THE COLUMBIAN AND L) IMO( 1RAT, 1 LOOM S B IT R( r, COLUMBIA COl NT. PA. Treasury lliinkkcfiiliij:. Witlumt n cl muni' of Ailitiiiiistintinii, tin1 tint HlntiHif tin imlilio di'lit and tin rial i-otidition oflliu I'lvnuiry will iii'Ut 111' klUHVII. Allil (of llli' licit of llll U'il mim, lu'wiu.' tlio ir'mMli'.ni lt'tutors me inlriTnli'il in I'oiii'calin liotli. Tlii'y know tliat wlii'ii llu mhtiI ninv liiilili'ii hp fully ici:iU'i1,tliu tiilal wau' of 1SVI wKicli swt'lit a majority of one liiiiitliocl out of tliu IIoiisJ of ltiiri'fi'iilatii"i, will npioar a n aim couipaivil with tlio Htorm of wratlitliat will scalier their cor rupt orfiani.nlioni. Tliu act of Sept. INTO, iniiclu llii' l.i'isti'r'of llu1 Treasury llu liioHeeicr of tliu ovi'iiuni'iil, iz. : "To keep all ueeottiits of tin reeei'ils ami I'xlti'iiilitnri-s of tin 'mlilie money, anil ok all ik'litu dm' Id and from tliu United Stalin." All tliu wmi'liem and wairaiitrt are 11 nally di'inili.'d in tliat olllee, and always wi'ri the liaU of tin xliitemeiits of tliu public dulit, and of the. leeeipts and ex iiemiitiires.iititil tin now ileiiaitiue. under (Irani Then the Secretary of the Treasury, in llarant violation of law, as Hiimi'it to revise all tliu nccuuiit lor a pi'i'iod of nearly foity veai-., and to puli lish cxhiliils of tliu 'miilie delit from hi? own ollice, to conform with changes which ho ordered to he made. To do this, balances were forced ; fig ures wero altered! and when these two resources failed, whole leaves were cut out of the great ledgers, so that no per manent record should exist. Does any body believe these things wire innocent ly done, or doubt that there was some extraordinary motive for arts every one of which was a forgery I The l.cgister of the. Treasury at that time was indispo-ed to make the changes which would reconcile a discrepancy of liioro than two hundred millions of dol lars as between what his books showed and what Mr. lioutwell had assumed to be the debt. !ut a shoit method was found of eouipieiiug the ltogister's sciu ples, as appears from the testimony of Ills successor, as follows : Q-Youl!egister Seolield speak of (he order from the Secretary to the l!cgitor, who, I believe, was Mr. Allison, to make the changes you have referred to in the debt statement. Will you give that com mittee that order? A Yes, sir; this is the original order, and I will hand you a copy. "Q read us the m initial. A. I w ill. Titr.Asntv i)Ki.iJTjir.NT, Nov 21, 1871. " 'Sin: I have to that the statement of the public debt on the 1st day ot January in each or thu years from 1701 to 1824, inclusive, and at va rious dates in subsequent years to .lulv 1, 1870, as printed on page 230 of the finance report for 1870,Imay be omitted from your tables in the forthcoming re ports, or else that it be corrected to con form to Tablo II, on pairo 2.T for the same year. ' 'This reouest is made in consequence of a letter from the assistant secretary of the Treasury, now in London, who com plains that these different tables are fre quently referred to in England, and the discrepancies between them constantly and unfavorably commented upon. " 'Tho tablo found on p.ige2o is, 1 be lieve, as nearly correct as the e.xanima tion of the accounts up to the present time will enable it to lie made, though I am under the impiession there will bo some change necessary m onlcr to make it absolutely reliable. Very respectfully, " M. 11 Saviu.k, Chief Clerk. " iIIon'j John Allison, Kegister of the Treasury. "Tho letter is endorsed: 'Secretary of the Treasury) chief clerk; 24, 171. Asks statement of the public debt may made to correspond with statement made in "secretary s olhcu Jlemoraimum. As publithed for the fiscal year ending June .su, lot l, tho statement is tho samu as tliu Secretary's.' " Under this order official statements af fecting thu revuntiu collected, the cash in thu treasury, thu interest on thu pub lic debt, thu expenditures for tho navy, army, Indianx, pensions, and other branches of tho service were altered by tens of millions. And the public is asked to believe that thesu arbitrary and un precedented alterations wcru made in good faith, and not to cover up corrup tion and stealing. What would be thought of thu safety of a publio institution, bank or insurance company where tho President ordered the book-keeper to mako up a balance sheet from his figures, in direct contlict with those of the general ledger, and to erase tho contradictions, awl, if necessary in order to destroy the eviirt'iicc, to mu tilate tho books by cutting out the leaves? This is what tho Republicans have dono in the Treasury, and in other de partments. During Sccor Kobeson's ex piring term in thu navy tho building was fired four different" times in a few months, and once in the upper story, where the vouchers were, filed away for Hafo keeping. These were convenient "accidents," of course, but they ought to have sent thu man who inspired them to the penitentiary. Tho pecuniary fiauds under Grant wcru shocking, but they were mild com pared with the Croat Fraud by which tho Presidency was stolen. This is a fit timo to settlu'thu accounts of both these villainies, A'. J". Sun. Health hope and happiness are restored by the me of Lydia E. l'iukliama Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure for all those diseases from which women suffer so niueh. Send to Mrs Lydia K linkbam,133 Wcsiern Avenue, for pamphlet'. Poultry Xotm. Heavy fowls sometime' receive severe in juries iu trying to fly down from high perches. Cbickeni ari always healthier when they have plenty of sand and gravel about them. Any family can keep fowls on their prem ises without more trouble, at merely nomin al cost. llreeding stock should be kept up to the full measures of their natural vigor but never forced beyond it. One cannot reasonably expect to raise strong and healthy fowls If they are kept in a starved or neglicted condition. The molting of fowls is hut a natural process with most animals iu changing their summer coat for a wiuter oue. It will be well for those; who are limited to a small garden to appropriate a portion of it to a grass plot for their fowls. All kinds of feathered life seek the shado from the burning rays of the sun, and we should Imitate nature by providing it in abuudance. A Hood Housewife. The good housewife "when Julie is giving her home its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her housn arc umro precious than many houses, and that their system needs cleansing by purify I of (he bluest, and regu Uting the stomach and bowels lo prevent and cure tho disease arising from spring malaria and miasma, and the must know that there Is nothing that will do It so per fvcllr and surely as Hop flitters, the purest and best of medicine. A l'lraslnf; Incident. liorlnp, 1 1 io Huston bonkH'ller, tell-a vciy romantic story, n- follow : 'At one lime I lincl pii p.irrd Imxri tif I1111 y piper with nu inltiil or pit Hume fin!ii"(il un It, mid I pul this up nl t a Vox tnul Hilvoilbcd It widely. One d.iy I hud nil unlir from ('nllfnrnl.l from a MN Hutn . Tim tmx tins ilr,nolli and udilri.iil to lier, find lay about hert, win ii it young r,nglliliiiinii rmnclnd an tvntf led ti) wille ii letter. I gave lihn the mater Ials ami n place in wlitcti to wrltp, when lilt eye raulit tho tulilron on tliu Imx, "Have j on tho onlur tluit c lino fir that hoi of paper?'' lit! inked, "Yf," I replied, ''I have It almut here Dincwlirrp." "Would you mind to acini It up to my hotei? If it it what 1 think, 1 shall leave lur Califnm to nlj-lit." "I found it and .'cut it around anil In-.nil no mote about It fur three month, when ono day the young man, with n Im'y on Id- arm, walked in. "Mr. Lotliijr, I want lo present you to my wife," ho said. We enuld not leavi thin country llll we. thanked you for your part hi bringing u together. 'The ilenoiiimrut wni quite n romance. the ymug man wan the son of an niUlocrat ic family, ami the girl the daughter ol the tjunlntr. Hut love levels all distinction1', and tho young man felt this girl to he the chosen eompuuion of his life To break nil' the attachment hi father had sent him to tho Continent and di-pn'clied the K.udiirr and his pretty daughter lo America, where the young uinn had fu'loiveil them, Ignorant of their niMrcs, and tit tail fin ling it through thu chance of the box of paper. Why is n baby like wheal? Il?eauo it la hrst cradled, 1 tit u thias'ieil nail hnally tu c ones too Hotter ol the tuinlly. Anil we would add. Soothe it with Dr. Hull's Hal y Syrup. It contains no opiates. Tho tabulation nf tho wealth, debt and taxation of the Slate of Ohio has just hecu finished by tho Census Iiurcuu. It shows it large iucrease in the valuation since 1870, a moderate increase iu taxation, and n mar bed increase in the debt, the latter being al inoit exclusive!" in the large cities. The gran 1 total of "local iudebtcdnesi iu 1SS0 Is H,G.-ii,l(i8, against $12,009,910 in 1870. The total a-scsscd valuation of the State is J 1. 547,740.000 against $1,107,731,097 in 1870. Warratitfd not to contain a single unit cle of mercury, or any injuiiousor mineral substance, but to consist entirely of tnediral matter purely vegetable, which is the reason Simmon s Liver Kegulator is so ellectuHl.y el so harmless. "I write you tocerllfv that I have Usui Dr. Simmons' J,iver Keirulator in my lamily witu complete access." J. W. D. null), Chattalioachce, l'ln. Judije Taylor, of Venango county, lias brought five jurymen to a realizing sriise of their duties by fining them $10 each and costs for not being on hand when wanted in court. Trobahly the youngest choir to be found Is at present doing service i.t Titusvllle The ages of the members of this novel choir range from nine to fourteen years. Harriet Merrihew, who was sentenced to Sing Sing from Lowville, N. Y., could not be received, as no female convicts have been taken at that prison for three years. Germany's stock of 20 mark pieces is ex hausted, and aid her indbetdnesa to the United States is being paid in silver. A young man ot society out making a call may wear two watches and ytt iot know when it is time to go nome. Judge Hamilton, a farmer of Ioim,Mich., was shot through the heart by his nephew, aged 18 years. Some women were evidently born to blush unseen, at least they arc never seen to blush. In making wills some are left outand some are left tin. Prudence is as much a jiwelai consistency itself. Rupture 2 a. j. a. s j ears or m :t, may no SnsaUAM-AMD THE OWCY DS. more Jor hl3 successrtil metliixl ot tivatlnir Kuptura w llhout the annoyance and Injury OW DO Consulted WfM?tlv ntlils Vw Vnrlr nnri Itntnn nnii.M. Ilr .lirm.Ti lu in.; : nu,.,r. - or theonly known cure rnrltunturu by localcntirnil tiiainiont. No man lssalB wliohaaa Kuplurc, no matter bow Ini-lsuincint lie may consider It, rur every mm nho pas died rrom It once llatUircd blinarll tliat It was a t rllllnir llment; and every nun no now suirers rrnm It and the Injury ot trusses to such an extent that lltn has no enjoyments, oneu remaned It as unworthy special .ttentlon. It Is not aatand-stlll aoi'ctlnn; Itlssteadl.v iirogrehslve, een unto death, and ho Is wise uho takes thu neceH-itrt' miim tn i nfr,.ti,diiu roii..i,..i fr.,, it l..t ihU .i.vnt u..,ru,.! ,n.V. comes upon him. ' ' i-auenis irom aoroaa can rccene treatment and leave tor homo Baine day. nurlujr treatment anv kind ot active exercise or labor can beverrormed without Inlet n-rinsrvlth thu treat -m nr, un.l wlt. sately irom the dangers otstransutated Itupture. Ills llltlllt ox ItlllTI'Ui: stUes tho most rellaMe proors tiom dlstlnuul.shed proresloual eentlemen, cieiirymen. and mereharitH or his hiiceeMiil praeilce nonalarlly thcrerrom thr ujhout th country and the West Indies. 'Ihe nilllcted should leiillt ami Ihturm ;theui- 11 Is Illustrated with photngraplilellKenossesoroitn'molvladiMs'-s beturo an-1 urter euro, and mailed to Ihoso who tend 10 cents. In consequence ot thu (treat n.-in i'iu tor lir Mu-rtaurs neraonal services, he will till rurlhernotlce, divide his time between h's Vew V"rk and llcton olnees as Ir.llows: heturdav. Monday and Tuetday ho may be consulted at his New York oniee and Wnln' sUay, TburMU)- and Friday at his lios ton omee. each week. hemnmU'r.ln wmtaeor calllnir, Ihe odoress Is DR.J.A.SHERMArtl 251 Broadway, cor. Murray street ST. V.. and 43 IWilli gtrcot, Boston. Ilewure or a xtalti coulMence men and Imp mtors w lui npreseat tiiomselves as Ur, Sherman, d kjuMw Literary Revolution and UNIVERSAL An Kncylnpailla in 20 VOLS, over lli.000 iiafrer; 10 per cent more niatti r tlinn any I'.u" cyclok).lla ever befure publisuiHl in ibis ominlry, ami aolil, baniKumely auil well bounil.iii clutb lor tin, in half uiorrtvo for $.5 utul printed nu line, heavy, w iile iiiarK'ms, bound lu half Itumia, tiip fir $20 uu inter(,rj m extraordinary tliat its rurcess,' be yond all pnecdents in boot publialiiinr, may be fairly claimed to iiiaugurata n Literary Jleivlutifin Tllir I.IIIItAUY OV UNIVKIISAI, KXOWI.KDGK Is a reprint entirn i.f iw m (1870) Ivlinbuits edition nf "C'naniber's V. iryclnpai lia," with about 40 pir per cent of new matter mldtd, iiptin topic of jiei ial inti rtt-t In'cui readeia, thus inaklii'.' It (ijual in character to any similar work, better than any , .r unl lit llm wants nf ilio Kreat majority wlio counult works o'f reference, aud altogetber the 1 itest lucyc luiituilia in tbo field p'!ro"u"i!,B'''''ll'',''e'tjllor,!x'iniln4l'UI1 r"lv"l'E0 bt return on ncelpt ct proportionate special III.,-,ui to all caily subscribers, and extra discount, lo clubs. Full particulars with descrlp. tliecataiuiruoor maa other standard woiks equally low la price, sent tree, Leading principles of the American Kuolt Exchange. I. 1'ubtUh only books or real value. II. Work upon the basis of present cost ot making books, about oi e-halt hat It was a tew eais ago. III. Sell to buyeis direct, and savo th'ia 50 1 1 OJ pr cent, cuuuulsston commonly allowul to dealers. adoKw.K.S'no KSS5 uCutV "m,, U M1" '"'" "l "" ,,,y;,H"?t,,,J'Pr ' d0wt'1'IPilnllni. ana stronf. tlnillnir, but avoid nil "naddlnu." ivf-2ii! l'!r-le'"1-J1y. Ik lurv paisr and fauSy LindlLir, which aie lei-urud tolo make books appear Urwe and tine, and whlih Kieatly add lo thtlrcost, but du not udd to their nas. VI, lo make It and a filend Is better than to make u and an enemy, STANDARD BOOKS. Library ot I'nliersal Know It dice, va o!s , f 10, Mllmsn'slilbbon's lu me, ft 'ols , f Mi, Macau le 's History ol Knirlaud, i lols.. fM. chamber's Odoraedla or Entf. Literature, 4 vols.,fi, Knl-u.'B History ol Kniilsnd, 4 tola., (3, I'lui arch's 1.1 i s or JIluMrlousMen, 3ols , $1,5. i.elkel s 1 lie und Words ot cutis', CO cents. Younir's lilt'le Concordance, 31 l,uw references (pro- ruilut) w. Acme 1 llfary of lUoi;raphy. w certs. Iiook of Kables, .Ksop, lie., Illus.w rents, Milton's cumi'leiu I'oetleal Woiks.Iuccnss. hhaken(eiie's c inplete works latenls. Worksof Usule, translated by Cary.Mi cents. Works or Vlretl. translsted by tiouen,,' cents. The Koran or MohMiiimtMl, truiiKlsttd by hale as cts. Adieiilures or IHtn tulxote, lllus., &u cents. Arabian Mulils , Plus .utcenis, Uunyan I'llifi tin's rrtxreis lllus., w cents. UoMuson crusu. lllus . to cents Munchausen and Juliltern1rsels, lllus.. CO cents, stories an. ballads by K. T. Alden. lllus., ,1. Acme Library or Modern Catties, c cents. iMiJ uSStJ r'lsttt' '"tier JOHN II, AI.DKN, Sfauwrer MRS. LYD3A E. PINKHAM. OP LYNN, MASS. lUSOJVEItEU op LYDIA E. PiNfCKAM'S VESSTABIE COMPOUND. Tho 1o!Hvy On -.. -i For all Female Complaints. TliUtTfirntlm, fit Itt liltin rt-rnl.'W, ccnM-rts of p talilu 1'roiH'i tlH tli t ftro l.nrml h tu the inokt dtl leati'lm ahtl. l'i.n one trltl tliomt rlti ok ttili Com Ihhi'M wilt Mrc '?-.! 1, ni rcld-f U imiupsUitt hinl Uj ii -w It ("itlun 1, In iihictj--nlno efts. j In n l.un. dr-'J, n i'i in.-tnititc(.rvltL-f(-rUHl,niitliou(nn'li v,l U Ufy. fin nc'-tttitit if ItsiprovinmcrH'Jtljto-Jiyro. t-.tiinitinlldrj j-remtiU-Uliy tlio Kut -li)M..liuia lu tliorontitry. It villi euro fMlrtty tlio wort-t form of fulHns t-f tho tit nu, I, uoorrliu'ft, trrt-fcul.r tnl intnful Mc?jtriii.tIoii,nllOvnrIanTroull-i', lnitamnintluii aiut l'Li,r&t!on, tlo(Hliiit-.,nUt-Ii'i'ln(,iniiitB rxil tt-u (i-iic')tiliitliM(iki.(" (i-jNt'tftlly bdngtoii t tl.of':.tik'-rf IJftf, ItYtltldlNioHu And cij.-l tuitiof f -im tJio uti,rii"in in i .irl htn-ro of develop! uiit. TI19 t- .tJeni-jf topati(-rouj liuiriurstlieru la chocioJ ury tu fact It lai iirovnl tn to 11m crrnt it tml t-""t tnni! tliat J'.ii tv.r Ktii d.f n Ti i cl. U (x-niH ntri cm ry psutlonot tlio tyaU m, fiinlKivoi iivn li.'nim I r.fur. H 1 1 iiovi 4 f..iiitiium1flatuk,r.i-y, tlo Mrryrfallrnivii',,' fur uUimdtiLt-i.aiiJ ttlkvoi wiaiticr of t.iuntoi'iMU Itcurcal.luntini?, ltcnIfli, NcrTom lVostrittlon, Gumr.illH,!Ilitj,Lltij.liKr.iMi, n-lon find luiil ici'stltn. Umt fdht'i' Uailiiff tiwwn, cauiini pftln, e.fht 0r.1l turl.iulio, l-ttlw.-Minrrr.ianriiily curt.1 1 y hi uto. It v 111 :.t til t..ntril Mid under clII v.mimKtan cph, act H liariutiy withlu law U.t-t catniij tLa ftm-U-jcytrm. KurKidiK-yCinilliit-tcf iltltcr kx lld-t iotnjouiij U uiuuriutuvJ, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lt-prejiaml bt 23.1 and UVhti-ru Atcnuo, Ij-nn, 1aak i ko fl t. B.i W.lUrn for f.; m. nt hy iuhiI tu tf.o form of pil!i,Ui In thj form t f l-2ftHrn, on rredpt nrprlci', i.W, pcT box, for iltlicr. Mm riNKHAM rmlhUnwtrtnJllrttorsof lmfilty. Send for I-fttii 1'l.UL Addrtiaaalxo Mention th ;u;rr. No fauiilebouMW-v.llLout LYDIA L. I'lMClll' UVL'.iriLL3. Tin) curt) Coast i;t ion, tUI-jiuutmi, uid Torpidity of the LIrtr. 1 ct itj itr Lux. JOHNSTON, H0LL0WAY A CO., General Agents, Fhih., Pa. MU1 II Y KOYfiE BROTHERS., Ekoirsburg, Pa, t von f fm-lin.-vii.v nun nl UU nnrl l,v tliu ttlH t, i-wtotllnif ovr rmx your dutk'd uvoul nik'ln oik, to res lorn lirnlii iP-firUU HttiuulAntflana ue Hod Bitters. w-btte, uw Hop B. dtitrprlnn from any In- If ynu are ynuntr nd I .ti...niiim or durdinil lion I 11 J"H un- iiini- ried or ntnul, uM or I iHjor health or lbnuulidi I in, i-ily on Hop! i ouuir, iuut ruin i roiii litters. Tliousanda die aa nutUly f rum louie lr.i vir VOU I lht.1 your fjrtmii iornt oi k I a n e y -tllxcai-o tLat mlprlit tiiTO t-penprc cLttnl by ft tlmtily uwol Ithcut intoxicating, X RKR HOP noputixers Ha re you d v or vrinat ufm .Iafnf, dlt-ne of tho (fnniUCA, D. I. C. U an absolute and im'nita Me cure for Jrunkenneei , tte of oiluro, tobacco, or hop liver vrntrvt l You will be mi ml iiTouuse Hop Dltters; Tfyouawflm- fily weak and onrpj.irtU-d.try it i ft may Rold bTdmar- rtrtts. Send for Circular. NEVER FAIL HOP EITTXlS rra co., AToronlutOuL, inveyour I ire ii nns saved hun dreds. ju( lb, e-u U NEW FIRM! Tho well known C. li. WlUTiC, rroprktor cf tlo OlUNdRVJLLn AdUICULTUllAL WORKS, lias solJ a linlr Interest lu the same tn J. W. Conner. The company luno reDalrrtl tint wurks. nun aro nrt pared to uccotnmod.iteoll who waut aDythtDK' lo the line nf Arlculturat Impirments. 'ihey liaui just cnmpletsnd a new left liana t hlte plow.whielilf io bible, will beat the rlht band. Al3 burfaconluws nr tnlnturs tnr I tin H.imo A nnw'riirnGlinrnnd flftn.. er nun centre Miane or nujie fiioe, caiiea uie IVlilto Tlirchhcr and Cleaner, with bothlpver anil raihnv unwritton n. crptitlv Improved plan. Wo inanufiictuto LAND KOiXKIts with cast iron head-. Uurn nows. doublo and sin trio Cu.itlv.Uor tdo bill I'Jows, At lit Casting. Turning of every description done wltn prompt nem. We kee iconsUully on band a lar asmitment ot I'low bhares for our nwriand many other plows that aiu used In the country. Wo will not bu undersold In work or mateital of tho f anio quality. -U1 our woi k t3wArrnnted tojruu Ratl-.factlon. or the money le fimrttd. WKIKt'V COMI'KMTION. KarmerH, and tu puMic in penerai are lequefcUdtu call and vx umiue luru jnuciuiMni; I'lbewuf-re. WHITE & CONNER, Jan. !C, tO-IJ' OKANGliVILLE, l'A. Farm for Sale ! Tbound slL'iif d offciM ut irlvate -a'e a FAUM tv SIXTY-TIIKKti AUHES, with FJiAMU HOUSH. barn and other out-bulldlngs tbt'itou, Mtiuto In rihln creck ttiwrslilp in cood btate of cultivation. Located near Asbuiy, Uan bo purchase I on reasonable terms. A tine orcjurd cn tho p'opcrt' , and a never-falllnif spilngof WaUTLCur thehouto. t'ur particulars ad diess JU1IN .T. M'lbhs. autf, 13, Mi-Sin.1 Forks, Columbia county, I'a, SHSHUAU liimwn m tl o public fur iir ,nst 3.1 ' v' --'""s " '" KNOWLEDGE Atneilesn cents. Talne's IIIMcryir Lrcllihllliralure.isccnta. Ci ell's 1 C( kil Natural History. II. l'lcioiial llsi ily Lexicon, as cents. bajlnes, I y author ot sparrow grass rapcrs,C0 cents. vrs. lleinau'H I oetlcsl Wotks. 15 cents. Kltio's cjcl'l ii'illa lilt) nu rmure, t tola., 13, liollln'u Aiicleut hlslon, 12 M smith's Dictionary or the Uible, lllus,, lis. Works ol Haitus Jciephus, I. Comic HUH ry of the IT s Hot kins, lllus., ro cents, II t-uli Ii b) Kxeitlse, Ur, Ilio. II Ta) lor, co cents, llffltn lor vtunen Hr.ileo II. Tailor, cocenls. Library .Tti;lue, inwtilsa number, llajear, Library Mskalne. bound volumes, co cents. Ltavis rrtm Ihe diary ol uu old lawjtr, 11. Kiach criLrabiirtitTil Inclolh. Kby mall, lis tage i lira. Mr ft it Ihe books are ulso published lu line (dlllms and tine IUuUjiku at higher pi Ices. llesrrll'lUe I'mpleklir noil Irrws lu t'lubs Mul firevo rrtiarsl. or by express. Kracuons of olo dollar may bo sent AMKiilOAN BOOK KXOHANOH, TviliiiMd lluUiliut,', tilsw Ufi DR. w. , af Indian Blood km. TOItY, 77W.3dSt.,N6vYorkCily tTnins Mist, Vj'pctxietiTArer Dlsittbts. fVfrrtO itgiit, ilheiitna. fNlll, Itt'OjiHII. IZrttrt firr.r. ;ifJoirsiifiiv,.'iVrt'otm Drbllilij.ttc, Tho Bert R3IIBD7 EN0W2T to Man 1 VO,009 A0EMS HAVE GOLD KKCE 15J0 9.000,000 BotiSes. Thi3 Syrvp Tcssmts VaricA Properties. It Mlmtttnt lliff rjttnllnolti ll.o Hn'.hti, vtilrh conrri X thn Ntiirrb itn1 nnsnr nf llin food Into clncotp. A tlWIelrncv In rytjnllne fnunen Wlttit undPoill-lni? of th" fnoA In IliP itomnrl.. If Hie iiirtllrliin inUiu tiuiiii'i'I ntcly nffrr rnllutf the furmetituiiuu uftuud fa lrtTf nlcd. It nets upon the T.lrcr. ItiirtN upon iho Ttfitncri. It Itpcitlfiipx tlio 1 ttmt:t 4 It Iurlllf Iho lUoo.l, It Qutolri Ilio stent. It t'l'omttcfi DicrHlnn It oarUbpfi, htrrtittlirm nnl TnTljcrnirn. It cnrrlpa nll'ibo 01.1 Illno.1 urnl mnl.rrt tie r It oiM'nn tlio inrm rf tbo hlkla nti.t iudurr Ilrultbjr rcriplrnlioa. H centralizes tho hcrcIIarytaltt.crtolson In blood, wUch itDcratx'B,, .ryipil n, nud nil id inn w of fciin diseases kti 1 lo'.crcal humors. Tlicre ra do irlta employed In its tuitimractnro, and ltctnbo taken ty tltutnoit ddUcato, or by Ibe age.1 uid fooMo, tart vntj bting tqired in at' ttnttcn to dtrtctionu PRICE OP LARGE BOTTLES, - 51.00 TRICE OF SHALL BOTTLES, - - 50 Rod th VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURLD bytha ut of th BLOOD PURIFIER- LAI' f ION TO Ii.O(U.rSTS. 1iiaro cr counterrdt Mi'iilclin. I cmniov ito ncnts or nuinera to solicit trade Irom UruUW- Hct Medicine Kver UhCtl. Katon, Wyom'tig county, V&. ltirsirs I had li-fii tiouiilrd jnr a limjf time ft t'nln In my stomach, and found nu n'lk-r until 1 beir.m wi gyour lmllun Itloul H nip. Iilud It tin brsi lDtitleliui in use, and I can roa tnu.end It to till, tdl nnd vounir. It saves nunv ilaKaia In djc.ors' btlN, and one lirj;u bottle did me more good tuan uv uuiidis worm ui uiutr nif-mciiif. .Marlam La burr. An Astonitliin Cure. Moniw, Wyoming county, l'u. ur Sir:- -T had bcniitiilicU'd with a Coub, Loa or Appetite and Uvst'i'rMa for ten yar. 1 could iiot pmpjrly attend u my buslmss, and hearing or jour Justl Cfli'bratf.1 Indian Hloodbvrup, I ft'soWed. to try It, wlilcli 1 did, Hud lu a short time was much Improved. Itiuwluea jjood Ap)ttlti and have enjoy cil tfcfld health m it since I cummenml Its um?, J, Uibixrr. cick Heailhi he Cured. li.nvtnan's neck, Wyouilnir county, l'a. Dear Sir: Iliad bick Head icue and by tho use of your In llan lilood -iup 1 was greatly rclleud. I recoiiiiuundall to try tu valuable niotx i tUs. J. V. iturnett. The Uenit'ily ili'l more llian slie KxprcU ii Newleirj, Ljeomlncounty, l'a. l)t,ar Sir: The Indian lilood rup did more than I expected It would aud It has cund ine of Liver Coinplalia. 1 u-m It aha Medicine und would not bo nlthuut It, Mrs. Mary Cbarmun. lleadiiche niul Dizitiess. Wl'llimsport, 1.5 eoinlnff county, Pa. Tear Mr: Your Juiti.iri ltIondSrup luscurcd rne or lit attache, )lz.lnecs and Loss of Appetite, so tliat I am now nblo tu work In my factory, .My wire de rived moie be nt lit Horn lla uso than irum any other medicine. Henry Mussel. Would not bo Without il. WUlUmspert, Ljcornlnj; rouuty, Pa. Dear Mr: The Ind au r.loodi syrup H the ltefet 1 ever used aud I would not be without It, It is good tor ull complaints, John llurkhart. Uiseaes of the Stomach. Katon, Wyoming' county, Pa. Dear Mr: This is to entity that T had a Weak stomach and could eat no or any lieatty rjud whatever. Ity a men-i's adv ce I commenced the ucor juar Indlau lilood spiup, which iilur a shoit, effect UJlly relleed me and 1 can now eat am thing 1 ehoue. Your trup eles unlvtisal tkatWfaU.Oll. KlUabctlt Hadaall. All that it U recommended to be. Opera IIou?e, Columbia, l'a. Dear Sir: I have used our excellent Indian ltlood srup audit has proven Just as lepresented. 1 eon recommend It to all. Win, lioclu.v. Wholesale Merchant, 5th street. Unanimous Recommendation. The following add their testimony for tho Indian li'ood hi rup: II. K. tlreulf, engineer P It It. i. u. Mniiii, ui itaiuwiDH nieei uuiks. Mrs. snyder. of Columbia. A. ttrener, or Washlngtonburgh. John Keios, of Safe Harbor. v Would not be Without it. itcntou, Columbia county, Pa. Dear Sir: I have used jotr excellent Inman Hloou SYttti' and have received much benellt there from. 1 could not get along w Ithout It. Mrs. Iiarber. Never Fails to Cure. East, Lemon Wyoming Co. Pa, Dear sir I was sick for three jears, and under professional It oat men t most cr tho time without be ing bem tiled. At last 1 was induced to tiy our Indian ULoonSvKur aud after a short trial, I found no self lu better health thau 1 Ind been tor six yeais. jirs, inerou iiau Sure Cure for Liver Complaint. ItohrsiburL'. Culumbhi Co. Pa. Dear Sir : This is to certliy lhat, our Indian VijjouSvBt'rhaa been used by me, for Liver Com plaint, which had been troubling me for a longtime I derived more beuetlt from the use of the syrup thau from any other medicine, I heartily recotn- uieuu ii, mm uuvue uu Buueitrs to give u u iri:u, LP smith Lou of Appetite, llohrsburg Columbia county Pju Doir Sir: I have u&ed your excelleut Isdun IUX)oi KVKt'i for Loss of Appetite und Weakness or tho Stomucb. with ety bent flclal results. I U'lleve vour lnedletno to be the greatest blood purltler known, and ni vise all who may be suffering aa 1 was to givu ii a bpteuy tuai, 31rs. K Aury Pains iu Shoulders, ltrhrsbuig, Columbia county, Pa. Deal Mr : This Is to i rtify that sour Indian Itnoou svKvr hasgieatly lelleved mo of Pains tn tho Niiouiuer anuunesi, wnicn i nau oeui amicteu wun tor ears, i recommend it cry mgniy. Mrs. Mary Welsh. Kidney Complaint. Btar nan. Columbia county. Pa. Dear sir i My father has been Buffering with Kidney complaint for a loiur lime and had been uu- dtr doctors tieatineut, but tho doctors roulduot effectaeure. I have been subjett to u Numbness and V eakness lu mv I-cfc Arm. Wo obtulned some of vour luva'uabln Indian linonn Sykit irom our Agent, in. 11- Potter, and It has cured my father completely, and my arm Is much better. It dcx s not trouble me half so much. Your medicine Is excel lent, Joalah John. Female Com plal rite Hear (Jan. Columbta ccuntv. Pa. Dnar Sir i This is to cerl ify that I purcha-s"d h mo of your Indian liuxm skit fur my wire fur lulta nation and Female complaint, aud It has given lwr reuei. J K llerner lltit Medicine Ever Utd, Dear Oati. Columbtaeountv. Pa. Dear Mr i My little sun was troubled with hU wawr passing irom mm consuiuwy. uayauuuigm, 1 coi suited twodoctorsand gave him medicine, but without effect. I bought some of our celebrated Indian Dlood bvuiT, a fahort trial of which, cured mm. Lambert Camp. Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Numldj. Columbia County. Pa. Dear Mr.- l'or many ) ears my vvlfH was unilcted Willi Dvsneivda. and wo Hnent euu-lderable liionoi without receiving benefit. We pneured some of OUr INDIAN 11UKJU hYKL 1 UlllihllU UfLrUH IU llliprUtC in ueunu irom lue uiuu uuu vuincuu u no uar. Solomon U snyder Liyer GomplnHit, Centralla. Columbia Co. Pa. Dear sir 1 hU Is to certify that I was unw ell and could nearer ly attend w my work, 1 think my Liver Whs affected. I procured somo of jour Indian Ucood nYKl r unu new, aner u hiiui i mm, icei iihuuiicn man. I recommend lis use to an. Daniel (ioodmau, l)yepepia and Neuralgia. Hvde Pork. Luzerne Co.. Pa. Dear Sir: Your valuable Indian Dloodhyki'p has effecU'd a permanent cure In my cate. I bad betn uailcted with the Dyspepsia and .Neuralgia, but urn uun cuurcijr wen. Mra. John Thornton. Itilious Stomach Cured, Hyde. Park. Luzerne Co.. Pi. Dear H'ri I have been troubled with DUlous Complaint and by the usa of jour Indian llnoon BYKur u uas euo;iuauy oureu mo. John N Williams. Lytipf pida Cured. Itvda Park. Luzerne Co . l'a. Dear Sir i Your valuablo Indian Uloju stvuve has cuitameof Dyspepsia. Mrs. 8B Adkma. Liver Complaint. Hyde Park, Luzerne Co Dear Sir s-l hftvebuen troubled w lib u plaint, but I Wks permanently cured byusl& v&iuable Indian bUMDtivkur. Mm, O V J&irtrneuDje. o iE7-ly mkiu BLOOM SB UBG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL STXTIl NORMAL SOriOOl, 1) I S Till CT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rsv. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. TIHS"c1I001,.asul i-rciCLt conslltutccl, oilcrt 1 hu vi-py 1 ft r.utltltraTur I'rnf.' niul iln-Ifi.n lo.irnlnir. Iltillilliiirs Hiuwlutu.. InUlliik'uiMl uoi unnmuu : u ii.ilculy lu uiuil li ulcaio, wi III., IlifhttU ty ius, iiml rurnlllicil Willi it batmliriiUilM '.) vt iure, .1 rl "Pr"'". !';''' LOlK'n IfnillinU. UII'I I'llSy Ul au. I UIW U'-in.-l't-l l n 1. , t. ...,. j..7vi)'ini-, inn. ........ ..11. 1... 111 mm ..miuu .... u .. ... mo Irrau. nrt cenla :i woclc 'eduction to all oxp.).timj it. ti u!U. nltti'il at :uii ttiuu. Hnums rtwem il wtwti (tcstrcd. i.o'irwM ui siyuy iit'Mi 1 iu'ju mu -.11111: I. 11. l'ri-mnil iy. III. Ktvtm nlmy. IV, Chwnl. Ailiimct (luiniti : I Acnli'inlc. 11. ( I II. Coitrne In Mu!o. IV. Conr-o In Art. Tin 1 sfirtiiitin mul t;iijt4li!r.i I'onrv.. Porroipnr.illllL' Di'TTP ; .Miimcrt.t UK' l-lPiliriirB' miiutui ine .n'lumi-n; .mstuT vi '.f.yuuinM'jj. itrauiiiiLU'd tIiolrftii:iliiment-i,. .stiM'il b tli'-iiUi-iTM or tlii iltm M of Tusi'1.". TlHTilUISO 01 MU'l UIi-SCniK"! 1)V lilL' l III' 1ft lllH 1 .11, .llli lllj - .'lU'llLlMr Him 1 ' !H ruin uri' ll'il. luirriur iu lltimi' nt full iil'Hl i itlK'f.'1'i. TIil' sun' ii'imlri'sii tnlii-r m-r.M' or 1 11 iw-ti.'itn. T'n' tlini'i il'Uiiiil It. It n nnvot tn-' prliiw ubK'tn or tliH "elwol to help tnsriMiiv It, l.y Intclll- i.rnf'l -til. I'l-ftnllor. for In i' iMil.lH. 'I'll till .. niul tiii'lr I. ili'tit i, lii'UTit.H. 'louil .iirti It promlfs Uotaljvriii'.niMiTs. llu.1 rnnili'iil. Illl,i VII,lil..l i;iil I'l.'liU 111 IllililO Sipt , 'Tit.- OIF Fill Mil Willi C IN MENS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S ma m i ma m i ma m i JUST RECEIVED. JPEAKL S1B11LET BAYED LOWIIBIML McE'chsi sit Tst i 9 r & inputs'9 Outiittvi; PEOPLE'S DRUG S TO R E, Itlsiln Sliii'l allot c Iron, BLOOMSBURG PENN'A. HEALi:it IN Drugs, MecHcinuM, Clioinicalf, Fan cy and Toilet Articles, b'oans Brushes, Snongcs, Por iiiniery, etc. riO&lclaiiU'iiriicrlptloi.K caufutly conipoubilcil and orilirHniiHVH'rtd wltli rniu etc bpnicli. i'arin. ora aud rbystclans rrom tlic countiy s Ul tUidour stock of mcdlclDcscouiplt'te, wairuiiltdtt'uulre uud of tho bebt quality ilOllNII.UINI'OliT, Jan. !8. 'Mi-ly 1'ioprletor. PATENTS EORjYENTlONS J. CLKMKNT SMITH, 7U (1 Sticet, Washing on D.C., AttorLcy at Law nnd Sollcllor or Palrnls Survior of (JUmore, smith & Co., nnd t litpnnn llosmer V Uo, Send po&tago atiunp- for Chculnr glv lnjf feot Au. uno -1, iSMMt FAT AND LEAN. H jou aio too rat, or tou lean und want tu know bow to cluri'i) jour tonditlun, und lor u ropy of tlio woi k Km und Ian, It cont&lhs complete II y ptt'iilt', IMttctlcaod 'llic-r&peutlc Instructluna itiat will t'nablo uuy ono tu u-duco tlitlr illi It corpulent or lncn umj It ir f inadated It Is written In a lour yetcohipivlicuUo hijlo i.nd lis (llrtHtlons can U: easily uiulfratMil, It hltould bn u-ad bv t-? ry bit or Iran priRun. S-iiit for ton ihirect'nt fatal npn, AN UKLr it co.. .ii Ann st , Ki w York. Apt It l, Gia, ubc. C. . SAVAGE, Drll.KII IN Silverware. Watches,Jewelry.Clocks.c, All kliiijit if W uu uik, oim'.d uuJ Juwclry lien 1 it'iutti.t uud wuiiaLt.d. u.aj li, 'T-U Highest lu'cdal at Viesna and Thlladelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 liroadtuay, New York. Mitnufaciurcro, Importers & licaltia lu Velvet FraraesiAlburas.GraplioRcopesi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Entravings. Chromos. Photographs. Ana liilrndaoodj--Celi.brltlc3, Actrt'nu'U, tie, PhotographMaterials Wo are IKniliuar'ni. for cvtr) thing In tho way of Steroopiiconr and liagio Lantsms, aclibtlnlclniflli. lost orttacU'is In tho mirkt-t. llcrautirul I'tiotopnip'i'a ' u or buatu arl and Knirruv ca R' ibo ludow. roiiiox cilaai. Man.aottiren of Vi-lct Framos for MUilatuifs and Cud i ULi I'lo.uron. OaUlovuC'S or LiUfna und UliKS. witu d h-0-ttuua tor i'.g, bciiI ta ri'i(ii or uu oetiU. jun ,vvty ... ..,, ,u ,.,.. nni l'!:lo:i I an I stu I.:its irr.itii.ittii? t nl 11 H.ilti'M.. V "111 I'i'l 1 mi Of If'io I .UlllltltM llllil u'o uIJIii it-mlitilni; tti.'lr pjAvrs, l.iut opiioit'inlMu'i for urll ut.t labor alter lcn inir Sotiool. Vol Ol 1 I imn'r1.. Fvedh'a&et'l lo AM Tlly Jl.i. Paper Hanging. VM. P. HODIN'P, lltllN vr IICI-OW SK 'DM). UI.(l(,!'lt(l, V, U pictured to do ull Lluli ot HOUSE XirJTIBIO I'laln and PAPER HANGING, UOTIl 1IECOKAT1VK AND 1'LAIN. All UIihN ol Tiiriiiliirt' Itfpnlrod, ti ml in ml i! un good un new. NONI! UUT FI11ST-CI.ASS WtlltKMKN F.Ml'I.OVKll Estimates Mado on all Worlt. VM. K. 1 IODINE. Oct. 1,1873. K?l i:it. vs Mi:ciric .iiimiii i.m: TRADE MARICTlt K (tit CAT KN(1. -RADE MARK l.lhll ia. niiitiiiiii uuiu lor i-riiiiimi cnhut's, pcruiatorrlica, lm liu'ciicytuiuuiliiu. n sciiucncH or teir ubliso ; ns I.ORS of Memory, I'lilwrsnl 1 aHlltudi. I'nln in HfORE TAimO.IUo llaik, MinnroAFTER TAKING. or M.-lon, iiuiaturi' i M Aci, aiu uiuiit i.iihi ui caiftiiliat liiidio Iiishmm or Coiiruini'llon, aiidu rriinatuic tlia.n !Kull panlculoihin ournnrn. plilil uhlcli vcti ricsltu tumid rue by mall 10 eu-ri Uu'. rT"'Uie hncclttc Mldlclril' Is told by all rtrili;. lla lit 1 1 ht liuikat'o or fix pucKnccH tor or will tie sunt nto liy iniol un rm-li't ol tho money by nd UriHilnir TUB (IHW -MUllrlVK Cel., .MliliaulCb1 HliH'k, Detroit, MUh, Kild In bluoinhburi; by c A Kli-liu. ca inuj 7, 'st-ly HOW TO BESSWV71EJ: YOUR OWN pf&ttlT LAWYER -MiSVSS other n In 13 day.. fiS J?& M ryb tly nt. It, hnut tor clrcuUriiod uxmu Alto ncr. I A( J. Andrei. lvim V. W. ZIEGLEU CO., 1,000 ArtLl.,llirft, P. Nov i '19..I7 nja Thli mtlU rlna will cur Srvlui, tpllnt,Cuib, t'-llttui, Le . or any enUrguutut, tn4 -111 rciiiovtt th bunih iihoul blUlcrluz or cam. Intf lot, ha reitmly ctrrdiKOTmil(utlittlor ' rltiK lli1tnirnrii and re l'rk 1 1 Ut. fir lllui. I v?trUd Rivinir poiHU proof, and youi I .2vnt'l.iljr.i. lCrnilull'. Hput lu Cure I. .ul.l bv llrutrirlKia. tr KOI Lr Ur. D. J. KeuU I. CV, tubitius 1'iUi. Vfcliuoi.t. M ui 1,1, ItUu'l'llinin. llli.oui.buijr, l'a PIMPLES. I will mill (Fieo) tho rcclpo for a blmplo Vcirela. b!u luiui that mm remoio Tan, FK-UKLEH, I'lM I IX and I'lolchca, luavliif the ttlo kort, cli ar and beautiful t alM inbtt uctlons for producing u luxu. ilanti;rotlioriiulronabald head or Huooth face, Adiln as, inclonlnf 3 cent ttamn, Dtn, Vandelf uo.. vu AnntUN. V. abico March to, Cm, 11 U Y THE BL ATOHLE Y PUMP J iirk ,cr Wittnu or Wella of any dcnlh v.'jSif Main, Iron, loru.laln.or (lupper lined tr7 Urands XI1, ll, XIX. (I(J, ll Uu. 1 WUS3 n, un, u No. 1. For aal fcy t3 IlflCwue Hade, Country Stores, lump maters etc. hen that the pump you buy Ulatchley Mauulacluier, sun Marltit strict, I'MIa. Ci'li'lda, l'a, Aquiduct I'lpo lor (ariui Mli.cuT.n IrlUs, uc, ItcinlltiJ uthoaln bon, and turr.od and bono Kork or Ul dracrlvilciia uo lu order, 6 rut, Hi in to 4K wT W WaSlmovIn- the liunch . .. V. (.Vir.'o In P!iyicil (.'nltnro, hPivln. tocihti stnto lllDlotnm. LOnferrlni! tho followln 111 urn uiiicr uuuraeB ri'U'i'iMj . murium ut,'iuiii;uii: nl ti'irpoira. thoo iv inttpslre to Impr iv ll Itll'lr tlll.f r.i. in. .j.ii i, .1.1. it.tiij. Wonvor & Co'o Ada VTrwr riTT"Pir concutiip'loii A AMhinn. INi'vW lUiIV, NcMrjtt tailed, dddrcts 1th fctamp ' I IOM i:,"l'i oslbiiru, Md., 'uo-j 1 K.. co CAMPAIGN HADdl'N, I'l.AO, &(., r.c.ittiirul'ainpal;n Padtrcs or the llepubllean and IHhini'ri.lccal.di l.itcj HAKlini.ll 1IAMY.CK mil oit und AKTllflt KNU1.1SII Contalnlnc lltc-llko I hotonr.ipli'i cf Ihe ('mull iht(: In Attiil.i'uio i:iu. rnimci. w 11 h pin for nttnthlnir to emit or lost. Artlio necntscan mike iluuilay ti'lIHiB lliom, nnd city aiiXrountrv can mnkcii liiimlscmi' proiir, rnto l'o coin' each: 2 ror Limits; to ror tin ct nisor urn for ?a .fni. i hoto raphs mnio price as badges. I rayon puit i.ilta un tuned plate pater, llerno sto m by in, for sr. cents. l'lnps nil blen und kinds nnd pilcis. Now Is ll.e hnritsl lluie for aircnls and dealers M nd ror sainpUs nnd pattlcu l.ustu It. S. .VANlH-'ACTl'llINIICO., 110 Kmlthtlod sticet, l'lttsburi;, l'a. July r, 'Ni-.tnt wico PENSIONS prccuie.1 fur all soldiers disabled In the I'. .s.H'iiloo nom rni, nl-n fLr luirs or deci list d sf.U lus. 'Ihe Hicjitut tltsnl tllti entitles to pi iMoo. liii&lius Incuuseil 'Ihe laws Ulni; moio literal now, thou-ands aic tilltUd lubuiar rtitts. Iiounty iiiid new d H liaryes rocurt d. '1 huso Mho are In doubt as to uhitlur entitled lutuiuiiiiiL' should send two Bctnt ktanips ror our "cljculur ot Information." Ai ii ss, with stomp, Moddattit Co , Htllcllorsof Ulaln - nnd l'atents. l.oom s. M.uioud llutldlnt:, Wiithiiivion, li. u. July u, 'su-3in mco hToniiAltT Jt co. OM.V i'.U r-For tlis slyle Sillier we will RtMiJ Ilio jniir ln-pot toliy cxtimifinl Utruiuji'H pay Tor It If It i nut in iiiestiiiel ll cmi l-u leluiiuit nl our tx-t-i .vt'iul ii ij.ji.i1 caul f r 11 lusti-.itt-il f. a. w (K)L) ro. r N.T uthtt,, i lill.,l'u. y 1 MCirTC t r.iy roldltrtlisaltlKriri 1 i 1 O J WIN O 1 Hue vt autj , uy v.ovinct. itlscHsc t r Injuri, in iriillUitto in-nsluii. n-UMoim dute Ijiuk lo lime ot (llMliiirki1 cr (Uatli 1 1 boldler. t t.llllH It I 11 (ItM llp'tCll i'M flill (1. COplfS (it lOSt iKPii'iivihOi.t.ih.ui, Ciinins tVul hy ntlornt js who e h m e tiled, cr Hui oihtr causes li i cviut (l o piuuk'cllnUlinl wl hout delay, Addre-bUU btamp, II. S. MKKt.IN k co , Atioriu'.s, i y,i).sm wac J. u. r.i.. Vi'l Wusbliigtoii, U. O "a "valuable hook frkeT " treitlnu on thrunlc Dlicam!.''! nibiuclut' 0- li'iiu, inii'uii,, i i ii i if -iuuuii;ii, uu r, niu nt'rf. I Itinii) I tin.iiu )lt'U!-t'S ; h1eo t lies seiit rui; to iihy iiddift-8. i:i-iy suircn r Hum tlKbedls vhmscuii t ucuud. Kid lur thU botk tuihu undir- elifl.fil ft t li klrln n r f lui I'll i.ti.r i.i-n m.Hiii ...! l.i. hULdrul' ( I It'Qdli y illl?UiS ho tt&tU to hla fckllf. .viiil stainp to iiuj postno to I. 1:. LhirtfatCD, JI. 1)., V15 MipciiurMittt, irUdu, t lilo. aorll -i, 'biuiv v,&cn THE GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. IhomaniH surrcilni; rrom Iijsprnsla, HaUtua: Costlleness, l-Herand titdney Uoniplalnts, hciotula aau Kinui en ucieases. h hi unu 1111 tlellgut IliW new nnd wonderful dlscoi ery.w hlch as a disease conquer or and health restorer, husnoeuual In mr.i!irn 1n1.1l. Ulne. 'Iholirent .Mexican IJcincdy was llrbl Intro, duced Into Cnhrornla In ls:o, where lu a few months HelTtctodso many Moideirulcuies as to create 11 demand tor Ihe medlclLO Horn Maine to Morula. It Is the only medlclno In Iho world compounded rrom the nutlie plants, roots and litrbs of .Mexico. It cures nil Humors, rrcm tho acom nion blotih, pimple, or eiuptlon, whllu It cleats and beautllles the complexion. Iu discuses 1.1 Uw Mom 11CI1, llloi'il, l.Uei KHlrnjs It has pcruuiicntly cured llioiisnndstr hcp' coses whue all other huuivn iciiii'oies ii.iu una 11. tine uosu itll cine any casuot Mek Headache. Ho duLCk will brink 1111 any orilliir.ry coush or cold. ri isr.iiSbuneiliiK with 1, 'ni 11. naiti uiiiBu, "uur riuillill 11,1 nil luusr.ess, uoslluness, Piles, J '11 1 pit al ton or tho lleait, Low Splilts. and kindred oHecilons. win nnd tho .Mexican remedy n uMit iinti euro rillef. 'ihe t'cnmno Is iiiaii-u ulioio iuo puouc, 1 nuer 1110 ioliowinc; namo: Herbalino Bittera the Great Mex ican Remedy. call on your druggist and t'ct a bottle of tho Mexican Hetocdy.and convince youisclf that It Is tho liest Medlclno In tho Woild, Tho trade bupplted by John Keethnn, Whrlcsaln Druggist, N. W. corner oth and Walnut meets, Cin cinnati, (1. ticncral Agent for tho United statis. opill . lssn-ly wA.u-0 CONPUMFTION CUBED CRUDE PETROLEUM PILLS. GltilieilMillllN.U clKllI l IIKMllllN I'owmrrAN, c.ll.,Va., April, lsi. Pit Jt. Miltox: l". f'.r. Vlfr ''"I"!. been Mtk tin lie months audtrl.'.ltho best iilijslclai s or Mm country w ith. S. ! !1?." I' TirU1;1111"1 50'iriJlttMiE l'1'.rmil.ia'.M lll.m. Whenl uniiinincid rnkliiir hem I coughed nlmost lncesMintly, hud hiini in luge. s, etc. I weighed IU lbs Uler Inking tho pllN two months the loogh nnd nlirht sweats ceased and hod nu hemorrhage ai.d wtlglicl 1 P011mU Yours, rcspictfullj, ritcn. u. DUNN, Thousands of ernes like Ihonbcvo .'f.'lu r"1'1"'1- " I" Mine cum for chronic, bron. Vioublis e'utarih, and all Throat andl'iiug u.!'.1".1 1,oxe. !5;(,nts. Ijirgo boxes (13a puis) ii. Sent bv niAll nn i,.ii nt ...,..... i.Y ...!'...' Address - .--... . J im., .inn uiiecuons. Hit. M MII.TOV, Inlng, N. V. Jul) 0, su-3m wAco The American Shoo Tip Co. k AllU A NT Jll-IU A. S. To Co. LACK I IP That la now 10 oitemlrtly worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR A3 LONQ A8 THE METAL, Wikh win liilri.liiicd by them, and by which tho abut a amuuiil I. hi been tJVo, t0 ,aruu in. nuaiiy. Til. in.,, i, ti i ',; .ffii They all bate our Trado Mark .t, m. t. Co. Uminmil 011 front ot Tip. ..-o. l'arnii .Lould ASK rOB BH0E3 with thu BEAUTirUL BLACK TIP ;"-""''-':-V.'''l'Lt'1'r'l""''i for ll,l r children r 18,'SO Uwm I ALESMEN WANTE wo want mr COOl) MEN J-- ll (1KJAUST0 DKAI.KHS. ft! (Ti A "'onthond expenses. ?X- MAMl'I.LN KltKK. Ul I tills PlIIIUKIllT Ihd bend ILttlth volirniill.'UH,,n also fend a lie. stomp lolnsun n. nuiKit : Co., L'lnclhiiutl, oblo. nop, IT, 'bo-im nl AGENTS WANTED HSR tllifMaclilnn.T.rloi.ntiVI. tllllt" 71;!, if iJtt.l.luo Co., w VkWu"rClI"lil? ill t, ic, '.m aid IHu 1 irv1 D ii Warner's Safe Kidney and Llrer toe A vcRPlable preparaUon nnd me ,.2 i rn..ilr in tho world for lu la ll V .?" Iliihrlr 1,11,1 ALI, lll.lln.., l". J!"' "t", l!rli,ry llUcn..-.. "" i, nn. Rtn'catlmoiilnl. of tho highest order in ...... . OftlicoBtnlcmenli. '"r'irrint,ri(,f tO'l'or tho cure nf litnhct,.., rftn f,lf lv. IK'r'.Knrn lllubclr. ',irc. mtri'or the cur nr iiriuiit'. n1 timed,,, dlwMra, rail for n'nrufr'a .Nnl tilSSXl B WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ltl.thnh(i.tlllnn,11,.i-ln.. mA.,'?! tovcry function lo mors lienllhrul action Si i 19 Ihui n benellt In all dlneasps. """ ami ii cures nrrniiiinti. aim iiincr Nltln I'm,,.. Untie and imenip.. itirlmhn.. .'..!:!.'. '.',1'l'- Irrm, and other Soros. ' ll' I)l.i....ln, Wpi,linrmnrilitiSllmark rnii.llpnlloil. 1)1 tiliic... !,.,, r. . ,.,,' IIT, etc., are cured by tho Nnln llll I, , ,' J, K niipannlpn n. nn nnnptlzrrntut r..., - ....:' 11 iiunmui ,.,, oitcs tl'liuu'., Oil,. ailU Rl.llll. WARNER'S SAFE NEVlfjc I Quickly elvei Heat nnd Nlrrp to theium ir curvn llriulni'lio nnd Nrui-Hlrtn. ttrptPnr.' i;illrpilnriU.andrelleve8H4'rii; trntloit brouffliioti by excessive ilrutk.ov.r. work, mental shocks, nn-1 other criwcs l'owcrfm as It Is to mop nnln and anoilioilu. turhfd Worvei. It nover lnjnrrs the irti.m nhPtbpr taken in dm all or Ittrtmdosn 1 ilottles or two Bizva i irlces, O0r. anj ft, .yj WARNER'3 SAFE PILLs ; I Ate nn Immediate and netfve ntfmut! r... . I Toriild Uwf' Vl TUr0 ColtlTen,.I'T,Ppil. Ell. ram rh, MiUrU, rvir he im-d (U'iif. riim I liuwcls do not -iHTHta fretly and niruii iy, AoOt-rl1IU rcmlr. ...k mkll Aunt fur ihnr t h rk. fritr 5,. H. a I. ,u Uornrr'tKiifKltrRi. il-.. 1 In yicttlfittff (irjtifr, in. h, warners, Co,. t'ritrtrtnr s ? ROCHESTER, H, nrt 1riln-i-.l. 1 Oct. 31, lbT9.-ly ljcliius. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES N OIlTllEKN (JENT1UL ItAlUVAY WINTKll TIMK TAIII.K. On nnd nricr Sunday, .May lsu ihe t r.s on tlio Philadelphia & l.ilc Ku.lroadDltMouw ntu as rollows : WKSTWAIW. Erie Mall leaves l'hlladclphla 11 r.3 p m " " llarrlsburi; 4'5aia " " Wlllluni'port 8 3.1am " " .Icrsey Miore 9 n7 a in " " Icicle llavcu o 4i am " ' llcnoto 11 ii a m " ni rlvo at Krlo 7 w p in Ktagnru Ilxpros lcatcs l'hlladclpld.i 0 nu a m ' " llnrrlsbui I'Jvnain " atr. at tllll.imspoit 315pm ' " Lock llatcn 4 vn p in " ' ltcnoto 6 4iipiu Fast Uno leaves Philadelphia 11 Ml a m " llnirlsbur? 3 xipni " nrrlvo at Wlillamsport 1 'a p m " " Lockllaten 8 4i)pm KASTWAItll. 1'acltlc Kxpress leaves Lock llavcn (i 41 a m. " " Jersey M.oro I Utim " " ttllllamstKilt 7 W a in nrrlin nt. I Inrrl .linn. 11. Ill n in " " l'hlladelphVa 3 15pm Day Express leaves licnotu utnani " " Lock llatcn 11 10 a m " w llllamspnrt l'i an p m " ariltoal lliirrl-biiiL- 3 4Dim " " Philadelphia fi 4.1 pin Krlu Mall leaves llcnoto S4iipm ' " UicK llavcn utnipni " " Wlillamsport 11 lo un " arrives at llarrlsbtui; '2 45 am " " l'hlladclphla 7 (mi am Fast Lino leaves Wlillamsport la ss a m " ai rites nt llarrlsbuiv 3 mi a m " " Philadelphia 7 in a m Kilo Mall westandliay Lxprcss Kast, nviko rlo'-o conncciloiisatNoithumbctiuiid tvlih La; It. It. It. trains for Wllkesbaiic and su'raiiton, Erie Mall West, Niagara llxpross West nnd Fast Lino West make closo connection at t llllomspert villi N. U. It. W tralnmorih. Niagara Express West niul li.iy Expitss rait mako close connect lull at Lock lliiaen tilth U.E.V, It. It. trains. Krlo Mall cast and West connect nt Erlo tilth trains uu L. is. (t .M. s. It. It. ; at C'orry ttlih o.c.l A. V. It. It. : nt Emporium with 11. N. V. .C P. 1!. It nnd at lirirttvood tilth A. V. It. It. Parlor cms mil run between l'ldlalclphla and lllamiport on Niagara Lxpicss ttesi, and Ii.i Ex pi ess bast, blcepluir cars ou all nluht traiun. WM. A. HaLIlVWM, tlencral supt. XTOIlTiTlCn'x CKXTOAlT" "ItA 1 1.WAY C(1MI'AN. On and ntlcr November aoth, 1S73, trains will Icaia Sunbury as rollows : NOIfl'llWAKI). Eilo Mall 5.211a.m., arrive Elmlru 11 .5 " Canandalua . 3..t5p. ra llocliestcr 5.18 " Nlaifaia '3 id ' Kenovo accommodat Ion 11,10 a. m. arrltu W llllauis. portis.tisp. m. Klmlra.Mall4.15a.m.,urrlto Etmlra a. m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrlvo liurralo s.w a ni bOUTUWAKU. IluQalo Express tjm a. m. arrive llarrlsburs " llalllmoiei.iu ElmlraMall 11.15 a.m., nrrlto llaiilsburi;i.riii " WasldnKlon lu.Ji " Haltlmoi u run " Woshlnglon llarilsburt" accouimodatlon harRlu.tiop, m, arrlvo Salllmoro " VashlnKtonfi.t3 Erlo Mall 13.55 a. m. nn Ito llarrlsburs 3 05 a. in, " lialtlmoro 8.40 " " WashlnBton 10.35" All dally oxcept Sunday, D. M. liOYIl, Jr., ticneral I'asseiit'cr Aecn A. J. CASSATT, Ucnernl Manatcr piULAIMCI.PHA AND KHAPINO UOAD ATlltANOEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS. May U, 1879. TH11N8 I.KVK KU1KIIT 18 1011 Otv.(8t'lPAV KkCErTIH For New Vcrk, Philadelphia, lleadlne, l'oilsillle Tamaqua, tc, 11,4.1 a, 111 For t'atatt lssa, 11,15 a. in. 7,111 nnd 7, SB p. in. For Wlillamsport, 0,2s 9,05 a. in. ubd 4,n0 p. m, TK1INS Wtt BCl'KRT I.KAVR AH Fill LOWS, SPIV II CM'TKll.) U'avo New York, 8,45 a. in. Leave Phlladiiphla, 9,15 a. in. If ave ltendliitf, a. m., pottsvllle, 1V..S) p. andTiiniaqun.l.ssp. ni. Ix'uvo t'atatt Issa, C,20 s,r.o a. rn. and 4,1111 p. m. Iaut 0 Wllllampoi t,9 45a.m,'.',15 p. in. aud 4.rn p. m I'as.-'u'iu'ers to and from New ,ork and 1'hll.idil' phl.i (to throutra n ithout change or cars, j. e. woorrEN, General jUiiniujir 0. 0, IIANC'tlUK, liencral 'llckot Asiei.t, Jiin.l4,is7a-tr. D ELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA WtSTEHN HA1LIIOAU. ANB I!LO().MrJl)UH(l DIVISION. Time-Table No. SI, Takes effect ,al f.M A. M JION11AY, JUNG 10, 1S7S. HOHTJI. bTATlONS.. t-ot '1 11. vCP a.m. p.m r.ia Scranlon llcllcvue Taylorttlle., . ...Lackawanna-... 9 35 2 111 6 19 2 16 (U 2 21 ! 2 Ml 0 33 2 ! 6 40 2 41 0 43 9 ii 9 53 10 07 l'lttston ..West l'lttston... ..... Wt omtUs 2 63 0 65 67 611 3,5 7 19 3 '3 7 1! 3 111 7 l 3 15 7 S q yi 7 69 iiiunoy...., lieunett Kingston KlnL'stoo 10 13 IU 33 ..l'lymoutli June.. ....ri)mouiu Atondalu Nantlcoko 10 29 IU 34 3 20 7 II 111 .,1 3 "1 S 04 .Uunlock's t reck, 10 A 611 8 25 ..MUCK8ninnyH... ....Hick's Ferry.... ...lieach llatcn... 11 07 4 IU 11 13 4 10 8 f t' 713 IS ,8 -Hcrwick .... nriar creek ...Willow drove.... Lime ltldgeM... Kspy .. ...liloomsburi;.... Itunert 11 39 4 41 7 44 11 45 4 49 f m 11 6 , 4 63 8 SI Catawlssa Hrldse. 11 67 6 00 o 11 18 6 13 B 2 19 9 61 u30 9 uaiitmp........ .....L'hulasky. Cameron .North uinberUna, 12 45 6 45 9 a.m W. V. UAUn KAH, ."-lies' fiaporlntondent'a Offlco. Herat, ton. June n. i"- TyAINWKIOHT & CO., WI10LK.SALE (illOCIilt-H, PuiLiimiruu, Dealers In TBAS, HyitUlU, OOFFKK, HUOAH, MOLA SiB1 uicx, sricu, liotli Boni, to., to. ii, K. OoroorBfoond uid Arch uuoota, t-'Ordor Will receive pKSmpt aUittV , p.m. p.m. u.m. u mi 4 11 9 411 i.l 9 17 9 37 9 (S 9 3U IN III 9 21 8 61 3 411 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 H 8 93 3 311 9 04 8 13 3 19 8 44 8 23 3 20 S ti 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 04 3 1)4 8 39 Til 1H 8 26 7 S3 2 39 8 11 T 12 3 54 8 12 111 Ui 8 00 T 18 7 14 T 10 I 02 9 '4 T 4 4 1 ( 50 1 57 7 33 8 60 1 51 T S3 6 45 1 40 T 29 0 VJ 1 27 111 15 Ul t 1X1 S 45 p.m. p.m. a,m.