The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 08, 1880, Image 2

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0. E. SOT2t,L, Editor.
;. s. Biirauflasjosn, ruMither.
11L00MBUU0, PA.
. Eiiduy. Oi'tobov 8. 1880,
Democratic Kntioua1 Ticket.
roii i'tuii)Ksr,
3aa. W. S. HANCOCK,
rOK VIl'K-l'llltlir.NT,
H'PflliMIl JllliCli:,
UK )!l'.K A. JKN'KS, Jell'ersnti coutity.
ni.l'Htr I DmilKtir, I'liiMilphla.
County TIcKH.
Of (Mrbon Omnhj.
K. .1. McllKNltY,
sub; to fie d!lslon of tin Senitorlal Confer-
FO.I nlSTUU'r ATl'Ott.NKV,
uour.ur n. i.irn.i:,
Tti'- Cli-ilrinoi or the IVimfraMc rotinty I'om
mt'T.'d n iiiH'flsoaeli memlHT of tho stjon11.or t.m
inllii to ia iJ-:e an appol'itinJDt or a VuiUucu I .ni
tni'i "O fjr hts election dtMrlct, iioroiin onomi'.iiUt
col i s itiifuratleaH tun im niher, In ml 1 It t. ti tu
l,i m-m ier of tho Mooillni; Ouiionlltei, niifl In iho
i ir'T obrrl.'ts three or fuiir, as nuy ho lH'ee-ury,
nml the ii'eiiibr of luo .s'aiKllii!,' Commlttte ulil
prjinrtlyllhln notiuoro lhan ono week send the
r.mi;s to Hie eluirmjrt.
CIU. D. ItAHkl.KV, Divio Iwi:nhkko.
s.ioretar;'. I'liairrr.un.
Post Utile.
Jle.iVt-r Valley.
Mme UIJ'e.
.1. T. Km,
Hour Moltcnry,
Dr. r. 1'. Illil,
imil tjxenrieri:,
flian. o ilirkiey,
A. II Croon,
v. I. Kyeriv,
Tho.iia K- arna
T. K. Conner
1 hnm ia Knnlv
.loun Monroe. .
"at in,
IliiKjiinhur K.
l ltartl'a,
c itriitu,
c -.'Utre,
Cjncsham N.
Uck9 m,
Ml I'll IXMRi,
c itt Kast,
Heott West,
Cyrus u Mciienry
i i, .Ar'iey.
Vin. I:er,
spin Mio'-miker,
Mlas W. Mctlenry,
A. M. .lohDson,
conrafl Kieainjr,
.1. II. MlhS
Mniuel Nnd:r,
I'ettr . Kvaus.
n. Horn II,
.la , U. Harm in,
un F. Fowivr,
.John Mou rer,
.lulin savueu,
!r. I). r, Kreb,
W. A. Kile,
inu t !a
Ilyer ilro e.
1'lne Mirnmlt.
Culf H vHJCk.
The prcent owners of 'this paper have
ju-t completed tlielr firtt yenr. Durins tbat
time the ollico lias been greatly imriv((',
new anil valmble maehlnery, new typ", anil
other material h.ive been mUled, and it eon
naf ly be said that wc have the lirgent and
best b'ockeil cilice in this tectiou ot IVnn
cylvania. For the patronags of the public
in geusral, and tho Democratic parly in par
ticular wsare duly grateful. IW using eveiy
ell'.rt to give our readers a firt clas weekly
mid by diiug the best of job work at reaou
ftble prices we hope to merit a continuance
of the iiublic coiifideuce and patronage.
The State election iu It diana and Oaio
will take jilaCH next Tue-dav. The poll, leal
excitement runs high and large Meetings
me tiling held nightly by both partie,wliich
are addressed by leading orators. Tho Djiii
ocr.its of Indiaua are confident of nuecV,
though the republicans have belli using
tremendous efforts anil large sums of ino'ii-y
to break the majority.
Ohio, always republican, has beeu made
doubtful, and if tho republicans tarry it by
:i,000 they will be happy. Ilut it will be on
ly holding their
If Indiana goes Democratic now there ire
strong hopts of Wisconsin in Js'ovecber.aud
even IVnii'vlvania will grow shaky.
If O'uio and Indiana should both go
Democratic, the nkction r f Hancock iu
Xovomber will be only a form, as his success
will be a"ured.
The cry against the "Solid South" having
aroused many southern republicans ng.ilnst
the party that hn beeu inakiug it, ami not
having succeeded in firing the northern
heart as was expected, the Itepublicin pjrly
has been looking aroui.d lor something new
with which to stay the tide ot delcctiou that
bos set in agaiiiit their candidatei. The
"Southern brigadier" business, the ''Ilebel
war claims" and r.ll tliat sort of stuff did
not answer tho purpop, as the org.nii.ition
of Hancock Jtepublican clubs all over the
country went on. Something new mut be
found, and so their leaders held a couuc i
and decided upon their lat expedient. The
North mut bo scared. The order went forth
In the organs, and simultaneously all over
the country went up the wail from Republi
can throats that "if the Democracy are suc
cessful a great panic will be inauguraied.
Business will cease, and the great industries
of the country will be at a standstill." On
tho strength of this cry they are asking tor
largo sumsol money with which to buy votes
in Indiana aud Ohio.
When the panic of 1873 began under a re
publican administration, the organ' of that
party were kept busy in trying to prove to
the peoplo that the political complexion of
thegovernmeut had nothing to do with the
panic It was brought about by the failure
of crops, by loss of confidence among bui
ne"3 men, &c, &c, and upon' such argu
ments they based their claim lor a continu
ance in power. Now they reverse themselves
completely, and ask to be continued in pow
er becauFo the sucie-s of the Democracy
will prod il co just what tho administration
could not control in 1873.
Ilut is there tho slightest iudicatlou of a
business panic? The country la prosperous,
the crops this yrar will be abundant, large
Kinnunlaof money are,b?ing brought among
us through heavy Importations to f .re'gu
markets. The I'hllidelpbU Lcibjer, owned
and controlled by O W. Child, a prominent
Kepublioin, m) 8 that the markets aro cm
Htautly giving evidences of increased pros
perity. And all this, notwithstanding the
fict that the election of Hancock is becom
ing dally more and more probable. T is at
tempted scars is a gross humbug. It is cal
oulated to depress the markets in order to
give the republicans a alight ground on
which to l&se their cry. It has failed in
this, however, just as it will fail In securing
what it l Intended Tut, (he election of Oar
fc'lmw this p.iper to j-nur Griciiback neigh'
I'of ntiil let lilui read "Food for Orcciiback'
irit" so that liu inny I now how Ms candidate
for I'reideut lias sold out tils party, livery
v.i'p tor Weaver Is a vote tor llnrfit l.1.
I Imi sor kmiu im m:l.u lllltlll MVS
Mill) Ill's HOK ,Nll IxMlt'.ll IS IHHMI
m mini inn i iiimi! in ; rol.i ncx as 1i:s
l.itw, (i mii ir.i.n. Jeremiah S. liar.:
In their ipj ilitllotis from Judge Mack on
llarl'i-dd tht Jlepubllean editors always
Mill Hire above par ijMp'i, For them to
publish :i (.'tnliit.l i xtrac-t from Wat V's let
ter, ami inlt, the sharp point of Mack's
opinion, I. i."t .pioling ) i in truthfully.
The pretetit getintnllnn ol lVtnxj Ivnula
woiklngitieii can icineiiibfr what It Is to
have their vi)tkhaps, their lariurles nrul
1 1 i 11 tenths of tlielrlnlus' (stalili.hituiilie
dosed, Ditrtpy want the scenes of the
panic rf Is?.'! rcproiluccil? If thry i'n,
luii they will vote for i lAticook I 'A I tW-'l Ye-.s,
Ye, the working in n and ivri hotly ol'f
remember Iho panii' ol 1 S7;t very well.
Tlmy nUo rinioiiibir that tlil tunic via in
aiuiiraleil by the f.illurn nl J. Cook & Uo ,
leiijin Heptil.licati banker", nml govern
iiinit nerits. They also to uembcr that in
1373 tho Republican parly It a 1 lull control
of all tho branches of overniueut, ami t'l.i'
It was ilnrliM their .riis'-.unsgeu.iit nml cor
rupt rillo thai this pal lo was begun. They
also rriiieruber tuat the coiioiry return il to
preperity nftrr tho Democrats became a
m,-..i(ity In emigres. Uiul-rjuch eircum
h ntuvs bow can the election of Hancock re
produce the Republican panic of 17!I
I'hf only panic that ueh a thing will eail-i'
will b? among the present ulll'e holders.
A far Ileveinie Only.
I'rtm ho SprlasMeU llepubllcan, OarDcM.
The Democrats, on the oth-r hand. .iy
they want a tarilf fur revenue only. As ii
larito revenue is mces-ary and tile Demo
crats are not likely to incro to the internal
revenue by rai.-iug the licet s on spirits and
tn'ncoo it is clear tint a tarilf fur revenue is
likilv to afford all the protection needed,
jirsiile.s tho D onocra's are not of one mind j
they are supposed to pro'eet Lousiana sugar
Georgia iron, Texas wool, Pennsylvania and
New Jersey niaiiulHCtliifs.
Thus it may bo soen, thit the able and
well informed opposition papers admit and
say that in tho hanJs of the Democrats all
the great industries of the country nre mrc.
And it is the more e-pecinlly true because
the speaker of the ilnuso Is a IVnnsylvniii i
larlh" uian. and Ilancick is n'so ;i I'einylva
nian interested In the dcvoinpniEfit of his
State; end these ficts against Gjrlield.who is
by convict! in a free trader.and so speaks and
votes. All men therefore who desire to pn -tect
the iron, the woo1, the sitjar uad the
cotton will vote for Ilaucuck.
IltslJfs, tho Democrats are likely to dis
pense witli all stamps upo-i eutopics and
thus relieve the business of the country from
that ann iving burden and place upon im
port duties the raidug of that sum.
The whole busiurss of tho country is in
lereste I in putting tho Democrats iuto
pOAer. Protection to all industries, North
and tfoulh, relief from alt unnecessary stamp
duties, economy in the public expenditures
will all come from the election of Hou
se ck.
(hirfielil's i'erjriry.
nr. tiF.i' to curtain intkrrooa-
To theeditorof tho New York Sun Silt:
Your questions are entitled to a candid an
swer. I will set down their tubstnnce and
give ni) reply to each one in order us you
put them .-
1. Did I mean in my letter to Mr. illaino
that Ueu. Gat field acknowledged tho re
ceipt of stock and dividends from O.ikt"
Ames ''
Uniiueslionablv he agreed to take the
stock, and did receive dividend upon it.
Tho llter plainly implies that he had not
concealed, or triid to couceal, that fact from
me. Ilut his admi-sion was coupled with
a statement which sliovul him tube guilt
less. 2. Did hcd.clare to mo that he would gi
before the Poland committee and testily tru
ly that he had taken the stock ?
I had no previous conversation with him
about his testimony before the Poland com
mittee, aud I did not know what it would
be until I heard it delivered.
3. Did I advise and urge him to tell the
truth ?
No ; certainly not. Such advise anil up
gency would have becu a most outrageous
insult, which I could not offer to any geutlt
man of his character.
-I, Did he arrets to adopt the line of de
fense nuggestcd by me ?
You seem to think that I was his coun
sel I was not ; but, as his fricud and a be
liever iu his ptrf'ot innocence, I was ex
tremely anxious that he s'lini'd get sately
out of this unfortunate business. A't r it
began to bo dhcussed in the newspapers,
and belore tho cnmiuitteu was appoinusl, I
besought liim In make no statement for I lie
public eye which might be luuousisii nt with
what l.e said to me. Lest ho ir-ight foget
it, or miss tho ioipoitart points of it, I le
peated the sub-tance of it somew hat careful
ly. Ho did not rtply,and I learned soon after
ward that he had authorized n total and fist
contradiction. Simultaneously, the other
members of congress who were implicated
made separate siatemeiils of the same kind,
assuring tho public iliat liny never had
taken nr nwiud auy of the slock, or received
any dividends upon it
ft. Why, according to my understanding
of the fact, did Gai Grid adopt a d'fei se so
contrary to that he had agreed on ?
I lir.v alresdy said that lie made no
agreement about it. His reason for aban
doning tho true ground of his defends was,
doubiliss, the necessity he felt himself un
der of making couimo-i cause wiih his po
litical friend, fur whom there was no rf
uge except in a fundamental falsehood. I
am, with great nfipect, fours, &c,
J S. lll.ACK.
The put lie are how iuf mned what O nornl
Hancock would do on the sut j-ct oi rein I
claims if I u were i hcttd lo lite p-es'd -ncy, hoi
t'ley cie In ignoianco cf (iuneisl Garfield's po,
silion on that subject. Nearly all of those
claims are iu theiisudsof Republican clsirn
agints and as Garfield ins been laying claim"
attorney at Washintilnn he iniy te an attorney
frrsome of those sg nts. Who knows to to the
con'nry. N i lei u dear from Gjneril Gar.
field, 'utiiol.
A movement is now o'i fjot to niiku ti e
middle penitentiary a reformatory iuslitu
The Republicans bar My like Conk ling's
method ol supporting UirUolJ by electlou
eerlng for Grant four years In advance.
Spain, with only ir, 000,000 inhabitant!,
turns out yearly twice aa much wheat kl
loi Italy with JrViVV,W)o inhaWtthti,
And now tho Democratic managers aro
ilideanitlng to buy nirtho Greenbick-Iabor
r.iiulldntu, We shall pris'iilly lie nbloto
ii"! with w hat degree of success tho enter,
prise meets - II' . Htmrtl
Wht ii the llrmrtt editor wrote the above
llurs he was ti her Ignorant of the facts, or
clsj willfully niirepre-ented them, In or
der that the people may know who has been
buying the Greenback candidates we print
belt re, the litti r of Hon, K. W. Hughes to
Gen, Weaver, the Greenback candidate for
Piesidetit, mil also the letter of Dyer D,
I id m,
I'orr.sVli.l.t:, September '.';, 1SS0. ll.Wi:AVi:ii,NalloiiabGrcen.
back Labor cindidate for Picshlent :
Your dispatch nt the l'7lh it.xtai't to me
from Indianapolis, sating among other
things that J cm fust .iw my listialcli to jou
In a Democratic daily in Indian spoils, 1
have just seen for the first time, and at thl
moiiicnt, in a Republican dally in this place,
You deli ml yourself Inim niv charge by
making an issue us to on-i 1 did not make,
I ite point uf my charge wts no' that you
were uppo ed to n joint t tickit in
Maine or any v to e!-. It was that you
eiu'oiirsgo a illsorgaiiizitlon in .Make, hav
ing eWdently the tendency to defeat four
ttreeiihack eleoP rs and, by c iuci'ience, lo
secure s-ven oleclms lor GirtUol, 'lhe
in minatloii ol the e lectins in Maine was no
part nl your duty, but of the iniiibets of
our part)' there." Alter the parly In Maine
by its delegites In convention ilh aim osl
entire unauiiiiiiy hsil sclcctid its electors,
whether lo your liking or net, it win your
duty lo submit mid to ni l in their election.
If -neb so ccllon could not be idle red except
by the defeat id I'mrGreetfriack eleelornnd
iiii-tipicnt election ol even for Garfield,
and Mill then Interl'-rnl liiMipp'rt a disor?
gini.iiion that could have no effect other
ihau lo il-ftat the elicloia and
help tho oh-Jtion of those lor Oirliold, you
are responsible lor any such result, whither
vou intended inr tint". l),d you Intend It ?
II is a principle of jurisprudence tint each
iiieolsoiinl mind chill be presumed to
have intended the natural consequences ol
his own act As a lawjer you have s-en
this principle appliul to ihee.xtint of con
viction of the highest i. f crimes. Yoti aro
a gentlennn of intelligence, and wi h your
dignified bent fur epithets would no doubt
denounce an? one ' as a slanderer and cal
umniator" who would chsrge that you had
not Intelligence-enough to know the ef
fect of your enciui.iement of disorganiza
tion in .Maine would tend to defent t lie four
Greenback electors selected by tho organiza
tion there and thus ensures the success of
s ven Gaifield electors. This was my charge
against you, and this you don't attempt to
answer, but nviwle tin i-su? and talk about
j our h m-sty. by impliedly chirking tint
th-s Gree n hae'rers of Maine are n it 'h mest,'
a- t!i i v f'rnifil an alliance with tin- I), mo
era's, tmil vo-l sly "no holiest min can hsvo
n-iv n-pi-cl fir on orir'Hiizitltm thst wi l do
il." Tnis peis m il affront to Hie
ers of Maine 1 have no doubt such gi-nt'o
men as G iv rnor P.nisted, Coiiresmen
L-t Id and Jiurch (tho latter chairman "! tho
lutiiuiiil cn.riinlllee) will duly apprrtiute.
Iu jour dls alch to ins ynu stv V'.u have no
chidi-o bi'twcen Deniocr.its and Repulibcin s,
lit you have acted in the direction of mas
ine sevoo 'lectors fir Gaifi -Id ly ilui d.elrat
of three D inocr.tts. This look, like a de
cided preference for the Republicms, espi c
ially us you iiive the R-pubiieans iBi"" sv
en elect" i by nl-o defealing four Green
bickers. You siy that I insinuate you 'are
ai-lu tied by sinister motives " II your mo
tive fir interfering with tho oiginizitlon iu
Maine so as to tend to difeat tne Greenb ick
eleclors was n .t sinister, pray explain what
it wa? Your assertion that you wanted a
full Greenback electoral ticket won't an
twrr, lor when you sent your disorganizing
dispatch to Chase the regular nominations
had already beeu unde and the conveution
adj.nirnil sine die. If your motives wre
nut sinister you have but one escape, and
that ia to conlem you had not intillignco
enough to understand the ustural consequen
ces ot our act. If you havo not such in
telligence then withdraw asu candidate and
le t us nominate somo oue that will not make
?uch blunders. Ilut let us see whether you
have not made equally as great a blunder
and shown your pref for the Repub
licans even so lato as Monday last. On the
morning of the 27th you issusd an address
"to the' Greenback-Labor men throughout
tho United States, calling attention to a
speech made by Senator Bayatd in New
York "that the people may know that the
Democratic party and ils cindidates" are
pledged "to des'roy thu greenback." Were
you sincere in that declaration, or was it
not made beeause of your desire to elect
G.u field ? You made "no reference to the
fixel Republicin hn-tilily to the greenbacks
Why not? I have give u you cudit for in
telligence and I iru-t I do ni t ask too much
when I i xpect jou will remember the facts
as shown by the tteord upon the Weaver
resolutions in hi half of tho greenback at the
last session of Congress, The vote as shown
by the record wis, viz.: Yei", H' i nays 117;
not voting 00. Of the yeas "2 were Denio
cr.its and but one Republican. Of the nays
87 were republicans; Democrat,!)!). In India
na (where you wrolo this address (if the 27th)
five Democrats voted aye, witli none in op
po. iliiin.while three Republicans voted nay.
Three Republicans and ono Democrat did
not yote, Iu Ohio live Democrats voted yea
and one nay. No Republican voted aye.but
seven voted nay. The respective Stato plat
forms of the Democrats in Indiana and
Ohio in 1878 were as decidedly Greenback
as were those of t lie Greenbackers. Your
address of the 27lh is leveled almost exclu
sively at te Democratism! assumes the be
del, liu your part, of Mr. llayard's opinion,
You know the record above given contradicts
that view. Why did you not adhere to your
pretence, as per your dispatch to me, that
you are liitlifT-rant between the other parties?
As lo your i ithets, let an impartial public
j ide to which of us ihv are best npplica
ule. V. it IIliuilKS.
Dyer I). Luni, the A-sist int S'ore ary of
the National Greenback Labor Committee,
has sent to Congressmen elect Tluuias II,
Murch, e I Maine, a letter describing the
operations of General Weaver, the Green
back eandidato for the Presidency, and
Georce O. Jones.theChairman of the Green
back Sla'e Committee of New York.and cal
Hog upon Mr. Murch, who is Oha1 nnau of
the National Co nmltlee, to cill tho com
mittee tng-ther and give him an opportunity
to present the proofs of his statement- Mr.
Lum is the man wnn made arrangements
with Chairman Marsh ill Jewell, of the Re
publican National Oommiltee,to go to Maine
and prevent a union against the Rrpubll
cans on tho electoral ticket In that State.
He has iu his possession, let ers from Mr.
JewtP, telegrams and other documents,
to substantiate the statement he has
made, all of which he intends tu pro
duce if his prrseut statement of facts is de
nied. These lijlter, as he describes them
show that Chairman Jewell has been "run
ning" Weaver aud the Gresiiback party as
tho secret allies of the Republicans, while
openly the Republican managers strive to
make capital of te J-'usion in Maine. Com
mitteeman Lum's letter U dated ut the head
quarters of the committee iu Washington
and sajs :
"I distinctly make the charge that the
Greenback national canvass as noiv conduc
ted is manipulated in the interest of the Re
publican party aqd Qeueral Weaver's ez.
oenses borne in a large measure from thf.
Republican campaign fund. This Is a eer
ions charge, but it can be suttautiated in
every detail, and I believe my duty to the
National Committee requires tbat the facta
should be laid belore them You will remom
her that on the Gth of July there was a
meeting (if a portion of the National Execu
tive Committee at the St. Jamis Hotel, New
York. There were present on tbat occasion
besides ourselves. General Weaver, I.e
Cr-.ndall, Edward Daniels and George O,
Jones. Wo were also assisted with th ad
vice and counsel of Senator John P Jones,
of Nevada. At that meeting General
Weaver suggested the name of George O,
Jones, of New York, for the fiaanclil agent
01 lav national wunimineu iu raiso iuuui
for the cubipilgn, Nothing wis said at tbat
1leWh ti,ilhtiH lo1puhnr4ty Mr
Jones ; that was left to his discretion and
has only subsequently becomo known. Since
that meeting you havo withdrawu yourself
from tho campaign. Immediately following
his appointment Mr. Junes requested the
fact to bo communicated to Senator Jones
and ex-Senator Dorsey, Secretary of the
Republican National Committee. This was
donp, but how much money was raised no
one will probably ever know from Mr, Jones)
but It is possible from other sources to stato
somcwhero near tho sum he Ims expended
on the national canvass. When General
Weaver returned from Arkansas 1 took oc
casion to remonstrate with him on this mat
ter, stating that I had beeu informed by a
member of our Executive Committee that
Gtorgo O. Jones hud leceiled $5,001) from
the Rcpubl can campaign fund, General
Winter replltd that it made no diflcrence
boa much bad been rcclved, Inr his lour In
Alabama and Arkansas would havo been
sln.ply Impossible without the aid of
Mr. Jones extended In him, He further
staled that in Alabama be had received
from Mr. Joins between nine hundred and
one thousand dollars and several hund
red v bile Iu Arkansas,
"General Weaver le It lliUday for Maine
nnd was aicoinpaiilcd from New York tu
Huston by Mr Jones, Oil that trip it was
arranged Weaier slum 1 1 il i
imuiiCu fusion in .Maine on every available
in' n-loti, ml lake such ineu-uies as, in his
ju iguniit would bo most con luclvo toward
eiej lug dWitUVclluii between tho allied
f re-s of the Gretnl ackers and the Demo
tr.its Tuis ngrtiiriei't I heard uf In New
York bef ire. Geueial Wtaver had inadii a
single statement to that ell'.ct iu .Maine.
I low neil he tried to fulfill Ids contract you
I'liuw, Every dispatch or circular cmaun
tlrii; from Ihesu headqtiaiteis, ur from Gen
i-tAl Weaver, has beeu drawn to injure the
J 'einoi-racy alone,
"111 my capacity asSecretary I have been
under the necessity of visiting New York to
see ti ivernor Jewell and Assistant Secretary
I looker, til- first time In response to a written
ru lest Irnin .Marshall Jewell, which
1 siill hold, One ot lbco (iccasions,at Gov
ernor Jewell's urgent reeiuest, I visited Gen
eral Che liter A. Arthur at tils rooms at the
l-if'h A venue Hotel, the subject of discussion
beli'g iho (llti tnl a Greenback campaign
in Niw York sue! elsewhere ou lhe Repub
lican party, my object being to discourage
lLo expenditure ol their money In that di
nt tion. At ono of these Interviews Gover
iioi .Ii well denied having paid to Mr. Jones
any siieh sum as I have eslatcd,and said that
Mr. Dorsey had only given mm Sl.OOi), nnu
that the rest probably came from General
Arthur tor State purposes. As General
Weaver had bad nt that time fully that
amount from Mr. Jones, upon his own ad
mUsion.tLc fact that more had been obtained
is obvious to any who have visited thesumpt
oii9 parlora occupied by the New York State
Greenback 1-ommitlcu for headquarters at
the Alberuiarle Hotel, New York City."
"What I have stated has come eutirtly
under my own observation. Further, I
have in my own possession letters and tele
grams from tho Republican Nntioual Com
mittco headquarters showing their solicitude
for the Greenback movement, and written
proof of their appropriation of funds to en
courage Greenbuck dissensions. Gcucral
Weaver's plan uf the campaign was formed
before his nomination. His ambition has
been to throw the election into the House,
Last May when reasoning with til i n on the
improbability of success in thatcase,ho said
that he was confident that it could bo brought
around through an alliance with the Repub
licans who held nineteen states in ('nngrtbs
At the time I laughed at tho ielea of Repub
lican sympathy, but the piogress of the
campaign has demonstrated that every move
made by our standard-bearer has been to
win the confidence ut the Republican party.
In case the October election should go heav
ily Demociatic General Weavers friends
are hopeful uf inducing the Republicans to
withdraw their electoral tickets in West
Virginia, Missouri, Texas and Mississippi,
and, perhaps secure through their support
enough votes to enable tho election to be
thrown into Congress. In spite of many of
the-e startling tacts 1 hoped on, trusting
that Weaver would visit Republican Slates,
in response to urgent requests. Michigan,
Pennsylvania, Kansas, Ohio and other states
havo begged for him, but no, he has only
v, sited those states where in accordance
with the terms of the bargain between
the Republicms and the 'spawn of a dying
partv' the Democracy could be injured. He
has been constantly in the field since the
12th of July lias bo visited a State where
his presence or words were not especially de
signed to injure ibu nomocracy onijr Aiost
ol ihesn lads have lecently come to your
kno.vleih'r. 1 can readtlv understand whv
you should wash your hands of the whole
business and withdraw yourself. Drawn
into the scheme by degre es I am now brought
to the point when In Honor lo uiysou anu
to Uie committee 1 am compelled to with
draw. Sick and distrusted with the treach
ery ol our leader., knowing liom personal
knowledge and correspondence that several
of our State oranizitions, notably Indiana
and New York, are managed In the interests
of the Republican parly, against whose rob
ber legislation we organized, and the fact
that the men who cay to lead our party to
day are duped aud made the tools of crafty
and scheming time-servers, renders my con
nection with the committee, as at present
mansirfd. no loncer possible. For the mem
bers ot the National Executive Committee
in Washington I entertain no other feelings
than thoso of good-will. They nre Bimply
carrying out a policy dictated by General
Weaver, and are borne alonir in a current
against which they may think it Buicidal to
struggle, with lliem 1 nave no controversy
at lire-sent I havo not touched upon the re
lations existing between General Weaver's
advicrs and prominent nepuoiican omciais
in Washington, in the Post-Office and
Treasury denartmeuls. nor do I desire to un
less effort is mad.i on tbeir nart to imneach
this statement In tbat case the facts could
be spread before the National Committee,
Very truly yours, DypR D. LlJM,
Assistant Secretary National Committeo
Greenback-Labor Party.
The new opera house at Milton will be a
handsome affair.
The Democrats of West Hickory, Forest
countv, a few weeks ago raised a Hancock
and English pole one hundred feet high,
bearing two elegant banner;.
Pennsylvania ritste College admits both sex
es. Endowment Haifa million. Tuition i,
Court es ol study, Llarsical, Scientific and Ag
ricultural. A thorough Preparatory Depart
ment. Expenses $3 to $0 I er week. For cata
logue, address Joseph Shorthdge, A. M., Pres.
State College, Pa. aug!3 lOw
At a recent Democratic demonstration In
York stones were thrown and shots fired in
to the line by members of the opposite
"Malt Bittern" etre a Drain, Nerve and Blood
food, peculiarly adapted to, and warmly recom
mended by our druggists and physicisns for
general debililr, Mental and Physical hxhaus
lion, Hysteria, Nervousness, SleeplosneM,
Emaciation and Dropsy. tep. 21-tw
Solon Chase has retired from the editor
ship of the Portland (Me ) JCnjuirer, on
accnuntofhls opposition to a fusion elec
toral ticket,
Agents and Canvassers mike from 125 to
$60 per week selling goods for E. G. Ride-
out & Co. , 10 Itarclay street.New i ork. Send
for tbeir calalcgue and teims. Mp,10,'80-ly
It Is notorious tbat five members of the
Pennsylvania deletratlon In Congress Toted
against Mr. Garfield for Speaker, because he
was a Free Trader. How strange It is tbat
Republicans to-day are trying to male the
impression that Garfield la a Protectionist.
It should be the aim of every owner of
Hores,Cow,&c.,to make them as handsome
and useful as possible. The Germau Horse
and Cow Powder helps to develop all the
powers of the animal, It Improves Its beau
ty and Increases its usefulness. It makes
milk, mucle aud fat, By using It a hor&e
will do more work and a cow glveuore milk
and be la better condition with lets feed.
Sold only by weight at IS cents a pound by
a A. Kleltn, aitottlburS,
a uo r n o y - a t-uw ,
liLuovsiirrtii, PA.
finiceln tho Con-mitAN lltilldlng-, stcond floor.
Oct. 8, 'so.
a dividend ot 4 p"r cent, will bo paid to stock
holders nf Citntrtaat llrMim Cntiinitnr mi aihI
October 1st, liSJ at the o&o ol the Treasuter.
(1KII. H. (Ht.llKllT.
Oct. 1, 'so-tf. TieaMircr.
1. 11. KNT, tllgli Mieiltr nt Co
tiimbln county, Commonwealth of
hereby make known and proclaim to lhe qualltled
electors of Columbia county that a general elecllon
will lie held em
Tuesday, Novomber 2d, 1880.
(being Iho following tho first Monday
of said month) for tho purpose or electing tho ssv
i ral licrsuiislieiiPinfter named, ton III
Twenty-nine tirsnns for electa for president
and Vii-n I'ilmIiI -nt of tlu I'nlttd jiutes from the
Mule til "ennsjlt-.inli,
one person for Auditor (leneral of Pennsjlvanl i
One person for JiUgo cf Iho Siiiiieinei court ot
lino person for Member ot Congress for the llth
Congressional Dlslilct,
ono person for Stato Senator for tho twentv-foiirth
Senatorial District.
Two persons for member ot tho Lcglstaturo from
Columbia county.
One person for District Attorney f)r Columbia
OtiO person for County Survey or of Columbia toun-
1 also hereby in ike known and give notice that Iho
places nt Intiitnj tho utoresild et-eilou In the si-ier-itl
w-itrils, iHironxlts, dlttilcia and townships within
the couulv of Columbia aro as fallows, Mr:
Heaver township, at the public house of Joseph
II. Miumaii.
teuton townshtp, nt the public nouso of Hiram
Hess, In the town of lienton.
Hast lllooiu, at Iho Court Hume, hi Iilooutsbiirg.
West Uloom, nt lhe Court House, In lUoonishurb-.
lioroiiKheif lleiwlck, nt lhe olllce of YV, ,1. Knorr,
Initio boron-ill of Ilerw lck.
lloi nusli ot Cenlrall.t, at tho public house of Wil
liam I'elfer.
Urlarrreek township, at tho public Bchool lusse
near Kvansillle.
Catawlssa township, at the public houio ol (1. 1..
iiuiiniuauuu a. in iuu lui.iitJL lauii, i-sn.
Cenl re township, nt tho school hotiso near Lafay
ette Creasy 's.
North Conynglutm District, nt the school house
near tho colliery of John Aiuli-i son A Co.
South Conyntthaiu District, at Utc house of Mrs.
Thomas .Monro".
Klshlngcreuk township, at tho school house near
C. II. Whites.
Franklin township, at tho Iaiwrence school house.
(Irccnwood township, at tho house of I-
Hemlock township, nt the public house ot Chas. II.
Dletterlch, In tho town ot lluck Horn.
Jackson township, at tho house ot Kzcklcl Cole.
Locust township, at tho public houso ot Daniel
Kinrr, la Nurncclla.
Mlniln township, at tho public house ot Aaron
Hess, in tho town of .Mimnmlle.
.Madison township, at tho publio school houso In
lit. Pleasant township, at tho house ot II. W.
Montour townshln. nt Iho nnlilto linuar- r.r l.-plilipn
Itauch, at Itujwrt.
Jlaln township, at the public house ot Jeremiah K
I'Oarlnt-Cri-et tOU-eisliln nt llir. limien li.Mii.l
Orantre townshln. nl. tho niihHi- imnui r.r p
Unsngst In Orangevllle.
I-lne tOWnshln. nf. Ihn Conlm Hr-tmnl llr.nar. Intr-U.
nxed by a vote of tho citizens of said township.
nugariair township, at tho houso of Norman Cole.
We st S:otl at tho public houso of John Kckroth In
East hcott township, at tho publio houso of Jacob !
.uiiivi, iu Aajij.
At all clootlons here .titer held under tho law-sot
this Commonwealth, tho eteeelnn nolla.hnli nr. nrw.n.
cd at sot en o'clock In the forenoon, and shall con-
uuuu ois-n ttiuioui. interruption or adjournment
until seien o'clock In tho evening when iho polls
n 111 bo closed. 1
That every person excepting Justices of the Peace
and Alelernien, Notaries Public and Perains Iu the
mllltuserilci! of tho State, who shall hold or shall
within two months havo held nny r"i"u or appoint
ment of protlt or trust under the Pr'ied statts,or of
this stato, and city or corporateel district, whethtr u
commissioned olilcer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent who Is or shall lw employed tinner
the Legislature, Kxecutlve or Judiciary Department
of this suite, or of any city or of any incorpoiated
district, and also, that every meralicr of coneress
and of tho state legislature, nnd ot tho select or
common council of any city, or commissioners of an v
Incorporated d!trlct,aro try law Incapable of holding
or exercising at tho same time the ornco or appoint
ment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk ot any etectlonof
this Commonwealth, an J tuat no Inspector, Judge or
other oillccrut such election shall bo eligible to be
then voted for.
Tho Inspectors and Judge of tho elections shall
meet at the respecme places appointed for holding
the election In the district to which they respectively
belong, before seven o'clock In the morning, nnd
each of said Inspectors shall tppolnt one clerk, who
shau bo a tpialirlcd voter of such district,
Tho (pialined voters ot the several dlstucta In
this county at all general, township bor
ough and special elections, nio Hereby hereafter
authorised and reeiutiio to voto by tickets printed or
written, or partly printed and partly written, sever
ally classified as follows! Ono Uckct shall embrace
the names of all Judges of courts oied for, and
latellwl, outside, "Judiciary;" one ticket shall em
brace the names of nil the stato onicers voted tor
and to bo labelled "Stiiti-;" no ticket shall embrace
tho names of all county onicers oted for. Including
the onico of senator, and .Members of As.
sembly, If voted for, nnd members of Congress, If
voted for, and be labelled "County ;" ono ticket shall
embrace the names of all township officers oted for.
and bo labelled Township-," ono ticket shall cm-
uiulu mo uuun-sut uu ooruu'-n uiiicurs loicuior, anet
be labelled "borough."
nnd each class shall be deposited In beporate bo,
lot boxes.
Sherlirs omce, Hloomsburg, ShtrltT.
octo. , sso-tf
lo not Buy until yoia have seen OHrg4ljJ ami OBisjDsiBcB iaieeN.
Special Bemgm Made to Brdev.
ttrAll our goods are made or the Heat rnatnial, and we guarantee First clan wort,
following prices:
No 1. with wick
, " "
' 3, ' ' . ....
llanoles. four feet lone
Double Itevolvlcg Tourches, with llandleu,
nun Torch -
Telescope Torch
u inch, lied, White and Uluo
ih " " - "
si .. .1 ..
No. 1. uu cloth. Ken White or Hlue
ei g, . i Navy
" 3, Duck or Flannel
No. I. Loitered oil Cloth. Iled, White or Hlue, with Buckles
"V, " Heavy Due a' With Hue kles .,
" t, " Leather, Knamloa, Ited, White or blue
nil cloth. Hed, wane or Ulu,
Whlto buck - .....
No, 1, Field Officers Hold Color
" s, Line Officers, Ullver color
No. 1, White Muslin, noncgram or Kiarf colcicd Fronu . ..
" , Whlto cautou Fluuuel, Monogram or Flutf Colured Fi-onU
' a, elored, " " " " '
4, Wool shirts
Adjustable Sblrt fronts with ioilratls
No. 1 Flue (lilt ....
' S' " - -
s, wife Ited, white ut.el luuolvlbbon...
, with Uluo or lied Hlbbou
Albltiun Medals, Miibun Attachment, neier taraUA .
&agiu uau niu niutiuiueiii
No. t, with candidates names 15 inches
v, ' IT "
" 3, ' 44 '
Htreaincra with candidates names
Bilk F.i gs, Tx'O melius..
8x11 "
' llxis ' .....'. -
lli4 "
" litu "
ions 11 .., ................
Cindilates Names
Conitiativ banners. flLe Let'wolk and lettered nn
lteglmeiital banners with lellerliigand portraits
Sstnplea will te lurnlshed at tho regular
demand made upon us for samples, compels
Iho unit-rslf-tii'd auditor appointed with llin con
sent cf parties. In Interest, br the) orphans' totii t
of e'olnml'la county to mnke dblrlDiitton nf 111" bal
arce ot the funds In the hanels nt the adralnlstrat-irs
ofthscstaMof 1-al.ih Yernor, deoexssd, as shown
by th'lr tlrst ami parlhl account, to nnd nmontr
Hie p ones enlllleil therein, will Ml at hhonienln
the town of liloeimsbtirg. on s.iturdiv November
13 h tsi,' at 10 o'clock tn thn tore-noon to perforin
tho duties of tils appointment. All pe rsons hvrln
cla'ins airalnst said cstato n III uppear and present
th mat that lime, nr tw forever debarred from re
celling any otsald fond. njWKt,Li
oct. t "so-4w Auditor.
Tho undersigned Auditor appointed with the eon
sent ol panics In Interest, br tho orphans'
Court of Columbia county to maldistribution cf
the balance of tho funds In tho hands of Clinton
hlhs, administrator, ns per acoiunt lllr-.t, to ami
among tho pirHcs entitled thereto, will meet tho
parlies tnteres'e 1 nt bis omco In Hloomsburg on
I rldav, November Uih, lssu, nt ten o'clock In thn
forenoon of said elay to perform tho duties othls
appointment when and n here all persons Interest
ed nre requested to presentthclrclalnis to said fund
or bo foreier deDnrred from coining mforashaio
of said fund,
oct. S, 'so-4w An htor.
stnteof PennsjUnnla, Columbia county, si.
Among tho record! nnd proceedings of tho or
ph uis' Court Innn 1 for said county 11 ts Inter alia
tints contained , ,
In the innlier of escertlohs to the account of John
s. Kline, executor nr A. L Hails, deceased.
And niu- sppti-iiil) -r llth, ls-n on imiloa or Iter
we n. smith, I'm, Iho court appoint Robert
Uacklnghaiu Audllur on exceptions
lilt tiis corsT.
Certified from Iho record this twenty-ninth diy of
September, A. I) , I8sn.
(I, ,M. tiftt-K, VM. KlilCKItAUM.
Dettlty. l leiko. C.
In pursuatico ct thenbovc nppol tni-nt tho un
derstood will meet tho pirtles Interested nt hlsi f-11'--)
In Hloomsburg on 'luetdiv tho rilriih d.ij of
' weinber, A. 1), Issit, between the hours of a ia.
oe. 8, So-lw Auditor.
XX . op
Tho First Na ional Bank of Eloocburg
At IlloomOiurB In 'tic state ot the
t.o,o of business oetotier 1st, lssu.
Loans nnd discounts
f.o.m con
3 die.
112.1131 c;
l.Vani f
2 r,r,
1." vr s2
4, iTry.iii)
P. s. Hoivls to sec-ire circulation
otbt-r stocks, bonds nml mortnges
1) le from arprovod reservo agents
Due trom other Nsllinal Hanks
Put- trom Stato Rank and Hankers
Cio-reir expenses and taxes paid
1'ht-cks and other casj Herns
Hills nt other banks
Sprl -
lA-ir-i! tender nob's
Ilcdeiapilon fund with C. S. Treasurer
(5 per cent, cf circulation)
Capital stock paid In 50.00.H.0
surplus fund siuiiooono
UnelHlUed prollts 5a.13T.lJ
National bank notes outstanding.
Individual deKslts subl'-ct to check .. IU1..1 2 til
Duo to other National Hanks a.E 1 1 03
Duo to Stato flanks and Hankers ss.S'j
Total tm.osl.M
Statk or PasNsvi-VANiA, Colombia County SS.
1. J. P. Tustln, Cashier of tho above named bank,
do solemnly nnirm that tho bon statco,cnt Is truo
to tho best of my knowlcdgo and belief.
J. P. TPS TIN, Cashier,
subscribed and affirmed to before mo this cth elay of
October, isso.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
1. W. McKKLVV. 1
FRAS. P. iRINKF.It,- Directors.
Dauchy & Oo's. Advt'a.
nl w
L nrest Hook. Host Terms, t'lrrulars tree. Out lit
con. AtKlri'Mi W, II, KKU LY, J'lillaUcI) titaf IX
scp. 24, 'ou-.w U
New tinil trj ailrni'tive nttcH uri now ri'tidy.
(4NS im THE vroitU). NMnncrsot
vii HlgheHt Distinction at Kvry (jiiat
Ail II 11 rlil's Kxhiiileioii lor tlilrii'cn
,, jriir-.. rilLTS,f3l.5T, $-6, $-4,$UW,
IIAMLIji toJ5H) and upwunl. For ruvy puy
inents u qmrfer atd upwaid
OHtt IXS UiiUlOii.'S frtl- .M.VSON Jt I1AMUN
11,0 omiAN co.if4 'irtmoutst.. itovton.
46 Kast 14th fit. (Union .stiuaro.) in Wobatli
t plltft E Is ro pH'fltt r Wood I'roducer and Life sus
1 taiiilnif rilnclplo tn th -orld ol foods or in--dl-linii
Oiein .M.LT lillTUKS, prufau'd tn-xa XJntvr
tnt'iitrtl Malt, ttoosund Qulnli i Ibcj (ted tnu
bodv and tho liraln, t-tinOi ilio Mood, Milldir tliu
bones harden tin' imic1 h (initt tho mtU'H, cheer
th hiind, ptT'ett aiKa'ioii, re(;ulut thn stomach
alul towt'is, c tuiih' iitu ier anu hiuntja, anu vi
taUzu with NfcAV lIKK'ery tluldot the Wtv. U.
ware ot Imitations HlntlUrly numed. Look for tho
0Ml'NYH WMlNATrK which appears plainly
n the I Abel of tery bottlo sola everj where.
.'MALI un i Kitn ju.urAiHi, ininn.-v,.MAso.
Sep 24, 'W14.W d
- - per 100, tl') no
1 te
14 60
CO 00
50 CO
per loo, $30 oo
" co 1 0
" 43 tu
per 100,
in 10
7 00
'JO 00
per loo, lis 00
" 80 00
" so to
perioupalisss 03
each, 11 to
" i 10
" sj on
" si oo
per dozen, (15 o), is oo and II oo
- peritio60oo
por grass (iro
" no
" voo
10 00
11 OJ
. ,
both sides
17 so
il oo
si oo
4 UO
IS 90
3 30
per dozer.
on both sides..
price list, The amount must Invariably accompany the order to recoive prompt altentl
li to charge far them, l'artles ordering rauit siiid a oish depisit with nrdjr. All onl
Invito tin1 'ittcnlioii of tlio publitt tho country over, to their t-c.,.i
ini'tciisetl liicilitics for llto tlistrilintion among consumers of '
Our newly cnlnrgoil store luiihlingx, tttistirpnssGcl in tlii-t counrv
aic filial witli it stock aggregating about '
ooste 3vrin.Lio.isr dollars
In Drv Goods alone, which stock rapitlly iiassiii!r out nml nr,,,.......
lv renewed , is c-or fresh and now
stock is niiinifestly iiiiposiblo as each department (of which there -t
Thirty two) contains ti vast variety of its siiecialit y ' re
S'iVv, )rm Goods, lihick Goods, Mndc-up-Garments, of ,.
7i)7i(, For Ladles and Children. Shnwts, t'ntts, Catwo'cs',
and Underwear, White Goods,' G lores, Dress Trimmings, JJn'ois lJ
tins, J) tank-els, Omits and 1 faunas tiro lnclinlcil and arc
ajihortiiient indweribitble.
.l.'l. ,1 s,,.!,,, ,,-,..,l,wl ( i,
1111 nil 1 ill uee.i.n in n x tin i-i 11 11
in be found anywhere.
For tho convenience especially
line voni him-l-.ininH Diick'nini rnOin.
. P ' ' . 1 V
cordial invitation is cxtciuled to tho
oiiereu nun iuhkc our csiiiuiisnmeiu
puiii wiuioiii luciti -ring ine siiiitcsi ooiignuon to ptirchaso.
Those who cannot visit us in Detsnii slumlil nvnil ili.,,cr,l... ,.e,i
advantages offered by our thoroughly syf-teinatized '
BJ. W. Comics? of ESighth Strcnt,
- t
Prof Guilmette's
Icltcra testunenlary intheestnto of Jiscph
robe, late nt cetiim township Columbia coun
tv, Irat.l.e, ill censed, havo been irra led
by tho nt(.-lstcr of said county to Stephen
Potto uud John Wolf Kieeutors. All persons
havlliL! claims nRalnst lhe estato ot said dece-di-nt
nre lurpiested to t ri thcin for settlement,
and those Indebted to the estate to rnnkn pnjlueut
to the undei-slgned L.xccutors,ltIioul delav.
JtlllN WOLF.
sep. 17, isso-ew
Anion? the ncoids and proccedlnps or tho Or
phans' e'ourt In and for said eounty and state It Is-Inli-r
alia thus contntuea.
In estnte of I), A. bowman, deceased.
An now Sept 7, 1'si), on hearing petition of K.
II. brown, Administrator, prnjiuu to bo discbar-'pi.
Hutu to tliow causn uruntcd rcturnnblo 10 next
term, and nlrcct notice e,f Ibis appucatl n lo bo
published In iho "Columbian" an llepubllcan"
twoxtckly newsmrers luMUheiln ssld county
for three n is ks prior to Iho return diy. to all per
sons Interested to appear on tho return day to show
c.iiiso f any tliey baic why Laid administrator shall
not be discharged.
.... . . II V THE COl'KT.
Certified from the records this twenty-seventh
day of September, A. D., Isso.
ll.M.Qcici, cierk e. c.
t'eputy; oct. i.3w
i tiiposiiiie- y en 10 1 ever nd Ant e. Dumb Airue, A?uo Cuke, Bilious Fever, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, and al
1 Ishiuso of tlio Liver, Stomach and lliood. 'Iho pad cures bv absorption, and Is pi-rm-uient Ask jot
eliiiKKlsi foril.lsiiii.iandtiikeiioeiihrr. It be docs not ke-cp It, send f .to to tho F .km-ii 'a) t'ej 11 - ivi.r in., 1 uu, ,, iut 11 oy return man. ror saiu tj jejilN II, KINPejltls. Prut trlst.
euci, nun i- nun, 1 1 uiiiisuiirir 1 it. ...n ,,1
Ojr toroliei are supplied wltbj the "Fletcher
No. 1,6 Inch diameter..
Steol Engravings, Photographs, Lithographs, &o.
blzo 10x111
t'l';0"?,1,'! cauipalgn Double Portraits, i-ix"is, rrcsideiit
fire uthciirrapbs, lsxio
Photographs, cabinet size
j iiueograpns, CdTU sue
lithographs on I.tnen
Campaign pipes with decorated bowls
Ribbon and Pin Badges for Coat.
h,J,!J,!?i??,0 13 a niu of composition gold, elegantly finished, la tho form of a Clover Loaf, irnd corps
P1iUn Bcdil"'.!-" attached, bearing a medalllou llkenoM aud names of Hancock: aud L'ngllia
iJi0.'.?l,l?d,ie ',ln P',,1.116 ??ma brUHaot motal, nnUhed la tho form of a canxl boat, wlta ho ivy silk 1I6
b0r?KaUif kIU vita medallion likenesses and the names of ijurtto dand Irthur printed lo gol I leaf
The rlbnonH aro in lLW.nrl.-il en nra a'hlmnn.l H,.a,..,, n . Ki i s-. n.
1'ltlCK IIST,
-1 gross, (Is 00; 3 giosa, (13 91). Samples seal by mill on receipt of ill cents.
Craycn Portrait
li e have Just tsmed upon onoshee t.sldoby b de, mogniaccntl'ortralta of (Jen. James A. (lirlle-M and
Pi lX-' iestt',r,?, AV.','"J' ,'i'2 1 ''"hllcan candidates for President and Vice President of tho Uulied statin
also m une of (Jen w Inni Id s. Hancock and lion Win, 11. llngllsh, too Democratlo carid'd itcs. I ho paper Is
of the ilnest und hiiai lest eiuallty of plate., full mis Inehos.makli g largo and coisplcu Tills plotures ot u. se
priimlnent men- 1 ho i ctai-e-H aro finm Mlo cooloa. Just taken by emo of the bost , I'hoiiwniin TirlMs la tae
couiury and represent tho hilng originals, as they uppeured Iho day ttu-y Vecetvt-d itfe-li nom latlon. at
Chicago and ( lt,clunatl. ihey mo llfe-tlze. Crajou. .fntcd In India Ink. m.klai vivid an" las I 'gltctures.
T hi. re tall pice is nxid at is cents for both, a pi leo which everybody t-u arfnrdT aid which, vv Ilh ili
great national n e re.l taken In lbs ,s,mual cliaracu-rof tho ortlnals, wl'l IrVduce T'four o it eit evtr M
pe-r-ons applim lo purchase within ltvo minutes, hvcry llepubllcan and Democratic luter or busluris
man, tn tow i. or counirv , vv 111 buy one or more el t hern lo Iu,ng m I, Is tijop sltro or home We aie ntle to
erfer tut se splendid pictures at extrt me ly liberal te rms to . giTus i aid dial? r, be-e.iusraTfg"rnauufactur.
log New ;oik houso bears iieurly lhe eiillro cost if production f. r tbo Frlile-go of; tlalr nain. la
ttr'art background tlut. Insliadol deiiactlLg from this actually dds to tut iltturta a vvorlt
"''Ti-ieSV.'A.'Ks?10' iS lo's?' 'Copies 8 cents. Agents pront ncentseacti.
ItCTAILI'ltlUBiJCgNro. f InlouofWi-oVsOcenti aJcuis fiom i'u ttSIs tin.
aa letiTf m"sSrtru CtBt laCh' mu.4t b '"ul " Vb crdcr' Aeca,ii " Ul 13 Ws" Ul
EflUThis ll.t isyery much cimlenseil, aid uot comp'oto as wo daily add new da
B'gos to our stock. Auylhing ilelred, ml meutloned here, let us know it, ami
wu will guarantee you lowest prices.
Our ox'ensivo arranxeuients for in m ifaa uring thesgoodi, enable us to lurnia'i
complete suits at very ahorl notice. V e can furulsh huIU la any color desired.
iV.ll orlers
S. MANt.liTUmXi CO.,
135 Sinithfield Stroat, Pittsburff, Pa.
To p irticuhtri.o iiaiio,.,J,.
wauls of every consumer con lw,
1.,... .... II.. . .. , . 1 L"
ui, in ime ,n llltHUiy rCUHiii
of our out-town ctistoiner.'s waititu-
I'ti- tm-n .ni,,, .1..I.1: .1... i , o
TV. 'oi.iunMicu, lum a
Indies- to avail of tho convenience
tncir neaii ijtiitrter.s in J'hiltnlii.
A Positive ar.d Pcrmanoat Curo Guaranteod
In nlJcn-esofOiniel, Diuboies, Dropsy, lirlght's Disea-e of the
Kidii'i., li.ciintini nee nnd licteiition ol Urine, Inllamstinn 0
the Ki.ltievs, t'nlnrrh ni' tlio niaeleler. Hisli Cclcred Uriie. l'ain
In the Hack, Mile e r I."ins, Xervnns Wcnknesa, anil in lact all
disiirders ol H. Hl,ler nt-,1 Urinary Oigans, ulittlicr eontrnct-
All hv tlflcla ,,, ....... ...... !...
- J 1'iMnic iil-l - Hl. 111 Ill-rWISI'.
Tlds ci-eiit t-enu-dv has b en used with success for nearly ten lenrsla
Franco, with the most wonderful CnralUe lifTects. It citr'-s by .th-orotlan
uo nauseous Inlet unl i.ieilicliieabelnrtn ipilreet. We I aio bundle ils u tiku
'""iWiVS? T.",ts by U H "'' -''"' "ad fulled "ulm""5 " tlH
Ll J'.ouaroHilIerlnirtrom Femalo Weakness, Loucorrluei. or dls.
elrureEtSi l"r,ofel"!'lesi"-"ifact any ellscaso t-flho kninejs, ni : j cur
I'rn!-. f.iiMliictti-'s I icncli Klelncy IMil
"id mSrn msll.'S,"'? SllranJ?,"" W' 5" IOThe
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio,
.'i,mJ.0i'.,.S l!-,K,N1'01tTS- UriiSBkt. -Main Street above Iron. I.locrns
" sep. 10. "hO-it
French Liver Pad
sep. ID.
uorroK's notick.
sttto of Pennsylvania, Columbl 1 connlyi ss.
Amont; tho it-cords nnd pro. 1 cdlnirs of lhe Or
Phati "sourr. In unu for said county Inter alia It Is
In ro-estato ct "(iotloib nunllur, deceased.
And low Septe mber 13. isso, ol motion cf W.H,
Ilbawn, Hobert liucklnchom Is 01 pointed Ainlltor
on exceptions to uccuunt.
rcitlflen f 1 0111 theri-corils this twentieth day ot Hep.
tembir, ls-s). '
(i. M. e'licK. cierk o. c
In puisuaiiee of Iheabom nrpolntment, the on.
e lei s Kn;il Mill rne et Urn pw tie sir tt-resicelat hlsut
lice In llloimsiiurircn Saiuulay UiuSutb dnyofuc
toner, A. D., iseo, LetHitn the hours of 10 a. m. ud
4 p. m,
, . II. Ill'CKlNilII- '
OC1.1,'SO-4W A MJ tcr
riT?rj A XTC" Slops 4 Ruts I!ecds,()NL1 tos
V " 1 1 J 1 H pianos, .lis llp. piper fm.
Ad 110 s'iC-i F.'iieattj, Washington, N.J.
sep. VJ4 'so 4-w il
Printed af this Office
wick," aud are male oil-tight. Notice th6
per 100 f 5 00
t ;i
' s III)
anil 'vico'l-restdoct .'.
Per ino, fSOO
" 1SK)
" 4 (JO
11 SCO
.1 J5J
:o it
,. 5w)
,y w, vu uu ,uruisueu iu one color oiny II OMwi
Heroic Sizo 22x28,
(jjods sent 0, U. V. The constant large
aad oorresnondence promptly attended to.