THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, IUX)OMSBURG, COLUMBIA COl NTi PA. TJfy.WftalJil ,16 I.Ua In tiir-Slar. Very ;iwvnt two xouiiji ponplo. I tyiiijy tin fa.ov u.f u ninn wlio hIiiuth tl iv" liiiii's n iIh. mid tlmt wliili' nttk li- huil iui'r jvtii Kliulight ln-foiv. Tlii-ii' v m )C!itt (Witi'l- uti Ui(! slicmlilorof li'is c nit ami H.tcuiU r, iiicmny look it Iut lovely I'j'w, Tlify silt ami lookttl up nl I'll- Ntnii, aii"l tlipy didn't eiite for fitiy e .'tni'v lliiiij ntiy ncmt'i' lo tliis tiutli. ' U irtliiiiT, ' ulio murmured softly, "Mm 1 iiur hi name niipunrcil to lip Jloili J .ti tlioiiili I t oiililn't loitrn wlii'tliL'i'it :i. liis front liaiiK- or liis nflvr nnnu- 'I iilimi'iylwir," lio suiil if I could only 1 . iirt frm tliis lmy niul ttnijinpii Vi'.u' vvottd, in oni'of yon iflilUriin: ' tit ;nM'n rfiiliiinu', lhin;; njiiiri 1 i'lc, only for enoli otlirr, lor ,i,"ili' lnvso tliinfru of iiitliiy life. fxnnir jta-t'il of t lie woilil ami iti mi iCi.ilt tliiicts, tlmt would liu-our lie i en V c I'l il no! dour I" xvi Mcvtinior, lie said tlmt it would. ' i . i f tit of my own, ' lit' mid, mid Is - vice tromlilcil with eimiesliiess, "my uw i darling ltliel, througli all the soft iiii' l in linnet? of ,llie dnyt and 'all the h. iiiH".'iti tenderness of iiiulit,our livi'X x. .id p:m away in an uxullcd ittmos jl, re nn i.e tio liaio-born wants of ' i liil ni ntnlsand far bdyond tho eliat t i .ii:; crowd that lives but for to-day, I'd -lives rflincd bevond tiio common kt-i - " And just then the ntait with the j(hik e one out. Mortimer, ho made a grab at '. ithel's hand and a iiluuo at thu cabin ilmr, Eth' l.juit gathered up her skirts m :lh her other hand, jumped clear over the back of her chair and after him, and .twiy they went, clattering down the c ibin, ups. lling ft chair, ran into a good Hweet old (Junker lady, and banged a b.ul word out of her before she hadtimc to stoji it; down the staim they rushed, collared a couple of chairs, feed a waiter and open the campaign without sk'nmish 1j ; I am u man of coarse mold and an t' bom appetite myself,nnd I wouldn't 1' . n. a star so long fis I could find a jrood hotel in Ainciicaj but long, long ln-fore I could gel i-eats at the table for my family, Mortimer and Kathel ea ten two blue lisb, u little rare beefsteak, s miu corn bread, a plate of hot cakes, two boiled eggs and a hunch of onii'iiF, mid tile waiter had gone out to toast them some cliecss. Moral. I havu during my wanderings, met several people who wanted to live in a star, where earth-born people with human appetites couldn't trouble them, and I always found the safest place for an earth-born man when the star-born soul started for the dinner table was behind a large rock. Distrust the aspiring mortal who lives in n plane soelevated that ho requires the use of a telescope when ho wants to look down at the rest of us. And if he wants to board at your humble table, charge him Slo a week and feed him on lots of soup or you'll lose mouey on him. Maine News. Hop Bitters, which arc advertised in our coluiuns,aro a sure cure tiir niiue, bili'iu-iic,''s iind .kidney 'complaints. Those, who use them my they cannot be too highly recommended. Thoo nfllicted shruld give them a fair til d, and will become tbercuy enthusiastic in the pruUo of their curative qualities. rvrttund Argus, - (iootl Company Number Twelve. Good Company, Xumbcr Twclte (SI1 00 n joir; Springfield, Mas,) closes tho volume end subscriptions should be madu at (nice A epecimjn copy will be sent to any one not lainiliar with it for ton cent.?. Tito papers jmt rend before) the American Social Science Association are piven, botL on subjects which haro been attracting con Mtlemble attention of late. One, about fowl adulterations, is by a competent authority, I'rnf. S. W, Johnson, of the Yalo Scientific School. It will dubtlcM relieve some peo ple, wh have been souicivliat alarmed by re cent newspaper paragraphs. Tiio other As sociatcd Charities, csplaius the modem method of organization by which tho vari ous benevolent societies and individuals in a town unite so that n largo proportion ol money igiren in charity nerd not bo wast ed as is now genoially tha cae, and the dp serwug poor bo moro t SVctit ely reached, It is by an authority on the subject, Hev. Oi car fJ. McCulloch of Indianapolis, ono of the places where tho plan U in practical op eration. Tho" other articles bearing on the same general subject are "The Destruc tionofthe Poor" by President John Hascom of Madison, Wis., University, and an ac count of tho doings of tlis lato Conference of Cbaritlesand Corrections. "Savonerola and the TUnalssance" is a careful synopsis and estimate of tho great reformer's wcrk by Mr. Noble 0. Uutler, ot Indianapolis. There aro two 6torie; "When Two and Two Did Not Mako Four," by Miss Louise Stockton; "Tho New Jerusa lem," a Millcrite story; and "How Cherry Thought of It." Ouo of tho sUtchrs telli of some of tho grat excursion plans near N!ew York where tho people ilock by the ten thousand in summer; another of a visit to the factory in Mris.'.en, Otrmauy, where such exrpiMto china is msdo. There aru also recollections of Sewaid, Oreeley, Lincoln and Douglas; and papers about camp meeting!, in favor of family niovings as asocial binefit, nbouljthe servant girl question; besides other articles. "Taking turns at tho Crib," has epetlal application where public officials are about to be nomiuated. "No more Laudanum for our babies." AH mothers unite in pronouncing Dr. Iluh'i. ItihvSyrnp the teit toothing remedy nnw eolJ. It is free from opiates. Lots of Arch's. The-applo crap this year which is "a, ployear," is thimjht itwilltxaid ai-thing-id tha previous hUtory of the country, notwithstanding thcro ar h.calitics wli.'n the crop Is an utter fl'me. It isrstin am' that tho crop this season will rt.u'li SOO.OU'1,000 h.irr. N,tiio orchards of tho com -try liming not l)s tbau lij,000,000 tree- in hearini J nJNe York Stale it is said tl.h' lh orcliarJs are J..duit.(i to the ny gn uud with fruit, und the soil underi'eath the trier is knee ilep with fallen fuit, for nhiih there U no marka. In 1870 lh Rjif-le crop wasabe-m; 1)2,000,000 barrels and valued at 50(000,00(). I 1S78 the crop was esti watod at 160,000,000 barrels. This jeai'r crop ought to be worth 5G0(O00,000 or 70, 000,000, and probably will fetch that when we take into the account, besldea the apples sold, the larger quantities of cider, vinegar and "apple butter" that will be made. V'lieu farmers' cellars are well stocked with apple butter, cider, pickles, marmalade, Ac, as always happens in good apple yfnrs, thty are able to sell their diary butter, lard and even pork and bacon much more closely, and every pound of these product! thus re eased from home consumption and put on ale In tbo market ought to be set over to the profits of tho apple crop, Agents and Canvassers make from f 25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. O, Hide out & Co., 10 Barclay strtet.New York, Send br tbelreaUlogue and teruu. terUOfiO-ly i MRS. LVDiA E. PINKHAM. OF UYUM, MASS. 12 lIStUEHBIl ri' TVo Pltlvf Cum For nil Female Complamts. TM jnfprf Hoi, bit It rttnA rirnlfles, c nljii i f V3vt(u ''t,'," tL tt r.i nit m to tho 1 ut ! trato Inv.&t. t i-jnono tr. 1 t'.o uerlt of'tlJd Com fW3l.-i:ilion"OeTi:i'M)1akn'rcf It lT-rardl'te ftiI r-hntbtUKbtontln 1 ( t r'nttj-iiinc oamuLi ft Lux drt-J,apcrmriTi'r.triiriliirfVt.tolaihoiiiitu4 vill t. tlf Oa acLviiut i'f)t,iHoVonniiTltii,ltlitt-(lafro- U cwro ritire! Iho -cn.t form t( felling of the ulcnu, LmeortLi'i, irrf fftil-ir ami I sinful Jtcm.lrnitiC'n,olHVftr'AnlrtniUtNi, Itiflanunatlmi nnj UK-erMIon, FlootIlj5rt,ftUMij.liiptmiiitt tnl lio cin oqqcntiiital irnXwM, iu.-I t t-i-f Mly KlnjtM t tl.0 CItlTlt-C t f Li't. It Ul11',lV Rll.1 etticl tUITtOlt frtintlioiitinialriftncsnlj'Hltigo cf tit vclopinont, Tho niiocdfllijIUUM. lit fa t It lias proM ti bo tho jrrr&t ct fin! test ri-nitit l)n.t hw icr Un dtfwoTor e L It ivmcatou e try x t Ion of tLo i yulrti, and tfvt new lLooi.ilvlor. Hirmoroi f-JntnPM.natuti'ncy, Jd-rtrcj-4 all ernvlni fur f tlmuhuUi, utij relieve! t aknc ct tlinnt&tiirif'j l;imrojrI.iin(r, JUft-lAcliwi, Jfctrra iYcstr&tlon, aoncralDwhtlJtjr.birriloikUurt, tH'prciidon n.d BPalicn, TJifttfcollJifrotUMrliifrd.ii, oaiifclrtf piiln, v ci,ht and Wkat-.K., in always i-raai ntl tuiH-d I y I'-JUJ. )tll. tRlltlnicn,ar.duudiruJ c!rci;in. uui rw, a-'t In lu-s-uo.ijr ulllitliu livr tliat govern the fumal tBjiti t. r-r KilDvyCotnaaitaof Mihor es tliU tciupouiij la uwmrj'rt!. LyrJia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound In uroparcd a M and 83 WUm ii Avemr. I yrn, Man rfcu CUM. S.x lolUca tor C-j.L & nt l.y iiUl Li iUo fr.rticf t.l, ajjlnh foiunfLowiyrri", on receipt cfirlco, ftl.W, r .x, tor tliber. ilr. I'LVKIUM frtxly answtraolll.ttiTiuf InTiL-y, Send for jiaiu (ililt't, addiTStasabuTo X'ctcH MfJ juirr. No fan llvtlioidtU)VltL.,ui I.VTU U :IL.M, Live:: .u'.T. Tiny cji-o d .lpatlon, laJuiuao, and Torpidly cf tho Iircr. 1 ivrls ;or Lur. JOHNSTON, 1II,I,0VAV & 10., General Agcats, Phila., Pa. M1L1) I1Y M0YE3 B30THEB3., BlMasburg, Pa, June is, ly. STETTEBfc CELEBRATED 1 ThtiiiKh rIiiiltlnu llho nnAii'ii I.enf. Willi thp chills fnvpr. flip llllin nt mAlnrta m w SUM recover by tislusr tUls ct'lebralml hpeclilc. which not only breaks up tlm moeit a?;r.iv(itt-tt (tttack,but prt'Tenis It u tiiUnUflv prtfcrab.e lo(iulnlne,noi only becmio It does the bu-dn-ss f tr morothorouchlv. Out also on nccount of ltsnerr.ct wholesomecfsa ana imloratlog attUn upon the For aalo by nil Drujrirl&tsiuid dealers generally. If you aro a man n tiv tlm irtrnt n nf your tlutlt'8 avoid t-tlrnulantii and use Hon Uittors. nJgbt work, to res- waU', us3 Hop D. iiftnHnj from nnv in. If yon tre younsf and I rled or kIvkK l- ur toor Lfalth or liUiiiJtiu D ucft, rtly ou Ho pi l ounp, tm i bud uf aick OlllOIOa AVlnTer yoaarc. whoiuTer you Kit , nUiiUy from Bonis form of Kidney that your fyereiu ; nt-da clcannlaff. ton-1 In or ftlmutatliiij, I h&To U-en preTinUHl iW mtnouiinroj-iouKi tftlco Hop nittors. nopuiixers naTPypmTv- D. I. C. oTurtnaru cum l.iinr, ilbcauo of tho $Umacn,' bowrts. Mood. liter vrntrveat You T.-lll lie run-dlf youuw Hop Clttora weak and lowpjiiriCett.try Itt It mat is an absolute and lrreslMtn- HOP ble o u r e fur drunkcrinoii , juse of opium, tobaooo, or SoldbTdnnp. NEVER FAIL S-ts. bond fur rwuUr. BOP Bimis TQ CO., KocfcMtrr, 5. T A Tore c to. Out. e avfl your lire it nns saved nun1 drods. Hi JU1J iO, Mr U PENSIONS. KVEKY SOLDIElt dlsnLlcii In lino ct liuty by uouiul, utsKU-c. ur Injury, Is rnllllcd to pension. rSN'MDNS INL'IlKAhKli Many urn drawioc l.-sa trrnn intltlfrt to. TUousandH ct ililra entitled to 1'cnElon nnJ li'r.nty. I1WKITKO rAbES ro-opeueil. AllANDO.NUIl C.KR. nnlMllll. COIllpS Ot 10t 1113- cliaritea niiialrcrt.- Claims ot uvvry ileicMpliua pi oi ccutea I'atents rcnci'iiiD. Address with Kiump, II. N. lifllt.lN CO., Attorneys, f opt. to, 'sMii wico lio.t m Wathlht'ton,!), O. PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS1 For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Oramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLE3 OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS 60 PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, Ko rtcmody known to tho Medical ITofcssIon has been In uso so long and with such nnlformlv satisfactory results as ' PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER SiiSSSSr 111 "uat0u " treatmentof theso AN UNFAILING CURE FOR ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS fadi'Lottlo! nhUT U WhCa taVcI1 ta Umo ttnd accordlil8 t0 tho very plain UlrccUons Inclosing In such diseases, the attack li usually sudden and frequently very aeuto: but vltli it 1 ia f.l05l 2 "Wlf both'and with them tho attendant SSctort fSf is rer'ay'sSfjVlaSy'lf ffiCar" t""U,nt la counW" It 1 rrtoiuuiiudcil by I'hysiclans, Nurses In Huspltals. and persons of all classes ami ISlSSSSloi? opportunity for observing tho wradeSa rSutS which j2t?3w" THE BEST EVIDENCE: I h ifmir nJ the m,lloinn ktimm pnitl V DAVlVVl.Ol. 1'ADUJl'ALVKaLEH lnmjf.mll r n J would n..t on miy Mvgimt bo without ItT Whea CLdlaTA uu lak, ortl.lAm I...M I nul r. .,i of acj fturl but Ilia I'alo KUlw, ud ftlttiuugh luVMuf and HOTor&l mombera ut n Juuilr wok atucLeil aettnlj, I m huppjr to tnj tht the Pln Killer nu fiutl lo eTeiT eiavrneocr, I coiuiddi 1 eaould not be dauis: mj dutjr to tnu cummunlty d.d I not vtl tll mn'U. If I were tucked b the Cholere tiMUr. lin KUtar would be the oulj remedr I enould uie. I hto Uuuouxhlj tmtsd ft, end know It Cn bu relied on. . K. IlEROINoENO, Galena. UUnoU. Ko family can afTord to las without il mul tt The uso of ono botUo will ko further to convince you of Its natti than oohmns ol now IASr "4.l!rtS?e T!7.'.''.lna w' without It owumna or imw. Price c. 00c and l.oo per LotUe. Yon can obtain it at any drug store or from PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldonco, R. I. April", ly-vow nico DUBROWNing' VT. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND "'nJLS"!!"'! It",, B!ood' n"oh Blood, reddens the Blood, makes new Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and channes the Constitution urrerlnB from CenornlDebllltr into one of vigorous heulth. T?.bf,t rronror Its wonderful HlUcy It to be obtained by a trUl.aud that slmplo trUl etrongly ...Ubll.hta Hi riutetlon ultli kit. .fSMl' 'Srf'.".'.''?.. ?l.'1""'- Kimpoundea by Its author and sole proprietor, W. CIIAJUI'ION IinoWNf.NO. M. ., HIT Mroet. 1'lilla.lctpMe, ?,00' fur b Iv the Prtfirfctgf erj a 0e!th i Daircn h Ktirtine. N i-1 W I 11 3l I Ttic wnti known C. II. WltlTn, Picprlctor ot tho 011'iKVIM.K AUlttCUI.TUItAl. WOItKH, IntmM n half IntcrOHt In the nme to J. n, Conner, rile Cfiinpuiv trim tepalriil tlm uorkn, mid ori1 pre pip'il i .j i , iiniiniiihlitnll lui am an tlilnj.' In tho In I Ail'uMniil ImiiVirciitH 'Ihey l"ve Just eoiurl' I' it ft hpw litlti.tnit W Lite ptnM.nlililitt pos ilb'e, win bi'at thn rilit iund. Also mirfaee plows or Joiniers for ilm miuv, a new Tlm pii'.r and Clean. it IUi ccutro fhakoot I Id Ho Mi.i , cat.e.t llic VHslie Tin i kiicf unit Ctc.inrr, Mltli both Mir iiml Mini., p-'wersnn n crcally tmpixnpd I iMiitfu'liii" I M) 1(01 t.KHH w.i ii i.ui iiou hmi ti. l irn ri . i H-miiie n'el ulnulo L'uilli n Md" kilt I'lnwa Mill i', i.tiuH. T'liiilni: "t ei Ij It 'llplliin it iln- -s 11 Ii piuwqillif m.. Wo l,ee oiiiimrfiiiily on 1 .lift a 1 irvri :.8wi in. r ef plow hnn,i 1. 1 . i oii maity nihi r phiM--. tlmt nio ti-dd lii thu "tmntrv. Me will not ti- utidi rmild In wiik.if.,it it il I the 'ninp q'inlll. Mlnurunrk is wnri-tntml lotfho atwftllen, or lite in' ne, re runleil. V, Il HKf COMPR ITll'N. V-j.iir.i IB, til" putilte lii (cenei hi Mil titptiKttilto C'lllntiil ex nmlnu before ptiiit.iinltiK i Ifcewbere. WniTL & CONNER, Jan. 1G, ly OHANUKVtl.LK, ', " THE "b AVIS?" -"-!tg)i?;(. -mv.'c Lifsir-- IT ifim ft !wr f mm .w 11 mm ONH Ttt.itSVND (l.OOO) DOIXAUS l'l'.BMIl'.M ir. ltd 'o ANY TfJIthON Ihn Ii i'ii s. (iltlJAT A It N(1K OK WOltK on ANY OTIIUIl NEW MVIS "VERTICAL FEED 11'iV do without busting. It utll tiafco l.em on sVitx, ic., hem all or litns itwjIoii pootts, i s sen inirlno.eiape, or pKiils difficult to In in on otliir mucM is. It makes a more elastic stitch than any oilir machine. It m 111 turn a hem and put in piping nt samo tlmo It will turnn bm. sew braid en tho right tide and slltch on trhnmlnf; at one operat on. It win do I hHiKblasor straight, cither encotton or woolen gc-ods. It will fell acrc&s stains on nnygootla. : 1 will bind a linrs ori-klrtnnd sew on facing, cfher with or without show Ins stllchii.; bind t.res.s Hoods w ithth" same materltl, either scallops. points, bquares or sfcV-li'. '1 ho only tnai nine tha t will bind Huts, cloaks, cr other intlilea with bins, satin or silk, fioci to 3 Inches In h.Mlthotit hastlnj,'. It will gather with cr wttmut sewlne on. It will gather between two pieces and sew on nt the same time. It will make a rufllo aril stitch u pillow slip on to thy facing at the same lime. It nllUhltr any kind cf goods. It will make platted trimming cither with or with out sewln? It on. It wilt mako plilted trimming either scillapcd or Btralght and sew npipirgon at the same tune. It will make knlto platting. J. 3ALTZER, Gen'l Agent, IJliioaisbiirg, Pa. oct. 3, '79-ly. Farm fox Sale ! The und slirncd oilers at private sa'e a PAltM OP SIXTV-TIIUbE ACItF.s, with ritAMU IIOL'SE, barn and oilwr o'lt-bullllngu thereo.i, slimto In hlbhtng. cie- k i iwt btilp In good state of cultivation. Located near Asbtiry. can Iki purcha'-ed on reatonble terms. line orcl.aril on rhoii-optit ,ainiu neer-ral!lng spilugcf Watcrteur tha notice l r particulars ad diesa JOHN J, siILh!-, aug, u, 'so-Siu Forks, Columbia county, I'a. THE WHITE SEWIM MACHINE- Uliereas, tho world renowned reputation ot the While Inilncpi miuv unscrupulous ecrnpiHUorBto resort to ill klUiK of MP.l'i tnr k-4 ti lr.timt tn r, rut ntlmt. ui bctf to catttioa ftll intending furcha&riLot to buy a Whith Machine "tccpi from Its re'u'ar authorize 1 dealers, who will be sustained by the following warruUy, WE WARRANT THE XATUItAL WEAK AND TEAK OK Tlll3 White SMIle Mm Machine, "LTE NUMllKIt 1011331) I'lllt I'AMII.Y I'l'ltl'O SEH, ANIUtKltEuy AUKKETO KKE1' THE SAME IM KUl A1K IDK T-IE TEHM UF I'lVIt V11AH Fito it Tins date, fkee of chaIkjk. This arranty excepts tho treakago ot needles u.uuiu uuii suuiiies. This warranty will not be sustained unless tho plito nuinbvr above given corresixinds wlih thu number on tho shuttle race slide. Huwaro of defaced or aiierea nuiaoets. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. Tho "WHITS'" Shutt o fowing Machino lias iiskatek CAPAntr lliauniiy ctherf.imlly Sewing .LMiiiua iui ui.iu; i nrj laneiy el went. J. SALT2E1I, (Jeneta! Agent, liioomsoiug, i'a. Oct. 3, "9 ly. lleeus. PERRY DAVIS t SON I I know roa seed,tio teetuuonnd to oonvbee sou th jour medicine la sll that roa cudm for it. but I cannot mtnun the Impulse to communicate to you J"i ,,,h" f m family It has Wily done wondiri J r?knliS!? It to iuj children (one ebjhucn month!, and the other threo fears old) with iwrfect lucceaa! H r.fulal their bowela, and atope all cUmhSi; IIjmU and wife resort to it In ell cav. both foi Internal and esternal nee. I'f e naed It In my family for he jeara, and I tdll aol bo without It Feijoii myself under much obhxallon to you, lo many tlmoa "a!'J'!'.eAfdl!!M, Pain, I am yery truly Till ri7 i. '. MOORE, llaiujall, Uutchni uTrNoi York. Mm .rtnM t .ni, .v, .J . Tba CtikLrfttwl Piticriu(iofi of CHAMPION BKOWNINQ, M. D. PURIFYING THE BLOOD. DR. m& M Imi . . TJa, JAk, i.ABo:t.Tonv, 77 V.3d St., Now York City PI 3 St! W, 5f JitJwfcJ I ' uoiVlMBSI- c- tintDE 1I.U2.1 i n r;)l(r, J,I vcr 'wrastn. idri'iS ieft(C, i."lflfttf. ' tftrtrl rll...L UttlottsntKR, vYrrvttwi SictiilUit.ttc, IhoBont REMEDY 2TN0W1T to Kan I 70,000 AGENTS HATE SOLD SIMC": 1370 9.000,00 BotiSssn 37oj Syrup Tosscsscs VarttA Propzrilc It Ptlmnlntpti ttio I'rtnllnnln t'n Hnlli'i, VvlilrfacctiTrrls thantirrti und tipirol ilio food Info clncoKo. A drficl-ney In rTt) f ncM H'lml nndBo-jrlna of f"d In ll-o htomnrtie If Hid inctllclno ti lukrtj trwtinlU ntclr nfler catlog tbo furiucQtatUM of fiiudU lrcvcntcd. It aru upon ilio I.lvcr. Itncta apnn ilio I(MntT It ItccuIeifM tl." UtineU It I'urlflcs Umltlood Jt (lutein lLo rrvnunnj-ttcm. Itrromoti'H li.gcftlnn. It IVoh rUbtw, hirTKtfsrn) nttd Tnv1s;oT(.f. ItCiirric oa tlm Old Mntnl md rnnlicrffit It open tho i-orrn rf Uo Um fun InCucri Ilealthr rcrnptrailon. It noutraUzd thi Lercdltry talrt,rr.3cn 'n t!8 blood, which Rcncratci Scrofiala.ljytfTtl.T. cud ufl jnannor of aUa dinciios and Intcriuil Ituwora. There are do eplrlta tmplnycd in its rusnr.r&rtnn, and It (in bo taken by thu most cl .Ucaio t&t.o, or by tha sgod and footle, care en! lung rtfahtJ in at Unite a Jiredicns. PBICE OP LASOB EOTXirS, . S1.C0 PRICE 03 Sm EOTTLES, SO Rsad tha VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who havo been CURED by the lite of th BLOOD PURIFIER. CAI I'IUN TO IlltLl.lirSTH. lMwuri! or cjuntcriclt Mcillclni. I employ no iiS'.' ins or iuducih loeo.icit trade iroui uriVKists. Uol Medicine Kver UieJ, Cuton, Wyomlrij,' countT, I'a. l)iarsir: I bad been troubled fur it lcnir time with a rain In my Moinach. and foutid no relief until i lisii s your iiuiun uiocd jrnp. mud It ilio best medicine in use, and I can recommend It to all, oH nnd youns It saves many dollars In doctors' bills, and one Urir4 bottle did nie more good than Ilvo dollars worth of other mtdlctne. .Mar lam Labarr. An Astonishing Cure. Monroe, Wyoming county. Pa. Dear Sir : I had been afflicted with a coujh, Loss ot Appetite and Dyspepsia tor ten years. I could not propnly attend to iny business, and hearing of jour Justly erlebrated Indian H!ood!yrup, I resolred lo try It, which I did, and In a short tlmo was much lmproed, I now havo n Rood Appetite, and have enjoyed good health tver ulnee. I commence d Its use. J. Labarr. riick Headache Cured, lloivrnan's Creek, Wyoming county, I'a, Dear Mr: I had s:ck llcadiche and by the uso ot your Indian lilood i-j rup 1 was greatly relieved. I recommend nil to try lu valuable riopertli s. J. . Uurnett. The Itemedy did more than tho Expfctfd. Newterry, I.jcomliiL' county, Pa. Dear Sir: Tho Indian lilood jrnp did more than I expected It would and It has cured m ot Liver Complaint. 1 uso 11 (is a Medicine ami would not be without It. Mrs. Mary Charman. Lfe.nlhcho ami Dizziness. WlUIamsport, Lycoming county, I'a. Tifnr lr: Yum InCl.iu lilood Sjiup lias cured me of Headache, Dizziness and Lossof Appetite, sothat I am now ablo to work in my factory. My wile de rlied more bccellt Irom Its uso than from anj other medicine. Henry nusscl. Would tiot he Without it. vii;iamsirt, Lj coming i ouuty, I'n. Dear sir: The Ind an lilood syrup Is the licst 1 ever used and I would not be without It, It Is good for all cuinpututs. John Utirkhart. Diseases of the Stomach. Eaton, Vynmlr.b' county, r.i. Dear sir : This Is to certify I had a can sioniacli and eouM eat no mentor any hearty food whtt'ier. liya filend's adv ce 1 commenced the iso if yo ir Indian HlMd sprup, which after a short eiri'tiuall,' ulleu-d me nnd I can now eat aiiMliIng I choose, your nip glu-s unltersal satlsfuCLon. CllzabctU Uadsall. All that if is recommended lo be. opein llou-e. Columbia, l"a. Dear Mi: I haio used juni excelleut Indian lilood s.iruiiatidlt haspioven Justnsreiuesented. Icon i c commend It to all. Wm. Ilochj x. Wholesale Mtrchaut, Mh street. Unnulnmus IttcidimiEtidalion. TLo following add thtlr testimony for tho Indian Wood sjrup: II. K. llnolf, ensrlnrcr 1' 1! 11. J. il. smith, at llaldwIiH Meel Woik3. Mrs. su.viler. of Columbia. A. llictur, of Wcslilngiunbuigh. Jehu Kcnys, ot Sale Harbor. Would uot be Without it. Ilcnton. Columbia co inly, Pa. Dear Sir: I haio used jour excellent Indian fiioou S kci' nnd have received much beneilt there-' irom. j couui not, get uioug witnout it, Mrs. Harbor. Never Fails to Cure, East Lemon Wvcmlnir Co. Pa. Dear sir Iwa3slck for three jears, und under professional treatment most cf the tlmo without be- injr Leni'iueu, ai last twos lntiuceu lo try you Inman Uton Sriivr and altera shoit trial, 1 found in sen in Doner neauu man i nao oeen for six j ears, Jim. incrou uau Sure Curo for Liver Complaint. ltohrsburir. Columbia Co. Pa Dear sir : This u to certli) thai jour 1(,oun rioooSviii'i'lias been used byme, for Lhercom I'lamt, which had btcu troubling me for a long tlmo 1 denied more bentnt from tho usr, of the syrup limit ii win uii, ui'si luk-uii-iiiu. I Hfui 1 ri-rum. uituu ii, uiiu auiisu mi suii i'l era iu rilio ii tl iri.ll. L I' bmlth Los of Appetite. llolu sburg Col umbln county Pa. Dotr sir : I hato iiii-d Tour eiceiienL Iniiiim Ulood SVKrr for I.0&3 of Appeilie and Weakness of the stomiic!), with ery t'cnetlclal results. I U-llcio vour medicine to be the greatest blocd purltler known, and advise all ho may besuITeitngas I was iu give 11 u spceuy inai. Mrs. E Avery l'.iins in Shoulders. Helireburj. Cotumbla county. Pa. Dear sir : This Is to ceitlfy that your Imiian IIlooii Svki'I' has gieatly relleied me of Pains In the 'snoiilder and ChCbt, w idch 1 had ben afdlcied with tor) cars, i recommend it very uigniy. iirs. .uary weisu. Kiilney Complnlnt. B(arr,aD. Columbia Countw Pa. Pear sir My Katber lias been euiTt ring with Kldnev OoniDla'nt for a loriwrllmp uml hAfli-H-in un. d-rd-xtora irfaimoDt, but the drciurs could not em'ctacuro. I lue boen aubjei'ttoa Numtnebs and enknes lu mv Uft Arm. We ot' talced boine cf cur 1 it . n'tjaLlft Indian Uluop i?vhvp inm your .i'ui. u:i, 11 ruurr, utiu it una furt-'U ia iii'LiT comrUtcly, ai.rt my arm t? much bclUT. It UH's nut tr uDiomc iiair tu mum. iour lucuiciae t3 excel K'lll. Jo.slaU John Female Cotni ljinln, llcflrfiup CoUimMu vnntv Pa. IVuMri-1 hU i- in (t-ritrv h-l I .-irvlu (is mo .f loin Isiuh Itux)i f-vttii rur in. wlfufur luiu- mnibiri uni lVinalu u-iopUttt, aijti it ?ivou tnr JKlit rner Hear dan. Coliiiiit-Urountv. Pa. DourMnVy lml. nu was trimHeU win. LU wnitrimH-inffirotniiiia cnunni.iiv, n-iy ulirht, I uoi sulUtl two 1 1 c(orf aiiU mw hlin mudlclut', but nlthour elTtct. 1 bought w-nif of jour celbrate-l Wi'UK liuooP Svwcr, u bbort trUl uf wblcb, cured liim, Lambert Camp, Dyi.iMt.lH nnd IfnIipfMion. NumliM.Culuit.bla Countv. Pa. DnarKT . For many jeurtt my wif wuh umictt'd will. I'jbiH'iwli, buU w nriit run Merablo n.ouev wi bout rt-cilvliiif tH'iieflt, We pnuroO hitine of our Indian Kujou vKt'rantlshd ixxau talmj,ruu boloraon UHnjder Liyer Oomplhint. (lontralla. ColumhlA Pn ia I)pflr Ur : Hits la to certify thai 1 was unwell and conld Kcarcf ly attend to my work, I think my Uver waaalTuctud. 1 procured some cf jour Indian liuon ninir uuu iwrY, uhit u Biioii intu, leeiilkOauCW uiuu, i n'vumuiunu iut uau u an. Daniel Goodman, Dyspepsia and Neuralgia. Ilvdn Parlr. I-utirnn Pn . Pa Dear Sir i Your valuable Indian lti-oob Syhip has erfectd a pprmanent cure In my catfl. I had bcn amicted with thn Dyspepsia ana Nourala, but tun Mrs. John Thornton, Bilious Stomach Cured, Dear Kr I I have been troublori with unintia Complaint and by tho use ot your Indian Ulood omir u uu tuomuiuij viuvu ids, guimfl vuu&ms. LyspeiIa Cured, Hde Park, Luzerne Co , pa. Dear Kir t Your valuable Indian ULnm hvmiti. hoa oui tKl mo or Dysipsia, , . wn " a a ins. Liver Cornplaiut, Ilvda Pur if. r.iiTAmA rv . lXirftlri-lhkTDbten troublod with u pllnt,but I WkipertnanfcnUy cured byXiatai vuiuablo iMbuM iiLOon btaur. HTM, WoPr. kc i3 r-KW'.dr! -ir.& 1 1 I .'JCar L'.'BSlBStf.viT-,.-y l.tAi'1,1 "TJ t IT H li c;f 1; ' VI tff ui '. I ?L ilVUrfll 1 1, 1 .r.XiC,l.rA:!l.H il,.I A 1 i I It y ..I w wi 7i v i irv"ia;-Ti v laRit1 . . - . -1 j . - . .v .u. . jHiv- PHD urn Ji' - SIXTH Bloomssb'urp- 5? Kov. D. TlttMsnilooi. .unt rrfsi-nt eoiii'ltulc.l, liulld.-i'tuspacloin, Ini lltniraniloemiEQrtlous i ....ti, n!,i,,.,.,i nt... omv nf .,r.r.ja. T.,ni,or modoiiilo. t'ltty rrnta a week ile.lneilun t(i nllottiucttng ! leucli. ttudenlH uJmlttO'l ot any time, Courses of reset Ibeil by til? state : I. MwUI School. II. rreiar.itorv. 111. Blemcntnry. IV, Cluneal. Ailjimct CnnriiM : 1 Aui'leinie. Il.Oomiiieiel il. Ill, in .Mtnic. IV. Cburne in Art. V. Coiiito in Miydttil Culture. Tlie'Hie'ni'iitary K..I-utlnV ami C'las-lml iinuntcn are I'ltiirW-ltomL, an I .'tti.l.-nia irn.ltnlnjrtli-rnln, teeelve stntj Diploma, eonfi-rrln" tint fellow In corretiponJInit DeKrees ; .Mutter 'it lit i llleineatai Ma 'ter "f t'l" S 'lences ! M-wler ot tho UMsbltn. tlnuliutci In tho Couraos rccoieo Nonnaf I'erllllealef tlielratt-ilnmcnls,, sltrnetl hv the trneer or ilio lloaid uf Titi "i". . lt , . Thecourso of stnrt J uivscrlla .1 by the Slate n, ami tlm" Mentlrlc on 1 Clusieal coaneo aro not mrerlor Iri I ,ose of ot r boit I'ulletros. The Mtatf rivinlreai nlg-tn roitl.-rof t aienili1;i. Thellmi-i .I.Mian.l It It u nno ot ihn pilma obl--eta ot Hill Hehool to help to lewiro It, by fiirnl' lilru In If 111 KeiaandeniclentTeaehrrsftii'liri Sehoolt. To tliHeiitl It sollelH yotmir peraont of goo.! abilities and if-ioa p'lrpow.-lbobo who rttIr tolmnrovc Ihelr Hint ontl lliflr taletii.i, as --tii.lenW. To all atieli It prutalea aMln del eloping tliclr powers, anil nbuniUut opporttiult leu for well paM labor ntler leavlnif School. Foi faiaio'rue. ntiuref ine I'ut.cipai. iion. wii.i.t.tii i;i,vi:i.! Sept . 'Til.- i-t.Mciit Itoar.l fin in mm The lAmzvst SUwU, Tlac ,saiiLsa 8lylos, The JLowcsl JPrR'.us IN MENS' YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHHsTQ. MA TS !' MA WS i MA TS I JUST RECEIVED. PEaYMj BAYED liOWlEBEBH. jaSlOOESBSgUHR''., TOfANHiA YBAIf. cr fs to 520 a .lay in jourowu lacallty. Norlfk ! women no us as men. .Many make moru'lian the nmcuiUfetat cd above, no one cau tall o makt money rust. Auvone cm ilo the work. You can make iron. 5 tentn to f 2 an liuur bj ilentlDtr your evening's ninl spue time to tho bitsl- iiess, it cossis iioiniif-iu ny um' iuiin(rs. oin.ntr llko it for money makinir ever olTcu'tt Ufi-re. itusl nt-bs piet. vint and tstrletlv honorable. HmWr, If mui want to koow itll .bout the tctst iiIng:busln-s be fore the nubile, avml ia vour actilicss nn.1 lll sencMoufull urtlrulars ami private terms free in l it's win ui a iiDti iii-u ; juu I'itu i ut ji huh up your intnrt for yourst-lf AUdressl UL'OIidB tTlNso.s i CO., 101 tlULll, MHtl'tf. OCt 3, '79-ly PATENTS F0RINV EKTIOKS. J, CLK.MU.NT SMITH, 711 (1 street, YVufhlngt on D.C., Attorney at Law and solicitor uf I'atints SurMvor of Cllmore, smliti & Co., and Chi man llosmcr i; Co. send postage s Hint's for Circular glv. lng fees, Ac. une 4, ISsa-tf KEK in vour o n lown, an 1 no cap ltaliUktd. Vou can give thn business a trial i Ithout rxpeusc. The bet t opportu nity ever offered for those willing lo work-. Yoiifchouldtryuothinirilho until louseo for ourtelf what von ran ilont the buslneM wo offer, No room to explain here. oucaudciote all your tlmo or only jour fcparo time to the business, and make great pay for eicry hour that, j on w oi k. Women make as much as men. Send for kpecial prtvnhi t-rms and pai tleilars,u Men wo null free. iiinllltfiee. Dont complain of hard tlinrswhllu you liae such a chance. Address II. llALLETT i: CO , I'ortland Jialne. oct3, 'IJ-ly FftT AND LEAN. Ifouareti.oIator too lean and want to know how to change jour condition, tend for a copy cf the work. Kat and Uan. Itcontalub ecmpUie Hj. Kltnle, DUtetle and 'Ihiraptutlc liiktruetlons Hut will enable any one to reduie their fleh If corpuU-nt or lnen-ae It If unaclaled 11 Is w rutin lu u clear yet comprehei. lie tijle and Us uimilous cau Lo easily underslc od. It rhotild be I eait by ery fat or lean person. Si-nt for ten Umo cent etamnj. NAN DELI' x cu., 2o Ann st , Ni-w York. April l, cm. abc. Ihit.EU IN 'lit W.i.l . . Ml onvoiware. waicncs.jcweiry.yiccKs.iSc, All kl-ids "f wuht-a, Clcks and Jewelry ly tt-pal-e,' -ii d wniranled. may 1 , 'Is-if . Highest L'eial at Vienna &nd Fhllaielphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., (iOl Broadway, Nciv York. Munufactuicrs, Importers & Dealers lu Volvet Frames, Alburas.GraplioRcopes. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings, Chronica, Photographri And lndrtdKoods-Celebrltlcs, Actreaioa. etc., PhotographMaterials We are lleadquaricis for evi rj tulnf In t ha way of Sterooptlconr and Magic L:nt3rns, Each style b-lnir th. Mist of IU class In the market, lleauilful PliOtoeraDMo Transnar.tuil ktatn. dry and Kngravicri It' the window, C'ouveKlkis. M&ouaclurers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Con el UUaa Plciurts. dttalob-uiis of (ADteins and slldrs. wiir, tloes fur ilne, sent oa rvctlpt of un ounU. Jan ,tfl-iy mm 7 I . I. t i f'liM - "' IE NORMAL SC H00L SCHOOL DISTRICT. 3 J Z i NO RMAI Columbia County, J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., , ot'i r the very hist faellltteifnr ant f ' ions i eoiuplCtily ncalert I'y (.team, well ventllale.t, llglitea by gas, f.vni rt..iiei!il. enielenf. anl a'lve to th"lr work. lioatus uf 'llllpl. OF Wit, rlIIfli P II an gi n g. a per WM, TP. HOniNM', IlillM IIULOW Si! (INI), llLlKlMSllUlid, Is prepared to do all kind! of HOUSE rAIlMTINQ plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, UOT1I DEC01IAT1VE AND PLAIN. All liliiilN ol'I'itriiKtii c Uoiialretl aiiti inntlc nu go oil as nur, NONE UUT KIltST-CLASS WOHKMEN t JIPLOYED Estimates IVZado on all Work. WM. V. IiOlMNE. tilt.W'S M'l.t'll'IC .IIIillK im:. TRADE MARKTllRtDHATRXlI-yRADE MARK unfilllni,' cure tor animal weakaei-s, Spermatorrhea, Im poieneyaiid ali.lH ea.s,.sthatfollov,as ahciiuenco of self nbiiMi ; on Loss or iieinni.v. 1 nliersal I astltude, 1'oln In BEFORE TAKIXB.tbe Hack. Dimness AFTER TAKIXD. ol KKii, I'reii ature i Id Ace, and mnn i.thirms- eatcsthnt It ml to Insnnii j or Con.-umpllon, and a ..................... ... ,u,, iui,ii.uitim in our pam phlet v hleh we defclic toiend free by mall toeiiri one. f-Ihe spicule Jlidlclne Istold n alldniir. t'l isni ji lyimckiiBeorHxiiaikaces forts, or will vntiMiiviM un. , un ui inn inoneviivad Jics-sln Tin: HIUY MMHi lMB ct) lleelianlel,' i.aa, i-uuii, jinn. rn;m in luocinfeDurtr bv C A ruaj i, si-iy c,-?,;l.ENCYCLOPEDIA MOV TO BElWti!W& YOUR OWN pXwrWiKZ LAWYER ZMlZ?Zi:Vi ..her 7S la u d.rTfcTs.'.'.'SMii'.M! S2f .Tl P. W. ZIEULEIl 4 CO., 1,000 AriL t.,I'M'a, Pa. Nov.JI -,t..y a,) ThU rrmirktbl mrtlU rln will euro Sptvlm, tlUnt, Curb, t'Ilou, ac, or uiy iiUrgtnu.iii, knl til reruova lh buiicti iihoul blUtcntijE or nut lux tott. l rcmcty rvrr uiM.ucrt4 t,Uki u fur ctrUUiljrofiUrui. in puw J P'nf Umrnm Q1 re atfU'jclrtaulsrfivlfiipul(ivt proof, tml jour . i rico a iuj. briid iur iiiu lu dure ! toltl by llrutmUt, cr I. J, Kcodtll k Ct , Laotluig Vtllt, VexuiwuL enl 171 Ur, II. MuVliK lmOTHKltS, liloouiUirt'i I PIMPLES. 1 lll mall (Fiee) the recljie for a slmrle Vft-cta-Uio iialiu that will remoo Tan, KltKCKLKS, I'lM 1'I.Ks and Hlotchea. leavlnir tLe skin kofL ch ar a,..i tieautlfiil: also Inst i unions for producing- a luxu riant gruwth of hair on a tald header smooth face. Additss, lncloslni; 3 cent stamp, lk;n. Vandal & Co., no Ann Ht, N, Y udjcco II arch to, em BUY THE BL ATOHLEY PUMP for Cisterns or Wells of any depth.. Plain, Iron, (orcclaln, or Copper lined lirunds Xti. (1, XIX. flu.' 'tl t.0. V U, Ull. li No. 1. Kor skin br l i I.,"...' i-ouoiry oiores, pump makers, f., . f,""li.M "i8 pifnpyou liuy Ulftf!'leJ1"'u'"',u'"j 808 Warket strict, I tll&. dilDlila. I'a. Aaueduct I'Iia for Vai.a xii.TLj qH. viip-,hu, uutu im, ii ents in oore, sna turned ""iWfeJwC'rt of tUl descilpuorj uado to order. UM ililli. iedhiiLceol $1.00 iTiiT-Tl iTs 1 W wm IfuitMitlnff th turnh Pennsylvania. Principal. nine. nu'l furnUt.e.t Willi n bonnllful nnivily ct ruie.sUi lusclpltne, firm but kind, uniform an.! tlmrou :u KxrrPHt rtuei veil .viicn ui-hiiiu. Y. V. HlU.MYnit, Secretary. Weaver & CJo'b Ads MIiW rMfl?! fensumpMon K Asllitna iM'jti t.UlVI., Nnrrjel failed. IdJa.s Kllli stamp 'IKiMC'KriwtLiirfr, Md. feli.c, 'fl 3 1 -a Aeo CAMPAIGN J in i hi i', l'I..(i!3, ScO,, lltatiliriili'tiiiip'ilirti lladfes of Hie PepuUlcan anil II. mi'e.irnll.lati'.s UAlll MILD HANCOCK and Kit and AKTlim KNUMsll Ccntnlnlnir llte-llke I liotographs of the fandl dilis; incised In Nilnlatiiru nut l'rames, with pin for nltaihli.L' to cost or u-tl. Active ttcenis can make lin a day ri-lllnn II. i m, ami clt v nnd toi.i.lrv iii.ri hanfs can mike a li.indscuio prullt. Price I'd reiilseach; 2 fur is cents; la for rm eenlsor Hmi for J.i.e. I Initojiinphs Hiimeprieoaa badges, t ravon prrtialtstn tinted plate pin er. Heroic size by KS for S3 cents. I'lnes nil Mri-s and kinds and prleis Now Is llie lnrvcst time for agents and dealers Send for tciules nnd particu lars to I'. S llANI'I-'ACTI'ltlNllCO, 110 Sii.ltl lled ureet, Pitlsbuiff, Pa. July o. No 8m PENSIONS procured tor all soldiers disabled In the It. s.teivlce from any cause, nl-ii for heirs of deceased solclei s. The Mlgntrri dlsibmiy entitles topenilon. Pensions Inceased Dip tun h.inr. mora llbiral now, tkouaiuls are entlllid tohlelur rales. I'.otinlyandnevv d'si-harnea rroeurrd. Thneo who are In doubt nslo whether entitled to nnMhlu? ,..-. o. i iu ,uuk euuups ior our -'eucuiftr 01 lnfoti union," Add ss, with stamp, stoddart Co., Solicitors of Claims nd Patents. Koom 8, St. Cloud Uulldlnir. iuihln(,', 1). c. July i), -so-sm wico STODDAHT t CO. o.m.v Sao For this style fcr Wu will send It to niir lli.nnr to bo exauilntd before you pay for It. if It U Lot as It can be returiud at our ex panse, send a postal card II- iiiairaieu eireuiar. u. A. W 001) .ci. 17 N. T mh st I hlla ,Pa. J lly 9, ';iu.1m MAcu 1 iVylflVCi ! tM-rystldleriliMibUilln 1 1'j1 O 1 KJlS io ' line of duty, by woun.v. disease or Injuij, Is t in Itli a lo ptn-lou. Pensions dalebatktu time of Ulsrh tree or death if soldier. tl.iuns cf all diseriii'ii i, t.rusiculed. loMesotiosi Isoli.irtisi liinliitU. Ciaini'. tiled by atli mejs vho ae s needled, r 'lorn other causes have ceased o riucilcc, Mulshed Ml hjiit iklay. Aildre-swltu siiuup, ii. m. iib.iii.1 io, Attorneys, yti.'si-Sm wac p. o. Pox tuii Wnshlnglon, li.C T vaTu ABLB IjOOirFHEET ticills') on ChroLlo nsenvs." i inbraclmr Ca- Uiiih, ','BS, Heart, stomach, Uver, Kid neys, fllnary and Ft null- Diseases ; nlso i lies; sent tri e to any address. Every surfer, r troin these dls- viisvs ran i o cureu. m nu lor mis nook lo the tinder signed, a phvslclan tf larbe expcrleiice, tndorstdbv hiiLdud' of leudli el likens wlio listlfv to his skill s, ml stamp to pay postage to c. E. Livlnptton, II. f .. ..., Bin,,, i uieuu, v mo. nuril a. waco THE GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. Thousands sufferlne; from Dyspepsia, Habitual CoMUeuess, Llvorand Kidney Coiuplaluis, scrofula uuu Kiiiuieuiiisea.-a-s, win nan witu ueuiriit this new a ml wonderful dlscov ery.vv hleh as a dlm-ane couiiuer or and health restorer, has unequal In modern ined Klne. Theurent .Mexican lleiuedy was rint Intro duced Into California In lsJO, where lu a few months It emoted ro many wonderful cures aslo cieaton ih maud for ihe medicine froiuMalne lo rlorlda. It lsihe only medicine In the world compounded from ine name plants, roots and litrhs ot Mexico It .iiiraiiii!iiiiiiir&t irtm too orslclOIllla,lo acom inoii blotch, pimple, or i ruptl-.-n, while It clears and beainnies the eomplexlim. In diseases ot tuo slom ocli, lilood, I.lier und Kidneys It has permanently cuieil thonsindscf hopeliss cases whi-ro all other knoviu lemedtts had failed. Oncduse will cure any cast-of Sltk Ileidache. Two doses wbl break up nnv ordinary cough or cold. I ersons suffering vv Itli Heartburn, waterbrasli.sour sioinach.lillllousness, .,,.i"tot , ,-o, , uiiiunon oi mo iiean, now Spirits, and kindred affections, w 111 nnd the -Mexican remedy a sivlft and suro relief. The i-euulne H placid before the public, rnder the follow lng name: Herbaline Bitters tho Great Mex ican Remedy. Call on your drusglst and get ft bottle of tho Mexican ltemedj-.and convince j onrself that It Is tho llest .Medicine In the World. Tho trade supplied by John Ktcshan, Wholesale Drugflst. N. W. corner Ctli nnd Walnut streets, Cin cinnati, o. Oeneral Agent for tho United States. aprll s, lssii-iy wtco CONmiPTfoN CURED CRUDE PETROLEUM PILLS. (.UllltMl 'iff Ihl, IVt-iKllI In IlKlIlHlN powntmK, c. 1I Va., April, lw. Db. .M, .Milton: K".", Mr,-A.IUT ,,Tlrif 1'Cfii Ifktwflve months indlrledthe ben imjski u s of wtlh- ? i'EitM0 .T.'U'"1"1; 1 1,11,1 5"uri.'IIL'Di! I bTHOI.KU.M 1'IL! s. When I roiniwncid taking them I couched almost li iisi-antij, i, UiiiiorV. ii.r, iiiyut rneil-s, etc. I Welched 114 lbs After taking the pills two months Ihe ouKh and nlcht ?nUr,od5ed 1'01 uu '"'"'orrliaeGat.d weighci Yours, respectfully, PliKt). C, DONN, Thousands of cases like the above. Ihe pills nre aUn a posliivu curo for cluonle bron. 1 roubles ' l'ul"rl1'' uml Throat and Lung Trial boxes 2.1 cents. Lnrco boxes (tso pills) it. Adlresv nctlpt c' Pr'' dlrecllons: DIt. M. MILTON, living, N. Y. July 9, fo-3m $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. WAltHAXT TUEIU t. T. Co. T That I. uow to uteullrelr worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR A3 LONO A8 THE METAL, XAIihl, wai Introduced by them, and by hlcli tho alKive aiimuiil I,.. bee,', , ,w,;1u,ui nually. Tl.l. Il,.u , " u ' J more, a. boalilei Ulng worn " tli.Vuarier crle. f 1. worn on llu. ",! ,','"1 'nTlilr''' r0R EU0E3 with this BEAtrrirui, black tip ?'l!l'"i-i'!';!Jl.l.'rll''''''y for Ihelr children. nugia.'so uw ALESMEN WANTF nfMiDWMg'jTO SELL OMJAItSTO DKAIiKUS sio5Aj!Vr-savifrs- CDTTIIIH NOllCKOliT and send It with j our application also rend sc. stamp lolnsuit answer. 8. POSTKI -II cu.. Cincinnati. Ohio tep. H, 'so-lm ni mrwr EBlacik D AGENTS WANTCDjrra?, m tlatf Utdila, .ver luvMitcd. WlTOJ'fSR'ij Xxlo.hlA I klwayv , reijr $i!i sif srpt.,i.,0-4m J A VFRPtibla nreruvratlDn anil l,e ,ini.. i remeilr In 11,8 world for Ilrlitl I'. .,7 IBlV"ei-atln,r,nlnl. ,,.,.-, . Of tliPio statements. "'"" oraft in proof . rnrinn cure or IHnTiW ra. ra'l rn. Mirror tho euro or II, lulu', nn1 ,.,,. rivccr'i,.r;.,Var"t 'ito&s WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ,1 f vVry fiVhltfon to iTMfi!,!:'"1'' L, Is lints a henont In mi dlsciS",. 1 ' '1 1 inures Nrronilow. and other Nhl r tlnn. and Dina. Including i-auiirT" ternnd other Siorx-v -uer u. Hr. etc., ere cured by tho Sari I nliiS Li" f." u iionualcd as an pppetlier and resuiWrtaii' ' Jlottloa of two slzua I prices, oSr. and 11 WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Qnlckly gt v Ite.t nnd uteri, to h"m.t.h, . cures fleiiflnelio nnd ArurMsin T ,,,? "' K.llci.ll lit., and rellMM 5K, MlJ" trnllim bronchi nn hv ,k..i.;J .,L"r 1 'l work, mental shocks, nnd other causes, ' turt-rderje; It never' WthY! if 'A whether taken In small or larre don. 1 ,m' -J v- --o.., ,,11113,, uvc. ana Sl.oo WARNER'S SAFE nil l e Are an tmmtdlatA nnrl nniitu oh..i. Torpid tlvtr, nml curq Coitlvetirii, tvvn U Ji louincis. Ihuia, MftUrli, uioua Dr, bt USt'U wlicni r (ha ofls ilo Hut t, ml AodtlitTl'ill. rtutiir ir. wurk. I'rlci" .", rta. t 11 riitr'i 5 m t)tl HJUYarratlifo,. Imprl-I.,, itoanL'UTEa, );, v Oor.8l,l$T9, iy l-'itinoi. MAIL R.OAD TirvIE TAbLE3 XJTOKT11KKN CENTKAIi HAIIAVAY X X WINTER TIME TABLE. On and nfier Sunday. May an, lit, the tra'n uu in,-1 iii'uuuniii cv linn i,.v iiouu iiiiisiun vv It,! aa follows : WESTWAItD, Krlo Mall lenves Philadelphia 11 '.Inm M llarrlsburi; 4 '.'lain " " xvilllani port Shf.uin " " Jersey shore y el a is " " Lock Haven 'Jwata " Itenovo u it am " artlvn at Krlo i-V. pin Niagara Kxpiess leaves Philadelphia u un a ui ' ' Ilsrrlsburi,' 1-Jinaia arr. at V IlllamsiKirt alspia ' " Lock Haven 4 an p:a ' " Itenovo stiitim Pit Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 ;,u u m " Harrlsburr 33.1pm " arrive at Wllllamsport " m " " Lock Haven siopia KASTVVAItD. Taclllc L'sprcss leaves Lock Haven a 4", a m " " Jersey sr.oro 7 is a m " " w llllarnsport 7 wi a in " arrlvo at llairlsburtf 114npm " " PlilladelphTa ft 15 pm Day Express leaves licnoro oniiim " " Lock Haven 11 lit am " " M IllUinsport U20pm " arrive at liarrlsbunr 3 4npm ' " Philadelphia (lis pin Krlo Mall leaves Itenovo s to p in " 1ick Haven llfinpra " " Wllllamsport llinpm " arrives at Hanlsburir 'J4"iaiu " " Philadelphia 7 on am Fast Lino leaves Wllllamsport la f.i a m ' arrives at Ilarrlsbtirp; afrftam " " Phlintielphla 7 4-j a m Ki le Mall west and Day Express East nuke tloe connections at Northumberland with L. .v. 11. II. II. trains for Wltkesbai l e and scrantou, Erie Mail West, Nl.T.-ara Express West and I'ait Line Wist make cloo connection nt lllloni'-port with N. C. It. W. trains north. Niagara Express West and Day Express Fast nuke cloe connection at Lock Haven wlthii. .V, It. It. trains. Erie .Mall east and West connect nt Erie win trains on I H. At M. s. It. it. ; at Corry wiihii.C.i A. V. It. It. ; at Emporium w 1th P.. N. Y. .c p. it. K and at Driftwood vv Itli A. V. It. It. Parlor cars will run between Phlla u-lplila ni,d Ulamsport on Niagara lixprcss wesr, and Ha hi press Kast, Sleeplnifcars on all nluht tralin. WM. A. IIAI.DUIN, tleneral Supt. ATOHTIIEHX 1 COMPANY, CENTIiAL ilAIIAVAY On nnd after November aoth. tsra. trains win te.ivn bunbury aafollowa : NOHTIIWAIID. Erlo Mall 5.!0 a. m., arrive Elmlra 11 .5 " Cnnnndalgrii.i, Itochcstcr 5,1.1 " Nlagaia 10 " Itenovo accoramodal Ion 11.10 a. m. nnlvo W llltuas. port 12.55 p. m. Elmlra MatH.15 a. in., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a.m. Buffalo Express 7.15 n. m. arrlvo Uurfalo S.50 a in hOUTIIWAltl). Buffalo Express !.6U a. m. arrive Harrlsburir " Baltimore Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo llarrUbursrl.Mi " Washington W..H " llaltlmore " Washington Harrlsburg accommodation burg 10.UI p. m. arrlvo Baltlmoro " Washington C.13 Erie Mall 11.55 a. m. arrive Ilarnxburg 3 its a. in. " Baltlmoro 8.40 " " Washlnglou 10.35 " All dally oxcept Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Orneral Passenger Asen A. J. OAS3ATT, General Manatir pHILADEIil'IIA AND KKADINO I'.OAD ARRANGEMENT OF rASs-ENOnr. TRAINS. .May II, H79. TK1ISS I IfiVS lllTERT t? 01 LOWSiBrKIUT KlttftH For New York, Philadelphia, Eluding, Potlsvllle, lee, 11, is a. m Vor Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,si and 7,:s p. m. 1'or Wllllamsiiort,6,vi t,ds a. m. and 4,iw p. m. TH11NS FOK RCI-SKT LRiVB 19 KOLUIWS, (St SPAT XI CKPTKll.) Leave New York, 8,41 a. iu. Xfuvti Philadelphia, 9,45 a. tn. ixave Itcadliig, ll,ua. Pottsvllle, n,p. m and Tamaqun, 1,35 p. m. Louie Cauwlssa, 6,!0 s,5it a. ra. and 4, no p. m. Leave vvnil.unspoi i ,9 43ilii.,S,15 p. ra. und l,!0 p, m Passengers to and from New Vorkaud PhiUJtl- phla go throug.i vv ithout change of cars. J. E. W11UTTI-.N, General Mauagor O. fl, HANCOCK, General Ticket Agent, Jan. 1 1, 1.76-tt. DEIWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WKSTKItN ItAlLKOAD, IIUXJMRUUIKJ DIVISION. Ttino-Tnhl.v No. 39, Takes effect at 4:3u A. M MONDAY, JUNK 10, 1S7S. bTATlONS, xot'TII. a-ra. p m. P.'!1. .. ..Scranton. ...... ....-ltellcvue , ....Tuylorvllle.. ..Lackawanna... Pulsion . West Pittston... ....Wvoining ........ VI allljy ...... Bennett- ..Kingston ... .Kingston I'll moulli June. .. Plymouth.... ... .Avondalo...,, ... Nam kxiko.. 9 35 9 in . m 9 III (ID 1 94 b 10 2 .SO I! 33 1 3s e 10 141 0 45 9 19 t VI :u 1 67 C (9 3 15 7 10 43 9 58 10 07 111 18 10 33 3 15 I ' 3 10 11- 3 15 7 S 3 II I' 3 SO I III IM 3 Ml 8 95 4 IU 8 45 4 ie s 4 is 9 no I 15 7 15 4 99 7 93 4 33 7 SO 4 41 7 44 4 49 son 1 tA a si 10 S'j 111 31 in 41 10 66 11 07 tl 13 II 91 lluuloek's t reek. ,.RShlckshlnnyH... Hick's Ferry. ...Beach Haven.,, ....... Berwick .... llrlar i'n k. ...Willow Grovc. ..ume itidgeH.. Espy....... .Bloomsburg..., 11 39 11 45 .....uuoert...... I 5 Cutawlasa Bridge, 11 67 6 00 S 60 19 18 6 18 ; uanviue..m... Chulasky...... Cameron Northumberland. 9 IS B u 80 9 11 46 6 45 9 n.m. p.m. a. XV. V. It A T34TKA II- SOPU Saporlotendent's omoe, rJcrenton. Juno 10, u- "YyrAINWIUOIITm., WI10LE.SAIJ. UUOCRHS, POILtDSlTUU, Dealers lo TEAH, BYltUPH, C0FFS, rJUUAK, MOLASStS 1. 1, sricss, notes soot, ia, to. A & Oorser Swoon a MnJ Arch lrc4U, Urudoia ai lecuvo lvroir44 t-JKtlon. MOUTH, p.m. p.m. a.m. 9 3D 4 Pi 9 40 9 a 9 17 9 37 9 US t SO 8 5 3 51 9 91 8 51 111 9 19 a it s 11 9 14 11 41 19 . 8 33 3 3D 9 04 8 13 9 10 S 44 8 S3 3 90 8 56 8 If 3 11 8 47 8 lU 3 04 6 3D 1 51 9 SI 8 98, 7 3i 9 39 8 II T 1 1 II 8 111 7 US 1 IM 8 OH 7 18 7 14 7 la till 1 14 7 44 t 60 1 67 7 S3 60 1 61 7 S3 4S 1 40 7 99 17 1 17 I 11 10 00 1 00 111 p.m. p. in m,