THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURd, COLUMBIA JOINT, PA. W- IlitiutuSkn, 0. 2. EI.Wiil.Ii, SJItw. J. s. aiirawsaiiDsa, rauirhw. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Fritl ivy, Ko'pt. 17, 1880. Democratic iNatioiml Ticket, roit vnnsim'.NT, Son. W. S. HANCOCK, 01 PENNSYLVANIA, roit VKK-l'ilK1Iir.NT, Win. H. ENGLISH, OK INDIANA. stay:: Tivnwv. GKOUaK A. JKNKS, Jefferson county. AUDITOR (IKNEUATj, IlOliKUTP. l)i:CLIEUT( IMiila.laiph.H. Counly Tlcliut. IVtM'ONUUESH Dr. 0. A. MEGAUaEIiL, fs-trct to tUe decision of tho Consrentonl Con fore FOU STATIC HKVATK. E. J. McIIKNRY, Subject to tliort'NMiloaoi fie snnilorlal Confrr- CDCO. FOR RErUCSKNTATIVES, T. JEFF. VANDEKSMCE, JOSEPH It. KNtTTLE, FOll DISTRICT ATfORNKV, ItOiiEUr It. LITTLE, Ttie Cbilrman )f tho Ivmt-r-r.iUc County Com mittee reqm&ts each memtxT ot tho st-ancUusr (Join mllteo to mike an apiklntmnt o( a Vigilance t'oin- coDslattojf of atloost two inrmiwrd, (q aJdltlon tu ttw member ot the hlaiidtni: Committee, anil In tho larger ( mty bo ma ys try, und the ii. ember ot tho SuiniitDtf Com milt o win promptly within not more than one week send tho nanvs to the chairman, cms. O. Uamklkv, David Lowf.vbeiu., secretary. Chairman. STANDING COMMITTEE. Post ontco. Reaver Vulley. Benton. P rwlek. Uloomsburg. do Ber ick. Catawl-wa. CentraKa. Lime Kiusje. Central. u AEhtantl. leaver, Jlcnton, Her wick, Rlooraburg E. " V. nrlarrrcek, C'atawi-m, Centralta, Centre, Conyngham N. Flshlngcreek, Franklin, Ureenwood, Hemlock, Jackson, IjOCUSI, Madison. Main, Mttllla, Montour, Mt Pleasant, Orange, Pine. ltoarlnccrect, Scolt East, sott West. Bujfarloaf, J. T.Fox. RohrMcirenm Dr. F. 1. Hill, David I .n wen be re Cliaa. (i Hartley, A. li croup, W. L. Eyeriy, Thomas Kearns T. V. Conner, Tluiin Kaula, Jonn Monroe. Cyrus ii. Aiciienry .Mlllwa'cr, i'aTuwi.ti. EjerCirovc. liuckhorn. Waller. Eli sou rg Jersey town. Malnvllle Jliminvlllo. I (loom-tour;:. Lin hist rect or ani'vlllo. line -"Summit. IOarlngctvek. UjfhtMrcer. Cui3L'sjek. Wni. Ever, Nei h Muwmaker, htlas w. mc Henry A. M. Johnson, Conrad Kreamer, J. . nu-m, Samuel .snyder, Pete r A. Evans, E. UOWPlI, Ja-. U. liarman. John F. Fowler, John.Mourer, John Havatre, Dr. D.T. Krebs, W. A. Kile, Every ballot cast for Hancock will be ono vote nearer n purer government. MllNE! Republicans Defeated by a Majority of 1.000 to 2,000. The Fusion Governor Elected TVv'O OUTOFFIVK COXaKKSSMEN ELEOTUI) 15 V THE AXTI-KHPUB-LIOANS, AND A THIRD ONE CLAIMED. The State election in Maine took place last Monday and resulted in the election of PlaUted. Fusion ciudidate for Governor over Davis republican, by 1,000 to 2,000 majority. The Fusion was made by tho Dem ocrat, and Greenbackcrs to overthrow tho Ecpublicana,aud they succeeded beyond their moat sanguine expectations. Up to Satur day, Blaine, the ablest General of tho op position, claimed the State by 6,000 major ity, but the tide was too strong, and the pres tige of his party has been swept away. Maine has been republican for tho last thirty years with the exception of one year. In 1SG0 it gave a republican majority of 1872 17,000: in. 187C, 15,000. It is a defeat that makes all of the duublful states sure for Hancock in November, It has completely crushed the enthusiasm of the republican party, and from now until the election their fight for supremacy will be only a mero form, Tho latest returns indicate) that Plaisted has a plurality of 800 to 1,000. Tho Legis lature is republican. Blaine is hard at work trying to doctor the returns. , THE TARIFF QUKSTIOX. , We bave been insisting that the question of tarifl is not a national issue, but a matter of purely local interest. Pennsylvania dem ocrats favor a protective tariff, while We tern republicans are in favor of free trade. Bead what a republican correspondent of the Philadelphia J7i- writes from Indian anolis on the subject: "There is no disguising tho fact that tho tendency of all parties in the Western States is to Free Trade. It baa been taught for years by tho Chicago Tribune, the ablest and most largely circulated republican jour nal of the West, and both Indiana and Ill inois would vote for free trade by a two thirds vote if tho naked issue could bo pre sented to them. It Is a popular theory with our agricultural people, and we have no such mining or manufacturing regions as Pennsylvania has to make the tarilfa vital question". The main point made by our local repub lican speech makers is that of tariff. They Insist that tbo Democracy favois frco trade while they aro the only supporters of a pro tective tariff. In ihe face of all these facts such arguments are nonsense, With his usual fairness and courtesy Chairman Lowenberg refrained from calling out any sort of a Democratic demonstration on Tuesday night, over the Maine oloctlona, becauso the republicans bad advertised a meeting for that night, and he did not wish to interfere with them lu any way. Would the republicans show us the same courtesy under similar circumstances. While the Social Science Association Is I n session at Saratoga discussing matters more or less remotely connected with public in terests it would bo well and timely if some distinguished member would read and pre pare a paper called "Ad Examination In'o "the Principal Causes and Probable Results "of the Moral Decline of a Republic to "which ouo President who obtained his of "fico through fraud could possibly be sue "ceedrd by another Proved Guilty of Brlbe "laklng and Perjury.." The subject would be of vita) lmortance and of Immense "con temporary Luman lDtMt.,,""'A'a lori Can anyone namo n prominent American l'i who Is n. member of n free trade clul? The lt-publlcan candidate for Presi dent Is n member ol'lli") Cobdni Frco Trado Club,and yet the organs of that party arolrying to make the peoplo belie. vo tint tho republican party alono f.ivor protection. Who ever heard belnro ol u tarllT parly with n free trada candidate (iraut on Ihe Spirit pen ailing llio South. tub mist witkhm in tub niinmt.icAN PAItTV. (filing In arid reluming from Mexico lmt winter General Grint maili a tour of the Southern Slates, lllsartival In Illinois was emphasized by a speech in which he said : ''It may be appropriate on thli occasion ta refer to my trip through tho Southern States Hud to what I havo seen while travel ing. 1 havo been gratified with my reception in all the recently rebellious states. I passed from Philadelphia to Florida mi my way to Havana, nud on my return came via Texas from Mexico, thus pacing through all the rebellious stale1, anil It will bo agreeablo to nil tn know that Inspitallty was tendered me at every city through which I passed and accepted in nearly all of them by mo. The jfoy floated over ts everywhere, and Ihe eyca of Ihe jiwjite in ''it tlaUt are at familiar teilh it aiyouir, and took upon it a ijiirantceinj to them all the rightt and pririliget of a free people without regard to race, color, or previous con dition cf servitude. In most of the Stales, upon the rticptlon committee .side by side, were the men that wore blue and tho men that woro gray, and reception addresses were made in part by lhoo who woie blue and those who wore gray, lit Awe no reason to doubt that tho'C tc.o Korc the way Kill full fill all they have promised in loyalty to thejlay and the nation, Icehviye. General I? ink, wh'j is stumping in New Jersey for General Hancock, who is a mem ber of tho Houe committee which reported that General Garfield was a knowing and willful participant in the operations of the CrelitMobilier. An lugenlous correspon dent of tho ISoVnn Herald went In quest of General II inks, found him aud plumplv ask ed him why he regarded in ISSOns "free lrom shame and dishonor" the man who in 1S73 ho had officially helped to brand with shame and dishonor. No explanation could be got from General Hanks excepting that he "Jid not care to o into the matter," This was not satisfactory to tho correspon dent of our esteemed contemporary. Hut really what else could behave expected? Of course General Hanks did not "care to go into tho matter." llut it is to bo hoped that whenever General Hanks may appear in New Jersey soino hard-headed citizen will not only "dro In i;o into the matter" but will go into it and insist on a reply. jYtio York World. The liiicksliot War. AN IMnniHTISO HISTORICAL EPISODR Itl OAI.IXD AND AN APPLICATION MADE. To t!io Editor tit Tus Tiim. "Thecominittco appointed to inquire into the causes of tho disturbances at the seat of government in December, 1833," consisted of Mr. Snowden, chairman, Messrs Fien niken,Ttiberts,T. S. Cunningham and Long. Mr. V. K. Hoaz was elected secretary, The committee met on the 14th of March, 1S39. On the 2oth of MarchJMr. Long was excused aud Mr. Zcilin was Mibstituted. A l.irgfe amount of evidence was taken, and the com mittee made its report to the liouse June IS 1839. It was an early attempt to commit an elec tion fraud, and the committee f.und that "tho difficulties which took place at the seat of government on the 4th day of December last, the day appointed for tho meetiug of the Legislature, had their origin in a fraud concocted by certain Federal return judges in the county of Philadelphia, with the ad vico and co-operation of William H, Keed, tho Attorney General of the commonwealth, and John G. Watmough, tho sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia, by which the regularly elected members of the House of Representatives were inlquitously attemp ted to be deprived of their 6eats, a fraud which Thomas II. lturrows, Secretary of State under Governor Itltner, and Thaddeus Stevens, one of his Caual commissioners, and a member of the House iron) Adams county, and the latter by attempting to or ganize the Legislature in a manner unknown to the Constitution and laws." In their report the committee find that fictitious names were placed upon the regis try ; that bribes wero offered aud paid to change tho result; that hordes of individuals under the pretextof being officers to preserve the peace,were employed and stationed near the respective election houses with the view of Intimidating the Democrats from the free exercise of the right of euOrage ; that tick ets were taken from the boxes before Ihe closing of Ihe polls and before the canvass ing took place; that tickets wero thrown Into the boxes and counted which had never been deposited in tho legsl manner, aud ihat false receipts for taxes were manufactured and that other offences of a eiiuiliar nature were committed. General Adam Diller testified . "In con sequence of au alarming report caused by newspaper publications, one of them ncr tho name of Thomas it. Hurrowes, htating that their party should treat the late elrciion as If they had not been defeated, and an other editorial in tho Ilarrisburg Chronicle a Rltner paper, telling the people to if pair to Ilarrisburg on the day of tho meeting of the Legislature to put those eight members from the county nf Philadelphia in their seats if they refmed.peaceably if tlioy could, if not, forcibly," there was likely to be trouble at the meeting of tho Legislature. Tho address of Thomas . Hurrowes, chair man of the Slate committee, "To the friends of Joseph Hitner," contains this sentence : "Let us treat the ehction of the ninth instant as f we hud not been defeated and in that attitude abide the result. Governor Rltner called out the military and put thorn under the command of Mijor Robert Patterson, lie saw at onco there was no necssily for such a display, tnd so reported to tho Governor. Rltner re lined to discharge them, aud directed the General to undertake to preserve the public peace. And ou the lOtli December, 1838, General Patterson felt hlinsolt constrained to give Governor Rltner a bit of Information and advice as follows: "Allow me respectfully to state that mere violations of the 'punllc peace' should be prevented or punished by the civil authorities, and unti it is ascertain ed that they are unable tn accomplish those objects the military should not be called on to perfjrm those duties. It is hardly nero-e-ary to say that, as commanding officer of the division, I shall meet aM questions in the line of my duty with promptness." Thus we see In this very short absiract of a phamnblet ot iu.1 pages, now history, civil and mililary, repeats itself, Here we see the b'lrlnuii e ot the Davennnrts aud Mouatts iu the tVatinoughs and Reeds of forty years ago; now a weaic government bought to plunpe the Slsle into anarchy and bloodshed, and was restrained and prevected bvacooland clear-beaded mililary officer. one who knew bis duty ai such, and yet do termlned tout tne eivn law must ue superior to the roilltarr.tnd "that mere violations of the public peace" were within the duties of the civil authorities. John U. FroMA. ftloomgburgi IV, Aug. IS, )Sdu. I Has anybody heard of John Cessna and his canal boats within the last few days? Wo advise him to keep tbrm in trim until tho 2nd of November. They will be handy for tbo navigation of Salt ltlvcr. VASIII.(1T(IN' I.HT ll'.lt. Washington, Ii. U. Sep. l-llli, 1SS0. tiii: iir.nmi.ioANs have oAiTimim Tiir.tu HOLLAND WANt(l HKLATIVT. INKMC i'.nci: or hadical new ench.ami. WIIA r (1KNEIIAL WALKER PAYS OF SOtnllEKN CENSUS l!l TURNS, Republicans hero are shouting them- aslves hosrso because, forsooth, they have carried Vermont; a State that was a fully concede! to them nswas over Holland to tho Dutch. Vermont has (jono Rcpubll coil Vetmonl wa, is, nnd will bo Repub lican! Let her hayo her pitiful quota in the electoral college and make tbo mrut of It. Hut let that prejnjiidlceil, liale- bound, Ignoraut brako on the ringing wheels of tho Unhra s progress read a lesson lu tho signs of the times und tho signs ol tho census. Tho wonderful incteaso In the population In the fcoulh and West Is the doom of New England's sinister Influence, l'hodo Iland, Vermont, aud Mas'achusctls will never after tho reapportionment un dcr the present census havo tho influence thoy onco wielded. Millionaire factors will contluuo to bulldoze nud drivo their white operatives liko cattle to tho polls, but their pernicious vote will never sgain havo ils old inllucuce In the great plcbhcitum of n nation fifty million slrong. The alarm of Rcpubli can domax 'gues aud office holders at the In creased population nnd prosperity of the South shows hotT well they know Its politi cal aud potential stgnlficnnc. They have raised the abiurd cry of fraud In the census enumeration. General Francis A. Walker, superintendent of tho c-nsu, recently said referring to the statements of an cxaggcrat' edcenus iu the south: "The RepuLllcm pa prs aie devoting a great portion of their pace to what they are pleas 1 to desigtato a fraudulent census in tho South, based ou discrepancies existing botween a report of 1S70, and tho present on, in certain conn ties I11S311U1 Carolina nnd Mississippi, I can see nothing tangible in such allegations, but shall investigate them thoroughly. The marked iucreaso in thoeo districts can read! ly be accounti d for. Since 1S70 thousands have emigrated to those sec'ions, and the natural increase in population has been con sidcrablo. The census of 1870 in the Santh was inoC' urate. Thcu I did mt have the appointing of the enumerators. In tho main, the cnu merntors were United States mashals, north ern men, unacquainted with the country and ignorant, incompetent colored men. They were entirely independent ot me, and I had uocoutrol of their work. This ceusiis has been entirely different, nnd is just about perfect. It it Is not it will be mado so at the earliest possible moment. I shall make an investigation by means of cards of tho three last censuses, a'ld families ciu bj traced without any considerable effort. The cen sus of 1870 was incorrect as the iuvestlga tion will show, Hilton. Headquarters llennbllrau Soldiers nml Sailors of the bate War. no. 702 r:nr.rsur street (room no. IS.) PHILADELPHIA, SEPTEMBER 1st 1SS0. Whereas, General John F. Hartranft, Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, etc., has issued a paper to the veteran soldiers of the latj war, which we cannot indorse ; and Whereas, Wo believe in tho statesman ship, honest" a priceless virtue at this lime aud soldier qualities of General Win- field s. Hancock ; and Whereas, The soldier has been practl rally ignored, by the party in power, iu all positions of trust and profit ; therefore Itesolved, That wo feel that it is time there was a change in the administration of public aflurs. That the leaders of tho re publican party seem to ciro no moro for the services of tbo soldiers, than to foist them selves into office. Jlesolved, That we indorse the nomination of G.-Mieral Winfield S, Hancock, of Pennsyl vania, soldier candidate for President of the United S'ates, and .1 statesman whose nbili ties and patriotism have been tried in the field as in civil administration ; a man who moved forward upou the enemy wherever he found them, tho bright record of whese military aud private life remains to day as unsullied as when he entered upon it; a man of distinguished abilities and attain ments, whoso qualities admirably fit him for the high position for which be has been nominated, and into which the country should place bim. Jlesolved, That in Hon. Wm.H. English, of Indiana, the caudidate fur tho vice-Presidency, we find a Christian gentleman whose administrative powers have been shown in many positions of honor aud trust, earnest in his support of tho great armies which wero in the Held fnimUStll w IROj.capable 0! discharging with judgnunt, learning and skill, the duties of which may fall upon him or pertaining to thi office for waich he is nominated. Jlesulveil, That wo ask the soldiers of the country to fall iutollno and advance to the supp.irt of General Hancock for the Presi dency. Itesolved, That the Executive Committee be dirtcttd to prepare this club for an active aud vigorous campaign, and that all honor ably dbcharged soldiers or sailors are cordi ally invited to partieipat with uh, and that our club room, No. IS, at No. 702 Chestnut Street, bo open at all times fr their re ception, At a stated meeting of the Uanoick Re publican Suldler, the above preamble and resolutions were offered by Comrade George II. Lout, and unanimoutly udopttd, JaCOJI I'.llNEIt, JoiinC. Dobleman Secretary. President, A goo I business opening. The Union Cen tral I.ifo Imuran 0 Company, of Ohio, drslres to O'taljIUh a Goneral Agency for this eccllen uf Pennsylvania. Ils assets eioeed $1,500,000, 00, wilh a Iiuko surplus, and has for many years secured the largtst amount of new busi ness in Ohio of any one company In the United Slates, Its interest receipts exceed ils death losses, matured endowments, taxes and commissions paid lo sgi nts. Its able man agement is further illustrated by the the fact that its ralo of csses nnd expenses to ils pre mium Income for the yesr 1879, according lo the New York official reports, is lower than that cf any oiler company. It issues endow ment policies at life rates, which are nonforfeit able without aurrender and incontestlble afier three annus! payments. It is governed by the Insurance laws of Ohio, which are now tho most stringent for Ihe protection of policy hold, ers of any in the Union. They lequlre a four per cent, rerervo fund invested in unquestioned securities, which the Superintendent of Insur ance is required to examinei TLe business of Life Insurance is now rapidly increasing, end men pocsipg first class business ability an I character, who desire a general agency for this sterling company will do well to addreei George Thornton, Maptgcr, Room S3 Astor House Of Opes, Uew Yoik, tUtlng in fall, age, put eipc jlmcein )if tnwirance or lr,ir business, tal arlet meivrd and tofef tnot. Cbmmor,ealth lit. Qrover and Oriasy, Suptnisors Mifflin tovmship. Que tried Vibntary Term 1850 ecnJin( tcnlenecd September JViti, 1830. CltAIUli: Of II IK COURT. Gextlemen op the Jury! It Is tho duty of mpervisors not only lo keep In suitable rc pslr highways which are nlreidy opened, but to o,ii'n llmie which are laid o il nceordlng to law. If they neglect this duty, they aro liable) lo In dictment for niimteina.inor, tho object lioing nomdlraes (as appirinlly in this cise) not so much to punish the officer as lo ascertain and permanently establish facts and rights in a dis puted muter. The citizens in tho Immediate vicinity of the roids deseribul in this Indictment Insist that koiiip share of iho township taxes shall he ap plied lo pulling those roids In proper condition, whleh tbry allege 1ms not been done. On the o.her hand, tho residents of tho township nut flile of llio villago seem to think that tho vil lagers are exlravacsnt in their demand nnd ouiht to lake care of their streets nt their own expense. You aro not to take sides In this controversy. Tin' villnjo should not ask more attention to its streets than properly belongs to them, but u thickly settled may need more nnd per haps better settled streets than a rural district dies, and, If ils streets are lgil highways ills entitled In have them opened and inninttincd. The first qtiest'on in the case, therefore, is whotlur the streets in regard lo the condition of which complaint Is tmde are highways; for. If they are not, then the township officers have no right to expend tho public money upon them. An owner of land may give a portion to tho public fjr 1 road, which, if accepted and used by them, becomss a highway by dedication. A road used as a public thorough fire for Iwenlj one years becomes a highway by presrrlpiion. The most goneral method of dentins a high way is by n view appointed by the court, but ihere is still another way, and that Is by an Act of As e'nbly. Formerly, many highways Here erected In lint way, stite-roads as they wero calbd. The Stito has, in all the land cf the Commoiiwea'lh, a sovereign riht lo lake pri vate properly (upon due compensation) for public use, calltd the right of eminent domain, and, whenever au act of assembly di ects that a particular roid shall be recognized as n pub lic way, it becomes a highway and remains 11 highway until tho act be lepcaled or the road vacatcl by competent authority. These bein the gmenl principles, their ap plication to the present cao is not difficult. On March ill, 1S30, tho legislature passwl a law, which was approved by the Governor and found its way on the s'nlute book, declaring Third and Fourth streets in the town of Mifflin burg (now called Milllinville) in Columbia county, public highways, to be opened and maintained as other highways of the Common wealth. It is forty-four years since tho passage of that lsw,and the s'reetsdesignated Third and courtli have been known and usl as such during all that period. The length of lime has been sufh cient of itself, without au act of assembly, to make these two streets public highways by pre ecription. They had their crigin, probably, in some laying out of iho town before the net of 1S30, of which plot or plan we have no special evidence, except a map of 1793, showing the fnct that a town had been laid out. Adopting the plan of that town, the legislature eaid that the streets therein laid out should be public highways. They have been to used from that lime down. -'e therefore have no hesitancy in saying to you that Third and Fourth streets in Ihe town of Milllinville iro public highways. The next question is whether the defendants here have nelectd their duty to keep these streets (or either of them) in reasonably good repair. A road may bo laid out two rods wide, but it is not customary to make the road in all places to that every fool of the two rods wide can be traveled, but tho road must be o made lhatnt any point and all points il can be safely passed over by night as well as by day. A road in a town or city may require a larger outlay than a country road. In this case, from 1S30, to tho time of this complaint, nothing had Wen done by the au ivrvi-ors to these ro ids, except to throw out the stones. For this neglect on the part of their predecessors, the present supervisors nre not responsible, but did they, from the time they .wre inducted into office down to Ihe lime of the bringing of this complaint certified by the constable, do all that in reason they ought to have done? Did they exercise a sound discre tion in leaving things in Ihe condition in which ihty were left? Was the flooding of ihose streets such n ihingas they were justified in permitting? Was the expense of putting them in order so great that they ought not to have incurred il? Was the accumulation of waler about he school house suoh as should havo attracted Iheir attention and should have been guarded against? In short, wero the circumslanecs fch as required something to be done, or were they not? A street that few people use may bo left in a different condition from ono that is traveled by the public generally. Nevertheless, if It is a public highway, the supervisors are bound to keep it in repair, nnd if the water cai be carriod off the streets at no great expense, it 1 for you to fay whether that ought not lo bo done for the convenience and health of the community. If all Ins been done on the streets that the township ought to do, then of course the defendants are not guilty, If one has been negligent and the other not, you may find one guilty and tho other not guilty. Supervisors are supposed to know about the condition of tb roads in tholr oharge; at all events they should Inform them'clvcs. Then) being no In dividual prosecutor in this case, if you arquit, the county must pay the costn, unless you lm pose them upon the defendants one or both, If you convict both or eithtr of them you have nothing to do with the costs. The verdict wjs guilty in manner and form as they stand indicted, SENTENCE, In the sentence Iho Court reaffirmed the doc trine of th) charge, nnd said that supervisors could not .by any arrangement for division of roads between themselves shirk accountability, but tint each Is responsible for tho whole terri tory for the supervision of whlchho waselected, and Is bound to open and work all lawful high ways no matter how much previously neglected. In view of all the circumstances of thia case, the Court imposed a fine of only ono dollar each, and the costs, Agents aud Canvassers make from $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E.G. Ride out & Co., 10 Barclay street.New York. Send for their catalogue and term9, sep.lO80-ly Poor Weavor I As the Greenback candi date for President, be went to Maine to help tho Republicans. He tried to prevent the Grcenbackers from voting the Fusion ticket, He urged them not do to anything that would give aid and comfort to the Demo cracy, llut they would not listen to hi 111, Poor Weaver I He is more ridiculous than ever. A. 1 . bun. It should be the aim of every owner of Horses,0ows,j:c.,to make them as handsome and Useful as possible. The German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. It Improves its beau ty and Increases its usefulness. It makes milk, niucle and fat. Dy using It a hore will do more work and a cow give more milk and be In better condition with less feed. Said only by weight at IS cents a pound by O. A, Klelni, Illooinsburg. Ieo 1.8, TO-iy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N joncn of iNtjuusr. tsriTKOF a. 3. 1 110BNT01, nrcsssvt). COLVM1IIA COUXTY, SSi Tho 1 Commonwealth of I'ennsrtvanla to Cateti liar ton, .t.unes Hnrton, Kit linrton. Rsa'Iun, tnanleilto L. n. It iin rt. .Mnry II., nmnled P. Eilss Wutiflei.l.all, ntJreF.i, Iilooinsburi,-, rn., JLilllUi, il,im;Mr i.f IINIm 11. ilnrrin, iinrasc.1, now luairlnl tn .1. H. 1 ?,.mis, iittdri'hs, Aulcnuiu. I. ureinc eouiitv, 1 anrt Alice, nuiiw ot .lolin, aJrtress, llfooiu tmtjr.r.1, MoirlsC. Moan. ( Ii hIi-r V. Hlonn, Saiah i-umu, TianiM i'., wiiijv, or iiieinas liisiiiun, au ilri -js hiooiustniri;, rn., .Miles ti. nulth, lluookcn, s. J., Jsin ") Nrolm, .Dellviile, luo, HnatU.', Imr I eel to K. V. I.uiz. imii .'cir, I , , LU In eirun, manic il tn . Morr, leure&tm, Ohio, t out nireii, niarr cl to r'tiort M.'urli-n, KitteiiDi, OI.Ij, liartoa tin . u u il Milium (Siren, t'Dinnutli liueklanl county. Olilo, Km lytir'n, tnatrtcil to P-asc Zullel:, ott ruanui, I'hlo tsallloAnn (inen, clicr asi-il, I" - Ilorne, leaving btlrs, .Mr Kinllj l'o uinl tlenn-o llopne, ot Al.'ilo, Mercer cuciy, ilJIi.ois. Mi. liuy finlrii Aleiio, lecrr c.M.nty, 111,, Mrs. Amttnia Orei'nly, Wtciintn, Kitnsis, w M, T wii- l'i Ity ,'i, i fcmonr. limine eo., Neit-.Wii'.Iitntrron II oii',Ak"l i, M"-r enimtv, ill, Urn, hurtu-u to Lurm, Mh 'by. Ohio, V. M.Hwmtoo, rti. lii-, .V ,ur m . Thornton, lunsiue, I'.i., .Tnmi-s ''Imrntui, llio unsbiiig, 1M . lliiianna, marrli it to a. v.. Kilc ir, am Kniiicisco, callfoi nl i, tsamntitlia Kil'nr, lv u, III., Utlllatii Wr.lltrv IViunan, Miivnari. Lnox cot'ii ty. 111., William Thornton, Maneli e'lmnv, l'n.. .il ent'no Thornton, ivru, III., .Mines T hoi i, Ion. Wil liam port, I'n., h'Uuhctti dmiles. Loour-ort, t'h -fes Arm.tron!j, IeKpori, Nlnrrat.i ,'o. N.!,, W. Ihornioii, stlflersbur. Mi tvi r count ; 111., Mrs. Sjrali lil-il.Mt. 1 lea-ant, lo , .vr lnvi nn il.iteiiliui h Mt. I'leasanr, Iuwn. Mi .. Itachcl it It's, .Mt. Pleasant, lotva. .luckson i tiuinton, H., Mury Ihornton.uiarrli'ilto lillin' llneui ikso'ii'1-ant- ot E. J, Thornton, il" 'olio,!, nnd m nil irt-- t 3 Inttrcsted, (in-etlom lou iir- hcieby cited tolio nnd nppoar beforo tlie.Tudijcsot our orphans' I'ouit ntnn tuplinib' Court, tohelit at llloomsourir on the Ilrst day of lieecmU r next, then end there to nc.vpt or r'rusi' to tul;o tho real estnto ot said K. .1, T hor i ton,dici"tscd, at tut urpial-ed uiluatlun outupin Itlii Ihe Inquest duly nuimted by the said Cumt. andrrtmiK',1 by thi Shfrirr. And lieri'nf fall nut. Witness tho Honorable William Kiwi II, l'n sldi-nt of our mm Court, tho lenth day of 'September, A. I)., ono thousand i lght hundred nud eighty, VM, KIIICKIUUM, 0. M. t'l-ict. Clerk (). C. Deputy. (Sept. 17, 'cu-tf JgXKCinOR'.S NOl'lCK. ESTATK OK JOSEl'I! l01IR, PECEASt'D. Iettirs testnmentary on tho estate of Jeerili I'ohe, lalo or Cenlro township Columbia eot'u ty, reiinslTan!a, tleccaspd, h.cvo been prat, Ml bv the ltpi:i3t"e ot said county to Mcphen I'oho nuJ .loftu Wolf Utecuion. All pTMti bavins claims (iKiitnst, tint csuto of s.tld dece- di nt. lire rtutirsli-1 in rrosrnt th,,in for i-Mtt'-'riii uf. and thoso liiili'bti'd to iho reintn to rnuke F'Uwnt co cno unaersiL'ueu Executors, w it none, ueia . . STiirilKV 1'OIIK, .1011 N WOLV, Eep. II, lso ow Lieeutors, ALESMEN WAlTrFlpi flOOll M EN s-' UiJ.SJia iu niua iie-.s.i U'MAlCSTO DKAliKliS. 21 n tz A Mou'li nnd expenses. err THIS NOTICE HIT ind Bend It with vournnnlicatlor F.U30 teud a scKlnmn folnsiin! f answer, s FOvri:u to., i uncinmui, omo. pop. IT, 'so-tm nl MTtANOr. HUT WONMIIirULLY Tnuu. When Dr. Ilriggs with con.-einus pride, And earnest zeal his mind applied, The science deep to open wide, Of soothing and of healing, He took of m.iuy substances knowu That would heal or still a groan, And soon composed by skill alouo His miraculous llunloo li.iUani, Tormented with Bunion, Corn or ltrui-e, Thousands of sufferers heard the news, The remedy that meets the views Is Dr. Iiripgs' Bunion JUKim. Sold by C. A. Kleiin, Illooinsburg, Pa. A Word to the Wise. Try Dr. Josiah Briggs' Catarrh specifies on following condi tions: We will pay f 100 for a case they will not cure; $100 fur their equal asa cure; jflOO if anything poisouotis is found in them,and $1,000 if in any respect they are different from representation. Sold by U A. Kleiin, Bloomsburg, Pa. t!A'-' From a Cclibratcd 1'hysleian of Ilarris burg, Pa. Dr. Jo-iah Brigg, Dear Sir: Somofour months since a lady "applied tome for something to relieve the puinof a trouble some bunion and a festered corn, and having heard your Bunion Balsam highly spoken of, I directed her to call on your agent J H. Boher, and get u box. She "did so, and now informs me tho cure is complete, she having suffered no pain aftpr the first application. Belioing Briggs' Bunion Balsam of great valuo to those who suffer from corns, bun ions, &c, I unhesitatingly recommend it to the people of tho country. Sold by C. A. Kleiin, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oitarrh that loathsome disease, h&. scourge of humanity, which destroys mill.ins of peo ple annually, is speedily and radically cured with Dr. Joslah Brigm' Catarrh Specifics. Sold by C. A. Kleiin, Bloomsburg, Pa. Mr, Asa M. Sloan, of Innton, K. ,., says I would pay $100 for ouo bottlo of Tamarack Liver and Kidnev Remedy, if I could not get it without. It has cured me of gravel and inflammation nf the jirostrate gland, weak back and general debility. Sold by C. A. Kleim. Bloorasburir. Pa. Dr. Josiah Uriggs' liunion Italian is the climax oi meuicai science, the only tliicov ery on earth that will radically nnd perma nently cure these troublesome and painful torments, whose throbbing pains and un sightly protrusions is a source of untold mis sery. Bunion Balsam also cures hard nod oft corns, Bore insteps, Ac. Silver Corn- Plaster is a model of excellence. Deodori zing Foot Lotion is a boon to sweaty feet, and dispels the offensive odor from theni. Radical cure for ingrowing nails is the won der ot ttie world. It blood and corruption gushes from tho sides of the toe at every Btep the radical cure for ingrowing nails gives instnnt rel'ef, and the severest caes are cured tn ten days, cold bjL. A. Kiel Bloomsburc. IV. Sick,Xereousor llillious Headache. Mil lions suffer this most universal nfilictiou of the human race; all classes are troubled. Tho head never aches when the various or gans are working in harmony wi'h nature. There can be no headache It the human ma chinery is in a healthy condition. Briggs Allevantor is reliable for headache and neu ralgia; never fails. Sold by C. A. ICleim, Bloomsburg. Pa. Sound the liugle. Herald the tidiugs ol tue glorious victory, ine day ol miienng from Internal Uleec'linn. External and Itch ing Piles is past. Dr. Josiah Briggs' Com bination rile Kennedies are in every respect reliable for the curof hemorrhoids.or piles, nsuiaano arid pni'iaiapxus, am, xc t'rlce fl Sold by O. A. Kleim, Illooinsburg, Pa. arm i3, 'ou-ly DMINISTKATOIt'S NOTICE. ESTATE Of EUSIU HOBBIKS, DECEASED. Letters of Administration on thoestatoof Ellsha noouins, tuio oc jacKson cowat.tiin. Columbia en., 1'enrra.. dt'Ceesed. litivci bon eranlcd bv tint UplMh. terofsalct tho lui(Uislti(il AdmUiUlralnrs. All persons having elalinsacalnsttlieesia'eof Hie uecouent itrct reqiiiiHieii to i,rvneni int-m iorselllu rnoot. and thosu Indebted to Ihe estate tu make oav. moat to the, undcrslifned AtlmUilstrators without uciay, EZEKIEL FlilTZ, W. 1". ItcmillNS, Administrators, Aug. 13, "so-ew" Waller's 1. o Columbia Co, PENSIONS. EVEKY SOLD! Kit dh-ablcd in line of duty bv wound, dlstn-M or injury, ispnlltled to pension. I'KNs IONS iNCi(KAWhl) Munv aij driiwIiiL' Ipsm thauentltlod lo. Thousandu cr IK lis tnlltli-d to reofelon and Ho nty. J(EJKC1T.U -IJASES ro-opened. clmrircB (jijtaii ed. Claims ol aery dtjacrljitlon rro- Address wirn stamp, II. H. UKItLIN CO., Attornpys, tept. 10, su-cia wicu toox tn WabUtDgton.D, C. AGENTS WANTED tlnjf AlttdiliiH fTfr iDveule.t. HI knit a pair ot HovtltiBi, wlib IIKKIj and 'i'OU coiuiilelis la ID nilauiei It w III aUq knit a great . aritry ot tacj- work for Whkh lUere Id tlua; let) lUere i alw ays o rea-iy markci. tieud ftiiil It-rm totbe Twutut'lr KnlttlHtf i'ir rirruiar ana LmvUiu Co, brpi, lu, 'e4.'4in If you area a man V I fir All I flf f.UMlnilMlt.WtsAk en-ixj by ths btraln of joar dutlrg avola atluulantiand u ' Ui-toilUi ore riu lUkfiii wont, to rv- Iwattto, u Hop B HOD utixe r. If you are youn(T and dlcrUon r distil rlwi or ninifla. old vr iioor Loaltb vr taiiiuUb ! do, rvijr 4 Hop I lunennif Trom any in. Ifntf on a tod of aick miT-sra . TiiouiiaikU ou an thai four yiWm t cxla stitNtiiatnir, tun h.n.ritr TDU I i d!oa' tlliGl?!? att or Kiimuiauutr, without intoxieutitiij, I by timely uwof tlK HOD Bitters ITaTayoarfK. D. I. O. or unnarycuitv jJaint, (tut-a-M of llio iiVmuca, iHiuvtt, blooJ, Uvr or nmw t Vna will be la an abauluU and LrtWitt Llu aura fur drunk wmeii, UMOf UljllUfl, tobaeooi or cured if touum Hop Bittort t,") lfToaaraln l4j ek aud Itt It may nvo your life It hat aavod riun nor armu rro co, lsUwll,T. 4TwU,CjfaL areas 2 AlTT7Af Norphlne llaMl cured In It) oto 11 lUtU tUju. o pay HU Cured. Dr. J. Ki. if Iinxa, XbUituOfi, O. tJtxxj hprtli.v,., of the tm ar ever Mil br Ms wtttlu BKty nsteitts to ttcry one Who answers! . ....., ...i . i,ti tnf.j1 cel.. ul 9, vo-am wJtcij city Ml'h, Mass. CAill'AlGN SONGSTKirs " for both IIIAVCOCK and IIMIKIKMI ''I'V';?..!:" ready. Kaeh upli'S, S.Iilleil, M'ilM; ' MiikIi' nnd Words The irry I artreat ntid Ih "t in the Held, and tbo Chenri'St, Hiirnnh a mailt "1 on rP,V of prle, 1'"f. retell, ilrnnd chaiiro for Airi'ii'nnu Clubs, -rtrms liberal. Por i nrtleu lars, ni . rem .UNION lKMil" CO., IS'!, .tnviio St., I'lilla. sptmiw u Howall & Go's. HCivc'ii. Titr. IIONANZA 1011 HOOK oKnu Is selling our two splendidly tllustrnted books.I.lfoct GEN. HANCOOKS: roilSKV, (an author of national fume), liluhlyen ilorspd hy on. llnncwK, the party loaders, and I'ressi also Life ot O N. GAKFlliLDSrS fi It nd Hen. .IAS S. 1111'fHtN, (nn m h; r ( f c; Wu ee lcbrltj), also uroDKls rudorrcd, Jinlhonictal, 1m ini'ii.ely l-op'ilar, solllnir over li.otsi a week I I Aitonta nmkliii? lo a dart outnts, soc. each, lor biist bonks and terms, address quick, IILIIIIAI.I) Iiltoi., l'hlK., rn. r tepujo iw AtvvivA YKAlt ana eirensc-i tn JIIW.'' S7 ontntrreo. Addruns I', o. Yinil'l'Y, tpt I I Auifiutn, Maine. r tcp. 10 4w A Kit I'll, tn Hnriinii Hiri'.-t. Nfwork.ean i tit-i lo irn tho rxaet co't ot any propnsi'd linn of U Vi:it'llsi:;a In American ticnapapeiR. SJIIMI I'ltRC l-ntiiplilrl IUf. r nvjiL. i'J-.'i THE V3GT0R Doublo Hullor Clovor Machine UlU W'tU'-IlltathMrvrt 10) tubs-it Ol rrrd lTiyi In wm d frs,n 4mp "ml Un iWwn An-rWiUnrnl 1 Uitten4b Md. Farmers Report On Clover Hnllers. LUiitiNfii:, t.a.;ka..ik Co.. Ind.. May 27 Vi. lti-n .rl (,f n ititrit IVitnmtl tf o iilinollilfd 1)V tllO AC- rlciucuial sA'Ht f M. Jocph vouwU , Mlrhlirnn, and f lUrwritrc couMv, to Ut.f t lie ivlmlvn tnerlts ul thf Vu-t r i Mvi-r Hull p or lino rat 'jvn, Md andnf tu. ntr i Mtuilf irt .Ital' r, t'lf vcr Hullor, U soulli Iltinrl. Irtl : iifkkai it tn- M. Jo'ori. ''ounty, Mtchltfi n, tulr in ia at k I'liirt w,t n ini' hist uhj vi way, i-ci, mm n o?r c -fiU wftA cntert-d Into by tlm dint'ient mucUni'-t ti lim a trlalof thtlr merits at tho Lit tlnintri1 ( iunt Tnlr. onllmn-tlnv JfavffT. a Joint 'oimnltl ce, wa formed consist Inj? ol tlvc lrom curh (l 'I! iwo rimiiiif'S, aim uvm suruiriitt lu'bu:i). Th" 'ommlttft1. In pursuance of tlio unrocniont, sf iu a to hur.vj load3 oIrlorr, tvU'cH had n'uu stncKr1 lvi winters, and t-rounut them nn thf LTniintt. nn I flpti-rinlnctl thate.vh inarhlhe should tluc hone load, an 1 men each ro-threMi tho st raw which hid been run tur. ucuino otiier ma chlDC. ncc inline to nsrrceri.ent. At tlia conclusloa of the trial tho commlttco re paired to Agricultural Hail, and, alter duo delibera tion, unanimously decided In ftivorcftho Vicroit rOlt 11 All IK I l .M) LAUJiMU.'SCli Ul'HlUih The lllrdil. from 1.339 rounds straw thrctiert T, nound-i st-cd,lti iiliryoiniatitity olch.tlf.the vu t( r'J iiuiinus ti s'law iim-Muu 'iiumii sced.rnixcdwltlialeMriuantitvof charr, The tlinc occupied in threMif n j by the lctor vai eum tniu uis lui-s than tint ccetinled bv tho lJlrdscU. tnn thcsrr-twof thu Victor the lHidscll machine tlmth edtwo pounds ot ami; fruni thu Mraw nfthclilrd Rhell tho Victor threshed ttirht rounds of seed. Tho ttino occupied by tho Victor in tnU rtthreshlnff v s seven miuuici icss man uiai uccupien uy inu jnriisL'u. These machines wero both run by Unwell enclno. u-ed essentially tho same amount of power. Mgued by Committee. K., chairnim, Lanrange, Ind. J, II. tiardner, sec'y uentrevllle, Mich, .tumcs Kichards, Centreline Mich. .Mordonsabln, Centrevllle. Mich amucl Kranklsh, centreMHe, Mich', L. M. Wondworth, Latiranpe, Ind. James ClUtfslon, I a(ranpu, Ind. Arad Lonipraan, Ladranpe, Ind, J. 12. Uouk. Launmire. Ind. Circulars of tho victuk bent postago prepaid on Ul'PJItVtlllUU. HaqerslouniAgl. Imp. ManfCo. Il.e!i:ilsTOV.N 3Ii1. Aug. !7, W) J-w HiCO THE DAVIS ONE THOUSAND I l.OOO) DOLLARS 1'KE.MIU.M otIVred lo ANY 1'EitSnN that will ilo as OltEAT A KAN'GE OK W011K on A.N'Y OTUEll M A ( MINE. WHAT '1 HE M1W DAVIS VERTIC kl JED Will do without basliny. irvtll make wide hem on st-.eets, ,te.. Iiera all m.nirierofbirty weolen troods, as -nrt meiicn, crape, ur puods difficult let hem on oilier muddies. It maKrs a more eiasi ic si iccn 111.111 an) ot nor uiaeiilne, It 111 turn a hem and put In plplntf at fume time It will turn a hem, sew braid cm the light side and btttclion tilmmtng at one cperat on. It will do f. nice bias or straight, either on cotton It 111 fell across seams on any goods. I Will lllr.ll TL Ttrlt.4 f Mt.t anil tn,,- r. either stlth or without show leg stitches; bind Ures Ciood3 nlth the same material, elihcrtcallops.itoliits, squares or straight. 'I ho onl) machine that wftt bind Hula, cloaks, or other articles with Was, satin or nun., liuill fllll, Ilit llt-HlU WlUin, , ItllOUt DOSllng, It will gather wtth or w lthout setlng on. Itwlllgathcr between two pieces and sow on at thosamo time, II will make a runie and stitch a plUosv slip on to ,uviu,n, itiu .amciujw, . It will shirr any kind or gcods. 1 1 will make plaited trimming either with or with out sewing it on. It win make plaited trimming cither scallaped or Straight and Sfr n ntn'nc nn ,i, .1..',.. i. will make knife platting. J. ESALTZKlt.Geii'l Agent, Uloom.b'Jrg. I'n. net. 3, 70-ly. Dauchy & Co'a. Advt'a. AliENIs tsKe your choice arid sell the life cf GARFIELD g 1IAi''00K adq coin m orcy. circulars ard iciin-? froc. Outfit 50 v to ' , ' f-A-i.i uu iiioauwaj-, sew VorK Do not confound this Matchless Ilenevolor ot Fet-bld and exhausted Constitutions Uh rtolent cuiuartlcs, clienpdtcoctlonsof silo drugs and ruin lou jntoxlcants liuioeentlylabfled "Mtur." Malt bi-iih ,u ,,ki,.uuii iuuiiiu'iico uc-causo t,re. pared frcra unleimi nud ttinlr. HonH nn.t ,i..inin7. tend other pieclous U.grcrilt-nls,ac cording to the prol cesrof Llebig, ard aie richer Inthe elcnitnts fhat resioru 10 ptriuiti.eni,ntain inpsseak.f'oiivalercent Consumiitlvi', user-worked, Neivous, Mrepieu Ins. peptic. II tllliiiis. and , 1, kle lit ,n in. n,,, ,.n ,i, er forms of Mall or Medicine. Tlio genuine aro aug ios.'.v d ni?fJ A VsJ.4tltrs,Mittrass,oc,coupler H VA l i 1 cJVox c clttto Si Vox Ilumaia. nlniriit. t-'rui. il,lr,..u t i,,iui t. n. .... I . y ut SS; N.J."' aug iA?. flltliATlNT Itt'HIl e,er kiiumi! i(l,)ltO! j la Thirty Days, and so.uoo Moro Pilnttng to supdiv Ihet Immcnso demand for the Lire c f "ui'pi GEN. HANCnHK&v; ??riUand Ufeof'""11-'01'1'' Ulu fJ,,J' GEN. GflRFIELD&S ly enduritfii. iiuih finihml im n:irnn..i... Uioyerliiijooawcekl I geuumak'ingiui ioi ?,?mi '""'"lis Scptemter amt eictot.r. lutllts Otic, cacu More A ciuts Needed Vor h',?r'.'"'.a'1'lres? '""lk llfiillAlll) lilt' H.I'ubs 73thcsinutsireet, I'lilludu'ihla. a sep iimw V vostii guaranteed. Hi a day at homo mado by Ihe Industrious Capital not required s v e will start ou. .Hen, women, tors and girls make money faauir at work for us timu hl 4iuj tuiuy cisp, j no tAorKls light and ploasant, utd anions can go rlghtau Thosii ts ho aro ulse ho sett this notloo will send us their udJ reuses t once and sett for tteemseHca. Costly oulllt and te rms tree. J.owlslno tlino. Those already at work are ItulDg tin largo lums of money,; Address UIUJS t Co." Auguslii. Maine. oct. -lx I'll EE HAMM.Ir 3 lLa ltrTJa H2 KVV--3.-y'' " THE NEW FOOD g MEDICINE Fitters S300 OPENING OF AND 'HE AimiifiN SEflSOfl OF 1880. Have llio ilc.iiuro of cxtcndliig n general Invitation to llio mlil'c to visit tho now ami cxtonstro aclcllllon to tholr Stcrc, just cutujilctctl, uml now oj.en Tor iiisicctinn, Tlio enlargement two years ago, nlllionjjti ileenioil tstilllclont for many years to come, iroveil Iniulcrjualo to meet tlioileniaiiils of our wondcrfiillj- In crcaeil buslnrjs. We, therefore, liming tho pat year purrlinsnl a lilcck nf eleven l,onr In tlio rear nf our store, anil diirlnt! the spring nml niiinmr-r linvu erettnl on thoelto thereof nil cxteuslvr nihllllon tnniir f diner intious bnllillnsi j,iv!ini us n depth of S05 i'ect, 'extending from Jlnrleet i-treet all tho way through to Filbert". Our arrangement's for the Fer.son'a ht!i.iiit have as farcxtctditl thot-o of former teasuin n our futiiro facilities fur Itt tnii,actlim will exceed those, of tho past. TlieKrcnt enlargement of tlio bulMings ha enabled us tn entirely reor ganize cerlnin departments eif tho house, giving considerably moro room to SllilCS, DUK-JS OOOD3 and other poptil ir branches of tlio busine-H, which wero formerly at time's loo much ovcrcrowdo I. It ad'urds in other wnya facilities' for tbo pervico and coiivenlf nco of our patrons not to bo generally found. Waiting and reading roomi (or ladies and gonllemcn havo been added; retiring nnd toilet rooms for ladlo, to arraiiod aijd ayatematlzcd iw must prove of great convenience to all our ciistnioors, both city nud country. Niinicro'i? improvements havo been made, which space will not permit us to mention, but the entire building, which is believed tn bo iinurpncil inits appointments in this country, is open for oxcmlnatlon nnd critical In spection of all who aro interested in new methods of doing biisinen-j, and in tho growth and progress of our city and its Institutions, Iiiler card, will givo information as to tho extent of our olicrinpi in tlio various departments. The present is merely to ptteml a special invitation to every ono interested to call und inupjct the buildings. .MARKET STREET TO FILE HIT, Iff. W, Goruer of KigMh Stpcot, PHILATTETJ3HIA. THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : PROP. GUILMETTE'S 'druggist for Prof Guilmette's 111 positively euro Fcer nnd Agte. Dumb Ague, Ague C:ke, Ulllous Veccr, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all dlneaaen nf Hie Liver, t-tomach and lllood. 'I'he pad cuies by obsorption. and Is nermaneiit Askiuur druggist fir this pad iiiul tako nu other. It ho does not keep It, send totho V'liUSClt I'a'd uu (1 s Urancti) 'KiI.UDO, Ohio, and receUe It by return mall, l'or sa!o by JOHN II, KINi'oitrs. liruecrlst Mali street, nboio Iron, illooinsburg, l'a. sc-p To 'li-if VILti REMEDY. riles What unceasing tortures arise from Intcr n. 1 Iileeilluc, Extcrual (uid itehing I'IKm. The vain entVavors to obtain cea partial ivlU-1 has dtscour Offfd the mUIioni who sutfer, and the havo boma their atrouy in &Hen c, thlnkiD"; there was no hope or KO-MH-et ot a cuie. Not-Ai!hstaniUusr the tola! failure vt the many lemed'.ua heretou re utfered for tnecuieof pilfS, and the picture cf agony ic&ting on the face uf those who hate tiled the various rcm-edle-ibut in vain jet cage-ilr souKht for and anx loubh tiled an thing thtit ji-omlses the least relief unltl llit-lr courftiro has long since given place to dc apondency, let them cheer un, allow the smiles ot hupplnes- ro tlluinlnat.i tho haggard countenahce, and ttie d utlfs ot life will toe perfurmed with a degree of happiness and pleasure unknown for weeks, months or 3 eurs, Itrlffs' I'tlo liemedles aro the re sult or unceasing study and experimenting, tho no plusultrior medical science, and Ineverv respect safe, sclentlllc and reliable for the cure of plies in ev ery foi in. m lugs' remedies are sold by o. A, Klelu, Illooinsburg. 1'a. Try Dr. Urnnh Hutilnn UdNfiui. t'ATAIilllt lstho mo-tuiiUersal and UWressIng disease of lhoitresent (lay. and the scoies of won derlul remedies oifered for the euro ot this disgust Ing dtsens-e, thlchare worse than uoituless has dlncuuraged the millions who sutrerand lia;euird In vain for relief aud cure until their courage Is gone and iiieMctim still tiutlers lu duubt. Hern ,tts are with Dr. Josiah Uriggs' I'alairh hpeclilcs Nos 1 and 2, and how shall wo proceed to eonclnco that wo huso tho best andcheaDCt remedies l;riiiwn. i;t.i..i will furnish them to responsible parties on cuudl lion "so cviiE no rn." vnd Hill pa jioofora case they wl 1 not cure, Srd Will pav Um tor their equil us a cine, sth win pay Vei If auj thing poi sonous orileleierloiis Is found lu their composition. Mil Will ray If m any paiticular nr. Jo-.lah luligs' Catarrh -pcclrtcs aiefuiind cimereut rrom icpreMMitatlou. air.intc-d to Instantly rcllouand I.1UI.UUJ euiu itniu, t-uiuuu , iiieuratito or nry ca tairh, cold lu the Head, and all affections of the cavities of tho brad. mil, Tnu bottles Ui ono box, tirealest sucevsa of the age. Bold by C. A, Tr Dr. IlrlSK.' e'nlnrrh pt'rllle. iiUNiON SIALSAM. liunlons, Corusand other a'lmentscf tho feet cause muchsurfcrliig among all nations by whom shoes are worn. 'i'hereUinorutnaiUnu.ooiinorthor boots andthoes deMrojed annually In ibo United Mutts (lu the rest ot tho world more than bycut. tlug while iu w, or nearly so, to ma to loom for pain ful bunions, corns lngrein lug nl s, soie Insn ps. etc Ilcsldcs Hits gicu sjcrlilce, Ihcro Is tuid In New lork tochlroiKAllsis nbout ,2.i,eooaiii:iullj; la New hnglaiid siaus about $'S,i(tt j in the sv stern and southciit about no.Liio; and In tho i. a' ot the world aboui J'iisi.itwi; letldts this there li ioo,, cr) spent an nually for ciii.ttcs a dothti woiihlcss compounds fr.r ihe euro cf Imnloi s, Corns, mho Iinderu. under I'eel, do. Toadoldtli-fcO greatlosK ani expendi tures, uo Ur. jodsh lirlggs' Ilunlon lulsa j and fcuro corn cure, which h the only preparation known Unit gives Immediate relief and radically cures hard, soit .and ulcerated liunlons hard, soft ttnd festered corns, vascular exeiesc noes, callosities large and small, sore Insteps blistered heels, tci dcr feet, Ingrowiug nails, etc,, without causing or leav lag "uy palu or soreness. Warranted safe and sure. -rf ... ...v...., ti.wtluuUIJ,, , U. Try Dr. HrlmsV l'iiinriillelcd Vllo Itriunly. Eoad and Kelloct. i.-vs. suu.M -4.uuovivuiiui.tti itt-iiiiucui ur all Ca- elms aro offered to tnose amicu d with acute.chroD- ri.voV v)T,v ,;; -ii. uuju iu uioneaj, nay pf, and all orfectlona cf tho nasul cavities and throat, v tth a tuarant o that they are ciieuiier. U-u U r, moroenicucioui. curing iiulcker. with more cerT "'"vi '"',' usivtuuic iu uw iimu any remedy yet dlscovrea. 'iwo bottles in ono box, on 1 1 cf which ruiiKit'rt ulth u-ftt-r 1,.1.1-i.u ru 1'rico $ ptr ; riukuge, turLlabed to' lesinslbie o.huuuihu,,.-,, - two uu j)ay ' Jicaieia ar-H uultifir .-il tit i..rumt i. r" clusers are riot satlsned. Tho siteeltics aro oon-tleii- r"' ' -' -r; '"", " ,i"u u mey tan .ubU,w -., o mivncu. ,iuii iur ineiri'iiuai u?SUu' f?V "''i'fBI'OhousordtleU'rlous I"" any respect Ur.Ililggs Catarrh Sindnc4 are tuund dlnt rent from rc presentation. Here Is an oni li tunny for Uioso discouraged by repeated fa 1? urts to try again on a guaruiiteed euro. And the itiuiu nuuii.i iiiiiiiuitii uiiir venture to try ijipmi, sijeciccswittioutfetlliiirthat they are to Ui 1mm. sua cj o:x ttc'iiururmiburgM'.r na- - .. nn . ituieie.a uei aprll 3, 'mi-ly Kewatg, yew Jtirsey. lJ,MINISTitATOU'S NOTILK " SSTiTS OK J01IK IliKIKiN bECSiSID Ilartinan deuewd de bonis non cumtusinijntoilri1. v. ui..,. .u.iriii,j, v ummoia co.. i'a deceased have been grauu-d by the Itcgisterot said county to isaao A. lJollt Admlulstrafor. All ner. sons ha, Ing claims against ilia estate of trie decod. to Ute undersigned Adiatnuisuator without delay 1 SM A 111 at livtlrimi, ' NEW STORE, OF Y PAD. A Positivo and Psrmanont Cure Guaranteed In al! cases of Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, liright's Disease of the Kidneys, Incontinence nnd Ketention ot Urine, Inllaniation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Illaddcr, High Colored Urine, Pain i In the I!ack, Side or Ltiins, Nervous Weakness, and in fact all I disorders ol the Bhdder and Urinarv O I'ed by private di-casesor otherwise. This grent remedy has b en used wttli success for nearly ten rears In Trance, with the most wonderful uuratuc KiTectit. It cure's liy absorm"" noniiiseouslnicrnaliaedlcliiesbelngrequlrfd. We have hundreds i ol f tesll moulala ot cures by this via when all else had failed I UVlitlif, it younrosulfeilngfrom rmnain ivpntiwoa r ,1,,.,., ,n. cases w'cullar to females, or In fact any dlscaso crtim HiIiipm. lv r ' s- ITof. Oiillincttc's ri cuch Hlilnov I'ael KdSy andyouwlllreceue.ho FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio, Or JOHN II. KINroitTH, Druggist. Jlaln Street abovo Iron, lilooms "'"'t''. 1 sen. 10, tai-ir French Liver Pad CONSUMPTION CURED CRUDE PETROLEUM PILLS. .allied -i!) lbs. -ivcls.irj In ; monllm rowiuTTAN, c. II., Va April, 151. Dit, M. -Miitox: and tried tho best physicians of theco ,, Mr wi h" out i i-T, ii Situ ,.,, ,'"'V,'?''"! ' ""u J our LLC lit. doing mo nut least good, I tried sour c'I.tiie itciLKiT.M pu t s I vA.;.A.....L.' It.".. i ii. .";-.;, .".""' commenced . taum l,i,.V. nt ,i,,v; i"ceManiiy, nan lHIllWr- . Sf'. night sweats, etc. I weighed 114 lbs. Alter taking tho pills two months the cough and iildit lla'pofindsf1"1 Ud '"-'"o" ''.'0 AitU t Ight 1 Vours, respectfully, FHED. C.UDNN, Thousands of cases liko the abese. etmu l;"l,1e Al.s'.0.i PfclHo euro for chronic bron Troub'los catarrh, and all Throat and Lung u 'i'!'J,1 s5'en's. Largo boxes (I3) pills) i, Address 1U ou receipt of price, w Uh dlrecilons. July 0, o-3m wtco 1)11. M. MILTON. In Ing, N.V. tiii: NEW YORK SUN For the Campaign. hJi'tf v b!rN w"! '0"n1 a nse ful anilllarr riVl ,h0 are earnektly working for the reformer 1 'i?i,a,",0.ra' vm,Ft'1't HelleUiig tint 11 o cUls which halo so lecg beset thetounirv cunle cured only by a change of the party In power. The mm in.ri',lyB."fI.'(Jr"ror s'reslctent anil VIce-lTetldent Hancock and lmimsii. In order thai all thosowho sympatblzenlth our G-JK,6 W l1?, -lclfntiy co-opc t, le 1th uVto I'lifi11 J1 n.B w,,Ek, v M'N to clubs, or slrg'e nib- TVe.ifn'J;'.',,kl' '""'"i-ini cut. torilio A ddress auj lu '80-ira. "HE SUN, Kuw Yokk Cm, TFAnMFR.Q & STUDENTS (SO J. O. MrCintDVA CC..' I'lilliiile'li.l.ln. i'n. CHEAP-HOMES! ittulllplyliiK and protperoua. Kn.llca, water pox era, Correapoiulettc. Invlteil. Inromtation nromnllv ieti. Hauutucture, Apply lg the Department ot Agriculture, lUltfsL.S.U nug, 10, 'SO-lm T1IH HONAKZA roit HOOK AOKNTS. Is selling our two tplen1 Idly llluttrated books, HANCOCK GARFIELD the nret written by hli llfe-Iong friend, Hen J. FOUNKV, an aulhor of nalloual fame, aril an ft dent ndmlierrttho "superb soldier;" the Hcocd written by his corr ade.'c-anes. and rcsorsl friend. Gen. JAR. S. HHIMIIN, an author of wide ce lebrity, ltoth omclal, low-prlcd, immeiiscly ler"; lar, and selling Ilejond l'retedect. Agents DOCtl'Llt. l'JteiKITS by selling both, outnts wc. each. Act t'UiCK and Coin Hrue. HUUIIAKU linos., ti chestnut street lhl)adc'lphla. d aug.'3,w if I,."1'1'' CLI'IATIS. In Norllt Csrolltel Uoqill uriiilng. tlrailiii- ,M Mlnernl LilitiU can bo bouiht VS IV OlfliAl'. lb. Clltimu ) mild, eouable, hcltlilul. TheSallliirooJinilc.pal'iil of the hlsbe.t development. Everything grow n tii llio TJolonU grown In lla limits. lotiilatloiil&w..biJjiik' .na tioKnit.niM. tayfs i.iiiiit 'f 1 r -- $5,000,000. The American Shoe Tip Co. VAU1UXT Tusm A. S. T. Co. Black I ip Tlist Ii now so eitemlrely worn on CHILDREN'S SHOES TO WEAR A3 LONG AB THE METAL, Witch was Introduced by, tad by which tho abovo aniuunl hai boon HTtkl lo iKtrtmU an nually. Thll ItUck Tli "III mh still moir, aj beildt belcig worn on tli coarser grade. II la worn on llu and co.tlr ahoos Ahera tho Metal Hp on aocouot cf Its fooli would not UuaeJ, TheyoUUatctourTradsMarlc A. H. T. Co. tamped on frontofTlp, 4rents should ASK FOB BH0E3 wltU tt" BAUTIFUX. BLACK TIP on theMeybylunjUMli aulS,ttO-13w