliiif of the linn- l-rwl n...l 1.V..1I.1. I-1..L I1-..1. - i rpi,.. , , , .... I ."'(jliril LIUU UI lieillUN V 111 IICHini i here wa lots of music nt Hie Fair. The lli.t t,l.f n,. T,,...l .....1..- n,...i. Rrny.ront Catawlssa linml was imi,ln.,l l.v li,n..t.. 1 ., ... ,. Society. On Friilar.the mW fi ... if. ...1 ii.i.i.i, ' ,. . ?" . ...k" 7." " " Mr. K. II. Perkins. Creek Centre, War the. Or.nvill,.. 1W Aft- ' " V "V' lu. """""". I ren county, N. Y lili! She lm been banda were all on tl B " .1 . , .11 V" I ...! V ,M".' ". '""'T' ruU"' ? "J1"". '."r f"Vr. ','.'..!"" t0 ,, , . " ' .lieu- t...utni sijit, 11c tienuy reviewed ine pti'l sit up tngm nncr nielli wiui 11 cue 11:1s it lo their rcptctlvo town., history of the. Itennlillmn ,! ,L1. ,,. taten two buttles of l)r. Timlin.' Kolectrlc nnls-ncaofthocanir ulcn in a (Wililo manner Oil. and Is perfectly cured. She. slrnKly The democracy ol l.cnton Is fatly nlivo to the luc-tlotnifihcdiiy, and will k)I1 a larttly In creaed vote for llnncock and KnglMi. The inciting waslnllvtniil bf ixrellcnt music fum- IOimI by iho llenton Hand. emu MKKriNU. There will nrobably be a Democratic Mafs Meeting In liloomsburg next week. Aa soon j, a spcakor can be secured notice will bo Riv en through the county. The republican torch llcht prncrsim lit Tufwlay n'lrbl 198, including lie Catswi'sa club and tn.ys. They ought to have l,,d at least 32 Mr. Hurry lllrkcnhlr c will pleae accept our thank for 11 fine photograph of the engine houro cf the water company. Prepare for wintir. A large, hand'orae, near lv m w, slrglo or dcuble healing parlor etove Is f,ir Palo by Kev. S. Mitchell. Call at the Manre, 3rd street. The Republicans had a torch light procession at He.-wick 1.14 Saturday night. Willi the as. of lllooinburg, Shicki-blnny and sev eral othr places, they made ipnlo a display. "Our Candiihte" will l.e played lit iho Opi ra Hni-c this (Thursdav) cvcntng,by the Kich- ninii'l Irouiie. Since they were here in April the play has bcen remodeled .nut greatly im- proved. If jouwant a good laugh go nnd see it. The Coi.Ummin' is Ihe only oflico in III counly that bad a display of printing at the liir. Wo pave notiie Ihe wiek before lhat we would exhibit some ttoik, but no other eiflire .liridto cmnpclc, as none of tbun have the material lo do the kind of work we lurn out here. Their fiiluie to compete is an open coil' fusion of the sii eriority cf our job depart ment. The water works are now completed, and e believe everything is pirftetly satisfactory Mr, llirkinbioe bus u-cd every effort lo make a first class job. and smceedrd. During his st.iy here, Mr. Ilitry Itirkeiibine, under whose supervision iho works were con-trucled, his nude many friends who will be glad lo see him back here in the pjturc. At Exehingc, Montour connlv. the Itsnrnrlt and Kngllth club, presided over l.v 1V111. Pol. loek, Kiq., met nt their hall on Tuesday eve ning wuooer in, 1 here was a largo attendance, nllhouch the notiic was very short. That old dnnocrnlic township will give a fine vole in November. The club was addressed by JohnO I-'ree; Ksr, In n speech of considerable lonsth. colni? cnoorately over many pending ipieslicns, Parents shonl I notforgel that Ihelr shoe bills cm be reduced one half by purchasing for their children shoes with the A. S.T. Illiu-k Tin upon them. 1 hey wear as 1. ng as the mc'nl, while ailding to Ihe bounty of the alio?. recommends It nnd wishes tu actasngsnt am nig her lielgliliors, l or sale at J. II Kluport s. , spent rr.iisoNAi,. Jerome P. Woodilng, formerly of this town n,w residing nt C.imbrla county. attended the flir. lie has a situation In a itue at Johnstown. Col. Stead, if the 12, h Ptrm'a. Hegituent, Mnjor Sinikwraihcr, of Gen. Seigfried.s stall', both of illiiunsport, aud Lieut. Colonet M J. Keek, 8th Kcgiment. of ltsizleton, weie in town last Kridav, Mr. and Mrs. M. Long, of Troy, Pa Surilaytn town with frieids. Miss Katie Swarlwout spent last week with Miss Annie Sloan. Miss Kiln McKlnnoy returned list week from Susijutlnuna county, where she spent sev weeks with Miss Mollis. Mr. (leo. II. Little, of Bradford county is visiting bis brother E. II Little, K-. Are you going lo paint? If so, send to the Montour Paint Mills, Huperl, P.i , for your Pure Lead, Slate Colors, Puie Paints, ,Ve , and sive the wholesale and utail profit. You can mix your own colors with pure linseed oil for So cents tu $1 20 pergnllon. sep. 10 3m Ladles, nnd all ivbn lead sedrntnrv lives. sbould Use Dr. Melliwr't llrmlnrL nml lh:. pqma fins. 1'rlce 20 cents, Kor sale at all elrug stores. uct,,lf.lm lHJAD-tJlIAltTKllS ll.VNUUCK l.EdlO.V, lll.ooMMifnei Pa , Oit. 20, 1SS0, CoMIUIlKS I Tin, time has come fer tie lo show the fiPh that Is u ns. W.lIiiigH 11. nt U'nlilon. at (he critical mo- mei.t of ihe biittl", ild to hlsiho tn Culpa up gnanis nml at tlic'ii ' apoln.n was tie- lean it, at, il ilynn-tus. in hurnpo changed. Wo were d. foiled at Bull ttn.i. wiih Mi. CI P.fn we ion AntleUin. e lost Clinneell .rMill-. we lost lEevnohls u 1 ll.e lirs 1 iv a ie it :i' (ielttsljiirL'. I.111 w 1 1 iiuncocK wo won the nehl, ami c ustica re. belllon. Let us now to th front, "ii'id fr.mi tlip nt tie daegir pluck ibe II .wer, Mifrty." l ItOre w)iq have Mow ininfil nor nriM.tixntlr.n and who d, sire to dn s, shuuld sen.l in their names at one., tu these Head IJuarlers. Let there b, one erand rnllv fur our roni nuinl. r, distirguishid alike firservie.s in Ihe M.XIC1II wir on the frontier. In iho lite ri- t" I inn, and in h!s thorough kno'iledg.i of civil uuiies. ?so rebol or other fils, rl.ilms wi'l tit, nnid liv ins ciinseni. As a Pennsylvania.! hp h is iileiL.ed tiini.elf 10 aiu in iirrtecin g our home industries. As a soldier, hi will nganl the interest of bis nie einiiudes. C. B. Bkoikway, Cotum inder. Prof, fliiilmiitt's I'leiieli Kidney Pad Prof. (inilniette's Fietich Kidiiey Pail is a sure cure. Try i THE HACKS. Hepre-enlitives of the press are privileged dimeters on cerlain oecisions. They are per mitted I" sit on ih etsge at public meetings and admitted to the judges' stind at horse races. Diring the cxtil-iueut at the Fair grounds on Satuiday afternoon over the nice, it occurred ti us lint if the 1 xu'cd crowd -hould overturn the stand, and annihilate everybody in il who was not s'ifliciently Mangled by ihe fall, that it would be piving pntty dearly for being a pre reporter. Wc Impo ihe iP lie will always dis criminate between reporters and judges at 11 horse rsce. The Deiiiocracy of liloomsburg tumid out on Wcnnculsy nigl.tin the lonli light anil' in a way that showed that the Republican reed not wnsto anv of its arinpnthy on them. Two Holes were rni'id on Main slreelalD Lowell berg's and W. (lilmore's, and the lirge Ihg swnnir to the breete. Immediately afterwards, tin. iiroeosaion wis formed, Cant, U. H. Km Chief Mirrlnb All the caps, mbes and tore! e were soon taken, and the procession start ed down Main strict, heidid by the Bloom baud. As the head of the procession went down Iho Scott town bill, ihe tail end had not lefl 11: Court Hou-e- Il ihe largest procession we hnve had here for many year",nd made a gr.u d displiy. The best of it was that it was a in posed entirely of our home club, and fir eur-pis-ed the republican procession of the night befure, though liny bad a large ileliginon frin Cittnwi-si. Maty hotisis were illutnina ted a'ong the line, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. The reverse in Indiana h is old heiv.d to niou-e tbo Democracy all over the land, and they aregoitg in now in dead ear tin. in win II Iheie bid been one hundred more toiches Ihey would all have been taken There were 2o0 torches in line and a great niimbir of nun without ton lies. THE COUNTY FAIIt. The fair which was lull last week from Wrd nesd.iy to Saturday was a success. The atlei d Hii.u on I'l id iv was immense, il being estim 1 ted Hut fiiim 10,000 to 12,000 people were on the grounds. Before noon it beiame necess i ry to refuse a.lotishion to vehicles, ns all aviil i hie sine was lillid. I'lom the judges' stain', the view was a line one. The entire enclosure was a 8 did miss of horses, wagons and peopl The exhibits wore ns a genetal thing, good. In Ihe billies ' department thire wns"i.t ra bilge a display ns usual, while in-some others it was much l.uger. There was a fine exhibition of Agricultural machinery, the most noticeable Icing ihat of 1) M Oabome A Co., represent cl by J. C. Townsend. Their self-binding bar vis'cr altinited muih attention M. (!. Sloan & Uro.. showed a number of their exrellenl c.urisca and sleigh, J. SalUer, exlubi eil the While and Davis siwing macbines and Kstey O'gins, and nune pianos. His booth wis constantly siirroiiiulid by a crowd, witnessing Ibe winders performed by his sewing machine, nnd li.lenirg to the exrcllent music; dl-ci ur-ed by bis us-ocist s. There wire ether displays of musical instru ments and sewing ina.diines. 1 here was about the usual exhibition of horses, cstlle, H,iiltiy, fee. T. C. Bomboy & "0., of Kfpy, shewed a pa', ent piano alool nud Chrislmas tree hi bier com bined. T bis is an ingenious nirargement, and meets a long want. Kvervb dy bisne rienceil the inconvcnlencn of fuidli g some means ot In Ming " Christines ttee in K)sllion. This la just the thing M. C. M1C0I lum had his latent slip lddfr and chiles hcrso 011 hand, and eidained its uso to 11 any admirers. 11 it wa lanuot mention eieryih'ng tliat was to be s'en. Suffice it to say that ihe whole display was good Columbia county has disreputation of having one of the best lairs In the Stale, and people Irum all the mrroundii g counties visit it annually. The success nf the fair is owing lirgely tc the management of the officers. They aie all niei of business, and left nothing undone to se. cure a large ulleiidance and give satisfaction Mr P I!. Itartman, the Secretary, has proved a very efficient officer, and through his efforts excursion rales were obtained from points which had neyor before l ad lluui. If any thing occuired to di-nbase anyone it was through no fault of the officers and committees They did not exhibit that spirit of close ecoiio. my which has been prae'iced by some boards I'll an years lo ihe detriment ol Iho exhibi lion, b'lt advertised liberally, and to this In a great meauro may be nitribiiied Ihe lirge at tendance. The officers aie is follows: I. McIIenry. Presidert j O. L. Sands, M O Hughes, Krtas Fowler, U II, Knt, Vice Pres. dents: F. II. Hartmsn Secretary! J. K res cocle, Treasurer: W. II. .V'"o 1 Eiecullve Ominillee, N, II. 1'. A, Kvsns. W. Shaffer. Hiailache, Dispeii-in, l'.illini)-iiis. and ioiisiipaiinn rureitat nncc liv nr. Jltltaur t Jlcaitacie ami Jhriicpua I ills. Price 2.. cunts. oct. lfi lm The county sporting list 0 cned on Thursday t one o'clock. The entries were as follows: II ly Frank, by C. P. Armstrong; Itilly, by S. W. Adams; Brown Harry, by M, Craig; I! ly Dm, by W. Hnrtiel; Clifton Boy, by D. C Blick Frink took tlrst money, by winnin Ihe 2nd, lib and 5ib bents. Bay Dan took second money, and Clifton Boy 3rd. The heats were made made in tiie following lime, respictively, 2:43, 2:37; 2:33, 2:30, 2:34. For Frhlay morning race, colt Irot, the foh lowing were intend: Dexter, by W. W. Sul lilt: Percheron, by ,1. llaytnnu; 1 rotting J-.e, by K. D Hageubucb. D'Xler won the Hut line e heats and tok first money. Trotting Joe 2nd and Percheron 3rd Time, 3:15. 3:10,3.04 l rulay afiernion, 1 o cli ck, U 1'. Artn-'rorg cnleted Bay Frank; S. W. Adams entered Billy; W. HaiUel entered Bay Din, and Cl. K. Hiss entered Young Hover. Bay Frank won the i nee, Bay Dan trok "ud money, Billy 3id Time, 2.33,2:3d, 2:31, 2:33 The frie lo all race en Saturday afternoon was expected to be a fine one. There were four entries, viz; John Houghton, entered by Dr. Treon; Hotspur, entered by J. L. Freck: Little Joe.hy Kli Ager; James Hicks; Ilattie Fisbir, by Sol. Bunnell. The latter did not come o.i the Iraik. At about two o'e'ock, tbo horses were culled up, ard after considerable scoring, wcte sent off, John II u.ghton soon tuk:ng the lead. On the c, po site side of the track from the ftind Hotspur broke into a run mil did not come down until be reiilnd ihe ii'-xt coroi r, ga lling on John Huughtnn by ll.e run. The trot was then pret ty fiir until the south end of the course was reached on the second rout d, when lloi-pur again broke and ran pist John Houghton, near ly a lenglh, whiih dislrnce ho kept up on lb home stretch and went undir the wire a neck aheed, Lem 3rd, and Little Joe lib. John Houghton did not a skip, and it at once beiame apparent which was the favorite I orse wilb Ibe crowd. Tiie judges, Messrs, ander slice, Dihline, Morris, Jackson and Feltcrtmn, were unable tu ngrieima decis'on, and nfier conaiderab'u talk a vole was taken, le-uliing ihe first two named in fivor ol John Iloish ton, and the last three fir Hotspur. I lis- ma jorily riding, the dicision was announced, giv ing ihe heat to Hotspur, when the crowit which bad gatherel about die stand immediat-ly ill plnied their d'sipprobaiion of what ihey con sidirid an unjust dicision. a gmd deal of talking by ihe crowd, the judges conclt.did to call Ibe I. eat a dead one, and Dr. 1 reo was cilled into Ibe judges' stand to talk the mn'ter over, but be lefitsed to go on with the race, as lie hod already withdrawn his horse and sent him up town, lie men leu me grounus niin t.lf. In t' e menu time Kli Agir bid with lrin his horse, as it ha I gone lame on me heat, the nsiitioi a rccenwupirv, uiu i'n.: , j.q j , nq. V, ' . . ,i .......... .1.., ,...I ...., 1.1 I s ln.t re,..,lre,l nil I he Lit, st and inot Nob- lil. III lo ine ,'ioi:es m o hu t ,u... ......... ,. v. . . - unless Dr. l'r. on came bick.F, It, Jaik-on by Styles ot tints lor men eiicl uoys at chanced bis vote and agriedlo give the heat D.iviil Loweubcrg s. lu John Houghton. U. I. lill'im was ue- 1 - : " . nitclitilas a mes-enger lo Dr. Ire n, to siy D not fail to ee Clark X Sous large Jis-se Bowmio died at his home in Berwick Ihe iJlh lust., nt the age ot ninety-two I veirs. lie was one ot the early settlers of the Norlh Br inch Valley, For in my years he wis a prominent business man. and actiru member nf the M. K i hutch. Fife sons and one daugh ter survive him. TKACIlElth'lNSTlllTK. The annuil Se.sion of the Col'irnbii county Teatheis' Institute wi 1 he held in the Aia demy at Orangevillc, Commencing onTins- d.iy at 2 o'clock P. M , 2nd of next luonih and closing on Situribir. The ltw r ipures thee annual sessions to be he d for the benefit of our own schools, therefore directors will act wisely in cle.sing iheir schools and secure their teach ers atlendanci: Tint every teacher in the coun ty w ill surely be present is our earnest de-ire. Good instructors and lecturers hive been secur ed for the occasion. ThoS'Mlesiring lo boird in iir iv te fmiiltes will pKn'o addrisi Tilulini in Imfer, of this place. William. II. Snyhkh Comity Sup't- Ornngeville, Pa , Oct., 11, 1SS0. A WOUD TO MOTIIKHS. Alothi rs shoiihl rent tuber that h niosi im- poriant duty at this ..a-oo t.f the war to look niter the health of lb, ir fatuibes and cleanse the malaria and impurities from their systems. I Thcro is nothii g tl.nt will tone up the s'oniith ami liver, regnla'e Ihe howeis ami iririty the blood so neiftcllv as laikrs (linger Tonic, idvertiseil in our e-olumns 1 l.e wot ilerlul cures of long sliiiiding e of rheuinatisiu. ntiiralgta at d inaliriul ilisortlers is the reison wbv this imre aid excellent family medicine is so g uer.illy esteenitil J uki. BiisnicoS.s Notices Ucautil'ul Ulsters, 1'iisbionable Overcoats, Nobby" Kill lJuils, Loive'st prices at David L'lwenberg's.. 1) essOiods, the best, lurge-t and cbear- esl sti ek we have ever shown lit Clark cc Sun s, The multitude came and went during lb fair, hundreds made a call lit I. W. luirt- tuun's Combination Store, 'Columbia' No. l.Oerniaiitown Wind 12lcui. 'Columbia' No. 'I, l.ernisnlow n Wool lllenz. 'Columbia' (iermsn Knitting larn 12JC ui. 'Columbia' Wool Knitting Yarn II cents oz. 'Columbia' Cashmere Knitting Yum I Ho oz. All the above in colors, lull weight, the beat riii chranest varus made. I)u not (ail to sen our large stock of Canvases. Iturlni s Fln.s and other articles for fancy work, larg. est stock of the above iii the otiuly at H. J, Clark A ton s. A very fine Sfitrltncnt of I.idies' Coals, all nicely made nml triuiinril in Silk, Satin and Velvet nf Iho latest styles and fashion for sale by Kilis Voting, Litlit fclritt, just got in from thei ilv inaiitil'scttirers in prices from $ 00, $ 1 Ml, ir, M), $t! fin, S7 fid. 8 CO, i) 00, $10 CO, $12 CO, $15 CO, 410 CO tn $18 CO, net. 1 3m "WaimtIkakIIair HnsToiinr'ls entirely illrTcr ent tiimi nil others It Isnsilear ss water.nnit ns us name Indicates, Is a!ptrfect Vegetable Hair lie storir nnil itoesnot In any manner ntTcct the health whlcn sulphur, s-ugnr i f U'tul nml Nitrate of silver piepiirallntis line clone.. It wilt Irpineitiateli tree the heuil f oin all lininiriitT Pc-toro nr.iy Ilalr to lta natiiml color, anil rrt ila e n new gmwili where tt lias ralleH cfr. It willrhirge llehtor fulfil hair In a few ilija it, a bcnulir'il uiossy brown. Kury Lot tie Is warrantcit. Ask jour ilruwclst 'or It. I'ir eale at Move a ttitos., luooniniirg, ln, Mutti, Kline A l'o., I'ltlbulelphla, and llalllC lllickelt, New Yolk, U liulesale Agents. oct. 81, so-tt The very highest market price paid for tiico dried Pitied Cherries, Dried ltapbcr ries and Dried Blackberries. Bring them from the north, south, cast and west by Ibe pound, sack, lug, into and two horse load lo .Silas Young, Light Street. eict. l-2tu 4'i pieces Flannels at I. W. Harlmnti's. WKAUY61" LIFK, How many a man lias jumped into the river, When all t'nas that Kllid him was n dlsoi deretl liver, If be only had known that Spring Blossom soiild snve, He never would have filled a suicide's grave. Prices CO.-, trial bottles 10c Kir sale at .1. II. Klii nrt's. Kureka I Kurek.i 1 1 Ku reka I 1 1 The place to buy a good cheap Winter Coat or suit of Clothes is at David l.owenbcrg's. Silk Frit ges, Ciiini.s. Ornaments, ccc , at Clark it .Son's, Harriet A. Ncwkirl:, of Salem, says; 1 wits cured of tetter in in v hand by three applica tions of Camphor Milk. My lni-band was cured of old running sores by using it, Il cured my son of a spraWiiil ankle. I'ri e25 cents Sold bv C. A. Klcim, liloomsburg. april 10, '80,'ly HOW TO GET almost Everything. Do you know how to get in thu easiest way and to best ncJvnntngc what you want for dress and house-furnishing? First, how: Write for a catalogue ; see what you can 1 jam from it about the things you want. If samples can be useful to you, ask for them and state your wants so plainly that exactly thu right samples can be sent. Second, where : The place where goods are kept in the greatest variety; where they are sold for what they really are in respect to quality ; where prices are lowest ; where most care is taken to nerve customers accept ably; and where you have the right to return whatever is not satisfactory. There no matter where you arc if you make your v.anti known and avail your self of your privileges, you will get the best things in the best way, promptly and without trouble or 'risk; .sometimes by mail, some times by express, almost always at less cost for car riage than the money you save in the price. lohn Wanamaker, Philadelphia, Pa. Chestnut, Thirteenth, SiarUt nnd Juniper. uniToit'h son p.. tsrtTKor Ji'iies niaitV, mcrAscn. The iintle-'lffnil Anillto- appotnled wtth the enn- sett of o irtle. In Int. t-os', li ttt trt-tultia' , u t if i , Mint 1 1 to in lo , . ems i ti i n i r Hie uili i or lie t is In t.. us ' ail Ion t-ll.s, tl'llli lilsllntnr it- I 111 - "'. tl.. t, lo I ll'l nni'Higtiii. piirilesintlij.'it ih.iiio, wui meet the parlies Inlert'siu) at hln union In lllwuisbiirg "in 1-rldiy, Nou Hilar Uth, lssn, at ten o'clock In Ilia forenoon cf said diy tn purorin Iho diilles ot his nppollitiii' rit when where all t isnns Inteiest fit me i fullest ed to 1 nc M tin Irtli'uis lo said mini or be f Teicr itoonrrc'l from comine in for a share ot Bald fut.d. KIK'J. js. i;i.i m.u oct. 8, V) 4iv Auditor. A UMTOU'H NOTICK. rsTATIOFlSAIAU IKAOSH l'ECEA'tO. Tlo undersigned andlti r flMK'ttited wllh ttie con- sent cf pirtlcs In Intenst, by the nrptiaiis Court ol Uolumi'la county to mak Ul-trinntlun or tlie bat. nine of n n funds lu Ihe bands . r the administrators ot th 'cstatflct I alati Yeu4W. decease.!, us shown by lh Ir tn si ami pnruai acmunr, lo nnu among lliopirllea entitled tnercto, will Ml at hlsoniceln the town ot tilcvimtbiir, on K.itunliy. Nuieinir r la h s-ii, at la oMcikln theioreiioon to p. rlorin tin. iinilen r.r Ids ai'tsi niment. All nel sons hit Ing Ictvms against sal.1 estate w III Hp,ar and present tie m nl that Mine, or tieforeur debarred Hum re. celling nny cf said ftind. ncv, ... co.,i.,.l.. oct. T so iw Auditor. ditou's Nonci:. Almnif Hie rrcciu huh itu u'uhui - miu wr pliant Court In aiul fur bj.M coiaiyluter uiuttti 1 fill 4 I llllt IlK ll Jn re-rstute f f cotlorh (iiiMlif r, ricrrnM-d. An J low ti iiilr in. I"', tn ii.'iMou (f W. II Million. HoUmi limklULMitiin in nMiutiild Auditor on exteptloiis toutcuiint. in i tut vvi in . f Ccrtlfl' 'i fnim thu ri'conli thin tttpnitL'tlnliiyf r Sep- teiu '' r. i"!. WM KHU'KIIAI M In MiiMiaNce of tin- uWvp nrtiotiitini'iit, Hip mi. (k'lsttfiv tl v 111 tn f t tli- pin t It s li ti n Mt il .il lit tf ilce In Itltii'in-b'irv t-n nuinlnj Hi h-ui tl.iv tf if tottrr, A. li , ivo, Ututtii ttie linurstf luu m. anil 'I11" 1 1ll-IM?tVlItt t l Oci. l.VMw Ainiior. (ruocdsboh, no J), w. uounrtjs,) xtv 'Inn Itranilli s, lilslile s, (.Ins, Itiitn-s, nml nil Minis oI WIiich con- s-tmill) on linnil. ini'OKTKI) A1.FS AMI I'OltTKIIS IN lllTTI,!iS ItV THK I10ZKN. Lnndlonls tlittnigb out the cnunty will Ijnd it to their ailvantiigo to cull and examine my steel; before piut'luising elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron. julyj.'siMy GET THE BEST. E xixuToiisNOiiii;. KSTAl ROf JCiNhl'll I'JIIK, DIlKAStn. Lettcia te.sunieiitaiy on Ibe ...talo of .Irseph I'olie. late ot u litre toniislilp Colu'lil'l.l eo"n- ly, t'elins.l llalda, deceaseil, hale been tf'n ted I oy lue iicKister in ;,.iiu i-ciini i" hi in-n l'uhe and .tntiii Wolf ll.ecillors. All petsim f bivlns; ilalius ni;.ilnt 111." eslale f.r nalil itece dent are reoiute'l 10 t.ieSL'lt lllelu for settleliilit, and tbo-,0 InJebtcd lo thu i.stiite lo initk,' rnjuieut lo ine undcrsitrueu i.ccuiors.,viiuniii. m-i iy. Nl'KI'MKs I Ulti:, j .'lis wiu.r, Sep U, Kucuturs. Look nt I. W. Mammiii's Clotb Coats l.ulies, before you buy For I'Jaukets or L'ouutiriiaiies cu to l.utz Mosn s. ON TIM E Ari UsUAL. Jones now enes to business reeubi'ily. 1 bat attack ot Neuralgia Ihat laid bini up, antl which was only a Iresb visitation of an old fiicinv, ilisnppearett, in cause be iiiok u I'rin.d advice -mtl used Dr. lliomns I.clee trie Oil. lthetini itie pain, sons, cms, brin Ibroat and Ittni; coniphiints are invaria bly cured by it. Kor sale at .1. II. Kiuport's. Sloie new Coals anil Dolmans for the la dies at l.utz & Sloan'". rretty S.iils lor children, UKters for little bo-, new, nice, aiul neat, call and seethe fall styles at li.ivitl iincnuerg s, HEALTH AND HAl'I'INfisN it seems btramre that anv one will suffer from the rnnnv demiiL-euients brouichl on hv an Impure enn- dlt urn of the blood, when senvil'si lilaicil) nun Ltve.ll SVlCl'l wi:i resiuro peruui. la-nun m ;ii nhfclenl oi't-nnlatlon It Is tn led a strelitrtbenltii: epino, pleasjnt lo take, and has bioeen Itself lo lv ually curlnir M-rcfula. r-jplitllile. dl-euscs. Weakiieio. Ol llte Kllllie.s;, U'l .tTYiMlS uisuni.-m i.n. -., It corrects lnd'sT'-stlntl. i mikes Ihe old reel olllu'. onH ll.e ,r.lll,s reel L'., I IK.ll Will t VlllllblV drill nut or ine n.vsieiii im iii'iii. "is n. ,i. ...... .". heir to. A simile Oollle will rove tu ll mer its ns a health lenewer. fir ir acta like a especial y when the complaint Isorunex biusilie nilure hniliik-H lenib ney t.) lewen the Laturat vlirur if tue oruiu ai.u uenoussjMeui oci -a ruis eow 1. W. lliiruiiiin's Under Wear Depart ment is full. .Ml prices. 1!. Scb'iilinmiller, llrooklvn, wrile-: Y'.nr nnu,, i ess .tu s nvtiuauie. i navu nio K, .minimis sons on tnv It "s fir a liumbc-1 1 years, and i cc.i-in.iallv, they would break out on my face. I have taken two bottles ol Spnn ltiossoui, accorollti: lO uincuuns linn now nn ibe nr,s hive il isapliea led soil mv sum is per- feeilv henlthv I'riiu50c. Trial botilos 10e. Tor lie at .1. 11. lunpori s. Utibbers atMcKiiiiicy's. Hiebest dish Trice paid for 1,000 flood Kat, Live VICAL CALVLS Ibis Kill ami Winter. You can br'ni; tbei.i riilit uloriL" now on Mondnv, Tiiedav and U'cdnrd:iy nf , . . i. .is. 1.S..11 , il':.,,,.. chcI! anil every iee i, mi, rn'inuu ...-v. Hi Inn in your Hit calves now ami net y.iur cash lor mem. liriui; inei.i irooi .or north, suiitli eat nml c!. l.eiinein erne ripbt alung now lo tilas You up, Light t-iitet. eict. 1 4m AdmNsinn free at McKinney's. 1IENMIY S C'AlttlOI.IC SVLVK, The Ileal Nilee In tlie world fur ruts, lirulsei. Sires. I leers, sail icneum lei'ir, ciuiiii-u n;,i,o, e"hili.l una, corns nnu un kuiusui j-s.ui nui'uuii, KieiiJesniid ninnies Tlie silve Is uuiranteeu tn elve perfect ratlsfactlon In every case or luonej re-fnnd.ii- lie Bitrero cet Henry's rarbollc salie, o.s ail others nre bur Imitations. I'llcesseenta. tor saw ny au aru,;gisia. im.-, Hoot beadiiURricra at McKinney's. ,1,,.. hi. h, rse could lake the hell. After an absence of nearly an hour, be returned lo the' stint' and at noiinee I tl at nr. Ireon would not come baik. lie iu. lees were not men eno' l,-., nl llr.i. Iipdiil .ml want .nn uoon.l ileal neiied and used some lan i;une thai as enlirelv nrcilled fir, nud in sme pll i9 mlnht llive'led the excited crowd ,.1,1,1, snrr, iimllil him tu do vii lenco to ill" ! i.l.i... imiiierr body el-e on the B'and. Thiee ,.,pi,i were i-iien for John llonirhton, nod il, nin..lil'il III sttV f 001 ll IS WBtOII Ihat ll e iudt'es ,r. a se of monkeys, and ih"t iheiH was mil a I!' litleuiai on the stand l h stock of Dress, lionets, cheaper man ever. The bet black and colored Cashmeres in d,000 1 1 unds nice dried nispbi rries, d.OOO pnuutls nice iirieupiiitii cm men wunieu un" fall by eiths i'iti':, j.igni oiretijuy - uui Mrs. Karnlu 111, cor Pratt ai d llro'idway.has been a snflerer lor 12 e-irs lhriuh rbcuinn ti.rn.nnd has irnd ivirv rimuly me eoiitii hear ef. bsi reciivid t o beoili . iimil recoin- inindid to lr Ihe r..brric () 1, she ,av fht ri!Ai- klixtion I'ltOCLAMATlON. i T-7r. ir. T--CT. lin-h sheriff of Co lumbia countv, Conilnonweitllh of Penns)lvnla, do 1 herein make known and proclaim to tlie quallMed eleilois of c'ulunibla election win oe neiu on Tuesday, November 2d, 1880. Oielnsr the Tuesday next followlni; the nrst Mondaj of said month) for tlie purpose ot eh tttl tlie sel eral persons hereinafter nniueit, to-wll: Twenty-nine persons for electors for President and Vice President ot 111 I'nlted -tates Ire.ui the stale or ' cur sylvanta, erne person for Auditor f of I'entisjlvanta one perMon for Juli of the suprcine rourt of l'eiuis lvimla. line pi rvju tor Member ot Congress for tho 11th CoiiKiessioral District. cjue ptrson fur sute Senator for tho twentv-fourlh senatorial llstilct. ('In till vacancy caused by Ihe deutli of i:eo. 1). Jackson ) Twojietsons for member of tho Legislature from Columbia county. cine person for District Attorney tor Columbia count j. line iK'rsoii for County survc) or of Columbia coun ty. I a'so heubv nuke known and give notice Ihat the I r laces nf holding the afofMld cl-etlon 111 the Mei al wauls, bcroukhs, dt-t Ic'sand lownsidps within ine couniv ur e oiuniou are ns ioiiows, i: Heaier townsldp, at the public house of .Iiwepli II. Mmiiia'i. llenton township, ut the public House of llhum, in i uc low n hi ncuion. K.isk lilooin, at tlie Court House, In liloomsburg". West llloom, at Ihe Couit House, In liloomsburg. l'.oioiigh ot Hi iwlck, ut llieolllee ot V, .1. Knorr, lu the burouguiiC llerwlck. Ilolotiehof I'cntralla.nt the public hoilsu ot Wll ltauil'eller. Iirlarcreek luwushtp, at tlie public school house near Kalisllle. Catawtsvi township, nt tlie public house of 11. I.. Kostenbauder .v. Co., In Iho town or catawlssa. Centre towiifldp, at the Kliool house near laifay- elle e leas .s. Norlh conjngli.ini lilslrlct, at the school house mir the culllcrj ot John Anderson a Co. sieitn Coujiighaiii lilslrlct, at Iho house ot Mrs. Thomas Monroe. rishlugereeU township, at the school house near C. ll. u bite s. rranklln township, nt Ihe Law re nee scluwl house. i:neiiwoo.l township, at the houso ot L. i- I'attuu. llemloi k lownsblp, nl the public house ot chxs. II. Illi-ttelli ll. lu the town of Puck Horn. Jackson township, nt tbo house of KlcMcl Cole. .ocust lowiishln, at Ihe public houso or Daniel Knjrr, In Nuinedl.i. Minim townsiiin. nt the nubile houso ot Aaron Hess, lu the tow not Miminlllle. Madison townshln, nt the public school house In Jerseiown. Mt. Pleasant township, at tlie house or ll. . Mellli k. .Montour township, at thu public Iioum! of lteuben lta ueh, ut Ituis-rt. .Mnln township, at the public house of Jeremlali h laillgenls-rger. I'oarlngcreek township, tit tho house ot samun Miller. t)rnii''u townshln. nt tho public houso ot E. rnaugel In llranjelllle. Pino township, nt the Cenlio sihool House, lately rlMHl by a vote of ihecllljensot said township. Sugnrloaf township, nt Ihe house of Nomina Cole. Wi st seolt nt tho nutillc house ot aonn Kckroin in Unlit Slreiv. last Scott township, at the public house ot Jacob .Miller, In rspy. At nil i luii ions hoi caller held untie r the laws of till. Ciiiniiionwenlih. tin' elictlon polls shall be open d at selen ulIoCK 1U ine lorei'oon, nnu sunn lon- tlnue opiii wlilioul liiicriupiioii or nujouriimeiii until selen o'i lock In the elellllig when the polls w 111 tie c'Osed. NiiTici: is in:i!i;r,Y uivlx. Lemon iJ.i. rMint vvi. All Vtng Ktnrrt. ! , XI yV r.V T IV 13. I.avatlV" I,i7eiis.'es for Krcnlntincr th-1 Howcls, Prevents sud Cures Constipation. li.- nuts per Ifx, All Drug Stores. I'r.on r.uitn Tiiomsom, l'astor of tbo eiir.reli of tho Disup'.eA of Christ, Detroit, Jhih. "ily Foil il.JiKcrously ill and iiitirly prostrated trom Chills nndl'evcr, :,i' minoiiud other rnodieinea bad been tried i ,tho..t ellcct. Mr. Citdi! ho bad used i i.i rui.diuo ius aToiiie, advised a trial of it, v Lu u was done, resulting in hW couipkto recovciy wttbiu a low days." CAPSULETS. bafo anil reuisblocuro for Kl.lncy ComiitalntR, anj IiruBPfl of tho Drinary uraii liocvut wr t.uiiiilc. They will euro any itrt-'Uti-.i'oiuBPvcntlaB. Tbo'woril Jocuta ii az ert ry lox. iTico pt r boi, with full tlinvtioni, Cai 3-i.tta (flimll f lit 73 cniita. rapmilf (lari rlrc) il.rO. At nil lruc Plow. MiUel fn Tt-celpt pl.rlcf-y Dl'.VDAs IHCK & CO.,J3 Wooatsr Btroct, ow lurk. Cir ularalrcc, psaTrwvpij Instantly relieved, hy ihn Elifir.tS iii.oofMnctiuoeiilIatico r.r.Tilic.itioa i of it. tfeLlilnll Sold by all DrupQlstR, crmfiileil on receipt of T by UUNDAS DICK A CO., Mfe. Efcia Ciicmistri, J5 Woobtor Ktrett, New 1'ork- JiS- In the liuiiHil.ietui'e of'Oisims is rcsultin-r in the luoiliictioii and Fiilo of chenp gooils, uiiulo from inferior iniitei inls. I refer jiai ticularly to bogus Urgans tliat are continually spniiging into existence, without, any merit whatever, except to ho oll'ereil cheap, aiul then when purcha-s- eil fouml to be dear at any price, vi ill vuii not then, reader, If jroix Contemplate Buying an Organ consider it -your onlv safeguard to select au instrument bearing the names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of styles of the celebrated Fstcy Oigans can now bo seen at the new rooms of the Only Authouz?d .agent loi the Estey Oigans in Columbia County. A guarantee for live yeais from the maim factureis accompanies ever Fstev Organ. Jf. SALTZER, Agent, loomslmrg, Pa. June 25,s,'-tt C. C. G r in I G N AN, Plumber, Gao Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, AND IICAI.KII IS STOVES, HEATPBS E.A.lSrGi-ES, BLOOMSBURfi, PiL. Shop in Giern House, (5th door n""- The OBiS iC.snlsiijoiSgflll 8aE Store. WHBLEMI IIPIIIIMT Corner Main and Market Streets 0urc3 Tvltliont Jlcdlclnc Simply Ai)S(rtIon. Tiio Only Truo Malarial Antidote. J)t. Ilolman cautlcnitltoruMic ftRalnitconn tr-riVlt nnd Itnltallon " VW of nil kliuN. Jn. pist upon the kmd t'oarliiff thn nhovo liunnfla nu.l f-rotm jirlvfttu ret'iiuo btami of Huliuan I'.ul (.' i.. Now YurK, Thi is a true remt?lr without mllelno. Ita f 11 u iau hoiHcholilwordlhruugriouttho world. !ii btt -ur'd of ?Inlnrla, I'ettTNi C'rillN, IIIlItiion?ts, l.hiT '.iiipltilnl( mitl i'hrtmlc SIdiiiimIi Hl.rittc. IT la only notenary tn get thu UUMJlMlIuluiU'ii rad. itneviT falls. Ilolmau'd Tad (pfnulne) U poMlirPrnrste1'3 If In doutit About thu pennlnpncsi of l'arta filtered, onclose 53 In registered letter to U4 nudrt'echutho ri-rady y return mall, vost lid. nrwrlto uh fur frt'O trefltlwo. If nvurely dljitte 1 with chronic nllments. diicrllo 8yin;i toin lully. l)r. HoIman'H advlrii U oniTW. Addrtaa, JIOI.HAN 1AII CO., i)i WUUauittlrftt, Nw Vort. TIAIR DYEiithOBafeat and l(Ct; uctti liiHtan taneouiljr, lTOduclnt? thrt ruol natural ehado of Mackortjrov!i;dots BLOOMSBURG, PA. Tlioiinai-rsl(;iieilliuMLi;t.fe.u lu tin- llill.l ll.i: HUfi; tor Mir pnst rlnin ji-ars would call tiio attt-utlou ot Uw iiiuili' tri'uer.iil.v . uuil v .I'M i;V iiUAl.Kii.s in p.ullcuur, to tueir t.iru mul luiliil stock. It consists, of Filial, PSBs, Bssf9 lisagil2y, PsBlent 11 v A ?4 &cl ty ail hair dressy ru, rtlolrtUUHU Olyapi'lUM. Afctandartl prfparauon j i.ivoruu upon every will nj. pulntod tnilot Sot lady or fe'pntleman. hold 1-y un unmpHis nnu up cw Yorll, WILLSON'S ',o fui l that f ilie tiinn for the pribe U llioso Y ctnt ones nt ennm t eipioss the s'lii-fuiti feel" tit iinv uh to civi- liiui the l,utz A y.oati's. inj; her pain eniiicly iiinovci) anil hi r rheu I it rum-. Mr. Wil- . umti-iu tiireil. I'i r mlf at J. II. Klujion I. W. llartniuu's Dry GouiU uuj Hook 1'iirimcnt Is the .lact. I.uilles. vim can timl u lull line i'f Silkn f-aiius. VilrrH. Cunliirmi., Ai'., at Inn fat I . r I e III all clurs at I lark Uuti Call at .McKinney's for Shoes. ltEl) ItnitsR rowDKit cures nnru liorspi. mules nil"! tut'e'li iu.ui any uuut lui'iucim-. um iiuj I.o u.cHi.ilnii of T J. aniier-lice m H I K Tills st a s. rtu n was a hnxu nf as tin re were only tl'n"' j'ulesiui ihe s' ami at the time, ll lie otlii-rs u liK me niuc-rs u, mr .,!ir ami nr-wuiiiirr r n.'rlurs wlm Han nnu . . . ' T ll'Il nll.., iui; to Ho Willi 111"" r..ce. .ur. n nnu '"' ' eilsiie. Itiat he re'ernil to im one lull he JuiIgM who iiiauetue uicisu'ii. rn"-iu wonU here only le cauae lie tnaile Lis n ecli r. i. rrnml. Hill wc C llllllll HIU ll" "inn l,e iiidweif to euy, witiioiit teiiii'g wiin uo uc. uallv faut. Ihere were .oven.l misfikis mine in inn l,nl irsns.cilun l'itst. the three jiiili un onhteilly insue a mu.tske iu eivi k iho lieu in, ll liniU'Sflv llHlO, LTCll tl) Jllll'l IllHlfU in., .... , I ill ,, 1 in r-ons on Ihe mil who thought otherwise wnii Ihe three hiiljifs w1 o ilcchleil Huninsl him. Srcuml, tr. Tt on in;ule ,iulu m ,. ,viriiiiiL' luck on me irHcK,nii' ii '" . - . . . . . . , , . ll,ejuili!i nllcrcil lilui usl wnai ne usmsi i"i the lir.t lace, nml mini, Air 'i "i'" ...l.i.Ln In au euu alleel ai'aik on the officer of Iho nclety hv chur(!ing t ' ' thev hill iiromiseil ltoi.iur ine raif n m wuuhl inter. This charge the hoard inilii.'u.inl ly denies, Iho rrowd was eviilenllv not aware iuai ui- deci-ion as reversul and liist Ihe ut neii would heuiten loJniin nonunion 11 nr iruun. come lurk, wnen .r, " i'"i """n '" ther would not Iixb mine to uiucu utiuuu. stratlon. Ahiiiil Ihls l!mc Iho other two hore were called up, and a' Ihere win a ilispu'e whiih "houlil have ttie imie, uoi ur ur.r. rffusul In tn.l, and ihe race was iliilarcd oil a ...I 1I..1 I. h 1 1 ilifio is nhnut ihe I' ri'c ihat di.ln'1 lake i laec lail Siturday. That the rrnwd was il suiKinird ' u matter over which the officers of he society had no ceuiril, aud are In no wijr to tilame Uhrariani . lliuvin I W. llaftuisn'a (Iruicry tta le. Tiy hi Cutlies. Iti.uts and lihoes iluai at MclCiui.ej'3. Do im' fi'iK"' that Lutz it Sluau veleens, Silk Velvel', Satlun, ; Hrocade Silks Idas. Till: MELANCHOLY DANK. is il inn the II imlrt fr nc. of Ileum irk. wmiM not liv 1,. in ill tibul the '.Mflaeiboly Uane ll He known Dyspepsia whs nil lint ailed liim soil that ad Iih nieJeil was a supply of Sprint; lllo a uri) euie Dyspepsia. II lliousnr.s. IniliL'ciioii aid oilier ilisl ilescrii. lion. I'ric b 60 ci-nt, liiftl boitles 10c. l'ur sale at J. II. Kiuport's cut Vol. iilks and The Kelt anil Cloth Skills at I. V. man's are extra. Vi.., can L'et all wool C.ishineies of any ciliir and at unv luice from -10 cuuls tu $ I 00 cents. C. A a yard ut l.utz iV sluuu a. lint, riiiirim V I 'ikr.mi Vnrrl.tnwn. aivi! Hart- Thn lM.n.uiii IVclrml Is inlispensuhle in mv finiily. It acts like a charm in curiiit; cniialis and e'nlds with the n.l 1 ulwu- use it when addressiui; a jury. I'rice Klelni.lilDomsntiri.'. apriiiiv How She Saved Her llavllns Dr. V. II. House lakes ihlsiuelhod ol Inform Ing lie puhllcthalhe has equipped his Dental Unnms with many e f the Latest Iinproyement-. ns...i. r.,..,,,i UMImiii I'sln It Ibe lite of "I sliall never again fed ' awfully ner .nn nlmnt mv hati es tcelhln. " u rites a uralefiil inotliur. Wo almost lost our lillle Uarling ly hmif attack of cholera infan tum, hill happily heard of l'arker's Clliiger Tonic In lime, I look a few spoonfuls mi- self, which soon cured luy nursing uauy en tirely, ami an occasional ii.i si-v r aud hahy in such perfectly good health, aid made us so b'rong and comfortable that I would not he wllliout tins renauiu mcuicnie for worlds." A .Mother of Ilrooklyn, oct There is a Halm in Oileail. rim suro-bs which has uiaikid the inlro iluctiou of Cream Italni, a Ualarrh remedy, prepared by i;iy urns,, ejwego, i, j . n in dcfd marvelous. Many peisons in I'itlston nud vicinity ure uslnu' It with mist satistact my resulu. A lady down limn is ncover il,H sense, nf smell which she had not en joyed lor fu'leen years through, the use of the iiilm. She had clven up her rase as incur able, Mr, II ii tier, the druireist, has used it In his family anil rntnmetif s it vi ry nigi iy. In another column, a young Tuuhaunook i.nTfr known In mauv 1 1 our reaners, tes tifi3 that be was curt J "I paiUal dealnesa, ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUAIHE REAL ESTATE! lu rursuancoU an oi iter of theOrphan'sCourtot Ceiluiubta county, the until iUkwiI will tcllatpuhllc bale on tlie pniiusiaof tlie late John Mensch, do- ceasod, In 1'raiiUlu tuwntlilp, on SATURDAY CCTCBER 23rd. 1S80, at c do o'clock p. lu., thu follow Iny described EEAL EST .A- T IB. Hounded by tiio lauds of Win. Temple, We-Illuglon Clvver,M, Uearheart, fcusiiueliiinna Ulrtr.M. Mcubcti' and others, conuuulinr 164 ACHES AND S3 FB&CaBB More or lets Th rels enctcd on the premUea two larfi) Iri.uvi 0WELLING HOUSES, I-arco lUhk Uain ami olhtr out-bulldlcgs. There GOOD OKCUAUli ON THK 1'UKiIlisK.S, TEKMa OF HAlsK. fen per cent of one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid at the striking down ol tho property, tho one-fourth leia tho ten per cent. at the conntmatlon abwolato and the retaalbloff threo-fourths la one year thereafter with Interuit IToin conflrinaUou uuL JESSR MGNSCff, Thut eciy i ron exrt'iitliiif .liMle1 nf thu Peace and Al'Vrtiu'ii, Not.rlH vubiic and ivronn in tin Ilnlltla stTVUi' or UK rian, iini mhiii uuhi ji nimu within two nionuiH nar- nem hiij ur uiihjiih iim nt ut itrunt ur truH um'er i'f l'rfd -uiUh.or of 1 ti.t. sti.t.' nnd i-lt v or tiiriH.rutf'd dl ttiUt. whi-ltur a CMiuinlloiH'd uiiliir or othtTwlM, u utnritln.itt' uilU't-'or ujj-'iif who Is or fchull etnpl(ied undt r the l-eifW.tluri', Kecutlw ur Ik-pailim-m UI MelU'i Ur Ul UIJ lllj UI Ul till. (uiurii.ill ilMrlct, and ulto, fiat eei inemlHT of t'mijrres-i nnd ut the Mate IyUl iture, and of the select ct cum mun i iuih 11 u un eitj , or euininiioners oi nnj lucurpyruu'tl iiuil icitru u ia iKu-ajMua: vi im u'hk or eeuiMUi! ui. iuu .ititi- iu.- n- tn. ui i..r.4m- Uient ui JUtlifO, iiisjm riu ur t iti iv in any fii'iuuiiui thW t oitirnu'iweulth, ar 1 1 mt nolii-pei-tor, .ludu'o or other uiltct r of such eleitlun slull bo ellflbie to be tlien UJled iur. Tho liiMH-Liurs and Jude u. the elections hhnll meet at the r MH'i live pin es HpiHilnted fur holdlni; ti i... ti.. ii in iho illstili I to wli'eh Itie ri'tsin'i'tHt lv belunir. I'tfuie hfeu 4i' hH-k In the nturntnt:, and eaih ut t.uld In-ptittors Mu'l f.iijiulnt unu tltrk, ho S11U11 ue U UUltnueu i'iri i'i mh ii uiin i i. '1 he iiuaiiticu oiLPi oi uie nertu tnsincii in this iiiiinl at nil eeneral, township ho - utltfli ulnl -peUl ileitlule. itie lit reb hereiittir auilu rlM'd und ret pit ne tu luie l. tlcktts iiilnled ur wltitn. ur paruy punieti aim paiuj wnueu, Mtr alh chLbhllled ius Mlo : (ine (it kt t MuUl ( mt'rnte the lu'ines of all .Indiren of Courts Mtted Tur, and labelltd, outsMe, " Judiciary:" nnv tlcl'et hhall em brace the named of all tho Mate otlieers uted fur and to be labelled "Mate;" tleke h'U endirace tho names ot alloomuy o.llce-N vo.u-d for, Including tho unu e oi i-enaior, vun .lenuH-r- oi as sembl), It ottd to, and uu uU-n uf (.oiiltcss, If uted fur, and be lab. lkd L'o jnty ; cue tuki t shall embrace thu hamettuf all township ufllcery oled fur, aiul i uoeneu "lowuwnp; ono uchei wiu'i tin- oraeo the names or an uorouyn onicera voiearor, una bolalK.lletl "Poroonh." Andeacucta&ibhdllbe deposited In separate bal lot boxes. UAL 11 t-Ti V, S'lerlirs Oftlce. liloomsburg, bhertfl. octo. , l-tf (XonTOglan) Sw rctnlnrd lifilin Aenhe.t Stoi:mc:i Im Vtvp irum t'tipleiiHlilll 'I'Ufclc. Arrest Dei aj, i)vcrr;i,lN Itimrlil. It tun t'onttmjitlnn frrrcfmnt Asthi:', JlronetiiH! Kmaclutluti, Caught, CoMi, lit' -crrtinpn uud all t uny aud c(m.t("f (oitaf ou- I'lifrt A-nH'""l riirfIr-rlho Carhlatcd Od U r r- y e'i!ti' uU ll(tllwylnScrofulou.1K'cl(J . liiii-iiniahiiii. Ac. la Kroiiflv Tpconiltieude J. ItJ taHfyl-itf towrlwondoifunn Coufmiihtiui, .lo- p lulict'.aiini'tquuDtiy doc,Uoutcroiu!ou3 taint. It act4 izDon Uv rational iht'orv of Immcimatelt iuisstino Decay while it Koiun ue tub bvs em, ecaM!!:;U to throw oft thddnteasc. oJd only In ftii;e-hhaped bottles. Wlllaon I fpllfdwUh a doublo U" Ilemember tho word 'OAnBOLATBn"luorderinifroiiiyouiUrut-rlt( aji o:ii:pcnri;,ii.7, A UUITOIi'S NOTICK. btateot I'cnij.sylidDla, rolumbla county, KS, Amonir the records and nroccedlnira of thn nr. phanv court lu and foraald couuty 11 Is later alia tnus contained. jnllio liiutitroi cxceptionato mo account of John r. niiuv, eatTjuiur ui .. i, iiavis, oceeawd. And nowhi-pleintier ltli, Is'U on uioilon of Her. vey K. Hmllh, tn , ltiu Coiu-l apjiolot ItoUrl WU1.1.1U1,UUU1 AUUllUI UU UAWlllUUa. llKTIISCorkT. Cert Itleilfrom tho record this tucnty-nloth day of fl, M. ICICE ' WM, KKICKtl.M'M, De-liJIy. i liL-fi e In pursiMiico of theaboie appop init'iil tlie un-ilerslirl,i-il Mill uect ll.e) parties lDt,.r,.Hlf.iluei.i.i,r noe In luoennsburif on Tueidav tlie bliitii Uuy o i.iww. uvv,.vu tuv iiuurt U V tt IU. and s p. in. It. lilTUlNOHAM, oct. 8, 'ao-iw AudiVor. It I DOR NOTICE, dividend of tier cent, will t rtai.1 tn cu-h. told-rs of Catawlsst Urtdiro Company on and alter imui ,av, iw, av .uu uoii; tu .uu i ri'sisurer. BUOHAN'S CARBOLIC BALK. OINTMENT 14 TUB Beet Salvo In tho YTorid. iraa8 jiirh, QqicU and Startlluc Cure. It Heals Without a Soar. AlluyaPatu &Sto8 UleoiIin(r. Sootkos n Burn or Soald. Hunlses Cut Llllo Magic. ' Urawil'olsouout of aVTonnd. BUCHANS' CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT CONTAINS HO GREASE AND WASHES OFF WITHOUT SOAP. acta Jiist'int'y cnelilin Magic. Ton Suit Illioaut, Koro Throat, ll'", lUtrns, bculila, C'ul, Wuunils, I'llus, Sole hi-ee, rolsonou. Stln. Hl.,1 lillo-, lluibnrs llrh, C'liHiipwl llMnels, Si nfu lu. hoi,. ..and any aad eveirr other furposoioi' vh.rti a hve or ointment cai to usod, ljn c'l n's Carbollo Halm lllntrantlslli olir- parstliiu thstcau alws;. l.on-liul upon. . nut i.iiiful ivllr-eninn I uiKK an) I in Klau l . villi lh iwi ' Iralo-iuarii." without h U nr.u. U k"ou!u , 0 u toll, tint your drug. .ii'ti.. yuu l.v lus'a, ahovo dasrlU-.l. Or. a or. .uy lie) m tp..licaui.u w euu sihuih. -a: .ti, Cl'iail' JIANIltrACTt'lUNl. CO. ilavon Indollible Ink. i fD'J lllniheworlJiUMkasth!iunjlsr llntllV rav:ni'mnu".lWpcrlll)r KlUll I nilt) duct im spreal or ruu; alMa ilia Pll llilll reuy, ro iKparaum ijJcJj llflOll 3 BROWER'S BLOCK. IN IT WAY BE MUM) A LARGE STOCKIOF srO.N'UES. CHAMOIS, COLOUSES, f'EKFUMKKY, CIOAIIS, FASCY AUT1CLE1, TOILET bOAI'S, TOOlll IlItCbllKSJ ItAlIt ilHL-MIES. I-AMr, OLOUES, and iu fiict every tiling that should bo kept in ii complete and well regulated Drug titore. They aro the solo Manufactures of the Celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. ALSO THK!; AND tOI.i: ritOI'ltlETOltS OF Df. W. pl. BlCjCLEY'S CelebWed INVALUABLE IMMiPAliATIONS. aU'OUNI) AKOMAT1C WINE OF GENTION AND IliON. BIPROVED CPvEAlM CAiSlEHOR, VORM KILLING AGENT, EO&E PECTOEAL The Best Remedies Made. Highly Recommended Tjy Physicians. MDYKR BlBrOTlElS, Oct.H'N.Ay Tk. s.t 1,1. ,r m nbout $8600, Os, and' f. of cUr.. hu. ear.lfici.Heetb a,e ,t ffil This Is al cut CS0 more than last year, and UKO.B.OILUIIUT, ITmsursr, IIUV Tnl on ISMS n s.s"". Illl I Imeiteil, ptv.4i-vw ts. . oct.t,u.U. ror iban Tr wnartctlvtu wiore,