The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 08, 1880, Image 1

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U jucd weekly, ovcry Friday morning ,at
. . i wo doli.ih per yoar, M co nts discount allowed
Vign nil'1 1,1 " "'""J"! To HUliscrlborii out of ttic
.mintv mi terms "'" i"-" .Tuiniiriuuy in aiiv anco.
s,,,.ir"rdlsonntlniieii,ojoeplnt,tlio option ot dm
mcrSr until all arrearages aro paid, but Iniu
" nt nue.l credits after tho uxplrallun of tlio tlrM
,r will not lw irlvon,
' .iitvip rmentoutof Ihontato or to dlxtant post
,t iiiiistbopildforln advance, unless a respon
ii'h'io person In Columbia county assumes to pay tn
Sorlptlo" ''no on ilemnnrt.
I'O-tTA'lH ' no longer exacted from subscribers In j
tiik Department of UieiioLvnaiiMlRvcry
Si 'fennel our rJli Prlnllnc will romparo favoro T -
in vvitn r'ist ot tho lariro cities. All work donoon
.'" neat vnndnt moderate prlocn.
Columbia County Official Directory.
I'rtatdcnt.tinlco William Klvvell.
Asioclaio .luilifcs-l. K Krlekbaum, Y. !.. hhuraan.
viotlionotarv, sc. William Krlekbaum.
i jiirt stenographer s. N. Walker.
i, .uter.t lli'i'ortler WlllKmsnn It. .Tacoby.
District Attorney Hubert H. Utile.
.4,,, HIT-1". H Knr.
or-snnual Nevhard.
,siir.T II A. swcppenlielser.
, ami sinners Stephen I'otie, Charles litchart.
a 11 llei'r'np.
".' , .....Lihmcr.V Clerk- I. II. Casey.
xn.tlijrs 3. II. Hmltli, W. Manning, U. II. SYc-
"'I'lV' t'oinmlssloncrs Ell ltobblns, Tncodoro V.
S "iintv H.ipcrtntcn'lont-Wllllam II. Nnjder.
Ill .minor lilslrlit Directors U. ,1. Albeitron,
tir -lev-nod; llceeu F.Urnuii, .scotli Oali-U llaiton,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
it sldent of Town Council (1, A. IIHIIUINU.
, .kl. K. ilrotz.
nicfol Police It. Harris.
pr dent of (fas Company S. Knorr.
s ereury-O. W. Miller.
Hi nisourir lianklnir company .lohn .Fitn.xion,
hp ildent, II. II. Urnlz, cashier, John Peacock, Tel
it. Hisi S'.clonil Hank Charles H. l'aton,''rcsldeut
J. I', 1'inllii, Cashier.
ciiimcu niiiKciony.
nArnsT cnoncn,
Pislor Tcibe supplied,
s.m.i ly services -mm n m and 7 p.m.
s ui.l.iv school 9 a. in.
Pi.iV T Meeting -livery Wednesday evening at 7
o 'lock.
S. ais free. Thu public are InMted to attend.
nr. mittiibw's- i.utiikiunciii-kcii.
Minister -Uov.o. II. H, Marclav.
sand ly Services lojtf a. m. and 7 p. m,
snu.l.iv school a. la.
I'r.ivef Meeting Hvery A'ednesday evening; at 7
.uU'frco. Nopcws rented. All are welcome.
Minister llcv. smart Mitchell.
sund.iv Services ln,y a. in. and 7 p. m.
Sunday .school u a. in.
PruvcrMoo'lng-Uvcry Wednesday exonlnff at 7
o' -look.
scats free. No pews rented. Strnnecrs welcome.
Presiding Klder llev. W. Kvans.
Mlnlslcr Itev. K. II. Yocum.
suml.iy services mx and 7 p. ra.
s indav School a a. in.
lilhlti class Lverv Mondxy evening at 7 o'clock.
Vnunsr Men's Prayer Mceilng Kvery Tucsda)
nliiK at 7 o'clock.
uenernl Prajur Mectlng-Kvcry Thursday evening
7 o'clock.
nKKOKMKO enracu.
Corner of Thlnl and Iron streets.
I'.istnr o. II. Mrtinek.
ili'sldeiico--Coiner llli mid Ciiiliailnosireets.
mid y Services- lnvf a. in. and 7 p. m.
simdnv school 9 a. m.
i'ia'er Meeting Saturday, 7 p. in.
All are Itu ltd There is always room.
Sr. l'Al'l.'iiCIIUKCll.
Uectorltev r.. Zatiner.
sundiv Services I0f a. m., 7 p. m.
snail ly school 1 a. m.
First Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion.
Sen Ices preparatory to communion on Friday
enmlng betoro the st Sunday In each mouth.
Pews rented; but everybody welcome.
rn'sldlng r.lder ltcv. A. I., lleeser
Minuter Itev. flcorpe Hunter.
sun lay serv Ice 2 p. m In the Iron street Church.
Praver .Meeting Ktcry sabbath at 2 p. m,
Allaie Invited. Allure welcome.
1 Vt lice, 11. J. Clark's Uulldlng, idslorv rooms.
Ii.ojmsbui-rf. may 7, 'sa-t t
( U. IIAitKI.Ki', AttonHV-at.l.ntv. e
J , In llrowcr's building, Slid story, ltooms 4 A r.
li. UOHISON, Altoniey-at-r-aw.
I . In llartinan's building, Main street.
i. W.M. M. KKIIKK,air(;eon anil I'liysl oillcn Market ill eet. Near depot.
T It. KVANS, M. I)., .Surgeon anil Pliysi
f I 4 chin, (iinico and llestdencn on Third struct,
f IS. McKKI.V Y, M. IX, Surgeon ami I'hy
J , slelan, north nldu Main street, below Market.
ryj.j. O. KUTTKK,
omee, North .Market street.
Cel. 1, 79. Uloomsburg, Pa.
It. I. 1.. KA1JB,
Main street, opposlto Kplscopal Church, Itlooms-6ur,-,
I Tcel h extracted w llhout pain.
Oct, 1 lspj
, CI AN aLd sriMlhOX.
in Hut insKASrt and iiki-kits of the 1-yk, IIak
TitoAT and si'iniKBV In all Its vurlovs branches.
: Alsocaietully adjustslhc i:IHMlli PI.Dl'Klt
f S 10 u. m.
lloup.s II 1:110 p. in.
(7 Hp in.
.",1 lltisi Slrrrl, ltloonilMiru, I'm
July III, lrl f
All styles of w ork dono In a supei lor manner, woi k
wau.ialcd iuh icureKcnted '1 kktu Kxikact
kii without I'aik by Hut use of lias, and
freecf charge when teeth
are Insirtcd.
Oltlos Corner Main and Iron streets.
'Jo be nien at nil hours during the day.
Nov. ily
M. DltlNKKIl, 0 UN ami I.OCKS.Mi ril.
sewing Jtachlnesand Machinery of all kinds re-
dalred. OrsuA Hocsk llulldlng, Illoomtburg, Pa.
AVID LOWEN'HKIMJ. Merchant Tailor
Main Ax.., abovo Central Hotel.
SrKUHN, ilealer li, .Meat, Tallow, etc.,
centra street, betv. cen hecond and Third.
AUClUSlUri l'llUUXD, l'raclical liomeo
pathln Horse and Cow Doctor, lilooinbburg, l'a.
leD. H, T.-tI
KoomNo. 15, Ui'chaIIousi! HuiuiiNU, Uloomsburg.
Tonsoi'ial Ai'tist,
llavltif retlirtieil nrul r.iu.neil a flrst-claSS HAltllLU
MlDI'ln Exeliuieio liluik, Miond Huor, uvcr Peter
uross' saloon, rebpuiliillj sollellsthe putronangeuf
July 10, 'su-if
r.M. I,. KYKKI.Y,
Cutawlhsa, l'a.
Collections promptly made and remitted, omcc
U'llHISlUt VaUltVlSSU iieiKlHll UllUB. vm.---
A T T O It N K Y-A T-h A W ,
catawlssa, Pa.
(imec.cornerof Third and Main streets.
l-)eomlngor Muncy Pennsylvania.
"OrthAmc'lcanof J'L-idefphla, Pa
frankliu, ot "
I'enusilvanlaof "
farmers or York, Pa.
Hanover ot New York.
Manhattan of "
omea on Markot Slroot No. e, moouisburtf, l'a,
oct. is, l-ly.
Farm for Sale I
Tneuiidihlgntdurferiiat pilvatupa'o a PMtM i)K
hlxi'Y.'i HltliU ACItEh, with 1'ltA.MK llol'sK, barn
and other ouUbulldlngw th-reon, bltiute In Hilitng
creek township In good state or cuiiliulloii. Located
hear Astinrv. Vnl. ,u, ,irr-ii,,.i mi reasniialilH leriiis.
A Hue orchard ou rhu proia-rti, and a never-fulling
spring it Water near the house. KorpirtlcuUrsud-
n Jlllln w. nill.l n,
au.', 13, 'wi-sin' Forks, coluuiUacounty, Pa,
$1.50 In Advance.
- ..
'O, E.EIAVELL, x , ,
, K, BITTEUBE1IDSS f Proprietors.
r imii, '
Coivmbiax lliiitusn, llloomsburg, Pa.
rr r.r tt.n l . .
, 7, . wmlu ""lies i,nw Asoelatlon.
l1'PCl,ln,no,-,'.r'',d0,n"ni'I'J0' America or Europe,
oct. 1,
. WALUEU, " '
Attoi-noynf Law.
i-iTonu noorrroni n.t Hank.
HI.OOslH!ti, p.,
Jin. 11, isis
lll.OOMSIirHO, p,
onice In Ent's Hcii.pinii,
Q It ft W.J.'liUCKAI.EV,',
P.locmsbarg, Pa,
ontceou Malnsticct, Ilrrftdoorbelon Cuurt House
Otllen over Sehuj ler's Hardware Store.
P 1'. 11II.LMEYEK,
ArnillNUY AT WW.
Ornti-ln llarinan's Uulldlng, Main street,
UluornMiurg, Pa.
K. II. MTTI.X. KOU'T. II. Mm t.
P H. A 11. P.. LITTLE,
liloomsburg, Pa.
OCIceln UroHcr'sbullding.second No.
1. ltloomsburg, Pa.
Q l'UANK ZAltll.
omee corner of Centre and Main streets. Claik's
(!an bo cotisulleil in German.
Jan. 111, 'shi
Vi'uSr u" kiavelu
A T TO 11 N E Y-A T-L A W,
Colvmbian Hdilpinii, liloomsburg, Pa.
McFber of tho United states Law Association.
Collections made In any part of Ameilca or Europe
oct. 1, 1S79.
S, KNOllll. I.. 8. WISTSHSTKhV,
Notary Public
onice In Hart mnn's Illock, Corner Main and Mar
ket streets, liloomsburg, Pa.
t-ft'l'dmons 11ml llountict Culltcltd.
Paujk. WlUT,
(MUee In llrouer's Illock, one door below ('01 cmi-ian
if ooMynuuo, i'A.
July 10, 'so tf
l-iloH W'lut Mucv slnj,' tortinvR urie (roin InU-r-
I) I HlOCdilit', KxUriL.lUlKl Wolllnj,' I'ik'S 'lIUMliiD
fijtlt'iivorH to obi :il 11 eveu initial ull I IuhiIiscoui-
HifMl the tnlllltins wIiomhitit. nnl the, hao Urnin
ttiolrujonyiiisllfii e. thinking Mim1 was no li&p"
ur Kosix'd or a cure. tA.ihshiiullitk' Hie luial
1. inurt in 1 11c in. 111 j rt-int.'ui iincuuyiuuiii-icu iui
liu'cunsoriiil'S, mill Hit ploluro or atfoiij rfMIn
on l he Tjcu t r llioj-c wlioliau tiit-U thu arlous H'ln
I'dltMbut In uln jet rajjerlv simjiht for udU anx
loiM' trlfit anitlifni; th L rroiuUei thuk-abt rvl I
unill thflr cuinutft Has loni; ulmi' Rhen place to Ut
.spoiutehcy, let themelieer up, allow the siulleH ct
happiness lo lllniiitnal.i the li.iirjruid cmnteitauee,
anJ 1 lie duties or lire til bepeilurmeJ with a ilejjree
or ImppluchS at tl pleasure unknowu dr "ids,
inoiilhi or jeais. HrlRKH' 1'Uo Keint dti s mu tin- ie
s'llt or unceahij,' stutly and oxiH', Hi"1 nc
piusuiirMH mt'iiicaiseiohc -.aiei in everj i. p--ri
sure, sUeiitltlc and reliable Tur l!,o ure ofjllu' lu v
rry lorm. HtU'ijs' remedies an hold by f. a. Kietm,
liioomsburc. IM.
Try lr. Iti Itiiiilmi Itul-nm.
1.000 REWARD
CVTAllltll Is Hip mo-t universal anil dwres vlnj,' ot the prej-eiiMlaj . and Ih" seores c-r y.u
(ItTtuI remedies offered dr Hie eun-of lids dl-L,nM-ln
disease, whhhau 'ie tli.m umtltlt-s li
UlM'onrated lh- millions who viilTiTiiiid ln i ( rt d
In valr. M relU r and cure unit! their counsels t'uue
anil the ictim still stiirers In doubi. Urn- wetite
with lir. .lostuh lilies calaiih Npeellles Nos I ai.d
'i, and lion bhall v proeeed t, .i-nxlneo tint w
hne lite U'St aitdcheupi st riiiH'dlei kuuu. 1st w
will furnish them to icsponslble juitles on e'ndl
t Ion ''no hub so rn." vnd-will yay f'W'tura
easu tliev l ) not eure. 3rd Will pav Hh (or tln-lr
eipitl us a cure. -itU-W lit pay to If an tiling vol-.sijiiousordelelerlnu-
Is round In llilr eompustiUni.
&th Will pay $l,Ht If Inanj paillealar Ir. .Imhth
IiiliTHa Catarrh pet'lllC3 arefuimd ilimnnt nom
lepieH'iitJtlOfi. Warranted to hiilutitly relieve und
radically eure Atute. ChroDlc, t icer.dhe or Hn i' i
tarrh. lold In tho Head, and nil alTettlons of Ha
oivltlcs or lh hraUand throat. Twobultles In one
Imjk. (treatest snctess of the age. Sold by ('. A
Klelin, llloomfcburb'.
Try IH. Hrlii t'uiarili perliirt.
Hunlons, t'orns and other a luienta of i he feet e him
much surierlntr amonj,' all natl'ii.h by uhunhoes
ai worn. Tht re Is more t nan f in.i.m . woi t h ut bnui
ami shws ite-tior-d nnntiall In tin I nlit d
(In tho ret or Hie world moieiltanfUKU),iM.) uy i ut
HliK whtU' n w, or nearlj o. tomake if.mi fui pain
ful bunluns, coris,lU;iUn' ujI s, noioli.-l -ps, etc
IL'Mdes Hils creat eaeilllee, lime Is p'ld In Nt w
York to chiropodists about ciV"'' iinmullj; lu Nt w
Kim-land states about J.ititi ; in the eftern mnl
ruulltt'i n about and In Hie it st of the wt rid
about tJiMV'"; oesld'jthlsHier Is fHi.m i t-peni an
nually f-ir cjUsHcs a d 01 lu r woith'i cotniwund
fortlu euie of liunloiis, t.orus.Mfie Instfpa, tiul r
feet, etc. TO avoid thtse jfieal Iusm-h and evpendl
tures, usolir, joMiIi Prli,' Hunlon liul-vain uni
Mire CWn due, whltU Is Hie onlj pieparatloi
known that Khes ImmftMate reiur and rudleali.
tures haul. 8.rt and uleeia'-ed Hunlnns hard, sott
and fesltied coins, aseularecr;.em'e'J, cjlloblHe1
luiL'e and small, soie ln-teps bllsieml h"els, to tl i
feet, ltif,'rowitik' nat's, U wlthuut c.iuslmror lsa
Iiil' any pain or sun nt W u'f andsuie.
Sold b) O. A. Klelin, lUnomsburi;, la.
Tr 1 1 r. Ilrit rniuirjilleled Pile lEemi'd).
licad and Kcllecl.
local mid constitutional treatmint for all ca
tnirhilarfeellons. Ur JoMah lirlggs' 1 alarih -pe-clil.
s are olTerid to tucwj uinieli d with ncutc.clirou
le, ulcerative or dry catarrh, told In Ihehead, huj
fever, lelaxed pidale, sine thioat, hoarsen- i-s. los
of voice, mid all ulicitloiis of tiiu nasal untitles mm
throat, v.lili aguarant c that they .ueilie.iik-r, lw t
t, r, more etneaoious, eui log quli ker, vv tth mure et r
luli.ty, and lnoie egrceuble to us-i anj remetl.v
vtt ilNeovercd. 'iwo bolt Us in one box, one of
Inch ie lueed with vviter makes CI ounces for ui-.
pilte fl.10 lar patkage, furnished to icM,iislbl,'
o.ti lies on conditions: Nocuro nopsy ' Dculeis
are uulhurked to rifund the money II pui
1 h i rs are not satisfied. The -pecinvs ur,. i-on-iuu-lluusl
as well as local. U" will U- pilJ Ifilu v t.ill
to curu w h, 11 used as dui-ited tin Ireipi il
us u cine. f'AMI If .11 .vllillig pol.onouur lUlelerloil'.
Is louiiillll their coiaiswltluli tliltlll is' uild
Itni any resjuil Ur. P.ilKgs1 1 atari h hptt'llle. uic
luiiiid dinufntfioin 11 priM-ntution. Ileie isiiuui,
iHiiiuulij for lliua' dlMuuraged by icisuicd I.ill
ures to try again on a guaiunleidcure And in
iliuld who fear dueptlun nu v, niuro to trj il"'
specifics Million1 feeling ilui ihcj are to 1 huui
bugged, uslherelsnoil-ki'jiun. u arrustvl t he p
e.l.licht and moat utreeable. If i.oi fonol natM.ii
toiy demand jour Money mid It wIll.U) returned,
.sold by v. A. Ivlelni, Woeiiisbiiri," Pa
aprll VJ. " -ly Ivewai k, ew Ji rscy.
IIVEHV MII.UIEU dlsabltd In line if ililtj bj
wound, dlaeace, or Injur), Is entlileil 10 urnslun.
PKNI(lSs iNi'KKsiSKll Man) sin drawing less
Ihanenlllled lo. 'Ihousjiuls of llms iinlllid lo
Pcuslouaiidliounty. lif.llt'lKlii AM
MISi(iNi:ii 1 "A "via. ilnlshcd. copies of lo6t dis
charges obtained. l lallnsol evcrj desirlplloh piov
ecuted Patksts Pkih l lisu.
Addivss with stamp,
II. H. Jllllll.lN (.'(., Atlurnria,
sept, le, 'so-flm waco lioxfiui Washington, li.i',
ClllllSTIAN V. IvNAPP, lll.OO.MSHI'l:(l, I'A.
I'.MUN llUUA.'Kl-'OMl'A.
'Ihe.o oti) cobi'Oiutioss ure well seasoned by age
and hbk lkSKuandhavuncvirjethud a loss wi
tied by any court of law 1 heir w-si is are all tuvost
ed lu soi.iu sict'siTlksand ate Halle lo the hazard
'loJob Vbomiti-v and iionhstiv adjusted and paid
as soon as determined by Uiimitun f. KNAri-, brio
The people of Columbia cuiuty tliouKI patronize
the agency where losses tf any ure sel tied and paid
br one ot their OM-ncltucns,
KoV. I6,u.
aie5' Xl
URU Mskakk and Indl
t thin prowl to greater tsx
'I'lit limn lirnlinlilv ,im ...-
mil idy, and nll.'f is nlwsvs
uivioiiir s'liuht otter. If the
I Iv, r I-, ic.'tnntpil In It. n..t,.,n
ll" illll Is ,1 111-st HiMirlilblV Firiil-ii! ti,,ltr..,c,lA n
Wlllil uf Pilhe Hv, rcausrs llend.iche.'t'oiistl.
pii...i, .t hi, ,ii,. , p., i m n. Mioulderv'ough, mi.
f, , "."i,""ir J.' !",'.'"!', "-"'. 'he mom 1, 1 11.
. 'I. ki r,' ""' i' " I'eart. dupresMon of
I ;V'rJ.l ',v,'';;''',;','.':1.''l,.'',',"ll oiin-rsjniptoms h-- vi-r ton lis, r(.j for these nllmcnts
t ... K,i,iv.,.rf. no up. , ll.iig simple vege--
n'; ,;','",lri"".' ; ""'"nolnj.iry liiany quantities
h nit ii,v lw t, tin. It is harmless In eve ywnr:
It li I-, . n us, , f, ir f,,rt v,.,,rs, hundieds from
awTEOTrnw3Ma,. lion. Alpcnnier H.str-
H li"ii, of (.eorifla: ltlsln.n
1 1. n- offJeorpU; John Hill
"'iiirlrr or Alabirnn; Neu.
yM'unn n unruon, j(, 1a .mou,
wrtotvr v: j-jn mroa U t t-t-luuibus, (ier.i gla, arc He liuinlri'di toniK.m km run rerer. Kx
trat 1 1 r a left, r Trotn 1- vmdor II. Stephens, dated
March is;a: "i , tiunalb use when mytondl
Hon r, pith stt, ir. Mnutioi.8' Liver llejfulator, wllh
pxtd i 'i 1 1 1 ti i-, imij, und suits me better than
intire ii itv.. in.'.iti'inn
It N not H'c tpiallly eaten
.thiil WM-nyHi.llfc.blorMl
i ml li-iilth. It 1-t thu thor
'iuh dLfbtton of the food
kt'n it t it be much or
E In 1 ' Li rrfui i rln iuit vfim-
s-.t diyi -t ton i.rttrciHn ! '
i imionh iam.u lin.riAiTou
Hrliilniil und f.i-itiiliir
.1. tl. i;ii,i A I Mi,
I'ltrell.oti. s d by all Driiffirlatfi.
April nt vi 1.
tv.1; juwj a; mjiuMMtxammammaam
9 llil'Xpu,(.stn.lllt MollrliKM''. (j
tl! Uf nil in i.i ,r,ic r,,od. buL iiiMii-riiM-
A1 1 imblnali m ot Hnna. tluhti. Mnn.
tiraklo'- 1 1 Unndehon.Mttiaii ii,L. and
li i n ii i tii a of all oll.i r Hitter.
.tiJ-k'l atxt Dluod Purlflnr. Llwar
Reg; uln tor. Mid 1.,Iiiiijii1 Henna la-utwrliirf
NotlWrnj.nconitof-nilylotiif Ct whrreTTop
Httli ii. ire u (J,wuiicJ uuJ arutlielr
Tic; ciT3 :st lilfs wiric:: litis i;olisi li-n.
To all wlmno eVui'WiiK'iitucriiifi) IrrtiHlarl4
tyoftliolKnilior uilnnry ors.m, or tio n
iliilnina Ap UwrVTonie (,n'1 '"fI'' Stimulatit,
utimturliRtyourrtfUniri or nj-mrtomi
an wliitlltedliiivLrallVnciit ti uo Ibtpiut
tirt lH!l'twaItumtlyoual" ilt'c but if oil
titilyftilbu-l or nU-tral-l.MUHijti(iu at unci.
It in iy-iv. irlircltlia!aiaVfU InmautU.
t500wi'lb"aMfurnciSo they win Il(t
ciirMnrhtliv Iu not mib r il0,lti yur frifinij
1U member, flop HittcM li no. dr.irisv
driuiki n ni.trum. but tlto Inn .tv f J Uf ,t
MMUciru-.-rmo-If the "mAUniV rtUEMi
ami noi b atm no ixiuun or family
rui'um "iiiium uu.111. BBTOCSC
n.l.n.l nnnlnol lto ft nil !rn,jf!l.l, .
O.rl'ninleiitiew,ii'eorfjilu-ii,tt mwa unO?
nunvuKt iui iu ur m-utriMMHv nt J
IfrvlKwfi'f N V itn.l Tnrnntn Ont
Jul it'., '
The well knvu U. 11. illTi;, I'roprletor or the Atiiiicn.TLUAL woitus,
h.i-fsol 1 1: h.ilr Interest It) Hit xmno to.I. W. Conner.
'IheerrtiipiiiV h repalied the wntks, and aropie
)in d to .Mt utniiKHl.iteall who want niijthlntf In the
line or rli'iilniial Imp't'li.ents. 'lln'V h.i'.e Juat
enriipu-if.l u new I. rt hand hlto nlow.wliiehir
Mbl., will the rlht li m.l. Also Mirrace plows
or Joint' is fur 'he same. new 'I hresher and Clean
er with emtio hake or rldJlc Mioe, called tho
'J'liifslin- ami Cleaner,
with b'-ih It".er and railway iowerson a greatly
lrn)ru.'(i p! in. We m.murdeture LAND HOLLKUS
Willi i.isi lion he.iJ-i. C jrn Piow.-. doiible and Hlnele
cu.ilv.ilor -id" hill I'jipws, Mill CaMln,;". Tumlntf
of even dt"M rlpllon done ulin promptness. f
Jo'e eoiift mriy nn tiaii-1 alirj,'e nssorlinent uf Plow
luir -birour own and many oilier plowb that are
iwd in tho country. We will not be undtii-old In
woi k or m:it'iiai ot the mm.' riujiuy. Ml our work
Uwirninied to trlu f ill-f ittton, or the money re
rund. d. i; dki'V cum pi: ITIhn. rarmers.tind
the pulille in fPiieml ure lequt Med to cull and ex
amine bi fore pun basing elsew hi ie.
Jan. Ill, MMy
OI!AN(!l:VlII.K, PA.
li'P 1.' I.1 0 I M 1)1 li'O ' 'woof the host nr
I 1 1 l1j Ij A.tll lljOill.s ev,r sold Dy
.i-iMi stoeer one whu unsvvt is this within sixty
d.iv s.
AMUllll AS MAM'KACtri.'ISH ((!.,
Jul; 9, SO-Jin vv.Ceo City Mills. Muss.
m! IT1 Vorplfliii- Hal It cured In lu 0211
I I M dijs. Nun,) till cured, nr.. I. ME-em-'
, i.' L'.iiniii, i , w.'.cii aprll 'i 'wi-ly
t-ri'.AMii: hit wo.nihikpl'i.ia' tp.ui:.
U'li' ii l)r IlriL-s with 'oi,ci'iin priilc,
Ami tnrnesi .eal his niihil appliiil,
'I'lie science lie, p In open wiile,
Ot .iintliiii4 ..nil ol litnlinir.
lie to Jc "f in in y siili-tances knnnn
rimi v. ,.,,,!. I licil j r lilt .1 uiiiiii,,
1.1I -n'lii c..inp'sp, by skill ulinip
His tniracul'iiis Iliiniiin 1 ! 1 1 -.a 111 .
ri.ruienli il with I'.iiiiinn, Cum or ltru!p,
Tiiniisanils of "tiH'erers liennl the news,
The 11 ii.eily thai meets the views
is Ur. lUiag-' i'-iiuinii llil-am.
Sol. I liy ('. A. Kleiiii', liliiniiisljiirt;, l'a,
.1 ll'oiii lo the W ise. Try llr, .losiali
Uri,'Ss' I'.uarrh spic' lies nn (nlli)u inij condi-liuu-:
Vi w ill pay film tor 11 case they will
mil mi1'; $1uiMhi tlicir inl in 11 cure; j.'iOll
if uitv thin , isi, nous i lotiml in them, and
irl,!" 10 il in any repf cl Ihey nro ilillrrent
trout repreieiiialion. Snlil Ly (J A, Kleim,
l!l..i.iublirL'. l'a.
JV'tm ii ('''liralttl l'hiirian of JlarrU
fun.;, 'ti. II,, .losiali Jlnjr, Dear yii:
Some i'dir iitiuilhssiiM'e a lail,v upplietl to me
l.,r .1 1111 iliinK in relit ve the pain ol'a ttoulile
'lnle biiiiiini mill 11 letrrcil corn, and having
heard M.ur K1111i.u1 I'.iNain liihly spnlen
of, I il'ieeli d her to eall ml your agent J. 11,
ll dicr, and ir.t a le X. She did so, and now
m'', rui 1110 tin cure is e nnpletp, she linviop
siilh red 110 pain all" r 1 lie first application,
lielieiing l!ujs' liituioii liaNam of great
value to those who Miller from corns, htin
ioiis, ', I iiuhcsiiai ingly recommend il lo
thu piople of the cumiry. Sold by 0,
A. Kleim, lll.iiini-liiitg l'.i.
O'ntrh Ihut hiLil'ti'jiii iVv'iiat'jthat scource
of l.uiii uiity, which destroy mill. ill of pen
pie annually, i -pi-nlily mid radically cured
with Dr. ,liMh Ilrlga' Catarrh Hpfcifics.
.-old hy C A. Kh'ilii, Illnnm-V.urg, l'a.
Mr An) M S'unii,ol' 'Irtiiton, X J., ray
I nmiiil puy flilijlor 0110 liotileot Tamurac!.
I.ivcran.l KiJuev It-nioilv, il I could 11.1t
gft it without It has cured me of gravel
an 1 inll imiiiiiliiiu of I lie jirostrntti ulaud,
vv, a'.- back and general debility. Sold by 0,
A. Kleim, llloiiiiisbuig, l'n
Jh. Jiimih Jri;' Jlttniun Jlithitm is ihe
ebinax ol medical .cience, I lie only di.cov
erv mi c.irlb that will rndicnlly and pcrma
iniitly cure the-e In iililosome and painlul
tin nieiit', vvliii.e throbbing piu and llli
sighlly protrusion i-11 -onrc "I iinlohi mis-
scry, 1 In it in 11 lial-aui u'xi (lire hard ami
oil corn, sore Insti ps, ,c. rvpver Coin.
1'lasti r is n model of execib lice. Deodori
zing Foot l.nlioii is 11 boon to .weaty feel,
ami d pels Ihe oll'.nsive odor from Iheui.
Itadietl euro d.r ii. glutting n.lils is the won
leri i ihewiiild. Il blond and corruption
uiisIh limn ihe side nf the toe nttcry
iep tho radical cure lor ingrowing nail's
t;ives instant rel'el, and the severest cases
are curid in (en days. Sold bjC. A. Klfim,
llli.iiiiislinrg, l'a.
Sirk, Xirruutor Jlitliuut llendaehe,-Million
sillier llli most universal nlllictlou ot
Ihe liuiiiiiu rscej all clases are Iroubled.
TI e head never aches when the various or
nans ure working in harmony wl'li nature,
l hero can be no litudnelic. Il the human ma
chinery is in a healthy condition Itripgs'
Allcvunlur i tellable lor headache und iiett
ralgis; never fails. Sold by 0. A, Kleim,
Illiiomsburg, l'n.
,V(ii Ihe lluijle Herald the tiding 01
Ihe gloriotn lipJorv. The day of siill'ering
Iriini Internal Ulitdii g, Kxterual und Itch
ing riles 1 pat. Dr. ,lo.ih llrlpua" Coin
hliiulloii I'ile lleuieillcs are in every respect
reliable lor ihe curnol heiinrrhnld,nr piles,
fi'iila nno and proulaptu, aui, c. I 'rice f I
S d I (!. A. Kleim, llli.cnisbiiig, l'a,
ariil 28, '80-1 y
visitinq iMiins.
usrrnH HEIDI
rWBIi, 0 a,
Vtrttly ami t! tirinteil t the Cotm
BIA'M 03it,
l'rom jeur to ear strange talcs we hear
Of swindling t) those, we trust,
And many a nnmc Is brought to sharne,
To tho people's great disgust;
Hut now we hopo that no more wo may gropo
In gutteis for public men;
When Hancock's hand and voice shall common I,
'llicre'il bo no more swindling then.
In seieiity-slx, by fraud and tilcks,
Tho elee'lon was put In doubt;
Tho c Idcnt eholeo of the people's voice
Ily sw ludllng was counted out,
The game then plaj t d, by t rick and t rade,
t an never succeed again;
When Hancock's hand end voice shall command,
There'll be no more swindling then.
The men wo blamo for that sw lndllng game,
U hosn stencil has been blown abroad,
Have put In the race for tho President's place
Tho wo'stof tho workers ot Fraud,
That thus they may screen their deeds untlean
From an outraged peoples ken;
Hut llancoek's hand and voice Bhall command,
A nil t hero'U bo no inoro swindling then.
They seek to prolong the rulo ot wrong,
And stir up a sectional war;
Hut popular wrath comes up In their path,
Their fraudulent schemes to bar;
And lllierty's friends for honesty's ends
Will labor with tongue and with pen;
So Hancock's hand and voice shall command
And there'll be nomoro swindling then,
X. V. Sun.
JihIro Mack on (larliehb
"HIP, IsM'P.S Al.l. Willi AMI llli: AC
Ulll'.N'lS MIT AII.UNSr t "."
'I'lio following lctk'i' from tliu lion. .1.
S. !l;ick,(l;itt'(l Hrnckie, York county, 1 'it
Si'iiU'iiibirr H2, 1SH0, si'iit in it-ply to an
invitation to attciul thu fxreat Democrat
ic; mas moid inn; in Xew York on Thuis
day cvt'iiiiijj;, will connnaiiil tlio attention
of tliiiikiny nifii of all shades of jiolitical
opinion ;
(1 i:-i i.hmp.n; I cannot alli'inl the mei't
ini; of Dcnioci'atic-l.epulilican at the
city of Xcw York on the U.'lnl inst. Hut
I can iwxuit' you of my coiiciurcnci' 111
its object, iinil, if time! aiul space ,er
initted, I could give yon 11 reason for the
faith that is within me. I trust we ate
appniachinn; the end of our lout; struy
'le an-uinst the oppression and fraud of
the anti-constitutional party. They have
sought the destruction of our j;oveniicnt
by every possible mean in their rcai'h.
liy our government I mean the whole
system of fundamental law under which
we live including the granted powers of
the Federal lnion, the te-et veil rights
of the States and the personal liberty of
tlie citien. Ihese time are all vital
points of our jiolitical oigani.ation, and
the lile of the nation depends a much
ujion one a ujion another. If you want
lo kill a man it makes no iliUerence
whether you knock out his brains, slab
him through the heart or tear open his
bowels either way he is done for. Cer
tainly an Ameiican who forcibly tiiiin
Jilcs uncivil liberty or by violence extin
guishes the rights of the States 'is no
less a traitor to hi country than one who
resists the just authority "of thu Federal
(iov eminent.
I need not remind you with what
manifold treachery our opponents got
jiossession of thejiower which they have
so frightfully abused. At the beginning
of thu war they solemnly jiledged them
selves to use the forces juit into their
hands for the sole iurpoe of defending
the Federal (ioverninent and maintain
ing the stijireinaey of the constitution
and laws, with all the rights of the States
and Ihe jieojile unimpaired ; and they
iioniisid that when this was accoiiijilisli
cd the war should instantly cease. In
consideration of this sjurial jiledge. sii
Jieradded to their oaths, thu men and the
moiiev wcte juit into their hand which
completely subdued the armed njrjio-itioii
of the South to the Union. lint when
the coullict was over tliev announced that
the victory instead 0 defending the
government had revolutionized and over
thrown it; that the whole doctrine of
Statu rights had exjiloded and jiersonal
liberty was consequently a thing of the
Jiast ; that thu military was above the
civil aiithoiity, and through the instru
mentality they (the central oligarchy)
might kidnaji, imprison Judge or jury.
The light of suffrage had .ceased lo ex
ist esccjit when it was e.erei-cd by their
permission and in any way wliich'snitcil
their jiiii,oms, Destioy'ing all the elec
tion laws of half the Stales in thu 1'niou
they tilled the Statu ollice. with notoiiou
thcives and lilled Congiess with ledennit-
ionless rogues who did uotjirctcuilto any
line cveejii wnai nicy got uv Joree and
liaud, and in all the States tiiey claimed
the light to be unieseiited at 'the Stale
electionsbv thebavonets of theii'standing
army. Would you have me enumerate
the fmriijitioiis generated by this infa
minis system f Count the Mars if you
can, try ti number the sands on the sea
shore. Their idea of a strong government
was fully dev eloped. Siv. years after the
war, fraud and force malic it so much
stionger than libeity, justice nnd law,
that the constitution had but seven
iriends in the Senate and less than a
third of themeinbersin the lower House.
Hut the jirincijiles of freo mid honest
government were not destined to be
crushed out forever. The moral influ
ence of thu Democracy was itself a pow
er which abashed the anti-Colistitiitional
leaders and benumbed their faculty of
evil doing. Thousand of true 'men,
who, in moments of error or alarm, had
wandered from the track of their jiiinci
jiles "hastened to retrace their steji and
regain the road which alone leads to
peace, honor, and safety." Tiuth and
justice gradually legained their natural
iiseendanuv in thu jiojuilar heart. First.
The Federal Houe of ltejireseulatives
weio reiicemeii ; men tlie .senate,ainl in
1870 aii overvv helming maioritv "of the
jieojilu attested their devotion" to free
piuiciiiles liv voting lor a Democratic
I'rcsiilent. ('his looked like a success
ful vindication of freo government, but
it was not. Theunti-Coiistitutiotml jiarty
has an advantagu which more than couii
tci balances the strength of the jieojile.
It can cheat at elections, jt pan falsify
thu count, it can forge rejuriia, "There s
the respect that makes; calamity
of so long a life." Wo are about
to repeat the experiment Wu may
be swindled again, but there is not an'v
doubt that our honest majoiity is greater
than it WHi beorc. The k,ueH are all
with it and Ihe accidents not against 11s.
Our candidatels not only uiiexoeitonahle
but admirable, and ha's thu unbounded
confidence of tho whole country in his
talents, integrity and jmtriotism.
Tho Impulses of jiersonal friendshiji
and tho duties of fair jiolitioal ojiposition
ulilco itqulre me to tpc&k of General
vinnirm. iiiiHirctUMiy hp t tlit amwio
tin' iolilician of hisjiaily not lheshaii
est or strongest, but the'iuo! gifted and
best cultivated. His juivate lile i stain
les, and in everything tihi'oiinoolcd with
polities hi behavior iiegulated bv nrin-
eiiiles of the soundest, miirtalilv. Hut in
l.l! . '.. 1 , . . . 1 . .
piionc in,. -ins ue noes 1101 nil upon nts
convictions t when he jiasses into the
domain of polities his conscience loosen
its griji, and for his jiaity he i willing
to do aiiythiiigwrongwhich will jiftmiote
their interest or jiluy any card how fale
soever which will win them liovver.
This surrender of his moral and mental
integrity is the condition upon which he
holds his high place in the affections of
the party he belong to. Treachery to
hi country is fidelity lo hi faction! If
at any time in the last fifteen years he
had given away to his own sense of
right, supjiorteii the Constitution and
laws in a sjiirit of pure justice, refused lo
defile himself with election frauds, with
held hi countenance from executive cor
ruption or denounced the forcible install
ment of thieves in state offices, he would
have convened himself into a Democrat
and eielled from the communion of the
ami Constitutional jiarly. This moral
prostitution to bad ,o!itical jmijioses is
far from being uncommon. .Men natu
rally good have yielded lo it ill all times
and in all coimtiit'swhi'ivlherci ajiatty
llMirincipled enough to demand it anil
strong enough to reward it. Hut (fen
eral (birliild's jniblie career furnishes
mote striking examples of il than the
histoiy of any individual 1 know. Let
me give you a case: Alter the war at
a time of jierfect ieace in tlie State of
Indiana, vv here no war had ever been,
certain military ollicers, being instructed
from Washington that they were above
the civil authorities, had kidnapped and
wete about to kill thiee ciliensfor no
offense defined by any law and without
the nctcu.sf of a trial by court or jury.
If this could be donu theie was mani
festly no security left for life or jiro
jieily. l'lainly it could not bo done without a
fiat violation of the Constitution, which
in e.,res terms forbade il. Hut the
men who then ruled 11 with a rod ol
iron insisted upon it, and we could no lie
ceitainlhat the.Iudges,Statu and National
might not liu subdued by their mlliienee.
The hearing of the caase before the su
preme com t was a great ciisisiu the
constitutional hearing of our country.
There was a place intheaigiiinent which
nobody could fill so well as (ieneral
Gal field, and I besought him to helji us
in the desperate extremity to lescue
Ameirean libeitv from the utter destine
tion witli whicliitwastlueateiied. lie res-
iotided with noble alacrity, and made a
great argument in which he piovcd not
only the continued existence, bill the in
estiinablM value of the Constitution. He
deiuonstiated that the light ot tiial by
jury at all times and at all places was
liiilistructible.and that any ollicer.civil or
military, would violate his oath if he at
tempted to juit the militaiy above the
civil authority. He alliimed the whole
Democratic doctrine on the subject and
showed it to be iiicoutestibly light. His
sinceiity was undoubted, for,like Ihe rest
of is,he engaged in thecause nii laborer
of love.witlioul lee or any leward excejrt
the thanks of tine men. Such were his
true convictions. Hut when he came to
deal v ith the same subject in bis jioliti
cal cajiacity be surrendered everything
to his p'.uty. He voted for a military
desiotiiu and a tegular sVsUni of kid
najiping and minder in all the States of
the South. In the same act were other
Jirovisions which he eeitainly understood
to be in direct coullict with every article
and eviry siction of the constitution. In
all this he id not transgress, like others,
in ignorance or in passion; he sinned
against light and knowledge and on a
cold calculationof partisan policy. It is an
infinite pity that such a man should be
not onlv labe to his country but false to
What makes all Ibis very much worse
ii his denunciation of (ieneral Hancock
for saving that the military was cousti
tutiouallv siiboidinale to the civil power
and (hat libeity wa still the inheritance
ol the Aliiciicnn jieojile ; for these weie
I impositions which be himself had assoi led
and knew lobetiue.
Il might be e.iecled that the course
of a man so inllueneed would fiequently
dcllect from the straight iath, and one
great abeiration we cannot but remem
ber. .Mr. Tilden was elected in ISVii. A
false 11 tin n was the only 11 soutve against
him. I do not believe that (ieneral (!ar
field, it not let alone, would eoiiiinil an
election liaud any more than he would
steal a hoise or a sheeji. Hut when the
managers of his paity demanded his aid
in a great swindle he could not lefuse.
Under the coercion he went down
to Louisiana and theie found it absolutely
celtaiu that the Tilden F.leelnis bail
been "duly aiiointid" at illegal and full
jioll, so jieaceably conducted that theie
wa not even a squabble about il in the
whole state. And the aiiointnient so
made was attested by and recorded upon
the ceitillcatis and t"hu oaths of election
ollicers adverse to the ajijioititees in all
their feelings and wishes. There was
noeaithlv excuse for denjing this j 110
contiadictiou of this could be honest. To
count the State for Haves was a thing
that could be done onlv by iniuident and
unmitigated fraud. lira time 1 hojied
that (ieneral (iiirfield's share in the gieat
crime had consisted in jiassivc acquies
cence, and 1 am suijnisul In, the jnoofs
leeently brought forward lit hi active
assistance in its jieiparalion. llisjudg
meiil a a member of the Klcctoral Com
mission was a thing lu be exjiccted, for
he iiuisl long before thai hav e convinced
himself that a fraud was as good a vvav
as any other of electing a 1'icsidcnt. l'n
a jiolitical game he did not think that
anybody had moral sense enou'di to ab
stain fiom throwing a die which he him
self had loaded to win the stake.
llli liability tube rushed into evil
courses by his jiarty associates has brought
upon nun much ntlium which lie does
not deserve in the transactions of the
Credit .Mobilier. The stock distributed
by (lakes Ames wi( intended, to influence
the legislation of iioiii'iess coriuiillv. lie
aid tho couijiany w ho put into his hand
inciiiii oiisiuess, unit mai iiimiics was
bribery. Undoubtedly those members
who took it, knowing; 'the uatiiro of the
thing, were great (uiniliiuU and wholly
unwoithy to retain their seats. Hut (leu
eral Garfield, though he certainly agieed
to take the stock, and did actually take
dividend upon it, had no hiijiici"on of
its connection with thu Union Pacific
ltailroad or of the coullict which its jios
session might create between his private
inteicsts and his jniblio duty. lie was
as guiltless as tho child unboi n of nnv
dishonest inclining about tlio wholo busi
ness. 1 nelieve this not UUVely because
bo told mo o, lml-bt oausu Jl s jirCibublc
in itself and corobotaleil bv many ciicuni
stances. If he had stuck to il be would
have been credited by all men a iui,li
citly as he was by inc. Fearing that his
political friend might itilliience him to
deiait from it I wrote to him beseeching
him to stand fast upon the defense he
had made to me, That lie did not take
this advice is the bitterest 1 egret of his
life, Hut "tlie parly" would not lei him
take it. The accusation stiuck at the
highest head in the House and the Sen
lte. Thev had but one misunr. mnl
that was a jmsilive denial ol the fact
that any stock had ever been taken by
thciiij and ou that line they exjieeteil
Mr. Alii' lo swearlhem through, (ien
eral Gailicld. for the benefit of othersaud
ii own great iniurv. united in miikiiur
this false defense Their witness failed
them and they were all convicted. Af
ter the report of the committee I wiote
to .Air. Hlainu thu letter which has been
extensively iiblihcd and which wa an
effort to ji'ul General (rat field back' ujion
the true ground which he never ought
lo have abandoned. Until was too liite.
I regret sincerely that General Garfield
is a candidate or thai he should bejilnced
in any suspicion which call loi'cnticismon
hiconductasaiiiblii'iiian. lint I havesaid
nothing that will be new t him, for in
many for forms, at many limes, in
sundry wavs. publicly and' privately. I
lave gsveii Ibis same eoiiiruclion ol his
acts and evliorted liiui to eonie out irnin
the evil and em nnd Icllovv shin which
bags him down while it pretends to
elevate him. I hope that 011 all Ihe is
sues the friends of libeity and justice
and law and honest government will
make themselves heard by the nations so
cleverly that at the next election the
popular condemnation of tlie auti-Con-
stitutional party will be overwhelming.
in the meantime let 11 watch as well as
Jirny that the country be not swindled
Faithfully and hojiefully youis,
.'l.'S. I1i.u k.
1 1 011. Augustus Schell.
members ol committee.
A liouil Housewife.
The good linuewife when she 1
giving her house it sptiiiL- renovaliiiL'
should boar in mind that the d-ur
inmate of her linns, arc more prreious than
many liou-c. and that their svs'i 111 need
cleansing hy purilyli g the blood, and regu
lating t lie strtnach and bowel-lo prevent
and cure tlie diseii-is arising Irnin soring
malaria and nnn-mii, and she must l:tmvv
that there i nothinc thnt will do itso per
fectly an 1 surely as Hop liitleis, the purest
and be-st of medit ine.
nib. utiiii.iir i'. nixiiKur.
I.I.Mii, 1: v I Ii: 1 A MM 11 v 1 1 1 111: a 1 in mi:
iiiai.i: i.
Col. I'obeit Porter Deeheit, who is
ii,.. on, in ,r tin, 1 1, .,,1 .,,;.. 1',.,.
Auditor (ieneial of Pennsylvania; is a
resident of Philadelphia and a member
of the bar of that city. At the bieaking
out of the Rebellion he was only eigh
teen years of age, but xielding to bis
Jiatuotie impulses, lie cnli-lisl as apn
vate soldier in tin, 'IVi.ntv ninth l.',i
nieiit of Pennsvlvauia Yoltmteeis. I!e
foie the regiment took the field. Col.
.lohn I. Murphy, commaudiug, appoint
ed young Hei-liclt to tlie positmn (, s;,,,..
geant-lajor on his slaif. This posiiinn
he Idled with great cu dit until Im bruaiy,
lWiS. when he wa jiromoted to be Filst
Lieutenant of Coniianv C, of the same
regiment. 1 lis jnomnlion was made ovir
all the second lieuteiiaiitkjif the retriniont
bv the selection of the Colonel, and was
ci nsidcicd tube merit! d by his ability
1 attention to duly. In 'this rank he
served w ithlhis legiment in tlie campaign
of Major General Hanks in tlie Valley
ot the Shenandoah in Virginia, and iii
the memorable retreat of that General.
He also served with his company in the
Army of Virginia under Major'General
I 'ope, including the battles of Cedar
Mountain, Seond Hull l!uu and Chan
tilly, and subsequently at Aiitielam and
Chancellorsville. Immediately after the
battle of Autictani, he was s'elert,.,! ,y
Hrigadier (ieneral George I.. Andrews,
now a jirolessur at West Point, to serve
a hi Aid-de Camp and Assistant Ad
jutanl-General, and 1.11 ibal ollii e being
traiisfcned to the Department of the
South, Lienlt mint Decbeil pel f uul
the same duly on the slal'fol Hrevel .Ma
jor General Thomas II. linger, now a
Colonel in the icgiilai army, and promi
nently named for Chief of the Signal
Corps to succeed the late Hrigadier Gen
eral M vers better known iis'-Old Piob
abiltics." At the gnat Pennsylvania
Haltlc of Get! v-.lille,r T 11..
chert served as Assismm Adiiilant Gen .,f il. i.';,..i iv.. : : ... J
........ ... 1 mu u me 0111
lvvelflh Corps at Culp's Hill, ami was
honorably mentioned lor gallant sen ice
in the official rejioit of that iuiiioilant
linniediatlv after that battle the West
ern troops of theAimvol the Potomac
were sent to the Cityiif New York un
der the comninnd of (ieneral linger to
enforce the draft that had been temjio
rarily sujiended by reason of thu remo
val of the tioojih'fiom that eilv for the
defence ot Pemisylv nnia in the Gettys
burg campaign.
The draft being successful)' accom
plished, these troops weie returned to
theAimvof the Potomac on the liapi
dan, in Viigiiiia, and a f t davs after
wards, in eonseooein I ...... .,.1
. ,. . , 1 " i mi-,- ,11
( Inekaiuaiiga, the llthand H'lb ('..rjis
niii- ii.iosiciiiii in ti,,, estein Aimv.
No time was lost in their transportation,
and diseinbaiking from the rars at
Nashville, Teiui., they weie marehed lo
Chatanooga. In Deceniher of the H'ar
HCiH. Ibn 'lf, ,,l.,,l. I .1. . .'
... .., ...v ,,,,,,,, iiegiiuein vva
the (list in the army to accept the offer
ot tlio (lOveiluuenl to rn.imli! f .,...1.
er three years, and Lieutenant Dcehert
concluded to rejoin his regiment tor that
piliios,., and he was immediately jno
iijoted to the oapiaincy of hi, coinjiany.
Ihe return of this regiment lo their
hoines, 011 availing themselves ol the yet-
.iiioiiiiioiigiiiu inuiyiiavs, ha not been
forgotten by the suivi'vors of (heir
friends. They weie publicly received bv
the olllelal liuthoiilles of' the City o'f
Philadclihia at Old Indejiendenco 'llall
ami tin. Coojier liefieshment,,n.
and after reenjieratioii and additional en
llstinents, the regiment wa sent lo the
llo.jiital building al Cluster, Penna ,
and then vva removed to the scene of its'
toi iner labors at Chatanooga, Tenn.
For several mouth Cai.tain Deeheit
was established at Philadel,hia for the
pumosu of enlisting additional recruits,
but he reioined I lie rum,,,.,,!. t. .1...
.. .. ... ..,,., 111 ine .'vi
lanta campaign, having hoc.,, relieved
fixmi iccruitiiig duty at l'hlladcliiht,, at
Ins iivv'li l'.n,.k.l "
1 ransieni or i.ocai nonces, keenly cciur uiiuc
,.i, i. .,,,,,,,,, . ,,, ..... .... ,,'re(!iilardvrcrtlseineiitiilf rates.
I ll h lIOIiUMIlIA.'I, VOl.. M , M) II cards in the "liuslness Directory' column, one
uui.u.miiia iiBii(.MMiA'r, viil ai.v, h u. .(a
After the caj'tilie of Athmta, hu was
again selected by bis coiiiinaniling gen
eral for important si nice. Major (ien
eral 1! W. Stoetmi ajijioinleil him the
Assistant Adjutant Gciuralof the Twen
tieth Army ( mps that Coijis being Ihe
result (d the consolidation ol the I lib
and 12th Army Corps which had been
nil Ily licfnie ' 'iHiii'tudi d by .Maior
(ieneial .loo 1 Im !
When Majiii' Gi in ial A. S. William
wa advanced to the em ipaud of llli
eoii. bv rea-'i 11 of tin ;.roaiolion of
Geneial Sloeiim, he ril. lined Captain De
chert in the same ,o-i!ion on the Coips
si a IT.
Dining llm t( nttiil niaieh of Major
(ieneral W, T. Mietni ci "l the sea." he
held his jiosilioti, mnl at Savaiinali,
(ieorgia, General S'oeitm again recogni
zed tho ellleieiit sei v ic of Captain Dc
ehert by apjiointini linn A't. Adj ( !eti.
al ol the Ann-, "l in .,i'gi 1 on in stun.
which position in Maim d unill after lb"
surrender ol .Im' .lohiion, at
ialeigli and allci the giand review of's armv al Wasliingtoii in Mav.
180.1. He was tin .niwliile pionioted to
bo Major of the Tw mil) ninth liegiment
and at Ihe close nl llm war lie was lire
yetted by the Pn-ident ol the United
Stales on the I 1 1 M 1 , 1 n 1 ; 1 1 i . 1 1 of Gen
erals Sloeiim and Shcrnrin lobe l.ieiiliti
nit Colonel "for dPint and meiitmioii
services dlllil'g til.' o, 11."
Ill .llllv. ISfi.1, In- b 'illglev Ihan IVVi'll
tv-three vears of age. Ii" 11 liiroed lo his
louie wilb bis ("intrude, alter an aelive
service in Hie In bl nl over lour veal'.
lie innneiliatilv eiiter.d upon Ihe si ml)
of the law in the nllice of his brother
Henry M. Deeheit, I'.sq , a jiromiip'lit
inciiiiierot tlie ri'ihi'ii'inliia iiar.aini was
admitted to pracliee in November, l-iiili
1 be same year lie wa eainlulale ot In
party in the Twenty-seventh wind tor
select council, and although Governor
Geary had a majority of iqiwarils nt I, ID
he wa returned deleated bv but thirty
two vote. In this canvass he wa sup
mtted bv many of the most liioiniiicnt
piojieily owner of the wind who were
nut members ot hi own jiolitical party.
lu IHiiS. mi the election ol lion l'lirnian
Shejipard lo the ollice of District Allor
nev of the Coiiutv of Philadelphia, Col
onel Deeheit wa appointed Assistant
Distnct Attorney tor three years, ami
was again appointed by tlie same official
for the sAiue tei 111 011 his re election in
When Mr. Hugger! was elected to the
same ollice in 1 S77, Colonel Dcehert de
dined a re-appointinent. lireb rringto ie-'
simie tlie geneial practice ol Ins jirotes-
sion to which lie Pas ilevoled In atten
tion until called, without hi own snlici
latioii, to aeei pi (be iiuiiiiiiiiti.Hi of Au
ditor General. Dining ibis si i viee as a
pi oscciitiug ollicer, be was indeieudent
and leaibi-s.and eoinlucteil many inijioit
ant (rial in which he displaved abibly
that show etl bis iiniinut litness lor the
requirements ot the jmst.
While Col. Diehi ifheld the iiosiiinn
of Assistant District Attorney, a vacan
cy oecuncd in the First Senatorial Dis
trict, In which he bud jiroxinusly remov
ed, by which the Senate of Pennsylva
nia was lelt politically ( t'a l!oth oni
rics looked about them for their strong
est candidates, and ( nl, Deeheit wa.
without any solicitation nil his pait.uuan
iinoiisly made the candid. ite ol hisjiaily.
and alter an ael iv c canipaii,"!. :.t a spe
cial election, on J) I'liiibcr I'D. H"0, he
was elected Sen.-iim by a majority ol
iijivmikIs ol loiHl, idthoiigh the l'cjitibli
ean candidate for sin riff at tbo election
in October jm ceding bad, in the same
district, icceivnl .ii.iajmit) of upwards
ol 11)1)1). Col. Di. hut's tienrd dining
the two veals in tl,,. Senate was credita
ble and Uliimicai l,( d.
lie vva the ai'lbi.r of si v( ml import
ant incasiiies, nl which the "Criminal
Kv iilcnce" law is 01, c, by which jx isoiis
charged w ith certain minor criminal nl
fences aie jKiiiiilled to testily in their
own behalf.
Col. Dcehert is an active number of a
number ol socidics, among which are the
Military Ordirnf the Loyal Legion, Ihe
Mieneiehor Society, Ihe Penii Club, Ihe
llistoiial Society of Pennsylvania, Hani
iitou Lodge No.' "71. A. Y. M of West
Philadelphia and Post Xo. i, Giand Ar
my of Ihe l.'epublie.
In 1S7S Colonel Dechert aei'ciled
Ihe command of the old Veteran Second
liegiment. In tti r known to our leaders
as the "Notional Guaid-." foimeily com
uiauilid by General P ter Lyle." This
leginii nl has lnen brought un'der his ef
lieient manageineiil to a high stale of
discipline, and in Ihe rcci nl encampment
at Fairinount Pari, it n ceived the high
est encomiums from snhlnrs and eitt
Tlie office for which he i a candidate
is a most lesjioiisible one, and he will,
no doubt, iceeiye a large independent
vote bv reason of Ids high diameter, and
lu cause it is often thought that the
Auditing ollicer of the Cominoiiweallh
call best jierforni his dmies when be
differs in polilics from those whoso ae
counts aie to be auditid.
How Mu Sai nl her liarllii.
"I shall never again feel so awfully ner
vous about my Inbie teething," writes a
gr.itefiilirother. VWnbm.s' h s' our littlednr
ling by a long ultnclt nf eh.deiii iiilantuin.but
happily bifid ot 1'nrker's (iiigir Tonic in
time. I loot a lew spoonsful, uivx-lf, which
sonii cpimI my miisinp lihv n.iirtly, 111 il
uu 1 (cii.ii 1, i.i id-, lii,sk,i pie and b'ul v ii,
.uch peilnt'y fdil liialib, mnl liisde ii'j k.
strung nt..! cninforlnhle ihnt I vveiild tint be
will. out lids ii-lialde innlit ine lor vvotlds."
A .Mother of Hmnklyn.
I'.ijier far V lipids.
Paper ear wheds are the most diuable
of all. and are now being inaiiufiictmcd
by Iwo or thiee enneerus. Some of lliem
aie giuirantced for 800.000 mihs of H,t
vice, but the juesent object to them is
their costliness. It is itiniiid that i,a
ier wheels oilgbl tobeg.iod i,,r ,-,(l,0()0
miles ol senile in m dev t,, reiulei- them
as economical as winds made ot cast
Ate you low splrilwl'il,-iwii.iii.irsmiiiilli,'
and weak in the bad; 1 !),),. wulkiiig, lid
lug or slioidl-g tKiu.e pain in th miiiiiI ol
I lie I, nil-' II i Mm l,u.- 1 i .1 .11
and I'ml. ( lullmelle'. French Kidney Pad i
)' Mini l.l inn. ni rnpi
illy ami periniiiiein Iv ni ,l t. iih.oit fillim
vour sloiiincli will, i..iiisi:,iii icdiciui. .
'I'l... , i- T ,
, ... miMue no I- I -. . s-, . ,, ,., 4l . decreased ov ,il I Mi i.ipii) ,,
since 1H70, but sti'ain tnii ige iiiefeas
ed b) about 1, im.iji) t,.i, ,
W'rile to Mr. I.v-.Iih t: I'i'.ltlonn, ".S3
estern Avenue,, Mt... fr moiir n
ailiis that have b.en lemerfi to peifed
liflth by Ihe ue of the WfrMslle Com
-Miti.. hit )..,- ,. ,..r ,t1
.luliU.n, y.isi of Ulrtalttwrnliiir-a
Ill 00
If. 00
Mi. 1 11
iliMHf Inelies . .
AraMimlica . ..
(usrtrr ."iiuinD...
.lair eolunin
in culiiinli
.(l.oii (
. s.iki 4.00
, 4,111 4. to
.. ft.lid t.uo
cno ..ou
i,.mi liio
".en r-.i 1
t (!.(!
1.0 If
Mil.' I
I Veiny adu rt'ix mcntB pnjable iiiarteH . Its';
scrpt Where (tarries nave accouui s.
t.fftfnliuivvrtlsi-rnrntfttwodoilnmc! Inclifoi lint.
luw rtlotis, ii lid at Hist rate for addltlonui insil tlotf
, ItUout reference to Itngth.
' Knecutor's.Amlnlstralor's and Auditors r.otlc'
Ithreedullars. .Must bo paid tor bin Inrctlid,
laoiiar per cnrior cacuime.
.Mil l.l ci eJ fur Money,
.Xl.VIiV IIXIirl.Kl's ll.lSt.VUK.Mll.KSTOItV.
The regular term of the Snyder county
court was held hist week and the county
seat underwent a high state of excite
ment occasioned by tho trial of the jiar
I iiM accused of thu the minder of .lohn
Kint.lcr and his wife on the night of
ihe 8lh of December, 1877, near Tiox
ville, that county. In thu summer of
IH7i Hinamicl lilting! r, Jonathan Mov
er, Uriah Mo)cr and Israel Krb were ar
11 sled am) iuiprisoucd upon the sworn
sl.iliment of Mary Hartley, as having
been iuiiHcatcd in the foul deed. Ou
the llllh of December of thu same year
they were niiaigned in court and Jilead
ed 1101 guilty, and demanded sejiarato
trial. vvliereiiion the commonwealth
elected to jilaeeun trial Israel Ktb for
the killing of .I11I111 Kilitzb-r, the com
monwealth deeming it iie.xjiedient to
place ihe prisoner ou trial for the murder
ot both. Tin jilau was e.uricil out so
that in case theie should be an acquittal
hec. iild be held for the other, and after
a wei k's llioiough trial the jury after be
ing mil a few bonis, teiiilcied axeidiut
ol 'Not guilty." The court held that
M.iry llanley, upon whom the common
wealth 1 died ehielly. was an accomplice,
and liei-l.--tiiin.iiy vva lint eolioliorated
in a mult-rial miul. The District Atlor
in) ihi'ii enti led nolle prosequi! in tho
oilier cues.
v 11KI I ci 1 vi:'s vviiiti;.
The matter rested in this way until tho
vv inli r of 187!), when the commissioners
of ihe county etnjiloyed Mr. Lyons, a de
lictive from Heading to fen'et out tho
guilt) parties, lie liist made his ajqicar
anee at Ailam-buig, and to thiovy tho
people oil' tlicir guard and to ascertain
all Ihe lael jmssilde in theca-e hu went
under (lie guise (if an 010 Hjiectilator, in
tending .to elect furnaces and the like,
and in Ibis way gained much informa
tion idalingto tlie minder, which ena
bled him to fix tlie crime upon those sllji
posed lo be implicated
Kiiianiicl Kltingor, the chief of tho
gang now upon trial in coinjiany with
-Mary Hartley, was traced by the detect
ive from that county into the mountains
near llellefoute, from there into Ohio
and thence into .Michigan, wheie they
were eajitui'cil on tlie'l'.ltli of May o'f
tiiis year. Whilst he was bringing tho
prisoiieis east, Lttingor jiunjied horn thu
train when it w as running at the rate of
thirty miles an hour and made his eseajie.
Tlio detielive enutiiud his journey to
Middleburg with .Mary Hartley, w'hero
she lias been kept under watch ever
since. Ollicets in .Michigan vv'ere instinct
ed as tuilie jiroiiable locality ol lit linger
and he wa traced from jdaceto jilaco un
til thiee week ago, when four men
made Ids an est at an out-of-the-way
place in the country, but not without
gieat resistance lqioii'thu jiait of the pris
oner, audit was with great dillieully that
lie wa handcuffed.
on 1 1:1 i. run -uu:
On .Monday of last week tho grand
juryrctiu-ned true bills in the eao of tho
commonwealth against Kinaniiel Iitting-
er, .lonalban Mover. Uriah Mover and
Israel Kill, eliaiged with the killing of
John lxint.ler and Gietcheii Ixiiitzler,his
wile. I 111,11 ai laignnienl thev nleaded
not guilu," and on (lcmandiii'"-seiiaratu
trials the eonimoiiweallh elected to liy
iiiaiiuei I'.inuger nisi. Hist net Attor
ney ttiisum and .Messrs. I lower and Pot
ter are eoun.-el lor ihe eomuioiiweallh.
md upon the other side it the sttong
team ol Linn and Dill, of Lewisbin-'r.
Union lountv. associated with K.I.
Smith, of .Middlebuig. The foienonu
was consumed in empaneling a jury.hav-
iiigexnausKU ine jianel lielore the jury
was m euieil. The liist wilnes called for
the commonwealth was Maty Hartley,
who look no me entire afienioon. her
ci oss examination by .Mr. Dill being very
rigid and seveie. ' She testified Mtstan
liallv as follows:
On the night of thu 8th of December
1877. I Weill in coinjiany with Jonathan
Mover. Uriah .Mover, Emanuel lit linger,
Isiael Kth and Kllen Mover to the houso
of John Ixintzler. Kllen Moverand my
sdt stood along a fence near lxint.ler's
bouse, while the men eros-ed it and went
In the house, w here lit linger broke 11
I'iine ol glass and threw into the room a
bottle id eldoroloini and then took an
axe from an inside vest junket and cut,
a hole in the door and unlocked and
opi ued it and all in-hoil inlo'the house.
At Ibis lime 1 climbed over the fence,
went lo (be door, looked in and saw John
Kinlx.ler King in a jiool of blood. Thu
old lady was tunning towards the door
and Knianuel lit linger hit her across thu
head w ith a dub and she fell to the Hour.
A ft ir this tlu jinnies went to the bed in
the coiner of the loom, ereil under and
liftid a lid covering a hole, in which
theiewa a box 1 onlaining nioney.whieli
was taken outside and divided into two
parts. Kitiiigcr then took blood in a
biokeii dish and threw it outside of tbo
di oi giving as a leason lor so doing
thai il was to make jieojile believe that
thev were killed outside. Two of tho
paitiis then went to the stable and got
leaves and brought them to the housu
and set it 011 the, burning thu house
with the niuifleied jeoilu in it, and that
after IhU was done they left the scene of
tin ir bloody win k, each going to their
bonu s and Kttingir icmainiiig with her
the balance ol (he night.
In rejily to a question as to why sho
went with Kttingcr to the West," she
said thai he lold hi r that she would bo
killed it she ii inainid in the county,
hew.ispul thmiigli a very seaiehing
examination. Jacob Schrader xvas called
and testified that he, with others, went
to the niiiis the next morning after tho
Hie and found tlie lemaius of the old
I'eojile almost vihnll) consumed, being
allngetlur but fiom ;
luevii-us ki, indulge f tJ,t, si.e of tho
I'eojile. The hi ad, aim, and legs of
John Ixintzler weie buinl entirely off.
and there was nothing left of the old
lady excejit a few rib find bones.
A jruar.nilK, that nnv one atl'ectcd wiih
eniiMipatinn or torpid Liver can be relievrd
bp Inking rruu'nrly, by Uirctiodx.SiiiiiiioiiH
Liver IfiKuUtor. It has btcn known to
cue 111 hundred of eases, mid will do it
'As a t'l'iiernl finiily remedy for dyspep
sia, pid I.ieer roii.lipaiinn, ,o, I hardly
oyi r used mu ihlni.' 1 Ise, and have never been
ili-nppi.ii,t,ii in (H'.tt irnilnied ; il seems to
be nlino.t a peif ei cure fr all di.esse. uf
'no sieiiiacn uiei tiovrel.
W .f. Mcr.l.linY MiriMi, (ia.
It is a .erious whuiheiMr. Oonl--line
on lecent eceaslnn, praisnl 1 r PUnth.
id the head of thetepuhlican ticket
A well known H(t!Vtnn nf Trdo. O,
Mis t I O'liiniencKl to cr a Davii Kid.
ney Pad, atUr toy Doctor lold me 'I xxjiild
ii'ilirtl well and wltbiu two monlbs 1 hill
eoii'pllU-ly iceovtrrd.