The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 10, 1880, Image 2

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Irti? InItttitBtiin.
0. 2. GtiWSLL, Ell tor.
J. K. BITTENBDHDSB, Publisher.
Friday, Sopt. 10, 1880.
Democratic iVatioiia1 Ticket,
rou i'iu:siui:xr,
rou viCE-riirmcNT,
OEOilOK A. JUNKS, JciTeraoti county.
nOMCKTl'. DEOlIEIll', PhlMolpliU.
County Ticket.
tiu)ij;ct lb tho decision of tho Con'
furcne i.
(Subject to tlio decision o! fio Scnetorlal Confer
The Chairman of the Democratic county Com.
mltieo, requests each member 01 tho standing Com
mittee to make an nrinoluliueut or a Vlerllancu Cum-
initio for his election district, borough or township
consisting of at least two members. In addition tu
U14 mcmuer 01 uio aiauuine? e;ommnece, anu in ine
larjrer districts threw or rour, as may to necessary,
ana the nicinbcr of tho .S'audtng Commliu-e will
promptly within not tnoro than ono week send the
BLUiljs eu eus euuiriuau.
Ctus. 0. IUkklkv, David Lowrnqbiuj,
secretary. Chairman.
rost onico.
II 'aver,
ijioceiuburg K.
Central la,
Conyneham N.
Mil n.
Mt Pleasant,
Scott East,
.v-ott, West,
J. T. Fox, Hearer Valley.
nour .iiciicnry, neneon,
I)r. F. 1'. Hill, licrwicK.
luvld Lnwcnberff, Jllooinsburtr.
Chas. (1. Itarklcy, do
A. 11. croup, Berwick.
W. L. Eyi-l ly, Calavvlisa.
Thomas Kcarna CentraKa.
T. f. Conner. Lime itlJo.
Thomas Kwias, Ccntralla.
John Monroe, Ashland.
Or us u. alcUcnry,stlllwaier.
c. UArttcy. Calawl aa.
win. Kyer, Kjer eiro.c.
Sctli Shoemaker, Huckhorn.
Mias vv. aicuenry, mailer.
A. M. Johnson.
Conrad Kreamer,
J. II. nush,.
Samuel Snyder,
Peter A. Evans,
E. Howell.
.Ti. 1). Human,
John K. Fowler,
John Mourer,
John Savatre,
Dr. I). T. Krebs,
W. A. Kilo,
1'lno summit,
Tho Sunbury Daily says: "The other day
in Lykens, thirty-eight men who have never
voted anything else but the Republican
ticket, signed tueir namesto be enrolled in a
Hancock club and intended to vote for him
Men are getting tired of the corrupt doings
of the Republican party and many arc leav
log. If wo get even five or ten in every
election precinct to' vote for Hancock we will
carry tho State."
John Cessna Chairman of the republican
State committee has recently Issued a con
fidential circular in which bo advises certain
side shows to be made n part of the campaign
as "the laboring men of the country vote
through their eyes' This is an insult which
the laboring men will be apt to resent at th
polls tbls fall. As a rule tho laboringclass
es of this country act intelligently, and voto
according to their honest convictions,thougli
John Cessna says they are idiots.
We are told by the organs that Grant is
proposing to attend Garfield meeting-t, and
great things are expected to happen there'
Nobody need be surprised nor dismayed
at this. It is very well understood by th
initiated, that the election of Air. Garfield
means a return to power of tho plundering
gang of the years ot Grantlsm.
Bibcock and the "Whiskey Ring," Ilel
knap and the "Indian Ring," Boss Shep
herd and the "DeGolyer Pavement Riug,"
Garfield and the Credit Mobiller Ring," all
ate coming to tho front; and the reign of
plunder and villainy is to commence anew,
The Colfaxco, tho Pattersons and Pinch
becks will again reign supreme, and the
raids on the treasury will be more frequent
and more exhaustive. Wells and Casa
nave, Agnes Jenksand Eliza Pinkston, John
Sherman and Jim Anderson will continue
to grow rich, and the country and the public
service will bo debauched.
The election of Garfield and Arthur will
be a premium on official corruption auddis
Senator Wallace's Views.
From the PitUburg Gazelle,
"As to the ondition of affairs in th
State" (Pennsylvania), said th Senator, "I
never saw them in better shape. Our peo'
pie are very enthusiastic and are working
"Will you hold your own in the House?1
"We will gain, I think. There is Speer,
who will certainly be elected; then we will
elect a man iu my district to succeed Yu
cum, the greenbacker; Harry White will be
beaten above here, and we will certainly
elect Hopkins. You see, there will be
gain of four, nnd I don't see where we ar to
lose. Co (Troth will make it sure if passiii,
pension bills could do any good, for he did
rush through a lot of them. He used to in
undate me with them, as he considered it my
duty to get them through the Senate. Possl
bly be hid an eye to business in doing this,
as be seemed to work harder for Republicans
than Democrats."
"How about New York?"
"There is no doubt of New York; in fact
there can be Done, because all the factions aro
united to a man on alt the candidates from
Hancock down to Congressmen. It Is true,
however, that there is some kicking about
the local officers, but it will iiot affect tho
general result."
"U there a possibility of carrying Ohio?"
"John G. Thompson said the other day
tbrt there was a chance for It. For my own
part I would not like to say, but I thluk the
outlook is not discouraging. Indiana is the
battle giouod. Tliero both sides are down
to bard work, but the Republicans miss Sen
ator Morton. He was a host when he set
himself to carry a point."
"Is It true that the National Democratic
Committee expect Pennsylvania to Hop?"
"Well I hare not beard them say as to
that, but we are not going to give up tho
fight until after the election. ) have said It
wns possible for us to carry tha State, and I
l(in't fetl disposed to take it bade"
As Iho Committee of (lie Stnto taghla-
ure Kpiiotntcd to examine Into tlio tint litl-
liory chargr, and nil the levllng papon of
llio cjuntry oxoinratu I from nuy bUmo
such paper-) rn printed tlio riot bill, In tlielr
columns, we alirtll nni vvmtti Any tlmo over
the pnerllo eiTinlom of the yotithfal editor
over the river. Our readfri fully understnnd
our position on the riot hill, reml no garbled
extracts, maliciously mUreprcscuted ns bo
ng our sentiments, will cliantio tho mind of
tlio public.
Thin paper mi poor I T. J, Vanilersllco for
tho office) nf representative because he. Is thu
nominee nfthe Democratic patty Ills course
ii the t.pgiidiiturfl has been niilorscil by the
party In spite of tho abnie and elliiri of the
licet over the liver. The attempt of a pa
per edited by a republican, owned by a rep
ublican, and bnrfced by republican, nnd
whose columns are fdlcd by n n publican nl
heart, though prnfejinp to bo a Lrcmocrat,
to defeat the nomination of Mr. Vandersllco
resulted in his selection, and the more thfct
paper talks about him the larger will bo his
majority. Nobody hai any douht but that
ho could purchaio it silence; for a few pal
try dollars, but by so doing lie would splko
one of his strongest batteries.
What the Henniilicaiis say of (iarllflil.
The rpublicans will send you a llltln eight
page pamphlet for nothing to any part of
the Uuited States. This startling Informa
tlon m given : "The rams courageous spirit
which carried liim throiicb collego has
mtrked all his subsequent carter. His sound
udctnent, his wUuotn, his conservative
views on all national questions, have tliown
him to be a sauaciuus statesman, whom
the people cau and v. ill trust with the ad
mlnlstrution of affair. Rinder,be is worthy
of your mpport! Gailicld tducaled him
self, aud is acknowledged tho first of living
Let the reader just imagine for a moment
bow all the European diplomatists must
squirm in their chairs of state when they
peruse this passage. Isn't it just possible
that Premier Giadstona will hanker alter
tho presidency of this country it he thinks
that by being a candidate he will bo called
the first living statesman ? ' Won t Prince
Hismark retire to his favorite lesidence at
Varzin in order to recuperate for a strupglo
with the American "statesman" in caseOar
field is elected? Iitlt how will Conkling and
Logau and Cameron bear being ruthlessly
laid aside? What will Illaine, of Maine,
think of an Ohio man taking prercdenco ot
him in the ranks of statesmanship ? Then1
arc all the questions the Democrats put filth
in connection with the newest title given to
tho republican nominee for the presidency.
Of course, it is hinted that perhaps there
may be a little lealoupy on this scoro that
may account for the lukewarmness of Conk
ling, for the half activity of Logan and for the
Hiillennessof old Simon Cameron's son and
heir. Hut tho "most unbiudept cut of all'
is given by tho Democrats when they insln
uate that "Garfield is nothing but a ranting
Western demagogue, whose public career is
entirely devoid of (anything to show that he
has even the commonest attributes ofa states
man. "He has," they say, tho low cunning
of an Ohio politician, and his public career
h little better than his military record, which
he made by shooting ata couple of rebels,
and then, before the war had well commen
ced, be rushed into the balls of Congress,
where he knew he was perfectly safe."
From the Hartford Timet.
The standard work, "Tho -American Cy
clopaedia," is exhaustive enough to include
every name of note in the world's history.
Uutit does not give the biography nf James
A. Garfield. The Cyclopaedia's account of
the buttle of Chickamauga makes no men
tion of any Qeueral Darned Garfield on that
field. Nor anywhere iu the entire sixteen
volumes does the name of Garfield appear
associated with any civil or military event
in this country, nor in Ohio, nor even in
connection with Hiram College. But the
Cyclopaedia docs give a full biography of
Winfield Scott Hancock, separably connec
ted with his country's history. And un
doubtedly the next revised edition of the
Cyclopaedia will contain a far fuller bio
graphy, which will cover Hancock's career
as President otthe Uuited States.
Garfield reported the Deficiency bill on
December 1C, 1S72, in the following usual
form for one principle item,
"In order, to protect the United States in
its expenditure of money, the committee
bavo put the appropriation in this form :
"To enable the Secretary of tho Interior
to pay the expenditures mado by the Hoard
of Public Works of the District of Colum
bia for paving roadway and curbing and
paving sidewalks, grading, sewerage; and
other improvements upon and adjoining
the property of tho Uuited States in thu
District of Columbia, $1,211,020,92, or so
much as thereof as may b necessary.
"Provided, That all payments under this
appropriation shall be made only open
vouchers approved by the i liicer in chsrge
nf the public district nnd crounila of h
District 0. E, Ilabcock after fiill cxaiu'u i
tion and measurements ol said improve
ments "
The original bill a prepared by Guieral
Garfield did not contain thisprovhhn a! a'1,
uor any part of it. That came to he put on
in this way ; The frauds tLat wtro suh-p-quently
proven were then suspected, and iu
order to guard the Treasury, the Hon, S. S.
Marshall ol Illinois, then a member of the
committee, moved a pioviso to the bill. di.
reeling that Gen. Humphreys, then Chief
ot the f.ngineer Worps, cae all tho work
adjoiniug public property to be mea.ured,
and that payment should bo made on his
certificate alone. This motion took Gar
field by suprise It was too fair to bo op
posed, and he adjourned the committee.
After consulting with the Ring chiefs, he
brought in the foregoing prnvLo ns a Mih
stitute fur that of Mr .Marshall, and argutd
that it would bo a rcllecliou on Uat'cock.who
bad cbargo of the public buildings aniA
grounds, to put auy one else over his head
to certify tbe measurements. His Itepubli
can collesgiies agreed with this view, as it
would not do to offend the President's con
fidential secretary. They thus fortified the
Rim;, and opened the door for tho robb-ry
that followed.
When the bill caine befire the House, It
was resisted as appropriating money without
law, 2ir, iioiuiau proposed tnree englnecs
to measure the work. Other amendments
looking to the protection of the Treasury
was oll'eieJ. Under General Garfield's lead,
they were nil voted down, 'The Ring tri
umphed and the appropriation nasruihed
through, Ij a few weeks after, right In the
face of a proviso forblding it, and of the
statement of the Board of Public Works
that "no further sum will be required to
complete the work undertaken," another ap
propriation of 1 2,199 533 was passed.
When h 1874 the joint committed Inves
tigated these and other measurements, they
found that Habrock had certified the most
barefaced frauds! that tbe Treasury had
been most shamefully swindled, and that the
Ring bad stolen a larger part of the appro
priations, Haviug a republican majority
on tbe part of the Senate and of the House
on the Committee, Ilabcock escaped by put
ting tho blame on subordloates.while befwaa
notoriously connecteu iniarge speculations
with lloss Shepherd at that time.
It was but natural, as Garfield favored
Ilabcock iu 1872, and mode him tbe "only"
measurer of Ring work, that Ilabeyick in
18S0 nhouW aajpjiort CUrCeld. aY, V, fi.
Tho olcctlon nt Slate officers in Ar
kansas on Monday was carried by tho Dem
ocrats by an overwhelming mijorlly,
Iho republicans carried Vermont on Tues
day by tlx ir usual majority.
Mr. J. M. I'rilz, who hns been tcuhSng at
Asbury, clo'eil h! rihool on Ptldiy last, Sep
tcnibeiuborr tlrd. lie sUrled on S.ituicl.iy fur
Iviston to b'gln Ids Hc.iiul year in college. Ho
carries with him the host it Mies ol the dislrict.
He Is n No, 1 tone her.
Mrs. John Amliews is viriltng in and nronud
Mrs. l'ctor Lvilaml h:is been slk for a long
tlnw iili con.uinplloii, and nt prtu.t writing
Is nob iter.
Miss Alho Lanl.-uli has btcn ritk five
weeks wllh t y J hold lever, but Is s'outy minding,
ri-hlngf reek tunliip hss fivo Salbtlh
schools nt present with a membership of nbout
firo hundred scholars. Tho Zion Union school
is tho turves', and is well ronilurtid, Ashuiy
is lint bo large, but Is n fine chool. St, Junes
has a largo and goid schoil. Stillwater hss
two school and JoncMown c no, m.l wc pn-
mme they ore all mnnngtd well.
Wo havo h id a number of cases of diphthe
ria, bat in yet only three uentii.
Futuurs aie gctt'i g ready to seed. Some nre
Tlio apple crop In Fislungcreck lownthip is
very large. I liavo novcr teen so miitu iriiu
and ticrrle. Ac., as there is
Fishlngrreek his a Hancock nnd EnglUh
chili, numbering 27C. e arc organized well
Wc have Greenbacker awl Republicans on
tur list'. Tiny nre nrxiouso pre the day when
they ran help put In iho presidential chair, the
tried and true palriot and roldier, Wlnlield S.
Ilnncick. We will roll up the largest Demo
critic majority that ever was cast for tiny presi
dential tnndidtt in this township, ''ut llint
down nuie. H,
A Truss Hatty.
Nothing is so conducivo to a man's re
maining a bachelor as stopping for one night
nt the house nf a married lriend and being
kept awake for five or six hours by the cry
ing of a cros bnby. All cross and crying
babies need only Hop Hitters to make them
well and smiting. Young man, remember
this. Traveller.
doing liver lo Hancock.
Judge Smith, of Herkimer, and Jacob
Snell, of Foil Plain, Montgomery county,
two well known and influential Republicans,
a Idressed the democracy of Canajoharie on
Fiiday of last week on the occasion of the
Hancock and EogUs'i bn tier raising at that
Ex-ihcrifi' Wagner has also come out for
These are changes of ni little importance,
ns every onf of them has a largo following.
Tho great Hancock boom is booming all
along the line, quietly but earnestly.
&'iohar!e Jtepubtic in.
There is no use of drugging yourself to
death, nnd buying all the m'edicicines foriu-
ternnl ue when you cm be cured or lever
au l ague, Milieus disorder, jiundice, dys
pepsia, as well as all disorders and ailments
of the live r blood, and slniuach, by wearing
one of frof. Guilmrll's French Liver Pads,
which Is a i-ure cure evciy time. If your
diugglst dues not keep the pnd.Smd f 100 in
a letter to French Pad Co,, Toledo, O., and
it will be sent to you by mail. It is the on
jy pad that is guaranteed to cure. ISevvareuf
llaiicaik's Sayings.
The true and proper use of the military
power.besidcs defending the National honor
against foreign to uphold the laws
and civil government and to secure to every
person residing nmongusthe enjoyment of
life, liberty and property.
The right of trial by jury, the habeas cor
pus, the liberty of the pres, tho freedom of
speech, the natural rights of persons and
the rights of property must be preserved.
Tell General Meade that tho troops uuder
my command have repulsed thensault nf the
enemy, who aro'now Hying in nil directions
in my front.
Power raav destroy tho forms, but not tbe
principals of justice. These will live even
in spite of tho sword.
The great principles of American liberty
ttill are the lawful iuherit-iiice of this people
aud ever should b,
Ar.ned insurrection) or forcible resistance
to tho law will be instantly repressed by
talking About Prosperity.
The Republicans say that tho prosperous
times aro their chief reliance fur the coutin
uanco of their party In power.
They aro unable, however, to fhovv that it
is any policy peculiarly their own whicl:
has produced the prosperity of the times,
which is, in truth.owirg to the industry and
economy of the people.
Moreover, it ii not the distracted and un
reconciled condition of the country which
tliev seek to continue a serious obstacle iu the
way ot' the higher degree of b-iiut-s pros
perity. If tho whole oii'iiry is to prosper, then
the wholo country sh i-ild he at pcice and
contentment. The lepu'ulicaus sosk to keep
the S ill li in an inferior, humiliated condi
tion. Is that consistency with real progress?
Can a kpction of country which is kept con
stantly burring under accumulated indigni
ties he expected to increase its industries in
tbe same way it would if treated on terms
ol rntialitv ?
On the whole, as a matter i f hu-lness, is
it mt safer to try the Democratic party for
four years.
Agents and Canvassers make from $25 to
$50 per week selling goods for E G, Ride
out A Co', 10 Barclay strcet.New York. Seud
for their catalogue and terms. sep,10,'80-ly
Nbyii vkt Stedkeu On tho 22nd t,lt., hy
Iliv. K. II. Yocuin, Mr. A, II. Neyhart, of
Millville, to Mi Mi da.M.S ecker, efllluoin.
Ykttkii On Ihe 7ih iiifl,, at the
residence of ihe bride's patent-, by tho sams,
Mr AHwit Yellir, t.f Catawi-sa, lo Miis Mat
tio lluol, cf lilooiiitburg.
Connek In 0-angvllU, on tlio 1st Inst.,
Harris II. Conner, aged 11 years, J months
and 1! days,
ltelng the only ion, his death elicited much
sympathy in our village for his widowed
mother and only sister, ilarrio was bright In
Intellect, social In dlpoiil!on and very affec.
tlonate in heart. Although only a youth, he
will be mis'tsl in the locial circle, Sabbath
school, Acalctuy, and particularly at his
home. Tears may flow, and hearts may ache,
but there echoes buk from his little tomb,
Aileep only asleep I Ills funeral wad well
attended by the comiuunily at large, and also
by the ttudrnts of the Academy, who attended
in a body. And as we laid hlslittlo body awayi
wllh eyes soO'ueed with tears, wo said to his
dear remains, Farewell, farewell 1 But some
thing till) echoed back, We part only to meet
tiguln on jondrrtjoiden there-. A, II,
Tlio UcpiiMlrnn Tarty ami llm South,
Enough hat been show, In tho diripoint-
tneutand anger of Iho Republican organs
over an apparent au unexpected incrcasa In
tho population of the South, to deniomlrale
that the prosperity of tho South Is Inimical
to thn aims nnd hopes of the Republican
pirly, It seems to bo cliown that the popu
utlmi of tho Sutith has increusod ubout
twenty-eight per rout within tho past ten
years. Too Republican organs nrj disap
pointed nnd angered by th! ovidenco of
prosptrlty. if Iho coul I hn shown,
beyond doubt or question, tn have been
twice r. great rs It is, thu sp'ilio-iiicu of tho
p ir y which fi ,ds uiiiugunisiu to the H'Hith
the reiith of lis nostril-, would ho vu been
twice i-.s much piilnli'd as they aiu now
nnd twice in niigry, Surely, n political kit
uali in under which this condition of tilings
U profitable) and possible ought to be
changi d.
It should bo tho aim nf every owner of
lltirr",Cntt,irc,,tn ninlip them ns handsome
nnd ti-i'liil us poiiible. The German lloise
mid Cow l'tmtler helps to develop all the
powers of thn iiiilnnil. It improves Its beau
ty and Inctpas s lis useliilness. It makes
milk, inuclo and fat. Ily using it a horse
will iln mure work and a cow give more milk
and hp In hitter condition with less feul.
Sold only by weight nt 15 ctnts a pound by
C. A. Ivl-lm, lihiomsburg,
Dec 12, '79-ly
The National Democratic Co nuitlce are
ii.nv prepared to Mipply-n popular llfo of
Ueiierul Hancock, bcnutliiilly illustrated,
written iindi r tho direction of Iho C.immil-
ter, by I'r.ttik II. Norton, and published by
Slicsrs. 1). Appleton & Co , of New York,
in ii ban some octavo ol 32 pages, double
column. It is historically accurate nnd nei-
Itctly reliable.
To enable clubs to circulate it, orders for
not les than lilty copies will bp Mipplled by
t lis (. oniinitti-p, at the rate of five cents per
opy. sample copies, six cents. Remit'
tancis may be sent iu money, post-olllce or
ders i,r postage stamps.
Addrcs, W . II, Rahniim,
I .IS Fifth Avcnuo New York
Mother", don't fail to have Sine's Djscn tet
Compound on hand, for the relief of your litlly
bahy man altacsco Willi any hjwcl complaint.
It contains no morphine nor opium, yet its
poolhiijfr tflbel will give the liitle sullirer so
much relief, that he will at once fall into a
fitniie sleep, and tjive his mother nu opportu
nilv lo real, as well ss every pi ovoked bache
lor of the houe. atiirGlm
TIiuukIi ihaltluK like an ,"len Lfnf.
With tho cMUd and fever, tho vlctlmof malaria mav
still recover by ustoi; this celebrateJ splenic, which
notcniy oreaKs up me mot nirgravau-u atMcks.but
pruv'L'u's their leuunence. It U Intlnltely preteiuble
u quinine, not only because It does the buMnetts far
more thoroughly, but also on accouutot Itaperft ct
wholewiiiU'iiess and lnvljjoratlni; action upon the
entire Kjhtem.
For sale by all Druggists and dealers generally.
EVKBY SOLU1EU tllsiWta In lino c( duty b
wounil, tllsi-ae, or Injury, Is t-ntltletl to pi-onlon.
rENMONS lNCHEAhlill Many iii-uilran Inn loss
than entitled .to. Tlmusiinds or Heirs eniltlc-d to
Pension and liounty. HKJi:crRU cases re-opencd.
illANlKlNE.) I'ASKh nilis-lu-.l. Copies ot Inst ills
charces obtained. Claims ot eery description proj-
Addl04 ullll sliimp,
II. H. UKIILIN : CO., Attorney,),
sept. 10, 'cu-om tco l'ox Mi Wuslilugton.D. C.
rtftula to nery one nno ansucis this wltlilu blxty
July 9, '8J-3M M-Cd Clly .Mills, MnM.
dy. Each spicy. Spirited, and splendid boll
Mo and Words. TLo vcrv Lnrtrpst .iml li,.tt. in
held, and the Cheapest, hampha mailed on n-celpt
ot price, lac. each, uranil Chance rur AKents and
ciub. Terms Liberal. Kor laitlculais, address
UNION HOOK CO., 722, Jayne tl., 1'rjlla.
sptliMw u
niHATRVr Itl'.MI ei-r ktiimn! (10,1)00::
In Thtrty Davs, aDd so.ouo More rrlntlnn- to suppiy
the Irotncnao demand tor thu Llto o(
ine uuuitjusu ueniuuu lor euu uiu ot
dored by den. Hancock, tlio party I
pies; and Life or
bv lion. J.
nlBhly e n-
dorn-d by i!en. Hancock, tho parly loaders, and
pies-; and Life or
by lien. J.
ly endorsed. Iioth omoial, lmineiibeiy popular, sell
IniroierliMiooawecKi I Accuts maklnt: llo tosm
a d.u! The harvest Is September and October,
oultlts see, cacti Mora A enU Needed. Tor
best terms, address quick, llt'ilHAIU) lute s..'ubs
JJ3 Chestnut fctrcct. l'Mladelphla. el Sep. lMw
Rowell 8c Oo'a. Advc'o.
Is bclllntr our two splendidly Illustrated booki.I ireot
roHNEV, (an author ol national lame), highly en
dorsed by eicn. Hancock, the. party leaders, and
pres; al-o Ltto ol
rrlcnd Oen.JAS. s. IIHISIIIN, (an author or ulctece.
lebrlty), also slronejly e-ndGrkcd. Holhoniclal, 1m-mense-ly
popular, Billing oer in,wi a week II
Agents inaklnt' flu a daj 1 outfits, sec each, Kor
best books and terms, address quick, llllllllAltO
linos., l'hiu., I'd. r sept, iimw
A VEAU ana expenses to agents,
outnt Free. Address m O. VICKKKY,
Autuita, Maine, r aep. 10 4w
VllVDIITlsEitx by addre&sln? OEO. V. HOW.
El I, & Ct)., la snruce siree-t, New York, can
learn the exact cost ot any proposed Lino or AH
VEKTlslNII In Amer'can newspapers. fl(i()
I'HKB I'lliiiphlel 10,'. r Mpt,10-4W
r ,
In the Hack, falde
uisuiuuia eji iiiu
or JOHN II. KINI'OItTS, Drujelst, Main street
Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad
Wlllposltlvelv cure Feer and Agre, numb Ague, AtrueCVke, Illllous Vorer, Jaundice. IUrDala. and all
disease cm ne uter, nuanacii ana jiieiou; , -ine pau cures bv absoriitlon. and Is pcrininciiL Atkyour
druggtsi for 'this pad and uke no other. It bodoeuotke-plUMiMlf. M toihe FiTknuii 1'All exj.lll. a.
liraucnTOLKUO,Ohlo.iuielrctltellby return inalU 1-urnala by JOHN II. KI.NfOKrs, farWsuVslu
ilMt, ibov lroti,Woolaaburs, J1l Ufrt
itfjcwTQ uAM-rrn mrtvwiir.riR t mi
.iuuii , u unit in-1,
llnir Mnrlilnn errr Invent,!.
rM I'liitillrKnlt-
Mucklnei, wild Hi:!'.!, nml 'lOI
win knii a imlror
I, nun 'mi, f-nimi,.n. in
stbrk tor nil ti liiereliialM sjs n reft'tv nmrlirl. Send
v iiiiiiiiivn i. win i.w mm n uri'ui vnrniT ,,i innry.
I ir rin-mar una u'lmn 101110 -j iroillinjr ml I It II!
alltclilno Cu, 41)11 WAnliUigtim bustou, Ma.a.
trpt. 10, -'1.-4111
cnixl bj tlio rtraln of
nf r.umni
satnlllnif OTormk
your . tiuiiiB i en's
fttlmulnntianil ui
Hod Dittera
nlt-'lit work, to ret
r.u timln nisrP and
Iwaxto, umj Hop Bt
If yen ro yrmnff nnd
4u!.llnii HP ilisihiliKl
I nulTerlrTB from any In-
rt(Ml or ffiye, fid of
lion II J "ii rvi o
you odt, mlfprlnir frora
lwriicaiiu wr nullum
SirtM. nij en Hoi
Whoettr yoURr.
wIioiK'vif you fcrl
that jour jrtm
..n...ia .inu1nis. ton 1
iff on a bed ot ilck
Ttiouwindridi ftiv
tioaliy from aome
form ff Kidney
illnea-o that might
Inir rr Mlmtimllnrf,
rc ixfnireiimi
a timely usoof
tfikfl HOP
Hare ypriffif-
D. I. C.
t( ttto ttimaeh.l
botrrtn, Mootl,
You will be
oiircillf routiM
Hop outers
la an almoluto
and irmixia
bte euro for
lrunkennt?ii .
uiw of opium,
tobacco or
If TOtiftrf-slm-plT
wtAk ami
It) It mny
llfo. It linn
snvod hun
(riit. Html for
nor rrrrtu
RotiMtrr, R. T
A Tnmnto, OnU
f I f IT11" Morphine Ilat.K put cJ Into osi)
J I I U Hi wya. W pnytiucurpii. i)r..x, stk-
arms, 'so-ly
uoublo Hullor
, Clovof Machine
; l. tM w Usui ihAt hM f r
I tiiillM 1H buahrU M t4
la om 4avy from Asurp ai4
pttdn, Ptnd fc P
i MripHv. lltttuW atsl rar
J.Lil, tk-0 Ill Ita-hf
bll.-.a MLflll,.!, in.
llnatn Aa-rinl(m-sl IintJn.i-ni l l... I
Farmers ilepsrt da Clwcr Hnllers
L.UlKANdK, I.AliBANOE ('0 Mnj ST 'lM.
Itcpcrt t-I u Joint CoinmUtfc ufiwlntca hv llm An
rlctili urnl sotlety or M. Ju-ejjU tounlv. .Michigan,
nrd rjinrancp ccuntc. to tctt. thp rrtntlvo mc iltH ot
thu victor clover llullfi ot ItAcrHtoun, y,a nn-1 i.f
inu iiuusni 3ioniiort Jiinur, uiovit nuner, vi ittui
IK nu. hid :
Wiikhfas, at tho St. Joepli county, Mlclil-i n, r ilr
liclil ut CcutrcMlc.oii thuttistdtiy or May, ic-o, unci
tin ufiTcciccnt was cntomt Into by tlio Uinett'i.t
)nncliiLctohaft a til.ilof their merits at IU' In-
(iranpn county Fair, oulhursday MnyvT.a Joint
fuinrnUtco, vkM formed coi slstttiy of tlvo from each
Ut I11U IWV I'UllUllfB, UIU1 U-YHl 1 LI J II 1 11 llli&UUJ,
Tim comtniltce, In pur&iidiict cf the aKretment,
M'cuitil two horse loaili it, which haa t"H.-ri
stftt kt'il two wlnt i a. aiU I touirht them
on tho irrouhil, an 1 tit teimlctd that tali roach l no
should thresh one load, nnd UientacU lo-thicsli t tie
m raw which nna ueon tun uir. uuinny omer nm
t'hltift according to uri't ineiiT.
At tin conclusion of tho trial the committee rc
lMilr(Ht to Agricultural Hall. and. alter dun dflUVra-
ttun, uuatdmously decided In favor of thy VluruU
1 Uli UAI I 111 I i AIM lJ.UlJL.Lb..Ul Uf UJ(U.I."S
ALts lilSl'KOTS.
'i ho lllnNeil. from 1.933 nound straw thrpfhert 37
pounds seed,w 1th n Urge quantity of chutT.the victor
iroml.aiii txiiindsof n'luir thrcMiod 4- pounds
teed, mixed with a less quantltv of cliaff, The tlmo
ner upien in inrt'Shinff oy ine victor was ewut win
utalt'jss tluu that occupied by tho lllrdsell tnm
thefiti'twof tho Victor Iho lllrdsell machine thresh
ed two noundsof beed : from the straw or the Ulid-
she 1 thy Victt r thrtfched eight poundsnrbefd. 'ihe
fino occupied uy tho Victor In tills rithteshlng win
seven minutes lea turn that occupied by tho
Hies-j machines wore both run by Uu&seU Murine.
iked csnnt'a l' tlwjsnmearaoutittif po-wr", Slyiied
bye inmlttcc.
K. Mxoy, ehaliman, Ladranse, Hat.
.1, II. (latdtier, Scc'v t'ciitrevllle, Mich.
Jamt's Itlchards tentroMUe Mich.
Mordtti Mabln, UentrtMHe. .Mich
Samuel rraiiklbh, C'eiUreMUe, MWi
1 . M. Woodworm, LaOrange. lud.
James t'iugstoii, i nCirancc. Ind
Atad Ijimpmau, Laura ne, ind,
J. K. Houk. t,.i trun ire. Ind.
Clrcul irs of the VIOTok sent postago prepaid on
HaqersfmvnAgl. Imp. MnnfCo,
II.Uilllt-STOtVN .11,1.
Aug. 27, 'Ml 4-
sruAxtu: nuT wosnuitrtii.LY tuue.
When Dr. Uriel; willi e-onscious jiriJe,
Ami e, -truest z:al bis iniuil niipliee!,
The science ileep to open wiiie,
Of soothina; nii'l of healing.
He- took of iiiiny snbs-taticts known
That woulil Ileal or still auroah.
Anil soor (-'imposed by skill alone
His miraculous lluniou ISaUam.
Tormtnteil with Bunion, Corn or Ilruise,
ThousHinU of siiUVre-rs hennt the nowi,
The reme'ly that meets thu views
Is Dr. UrictrV I.iuiioti Il.iUani.
Solil by C. A. Kleim, llloonisliiirjr, Y.i.
A ))oru to the line. Try Dr. Joilah
lirK'Es' U.tlarrh fpcclicson (ollowini; eonili
linns: We will pay SluO for a ca'a thev eill
not cure; $100 lor their eqiul a-in t-ure; WOO
if anything poisjnotn it louuil in lliem.snel
-l,e.iuu n in any respect the y aro ilitlVrent
from representation, bokl by C A. Kleim
Ulnnimuurp, I'.i.
From a Celclrahd I'liyslcum of Harris
bury, l'a. Dr. Josiah 'llrigj, Dear Sii
ooiiie' lour iiiiinius since a lanv applied In mc
for something to relieve the paiti of a trouble
some bunion ami a leti'rcel corn, airl having
heard jour llniiion lLelsam highly spokei-
oi, i uireoicu nor to can un yournjrent J. H.
Holier, anl set u liux. She llid so. ami now
iui'orni" me th.i cure iscnmplcte, sho haviiij:
siiuereii no paMi aner I lie lirt application.
Uelieiug lingj:-,' lintiinn ItiUaui of irif-at
yaiue 10 inu-ewiio uner iroui e-orns, linn
ious, iSie1 , I uu'.ieiitatingly reconimeml it to
the people of the country. Sold by 0.
A. Kteim. Blootmhiiicr. I'.i.
Catarrh tliatloatnmie 7seafe,that scourge
of iiiini iniiy, which de-troys ntllhiiis of ik'h-
ple annually, is spu-dily and radicallv cured
with Dr. Jusiah I!rigz Catarrh Specifics.
con uy u, a. Jvielin, Jiioouliuv, l'a.
Mr Ata M Shan, of Itcnton, A'. J.,
I would pay $100 lor imo bottle ot Tamarack
Liver and Kidnev It'incdy, If I could not
tret it without. It has cured me nf e-ravel
and infliniuiation of the prostrate gland,
weak oack ami general ileoiiity, sola by u.
A. Kleim. llloiimsbiirtr. l'a.
Tlr. Jotiah tlriyga' Bunion Jlaham is the
onmax o: ineuieal fCience, the only eliscov
erv on oirth that will rnelicalk- and nrrnm
nently t-ura ihre troublconie anil painful
tor.iieiiis, wuose throbbing pains and un
tightly protrtii.)iw is a-ouiceof untold mis-
sery. Ilunion Hal-am also turt-s hard and
olt torn-, sure Imleps, eSe. Silver Corn
Plaster is a model of escellenee. Deodori
zing Foot Lotion is a boon to sweatv feet,
anil ili-pels the oll'eiiive odor frotn'tlirm. cure lor iuiriowinc nails is the won
eler of the woild. It blood and corruption
gushes from the sides of the toe nl every
step the radical cure) for irgrowlng nails
gives instant rel'i-f, ami thp severest cases
are'cund In lendays. Sold b)0. A. Kleiui,
lllonu.sbiirg, Pa.
Siet, Xercouaor llilliout Headache-Mil
lions mlier (tin most universal nlllielion ot
the human race; all elates are troubled.
1 lie head never aches when the various or
trans are woiklni; in harinonv wl'li nature.
There can h no heodi.che it the human ma
chinery is in a he-althy couditinn IJrifjgs'
Allevanlor is reliable tor headache anil neu
ralgia; uever fails, hold by C. A. Kleim
Dliiomshuri;. Pa,
Sound the llugte. Herald the tidings ot
me glorious victory, the itay ol mllt-rlng
from Internal Uli-eilirg, External and Itch
ing Piles U pa-it. Dr. Jusiah Hriggs' Com-
oiuaiion rim Keuieuich are tn every respect
reliable for the cutof he-luorihoids.e r piles,
usuia ann aim pro naiaju, anl, ,vc t'rlce 1
ooiaoyi-, a. Kleim, tilocmsLuitr, l'a,
arlil 23,'80-ly
A Positivoand Pwmanoal Curo Guaranteed
In alJ casos of Giavel, Diabetes. Dronsv. Itru.l.i's n;..,.. ,,r il,
Kidneys, Inconlliience nnd Hetentloii ol Urine, lull uuotlein of
ll,(t L'ldnovQ Clular.l, ,.l' tl.a 111, 1. 1... III..!. 11 . t . .1 ,r ...
' . ; i-""'i-i, iiiku lyeiuii-ii urine, rum
or Iiius,. Nervous Weakness, and in fact all
uiuuiier liltu Ul uarv ejipans. whi-llirr mlrurl.
el by private disease. or otherwiso.
This irreut remidy has Ik en used Willi success tor nearly ten i In
France, wllh the most wondei ul Curative KITecis. It cures bv ahsor ulo m
no nauseouslnterua medicines bciUK required We have huodrcds ol VektU
luoulaisor cures by th Is 'id when n ii , ,n,i ivm-
. LAUIKS II you arosutlerluir rroui Feunle Weslcnesi, Iaucorrluoi. or dls.
feB ',''l"''tl ""y aMaM c,lh kj"l'J. ak ouP
ITOI. I.IIIIIIICIU N I'l e-ucll Klilllov I'sul
U1.11 -oa " he
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio,
above Iron. Iiloomi.
Sep. 10, -bo-u
To their many Columbia county
continiiiinco ot tho suite mur opening m una uily, oujnuinuur um.
Fnr flu, pnnvnniniipn nf niit-nf-trnvii
where packaged may bo left until
While tlio Fair lusts wo shall daily place on exhibition.
.wress tumm,
Selected in Europe by our own buyers.
The extensive additions made lo
tion, so that taking all tilings together our ostnblwhinent will probably be an intercdtiiiic to lady sitrht
seers as tho State Fair itself. J 6
Hos. SOI, SOS, S05, SO, SO!l, IKsifkel Slreci,
Wos. 2, 1, O ami S, Ei&il&iDi Slreel,
No. SOI Filbert Street,
$1,000 REWAtlD,
1-Hh.JllU.M elleicd 10 AM rKKS'Wi
thai will ilo as C1RKAT A KaNOK
01'' WOltK on ANY OTHKK
WHAT '1 in:
11'iV do without basling.
It will mako wide hem on sheets, &c hem all
manner ol bias MOolen Koods, as holt merino, crape,
or coods bem on olher machines. It
makes a more elastic siltih than any other machine,
it will turn a hem and put In piping at tame time
It will turn a hem. sew braid on the right side
and stitch on trimming at one operat.on.
It win do MIIuk Has or straight, either on cotion
It win (ell across seams en any ccods.
I ulll bind a llreFS r.r skill nnrt c.wnnr,.in
either with or without Hiowlng Hitches: bind Dress
..vuun i(ii-B.iiuvuiuieiiui.eiuiere.caiiops,points.
SOUareS nr Stia't-hl. 'll,inrle mnrhlnn ll.nt mil Kt.,,1
llais, Cloaks, or either si tick's wllh bins, sailn or
ou, .iu,,, ftmo iiivuiaiii wuin, wimout oasuug,
Jt will gather with or without seuimr on.
It mil (rattier between two phces and sew on at
Utubamo time.
It will make amnio and stitch a pillow tlln on to
Ihn W I,,,., 111. PomallMn
it will shirr any kind ol goods.
It will mako plaited trimming e ither with or n 1th
out se-wlng It on.
It will inako plaited trtmmlng illherK-all.ijiedor
wtirmakokUr;plal!i,rig'.'iuu"1 iu""" "
J. SALTZKH, Gen'l AKcut,
llloomsbtirg, l'a.
oct. 3, 79-ly.
Danchy & Qq'b. Advt's.
AtlEMh lino jour choice ond sell the lire or
And coin moi.ey. irculareord teims tree, tiutntfo
. 1 " . . ." " " 1 i uu.. ti uroauway, cw Yoi k
Auglj, v 4.w. d
TV' ""t eon
iFeebli und
Ldthartlcs, chei
Mound this Matchless l.'ii,,.vr.,,
und exhausUd Consututlous 1th lolent
cheandecoctlonHnf viio rtnm ...i
luu ininxieiiues IhljOCeuUy labeled "blturs" MALT
Hl'lTKliN upisul to iiopular conildence be-e-auso u.
paied Inin uidei mi olid Milt, Hors, and oulnlne.
uud other piicloeis lnBredlenls.accordlng to ILe pro!
et-KS ol Llebig.aud aie ruber In Ihe elements that
restore loiHrmaueui health iliewt-ak.convalotcent
Lousuinnilir, euer-worked, Kenous, ble-epless lui,.
Iieptlc, Iillllous, atd i U kle In appei tte. than all oth.
er tonus or Molt or .Medlclno. Iho genuine are.
plainly tlgned by the company. Sold everywhere,
MAL'l IllVl'KII.- CejMl'AN V, 110lj'ION,MAbii,
aug SI 'sei4-w d
0 1 ? n A J 51.4 fcl;8-. hub ,las' Coupler
J IVVjryVIN CiVox teliste i Vox Humana.
wj.. .u.iiw nm uuieu,uiiii i-ianou ima up. cat
alogue Free. Address Daniel V. lleatty, Washing-
V MONTH guaranteed. $19 a day
At borne made by the tndustrloui
Capital aut required ; vu will bUrt
ou. Mod, women, boj and irlrU
tu&Ve luouef duttcr at work for tu
thmi at aiu liilnv Th u. .pt i
lltfUt and pleabaot, aod uucb an auutie ca.n iro
rtjbtat. TuoMt who axe wlte who aee UiU notice
will tend u tbeu addrtaes at once aud ace for
Uiemsalvua. Coutly Outfit and terms tree. Now ta Ue
tliae. Tboae already at work are lavlntr un im
iuuwi UlUIHVll AUUItH lll'B t VAJ,S AUI
friends .to make 'heir establishment
imtroiis. nlpiifiniit WitilitiL' anil
called for, have been introduced.
our buildintr dnrirnr tho iast throe
I'llt'S-WluturiceislnirtorluivsarUo from Inter
n I nift iliuv, Kxlt-rnal aiiUIUbi k ltl"M. The vain
endiMvors to obtain evtu pirllalrelUf lias dlffour
atfPdthe mlllloiia who MiirtT, and the. lmvu bjrno
tltelr aeoiiy Inbllcnce, tlilakliiK' tlu'tuwai no hopn
nriiospt'ct or a cure. ot vlthst.mtllnif tin total
failure of the many rtnuxlles here lufure ofTert'd tur
tno curo ct plU-a, and Un picture t.f a if on y lestlni;
oa the Ijcei t tUOMO sho hate tiled the tailousicm
edhMbut In vain jet cnrlv sought for and anx
loush tilO'l anjthfin; Ih t tho least relUf
until their courntre has loin; slncn glen place to Ue
Rpondency, let them cheer up, nlluw the smiles of
hitpplm-ps to lllumtnato tho liaard countenance,
and the duties of life will buperfurmed wit ha decree
of happlnests alid pleasnio unktiowii for weeks,
month or j eara. llrlirfl' Hie liemedlesarc the re
bult cf uucealns' study and exjwrlmentlnt;, the no
plusultnof medical Hcleiic, and lu every roi-peet
sare, solentlllc and reliable fur the cure of piles In ev
ery form. Itrla' remedies are uold by c. A. Kleim,
It'ODinslnirg. l'a.
Try Dr. Utkk HiiuIuh llulutn.
$1,000 REWARD
CATAliHII Is tlio most universal and dlatresslnff
dlseaaoof the present day, and tlirt heors ot won
derful rcmedleiiorreredfor tho curo or this disgust
Ing dlsea.M. which are wonso than worthless. lia.s
dlhcourat'ed tho millions who Kurremiid luetrl-U
la vain ror relit-f and cure until their courage is gone
ard the Wctim still suiters In doubt. Hc-i h wunie
with Dr. Jolah in Ifrus' t'aturrh hpidilcs Nos l and
2, and how bhall we proceed to convince that we
have thebeht and cheapest remedies known, lht-wo
will furnifch them to lespoiiblulo jurtle.s on condi
tion o ci'kb no rY." 2nd M11 payllOefura
casotLey will nor. cure, ard W 111 pav iiooiurllulr
eipnl us a cure. 4th will pay itfu if aim hint; pol
R'inousordeleterloiH Is round in (heir coniposttlun,
Mb Will pa l,riio ir in any particular Dr. Jo-l.ih
liiljila" Catoirh tpecUlcs are fun nd difltrent from
reiirerciitatlon. Vnrranted to tnstanily relletenud
radically cure Acute. Chronic, t'lceiatlvo or DrvC'a
tarrh, fold In tho (lend, and all allectlons of the
cavities or the had and throat. Two bottles lu ono
box. dreatefit t-uceess of tho age. Sold by (J. A.
KKlra, Hloombburg. I'.u
Try lr, IlrlKW- Ciilarrli fpeelilr-.
lliiuloiis, ('oiiisand othcra lmentsdrthereetciuso
unieu siiueriiiy anions ail naiions ny whom shoes
are worn, 'i ht le IsinnrHtnniitiihi.mi iu,,m r,t i.ntu
and shot's delrued annually In Ihe L'nlled Mates
em un-ruse in nm evor.u mure man fi.eijo tm-) tiy cut
llnir while nt w. in- nearly so, lomskeiooiii ur pain.
Till tuuU.iis, coi us, ingrowing n il s.soio Inst ?, eic.
vc,,Ko nm tiicuu luu iiiee, iiiete is pjiu m .-New
e ark tnehlruiitiilti.ts .ilir.ur .-ir.iilinnr.tioiH- n. v-
KiiKl.iud nuies nbom f5,11" : Iu lh ne.tcru tnd
Kiutht-rn about tso,imi; and In Unrest or tlio uorld
about l utt.mitf, Wsldes this 1 lu-ri-Is i'ii,i 11 1 sm 11 1 an
nu.ill) lui cuttles a d olher uoiUiIcm cumiHiunds
lor Iho cure or minions, C'oiiis.mto liisleps, euder
re-ei, e-. i o atom uieso greai losses and ext eudl
tares, use Dr. lirlggs' Ilunion liiNam and
sure Corn cure, which fs tho ouly preparation
known that irlecs liumidlato relht ni.ii rnmemu
cures hard, sutt land ulceraicd lluulona hard, sort
and resieivd cians, ascular eicrese-ne-es, callcsltles
large and small, soro Insleps" bIMered hi els, 10 der
.,,u.,uniut iiuiib, m nullum euiibini; or leav
Ing any pain or soreness. Warranted sate and sure
bold by c. A, Kle lui, uloomsburg, l'a.
Try Ilr. Ilrliim.' fupnnilliled I'lle Itrmrily.
Read and Kcllcct.
Local and constitutional trealment for all Ca
tarrhal affections. Ilr. Joslih Hriggs' Cauin h Siio
files are otTercd to those amicted with acute.chron.
1c, ulceratleo or dry catarrh, cold In the head, hay
Ieer, relaied palate-, soie throat, hoarseiM-s, loss
cf voice, and all affections or tho nasal cavities and
throat, with aguarunt e that they aiucheaper. bet
ter, morcen.caclous, curing ulcker. wllh more cer
tainty, aud more agreeable tu us.i than any remedy
yet discovered. Two bottles in one box, one or
which reduced with water makes en ouncea for u?e
I'rlcu tl.iu per package, furnished to respontlble
parties on conditions: o curo no pay." Dealers
are authorized to refund the money If pur.
th users are not sailstled. Tho fpecltles are contliu
tloiial us well as local. Ill vein be paid It theyfall
lo euro whm used as directed, f 10.1 ror Ihelreeiual
as a cure, fasiir uiiyihlngi,lsoi,ousurilclcleilous
sluund in their compiialtlou ii,um (will 1 paid)
I'!? ?'tfr'',r'llrres' Catarrh specifics are
round dlOe rent Irom representation, lit re Is an 00.
lwrlunlly lor Ihoso discouraged byreiieaied rail.
,T.,r...i 1 uu.u guarauieeacure. And tho
timid who tear deception may venture to try these
flcincs wlthouuecliiig that they are W 81 'im.
sstu,.iuno is uu usk eorun. vvarrantedchouD-e-st,
u-bt aud mubi agreeable. Ilnotrouud oallsrat
torv demand vour 11,1,1, ,.v ,i,. ir 111 -.TT...
Wold by 1). A. lile-Un, DKmbbVg' l"a '
1111 .1 111,11! na nr.
aprll 3, -so-ly Newark, New Jersey.
llnrlmfin rtoiTw. I 1 , 111 1110 Of JOhO
iieo late of orange townMilp.i'oluuibla ia. Va
county toicXTiewlu Ad7ulnTbtV;S
tu the undersigned Admlunlstrator wlihoutffiy '
.. ... '. v'.. u,luuuu inocstaieor hbba
Itobblns, late or Jackson township, Columbia co..
. v, u u., ,nLt,Rvi, un,. wcu nrrauut uy tree lieu-is-Ait
".'f? il?V2. "'"""""""I AdmlnlstratSrs.
- . ... ..uiq aniubeeueebui'e or the
decedent are rciiusled to pr-seot them for BctUe-
delay ..umuiiau uji 3 wiuiout
;oiicntl hcadquartcva during the
Toilet Ttooins, and n Parcel Oflicc.
montlia will bn rnmlv fur ?iwnr.
CRUDE petroleum pills.
Gninrtl U!llis.Avi lt;li( in u moiillia
1 OW11A1TAN, c. n V.I., API 11, issrt,
Da -M. Milton:
lear sir Alter lmvlrtr Iwn Mcktuclvo months
andtiledthu bebt ihoroui.trj wlin
?.',1L??!l.lK..l.n. .,h0 lt'"!'t k'ood, lined jourl-IitiUE
I KTlieil.KU.M I1LIS. When i conimeneid laklrg
them I coughed almost Incessantly, had heinorr.
luge, night sweats, nc. I weighed 114 lbs. Alter
taking thu pills two rnoMhs the lough and nlglit
sweats ceased nnd had no hemorrhage and wclghe-1
113 pounds,
Yours, respectfully,
FltUD. C, DUN'.N,
Thouiands of cases like tho abevo.
The pills aro also a posluvo cure for chionlc bron
cult is. Asthma, catarrh, and all Throat uud Lung
Trial boxes 25 cents. Ijirgo lioxes (1311 pills) 11,
Sent by mall on receipt or price, with dlicctlom.
1)H. M. Mlt.TON,
Irving, S. V.
July 0, -so-sm
For the Campaign.
Tim Wr.i Ki.v Sra villi be found a useful nujlimrv
livalivvho ureiarnctly woiklng for Ihe ruonaol
IheNalloiinlllovemuient. llillevli glhit ll.e eel's
whlehhavii belong en-set tliBCom.lry can beciunt
only by a ehauge or the party In isiwcr, Tun r
earnesily hi t lrls tor 11 e-sident and Vice- I'l e side tt
IlANe-e'i'K and Emimsii.
In eider that all ihoso who sjmpa!hl7ewlth 0'ir
puipOM- may aost cfllclenlly co-one rate with u,m
will bend '1 uk WnakLY Ht'N lo Hubs, or Hog h suts
fccrlbers, pubt paid, lor nei,i.ilee i (-iii tor ILe
next ihreo inoiiths.
Address TUB SON, New Yoiik Citv,
aug S'i VMm. .
TEACHERS & students
I knVllkllUgino.orgseiOnerroontli
during VAC VHIIN. For lull particulars, aifjre.',
J. l. McCIIHIIV A; Cel.. I'lillailellUila. IM.
IM A MIL1 CUMATK. In North rr..llrii
(ioodPnrmlnEr.Orazlnir ftnrl Mineral I.umW
can by bouiiUt VRKV CHKAI. 1 be ClinmU It
mild, equable, healthful. 'lje hoil ! (rood iiJclabU
ot t be hi tf beat development, Eveiyltilntrirromi In the
Union 1 1 icrown In lt limit. Population law-ubkiitiC
nd hospitable. TAX ICS LKlllT. Mauufarluro
multlplylns and prosperous. KudltBa water puner.
Oorreiponilence Invited. Information promptly uleii,
Apply w the Departmental AgricullurelUlefiC(N.U
au'. ic, 'oO-tm u
la eelllng our two splendidly llluatratea books, tt(s
the first written by his llfe-lonrr friend, Hon. J V
FOKNtvY, au author of national mine, and an or
dent admlreref the "superb soldier," the be.oal
vvrliten by his comrade-in-arms, and perboout
lilend. Oeu. JA8.H. ltlitsiUN. an author ol wide ce
lebrity, liolli timclal, low.i.rlced, Immensely Ijpu
lar, sud selling liejond I'receelent. Aerenls IKifjliUi
I'liiil'ITb by i-elliner boih. oututs Mc eaili. Act
Qt'ICK and Coin Money. lU' lllius.WJ
Chestnut street Philadelphia. d nuir, '9 4w
The American Shoe Tip Co.
A. S. T. Co.
That Ii sow so eitemlrely worn on
Which waa Introduced by them, and bynhlc-Ii
the abore .mounl ha. beau tared to laer.uti an
nually. Tbla (Hack lip will .are stilt
more, aj bosldei belnj worn ou the curr
grade,. It II woni en Uu and co.ilr ihtHiJ
wher. the Metal lip ou account ol III i
would not be uaad.
1 hey allhaio our Tradl Mark A. H. T. '.
taiuped ou front of Tip.
far.uii ihould ASK rOB SHOES with ttdi
DEAUTIFUIj black tip
?JliltJiinb"ir'Jia.lriir for their fhlhlr.ii.
dnlliu la l,aH.K., .I..- .......nMinraffS.
olutlon ol the Hoard of Director, a Bnral me-et.oir
or the htockholdera of the llloomsbuiv
eomiianv will be held at tbe oflloe or r-r"
I", lllllmeyer. beerelary, la Hlooinsbure, on vVeducs
day, September lltli, laso,at two o-cloei Iu Ihe ari.'r
boon for Ihe epe-clal purpose of taklnr action on in
dcUceUieiaa arid lisuliit- toada la becuro Uie same,
un.vir a. mi 1 LIKVKIL
Sjocrcuryot iioaivl.
Iilooinaburg, JulyH, x