THE COLUMBLAN AND DEMOCRAT,BL()OMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COIN'l i. PA. ifii? SpliiiiiSfiti 1. 2. SW3t.Ii, Elttw. J. It. BITTEWanKDSa, FttMltliM. iiLOOMsiuma, pa. D.Mnnoi.ifir Niitioua1 Ticket. l'nit i'iii'--iiii;.,;r, G911. W. 8. HAMCOOK, OK rr.NNSYI.VAMA. ion vicE-i'niMinr.sT, t Wm. H. ENG-LISH, or iNin vN v I'ltiMiiinvn xi. i.i.t:t"rmt l.'nlicrt II. Monaglltu, Wi.lluni II. ll.ijluid, John s ctln. Kiln III I'll", .oh ii M.iiiini.bell, (lllllcs t'.illolf, .lolin MotTct, l.dxv .Hi XX'uliIell, Nlllll.lll I' .IlllllC'S, u -unto l-'llbert In 'u. il wcsuirrm, Alfred J Martin, t il.un ilerlhger, I'lanklln Turner. J. Koss Patrick J. liinnlnghnm, ' 1 1 r n l V K. t'axls, t.torge A. l'est, I truin M. liehton, I lolin I' Hnl ii. Ilohn s. MU IT, i.lolin i. S.lTlOIl. I'dtpiM linger, I ones A J. lltirlianin, I'lul-iopher xingee, i'n'jnrr XL (ilti-on, Willi tin II Ii inlap, I 'lurry XV. llu, iMinurl (Irimtli, 'J nompson, ST AT 12 TIl'liBT. fciu'iiiiMi; juiiut, OKOUU1-: A. JKN'ICS, Jefferson county. Al'lllTOIl IIENEI'.AL, lion i;ur v. i iwi mitr. i'tiii,nUipii i . County Ticlu l. ii m f'(iN(ims HON. IIOIIHIIT K'1,017., Of Carbon County. FOll STATU SENATE. EI.lAS .1. McllEXUY, Of Culumbia County. FOli REPRESENT VlTVES, T. .THFK. VAXDERSMCK, JOSEPH 1!. KNITTLE, I'OII DISTRICT ATTORNEY, HOUEKT il. LITTLE, Tho Chairman of tho Democratic County com- mltteo. reuueslseacn memuor oi ine isutuuiuij om tn tnnl;,, an aiinolntinent of il X'lcllallCO Com mittee lor his e lection district, borough or toxx nsldp consisting olnt least txxo members, in adlltlonto me meinour oi uiu .-uanuiui; juiiiiiiuii-c, uiu. m .... larger districts throe or tour, as' may bo access try, .n.tth. ,...,ii.hlr of tlm srnndtui- Committee Mill promptly wliuin uot more than ono wtik send llw names to LiietiitMiiiiiui. Cms. o. IUhklky, David Loxvunhkiw, Secretary. Chairman. Mi'ANiiiNii committee. roHti)ni"i. Il -aver, jienton, liei wick, !!looni4bur K HrlarereeU, c aiawlssa, Centralla, Centre, OoionirhamN, " S, risumecreck, Franklin, (IreenwooU, Hemlock, Jackson, Locust, .M.itlldon, .Msln, .-Minim, Jlouiour, .Ml I'ltaaant, orange, nno. Koarlntrcreck, Kcott but, S"ott xx est. buirarlodf, I. T. To. Heater X alley, llohr.xicllcnry, Is'nton, lir. 1'. r. Illll, licnMok-. JiaMd l.o,n.iiherj, Uloomtliurt'. CUas. (i. IMrkloy, rt'i A. Ii. uioon, i.trrwi' ii. W. U KjlM ly, Thomas arns T. r. Conner 'Ihomaa K.nnls, .lnlin Monroe. cataulssa. t'entralla. I.lme l.'Une. Centrnlli. ARhlauiI. .'vriM li. .IolIenrvtlUwaifr. c. l..Ar'ley, c'aiaul sa. Wm. lacr, hitr lliovo, MPtli Muwiaiker, liui'kli irn. Mlas XV. Mellcnry, Waller. a m . .lohnson. I'M sburir. nonnil Uieamer, Jersejtonn. .1. II. MUSS, SamuH Kinder, IW A. livana, K. Howell, .Ta-. U. Uarnun, .lohn K. I'owler, John Mourer, John .sjvacre, l)r. 1). T. Kreb3, XX'. A. Ullo, MutuvlllH Minilnvllle. Klooinsb'ire. Uifhlstreet. llran Seville. I'lno summit. lcarlngciee.. Kspy. Llzhistrcet. Coles csjik. vi i; 1 1. am i: C(i.xi.iiitti:i:. Heaver Oeorga l)rchb.ich, Jea? o Illtlenhow, laiao Kllnuerman Ilentou John O XVenner, XV. I,. Cole, (1. XX. knoiise. Ilerwlck A. 11. hoely llarrv (Irozler, liaxld uross. llloom K. xx'. Krlckbauiii, John cusey, (leorfc-o Lock. urJ.F. XVIrt, llloom XxV (ieorgo lark, O. Klelm. C. Merlins. Drlarcrcek- iieo'tfo Miller, ( lurlis i:eeJ. Cataw Issa-XV. li. Uoublns, M. X'. li. Kline, E. M. Tewkabury. Centralla Chailes Me'hern, ltobert Walsh. centre -li. A hixepinuiilMr, lien. mine,1. ronyugliituN. I'.k. Hreuian. Oxven Cain. Cou iiKiiam s - lolin crane, rat. Haley. Klihin;ereek- Franklin Jopalban Ijinman, Win. hlocksr. (ireenxxooil iwulel XX'elnxer, (leoree ixrr, I'rlah .xicllenry. Hemloi k-Jjcob Mart, xxm. XVintetsteen, E. D. Lelily. Jackson Irani lierr, Mattlicxv liellenry. Locust-1. Herbelu, Jonaiiuu lieaxer, Chrlstlin MlHll. Madison-John .XI. Smith, George Heagel, FreUerlck Derr. Main-1. 1 HoJlno, Nathan Miller. Mimin Jblia 11. id tier, J. il. bxvank, E. Sweppen- hlser, Montour John H Ilarktey, Kmor Kunyaii. MU l'leaaantAtnos XXanlcli, John Mordan. urange-Mathexv II. 1'aturbou, Cjrua Mcllenry, I. K. IHkline. rine John l.ore, l. XX'. Soni a, L. A. Ce'man. Itiarlnircreel: Johu Maurer, iieork'e K. cratj. K-oti K XV. !,'. Deiu-rkk, Jam, h like, Ki oil XV II. i' Kelelmer, J. . liachman. Muarloat-Jebho 1 iliz, l.enry U. Hess, liaxlu Lexxia, GllAND KAJ.LY ! ! mi: 111 XHRItAlV OF COLUMBIA COUNTY IS ALIXETOTlti: IMI'OItTANCEOFTlII! ISSUES NOW 11EKOHE TUE PEOPLK, AMI IS OIIIIKU TO ASIT IN Ur.sTllHIMI THU MIX I.UNMIAT III I'F.XCF. AMI AN MONKS,!' AIIXIIMa'lltA'IION, JIKI'.IIMIS xvn. i. in: HKi.ii at ii in roij.iiwi.Mi TIMKS AND I'l.XCF.S. ?'yer'a Grove, Saturday, October 23, 1 o' clock polo rkiaing, Nuniedia, Saturday, October 23, 7 o'clock. Montour, Wednesday, October 27, (Moun era Store) pol raising, 7 p. m. Evansville, Thuraday, October 28, 7 p. m. Centralis, l'riJay, October 29, 1 o'clock p. in. lluck Horn, Saturday, October 80, 7 p. in. Centreville, Saturday, October 20, 7 p, in Maiuvllle, Saturday, October 23, 1 o'. clock pole ralli)K. Hurarloaf, (Ezekiel Cole) Monday, Octo ber 25. Franklin, (Swamp school lioue) Wednes day, October 27, 7 o'clock. I'ioe, Thunday, October 28, (Central school bouse) 7 p. ni. Germantown, Saturday, October 20, 7 p. in. Catawifsa. Saturday, October .'iO. 7 P. in. Ligbtatreet, Thursday, October 28, 7 p. in. lieutoo, lliurkuay, uctouer s, mass meet Ing. GOOD SPEAKERS WILL HE PHE3ENT. Turn out, everywhere, and help lo make a r using mtjority for our Gallant I.eadr, OEV, IUNCOCK,iilnruExno!.KTiri.T V I.. Hciill nf l.tizprnr lim boon iioiiiliinlnl fur OungrcM dy llin lo iilillcntn of lliU tliMrlct. Unity V'ur'l IIutIht lint ly niiiiniiiuc liiiiucll'ii I'm' triuliT. As il minimi i'liM' lilcine It Is In r.ivnrnl tho cli-cllnn "I'Oiir- linlil, nioiitbor !' ttio IVInlin 1'ico 'rniilo Oillli. tcititllcnn speaker nrc exiling llnncock n "lilrrllnir," xvlu-n fpfalliig of his Conner tl'in willi tho army, ixinl lilst-rvloo In the country iliitlmr tlm war, K'.tcli lang'iano i not outy base lnj;r.iti'.iitli hut It Is nn In-u'l In (leu. (Initit, the linn who tlm reitihlicau patty want to malm King In ! S I lln was thu atno klnil of a "hlrelini;'' llint Ocn Ilanrnck was. HON. K. .). McllEMlY. 'Ilio ?Ptinlorlal Conf-renco met at tin? K change Motel In this place lat KrlJay even ing. A fur several nef!oii, no trimlnutinn being niaje. an adjournment xvas mailo to meet at Williaiusport on Jlmnlay. On I'uf n lay K. .I. Mcltcnry w is ntiaiiiinous'y tioin. inatiil. lir. Mcllcnrv has twiod represent eil this county in tho Inwtr house, anil his rruniil there cave satisfaction to his consti tuents, lie Ins several tlnu.s heeu selodeil as tho choice; of thts county for tho Senate, and now that ho has receivnl the no'nlua- tion, wilt of course bo elfo'.til. He is lar?c ly Inlcrfteil in business in tills county ntil itiiilers'anils the wants of our people. That he will do his full duty no ono cm doubt. Our ticket is now complete. Let every Pem ocrat work tor the Kiicce-s of every name on It from Presidential electors, down. INTIMIDATION UK ViimtS. Among the measures ued by tlic repuh licans to carry Ohio mil Indiana xvas tha intimidation of Dsmner.itie voters by repub lican employers. It may not lie that the xvorklngniiMi were distinctly threatened with di-charg if they voted accouling to tin ir on ii inclina'ious, but they xxero uia.lo to nn d'rstand that their employers wanted tliun to x-olo I tie republican liiket. Iiuoini' plicis notices wero posted up that if Hancock is elected wases xvill bo reduced to GO cents a day. Others intimated that their xvorks won ill clnc in case of Deun.ciatic suiees' while still others openly stated that they hud no employment tor men xvho votixl the item ocratic ticket. This tort of thing is not c iufined to Ohio and Indiana. It i.s beini; used all over the country by unscrupulous employer" to compel tin ir employees tn vote lor (!.itfie d. It is of little moment whether v.itera lie intiniiJ.xtul by the shot giln.or I y threat to lake the bread from the mouths ol their families. There is no intimidation ofvo ters in the South that can compare with the wholesale compulsion in the north, by xxhlou the xvorkingmen are luudo the slaves ol ttie'r employers, and compelled to vote against their uxvu cuuvictious or lorn their situa lions. Laws have been passed forbidding lliis thing which the republican partv is doing to carry tho election. In the United ottt"s statutes wo find tho folloxving: Section', 15,090. Every person any it u la xv tu I menus, hinders, delays, prevents or combines and confederates with otlieis to hinder, delay, prevent or obstruct any citi zen irom doing any net required to be done to qualify him to vote or from vollng at any election in any State, Territory, district, county, city, parish, toxvnship.scuool district municipality or olrer territorial subdivision shall bo lined not less than 000, or ba iui prisoned uot less than one month nor more than otic year, or bo punished by both such nno and Imprisonment. Sf.O' 0.01)7. Every person xvho prevents hindtrs, controls or intimidates another from exeicising or in exercising the right of sullrage, to xvbom tliat right is guranteed by thu Kit.eeuth Amendment to the Constitu tion ot the LTiihed States, by means ol bri bery or threats of depriving audi person of emu ovment or occupation, or ol ejecting such person from a rtnted house, lands or other property, or by threats of refusing to renoxv leases or contracts I ir labor or by threats ot violence to himself or family.shall be punisb-d as provided in the preceeding aection. Any employer xvho attempts to control the votes of his employees is liable under the foreeoins act. There is auotherstatuto on the subject of intimidation of voters to be fi'in.l in the criminal code of the State of Pennsylvania It is that of the .'10th of March, lKfiO, section S, Purdori'a Digest by lirighlly, volume 1, p, 331 : "Any person who ahull with the intention to inlluenoa or intimidate such elector tocive his vote lor any panic ular candidate or candidates at such election. giyc, offeror promise to give audi elec'or anir 0 ice. Dlace. appointment or employ ment.or threaten dich elector with dismissal or discharge from BiiyofhVe, appointment or employment, public or prvate,tnen neiu oy mm, in cise in ins reiusai in vote ioi nuj particular candidate or caidnUtxa at such i''-"tion. the person so ofleudiug shall be guilty ol a niWdeiiioanor,H!id, on conviction, op sentenced to pay a line noi exceeding five hundred dollars and undergo an luipris onraent not exceeding two years." llm only way to put an end to mo use ol such means to carry an election is to prine cilto all ou"enJer,and texch them that work itigmen have rights uujer the laws which tho money poxver is bound to respect. Iliiiiruik on the Turin" a i.i:rn:r. i'oi; the "iifs!Ni:ss i'i:iiii,it'; IO ItlHK. XX'IIATA TAPIFF IIKVENUK P.IIAI LY Mi: X NS the iii!sivisof nn: coiintky miwt hi: I'l'.lll'F.l'lEH 1'IIIIM UNIlKlil'Alll Foil EIIIN I.AIIOIt. Gen. Hancock has written a letter to Governor IUndolph if Nexv Jersey, i'i m gardtothe inicrviexv publiahcd in the Pitxr son (luardiim. GOVF.UNOK'.S Isl.ANII. N. y , Ojtnll T 12 I SSO. M'l Iknr (tuttrmr: I have, r -c-ived your favor f tilt II insf In my Itterif ncceptanee I expie-s d my fullsjuipa'hy xv.lh our Amtriciii luilii-trii". J th 'tight I spnle plainly en aijh to sx'isfy our Jersey friends regarding my tar'tf lews. I inn too a nod an Ainericiu tn advocate any departure fioiu the general features of a p dlcy that has been largely instrument il in building up our indi.tijes and keeping Amerixans frmii the conipilino'i of tlm underpaid lahr ol Europe. If xvu Intend to rd'iiaiu honest and pay the public d -bt, as pe iple of all parties d i.aud if xve mean to udiuiiils er the functions of the g iverniueut then wo n.u-t raise a revenue in s-uue xvi) or other. Willi a reunited and liirm'iuious country w shall certainly in limo pay ilfihe public dubt.bu' the nects-ity nf'g nionry for the ad miuUtmtiou of tho guvernmeqt will po"tin ue as long ai humal n iturj lasts. A I pir ties agne that tho best way fir us to ralo revenue la largely by the laiiff Si tarns w,) bio concerned, Iherefure, all talk about "free trade" Is folly, Hut tho tariff rptestloii xvill probably b treated .villi Justice to all our Interests and people by k una audi bill as Ea'oii'a. I be leva that a couiiuiaeiou of intelligent experts representing b.)th the government and Aiiiericm Industries, will suggest i. tariir mea.ures thai will rellexo us of any crudlile and incnnslatcncios ex isting In our prrwut Um an1) confiriu to ua the ayatiiu xxhio'i will hojiidicious jutt, har monious and imi leiitally protective as well as ttable In Its effect. I am, vety truly yonn, WinheldS. Hancock. llonorablfs'I'heo, IUndolph, MotrUtowo, Ne Jorwy, WOKKlNGiMKN, HUAD! I'iniii lite Alio lord- "truth (i7. Ott. 20. 80. GAESmD'S DEATH WARRANT. ins iNi-AMors hi-: advooa riNti an r.xri:.vii:i ciunese IM.MKIUATIOX he ntci.Ai'.ns HiMsF.i.r aiivkrsi: to tiii: l.Aiiouixti man's anh in pa- VOIt OF nil! F.MI'I.OYEIll' ttNIOSf AllXHINII THEM' TO I'.MI'UlY Till! CIIEAl'lScr I.A1IOH AVAII.AIII.E, Ni:x' YolsK, October 20. Tho folloxving xvas published 1 1 the Truth, this morning, Tlm letter h authentic. It is In General Garfield's handwriting. Denial l xvorta than ini lesf. It should have the wiJeft Clrctl lation among all clnrie , n it unmasks tho republican liolloxvness nnd hypncrisy on lh labor ipiestton through their chief. (Signed) William Hauxum Personal and Confidential. llofsn of 1!ei'I!i;si:ntativep, N'AsllINinoX, 1). C , Jan. 23nl, 1SS0. or Sir : lor in irliilion to lite Chinnc problem cttme tltthi to han't I inlr'it that the ipiention of employer is only a ijuefli'm nfpriente ttnit corporate tcitno mil. awl imliriituatt or enmnnnifi hare lic ri'ht to bin labor where they cm yet it chiap ctt lie hnre ntrealii with the Chinese govern' mmt.nhieh rhoulil be rrlinioiflil It pi until iti proeisiom ate ahroyatetl by the action of the ytneral government, awl lam not jirrparctl to say that'il fhoiitd be uiroya'cil until our great manufacturing intrrrsls are coniereid in the matter ot labor. I try trim mint, j A. aAKFn:i,i. ii. i.. Mom:); Employer)' I'liioa. Lynn, Mats, The origlnnl lettei of which the foregoing 'm a true copy, Is in Tittth't pessessinn. It xvas mailed at Washington by the repub icau candid itp lor president to Henry I.. Morey, a proniiii'Mit member of the employers un ion, Lynn, Mas.. Ai his deu'li, which le cenlly occ.irred, it xvas fiun 1 iiiii'ightf effects. The envelope enclosing it, the original of which Is also in Truth's posi.ssion, is mar ke I "personal," ascirefully as the letter it self Is marked "personal and ('An liiniesl Motklnmiiei, siiiMMtM l,x llieirxotrs stieli ii tniiii ns (liirlielil. Chairman Hill's Aililress. "vi: aim: tnisi: xxiiii sun: issi is ami xxt.xk x xMiltnins xvi: iiuur ioi: Tin: srxii:." Thofolloxviiniaildrias has been iesiic.l fiom the D in crn-ic S ato co.nini o e ro ins; IIuAUijuAuiT.iis Sr.xri! Dc.xioouArit! mtit.i:, PlIII.XliKl.l'lIl X, Oetohi r 1 I, ISfl) To 'i in: DcxiociiATn of Pennsylvania : Indiana v ,t s llepiiblicin bx- a surill ma jniitv ; Ohio holds li,-r po-ition as a ltepub- Ih an S ale The Inner xvas expeelid. The fo-ni' r is a d saster to our cau-e as M line xvas in t.' it nf our opp incuts. Their suc cess in Is tie result 1 1' mi-ans alike di-cr.di'aoie tn tlnis,. einplo) ing tl.em and dfs'riiciiv,) of honest elei'tions, Tlm cor rupt, u-e ot enormous sums , f money and ol orgauiZ'd ir.uiil, protected by l-'ul-ral poxv er, iva'iis' a eak eundulite lor Governor, has gneo Indiana temporarily to our foes. Hut Indiana xvill be redemr d, for Hancock Is stronger than locel candidates everywhere. "Out of this nettle d uiger tve xvill pluck the lloA'er safely." We are done with side issues and xveak I'.mdidxtes, for Novi inti. r gives a broader field a. id llancu'i is at the front. Arntso the people everyxVieie. Push the colii'iiu boldly. Giye new force and in creased vig t to lie) nexvsp.iper and the speaking canvass in eviry locality. Embol den tho timid, enciurigo the liodtating. He double your efforts among the masses. Make them feel tint tins b.ittlo is for their rights and Is against the poxver of money, organized fraud and a strong governiiieii'. Appeal to their personal independence against the d) miiiation of employers; to personal righ against corporalo power; to Slate pride and love of country agsiii't centralized govern ment and Ecleial corruption ; to the rule ol the p;ople against an army of oflice-holdeis We fight lor the Sia'e, lor electors, Cong ressmen and the legislature. Let it be with the earnest force of men who are determined to coerce victory and we can carry l'ennay viiuia lor her gallant son. lie saved the State and republic at Gettysburg. Let us rally xvilh uuitol forces and dc-perato ener gy to repay to him the debt of gratitude th'i people owe to him and to restore to t lie xvholo country unity, prosperity, and peace. A. H. Dili , chairman' Hamum's Viexvs. In speaking of the result in Ohio and Ind iana, one day last week, Chairman llarnum sail: "Any persons xvho i.npu'e huk of en ery to this coiimiiltcu in the xoiidiu t of the campaign do n it uod-rstand its xvorb. Of cwrss xve have lt 1 'li bo econ iniical in the expenditure nt in mo. We ("Mill not command euoug'i of taut, not hating a nrJt) ol otlU'eholders to draxv upon as the o'her side cm at will. Our collections have oily been fiom voluntary Individual sub, lint tlieso hxvo been liberal, con sidering til it they have been J Mixtions to a party out of p.nv... J am plois-d lo say we hive paid on i wit) and do not emo e il lllar, Wli 1 t tit C'liii'nillee is not bankrupt nud inanbges ua li'ianc-s closely and c.r.-fully, It is, uexcrtheisss, iu o le sense always in xvaut d .noney. T.ih incidental and indespen-a-Lie expenses of i ci'iipa'.;ii mo ilxvays con st lertble M mey Is uot ku:o ss iu many ci-s. Eiergycuu'o fur most as a y 'Herat thiiii, lilt now an I ihen in.ui y is the su perior f red foi the iini no il ot an occasion. It has proved 'ha 1 inilu.xqt power in India, ua. The Ilepiiblicana literally purchased Ituli m i away from us. With all their com mnid of wealth the Uepublienus cannot purchase every state In the Union in oppos ition to them, nor einugh nf the near'y bal anced or doubtlul Slates to gain ultimate succ-ss. They are through with Indiana and now w 1 turn their p iwir of money in to new fields. Very likely they will concen trate their lll'ids for use in this atate.or make a lejut of doing u uud apply the bulk of (heir means elsewhere. We strove to con duct the piuipaign so as to hold Indiana and reduce their majority in Ohio. We were confident of Indiana, but tho republican funds have been too powerlul for us. In Onto wa have nuda an liupreaslon that is to ay, we kept down t he former re publican uujarity. There is a popular ma j'rity In tha country fir Hancock, and It esn bo bnut'ht oi)t. Wli it la wanted hence forth, for thu remain ler ol" the campaign, ia active, energellu work by local con)ntttoea everywhire. Succeai rests with them moie than it does with the National Committee. Hancock's election does not d"eud upon the result in either Ohio or Indlana.or both. The people are fur him, and they uiut be aroused to action and the vot foi lilm brtxuir'it out hy tho oeaseleis activity of tha local committee ami cluU overywlier. Tn Hie .Maniiraclurers ami Working Men of Pennsylvania, nn: TAititT ejOEsrioN sr.rii.t ii. '1 ho following enrd appeared In the Phila delphia Sunday Mercury: The Democrats, whonoxv lonlrol both houses of Oongrrt, hnvei trsolvcd that ttio tarllfipietioii shall no longer ho n f nt ball In politics. In December last EATON', of Connecticut, introduced n bill In the senate providing for the formation of n commission ol nine experts, by whom nil matters relat ing to the tariff nn nit articles shall be deci ded, and eve ty member of the United States Senate! x'otcd in Its favor, The b It Is uoxv on the table of the Spenker of the Houso and will bo the first one tu be taken up Iu Do'euilicr next. The speaker (SAMUEL . RANDALL, of Pennsylvania,) and all the Democratic members ate iu fax'or ol Its pass'g". Kead the remark of tho author ol the bill, nude n fexv daya ago in a public pee ch: "riierolsnot a member from Oen llaxv !ty up or down, not one Irmii New- England', i hat w on't vote 'or that bill trite n it c lines hi Iu tho house, n it one. They dare not do .i.t V other xvav. I want to tell yoJ why they dare n i. do 1. lkctlietlie lirinufao'urlng Interest ot Connecticut have dt tided tlieiu selves 111 f.ivnr of I h it bill: tl a' ia the ren- s i'i. lire iwe I hold it my hand, n the ait' Ihm of tlf bill, the petition of all the iron in-tire-its nf the Unitid Statcf. the whole of il; the petition of all the culton tpinncrs ol the I'mted Malm, the whole of themasiiny for the postage of tins Intl. Inert came. Into inv ham's. r. one petition sliinid by men all oxer Nexv England, representing a body of men xx ho consumed 1,o03,H0j bales o! cut ton: representine men xvhu employed S300- 000,000 capital; who employed 000,000 hands and gnve biead nnd meat to 2,000,000 peoi le. It is simti y knavish to say that the Democratic party is ag Una: the lutcres s ot Ne.v I'.'i'.'land and the country. When n uia'i nukes n cnaree tf that character iiL'iil' -t tl.o raitv to xxlilth I am attached. xxlwi. all the Industrial int rests have btcgi d uie lo as-dt in tlie pas ne of tins bit', l say it i knavish lo iliatgo that the D.-umcratie i arty i iiip""ed to the maniilHctutiug inter esls'ol ti e eountiv.'' Nn v in iiiiifaciurer if l' nnylv.inliil ihe tarilf for the next fnuryeirs xill be n a'ly the same xvhether Gal field or Han cock be 1'resiileu', except so far as the cx ectuive inlltience, either tlircetly or indirect ly exercised, may be felt in the commission which xvill certainly bo appointed. If the President bo a representative of western larmtr", Peimsylvani t will Inye no inter est xvhatever in regulating the future tariff, but if Ihe President be a Peni sylvaniati, tha' tact alone xvill txeicise a ceitnin Inllu ence when matters affecting the Interests of Pennsjlvania manufacturers nre pnder con sideration. The sharpest and shrtxvdest ol our manufacturers see this, and are a'.ting accordingly. Head the letter ol GEOKGE IiULLOt'K. proprietor of the Conshockcn woolen mills. K-ad the npinioii of the GUISXVOLI) l'.UOlTIEUS, in Forney's Progress of last tveek, xnhicli contains much otlier matter of great interest to busine-s men xvho xvish to act intelligently, and, for your own interest and those of jour tvork men, be xvise xvhile there is yet time to ex erciso your uxvu wisdom, Merchants of Philadelphia! You nisi have n deep interest in the approaching election. When tho txteLsiou of slavery was the question at issue many of you did nobly in sacrificing your commercial in er- ests to oppose its extension; but now, when slavery has been abolished and pacification, or th8 rextoralion of good feeling in all sec tions is the great question tn be decided hoxv do you ptoposo to ncu Do you propose to alloxv the City of Nexv Y'ork to roll up a Democratic majority, as John lvelly promlsos, ol 70,000, and its merchants to reap the benefit of It, while you are placed iu the position of being regtrdtd in the eyes of the world as narrow-minded ,-? tional, illiberal and monstrously ungrateful to the Union general xvho did mora than any other man to save your homes and property fnnii spoliation? Head FHEEDLEY'S let. ter, republished in the Pragma of October 9 Head tho opinions of foremo-t business nieii publUut-dou the last page of Tuesday's Priss . that "A change of administration will not be at tended with tinnier lo any of the induttrial or financial intemls ; 6i the ontrury the elec tion of JfAXCOUK and ENGLISH, by pro mutiny peace, tramiuility and contentment in the Smthern States will ttimulate emigration andbusincsi eiitcrjrise,the benejilsof which uill be fell in all sections and establish an era ol tommercial prosperity greater and more per. mane nt than our country has herttofore ci- joyed. Among them are the names of : COLONEL THOMAS A. SCOTT, late President of the Penn-vlvauia railroad. I'TtANKLIN II. GOWEN, Prtsident of the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, II. E. PACKER, of Hie Lehigh Valley rails inul. 1 1 EN It Y 1). WELSH, IViident of the American Steamship Company. WILLIAM MASSE Y, lirewer and Presi dent of tho Philadelphia and Atlantic rail road. THOMAS G. HOOD, ot Hood, llon- bright k On, JOHN O. James, of James, Sautee & Company. JOHN T. HOHIIISS.Iron Manufacturer, Philadelphia. JOHN A. DIALOGUE.Iron ship builder Q linden, New Jersey. E. It. McDOWELL, of Liebraudt A- Mc 1) ixvell, Stove Co. OIIAULEST. HAltltY, of the Ilaldxvin Locomotive Worts. M. S. DOI1 VN, of Dohan k Taitt. JOHN llAlltD, President of the City National llink. WILLIAM M'ALEEIt, President ol the Chamber of Commerce and hundreds ofoth- (larlielil as a Kuoxv jSutiiur; Jamea A- Garfield served in the Fortieth Ooi.greasnd on March ,l807,voted against the adoption of the following resolution : Jfesolced, That this House extends its sympathy lo llm people of Ireland iu their strus'gh for constitutional libeily. In tho House of JteprciseulHtivpvin April 17, 1871, tills same James A, Garfield vo(e( against the passage ot the following resolu tion, although one ol those Incarcerated, as was well known to all members of Congress, was a poor clergyman, named Father Mc American citizen xvho nccompa pled the Fenians to admin.ter to tlcir spir itual wauts, should there bo any battles; WllEltEAS, The prolonged incarceration jn I lie prisons of the Dominion of Canada of pemons acciMil ul violating Ihe neutrality laws ii a sourpe of Irritation lo a large num ber of American citizens; lliireture, Jlesolred Tbat the President of the Uni ted Sta ea lie respectfully riquesttd to have th-ca of such persons presented before a Joint high oomuii.ston, to the e ml that their relief may be effected Garfield ought lobe grateful to the Demo crat', for nobody else seems to consider hi in worth noticing in this campaign. Cnnkllag dismjssM him with a half-contemptuous stn tence and gives reins to his eloquence only wbeu lie comes to speak of Arthur. I-ogan even scorns to ininlloii the candidate by nm. Camero'i Is eloquently silent, and Grant spells through a little which lie Hoes woe uvcu tjuufb.iwuo iu u, nuum I succesaor. iw'"s '. llirco clieei's for our Next King. l'roiii the Sew York San. Three cliccts for Ulysses S. Grant, on ii'xt King." I'M was tho cry distinctly heard on the approach of the republican procession, last Monday night. llnw many throats will repeat this cry in a New York republican procession four ) ears nence 7 This Is a question of the lilt best lnKret It I a question over the answer to xxhlch thoughtful men iniy well potiiler. i hero Isno tleof ilroiTiuLt voursplf to death, and buying all the medicines fur In ternai use when you cm bn cured of lever nnu ague, billions disorder, jaunliee, dys pepsia, ns well ns nil disorders .mil allmeiits ot the liver blood, and stonincli, by xvearlng oneoi rroi, uillimeii's i. relic I I.lver I'ai a. wtlic I is a sure inroevrrv lime. If vnnr drucglst i )p not kct p the pad,Seud SI, CO in a letter to French Pad Co,, Toledo, O , and u win ue sent lo ynu hy mall. It is the on ly pad that Is Eiiaratilccd to cure. Hen are of counterfeits. n Agents and Canvassers nnke frxm $20 to 50 per week (selling goods for 12,0. Hide out ,c Co., 10 Ihrclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms, k p,10,'SO-l Oarllelil as a Free. Tl inter. 'Tbo president nf tho Coh.len Free Trade club, of London, England, in a recent perch said : 'F roe tr.xdo is looking up, General Gsrliclil, aemdidate for president in the United States, is pic Iged iu the interest ol tree trade. We must foixv.ird our interest by forwarding his.'" 'Nothing can lo said ngainst free trade Garfield, July 10, ISOli '.Modern scholarship is on the side of tree trade Garfield, April I. IS70. "Garfield voted to reduce the isril! on iron, wool and steel. ' Atw i'or; lhr.ild ('.) Oct. 11, ISsO. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound has done llious'ind nf xvonicu more good than the medicine of many d 'Ctiir-, li is a po-itix-e cure for till l'einalo cniuplanit .end In .Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham. A liiailing 1 putil li-an Paper n In diana Declares fur llaucotl;. Tho Deutsche '.eitung, published at New Albany, Intl., an ably conducted Hepnhli can paper, came out on th 2,lh of Septem bsr for Hancock and Engliali and thu Dem ocratic State and county tickets. lis pub lishers anti'iunce that they liav-i bccmie tired of the conduct and methods of the Hepublieau party and say that fir German voters desire f'H restoration of pi a e and gool feeliiu between the North and sou h Therefore 'In newspaper feels bou id t, fol low thu bulk ol its readers and support the Democratic ticket. The editor, Mr. Otto Pfclim r, a man of jireat influi nee iu bis sec tion, says the change is duo solely to the conviction and belief that the time has come for a change in the administration of the government, because harmony and good xvill bttxveeo the si ctioas cannot be secured xxpli oui it. Hn feels bound to declaro that in reaching this conclusion he has been greath Influenced hy the xvords and deeds ot men like Judge Btallo, Jacob Muller, and Keor- ncr, all of xxliiim,formeily Hepublicaiis.noxx urge their country men to support the Demo cratic ticket Don't hesitate, if your kidneys trouhle you, for Day's Kidney Pad xvill surely cure you, '1 ho lliulical Campaign Pinnl The disastrous result of the radical cau-e in Maine cannot bo attribute 1 to any failure of the m tungers tn apply the assessment sciewa to the employees at the Kittery Navy Yard. Wo have it upon relialilo authority that each employee receiving f-2 2o per day was compelled to pay $l,ri into the radical campaign fund; Uiose getting 2 7fl daily were as-es-eil Ji each ; tliose gelling $:i p-r day paid $110; and those receiving $4 paid if 10 into tl.o loud, xvhile the 'bow' had tf come doxvn with iM eacii. Notice xvas given that any refnsiiu lo cmtri would lose Ibt ir pieces forlhwith, This looks like 'civil service reform' with a vengeance. ".Mall lliiters"are a Itrun, N'trve and lllood food, peruli trly adapted lo, and warmly recoin mended by our druggists aid i iiy-icun- for ceneraldtb litv, Mental and Physical Exliaus. tion, Hysteria, Nervousness, S ocplosiic-s. Emaciaiion and Drop-y. up. 21 lw It should be the aim of every owner ol IIorses,Coxvs,eic.,to make them as handsome and useful as possible. The German Horse and Coxv Poxvder helps to develop all the powers ol the animal It nnproxes its Lenu ty and increases ns u-efulness. Ii makes milk, niuclo and fat. I!y using it a horse xvill do more xvort and a cow give more milk and be in better condition xvitb less feed. Sold only by weight at 10 ceuts a pound by C. A. Kleiin, Itloomsburg. De 1 2, '79-ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RiiKiK LirrriNc. Ul b. let at IhoCominlssloBera' omen on Mono ,v ..wv. . . ....hi, iu u.. iivtieu over i isu Ingcrtelc, knoxvn as xxest end bridge, near tana noxv owned by ;iohn Zaner In Flslilneci eek toxxn snlo. To be it wooden brace coxered bridge ret i long ia net wiiio, ubulmebw lo bo repaired uv cuuiraciur, sii as to aouiu or Skuxx bock 3 left tiom lop cf wall plate. Plans aud speelncatluns can bo seen at the Com missioners eiuco. STEPHEN' pohk.i commissioners a. n. HKItltlMl, ). (,t Oils, HII'llsUT ) t'olumblt Co, cempUsflontrs ollico l'.locinsbiiigt.ct. lil'iiwxv if s.TLJ I A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BY USING mm DR. METTAUR'S HEADAG verysUorttimutioin SICK and SiER iclfng on tlie nervous . j.lein, relieve DYSPEPSIA n. lla x,or.i tSrms, cleans, mg tho system of ticessot bUe, Afullstzo boxof thoso n-cinma ,11, compieto euro, ma.lej to my kddnu 'ua retelul of , nlno 3-cont Postatto Stamps. t.raiotiyaiiiJru4:Kiis. J WW. I Oct. '5, 'sil-tt fro TO THE LADIES fiND GENTLEMEN: PROF. GUILrSiSTTSrS FRENCH KIDMEY PAD or JOHN burg Pa. Prof. Guilmette's Fever red Agr , susnkch and I and uke Ito ot. do. .-..a tfiCrlVIS i atrttt, sJjoxt iriai.IUoolniWxtil.Tk. NE ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE t'l' VAI.lAlil.rx REAL ESTATE 1 t'lirstntit lo an enter ot Ihe orphans' cmirt rt tv- lumbt.t county,, will h ftuM at pnbl" sntenn tho premises In the township it Ci litre in s ilil county nn Kriduy, Novcnilxjr 12tlt, 18bU, at J o'clock p. la., the follow log ileal rlln it HEAL l-S. TATE, lato ot Andrew (ilnglea tlecea'eil, to-wlti Hie unillxlileil one-halt ot lilt thai cerium i.ot 01 Limo Llmcstohu or LIMESTONE QUARRY, In said Centre township. Columbh county, I'.x , bouncleil anil ilcscilbeil ns followai tleglnnlng at n stono on tho north side ot the Ijwkaxxnnna in d ItUomsbtiri! railroad, thencoby land late tf Philip Miller noith Ux cnty-elnlit and three iiurllis dc lines west Uveutl -three perches tn n slone, thence bythosaino south sexcnly-lour and lliieo-foinlli desrees west llxu perches to a stone, there oj other llmestoua lot south txventy.tL'ht and Ihite- tourtUs decrees ea.t txveaty-tnrio perches to said Lackaxviinna and liloomsburg railroad, thence along tho same north seven! --four nnd one tuiiriu uo crees east five perches lo the place of belunlng contalnlui; 110 SQUAUE PEItCIIES, bi tho same more or less. Evceptln and rescrx'nff unto tho heirs It Philip Milter and asstgnsall tho Umber thej lna xran for fencing within tito cu' from, the ltltidiyef Noxcmber, A. tl., 1s', also intirilng the use anil tc- ciipnlton ct the torth entl of saM lotas Ihe same canbi tanned until such time cr times that tho some sh ill bo xxantedfertpiirrjlnff pirpoBos. Sam lot I- opened up ns n llinestooo quarry. Also, nil that certain tleco or lot of ground situ ate In slid Centre. loivr ship, Columbia county, Pa. bound! il and described nx tolloxvs, lo-w II: on the norih by public road lenllnj fiomjl lmjinsbtirg to llTtxlck, en the cost by lands ol the heirs ot Eliza llipnif, iltcenFed, on tho south by lai.ilotTIlmaii Naglo and on the xeet ly school houso lot, contain tng nliicty-clgbt perches. Th'sls a xery Ueslrnb'.e be'lii'iifr lot. Thr above l-.ts will be sold on tho following tcitna and cojittttoi's: Tkkjis ofSxi.e. Ten per cent cf or.e-t)urlh ttthe purclia, monev to ty paid at tho ttrlM'ijr iloxvn ot I lie property, the one U urth less I he ten per t cut nt i In ennliriiutton rtsalo and Ihe iciniilnliu Ihree luirihsln ono jear thereafter Willi Interest from eoe'lnnatloii nisi, 11. FltANK ZAIIlt, XV.M.'I. Rlll'MAX, Adinlnlstrntoisof Andi'cxv tllngle?. oct. 11, 'so-ts E XKCU rOU'H NOTICK. ESTATE OF Kl'I-OIl'II fnt'MlN, DrCKAUKD. Icttrrs tt sl:iiiitntary oh tlit1 ftat rf liudo'pli Slnim.m, ltti ot M-,ln tmiTilp, CnlumHi i-mn.ty tit ciMul, luno ln't'ii ifrnntf il by thn Itt'KHter r f sal J county to tin1 uriltTMsiitviJ oxrciitiu'H, m pcr aoiiH imlhif (.tfllms narnvt tliopstntp r.r rfqiifslt.l to prt"-t nt tln'm for rxLttlimtnt aiicltLu;e lmlcltul lo make lminontwllhoi.f I'rlav. niNKUNSIIUMN j., Kxcctitnrs, ooi,. 'i'i, '-titt" lamllle, ra. For Catarrh, ELY'S rCRFkU RcA-M lav Feter. Cold In tin eld, Ke., Insett with itlio linger, a partu le t tho ll..lm lntu Ine ioslIIIs; or.xx strotig 'teatlis tliiough the rsti3 50prL.&vv; o e. It will le nb. sal pa Ituiln'tl, clouiilLiir, and 6xltf Ul! I nt'inormit' Tor 1 SI fill's I XTasloihilly npp'ly a f the (-nr. luLtlrikr In IL UtlU 1 1110 nilil UlxCK thorounbly. i:i.'tS ('KKA.M liAI-M Is recclviDtr the ciidorst'iiutit cf the siincrnr, 'ti-1 (lruj.'jjlt, and jihjulclan. Never liai an artt.k (jI sh mucli ini'ilt bt't'ii prcilucfd for thu tri'ittinciii (if .il (licenses as this nPU'r-fnlllnj,' HALM.aml Is utilvorsiilly w k mm 1 ctt (fed as ltliiKr alt that is (.lalmid tor It. Thu u plli'rttlon Is easy Hndpfi1- unt, ciiiistm; no naln U hcothlnc. ami l r.i t suiMr cedlnj: the ute of pouderi", ltuutds and f-rniiTs. fx '( i Tit) cents. On receipt of t o rents win Rend a i-ac'-iutfe fne. Sent fur clieuLir, it full lnfurmaUon. KLY'S CltllKM UMM U..OWttfO. N. V. At ' li) Nkw VtiUK McKfason & liutihlns. Hall & l(uckl. C. N, Ci H tfiilon, W. II. hcli( lift 'In .t ( (i , 1). M, MI trcr, .v U". l,hzei!e, Jlaish A tiun'iici, I'drrunt .V ( o., i'liuer & I uj. and ot in is ruihiDM fim Smith, Kline & Co., .Johnston, llol loway .t uu. kanton, I'a. Mattlieu-s Uron. at Ketaii uy all niuatiHis,. oct. ai, Sn-if A UDITOH'ri NOriCU, IN 1 1I K MATTER OS' THE IssiONBD SSTATB OPXXIIIIAXI KtC'C. Iho uudirstgned auditor oppolotcd by tho court of common Pleas of Columbia countv.on exten. lions to the aeeount of XV. 11 Abbott, asslgni i of Minimi iiaui win sit ul ins oiucu in niooinsnuri; on stturdty, November 'J7tb, Issji, at txvo o'tlotk iu too niiernoun oi sairj irlx ror Hit) purpose of Ills ap iiulntmoni, al xvhloh nirui and phicu nil persons In leresteil may attend It tiny think piupi r E. It. IK ELK I.', Oct. il, 'Ml-lxx- Auditor. rj I J fi A XTO 14 stops 1 Sets Lccds.o.N'LY fc'i . I as up. Paper I'ioe. Ad Iron Htulel 1M1 atty, XX'ashlngton, N. J. ts-t. it 'so i xv d A fiUKAT OFKHH ! fl.VI up ,X A'tUXN l":il 0 XK.I.'S. Sfiosp ItANli IssrncxiKSTS at II MtllMssi VUESI'S xx'ANTEll. Illusii oe.l Cain t cue tree HullsCli XXXI'EI'Si co , s.'i, nroiiii'.v.i , N. . d oci 11, 'sj-nv MALT w THE NEW FOOD MEDICINE 'I'HErtE la bo gieater lllood I'luUuctr nnd life sus- l laiinng t , tut i j to in t no uoiiu oi luoclsor mul Unu th;. ii MALT iil'l'I'Llts, prepartd f.-oin Unter- meiitid Mull, Uoosutitt tpunii e. They fied tlie body and tho brain, emu h iho blood, solidify the bones liaroen the musflis quia the ntrxts, tLeer Hi :, ft. etc L digestion, itglllntc ihe stomach nun, f.eiuisr uiu 1 ll'l am, l.lunt H, lll.U XI- UlUo wiih NLXV LlKEtieryiluldot thobodv, lit-x-'are ot linllatli'iisstuitlarly nainid. l.ts;k for Hie Uo.xil'.sX"s miina'U'hE whlth ariieius plainly en tho label of extry Utile soM tterjwhtie. MALT III I TEH.s COMPANY, LOST ON'.M Ash. Oct 'il, 'sd t-w a Nexv unit erj nilnulhe sljlesnn, iiikx lend,, MVSOXl HEST CXII1NRT till I'AIII.IIIi Oil. JMOIM ,USH 1N .,.,. Moin.D, XVlnnelstt tVII I 'Ugliest nl Kx ty t.ient .14111 XXtl.l' i:lilliilii.i, r llihlieu 11 4 III l t "r". Plleis, 51, f 57, il, f-j, ilos, ll.l.HliliX to fioo nnd lipuald, I'or t a.y pay- ,ni"iils a nuiiur irdunnunl' 01KJANS i ntalosfuis Ir e. M xs, N llAxiLIN 'iiliOAs CO., in iiimontsi , iioston, ll East nth st., (Union Sijuaie ) N. V lis XV bash Axunue, Cliteago, ,1 oct ..Mix- 8lTTEB I E AD ACHE PILLS cure roont wondurfally In a and NEHV0USHEADACHE ; an.l. n rolls v ffi v C u it n in a , .. . 1 . it. vnluablo PILLS. ixUhfalldl. 4lUr4tt&4Ur, MWnHhlil A Fositivo and Pcrmanont Cur9 Guaranteod In aUen-ts ot Oavel. Diatietes. Drnniv.'s Hi -OflSA tf llm KiJie v-, Incontinence aiul Itetenllou ol Urine, Inllamstlnn nf ine rvuinexp, i niarrn ci ine madder. High L'cloretl Urine, Pain Ii the Hack, tsiila or liins, Nervous Weakness, anil in latt all lisnrilers of lie liludtlcr anil Utlnary Oigans, whether contract etl by private til caieanr otlierxvUfl. This ureui remwly has U'tn used xx-ltn success tor nearly ten soars In Prance, with lb" in xst xvonderful Ouratlve Kneels. Ii cures by absorption: noniusoou' Intercut inedleloeabclngrtuulred XXohaxehundreda ot lostl monl tis oi tor, a bv ibt t lirt when all Clio had failed LAHIKs, if yiiiuro suffering trom Female XX'eakness, Uucorrhcoi, or ells ases iss Hilar Uif. malos, or In tact any Utseaio otlhe kldaeiB. iuMl your druggist t ir I'i !' Oullliiclto'N I'rciicll li I it 110 I'ltil and take noutn'r If he has not got it, sond n.oo and you will recelxoUio I'ad by return tusll. Address U, H. llruncb FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio. II. KINPOltTS, Druggist, Mala btreet above Iron. Iilooms- bep. 10, "so-tt French Liver Pad bop "W"SZA-T TO WEAR! Wo lntu! cutiiloiiutl liulowii TUB POPULAR STYLUS IlN DRBSS GOODS, Taken nt nindoin from our -rsTis-inn mrxsrmYT nnC! I.s SjnjUOO IXiAlunjas. aiAtitJiiiu bivil'3 Illivu UCUI1 omitted. In tho NOVIilVrV JJHPAUTMBXT. XX'c shoxv I ho Mld'CIIOtlt Ott It ANHK KltC'lltEF HOOPS, In All-Wool, XVool and silk, Irlcol, l'oule and Citslilnelti. A l nil prices. TlitCOTS AND SlltKIHI S, Willi fancy salln bonltiv PI AIDS, In 1 rleot, Cashmere lluinlo nnd llnskct XX'enxes. tn tho LOWER FRIOKD PLAIDS XX'e luxe a superb ass jrlhii nt In E.NHLISII, " iiFltXt.XN, AN II 1XIMISTIO. At an, T, 31, at, nnd M cents. Comprising sum'' reallv In itutltul slsles. nnd Inclu ditig seine geliulno baiKidlis. IN LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS XV e shoxv a xust vale ty ot lOlLhS, f.S 1MI i.eiii; liniii; AMI CA-.I.MIII, In Foielan Hoods, anil n I XNtlU 4 I I.ANNEl.Cl.OTIIJ, of ilomes le make. Made especially n r our oxvn counters. In SOLID COLOR FRENCH FABRICS XX'e shoxv MANY NEXV TlltNllS IN AKMIT.'KS, IN'THICOTS, IN MOM IRS, IN FACONNES in e-iinvnoNs, in niAuiinz, IN I'OXX IIEH CLOTHS, IN CCIIlllETIS, in HAiUitns. ix (Ht.xNiTi: cinTii's, AN II CHOI'I'EII CHECKS, Fneh 111 fourteen colors, conipiMnir ul tho no.xevt shades of llronze, eillxe, 1'iuiie, nreiiat, saphlr, Ac. In llm CASHMERE AND MERINO DE PARTMKNT, XX'e show ' '.a inch c.snM'llls, xii, col.o'is, ai n its. ai-lNcil t xsiimeui:, ALL coLoliS AI .'ll 1 1 s. aa-IM'll cxmiixii;iiI.s, all col.oits, At tn ets SS-INCU C.X-HXIEllli. ALL CI'IOllS ai r,:, us CS-INCIl I'AMIXIEllE-i. sl.l. C'OLOIts, AI 7.1 US. as INCH I ASIIXUCIIE-, ALL COLOltll, A' s;. ets US INCH C.XKII.MUIIE-, AIL COl.llllS, A I II in Mioiilil yon ili sii',' to cxniniiic any ef tlie nlioxe niul c innot sfiiiru tlm lime ntc I'ssury furii xiit to riii!inlelilii:i, xxt' slinll bo ilencil to setttl you s;iniilcs iin.l fill xoiip oiilfis tlit'oiii;li mil' ?LAIL ORDELl ESighth and Maxkct Streets, PHILADELPHIA. IXKCUTIIKS' SALK 111' VXLI'AllLK REAL ESTATE ! I'.y xlrtii"nr po xei-tn inn will, thesurxHlugexec uloisit Char'es II. Isnbler, deceased, wli' sell at Public sa'e at thu COl'HT lHHi.sIl la liloomsburg.on MONDAY, DI.OKMI'.r.ll li 18811, nt one O'clock In Iho nfteruoou, a TltACT or TIM. HEIt LA Nil, contiili.lii:,' Four Hundrud Acres more or less, described and bounded as folloxvs.tD xxll: I.jlnglii siigarlont tmxiehlp, Columbia county, and bounded on the cast, bj lands of tho heirs of .lames litickjlcw. on thu sou'li by lands ot Iho heirs ol XX'tlltim Met en., on the xxxsl by lands ot .1,1'. Chiipln unit .Lnms ttobeils, nnd on tho noilli by lands ot Hess and Crevelin,'. TEliMS Iu older to Hose up iho estate, tho terms xx 1 1 be ouo hiimlie.l tloll.uscash tn striking down iho propel ty, and the lemalnder in ten dais xx lien a deed xxlll be tlellxered and possession glicu, EL1SHA II. lllliOS. JOHN II. II. PulIK, Mirxlxlng hxtcutors. ocl 15, 't,l-t.S. It. liAltiUS, Auctioneer. UDITOH'S NOl'lCl;. SSIATKOK itSUSCCX SXIiril, LAIK OS' J1AIUSON TOXVSS1I1C nscKxssii. 'Ihe undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' c ourt oi Columbia count), lo link , dlstilbu t'on of llxu runas in the handset Conrad Kraiuer, ndmliiMralor In ttio said est ite, xxiii sli at Ids oillce In liliMimsnurgon sal unity. Not ember 'Jnth, issi, at teno'clis k In the foienoou to peirorin the duties ot hls nppoli.tment. All pi r-ous lunlngt a Id tslato will appear and iieeent them nt that tliuoorbo furextr debairtd fioiu ret en lug mix ot said Hind. , ' XV. II. AIUOTT, OCt. 15, 'SMW Alldltur. UDITOH'S NOflLK. CtJin'MIIIA COUNTY, SS. xniomt thu records nnd proceedings ot tho Court of Comuiou Pleas In and for said coiiuty, It Is inter alia thus contalutd. In llm matter ot Ihe exteptlona totho account ot .1. M. smith. Assignee ut I, .lohn nnd N. p. John, on motion of II. V. Zarr, c tl, liaikley apjoluttd Auauor on said e.ce)tluiis, llVTIIKCOCBT, In aursu.uico et tho aboxo appointment th" un 1 1 bisfgiini xxlll meet Ihe luriles luteiested at i la of lieu In niouiiiaburg on Saturday, Nuxeiaber 13. IssO. at 9 o'clock u. ia. ' C. II.IIAKKLEY, OCt. la, 'SD.41V .xudllur. A I'DITOH'S NOTICM." In iho 'nailer of the I'lntonf Ellsha MmlK.dc censed T!,o imdersig.ieil Aulltor oppolired by llm Hr pn.ins' Con i t.ii-theeouutx ui Columbia to make d stiibutlon r tho mud in ihe hands if iho iiiliululs rator. f sild dc 'dent to ami tho parn.-s tn titled luorelo hereby ull"s nollei) mm he xxlll sll In ilio ni llm diiilus of his aiipoliiinient nl his iiiicon, iilouiii.bnrg upon Tuevlc, ilio Kit Ii day or Miveinber, A H., Ks., nt ten o'clock la Ihe forenoon of said day at xxld-h llsionnd place nil per sons inloivsted In is ,i.l fund are required lo alttud or bo torexer dubared float any shaiti of Iho same. 1'Al't' Ji. xvnt , Oct. 13, 'S0-4W Auditor, TX 17 Tl" r". Yourselxesbynvtivng money I I H I ' hen it gold n chance is of. I 1 I 'J I J I 'end, thereby alxvaxskci ping , . .' I'oxiriy ? who aixv tj s tako advantage ..f t he good chance s tor tasking money Hid are off, red, gent ra,l become iteallhv. wiiilo llnw. xxho do not linproxu mi. Ii hanees lemsln In ix,.riy. xvc want m i vv xxomin, boys and girls to work for us rigid In ihelr uiv 1 s ClIltliH. 'Hit, business xx in n.iy more Ihau t.n t lues or lltiary wages xx.. f.irulsh an eM.-uslie oultl and all that xou need, tree. No one engages tails lo maku money very ripiilj. .,u cm devute your w, ii eiiini) lo llw xx ui I: , runty j jiir-paioin'.ini nis. I'ul Intormail ui uud all that l.iieedid sent fitS Address snssos .x; Co., PoriLnd, Maine, oct li'so-iy (! 1 A "unit fuiiil-hd fite.wiili full losirue V I I I lions for i iiitluiiiuL- t e iimrt pioiliiil lo tD 1 VJ V','t".",v! "'": 011,1 '!' engage In. vi . j llm bi.alnesalssiieasx u, learn, a tlo'ir soslmirt. and plain, ihat any oi e einiuiki gieat ir.dii.Iioiuilievery.ii.ri. No one can falxviio Is willing to xvik. XX'om.i, uio as suc- 8-111 us uu ii. i i i,, girl. oan earn 1 ,rgo sums. Ma. Iiaxu male at tbo biwl. ess oxirono iiunund loll.uslli a sleglo week Nolhlng like II etir kucxxii V. A I who engagi! nmsur, iltd atlhoeaso and rapidity wlin wliUU tiny ire ublo tu maku money. Xou cot en'.igo In this business during iour spare Hineixt trr aLmtiiii. x'mi o,, i, ,.. inestcapllalln 1'. e Islo all Ihe rl-k. Those xxho I need leielx iiiuiu.v. should wrllu lo ns nt once, All' lurnlstit d irce. Address Thi s A- Co., Au,'Usta,.Malne. ft f-i fiutill Ire lo tlioso who wish to engago In V K t,110 most pleii-iint and prulluiblo bu-meso tDtJk,1!"U1, .r-xerfl'liig new. capita' not re- r , iuru. n win iiirniau jou et'emning. (10 a day and unn-.ids Is easily inado xxlthout stavliig jwavnom home over night. No rl-k whatever. i.e.. "mi .-i . ..niiici, iiih-ij .sianv are m tk lug fortunes at I he business I adles make us mui h usinen.andyoiiiigbojs and girls make tri al nay. isu onuw no is wining lo xvork t Us to inako inoiu money every day than can be made In awt ekatauy oriltiiar i mploymeiii. 'Ih iso who engage ul onco wllliinl as'iorl raid lo fortune. Address II, IIai" fCU 15, 80-ly To Uervois Cuffercra Th Qrat Enrojeaa Esxedy. ik. j. B siucson's memo xikiucisk, lir. 1, 11. .Simpson's tipecino Mfdlclno Isarosltlvn curuforsiHriuatorrhea. Itapotcncy. Xeakncssand ftildlseusns losuuinii from beif.Atuse, asrou ivblllt)'.lrrltabllity.ental sintity, languor, Lai. o.fcu...., . -.. u, ci.iu. niiu.uui tiona-tiersptr . inenisof ilnorxoussv-iem i-ii rsliv Pmiss i T.,.. in.iK tir r-ioe, iois or .xti mo y, IT. ma luic oldtrguanddl ea-ts that lead n cm. mpllon. Insanl ty .tnncaily grax. or both. Noinatiei how shttlt-ttsl Uu sjsteiu ma) bsrron exccsHi's u f a n 3 ..iiiu. u tuoucuursu , a u.uui iu .,ub lost lunctitns and piocure boalib and Iispplness xflitra berore xvas desiiondtnov and gloom. The Sno. cirio Mtaicine Is Kiogused llh wondeiful success l aionht ls sent trie lo alL Write lormiiaand Bi t lull isirlrleuiar - Piloo, bjssliio $1.00 r package, or sli packages for M, 0. XX 111 be sent by mall on reoelpt of money. Address all orders, J. li. HiMPtfiNti MKUlL'INii eio Vat. mi and 1 Main sins-t, uutfaio. N. Y. Scad Iu lilotuisituiv by Jolut U, Kltipol U, I" 4JTO I - I very fow of niinioiisu .stouk of AUTUMlxT I ! "tl purposely XXobetlexo that tho aboxo will bo t,m, lo Iti tho 1.-st assortment of eolorlnrs I ,: . fhnxvnln l'hllai..plili.niiil at Iho loxxeA.' ccs for iiualities. u"ttir. xx'o show l.l'I'IN'S I! " Otll'.l! MKUINUS (Cliol-t hliaile,), ' Ainu, lis, and Jtcts. slid 44. INCH silooliAlls (i:relient xalni s), Atsj, Tlx ets., and ti.t.o. IN MEDIUM PRIOED DRESS GOODS We mad" tciy large ami desirable eontr it mtnuraeiiireis an I have in.inv thlius that a be In ind . isexxhero In tl.o I'l.lied Slutca. o haxo S.H I l-'eea MOXII'! 1'l.nTll a! CI , ctt, 41 Inch XVIdeitnd KM-elleul Xa'.u,, leu Pieces I' iVI Ell c, iil' Hnt !jrh, 41 Inohes xx id ! nnd choice Uo.orincs vim Pit cm M'lXIlK t li. I'M nt r,u eis S4 inches XV ,il sple dl I XX eight. :i.i' I'll cih M 'Xll-'c oni ut ft ets. V- l.-n 111 tx III xxorw 87 1 I ,,. 10 Il C' S, 1'xci: f xsiiMHtEnt a: tts rii incuts X, i.le, li, led X'l.Pu'. '0 l'leet (Ill.tNITIi tOl llt nt 3TI, ets, 111 II XX tile X'eiy Chi nj. ("rleeis liimcxiihs at m ets 31 Imhes Xi id", WtithaTXj cu iini I'lects tlltoc XUKs at nr.cls. 23 Inches XX Id . cnotte Design1, urn Pieces AlPINHTIIIcors nl 31 ets. sn Ini'iiiaXViite, X', ry Stylish, inn Pieces I'IN'OIIETTA MOM II S at !i."i els S3 Inthcswlde. Nexvandch Itostiles nt'il Pieces MOM IN AMI AL'.XIl'ltuSntSO l 2llnches VUe,ii:i..gini Nexv liesl -n vim l'lcc s ALL. XVOOL llltLSs CLOTHS at 23 el ., 'li inches xxitie, in i ill", uieen, llroxxti, .r XX'e liave sexeral lots ot goods bought frui, usr lieiuiers iiii'i iiuis'i n-i s ,u. ,ui puces, o) ixhlch, and to s'tmtiliitn trade this enily In i sti- -.ii, j Dii.n, iiiu.u ,iui,inK Bj.,Liai prices Ve nmuo veil Pieces iiEIIXIXN I'.xNi li:snt20cla. Nuxerlii tore sold le's Iiaii31 ets. 2im Pieees IIKII.XIAN I'.XNCII.S nl'AX Cts. Cost to import at cts. Ci! i'leces C-4AHXIl'IIKSltl2i; CIS. ( Vll XVoiip In Hack nn 1 cobrs, cost s3cis. to manuf 4 23 1 1. 1 1 a C-4 CIlEVmiNSntli'lu cts. UU xxesiix XX'oulil be t he.i p ut. b7 v cts. DEPARTiAfENT. N JOT1UK 'IO JIKIKS. IN TUB EhT KTK OK 1'KTtK 11ICIUKL, DH'KASJP. To.TuM-pl. lch.ifl, Murv, Intcrimnlt'.l with Wli llam !'latt..Iohn .Mldui-l. I jdla Michael, Intt-n. ir- rled with Hcnrvstoner.uaIt'ion, im.. rnotiti1 w r marrle-d with 1'rlth MeAf e.S.imm-l Mlotuu 1. liiKlon .Mkhtiel and rl-jvcn Rr.indelitldren of miIUu i'i-jimpi . iu-it: Lsa ra 1 1 tur. 1 aston rn.. lieu i livtiikf at Piilhideltihl.t. I'n.. is uniii'l nuler. iru irliin lllllltlMMIi lit. IMIi.lU 111 I (.' r. it llll. llll 111., f.. Ul au incur ot r riuwt hvvk; .io.sepn im-i-k, huhv i. Iiiterm lnlcd with lohn .Mlohit-I, all b. iiik i hll'i nf l.lizibolh Jll'hael. now d 'tvaacd Inltilnir with Mnuii" ik'tlc. KfULTOi .inimrnnau, in .rr linmerman, llin town, hclinyuill countj 1 Knoch Zlnimormin, Kllabt-th, Interimmed w Levi lc.rt'i', all IhMiiit children ofSiri'i MI-Ilm-i It k'nniiNli'd with t'hrlMlan Zlintn'rm.ui. Imtn met in ui and Hnot-l. Zlmimiriiuii are minors, tinlnc Ludvvltf zimmmtnaii, Itliifftuwn, Schuylkill eoui.ty l'a , for tlit'ii'L'ti tnll.ui. Yminro hfit-iiv notliU'd that Ii acrordanro utli writ Issiifd out of tho (irntmnv Court of Colmuiiu (!outv. and t,n mc dlrt-ctfd. I wl i hold an lmi'ifht oa w rial n lands hit ill u in M i n tow nsn in. sal 1 cout ty. dcsrrltiv'd In isald wilt, to make p.u IHlun uf (tie Mild memls.'s toand nuioriiJ t iu luitt'-s InU'r-uo, orhpollln tho whole, and If Midi paitltion catm it biic n n.irinion can w inaiio wiiiioia phmihik-i vu intiuf, uivu iu viuuu iinu tinpiaiM- uiu n.tiiiu. Said lnii'icst will bu held on thu Pri'inlsus m MU Jin lownMiipou TUK3DAV, NOVKMltlCItllfiih, ISs at ten o'clock, a. ni. Sherltt'somce, October 13lli. V 11. FT Slicrlir Rowoll &. Co'a. Advc's " Til I J Long Cut Smoking Tobacco Is mild, moist fragrant, and sxveet. smokes cc. una outs txx ick as exit as grillliuaieii touaeco, AI.I.EN A lilVI'Elt. Iliiiiiil'iiil.irer-, leiel.iii.iiiil, Virwlula OCt. 15, SU-4XX r TO ADVERTISERS." (iKo.iMtowi;ix co'i. SULKOTLISTOl'" LOCAL NRWPAPXl and who InvistuilU- s (aan f3ivi of It in thl H WHIPS ; "Ynnr Si'U-rL IjipiiI I.lst I lilt belli r Ail intl 1 IIAti ,L.U i I ll'j til II CU AH I'll I 11." inn, It is not ii Co-operative Ltet. It ia not a Uncap List. It is an Honest List, 'l ho catalogue t itcs exactly w hat thPinri' ,r Wlit-n tho mi mo of a j mpt r Is prlntid In -h'ACH 'lYl'K It, Is In vwiy lusUnto thu IIs Whin ptlhlcd tn i AITI Ms it Isthc o M M " llteMacc. 'lie IM cUir tlio popiilatlon if ' town unU the ilroulaiinu tf tr nr 'iho ra'Cis iiurKvit oralHl'rtlslrllH'lJall', f tlflli IhepuhlMiciis' Khcdule. 'Iheirice Ur , staii'hrai'Ci'Kfromlii to fM) Tl.f pnen foroi for or.e numtli In tu tnflru Uet li iti'. rr-Kuhir ran f he T.iiirsrtr tht'i-iiii' -i1 tlm; uiu iJ.VMl. ilnll.t tt.cludfh :! liUUl-'Titrt' Issued I1I,Y nml TM V i:KK ait' lot. at et I In tsdllf ri ut i It ch and t whim Marc si te t'i pltals, vfi:t jiiLioor litniluilon, and itsHCounly kcalti Ktr u-io and other lnfutnmtion, address tiro, p rowKi.1 -t lu spruco sttect .New ur ea. 15, '60-JW r CKNTSTO JAN. 1. Tho Chirnjro AVoakly Xew will be lent. potpid; from date i .l.m. l neit.forlOccnti. T trial luliirrlHion enable reulrri it ' come acquRlutnl l" the clieajifFt luetw toll tin ureiilr ( '.H. Iiult-in-iitlf 1 " I'Otlllci, ill tlie corroitiaatXtHfJ1 tx comiilelrd i InfTery iiue AM1; liefatnlly iirr 10 flftllU (itlTtT mice mui Bet tt ni"; Jftu. 1, luSl. trl&l uhicrlpttoni tut I 00. "'tPJ'a'ir-:!! Vlrtor T. I !"' lubllhPr WrrW OW-, ChlcrttUt ll1 Our rU!fxfn f JUnJ InttrmU. (4 FniwlDtt tt pI Itolla, l'uuiut, I oucb . Uum-M-uun' Uutbu . lUu. I -Uu, Until, Sumlt, Outtu, lilou oa tiniaUi.( i-d , rJ I oc - - UDCakflaLI- l: 1 ... I U ... u. I l than UmM Twxln, . UMk of to mm, um!U4 to Mftto. biun UI4LI, .Mm. ul si... BU.. thwus. OCt, 15, 'S0-4XV r JS1 Fullparilcu.Tn-i) v. thii-'KT -n lars and specl-J: VJ It st School st .HI" hod sass. HOston.Mass. OCt, IS, IsMW $777 A YEAH ana expenses to afrei'"' outni Eree. Address P. O, VlChk Auguata,,Malne. r oct, 15 " AllVEHTlslilts by aldrosslng (IEO. 1' ": Ki L & CO., 10 Hpru-a slreet. New York caa learn Ihe exact cost of any proposed line ol VKKTIMNO la ATerlcau nixxspaptrs. I'"0 re I'nuiplilel 3e, r cel. IW CANDIDATE S To Insure suoce-ss should have th iTlntcrs ursa AHNOLD'S PATENT HEADY CUT ELECTION STIOKKK BLANKS. AGENTS XVAtnTIJ for our popular New Hoe TisInJnstrliinistervof tia Dclted States- lis Agnauiiurc, MSQUtsetures, ji.uiuk, - -j li.sureatoo eco. Ageiits lualo nsw iou per , titiKl tor sroctU krmi lo Henry UIU lui'lisniit(. ftonslclj, CxT ,!. xv .LlflS 10