The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 17, 1880, Image 4

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Oil. A. V. Novo, Into Stalo Treasurer,
ilii'tl Mulilonly nt liH hniiu' in West port,
Clinton comity, liul Kililny ii.R.iti of
l.. !. it. .1. r v
iihimIvm.i. llu wis n nativo of Isew
llrai.rii in 1817 win re liu iMiuajrcd in tl
l,1,,1m 1,a!liaa I I it ll'iu nllVni'd
)t iKiiTat, ami wiia frtqnontty plcctf
to oiiicu tliuiij,'li liin distrii't was rqmlil
can Ilo wai I'U-rtiMl IStntp irenniivr i
1HJ7 liy tlm Domocratf, ami lillnl tin
tillii'n witli limifii' In liitiw,1f mill (n tl
Hatfifaction of tlio i'0k'. I'frsonally,
lio wan n iretiinl jjiMitloinrtn, ami liail
liostH of friends nil ttvvv tlio LUiUc.
Slircwdursi ami AliHIly.
Hon lltltrrs no frcly ntlverileil In nil I lie
paiieti", secular aril ro'i'!lnu, ore havings
inrjre sale, and are fiiiplantliiK all ol ber
medicine, Tlirro U no ilcnyltn; the virtue
nfvlio hop plHiit,aml tlio proprietors of lliese
Wtterj liavo shown prrat shrew ilneu nnil
ability in compound! ny a Hitters, whoso vlr
tttes aro so. palpatio to every one's observa
tion, Kxamintr and Chronicle.
Ocn. Garfield's Credit MoMller Record.
Froi i h'soxen worn statement before the 1'0'
land Cummittce.
I never oicncd, received or agreed to receive
any sloeh of the Credit Slohilicr or of the
1'iion Vaciiii H'lilroad nor any dividend) or
pro.lti arising from either of them.
From Judge Poland's triort Feb. 18 1S73
Garfield's Tistimony Icrjured.
Tho HictH in regard to Mr. G.irtleIJ,a found
by tho committee, arc that ho agreed with
Mr And to take ten shares of Credit Mobil
ier stock, but did not pay for the same. Mr,
Ames received the eighty per cent, dividend
in bond and sold them for ninety seven per
cent, and also received tho sixty per cent,
caah dividend, which together with theprlco
of the stock aud interest, left a balance of
$329. This sum was paid over to Mr. Oar
field by a check on the Sirgeant-at Anna,
and Mr, Duriield then understood this sum
was tho baiaaco of dividend after payii g
for tho stock.
From the N. Y. Tir.vj, F,b. 19, 1S73.
Messrs. Kellcy aud Garfield present a most
distresiiij; figure. Their participation in
the Credit Mobllier affdir ii complicated by
tho most unfortunate contradictions of tes
timony. From the X Y. Tines, Feb. 20 1873
The character of the Credit Mobilicr wn
no crcret Tho source ol its niohis was
very well known at the time Congre.-sinon
bought it. Though OuStsAmes may have
succeeded in concealing his own motive,
which was t: bribn emgrissmen, trfcir ac
ceptance of the stock was uot on lhat ac
count innocent. Tho dishonor ot the act,
a a participation in an obvious fraud, still
Some of them have Indulged in testimony
with reference to the matter which had Iceti
contradicted. Tho committee distinctly te
jeets the testimony of several of the members,
This can only be done on the ground that it is
untrue. Hut untrue testimony given under oath
is morally if not legally ycrjury.
It is the cltar duty of Congress to visit
with punishmcut ail who took Credit Mubil'
ier stock from Oaken Ames.
From A". '. Tribune, Fib. 19 1873.
Jauies A. Garfield ot'Ohio had teu shares:
never paid a dollar; received 5329, which,
after tho investigation began,he wasaniiou
to have considered as a loan from Mr. Oakes
Ames to himself.
Well, tho wickedness of all of it is that
these men betrayed tho trust of tho people,
deceived their constituents, and by evasions
and falsehoods confessed the transaction to
bo disgraceful.
From the X Y. Trilmr.c,Fib. 20,1873
Mr. Ames establishes very clearly the
point that he was not aloco in this offense.
If he is to bo expelled for bribery tho men
who were bribed should go with him
It is pad and true lhat many children have
filled untimely gtatcs, by ihc nfgltcl of their
mothers to have Sines' Syrup of Tar, Hoar
hound and AVild Cherry cn hand. Every moih
er has a bottle this te.uon of the year for inline
diateuse. augOlm
It is calculated that the ten million bir
rels of beer reported by the Brewers' Con
gress as having been sold last year would
have filled a canal five feet deep and twen
ty-ono feet wido, extending from New York
to Philadelpnia, and that it would take a
pump throwing thirty gallons a minute twen
ty one years to pump it dry.
Lydia'E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
revives the droouinir spirit: invigorates and
harmonizes the organic functions; gives
elasticity and firmness to the step, restores
tno natural lustre to tne eye, and plants on
the pale cheek of beauty the fresh roses ol
lile s spring and early summer time.
Tho census enumeration gives the popula
tion of the six New Hampshire cities as
follow: Manchister, 32,458; Nashua,13,443;
Portsmouth, 9,732; Concord, 13S21! Dover,
11,093; Keoue, 0,780; total, 87,903, The
twsuty-four largest towns givt a total of
RoUrt's Ilurse Ponders were formerly used
amongst the runners and other valuable horses
but now since the price lias Keen reduced to 25
cents per package, all can nfford to use them
augO lin
The shark is tho most sociable of fish. He
never calls upon a bather without wanting
to stop and trkn a bite.
Democratic literature is the most popular
just now. They like it for its good plain
Sines' Dysentery Compound when taken ac
cording to dircctiens, will instantaneously lure
Cramps, Sparms, Sour Stcmarb, Hearlhurn
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, and all other bowel
complaint". augC-lui
Ex-Goy, Beymour will speak during the
campaign as often as his health will permit
One ol the greatest charms of Dr. Ilro n
ing'u Tonic and "Alterative is the small size
ol tno uose. luuvailoua delicate common
tlons nf drum are concentrated in the mos
careful manner, and finally brought together
oy a scries ol origuni processes; consequen
tly the dose Is only one teaspoonful fur an
adult and smaller in proportion for children.
It is taU'ii (men before each meal, Last but
not least, a fifty cent bottle lasts ten days
while a one dollar buttle lasts twenty four
uayB. tor sale by the proprietor,W. Chum
plou lirowuing, iu Arc n street, riuiauei
plila, and all Druggists.
The mosquitoes are getting things in order
for the fall trade.
When you talo no interest aud lose your
principal it is not good to be a loan.
"More food and itss medicine, more of
nourishment and strength, Jtsa of the dtbiiila1
ting influence of drugs is what our frehle and
exhausted constitutions require," said I) iron
Jjeihlg, when he perfected the composition of
tlio"Mftlt Bitters," aug. 27-4w
A letter goes over one post route, a tele
gram over a route of many posts.
Travelers should always have a small bottle
of S'nen' Dysinteiy Com; ound for immediate
re'Itffrnm any bowel complaints, guirantetd
to t me op the stomach at once to a healthy con
dition, aug C-l m
A abort-tailed dog is unable to express
1,S fooling without grt&t deal of cxtrttoii.i
mojvKncn or
Tot nil Tcnialo Complaints.
ThlJ rnvllfin, M Iti Mmo flcntrifn, rdtmliti of
Teprtfltiio lropcrllCS Ihr.t nt liarmJiM to tho tuOft tic 1
lcntelnrnbL l-ononotHAtthnmt?rlti of'llilt Com
poua! w!l to rur '-niiui.MreUcf lti Inunotlato) fcutl
wh"n lw twolfl rontlnucil, la nliiet j-nlno raansln A hun.
droJ, dp riiuin(r.tcuroliprfn-toJ,ut!iuuundi will tea
tit j. On ivciMttt rC Its rroon merlti, It la to-Jdj r
eoinntn JoJ (UiJ nx'ScrlWd Ly tlio bout ihjaiclaiia la
tho country.
It will euro entirely llio yront form cf falllna
of tho uterus, LcncorrLoM, irrftfnLxr and Inful
MervtriiAtion.rillOi&rUnTrtmbK'a, lnasmmntloa and
UIccraltun,Floolinia,lUlIIflilAccincTttfl tuid tho coo
K"lJoutDliui4caknritf,nnJ Jit itH-dally bttaptod t
IhoChan-r of IJfo, IttUilluirIvo qii1 txiwl tumort
from thouterufllnan carl etaeo of dovclopmpnt. Tba
Umlmiry to rattcrtfyfbaraora there la chockinl Tory
biwodtly by Its U30.
la fact it l.u rrorM to ms Iho -rMt-cst
and boit remedy that has erer twen dlwroTcr
cd. It iXTioetU enry poitlon of tho tysU m, ravl giet
ncwltforaidTlffcir. HromorciftlntnfM,f!AtiUency, do
fctro7(illcrarln for tlmuliLU. and rvUevoa weakucia
of thettomncli
Itctirpa niufttlnf. Itokdachca, Ncrroui rrortratlnn,
Goneral Ii'jlllty, SI wt'IcMBCEJ, lprcilou and bull
pcitlon. Ttiatfccllntfofbe&rlnedown, cauains; fain,
retht ond tvkache, U aliroys x rraancntly cuml t y
Cjujc. ltwllIataUtlmf?8,aaduDdcraU clrcumstan
cc, act l:i haraiony ritU tho taw Ui&t governM tho
ForKldiioyCompIointaof olthrr tax this compound
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
la pre pnl at 523 and 233 Wentrn Avenue, Lynn,
rico $1.00. Six bottlcn for $3 00. Sent by moll In tlio
formofpilla, ahMilnthoform of Lotncea, on receliil
cf price, tl.Mt lr tot, Mrn. 1'IXKUAM
f nxly onawen all letters cf laqulry. Send tor
rhU'U Addmn aa atuvo Xention tU txjr,
No family ahouWlio without L7I1A t riKKIUUT
L1VEUV1LLS. They cure Coiutlpatlon, tCwxuii.
aadci4ity oftboLlrtr, 5tinUptrUi
General Agents, Phili,, Pa.
MOYSB BBOTIIERS., Bhoxsburg, Pa.
Thoimh SlinUInK like nnAitprn Lftif.
With tlio clillls end fever, the victim of malaria may
still recover by using this celebrated spittle, w Ulch
not only breaks up the most arcravatttl &ttacks,but
fireventstlielr recurrence. It fs IntlulUly preferub'e
o quinine, not only because It does the business far
mure thoroughly, but also ou account ot Its perfect
vrholcsomeness and lmlzoratlojf action upon the
Kor sale by all Drufflsts and dealers generally.
Whereas, the world renowned reputation of Uie
White dewing Machine
Induce many unscrupulous competitors to resort to
all kinds or mean tricks to injure its reputation, we
beg to caution all Intending purchasers not to buy a
White Machine
except from its regular authorized dealers, who will
be su&talned by the following warranty.
White Shuttle S&wine Machine,
This warranty excepts the breakage of ntedles
bobblttsa'id su utiles.
ThU warranty will not ho sustained unless the
pbte number above ctven coirehiwnds with lb
number on the shuttle iocu Silde. I'v nro ol OyfactJ
or altered numbers,
Th3 "WHITS" Bautt o Sewing Machine
HasOKBiTSKCAriciTV tliaaany other family Bewlug
Machine for doing tury variety of work.
J. SALTZKlt, (leneral Agent,
Uloomsourg, I'a.
Oct, 3, "9-ly,
11 Til-giT iTIW
Literary Revolution and
An Encylni'tBilia in 0 VOLS, over 10.000
cyclopaiJia ever before, published in this country, and solil, hamlsomely aud well bound, in
ciuiu iur f iu, iu nan uionicco ior ?, unii iriuteii nn una neavy paper, wide margins
bound in half Kuiia. till ton fir $20 au enterprise bo extraordinary that its ucces. he.
yond all prcccdent in book publishing, may
THE I.MRARY OF U-VIVERSAli KNOWLEDOE U n reprint entire nf the latl
(187'J) Elinburg edition nf "Cliamher' E'icyclnpie lia," wild about 40 per per cent nf new
matter added, upon topics of fpecial interet to American reader, thus matins it equal
in character to any similar work, belter than
majority who consult works of reference, and
sin rial Volume In cither stjle for examination with privilege of reunion receipt of proportionate
price iwr volume,
Mm i UI DUruum to all early subscriber, and extra uneounti to clubn. Full particulars with dcscrln-
I.cadiuK principles of tho Am vrlcnii Hook Exclitmgc.
I. I'ubllsn only books of real value.
II. WOrU upon tLo basis of present cost ot maklne books, about one-half vshatlt was a few jears ago,
III. sell to buyers direct, and save thjin wtaco per cent, commission commonly allowed to dealers.
IV. The oost of books hen made lo.uoo at a i Ime
auuiv bue igw inev uuu ovu lue idrjfe iiuauiuy,
V. Use good type, pajwr, etc., do careful printing, and Uron?, neat blndlnir, but avoid all "padding,
fat and heavily-leaded i, l-innv par and gsudy lliiiilair, wblcli are bo eommc uly resoiled to to uiuV
books appear lark-o and lino, uud wlilin greatly add to mi tr cost, but do not add to Ibelr valuj,
VI. To make i and a friend U belter than to roako t) and on enemy,
Library ot Universal Knowledire, SO vols , f 10.
UUmsn'u (llblon's lu uie, I rols , f u,
Mucuulc) "s History of Unvland, vols., il.SO,
Cbamber's t'lcloptodla of ling. Literature, 4 vols.,!?,
Knlgln'a History of England, t vols., 13.
I'luurcb's Uuaol Illustrious Men, 3 vols., tl.W,
(lelkel's I tfe and Words ot Curia! , 60 cenbs.
Young's Iiible concordance, ill.uio references (pre-
Acme Ubiaryof Hlogrephy, cucer.ta.
Hook of Kablea, A&op, etc., lllufi.60 centji.
Milton's complete I'oetlcul Works, totenks.
Hbakepcsre s cmplete works is cents.
Works of Dante, translated by Cary, ui cents,
works of Virgil, translated by lroeu, sucenui.
Tne Koran of Mobammed, translated by Sale U eta.
Adventunoot Don Quixote, lllus., u cents.
Arabian Nlnt.. Mus , mi cents,
Uunyau's Mlgiun's lrogross lllua., 60 cents.
Hoblnsou Crusoe, Ulus., &0 cenu
Munchausen and (Julllver Travels, Ulus.. M cents.
Stories anu ballads, by X. T. Alden, 111 us., 1,
Acme library ct Modem Caaslcs, hi cents.
Itemlt by bank draft, money order, registered letter
JOHN B. AlrtYEN, Ituwet TribvMO RhIMUht, NW VJMrli?
of Syracuse, N. Y
ro now puttlnj; on tho market a. Plow that
la us much superior Ut any Plow hcrcUtforo
inailo as t ho riowa of tho p xst lew j cars havo
U-en suirtor to thoso mado hall a century
1 1 combines all tho excellencies ct any Plow
Id use.
It obTlatcs all tho objections mado to any
other Plow.
In addition It embraces t everol neT features
ct the greatest vuluc, for which w o havo ob
tained exclu o PalenU.
Its Heam.Clevts, Jointer Standard and Wheel
PWudanl will bo HTEKL, and Its mr.ld board
V 111 1k3 a composition of steel and Iron chilled
under a process for which wo havo alao
obtained an excluilvo I'aUnt. It will bo
Its weight will bo eighteen pounds less than
our present stj lcs.
A btccl Plow, mado In tlio or
dinary way, full rlgsed, n tails for twenty-two
dollars. Inferior Heel Plows li'LUl from six
teen to nineteen dollars.
Tho prluo of our new Plow will bo but
Novum in DiillnrK, and It will lw tho
cheapest Agricultural Implement net uU.
Its mold ltoard will outwear threo of tho
very best kinds of tho ordinary steel mold
It will scour In soils where all steel plows
and all other rlow3 liao hitherto proved a
With this Plow will lie Introduced n corru
gated Plow Point and Jointer Point, on which
we Luvo als 3 obtained a Patent, and w hie h Is
also a great Impiweincut, both as regards
strength and wear.
Tho Jclater can bo shifted so as to tako
more or legs land, and also moie or less pitch,
and It canalnajs be kept cu a Hue with tho
Tho wheel will run unJcr tho beam or ono
tide of It as desired, and always kept In line.
The beam is ndJ'1-.taUe for Spilng or Kail
Plowing, and nl-o for two or thrco horses.
The handles can bo adjusted to accommo
date a man or boy, ou the same Plow.
It Is a perfect Plow. beams aro gelng out of use because
they shrink, swell and warp, and never run
two KeaauitS alike.
Iroa beams am too heavy.
llalleacb beams bceomo demoralized and
bnd, which U much woiso than to break.
A Steel beam Is tho necessity of the day. It
Is three, thmsas strong and very much lighter
than any other ttyK
When irt say a Mold board Is chilled, tho
Itnneis know It Is so.
We do not palm off on them a composition
cf various metals and call It chilled inctaL
We want agents fcr this now lu c cry
town lu this state.
Wo can gtvo but a very small discount to
them, but w e will pay tho Itallroad Freight.
M'e proposo to placo this Plow In the hands
of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture
as possible.
It will bo tho bai Agricultural Implement
ever sold.
It shall aH bo tho ehenitei.
rersons therefore w ho are not willing to act
. as agents on the principle that "a nliable six
pence is better than a slow shilling," need not
apply for an agency.
No Plows on commission. AU sales absolute.
tv This Is tho only fcteel Chilled Plow In
tho World.
Steel costs several times more than Iron.
But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small
discounts, can bo sold for Seventeen Dollars.
Compare this prlco with that of any Iron Plow
ever made.
It Is cheaper than any other Plow now
made would bo at five dollars and a half.
Where thero are no agents wo will, on re
ceipt ot Seventeen Dollars, send & now to any
Itallroad station In tho Statu and pay tho
freight. Address,
8yraou, N.Y.
June IB, 13w,
Farm for Sale I
The und'Slfjnt-d ofT'-rs nt private ae a FAUM OF
aiA ii i nitfct. AUi(r.ri, wun i it a mi; huuk. Darn
and othtr out-bulldlnps t hereon, situate lu Fishing
creek tuWLshlp hi good stato ot cultivation. Located
near Asburv. Can be nurchased on reasonable terms.
A line o red aril on Hie ptopertv, and a ueer-fallln?
Fprlutf cl Water near thonome. For particulars ad-
aug, 13, 'so-3m" r oiks, coiumou county, ra.
Said: "1 taketrreat Dleiisure la recommending to
parents to the Academy ot Air. MWlMnC. hhort-
Horr.rsKidrArrDo wood
Save: "I cheerfully consent to the use ot mv name
as reference. My boys will return to you ((or their
luurin yean aner vaciuion.
For new Illustrated circular address Swlthln C.
Shortlldfre. A. M., Harvard Unlverfeliy (Ir.'duate,
BOUNTV, Pay for Itatlous New and Honorable
Dlacliarfc'ea.aiitl Increas- d ivnslous obtained New
laws hluher ralesof ncnslon. The Bllcrhestdls,ibll-
lttty, from woUDd.lnJury or disease, or any kind en-
uucajuu iuu 'L'uaiuLi. n muna uuu ucirat minora
uuu luuiucra ure uuw euiuieu.
Land cases Dromnllv f-ettled. Tatents obtained,
All claims prosecuted. Write nt once for new laws.
uiuoks ana instructions, wun two feiamjts. aarcsu,
Lock Itox 3 U. "Washington, U. li!
Aug. 27 'iiO 4-W, WCO
The well known c, u. WHITE, Pioprletor ot the
has sold a halt Interest In the same to J. W. Conner.
The company have repaiit-d the works, ana areprc-
fi.ued to accommodate all who want anything In the
tne of ArlcuUural Implements, ihey hao Just
completed a new hit hand Uhlte plow, which If po--
nr illntora frir 1 tia Bomn A inu't lniichaKor1 (Sain.
er uu centre tuate oi riujie &noc, canea me
Vlilte ThrcNhcr and Cleaner,
with both lever and railway powers on a greatly
Improved plan. We manufacture LAND itOLLKHS
w.tii cam Irun heals c ra i.iws. rt t iM a"d single
Cultivator- t-M-Mil I'to.vb. MUlctMirg Turnms
ol eery ddncrl;tlon done wun promptnibs. We
ki3 coutantly on hand a Urge assortment of Flow
phtiribfurour nun unci many othrr plows that are
Used lu the country. We willi.ot he undt-rold In
wotk or mittilalrf the Fame quality. Ml rur work
ts warranted toghe sntl rciloit, cr the money re
funtltd. WE ULi V COMI'E lTlnN. Farmtre.and
luepuunc in yi neiai are requesiea to can and ex-
uuiiuf LKiure purcuabiug fibewuere.
Jan. 16, 'SO-ly OltANGEVIIXE.rA.
natrp: 10 ncr cent more mattrr than an En
be fairly claimed to inaugurate a Literary
any other suited to the wants of tho great
altogether the latest Encyclopedia in tho
Is but a fraction of the cost w Ucn mado too at a tunc
American ratrlothm.U) cents.
Talne's History ot Krgllhb literature, 13 cents.
( ecu's Hook of Natural llletory. tl,
I'lciorlal llsndy Lexicon, as cents.
Kaylngt, by author of 8narrowgru8sI'apore,U) cents.
Kino's Ciclepoxlia Utb literature, vols., 13.
Hollln'u A nclent blstorv, t w
Smith's Dictionary of the lllble, Ulus,, f.t.
Works of Flavlus Josenhus. t-L
Ccmlo HUtory of the U B., Hopkins, Ulus., to cents.
litsiiu CAeitwc, jir, tjeu. 11, jajiur, DU cents,
Ilealtn for Women. Dr. (!eo II. Taylor, tocenls.
Library Magazine, 10 cents a number, II a jear,
UbrarylNagaxlne. bound volumes, 60 cents.
Leaves from th diary of an old lawyer, 1.
Keach ot the above bound In cloth. If br tn.n. tv
tageixtra. Most oft be books are alao published In
line euiuuus wu iuie tumuufa v uiguer pnoea.
Ucserlptlva Clle and lem. ! Clan
c , trwm wa rpw,
or by express. Fractions ot one dollar may be lent
Indian M Syrup.
77 W.3d St., Now York City
fTSADl! lrtmt.1
Dlncttits. Fever &
tguc, Minima.
Until, Dropsy.
IStni'I MHnrnsr.
Bitlotisnns, JTtrvoua Debility, ttc,
Tho Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man !
9.000,000 Bottles.
This (S'ynp Possesses Varied Proptrtlts,
TC tlmatnlra tlin rytrntlnft In tht KnlUn
rlilc h coDTfrU tho ntnrrb nnd Kitpnr n f tlio
food lain filncofto. A dfficlpocr In l'ytj-ullne
cnniieti Wlml nndRoarlne of food tn Ilin
tomncti If Iheitirdlolno 1-4 tiikpu tmim-dl-niely
nftpr ratios tlio fcruicata.tluu of fuutl I
It ncu npon tlin T.lrrr
ItncU npon tho lUrinpr
It Hrffnlnteii ibn HimeU
It Purine tho Illood,
It Qaleta the oitoui Hyttem.
It l'romotff DlgrMlnn.
It INoarlMhp NtriTcilirnv nud TnTlcorntrn
It cnrrlcii otTtho Old Ilhiod nnd inn Urn nrw
It open tho pnrrw nf tho slxlu and tuducra
nenltlif 1'eriplrutlon.
It ncntnlizcfl the hnrdlUry (tint, or polflon In the
blood, which RenPrtc9 Scrofula, Ijjpipcla. and vll
m inner of tkln diatosca and interna, humors.
There are do spirit employed in its minnftLftnre,
and it can bo taken ty tho most dnllcatebabc. or by
the agod aud feeUe, tart only hmg rrjatrtJ in at'
Unttott fa dirttttont.
PSICS OP LAKC2 Eornss, . $1.00
of Persons who havs been CURED by the
Itewaro of countfrftlt Mcdlcln'. 1 emn'ov no
agents or runners to so.iclt trade from druglsta.
IJcst Medicine Kver Used.
Krtton, Wyomlcffcountv, Vix.
Pear sir: I had bten troubled for a lone tlmo
with a I'a In In my stomach, and found no relief
UDtlll be(fan uslrnyour Iitdlaii Itloal Sjrup. I Una
It the best tnedlcluu lu u.e. uud I can rocemmcud It
to alt, oH aud you off. It satea many dollars In
doctors' bills, aud one Urn bottle did mo more good
man uvo uuimr wunu ui ulult ineiuciuc.
.Mar lam iiunrr.
Au AstonWiing Cure.
Monroo, Wyoming countv, Pa.
Dear Sir: I had been anilctid with a Cuuv'li. Low
ot Appctlttiand HjspcpsUfor tun ears. I could
doc properly nttpnd to my business, aud hearing of
your Justly celebrated Indian Itloodsyrup. I rosohed
to try It, which 1 did, and in a short tlmo was much
Improved. I now havo a irood Appetite, and havo
d joyed good health ever since 1 commenced Its uhc.
Sick Headache Curt d.
Howinan's Creek, Wyotntnp county, ra.
Dear Sir: I bad Mck Headache and bvtheusuof
your Indian Mood i up 1 was greatly relieved. I
recommend all to try lu valuaolo nroitertlts.
Ot " uurueiL
The Remedy did more than she Expected,
Newberry, Leui!ilnc county, I'a.
Dear Mr: The Indian Mood Nt run did more than
I exnectcd It would ai.d It has cured mu of LlVLr
Complaint. 1 use It tea Medicine aud ould not be
without It.
Mrs. iiary Luarman.
Headache and Dizziness.
Wllllamsport, Lu'omlnff county. Pa.
Dear sir: Your Indian Mood s. run has cured mc
of Headache, IMzmessund Lnbsof Appetite, sothat
i um now uuio 10 wurK iu my lut-iury. aiy mie uu
rived more benctlt from Its use than frcm any other
uenry itusseu
Would not be Without it.
Wllllamspert, Lj coming county, I'a.
Pear Sir: Tho Indian Mood Sri ud la the llc&t I
ever used and I would not bo without It, It Is good
ior nil couipuimts
ii Villi lUt ivlliU li
Diseases nf the Stomach.
Katon, WyomlEir county, Ta.
Dear Sir : This U to tertlfv that I had a Weak
Stomach nnd could eat no meat or any hearty food
wunu'vcr. uy a mena a auv ce i tumiiieuceu mo
use nf voar Indian Hlood buruD. which afttra short, elTectually relieved me and I can now eat
anWhlng I choose. Your Syrup gies universal
satlsract on.
liiizaDeiu tiaasau.
All that ic is recommended to be.
Opera House, Columbia, Pa.
Dear Sir: 1 have used your excellent Indian Mood
Sj rup and it has proveu Just as represented, 1 can
recommend It to all.
win. Koch3.v,
Wholesale Merchant, sth street,
UuauimoiH Recommendation.
Tbo following add their testimony for the Indian
Mood Syrup:
11. K. (irt afT, engineer P It H.
J. (l. bmlih, at Kaldwlns Mcel Works.
Mrs. iuder. of Columbia.
A. Urener, of Washlngtouburgh.
John Ken s, of Safe Harbor,
Would not be Without it.
I'.enton, Columbia county, Pa.
Dear Sir: I havo used our excellent Indian
Blood Svrcp and have received much benefit there
from. I could not get along without it.
Mrs. Barber.
Never Fails to Cure.
East Lemon. Wyoming Co. Pa.
Dear Sir I was sick for threw eara, and under
nrufusfiloiial treatment most ct tho time without btu
lng bemnted. At lastlwaa induced to try jour
INDUN mjJouHYHCP ana aner a suoriinai, i rouna
itclf lu' better health than 1 had been fur years.
Mrs. Theron Hall
Sure Cure for Liver Complaint.
Itohr&burir. Columbia Co. Pa
Dear Sir This is to cenliy tbaf jour Indian
Blood SYKCP has been used by me. for LHer com
plaint, which had been troubling me for a long time
1 derived more benefit from the use of the syrup
luauiromuny finer uiuuiume. 1 ueuriuy recom
mend it, and advise all buflercrs to gle It a trial.
L P Smith
Loss of Appetite,
tlnhrsburc Columbia countv Pa.
Dcr Sir: I have used your excellent Indian
Hlood H rup for Losa of Appetite nnd Weakness cf
the Stomach, with very be tt tidal results. I believe
jour medicine to be the ureatest biocd purifier
known, and ao lse all who may tw suffer iDg as I wan
10 give n a bpteay inai.
Mrs. B Avery
Pains In Shoulders.
Ilrhrsbunr. Columbia county. Pa.
Dear Sir : Th.3 is to certify that your Indian
Blood Sykcp has creatlr relieved me or Pains In the
bhoulder and Chest, which I had been afiilcted with
ior ) ears i recomueuu ;t very uiguiy,
Mrs. Mary Welsh.
Kidney Complaint.
Bf ar Gap. Columbia County. Pa.
Dear Slrt My Father has been Buffering with
Klduev Comolafnt for a lontrllme and hid been un
dr doctors' treatment, but tho doctors could not
effect a cure. 1 have been subject to a Numbness
and weakness in rnv If ft Arm. We obtained some
cf your lnvaJuablo Indian Blood bYHvr iron, your
Agent, Wm. H.Potter, and it has cured my father
completely, and my arm hi much better. It does not
Jostah John.
Female Complaints,
Bear flan. Columbia countv. Pa.
Dear Sir: This la to certify that 1 uurchasfd s me
of )our Indian Blood hykct for my wife, for Inhu
mation and Femalo complaint, and it has given her
J K Herner
Beat Medlclno Ever Used,
Bear dan. Columbia countv. Pa.
Dear Sir: My little bod was troubled with his
water paahlng from him constantly, day and night,
I coi suited two doctors and gave him medicine, but
wiuiouieneci. i uougui some oi uurceieuraion
Indian Blood StkcPjU short trial of which, cured
Lambert Camp.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
Numlda. Columbia County. Pa.
Dear Sir i For many ) ears my wifrt waa afiilcted
with Dyspepsia, and we spent conrdderable money
without receiving beiienu Wu procurtd somo of
our Indian Blood hvkvp andsho began to Improve
IU UeollU I rUlU UIU UUIO &uv Wim iiu u im urn:
Holomon i Snyder
Llyer Complaint.
Cent rait a. Columbia Co. Pa.
Dear sir: Ihlala to certify lhat 1 was unwell and
could scarcely attend to my work, I think uiy Liver
was affected. I procured some ot your Indian Blood
SYKUi'andnow.afLeraaboit trial, fuel like a new
man. i recommena its uso w an.
Daniel Goodman.
Dyspepsia and Neuralgia.
Hyde Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa.
Dear Hlr: Your valuable Indian Blood Syncr has
effected a permanent cure lu my case. I bod been
anilcted with the Dyspepsia and .Neuralgia, but am
yw cuurety wen.
Mrs. Joan Thornton.
Bilious Stomach Cured,
nrda l'arlr. Luzerne Co.. Pa.
Dear Slrt I havo been troubled wltli Bilious
Complaint and by the use of your In dun Blood
timer U has effectually cured me.
John N WUJlama.
Dyspepala Cured.
Hyde Park, Luzerne Co., Pa,
Dear Sir t Your valuable Indian Blood Qxuvr baa
cujod me ot Dyspepaia,
Vru. B B Adklns.
Liver Complaint.
Ilydo Park, Luzerne Oo,
Dear 6u J 1 bara been troubled with a
plAUt, tut I was pormanenUy oared by will
falaablo Iniuw Blood umcr.
Mrv. u p liaiirigame,
i?3 .1J Sv
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rev. D. J. VALLBRTirTPh. I., Principal.
lIsscitoOL.aintrrosL'nt constituted, oitfrutli'ivcryhrsttarlltuoator I'rcroulonal on.t C'lMMcailearnlna.
ill'llnir8Hp.irious, li'lllni; ana ooramoulous ! completely hoatcit I'J btonin, uull wulltnU'd, tlslitcd by gaa, ami furnished Willi a tioiintiru!
LnciStln'n hraltlitul, ana enay fit access. Tunclu-rA owcrlencd, enictcut, an J allvo to tliclf work. DUclrllno, firm but kind, uniform an I thoroiis'ii. Expense
moderate. Kitty uenti a week induction tn all expoi I In;; M tow b. Mudtuta adjilttul ffl. any tliuo. llooma rescned w hen dcMi ed.
courses or riuny prrsci uvu oy me mato !
1, 11. 1'icpamtory. IU. Klemtntary. IV, C'laslcal.
Ailjunct Courie : I Academic. Il.Comnierctal. HI. Coro in Jtii'lc. IV. Couro in
Tho Uleraentary. Sclentine and flasilenl Couiuii arc I'lt'X'Ks-dDX t,, an t SUUenM grnjintnir
corresiiindlu.'lie(;ree3; MaMerof ttirt moments!
ineiraiiaiutneni.s,, higncu uv inu unicorn c-i uie iiii.inun i mu-r .
Tne course or Muuy prescriueu oy tun uau' isiuxiai, ami ine? jieuiiiiuuiiu i.uMaiicuiifsi-s mu uui uu'.n j iu "vu, u,, "1"V. inr iniAtu
Tho state n'nulre'Uiili.".iornM.'r of oltl7enslilo. The times deiianilt. Ills ono ot the prlmo oblocta of this school to help toBecpti; It. hy turn shin? inieiii.
pent and eniclcnt Teachers for her schools. To lulsi
and their talents, as -tmlentii. To all Mich It promise
Iltl. Mll.l.IAJI i;i,w JJ,I I'rrslilent lionr't
Sept. s, 'Iii.-
Slihh MW WU
T i' SiStEJS'$ Slock,
TlBik styles, -
MA TS I MA m i MA T I'
Mei'eBasiflii Tailor & Cents' OuiUcr,
tn t n n niu i''m a veau, or 5 10 ei) a
K1 JB I " BR Blilay In jourown lacallty. Norlk
'B 1 1 1 1 Women do s w ell as men. Man
-m H H II H I mike moro'lian the uim.uiitshu-
1 1 Bji B I ii ed abo o. no one can fall o make
mm nioney f JS(t ,jy ono cfin do the
work. You can n.ako from 5.' cents to f 2 an hour ti;
devollni; your evcnliiES and spiro time lo the busi
ness. Itccsts nothlnj; to try the business. Nothing
like It for money muklne ever offeied Ufoie. UuH
neEspleaHnntaitdfetrletly honorable, beuder, If ou
wan t to know all about the bebt paj liif buln ss be
fore tho public, send us your address and wo will
send o full paitlculars aud private terms freo;
samples woitb 15 biso free ; ou can then n ake up
jour mind for joum-lt Address UKOl.dK hTINSO.N
& CO., l'ortlaud, Maine. oct 3, 9-ly
J. CI.EMUNT SMITH, 711 (1 street, Washington
D.C, Attorney at law and Solicitor of Patents
Survivor of lUUnorc, SmltU & Co., and Chtnman
Hosmer & Co, Send posUgo stamps for Circular Hiv
ing tees, c.
uno 4, lsso-tf
A WKKK in vour own town, and no cap
ital rUkcd. You can glvo the business a
trial without expense. The lien opportu
nity ever orftred for those willing to
work. You should try nothing else until
inu Ken rnr yourself whilt votl enn do at
tho business we ofTer. No room to explain here.
You can devote all your time or only jour spare
time to tho business, and make great pay tor every
hour thai, j ou votk. Women make as much as men.
Send for special private it rms and partleulars,whlch
wemallfree. .sout tit fieo. Ponl complain ol hard
times while j ou have buch a chance. Address II.
1IALLETT & CU , 1'ortland .Malno.
oct3, U-ty
If ou are too fat or too loan and waLt to know
bow tochuLxu jour condition, tend for a copy cf
tlio oik. Km and Leun. it contalutf complete II)
t'lpnlMUctcltc and 'iberupcutlc Inhttuctlona tlut
will enable uuy one to rt-ducL' Ibtlr ilefh llcorpulcnt
or lncrt ao It If traaclatcd. It Is written In n clear
yet comprehensive Mjle nnd Its directions can bo
C4islly uiulcThtocd. It should be read by tery fat er
lean perbun. hent for ten three cent stamps. AN
l)KLK4C0..W Aimrt,Ncw Vork.
April 1, Cm. alicic.
O. 23. SAVAGE,
nr.ii.Kii in
Silverware. Watchcs.Jewelry.Olccks.&c,
All kinds of Wuicbea, Clookit uui Jewelry l.fol
ijr rrpaiieunnu nuiittuitu.
may II, Ib-lf
nijisst Medal tit Vienna and 7hihiclpn!&.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
G91 Broadway, New York,
llunuracturcra, importers & Dealers, lu
Velvet Frames, Albums.GraphoscorjeS)
Encravings. Chroraos. Photographs.
And Indred goods Celebrities, Actre&ics, ttc.,
We are Headquarter for every thing In the way of
Storeopticowi and Magio Lanterns,
Kacii style bclmyth seat of lUclnsa In the market.
iieautlful I'hototrrapo lTanBparenci a of bum
ary and Knruvmipi i&'ilie wtndovr.
Couvex (nana. Manuactureni ot Velvet Pramea
tor Miniatures and Con ei UUas JlCiun a.
otalorus of Lanterns and slides, with d roo
tlODi for uaUiU bonlon roctlpl U tut cento.
Master of tlio Icnces; Master of tlio cir.idu.uca iniuooiiieruoursesreceinj suruuu "'"
id It solicits youm? persons of eood abilities and pood purposes.-lhoso w hoiiosiro to .impmin iion- uii.i.
aldlndjveloi'lustliulr powers, and abundant opportunities tor well paid labor alter Kuvlhif school, tor
,r..-m. c...,
01 'irnires.
IK-e dliiii'Cedl to
Paper Hanging.
wr. f. noniNK.
Is prepared to do all kinds of
Vlaln and Ornamental
All kliiilN ori'tirnlture Itrimlrctl.
nml innile as good iik new,
Bstimatos IKTade on all Worlc.
Wil. F. IiODINK.
Oct. 1,1579.
(jw.vvs hi'Kciric .iikihci.m:,
I.1MI ItbMKDYt an A.
unr iiiiit cure for
seminal weaknPbs,
Spermatorrliea, 1m
potency aim ullali
a n-qutnce uf Kt-lf
abusti ; ns i-oss of
Memory, unnernar
1 ashttude. 1 ain In
of Mhi"n. fiinmture old Aire, and nitun oiiiroicf
eaHBtliat leadto InaPltyor ('onumpilon, and a
l'n nuiture (iiae, fjr-rult panlcnlaiBln our nam
plilet wMeli e desUu tutend freo by mallroeery
one. JPTho Specinc Medicine la hold by all drutf
cists fit It ner'kaco or elx nackatrcH tnr is. nr win
I k bent tree by mad on recwptol tbn money by ad
drctsln" Tllri OIUY MKDIOISR Co., Mecnnnlch'
ii;ock, jjcirou, aicn. m Moomstiuip bv v A,
Kit Ira. ea may T, 'bC-iy
HOW TO BEJ".wj;!'.orK,!,r!:
7. ollicrlSi In M day., in.
etbfr 7S In 11 d.jri. Srtt Uu tlm.i Iti cn.t, md
vrylly nn It. SonJ for trui.
AUoUviierul Abcuh VWnti-,1, AilJrv..
1 W. Z1C0 LEU 4 CO., 1,1X0 Arch St., l'Mra, T.
Nov.Jl,7.-ly nld
Thll vemtlktbl medi
cine IU curt Spiu,
e-jjlint. Curb, Cftlluui, kc ,
ut my eiilirgnntDl, aul
mill reinuva tit buitcti
wiihoul tlUkrlug or cuj.
lug m tort, tt reiiMly
rrdluoTcrtdttiuAli It for
certtmtjrof ftclioa iuiui
rlnalhlinnni tnl tt-
ivln Ik tiurwh. VrlL a I 111. bml fur ltluj
jUBtcd circular gtviujtptMluTt proof, md your
I netrrtl gent'ddrn. Krnlll'HkUV
lu Cnr I sultl by Ilruirtlili. br
f Vt. D. J, KcutUll 1 Co., tooiburg k'ttli. Yinuo&t.
MllYKU llKUUIKUa. IlkH,inhLurK, ia.
, 1 will mall (Kiee) the recipe for a simple Vecets,
bin H.UU1 Unit h III reinoo Tan. FHfcUKLFM. 'M
I'LEsitiid blotches, iemlni-tne tkln sort, cliar utid
oeuutlful ; also tustiuctloris for tirodutlui; u luxu
riant trowili of hair on a bald head or naootli face.
Address, Includni; cent stump, Uen. Vandelf It Co ,
0 Anil bt. a. V.
abico March 8d, em.
11 UY
for Cisterns or Wells of any depth
J'lalD, Iron, form-lain, or Cooper lined
Urania xd (1, XIX, 0(1, (1 No. i
It. 11H. it Kn 1 k! ..V
IlardWaro Trade. Countrv trr i,m m.u.N
elc. Sc-elhatUio nuoiDyou buv laMenriiMin n
lilatchley Maoutaclurer. sou Market street, J-hUa-delpbU.
Fa. Aqueduct llpe lor Karma Mines, Tan-
. .- ii iig. ii uirti uq, ana turuod
and tiortiwork ol all descriptions toad, loordor.
If rfJma
mi inly otrutVpSMt
Art. V. Course in Physical Culture.
therein, iceeUq Ktatis Diplomas, conferrlnc tlio folio win
. rmnn ...a
r.i. ni'.wni.n1,'ivi.i.J,
Vcaver & Oo's Ads
Wt lOkrtDU U ! mry w, tnititri net f haw mt iund
Init r bfi drcij rnoudji titc totttDi rliff. odeurei ih
Uinai rl ri le ran, In frMu Mi in l hire wtik. It uat-d rflri.
rd, 1 tilinitu rl niimlM r of tpaiimnnl: cnu Ixi u If tlr alrnl,
lui Hit ak It ft irUI, te, tui-v lint II will curt- hin all
oilirr ttifani Ute mili-d F.-Id ij a dt-W lu rt.fdlt lt.e, i,0
oriili frr l-olilf hrttt rrn rml I nf irli-f, l.y
JAV 11 W.UTZ.firnr nil auent fori. S aud ro:i.i''t.H
i.U) Franklin St., Itnllluiurc, Mil.
CTAIl ituultte haa Uftd mark a&d ilnktar of I'r V, D
sept, 19, 'tff-ly.
3V& CO.
of Ciincur, Tuiiitirs. illcerK,
m HBgijKHK ouroiuill, UUU DK1U
without tho uso of knifo or jobs of bk-od and littlo
pain, jor lufonnatlon, circulars acl rrforouct's,
adUroaa Ir. 1'. l, i'ONJJ, Aurora, Kane, Co., JIL
Ept, 19;9-ly. J n o.
p.T. A STin 'rniTca
llu Pad dirHnifffm kllothtra, la
In ctnwr, kdapta lutlf to til tnltJotii
tb. HeroU If htlt .K.rIr fl.. .na ni.m, .t4 a enr. ecr.
Ulo. Jt U ..i.T, .iiJretir.p. Clreul.r.
Egalcstoo Truss CoJJhicaflo, III.,
sept. 15, 'lii-ly, .1 w A-oo.
TVMr'W PTTPli"1 "t'onsump'lon A Aallim;
IMU ljUlr, .Never yet failed. A ddret
ltli stamp 'IIOMn,"Froslhurp, Md.
feb.f., 'sl-yl
lleautlfulCninpalirn liadges of Uie HepuWIcau and
jk iiioeniiieeaiiiuuaiea
and (lit and
AHTUtllt KS01.IS1I
Conlntiilne llfe-Ill.e 1 liotocrranh cf tho CandJ.
dates: encased In Miniature 'tint l'ranies, with pin
for nttaelilnL' to coat or tst. Acme ae;entscan
make in a day wIIIiib thern, nndclty and country
inert linn's can make a liaiidtme proill. l'rico 10
cents each; 'i torlsctntH; 10 for &i cents or loo for
(S.5U. I botoiiiaplis same luliens b.idtres. trajou
pcitraltson tinted pl.uo racr. Heroic SI70 Tl bv
UN fur cents. Haes all sizes ami
kinds nnd prices. Sow Is llie harvest lime for
agents anu ueaicrs. M'udior samples and liarlleu
lars to
110 Maltbtled slreet, l'ltlsburir, ra,
July v, tw-ain wtco
e n s i o nrlsT
procured tor ull soldiers disabled
In the V. H.tenlcc fioni any tnuie, also for heirs of
demised kolilets. 'll.e'hl dtvibiuty entitles
to piuslon. Tensions inci eased The laws btlnjr
more liberal now, thctuands are eidltled tohlulier
rates. Itounty and new disi-nares i roi-ured. 'I hose
v- ho ore In doubt as to whether entitled to unythlnir
should send two sctut stumps tor our"clacularof
Addnss. with stamp, Moddart Co., Solicitors of
litmus anu raicnu. jioom , M.UIOUd llulldlnir,
July u, 'wi-sm' ' wico STODDAItT CO,
om.v sau
For His sivlefcr
We will send It to jour Depot
t.u w ,-aiiii,u-u uuyin juu pay
Ior It. II It Is not as lepiesenied
n can uu returneu at our e
IK'tise. send a postal cai d f, .r Il
lustrated circular, t. a. Utmn
s:t:i)..M7rN. 'i tutu st , hm.i-.i.
juij v. ';i!-dni wveo
P le'V I nJQ I 1-veiy soldier dlsabim In
I 1 YL O 1 Ul o I Ino of autv. bv unimit.
disease or Injury, is entitled to nMun. Tensions
dito back-to .time oruisehare er tleatli ufaoidlcr.
Claims ot rll dorilniiou piisiculid. e eiiieaotlost
tscliark't'stblnlnid. Claims tiled by attcrnejs who
ihoowuuitojii iitaii uuiir cuuses nae ceased
opiuuice, llulshid wlihout delay. Addiesswith
oiti', ii. f-. nciiLi a. e ii , Atiorneis,
S k, 'Mi-sm nic r. u. liox m Wusblngtou, u.
"A treatlso on Chronic riseoses." cnibraclui; Ca.
tarrh, ', Mines, Heart, Momnch, MvrrTKId.
uejs. ciuiary ana reniaie lUseases : also files: si'iit
free to anyuddiess. Ku'iy suiTer. r from the at) ills-
"sia iim iietuieu. Dtmiiur inis nooK to ine under
signed, n phjslclan tf huge txiierliite, endorsidby
hULdrid- ol leodlt b tliluns vl.o lestltv to his skill.
u'nl?,,,?lil"0r"' .lftsee toe. K. UUnBStoii.JI.
I).,ai5x tiixi tor street, lole do, (hlo.
UUIU t, Ml-l) WAlll
Thousands turieilnir fioni l)jspep.sla, llabltua!
Coatlveiichs, IJur and Kidney Complaints, serotula
and kludrod disease, w 111 hall with de.lsht this now
a ud w underfill dlscoi i ry.w lilch as a eonuuer
or aud health restorer, has no equal lu modern med
icine. Iho (,reat .Mexican liemedy was llrst lulro.
duced Into California lu ism, w here lu a few mouths
.......uurwumuj n uuML'l lui I'lllfH as IO CtOatti A
demand for the medlclno fromMalne tu Honda, it
mi.iiiu m ir nuim cumiiouiiuiu riom
iho uaiuo plants, roots and herbs ol .Mexico It
cures all I umnrs, trcm Iho orsthcroiu!a,to acom-muul)l.,u-li,iliiiple,nrtrupljn.whllo
It eleuraiind
beaut tica ibucuinplexlun. ludlscase'S ot tho Mum
acu, lilued, Liver and Kldneja It has permanently
cuiedlhousndsot hoielew cases whi re all other
known remedies had failed, one dose will cure anv
casooJNik llo.flaehe. 'two doseB will break up
any eudlnary e outh or eold. 1'ersons suUerlnL' w lili
Heartburn, Watei brash. sour .siotuacli.lilliiuusuess.
Custlveness, Piles, 1'alpltatlou ot tho Heart. Low
bplrlia. and kindred atfettlons, will m.d Iho ifeiloan
remedy a mitt aud sure rillet. 'Iho k-euuino Is
placid beturo the public, ender the following uamei:
Horbaline Bitters tho Groat Mex
ican Remedy.
Call ou your drueerlat and tret a lrtln r.t ti.
Jlolcan llemcdy.and conilnco jouraelf that It Is tho
wibv .icuiciuu m utu vvoriu,
Tho trado bUDnlled br John kFe,.(.ifln,n
Drugt'lst, N. W. corner oth and Walnut Btrcets, Cln
clnnatt, o.
General Ascnt for the United States.
aprlH. lsso-ly wtCo
Printed at this Office
Warner's Safe Kidney ani Uni Cnf
rrmnlr In tto world for llrluliiv ..i
Urinary llenc. ' Muj
n u-i estimniiian of the highest orjet m , ,
ITl'or tho run. nf .
I ner Snin Illnhelm 'nr... r "
.B-j-or ma euro nr llrlalil'n nnr !) .
dhrMf;. call for M'nnicr'a rmro luil'l'J
V rvrry function to mow LeMibrul hrih,, '1
Bia thus a iipticllt In nil dtBe.wn. '
irerr. ind other Worr. a v","ir''. U.
runll.nUun, IHrxliir--, u"nvriTA
unenuMod Man appetizer nnd rpRulnr tnr
ltoltloa nr lain alia t nrinna ni ' . 1 '". -
... - i'tnn, uw, aim 81.0(1
unDiitrD)Q cAtrr ur-r...:;r
uJiLRiy nivtim-iiBim mprpiotticsuft i.
curen llon1n ho and ZV urnl8la, j r tM,'
It at Ion tiroupriiinn by exccfutvi drum.
work, mental ibocks, and other cnute.
1 tnrhfrt Nerveii. It never Ttijure tho
wiiemer micen in uraail or larKe dOBri. 1
Homes or two alms ; prices, 5Uc. nn 1 41 oo
UADMCDIQ CAce nn i n
Ars an Immediate and active stlnmiu f(,r
Torpid tint, wnd cure CotttTtntn. pTirrtti i
ram. UMarik, Tiiif
and A jut. and fh a
ufd uIiviilv rii,a
txmelsriu not tit-, rata
fretly and rfeii.m,
otlirr I'LIli rrtinlrn.'k
ImMI iIom fur iU,n,B.k
vorli. I rlrf -",((.. b"
Wurnrr' Sort- IIphipI-i m
old bt llrtiftl ttlli tft
H.H. WarncrS, Co,,
I'rnrtrlttoi,, N, 7,
W it i . I'W
-lAeTiKii&iJfW r'l Tr.!!..,,!.!.. ' '
ct. ai, l879.-ly f curoii.
rvMi. ( ivnu i imc i riDLr.9
On and after Sunday. -May 30, lfvi, Hip timm
on tlio riiHadoirhla S Krln Ita Iroad UHMuii w tu
as follows :
Erlo Mall loaves riilladelphla 1 1 p ra
" " Ilanlsbur 4 y:, am
" 11 llliaui'iHirt sur-itm
" " -leriey hhoro y u7 a la
" " Lock llavt u y la a m
" " lienoio 11 ii a in
" arrliontmio l.vijiin
Niagara Kxpresa leuves riilladelphla J mi a tn
' " Iliinhbiirt; l-Jtioain
" nir. at Mlllamiport alspia
" Lock tlaicu ivupm
" " ltcnovo Cln pta
Fast Uno leaves riilladelphla 11 10 a m
llarrtsburK a 33 pm
" tirrlvc at Wllllamsport 7S5pia
' " Lock Haven 8 40pm
Taclilo Ksprcss leaics lxn llaien r.4.iam
" " Jersi'yshoro 7 nam
" " u Ullamsport 7 & a in
" arrlvo at Ilarrlshurir llinpiu
" ' riilladelphla alSpia
Day Kxpress leaves Itenovu uriiain
" ' Ick llaicn II Main
" ' V lllliimspt rt 12 !i pm
" arrive at IliurUburi; 3 4'ipta
" rhlladeliiuta 6 4', p in
Iirle Mall leaves ltcnovo Hiopm
4 " lAck llaicn USiipn
" " Ullllansiort II in pin
" arrives at llarrlsburc; 2 41 a in
" " l'lilladelplmi 7eoaia
Fast Lino leaves W lillamspurt 12 its a m
" arrives at llarrlshurir 3 Mi a ta
" " riilladelphla 7 4unin
Erlo Mall west and Day Kxpress East maKo cIo
ouuuet i ion n at iuriuuiuoeriaiiu w ii u L. & li. i;, a.
trains for likesbarre and Scrantou,
Erie Mall West, Magara Exprcis West and Fast
Lino West make cIomj connection nl Wlllloinsporl
w uu j. li. i ruins uui m.
Niagara Express West and Day Eipiess Em
make close eonncctlun at Lock llaten Willi II. E.V.
It. If. trains.
Erlo Mall east and West connect, nt Erie with
trains on U H. M. s, 11. K. ; at Curry wtilio.c.t
A. V. u. It. ; ut Emporium with li.N. Y. & V. 11.1!
and at Driftwood with A. V. It. II.
I'arlor cars will run between Philadelphia and
Vi lllam'poi t on Illagara l-xptcsi west, and lu ti
pies Kast. bleeping cars uu all night trains.
Oeneral hurt.
oo and after November wth, 1S73, trains will lean
Sunbury us lollows :
ErlollallO.SOa. in., arrive Elmlra . 11 ,B
" Canaudalgua . 3.33 p.m
ltochestcr s.ta "
Nlagaia 9 4ii i'
ltcnovo accommodation 11.10 a, ui. arrlic Wllil.ic:.
port 12.M p. in.
ElmlraMall 4.15 a.m., arrUo Elmlra lo.20a. m.
UufTalo Ksprcss 7.15 a. in. ai rlvo Buffalo fi.Mi a a
llunalo KxprcM 2.S0 a. in. arrlvo Harrlsburg
" Ualtlmoru s.40
Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., anlro HairUburg 1.M
" Washington 10.3t
" Baltimore 6.30
" Washington
narrlsburg accommodation
burg 10.50 p. in,
arrho Baltimore
' Washington C.13
Erie Mall 12.65 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 15 a. w,
" lialtlmoru 8.40 "
" Washington 10.35"
All dally except Sunday.
1). M. 1IOVD, Jr., lleivral l'assi ngcr A?ci
A. J. CASSATT, llcneral Manactf
Mnyll, 1879.
trains um ki'pekt is roi.Low p(srKimv sxcyrrit
For New York, riilladelphla, Heading, 1-jtlMlHi
Toman ua, c 11,43 a. m
For OaUw Usa, 11,43 a. m. 7,11 and I,:s r. ra.
For Williams port, ,2S 9,cs a. ta, and J.iii p. m.
Leave New York, 8,43 a. m.
Leave rhtladelphla, 9,45 a. m.
Leave Headlmr. 11.55 a. m.. roltsMlle. 1...9P.0
andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m.
Leave catawlssa, c,20 s,fO a. m. and 4,() p. m.
Leave Wllllamsport ,9 43 a.m,2,ls p. m.and lop.m
l'asscnircra to arid flora New-York and I it.lfltUl-
phla go througa w lihout change of cars.
J, E. WOUTTl.-,
Oeneral Man.-ger
Occeral Ticket Agctt,
Jan. 11, uie tf.
Tlmo-Tablo No. 82, Takes effect at 4:30 A.
son 11.
a.m. p.m. p.""
9 35
y la li 13
2 13 i W
Ta ion inc..
.. West lltlaton..,
Bennett ,
,.11 mouth June,
9 43
9 63
10 07
S SU 0
2 34 t 4
2 41
2 53
i s I 111
10 13
10 33 3 3 I
10 2 3 15 I f
3 SI I M
HI 01 4 I 41
.uuniock's i reek,
10 42 3 35 W
10 66 3 60 i V
11 01 4 IU
11 13 4 le S
11 20 4 H
....luck's Ferry...
...Beach Haven...
... Berwick ....
,..llrlar Creek
...Willow (Iruve....
Lime HldgCM.H
U 70
4 S3 7W
11 39 4 44 7 44
11 45 4 49 Jul
II 5 4 63 JSJ
11 67 IjJ S60
12 18 6 19 J
Catawisba Bridge,
V is ;
19 45 5 43
p.m. p.m.
w. p. nAliiKAfj, burt
Haporlntendonfa office, Seranton, June 10, l"&
Dealers In
ic, sricaa, iicaii soda, ta, &a.
A. K. Oomer Second anil Aith otroott,
WlWhfli wlU rtootro prtanpt uttftoUta.
p.m. p.iu. a.m.
9 30 4 12 9 45,
9 2.1
9 II 9 37
9 OS 9 30!
5 54 S 61 9 21
B 61 3 40 9 19
(l 111 V 14
12 41
12 111
8 33 3 30 9 04
8 11 3 10 8 44
8 S3 3 20 8 65
8 12 3 12 8 47
8 04 S IK 8 39
7 61 I 51 8 JS
T 33 2 39 8 II
T 19 9 34 8 12
7 S3 SS 8 W
7 14
I 10
T 02 2 e I 111
tH 111 7 34
1 60 1 61 7 33
45 HI I 29
6 VI 1 SI 111
1 15
6 00 1 CO t 45
p.m. p.m. a.m.