The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 24, 1880, Image 2

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m inlttiitfitun.
S. ELWELL, Editor.
K. mtlEMBSSOSB, PnWlthor.
Pi-ldiiy. Si'ipr 'it. 18RO.
Democratic A'iilioiiiO Ticket.
rou vicE-riu:siinNT,
SrT TICK 171'.
HUiT.r.MK junui:,
UKOliai'. A. JENKri, Jefferson county.
P.OBKRTP. DECIIEllT. Philadelphia.
C'ouuty TlcUct.
rou roNdii ess
tsalject lotho decision ot the Congressional Con
f Tenc..
(tabjjct to tho djclilon o! til scnitortal Confer
rou uisnucr attohnkv,
The Chairman ot the Democratic County Com
million reuut-stscach member ol the Standlui. Coin
muu-f to make an aonolnttii'snt 0! a Vlirllanco rom-
mttte for his election district, borough or township
consisting ot at least two members. In addition to
mi menrier ot ine maiming: i;uuiiiuiu.-i-, uiiu in iuu
lartrer districts! Uren or four, ns may be necessirv.
nnd the m ember ot the s niidhij Co.nmllt e will
promptly within not more than one wetk send the
linings to ttis chairman.
Cms. (I. IUhklkv, Ihviii LowKNtiKini,
Secretary. Chan man.
Post onice.
leaver, .1. T. Vox, lieavcr Valley,
lienton, ItolirMclIenry, Henlon.
lierwlck, nr. F. r. Illll. Hi rwlcfc.
liloomsbure K. luwd Miwenhorg moomsburg.
W, Clin. (i. Ilarkley, do
Ilrlarrrcek, A. II Ci o p, Hcrwlclc.
C itawlssa, W. L. Kyei ly, Cataw Ksa.
Centralis, Thomas l.eurns Centralta.
Centre, T. r Conner Lime 111 Jgo.
Conyngham N. Thomas Knnls, Centralla,
8. John Monroe, Ashland.
Flshlngcreek, Cyrus II. McUenry.stillnHicr.
Franklin, o. L.Ar'lcy, Ualawl sa.
ureenwood, Wm. Kycr, Kierflroc.
Hemlock, seth Shcwmaker, liuekhorn.
Jackson, Silas W. Mcllonry, Waller.
Locust, A. M. .lolinson, KUsburt,'.
Madison, Conrad Kreamcr, Jcrseytown.
Main, J. u. Nuss, Malnvllla
MinUu, Samuel Snvder, MinilnMlle.
Montour, I'eter A. Evans, liloomsburg.
Mt l'leasant, K. Howell, Llnhtstrwu
orange, Ja-. H. liarman, Orangevllle.
Hne. .'0110 F. Fowler, Fine summit,
ltoarinecreek, John Jtonrer, Koarlngcieck,
Scott East, .lolin Havacc, Espy,
H"ott West, Ur. I). T. Krebs, l.lzht.stiTcl..
Sugarloat, W. A. Kilo, Colt smile.
Saturday October 2nd Is the last day for
payment of taxes, Don t forget it.
A cartridge factory at Bridgeport, Conn.,
was blown up last Friday. The building
was demolished and lour men and a boy
blown to pieces.
The latest returns from Maine show that
Plaisted is elected by a plurality ot'174. Tbi
official count will not be made until the leg'
islature meets next January.
The Mormons have established a recruit'
ing station in Virginia. They do not preach
any polygamous doctrine as yet, their object
being to organizs a colony to proceed to
What do the Republicans think oflhcm
selves uow.who called the Democrata,"fools"
for celebrating the victory in Maine last
week? It wasn't so very much loo Boon af
ter all, was it? All sides now concede the
election of Plaisted.
A Hancock procession in Philadelphia
last Saturday night was romposed of 10 S25
men in line. Speeches were made by t?ena
tor Wallace and others. It was the grand
est demonstration that city has witnessed for
many years.
The big Hancock meeting at Pittsburg
last Saturday was uresided over by a life
long Republican and one hundred Republi
can Vice Presidents. Tho speakers were all
republicans. It was one of tho biggest meet
ings ever held there. The Philadelphia
Tunes wants to know why Cessna don't get
up a Garfield Democratic demonstration
We presume it is for the same rcasou that
Jack did not eat his supper.
The Democratic Congressional Conferees
of Pike county have been instructed to sup
port George H. Rowland. It is reported
that Rowland intends to run as an independ
ent candidate If he does not get the noml
nation in this district. If 9uch Is his pres
ent Intention he ought not to he permitted
to come before the conference unless he wil
pledge himself to stand by its action. M
J or Klotz will be nominated for Congress in
the eleventh district, and be will be elected
ly a majority of 0,000 at least.
It Is now asserted that Weaver, the Green'
back candidate lor President, is in the pay
of the republican party, and indeed every
thing points that way. In Alabama, where
the Greenback! rs and Republicans fued
he was heart and soul with them, but in
Maine where the fusion was with the Dem
ocrata Weaver denounced tho Union, refused
to speak at fusion meetings, and the chair
man of his state committee resigned and
went over to the republicans. Weaver will
not recelye a tingle electoral vote. To vote
for him Is to throw a ballot away. Vote
with the winning tide, and when Hancock
Is inaugurated you will have the pleasure of
knowing that you helped put him there,
The Insult received at the republican con
vention last Monday by Geo. W. Meara, a
man who lost his left arm In the service of
his country, U one that Union soldiers will
not forget. He was a candidate for the of
fice of representative and waa nominated
with Geo. W. Buckingham without a dis.
aeutlog vol;e, whereupon Mr. Buckingham
refused to 16 a candidate, whether because
he did not wish to bo on the ticket with a
one-armed soldier, or because he wanted to
tun alone, be did not atale, but alter Mr.
Meara had been ruthlessly kkked out of the
convention, be accepted the uomluatloa. If
Meara waa not a proper man for the place
bo ought not to have been unanimously
Dominated by acclamation iu the first in
stance. To "t him on the ticket, tod theo
btrlke him down the next moment, was an
act which only the republican party would
be guilty of. It ahowt Ibit they meant
what they said when they declared the sol
dier business la layd out." Tbsy have no
place for Uulon soldlera, though they bare
Mlected acutnber orrebl brgil!cr for Im
jrtnt positions,
Tlio fight U waxing warm In Indiana and
Ohio, The rctct if Democratic victor-
Irs In bMh Stales nre ury encouraging.
The KepubllcaiH nre discouraged and tie-
moralized hy their Inglorious (left-fit In
General Hancock left the field on a,
stretcher and retnrtjed before his wounds
wero healed, O.ncral Garfield lell the field
before ponder commenced to burn,to tnko a
sent In congress, and never returned. This
Is tho military record of the two candidates
In n nut shell.
Whom the Oods destroy I hey first mako
mad. This accounts (or the nrrsrnt bad
temper of tlie republican party. They call
Democrats "fools" because wo celebrate
their complete overthrow In Maine. Their
dying contortions hero nnd everywhere are
fearful to behold.
The campaign In Lycoming county Is
progressing most favorably. Never wllhln
llio recollection of the oldest inhabitant hnve
the Democracy been better organized, or
moro enthusiastic than at piu'ent. There
are many changes among the soldier clement
and with the farmers, and thcro is every rea
son to believe that the county will give Irom
three to fivo hundred increased majority.
The Origin of the (Jreenliack Cause.
The fact Is pretty well understood through
out the country that Weaver, the Green
back candidate for Preside ut, Is playing into
the, hands of the Republicans, and that he is
now under pay to hold ns many Democrats
ni possible to tho organization. Why will
they be deluded nnd Iop ihelr votes for the
purpose of helping Gaifi-U.
The Philadelphia JVc ( Rep.) September
20th. contains the following despatch from
Special )lixteh to the J'rcm.
"Ili.oo.Msiiuno. Septembir 19. The Re
nublicaus held a jollification meeting on
Saturday night here, and in the midst of it
the Democratic President of Council order-
d his nnlice to ariest the bairman of the
Uouiny Cmnmiltee and the President of the
meeting, without preferring any charges
they imposed on each n fine of five dollars.
Tho meetiug was renimeu on incir release,
when an organized body of Democrats on
the opposite side of the street tried to drown
the voices in llio speakers uy cueenug ior
Hancock, Eloquent speeches were made by
1). A llecUfy, A. M. Parker, of Michigan,
and J. U. Ilniwn. The enthusiasm was un
bounded and it was mm of (he largest meet
ugs ever held in liloomsburg,
In this Sunday despatch, hurried off by
some nnonvmous Jladlcal to slur his own
Town aud his neihbor', and tn run its
course Iu party papers abroad, we bavo both
falsehood stated and truth suppressed.
lt. It is not true that there was a Repub
lican meeting in progress which was Inter
rupted by the arrest of Beckley and Brown
There was a crowd upon the street and
firo works let off an exhibition, but no
speaking or organization of a meeting to be
interrupted. The speakmg, such as it was
was to an unorganized crowd, and after
2nd. The exhibition going on was danger
ous, disorderly and unlawful, and had been
expressly forbidden by the Town author!
tics before it was begun, and was also for
bidden after it was begun, before any arrests
were made.
3rd. There was no "organized body of
Democrats on the opposite side of the
street, or anywhere else in Town, that eve
ning. There were plenty or men and boys
about, of all sorts, when the heroes of the
evening made violent and abusive street
speeches to the crowd eubiequent to their ar
rest. These, very naturally, produced some
excitement, and disturbance, but for
tunately no actual collision or violence. The
statement in the despatch that the meeting
or gathering was "ono of the largest ever
held in Bloomsburg,'' is ridiculously false.
4. Equall" unfoundtd is th" assertion that
Beckley and Brown were fined by the Presi
dent of the Council without any rhnige
against them. That officer, (who has the
powers of a magistrate,) was personally
present, directed the Town Constable to no
tify the ofienders to desist, ai.d upon their
defiant refusal, directed him to bring them
before him. They wcie so brought and fined
five dollars each, fir exploding fire works in
the Town. As ;foce njjicert of ihe Town,
the President aud constables enforced pub
lie authority against contumacious offenders
for an oiTetise openly committed, openly
charged against them and wholly Ubdenied.
From among ligal regulations for the good
order and tafely of tho Town, may be cited
tbo following:
Town Ordinance No. C, passed May 27,
1872, provide:
"That It shall not be lawful to fire any
fire crackers or tquibs of any description or
kind, upon any day,withiii the limits of the
town of liloomsburg j And any percou or
persons firing or cuusipg to It find null
fire crackers ortqulhs within tho llinils of
said Town shall, upon eonwetiou bel.ire the
Presideut uf Town Council, forfeit and pit) a
fine not exceediug five dollars fir each of
fense." Firing nnket toilbs to thn mani
fest danger of roofs aid properly in the
neighborhood, by full grown office-holders,
should be jufct as promptly stopped as fire
cracker throwing upou the street by small
boys on the fourth of July I To be suie the
patriotic "small boy" has no vote j but
Postmasters and Notaries Public have no
more light than he has tn violate the good
order and ngulationH uf the Town.
A cavil Is made upon the meaning of the
word "Sijuib" in the above Qrdlrance i
word which while it includes Ilia couimmi
firecracker, baa a wider signification. It
covers In addition any "little pipe or eyliu
der of paper filled witu podi.r orpomlius
tible matter, and bent Into the air, burning
and bursting with a crack," (Websler) j
or as Richardson puts it, in general Icruis,
"a mluj'o fire work."
All this dlatuibapcp arose from an attempt
to impose by bluster and show upoi) the lg
norant , to palm off upon them an fciglorious
defeat in Maine, as an actual victory, coup
ltd with a dcblgu to Interfere wlili Mr. Iloyd
Robisou's little greenback meeting lu the
Opera House. The celebratioo, in its avow
ed object, waa a mockery and a sham. The
Republicans had lost in Maine fifteen thous
and votes compared with 1870, and tho vote
on Governor there was so close, that the
result was unknown and disputed. It turns
out, by the latest returns, that they were
beaten on that vote aud still more largely
beaten on tho vote fur Congressmen. And
yet, forsooth, they must celebrate the Maine
election uf pretend to do to, and raise a dis
turbance In the Town by their manner otuo
loe- it: fur o xcltement abd disturbance
were Inevitable or at least natural results of
their conduct. No meeting of theirs held
in a regular or usual manner, has been or
will ha disturbed. Even M r. Word s anus
lv speech at their meeting on Tuday was
not resented, b)t waswmpiy wen answereu
und repellod by a gsiitltnua, tpetklug
genlJfMliiOiiNft eveplajr.
Washington, II. V. Sep. ISlli, 1880.
The Maine election has been much talked
about during the past three days. Coming
mnicdlatcly after the election in Vermont,
Its result has been most depressing on the
population of the Capital, to many of wheni
it menu ruin, Of course thcro is n strong
endeavor to find a bright sldo to tho picture,
and government clerks get together and
cheer one another with such optimistic views
as: "This will only ncrvo the party lo grea
ter effort In October nnd November." It
camroon enough but not loo lato to warn
usofour danger. "Wo will now work as
we never worked bclorc." &c, &c But they
cmnot shut out the appalling fact that they
have lost tho first contested state. . A state
that they hoped to carry by from 5,000 to
fifteen thousand majority, Nor can they
closo their eyes lo the fact that Hancock is
stronger than his party in Maine I that n
state confidentially claimed by their party,
and conceded to them by the Democrats.
will, in all human probability, cast Us vote
n the elictoral college for the Democratic
They congratulate themelves that they
havo saved the legislator nnd their repre
sentation in Congress. Hannibal Hamlin
will succeed himself, ur be succeeded by a
Republican in the Senate. But no prophet
is required to predict that James G. Blaine
ill not succeed himself nfter the National
administration has been for three years in
the hands of tho De.noerats. With that fire
brand eliminated from u.itionnt politics the
country may hope for a rest. In retirement
ur even iu a hoptlcss 'minority, he will Ml!!
rant nnd yell, but his voice will lose its
oracular twantr.
When 1 rtmeiubcr whutellorts the Kepuh-
liraus made to carry Maine I am all the
more suprncd at the result. Logan, the
loudest, if not the moit ektjucht, ol Ihe
Grant triumvirate, has been on almost every
stump in the pine tree state ; Conger and
Hoar, of Michigan, were there ; Bob Inger-
soil, who draws as big houses as licecher or
a circus, lent his assistance! hosts of for
eign and orators made the air vocal
from the coasts to the Canadian border with
their cries of warning of defiance, of rage.
The Democrats made but little effort to car
ry the stale. Three weeks ago their orators
were recalled, and an order was Issued to ex
pend no more money where it would do so
little good. Now the question naturally sug
gests Itself, if wb cau do so well without ef
fort, how much better can we and ought we
to do when the issue is to rescue the country
Irom radicalism, and to condemn nationally
a national fraud in a party and in one of its
chief abettors.
Kditoks Coi.u.muian :
The Democratic Pule raising here on Sat
urday.Sept. 28th 1880, was one of the pleas-
antest episodes and most glomus epochs in
ihe history of llio party in this township. the recollection of the oldest Dem
ocrat, was there so much interest nnd such
unbounded enthusiasm manifested as there
was on this occasion. Long before the time
for meeting had arrived the people came
flocking in by scons, aud by one o'clock the
crowd was simply Immense. Theie were
representatives present from Pottsville.
Bloomsburg, Numrdia, Slabtown and a
great many from Northumberland county
and other point',
The pole iJ, according to the unanimous
opinion of those present, the nicest they
have ever seen raised. It measures one hun
dred and twenty three feet in length and has
but one splice. lis diameter at the base is
sixteen inches aud it tapers gradually from
thereto the top where there is a little bunch
of branches and green leaves giving it the
appearance of lifr. The pole is also dec
orated with a beautiful banner and a trans
parency on which is printed tho names of
the candidates iu brilliant letters. Raising
the pole consumed nearly all of the after,
noon so that the time of "speech making''
was veiy limited. Notwithstanding this
Messrs John M.Clatk (substitute for Col.
Freeze,) B. Frank Zirr and John 0. Yncuiu
of Bloomsburg, each made a short, spicy,
speech ou the issues of the day to the entire
satisfaction of thoso present, uuless it was
the Republicans.
There were several Republicans present,
a few of whom took an active part in raising
the pole, and it is the opinion of many that
they are about ready to espouse the glorious
cause of our gallant leader Hancock,
By the way, in the evening of this event
ful day, after the band had finished playing
"Hail Columbia" and the crowd had dispers
od and the noie aud tumult of Ihe day had
subsided; after night had drawn down her
sable curtain and pined with astar af
ter tho silvery moon appeared above the
lstern horizon and was c.T'linr. her pale
Ight down over the shadowy valley
and around the Hancock pole where the
stars and jUlpe-i wero floating iu the soft,
geulle, zephyrs f evening. After all
was quiet aud the ppnple ot li vicinity
were reicling lu "nature's sweet restorer,
balmy sleep;" now just at this auspi
cioua moment, the neighbors were called,
(the female portion pf ihem) another meet
ing was held, I uuess it wu a Democratic
ratification meeting well it's a boy and
I am li.tormtd his name is lo bo Winfield
Scott llantock . Now, who will
dare to y thi,t npinnn is not an important
lactor in the no itlcs of our country?
The Republicans might ss well throw up
Ihe sponge now and acknowledge their de
feat. When new born babies assume tho
name of Hancock and "laud him to the
stats'' with their jjral breath, it means some
thin ir.
II Chairman Loweuberg asks for the newa
from Locust, or desires to anticipate the re;
suit In the present campaign, tell him to
mail us first, last and &1 the time as solid
for Hancock and English and the pure old
Jatksonlan Democracy,
One op Thkm,
Wester" locust, August 20, 1880.
-w t -.1 'J -
Tie I'epsiop (lunlueks.
Bl-ClOV. Curtln's Wllllainsport speech.
I have looked up the law and I find that
from 1SUU to JBYfi.tbo UeputiUCan, prty Dei
ing in iwer, Union soldiers received from
$S to t30 per month, the latter being for to.
tal disability. Iu 1876, for disability, it was
raised tofSO, allowing nothing for artificial
arms and legs. Rut in 1870, when the dem
ocrats got coulrol of Congreaa ''the rebel
brigadiers" as the Republicans call them
the limbs of the soldiers were replaced and
renewed, and in 1878 the pension was rsU
ed to (82 a month ior those who had lost
both arms, or both yes, or both legs. In
1879 a law paused giving arrears to all sol
er, and allowing pensions from Ihedste
ordisabillty or uiscnarjie. mus nwj pi
their back pay from the" "rebej brljadltra "
Peddlers should bear lu minu mat a 4V
u-ilctrai nrasldtnt w(J the ar
raarages of pensions bill, and a Democratic
.k - VIII -t
Tho Hancock Utmonstratlon at I'lttslmrg. j
At a great meeting at Pittsburg on Sat
urday night, held under the auspices of
Hancock republicans, addressed by General
Butler and Colonel Forney, Paul Carson,
one of tho most prominent and intelligent
colored men of Allegheny county was ono of
the vlco-Presldents. A number of other
colored men were also officers of the meet
ing, After the adjournment of the meeting
a committee of colored people called ou
General Butler to express their thanks fur
his services in behalf of their race. Gen
eral Butler tuld them that he had wnlted for
sixteen years for the republican party to give
the necessary protection to tho colored poo
pip, but lie did not Intend to wait four years
longer. He would now look to the Demo
cratic party for that purpose, and believed
he would not be disappointed. Whilo the
meeting was in progress Colonel Forney re
ceived the following telegrams:
Philadelphia, September 18, 1880
lion. John II', Forney : Tho subjoined ro
tubllcnns of Philadelphia, who havi long
followed your lead and have heard your voice
In favor of the great doctrines taught by
Lincoln and Sumner, and read your magni
ficent appeal In favor of the forgiveness of
our Southern brethren, nnd In zoalous advo
cacy of liberty to the slaye-, now join you
iu doing honor to tho favorite son of Penn
sylvania, and the surviving son of tho glo
rious triumvirate who saved our great Stntn
from invasion Winfield Scott Hancock.
This dispatch is signed by ouo hundred
and two names.
Philadelphia, September 18 Dear Co1
onel Forney: The cry Is still they cune.
Hang out your banners ou tho outward walls
The largest nnd mint enthusiastic political
meeting over held in Philadelphia Is now
going on here. Over 2,000 Hancock repub
licans In line, and, like their o'd commander
always forming in the front rank.
GEonm: Wolf,
Gconan H. Lant,
Samull BAItNI'.S,
James Huttsr,
Charles Wolf,
Chaiiles Zimmerman,
Johk D. Dandum,
Hancock Republlcan,Soldiers of the Grand
Armv of the Republic.
(In Hold hides at (Jure.
Fiom'fiil Forney's rpcech aJ'iWJur(i,
In considering the tariff question,!!! which
you are so deply interested, I ueed not as
sure you that I have always favored the pro
tective system. Its leading companions in
this State have been my personal friends,
and whenever a practical issue relating to
this subject has been raised during the last
generation I have united with them iu bat
tling for the interests of our noble Com
monwealth. In these struggles one of the
mot insidious aud dangerous opponents we
have have had to encounter was James A.
Garfield. He has been a decided supporter
of the freo trade theories which some of the
Eastern and Western Republicans habitu
ally support. He favored a reduction of the
duty on pig iron when all Pennsylvania Con
gressmen opposed such a reduction. He op
posed the abolition of the duty on tea and
co free when all Pennsylvania protectionists
contended for that measure. He voted for
the ten per cent, reduction of the duties on
all manufactured products that came Into
competition with the Industries of our State
when that insidious and injurious measure
was opposed by all the true friends of Amer
ican industries. Gcueral Garfield has been
dazed by the glamor and the fanciful honor
of being elected a member of the Cobden
Club. He has been ready to sacrifice your
interests for the sake of winning applause, or
possibly mure substantial reward from com
peting British manufacturers. So far was this
subserviency to foreign interests carried UU'
ling fourteen years of Congressional service
that when Garfield was elected, i:i 1877, as
the caucus nominee of the Republican party
for the Speakership of the House of Rep'
resentatives, five of the Republican Con
gressmcn of Peunsylvania.including some o
your immediate Representatives, refused to
vote for General Garfield on account of tho
zeal he had displayed in adyucating free
trade measures.
It should be the aim of every owner of
Horses,CowH,&c.,to make them us handsome
and useful as possible, The German Horse
and Cow Powder helna to develop all the
Dowers of the animal. It improves its heau
ty and increases its usefulness. It makes
milk, mucle and fat. By using it a horse
will do more work and a cow give more milk
and bo in better condition with less fed.
Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by
C. A. lUeim, liloomsDUrg.
l-12, '79-ly
Scribner is now ten years old, and th
managers seem celebrate the fact
by a November number of unusual strength
No fewer than four large engravings by
Cole will be giyeu, and other well-knowu
engravers will be duly represented. The lit
erary quality will be remarkable, and the
contributions will include an essay on hit'
man, by Stedman; a fine study of Glsd
stone, by a Member of Parliament; a da
scriptive paper on the Bordentown, (N. J
Bonapartes, more of tho pathetic life of
Millet, a critique of the painter Veddcr,
stirrine: account of the battle of Mobile Bay
apropo) of the new statue of Farragut, by
St. Oaudens, and some practical suggestions
about Tableaux with illustrations. The
first chapters, (twenty eight pages) of "Pe
ter the Great as Ruler and Reformer," and
of "Tiger Lily," a new short serial, and one
or two other features not yet to bo an
nounced, will make up a rich and abl
genls and CauvaBfers make from $25 to
$50 per yteeY iellipg gooda for E. G. Hide
out & Co., 10 Barclay Btreet.lfew York. Beud
for iteir catalogue and terms. aep.l080ly
Republican stump orators ip Westefn and
Border statei. point to Garfield's record, abj
bU affiliation with the London Cobden club
to provo tbat be is a free trader.
J- I
If you are troubled with feyer aud ague,
dumb ague, billioun fever, jaundlco dyp,p
ttia, or ny dUease of the llvpr, blood or
stomach, an4 wUb to get well, try tbe now
remedy, tot. Guilrflett'a freuch fiver I'ad.
wbfch cqreii by absorption. Auk your drug
gUt for it, and take qo other, and if he baa
not got it send 11.60 in a letter to the trench
Kidney Tad Co., Toledo, O,, and receive oue
by return mall.
Cooper Kostkmuauuku On Ihe 19th lul.
at lha M. K. Parsonage st Numldis, i'a,, by
IUt. J. Ouldin, Mr. Joihua Cooper loMiaa
Anna M. Koslenlauder, both of Columbia
Outox, On Ui Uili lnt-t r' EHaaUA
tJlrVjh, of I!n1ocl lownsliljv, ajod 77 ttw.
The Prince of Wales owes $3,000,000. A
meeting between his Royal Highness nnd
ono of the old tlmo Chicago real eslato spec
ulators would bo very touching.
The London medical journals report the
case of a girt who has slept uninterruptedly
fur six months. They must have let her
rend n book of English jokes.
8.'0 English miners die annually from
An Ohio man has patented paper window
Hugh Glenn, the great California farmer,
has 15,000 acres In wheat alone.
Eight newspapers were started In Paris
latjear; four arc surviving.
It is estimated that Michigan has 110,810
farms and produces 18,000,000 bushels of
wheat per annum,
The cotton mat ufactorles of Plltibtirg,
Virginia, have 2(J,000 spindles, 000 looms
and employ nearly 1000 hands.
Colonel Mosby writes homo from Hong
Kong that ho will voto ns ho shot against
Tho Nova Scotia gold mines nro said to
hayo produced more than $0,000,000 in eigh
teen years.
An eminent Boston preacher once said that
it was mockery to pray at night for sweet and
refreshing sleep without seeing to It that the
bedroom is well ventilated,
Colonel Mosby, the United States Consul
at llur.g Id ng, was charged on the 30lh ol
July with nn assultwlth aspeai onniiAmer
can seamnu. Aftc. healing the evidence
llio magistrate cautioned Col. Mosby, and
dlxmisstd the summons.
San Fraucisco society is deeply in!tie-ti
n a report that Miss Flood, to whom U
Grant, Jr., was engaged, has jilted lliojnui
man. He appeared in public wi ll a L'irl
ccrlbed ns "not over nice," and when Mi's
loud beard of it she terminated the engnge-
ineut. The property loss to young Grant is
something like $2,500,000.
It so happened that a majority of the gen
erals In the Union army during thn war were
democrats. General McClellen, Gen
eral Hancock, General Franklin, General
Roeecran, General Meade, General Hooker,
Geueial Thomas, General Scofield, General
McClelland, General Slocum, General Buell
General Smith nnd General Palmer, arc a
few conspicious examples.
At n recent anniversary celebration of the
battle of North Point, near lialtim ire, ten
of the sixteen survivors inarched In 'he pro
cession. Their ages ranged from 8'A to 95,
and the eldest carried the Hags they defend
ed the Identical one which, ou that deci
sion, incited Key to write "The Star Span-
d Banner"
Hy virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court
ot Common Pleas of Col lmbla county, aud to mo di
rected, will ho exposed to public sale at the Court
House In tbo tow n of IUoomsbury, at 2 o'clock, p. in.
All that ccrtiln lut ot ground situate In Locust
township Columbia co., and Mate of Pennsylvania,
boundtd and deacilbed as follows, to-wlt: On the
north by the public road, on ihe cast, south and
west by landscfMaj berry Snjder. containing four
acres more or lri.3, on which are erected a dwelling
house, .table and other out-buildings.
Seized, taken In execution it tbo suit of Keuben
Shumanand John 1. human, administrators of Jacob
Shurnan, deceased, now for uo of Ashland tfalnir
Fundand Loan Association against Daniel I. Ilouck ,
and Samuel Ilouck and to be sold as the property of
Datstcl I. Ilouck.
Freeze & Makk, Attorneys. Vend. I2x.
AU that certain lot of ground sltuito In tho Town
of Catawissa, Columblacounty, Matef Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described ns follows, towlt; Vc
glunlnijnt a point on the north side of Pine street
at the Interaction of Second btrcet, ihrncft by the
north side of said Pine street a course bearing
houtheahlwardly two hundred nnd ten feet to land
of sUuman, thence by land of said bhuman
northeastwardly ono hundred and thirty -lUo fctt
more or less to latrt late of Catharine (JefMu, rit-
ccascd, thence northwestwardly and by land late ot
Catharine (it I kin, deceased, and parallel with Ptn
stret-t ten f et to land of William II. Orange's es
tate, and paiallel with fvcond street blxty feet
thenco northwestwardly and by land of William II.
Orange's estate and parallel with Pine street two
hundred feet V theeastsldeof Second street,lhtne(
by;sald Second stt eet se ent -tl o feet more or lrs
to the placo of beginning whereon aie tiected
at -o-story double frame dwelling house, fronting
on Second street, a frame wagon makr and carriage
shop, a frame bUtkunltli thop and aframo c.inlage
or ware house aul outtmMdlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at the suits cf (le-orgc
Hughes and W, (1. Vetter, executors of Lewis Yet
tcr, deceased against tleorge W. froultondto Iv
sola a3 tho property of (.eoige W. fcoult.
it h awn, Attorney, Vend Ex.
Terms ca&h on day of sale.
sep.2J,'so-u Sheriff.
Ill bo let at Hcnton on SATUltDAY OOTOliElt 2.
l&so. at 10 o'clock a. m., a bridge to bo erected across
w est creek near Kiinoie s mm, in nunlon township.
To bo n wooden braeo coered bridge 5T feet long
16 feet wtde. abutments to bo repaired bv contrac
tor, so as to admit of skewbock 3 feet Horn topol
w an 'laic.
Plans and specincatlons can bo seen at the Com
missioners' olllce.
StTKI'llEN POIH.,1 Commissioners
CHS. HH.'lldltT, J Columbia Co.,
Commlssloneis office liloomsiburg Sept. IU'.oo-w
In pursuance o( an Older ol the Orphan's Court ol
columUa county, the utrtdflencd will sillat public
fulo on tho priinlHtscf the late John ilensch, da
ce ased, In Franklin towu.hlp, on
nt ono o'clotk p. in., theloponlri; dc&crlUd
RE. EST A T 23,
Hounded hy the latds ci Wra. Temple, Wellington
Clevcr.M. Of arhi art, Susijuclunna ItUtr,M. Mcnsch,
and others, contalulos
Sloreorle.s. 'Xherels crcettd on tho prendses
two largo lrame
Larec Ilank liarn and other out-lulldlrfS. There
Is also a
TKHMrl OF SALE Ten pcrontotone-Iourlhot
tho purchase money toho raid st the s'rlklPirdouu
ol Ihe properly, the one-lpurth kts the ten icrftnt,
at the coLllitnutlon utsoluto and the mn&Ulos
thiee.Iouilb8 In cnejear ttifjamrulth lntertst
from conminatlon nisi.
Sept. u. 'fO-u Adintm ttraiors
DB. J. A. 3USSt.AU.-AVD THE ONLY DR. SHSIIMAU knni to the pohllc for ihe ,,t ;i:,
vearsor mora for bis snocossmi method or tioailnir Kuniuio rltltouttho aunoyoucoand Injury trusses
lumct, ma' now be connulitd weekly at bis New York and Iloston omccs. Dr. 3lterinan Is tbo discoverer
or tbeunly known enro (or Hunturohy locaioiternul treatment.
No mau la sale wbn has a Hnpture, no maitcr how insiinincant ho may consider It, for every man v, ho
has dlrtd Imin It onio tutlerod hlinaeK tbat It wus a trltllui. aliment; and every man wbo now surfers Irom
It and tno iniury 01 trusses iosucu un e.ien. last 1110 naa no enjoyinents, onco regarded Itosunwnrthv
special sltenllon. It Is not a sland-stlll affliction; Itlssteadhv nrosresslve, even unto death, and he Is
wise who takes I ho necessiry steps to be eUoctually relieved Irom It helore thelday ol surti-rloi: and tlooin
comes upon him.
Patients Irom abroad can rooelvo treatm'nt and leave Ior home 'some day. Ilurtnir treatment any kind
or active enercbe or labor can he turtormed without lnterleilni;vlth tbe treatment, and nils salely Irom
theUanveraolslraniruUtedltupturo. IIIH IIOO( (l.N lllU-rl lli: kIvcs the most reliable nroois Irom
(thtlnvulslicd proresslonal gentlemen, c!erg men, and merohsnui ot bis sucoesrul practice and nonularltv
th( relrom tbr ujhout th a country and the West Indies. Ihe strutted should read it and Inrorui tnem'
It It Illustrated with pnitograpblo MKeneases ol eitremely bad cases tielore and alter cure, and mailed t
those who send IS cents In consequence o( the ureal demand Ior Br. Sherman's personal services, be will
tin Mrtber notloe, divide his time between bs New York and Huston omces as (ollows: Saturday. Mondav
and Tuesday ha may he consulted at his New York omoe and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday at hi iioa.
ton omoe, each week. wriunir or calling, the adlress Is
a55L Broadway, cor. BKnrray itrcet
Pauchy & Oo'a. Advt'fl.
rtn t XTCItMorntHctilleciKtlSI.YJM
( 1 1 ( I A (NO PIANO", tW UP- I"!'" lrec'
AdJro-s Daniel V. Ileatty, WaslihiBtoii N. '.
sep. se tu 4-w "
AfiRN-i AI1K COINlNd MONEY telling
UUti ANUI I SB ? '
SCp. S4, "WMW U
Nrr nn
rry nilrnrllie sljlrsnro nnw rrmljr.
(iTss IN TM K WOULD, Winners of
Highest Distinction at hvery nrent
!,!! a. 'a. Vi'ss;
....IIVtL'l, fill l-Alll.lll, UK
io ii ami upward. 1'or eay r.v-
menls. Rs a quarter ana up"'
fatnlozues free. MASON "A''!"'
48 Knst Hlh St.. (Union square,) i ' Wi
Avenue, Chicago. A sepM-lw
Watrafh I
f pUKnn Is no t-reater Wood rrml'icer and I.lfo sur- I
1 la nine r mioie m n' ,unu .u-jv. ... ...
....r M Aii- iiiti'Kum. nrennreil t.-om I'nter-
inented Malt, Hon sand ((ulnlne. They tied tho
liody and lleihraln, enrich tho blood, solidify the I
hnm-s n.irden llio tnncles. (pilot llio ncru-s, cheer
tli mind, perfect dlirestlon, regulate llio stomac n
and bowtis.ceansniiemer imu '"'""r1.
!..r..M. vil-u- i ii,' tlio node. Ilo-
n-nm'nr imitations similarly named. Loon tor llio
...,,i.uv" uniMvri hi: w lien npoears 11 inns
in (ho label of eery
bottle, sol'
eiory uumu. .-um ........ v .
M A I, I mr ircic
sep !l, 'sdl-w
IllMlATIIsT Itl'HIl cut Liiomi! 00,000!
In Thirty Days, and WX Morn Printing lostirpty
.Inn. a... I fill th., l.lfl I f
R.( ILMf lll I. W. YI SKI'.
hlzhty o n-
dor-ed bv den. Hancock', tho party
lcaikrs, nnd
press; and I.lfo or
bv (Un. .1.
S. Illtl.SIIIN
also strong
ly i-lili.r-.Kl. Itolliollll'lal, iromeuseiy popular, lih
liicoiiv lo dim ft week ! I Agents making .10 Iii jji
a Has! llio harvest Is September and October,
i mt riij. fhv nneii More Agents Needed. . ror
,..r.. H,lr... nnli-V. HI'HllAHI) Ul(('H..riUl3
72-t'hcstnul slreet, r.dladclphla. d sep. KMw I
miiiTir Morphine Habit cured In 10 O20
1 U lM days. No pay till cored. Dr. .1. st
I'UKss, Lebanon, ti. wacu u...
ui.kon incuts.
Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania lo Caleb liar-1
ton, James Marlon, Ell llarton. Kvnlina, mauled to I
L. II. ltipert, .Mary H., married to Bias Mendtnhall. I
address. Hloomsburir. l'a.. Matilda, daughter ot I
Kllsha (!. liartou, deceased, now mairled to .1. s.
...arii. niftrn Amlenreld. Luzerne comity. Pa.
inn, nf .lohn. iiddress. lllooms-
burir. IU.' Morris O. 1'. .Sloan, Sarah
Sloan, Martha C, widow ot Thomas wanton, ad
dress, liloomsburg, l'a., Miles (I. smith, lloboken.
. t ... n.i.n. flli-ltln fihln kmnllnp. rniir-
rled io U. I'. Lutz, Uangor. l'a., Lllllo Oreen, married I
to Uorr, llavenna, Ohio, Cora (Ireen, married
io obed Searles. ltavenns, Ohio, llarton (ireen and
William (Ireen, Plymouth. HocKlnnrt county, uuio,
Emily (Ireen, married to Isaac Zulu, of t'rbanna,
it, .ir. iniH( Ann ilriin. rieeeHSf d. married to
lloon'c, leaving heirs, Mrs. Emily Day and (leorgo
ooone, OI rtieuo, .nervei mu-ijt :r"t1.' . "'
smith Aledo, Jle-cer county. 111., Mrs. Amanda
(Ireenly, Wnchaia, Kansas, Airs. ni. -uuueLiu io - u
iremoni, nooge oo., eu.,uiiuiBMJi .wuv
sn tmnrJU-o. California. Samant ha Keller, l-ern,
Mercer couniv. in., i.ntu. luariicu iu
wan KranciMCo, California, Samantha Kel
I., William W'allaeo l'enman, Jlaawan, Knox coun
. III., William Thornton, Mauch Chunk, l'a., Niil
itlno Thornton, I'eru, 111., James Thornton. Wll-
o.tlr... IM . ll ( hflrlea. LOtkDOrt. N. V
i-h ,Hi. Ar,ntrnnL'. IM-Wnort. Nlairara CO.. N. Y.,
lllcani V. 'Ihoruion, Mlllersburg, Mercer county,
ill., .mm. surah lllnl.Mt. l'leasant. Iowa, Mrs. 1 nl-
na Ilngenbueh. Mt. l-ltasaut, lona, Mrs. liachil li
nts, Ml. l'leasant, Iowa. Jackson Thornton, 111.,
lnrv 'I linrntnn miirrli-rt In Kllne.llnea! descend'
nnlaot U. J. Thornton, deceased, and lo all jiertcns
fntpr.'-tpd. r-.reetlnf; Yon nre hribv cited lobe
andnpncarUIoi'elhe.Iud.eHot our Orphans' Court
at nn orphans' court to held at llioomsbu g onllie
Ilrsi il.iv of December next, then end there 10 aciept
fir n.niif. tn thti leal psante of said K. .1. Thorn
ton rt...'..,,e,..l nt. thn nTiniul. ed valuation nut unon
lt.liv tlw. limtipKt. iliil v auaroed bv tho said Cotllt returned by tho Mierlir. Aud hereor fall not.
witness llio Honorable William Kluell, l'lesldent of
our said court, tno tentn oay or M-oiemoer, .. n..
ouo thousand uglil uunorca aim eigiuy,
l r. llrtrir. Clerk o. C.
Deputy. ept. 17, 'so-tf
Letters testamenUiry on tho estato of Jiseph
I'oho, lalo or centre township Columbia to"n
ty, renusjUanla, deceated, havo been gnu led
by tho llcgister of said county to hlcpien
Polio and John wolf Kiecuiors. ah persona
hnvlnir rlnltns nfnlnst th estate Of said lleCe-
ilenl. Hrn renuested ro nrepent them Ior fcetlleuunt,
and those Indebted to the estate to make pajment
to tho unaerslgued l.eculors.iiiioui ui lav.
STKI-IIK-f 1-olIE,
sen. it, it.M ow Kecutors.
l?ni.''i O I Mill pjnltwoof Ihe best ar
V Mt SA M LhS II" er sold W
aireuts toeveiy one who answeis this :taln sixty
Jul; 0, 'sJ-.m wici) city Mills, Mass.
fnr l.nth ill IKCOCIt nnd (1 A 11F1EI.1) CI.llllS now
lendy. Eaens-plcy, spirited, at,a spienaiu noin in
Music and Words. 1 he cry Largest and net In Ihe
Held, and the Cheapest. muhpIih malted on iicelpt
nf nrlee. lye. i-neli. (Irand chance for Airents and
uiuiis. jerms i.ioerui. rur untiuiuia, uum.o.
UNION HOOK CO., '.'., Jayne St., Puna, sptiotw u
Rowell & Oo's. Advc'a.
is belling our two splendidly Illustrated books,I.irc of
POHNEY, (an author of national fame), highly en
dorted hy (leu, HaLeock, tho parly leaders, and
press; alio LUo of
pinu rt i THTTIT rv'-y his coin-
friend Ceu. JAS. s. UIUMIIN', (an author H wldoce-
leurilj), also sirongiy enooneu. ituuiuiu.iui, mi-
mptii.fv nnnnlnr. ki'lllni- filer 10.1)1)11 a week I 1
Agents making llo a day! Outnts, nee each. For
best books and terms, address quick, HUlfUAHU
llltos., I'hlla., Pa. r sept, lo-lw
A YEAH ana oxpent-es to agenls.
outnt Free. Address P. O. V1CKEKY,
Augusta, Maine. r tep. iu 4W
A liVIIHTIMIIto by addressing (IEO. P. lt()V
V Ell, 1 CO., 10 hpruee slreet, NcwYoik, can
learn the exact cot ol any nronosed line or Al-
visirrihiNu in American neusuupeis. Ifiool
Vuuv I'auiliUlel loo. r sept. 10-lw
letters of Administration on the estate of Ell&ha
not Dins, late or Jackson luwDbnin. Columbia co,
renn'a.. deessed. liave bot-n eranled bv the hpl'Is-
terolbalJ the uudurslncd AOmtolatratura.
au persons navin cmims aRainsiineestu') or tnu
meat, aud thoso Indebted to tho estate to mato ruv.
ruetit to lUo, uudenined Admlnutratora without
V, I', ItOlimNS,
Au . 13, b0-w Waller's r, o., Columbia Co,
uouuio hu or
. Clovor Machino
I Ike nJt hassf n ft lF
In df ftju. at4
Iplllo av rir
4UU4i aviMr fe 4iMrlMHiti, ilrtlvWM. .X
Printed at this Office
If. Vn aud 43 Milk street, Boston.
Have tho plenure of extending n gcnprnl Invitation tn the public to viilt
the new nnd extensive addition to their Store, just completed, and now open
for inspection,
The enlargement two years ago, although deemed sufficient for niauy
years to come, proved Inadequato to meet the dcminds of our wonderfully in
creased business.
W'c, therefore, during the past year purcluisid n blrck of clecn hnu?(s
In tho rear of our store, nnd during tho spring nnd summer havo creeled on
tho alto thereof an extensive addition to our firmer spacious buildings giving
us a depth of 303 feet, extending from Jl trket street all thu way through to
Our arrangements for the srr.-on's hu-lucs have i.s fiire.cctdcd tlioe of
former seasons ns our fitluro facilities for its tiniHaclloin will exceed thoso
of tho past.
The great enlargement of tho buildings ha enabled u lo entirely reor
ganize certain departments of the liume, giving considi rably more room tn
SILKS, DIIKSS GOODS and other popular blanches of the business, which
were formerly at times too much overcrowds It also affords in other ways
facilities for Ihe service aud convenience of our patrons not to ho generally
Waiting and reading rooms for ladies aud gentlemen havo been added;
retiring and toilet rooms for l.ulic, u arranged and systematized as must
provo of great convenience to all our customers, bolh city and country.
Numerous improvements havo been made, which spaco will not penult
us to mention, but tho entire building, which is believed to 1)3 unsurpassed
in Its appointments iu this country, is open for ot imltmtiiin and critical in
spection of nil who nro interested in new methods of doing business, ami In
the growth nnd progress of our city and its institutions.
Later cards will give Information ns to tho extent of our offerings in tho
various departments. The present is merely to extend a special invitation
to every one interested to call and inspect the buildings.
XVT. W, Comer of Eighth Street,
'a m svr v la u m m ataS- b
A Positive
Pro Guilmette's
willnoiltlvelv euie F(cr and Acrue. Dumb Acue.
disease of thn Lher, ytoin.ich and lilood. The pad cures hv absorption, aLd Is permanent. A&ksour
druggist for this pad and take no other. It he dos not keep It, tsend '.r tolh KkKNCII CO, (J . s.
Hruuch) KH.KIK), Ohio, nnd recent? lthy return mall. For sale lyJ011NJI, KINroKlti, Urugclt, Main
street, atme Iron, Bloombhurp, To. sep. lo, 'MM!
Plies What unceaslnj; tortures orlso frota Inter
na 1 lileedlnt'. Kxternal and Uchtriir rues. Tho vain
endeavors to obtain evea partial reller has discour
aged tho mlltloiis who Rufrer. and tliOi lnvo borno
their RKOuy In&Utn e, thlnktnjr there was no hope
or prospect ot a cure. tho total
luuuru ui iuit iiiiin j iliihuivi m-niuiuru uauitu iui
tiiocuro of plies, and ihe rlcture cf agony resting
on the face t't thoso who have tried thu various rem
edUM but In wiln yet eagerly sought for and anx
louU tried an) thlnff th it pn.mNes tho least relief
until tlielr coutatro has since Kten place to de
spondency, let them (heir up, allow tho smiles of
happiness to lllumlnato the hazard count emmee,
and tbo duties ci life will be performed with a degree
or happiness aud pleasure unknown for weeks,
months or jears. ISrttrKs' I'tlo Kemtdles aio tho re
sult of unceatslDtf study and expeilmenllny, tho no
plusultriof medical sclenco, and In every respect
safe, sclent Itlc and rellablo tor tho cure ct piles Iu ev
ery lorm. itriffus remeaies are &oia uy u. .. uieiin,
inoiiiiiMiurtf. i a.
Try Dr. Hi lift,'' It mil on ItiiUum.
OATAUHII la tho;al and dItres.ilDg
diseased the present day, and the scored ol won
derful i emedlt'H offered tor i ho euro or tbia tllsg ust
tntr disease, which are wurso than worthless has
dihCouiae'l tho inlUlons who butter and tri-d
in van. tor renei anueureunui meir touraoia gone
and tlio lct!m fctlll buiTerH in doubt. Hern wouro
witli Dr. .lobiah Itrlirgb' Catarrh SiK-ellica .Nos 1 and
1, and how (-lull mm proceed to eonlncu tiial we thelcht aud cheapest remedies known. Ist-wo
will furnish them to responsible jiarltes on condi
tion "no mtK no rY." Vnd Will payitoefora
cane ihey wl i not cure, srd Will pav Jloororthelr
equtl ua a eme. Wllipaj $IM if anithlnn pol-Hi'iiousordi-lUerlous
Is round tn their comiKjalltoi),
sib Will lav turn if in any particular Dr. Joah
Urlirirs' CalanU bnt-eiilea are found dllieivnt from
repu'bentatlou. U arrant. d to Instantly rtlh'e and
rauu'diiy cure Aeuie, unroinu, uu-erauuor urvca
tairh. ioid In thu Head, and all arTi'ctions of the
cavities of the head and throat Two bouiei In one
box, tircatcht tuetf&a ol the age. bold by (., A,
Klitm, liloorabburu. I'a.
Tr Ir. MrlKKN' t'utarrli sp'tl(lf.
DuulonH. corns and otbera UiienUonhoft'etcAUito
much sutlerluy ainontr all nations by whombhoes
are worn. There Is more than iiej.ooj worth of bouts
and shoes destroyed annually in the United staUH
(In the revt ot the worid more than $l,ow,uoo) by cut-
iiiik uiib, ur iicurij au, iu uihkb rutiin ior pain
ful buulons, corns, liierurtiiiL'n'ii a, bore Insteps, etc.
liunues inii ureal baermce, mere ly pjtd lu New
York tothlropodMs about (',(() annually; In New
hngland blatts about ftf(w ; In tho western and
southern about fMJ.ouo; and In tho rest of the world
about M,iHHt bt'sideti thU tberiiU tooo.toi spent an
nually for eaustles a!d other worthless compounds
for the euro of llunlons, Corns, soi . Insteps, 'i ender
fr'eet.ete, Toaoldlht'se great losses and expendi
lures, uso Dr. JOslah Itriggs Itunloa li.ilsam and
hure Corn cure, whlclrrs the only preparation
known that gives Immediate relief and radically
cures hard, sort .and ulcerated llunlons hard, sore
and festered corns, vascular excresences, callosities
large and small, bore instepb' blWtered heels, tcr der
feet, lagi owing nails, etc,, without cau slue or leav
ing any naln or sorenrss. W-irranted safe andburo.
bold by O, A. Kit tin, lilooinsbiirg, l'a.
Try Ur. HrluK' Ummrullelcd l'lle Uemedy,
Bcail and Helled.
Local and constitutional treatment ror mt ca
tarrhal atlectlons. Ur Joslah UrlKes' Catanh suo-
cint's are onered to tnose amlcted with ucutc.chron.
Ic, ulceratlte ordry catarrh, cold In the head, hay
lever, relaxed palate, bore throat, hoarsening, loss
ol voice, and all arfecllons ct tho nasal cavities and
throat, ullh aguarant e that they aretheaiier, bet
ter, moreemcauioua. curlmr nultker. with Mum r..r
talnty, and more agreeable to u than any remedy
H'l uiscouria. two bottles In ono box, ono ol
which reduced with water makes 61 ounces Ior use.
Price ner DUCkuu-e. run.lsl.ed In rpAnr.n.n.1.,
parties ou conditions: No euro no pay,'1 Dealer
chiscrsarehotsatlstted. The peclncs are rxmullu-
uuii-ii us well as local, Jluo will bo iuld it tneylall
to cure when used as dlrecled. ttou Ior their enimi
as a cure. Kou II unylhlng polsonousor deleterious
liloubdlnthelrcounxultlon. il.oou (will bo paid)
ii in uny resinci nr. nrit'ifs- catarrn bpecincs are
round different Irom representation. Hero Is an otu
iwitunlty lor thoh discouraged by repeated tall,
urea to try aifulu on a gruaranteed cure. And tho
llmld whu tear dtceplton may vesture to try these
siKictllcswlthoutleellnirtbat they are to be hum.
buirced, ostbere Is no rUk to run. vt arras ted chauu.
ent, best and most asreible, II not found sallstaU
tory dtmand jour money aud It will to rsttirntd.
sow 0) (j, A. Ulelin, llloomsburL'' l'a
Dit. J. DltitiGS si do..
uprll SS, ttMy Newark, New Jersey,
letters ot administration on the estato of John
llarlman deceased de bonis non cumtestumento an
heio late olurange township, t-olumbla ea, r-a.
deceased have U-en grabted by the Heifister ol said
county to Isaao A. lieMltt Administrator. All per.
sons having claims s-alnst the estate ol the deced
ent are requested lu pr,isenllhem lor settlement,
and those ind. bud toiliees'ntetoinnke payment
lo the undershrbcd AdmlnnUtTatorwlihouideUr,
I 'out Orneo Illioriburiit'oL Co Pa.
and Permanent Cure Guaranteed
In a!) cases of Gravel, DiabetPs, Dropsy, liright's Disease of the
Kidneys, Incontinence and lietentioti of Urine, Inilanmlion ot
the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Hladdcr. High Colored Urine, Pain
in the liack, Side or Loins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all
disorders ot the Bladder and Urinary Oigaus, whether contract
ed by private di?enesor otherwise.
This irreat remidy has It' en used with success for nearly ten tears In
France, with tho most wonderratcuratlvo i:rrectH. It cures by absorption;
no niuseouslniernal inedleliieslxdiiff required. Wo hao hundreds of testi
monials of cures by this Pad when all else had failed
LAMES, if you nroKunerlnir from R-malo Weakness, Lencorrluca. or ill.
eases peculiar to females, or In raet any dlseaso of tho kldncjs, ask jour
druggist for
I'rof. Riilliucttc's I'l-ciicli Kidney I'ad
nnd tako no other. II he has not (rot It, sondt..oo and jou will rcrele the
Pad by return mall. Address U. S, llranch
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio,
or JOHN II. KINPOUTH, Druggist, Main btrect abovo Iron, lilooms
burg, l'a. bep. 10, vi-tl
French Liver Pad
Acuo rake. Illlloui I'eer. Jaundice. DrfDensln. and all
When Dr. Urig(;s with couscioui pride,
And (urnct zeal his mind applied,
The science deep to open wide,
Of soothing nud ol healing.
He took of many substances known
That would lieal or still a (.roan,
Aud soon composed by skill alone
His miraculous Ilunion lUlsam,
Tormented with Ilunion, Corn or l!rtii-c,
Thousands of siillerers heard Ihe news,
Tho remedy thnt meets the views
Is Ur. HriggV Bunion lialsam.
Sold by G, A. Kleim, liloom-sburi., l'a.
A Word to the 'ie. Try Dr. Josiali
liriggs' Oalarrh snc!fics on loilowing condition!-:
We will pay f 100 for a eno they will
not cure; $100 lor their njual at a cure; j500
if anything poisonous is lou ml in tlieni.anJ
1,000 if in any rtspect they nro ditlerent
Irom representation. Sold by 0 A. Kleim,
Illoomtburg, Pa.
From ii Celebrated Physician of Jlarru
burg, Pa. Ur. Josiuh Brigg, Dear Sit.
Some four months since a lady applied to mo
for something lo relieve the pain of a trouble
some bunion nud it lettered corn, and having
heard your Bunion IlaUam highly spoken
of, I directed her to call on your agent J. H.
Holier, and get a box. She did so, and uovr
iu.'iirms mo tho cure is complete, she having
suffered no pain after the iirst application.
Helieving llriggs' Bunion Balsam of great
'value to those who suffer from corns, bun
ions, &c, I unhesitatingly recommend it to
the piople of the cuunlry. Sold by C.
A. Kleim, I.lo'iinsbtirg, Pa,
Oitarrh that loathsome (ii'fi-,tliRt scourge
of humanity, which destroy miiloni of peo
ple annually, is spetdily und radically cured
with Dr. Josiah lirigns' Catarrh Specifics.
Sold by O, A. Kleim, Blnoimburg, I'.i.
Mr Am M Sloan, of lienton, X J , ays
I would pay $100 for one bottle ol Tamarack
Liver and Kidney H-incdy, if 1 couM no'
get it without. It has cured me of gravel
und iiilluuimatioii nf Hie prostrate i-land,
weak back nnd general debility. Sold by C.
A, Kleinij Uhximsburg, l'a.
Dr. Josiah tlrigys' ilunion IlaUam is the
climax of medical tcie nee, the only discov
ery on earth that will radically and perma
nently cure these troublesome and painful
torments, whose throbbing pains ami un
sightly protrusions is u source of untold nils
aery. Bunion Balsam albo cures hard auJ
olt corns, sore insteps, Ac. Silver Corn
Piaster is a model of excellence. Deodori
zing Poot Lotion Is a boon to sweaty feet,
and dispels the offensive odnr from them.
Itadiealcure for ingrowing nails is the won
der of the world, Jl blood and corruption
gushes from the sides of the toe al every
step the radical cure for iogrowing nails
gives instant rel'ef, and the severest cases
are cured In ten days. Sold byC. A. Kleim,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Sick, Nervous or Jlillinut Jleadaehe, W'
lions suffer this most universal aillicticu ot
the human race; all classes aro troubled,
The head never aches when the various or
trans are working iu harmony wlU nature.
There can be no headache il the human ma
chinery ia in a healthy condition. IMfg
Allevaulor is reliable lor headache and neu
ralgia; never fails. Sold by O. A. Klelw,
Bloomsburg, l'a.
Sound the Pugte. Herald the tiding ot
the glorious victory. The day of suilering
from Internal Bleeding, Kxlernal and Itch
ing riles la past. Dr. Josiah Brigg' Com
bination Pile Kemedles aro in every rcPl
reliable for the cure of hemorrhnlds.or pllw.
fisuls ano and pronalapsus, aul, &c. Price f 1
Sold by C, A. Kleim, Bloomsburg, Pa,
arlil 23, 'SO-lv
At homo made by Ihe Industrious
Capital not required ; v-e will w;
you. ileu. women, bo.a and k'lru
make money lastor at work lor us
than at any thine else. Tbe work u
llsht and pleasant, and such as an) one can
rlirbt at. Those who are wise who see this joikj
wrilfcend us their addressea at once and 1 se i
themselves. Costly Outnt auil terms Iim. Now ii uw
tlmo. Those already at rork aro lajlns up ures
aumsotimmer.; Address thi) t Co.. -"S4'
Maine, oet."!-'!