The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 15, 1880, Image 4
ii f i v t n it THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSIHJRG, COLUiMBIA COlNTt, PA. tlonoral (Jaillfld's I'roitll MoMlltr Kccoril. TIiii C'roilil Molilllrr of Amcrir.-i "ninilp," ritiir el' nil f Xent, $-.3,923,323.i.l. Mr. C) .riifMV "Imro of a att of the plumlrr w8 Min, of which he only received $.,ii7fi one dividend of 1 lu per cent, on hU ten liierei of stork,. Mr, (larfieM nrecpU-d lnt one dlvhlend (nf 1 ID per rent.) on lilt Credit Milliliter alack lircann lliu del tint "Mr. Ames held " ! VihH in der a cri t IriiHt" to enrmpt t .ii);reitiii n win ixpnwil in llm Sriwin a I'tv tmiiiilit nlhr and ln-lbro annlher illvi di nd win dno. Ii Mr (l.n liidd 1 1 I nut hcHimfr.ilil to tike Im dui-li-iidi.ilii'r Mr SU-w irl i- pi -nii-in ttie i-n.ili- lie Uniilil have leefiveii f I DIM. Tim total dlvlileniN In three years on ihc tin -.Imreiol Cri-dit Mnblllcr slock (Jl.OtKI) ained to Mr. 0 irtiel iimnuiited to SI 1 tint, or a yearly averano of 100 per cent, li f irv. he received them in .laniury, 1SI1S, ilivilemh aniouiitlni; tn $7,000 had been paid on Mr Uiuflelel'i Ion share. Mr. (iirlleld' wl h the 'V-'cret Credit Mobiller account trim" hind win in IoIIums, .lime .i), 1M.S: .fame .1. UarJiM, Ti ituck , I i In en- t f t.uli i)lt. .... fl.WIO 17 it2'J $i,!!ru Total ;on. 1! SO prr cent, ilivivlilend In itni-k old at il" S77li lij caili ilivitleiiil 110 per eeit fitlti T .td Sl,!l7t! Ti (itiritiiinli Otmmitvinl no-v Mr. (i n- fuld's IK Id oiitaii. -aid 1-Vlruory !). 1S73: ''It wa a mi iston of p dlt taken friini the mil nt.iveuie of the people. No member of Con !'n -v. coul I have been mi iibniliitely inno- r.i . in not t-i know (hut siii'li enormous pro- li h were not legitimate earning." Mr, (larfield'd stock was an-igned to liim in .launaiv. ISIiS. In Jlatcn. If-O1), a I ue'i- fic rKlIroiid debate be'jii In th-; 1 1 ou-u iiml iu(o, until May. Duriiin the debalo Mr. Washburne and Mr. Van Wyck expo-cd the fraudulent character of the Credit Mn blllcr contract", proving that the Credit Mm bilicr wim "t ring tu rob tho Oovernini nt.' Mr. (larfield pnrticipattd in the debate, vo ted in fivor of lliu railroads, and took bis dividmdi iu.luiie, knoning that they weiu h'n slum of 'spoils taken Iron) lliu lminlli oence of the people" by a "ring to rob the Uotrem me Ml.'' When Jlr. G.ulUl.1 was fmiiid out, and liefur.. ilio "secret trust" was unearthed, Mr. (larfield testified .laninry l!l, 1S72: " ii t't'r atnittl, rtreirtil or tujrml torn-rive ti'iu 'tot I- of the Cie.lil Mohifirr or of' Ihe I nooi lt Wo' litiilrtni'l itor ony illriilt ml oottt iiriw'i'vii tttlirrof tltrin" Mr. A til's .l.imiH'.v i Mr. ((.ulii'ld's "rei'iet liu-t' bun mile by Mr. 1.S7.'!, produced account, and a (bitfield but li fuw day's previously, and alter Mr. (!at- lUld bad so tesVifiul, ill which, Mr. (larfield lijured out that Im dividends w-f re fl.400-il.0oO Pacific railroad bond-.jl.OOO Credit MDbilii r bondi, and S100 "which lie could not renumber was to be in cn-di or bonds." The l'oliind Committee report! d unnni uiDiisly to the concerning Mr. (iar- lleld: The fads in regard to Jlr. Oaifield are lie agreed with Mr. Amci to take ten sharfw ol Credit Mobiller stock, but did not pay fir the Mine. Mr. Ames nceiv id lb SO per cent, dividend on bunds ami sold them for 07 per cent., and also ru-eivid 00 percent, cash dividend, which together paid the price of the mck and the inlenst arid left a balance of j:!2'J. This sum was paid oyer lo Mr. Garfield by a check on the Serccant-nt-Arms, and Mr. Gailicld then understood this mm was the balance ofiiiv! ilends after paying for tho slock, Mr. Ann received all tho subMipieut dividends, and the committee do not find that since the payment of the 329 lliPre has been any ci inmiinication between Mr. Anus and Mr, Gaijield on the ml jut until this investijia lion began. Mr. Poland recently Malfd Inat the report of bis committee did nut n licet upon Mr Garfield's iuligiity, although it threw out Mr. (Iiiilield's tollmen)' as unworthyof be luf, and in so doing brsi.diil Mr. Oaifield as gui.iv of pcijury. Nibhtr Mr, f'olai.d nor nny member i f ('ingress, f eiiher party ever ipifHtionul the accuraiv of the report of Ibo Poland Com luitteu or found nny excuse fur Mr. Gar field until idler Mr. Gaifield was nominated at Ohiiago. Not a Ke-publican newspaper In Hie Uni ted States ever mid that it doubttd Mr. lb-Id's ownership of ten shares of Credit Mo bilier sink, or that Mr. Garfield did not commit pcijury when he testified that he "never owned, received er agreed to ree-eiv nny strck, nor any dividends or profits," uu til afttr it was cnmpi Hid in Juti, 1880, ti support Mr Gallic d us Its pally caiidi d ale for Preside ut. The Tiilunc said I'tbiuary K, lb7.'l ' ,r mts A (ttnfulil. of Ohio liuil leu sliaiu mut jmid a ttallur, leteiutl J3'."J" It did not reiiact its di I uucialion of Mr. Gmfield until June U, Ut-0, aflrr liis nomination, aril it has not yet retracted its statement that b did own the sleek in the fate of bis oatli that ho did not. Not a I!ei ubliriui t'e aper now preti ml that Ames testified fal-ely about the olhei Congrrsmnen fir wl.etn he brldtbares. H General Grant hud been nominated they would treat Mr. Gaifieldas an exception llefore Juno. 18S0. before Mr. Garfield was ni minuted, tiny included him wilb ike oth er Congrcrenuu, as musUy guilty. Not one, word has been added to the testi mony In the case of Mr. (laifield, or cither of the Congressmen who, benefitted by the "secret trust" corruption fund of Ike Crulii Mobiller, alncoa Kiiiblicun luvestigaiii g committee of the House of llepre'-ontatives by iiuaniuiously njecting Mr. Gaifield's tes liinony, declared that he had been guilty ol perjury. Mr. (Liifield Is the first candidate-cm nominated lor Ibo Presidency against wl ewe personal bouur and private integrity charges wfre ever made. The bitterest pailisan ol the sharpest polillial contest ever btfioe waged In this country did not assail the pri vate character of their opponent. Hut the very men wl o nnw support Mr. Oaifield, bl own parly friends, seven yearn agodenounc rdbluia.a perjurer. brlbr-ttlcr and rirruptlonlst. 'ft'cy d'd not elungo theii opinion of him until sfier he blulbren noir.. Inaiesl their candlthle. Hrmorrslj te-o pi t furls esiiirnuli'ff Mr. (itififld lt.esli.ii. lueinU of the livpuidkan tm from Film- All limine t ry. 'I lure iicvcrihas litem a more lnane cry raUcd than that of the opposition about Hancock becoming n mere lonl of the Eolith If belie eluded I'reuleUni, It U n llbelou of the ehatacler of an eminent soldier, that if tho Uadical talk of, love of tho roldier were niiytbiog more than hypicrl-y, no ciker or paper would dare nil-e mu-li a cry, II thero Is a man 111 Aiiicikm wIiosk III and cluraeter are a cuaralitce Hint all tl c iilntuhli:il fruits ol the wnr will bejealiiis guaided, that man Is (lem llmicock. If there Is a limn ill the country ivlin tic. tervi's the coiiliilenee ol tin- piople In all alters pertaining to the tlgb s ol the filler soldiers lint lu iu is I l.iiiivi'k, None but mis or kii.ies wniild even iiiiiiuali that he would ill a siiiiflo net In en tin- :iid or weaiiili the beni lit iiven by tin- ;m-erniiii-iit to Its iii-ii.liiiii i-. Nn loruier i-ol r can think of h in fur a liininiiit without peeing in biui it biilwnrk of protection. And It thero Is a man l-i tlie limml lufil lioc inn mm lit pr tnlse to lulll I all the neids of tho coitnt-v tint man -s Ilnrc'ck. 1 1 la military chnmctrrnnd m- iril ah.s I'utely guarantee cveii-li.iuilid jus-iie ti the Suith, 1 1 ti on t lelillng oim in or little to t lie lum inal spirit of seees. j m; nnd u nter bis ml luliiistration the already revlvini; prnperiiy of that section would be aecelernltd, ami lliu wholo country would be L'renily b nilit- ted. As a civlH.ii ho wou'il take fnr'uiKst rank. He lias shown liimi-lt a eh si stu lent nf civil government, and ill inifested tin- roundest perceplimis nf the relation of the military to the uoveriimeut. At the head ol the adiiiiiiltralinii he would brim: to Ills nid in wiPf,t cniinspl, nnd limit r th.-bi-nelli-en' iriiicndis ot lieinocracv. wlucli an- in !-' - ule of bringing tho eoiintry In its liiuhr-t talc anil liolilliig It ns n Ueoulilie, tliere vi uld be an advance made Mich as hns nev er lieen felt. Then, iti'tead of the go-pel ol lite, we wi uld only lienr tl e pairioiii- crv " fraternl.y and linlnn, Industry would nrish, better w.iires w- ul.l b mid, with work in abundance, ai d the biokeii dnwu hipiiiiii: iiiierf's be built nn, the II m o this lestored Union would wave on eviry en, and America would beconie the uilM'rrM the seas and Aineriiau iimi-Ii do the of the rnrrjing ol the wor'd Under Hancock are not inrre (sMtuli ties, but so probable as tube morally ctr tain. Under Garfield It would be lheame Id rottenness of olliclal life, of dicord and :liuninu asthe watcliwnrils of party life,i h steaily crontti ot cmcelmiiiers with Men alaries to be partly appropriated to continue the rule of their parly, while the strong gov ernment tliev siivocnte wounl L-ccemo nioie centralized, and go on in lis march towards an aristocratic, inonnrcliial lorm. 1'iolil, .'fl.'lll). To mm it up, six long yearof bedridden icieness, e-osting j20i) per .war. lotal f 1,200 II ol this expense was stopped by three bottle-ol Hop Hitters taken by mv wife. She lias dono her own houework for n year since without the bus of a day, and 1 want everybody to know It lor tl.eir oentlit. , jurnur. III tlie- Hliuiia Atleertlter, Jl. I.. 15 :ivs of u visit nf a i:uty of I'eiiiu-ylvun ins In tion. lltilie-eie-k : " I In- ilillv nf lii.-lklliL:llii'n'-Tiit.'itiiiiis li-snhi'il iiioii 1'i-v. S. I,. Coinli-, tin i-mlri'iil niir I -:n t . .Mr. I i 1 1 1 1 wus i nl iiiii'I id li t i";i 1 1 ii' 1 1 1 in tin' eniiis wliicli m il I luiii-iick I'liiiiiiiiiiuli'il. nnd was in lanlly anil e-eireliully i;ii e 1 1 1 imn Ibis ii'i'.'lsiini. 'I'll I'llcli soiiii- cnlti-iills wiuiN wcii- s,okcti : unit, w lion all hail li:ilsi-u liaiuls, tin- (ie-iie-iiil iiauscil iit.-:ir tlie-oti Iniiu-o anil said: "I am lii-aililv "lad tn meet tiny of mv fiieiuls from I'l-iiiisylwuiia. In tlii-iin ili-of my niitivo State I must over feci licculiai' liiteivM. .Mv anccslius have livi-il in tlii'Minii- te)viisbii of Ioiitom rv i-oiiiitv toft hi- nasi one nun rei am fifty j t-:irs. I bid you all wi'leoini- tn lliivi-innr's Island, and lioiio vent will Iiml MiiiK'lliin tn intcn-t vim in visitint; nili- liltlo i-liiii-fli.ii'iiil esiVe-iiilly in llie- sea mow yeui will nlilani I iy walkiinialniijrnur iiulir parapets nf tin- fort. (invi-nini's Khunl is I'liiisidcii-il tin- mns iloinibU' )il:ici- nf ii sidiiii'i- in Ibo I'liiled States lis iininiily In tin- uat e ll), its llisn aliniiaiiil iiuict, ami lis i-Mi-licnt snciet'. inaki- it a ilclii'lrtful plnci- nf nlindi'." fbi'ii.liisitatiii;, ami smilim' slinbtlv, be- adili'd i "I know id nn leasim wliv I linulil pot lvmaiii lieu-, unless the- ik-nf the I'ouiiliy ilt siii- uu- tn cliiinjii' i lint XiiM-mliii' will scltlo nil that, as I may liavo noil itiisoii tn l't iiieiiiliei'." As ntily t luce nut ot tin- whole- jiaity well- Dcmnciatii-Mitels, an iinliaiiassmif pause-itisiicil. lib Iiis ciistiiinaiy tact .Mr. Condi- i-atni- tn the nlie f by rimaik "I hopi'.sir, that if ivi r mmi iln rliaiii- Mini' li'siiUiici' vim iiiiiv Iiml inn- still li-:isnnti'i' llian t his.." "I ni've-f ixpei-l tn Iiml inn more ivi-aliU- than this; and if 1 k-ae- it at till it will bo liee-aiiso mv fiiciuls lunolaid upon mo tin-liitiikn nf jii-iit jiiildie- elu ly," l'cspniiikil the- (iiiiiinl. In a low "i ace fttl winds Mr. ('mule thanked him for his kind ui cptioii nf mil' pail) ami o liaik- bun geiuel iiiorn .'nni' nf t le'iie I al Hancock's pniliaiti iln liim justice lie lias a tall, huge iini'MiiliiTHl ii'-iui', ii ilioiiiliiil and comt ly ln-ariii!,', a stmnj;, handsome fiu-i-.w illi we-ll-e ut lijis and a giav, militai v inn taclio TMv. J A. SHiP.V.AlT THE 01 -Y DH 1 win h or more for Ids nicetwrm inotlunl f '.caninr Km turtj without the antiojunceand Injury trusses li met ina' now be conMip'd wn klv at his New Vntk uid HoMou oltl'iu. Ur. j-licmmu Is thu dl-covmT oi i nt uniav h nuwii ( uri' ! r iiur lurt uy iochu tp-n No man .swift) who hnpa Hunt tit c, nn u inrrhow Inn di d in in H on''o liittered hlmst if thiit tt n- ft it uimi ine injury ci trusts lOMien anc-xt ittnat ritt siioUhJ 'ittentlrn It Is i ot a Hand Mill nlll et1 n: tt ! wise wn tuk h thu neut s- ry Heps to tKtuir enully conn h upon liim. patlenis fit m alTrail an rtn he treatnr rt ir.ii of nftlcuenlsuirljl)or enn . ut formed wtthf tit lIu'danpfrsrtMrrtiiiVeUdliurtuic. m limit rtiitlnenlsl( d nrrfi slf iinl tent errx n. ciertr in- n. tiiPivfrcm tbr uhottt th b bud tho W'ett indies. Itu pnilcted should read It aud Inform lUiem tchei It H tPutrflt1"! with i hiteprutih'e PKenetrs of eitrt meh hnl rasen U foift nnd nftf r ru'i, ard mailed to those vhon i d lueei Im In or m qufiif h r f tlie fit Bt df mind for fir Sherman's pernr-nul ftfrvlces. he will till further iio'lce, divide UN time 1 et wren h'K N'ew Y Ik at d Ito'-ton fflUes as fiMlowp: Satuidav, Monday lUn UIULU. t-ni-ii irs. r vin mm r, IU I illUji ii lUJiii ail Breiadway, cor. Murray street ltcwuroe ( men uud laioii4.r3 wuo TO THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: PROF. GUILIYIETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEYbePAD A Positive in the Itacl, Sule This irreut reint-ily I ADltX tf you unJ talvf no other burK. I'dL. Prof. Guilmette's Mltet,hMilltT6,liiWBilKirv, fs. MRS. LYDIA E. P1NKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. i-ii n or LYDiA E. PINfCHAM'S VZGSTABL'cj COMPOUND. For all Tcnalo Complaints. niNtirctuntl'in, M fH Mini rl(rnl:lr, fonlntit ot Vi'KOtiiwIw rrit,- tii- Ut (im Ii.i-ii.Kmi to the itit-nt del rntelmaliil. 1 ,1'llto tmttli M le-i-lts of 'thli Com hi ti 1 Iw ti ii ' '1, luttl.f-C h Imncdlatu Aitil vh'-n it Hie' li runti'i'K At In t.liKt j-nlue cum-s in n liutt, 'nil, n h iiiiittfiitriirt-'Hi i(m ( thnnivtiielsj will p t.'y. nc- Ji t vt IU rtvn merit, tt li to-rtrj ro r 'mnfiil ! uml rnH.-rib.'.i by lliu tbt 1tj iti. iruis In tliccntihtiy. It vill cihd rtitlnly V.w worr-t (mm of foiling of tt it-rui, Ij-'Ufur. hn-A, Irrrsiilnr nnd 1'iUnful Jtiif.uutlon.nllOiarlfinTn'uliK's, Indatntnatlou cnl t'let ration, ri'Mnllnir, ftll liinj Wunitit mul tho con f-iHiu teplnnl v t-ftVneju.riKHn ififrlnlly tnln it-tt t lliOCIinntTin'f Ufi. Itllldiniolvo ami eii I tumor fnimtliiiUtcni-lri( c( J.vckiintnt. Tim t ilcn -y I )cirntrijjhutiiur thero Ij tliutkoil very invUily 1 y lt.j. It fait It )ni litim'el to Ikj tho crutt i t (i-tl livt nnifly tliftt liaj tier Utti lU-K-uUr- 1 It l'l-tiie".tvs e ti ry M)i-tiniiif tliopjtete tn, aM i;leri . I.rortitlt .tr.r. Itrtm t'i f iiTtttiosf,l..(tuIi,-iii y, i!o t -vy n!lrrt iiij for tttliiiiiUtit,aitJ relieves wiakiitna . i;.n f t.nii i. h It nv l.imtlnff, KeaiUi Inn, Vrrottii I'roHtrntion, r.i mi .I K-hihty, l vtic, It j n-Mloti anj luJl ).t i :i. Hint fw tint of l'titln,i iIomi, (nusiiitf lutln, v t i?ht ami I tu Lac ho, 1b ahva; n i nniuu ntly curt d t y ltiu-u. It willU lttitmf, cntliinJirftll rlrruintriii ret, m t I liartujiiy vitli tl.o law Uat iroTdTid tho fciailujtsU:ti. lor tCil-is.'j't'oiiij-mutsufiitliir n;x iUU toiiiiM-uul li utnurirtswcJ, Lydia E. PinMiam's Vegetable CompounJ lttiTanil nt :Uaiul 2.VjVit. rn Ainmo, I.) rn, Mu-ii. -i U o 1 1 1-. fi Isotlliafurti.on. i.t ty t.tutl In tlio ft trill ff '.U. Ul-Ul 111 tilt! till III lifliUZillCtt, Oil 1 1 11 1 1 t ifpritv, fl.iti, jr l-)t, tvt tlthir. Mm. I'lNKIIAM fn -ly ntAin all lini.iry. Rt inl fur wtu h'tL AelJn'nina.ttTo .ViiiNm thfi ;ni;r. N.i fonillytliuuMlw without LYIHA U I'INKUAM1 Utlt MLLS. Tiny it.rd LVii-tiiMtfmi, 1-Ulousuot ikjj Turisl.ty t f tho Ii w r. SI t. uu j. r Iax. JOIIXSTOX, IIOLLOWAY V 10,, General Agents, Phih., Pa. s-ll.ll UY :!0YERBE0TH3RS Bl:oir.cburg, Pa. .luiif N, ly. rUWiKKSfi CA11D8 J " NO CAHDS, LJ'.Tie I1SADM BILL HEADS, pisrsKn to. o N'eslly a-i I Ch-ap'v iie prlnt-t ll lb- OOLUII FACTS WORTH KHOWINC. Glntar, Dicha, Mauiliako, KtllllnfclK and. tkJllfully combiued to fiiun'i tllnatK Tome, as to make It the preatest Blood Purifier snd . Xbei Utll lieaitll mil sirtu,iu uvi.viei ; tver Vied. a Mrrnf lo flin rnnitMihltlnn of TAnBEn's. Oinoeh Tosio Hint no tliMHUu enn lonK i-xlrt; where It Is used. If you liavu Dv.ptpiia. Hetd., Che, Rbeumiliem, Neuralgii, Bowel, Kidney, or Liver Duorder, or it you need a milJ fctlm-' ulant, or anpt-tizer, tho Tosio is just tins rnisl , lclno for jou, ns it is Uglily curative and la-. Tleoratlng but never intoxicating. If you are slowly wasting away w Ith Con-; lumntion oranv auon or any sicraess, h you iiavo r-.nniui, Cough or a bad Cold l-ARKEtl'S UlSGEn To.MC' .r-lll help you. It gives new liiu and; vieor to tho fei'blo and ancd. and is a certain; euro for Rheumaliim and Cholera Infantum. It llai Sa'Cil llnndreils or Lives) it at;, Savo lours. If you are feeling misernblo don't wait until Sou are down feicic, nut use inu ju.siu i,muj., o matter what your d iseasii or symptoms may. . Remember I IUrker'h llisoEa Tosio Is not; a rum drInK bill HID ueil uuu rure.i rn.iy Medicine ever made, compounded by a new 'rrocssss, nnd entirely different from Utters.; iringer preparations and all other Tonics. Try 'a50c.littfo. Your druggist can fupply you. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM The Btt and Moit Kconomlcal Ililr Ilreiiltt cjiquUitely perfumed and perfectly harmless. Will Alnajs Iteitore Uray or fiulnl llslr to lis oririnal youthful rotor and appearance, and li warranted lo atop Ita falling, asu.t ilk growth and prevent baldness. , A few applications of the Halsam svi 1 soften ehe hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu. tnours of the scalp. Sold by all dructUu al . iocU. wt. l, so-tr B F, SHARPLESS, Cor. uenire ami Kali Itoatt sin., ntar I.. it. Depot. Lowest Prices will net b: undersold M.inufaaurtr ( MINK OAK Wlim H, Coal Wn-aV cr anil lSrlil'j castlnirs, Vu1t IMprH, .Moms, Tln n'.ire, Plo.v., IlioN FliN'L'K, and all klnOsot Iron unci unit;'. Tlx ' i Jnal aMnDtrosc, lnm Uarn, rljjlit hand left I Amu ami side Mil 1'lous, ttiuU'at lit the mark- rt.uint all klodiof i-low luiulrs. Cook stem's, Hoomstuvt'S, and.tota for heating htoa, -thool UousciS, (hmxlu'H, &c. AWo tho larg fbt Kock of r patrn fur city )iohu.itu and retail, bitch as Flrt- l:rlck,tiruti.s, Vtism I im, Uil tc. ."ve., Kuc Pipe, (o U 11. Hers, i-UUIUs, Cake flatus, lar'e Irou Killlus, t,2n Mllons lo )q tarred) Paim WU, si 'tl, WnK'un lioxus, 4,Allentowu Bono Manure" i,T, ic, AC. SIISHiTAM WnnWn t.t i u for m.t 33 itcumihii' lp-'irnirr nt ! m i ronrld'T It, tor vm ry nun who trinit - ir llment; nnd vu rv man uUo nnw s Hers from hh m mp iiu'M cnrti ntrar'nl It as iiiimoi tliy htendt vr irn WW uvrti wUy death ard ho Is lellevud from It nururo tiio day . f suift rlntf nnd t'loom uh for home Rflint day. During trtatment any kind Ir tufftlr v with th treat rri nt, unrt wltJi safety from on iti.'pi rillluivtv ihf most rellMo tuoors fiom atd itu rrlmntw of l,u hhui Kfiti iim( tteo mni Twinninritv j, iuc uu itbb la W. V., and 43 Milk street, Boston, rupri-Heat llicmselvis a.s lr. e-Uermari, d Ki.p.S4. and Permanent Cure Guaranteed In kIJ mvi ot Usavel, U'ubtt-j( Dropsy, Jlriglu'-i Di-ea-io of tl Kiiln 'vw. IiirnntitipncH nnd Utpntlnn nt Inttumatlnn i the ICfdneyg. Catarrh of the IHadder, Web Ccloietl Uriue, Pain or Loinn, Xf rvoiiH Weakness, am! In fact all tlisonlcru ol Hie Uludtlt-r and Urinary OrRaui. whether contract ed by ptlvale dieHeor otherwise has ti en uspJ with tmcceMfor nearly ten iaM In riani-e, wmi in m-m womieriuii uraihu fciiecis. iv cures uy auHoriuon; uo nau'iiUHnterLal inedtilnt'UlUL' required Wo lme hundreds or testl mnnUNnr eurt hv IhU I'id when all elite, had failed uruftuilerlnv from Femalo Weakness. Iucurrhuji. or dls. -jits ..miliar tofitnalu, orlu fact any disease otthe kldneyb, able jour drutfUt fur I'l-tii, (.uiiin'n"H i rcncii hkiiicv l'au If ho in not trot it, nund li.ou and you will receive thu l'au uy return wmi. Auurvtut l. n, uruncu FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio, (ir JOHN II. KINPOICTS, PrureUt, Mats tjlrett above Iron, llloorus be p. 10, -so-u French Liver Pad j.umicn. T'riecii i d u rruip A IhU lS.VM'11 I-A1XHV UlNlUKfli, IifVi. DH. CLARKX i I LAJJOItATOItY. 77 W.3d SI., Now York City lata ojr iEitsKT titr. g ITTllPE IBZ. ntitnt DlsrastB. Viti.C 'Irjiic, tllteutna Unm, ;;. ft flaltt. IJUloiuntks, A"efvoun Mithllily.ttr, Tho Boot EBLIBDY KNOWN to Man ! !0,000 iCKMS rlATE SOLD SINCE ISiO 9.000.00 Bottles. 27uj iS'ynjj Possesses Varied Properties. It Mtmntntr itm Vytynllnt In thn Pnlltn, trhlfti roorrrf! tho Minrrli ttnd mi cur of tho foot! luto etnentf. A itflclonrv In Iyt)nlln rnuMrn Wind nml Pouring of iln fnod In thn Mnmnrli. If Ilio nidlrliin l-t ttihrii ImmpilU ntrly nTfrr entlau tho fcruicututluu ufluud It preTtntcd. It arti upon tin T.lvcr. Itnctff upon tlin Kltnri. It Itrcttliitpi thn ItnteU It PurlOcn Ihp lllooiK 1 1 Quleu tho rncu- H)ntrm. It I'romittr Dtraiinti It NourUbrx, Mretiilipnt nnd TnTtcnrntr. It rnrrlen oil tho Old lttt.od nnd innUeM nrw It nprti Ilio porrt of tho nkiu nnd lnducr Healthy rrrftpirntlon. It neatralizca the lifrrditary tfdnt.rrrldon In th ilfxnl, which ceneritcaScrofnla.Jj'j'riijHlai, and dl in inner of iikin dlecat ea and ln-trnal humors. There tre no tplritd employed tn Its mtnuficturo, and It con bo taken t y thu most dIicato habc, cr by the ftgod and fecblo, iurc ent ttuxg rrgairtJ in at ttntwn to dirtcttmu PEICS OP LARGE BOTTLES, - 51.00 miCE 03 SHALL EOTTLES, - - 150 Road th VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who havo been CURED by tht utfl ofth BLOOD PURIFIER UM I'lUN TO DltiMllirSTS. lUware of eounterri It Medicine. I emn'nv iiu ogents ur itiuners to solicit trade from druKts. Hc-t Medicine Kver Uittl. i;.toti. v..omInircountr. Pa. Dear sir: 1 had fcten troublfd inr n lene time ith a Pain tn mv stomaeh. and fuund nu relief until 1 uean uslt tyuur Indian Mlond siup. I ttud It the best medicine in use. and I can mcc uimend It to all, oil and youn It saes many dollars In doctors' hills, nnd one laru bottle did me more tood man uu uouaii wonn or outer muiicine. .M.iri.un i.ntarr. An Astonishing Cure. Monro, Wyoming county, Pa. Dear Sir: I hid been atllicted with a Couih, Lots of Appetite and DiKpepsU ror ten ars. 1 could not pii'peily attend to my bUhliKss. and healing uf your Jutly celebrated Indian lllood syrup, 1 resulted to iry n, Veiiu n i uia. hiiu in n bnorc iimu hs inucn Improved. 1 now have a Luod Appttlte, and hate enjoyed trood health eur sicca 1 commeneed Its use. Sick HeuJache Curttl. How riian's'LTeck, V cmlntr county. Pa. Dear Sir: I had S ik llLadiche and by thu use of jour Indian lllood up 1 was gieatly relleied. 1 recommend all to tr lis valuable piopeittcs. ,i. . mirnm. Tlit' Uinuily tl il more tlmtishe Kx)cctetl, Newieirj, i.ronilhL'tminly, Pa. Dearslr:-'llie liidl.m liluod S i un illd moro than 1 ett:t d II would ami It Ills euied me of!.ltr 'omnia id. I u-e It us a .vidcine ana would not be w llhout It, irs. .Maty i iuiman, IkaiKichti ami D...iness, Wlillamspoit, I)e(mlny county, Pa. Dear sir Your Inrtl.iu itiuod hmuii has cuied me of lleadathe. Dizlnis and loss or Appetite, so that I am no.v able to woik in mv factory. :.iy wire de- rted mote bcnetlt Hum Us use than Horn any other medicine, nenry missel. Would not be Without il. Wllilamsptjrt, lAeonilijr ouuty, Pa. Dear sir: lho Ind an Mood .si run Is tho ilest 1 eer lined nnd I would not be without It, It Is good oi an coiupiaiuis, iJOIIU liUIhU.ll l. 0 l)ieaes tho Stoinucli. Dear Sir: This Is to ceilifv that I Imd a ttea stomaeli and could eat no meat or any hearty food wiinuer. ii ii r e u n anv cu i ioi i neiiLou ine u so of oiir Indian IUotd spnip, w hlch nttvr a shot I eiTeclually nllend me and 1 can nuw cat anjihlntf 1 choose. our t)rup yles unliersu sauracL'On, tii.iueiu nausaii. Alt thut it is luntiuiieiulcil tu be. Onera Mouse. Columbia. Pa. Dear sir: 1 hae used your excellent Indian lllood Sjiup and II has proien Justus repicsculcd. I ean leeonniienu ii to un. win. uoein-v. Wholesale Merchant. tth street. Unanimous Ktcoimiiemlation. The followlntraddthclr testimony for tho Indian iiuKj'i sj rup: ii. i., i.reuu, tiii;inet r r ii u. .1. (t. smlih, ut lialdwinH Meet Works. Mrs. sujder. of Columbia. . llrener, of WahliiL'tonburgh. .lohu Keitjs, of satu liur bur. Would not be Without it. flenton. Columbia count v. Pa. Dear Sir:! hao Uhed your excellent Inoun liuton sviii'enna nue reeeiietimucu uentnt mere' trom. I could not get along w llhout It, .Mrs. iiaioer. Never Kails to Cure. Hast I emon Wiomlnir Co. Pa. Dear sir I wossnk for threo sears, andundtr profevstonai treat mem most ci men mo witnout w lmr oenenieo, , ium i wum luuueeo 10 iry jour Indian i u)oi) SYiiur una auera buorL ir a . i lounu myself In better health lhan I had been for six j ears. iii i a. i rn'iuu i,mi Surt) Cure for hivcr Complaint. Uohri-buiL'. Columbia Co. Pa Dear sir !-ThH Is to eerthy that our Inpun uoi)S ki e Ills been used h me. fur later Com ida nt, which had been truubllm: mo for a lent: time derlied mure beneilt from thu us of tho sirup than from any ott'er medicine. 1 heartily recom- menuit, turn ait use an suiierers 10 gnu il a inai, i 1" siuuu Lohs of Appetite. Kohrtburir Columbia count . Pa. Don- sir: 1 haie ued lour exceUeut Imuan Ition svKrr for los of Appeiuu nnd Weakness of tbo siomaeh. with wr lemtlclal rehtilts. 1 believe lour intdlclne lo bu the urealett bhcd nurlller known, and adlso all who ma) besuilerlngas I was togivo uiibpteuy uui, .irs, a .i ry lalns in Shoulders, lti hrsburir. Columbia county. Pa. Dear sir Tnls I to certify that sour Indian lll-oon SYKi'i" has (, really ii'lleed mo uf Pains In tho siioulder and Chest, I had been ailllcted with for years. 1 recommend it ery nigniv. .uia. atai nvioii. Kidney Complaitit. (Uar Cap. Columbia Count v. Pa. Deur sir Mv Pat her has bten FUtlerlni' with Kninr-v ('omnlafnt fcr a lomrlline ui.d had been uu- it.-r doctort' treatment, but the doctors could not effect a euro, 1 hao tieen bubject to a Numbness and eakness in mv U'ft Ann. Wo obtained some of your tnva'uablo Indian iilood syklt I rum your Agent, Wm. II. Potter, and It has cured my father ooniDlctely. and my arm la much better. It dots not trouoio me nan so mucu. tour mcuiciuu is eiuci lent. ..... dusiau jouii. Female Complaints. Hear flan. Columbia county. Pa. itonr Klrt TtdM In to eerllfvtbkit I nurcha,SPd H mo of jour Indian lnon avKue for my wire for inuu mallou and Female Complaint, and It has glieu her reuei. j i iicruer Ilest Jledlcine Ever Used, lVar (laD. Columbia county. Ia. ll.rtr Sir '.-.Vv IUUU SOU TYU1 irUUlUCU Willi Ilia water passing Imui Ulin consuiully, day and alielit, i fiu unlul twnrloctora anil wive! him Int'ellclne. v wiihmiL I'tfit. I bouL'lit boinB ot your celebrated Iniium Uuoou BVKi'i', u short trial ot wtilcli, cured mm, Lataberi Camp. DyBpetMla Hud Imlli;eslloii, Nurnida. t'olmnbla (ouctr. la. lwar Kir : For many j care my wlto waa amicte d with nyspciibla, and wo spent conlderaole moneo vvlthont rculvliiB tieiit-nt. Wo procured fcomo or rour iNiiiiN ili.ooii HVKOr andstio heiruu to Improve lu uealtu rom me lime buo uoinenuu im u-su. Holomon I) bunder I.Iyer Coni'ilteiut. ncntralla. Columbia Co. I'a. Hear sir i 1 UU la to certtry that 1 was unwell and could Hcaree-ly attend to my veorlc, I think my IJver wnu atfecte'd. I piocurcd some ot your Indian lltevm UTIIIT UUU liuw.iiiici a.uui, ,, ,vu. t.&OMUvn man, I recommend lu umi to an. Uanlel Uoodman. Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. llvdo Part. Luzerne Co.. ra. Dear Sir : Your Taluable Imiiih Uukih Mr kit ho errected a permanent cure lu tnv case. I had been auilcted with the UjspepsU and Neuralgia, but am noweniireiy tii. . L . Mrs. John Thornton, liillou Stomach Cured, Ilvds Park. Luzerne IV.. Pa. Hear Hln I have been troubled Willi Iiillous Complaint aud by the use ot your Inuun Hlooo bracr It has enoctuauy cureu me. John N Williams. Ljapepsla1 Cured. Hide Park. Luicrno Co.. I'a. Dear Kir i Your valuable Imuuh Maw Hmur has cuieamoot uyspepaia, ....... Mrs. SUAcUlus, Liver Ooenplalct. 11 yds park. Luicrno Co. Hear tilr i I hate been tnmnled vHh It .MiiBt. ii I woe f our, oyunu VWuaitmaviUujOiiSiiV'. ..... ,. Indian 3 a tl CUBES BLOOM SB URG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL UISTItlCT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rbv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Titm ksfMiiuii mntnrownt ronntltuted off rs tlir very best fat Ultle for Professional and ClaMMeai tearnlnff. niilldhi mcl "J' s"'"'". " u-nlllalrel, by uiiS fiirnMuM llli .1 bou.illfnl Munly e,f mre',6cl. spilntf iilrr. ... niniloriit ". Fifty" "ills k wrek Uolnicllnn tn till expecting to ti'.u li. M .i,lnu mlmlttca al any time. Uiwiaa UUllrht'SOI sillily pri'suriwn i'j uii: fuii-i I. Menli'l Scliewl. II. l'lifpiirulory. III. Kleiiieiitnry. IV, Clii'siral. Ailiunct Conr-iM ! I AeMil.'inlc. II.CoiiiiihtcIiiI. III. Coiiw in Mnic. IV. Coiirio In Art. V. Cour-e In l'liyniral Culluro. Thc'i:ioim'iitarv sclcntlnc ami 1'l.wstfnl I'oiirs. a aru I'ltfiKllsslo.s'M,, an 1 HiuK'nH jtr.e tlicri'ln. lecoUo Main, coiiri'nlns llic fiowl corri'sponilliii; Iiirirs i Master cr tho l;i"ini'nti; VasliTor tin-ti luntve I M.nii'rot iiioi i.wics. iiruuu.ue'i llOTrauainrm' i s ,,-ii;iii ' ' V '"''" !Sa.?r." i ilr" "" s.1,,,,,1 to hi'lp U.-cr;,,-,; Tt t.v fi.rnl.lilnKli.lrlll. ni ami I'lllVlt'iit Ticliii'i foi lii'i ii'lioiili. I o tii'Vci.'l It sum, i yoniiif pi-limn eif soml .ibllltUM .ind (.Mod purpcsi-s.-llieisi- lir. lU'sIn-1.. IniproN e t lu-lr time , ltii!'lrl"lH.ti.iis Mii.t.-nl" -i-!. uli itcl! it pra!nl4' luilln .1 .-..t.ptniliVlr hwl-ia. ami ainimlinl opportunity foi-we'll,l labor alliTliMUiisj.scliool. Kui KPllI nil 1 Cutaloirui'.Ail.lri'H Ilio 1'iliii'lpil, llll. 11 11,1.1 II 1. 1.1, I.I.I Preslilfiil llimril SPpt s, 'Til. OF FALL 11 f 'm-y-iAx sr ...... IDT Dill The Bsij'l Styles, The Lowest I'riees IN MENS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S GLOTHIITQ. H A m ! MA m I MA T-Sj ! JUST RECEIVED FEAKL BAYM) LOWE1EEM. ULerehaiit Tailor IOOEiBSBIII', isi. PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, .11 111 II Ml i l l tllitltc ll llll. BLOOMSBURG PENW'A, HL'AI.KIt Drugs, Meilicinus, ClKiini(iis,lMin cy and Toilet AiticlcH, Poaps Brushus, Sponges, lVr-iunu-ry, etc. 'lifckl,u.a pt(Kil.iif i k rnidu'.ly (.uu'pouiul cl ami orili rsniisuiinl wiih cite ni il lU'tpat h. rami' crHiuul i lijslclans fimu the iruMry 1U llulour stoi'k ut uu ilk lues ecu li ft;, utnaMt ilKtmilnt' mid of the U'tt (iuulll. .ioiin ii. Kisi'our, Jin s, VMy 1'icipilcior i;k. M'i.( iru .ui:iu( im:. TRADE MARKTHKOHKAT KN(1 yRADC MARK ni'tit'in 'ijiTiUliiir cure (or Seminal wcjkocha, Sirinaturrli.'!i, I rn putt ncy iiml ntlilU-t-iisiNthatrjlinw.iiH U W'lplt'ItCO uf t-Hf ithu-u i us 1 ohs cr i final , rnhcrhil1 1 I'lllfi 111 BEFORE TAKING. the nimnt-iv AFTER TAKING, oi im, ii, t it ii uturt M Ate, iu.fl uiuiit otiu r ots i'UM t I hiit hudlo lns.tiili ur I'or.HiMp'Uiii, niulu rr iiiaiuii itrut. i" run p.n hi our pmn- i phlet which i th fire in t-i tl lrf h mull nn wry i om. tf" I ho spirlhu MtiUciin 1h soUl t y nil ilruvr- 1 ClsitHiil f 1 jkt piuki gt' cr i-l. jiackiift's fur l ir will U sent irt e by m.i I on n cHpt ul tin inoncv bv ail i drcMD' TUK IHAY MKIHt'lVK MccluiilcV Hluck, Ik-lruli, Mkh. hold In hlwnisliurtr by C A. KUliii. i-a may 7, 'bt-ly THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE, i NVhcrp&s. Uiu soiiii renowned ic-piitatlon ef Itm White bewiug Macliine IndiU'cH many unruimluus oGinpftuum to rtnort to all Mml- ot lui'tt'i truks to liijuiu Un p-pututlon, wo U'tf lamutl'jn ull lutendlni; liurclij'w.riiiiut tu buy a Whitic Machine except from Its regular uuihortxol deukrs, who will be susttalut'd by thu follow in if warranty. WE WAKUANT T1IK NATUUAL W'UAU AND 'I'UMt Or TUB White Shuttle Sewiue Macliine, PIATK NUM11KK IIKIIiatl Ffl FAMILY PI1IIPO. hHH, .Nil UKItUUY Allllltlflll K'HP T 11 K SMK IN littPAIII KOK T IK TKHM OK I'lVli VKAIIM FKU 4 THIS II ITK. VUKK UP ClUHUIi. This warranty excepta the treakairo tt netdli-s bolibli.s and aliultlra. Tills warranty will not to sustained unless the plate Humour above trlveu exirrespond evitu the nuinber on the snultlo raoe slide, lieware o( defaced or alttreid numtwrs. WHITE SKWINU MACIIINttCO. Tha "WHITS" SDXtii e Sowina MaeWoo iltu Ohvii ih CAMCir r tha it any HLr t-uilly Gewtcy MMUuig iur uuun tivi; ui nuic J, lumtai, tnvral Ayokt. Hiiotn.ijuiv, rt. OUV Her it .,.. ,.,.,.i ,.mi,.i. ii nlivA tn tlit-lr woik. linclnllno. linn lull klml. imirorm ami tliorouirn. Kxlirnso l"'1' 'iV . :. .', i .M..mi rr. nr.i mr.Tlnr In tlimr. of our host t'nlliwq. f 'I'mslec-. IIS CLOT HIE $1.00 & JeBits9 Ontlitter, Paper Hanging. VM. HOJINI'1. lltll.N hT., IIKLtlW .Sl:, (INU, IlLeiOMMiUim, l'fi 1, pii'palt'il lu do all klliits of HOUSE rAINTINO Plain ami Uruamcnul PAPER HANGING, 1KIT1I IIIICUIIATIVU AMI PLAIN. All KliielM itl'l'iirnlllirt! It ' pit I reel, anil iiiiiiU! un Kooel itN nut. NONi: HUT I'llthT I'l.ASS uipldved Estimates Made on all Work, WM. K. HODINK. O. 22. SAV-A.GrE, UKAIkll IN Silverware. Vatchcs.Jewchy Clccks Ac, All MneU p( Wuaiiin, enocka ami Jewelry teat ) repaired and wurrunlt-d. may 17, 1i-tf agents wanted cunvni nnpnu &0 tu S135 u Jlunlh nuh.LllUIULUrLUIH HOW TO BE Ijiw nj Jormi (or l.u-U your own pxtiWrtw LAWYER "ro:,6.i .Jr. ? o "iiieriaiuMd.).,';!;. olbrr TS lo U ,lr. S.vp. i,u limn lie cu.i, nl i, waul. II. s011j lM trcL,r, urui; Al.ull.uera AetnU W uiil, J, AiMrcn 1'. IV. ZIKULEll It CO , l,va Anil it., I-LII'a, J'e. Nov, m. n.. aid nichttt ITcdal at-Vicnni an! FhlladeljUa. Ii. & li. T. ANTHONY & CO., o'Jl H road way, New York. Uiuiuracturtiii, Importers 4 Dealers In Yolvot Frames, Albums.Grapbosoopost STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings. Chromos, Photographs, And I wired foods Celebrities, Actresses, tie., PhotographMaterials We are Ileadnmru is lor every thing lu the way of Sterooptlcons and Magic Lanterns, Each style belnir thr st of Its class In tha murker lieauiirul photoirrapMc Transparencies ot btatu ary and KnvravinLrs lc the window. ;ouvex uiass. juanwaceure-rs or velvet Frames for Miniatures and ejoneex Ulaas ITclures. Catalocues of Lanterns and slides, with direc tions tor using, bent on receipt of un oents. Jan .-! oiTFnu?r7iio NlnUj ant) thttplj iocclbiJ al lis reat. vod ivl.oii rli'ilieci. m euuuim-i imii.raiiuni-o., .......c V. P. I1II.I.MM:II, Sicivt.iry, Weaver 81 Go's Ads V !TU r'ni?tr t'onMimp't'in X Asthma, iSl' V.'Ulvl'v, NcMryit Mlliil. Aildiees w 11 la it.itnp MIO.MIVT'iusll'iiri,, Sid. Il', M-J 1 V..YCII THE DAVS- $1,000 REWARD, ON!' TIIvit'SANl) (1,000) DOI.LAllS ri;'.m etiwe-ei -o anv i j'.it.seirs llmt williln n (IKK.VT A KNCSK OP WOI1K nn ANY OTIIKIt MACIIINK. WIIATTI1U NEW DAYJS VERTICAL FEED It7 do without hading. 11 will mi.ti' with' hi in en Hhutx, Ac, hem nil nnnnrruf Ii ih tiult-n (,'uorlH, rH mrt iin'rlno, trape, tn- ifi.o.1-4 illlhtMilt to hem on ol lu r imtt-hl'-rs. It in ikt-s u inortMl iMic Mllih I liuti nny otlu rmit-hlnc. It will turn i tit in mut put lu piping ut hunit tliuu It will tin n ii h-in. H'v tnuhl tn the light hide ninl Mitch on tilminliitf ot cue opftat on. It wllhlor llltmUttsor Mrnlyht, either on cotton or MK)ltn mentis. It will fill ui i cm Mrnii on nnj jjooil. I mm hlr.d a l'n-s or MJH ai'rt nw on fuclnjr, c IM: i with rr wlilinm MKwlnt'stHch(s: bind Drt-HH iidOiH wllh I lit' -Ml lilt' mut 1 1 lal, i'Iih-ri-rnilops,iioliil.s, sipuusui t-t fihf. The oi-h mm him tint will hind II. i loal.s, or othur mtulcs wim hhis, miln or silk-, trom in :t Iiu. In sin wi ith, without hasting. It wl'l jMThirlth or w lilt mt sowing un. It willpiiher Litwuu two pkusandbuw on at tho Kline time. II will nuke a i unie m.d hilltha pillow MIp on to t&c f ..ell. K' t tho Sritint l tint. It will Milrr a to Kind cftrcuUrf. II will lu.iku plalU'tl trimming either with or with out sewing It on. It will niiiko phltul tilinintntr either tcalhiped or straight and sew u plplrgon ut thosamo tliue. It will make knife plaiting. J. SAIrKIl.aen'l Agent, lUoomturg, I'a. oct. i, 'M)-tr. CANCERS CURED At Crane's Caneer Infirmary, AddUcn, II. Y. III NDIIKIH iiF I'KUSONS Hum nil parts or thu norld linen bieu lurrd or llils lnm li dreaded ois i'iiso mid are now mine; witnesses that tliev liavo been lesciu'd Horn u lerrltilii m.d iiiillmely ile.e'li. llociors. Mtnlsteis uml Ibo Poor lleateurreo, rtlo lor a Kiting mil pan Adddiess lira. ilKei. e IM.Ni: x i.lmi lii.oW.N, Addison, N. Y. oet. 1, 'su-iy "A'VAhUABhB HOOK FREE. "A troatlsH on Chionlc M-ease(..,,i'iubraelnjr t:.i tarih. 'Ihioat, l.uiurs, Ileal t. moiiulIi. Mi r. Kid. nei-i. L'llnary and Kmaju l)Nt-asen ; ulso i lies; tn'iit lift- ii uiij uuu.i-.-a, i.n) Miij en r iroin mise, uiu eau'sean leeured. Sen il fur this hook luihu undt r- signed, u piosieiiinor laigtiixiH-rknce, endoisedhy IiulUi ells- ol leadli yilllt nn who lestlf to his t kill. M'uusiampiun.ij posmge 10 1 i:. LUlnk'tilOD. At. D K15 MMH'norbtieet, 'loledo, Ohio, utrll . 'Mt-iv wAni THE GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. ThoiiMinds sutTeilnp rroiu l)jsrppv,ta, t'ustlieness, I.Uerand Mdut-y l otiiphiliiiK. N rcfulii uuu Kiuureii uiM'iiM'M, miii nan witn iiu'int this new and wwtdri I uld heow ti. which as a dlseasm-mimier. or and health n stuier, has noeipial In iiiuih-rii ined Itlne Thednitt Mexican lleinedv wua Ilrst Intro dui d Into CuhroinU la )s;d, wIkk In a Tew monthi It elfiitttUu many wui UeiruJeuiea astti create a th maud tor I ho medicine, trom .Miiine lo h lot Ida. It i- uie ouiy nn tiiciue in luowuriu eoinpouiidi d from nm naiht) puiiit., roois nnd herha ot Mexico it uuii-n nu ll nun 'in, uuill lliu w Ulhl lOHUa.IO UCOIU- uion hlut'h, pimple, or tiuptl jii, while It eleursand betiutltles the complexion. ludlM'iesor the Mom ach, liloed, l.tvei mid Kldneis it h ih pernuneiitly euied thousmdscr hoielts euses wluru all other known renu dies had failed. Une doae will cure any cusuof M,k lleuiaihe. 'I wo duses will nreuk up any uidlnury r-ouyh oriold I'eiw ns t,utTeilnL' with Heart hum. wnteilrsh smir Momuch.l.lllluuinebs, I'oMlunei-H l ilts, l'ul ltdtluii ol the lliart. Low .I-lrttH. and kindred aflectlons, wl 1 nnd the Mexican ruiudy n ulit una huic rellei. 'ihe i'enulnu is plueed beloio the public, i nder tho follow li unnmo: Herbaline Bitters the Great Mex ican Remedy. call on your druugp.t and net u lottlo cf the Moilcan lleinedy.and conUnco yourselltbat It Is ILe Ilest Medicine In tbo World, Ibetmdo tupplled ly Ji bn Keeebtn, Wbrlemlo Drut'Blt. N. W. comer CIU nnd Walnut ttitets, Cin cinnati, O. eiencrol Acent for tbo United blalts. aprlli, liei-ly vlca J Vrf" V" l The American Shoe Tip Co. VTAIIIIAST 1USIB AjSjTjCo. BlackTTp Tbat li now so eitensletly worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR A3 LONO AS THE METAL, Wbb b wni Introduced by tboiu. and by wblch tbo abovo amount In. beau eaved lu nruit an. Iiually. Tlile Illiirl, Ti. ..Ill '.., still noir, ai bu.ldes bulnj evvru on llm coaner linden It li Horn mi II uu ami, .bote wbero llm Metal 'Hp ui account ol In lootl w. .ul. 1 1, ,u l,o u. o,l. 1 'IbeyallbaveourTradeMarlt A, H. T. '.. lt,nn,. un front of Tip. I'artnia .buuld ASK TOR SHOES wltb tbU BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP '."Tli1.."1' '' ""''rjl'li'lren. nut; U.'hO iJw AGl.NTSWANTED.SJ'yS!?'!!! tllitf.Maihlni. eeer luvi'iiU.I. VMil ix in ininuiti 11 "ill .l.u knit a knl lanily l l.urj. y oik ,lir l.lil. H, li ala.yn a lea Iv Market S "n I l;rilrriihr .ii.l. ma lo lliaVuuiulili lililllluj Muelillio Co., euj WaJ..i.uio.i n., lioi, illi.. Sept. 10, 10-410. old c;sM&lo. UL,OOi18lll)n(a( PA, Manuf actureri of Carriage, Lugglos, Phaotons, Sleighs, I'LATKllUI WAUONH, sc. Klrat-tlau work uveayi bn bund. ItUfAIHINU HttATLV IKiNt. vnta ruiun4 lo i Uiu unt. I r. 'I 1 1 Warner's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure. (Frrrmtrtv Ir, Civto'i KUtrtn (irf 1 A voRPtable prepftrntlon uml ihpmi .. rcmrilj in the world fr HrlaliC- ni,?.? IMahfK-. nnd AM, Kltlnpj, I,u ' Drlnnr.T lUvnr. ' " m m eTt'itinionifti of tho highest order 111 1.1-1 orthMeRtntumcntn. ' Ort'For thn curt? of lilnbrlr, call for w,.. niTFor the cure nr llrlKht hnt tlio n . dhprwoa, call for Warner' .Sure It (t , WARNER'S SAFE DITTCR3 Itl9thebcit1llno4l INirlrtrr.nndstin uJ . rviry function to moro henllhfut nciiuu 7.. ,t Is thin n benent tn nil illBe.(. "vuu'i nut It cures .frrurnluu nnd other fHUI h tll. tlnim nnd l)lioaon, tacludlng Cmut'ik i 1 ctra, nnd other Soi ri. ' l IjptpNlik. niM nrthoMlnninth rniiilliialluti llluliimi, Jt'iitrul lw 1,11' It.r He, re cured by thoiSnie lilt I cm. li 1. uncqunled mnn appetltorntni remiinr tcnlr Dottles of two situs t prices, SOr. nnd WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quick lv utvM IIet nnd Ktrrp to the stiir i; r rurcn llrmlnrhc nnd ni-nrnlclu, pre 1 Flu, nnd reller9NtrvMij ft J t ration brouRhton by excessive drink, uver. work, mental shocks, nnd other cau ) l'uwerful m H Is to stop pain nnd sooth iu. turhfd Nerve. It never Injure the tin m whether taken In smnll or larendoic4. ' Jloltlea of two sizes; prices, floe, nnd (t.oo WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are nn immediate nnd actltn sitmui r t Tomli Lift, nnd rureCoiitlrcniii.DviirtiiU. ft.i. louiDcii unioui Dlar nd Ague, ninl li 1 Iro u"il htm 1 ii,-, txmelrtilti hutii ruij fretlv nnd n k in n oltirr I'lll rrqt In h mill tnf ihi.n ih wiirk. I fir ST. M, , iernr'Hfr llrrtie i j 4M It Ur A II. . n la Jlfalfin eii-rj titrr H.H. Warner & Co., I'rortrlctdra ROCUESTEU, N, Y. ins Oct. 31, ls.79.-ty l'sllroh. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES TOlltllHKN CKNTltAL KAII.WW WINTKIl T1MI", TAlSLi:, Iln ami alliT Simibiy. May so, 1"", llu' lr.i'i.s on tin' Pliliailelpbla iV: l.iln It.i iroail lilelsluii w tua aa follow a : WKVl'WAIII). . Krlo Jlall k'incs 1'bll.iilclpbla II .1 p in " " Il.'inl.sbiiix 4 '.'i um " " Mlll.uii'port, am " " .lersey Miore u ni a m " " lck llavi'ii u 111 a 111 " " llonoo 11 ii 11 m " arrive at l'.rli' 7.V. pm Niagara Kjipri'sn UuM'Hl'bllaiU-lpbla mm a 111 " Ilan iHtjurtr Villain nrr. nr. v tlll,untiitrr. 3llnm " Lock lldH'Il 4 VU p 111 " " i'tlO0 .1 411 pill F.iH Line luiieea Pbll.ub'lplita 11 M a in " nartliburtr 3 lis p in " arrive at Wllll.iinsport T v.i p 111 " Lock liave'ii s 411 pm KASTWAIII). l'acltlc K.xprt'33 lcaee-.H bock llave-n e. 4", a m " Jcrsi'ybboii) 7 lft 11 in " vetlllamspoit 7. 1 a 111 " arrive at llanlsUurer 11 40 p in " " pblliutt'lplila a 13 p 111 Day Kxpri'M leaves lienov u y r 11 a 111 " " I.oe'k Unveil II In a 111 " " V llll'llnspolt 12 ill pill " lilllve at lliiiilsbiilu 3411pm ' Pblladellilil.v ll l'i n in Kite Mall leaves Itenovo sjnpm ' " lemk llavi'n It mi pin " " v llllamspoi t II Hi p m ' nrrlvesat ll.inlhbiiiir '2 43ani " " PbllmUlpliln 7IKIUIH V'aat I.lno leaves v lillniniort lunula ' arrives nt llurrlsbiirir 3:0 am " " pbllaiielpbt.t 1 411 a 111 Ki In Mall west anil Hay i:preaH Kast make clo'o coiuieellDiis iiiNorlbuinberltiiiil ullli I., .v 11. lb It. trains fur W l.kesbairo uial seiantou, Erie Mall We'st, Maata Kxpress West an,l fast I.lnu We st lnaku close t-oiiiii-ttlon ut vvlilloiusporl vvllh N. c. it. W.tialnaiioilb. Nbifiira KxprehS West and Day Uxpiees Past make e lose connection at Lock llaun wulili.K.V. It. II. trains. Krlo .Mall east and West conneet at Vrlo with trains on b. S. x M. s. It. u. ; at ejoiry Willi ei. 1 . i. A. V. It. It. ; at liuipui lnm wllb II. N. Y. ,v P. II. It and at Drlltuood with A. V. It. it. Parlor cars will 11111 between Pbll.i n Ipbla and VMIIanispoil 011 Niagara bxpress west, and lu b pies h'lLst, bleeping cars on all hln lit lialns. W.M. A. MALUM IN, eleneral hupt. ATOUTHKUX CKXTIIAI. KAII.WAY 1 t'UMPA.N. tin and aru r November uotli, 1S73, ttalns will leavo 8unbury astolloivs : MUltTUWAIIl). Krlo .Mall5.ii) a. in., niilve Clmlra 11 .5 " Caniindalirua . .I.i'ft p. rn ItoUicsler t.14 " Nl.iaia u 40 Itenovo Ion 11,10 a. in. nirlve llllains. port n.uj p. m. Klmtra.Mall4.1ftn.m.,arrlvo Eliulra 10.20 a.m. Uuralo Express 7.15 a. in. arilvo lmnalos.t,o a. lu SOUTIIWAltD. llullalo Kxpreaa 11.50 a. ni. arrive llarrtsburi; " llalllniores.10 Kluilru .Mull, nnlvo Uarrhburi; 1.M " Washluiiiou 11 Halt linoie ti.311 " Woshlnt'loii Uarrlsbure accommodation buri; 10.50 p. in. arrive llaltlinoro " Wasblnutonii.13 Krlo Hall ia.55 a. m. nrrlve llai rlsbure; 3 ur, a. 111, " Ualllmorc s.40 " " Wasbluuton 10.35" All dally except Sunday. D. il. ben D, Jr., (Icneral I'luesenirrr Agen A. .1. ejASSA'iT, eieneral .Manascr "pillI.AI)KI,I'IIA AND l.KADINd IIOAD AKUANOEMKNT OK lAS?tJ KNG KU TltAINrf. May II, 1S70. TKAIKS I KAYK ltt'1'KHT AS r 01 1 Ow S(Sl'NiAV KXCkrTSD for New York, Philadelphia, Keadlni;, Pottsvllli) T iinaqua, Ac., 11,15 a. m Fort'alawKsu, 11,45 a. m. 7,V1 and 7,35 p. rn. For Wllllamspoit, 6,2311,03 a. ui, and I.uo p. m. TSAINS ma KUrlKT tKAVK is tot uiws. (scsntv u t'KlTkll.) tav e New York, 8,45 a. lu. Lcav o Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m, Leavo Ileadluir, 11,55a. in., I'ottavllle, 111,-9 p. m and Titinarpia, 1,33 p. in. Leavo Uatavvlssa, 6t'iu M a, in. and 4,in p. m. U'avo W Ullainsjri , 43,2,13 p. in. and 1,10 p. m I'uSstnjcra lo aiid from New York aud Philadel phia ko llirout'.i llhout thango 01 cars. J. K. WOtllTKN, lioneral Manut'er C. (I. HANCOCK, eieneral Ticket Ascr-t, Jan. 14, islt it. D EI.AWARE, LACKAWANNA WKSTKltM IlAlLHUAD. ANB J1LOOMHBUKO DIV1HION. Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, JUNK 10, IKS. NOItTn, STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. V so 9 23 9 17 9 M b 5d S 51 i 4S a u V 40 9 31 9 30 9 II 9 19 14 bcranton Uellevue Taylorvllle., . . ..Lackawanna... . Pulsion . . West I'ltuton... Wyoming .... ilaliby Hennelt, Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth Juno.. ....Plymouth..... Avondale , Nanllcoke 9 35 9 43 2 10 e I' 2 15 VO III tu 2 30 8 33 2 34 t 40 2 44 5 43 9 49 I 30 2 5J 5 55 57 6 59 3 15 7 10 8 15 IH 3 10 Ili 3 15 7 U 3 51 9 41! 3 41 19 41 19 .'0 3 50 3 10 9 58 10 07 8 33 8 13 9 04 8 44 10 13 10 33 10 29 IU 34 8 93 3 90 8 55 3 91 T 3 28 7 it 3 'J, 8 W I 50 S 25 4 03 9 45 6 19 S IX 7 61 7 98 7 9 7 25 7 18 7 14 7 10 I Ire u 5 50 8 43 5 27 t 15 C Ul S li 3 04 9 61 9 99 9 34 9 aa 8 47 8 38 .llunlock's i reek, 18 42 10 55 11 01 11 13 11 2d a 94 8 17 8 12 8 0C .Hhicksninny..,, ....lllck'M Ferry.... ....lieach Haven.. Berwick .... Urlar creek ,., willow eirove,... T l...a Ifl.lrpA 4 10 8 15 4 18 9 05 I 16 7 23 7 SO 7 41 4 4 29 4 33 4 41 4 49 2 4 1 61 1 51 1 45 1 27 I ti r-spy. 11 39 II 45 II 5i 7 9S 7 93 7 29 7 11 .lllooiusburir i ID Hunert 4 55 8 il 5 00 8 50 Catawlssa bridge. 11 67 nan vine Chulasky Cameron .North uinberland. 12 18 6 18 8 21 y la a o 30 9 12 45 5 43 I p.m. p.m. a.m. n m. n.m. tun W V II A T.SITKA II. SUDt. Huporlntendent'8 omco, Bcranton, Juno lo, 1818. VVT-AINWHIOIIT & CO., WHOLKSAUI eillOCKlW, PUILADEU-UIA, Dealers tn TKAU, UYKUIti, (JOPFJbK, HL'OAlt, MOLAS-IKi ktcn, triciu, ioi mna. Jtc, to. N. k. Corner btsjond a.d Aech Wra, border. U tvAavb ttotsXm.