The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 27, 1880, Image 3

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ntonJisBUWi. fkihav, a mm a?, iso
" ruiiLiu balks,
Sininct xt administrator o( Joili I,clir,
tub vou-Aiuiitirm, juhhiiau,, such.
IW !K,im:l,,,,,,,,,,, B'wVoltnlo
'ems In Ihe nllllclnl up,,,, ij , . , ,r , s ,
file to llicm willraut eUlay. Xov, 21-ly,
I urn out l!iMitiHf, ,.. i. .1 .1.1 ... 1
1 111 , -h.o ,uv iiiemnii-
W,.uhI. wM "II Tnlualilo estate nn the , T """" IIic meeting of tho (lificl,l
l llewor lowmliln. on .Snlur.lav An- 1 ,vePK
prriu..".-... - -
Ttnvi IfiK -LuiiM nlwajs Ime tt Kinnll Initio
of Hint.,' lVwiilory t'niiiounil for in,nmli .lu
relief frrim any l,-,wc ciMiil.iiii's, j-i
to tone up tl. m,, ,,tl, toHli.nliliycon
llil'""' nuK f. tin
Tl.o I !. I ...
,1 ,. - ... n ,'it mill
Hit i Democrats propono In ,lo fall, ny
'"i Whole llelmn run l-iti-le.
i...... 1
icrsotH KHOWlllff thoniM rr In l,o (n,1.1,l..1
to tl.o iir.Jcrdtno.l on Imnlt
' ' ....... . , "... .. ..J,I,J. ...I -.. ......
,,'ilialor) 01 mac urc-icu, uecenscei, will K'il ""ny win novo scllln hefoic (Jc-
jjluuliK' ciaicon 1115 promi-os in t.fuaicl'Sa I iiicurni 01 nrockway & I.l-
lown-lilp Tuesday August 31 . "' " ; If fit 01. Odder 1,1, 1S79, nml
I) !i ,rah Hoik will roll valuable roil mink lu "1I10 w" "avp b,cn seniling out sl.-tle-
ll,o iromlonn "Silem township, Luzerne " , "1'l'"nur Willi hut llillo success. Many
,l on Weil nef iMjr, r-cplcinl-er o, ISM)
r-iit .3,
J. M. Wilto nml fleoiRO Conner, iliultra-
lors jf Willi"" Whits ilecevo.l.wlll pell valua-
real estate) on llio premises In Kottlmvn-
(inn on Sntnr.lny, Augustas.
p ... 1 ...... s ... ....... . .
J rciih IlrCacn nn 1 i. 1 fwiiiiury, mi
p(, ,1 l'ov, cx-Maycr of I'lillwlelplila, wn
ultlic Central Holil onTuctliy cf this week.
l!o Hire nno 'eo lliat Jim are assta'cil liy ncx
Hiiii.-ilny. It i" tlic 1aM tiny.
l.ynn liirtliolomeiv ilicel swliUnlr at M'11' ,r" ""lice. Tlie nl,oer.ots not Apply lo
All.mlic c!ly on Spnilny morninR
The Land mmle
fc'Ivil Lift week.
vlio are will l,e to ,, )nvc !-..., nn ,.
11011 louinii, ow. our ,nn m.i t, ,.ln,..l
All nrcoiml iemiiim,tt nntelilpd r.n h n..i
nay 01 Uclol-cr, If SO, will bo pkucl in a ju.ti
re lianiH for tollichnn. An wo slinll Mini a
sialcinent In all prr-inn Indel.U.l t ., I.ofnru
nun lime, no one enn ir.mi.lili, il
nlxnt $75.00 ontof llitir
uinnciH mie on nili-etiiillon, Hmhil'Ii we plmlt
lia glad to linvo llio'o elllcd nNo.
It. I'.noi KWAY.
A up. fn-ow
HtruiioiiN, Au;r, 2, 1S30.
l.lrt. Clll.ttMHUN 1
TIib famhnl In Id l,y . M. 1. Hno,.u
onPntiirday oronlnp, wa4 well nllen.lid oud
proved lo l,u a iuccph, net pmfili uliout f )f
ty ur.11.1ra.
Uev. fJavlitge leenidlo he die Lo lnMcnlcli
cr In this Keclion.
Mm. T.J. O'll from l'imLnre;, U vlnltlug lier
many friends here.
Mis. William llnnlinm' Mli Annie Kemp
from llnmutiri,', nre tbo Riimls of F. W. Porfell
anil others.
Mrf. William Ilrnr ot v,uf gninR lo a neigh
bors 1111 f-'undny evmirit, fi-ll nml iiillleifd a
stvtto wound on foot. S'.io is nt priftnt
rnnlincd lo hrr li.'d,
liev. Willinui Knn, 1'. V,., will 1 rcaeli in
(lie Valley fliurdi on next Sumlny inotnine, il
Inniii Hip (pintlirly ini ilini; ncrnsinn.
Our iii'lcrrrisirc mid ob'Sring imst lnnrtrr,
.Mr. A. 11. mdlew Ins 1 he d in thu Tosl
I'l.HMi.V U
Ml-s Ida Tlirnnis mid Mis Carrie Kb niii t.f
I'ldlndelpliia nre vl Ii'iir ll.e Ml-ses llnmcr,
l!ev. A. A . Ma'pU w'lo of I'r'dtf-poit,
I'll. 1 wore in town on Inndny niiPiftnu ile
fin: i' rid of nrelsllte.
t. nllaic I'vntiH Ins lifon einylejid us
IxadiPt of n icliont at 1'iiid Cieik) l.uerno
enmity, mid intend upon Ms iluiio.
Hot'. I, 'nlriier nml family nre InldiiK lluir
nuininir vmalloii.
Jlev. O. t). 9. Mnrclny mid f unity l.nve re1
turned, nnd tbire will be fiivlici In tl 0 I.utli-
cran cliurrh next S.ibballi, n U'ual
(Iko. 11. Ki.wm.i,.
ibrrn ftboiild lip bv ll.p Tnun Cfinnpil
Ollieen nai .K of lotler boxes, llimdoli-Kawny ordinance tllber piobiblting tbe kofpiuj; of number ot ilc nt n-i valuiU. R' l ', mlv.r rd
Cliirlei KriiK tin 4 eoinoieneal uiaiiiifaelurin
Incki I lii Kiln U near Ibe road loauint; lo
M. C Sloan & I'ros , liave p'lt down n new
i.iivfmcnl in fionl of lluir fbopi on Market
A stone pavement lias been laid in front .of
the prenmea occupied by W. li, IWt
Mirkil ulrecl.
Slinl:iwarf v& probably tliiuking nt a no.
tary public uliin lie wrnle, "lie dolb prnb-st
tin iniicli."
do to llio l;ricndliii filival tn nlgbl and
lo moirow ni(;lil. The l'Mrrincn nolle fur Ibe
J of tbo town ami ought lo lis lilnrally
Mr l"'i ltobbin"f AUtiry, will pleate i,c-
eppt thanks for two fine he.uln of cabbaye
Tuey were lie linct we liave seen nnywlim
Tlie binds were viry lare and solid.
Robert's llnrfe Ponders wete (ormeily used
spinnirst Ibe runnels and olber vnhiablp hoirps
liiitiww iiieelhc price lias been ndnccd to 2'
rcnls per package, all can nflord to ue tin 111.
nngO lm
We are sorry that we are unable In report
in full tho ihgiut (?) reniaiks uindo b
nnp of the mcakers nt the (lailii'1.1 club 1 i-t
Silnrdav night. '1 bey 1110 fail to hivplmn
siiutlliing ijuitei unusual for 11 pul lie niu lii g
Wantkd Kindling wood wanKd at this c f-
fjceon suOirrinlion. Tlie woe d Mionbl bp cil
fmm 12 lo 15 indies 111 length, nny tliickncs.
Markit juice will be paid.
A Hancock and Knglish Club was ntganwd
at llerwick, on W.dne-diy evining, Augu-t 25.
Cob l'ree.e addre'ed tbe Hireling The fol
lowing officers wire dccled : I'reideul, 1 luilsuu
()eu : Vice 1'rPrideiils, I)r II C. TriMs,. lames
Salt, Jacob Clasnii, Hubert l'nt ; Secirlsry,
b. Hopkins ! AB.islant Kxle'niy,
Hunt i Tnasurer, Win II. Slnkhuii-e. Tin
mcetinir was a piuiilul one. l.iglity names
eio eniolb'd. All urtive nnui f r llnnoik
iml Knglidi.
"More ficd nnd lets luediciim. lion- of
110111 i-b mint and strength, liss of th.d.hili'a'
ling lnlhience of dings is ulnt cur Utile and
exnaiMed ton-liluliiTs recpnrp, ' 'a'.l l.-ren
I.iilng, vben he perftiled llio comp"iti' n of
lm "Mull Hitter.'' aug. 27-Iw
Ai ten o'd. ek on Simula' luinning, Augi st
21s, Kliulra Ilarlnn, wife f I. W. Muhilvy
clm d her eyes in thai Inl sb'ip tl.nt know. no
akini hero on earlh. Thrnngh long rnontiis
of iiil'nso nillerlng -be pissed without one in-
t;lii itiiiriiiur,and ihnugli slie loved tier lnn-tund
h r children and her liuniii whh all ill.' sirmg b
I liergnat noble hearl, et ."he was ever re.nlv
I . nli 'r the rail of lit r Di fine Mn-I. r, nnd to g
10 lliat hitltr home whtnever tlm I'.uk Me
ni'in'or should suimnnn her. He came at nfct
in spile of llio most watchl'i'I nnd loving cue,
and notwilhstniiling tbo fnipient and earmH
pelitinns suit up from tinny a heart for lur ri
lovprv. llpr deatli has cirrinl MiiroW beyond
llio hmncdiite hoindiold, for her In mis wire
Iriiion. She was a woman i f a most lovable
disnnsitioii. She commanded Iha ivluiir.ilinn
and respect of lur Kiu.ils, while tlio-e cc.upy-
ing lower stations in life,lovid her fir her mai y
acts of iinoteulatlou cbaiity .111 1 kindness.
A ino-t exainplsry wife, ci-tt-r and mother.
she was als a devot d chri-ti 111. Her win 1
life was just ns spoilt as liuniin life cm b
ai IliPfo wlio knew her can the I elier t
f . II r ihnugbls nml ii'ts were iilw.ijs loi
Mime one tl-erather ill in hen-df. The cnnif. il
aid luppinisd of tnnse nrouiid her wtre b.r
chief ubiects. and her felfsacrilieing .lisposiiion
was hui one of her tinny eliniiiblo ebaiaetir
SI10 has gone, lull she has lefl behind her the
exim.i'o of a iiubio life 1 ami fond mem 'in
flier pleasant f.ieo nnd km lly mice will eier
eling about tho hearts of those who kn.w I er)
until Ihey tjo shall be called upon to rendu-.' n
Isaiah V. MeKdvy and Klmiin I'.irlon were
mirriid Ociol-er 1st. ls'il. Kevin ehildrcn
were born to thcni, fjiir of which died in in-
rincy. The eldo-t daughter is the wife of (!eo,
i: Klwell. Mrs. McKelvy's nge was r.lycir,
l month and l day. The services '
iko Hpiscopil eburcb wero held nt tho house on
Tu vday wurning and wire very largely
eil, ltev, I.. Ziliuer olliei iting.
The torner-stonc of tho Kvnnt'dieil Clnird.
lo bo built on rourlli fire ft, lllucnvbure. will
be laid on .Sunday, Scplcinhrr ollr Services
will be In M on Saturday tetiing, Sumlay innrn-
ig ami Sunday npettioon, im.lcr o.uivnss incl-
ed ove the f-junilntioii of the m.w i-lmnii.
Minis'ers from a distance will be in attendance.
All nio cordially invlled.
liuv.S. T.. Davis, I'aslor.
HnglishiiKn I'oimerly suppnsp.l Ibal Aineri
I'liu running wire very inferior lo Ihcir
but iluringlbo h-t two years l'arol, Wnlhn.
sleirt nnd nllirr fist npps tint wcin font fuuu
ihis.vunlr lo laighiud, bavn w.,n Inuidr.ils
of ibou-amls of dnllirs, for sudi Amu-icans
as ihe Messrs. I,oiill ird, .limes tlo.rdon Hui.
noil, Ac. Tho KnglM.mcn
the reiisoiis fir Ihe great success of IbpAmptl.
'nn hntfes, and fiml liiat Ihcy aie kiM in sudi
line condition bv Hip constant use of M. I!.
Iloberls' Horse l'owdeis. bdv ,,,
Col. L. Tale, has dissolved his con
iiioiiuu won uie n iiiiBiiiMioil Aim. Hseems
lint he and liis partner, J. did no.
agree, and Ihe matter was tikeu into couit, and
an onhr made lliat cadi one should nut in a
bid for llio ether's inlcrctin tlie concern. SiN
lade put in a bid of $1,100, and Talo put in
no bid, whereupon it wts ordered lliat the
$1500 be paid lo Talc, bo to deliver to Sallade
Ihe eslalo and niseis and possession of the
ilh itin, rd
Mr. D.inid W. Harris, ibe Isle clerk of Van-
IipwV bis st. pppd ih wn aid onl. We undir
and lm iiilcnds going In school. Tl in will be
ii-p.l, be wss niliiitive and obliging. Mr.
.iiei.owin in i.tgiit.iriei Is now Tilling the va-
'J ho ailvirliseinenl of the Anierl tin Slice Tip
Company, which appenrs in anolbir column, is
of tbo grealest iniporliuirn 10 nariuls. Head
it, and leiru b .w lo snvp imuuy. Ark M'lir
iiboedcilcr f.i. these gncds.
W'cr werotrially ntnipcd some days since.
by n-eipg one ;of our vencrablo cllizuiP, who
bad hem liuwcd down with Hheitiiiatisiii, llnow
awny bis t nitihps. nnd diclnie himself just as
young as he ut-id lo he, nnd nc w lie is riccm
iiiendiiu I.obut's Hnihriialioti tocvuyold
lady in town. (Ireat liniment thai, nug II lm
t-'nl. Tliaycr dfp'iitnl llin life al ihe nsi-
'leneeolliisson in-law, JmUe Ulwcll, on
'i"l ly morning August 21i, at thru) c.'doik,
nt pr an i llnpss nf about ihrco wccliH. lie was
lurn in Williainslnwii. Manrhti-etls, on tb
SSili day ol August, 17dS, so lliat had he lind
ma one week longer bo would bnvebein nun ly
t.) years of age, He waj married in ISli) 10
Uarlln M. Agcr, in Ilhaci, New Voik, nnd
tluv nilst a fimilv of di childrill, all of
whom ato dead but one, Mrs, Judge Klwell
Mrs Thayer dlod here in 172 Col. Thajcr
was a soldier in the war ol 1SIU I.iUr ho was
much mteiestcd In milllnry maltirs and held
ollrcs in tbe New York Slalo Milili i from fiM
S rgeant to Colonel of the lS.tnl Higitnenl
New York Slate Infinity, being elected lo ill
luier position in 1S2'J.
Kor nnny years bo resided at Waikins, New
York, during which tluio lie was lUctid road
inustir four yeais In succession, su eriutei ihnl
of ioor for two yiar, and prei-iilcnt nf tho leiwn
for two oars. Ho was in i-tina.ler from 1H5H
to 1602, under President lliiehman
(ill. Thayer was ono of Ibe ohbst Masor s in
Ibis si ctioiijbiving joined Abnbanis Lodge .no
15, lu Now York (Jily in 181.'), sixtycveii
years ago. Ho as a Honl sreh Mas n, hav.
ing reached tbe degtoe in ISIS.
One of bis uncle's 111 in led u grand di'ghltr
of General Montgomery of Hi-vclutionaiy lime,
and his wife's mother wus a eousln of Captain
Jii- es I.iiwioTce. ul-o of tho llovi billon
Ho win a coiisistent tncmhi r of the Kpircopnl
Church, and a constant sluiluil of the Hill
until within a few years, when bis eyedsbt
failed. Tor a mm ot his ears bo waaicinnrU
ubly well preserved.
The funeral services wile Iichlntthehou-oon
Monday afternoon at half p'i'-t Ibne, and tbo
remain, were taken on tho four o'clock train In
M'atklna for Inleuutnt, A vety npproprit.1.'
neiinou was preached Ly Hoy, I. Zibntr
Saluuliy, the f.iurlieiilh dayof August, did
t ol dnwu bright nnd ihur til, 1 ut ihe sun ro-e
bdiind 11 mass of heavy clouds which foreboded
rain. Short'y after, l.rwevcr, the rays of the
mil hun-t Ihi.iigh lb is paitiilol .srutilr, giving
rise 1 1 indications whith promised a fair dar
nd a fair d ly it wa. Altluugli omino.i
looking clouds portending lain fiiipienlly up.
pt r. (I above (lie horizon, ytt they were 'Oon
.vi I' ut nwny by genilo 1 rccze: and, ns "all i
will lluit oi'ds wo'l," we may hii-lly say (lint
lie day wa all that cuuld have been lUfired by
the most ardent well-wisher for a fine day. Hut
will no linger Kieptho rea.lir tu suspense
eining our nnxiely in regard lo the state of
t'.e wcalher on th 1. duv. It was tlie lime tet t Lr luo celeuiation ot the Harvest Home
Aon vtrsiry, a cu.toiii whicli has bten distinct
ly ohaprv. d anil clisely adhered to by the He
lei mill Church fir ceuturii". Tho prcfinttc-
nsion was p Mi -ttjil In ihe beintiful maple
urove nil,. 1 gn.g to .iulin tiner, 11. ur .ion
ihui'eb, in I'i'.htngcreik township, and our
ihanrs arc Inrsr- Iv due him for tliis act of gi n
losly in lindurirg ns the useof hisgrove. As
ind been pievionslv nt.uoin cul, Ibo preset
celehraiion was to bo a union l.arvot home eel
el.rnllon. Xot a union tflort indclinitcly, but
il lined; cousiytipgof ihe congregations ot Or
augcville, Ilidb-y, .ion unit St. James, which
ci nslilule the ja'toral charge, of Hev. Alirei
Hooiz. The nttendanco was good, and we were
pha-id tu iio'o thn interest nnnireated by tb
conirauniiy 111 general. At 10:1. 1 o clock th
exeicues of the forenoon weio opt mil with
diig'iu' by ibe choir ii'd-lcd by lii-lmnipui 1
music. Tollowing this was tlie reading of th
l-Wt'i I'salm, and pi.ijir by Key. W.
.Nliulr. ol Dinvnle. nioru mu
by the thnir, I'jstir Ilouiz inltoduced lotbe
ai.ditiiie liev. Win, (iooiliich, of Cleaisiiting
M ir) L11.1l. 'aIio 1 iincheil tho fcrrnKiti sennoii
The diseoiiM! wns al Ie. iiis'ruilne, am
111 p opiinle '0 II e 1 icnrh n, 111 d no M'ords t
tomment could mid to its tllicieticy. W
should runark hue lint Mr. Cb.oJrich wa
ornerly putor of the OiMn.'Oillo charge
and, nf.ei' an absu cv of lili.en years is pa ing
1 is t to his ol 1 Id. i d, lie was cordial! r
c.inil ns Hip uuu.irLus (.rienrgs ii'inaii
shnkii gklully tvlncid 11111, ntKs'cd. Ho (Mr,
(ioodiicli) was fdlowcd by Hev, O. H. De
cl.aut, of CntawisMi, who dwelt al forno Kngil
upon ihe Ibiorelicsl nml pracnoul mnnner 01
observing church and natiuiml holidays; -111-ce-sfuHy
ilcniiMislrating that in lelu r 1 ml i-piril
tlie ro is a va-l dlspaiity in Ihe ob'iivarcv of
theie diys A elo-iug liymii was mrg, ibc
beucdiellon pronounced, an inteiniissioii ui'two
hours annouined, am! the c.crii-es of ibe fote
110011 doted. The ne.xl thing on lliepri granune
was ilinnir. This preparation was 01,11 of the
kind known as a basket dinner, There wue
pltnty of ba,ket, and as n inluriil ecipiuue
ilinnir in piofunioni the only re.juisi'u want-
irg wa a luck of ubiliules for tables, exl
time wo go lo n l-u.-kcl ilinuer we nre going
to Inku our table along. Nevertheless we en
joyed our dinner to Ibo fullesl extent 0sihle
and we doubt whether thu experience ol nuyl
will vaiy fioui ours. At two o'clock ihe afur
no m lurvices wire i.penid by music,
which Hev. W. C, S.Iuefer preacbnl a eeruion
tti'td upon Ibe words "Asa nun eowtth io
thull lio nap etc," The diicoiirso was deliv
ired in bis clear tind ia-y sijl, and was well
rieeived. His eueeissur, l'.ither Spear, it'Or-
argevillc, iblroeed tbe chiblren. Ills ailitie-s
was appieelatiil: not only by Ihe'
by nil pru.ent. Mi)ic was again ill order, nlt.r
wbiili Ihe binuliction was picnoiinci'd by ihe
last fpeiikcr, mid tho exutitoa of tbu .'ny were
bifid Our it port, I.owiut, woultl he Hid in-
..... 1 r. . 1 1 .. r .1
p lele, UlU WO I Ul spiah u.uie nut; in i.. i. ......
Tbo thoir wes compusid of singeis reliclnl
Irom the congregations reprtseiitul.
and as anv rtuiarks itlalii g lo ihn eirelltt.l
singing would be ineiely a culngy of Mm, we
nrel'er lo let Ihore who htaiil Ihe singu g M eia
for tl.iui'elvis. Tbe organ wu rrsiiled over
by Mi.s llallie Klino in lur um.illy graceful
manu.r, nnd thu inslru menial miislo was of
,bat kind which can nnain'e only from the
lidi musical 1 .reol a iln rougbiy eumviiini mu
dcim, Thus pas-cil one of the days which we
will long icmeuibtr. No evuit oce.irri'd lo wiur
otirjjyi ami a iveweul homo we could loilif
itidieil that ' It wasjioeil lor us 10 be mere,
II nny one will like the trouble to walk
through some of the back alloys in this town, It
will be found that a great many 1 oople keep
bogs, ami that Ihcy lo'p Ilium in a viry fillhy
rendition, There is now tnoto or less malaria
In tlie atmosphere, nml it will not rupiirr
much nddlllou to priduce nil epidemic of dis-
ea'o. Ihe hw that no
shall mniutiin n nniuncp within thct.wn llni-
lis, but none of ibo public 1 Ulcers si cm lo en
force It. 1'irtbo guieral brid h of the town.
Only 75 lints or u ti.nnllis, ni $1 50 a ynt
Innlvinev. (lot up dubs an I rend In jnil
tin hp s.
NTAfR l'Allt AT I'lllLMim.l'IIIA.
On Mond v Sei tetnber Dili, .lm Tweuty-U'V-
enth Annual liiliilitlou nf ibe P.'t.iisylvanlt
Slalo Aurictillnrnl Society wlilni piialltie Main
I.11 I'll it ( cnlPiuilal (Iriiiiiula. I'niimiiunl
I'nrk, I'ullailellibin, nt.d inni line elgblCH-n
lays, eb.sing on Snturilii. Siiuimbir Soiln
the last wede nf wblrb period, viz! fiom Sfp-
tembpr 20 to 25. will bp divoted lo Ihe It.ler
nilinnsl Show of M11 cp, Wool and Went I'm.
ducts, for wbidi pitpisc tbe libers! inuo of
?8:,00 in cash has b. en a ito rint."l. During
this i cek, bowe cr. all citlur exhibits wlih the
e.Mi pllon ol Horses, C.itils, Swine and Poultry
will remain on ilts I ty.
1 h ui iirerent indications tins exhibition ot
the toclely will be Ihe large .1, Ktnndp!, ami
most vnried tint has ever been be. d by uny
Slate Society, and will 1 0 necuid in numbers
and limit only to Ihe ever memorable Interna-
tl'ini.l l.xliibitioii, helil ul Ibe rnmu lace int
rlng (bo -ViilHinil Yi nr. Tho premium li-t,
winch i nn be obinli.ed from ibe t Hi 1 rs of the
Sodelv, nt their oilier, noilliwtst corner Tenth
and Chi sliiul stnc , I'biladel hla, is the most
a nil L Ie and IIm.ioiikIi ibal bs ever b. en pre
sillied by any cimihr orgsnizilion, and nlli'is
lor lutiU'eiiiioii 111 tup Live mi en e. ia' 'none
ibo I n' d'.'ino 11111 1 f $Jl "15. In ll.o Dairy,
Kriiil, Vtzclnblr, nrd Moral l)rMilmens, Ibe
f irtbir mm of SCOOC is riblnl, I. soles 11 large
'I lie folloiMiur ii'i'mtweiiH nt nf rpal and
-onai pioisrl .
.ti luisniowsif ilecpclents
1 1.1 . ti
. I.... .. pi. .1 ii. 1 1... 1. it 1 or tin- iie,rlMti-r ol I'nl.
iinibiiicounli, under lie Itnleat.l I mill, ntid wllllsi
t.i.s.'nleet lor stwolut" t- mtiririntlori to the tirplinns'
1 1 mi to Is- belit It. l.looinsburK.ln anrt tr.rsnltl conn.
I on Mitn.lny, in.-(Ill tnyot pr, ', at two
e . Its k r. ni.. r sain Ua iiiiipss t . 1 1 ,M. ns to tcri
conminnilon are t it ilousiy Ulect, ot wi.nli all per-
Bonn lineieiuisi sum eviiiie me mKit not tec t
1. Wltlow ot lllrnin H. Applemnn, lalci't Hemlock
lownslilp, clirensi'il
. Widow of William 11, )ulrk,laleof Montcmrtown
snip, uiceasou.
W Mow of Joseph Ix hr, Into of Hcaecr twns l.lp,
lb reus. il.
t. blow of Norman I,. Kline, late ot lirnngo town-
stup, ucnrftwu,
f.. widow of l'lililp Unangst, laleef rislilngereek
low uniup, ueeuiinpo.
0. wiriow cf Daniel W. Ilot.bint, lalo of the low 11 of
iiiui in!uur?,(ieceastu,
Widow ef William F, finojcr.lalc ot.Miniln town
Milp, ileceaseil.
Widow of lletiljmln lllcks, late of tho lorongu
ot llerwick deeeimeil.
s, Wiiliw of Israel llogni t, Lite of (Irccnwood town-
biup, neceaeu.
to. Mow cf A. .1. Albsrteon, lalo of nrccnwooil
lownsiup, iippeancu.
PculslPi'sCimip. ) W It. JACOIIV.
liluijiiisbiirg, Aug. , 'i t Kegbler.
pigswilbin Ihctown limits, or ebo rupi. ling
these who keep them lo do it in Midi a manner
ns not In biped d is-n-e. llninrscf pork ought
lo do this without being nrjuirtd by lnw, but
they don't. Tlieio nre nlso Borne stnblis nnd
cow yanls llnl ought lo be kepi riinntr Ibiiu
tlipy ate. If Ihe poiiiipil hsve lite public gend
at In. -ut they will tike some action in Ibis
The two li-l.p.Mi.n who C'line up slr.-et
W eilni"dv 1 vi niug povrnd their mil over wilh
and haii'lleiehief nml wnlkul veiy (nt ! nt
up one eh. -ul-! -top lliciti and look into the
'I. Il dnln't look ns though they bn.l moie
thin a dozen luss. in a two iiinn bucket.
Iinpoitml In rnnnerfl.--We would pull theat-
luilioii 1 1 our tntiiiu's In tin- "I .iriueis lie poll
on I 1 in r Ilnlh rs," lo 1 p in i.uradv.r-
liyiug colinns.
1 wo l ollies ol ibe (ir, nl MpxicAU Hemody,
Ilprbnline Hitiprs, eiin-d mo of dyspepsia
and liver cnm.l.ii I, of ten years standing. If.
1). Hinrd, '. ard's Landing, Ivy,
There was a large meeting of llio Democrats
of 1'ptilon nn lat Friday night. Col. Freeze
made a Fteich. John Winner wni tlutud
chairman. A 1 uge clob was otgani'od.
Hoberl's Poulliy Powders nrp giiarnulred lo
cure in nit ry of nil niscusis, if given I r-i.,re Ihe
fowli refine to eat. Sure cure lor 1 Iioleia. '
have tried il and tdvisu all lo ti'e il. nugOIni
T'u- Il'li-cock 1 lob w is :'.' In -si d on Wedne-s,
lay evening bv Paul K. Wilt l-i-ip I i. W., and C'ipl. C It. I'.roekwav. The al-
tetulani-e tnd er.iliit.itsui is enns'-intlv increai--
in-.r, i.'i I lln'nain.s on the list nro nil Aoa.i .We
No gieat l-low is inailp about niuiibpis of r-i'ier
panic joining, but Ihey are fuming in nil the
Helnio Hip Cincinnati convention (leneral
Hancock .ias dpH'ilbcil Ly tbo Ntv Yml
Time a "that tnru iibpiiomcnon, a pruini
nml Union general Mini is nlnu Deni-T," nml his nomination was therefore re
garded by the same bigli ntilliorily ns r-
Irciuely iinpiobablp. Had lite Timrr .stopp
ed to irllect anil scan Iho roll nf prominent
Union generals it would have liuinil llio
rareness cd'thti phenomenon on Ihe opposite
.side. Mcadc, Hancock, nnd Heuiolds, thu
most I'tmnincnt Ifnion generals at (Icily
burg, were all Democrat", anil what is inure,
all Ptntisylvaniatis. ficneisil McClellnn is
auotlitr rate phenomenon, a prominent I'n
ion general wlio Is nl'o a Democrat, Hose-
cranz is another and Slcciim still anolhcr.
H.ildy Sinilli, l'ranklin, lOwitig, Sleedinan,
Hicp, Coulter, and a long list of Union gen-
iniii iiiig',1 be mr-iie 0111 m snow inni ire
pbeii'iinnion is Ly no inrnns rare. II Ihn
Viiiim or niiyo'bcr Hcimblicin ntithoiily has
any iliipotUie.n to cnler upon coinpurisons
in this rei-pect it can be tcndily nrcnnimn-
itnted. It will ( 1 ml Ihcrare pliciiunicnon
we have rciiiaikud, on tho other side.
bioire iii-dils wb .sp liiiiins c t1iip w'Hag-
greg.uo llio entire siilu cl nioio Ihii'i fr-IU,UUU
in actual cash.
1 l.p disul-y v ill me .'de a lar r tiniber of
lu-.potipd. TlHU'.'iigl, brul, l'ltn- llreid, nnd
Pinught Hntsi" s held. ofShnr' II0111, I'ovcn,
llots'i'iu, Jersey mid (lu -rnsey I'nnb-; lb.'
hoi, -.-t bleed of slipi-ri. Swine, Ac, ligelbtr
wilh a Mcchiuicil, Vegeialle ind M iouliLt'ir
ing Colli e'on .bbiiit, if pi I, b 1 in! hi I-.gel li
er i.i ntiv lommiin 111. Kxeelbiil ami eominn.
dioiis -'iibling Ins linn prop-ned wiibiu Ibe
biidd lu f r llors.s and llormd C.i'ib, and a
sitilalle spun' :is-'igntd in il e gr uml- inlj iruit
lor the i-i-i'-muu-i .iti-11 el r s 1111 . lite .Ma
Innm, liti.v, t'l ill, II ral, it d Ibiiiii-lie
1 Iponi .loenis ..ti all oro vide-1 11 mh 1 1 vpr, ni.d
I uiidoiib . 1II1 in-ovt i.tir-tpltvi mil -ii .iruit
lve features 1 f th, 1-nir. A tl.aee h ,s 11 l ind
s-ij! 1 r the . peis- i.ntl i.i-i 1 . 01 nil ll.o
1 1. 11 s in II p I.ivi S o, k t Iiism--., In i' t o rap in
wd, bo wiiniibd (iren f otl wi 1 be mi
,:id all ll.p Mihh lows n-i ebiltitiu, 111. il
in. ami sli.iw furiii-luil i.ll pitrits urni-. ti kits wi'l In- I'uini.l ed by all tin
dr ml-euilprimz I' II iiia, iiinl all nr-
lu o 1. It'i'ilul ft. 1 inhibition can led on liberal
ti tin
Business jNoticos
Hoots and Shoes cheap at McKinney'l.
The public are hereby informed that
sidendi'l mil.saie now made Irinn .bnlnlcst
ti. s ot S. rini' (ioods otl tbo lollowiii!
lerni".' JMiitr ixyitf, i.ou:m j i ucs, ir'i
Icriul, Jiat Wurbnamhip, and Jlcst Fit) at
tbo Popular blore 01
iMVin i.owenocrg.
Hariirt A. Ncwkirk, of Saletn. sny: I was
1 in,. I of 't-' 1 r 111 nn- 1 and h 1 lire e applica
tions ol Camphor Milk. My husband wa
ciire-il eif old iimnltig M.ns bv iiing it. !'
ure el my son of a spruinul ankle, Prne2.)
cents, bold by u. A, Klclm, tuoonisuiirp;
nptil 111, '
Sims' lly.e-nlery ( 1 nip'-iinel when taken ac
cording 10 el'ieclioijp, will ins'r.ilf'nie,n;y curt
Cranii-s, Spasm, Si-ur Ste niadi, Ilcarlburn,
DiarrheiM, Dysentery, Colic,ni,d nil oil. cr bowel
complaint. ai:gll-Ini
Ciiaiiifil in a llungcoii.
.i.M'on zi.eiit.r.iirt cr.inii. ti:i:aimi:xt or
HIS l.ll.VATIC llUOIlU'll.
Chahicl In Ibe Jloor of a v'wtltnrlet hut In
fie i, (tot. .toil io(,i,.-'iio. ..!..., J',-.-,
Mr a wild beast Hum a hiiiwtn li'iwj.
IVni.sylvnnh St itp College atliuil lt-itb sp?-
. l-.nilowmeul h in a uiillion. '1 union te.
Ctniri-es of sluily, Cliicil, Scienlilic anei ,g
riculliiral. A Ihoiougli Preparatory Depnit-
ineiit. llxpenses fi to $5 per wepk. Kor cata-
lonue, addiess J-eph Sliortlidgit A. JI., Pic.
fclale Colhg", Pa. augH! IOjv
IO1111 (inoel Live Calves wanteel by Si'as
Young, Light Street. aug.2l) M)-2m
Cash raid l',r 511(1 tons gol d dry bright
llock l)nl Hark by fellas 1 otitig, Light tetrett
july i!0-2in
llubbcrs at MeKinnoy's.
Aliahniu LIikoIu's Uliliiienol'llant'iicl:.
l.HAn'xn, l a. stig. 2!l. A slie'Ckitig n-u
of barbarity has jut been ili-i'oeicil in this
district through tho inve-,tig.ttions of the
Ibiird of Poor Director. A fr.v ehys 114)
it was reported (0 them that a man was re
ceiving cruel and Inhuman treatment in the
b.ickwooils rountir, kodic twenty inil.-s I'lom
this city. John II, llower, .liunc. ii.illnde,
and W. J. Kn.irr of tho alinfliori-i s went to
tbe firm ol Joseph .eclilcr, at ibo (not ol
the I'.Iue Mountain, anil there they futiml a
"urill hut built of heavy Icy. Tho narrow
(I'.-ii w as bnrretl on tho otiti.'e by a bp.".y
pie1.-of oak, The root was covered with
ttia'cli. finlcr tho but was a rough firo-
place, built ol boulders. The lloor of the
hut was of heavy slabs, with ije cracks to
admit Hui beat Ir mi the (iieplaee below. As
the illicials apprujehe-d they linml wild
shrinks in the but. Taking down tbe bar
ami opening, tlie (tour, they saw, er-uiclinl
em .1 pile nl filthy straw, llio fuiiunl what
llrsl si eme-tl lo lie an iiiiiuiM. When they
Ivc.ime acctttomeil In thu elarknc-s insiele,
thi'V saw that it was tlie form of a lie
was en'lr.'ly nude, his gray ami dmggy beinel
i xie iidi-il In his hips, unit Ills h..!r w 1 Ling
a. 1! nutted. His shin Bin black as (lint "1
.1 ne-gi.i. In the euutlo ol ibe Hour was n
li-aiv Iron staple, attached to wliicli
chain. The i.tlnr end was tightly
arniiiiil the mnti'o riieht ankle. The prison
cr should lilfchl, and ll.ero was 11 volinl
strtigglc bt'lorc be" ccubt bo I1.mdcuu1.1l ami
botiiiil. Tlie ebnin hts heavy and rusty
and it 1 ciin I reel a blow from asU-e'ge to bleak
it, 1 lie man ws then cnrricel Into the o Hi
air. Kor the liist timo in twenly-scven
years tho light ol' heaven shone upon him
1'i-r ovi r a ejuarter of a century ho had cu-
uipinl that pen.
The prlscncra nanio is lleijnmin .echlcr
Tliir.y years ngn bo was a robust, hearty
man, aged 2S car. lie worked on his
lathers farm in Alabniry lown-liip. One
day, while greatly overheated, bo jumped
into a cool mountain stream to bathe. The
fliileleii pluniw into cold water had a bail
eilbct. In time ho betanio ili-mentfil. Thin
his father ilieel, leaving his piuperty to It i-t
two sons, Jacob uml liei-jimin, Jacob did
not wish to have his brolbir taken In the
insane asylum, so bo determined tn keep
him on tho farm, fii .1 few moments lienja-
mitt became violent. Jacob then determined
tn build the hut at the f.ot of ihe mountains
Into which lienjitniin wnsphicfilaudchalneil
Kor twenty sewn ears be was kept thei
until tho case was rcpc.nnl nml Inquired
into, The hut I in n mounlaneiius back
woods country, which I-. rarely visited by
Il is believed that ho can be cured sulll
cienlly In give the story of his terrible suf
ferings, His brother cl Uuis that lie fed him
well. This Is apparently tiu", bccain-o tlie
lunatio was powerful nml It required the
sirenglli of four men In overcome him in his
fillhy cell. This evening the man Is repor
ted lo bo rti-llng well, anil he lias become
epiict and orderly. Jacob Zt elder lias al
ways been rirnguied as a peaee-ltil,law abi
ding cltlz-n, but the barbarous treatment 01
bis brother has changed public opinion
against him, As yet no arrest has been
Wo bnvn much pleasure in recommending
Tliprnialiuo to our renders, as an nl isolate
euro fur Malaria. Tbo miintlf.itturprs' nanio
iJoiip is a guamntpoof its merit. ItsdUit2.j
ei Ills per liox. Tor irticiilars heo Adet.
july SO, '8U (iiuiow
It is sad ami true ihut many eliildren have
llllid unliinoly iae-B, by ibe 1.1 glut of lluir
mothers to have Hum.' hrcpi.l tar, tloar
bound nd Wild C'Lcny on band. L'vtry molh
er has u bottle Ibis letson ol the year for home
dlateuse. aiijrtlliii
l-'rcm tbe Ianienli r Intelligencer.
lli:ni m:l fci'itistH, Aug. 5. I met Air.
Janips.McD)Urial,a luuilier nieruhaiitof li tt
tiniore. of lilub respcctiibiliiv. ami one of
the ge'iial clit-s of .-'prings viitor.', who b!
ct e generally known nt-il popular, air,
MeDougal ha-, been an nrelcnt Hepiiblican,
leuiot'iac condilion be leacbcd alter slart-
iug m lile as nn l.uie wing ainii.i'
ing thence tan ugli l!.n purgatory of D,.u
las Dinitciscy. Mr. Mcl'otigal lost lorty
thou-aml and s.-uic 01! 1 dotlnts by the rclil
lion, a circutostauce winch tuny account l,.r
some of. bis Iiiiternefs against ibe rebels.
J'ticy Hay ho was indangerof being lynched
in the unpatriotic al'in sphere of H.tltimore
in tho earlier days of Ihe rebellion, a (act
which I can readily heliuve, fur hois t vi
denlly full of stinng opinions and plain tan
gnaw, and Las no disposition to check their
ovirlhiw. He told mu something thai you
will be clad to bear and which I am nn
plisul we never rend belore.
When Mr. Lincoln i-ucd his l-.mancina
ticn Prnchim.ilion I believe that was tho
occinioii a deputation nf citizens from Hal
liiiioru went 011 In Wn-hinclmi to congtatii
alp him. Mr. iMcD uigal wa ono c! the
number. They si eetlily jnt ihrougli w Kb
the ir ai dresi at the Wlitto lliuiM', ami were
abuit to leave, willi the declaration that
1 In v wouiil not lurther tit-spa's upon the
I'n -hum's vain ihle tune.
"Take scnl. bovs. lake iatd" exclaimid
Mr. Lincoln, as he rang for chairs tu bo
brought in. "It would be strange il I could
not -pare halt hour or an Hour lur i:"inersa-
Hull .Mill iricnils w In) nave eouio immune
limore to see mo."
I he visitors spent neailynn hour in con
vcrs.ition. i lescntly the subject ot neiicr-
11 cauiu tin. and various opinions were ex
pressed res in who was the abb si tllicer on
ur sine, nen a great many opnuu'is
had been given, .Mr. Lincoln said:
Gentlemen, in my judgment you hne
not struck Hip right man yet,"
And of course all were anxious tn bear
him name the iniiii, and asked bun to do o
lie unit:
"It isiienernl Hancock."
Tbo counttuanceof bis visitors expressed
their surprise and ono nf them ventured to
ay lb-it be feared Hnnrock wns too la-h.
"Yes." said Mr. Lincoln, "sn snme nf tlie
older (ienir.ils liaio said tn mo. and I have
said In tin in. that I havo watched (nil
Hancock's conduct very carefully, and I
have found that when ho goes into action lie
achieves his purpo-e and comes out with a
smaller list of casualties than any of them
Hold lie is, but not Why, gentlemen,
do you know what his recorit was at est
And Mr. Lincoln went to his book shelf
and taking iluiv n all army register nhriwc.d
ihe position in which Hancock bad gradua
ted, nnd that furthermore, in a class (hat
was one ol the most distinguished that bad
ever gra'ualed at the Military Academy,
Continuing to speak of him in the highest
term, lie lurther said:
"I (ell you 'gentlemen, that if his lile nnd
slienglli are -pared, I believe ttiat (icu.
llanc .ck is do-tliieU to bo one of tbo most
nislingiii-hed uicii of Ibo age, Why, win n I
BiidnA ii in the morning In jpeu uiy mail
ami I nrii-e ul I o'clock I dee hue that I tlu
it In liar and trembling, lest l may bear
that Hancock has been killed or woouded."
The Clothing Store of D.iviel Lowenberg
is well slocked with all Iho latest style ol
Cbitliii'g for .Men, Youth and Children.
Call and examinee.
Hoot headquarters at Alclf luiuiy'i
Kor Nobby Hats,
Kor L'itpi,t Styles,
Kor Lowest Prices,
(!n to David Lowenberg
Notice Is hereby given that tbe following accounts
lip be e-ll lib d III iflel'IOtbl'liollin'Honl. eof COllllll-
biieouniy and will Is. pu-m nlesl lii the c'outt of
i, inn, on rie-jis r,r salel eountvun Tlie-tlav. tlie Tt It
daj if Sim ti nilter A. Ii, I'sei, and coiiilnncil nller
tlie fourth eie cfsabt term imlpits exceptions If)
ll'eit within tliatlliiip.
1 e count rf W. 11. Abbott. Asslirnreot William
i. A.-eount ot Samuel U. Kelehnt r, r-oinnilttiHj of
Step'., 11 , alp, a binaji. .
Ao-nunt of .T. l smiiii. Asstucrp in trusl for
tlio benellt of Hi ci. .tlior-, cf U .t"bnninl -mu.
tl. il. i;l li K, I'n tbonot iry.
licpilli . tiny, it, u-ie
rinn llramlli'ji, WIiInIiIck, Olns, Uiiiiih, nml till 111 mix ol' WIiich con-
tlUllll) Oil lunula
Landlords HiiourI' out tlio rminly will Ihul it to their lulviuilngo to
cull nnd (ixiiiiiino my stock lieforc luircliuRing clscwlici'i'.
MdIu Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
ESTEY 03a-A-nTS.
'Tnn rrnrECT tonic."
t. tut Jl.-lnUo Salitlllule f .r ellllni fHH
The only 25 cent
X3XT X'X3:X3 XT C5 2TI Xj 3Z
Man is pay irg lo coins lor e ggs.
Call and tee Ihp l!ct and Ohoapesl Sum-1
mcr Fuit lor Sfi.00 at 1 1. Lowcubcrg s.
1.(100 noiinds nice clued ranhe rrir, -1,000
pounds nice I'rirdpitted cherries wanlid this
fill bv t iJM' Vein g, Light Mntijuy - diu
Call al MoKinney's for Slines.
Mnir is buying Lard.
Hon. (leoree N. Cnr-on. Nnrri-tow n, sayc-:
The Pbtciiix Pectital is indispensable in my
family. It acts like a charm in curing
coughs and colds with the chiblien.aiid 1
r-lwnys ue il when addressing a jury. Prico
) cenls. U. A. Kli'im, llloom-uurg. ni'rlii-iy
K. P.iillrrick Sc. (Vat-enlcmber Catalogues
and Patterns at Marr's.
Lots id'goc'il 'tiinotby nml Clovirsced for
sale by Silas ourg, Light Mrecl. aug-"iw
Admission free at MeKinncy's.
Annlber ca.'ii of I-'inn Heady Made Clnth-
ngjiist riu ivcd at D. Lnwcnucrg'
IlAirt IIowAitD. At die Piekbylerian par
sonage, in llolvb'cre, Waiien county, N, J,,
Aug. 17, I860, by Uev. V, J Holiday, Mr. J
P. Hair, of Ilptyidcre, lo Mi's Llitie A. How
ard, now of llelvldili', roundly if lllienwcod,
this ronnly.
rie,i'K--'rbP insiket was soiling lery slow; tupi r-ilin-u
i i j : i.ita ei i-xi nis e j sn m e ihij iihio uii.-lln-dl.ii.ufaiatl.i
f'- it i.. i s 75 I', im-jlv mla tainllv alt l Is
... .-, -.-r., r-t, I.culs tumlly ut (5 rsii..ii w; .Mini, i sola
I.uolli ul i i .'.. JO ij patent utid hlgli gludis, ul
in k ru i u Weak ft rn asked.
Vt umi -'llio iimikti w.uitlim at a decline; No. 'i
wisii-tu nuuifioi; I'enusynunia red f I oil,: am-
1st lit,!!.,
C'ukn Market strong on local (scare!!; steamer
t.-'vi Jinui ai bi,eiK. a.-c; uuteil na C4l.ll'.
tuts .MurUt twits dull; No. 1. wbltu eicn.42e; N'o,
S, iloeire; bo. 3, iililtvav; No. v, mUed al iavtstc
ill k hearcu and wul.teu at see.
1'oitK .Muss tiou'.
Iikbk llama atill siiiajiti; Indiana mess tsef,
litciiii Kinokeil sliool-b rs. at ; salt tkoiilileis.
c,e; biuokeil hums 1J un IJe; lcklul bams low
id lla.
Uiii.-Flrineii looso butclicrs,-s'i,cjrrliiioiilesiw
liciTKii-Meadviwlihu pood demand: creamery
i.Mru at Krt Si's'; liiadlord county and New Ytuk
extra, yiiC: wesiein nvt nc rxlra !Gc4 ITe: do trooo
to eliolce, 13 1 lie; rolls dull; l eni.aylvunl.i extra
14 ny mu.
Ions Iho inaiket was eearce ued wanted; j'e-nn
silvanlautmcit wr; western iksio.
C'ukh.K 'llio lAtule-t was ery nnnlv beld: N. Y.
full ere uia at 1S'C; wefcle in lull e n um at Ills' (
IIKCI do talr lo good mx lie; do bait hklms
J 11
GET almost
Do you know how to get
in the easiest way and to best
advantage what yon want for
dress and house-furnishing?
First, how: Write for a
catalogue ; sec what you can
learn from it about the things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods are kept in the
greatest variety ; where they
are sold for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices are lowest ;
where most care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably; and where you have
the right to return whatever
is not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you are if you make your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best things in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes Ly mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost for car
riage than the money you
save in tlie price.
John Wanamakcr,
Philadelphia, Pa.
l'I,.loot, 1l.lieMiUi, Market un.l Juulicr.
, Hud ..II iIAEill8ABi IJCKEAMSf.
Mil ti i-ll T . I FHFE f-u ro-flit of rrlco.
Wiitf I I" !'A1 ' A 1 i r htaT, Saw
1. th fur V t Uti t t t- I. n ! .4 l tUt tBlra ul
A Doodorizod oxtract of Potroleum,
Tho Only Article thai "Will Bo
storo Kair on Buhl Heads.
What llso World has lccn
"IVantiiii; far Centuries.
In tho manufacture of Organs is re.ultiiig in the production and ealo
of cheap Roods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus Organs that are continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to bo oHeicd cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to be dear at any price. ill you not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the
names ot first class, wholly lesponsinie niitKcrs. A good assortment ot
styles of the eelebrattd KMcy Organs can now be seen at the new rooms
of the Only Authoiizsd .Agent foi the Estey Organs in
Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manu
facture! s accompanies every Estey Organ.
J. SiUuTZSll, Agent,
June2VS,M' Bloomsburg, Fa.
Tlin prcatcst e'.Iccovcry ot onr day, po far ai a
large portion of l.umanlty la concerned, la CAI:
noUN'R, an article pmiaresl from petroleum, and
which effects n cmplclo and radical euroln cam of
baldness, or w hero the hair, owlnz to dlncaeoaot
the walp, Ins become thin nml tends to fall oat.
It Is also a itpcetly restorative, audMhilo Itsuso se
cure n luxuriant groii 111 of uair, ll auo uacn
tho natural eolor, and gives Hit! most complete) sat-
lbtoclloiilnlhetiein. Tho faUini; out or tnouair,
the accumulations of dandruff, and tho prematura
char go In color aro all eildcnccs of a diseased con
dition of tho r-ca'p mill Ibo glauds which nourish tho
hair. To arrest these causes tho artlclo used must
posscia medical na mil as chemical wrtuce, and ma
chaugo mnitt begin under tho Kalfi lo be ot pcrma
rent and lasting benefit. Such an ortldo is CAK
KOLIN'i:, and, Ilka many other wonderful discov
eries, It Is found to consUt of elements almost In
their natural Hale, rctroleum on is tao annuo
liUIch Is mado to work bucIi extraordinary results ;
but It U otter It hnj been chemically treated and
completely deodoilze.1 that it la In proper condition
for tho tollit. It was in far-oil Itutela that tho
effect of petroleum upon tho lialr was first observed,
a Goicrnrxut oOJt-er haiini; noticed that a partially
1 aid-beaded servant of Ms, when trimmini; tho
lamps, hod a habit of wiplns Ms oll-besmoared
hands In Ms wanly locks, and tho result was In a
f , w months n much liner head of Mack, glossy hair
than ho cur before. Tho oil was tried ou
horses and cattle that I'.ul loet their hair from tho
cattle plasnc, aud the an its were os rapid as they
wero marvelous. Tho manes and cecil the tails of
hortcs, which had fallen out, were completely re
rtorul In a few weeks. The eipirimeuts wcro
heralded to tho world, but the knowledge was prac
tically unless to the prematurely hahl'rmd gray, as
l!ooiicincliillzetli...let emil.t tub rate tho luo of
n fluid petroleum as a dressl ug for tlie Iuilr. bat mi)
skill of ono of our clicniliU lias oiercomo thodlfl
cully, ond by nproccja known only to l.lnifelf.l.o
has, nf ier ury i loborale and col!y experiments, enc
cccded la doodoil.hw rellind petrolenm, which
renders It suiccptiblu of being buidlctl as daintily
r.s tho famoiiB c.iu ee cijo-jne. Tho c xportmcnts wltU
llu ekodoiked li'iul't on tho human hair wero at
tended with tin) mo-t a-teinUhlng resuln. A few
. ,tlns. when) tho ha'r was Ihlil and falling.
gave remarkable lono auditor to tho scalp and
).alr. tiery parlklo of e'.andrun" disappears on
the tint or neouddn aslair. and thu liquid so search
ing lu its nature, seems to p. nelrato to tlio roots ot
once, and (it up a rudliaUhango flora tho .tart. It
It well known that tho mo-t beautiful colors aro
iado from pettolcum, and, by eomo laystcrloas
operation of nature, tho ueo of this artlclo groda
clly imports a beautiful llght-browu colur to tho
hair which by continued use, du pens to a black.
The color remains pemunc ut for aa I ndi ltiiito length
of time, nnd tho change is so gradual that tho most
Intimate filenda ean scarcely detect its progress.
In a word, It Is tho mot wonderful dUcoiery of
tho a;e, and well ca'.culalid to mako tho prcma
turely bald uud gray rejoice.
We ndil-o our readers to glic it a trlU, feellnir
pntUlletl i hat one iil'l. atlou will them of
lis woiielirtul ellilU. l'ltUtiuiyli CommtrCKli of
Oct. !?.', Is".
Tlio artlclo Is telllii-llson story in tho hands of
tlio'1-i.nds who urn using It with tho most grallfjiiia;
l-ud encouraging result ;
V. 11. riaiLl..t l'o . Vitlb Aieimc Pharmacy, says.
-Ve haio sold preparanon- for tho hair for upward
cf twu.tyiears, butbuio noier luut ouo to sell as
well orgiie rui 11 unlu-rsal sallsfaillon. t c there-f.-rt-rieommintl
it Willi coiiUdiuco to our friends
t.ud theeeiural pullie."
llr. Oi-stics V. II tu., of tho Gates Opsr
Troupe, wrlu a; "Aftir sl-cweeks' tisolamcon
tbt. t J, as are ul-o my conuadis, that your C'arbo-lint-'
has l 1-p.dut.iin! a wonderful growth ot
hair win re 1 bad none for jears."
C. II. SviTir, of Iho J.-m.'o Illcht Combination.
,-p.i.... AO. - ii. In., i .r ' I'mbDliue' tlireo weeWs
1 urn com Inc. d Hut b'.ld heads l an bo ' ro-halred.
It's siuiply wonderful in my ca.e."
II. 1. Aniiiin, chiml I, llolyoke, Mass.. writes:
.. v.i.ip I'.irl.i.lni"' I... i,.toret net liuir after every
thing llsu bad fulled."
Jrt.eriT V! l'osn. NTo. Attleboro.
f.l... writ H. l,r luore lli.iti 'Al lean a nortUiiof
lny lu ad bus bei u I a t-moo h .t dr., e froi-i hair as .1
billiard Lull, but sol lit'M weil.s 11411 1 uus In
.'iii'i'l lulrv ..t,r I .rbollt .'. the ilVeLt hal
been tlml'ly W'liiti. rful. W It- r- no hair has bten
srmforjtars now apia-ir. a tlikl; rrowlli,
una t mu rnttt l.iii-tt I'llll bv I tlllSiullll ' lis use 1 shall
l-nip n. eiH.,1 11 It. ttl "T l. r 1. l.v.rhiid. It lj
iTow-Ing now neai i. r ally us hair docs after
it is cut.
Td rime nrcfipntpd to the mihli, without feitr of COO-
trutiiciiuit a the ht tt It. r-tor.ituij utitl Uuaatlfler of
the lluir luc worm hai vr invjiici-ii
Prlro, 0i; DOI.KVt: ncrhottlc.
Sold l) all llrimuUu.
bole At'tDtu fur tbo United Stnter,, the Cauadu iiA
UlU. UtiLsUU'
July so, era. vow
Phimber. Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, Gth door ' apr" n-y
Tlac OSfil llaS&ILsIacd Ia8ij;- Store,
and Market Streets
Tlie undersigned having been In llui Wllell.i:-. M.i: HI! Ill: business tor tlir pant eleven years would
call tbo iiltentlon of tbu public gcner.illj , nml C'nu.NlltV DKA I.Kits lu paillcular, lei
tlit-lr large and varied stuclc.
M consists of
IP:i2si, iniK, Ci;ass, "Patent,
CjacasBOi sissEjsafisel siBivwIiere.
1IAIU llUl'SllES.
toohi uiitksiies.i
ClIltlSTIAN V. KNAl'l', 1II.OOMMI111!(1,1'A,
'llio.o olii coKi'OiitTtossaru well ncasonctlliy ago
and eiuii TkSTsn and bate neei-r let list! a inn. u-i.
lbl by any rouit or law. Their usels arc all Invest
cd lu s.01111 stccuiiltsanil uiu Uubleto tin) hautid
nf IIKKOlllV.
Losses raoMi'Ti.y ai d iionksti.t adlusteii an,i mini
as soon us determined by t iiuisiun y Ksai-c, bi-ic-
11. AUSNT INIl AbJl'SIlll IU UOMILI hll, I'l.
The people cf Coliiinbla county should tiatronUn
theagoocy where losses llsny kin bittlcU and lmtd
by one of their own clllrens, '
r u ai ii m.v, Jtiuui rAUt UMUNU
(tot, i., -ssi.
and in fact every thin" that should bo kept in a complete and well
retnilated Dru; Store,
They are the mlo Manufactures of tho Celebrated
The Best Remedies Made.
Highly Recommended by Physicians.
Itlooitt.slnirs, Pa.