The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 10, 1880, Image 3

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iit,oo)nntmi, 10, igso
I)bor.ih Doak will foil valuable real estate
on tlio iremlc In Salem lownililp, Lucerne
cJUnty on Weelne-thy, September 16, 1880.
Tlio Winona Hose carriage baa arrived.
The ground nl the Normal School will jiay
for a walk up tbn lull. They nro beautiful
Hie town council melon Wednesday nlghti
lis procoullr.Ks ar( crowileil nnltlit. week
(Iconic Sirlckeri of Oaluwlwi, una foreman
c,f the Brand jury.
It took the RrnnJ jury tbreo ilaya to furniali
the lit )Of V wl,' busincsit enough lor one tiny.
A new Iron fence hat been placed In front of
the Presbyterian church.
A Hancock anil English Club wai organised
at (lien City on the Jib hut., ami 02 mines
Fonun A pockot huok containing about $1
between llloom and Rupert. Owner can obtsin
a line by applying to Henben Hens, Kupert.
Tho Greenbacjicra of Liiierne county haye
gone back on D. C. Connelly anJ endowed Hen
ilrlck H. Wright for Congress In the twelfth
Mr. Levi Hoihl!n(, of Fishingcrcck town
ahip, rnl'eil 70 bu'heli of wheat on a piece of
ground supposed to contain only one acre and
Col. Ti. L. T.ite ii tn.iking arrangements to
issue a new Democratic paper in Lycoming
county, t bo culled tho Lycoming Chronicle. Ho
U an nhlo editor as the people oitliis county
well know, and uu doubt will succeed in his
new onlcrprio.
l'nif. lluil notte, tho inventor of the French
Kidney l'.id beating his name, wis one of the
most noted medical men of liU day inl'rtinnta
III cures of kidney disease' arc mostraarvelom,
and arc said to be permanent.
Dr. D. II. 11. Ilrowtr called at the
WAN ollicn on Thursday. Mr. lirowcr lonl;s
well. He U making arrangemcnlH to start u
campaign paper at Danville, for Hancock and
Tlic break at tho reservoir U being repaired,
and the works will be in order again in two or
three weeks. The theory of Mr. Ilirkenbine,
the contractor, on the c.iuc of the broik is
that the water worked its way through to
Ktralum of rock left too near tho surface and
followed this until it found an outlet.
Moycr i!ro. have lnn
Hotel property, and will remadcl It Into a large
""""" "u iciau iirug liotut-.
Will ai.n.1 ll.t. -.LI l i.m . i...
ti i V i .. , . J'.ieciro' ouaic
nciw io tiie a clcil nimn tin
6ure guaranteed. Tliey moan what ll.ev sv.
rite to them without delay, Nov. 21-ly,
mosiiy in num.
'lunula Mosby In tho war
Was fnmous at hti trade
Stanipeillng trains una gobbling men
Anil plotting ambuscade.
Soldiers and sutlera then declared.
With most blncero belief,
And would havo sworn on lllbles big,
That Mosby was a thief.
liushwhacklng Mosby, friend of tirant,
Who fought tho llagso long,
Takes oniee now beneath that Hag,
As Consul at Hong Kong.
And now a wonder comes to light,
Almost beyond belief,
( Mthough all tongues proclaim It loud,)
That Mosby's not a thief.
A white sheep ho amid tho Hock,
The onlce-holtllng throng,
no fattt n nt the public crib,
An hundred thousand strong.
Though ho among vile sinners was
Jlsteemed In crime tho chief,
Purged from all foul nssollment ho
No longer Is a thief.
On ancient Asia's fertile soil
Kong-fout se's pupils dwell,
Accustomed long to rule corrupt.
As till their annals tell ;
Hut now, behold j f rem western lands
ttjlls one tothclr relief,
Who'll leach them how to manage war
And how tocalcha thief 1
C. Il.llfCK4l.SW. nn tdd physician ssjk: In a practice:
of mori! thin thirty yens, I Imvo never f .nnd
curative npinl to the great Muxic.ui remedy,
Heibultne llitlns. Haying used but twu hot
ties I am entirely relieved of n chronic ftlleclion
of the stomaeh nnd bowel) of ncven jejrs'
st-'iudiug. I regard it a the best health restor
ing agent in lite world. U Hampton, M. I),
Veyay. Ind.
Mislaid or stolen. A gold headed cano with
my nunc on it, Smith's Forms a law book
with name on, antl Norri Stale lleport, vol. S
new The holder of each or all of these nr
ticca will please return tliim nt once to my of
fice. C. 1!. I'llOL'KWAY.
sop. 10-JJw
Dn.Mocitvric I'oi.e Raising. There will bo
a Democratic I'olo RiUiiig nt tho (.'ros lloid-
mnr A. M. .tolinson's in western Locust on Sal-
urd.iy, September lSlh, 1SS0, at 1 o'clock p. ill
'lite niceling will be tii1ilrexd by Col. John li.
Freeze, II. Fran's .trrand John C. Yocuni,
Kjn-.,of llloom-birg.
(1 ly Jicobv, t-oti of W. II. Jtcoby, was ad
mitt.-d to the ISjr m Tuesdiy morning, having
pis'eil a very creditable examination on Mou
thy night bifjre a committee comiling of (.nl
Knurr, K. R. Heeler tin I X. U. Funk, F,-irs
He wit. i slu.h'tit ill the oflico of K. H. A U.
R. Little. Mr. J.ioby i a young man of more
than ordinary nbilily and we predict for him .1
mec?"fiil career in his cho-u'ti profei-cion.
Tint covered wagon, drawn by two mule,
which wh eO'i hu Silur.lav going up the
Ktalo road lowird New Colunib'H, was not a
flipsy wagon, a) m iny supp i-c 1, but Mr 11. n
ion tlrittain with liU family, who were just te
lurning from the western part of Kansas, aft, r
ai abieuco of two yoirs. They Irtvellel the
entire distinct) of 1703 miles by this private
conveyance and woroon thu roal fiftyl'iur days.
Tho ni'iles looked well and Mr. I.rittain ami
fimily appeared very cheerful. We presume
they gild to get luck tu old Pennsyl-
At the last meeting of the (lurftihl cl-tb J. ('.
llrown made a speech, Ihe whole of whhh was
devoted to tlio ili-ntf'oti of the t inirtpiestion.
Tlilsis the burdtn of the n publican refrain, in
the hope that it will catch tho voles of tho la
boring men of Pennsylvania. While we insbt
that the Democratic party as a whole is not in
fivor of Iree trail, we als i insist that the
ueslion of ttritris not a nttiona. issue. lively
tine I'ennsylv.ini in, no matter what bis poli
tics, is in favor of a tariff that will protect the
Industries n f this Slate. Ill other Mates it is to
tho iulerrtt of lite pcvl'le to reduce tlio tnritl',
so ilut Petiii.vlv.inia trots onlv what tho other
states ihoose to glvo her as a protection ngainsl
fi.reiBii competition. The charge that the tie
niocraey favor a repeal of tho tnrill is simiily
absurd.' lint thev mii"t b-ive fpnielhing to talk
about, and as tho character of their candidates
will not admit of discus.lon, they are reduced
to tho necessity of talking about absurdities.
A reipiest having been uiado to ihoDouiocials
in and about tho town of Uenton, to amiable
for the purpose of forming a Iliucnck and
Knglish club on tho evening of August 20th,
notice thereof was sent to the Chairman of the
County Democratic committee.
On tho evening appiinted, tho democracy
assembled in such numbers that no building in
the town was large enough Ic bold them.
The club via organiotl by the election of
John C. Wenuer as the President, nnd was j-o
provided with vice presidents and secre aritB.
Tlio meeting then adjournc-d to the open air in
front of the school house, filling up the large
area between the hoiue and the public road1
The rue ling was addressed by Col, John fl.
Freeze, apparently lo the great satisfaction of
the assembled democracy.
.Norn Wt have been wailing fir some re
report from tlio secretaries, concerning this club
meeting, which accounts for tho delay in re
porting it And in Ibis we depend uon re
iort, having no official information. Wo beg
officers of meetings to report to us at once, giv
ing named antl facta in full. Ku. Cut..
Strauss. In Centre township on the -lib
inst., Mrs, Anna K. Strunss, aged 43 years, o
months and 1 day.
On last Saturday Ihe community was startled
by the sad antl no les unexpected Intelligence)
of this death. Occupying the social position
she tlid, many felt that they had lost a near ami
dear friend, a kind neighbor nnd an enterprising
citizen, llcing a woman of considerable inlcl
ligence and commanding in appearance, she
w-ts a leading spirit in society. And if others
tlid not always feel, see and think as she did,
peihaps it was as i usually the ease, because
she lived In advance of her age.
She was a member of tho Reformed Church,
atliidlty, whtre her presence, liberal support
and voice in the song of praise, will be greatly
ml-i-ed. As a christian woman she was devot
ed to her Ood and the church of her beloved
Redeemer. When able to be out, slieallcnded
divino services rcgultrly anil solicitett the at
tcnthncecf othcis, deligbto 1 in the study of
the llible, and regulaily rcatl her church paper
of which t-he was passionately fond antl tho
contents of which she n very free to commu
nicate to others.
ilut when we visit her home, we sec some
thing of a true wife. What did she not do to
nuke that hum pleaeant antl attractive? Her
plonsint countenance, her music il voice and
dtligtiit hands, all eoiispire to make thai home
a paradise. She furnished her homo with Ihe
choicest literature, ornamented her walls with
the finest specimens of Iter workmanship, pre
pared the most eavory menls, and seasoned all
with her smiles, cheerful conversation and sa
cred melodies. Nor was she telfish in the
least with little piradise. The wanderer-found
heller under her roof, the hungry food at tier
table, and her friends a warm welcome at tier
home. Yes, our ussicliti ns with that home
il. not scon be forgotten.
On the Sibbaiii previous to her death, the
wis iirostraied th a severe attack ofsicknc
mid reinsine I in an almost motitinle-s condition
lill her dentil. During this brief period, khe
was onaie'i4 till almost the hi't. She felt that
be was fast aiuiionebing her cud and tint
her pence wis fully made in Christ with her
God. And as her natural senses weakened, her
spiritual senses strengthened. Refore her eyes
were fullv clo-etl to earth, she Faw heavenly
nnd l.-fore her i-ais were deaf to earth.
she-heard thee ill from the spirit worl 1 and
the music of he.mii. Her funeral, which tot.k
place on Tuesday was laralely attended, and
was impressed by her pastor with nili'eour-f
based on Romans xiv:8. Great sympathy and
r!ur K,.in iii'iiriftrted.not only by the imme
tli.ilo friends and neighbors, but also by a mim,
i... f.,, ,,., In eelintn she had b friended
in the time of tin ir greatest need. llrolher
Slrauss has bst his best tarlbly friend u til
foiiii.atiioo, theihurch a able member ami
ii- ,....,,i,.iinti. .e kind neighbor. May her man
tie fall nu others, while we fur comfort turn to
Him who onlv ha tho wolds of eternal lite?.
A. H.
Tho tegular September 'etm of courl t ptttnl
on Mondi-.y t o (Mi. Urn s. Wm l''.lli iv-t.
dtnl,i.nd I'. I,..SI,nmin mil I. K. Krltlbauni
on the In nch.
Return of constables wero lal el-, nnil itt. hut
Utile answered,
On petition, Reece Fnlrman wan
guardian ot Hertha A. Mead,
Michael Waller and E. a Jones nero m
polntedllpslnvcs for first week and (1. M. alfltnn
and Abrani F.-y for second week.
On petition, the license of 0. It. t .fnnlnff. nr
Beaver township was (ransferrid tn H. Itrl.
S. Knorr was appointed guardian of Eliza
R. I.lnville.
Report of Auilllor in the estate of Jacob
llombcy, deceased, filed nnd confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers of a road In Franklin
township near Lohmati's, confirmed nisi-
In the matter of Stephen Valp, a lnnalic.
Jeremiah Walp appolntetl committeo antl bond
Report or AuJitor In estate of W. Scliuyler
confirmed nisi.
Rtpoit of Auditor on exceptions to the ac
count of .loshiia Sivagf.ilt-c-eii'ed, confirmed
Inqtie.t on body of W. H Prlr ) approved
by the court.
Report of viewers vncntlng a road In Fi-h-
ingrrcek township, near (1. M. Thompson's,
connrmctl nisi.
Samuel Knorr, 11. R. lkoler and N.U. Funk
were appointed a committee lo examine (luy
Jaccby lor admission to the bar.
On petition of John M. Nu-s, tho Clerk of
mo tirphans' Court was direcled lo make a
deed for certain real estate. Deed acknowledged
in open court.
John Johns was sworn In as a eitizen of the
United Suites,
Auditor's report in cs'atc of I). A. llowman,
continued nisi.
Ihe .tcioiint of administrators, guardians
and executor', and willows' appraisements were
confirmed by the court.
Report of saleof real estate of Oeo. C. Scott,
deceased, em. tinned nisi.
In tho matter of the lunacy1sf Samuel
Rhone, commissioner's report tiled.
Audiloi's report in estate of Klias Pealer,
confiimed nisi.
Petition for partition filed ineslato of Peter
Michael, deceased.
Audiloi's report in estate ol Christian Ash,
deceased, continued nisi.
Auditor report in estalcof Hajleline & Steel
confirmed nisi.
Return of inijuest in estate ol Collins Sullill
deceisetl, confirmed nisi,
Return of inquest in estate ol C. Harrison,
deceased, confiimed i,i.
Report of sale in estateof John llicke,con-
firmed nisi.
John Michael, Stephen (iinihart and Samuel
Snyder appointed reviewers of a road in Main
anil Reaver.
A P. Heller, P.. F. Rutin and S. 11. Kilmer
appointed vleweri of a rottl in Pine town
ship, near Joseph Shoemaker's.
Report of viewers of a rend in Oiango anil
FMiingcrcik louu-liin. confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers of a road in Fishingcreel:
near J. Rright's, cohfirnicd nisi.
Return of Inqui st in tstate of Jatob Sl.u
ars deceased, confirmed nisi.
Report of Fnle in estate of Isaac llreecb de
ceased, confirmed nisi.
Report of viewers of a county bridge in
ireenwood, coiifirtutd nisi.
Report of sile i.-i est.i!c of Joseph I.ehr de
ceased, coi. finned nisi.
Report of stile in ostale of R, T. Cole de
ceased, confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs. W
Commonwealth vs. Joshua Fowler.
Exceptions filed to i rt' nf studi'tirc fif 1.
John A' Son.
Commonwealth vs. Rntrer Dixon nnd John
Puts. II, supervisors nl Lot yttgbam township
Commonwealth vs (len, Snttler. D-'f itilnnt
pleads guilty. Senteitc tl o pay s line of Sod
antl costs, and two yenrs in the penitentiary.
J. Ootilo Vs.Penusvlvania Cnnal (,'ompanv
Petition for appointment of day for v lew filed.
Commonwealth v. .1 M.iv. Desertion,
Continuance until next term.
Commonwealth vs, H, D, Wisp. True bill.
Return of loosest in estate of W. H. Evans.
deceased, filed.
Thomas Schofier vs. Kate Scheffer. Petition
for divorce. Subptmn awarded.
CommonweJlth vs Hllsa Fowler, Heard bv
the court. Math party lo pay half tho costs.
Csimmnnwenlth vs. Jnmes 1'owler and AV.
Ritler. Tried. Onil'v.
Commonwealth vs. Demott antl James John-
s:n. line lull.
Commonwealth vs. Lemuel Klsncr. Not a
true bill. Prosecutor tn pay costs.
(kinimonwinltli ys. M. Murphy. Not a true
bill, Prosecutor to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. J. McDonald. Not a true
bill. Prosecutor to pay cost.
Commonwealth vs. James Thomas. Not a
true hill.
Commonwealth v: J . L. Meninger. Noln
true hill, Piosecntor to pay cost-.
REIT, fib Ella Kline vs J. Kline. Di
vorce decreed.
In the ninller of tho lunacy of Samuel Rhone.
I. K. Krickbaum npptinted committee.
11-tnte of Thomas D, Reseller. Permission
grnntid lo sell real estite in Northampton
Only 7!i cents for six tnonlhs, or SI, BO a year
in iidviuicr, (let up tilths and send in you
Christian. A true
CoiitmuiucateiLl Oitv, Km. 1th, 1SS0.
EU3. Col.llMIUAK 1
Mr. Edward Davis, of San Juan Dislrict.San
Juan county Colorado, has been vi.iling his
father, Daniel Davi", at Glen City, and while
here, hit friends invited him lo address a Deiu.
ocralio meeting. On Saturday evening at b
o'clock the meeting was called fa order, u. t
Dreisbsch was elected Chalrmai, John Hinder
liter, Vice President! Ieaac Sweeney, Secretary
W. L, Ilrodbenner. Treasurer. Mr. Davis
.r.ita ii,.,,rnt nil imi been n worker In
Ihe party for the last fifteen years, ami thor
ouiiklv understands Ihe issues of the day. lb
raeels theepiestioin In the face fairly and square
ly. Mr. Davis, as a speaker, Is very lluenl and
full of oratory and uses the best of language-
It would bo well woilh while for Ihe larniOH
miners, mechanics and all busiueas men to
have Ihe privilege of listening to the strong
and fervent argument ho produces. Quite a
number of Republicans piesent were convinced
with bia areumont nd will turn over a new
leaf. I would advise all sections (ohearliioa
i. ,c.,i.. ! IlivIol' children's shoes, a-k for
ilinso with A. S. T Ui.'s l'.laek Tip upon llic-ni
'L., will nnlie.:ir KIIV sllOO. ildllillg tO tllf
btnulyof t-veu the fin it. A. S. T. Co. alway
on front of tip.
CI.Ull MUUri.NO.
Otviner to the temporary indisposition of Mr
Unckalew, th- ineitlng to he held ill the Ojn-ra
lln.o wisiin.ti.oocd: thecluh itieetlng in their
hall. For the same ri-ieon, there was no regu
lar sneaker for the evening. After singing by
the Glee Club, Mr. Teets, ol New York, ad
il, t,il. in a verv acceptable manner
tr..!., l..nn horn in Columbia county, ho
t'i""S w
had unite a knowledge of our people.
The Club bolng disirous of more speaking
Mr. lhrklev was called out and undo some re
minks about the duty and dignity of Aiu.rican
citirens antl espeiially of the newly namruliied
ones. Mr. H- E. Smith was also catieu
ard reviewcl the hblory of lhoto paittes in
tleeliirirg that the
,,iin nattv bad coiulonid nil its errors,
if it bad niy, in conrccticii with the war, by
i's to convulse Ihe country In 1870
giving up its well ean.ed and undoubted vic
tory, in-the elation of Mr. Tilden.
Capt, Rrrekuny was next called out, ami
poke in his usual happy manner auou m,
atmy and Gin.Hanecck; suljecls mill whictt
he is personally r.imllmr. Alter timiu -j
Ihe Glee Club, which was receiicd with great
applause, Ihe club adjourned to the tattling
music of our very capital 1'ruiu i-urt".
Tho practice of calling out spenuers, mr
the regohr address ol loo tviiniiK "
Is one which ought not to he petsWttl m. ne-
cause itdois not give the speaker a
ri.o l'sr..l, i isicna loglvclo eaen on-, a
special night, for a prepared speectt, aim urns
all will be heard in due cours.-. .,i hermfter. the sneaker ol the nexieie.
1 i t.. .i.avn,,.si .flhn last
nlrg will lie announci-u m i" -
me. ting,
("apt. C. ll.llrockway, will make lite reBuiu.
address at the next mee.tng.
Are yon going to paint? If so, send to the
Montour Paint Mills, Rupert, Pa, for your
f.. I.. ad. Slate, Pure Paints, Ac, and
.... ih. wholesale ami tvtall pioDL cu can
mix your own colors with puro Unseed oil for
85 cents to $1 !i0 per gallon, sep.
Mr. Joseph Pohe, of Cmlre twp, died at his
home on Sunday night, the 6lh Inst., at Ihe age
of 93 years. ly habits U Industry and cau
Unn l, Rccuniulatfd uulle a fortune which
..... In farms situated in the town
ships of Centre and Fhbingcmk. He leaves
Inblnd him air children, all married and in
Report of viewers of a road in Catawissi.
continued ft-l.
Report of sale in estate ofS. K. Albertson
deceased, confirmed risi.
W. II. Reinbold. W. Fisher and P. Swank
appointed vicweis of a road in Reaver ami
Auditor's report in estate of Mary CI irk do
ceasitl, confirmed nisi.
Petition of N. C. Harlmin to nmeiitl return
ot stile of i c nl estate by .1 31. Smith, Assignee
of I John iV Son litnl.
IVtiiion of E. V. Wvnkoop for the benelitof
her own earnings, ordeied filetl and recorded. 7 Report of bridge viewers in Suirir-
loaf near J. R. Colo's, confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs. Jos. Waitm-n. True
Comnionweiltli vs. D. Evtland. Not a true
bill and prosecutor to pay costs.
Rule griint'-tl to show cause why the com
milii o nf Wright Hughes should not be ills.
The Cs nimitiee appointed to examine (luy
Jicolty fir admission to the bar reported faior
ablv and he was sworn in us tin attorney nt
Commonwealth vs. J. German and John
Eckcrt. True bill.
Amendment to charter of Rloomsburg M. E,
Chun h, allowed.
Oeo. Ivey and Jeremiah Pooley were sworn
in ns cillrens ol tlio United States.
Commonwealth vs. Geo. Graul. A truo bill,
Assignee accounts confirmed nisi.
Exceptions tiled to account of Aedgncc of
V. ll-uip.
Petition for partition in estate of Jared Har
rison tiecfaeu, men.
Petition of D. Harrison, surviving executor
of Canfiel.l Harrison deceased, for sprcifn) per
formance ol coniract. i-Halion awarded.
Commonwealth vs. S. firovcrant! E Creasy,
supervisors of Mtfllin townsiiip. Each ilc'cuil
ant sentenced to pay 51.00 and costs of prosecu
Reportofsalo of real estate by guardian of
Anna May hnl, confirmed, linally.
In tho matter of the indexing of judgment
docket in the Prnthonotary's office, the Court
appoint S, Knorr. U. It. lltickalew and 1.. 11
I.itllo a ccnimiltee to examine lite woik.
Commonwealth vs. J. Waitmm. Jury called
Case tried, verdict irnlltv. Defendant sentenced
to pay n fine of $15,00 and costs nf prosecution;
iving in ixpensc', and support of lite child to
this timeJlO, and pay for the support of Ihe
child until it is seven years ol age, .vc.
Reiort of sale In estato of William Hessde
ceased, confirmed nisi.
Commonwealth vs. Sol. I.evan. Assault anil
Ratiery. Cae trud. Verdict not guilty, pros
icutor to pay the costs,
Fnnnle Wrleht vs. Alex. Wright. Alias
ubpteina in divorce awardod.
In ma nutter nf tbn discbnrire of C, A
Knorr. administrator ol Anthony Snjder's
late, proofofpnblicstit.n of notice filed.
Comnionwenllh vs. Samuel . Adams, he
eoirn Ziinte ol dell., and I.. i .iiams in m
sum ol irouu lor appearance oi ueteiioane
next sessioni
1 ltnunslev. Frid. C. Eastman and
Wibiaui Slenian sworn in as citizens of ihe
United Stales.
In the estate of DaviJ, recognnance antl
allotment filed,
Petition for rule mi heird in ostate of John
Snyder deceased, filed.
Citation awarded in estate ot .Mary lloniloy
Citation awarded to guardian of Henry Gear.
Petition tor commissioner hi tho matter of
lunny of Andrew T. Harrison. Commission
er appointed,
Commonwealth vs. John llotrman, l.aroeny.
Not a true bill.
Commonwealth vs. Goo. Snyder. Truo bill.
Commonwealth vs. Jas. Fowler. A true
Commonwealth vs. John Gelkln ct al A
true bill.
William Davis appointed a viewor on a
bridge In Jackson, to fill vacancy ctus'd death
of A J. Albertson.
Exceptions filed to Auditor's report in estate
of Jaooli Ilomboy,
Commonwealth vs Jas. Gorman and John
Kcktrt. Tried. Not guilty.
Sale of real eitate ordeied in citato of David
I'4 deceased-
Atnbtoso Mi therill was in town list week.
He Is engaged in teathiti'' niusio at lllossbn'g,
W. A. Marr, Esq., of Ashland, ntlcndtd coin t
this week.
John C. Yot'Ui.i has begun tho study nf law
in the t flice of C. R. and W. J. Rtickiilew.
J. H. Hnrninu, of Rupert, will move into
tho late losldercc of G. E. Elwell, on Market
Mrs. J. S. Phillips is visiting at St. Thomas,
Isaiah Rupert, of Hazlolon, son of A. M,
Rupert, spent a few days in town last week.
A. R. Etlgett and family have moved lo Hor
nellsville, N. V.
William R. Rupert is home on a vi-it-
Frank Kinporls, of the People's Drug Store,
is in the city purchasing new goods.
Judge Parry, and Heber S. Thompson, of
Pottsville, attended court on Thursday.
Philip Weaver, of Hsztctnn, was in town on
Mrs. J. v. Feriee, who has been absent for
fourteen months, returned home la-t Friday.
Dr. J. F. Cbapin, of Schoolcraft, Michignr , i-
In town.
Wo liavo ranch pleaanro in recommending
Thermalino tn our renders, an an nhsoltito
euro for Malaria. Tlio manufacturers' nnmo
rdone is a pruarautf eof its merit. It fel!sat2o
cents per lwt. For particulars seo Adit,
ju ly oO, 'SO'Gincuw
On Mondsv September Gib. the Tenty-sev
tilth Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania
State Agricultural Society will open at the Main
liuilding. Centennial Grounds, rairmoiint
Park, Philadelphia, and continue eighteen
ivs. closint: on Saturday. September I'oin:
the last week of which period, viz: from Sep
tember 20 to 2", ill be devoted lo the Inter
national Show ot Sheep, Wool and Wool Pro
lticts, for which purpose the liberal sum of
00 in cash has been appropriated. Dunne;
this week, however, all oihir cxhihil3 with the
exception ol Horses, Cattle, Swine and Poul ry
will remain on display.
rrnm present indications uus exhibition nt
the society will lie the largest, grandest, and
most varied that has evir bten he d by nny
State Society, and will be second In numbers
anil merit onlv to ihe ever memorable Interna
tional Exlitbition, held tit the stime place du
ring the -entennial Year. Tho premium list,
bleb can be obtained from the t fh ers of the
Society, nt their office, northwest corner Tenth
and Chestnut stitets, Philadelphia, is the urns!
compbto nnil tltoiotigh that lias ever been pre
sented by any similar organization, and ofers
lor competition m tlio Live Slock Class nion
the handsome sum of S21 31o. In O'e Dairy,
rriiit. Vegetable, and Moral Departments, Ihe
further sum of iOOOO is milled, besides a large
number ol elegant and vahiablegold, silver and medals, whoso intrinsic alue will ag
gregate the entire sum oi more man Mti,uuu
in actual cash.
I he display will include a large number of
Imported, 1 1 orouglibreil, r ma tircatl, anil
Draught Horses ; herds ot Short Horn, nevco,
Holsiein, Jersey and Guernsey Cattle i the
hnicett breeds of ehtep, Swine, eve, together
with a Mechinicil, Vegetablo and Muuuftctnr-
Collection eildom, if ever, brought togeth
er in nnv community. Excellent and coinnio-
linns sliiiiling lias ticcn prepared wnnin cue
liuildin - fur Hums and Honied Cti.tle nnil
uiul.lo spaco asugneil on H o grounds nili teeiit
for the r.ccointiiitlitii.n of Swine Ihe Ma-
GET almost
Do you know how to pet
in thu easiest way and to best
advantage what you want for
dross and house-furnishing?
First, how: Write for a
catalogue ; sec what you can
karn from it about the tilings
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods are kept in the
greatest variety ; where they
are sold for what they really
arc in respect to quality ;
where prices arc lowest;
where most care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably ; and where you havo
tho right lo return whatever
is not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you are if you make your
wants known and avail your
r.clf of your privileges, you
v.'ill get the best tilings in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes by mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost for car
nage than the money you
nave in the price.
Jnlm Wanamakcr,
Philadelphia, Pa.
CheMnnt, 'I lilrtffiitli, Market mul Juulicr.
CU'.i-entr' ui.d llatl Ito-.d wslrtni L. A I'. Perot.
Lowest Prices will net bo undersold.
Manufacturer if MINK CA11 WlinEhs, roal llreak
crawl ltrhhrJ Casting, Water l'lpes, stoics, Tin
ware, Plow, IKON PENCE, and all klndsot Iron and
I'.rassU Hints.
Tho ir'glnal .Montrose, Iron hcam, right hand,
tell I ami, and side hill Plows, ttinls'st. In tho mark
et, nnd all kinds nl plow repairs.
I'nol; stoics, l!uomMoi's, and Moves for heating
stores, ichool houses, churches, kc. Also the larg
est stock nf repairs for city stoves, wholesale and
retail, such ns Mro Urlck.flratt'S, Cross pieces, Utls
c, Ac., Move Pipe, Cook Hollers, hkllllts, I'nko
I'lates, largo Iron Kettles, eM gallons to 1)1 barrels)
Farm i'clh, M"tl Poles, V'tigon Iloxrs,
"Allentown Bono Manure"
rLASTUM 1 T, 4C, C.
RL(XmISHU1!G, COL. 00. PA.
All t-tjcs of vt Ik done In a stipnlor manner, work
v ii I., a'-1' as iciroEri.ted Ts ktii LxiiiAerr
. . i m ii-T iai v. tiood sets r -r $10,
ti. -1 itur ?,t,dn nud Iron Mrects,
etf a'l tmmt ilnriny the (lay.
7,. '
"rnu rrnFECT tonic."
stilt Kin
baf nod IttOisl.lo Babllltuto for Qllllllff
The only 25 cent
, htid all ITiAliAIlIAI
n'rlto to M'Mi3 ltVK O , s.tftT hTntr, fi
li,m, for Hirlr tan tral html, niallid tv tk tMdara ol FRFr -ti i ill ntiuu.
chmerv. Diirv. 1'ruit. Moral, nnd Douiestic
lieparlnients aie all provitieu tinner cover, ami
will undoubtedly prove attractive and instrie.;
Ive features of t he T'air. A soaca lias also hem
assumed lor the exerci.s and di-plty of all tho
entries ill the I.ilt- .S.oek (Jlassos, litit no racing
will lm iwruiittrtl. Gncn fuotl will be sun-
lied all tho Milch Cows on exhibition, and
i.-iv unit straw tunnelled nit entries trratH,
Kieursiun t ektts ill he lumi-hcd by all the
railroad, r. ntr-r inc l'hiladeli liia. and all nr-
tides intetidcd for exhibition carried on liberal
r-c ham on, Pa., May 20th, lse.
Dr. A. 1'. Ucitit:
I took j our Neuralgia and Rick Headache nils for
Chroulc Headache wltli Di six.'nla, and they ncte'd
like n cliariu, I would not bowlthout them for any
ninouiit of money.
Mas WiuaiM llitocK,
bcraiiton, l'a.
11' YOU I'AVi: DYhl'HI'MA,
iVctiralttiM &.Sick IIcailncliG IMIIx
They will euro you. There Is nothlcg In thlswoild
Iko them. Easy to take, they dlssoho In too mouth
Tho I'll) slclans generally recommend them.
For Sa!e 0. A. Helm, ElocnsVarg drnggitt.
Juno i", 'to-tf
State Fair.
Twenty-Seventh Annual Exhibition
Pcim'a Agricultural Society.
.11 ill ii Ceil I in ii In I 21 iillillnp;,
Fairmont Park. P II 1 L A 1) E LP 11 I A,
i:m'hii.imi co'.nrn'iTioN riti:i::
Siir.r.i' Wool, and Wool. PnoiurcTfi,
Hntrv Itwikai 111 close at IhoOllicc. Nortli-wrst
corner Temn una caesium. Mruti, AiiKUiti3i lssu.
Cash Prizes lor Livestock $24,015
K.xcurmuii lUKttsat greatly Hcdut'td unit a.
I.tlicrul urrtitiKi imi'iiIm lur iiiinior(ll(iii.
KUUtlDfli: M'COX.
UUVO, '0 4-t.
rinc i:rniicllcn, tVhlixlclcN, iMns, itiniiN, ttuil all UIiuIn ol'friiicii coii-
plitiill) on linnet.
LniitllorilH throughout the county will It ml it (o their lulvantttgo to
cull nml examine niy stock before iitircluising elsewhere.
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
mi inr i
is hu ks; !tv h ei ti u wa iv i
A Doodorizod extract of Potroloumf
The Only Article that "Will Ho
store Hair on Baltl Heads.
"What the Worltl hss heen
Wniitin for CcnttiricH.
1) V. sini.Kltl.ocordtiiirfcu'y
K EV, Co 1 1 e.-punning N o'j
Business jNotices
liotiU nnil Shoes cheap at McKiar.ey'a.
Thp luitilic nro hcrcliy infnrmctl tlmt
spleutlitl MiiiHfiru nniv niailei from tho latest
styles ot tiirini; GooiN on llin lollowin;;
itrnw.. Laltd .Slulm. Jawett Prices. Best Ma-
. . . . i.... . .i ...i .vi.. nt
the Popular fttoro ot
ltiviil j.unt:iiue-i.
Harriet A. New kirk, of Salem, says; 1 was
cured of tetter in my hand by three applica
tion of Camphor .Milt. Jlly liusDanu wni
cured of old running torea by using it. It
cure-d my son of a upramtu anKie, rncojj
cents. Sold by 0. A, Kleira, Uloomsburg.
ninil 10, 'Sujy
1000 Good Live Calves wanted by Silas
Young, Lipht Street. nug.20'ts0-'.!in
Cash paid for MX) tons K00'l ,fy ''ftK"!
Uock OaliUark by Silas Young, Light Street.
July a0-2ai
llubbers at McKinney'n.
31 nl n Sfrrrl nliiiiu Iron,
Drugs, Metlieincs, Cheinicals,Fan
cy and Toilet Articles, Soups
Brushes, SnongCM, L'er
fuinery, etc,
riiyH lacs' prescript loi.s caie fully coinponndcd
ana orders answert'u lllt euro antl despatch, rami-
crsatnl pliyfalctdns 'roin tlet'onniry will llndour
stock of iiieellclncs complete, uurriuitccl genuine and
of the best quality.
Jan. "oo-ly iTuprletor,
The Clothing Store of David Lowcnberg
is well stocked with all the latest styles ol
Clothing lor Men, outh and Children
Call ami examine,
Hoot headquarters at McKinnoy'a.
For Nobby Hats,
u w,i".
Kor Iowet Prices.
Qo to David Lowenberg's,
Call and see the llest nnd Cheapest Sum
mcr Suit for t!.00 at D, Loweuberg's,
1,000 pounds nice dried raspberries, 1,000
pounds nlcedrlfdpltted cherries variled this
fill by Silss Young, Light Strett.juy 2-Cui
Call at JIcKtnney'a for Shoes.
Hon. leoruo N. Corsou, Norristown.siys;
The Pliionix Pectoral Is indispensable in my
family. It acts like a chiirm in curing
cntii-lis and colds ith the iliildrtn.titit! 1
always use It wheu addressing a jury. Price
25 cents. O. A. Kleim.llloomsburg. aprlC-ly
I,ots of f,ood Timothy and Cloverseed for
sale by Silas Young, Light Street. aug20tw
Admlwlon freo at McKinney's,
Another case of Fine Ileady Made Cloth'
lug just rocelveu at i, i-oweiitierg i.
Tlio undersigned Mill 'tfcr atpinllo salcontho
rreuil&cs lu Salt in ton nsnlii, Liuc-riie county, l'a.
un tlio Itno of thu liulaivaie, Lackau anna A Western
ratlrontl, ami tlio public road leading from lici Hick
to falililutiliiny on
beginning at ten o'cloik In tliet forenoon.tlio follow.
Ing detcrliicd real cttato to-wlti All ttiat certain
situate In Salem township, Luzemo county, Pa., I,vj
miles south of t-Ulckthliiny, tounddl as follows: on
tho north by landctU'O Men art, on the south by
Jacob ciould, on tho east by the North trapci o( tho
BusnmiHtiniia nieer ana on me vtt'sioy lauaoiJO'
naa ltabcrt and C. Smethers, containing
more or less, on which is erected a
ana LAliUE FItAMK HAKN nnd numerous out
buildings. 130 actea In cleared ant lu gooil forming
pondliton, Tbo batance ta thickly corned lth
Sood jount'OAK, 1'INH, and CHESTNUT TIMUKU,
Tnere U a well of good water at tho door and
a print's on tlio farm for watering stock. The Dela
ware, Lackawanna K Wettern italiroad, and I'enu
8) ivanla Canal and Kuiuchunna lUver run t lire us
the farm. Tho farm la d(blrably located for fruit,
truck and dairy ftuwintr, being in close proximity.
0cj mllea) tothe mlulnie town of Shtckhhlnny and
cumenlent cither by railroad or water to the entire
Nyoinlogand Lackawanna coal fields, where good
prices may to obtained at all times for the products
of farm or dairy, Tmna: iw on day of hale; $'jflu
when possession la giH'h; and tho balance In easy
yearly ruymcnta which w 1U be made known on day
of sale.
The pTCfitcet iHcovcry of our day, fo far as a
lurpe portion of humanity Is concerned, is CAIt
HOL1N13, an article prepared from petroleum, and
which effects a complete and radical euro in case of
balilneM, or whero tho hair, owing to disease! of
thewalp, has becomo thin and tend to fall oat.
It liaison speedy reetoratlvo, andwhtlo Itsuio ae
cures a luxuriant grow th of hair It also brings back
tho natural color, and gives tho mOBt complcto sat
lefactlon In tho using. The falling out of tho hair,
the accumulations of dandruff, and tho prematara
chacgo In color aro all c Idenccs of a diseased con
dition of tho pcalp and tho glands which nourish tha
hair. To arrest thepo causes tho article used must
posee9! medical as well as chemical irtuca, and tha
change must begin nndtr tho ecatp to bo of perma
nent and lasting benefit. Fuch an artlclo U CAR
EOL1NE, and, Ilka many other wonderful discov
eries, It Is found to consist ot elements almost Li
their natural etato. retrolcum oil Is tho artlcla
which Is mado to work pach extraordinary results ;
but It Is after It has been chemically treated and
completely deodorized that it Is in proper condition
for the toilet. It was In far-off Russia that tha
efltct of petroleum upon tho hair was flrBt observed,
a Government officer having noticed that a partially
bald-headed servant of his, when trimming tha
lamps, bad a habit of wiping his oil-besmeared
hands inhisBcanty lock, and the result was in a
few months a much finer head of black, gtoasy hair
than ho ever had before. Tho oil was tried on
horses and cattle that had lof t their hair from tha
cattlo plague, and tho remits were as rapid as they
were marvelous. The manea and even tho tails of
horsed, which had fallen out, were completely re
stored In a few weeks. Theso experiments were
heralded to tho world, but tho knowledgo was prac
tically useless to tho prematurely bald and gray, as
no one In cUlllzed eodety could tolcrato tho use of
refined petroleum as a dressing for tho huir. liut tna
kill of one of our chcmUts has overcome the diffi
culty, and by a procees known only to himself, ha
ha, after very elaborate and cosuy experiment, bus
eeeded in deodoririnff rcflued. petroleum, which
renders it susceptible of bolng handled as daintily
as the famous tau dt cologne. Tho experiments wuu
the dcodorlztd liquid on tho human hair were at
tended with the most astonishing results. A few
aPDlications. whero tho hair waa thin and falling.
tavc rcmarkablo tono and vigor to tho ecalp and
hair. Eery particle of uamiruu disappears on
the first or seconddresilng.and the liquid soeearcn-
lng la Ua nature, Becma to penetrate to tho roots at
ence. and eet up a radical chaDgo from tho start. It
U well known that tho mont beautiful colors aro
mado from petroleum, and, by Bomo myBterloua
operation of nature, tho use of tula artlclo gradu
ally 'imparts a beautiful Hsht-brown color to tha
Lair which by continued use, aeepens io a uiock.
The color remain permanent for an Indefinite kngth
cf time, and tho change Is so gradual that the most
Intimate friends can scarcely detect Us progress.
In a word. It Is tho mot wonderful discovery of
the age, and well calculated to make tho prcmv(
turcly uaid ana gray rejoice.
Wo ndvNo onr readers to glvo it atrial, feeling
fatUflod thtit nne application will convince them of
Its woudtrful vUt-cts. i'iJturA Uomtnerciat of
vet. ft iarr.
Tha artlclo Is tellini? Its own story In the hands of
thousand w bo aro luing It with thu most gratifying
Htm encouraging reuii ;
W. II. Uriix &, Co.. Vif th Avenue Pbarraacv. sars.
"We have sold preparations for tho htur for upward
cf twenty yearn, but hato uevi-r had one to sell as
well or give such universal Mtisfactlon. We there
fure recommend It wllh coutldtuco to our frleuda
end the general puUlC, '
Mr. GrsTivra P. 1Iai.t- of the Oatcs Ocerd
Truupe, writes: 4Afttr tlswetka tnwlamcon-
uuced. as aro ulso my comrades, that your 'Carbo-
hue' has and Is producing a wonderful growth of
iiuir wncre i uau none iur jiors.--
C. II. feMiTit. of theJiuuie Ilbht Combination.
wrltri! " Afirr iiiinL' vour Oarbuline three weeks
1 am convlucid that bald heads cau be rc-bairwl,
it b e Imply wonderful in my cac,"
II. F. Anxurn, chanUt, Ilnlyoke, MaM , writes j
" Your c artioUno' um n turev my nair artcr every-
imug cisu nau tantu.
Josei-u E. I'osn, attorncy-at-law, Ko. Attleboro,
Ma., writes ; 1'or more than S) eam a portion of
my head has been as truooih and free from hair as a
billiard ball, but sumo light weeks ago I was in
luc(d to try )our Carboline, and tlio trTect hai
bten simply wonderful. Whero ua hatr Ua been
fecn for j ear thero now kppears a thick (jrovith.
and I amcomlnced that by continuing its ute I shall
have as good a head of hair as Inerhad. It U
f rowing uuw Loarly as rapidly as hair does after
tit cut.
It now preee-Qted to tha public without fear of con
trudictlon si tho be'tt lU.toratlve and lietiuliner of
th. Italr the M orld ha. ever produced .
l'rlre. OMl HO 1. 1. A II iier botlles
Suld by all Urugnl.m,
8Ul Acuti (or Urn VultenJ State., the Cueudu ai4
Qreat llrlUUu
In the iiiunuructure of Organs is lc-inltinj; in the production nml fnle
of chenp goody, nuide from inferior materia1!?. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear at any price. ill yuii not then, render,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only Fiifcguard to select nn instrument bearing the
names of first elns-s'wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
styles of the celeb) add l'stey Oigans can now bo seen at the new rooms
of the Only jkuthoiiiSicl gentfoi the Eatoy Organs in
Columbir-. County. .-A guaranlce for live years fiom the manu-
facturcis accompanies every J'"stey Otgan.
tin S-LTSEK, Agent,
Bloomjsburg, Pa.
Plumbor, G?.s Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, Gth door aprtito.-so.tjr
The Old 13stiublHSlBCl iu$; Store.
and Market
Corner Main
The omiprsifptt bovine rcen In tho VII0M !1IM:; tusltii f-s for llir pxM t h in jrars uoultl
tlii'lr laiyi' ami vatlfd stwk.
M CQ3&&ISX-& of
gag Sy -
Neatly and cheaply executed at the
Oauntiusi Officr,
ChiiiioI Kigiaii9Se9 siBBVwhei'e.
1-KlUrUMKIlY, CinAltS,
,r TOOTH llltt'SllKS.I
hair nnusnKs,
be kept in n complete and well
July 90, om.
'I liene) old coki'0hation8 are we'll fieaAorieel by aira
and riKR TbiiTKii anel liaveint'iLr t't had a invj u.r.
tloil by any court or law, Tuelr unscta aro all Invoat
I'd In aoLiUhtcuuiTiiuiaiicI aru liable) to Uiei haianl
ol tiKKontv.
LOohCH I'hOUlTLT ard nOHKUTLY adltlRtftf and nnld
aa ion as esetermlne-d by cuKianiM p. KNirr. sue
il. AfittNT anu AbJe'ttlaH HLOOUhBrHn. I'e.
The ioplo ot C'oluDibla county ebould pitronlie
tbe agocy wbere losfaoa It any are aetUe-el and paid
by oneorUie.lrowuctilrern, '
i-miMriftui), Aluiix rAIlt UKAUNl)
NOT, 18, tW.
nnd in fact every thing that should
regulated Drug btore,
The are the solo Manufactures of the Celebrated
Drv W. iVl. BICjCLEY'S Celebpted ad
The Best Remedies Made.
Highly Recommended by Physicians.
Itloonislnirff. Pa.
t, ttlijr
Uforo tils return lo Colorado.
good circumstances.