The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 17, 1880, Image 3

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    llL00SU",,i KillDAT.SKI'tKMHKIl IJ, HtO
Lackawanna ft liLooMsnuno hailhoaii
kortii. sotm.
Acommodatloii Train,.
Mill Train
T A.M.
11.45 A.M
T.S9 A. 51
lino M.
puit Win.
Snris3 Train o.W 1". M.
1,38 P.M.
Ifoommod-HlonTratn .
o;j A.M.
. p.m.
iimtnlnr KsrrcM 4.1HP.M. 11,43A.M.
Tiiroii'iU cars on Kinross train either to New York
or I'liltidelpliU. Accommodation train runs between
atawi.'saand ivilllainsport.
OMimi tNn lltooM.nrnn.-t.cnvo camom Monday,
Woorosburtr liy 11:Ma. m. I'.ivj I.U.f-msmirnuu
B.1D10 tl.lj 8 nucr arrival ui riuituR'ipnm man.
iimonnirmi anb lAtiiusviiU!, Lcavo Lnlrdnlllu
1 .v. '1 1inrRil.iv nml Hnlimlrtv t 7!!ltl n. m..
nrrlvloit at liloonwiurB hrntn, Leave Mooins-
liunronnamoiiaja alter nrritni or rnnnneipnia
Mllll l'Allj limn Hum inuuuiiuurK 10 ,iiuviiit'
III nton oe1 lllnonwbiit ir. A dally att,f I'no tailing
Ilenton in mo morninif unu reeurniug in inu eve
ning ot tlio Barao (lay.
'llio llcrwitk
Hnnctclt club now bas 215
Sheriff Knt went lo Phi1ndcl bin cnTliurs-
J.iy wllli two prisoner", a man for tho Peni
tentiary anil n girl lor llio Jlcuso ofiii 'iigc.
The Friendship biro company will have
dance nt their hall on Thursday nnd Fiiday
evening) Ocleibcr 11th and lCth.
The Republicans of l'erwick havo the tele
u-c ol Odd bellows'IIall in that town. They re-
hto to nllow the Democrat to use tho hall for
public meeting", but have no hesitancy abort
leasing it ton showman willi nn educated hnu.
It was probably a republican bog.
At Ihe last nioelmg of tlio Winona Fire coin-
.nny n resolution was nJoplcd, appointed n
committee oflhreo to unci similar cominit-
Ires from the Filcndsbip nnd liefcue compa
nies, for llio purpose of mnkii'g nilei and reg-
ulalions for the government of the firo depirt
The regular meeting of the Democratic club
was po-tpotud on Wednesday evening, ami in
i lace of it n meeting was held at the Opera
House and oddrcwcil by Geo. F. Ilacr, K., of
Heading. Cipt. ltroi kwny who was announced
us the regular! addiess ll.o club
next Wediicsilay evening nt their room.
Foil Rtl.n A walnut extension table, four
teen feet long, ten wnlnut cane seated dining
chairs, as good as now will bo sdd cbenp. Ah
so ah' ul fifty jnrdtnf three ply carpet in good
condition. Inquire nt this office. t-f
Iltlph Ihrkley Fnrman, son ot C. H. and
Sirdi J!. Fiiruiaii, uflbis town, died on the
8ih iusl., of Diplilheria, ngtd 11 yeirs nnd
11 days. He was burielor. Friday morning.
The slllieted parents hnvc the sympathy of ihe
community in their boreavement.
In the absence of Nathaniel Driesbich from
his homo near Jonestown, some cowardly
rogues entered the cdlnr one night and nude
iy with Ihe provision m store for the wife ard
little children. A few nights 1 iter they were
heard about the premises when Mrs. Dreisbach
discharged a six shooter in the direction of the
noiso, which resulted in their hnsly flight. Wo
hopo tho next time she will give them a mark
of identification.
In the appeal of tho Oirard cslnte from ihe
rile of valuation lniiis;d upon their lands in
Columbia county, wherein Judge Pany nnd
John 0. Freezo Appeared for the City of I'hila
ad.-libia, and Mr. Ikcler for the county; the
Court after hearing tho caso redured the valua
tion, in accord nice with the nnconlradieted ev
Milieu of the appellant'. Tho Oiranl K'ta'p,
It is well known is expended in the laudable
object of mainlaitiirg the Oirnrd College, and
educating the orphans of tho State. Last year
the admissions to tlio collego were, from the
City of Fhihidilphii 28 student, and from the
Fnto at l.npe54 students, go that ihe State
at large Ins a deep interest in tho careful and
ironomienl management of the property.
Ens. Columiiian :
Unlit Sins : Cm it bo pos-ible that the It' -
n'lblicm campaign nianugtr.s of Columbia
county cannot find limber enough in llio rank
and file of their party lo fill out a list for their
Standing Committee, without ii'ing ihe names
of Hancock men, for that iiurpc o : but such is
tlio c.i"e. They have now in one of tho upper
End Townships of the county a mine ammig
their committee who slid as 'soon as he heard
(lencral Hancock was nominated that ho was
going to vote for nun and has reiterated tlie
fact since before good nnd citizens.
TIicm are facts tint can be substantiated if
necessary, but they see Iho pamo is all up with
them and Ibcy arc trying lo play a game of
Muff, but it will not work. Tho Democrats are
united on the Sol I icr Plntesmnn and their ef
forts will not censo until the close of tho polls
en the 2 id of November. And on tho lib of
March be will be at the head of iho procession
nnrching down Pennsylvania Avenue to Ihe
While House, as feailes's and brave as he
mirclied at the head of the column ntYork
town, Williamsburg, Fair Oakes, (leilys
burg etc. Uri'Eit Esn,
Regular monthly meeting of council met
September 8 111 , 18S0. Present, 0. A. Herring.
President and Messrs. Thomas, Rabb, and
L'vans. JlinuleB of last meeting read nnd ap
Tho committee cn Cenlre street reported that
tlie authorities of Ihe Ittfirmed congregation
demanded of the tovn one thousand dollars for
iheir intiiest lu tho grounds propped to be oc
cupied by tho town. The report was accepted
a'ld the committee discharged.
The eoir.mltteo appointed to confer with the
county commissioners with reference to the old
jail prorerty not being ready to report were
The committm appointed to punhaso bo-e
carriage reprrled that a hose cirrinze bad lieen
I'lirchescd to be delivered on tbo cars nt Road
ing, Pa., fur two hundred dollar. Report ac
cepted and committee discharged
Permit ws granted Moyer Bios., lo repair
Iheir tbreo-slory brick building situate on the
corner ol Second and Centroftreeta with tbo use
of side; walk and street at necessary.
On motion it was resolved that a committee
of three bo appointed to divide the hose bo
livcen the Friendship and Rescue lioso compa
nies whereupon Messrs. Evans, Rabb and Her
'ing were appointed
Rill of Samuel Jncoby fir police duty was
uninimou'ly rejected,
On motion Robert McRride was added lo tlie
police force.
On motion, Wm. Ruport was allowed fire
dollars for keeping the streot crossing and wat
er couri-es in repair on Second and Mirket
The following bills wero read and approved
nd the Secretary directed to draw orders for
u.e several amount!
Return of work and labor by K. lb III
dleinan. street commissioner for tbo
, month nl August, $15 SO
"HI of Q, M. & J. K. Lockard. coa for
lock-up, 1 10
llill of cipresg on discharge pipe, 00
Ulloffrenrhtonhose. 13 03
Klwell & Ilittenbonder. nriming, 3 50
fl A Ilerrinc. rxnense ill pur
chasing hose carriage. R'"0
Wllof I.llsghenbncb.repairpiimpat Forks 3
" M. 1 M' .... .. i.i.
M. (J. Wnnelwsril. Inwn c-onstabltt
. for AuEiist. 8 33
Hill of H. Harris, polleo duly, AiiRUst, 3 60
" llo3iiibure(ssOn.frAucust, 70(10
riecrtlary's salary for Aueuuat. 15
Tlio ropuMlriui, will 10M tl.olr County Con
Tcnttou nttlic Optra Homo ncxtMotiilny.
Mr. Ann Kinder dicil nt htrhotuo on KrH
utrccl on AVcdiufday evening nt nn ndvaticcd
arc Hie w4 ii fister of the Into Jacob,
of Hemlock. For many Tear unt lm
consistent member of tho thurcli.
A sta nl unluroed tacei crectnl ihn Ilnn.
deo. V. llicr, of Ileadlns, t Ibo Oim Hoim
,,- , .' , , " ,' " 1""
" Vi 'T 1. Frieio pretleloel and
"le following r.fllccri were leclcd; Vlco l'res-
ilenU, liolir McIIcnry, W. II. Hnvdcr. Fred.
Ilngenbncb, .Strand Smith, F. 8. Hunt, Philip
'.jer, j. r.irerr and Almat Colli rsrt.t.irics.
! S. ilopkinn, J. J. MciUnrr, nrul C. It. Jack-
int- iiniiuicn nnn r.nnnsti c uD attmi M
In a body In uniform, marshalled bf V. II. Jr.
coby, Chief Marhal, nml U. II. Ent, W Bier-
ncr, u U.illignan and I), R. ColTiiian, ittsUt
ants. The Olee club furnished fomc fine tnu.
sic and nt loudly applaud) d.
Mr. Ilacr a speech was a moat excellent one
11 dear nnd furcihlo argument nrd undcnlablo
fact" lie proved tlint the Uotmbllcan tirtv 1
not the party of n freefioyernment and puro nnd
honest tidininMratlon. He tlil that while
Democrat') ftom thUnnd other Blronir di'inc
cratic counties ere fijbtinj! fjr their (ountry,
a'tr-i'-iiMiie Kenul'licar.9 were reward intr niuli
pitriotirm liy ctlling them copptibeaiU and
traitors. More coldicis went lo Ihe nrniy from
this county nnd licrk limn fnm nny rcimlill
ran ennnliej in the hiatc In proportion to the
population. Willi the krcnct natlro be leplied
lo the rpiech of CTintun l.loyd, of the previous
evening, lie npjlugizecl for Lloyd, stylni; that
he liml lieen invited to roroe beie lo ratify
tlio Mnlno eleclion, nnd make a ratllini; reech
over tlievlclory.of the IlepuMicaniin thatrtale,
but lhat things dida't turn out just an Ibcy
were expected to, and Lloyd couldn't make tt.c
ppei'ih ho bad prepared for thu octaion. Tlio
Malno doleat made him so med that he spent
the whol evening in abning the Democracy
in general, and Samuel .1. Tildtn in pirlicuhr.
Like Iiaiupio'i ghost tho image of Tildtn every
now and then appears to the. conscience siricl"
en men who murdered his Presidential vpirt'
turn In 1S7G, and the only way lo enao their
corn-deuce is by roundly abusing ihs noblo e Id
man who had the aujaelty lo defeat tho repub
lican candnlato by a. large, majouty. There
una no abuso of tho opposition, but simply
clear exposition of the roliticil issues of tho
day, showing that tho Republican party had
already controlled matters too long. IIo in
frequently interrupted by rounds of npplau'
and the names of Hancock and McClellan were
lecoivcd with great enthusiasm. A better
speech and a more enthusiastic audience baa
stidoni gathered In Bloomsburg, Mr. L'acr
will bo wdconied here warmly in the future,
Are you going to paint? If so, lend to the
Montour Paint Mills, Rupert, P., for your
Pure Lead, Slate Color, Pure Paints, Ac, and
sive the wholesale and retail profit. You can
mix your own colors with puro linseed oil for
85 cents to SI. 20 per gallon. eep. 10-3m
The Ii)iililirnn say it has been infaimcd that
three cheers were given for the Southern Con
fi-ilerncy nt a recent Democratic meeting at
Rendertown. Of conree. tho information if it
had such, is a contemptible campaign falsehood
The parly tl nt has sent Mosby, the meanest,
and Lorgstrett one of the greatest oftbo rebels
to represent this country at foreign Courls,
ought not to say much about nny body el-c
cheering fur the Southern conffdency.
Will send iheir celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Pelts lo the afflicted npon 30 days trial. Speeely
cures guaranteed. Ilieymoan what they say
rile to them without delay. ov, 2I-ly,
W. C. McKinney bas been epiitc sick for the
past week .
Miss Clora Hartley is seriously ill nt her
(ieo F. Il.ier, of Reading, and Judge Dielt
crick, of illiainspoil, were cgigeil in the
case of Jackson vs- Sineizcl in court this week
W, H. Smith, of the JiV(on .lnyus was In on Tuesday.
Arl. Giger, son of Samuel Oiger, of Montour
twp., has gooe lo (Jherlin, Unto, where he is
attending a school of Telegraphy.
John Gordon, son of John N. Gordon, al-o
ol Montour, accompanied him for the Fame
Mislaid or stolen. A gold headed cane will
mv name on it. Smith's Forms a law Pool
with name on, and Norns Slate Reports, vol.
new. The holder ot each or an oi mese r-
ticcs will please return them nt once lo my of
fice. C. 11- IlnocitivAV
sep, 10-3w
The first largo meeting of tho Republican
parly was held at tho Opera House on Tula
Jay night, having teen billed beforo hand, to
the purpose of carrying out John Cessna's pro-
r.miino lo cel.brale the vietoiy in Maine. Not
buying a victory there to any great extenl
there was nothing to celebrate, and hence Ihe
meeting was devoid of all entbiisin-m. Tli
house was well filled, many Democrats and la
lies being in ihe audience. Most of the former
Itfi bowevor, being disgusted with the stuff that
cjine from the speaker's stand. We nre always
ready lo accord merit to an opponent when de-
erved, and rather ei'jov listening to a fair His-
.... . . . t . T , 1'
cus-ion oi political issues, nui -ir. i.m)u
epecch was not of that kind. It was nothing
but Intemperate abuse or Democrats, not very
well done at that. He never mentioned Gar.
field's name from the opening lo the eiW, tin.8 the cbaiaclerof that candidate
will not bear di-cuss!cn. He also forgot to say
a-ivtliing about Maine. The speech fell Hat
upon tho aulijnce, the only really hearty an-
pltaae being when the speaker relerresi m inu
lemocratlc majorily of Oli.WO in Alatuiuo, ine
applause coming from Democrat. Iheonly ef
fect of the speech was to moko linn i;emoi rai-
1 nnd to make doubtful Democrats mm.
Whi.n the Renublicsns propose to bold numb
er mecling we hope for" iheir own credit they
wid si-curo a speaker who will di'cuss me is
sues fairly an I decently. If tbey a man
whoso speech consi-U of the yelling of "copper,
heal" nnd "rebel" there are plenty of llu.t
kind nt home without sending to illtnmspnri
fir one. The general votdicut Lb jd'ibar-
ran"U0 illhit It N the uieniiest and tlio pooresi
political speech that hi been made In thlston
since be was here helore', some years ug
Value Ria-Kivirn The only man In Amer
ica who has complete ficilities for collecting
,,,iln,,il siaiisiics la Hon. A. It. Sptfford, LI-
i.i... r All ihoilata which lo
secures during the year is carefully retained mil
l,s l,en nil inlo a book. Hisli't !''
'Tim American Treasury of bad, ta men
cni ,,shv Msr'. II. II. Warner & Co., proprl
etorot the fainom Safe Kidney and Liver
r'... n.l It is reallv cvclopcilla in Ils-elf, Ji'
Ibis busy ago one can srap iiauonni iii.u..v
by statistical figures, and ihe woik under con-
eldrrallon rcllect mucn creuv
ner i Cu, who have secured it.
r.. i'nltrtshannv Tho mother and boy
. . .l. J t.fcpn nrolierlv
nre doing nnciri iien,m -
i.nli mil. and Ihe Dr, evtr and anon num.
'J5 this ewcet refrain!
inni on lobe
laiaott tobco a p.tlent,
Haby mine, habj mine;
liut Ul 1uny like the nation,
liaby mliie, baby mine,
Ves, I'll hurry back lo ho.
An III tkii him on my knee,
VWillel feed Win catnip lea,
Hub) mine, tab mine.
CtasVu Jricwe, (AVI.)
00 1
6(5 1
Englishmen formerly iir.r.nsed lbt Amerl
can running horses were very Inferior to thelra
but iliiringlho list two yMrs Parole, Wallen.
iiein aim oilier fast ones that wero icnt from
s country tu Fngland. Ii .1V0 Won bliriilrpits
of tbou-nndi of dollars, for sink Ai.ri,..n.
as the Messrs. Irillard, James Gordon Den
nett, Ac. Tho Kncjlisbmen lute Investigated
Iho reasons for the great sncccas of the Atncrii
ctn horees, and Bnd Ihnt they nr kept In euch
un conumon by the us of M. I).
Robet t' Hot n Towdtii. h,U sm
in ron Hancock.
On Patarday of laslwedt, fifteen vniintf men
from Conynghan lewnsMp aims to town In a
four-born ooaeh, fot the purpoM of Ucoming
cltlum of Iks Uolttd Sitlet. The mtw tinder
th lesdersblp of John Monroe, one of tho
motaell? DemocrsW In that stollon. They
aprcired before ihe Court and took the u.nal
eath of alleglatiee. The names aro as follow;
rcter Rrndley, Michael Fltnn. Ofen Mora.
Rhan, Mlc'rael Dousherty, Patrick M.ihm,
Thomas Roan, Anthony J. Dougherty, Alexin-
ler AlcDonnld, Anlhonr DouitIihit.,
'adden, Pntriek MeOlnlcy, Pntritk (I'lleilly.
Aitir Lcimbap, i'.i'riclt I.nvelle and JameslMc-
Donald. They wtr-avery respectable nitty
of young men.
If your child has worms, Bivc it the fir-eat
Mexican Itimcdy, llerbaline Hitlers, ihey nre
easy ol aiiminittraiton, ple.isinl lo lake, and
Harmless ns Iicnev. T hrv netee illsu,i,!ni.
A Camp-fire ill I c lich nl bv (len. Knt Post
sin. inj, lirnnil A tiny of the Republic) at
Uloomsbiirg, 'Ihutsd.iT, Set tember 2.1rd. and
continue brightly burning until Saturday evo
ning, during winch time opportunity for pleas'
iiroand ei joyment will ho nlforded lo all vii
tors. Iho programme will ho varied nnd
enterlniniig. Athletic excreta will be In'
ilulgcd in, and a good linio generally is an
ticipated. A cordial invitation Is extended to
members of turrotiiiding Post', nnd it is hoped
they nill iinrove tlieopiortiinityof once more
mmgl ng ilh Ihon who Blood shoulder to
sbot'l.ler with them during the dark days of
the robcllion, Refreshments will bo served in
the Camp on the Fair fiiounds.
llv Okiieu or Com.
Tho mcdicinCB of Dcotis Dick & Co. nro
nncxcellod for cleganeo, pnritv, nnd relia
bility. Their Seldlitlno Seidlitz Powders,
nro an pleasant iw Ijcmonado.' Their Soft
Capsules aro world famous. Soo Adt
july 30, 'SO 6m
M. C. Sloan A Bro. have ju-t completed a
two re.itetl side bar carriage, which is a model
of beauty nnd neatness1 It is anew slyloof
wagon, being the fir-t of Ihe kind ever mado
here, Sloans' wagons hive a wide reputation,
Fennsylrmiin State College admits both sex-
o, Enilowmenl half a million. Tuitionice,
Courses of alody,, Scientific aiiitAg
ricultiiral. A thorough Pre nrelory Depart
ment. Kxpensca $3 to 15 per week. For cata
logue, address ,Iose b Shurllidge, A. M,, Pres.
Stale Collfge, Pa. auglS lOw
Seplomber 9th, Sheriff acknowledg ed dteds in
open Court.
Venites ordered for Grand Jury and Petit
Jury for December court.
The Grand Jury made this report and were
Tho Grand Iripiest of the Commonwealth of
Pennsilvnnia, inquiring for the body of Ihe
County of Columbia, respectfully submit tlie
following repoit:
That we have diligently inquired into nil
matters brought before ns for our consideration.
That we have made examination of ihe pub
lic buildings and find that the front steps leading
into the Court House arc in great need of re
pair, and that an immediate expenditure of a
little money upon them will avoid a grcattr
expense in the future.
We al-o find that the Sheriff and the inmates
of tho jail building are l.ot sup lied with so
good t, ater as is possible to be bad. In fact the
water that tlity nre now using at the il is 1m
pure. Wo would therefore recommend that
the commi-siontrs supply the jail with good
water, and fioin our knowledge of tho'piabtyof
the water as is now supplieil by the Water
Company of the Ton of I!loom-burg,we would
recommend that ihe water be procured from
them. We nre much pleased to see that the
jail building is kept in neat and clean condr
t ion ,mili the prisoner are treated humane
ly and their every proper want is respected
nnd that the Warden, Mr. William Ilarrelt, is a
Useful and competent employee.
fiEOl'.Oi: SlT.lCKT.K,
llridge in Sugarloaf approved by the Grand
Jure, and also by the court.
Llojd Paxion, Peter Fri'ezo and P. A. Kvan
appointed ro reviewcis of a rord inScolttwp,
near llenjainlu Kharpless .
Adjourned to September 1 lib.
Tho argument list was taken up and dis
posed of.
SlCONll Wl.lK.
Tho f Hewing Auditor's reports were filed and
confirmed nisi.
Kstale of William McKclvy, deceased.
" " Hannah Applcman, deceased,
" " Marry Gorrell, deceased.
" " Rebecca Muflley.
I bonias ('reveling vs Mary Crcveling, case
tried, Plaintiff nonsuited, and rule grnuled lo
show cause why the nonsuit shall not be lakon
Citation awarded in estate of Jacob Shumnn
leceesed, for review of Kxeeulor's account.
John Sllckel was eworn in as a citizen clthe
United States.
Catharine Puller vs It. Rouch. Case tried.
Verdict for Plaintiff. Rule for new trial gtnn
ted. Kinanucl Slrauss vs M. Johnson. Case tried,
Verdict for pliint ff.
C. II. lincUay vs R. Goriull. Case IrieJ,
Plaintiff hikes a nou-uil.
Klwiinl Wheeler naiutnlired.
Locuet Mouniiln 0. A I. Co , v Couyntiiiin
School District' In equily. Injunction or
Ci'alion awaided in rstato of John Rjstim
to administrator to file an account
Couuty Treasurer Sweppenhi-erae knowledge d
diods In open courL
fleorgo .Masters aJminislrator vs J. l-.Chap
in. (Jii trim-
I will sell the Avondalo Coal by the car
Cross welsbt. No. 95 pertonj No. 5 $'2 "0;
No. 0, $1 70 .Scales in ynrd at Espy Depot,
II. W. Al'l., Kspy Uepot,
Sheriff Knt sold the following proj erlioc at
the Court House on .Monday, Seplember Odi,
l'roperly of John V.. Appleman In Ilenton
towmhlp to Mary E. Appleman for S350.
l'roperly of W. II, Abbott In teitawlssato
M.O Huiibes, two lots, for$s!K).
1'ioiMty of Martin Kmst In ltoarlngcreek
township to J. K. Snyder for $800.
l'roperly of W. Case in Heaver townsblp to
T- J- liotrinnu for $110.
l'roperly of JacobColo toA-t'. Heller for
Bepl. 1 1 111. l'rnpeily of J. M Hower In
Ulimiu-biirir to 1). J. Waller for $750.
Wo wcioereatly ii mured feme days tlnce
by seeing one of our venerable cllitein, bo
had been bowed down v.ltb Itbeumaliam.tbrow
away biccrulcbes, and declare blinsclf just aa
vi.unL' as be use el lo If, snel new he is recora
mendimr l!obrl' Kuibrccallon to every old
lady in town. Ureal liniment tlisU k tt-Im
Jacob S. Krans, nn old tcsidenl of tins town
died on Wednesday evening from a stroke of par,
slysis. He was scired suddenly whllo ntwork at
Irondnle on Monday. Tbo funeral will lake
plnco on Saturday, Mr. Kvnn wan n irrod ell-
ten, llewnsn meinhci nl tlin Inwu duincil in
1S73, 1878, 1879, and was serving hi fourth
term at the time of hi death. He leaves a
widow and two on. His age was about 61
Wo hnyomnch pleamtro In rocomtncndlnt!
Thormallno to onr readers, as on absolnto
enro for Malaria, Tbo mnnufoetiirerti' namo
alonolsftgiiarantcooflts merit. ItBclliat2.,
cents per box. Tor particulars boo Advt.
iuly 30, 'SO Cm
Look at the toes of children's shoes oflVrcd
when you are buying, nr.d fee Hint tbey have
tbo A. S. T.Co.'s nitek Tip upon them. Trade
mark A. S. T. Co. always on lip,
An old lady writes! "I wis cured of a com-
plicated disease of tho kidneys by Ibo use of
two of Pn.f. Guilmetto's French Kidney Pads
after all other remedies fiiiltd.
nntfldil,(!le lis No More Tniry.
tlniilcld, gtvo nsno more tarry
On jnurplous deeds ot ore",
It will gtvo to os dyspepsy
More jour sweeln'-w to explore.
Teit us not that on the tow-p.itli,
In dtsiusslon with thermite,
You spoke only texts ot Scripture)
That you learned lu Miuda) -school;
That when by Ita hind lege c-hnlu-llghtnlng
To 3 our t-houMer was applied,
Von but praj ei for further patlenco
FIIII the naughty mut.j toguMo.
Ho, dear ilarneld, no more tarry,
Mntowe Ilnd you're not the cheese.
Old no tally, no more tally,
No moro tally, It ou please
-Yeic Fori llorif
I'ho most sensible remedy, and tho only
sale and nermanent euro for all disease's of
llio liver, uiooti aim mumacn, inciuiiing on-
ious fevers, fever atul ague, iluinli ague.
Hundlce, dyspepsia, Ac, is Prot Uuilmette a
French Liver Pails, which cures by absorp
tion. A-fc vcmr druggist for tills noted cure,
and tale no other, and if he bas not got it I
or will not get it for you, send 1 ot) to
French I'.id Go., Toledo, ., nnel ihey will
send you one post-nald by return mall, b
Persons knowing themselves lo bo indebted
to tbo undersigned on book account lor job
work and ailrcrthlng will ploa'e settle beforo Oc
tober 1st, lSbO. The firm of Urockway V LI-
well was dissolved on October 1st, 1871), and
since that time we have been sending out state
ments frequently with but little success. Many
who nre wdl able to pay have given no atten
tion to them, Now, our books must be closed.
All accounts remaining unsettled cn the first
day of October, 1SS0, will be placed in a justi
ce's hands for collection. As we shall send a
statement to nil pcr-ons Indebted lo us, before
that time, no onn can complain that tbey
had no notice. The above coea not apply to
balances duo on subscription, though we shall
be glad to have those settled also.
Aug. ?0-5w Geo. K. Li-mell,
Robert's Poultry Powders nre guaranteed to
enre poultry nt all diseases, if given I eforo the
fowls refuse to eat. Sure cure tor cholera. l e
havo tried it and adiise all to use it. nug 01m
Dr. W. H. House takes th la method ol inform.
ing ihe public thai be has equipped bis Dental
P.,r.,o utll, mr,nv r.f till. I .fllP.-t 1 111 1 1TO V C m t II tS
T.-. .! 1l!,l.n 1'oin Lvlhollgf Ii'
Cl-Clil J..iraeic-i. ,1 ihiwih ...... -v -
Gas, and free of charge when artificial teeth are
inserted. spot. 1,-ow
Mi-I.Airiiv PnocrTER. On the "ml Inst..
at Somerville, Mass., by Rev. Mr. Miller, Rev
K. A. McLaury, formerly of Ornngevillo Acad
cmy lo Miss Sadie S. Procter of Salem, Mas.
I'OTTEit-Mivii.EMAV. ..t OrangevillB on
the 2nd int.. bv Rev. C. K. Canfiebl, Joseph
C. Potter, of Sereno to Layina Mtissleman, of
I'AiiKEit McHenuy. On tbo 24th nil-, by
Elder I). M. Kinlcr, nt bis residence, Slillwat
cr. Pa., Mr. Francis U. Parker, of Jackson
township to Miss Florence M.MclIcnry,
AMVEiuim. In Fibingcreek township on
il,u liiil. i..-i f'Hninn Dalas. son of James A,
nml M. J. A miner man. need 0 years and 6 I
months nnd 18 days.
Business Notices
Iloots nnd Shot-s cbep t McKinney's.
The public are hereby informed Hint
splendid suits are now made from the latest
tvles ot Spring (..orals, on llio lniniwni(?
I-..,,.,. Jjnlnl Stulti. Lowest Price, hen Mil
terial, liett Workmanship, ami h'cat TiU at
the l'opular btoro ol t
uavi'l imnciiuciii'
i noeo on,! iinninii-e stock of lamps just
received at the l'eople's iirui; ex hook ;iurc.
A band'ome lino of llibles and Albums Rt
renide's Drug oot etore.
Harriet A. NeivkirV, of Salem, says: 1 was
.,r.i nr ipMpr iii mv hand hv three applica
tions of Camphor .Milk- W misname we-'
r,r.l nrnlil runnliii sores by usiiifr it. It
cureel my son of a spraintd ankle. Trice 25
, , t. rt . l.-AIm Itlnntnalinm
CeillS. SOlll HV O. ii, Xe.lL-1'll, iwm,,i
april 10, '80ly
Xow Clotba and Trimming for Dolmans
at Lutz et fcloan's.
a (..n ...nrtnisnt nf School Hooks and
a,.ilnn.n Ht l'eoide's Druir and Hook
Do not pay last year's price for Illack Casb-me-res.
but co to J.utz & Sloan's and get
tbem cbeaper.
1000 Good 1lve Calves wanted by Silas
young, Llfiht Street.
r i, BW.,.,, Imre received their New
Pmek nf Dc-moitst ralterus. Call at tbelr
tore and get a Catalogue
Cash paid for COO tons good dry bright
Unck Oakllark by Silas Young, Light Street.
July 3U-2U1
We open to-day Ladies UnelfrwMr, Hos
iery, Itibbons.Laccs, Towel,NapUns,Coun.
iprnniies. etc.. at luwcbt Prices at Uarlc it
Son's. .
Kubbers at SIcICinney's.
'i-i.o t, , i. Stnrn nf David Loiveiibcri;
is well stocked with all the liilffct styles of
Ch.tliliiL' for Men. Youth nud Chilelreu.
Call and examine,
v.e- Trlnimlnir Silks. Satins.Silk Velvets
ami Velveteens at l.utz v ainan s.
A fino line ot Onld l'ens nnd 1'encils just
received at tho reoplu'a Drug and Uook
Clothes lor Full Wraps at Clark &
Hoot headquarters at McKinnoy's.
New Casslmeris for tiauts. e&c, nt I, W.
Fur Nobby Hats,
For Latest Styles,
lir Lowest Prices.
.Go to David Lowcnberg'il.
Call and sen the Heat and Cheapest Sum
mer Suit for U.uu at 1), irovicuucrg a.
fin to Clark A Son for vou r Illack Cash
meres, and Other Drts-i (Joods, largeStijck
and l.ow I'rices.
Go ami B-e tho
New FftMhiona at J. W.
j 000 pounds nice elrteel raspberries. -1.000
pounda.nlceilrlpilplttid fherrlH wanted this
fall by Silas Vrtipg, Light filteel Juy Z-Om
New llhnlc Hlllt Frlnos, (limps
ment, Iisiops frtpllces, lluttnm and
Dress Triminlngs at 1 lurk ,V st-m'e.
Call nt McKlnncy's for Shoes.
Silk and Sitltt Trlmmlns-i at I. W. Hart-
Wo now havo open n full lino of "Colum
bia Yams" Clark ASnn,
Hon, George N, tjorson, Nnrrlstowii.anye:
Tho l'licctilx Pectoral la Indispensable In tny
famltr. It nctt like a charm In itiriiiir
coughs nnd colds with tbo clilldretijnnd 1
nlways use it when addressing a jury, Price
20 cents. U. A. klelm,iiloomsUiiri. apriu-ly
New Goods coming in Irom New York
and Philadelphia thli week at I, W. Hart-
man e.
Call at the Pennies Drug and Rook Sloro
anil lie convinced in regard to quality ami
I'r,c" 01 au " ' 1
Headquarters fur Corsets nl CUrk & Son.
Irnls of eood Tiliiolhy and Cltiversced fur
ealo by Hila Yonnjr, Light Street. aug'JOIw
Timothy seed at I. W. Ilarttiian's.
Now Calico, percales, and Dress Ging
hams, at Lulu k Sloan'.
Admission frco at MoKluney's.
(lo to the Peoples Drttjr and Hook Store
ami see tbo iinmiii-a slock id' New Goods
just received.
Call and xfc our largo .s'nek nf Ribbons
Ties, etc., nml low prices, Clark & Son,
I. W. llartinnn's uimbliiathm .Sloro at
tract Farmer, Mechanic's, Laboring men,
L'lillcs, Missies and Children.
Another caso nf Fine Ready Made Cloth
ing ju-t received at D. Lowcnber's.
GET almost
Do vou know how to get
in the easiest way and to best
advantage what you want for
dress and house-furnishing?
rirst, how: Write lor a
catalogue ; see what you can
learn from it about the things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods are kept in the
greatest variety ; where they
are sold for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices are lowest;
where most care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably; and where you have
the right to return whatever
is not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you are if you make your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best things in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes by mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost, for car
riage than the money you
save in the price.
John Wanamaker,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Clicslnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juulper,
M-KAKTOM, l'a., May iiitli, lssfl.
1)b. A. r.. IICKli:
I took jour Neuralgia nnd Mrk Ileadaeho Pills for
Chronic lleadacho with Iiispepsta, and they acted
llkeacharin. I would not uowltluut lliem for nny
amount of money.
bcrauton, l'a.
TAKK 1)11. A. I.. HUltlt'8
Xcuralglu &SlcK llcailuclic I'lllx
They will cure j ou. There la notlilng In this world
Ike them. Easy lo take, they dlssulio la too inouui
The Physicians generally recommend them.
For Sale I? 0. A, Elciti, Bloemstnrg nruggJ:t.
Juno Is, 'oo-ti
main Street itliuro Iron,
Drugs, Medicines, Cheinicals,Faii
cy and Toilet Aiticles, Soaps
Brushes, Sponges, Per
fumery, etc.
Ihstlclana'prifcilptlcrs caictully compounded
and orders answered with rare ancldcspatcn. i-arm-
c-rsand ph) tlclans Irom the country will tlndour
stock otinedlclnc'B complete), vi arraouugenuino una
of the best ipiallty.
JOHN II. KlNl-oiiT,
Jan. ss, 'esj-ly Proprietor,
iii.oo.nsiiimc;, pa,
Carriages, Bttggios, Phaetons, Sleighs,
riATroitM WAOONS, to.
Flrst-clasn work alwnj-a on band.
I'rleea reetneed to BUlt the tlmea.
Printed at this Offico
Cur. Ce-tiln! nnd Hall lionet Ms., hear 1.. A II. Iiepot.
Liwcst Prices will net ba undersold.
Manufacturer of MlMn CAlt WIinKf-S Coal ltrcnk
cr and llrhUo Castings, Water Pipes, Stoics, Tin
ware, I'Iots, MOM PENCn, and all kind-) ot Iron and
Tlio eilDlnal Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
lelt hand, nnd side hill Plows, tho best In tho mark
et, and nil kinds ot plcw repairs.
Cook Moves, Itoom move's, and stoves for heating
stores, Khool houses, churches, c. Aleo the larg
est stt-ek ct repalts for city stoves, wholcsalo and
retail, sui-h as Flro Urlck.tlrates, Cross Pieces, Mela
Ac. c, fetovo t'lpe', Cook Dcllers, skllilts, Cake.
Plates, lnr;re Iron Kettles, cm gallons to a tarrcls)
Farm Hells, f I'd Soles, Wagon lloxes,
"Allen town Bono Maniu-o"
l'LASTISe, s i LT, AC, C.
Jan 9, sil-iy
in)UMSBURG, COL. 00. VA.
Altstvirqnf eerri; dune In a superior manner, work
v. ui in t d us ri-rres"ntt-d 'I Br-Tii I xtbact
:u eetruue'TlMii. tioodBeU t r flu.
i"ii' I'urirr Main and Iron streets.
'In If ol ail hour durinij the
W JcC E I: J'
Fi t rj i r. I'ttwiU-fi.
tu ii i in ft 'iHt i
It, All Uruj Sltiron.
a v -V. A. 'V i TV 33.
I,niiilto 1 iifi't fii I'.i-n'il itlnjf tlia
I'lrUr-iPi v ui-i an I i iirn i;;mttoii4
I .i l.Li.rn iiiko Va-dor of tho
(.' urelitf tlu 1 '.'.pluif Cbrist, Detroit, "My m-u vn-c ei-iniierously ill and
utir ly I'leV truti -1 ir-i.i I'iulls wid 1'ever.
t; liii.iioiiii'leitl.eriiiis'ii'int'sliiidlie'i n trie.1
- tl -ut ffe't. Mr. I'mb; who l.nd usod
is.. -1 1. 11, 110 .nali'tno, udMFfil n trinl of it,
liu'li V .-, dun. , r. Milt in;; in lua compk-lo
rn- r.t .it'...u a U w dajs."
1 ii 11.11 T.,".r.r:.z.r'
Klln,y ejorajil.eliits, and
11'iN.jaj s of ttib Urlnar7
11 iculfcrciiroliic. 1 her will euro ally
rii-oljt r.i..' lu s.'M nd-ijs, Tho Muni llnoutn 13
clirvi-- l..'t, 3'rh-o 1 . r bni, with full dlrecttnus,
e-dpsn' t.( mi'l fi'x ) 71 outs, e'ftiwiil.'s ilargij
rU'.Sl'C. AlftlllirurWI n-. Stalled nu n-roilit
cl -.. . I.v llirxilAs HICK ,t CJO.,U3liooatci.-fcifit-l,
Hlm loik. ' tr nlarafioo.
PtTrTf Eiistimtly relieved, l.y tbo
l-akrilS "-"of Bllicquccil Jiatico
6ltua:oitt,rjidH2rrR5fS niter several
npplicatioiM of it. gyljij; Solilbyidl
I'.-Uf""! ta, ormailnl on receipt of K'fji
by DUXDAS DICK .t CO.. Jlfg. tSeJaS
Clieinihtu, bo Woobtcr Street, New York.
v'uros iT.thnnt Hodlclno Simply T)J
Aljorpdon. Tlio Only Truo Antidote,
Dr. Ilolmm cmtlonsthnpuMicnafalnst eonn
trrft'lttuitl luillntlttu Tfti.V'cif nil UluJi. In.
sistuiion tho klntl (oarinK tho filtovo llUfnt'i-i
ninl jarievn in-lvato rovonuo sUiup of liolman
Tlilel Iii a trim r.Miioilv wlthnnt ttiMIc ln. Ita
5ii.Hi laahfiM'lioMwonllliroiighoutthoworhl.
iw t'ltrra 01 .Timarin, l'Tvi-rw,
(. Uillst, l!tlloti.iicN, Mvrr 'mplulntt
.ul ,tirt.u(c stotiiiH'li IJInimimsJ", it la
.1 lipceaisiry t goUhoUL.NL'LM. JLulnuni'.H
iaJ. Jtiu'Vr falR
Holuian'M 1'iuX ((jt'iiulnc) Ih soM yuppI8t9.
It hi douM nbout tho pciiuinpnoFH or l'ada
oilYrf.l, cnclo.o j3 In rt-jrlsterod lotti-r to ua
ana rt-CLMVoint) lcmmiy uyri'iurn iuiii.vobl-l-iilil.
(ir wrltu for Xreo treatise. If severely
all! U-to I with chronic ailments, tlencribtj erujp
tun H tun. Dr. ltulmati'H Aihlruli. ciuTId.
Vi WlULuu fcurcct, Kuw Vor&-
nml ttt 1 nctH Inntan
1511001141, j)roluciii
tlio inoblnatural sliadu
of lilack or Itrowiudoea
I D10T Anno A'01,ot'M'nm 111,1 H-kin;eaal-ttlOlAUUKU
0 ly npi.lW-cl. Astandard
I'rt'i'arauon ; lavorno
ujinu sjery well ttp
pointed toilet for latly
or gentleman. Sill lijr
All driitriflNtt mid ai-
I'UpA Vttii Ji-ur drcatjoru. J. CltLSTADoito.
r new lorit.
I. rctnlnfO hy tlm V'iiU'stfilonmcIi
itt I'rcn trikin lliiplt'lisiiiil 'I'lihif
It cures t'omMin;.oif to1i.f AbIIiihi,
J(roiioAit( Jinuciutlun, Cauuht Coltl, llent
orrliaoa bdJ ali lung rmd constitutional com
i.ltllnt. Ana Mutl rurlfl'r tlio Carbitcft 0!1 Ii re
m,irUal)ly i-lilcl nU lWusoiiiScrofulouiH Attvction-,
lttii-umiuiitiit, A.C., l flrcinly ri't'omtiiumlcd. lu
rnrlfyliiK rower la wonderful in Couruniitloii
j r.diuR, 1 1 f ruiuciiliy do'i. Uou hi rofulum taint.
It acta upon tlio ratluiitil theory of Hmkihatelt
cQahltUj? it to throw ott tho disciso.
) oidy in wedj.'e--haped bottlert. U'llNon Is
rpellcd with u douMo "sU" Jtemember tho word
'Oi HKfiLATpn' In ordi?rlni from your drugslst, and
lLBidt uu haluff tho riL'M kiod.
S T-. U TUB '
V Eset Salvo In tho 'World.
Qniok nuel Stnrtllu,i Cnroi.
It Heals Witliout a Sour.
" ' AllayuPaln&StojisUloedlnc,
Sootlion a Barn or Soalel.
Heals i Cut IilltoMoglo.
'fL ; DrawsFoUououtotaWonniL
wawes orr without soap.
acts Iiislmt'y cui liio JJajic.
T'l rial. IlliHUiu. Horo Tliroot, l l-r,
Scal.U, CuH, Wuuuili, I ilo.,
H'l f JTB, INUonoei Ht'nft4 "' HI'"".
luul Itrh, ('liiippfl HmiiU, Krula.
I,ti4 bo'f,iUiil wiyiiLiUeveiryotti'ri'Urpufceili,
(,h a lalve or ulutlueint ciel la UiOil. ln
h1. On hollo lUlin llintm7'tl'tU
:v ir pirui.u tut eta lwj4 boi.llol uin.
I ao b.'i illml Jslli-eLure I arad'i, ttA I la clu
1 j vlb I'to tiiO ''tralo-mirU," vllliout
1, 111,1 ,.H p.'iiulm. S atl'. tin yourUrug
.t ui. y 'ill r us'r, o',ovo elos-ribe I,
, a t t CU Slvl-tM1"" t" MHUIKJ.
. tl,
. f.'U MAM'tr.KTritlNf1 CO.
; 8n Indslliblo Ink.
1. .l.,.,...tLnf.jlrnin! lillVaVS lift Oil
C "C re: ,Jy, r prcp.iri(.n icctyu;
I'l l"t Uk"J 'H " ln"irony (ilirlc. nIT
illj I II LO S. M tiyo'llru.'i!i isliook;UU I
t . 'J.- aa4 buuuucn. Oumi-Cuuucu. Cu,N,
C( ' ifi re: .Jy, ro pre-paraleou licdejUi If n'sH
July so, cm.
U.IUTI llnuienui. e.u.iii-A. t.
'1 hee 01.P conroiiATiOKS eero well bposoueil hy aire)
aim rms icaifru ttmi iiueoiicivr je:i iiua it lobt cel.
He'd by any court or law. 1 heir anHotie are. all invent.
CMllnaouusitccuiTUsia&il ares liable) to tliei liaxanl
nr kiaa onlv.
Ii-u...u raoit PTLT and IlONESTLV adlusted and nntrt
as boon as determined by ciiKirruN K. KNArr, brKO-
Tbo people o( Columbia county abouKl rmtronlie,
tbo agency bero loaua It any aro aettled and paid
by one, of Uielr ownutlxena.
l-i.vjuiirtcoii, bvejiit rAiic AJKaurcei
reov, 10, vi.
- - fVA
(auoojinson. to n. v. hobdiws,) DBAiiim. in
rino Hi aiiellt',, V, ..IsIUon, f.lim, U111111, nnel nil lilnitN ol'WIncfi con-
vtnntll on
LniullordH tnoit(;l' out tlio county will find it to their ndvnntagc to
call and cxamino my -lock beforo purcliiieing clsewlicic,
Pvloin fstroot, 2nd
' ' '
In tlio nitinufacturc of Orgtins is rcsulting in tlio production and i?alo
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to be oil'ered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear -at any price- Will you not then, reader,
If you Covntcmplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
styles of th celebri'itd iT.tcy Organs can now hereon at the new rooms
of the Only Au.!.5uzsd Agent foi the Estey Organs in
uoiumDia uonm-y. i yiuuaiiitiu
facturers acwmpnnies every Jstey
Plumber, Vittor, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
AND 11EAI.K11 1U
Shop in 0)wnt House, Cth door ni'r" 'i3"'6"-13"
The Old iCsdBi.!(lBcd Ivsbj; Sterc.
Corner Main and Market Streets
Tlio uuderstgneel liuvrng been In tin) Wilt) I, IN 1,1: Dltt'i: luishie(..s rorttio past cle'pn irnrs wculU
call Uiu utlcuson of Uw public Beini'rully, anil unt'NIltY DKAlXits lu particular, lo
their large awl varlcil slock.
Faint, OSBs, Clsiss, Paefigy, lBalMii
McdicBBics, Apices.
Cannot fo5 GBfi'aaMwe5l aiaywlBcrc,
MiUl'DMEltV, ClOAltS,
IIAIlt llltL'SIHW,
and in fact every thing that should be kept in a complete and well
regulated Drug Store.
They aro the solo Manufactures of tho Celebrated
Dt. W. y B(C(CLEY'S Celedtedmid
The Best Remedies Made.
Highly RcGoxrtmcndccl by Physicians.
oct, n t.-ir
Door below Iron.
ior nve years irom tlio manu
' Icjp'-
BIooKasburg, Fas
1 .
On motion, adjourned,
John K.flnoTH.Fw'j.