The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 08, 1880, Image 3

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    til ft HOI ,) Ii m am Awn m,nt7m it lit nm.svitDfi nni niiutA rirvri'ivrT-v
The NiimUlft lianil la a vnry eine.
lipv, Dr. Mitchell MtemM llio lreliyt(rtati
council nl l'lillnJe1ilili, m
DutlrR llie foil year we liavc ruMed nboul
three hunelrcil new names to oir lit.
Clark A Son have on clfganl utock of new
eooJ. Call anil see tlieni.
lief. J. Klilritlgo will eircaeli In tlio Baptist
churcli next Suriilir morning ami evening.
The Y. M. C A., of Illoonnliurg, two lenieil
Itnrsman's lull ami ailjoln'ng room. The read
of loom Is free to nil
O-ergo Sterling, ron of Cllntcn Sterling, lind
lilslnml badly lacerated In a straw tuller Inst
Hon. C. R. C'utkalew went lo Vllkelnrre
on Wednesday morning. He will be actively
cng'gnl in the field until llie election'
W. II. lthawn, Ksq , of Catawlsta wss nindo
li.i'y I1'1 Saturday. A small boy was the
cause of it
Mrs. Joslah Ilals'on iliiel on Sunday l.nt af
ter a long Hints3. She wai burled on Tuesday
jt Kosemont Cemetery.
The County I'air be-Rins next Wednesday and
will conlinno four days. Kverybody and hi
family will intend.
The cpljnotie has made il appearance In
Xiw Verlt, l'hiladeli hia and other cilie. A
large number of horses are afllicled with it.
When yon como to the fair, don't you think
it vrciild ba a good time lo call In and pay 'or
voir paper, Ifyou have not already done to?
I, W. Hartmm is well supplied titlii all
kinds of goods to meet the tastes of his large
Thcro will bo a meeting of llu- Slabtown
lhmornlic club on Wedneid ly evening, Octo
ber 13th, at Ycpgcr's hotel. Good speakers will
address the meeting.
Mrs. Fletcher Harris, of Ohio, daughter of
William liupert, Is visiting her parents.
Come next week and sec the best fair snd the
higgert crowd that the lown has ever known.
Hie iillrnctions tliis year will be gre iter than
ever liefuie.
l'riemlldi l'ire C nnpiny Nu. l,of this il.nv,
will give a bill Hi TiiursiUy hmI lViilay etc
mug", Oatober 14 b mid 15lh, in l!ioei .
When vi u atteid the Fair, l ltn-e notice the
di'pliy ol'piinling from ihisollice. The de
mjins arp uriginal all done at Tin: CoI.l'M
man offiej. We ask your inspection.
The lines of every Democrat not previously
se'lloil in I,ocut and O.itiwi-sa township' was
pii 1 Inst fvitnrdiy. These districts will give n
gl report n the 2nd of November.
The I oeisl Democracy, under ll-1- leadn.liip
of such men as lit 1 n.elus II- rhein, are fully
nr iii-ril lo the iuiportince of this cauipiipn.
They will give a rousing majority this year.
The Donocracy of Il.-.iver Valley will ran.
a pile nt Sliuiniii1' on Wiilnisd.iy, Oclol or
JOlli. Addre-sis will be irade by able speak
ers A good lime is expected.
The year having expired, we Imvj s. nt
slaleuients to a number of nib'cribers who
hive not yet piid. We ho c they w 11 respond
at once. The sub-ciiplicn price is $.' 00 unless
pibl in a Ivan e.
Vm. L. M inning, of Jnrkson tewnship, lefl
on Momlty last fir K iciirster, N. Y , to n"ist
.1. V. LeClire A Co., mirsemiien, mile lluir
dislr.bulitn fir fill delivery of stock. He ex
pets to be absint about two w, i-hs.
Mm. U S. l-'owli", fotnierlv of lvpv, but for
a number of years n't lesidingat Sttn'Oon,
die! suddenly nl her hon.o on Monday lu-t.
The remains were brought lo Hspy on Wednes
day for interment,
GuyJacoby, Ksip, has comminced the pne
tic of law in ibis town. His office is in llie
Cofumimn buildii g with Gio. E. Klwnll, wl ere
hecunba consul eil at any time by those who
desire his services.
l'rom now until nfler the election we thiill
not tittempt to furnish our reader" widi any
mat'or other than ediiieal. The great inteto't
that has been created in this campaign will
justify us in devoting our columns exclusiiely
to that subject for the preent.
John A. Cox i now operating a brick rn
on land otC. W. Miller nnd M. S. Smilli in the
lown of Illiomshiirg. The pies us. d was pur
chased from George Carnell, of Philadelphia,
and blick prekeed by it ale as fine as those man
ufactured in Phlladelhia.
Geo. II. Brown has introduced water and gas
in thu Central Hotel. A handsome gas po-t
bus been cretted in front. The recent additions
anihiiuprovemenu in this home, wilh the wide
reputation which Mr. Drown enjoys as a first
class landlord, nre fjt buil ling up a largo ens
lorn for the Centrnl.
The fiir this venr promises to bo one
of the largest ami mcst attractive ever he'd
lure. The committee is compoied of active
nnd energetic getilbmcn, and nothing lias I een
left undone to mske a complete success II in
weather proves favorable there will he an im
raense crowd in atlendance.
There will bo a Democratic pole raising at
Jertcylown onTiie,dav, October 12th, at eleven
o'clock in the fi renoon. C- 1!. Iluckalew, J
O. Frerze, and others, will address the meeting
at 2 o'clock i. m. Let the Deroociacy of Mail
lion and adioiiiini township turn out. and
have a big meeting.
Clinton IfaUV Flratf ci-la had ft large audi
ence at llie Opera House on Wednesday eve.
nmg, nnd well tl cv deserved it, llie lay l
full of good bits, willy snylngs, and ridieulou
situations. Clinton II1I' triple chatucler was
capital and all ibe olhers pcted well their parts1
It was one of tho lest troupes lliat has vblted
hero for a long time.
V 11. Hnttmnn, Secretary of llie Agricnltu
Til Societv. will l o at the office of T. J Van
dersllce, Ksei., in Illoom-biirg, onTiic-day eve
ulug, Oolcber 12th, for ibe purpose of making
entries of articles for exhibition at the fair All
lb 'to who wish to avoid the crowd ai ll
giounds on Wednefday morning will do well t'
take advantage of this o t ortunity of entering
their exhibits
The conference of the 24lh Senaloiial dislrici
convened nt Danvillo on Friday last. D. 1'
Gauger, of Montour wai elected President, and
H. :j. Drinkwaler, of Lycoming, becrelsrv
The following conferees were pre-eni: '.'olura
bia, A. I). Steley, Frank Wolf; Ljcrmii'g, D.
ll, Foreemn,S, J. Drmkwaterj Montour, U
F. Gauger, John Itedraondj Sullivan, II
Jimln Vanillin, John G. Wrljhl. The fd
lowing names were put in nomination for Sena
lor: K, J. Melleury, Columbia! U. It. Jack
on, Sullivan: W. H. ilorti, Montour: John II
Bock, Lycoming. After one hundred ballot
with followirg resulU: Beck, i; Mclltnry, 2j
Uorlx, 1 JacUon, 1, ths conference adjourn
ed to meet at the City Hotel, Williamipotl,
oh Wedondsy, Oct C.h-
I,uli & filosn nro ready for the fall trade, hav
lug received new goods Hltly.
Clarence Keller, a gnduate of this ofuce, now
euiplol on the Sn-anhn KuWiean, spent lvl
week visiting friend, lltfc and at Orangevdle.
The llnnceck and fngll.b club
w.s addree.crt last Saturday evening by Chailes
0. llaiklcv and Hen. K. i:U,, ).;,,,, There
wn a pood allendancc. Mem excollent music
was furnished by tho bind,
Hon. 0. 11, Ilucknlew, John 0. lVeeie, Ksri.,
and a sprakcr from abroad, will address tho
Democratic meeting at Jer cyton next Tues
day, Oetober 12th,
Wanted fir l'ulnt at the Montour 1'alnt
Works, llnpcrt, I'a., one losd each of llay,
Siraw, Oats nnd Corn. ocllliw
Dr. Smith who has met with such wonderful
succo-s In tho nelgborlng towns of l'iltston,
Sunbury nnd Danville, Is now located at tho
i.xeimngc Hotel, llloomsbmg, her In order
to advertise bis Herman Worm,
which removes Stomach an 1 Sent AVeruis Irom
child nnd adult without piin oi inconvenience,
he will remove T,i c Worms free of charge.
t i .
umcini weiiicnt wno wis announced lo
speak at the Optrn Hoine ht Saturday eve
ning for llie Uepublhiins, did not arrive. A.
0. f-milli wl.n has been a doiibll'ul ltepubt'can
fir a few years p.isl, having got back into the
fold, was permillel lo shoot oil' some of bi
fireworks at the Deniccralic party, jut to fill
in tho time.
The polo rai-lng nt .V iuiidia did not take
place last Saturday, owing to a defective
splice. The pole is 1 15 ftet long, hi.i1 the
weight sprung one of the iron bands out of
plate. It w ill be rai e I on SaUiiday aftcrnocii
t.f ll.ii week.
By order filed on the lib lust-, accompanied
willi an opinion, Jeielgo Klwell continued the
Injunction lurclcfore hsucd at the lu-lanee of
James McAlarney, Kscculor of Geo. Loligen
beiger, deeeu'ed, ngaiust llie lessees of the col
liery, lo restrain the remov 1 of lla- pillirs and
supports in ll.o mine, provided n bond vt till
sureties in three thousand dollars eball be filed
the tljintiU' wit', in five days, if not done,
further continuance refused nnd injunction ells-
Are you going to paint? If so, send lo the
Montour l'aint -Mills, liuperl, I'a-, for your
ure Lead, Slate Colors, Pure l'aint', A'c, and
save the wl olesale and retail profit. You can
mix your own colors with pure linseed oil for
i eenN to SI 20 per gallon. sep. 10 "m
Cieorge W lleifsnyder, one ot the proprietor-
t! e Su-eitiehanna Hotel, nt Cniawis-a, re-
rneil home last Saturday from an exteuoed
tripin the west, afteran abs,nceof two mouths,
lie met with a war.n riceplion from bis mauv
end', nnd the hand gave him a scnnalc
Captain M. .M. llrob-t made a neat speeeh o'
we come to one of Catnwi'i's most popu ar, a nil in behalf of Mr. Heif-njdir,
thanked tin- band for the e-umplimeut exicnded
by them. Mr. Heif-nydvr viitid Leiidville and
manv other points of interest, and h i retuito-d
imiih jile.i-ed with his trip, and looking ps
though his journey had done him much goesl.
;uncK! m.oei'.t'-i.fiKi vati:i: cmmiany.
September 21st, ISt-O.
Tl c riiniinl meeting of the stocHio'Jcrs of
the II oomsburg Water Coti'paity will ba held
their ofllc- in l!loe.iiburg, on Tuesday
the 12th day ol Ocle her i'i xt at 2 o clock p.
when tin i lection will beheld fir nine di
rectors lo serve- for the ensuing year.
KtU!.K V. DlM.tlF.YFll,
op. 21 .'In- J-emta.-y.
Oi Ssturdny, Oct, 2ml, a beautiful hickory
le, 72 feel high, was rni-e'd near Union
Inn e h. ill Jrckron toinehiii, disiihijing a
Ilaiciuk ami Hnali-b" fttcatner. From a
wer point on ibe J ule, llie national ling wa-
thnwn t-i thu lit, eze, nnd to the rope winch
swung it ncron the street was tinl a new broi m
Jack-on will make a clean sieeep this fi.l
Men, woinen t.nd children, em foot, on hm-i-
back nnd in wigins, cime in from all direc
tions Old men and little bens till Hacked to
the raising. It is a hop 'ful sign to see who'c
bousebohls atlend the meetings, slid In tbul ibe
wives and the swcct'e irts no less mlon'tol
Ihan thu lovers and the Ini-bn d.
After the pole was on etui and had been iiippi-
ed with three cheers, llie meoiirg was called to
r 'er by Silas W. Me Henry.K-iiuin: on whose
tnoiieii Joiinl'. IJerr, J-.-ip, was iinoe i te-i-
lent, and .1. W Kitchen, W- II. Itol.bins,
Gen. Hurlinian, Calvin Dctrond Kzekiel Cole,
ice Preside n's, and T. F.
IIes, Secretaries.
The Preside nt ihen called Uion 11. !- etr,
Iit , to address the meeting. He was foil w-
i) by Col. John G. Freeze, and when the
speaking was done, Mr Jack Derr gave a rap-
111! eunpaigti son?: lifter which the meeting
diourne l wi li three cheers (or "The Dituo-
cralio Parly," and three more fur Hancock and
his. OOLl'MUIAN :
There is m' ro fever end ague in this town
at presint thah has bren fora number of years.
The physic lain are kept very busy.
Mr. I.nhiiian llitver and wife returned from
their wedding tour last Friday evsnii g. Tl ey
re mnrriid at the home ol ihe bride s pi-
rdits in Conntciitut on the 27th of Seplernbir.
liMrmier home than theirs will be, Is not
easily to be found.
The Yotirir Men's Chrbtian Association of
lown havo already adverllted a lecture cour-o
for the winter reason. Ainrng the lecturers are
II. Violent, 1). I)., Col. J. It. Sanford, and
Dr. Jny J. Vilbrs.
Last Fiidav evening the ltepullicans held a
giand meeting in their ball; the s eakcr of llie
evelilll" was A 11. liciisuii, ui ni,"""'
Mr. Harding, son of Judge Ilardimr, made a
short address On Friday evening of this
week llie Democrats will hold an opin air
meeting. For speakers ihey have engaged Hon
A. It. Ilrundage, of ilkoaarre and lion. c.
H. Childs, of Now Yirk.
Simuvl Uielterick, an emp'oyee in ihe car
shops, was injured yesterday. A car pa-se-u
over him His injuries ate, not very serious.
The opening of tho public schools was de.
lsyed urilil ihe 2Sih nil, This was because the
new building was not competed. We have
now nx schools and already ihreo hundred and
sixty pupil.
A free night s hool w ill be opened next Mon
day evening for the bene lit ol young men who
areempbyol dnring the nay. I lie einer rise
ill be supported by eevetal hi novoioni tin
.. ni..i.tu .........
zens. ii is a very cTcuuaun, ......
Very few pheasants have found their way
inio lown since llie sesn opened. Mr-Hopkins
should prolably wear lie laurels as a
pheasant shot. Whether in real or Imaginary
hunts, he always reports mccesa Jackson, K,q.
went in ciuei.t of ibis game en Salurday, but
was orly rewarded with a ra-rail bird. His
companion repoits that he, Jackson, traversed
a large woods, again and again, until in u huge.
..respiration snd utterly .xl aus'ed, In seated
nfock bird that be heard drumming on a
leg: ihe bass drum at a republican rule raising
was theiyniiu'u"-
Berwick Pa., Pel. 0. 'SO.
Ak your druggist for Prol. Guilmelte's
French Kidury Pal, and lake toother, at (his
is lie only 11 guaranteed lo cure crmonvy
Hon F. P, I)iWees, of Pnll.tlPe. ins w, b
drawn fiotn ihectnvass as the it unlum- of Hie
Greenb.ek ..,rly for Judge if the Supremo
Court of this ,Stai0 He c lililn1 stand tho sale
of llie .rty to llio 11 p, ,1.1, (.,. by I Ice, ill
Weave .
Will send their celebrated Klectro-Vollatc
Hells lo the afillcled tiioii 30 day. trial. Speedy
cures guaranteed. Ther mom what they say.
rile to them without delay. 2,'0v, 21-ly,
Ilobert K. Little, Ksip made a good sporcli
at the Hancock club meeting on Wednesday
nlghl. Col. Freeze also male a brief but point
ed address. X. U. Funk, Fuj, will speak next
Wednesday evening.
HaucocK at fictljshitrg. July 11, ISO:).
At this tumultuous moment wo witnessed a need
of heroism nuchas no are apt to attribute onlyto
knight ot the olden time. Hancock, moutited, anil
nccempanlnl hy his naff, Major Mitchell, Captain
Ilarrj lllnghatii, Cartaln Isaac Parker, orut faptaln
B. I", liroison, tilth the corps Hag tiling In the
iiatnlsrf a brate Irishman, private .lames Wells, of
the f-ltth New Votk Cavalry, started nt the light of
Ills line wheie It J ,tf i the Turn town road, nnil
slowly resl.) along llie terrible crest to t lie cxtrcm-
left cf his pnsiiiun, while siior atul shell roared and
crashed around htm, nndetniy moment tore great
gaps In the ranks nt his side. .Inst as Hancock
nnched the left cf tils lino the rLcl batteries censed
toplur, and I.ongstrcet's old guird, isrsw sirong,
weie seen einr-tni; tium Mi wo.sls ai.J nihnnclng
uptnenui. "Here th'-y er.tiie"rrii s Hancock cheer
ily. "Here they come, In three lines of tut tie,
steady men steady." "All right, tiencralt We are
ready 1 We hold thu lino or ello on It." It was an
awtuldaj. (if ihe ts.iim who eune to the attack,
Moo fell or were captured on Ihe lilll sld. Thlity
s'atid of colors and an Immense number of small
arms wero taken, llanseck was everywhere Hdlug
the stoi m ot battle its It he boro a i Manned life.
Kivm.v's Ln'K ok Hancock,
Aloin; the heights of CiellJblirg,
Upon that dreadful day,
When Lougslreei's famous legions
Weie in is-ing tor the fray ;
When shot nnd shell were sweeping
Our living ranks away,
Then Hancock rode along cur Hues
In battle's sleru array.
Above him lloal- his battle llag.
Whose silken folds dl.clo-e
The Union b inner once again
To our cml'iittlttl foes;
And dying soldiers wildly greet
That banner, soaring high,
And cheer it lo tho echo,
As the Hero pases by.
While I.ongstrcet hurls his tigers
Agiinsl llie Union heights,
11', Id Hancock "( his veterans
In a'l thoe stormy lights :
I'm hours the ba tie rages,
Ami wilii the sctling miii
He lails aiiioiig bis deing men,
I!ut Getttsburg is won
T hen three times three for Hancock,
And thtee lime." three for those
Who stood by him upon that day
Agaii t the Union's Iocs ;
llio lilch your voices for him,
His raises bind prt-elaim,
Ai d hca the bigbesl honors
I'pon bis gallant n iine.
(o.NKMMi a.nsm.i:i:ii
A Illll'flll.If'AX NllW-I' Itllllll.l'.s HIM
A Nit HI-, M'i:i:cil XAiiliow, ntiiut's
AMI MAI.lll.VANr sr.rHllNAI.MM.
It was throughout an insidious nault up
01 the best character, ptirpn.-cs and hopes of
tho Itepnb lent party, ami under a preten-e
of vindicating and di-l'eiiditig it put tbt ur
gumoiit in sutli a sliape that the ell'ecl of it
must be to repel every man ol generous feel
ings and honest login by whom it is care
filly rend. Its only olject was to revive
aud re inlorce that nirrow, odious and mi
lignant seciionslistii against which ell the
better, members of the paity have been strug
gling for the l:i-t ten years. It seys in so
miny words that ihe issue of the pro-rut
ci'iioaign is sectional and "only s clonal ;
and in i.tdi r lo prove that it frames wluit
Burke thought to be impi.-ible, "ihi in
ilictinent of n whole people," in the lowest
spirit of the carpet hugger and demagogue.
' eI,tire animus of Mr. Conk-
ling's reasoning is that ihe President sliotilil
be dieted by the machine, and when elect
ed coul rolled bv the machine, lie is not
to address hiinelf to an impartial adniini
tr.itimi of tlic duties ol his ollice, aceordm
lo cer'aiti fixed political principles, but lie
is to Income tho instrument nf predoimnat
iug interest", or of those parts of Ibe n uion
where 'production, consumption, building,
filled acreage, railway tarill', postal leturns,
etn . hnooen to be in the a-cendant. Hut
thet is not tin spirit of oui constitution
Tim constitution fixes, with great minuteness
of detail, Ihe modes id our election', ntid
wheu an elf ctlon is closed it regarils the re
sult as the act of the whole people, In or
der to get an expression of the mat hood of
the nation each vote counts as ono nnd as
mod as any other vole, aiid. us Mr. Conk-
ling hlm-elf says In the outset of his nd
dress, 'the eupretre, Ihe final, the only peaco
ful arbiter is the ba ot box. In that urn
should bo L'athered and Irom it should be
sacredly recorded the conscience, the judg
ment, the intelligence of all.' Hut no, ar
gues Mr. Conkling afterward, it is not the
votes that ought to bo considered, but the
places that tho votes come from. If they
aro pt.t in by the South, which is unfor
tunately impoverished by a long civil war
and many yearo of carpet-bag extortion and
riot. Ihev are bad and dangerous votes : but
if they are put in by the North, where com
merce, industry and manufactures thrive
and largo revenues are paid, they are go id
and wholesome votes and entitled to the
In order If, justify his cold-blooded sect
ionallsm, and to carry the llepublican cam
back to the state in which it was at the clo-
of Grant's administration, ignoring the no
ble and efficient services of Mr. Hayes and
h s Cabinet in healing edd sores ami bring
ing about lind and conciliatory feelings
Mr. Conkling gels up a tremendous Lugs
boo if it were not of the kind which bite
olfltsown head' His niodo of construct
ing the scarecrow, put in a logical shape,
would ba this : 1 irst, the Democratic par'
ty, if it succeeds, would be controlled by
llie South ; second, but the) South is only
one-seventh of the people of tho Union, and
has but one-fourteenth of the producing
commercial, Industrial, laxpaylng and pro
crty i"teiels of the country ; and crgo.thlrd
the whole vast business ot the country will
be at the disposal of a very inconsiderable
minority cd' those who are concerned in it
A formidable conclusion, indeed, if it were
valid; but assumptions of fallacy lurk both
in the premise and the conclusion, nnd no
body needs to be Irigbtened out ot his sou
The first assumption or implication is that
the South can succeed by Itself, which
cannot, Kven If we suppose it (.olid (and
is by no means certain that it will be so in
November) il cannot succeed without Ihe
aid of two or three of the great middle
Slates, which are most important factors in
that sum of 'producing, commercial, iudu
trial, taxpayiiiK and property Interest' which
Mr, Conkling nourishes In its face. It can
not succeed without it-curing a majority of
ynlM In New vmsey, ftew York-, -Indiana
and sonio Slate In New lh u and a:nl "ii thf
I'Aclfic slope, Now these deiermliiiiig S alts
represent a very large part of these cMtiniei
clal, industrial and I roper y Interests whicn
nre used tn make t it contact letwe n ihe
North nnd isath. It i r iiiatur had tictli
an honest statesman, as he is an ardent po
litician, he would hnve instituted a compar
ison, not between the North and South, but
between the Republican nnd Democratic
States ; but then (ho entire basis of his sli
perstructure would havo fallen away and ho
would have had no scarecrow nt all.
Tho second assumption is that the South,
which can only win by tho assistance of
those great Mltldle titates, would originate 1 1
policy, If it had lite power, certain to alien
ate their sympathies and support. Hut what
cm be more preposterous than to Mi
pose that It would run counter to tho con
victions and political prospects not only of
these great Middle States, but of that very
largo minority in the Republican States
which constitutes an efsonllal part of the
Democratic force nearly half Ihe people
In fact? How soon would It sink Into utter
impotence if 1' attempted to outrage the
opinions or even prijudicos of the North
nnd West 1 It could not live t year In the
enjoyment of Its power ; tend its nllics at
tho North would be irreparably destroyed
Resides, the laigcst Slates of 'the South,'
and Iho-e which are likely to have Ihe mot
say in its councils nre MnrylaiidA'liginia,
Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri and Arltan
which helotii' lo tho creat nildillo irrotin.
and those nf In, limn. Onio. New York and
Pennsylvania. Under the operation of the
living forces which bring localities together
they would gravitate more nnd more toward
these ; and no political party, call it by
what name you will, would dare tn come In
conflict with tho tendencies of opinion in
these mighty c-litres of cit ilizatlon, trade,
and activity. Thee Slate", though nomi
nally belonging to 'the South,' because of
their lomier tolerari'o of slavery, me now,
under free influences, rapidly amalgamating
nil the Males near and around them.
l'hev were never etronirlv Southern, and
havo become elecittedly Northern. Tney
would never cling for any litigth of lime to
poncv decisively southern : t lie ir alliances
are with the North ntid West, and with
Idem In the end they will be found.
Mr. Conkling has time much hitherto lo
drive independent thinkers from their lit -
publican adhesions, and bis present ill-
dged, iliosicil and malicious speeches will
we tear, quicken the depaitures. aVrte York
Evening l'otl. (.'(.)
Washington, II. (!. Oct. 2nd, ISM).
fAl'MSS. Till: ItllAI. AMI ll'tllAT ISsUlt.
Il rinllyli' ks i,4 llio igh the stampede of the
llepublieuns had cooum n-ed. All llu ir mat -
iificluied courage and pluek 1ms oozed out nnd
they are to- 'ay as badly demoralized as when
they tir-t heard of Hancock's noiiuua'iou- Of
irse Maine has had something lo dti with
this result (ien. Hnnenek's uiieunivncnl lettir
Soutbeiti tl lims b is h?relt dishonest alarm
s of one of their most efleclive spook8, and
lovetn ir lleii-lrtck s etupha-is or the really
greatist issue of Ihi. campaign has, to all ap
pearance, made tolnl the d.ciditig Uelobtr
Your correspondent, to be nre, h ou'y s u i-
respondent, and it does not become him lu hate
in ons bko tl.e Ol-mpia-t oineular edi'oi.
Hut I will mate ms. if hia tl, s onetimes, if
not iiriderctO'jJ.and what I wish tu teuitrk no
th it it alw-iys seemed lo me a great waste of
energy to laboriou-lit di; up and -i't to the
inds the mole hills of Credit Mubilier an I De
Oolyer wbi'e the in iiin'ainnus exctescenei
the Pre-i.lenii il steal is charged w lib dyna
mite to our hind. I know Mr. Garfiel 1 pirscn-
ally; 1 have studied him polilicdU. 1 htlicte
ho win guilty in the Credit Mobilier at.d De
Iter bosimss I might be able lo pinion
in fur these ihefis: the thbl e-n the cross was
pirloned: d whiles Mr (iurliel l has n bitter-
a'ontd fir them as did for bis sins,
it ihe Ju laJ Isciriut ihel belravc.t popular
uli'rage with a kiss; iluvt put lo an ignoble
hath the tax punuli of ihe United States; that
bli.-plumed the spirit of liliniy in ihe holy
centenary ot its birth! Can there be in time
or eternity adtnuate punishment for suth as
If llie Republican parly had ( ut up their
purest and tin -U e xalted u ime.a candidate who
.i nl t he verilab'e North Pole, insuad of in
-on., una, and ol the r.Uctoral c omtnis-iou
hen of the sacied will of llio people ".'
lamnid defeat was made" he i-till inusl have
beaten on that issue, ihan which in all
wonderful lu-tory of the wotl ', there has been
none greatet , plainer, or more vital.
LIKE CJl' l,K '. HANCOCK. Winh'eM Scott Ilaneocl,
rilated in suldier-fn-bien by General J tuns S
llrisbin, 1 as been prepared from matctial fur
ni-hed by Ilanrtck and Gen. Miichnl!
of his stall'. The details therefore, may be re
lied on as entinlv trustworthy. The work is
recognized by llie -National Deniccralic Com
niittee ns llie leading campaign biography of
General Hancock. Republicans will buy the
hook lo see what llie nuthor, a staunch llepu!
licau, has to say of his friend General Han
cock. Democrats will buy ibo brok bicaueit
is officially endori-ed by iho Demecratic party
Some few documents and a brief ekttih of Mr,
William II. Kngli-h have I ecu nddrd that the
leader might find the book a reference volume
for iho mighty struggle just Icgun, as well us
an interesting story c f a great life. '1 he name
of the author is a sufficient guarantee cf ll
excellence of the work. He ptcpared the man
uscripforiginslly for a if 'J. 00 book biitcondtns
ed it somewhat, and il is now oilertd lo the
public at llie remarkably low price of 25 cents
In the "Publisher's Notice" Mr. Smith say
This hasty eketch of one whoso gteatness is
not of his sisurd only, is written out of friend
ship nnd admiration for Its hero. Theho
lus been called loith by tho necessity that ex
isls for a cheap and reliable edition of the Lif.
if Gentral Hancock that lells the reader who
he is and what he has done (o deserve the
reader's esteem and approbation. Gen. Han
cock deserves election not only becuuse he has
been sclented by the Democratic parly, but for
his in livldual worth and llio undlspuli d tilie 1
has won lo a nation's gratitude. A soldier
pra-emlnent In bnttle, a statesman prominent in
peace, a citizen conspicuous in Ihe hour of his
country's need.
Me predict that the boook will have a tre
mendous sale at political githerlngs throughout
the country. Agents are wanted.
The work is publbhei' by L. Lum Smith
17 Sunsom street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Hie iinioitirce of irotieting clilltlren's
rliom Irom wear at llie t..e. all rarenta are
aveaiu of, I ut many liae iukUcIciI lo nvuil
ihem-ehes of llii great tuviiii; on aceountof
llie a pearance of llie niital tip. All such will tho A. H. T. Cii.'s llljck Tip aJferlised In
ane.llier column, just llie thing tliey have been
IooMiij: Or, Ii.-aulfjl, neut, tliey will weir at
lone as metal.
IttMLEy Savitth On the eteiilns of ibe
SOlli nil , nt llie home nf the bride, by Ittv. 0,
11. Stiunck, Mr. Jacob Kemly to Mti. Anna
Krgiim Savlits, both of llloom-ljurj;,
llEMLV IUkt. On the evenlnif of Oct.
Snd, in llie Itrformed cbureb, IJloomsburp. by
ltev. O, II. Strunck, Mr. l.loyvt Kemly to Mias
Catharine llarl, both of Light Slreet.
McHmRV Wolf On the 26ib nil., by l)i
Ke. I aan Au.tin. Mr. T, X). McIIenry of
btlllialer, l.nlumbla cormiy lo MiM Horence
A woir.oi vnicn, J.netn roimtf.
r.llKllU'KS NotK'O
110 1 FOH A H.U.
Ills', rfceited nl ihe laust most Nol
by t us 1 1 Hals tor no n ntid li ts nt
IMvtil I.' w. hi rg s.
Marr still sells llio American Sewing Mit
ch Iocs.
Hools and Shoes cheap nt McKioiiey':.
It will nav you to see 1 W. Ilnrtman's
New Dress (luods when yon go to thn lair
next week,
K. Ibiltcrick ,t Co.. Oclober books nnd
'atterns at Mart's,
People attending tho Knir next week will
find Lu'z & Sloan's New Store a fen doors
lurlhei tip lown Ihan last fall,
Tim reason Gross tho Clothier is selling
more Clothing than ever is because ho un
dersoils nil, Sliarpless Rullding,
(I iiiiaiilown Wool. "Columbia'' at tllntk
it Son's, with a full line of Kiiiltlng Yarns,
ph) rs, Cunvas, eio,
0 iod llutter 2.") cents, Hgs IS cents nt SI-
1 Young's, Light Street oct.l 2w
For a Nobby lint go to Gross. Opera lint
only SI UU
Lilt? Sc Sloan's new Coats and Diimons
nie nude up In tho latest stales and of the
best material. Prices as low as Inst year.'
fee news h I. W. Ilartmnn is so far,
ahead, with a fine slock of Dry Goods.
We invite evit body tn call and see our
Iuiiiien-e Stock ol Goods when they come to
the Fair or before or efter. Chirk it Sou.
PUHLic impi!ovi:mi;nt during
-All parties interested in biivlntr good.
mil, I lind ilto their Interest tu can at Ihe
old reliable Clothing S ore of
Dtnti Lowetibtrg s.
New Goods nt Mnrr's very cheap.
A very fine trssorlmrtit of Ladies' Coals.
all nicely made mil tilnimtd in hill, Satin
ml Velvet ot llio latest styles at,'! ftsbioti
for s-ilo by hilns Ye, ling. Light Street, itist
got in from tl.etity menufstiurers in prices
irom t'l nil. SI nil, 5.1 (U M, fid, 7 i"l.
S fiO, iJ OH, $10 00, 412 CO, $1.5 00, frit! 0(1
lo f IS W. oct. 1 Sin
A good Suit ot Clothing for id 00 nt
Gross' N. Y". Store.
Hosiery, Underwear, .Vkirts, &c,
it Sun's.
huge fs-ortment of New Dress Goods
now open at Lutz it Sloan's,
Tho very highest market price nsld for
nice dried Pitted Cherries, Dried Raspber
ries nnd Dried lllackberries, Hring them
in ihe north, south, cn-t and west bv the
pound, sack, lmg. one and two horse load to
lias loithg, Light Slreet, oct. l-'.'m
"000 ftesb and clean articles lust i netinl
on I. W. Hartman's five and ten cent renin
Trimming Silk, Satins. Plain nnd Hrocad-
nl, cut lias or straight, all colors at Chirk
.t Son's.
C. C. Marr buvs Dtitter. i'eir-.. Lard. On
ion-, Potatoes, Corn, Oats, Chickins, Dried
Flint nnd Gcrso Feathers,
Htireka I Kureka ! ! Eureka I ! !
The rilae'? tn buy a good cheap tVinttr
Coal or suit of Clothes js at
David Loweuberg's.
A foil lineol Flannels, Hlankets, Shawls,
alien, Muslins, fca , at lowest tuit-'s. Call
and sec. Clsrk & Son.
Harriet A. Newkiik, of Salem, says: 1 was
ured of teller in niv band by three iii'i'llca-
lions of Camphor Milk. My husband was
tire-it ol olil running sores by uiiig ll, H
tired my son ol a sprained ankle, Pri e 1!.5
cents Sold bv C. A, Kloiin, illoonisburg.
a til 10, '
Heaiitiful Ulsters,
I'asliioimb'e Overcoats.
Nobby Fall Suits,
I, int st prices at
Ditid Lowenberg's.
Hancock end Outfield I'll t-graphs aid
Hidgt-son I. W. llartnian's die cent conn
1000 Good Live Caltcs wanted bv -i!as
Young, Light Street. aug SifHl-ibii
Prellv Suits lor children. Ulsters f ir Utile
hots, new, nice, and neat, call aud seethe
lull steles at
David Lowenbe.g'-'.
Corduroy all Cd ,rs fir tidies, skirls at
Clark & Son,
Rubbers at Melviiiney's.
Anpletou A. .Mii-lin SI cents cash at I.
V. Hurtuinii's.
A full linn of Hlnckaud Colored Silk Vel
vets, velveteeus.i iit bus at Clark it Son s.
Highest Cnsh Price paid for 1,000 Good
Fat, Live VF.A L CALVF.S this Fall nod
Winter, x ii t mi bring Ihem right along
now on Mondat . Tuesday and Wednesday of
each nnel every week tins l-u'lmul truer
Hring in your got el lat caltcs now aim get
your cash lor Ihem. linng Item Irom the
north, sotilh east and west, Let them come
right nlung now to Silas Y'oung, Light
Blrect. oct 1 -tin
While Dishes $3.00 per set at I. W. Hart-
man s
Shawls, Dolmans, Coats itc, at Clark cc
Adraiesion Irce at McKinney'a.
Laelb-s Suiting llatinels in all colors Navy
Illue, Oxlord Mixtures &c, ut Clark i
Hoot headquarters at -McKliiue.y's.
All wool Sel ro c'f loths, Momie Cloths
fee, at Clark & Son.
A Nice Overcoat
Y. Store.
fur $1 00 at Gross' N.
1 000 pounds nice rtneel raspberries, 1,000
pounds nice elriedpilied cherries wanted this
fall by Silas Youig, Light Slrtetjuy 2-Ctn
"Do not forget il" that we can save you
money on lilack and Colored Cashmeres at
Clark &Son.
Oh, what Niet limts and Shoes, and so
cheep at Gross' -N. . Store,
I. W. llartnian's -1.5 cent ad wool Hack
Casbmtru is remarkable. Go and see it.
I)j not fail tn ne'e our new Ladies Ceiati
anJ UolniHH prices war elutvu, Claris &
.Soil call anil see.
Call at McKinney'a lor Sboea.
Iidies in aut nf Dress Oeiods of anv
kind will eio well tn go lo Clark Son's and
act) their Immense) block now open.
ltlack and Colored Cailimcre, warranlod
all wool ut Lutz & Sloan's fjr -15 cents a
.10 new lllanket Shawls f 1.00 to 7 50 at
I. V. llttituian s,
Taney Straw Ilaskets, Ties, Hibbons.llows,
l.acps' uurseis, Hosiery, ejioves, Kiichlngs,
ivc, ai uurk- a son s.
Fanners having Huckwheat to grind will
do well to take it to the Ever Orovo Mills
where they can net Iluckwheat Flour made
bv the New l'roceas, Having placed in the
.Mill -New .Machinery Hint will mute liuck
wheat l'lour a White as Wheat Flout and
a Kood yield Ounaraiiteed. Give us a trial
The highctt Cash price paid fur Iluckwheat
i'Q bushels Ground 1C cry 21 Hours.
M. W. McHunky Miller.
iiuu, v.ui:c ... vyx.ou.., u. i oiu.i ii, oayri
Tho l'htsnix I'ectoral Is Indispensable In my
family. It acts like a charm in curing
coughs and colds with the children.anel I
always use It when addressing a jury, Price
S5 rent, O. A. Klelm.Uloorniburrf, pH6-Jy
Dr. W. It. 11, n eb k -s llii- in- b ,1 o Inform.
Ing tie p. bllclhs. be b s oipt p- ed his Dental
Rooms wilh man .fie Lai- I'nt rotemtnts.
Tee h Ft nrtel W.ll out l'n n bv t' - use of
(la-, nnd It. e ol i hs'ge v hen n Hi i I, i nre
ins rieel, pe ll li
ll'.alno has recovered composure. It does
some men n good doll ofgon to be public
ly whipped, lllalue needed taking down
GET almost
Do you know how to get
in lliu easiest way and to best
advantage what you want for
dress and hoiisofurnishing?
First, how: Write for a
catalogue ; sec what you can
learn from it about tile things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
samples ran bo si nl.
Second, where : The place
where goods are kept in the
greatest variety; where they
are sold for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices are lowest;
where most rare is taken
to serve customers accept
ably ; and where you have
the right to return whatever
is not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you are if you make your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best things in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes by mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost for car
riage than the money you
save in die price.
ohn Wanamakcr,
Philadelphia, .Pa.
(luMimt. Ihlrti-uitli Murlt.t tinl Junior,
G!nrr Bocha, Mandriko, RttlllnclA and
manr other ot ino oesi meuieineB snow n nrti bo
skillfully combintid (a I'abrir s Oisqiii Tonic,
l to mako It tae frreaiesi, uiooa runner ina
The Unt Health and btrenfith Iteitorer 1
Cn TMrfM. la thn comiKisitlon of Paiiee&Y
Qinoer Tomio that no disenso can long exist
where it U used. Ifyou haToDyipeptta, Head-i
-k RTtAumatiftm. TJauralma. Qowcl. Kidnev
or Lir Dtiordor, or If you need a mild Btim--ulant,
or appetizer, tho Tonic is just tho mod-,
icine ror ou, oa it n uiiuy curauvo ana m
Vlonrnf fni" hut IifVPT intOI lea tin tT-
ir you aro biqwiv wuiuny uwUJ uu von.
tumpUon or any nicltnoRs, if you haven Pamrul,
Cough or ft bad Cold, I'aiuiir's Ginoer Tomc
will surely help you. It pivts tww lifo and
vigor to the fevblo and aptil, aud ha certain,
.cure for Mheumtnm anu unoiera inranium.
It lUi SaTed linniirr-n or i.nesj it say
Said nnrn.
'. U you aro feeling mIceralIo don't wait until
5ou aro down sick, but use tho Tomc to-tlay
o matter w hatyour direr. o or syinntomsmay
,be it will kWo iirompt relief.
Irnmomhnr 1 l'lttKER'a (llMnrn TONIO 13 not
a rum drink but tho Bct and Purt Family!
Medicine ever mat", enmpounopu
.procefis, antl entirely different from DittTB
cinrer preparations and all other Tonics. Try
'a We. bottiu. Your rtrugRist can supply you.
Tho Best ind Most Kconoinlcal llalr Drttilnt
cxquUitely perfuned antl perfectly hamilesl.
Will llirari Ittitore (!rr or FailrJ llalr
to Its oripnal youthful cnlor and aprvcarance, and If
warranted to ttop Its falluie, asbUt its growth and
prevent lialdness .... .., - ,
A few applications cf llie IUlsam wi 1 loflen tha
hair, cleanse all dandruff and cure itching and hu
mour! of Ihe scalp. Sold by U drusjuts at . josfc.
Oct. I, M.-II
In pursuance of an order ot the orphan's Court of
Columbia rnunty, tlie ui.uersiKn(u will sell at public
palo ontliu prfinlvstf thu lato .lohn .MunsUi, de-
ceavjl, lu Pranklln townMilp.on
at one oVlut k p. in., I ht follow iug dtci lbcd
Hounili-il bj the lands ot Wm.Templo, WeUtnt'ton
Clter-M. (.earlieart,susinit'UanDa lllur.M. Meiisch
andothem, cuutaltjlnt'
More or K'j-x ThrroH erected on the i'reml-C"i
two larye fram
Lart'u Hank liain eillitrout-tnilldlDga. Tlie-rc
19 aKo u
lilieU) OHCII.Mill ON THE I'llK-MISES.
TEII.MS ol' CALE. I'eL per cent ot one-lourlliot
the purchase luocey to be raid at the striking down
or llio property, tho one-Iouitli less the te-n per e-enl,
at the confirmation utsolute and the remaining
three-rourtha In one) cur thereatter with interest
fromconnimailon nM.
Sept. il, so-ts Administrators.
Iiy virtue of sundry rlta Issued out of tha Court
ot Common Pleas ot Col mibla county, and to mo di
rected, will bo exposed to public uile at the Court
notice In thu town ot llloomi.burtr, at 'I ouock, p. in.
l'UIUAY, OOTOUKIl 15, 18S0,
All that ccrtilu lot ot (-round slluato In Locust
township Columbia co., andstato ot Pennsylvania,
bounded and described us tallows, towlt: tn the
north by the public load, on the east, south and
west by lands ot Mayberry bnjder. containing four
acres more or l.-s, on which are erecu-d a divellln,
house, stable and other out-bulldlcgs.
iselzed, taken In execution 1 1 the suit eit Ueuben
Shutnan and John ishuman, administrators ot Jacob
siiuuun, deceased, now or uao ot Ashland Sal Inir
Fund and Loan Association against Daniel 1. llouck
and Samuel llouck and lo bo sold as the properly ot
Daw lei 1'. llouck.
l'KKtzE JIakh, Altomejs. Vend L'x.
All that ceitaln lot or ground ullufte'ln tho Town
or Culaultvsa, Cuiuinbla county, slate of re-utis Iva-
nla, bounded and described as tolIows,lo-ult: lie
t'lnnlm; at a pilnt on the north side of Pino strict
at the InterM-ctlou of second street, thence by tho
norlli side of said 1'lno street a course bearing
aoullieustwarelly tie o hundred and ten feet lo land
ot shuman, thence by land of said Shuman
northeastwardly ono hundred and thlrty-Hec fett
more or less to land late or Catharine Ce-tklu, de
cease.1, theitco northwestwardly and by land late ot
CaiiiarlnufletklD, deceased, and parallel wlthllne
street ten feet to land of William II, Orange's ea-
lalo, and parallel with Second street sixty feet
thence northwestwardly and by land of S llllam II
liranfe's estate and parallel with ltnt street two
hundred feet to the east side of Secoud slreet, thenco
by said Secoud street seventy. Ill e feet more or less
to tho plac i of beginning whereon are erected
at o-ttory double frame delllng house, fronting
on Second street,a frame w agon maker and can lage
shop, a frame blacksmith thop and a frame carriage
or ware house ana outbuildings.
Selied, taken In execution at the suits of Oeorge
liugues anu v. u, setter, executors of Lewis Yet
f r. deceased against eleorge V, soult and to be
old as the property ot ueorge V, boult.
luuwN, Attorney. Vena Ex
Tonxs caste on day Ct sale, .1
. . .. tMI.fcST.
I'Iijc llraiielli s. WliMilf's lilM, Itiilui, ittiil till Ulnils ol'TTIlirn '"-
slHIlll) III! Illlllll.
Landlords! thioug', mil. the county will lind it lo their ml van luge (o
call and examine my stock before puichiiMiig elfcwheu'.
Maia J3troct, 2nd
In the inamifiK'tuic ot'Orftiin is
of eheap good-j, liiade i'ioni inferior inntfiia's. 1 iek-r )aiticnlnrly to
ho-rus Oruan-i that are eontinuiilly spi k'-dug into exislcnee, without.
my merit whatever, except to lie ohi'ied cheap, and then when purehas-
t loiinil to be iienr at any pi ice.
If srtm Co;itemplat
consider it your only biifcguiiiil to
lines ot lust clit, wholly responsiuie iniiKers. eootl m-.sortiiifiit ot
t vies of the celebrated J-'s-tey Oigims can now be f een at the new rooms
of the Only Authoriztd -6 gent lot the B&ttiy Oigans in
Columbia County. A guniantee lor five veins fiom the iiianu-
ictuieiK :iccoiii)anieri every hstey
Plumber, Gaa Pittev, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Bhop in Opera House, Otli tlour n',r"SJ
illliMI I
Main anil
Th" undfis'pnrtl hMlng teen in the vil0l,r.w!: DIM tl busliu-f-s for tin rac rlwn years would
ca'l tlie utteutlon ot thu public gei.'i ally, crNtl(V DliAl.Krts lu parltcular, to
tliL-lr 1 ire anJ Vark-U stccK.
It consist of
Fiuiisaij, 1S9 Bss., .BBEBilfiy, aatcmt
fBWT -
and in fact every thing that should bo kept in a complete and well
regulated Drug btorc.
They are the sole Manufactures of the Celebrated
Div W. A. BICICLEY'S Celebjed
The Best Remedies Made.
Highly Recommended ly Fhysiciansr
10II1 B10THE1S,
v Itloomslbiiira, Pa,
Door below Iron.
resultiii'' in (he 1 loduction and falo
win ye.u not men, leader,
Buying aix Organ
r-elect mi iiibliunient bearing the
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Market Streets
-room unusiiEs.i