The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 27, 1880, Image 2

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    r m:h war p uwi,mam iimwmwwi
ifip liitittmfit
J. 1.. BITC3B3BM1)SR, ft.Ut.kcr-.
Pi id ay. .Vngiwt 37, 1880.
Demomtic Ntitiomi1 Ticket.
roll PhEslDENT,
I'Oll VlC'It-l'SRDKNT,
li . lll'll
A. JENKH, Jtiflcrnon county.
Al'liirolt nBNKii.M.,
l.l.TP. DEUriEttr, Pnlhvlelpliia.
County Tic!; ct.
Dn. O. A. MP.OAVtaKLL,
ihl -ct tu Hit) decision ef tlrii UdntrasJlnml Con
i.. j. jtic'iiBNay,
ji;c'. to Hie i1""Mon nt tlo Son I'ortal Confer
uottnurr.. LITTLE,
1,1 i Uiii man or UI3 DemTrratle County Oem
. n ipvitaeiacli memb-r of the standing Ce.m
m e uiakean annoliitu-iunt or n Viirilanctt com-
la.t . tjr ma election dlfitrlct, boioagh or township
n .g or lutist two members, la adiiitunto
i on moei or i tiu r-iiciiiiiog i,-'imrmi.ioc, anil in the
,- . r ..i-. HiOfi tin. A T.nir ni .. ,v 1... ........ u .. ..
a- i I'-e ii iMiibtr ot tlio H uniilng Commltte wpi
V. ini-r v within not tr.oro than cr.o wetk send iho
nam s io lutscnturman.
focrctary.- ctiali-n.uu.
.1. T. Pnx, Deal it u-loy,
U n' n,
nil 't,
L: u ourir K.
' in.i i ok,
. awi-sa,
(- TolU,
t Uj ,aarnN,
I 'sliingcreuk,
i ankiin,
.Lie -on,
1 oeuit,
M In,
Mt l'leasant,
orau re,
St Itt K.l6t,
'Otf A.
tiuitt totitit-iiiy, LCIllorj,
Dr. P. l llbl, rtirnlcK.
David Uirtetinerg, liloomsijitrg,
Ch is. (i. Dai kle) , (1 j
A. II trojp, Horn I. k.
W. U Eye H) , CatawKsa.
Thotaii K arns Centra lla.
T. P. Conner Lime i'l.!go.
Thorn laEw Ins, Contraha.
John Monroe, Ashland.
Cyrus II. Mci.lcnry.Mlllw . er.
ej. UAiHcy, u.itatsl -a.
Wra, Efcr, Ejcruro e.
Rt'tliMioiinaker, buchhrrn.
Ml.n W. McIIcniy. Waller.
A. Jl. Johnson, Klisburg NO.
cumuii nHiUUt'Ii dl'CH'JIOWri
i. ij. ;s tiss,
rUrnuel tnyiter,
l'ctrr A. L'vans,
K. Howell,
U. llarman,
rolin i'. Fowler,
Jehu Motirer,
nr. U.T. Krels,
W. A. Kile,
1'lno summit
1 IxliUtreet.
Col s s ek,
TO VllfEltS.
TIi o 2nd nf September is tlio last day fur
registration and aiesinient.
Tin1 aiifssor of tacli district U rcquirtd to
In. aE tlio tlectiuu liotife on Wednesday and
Thurs lay, September lat and, 2nd, from 10
a. m., to 8 p. in., and from G p. m. to 'J p
hi., Id perfect tlio lht of voters.
All persona entitled to vote hould;'Crson-
al'ij ieu that they are ns-ested u wull in reg'
Persona intcuding to bo naturalized before
tlio Sod of October should bo assessed and
regii-tcred by the 2nd of September.
James A. Garfield being a illthe n-puhli
can candidalo for President, wo give him a
further rcrtificate of character, extracted
fnm the sworn testimony nf his partner in
tue tran-a'-tion tho Hon. O.ihes Ames In
an CJfpl.r at ion recently made Mr. Garfield
Is entirely i-ilcnt on the only docunien'arv
eurVnco that appears to sustain Mr. Ames
and cjtidemii General Garfield, and that is a
msimrandum, prccnted to tho couiniittc
by Mr- Ames, purporting to be in (iein-ral
G rfie'a'a owu baud writing, claiming mucli
nnre than he ha 1 received on his Or. dit
Mobilicr .stock. If tho memorandum was in
General Garfield' handwriting, there is no
escape for him from cither the chargejof pur
chasing the stock or tho more serious charge
of deliberately falsifying to exculpate him
self from his crmr. Tho testimony of Mr.
Amo3 on this point was given on the 29,h of
Jannary, 1873, a'J follows:
Q. Yon may stale whether, in conversa
tion wllhyou, Mr. G ifield claims, as he
claimed bif'orc w, that tLo only transaction
between you was borrowing 300, A. No
Bir, he did not claim tliat with me.
Q. Utato all that occurred in conversation
be'wejnjou. A. I have bad two or three
ia'erviews with Mr. Garfield. Ilo wants to
put it n tho basis of a loan,
() Did ho claim that it was in fact a loan?
A No he did not.
Q. f-taio all you know in reference to it.
A I to'd Jiiin he knew that that was. n
dividend. I made nut a statement ami sh.iw
ed St to him at the time. In one conversa
tion ho admitted if, and said, as near as I
can remember, thero was $2,-100 due In stock
and bonds. He nude a little memorandum
of $1,000 and jil,100,aud,as I lecollect.therc
was $1,000 of Union Pacific P.ailroad stock,
$1 000 of Credit Mobilier stock, and f 100 of
Block or bonds, I do not recollect what,
IJ, When was the memorandum made?
A. It was made in my room. It was since
his in cstigution commenced.
Q. Have you tho memorandum that Mr.
(-ailieid made? A. I have the figures that
be made.
Paper shown to the committee containing
figure, as follows :
(J, You say these figures were made by
Mr, Gaifield? A. Yes, sir.
Q, That was Ida idea of what was coming
to him. A. Yes, sir.
Q. Haw did you happen to retain that
little stray memorandum? A, I do not
know. I did not pay any attention to it at
tae time, until I found thero was to be a
conflict cf testimony, and I thought it might
be wonh preterving.
' Garfield never appeared before
tho committee alter tho foregoing testimony
had been giyeu by Mr. Ames, thus leaving
the sworn statement that tho memorandum
was in his own handwriting uncontradicted,
lie subsequently issued an address to bis
constituents, many of whom had revolted
niMinst his re-rlrctioti, in which he denied
hq bad puichasetl or agreed to purchase the
stcrt, tut be did not allude to the damagine
rneniorandi.m, and now his formal defenso
pr ted for the Presidential campaign, Is
al"0 hllent, on the point. Until General
Garfirid can deny the genuineness of the
n"ir. raiidura, which as yet is undisputed,
all attempts at explanation of the Credit
Mobilicr trautactiori mutt bo orw) than
Tim Democratic O.nnty Oonvcnllon met j
In tlio Court '.Ihiiko in Danville, at 11
o'olnelt p, iii,(ii M.mdav tlio ytiril of Au
lnl. t'ha. M, .iilnr, I'Vi., was chncn
pieldent uf the ('niiroiiii'in. Ho made a
neat i'iid pprtiiient nddrtiM nil taVlt'R the
ilialr, ami the l!onenli ill at mice proceed
(d to LumIih-h. llviiy dlrltbl In the (oil li
ly wan Inlly repreccnltil ni d the chief Inter
est teemed l"centte tin the choici of Mon
tour for aoongrtusional omnlld.tte. The vo
ting win by ballot nd on cuuiiting Ibevotei
Itwat fnuinl that Hubert lvlolz, of fjarbon
county, bad rixtrjn voten and Ulrain An
trim, of Montour coulily had twtlvo votei.
Hon. Uobert Kln'ss w.n then declared tho
choico of .Montour, though several "iinV
were heard Jn the motion to make it iinaul-
Kor tho Legislature, Dr. Xcnhahrr bad
sixteen volw and JaniH McOjrmick had
twelve vote, upn't which lr. Newtmltr wan
derlarodthe c.indldate lor tho Aieinlily,
Kor State Senile, there wern twenty-four
deleealta instmcted for Mr. I'or'?; and lour
forThomai Chalfm1; but -Mr, Clullant de
clined previous to a ballot, and Mr. Hon.
v;a chofcn tinnnlmoiily.
Kor Ueginter and lUeorder, Wm. John
son was thoftn. Mr. Johnson has sen-fd
in that nlllco lor many jcarn and pome com
plain of his seemii g lite tciiuri; but hii fi
delity to duty w lib i,l obliging dl-posllinn
and affable maimers disarms all opposition
Ills popuhrlty ucyer wautu and the populu
verdict bus always been, "Well dono Rood
and faUtiful.'Qn and do it feme more."
Mr, 0. Wtst wa iioinlu.iti'd unatii
mously for County Survey, r. TM w.w a'o
. well merited trlhu'.e t a fahl.ful tileer,
For Trrfi'.urpr. Or"rre l'iftr was ohortn
with rcin.irl.abl- unanimity, bavin;; Iweiily
four votes ngaiiift tno fii 'd.
At tun puiul the qufftioa nro-;o r.s to
how and by whom the C'ii;iu"innal coofti-
eea should bechcsen. H wr.s finally doelded,
contrary to general, that the c-mvu.
tion should select the couleiee; upon which
J. C. Khodcs, M. 1). h .'-echler and Kinnn
tielSidlcr were eUeted. Here delegate litd-
niond determined to wrclzc his fnroiite Mr.
Antrim in, somehow, anyhow, and offered a
resolution InMructing tho conferees to vote
for Mr, Antrim after Mr. Klotz. was oil
Some thought Mr. Klotz was not going to
be "ofi" and in the Interest (f harmony
paed tlio innocent resolve.
Dr. Maustellcr was chosen Chairman uf
the county committee. 'Ibis is rectnlid as
r. good s lection.
Tho chairman read a series of resolu'i'ms.
such as are us-ltal on jimilar occasions.
Uiion the whole, it was a creditable and
reasonably haimonious cnuveullon. Mr,
Ujdmond was very active and stirred thin;!!
up a little; just euough to impart it liul
Spice to the proceedings. It was rather a
lina Jook'n e body of men and Iroin their
earnest and intelligent manner wo conclud
ed that they ''ineani busine's'1 and that liny
are inspired by the hopo nf success. It is
but ju-t to say that Mr. 0. M. Zuber acrjult
ted himself in his uew role of prciding over
a deliberative body with credit to himself
and liouor to the convention. His prompt
uess in despatching business W'as in strong
contrast witli the slow ami blundering stle
wo witness so often on tuch t ccatious, in all
parties. Tho convention adjourned well tat
ivlied with its work, and ccfident of the fu
ture. H. Dn llOAZ.
James A. Garfield has been nominated a
tho Republican candidate for President, and
in order that the members of that party may
know whom they aro to support wo give
him tho following certificate of character.
Especially as Mr. Garliehl in bis late
dcfeno has forgotten to mention the fact.
It is the unanimous finding of tii llepulli
can committee that reported to the House
February IS, 1S7S, through .Tudeo Poland,
as follow:
Tho facts in regard to Garfield, as found
by the committee, aro that he agreed with
Mr. Anus to take ten shares of Ciedit -Mobilicr
stock, but did not pay for the samp.
Mr, Ames receivtd the eighty per cent divi
dend in bonds and Fold them for ninety-
seven per cent,, and also received the sixty
per cent.-cash dividend, which, together
with tho prico of the etcck.n et interest,trfl a
balance of j,32fl. This turn was paid over ti
Mr. Garfield by a check nu tho sergeant-at
arms, and -Mr. Garliehl then understood this
sum was tie-balance of dividends after pay-'
ing for tho ttrck.
General Garfield was then, as now, a
member of the Ilou-e, but he made no pro
test on the floor a.-ainst the judgment of bis
political friends who thus condemned him
This report and the testimony of Mr. Ames
in regard to General Oarfitdd n memotan-
dum of Credit Mubilitr pn fi's duo to him
are the two apparently conclusive facts
against him, and they are tho two points
which he parses in in offering his
dcfenso to his coutitryincu.
We d think It is ot xrent importance
that every Deniociatic voter shmild be k.nwn
and registered. The ILoodyMjirt parly will
report to any trick possible to prevent tin
Democratic voters from coming to tho pulls.
To bn prepared i'ir this ouir.ige the towu-hlp
Democrats might to frg.intz-s coirunitti c al
onco ard see and Wnn v the exact vote b f re
election and then vote it on election tiny
It is all very well to publish the Demo
cratic gains, but this is, after all, only no
tice to the Iiloody Shir's where and with
whom to operate. Get tho vote, and see il
voted, is the plan-tH- time.
flies I'oGueclirut Cnniavs,
The Denn oral of Connecticut havo nom
inated an excellent Statu tlckt t. H iglish
for Governor ami Pond tor leJtenaiit-tjov
ernor foim a popular combjua'.inu that will
Inspire enthusiasm during ino cauip.igu
by giving at.sur.uue of victory at tl o
boxes. The ticket will call tn Iho polls ti e
whole strength of the Democracy, and n
a large share of the independent voters.
Connecticut is a closa and lather dou'nful
State. Iu 187'! It gave Tildcii a imjoriiycf
2,90(1. Two years later Andrews, tho P.e,ub
lican candidate fur Governor, obtained a
plurality of 2,-100 over Hubbiid, Democrat.
This was chlelly due to the fact that Aiwa
ter, tho Greenback nominee fer Governor,
received K. 100 voles, which was niaiuly cast
by Democrats. The present emergency is
too serious for the repetition of this folly.
The great parties will resumo their old
positions and the coi test will be wared iu
the usual way, V o thcreforo rogaid the
Stato as sure for Hone ck in November.
The term of Mr. Ilitou, the Democratic
.Senator in Congress, will expire next March.
The Legislature now to be chosen will elect
ids successor, Mr, Hitoulsa sterling pat
riot ami an able Senator, The mutt stren
uous efforts should be made to keep hi in in
the seat which ho fills so well.
The present delegation in tho Houto of
Kepreseutatives from Connecticut consists of
three llepublicans and oue Democrat. Tho
Democrats tliould not be content tocomoout
of tho contest this year with less than half
llin delegation. A', !
M0XTMU5 fllllXTV lir.MliniATK!
llai llflil Trios to t,c!-lslntn llnnrnrk
Hut nt' (inii c.
VZZ .'"J" .Il
XOTllOVr.IlN Willi TIIK MVOl'.D !
iiiriltll Ciiinlrmiicil li. tils Own
A I'ltl.lli; 11 V IIAItl'll'.l.ll,
In January, IftiS, Andrew Johnson was
President, U. S. Grant was General of the
,rmy, and Wlnflehl S, Haiitnek wrw Major
Gontral iu command of Louisiana nnd Tex
November 2!i, 1S07, Hancock nsumed
minmand and Issued his famous Order No.
40. U coiitiilnpil these words:
"When Ili'tirree-tinnHry lone has been
overthrown nnd peato inlabllsbed, and the
civil aiiihuiltles are resdy and willlug to
perform their tint it, tho military power
should ceiifo to lead, ami r lie civil adminis
tration runie i's natural and rightful do
minion, fctole-'niily impressed tlieso
views, the G neral announces that tbo
prioeip'cs ot Aiuerlcin liberty a.'o still the
lawful inheritance of this I'mplc, and ever
sbould 1,-. The right ol trial by jury, the
IijIm as corpus, (he li! i lly of the pte", the
treid"in nt sperch, the natural liithts nl per
sons, and the tights ot piopcily must be
Frii n the Onnuret!owil fiVootf,.Tnnuarv 1,1,
1803, v;ie -10 :
Mr. GAHFIULD. I ask unanimous enn
sntto offer l.r cimslilerHlinii ai d aeilmi a
bill to reduce and Improve tho military es
tablishment by discharging our Major Guv
Th bill wits reael. It provides tint the
Army of the United Ptafs shall bo reduced
by tho di-chitrge fr. in military eric of the
Mnjor Gene i ll, who was the Inst commis
dono! in that grade be fire January, lfliS
to tab? r-nVt fn m its pn'snir.", so thero shall
be but fnir M,j .r liemra's In the Army.
Mr tlAUI'iF.LD. I I. on tho hill will
h; all iwed to cnie la, and t!:en we can .131
on it in lb i' morning,
(id c'lon was mid", a-.d Mi. G.ufifl
said he would tirini' ii op the fust thing on
Mon 1 iv next.
M.ii-r-Geneial Wlnfipld S Hanc.iek was
conimissioned Muj ir-Gemril on July 2dt!i
lSlil), and It 2 was the In-1 person cnnuils
slinel in tliat graile b-fore January, lMis
Thus 'vr see that within tlx weeks after ick issued bis order, No, -10, Garfield
heiUL' at the lime chairman of tho Military
Cummhtei-. ninved a bill to remove him
from office I'ti's was not to ictire nor
pen-i :i lii'u, but lo punnli him.
This lull was not hnird cf a;ain, but
House Uill No. i'i'J e.iuie from tlie Cmitnii
teu on Jlo uisiiuciion on that day (January
11!, l(!liS), ihrnug'i Mr. lliiiijliam.
The bill con .timet ehe following sections
Six. 2. Ami lie ilurlfrenachil, fir
the spenlv eiitorceuient ot the act entitled
"An act i i provide lor tho more ilh'oienl
tuveruuf-nt of the rebel States,-' p.l'sid
March econ.l. tulitecn hun .led and sixly-
seviii. and tho s.-v,al aels supniciiientiuy
thereto, the General of the Army of ihe
United States is hereby atitlioii-d and r,
ouired to ei ioin bv soitial orders upon nil
officers in cmiiiaud within the several mil-
iturv den iitmen's within -aid several Mntr,
the peif.irmance ol all r.c's authnrizd by
said several laws above rt cited, at his ditcrc-
lion, by his order fn m coinuund any or all
of said cotnuiiuideis, and delail other officers
of the United States Army, not below the
rank of colonel, lo perform all the duties and
exercise all the powers authorized by said
several a is. to the end that the people til
said several S'ates may speedily recigniyo
civil governments, lenublicau in foun, iu
slid several State', and be rtstorcd to poli;
ieal power in the Union.
Si:c. 3. .Inif is il Jurlhcr eiiaitetl, That the
General ol tue Auny may remove any or n'l
civil officers now .ct'ng iind r the several
provisional g.ivetnin-nls within t.iid seveuil
disorfc'ani2id Suites, and a, p lii.t i.ihers to
discharge too duties neriaintng to their res
ptctive nfficrs, and may do any and all acts
whicli by s.ii 1 laws above mentioned
i,re authorise 1 te be do.i.' by said several
c.inni.iudcr.s ol the military departments
wiihin 'aid 'rta:t.-;.' miirh ol sanl acts.ii
ofany nc, as am'iui zes the Prc-hUut lo tie
tail tt.emili'ary commanders lo said militai
il iiarimrnls. i r to removo nnv officers wh
ra..y he detailo 1 as herein providi d, is hettbi
ii I'i'a'ed.
The 5:h 'ecion ma le any intrferebec hi
force with the on'.ers of the General ot the
Arniy(Gr.tu'). any refustl or neglect t
carry out t; slalu'e. a liiirh misdemeanor,
punishable by fo.llOU li'io ami tivo y.. ir
imprisonmeu t.
This stalute a'me.1 at compelling Hancock
to obev ti e orders of Grant, (he General
and not e.f .1 ihnson , the I'rc-idcnt; and
enpnwerod Gencal Grant to remove Han
cock if lie obeyed Johnson and not Grant
Itnl-ogave tlio General of the Army full
power to do evervthiug he saw fit to do in
each ol tl. Military Depanm-'nls without
any control of the Prtulen'.
lis real anintiu was the effort of Gaifield
and tho? who ao'ed with him, to subordl
nite the civil ti tho military power in al
ihe South mid to remove llanci ck because
he rc cull-d iho law as superior to the
Tlio hill was put upon its pissag, and
tho Oinijrcfsional Glvle, of Jununiy 17th,
ISfiS, csoiia'm 'ho follow'nt; p'-ech from
James A Garlitil 111 ils f ivor:
"I ea.l Attention to the onto everv
oiike r an ! enli'i'il liiw lakes bel'oro enter
itiL- tlie A.'iiiv. It is iu tin.-0 word-:
"I.d i si!e.i.ny 'vear tl r.t I will '.far true
iilleui.ui.-e lo tho United Slates."
"ami will observe and obey the orders of the
Pr-.-thl.-'i'. o the Uniie-d .vatts, ami the or
dels "fl'ie ofiioers nnpoinud over me, ac-
Cordinu to the lilies and aiticies for tlio gov
ernment ot the rniy ot the Unlleil stales
N ,w, rheiild Hie Pfeideui "f l''o United
Suites ilve'o the hum'.ilest olfic-r of the
Army a'l nr.l-r cnutraiyto the Il'i'es and
Arlieli's of War or to the law 'if Co igross
the s ihordinate can nrremptoi i!y refuse to
obey, because tnn onler his nut been gten
iu ncooril.inoe wttti the rules mm regulation
uf the powr which commands both him
.ii d the President
No. v. if t'orgrivs can in ike !.i w assigning
special dines to subordinate i Hie rs, such
as iudnt-idve cstps, nu irterm i-'o's and
barrack inasleis, w nxt new d'-ctnne is this
til it it nnv mt a s ssL"i sp-i il duties to
Ilia General of ton Ar.m ; D'e volumes ol
statutes are lull 't Urs of C coin
tii.imliiig all .'ass.'s n officers lo perfirm all
km Is ot duties. It is now proposed to re
eniiro of tho Gen-ral of tlio Army iho par
loruiane-' "f a sptclal duty, namely, tho
duly of directing the operations of that purt
of the army which occupies tho Slnte0 lately
ill rebellion. If the Geueral should neglect
this duly the President, us Couim.iuder-in-chief,
csn call him to account for such neg
lect, but ho cannot prevent his obedience lo
the law.
St much for the cons itullonality oMhl
sec lop, I now come lo iu'piirewhy this
legblaliou is needed, It is becauso this
congress, in ils work of restoring 1 1 thoir
Places tlio f tales lately iu rebellion, million
wd the President to assign the officers of the
armv to the duties oreserlbeii In tho law
and the President lias mule such use of that
authority as to obstruct and delay the res
toration of those States,
Without violating the letter ol the law ho
has beeu able, In a great measure, to hinder
the full and efficient execution of the law,
Ills acts and those of his advisers are, to-day
the chief obstacle! to tins prompt restoration
ol the rebel states, mid congress proposes
to remove those obstacles by transferring tho
power to the hands of one who has shown
his loyalty to the country, and his willing
uess to obey the laws of the Union,
Mr, Speaker, I will not repeat the long
catalogue of obstructions which he has
thrown In tho way by the vlrtuo of tho now-
er couferred upon him In the reconstruction
law ol lSfi7,ouii will uuuueio one example.
TMk msa u all llih tnnrti nallilul lif-causA an ,
olhrniiv vh-vilnriimn offirtr, who brnrt lionnr-
atiemirt, turned in bnttte far the Vititm, has
been made n party tu tho polliiial niailtifs
which lias sti long marked Hi con
duet of the President, This gentleman
was -cut into the ilisltlctof'inn ai d
Ti xa with n law of Cnngiess in I i hand, a
law that commands him lo see tlm justice
Is administered among the peotile uf thai
country, and that in pretense of civil an-
inntiiy simu Meter him Iron pcrlnimltig Ins
duty, and let we tlnd that ntllui r givu g lf
luris in the form of pioclaioalloiis and or
elers on what ought lo lie the relation bp
twe-n civil rtiiil military departments of the
Gmernment. We see him Issuing a gen
eral order in which he eleclnris that the
elvil theiuld not vlve ,way before the mili
tary. We hear him declaring that ho finds
in thing iu Hie laws of Louisiana and
to warrant his iutirferei.i e in the civil ml
in'nislratloti of thoe Siate. His not tor
him to say which should be first the civil or
the' military, in that rebel community. It Is
not for him In search the defiincl laws ol
Lout-tana and Texas for n guide to his con
duct. It is tor him to obey tho laws which
lin was sent tin re lo execute. It is for him
to nij in btithllng up clyli governments,
rather than preparing hltntlf to be the
presidential uandl-'at. of that p rly wMcli
gave linn no sympathy when ho wss gal
I in ly lighting Iho bMtiles of the omit ry."
Tho bill passed the Ho;ic yeas 121, all
Keiublioaiis "'" 'Ir,"iH Demrcrals - James
A. Garfield voting jca. (Sec Home .lour'
m.l, pa?- 211) )
Tho record is mado up: It is Hancock,
Iho soldier civilian and Ihe law, against Oar
Ilel I, Ihe dlsirraoud-clvlllan and the swonl
nliove law.
t 'llOOSF, YF. ! gentlemen as wellasihe
Mesne. Ijtrillard, Jame Gordon ltmnett, Ac,
I ave f nnd so much virtue In itohrrt's Horsn
Poudets, ind have i.ted it in on milils:
a I ptrtons who ae nlivo lo tlnir Iniiresls g ve
ii to their In r-f , l,ell,i r nitiiu rs , Iroileis or
fi in I'ish. Ithssft wonefcifol iffeci. nntii
Vtlliaiti II. r.Hli!i.
s-'ro-n tin c lnclnuntl rjn piirir.
IsniASAfoLts, Aug. IS. Thro is
nietuiiessnud littlouess about this CAiupaitii
in I in! (ana well calculated to brine all pm-
liiip.iiils mto contempt.
Il was begun by the llepublicans, who,
while pleading fir a clean impcr-onai cam
paign. turned all of the mud machines at
their command on tho Democratic candidate
for Vice President, the Hon. William 11.
A piper p'thll.hnl in Cincinnati has been
one il'the f uem 'M in ihs dirty work. PI.
paper recently published a formidable list ef
mortgages tliat Mr. IviglMi had forechs, il
during the pa-t lev y-ars. T'lis t, in sob
stance, clnrgirg a m in with cilleating hi
debts. Awful ciiuic 1 iu'l it? ivn
this charge, heino'is as it is, will not lie
against Mr. English. Many i f tho mort
gages foreclosed in his name weie those in
wli'ch he was not interested to the extent of
a dollar, ami represented money held in trust
and invested by him for other persons.
Hundreds of otheis were notes and mort
gage tliat tamo lo him in the course of iiis
ordinary itl'urance business transactiors
and in nine out of ten the value ol
the properly was not sufficient to satisfy ll.u
claim, and llio foreclosure was made al a
lo-s and alter the proptity had been aban
doned by the purchaser. During the fn nzy
of speculation iu real estate tliat seized upen
this city a few years ago properly wentup
to fabulous prices, and notes And iiiorlg.iges
based upon this intlited value weie given
mil taben right and lilt. Then came the
deluge, aud Mr, English found himself in
possession of much of loe drift. To realiz
something out of this w as bis otj ct in fore-
closin;, both fir himself aud others. And
this is the head and front of his offending.
He oppressed nobody, aud lost money 1
nearly every To-day he would
givo':.r)0,000 lo any one who would take the
property which came into Iiis hands through
this process and make him whole on the
transactions. Then a.uin, Mr. English is
Coargcil with making a business ot thenar
ch.ise of tax title-; nnd Ihe iuferenco sought
to be drawn from both is that he is a greedy
coninioiant, who iies in wait for Ihe purpose
of p itincing unoii peopbiu pecuniary elis
tro-s, wild a view ot coining money out ot
their misery. Mr. Hngli.h never bought a
tlx title on speciutiou in his life, and all
of thoH" in tl e li-t pubiis! ed were 1 ought
for the simple ptirp- se of prittc iug him-elf
by clearrig the title to his own possessions
In oilier Words he was only paying last du
tixes on his propi rty that Is to say, taxes
winch had accumulated against it white in
tho hands of oilier panic.! wh had allowed
it to become dcliiHucnt simply because, be
ing mortgaged for moiotbati it w.-s worth,
they had concluded to abandon il lo tlio
holder of the nt utgage, and let him should
er the lose.
-uothcr nt iliu i uinnons Ins published by
tbo same paper for tho purpose of damaging
Mr. English is that, ns President and chief
owner in a slreet railro;.d company lie
fought a fair claim for damages, growing cut
of the accidental killing ot a child by one
of the cars of th- company.
now, mciruiu is, nr. i-.rgiish was never
1 resideul of the company, nor was be over
the owuer of tho majority of the stock, as il
is charged by his slanderers. He was only
interested iu the suit ns one of tho holders
of stock in tho company, and the only thing
ho ever had to do wi'.h the case was to ncgo
tiate a compromise whereby the old man
making the claim was given $1,000, which
he could probsble never have recovered by
law had tho conipanv pursued tho case into
the higher c mrts. Just now the malignant
are engaged In icarching the magislratt's
dockets for lecords of suits of ejectment
brought by Mr. English's real estalo agents
against the ttnai.ts.who rifu.-iugto pay tl.iir
rents, have b.'en dispossessed of thtir housis
by duo pn cess eif law. It is the intention, I
am told, of Ihe ghouls u publish ihese in
formidable array, with a vieiv of creating
the impres-iou that Kuglisb is n verit'ihie
Lord ol Leitrim iu tho mcrcilcssnets ot li.s
cxiiitiuus and the cruelty ufhis ivictnn-.
Could anything be niorocontciuptiMrV Lei's
boil all id thesis tearful charges aiwlisl Mr,
English down and sec what they amount to :
1. He is accused and convlcttd of making
had investments in real estate .securities, uml
of saving a poitlonof his mutiny by taking
posesslon of the property through necessary
process of law.
lie tiitcteu a c. mpromlse between n
rich railroad corporation and a poor man, by
which Iho hitler received tl.OOu, which he
would not havo otherwise obtained.
3. He reftisislo permit people to live in Ms
hou-es rent free.
How silly, how puerile, how contemptible
are these so-called charges!
Hero iu luiltanapolls, where he has resid
ed for years, and whero ho Is honored and
respected for his busluess enterprise and
public spiril, they aie treated with ihs con
tempt they deserve, and the only iflect the y
will have will be to increase Wo Dea-ocrallc
Mothers, don't fall lo luive Sine's Dysentery
Compound on hand, for the relief of ycur little
hsby whsn allncked with any bowel complaint.
It contains no morphine nor opium, yet Ils
soothing effect will give the litt'u eutlirer so
much relief, that he will fall into a
gentle sleep, and give his mother an opportu
nity to well ss every provoked bache
lor (if the house, nugC-lni
tl Slllltllll ItA llin aim ..i ,.,..,. i.r
IllirsCS.tVlu ..?( In limlm llin,,, n, lino, I. nine
and Useful iis possible. The German llmse
and Cow Powder helps lo develop all lh"
powers of tlm animal. It Improves its I i in
ly am! Inenjns s lis usefulness. Il ir ,b
niiiR, inuelp mid fal. lly tHng It n Ire
Will do lUfire work nnd n now wire morn milt-
ami bo Id belter cotidllion with le-ss f.-ul
J n.niv height at In cents a pound by
O. A, Kliim, llloomslmrg.
Dec 12, 711-1 y
mTT nt-.tniii tmtTMAv urcsAsio
IjCtterSnf,.,, nn ll.n eilal., r.t Tr.l.n
llsrtmsn naeut-eit le bonis nen eumteslnnientonri-
IHXO lste nreil-flri-., Intvi.sliln (nl,i,.tl,l . ,n ,a
ihooiwil Imre lieeugraiilert nv the Heiilsfrit
eoiinly lolsine A. ),i ,itt ilniln'straiar. All re--
"" invinnoiuirnsngaiusi tue estiitu ct the iter cli
ent are renin sle.l lo pivsui'tiiein for sct'l'm. nt.
unit those I niltlitoil to the osialo loinnke lai.noit
to Iho unsle-iNlttuct Ailmlnnlstrator wlilioiu clelv.
ICOrtAV A. III.,, I I I .
ArttntQlstrst r.
aug ST 'so n-w Vml onico 1,lwrsb'"'S '
, -ir. . Uoubui Hulltir
&:. Clifw MAchino
J i' i, , " ' "'t nMirr
& V.Wf-. tk I Ut m h"'"1 :,,H oi i
riui 6iui o tie!
'ra. tn& hit t'f
! 1 rw sil tif
Ayr: iilt'irnl ;uiii jmh I .
NV iirletMl,
Farmers Report On Oliver Hiillers.
I KlHANCF. I. A 1 1 (t AS.S1R I'll.. Inrl . Mm OT '-.n
llcnoil of ii iinl I'oinmlltci iippoini'i il bj tho Aff-
..iiiti.ui.i .-"ii inj ill .si. oim-jmi i-uiioi s , .1111 III,,' III,
mill I aliunde Cuimn, Iu le.-t, the le.illlie luellls ol
Ihe n lor Clover lluher or llatn-rsiuu n. Mil., nnd ol
the liuilsetl Mi nttor, -Iiinl'-r, cloier Iluller, ol sculh
Hem . lnil :
W'iisiikas, at Ihe St, Joseph county, Mlchlwi u, ralr
in u ii. v,-ntir,lll-,i u tin zisiuiii ci sia,, is-ii, huh
nu i liiri-u i in whs enicreu lino ei 1110 eiuiereni
mneionei toll u e u trial or their inerlta at ll.u U-;i' county l air, anHinrsday Jluy a Joint
luuiuuiiiT, u ,oriii'-o roiisisiiii oi nvo noiu iiieu
it in- tno eour.tles, ami h,m a . li tu mia).
'Ihoionunllti'e, iu p-irsiianie of tlio nirni ni'-tn,
'IPClltl'll two llulse Inulfiifel i r, w. 'I ll'ti.lil I' -en
stiakeil , tw i wliiiirs, nun iiiik-in Hum
OH till' K'Oi.Illt, an i llelcllultHll eu ft In'ulilo
shi.imillo-e.hoinioinl. i.ntl lin n euo i n th i-iiihe
.i riiw loiiot nun i nr. in -chh.e.
iieeciilhuf id ottns meat".
At Hi c.mic niton ot the trial the e .,
p.lroil I i Atrridii-ural Hull, anil, tutor
id n, iihanitiKM-s') ou-Uhil in,.!;!
IllKUAI'lIltn .M UXCKU.KSCi: 1,1 UolvIN fitsl'ln 1 is,
ihe Ill.iis'il, rrom l.nso uoiimls straw tt.i !,
lWiniissci'ii.iMi:.. iilaiKumiant.ti oroluiir.ihc i
iroin l silo iniiiKlsif h'hiw ih chu o, , ,,iiiios
sei-il,mt.eil nlth,, i, wmi nip i r i li ir. The tln.e
creuph tl Iu Ihn shllii; In ill. M l I- n.oil hi mlii
iilslesa lam th.v ...i npiQ b. to lit a- : ,rtii
llleslr ivof the Vl'-toi-llio Oirilsi.ll noti nli.i H11-...1.
el two pom ils of nl ; told tlu ill. ilv or Ihe 1 Inl
she 1 the lutor I hit sin el chill liounilsi.rsi'tit lie
t me o-c'i. tml b., ih" VI- oriuthls r HueshbiirMts
..i i ."isuuD It. US llltli lll-ll llVl-Oll.VO UJ 1111-
1111 ll-l-JI.
'I hose, ln'ielil.ics weie both run by llussell eutlne
flOin M...1. Il.oi fi'il.. In ..l.ui-.... ..r I..I.1. i. 1....II. ..
ii-ed cssi ntlii'l thu s'.iiiie amMiLl of ponei-'. tstjncJ
to Ci nuiilllee.
K. s.ij , clnlrni in, I.anrai.KO,
II. iiaidner. ! ic'j Cenireinie, .Mali,
.l.uees Itli hauls, Centteiltle inch.
M.'l.l- li .s.ioiii, IVIitli Mite. Mhh
MuiiMcl l-'iiinkbh. cuitieillie, Mlelr.
1-Jl. U'ojtluoltb, I,niiralijre, Hut.
James c up-tnn, i.c.uiiiu I ml.
.Mail taitup'iiaii,'e, lint.
J. K. Itotik. '. i .riui.-e. liul.
inciilirsit tin-vii'ioh vut poftnste prepalilon
Haqersiom Agt. Imp. llanfCo.
n.tiii. i!-riiv.v '.I,!.
Aug. ST, 'sil 4-w
H'l'MY, raj r.r lialloi.s New nMl lloi.oi.iW"
phei,itv-p.s.iiii,l in, n us. il pin-lolls bt.ilmil New
I.IKS lilllOl- lutts , Jiuslon. TC SikllLatlllnibll-
ulty, fi'oiii wtuiid.tniiiiy i rtli.sf.ise. ni nni kln.len.
tltlisjoti ton pei.i.iii. IMa-.a-stitiillaha, ruthfrs
ui.o jiionii i an. no weiit lilt ,
I.:tllll las-s nnmotlv srltlr-il. l'ltenln olitnlnsit
All claims piuMculc'l. Mute at olco tor new laws,
maiiKn tii,u iiisirueiioii-, wi'ii iwosrunps. .suoiess,
.1. 1. 1 .CI IJ,,
1 ( i k liox 314. Washington, 1). C.
A-y at 'sin w. wii.'o
MMai.n.Aa, i i -iiini i, 1 1 innii mii ihh.umi
Ilaxichy E Co'e, Advt's.
AOKN'i- ti tic ) our choice rwl s 'I lie I'fu . r
(jARFIELD g li'A.''00K
Ar.d com mores, e hcnlars aril Icuns hce. eon lit 10
cems. i ii. i- k.w. 1 iib.itjT uroadnay, New York
Au;,'T., i 4-. U
J iKteljl untl irxhaubrtdt-onsiitutl'jr.-inltiMiiiHi t'si. tl. .ii ainji-ilirii' i r Ml diiusaiul rum
It 11 I'.f'Mt ut.ts i i itml' I l Vfl M.M' M A L
III m.l s fippe-nl to p j'i . r i ( jtltdi
jutnl Hi i.i lit K i in' M t (1 M It, I'fit, ttjtil iuh II
.Hid o'ln i uti i m t'h Ii Lit rts,at luruttir to it u 11.1
vttr. or I Irl'V, . 1 i nu- iuU 1 In I hi ( -iimi u tin 1
Ufc't.p t, .i Hil.Hlt I.t lli'llllll Hit' .'Uh OU.lIf'i.ti.'I t
lonMinmint', ociMvni;t 11, mi cits, sit 1 puss ! t
peptli', ItlUttMs, nnd ti kit in i) pi Itf lluuallcth-
11 iuiius 11 m 1.1 or 1 nu 'If m llUllit' uii
pliilnly Mrt.iil lo 1 Ho tt,miiinj. Suld evir vlu-if
f I 4 Ti 1J MnliB kill. . ('..iinl.
ct- ste Vox lliiiuana
neiiioniriuiwiiiiiiiiiiUiOiity so... t tiiiiiuji.-. up i ut
klngue 1'lee. AUUlc-s li..iili-l r. 11-utly, v .isl.lnjr
Ion, N. .1. a sir '-il I-
lly Mrtuocf an culcr tf the l ipLans' Court of Co
lumbia county, U.e Ailmhilstr.iti.rsor
Haao breath, elteeond, will si II at t.ul lie siilo
Ihe ; pieiatsis in t'alawL'sa tcwnnhlp, Columbia
county, reniisjivania. on
A l'Alt.U, thstubtd as follows: Uoutidcd on the
norih i-j lauds ol Mcses Mower, J. Flnclu r and Mar.
ga -et Urcaeli, cist by lands cf John llluoy, J. Flat h
er and P. .-traustr, sjmh by lauls ot Samuel Yea-
ger, Jacob How tr, tin 1 od Heading road, west by
lands of lleotgo Murray and Cieoi go to i uitsscr, cuu-
on which u creeled a
I.OI1 AVI) PltAMi: i,OV.E AND I'llA.MK 1IA1 X.
A spring ot wiib-r U near the linuso and It Ins con
side ruble fruit. About cu.e-halfls liiipioiuduiidis
sltuato about four nvles troin Catawbsa and two
n I'esfioia lattown.
sulking down the picptity cn fourth lessfjscn
eontliruailon r Isl, one-ftuith atcumiimallcu nbso-
Ititoand ilio rcnnli-lag on-h.itfu5 giving posses
sion April 1st, PHI.
JOsSf'H llllEACIl. I
n. st. run usui'iiY,
auj 6, 'sii-ts.
tsotlci' Uheitla L'lVinlliut Hi nlmi a.lnluoli-
exlsili g Ul a, t ii l.. i a- I. ,s oi.d Ii.iIlIIc..
cuk ct )..( i lu.bci'.' Is , web dlsselw il on llin vsth
da) tl.lub .1. il.. 1- lo loiitltul c I.rtl.l '
siin s- it II t be ci ri ted on h p. I", '-iit.r: I. -s. who Is
tun in i to io st it n i,! uvi is io in n i'j u.e nun.
it r. - I ' I . L- ss.
A u; ty-' uv I'ui, k.
Hop flittera.
1M i ar ci' it"
di p i .
rin-U r - t .4 r
locrli .''m i to- -
ttt-f, u. y u Hop
r.f un a bod ut nicV-
Bitters. . .
v u snaiaitf n
duu y I r o in some
fiiruiof Kidney
C s, af.) that uiits'lit
h ITvl UlUprt't ILtlll
byu t.mvlj uitvof
wlit i iTt-r ) w ' t
tl-ut . u r
JS-j SI .
D. I. O.
1 an btjlut6
ottlu, h,
I- i . $ '
(ttU-ftyDK i nt
You will I'f
curtJ . a -s
una irtLiiiu
lid euro fur
hi oiiiuui,
tubaoooi ur
Hop Citters
If j-iiuartit'm
r'y w v n k it
owr, 4.t y
lu It mnv
RolJl.jr tinier.
savo your
uui uimu
ll-(kwUr,S. T,
A TunilAlc, Out.
I ire it nue
eavod hun
JUiV 'bU 1(
M. C ,'LOAN & BRO.
IU-00.11slM'lt,, I.l,
Manufacturers of
Carriagoa, Buggioa, Phaotoaa, Sleighs,
First-class work always on hand.
rntts rottueesl to suit the umew.
Tlr--af H.4iy,i
&h medTcine t&
u vS l till I- lii"YSIU,d
rjn-tt, utf Hop B.
hd rln r Irom my In-
,s .i i. t iiTuuisr
t,,. iiu-. fcttui iliu ri-uiu
I mw
i' u jiij i a s a Ij k
1)1' VAt.tlAllf.H
lly virtue of en order if tlm orphans' Court oi
Columbia, th" unrte rstjjnril Ailinlnlstiulnrs
ofWIIImn While, clcceas'it. will expnv to pnbllc
sak- on the premises In tseott tonnhlp, on
SATUJIDAV, AUlHWr 2, 1880,
at ten o'clock Iu Iho forenoon, I he follow Inn Mihta
Ho UK U, IISTATK, to wlti All that certain p'eee or
p.ircot of tuutt Fltuiito pnrtly tn h -oil township and
pai lly in urango township In n iul cnutly of Coliitn-
blo.ileslgniU'dand ileserlucil In petition an I win or
paitltlonns all those two lots, nieces, or pireelsot
land situate In Kcott township and uraeiro township
in said county ct Columbia, Ihe tltsl bounutii nnu
acsiNbctl ns follows: llcR-hitilng at a stone In ihe
public mud In the line ot land of fsoinpson Towns
end, fovineily Daniel Mellck, aud rum.lnz thenco b
the aaiiit) and land ot Abrahnin White, north four
teen and one-fourth tletrrccR west two humheil
perches and twu-tcnihi ton post, thence by liul of
the sold Abraham While, formerly Willi mi White
south eight -two degr.'cs west so venty-two porches
luaslono, Ihcncu by lands ot tho iBtalo or retcr
i:nl,ileeeaseil, farineily Matthew McDowell, south
one and onc-hilf tlcirroes east nineteen jierches auil
seven-tenths tu a plnostiitnp south tweiitj-tlueo
dcftriios east forty peich -s to a stone, Mouth seien
and n half ih'ifress east e peiclu slo astone,Mouth
ilpgrcos wist lour lierches nnd seeen ieiuii.s
perche. to a stone formeily blaekonk, Ihenco by
Unit of A. 11. While, loiineily lleotgo John south
rmiueen and one-fmiteh iIokivob nriy-sl.x iinililght
letilhs pciches lo rjoiie. thciice by land of Mason
It linson. foiinero c hnrles llachman north seienty
i.lno mid liiroc-toiuth tlegit-vM taM twelvo perches
aiidscicn-teulhs Ion stono, iIiclco by lot of Alex
nuil' r Cniellnj Iliu otln r cilillgi.ous lothcre
alterelcscilbt'il north sevct.ti.iihii) and Ihu e-loulh
dcgiitseiistlhlily-slxpiicliu.'i nuil cljfht tenths to
a Ht, foi uii ily luuple, south tl.hleoD il.'grces, east
elcsen rerrhesaii'l four tr-utiistoawhlte oak slvtap
b Ihe public rend afoiesattl, thence along the sumo
norm .cunti-on- elegrciseastthlr.j-ltiree iKrches
to the place it bctf liming, cout.llnlug
Jillllll'Y-MSi: ACltl B AND EltlHT l'KltCIIE-l
and allowance of six per cetit for loads.
'I'lm second bounded nnd destrlbea its follows, fo
wl.: liiiKloulag at lie suld white oak stump b Iho
puLUc runt, tl.. in li theolhir lunil nollh ihliteea
decrees west ilivcu piti-hei nnd lour tenths to a
piist, toi mi ily map c, ijulli seveiiiy-ntno ouil three
ruiirih degici s wo-! ttihl-threc nnd a half is-iches
to a bluck oak now a stone, south U li dctci-ees easi
1.' perches and T-10 lo a stone thonco by lot of Alex-
nialer C rcwltntr Bouth thirteen and three-fourth d,
l,i'"es cast thltti en nial one-tenth lurches to a .c,onc'
In lii road, thciice ntitu;tho sani" north seiehti
ulx sir it thr 't -ioiiithd"Brct8 east, Ihlrtj-lliu pi nh
es oe.d otin-half to the place ct bosinidris, contain
In; TW.i Aci:i:s nnd iiltiet-roiir pciches, makl gn
tot i cf iu . crcs st'd one hut thoil and two p- Rhes,
iiiidtheatioisHi.c with ihe appurtenances. 'Iheie
are on the r, inisesa
LA1.IJK DU I.U.IM! IlOlV-K, A I AliOi: AMD C.e.OIi
two wills of vabr, one at th'i house and the o' her
at the Innii, (,-col ouluiil, rmtis lng.oaeoi illlioti
and latitl la a good state ot cultivation.
Possession glien Ajrll 1st, tssl.
THItMi OP SAIX renpcreenl of one-rotirihof
the puahase money lo bo paid at the sinking u.nn
ot the propel ty, Iheonc-.'ourth less tho ten iH.'i-t -at
at the eonlli inatlon absolute and tho rtnnl..lng
llirtc-fo'iiths In oiiejrar the realtor with lnttutt
riomt'OMtr lu.'itloii i.tsl.
c. W. Mn.i.Kii, Alttrney. nug. li. 'oj-ts
Th" imilcrstgncd will orrer at public snlconihi1
premises In s.tltiu township, l.uerne county. I'a.,
on the hue of tbo Dclawate, laickawanna itWeslciu
railroad, and iho public load lcatllug from Dei wlik
WhDNLsiDAY, i-EPTKMllEIl 15, It-oO,
beglnclng at ten o'clcck In Iho foienoon.lhe fellow
lug dcsiillicd ieal esiato to-wtt: All tint ceilatu
sit uatolnfealem township, Luzeinc eoiiLty, Pa
inlkssoulh of Shtckthlnny, houmkil ns follow t. Ou
the with I'J' land if la o Hewurt.eui Ihusouthb
.lacob etoulil, on lhee..sttij llie.Noithliranchot the
.Susquehanna hberani ou the west by landclJo.
nas li.uwrt and c. Mud he rs, c-umihitn?
tu ne or less, on which Is iiecleda
nail LAV.I.E 1'ltAMK PAli.N and numerous out
bulkllnss. 13i) ae, is Is cleaiiilaiiil In gcoilfjin.lag
coi.dltlon. Tlio balance Is thickly colored with
good JOUGg OAK, PISE, nnd CUtiSIM T TlMi-KK.
Time ts a well of g,od water at tho door and
springs on the faimtorwnteihigsioik. The Pela
ware, I-iil:awnnna.c Western liallioad, ar.d I'tun
sj Ivjula Can l and Mi'mii haLiia lilicr i un thn ugh
thcfjim. I he hum Is ihslrahly located toi fiult,
trii'-Uaud dulo f.nming, Uliigln close pioMt.iity,
l"si lul'us) 1o tuo mlulni lown ot Kluck-hlnuy and
convenient either by nillroud or water to Hum Iro
Wjoiiilng and I aekawaiiiia loal tlclils, whine g-jod
prices may ei Italniu nl nil un es fir lira products
of ruin i r .1 ill, 'tun-: hi n it.iv or snle; 1900
when loss, -.-l Ms glui,; ioiii He taliiiif In easy
Jem w.i.ui will tie m ile kuown on ua
Il'l ', ll-tS
Ill.l'.Uh, Ml DO IK,
111 III 1UO Of llll Ol'lll I tf tl.,. tlrt.l, ,. ..r
luuibla toutily, the uiulerslgnid Adnilnlsirator of
thoeslaloof Joseih Lelir, late of l.euur townseip.
liisalJeu'iDly, ileee.vsid, will expose lo public salo
ou u.e pnmisis iu l etilll lOitnsl.Ipim
iSATllltllAV. AKJl'ST 'IS. mso.
at tea o'clock In ll.o lou-iioou nh that certain tiact
pi ce. er puree or land, in ginning at a tlone In
line or laiu or e hai les Mlih.ul ni.d i jnnliig iLcneo
ilo-g lino ot land ot Jaiob Pry souihll.r.e ana u
u ui iicerees west iwciitj-nvi' and Mi.c-tcnth piith
estoa Mono corner of land ct s-arah lioats, acd
HlCllCU bV lartl rr Kill,! iSnrsli llr nlH cnntli ciOin,,.
ill d thico quuner degrees iat, fortj-four pciihus
to a bUme, thcnio by ihe same south ono and u half
-icit-i s i.-ii. iiiiri-sccn ano uve-iinin jiciilicsti
a Moan hi llr.e t.f r.f I. n, il.i.i li 1.1 ... ,t..nA.
b land Of said tltahtlh Shun no sr.ioh Ofit.L..i. ..
niidahilfilig useasl aspeuhes lo a sttr.e, llunco
bytthcr lar.d otshe ttlale tf suld Joseph U-hr
u uii fourteen mat three-ipiarur dcgu-is, eastone
hunCied iKicliihord roer U-nths Ha pcich to a
r innii it, nut- oi lanu ti iiuiies ji it unci, nnd thence
by land of said Chai lea Mlihacl north eighty-tight
atd Hue c-ipio i ter dtgi tes est tight) -111 o und tlve
teitth pcichcstoilic place cf beginning, containing
Also, or,e other tract, piece or paice-lof ad
Joining tho uboie, beginning at a stono lu llr.o of
lanuoiiiiariis Mlihael nr.d running thence along
other Ian! of Ihe estate cf said Jott oh t-
l'utpatt.No. I. south fourteen acd thiec-iiuarter
degieeswtfct oie hundred lurches nnd four-tenlhs
riomtuu nouo in tine or lander Abraham nice,
tliei.CC by land of aal.l Alirnlvun lllni, :r,tY. H i.
sei en nnd a ha.f degrees eastnrt)-elghl audseien-
cciiiiis pcrctis io iibicne, thcLte b) other larat or
tl.o es'uieulssld Josenh Lthr iti.wii, fMm.,r, v
3, north in pu I) and throtMiuartir degrees oast one
iio.ioiin nun iinn;.six pen lies lo a tloi.c lo lino ot
land ti ciuiiis Mhluiel tMcsald, nnd thence by
land ot said 1 1 ill li s Sllcliatl l.orlli 1 lol.f i.r li.l.l nr.O
ihite ipi liter icgrtts wist scunty-two and one-
i. i.iu pi-ict j to !i.c piucu t f bt ifilititlig, eontalnltig
I'Elil IIES.
in ..liMi in a lle.l'sE. I'.AtIN and oui-IhiiMTto
and oichard and a line s,ibgd wuti r at tho dcor.
A'so.ote . i l.i r tlucl. nletti irrnrolu l mi.
i lbii,i, thi'tli n ,bi tlt.rli g at a stone lu llnoof I ind
of Cli .rhsxiii h ii I, and i tinning tlaiico along other
lantKri i isi.teif said Jcs. ph Ldir to-wlii Pur.
.S--1UI i hi. in nd Ihrto-ipif.itinlcgries
'in Inn ci il . r.U Hitlti-slx i cltlnt, lo a slor.o
t" hi, .1 .ul ' ruham lice. Ila-nic bv Lualnt
sill li hi iu I. li stuih HID sum a. dn hair tie.
i i st, nicfii nnd ihrce tenths js'iehestoa
it I ' f l mil i f limit I sl,i.,l.ii' tt.n,
la i I st, ,1 Dalilt I Mliclsl iieillt tuttiit thr.....
ep: t t i., i es i.'-a roily nine and six-tiuths
,,i n i es ... a .tone, is,c-nce b) same soulh st-ieuli-I'
, i a uii t thih.s a i.m...iti ...r..
Ul , a oelclu s lo a stone. Ilo-iii'it hv Him k,..u
'lin one .and IliHC-iiuaiurdcgrctseasi elgh-r-ur
ml ii ur ti niiispiiclies lo a sloi.o In Uuo ol
.i.-at ii iii'itis. inciico ty tauei or aratl lioats
a i h li ii.eaiiiltiiie rourihdei.iees,wtsi fori),
i,,. ilU,'w' ''''rfrilictitoai.ioi.BeuiiiorMlHLU
ofiliiiithMi bat 1 afort said, atnl tli.-lit'd bv 'ar.d or
a'Ut iiaritsxii uiul ntrlli eighty elht and thn t.
, . .... . .p, ,nl (J ..-ijjut m,ti , mii-ienins
. '. . ? ,la0'' " l"E""'ll'ir. coiiUiluiiig
r i il-ruoiv litis .its II UISB IHJNDItPD AM)
EIUIITY I'EllCIIESwIthlhonppuileiiaiiris,
..ini,i,i.i,ii - it-ii jtt-r eeiu. oi one-lounll of Iho
punhasomoueytolo paid nt Iho striking down il
Ihe properly, Iho ono-rounh less tho tonis-runt at
; . -,;'."'.. siwvisii;, uiiti too leiuuilillig llilee-
p ? tl Mr t'11'! fitter wllh mttrttit from
couiliiuutltii nls
C. W Xlll.lXK,
Adiulntstr tier
ixouco is nere eiy gneii, that In pursmncoof n ics
olullon or ll.n Hoard e.r Dm ctors. a gen Ml iiie-s-t in j
if Iho stcikhoWcrs er tho Hlooiiisi urg Watt-r
l omniinv will bo held at ihe e.rilco if Prank
I', lilihiu ji r, its ii laiy. in Hloeiusbuig, ou Wedue.
day, sti pi inber uih, lsslnt two ol lock in tho imerT
i i on li r I he i rs c lal purrsjso e.f taking anion on in.
det.tetr.ees aLd Issutcg Loads to tt cure the. same!
luocanxtiur. July u. SmkUu"
SIlKiltllfTS NALU.
lu Urliu of sundry wills Issued nut of Ilia
I'ouri of 1 1 a mou Mens eif uolumbli coiilitj' and
to tne directs el, will lie exposes! lopuillo salont Ihe
Court Home In llluclnsburg, nt S p. in. on
The following ileseilU'd proieriy situate In Iho
town or nhniiisb ir. Columbia coiintv, ivunsylia-
nil, lsiutiditoii Ihesoulhby sixth slreel, east by
land of Simon Uulnn. hoi t by nn alley, west by 101
ntJ. sifhU) lor, being foily-llco feet front nbd one
biunti t eland fifty feet In depth more or li-i ,on w hlch
are ciectnla small one story frame dwelling hoti-u
Iheie Isnlso niltio seltcllon tt fruit trees on the
seised, taken In execution nl the suit of Coi ter. It.
Itobutns, nilnilnlstralor of 1), V. llobblns, deeeanet,
ngalnst proderick Weimar and tobj sold as tho
property of 1'reJcilck Melmar.
IHllM.EV. Alt'y, Al.J
All that certain tract of land situated in Denton
township, Col'imbla county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows lu-wlt: On thosoulhby
lands of Llojd Applcman, on tho eatt by land of Pe
ter Applcnian's estate, ou the north by lands oi
ltoheit Colley, and oa Iho westbylaiils of I'eier
l.nul'acli, Jconinlnlng nltio ncres miro or less, on
which Is erected a small plank duelling house.
sekoil, taken In execution nt Iho suit of .1, J. Mc-
Ilenry ngalnsl .rolin E. Appleman and to bo sold as
tlio pi operty of Jnhti E. Applcman,, Atlornejs. PI Pa.
All th.i'.c"! tain In-ctof land situated In Denton
township, Columbia county, Peniisjliaula, bcunJod
and dcscrllied ss follows, to wit: On the south by
lands of Illram llcss, can by lamlsof UentonMntinl
Sailng Pund Assoelallou Alexander, ou
the west ly lands ot 'I In Unas Header, end on the
hoi th by lands of Denton ing Pund Assoclai Ion
containing slxtj nvo teres cf lji.d more or less, on
whlihnlc erected a large two story frame dwilllng
house, a largo bank turn, wagon shed and other
seised, Iskcn In execution nt tho suit of A. P.
louhg, nrtmliilstratiir if Mercy Aim Hoticits, do
ccaseti, agalupl John Diuilr. ami Abiani
llaitmtin. and to be sold ns the piopeilj of John nnd
Jonas Uatitr.
Ikai.Kii, Atl'y. IT. Pa.
All Hint certain pleceor pnrrel cfland eltual" In
Dcntcn lowiifhlp, Columbia oounly, Vcuttsylianla,
bouiulcil pi.d tlescrlbid ns ft.l'ows, ti-wlt: l'.AIn.
ring nl a wl he o k, tliciiee by I.uuUof e Italics Ash
ttoilh elKht and a half d grn s east el,ehtj -eight nnd
foni'-tt iiihs peri lies ton stone, tle-nee not th forty
nnd it l.u f dt giecs east twenty and elghl-tenlhu
p. lehtstoaiuipleni tl etone Hici ce b I indof Ibos.
Hi Has run lh er.e and a 1 nlf d"t,ices west litteen and
bt.v-ttr.ths pi-rchcs to a ston. by laud of
Willlrm Ajpb'mnn neuth sixty-two nrdan UdC'
gre-i s wt-tt tin nty-seien and tl.tco- tenths iieuhes
lo a store lu the public mail, tl.ence by other lands
fjimcilyof John Hants sctith llby-slx nud ttuee-
ipiailer degues wsr fltly-four ami thrie-lsiiths
li'iibes to a stoi o In said rojd th'-nce north Iwen
ty-elght and a half devTces west tweut four
1 ticlu's lo a iliesiiiut south scieulyand thrrc-'iuar-lertkkiees
westfi.t-one mid two-tei,ths inches
to a stonesoiitli tl.hty-iihio nnd tluee-ipnrterile
rees. eest twenly-slx ptrches to a stono e-n the
east si, i-of the .dole load, thence aloigs.iM road
soulh loiij-lito iiini ihalf rt 'Ltei'.s west thirty-four
pelclics to a stone in the at-st site el talil load h lii.d if Mallhlas Mh.e loutlt slxtj -me
nnd a half devices east eira hundied Ihhlj
pctrhcs to II e place of btgliit.ti.g, containing sl.xti
sciin ncit s moto er hss, on which ore erected a
Ino '.toryfinnc (ly piling, large bank bam. vogou
shed . ' tl o
t-tlcti, taken In cxicutlon nt tho suit of John K
Young In part assigned lo Allied Itanli against
olui Itar.tznntltobesolil as Ihu propirty of John
lll'iKAl f.hs, Alt'y. Vend. Hx. cash on day uf sale.
U. II. I'.N 1',
sei t. n, 'so-tc Mieilff.
J.V Notice IS hell hv irllcn lo all lce.ltets. eretll.
toisnnd otln i' cii ns n,u h n,-,l 111 Hie eslntes of
loe ii spetuie uccciii tits anil minors, unit Iliu rol
lonllil.' ild'nllllslrattLti nud ati.n-illioi mroioilH ,
beiu Ukd In tho oilieo ol iho lleglsitr ot coliimbln
couiitj, nnd wlllbe preseniiil for continuation 'ind
iillowuncu In Ihe inphaiis' couil to be bild In
oiooiiisoiiig, ou .tionu.iy, Ntpi. a, use, at 2 octock,
i. tu. toi mho vuj :
1. I In second and Until iiicc.uiit (t J. 11. l.'oblson.nd f.uci c r :i..oli.ih Luke, late cf Holt town-
snip, ut cutset!,
2 'I lu- Iir-t ni d Unul tni-oiitit 'I Calha Ine bred-
i inner, ndu'luisuattlx or l.mben UrcdUeiiiier,
jaic oi i.siup, utcitiscu.
3 The lust at d railtal atcoittit tr llctii-lt'ttiiTiilrie
iiiliiilt.lsirutilx i bh the will uiinexttl, or laid.
v is i mi ic, line la loc ust low 1 nup, duensetl.
J. Tbo lltst account efJoliti S. Kilue, extcutor of
A.i.. oat is, i.iie oi uiiiion lownsntp, deceased,
5. Thericcouut tf I.eilA. llld'ny, exicutureif s.uah
ii. inoia.t, laic ti i ciiuo luwusi.ip, iitccnseu.
c, Tl o lltst i Ld Una) uiciuiitof liccrire n. e oirell.
stlmlni-lratt r tit J.h ob Khu.ij, l.itu tr iho lown
oi I n oin-oui, nttiascil.
T. T he lusl uceoutit ot 1'ilir slielha icramlMo.
sis r-t iiia in i , cMttnoih oi Mliunisliclliauiliier
l.u it oi utavir itw i.siup, ucct ascu.
s. 'iho lltst and Una! aiiuiini of Eiuncs, udtuliils.
tiatot tifJoliu Jonce, l.uoof tho town ef blooms,
ouig, uiccirteu.
, Tho Urst.anil llnal no ountif Ullllain V.'olf, exec-
oioi oi i.-iiiiug i.estou, i.ue oinca'.cr lownshli'
10. 'the lust und llntl aceount ct .1. p. opibke, ad-
iiiiuisi itooi oi tsos ii. tij o) i,e, Kile OI llio
ough or I it i wick, diceiisctl.
11, Thosicond and partial account ot ltcubcn Mm
mau and John T Mutuisu, executois or Jacob
riiunitiii, laic tr sunn low-iismp, ueceasiil.
12. The ilrst and llnal account of Isaac Ilea. e i,t
ccutor of .Maigiu-ct A Itt itsoii,Iate tf orcenwotd
loitiisiiij., titteasiti.
IS. The III slant partial account or s.ainuct Apple
man, iidmiiiisitalor of John 1: Dulls, httutr
14. l'lrbt mat nnal iiittuntcr I.E. Mici.i.aiiin nu.
laltilstriitor or Eltsha thuii, late ct liculou
luttiiMiip, otct-aseii.
iu. 1 ne mini nnu pariiaierouiii tr Allen Mann, ex
eculoref I'lter tje'iiihiul, lulu of Eeaiir town
rm, ttt... t'uat O.
IC, The Ilrst nnd nnal . ccount of .iocrn n. rv.'., s.i
miiilsiratoret Montgcmtiy Cole, tato cf Mtgar
tuui luiiiifiiiji. OiCCUSCO.
IT. The llrsl i.nd iireitir.l cf Anihew Eupp. nd
iiiiiiisii.iiti oi )l,u) Mil sih.late of locust lon-', Hl-tt ilttU,
IS. The neeour.t 1 f Anibn W. litoicr, one ct tl-.e nd
mlnlstratirs of MIi hue! utoici, lau, of the toitn
1 f P.oouisiiiu-,', d.-ccasci'.
ll', 1 1.' lusl 111 il ili.ul in 1 c tint 01 11. J. e t in , i- ad-
01 in? 1.1 1 1 1 . 1 r, .innii n w nee, iuie t r 1 istdng.
en kio'.', utciuml,
10. I!..- 11, ,i,ui it lost, in Pc inmi.i . nt, ,,t ihe
i.di.iliil.sii,iiurs if.M.cha.1 uioicr, l.iu or the
Iomuu ,.ioui.sti.rg, il, ci-nl.
21, Th him iu llr 0 1 nut in. 1 fi ,. 11. lk-in- guir-
flin f 1,, teisor, nun e.iuietl Miih-m Willl-
i;r J inner rkl'd or I. l.llam W villi r; laic tf
xiiall.ii 11 lo" nsulp, dcctiisid
!& 'the Plist 111d1i1.ui accoiini t f 11. c. liibs.guar-
iilan a Manana llts,t,i.o cflltu lulls tf Jiob
Wcnntr, deceased.
23. Tho Ilrst unj llnal account cf conra.l Ki miner.
nilmlnlsiraloi tfllilneeaMiilIlt, late 01 .Madison
township, ilectiisul
21. The nrtt nnd partial account or Clinton LTils, and
-Mary lluuih.r, niliuliilsiiators of Ciollclb oun-
thcr, luto or Catuw l-sii ton thill.-, deccust d.
ij. The liul nnd Ileal nccoentof Cllutou Ellis, ad-
iiilnh-trator nf lames Harry, late ot Catawissa
tow i.shtp, deceased.
211. Tho Uistnnd final aciountof riuilfs (1. llaiklev.
txicuturot JehnJ. Ilarkley, lale 1 r tho town If
I.looiusburg, Columbia eouuty, eU-ccasiU.
!T. Tho llitt and tlnnlnceount ot Men Is C. Moan, ex
ee utor ot Victim I'uucoasr, lalo cf Iho lownol
Dlttiusburg, Columbia couut),,
ii. The hrsl und nr.ul account ot I'liarhs A.Moyer,
administrator ttJchn It. Mojtr, late of iho town
or Hloomtburg, Columbia cotimy, dt ccasid.
2). TT10 first aral ttnal accnuol or Ciiih.irltin l no.
.nut,, uuuiiui-tiiti 1 1. ti ttiiiiaui uujine, lalo tr
1 uttl&uu lot, llSbip, Ot I CtlSCU.
So, 1 he nrst sn-i tin i accoiini of Andrew ,1. Alb-rt.
son, executor of Wll.l. m .1. Ike-it 1. l.rtu or Mr
l'leasant tiwcshl , dtcensed as nl d ty Joseph
! .'."f" aini!nlsiiatortr Anuicn J.AfteiUan,
SI. The llnal ji count of W MIi in N brown, guaidian
v. ,sui, uiiu L-sta-o ti ttiiii.1111 lllolli,-mi.
1 or child or Ueorgo A. Dniw u, dt-ti as. d us nit d
by his t-.xci mors, Jolui P. lirowuiiLd lamest',
Hi. Tho llnal account ot William N. Drown, guirulm
..v itifuii rm ibinio 01 isaiit- 11, nrown,
inh.orih ld ot Cieoige A. Dr w n, us Hied by his
t Mtmuia until , iiiuitu uuo aaiucs u. mown1
S3, Tho Mcond nud Hun! account of Clark Drink,
u.w, ... ,.ii,,,uim sitti,k,iaiu Ol lieu-
ifs ,n,ioutli, UCCCUSCU,
4. Tho Hist nnd Nnal account of Hedge M. Ilouell,
suiuuin,iuii,i tutu lesiuiucillO U1UICX0, HI V1U-
ceut lilchart, latutf HsUlngiioek township, de
ceased. 35' T ho tlrst and partial account of M.a.lliighcs and
.sun, tiMBuiuuiiiiuisiijiuisoi iiiuiau leagcr,
lalo t f lax ust tow nshlp, deceased.
SC. list and mint aecouiil or Ditvtil si lti.iti-it-
ti Ti t -;"",v;',u ttui't't, luinoi- itamot suiau
tivtn ,. , wiutii i OVIISC lOWUtlOp, UCCeaStll
lleglstcrsomce, I w. II. JACObY,
Dloomsburg Aug., 0 so. f Deglstir,
1 rixiiviyTi .oiviii c -i,...s
- . . sttv 111110 sSCJ 4 iue.
II T, a 1 ,,, t i l- , l" Ul" senile OI l.lisna
....u.ur, ... .umibiii,,, t.unoi.uia CO.
1 i nii u , on u sed, bet 11 granted by llio Kegis
Ici ofbul'I 0.1, lu Iho uudcrsltiiicd Admliilstratins.
Ail iH'ttoi s having elalins against Ihe esutioot tho
diccdt ni uio nqaislid 10 pr sent ihttu lursitllo
meiil, nial Ihosolitoibtid to the eitalo lu makooay.
nient lo tho unduslguod Administrators without
SZKKIKI, kiiitz,
W, P, 1I01III1N3,
, . , Administrators,
A ug, 13, so-civ Walli-r s 1", o., Columbia Co,
A rncelli t-rr rtm ,rrt LlmldAtii nr t,.n hwm.i
Huml basing lund Aise elation win u, bcitiut iho
tnieetf J.J.Di-ower upon the Willi day of August
l-su at i)t,otluk 11 iu..for the rmpobeol lullng
Into ctnsldiralltn ihe audition ir. and dtvitine
means irio'kible. by which tbo siscclauen inay L?
eejuiubl) tlofedcutatildsUtae, ,K
Uy order 01 the I'retldeM,
Main Strmit ulioi v lio,, '
lll'lt I'tl f vf
Jiuga, iMwlicinta, UiuiniciikK.,,,
cy anil Toilet Aitidets, f-'oup,
ihtibliw, tSpongorf, lVi
ltiintipy, etc.
Physicians' pieserlplhu.s raiifuuy coim
and Old' rs answered Willi eiue ami iu s ., L ,
ersnn.l physicians fium llio u amiry win iiii,
..,.rl? t.f n,llr.i...d fr.,,.l, l , '
"- -s ..s.v, 1.IIU..I .,, ...
tltobo-.t iiuallty.
lOII.N 11. K;,p
"T,, w-iy
Slate Fair.
Twcnty-Scvcntli Annual Exhibition
OP T ill!
lm'it AgriculUirtil Society,
.11 it in (. cuts imlill 11111111111!;.
Fnirniont Pail:, P II I L A D K LP II I A,
blalJTriiMHl!iK U TU IIS.
- op -
Sitnr.f Wool, and Wool, Pnonm,
SKt'TKMUliU 20 TO '25. Ibid!
1'nlrv ltonl: will lost1 nt Ih onirp. x .th vt
COriitTTclitHanri Llir-SlUtlt t-tttt't", AU i. ,11 ij
$40,000 IN PREMIUMsJ.
Cttsli Prizes for Live t-tot-k $2 l,:ilo
Excursion 'lickeis at gteany Iieue.. tl i eg
l.lbcnil iirrtinaeiiietil-i lur iritii-iioitiili.iii.
1) W. SKtt.Kli lti-eordlngHte'y. El iltlllie EM't.iN.
KEY, corrcsiwnulng t-ec'y. wm. ns. i 1.1 Pi i.
Hunt. nug ii, 1 1 (.
Mii.i.vroN, Pa., Mn.v mult, 1 si.
int. A. E. lirnii:
! took) our Neurnlgla anil Mik Jit ud.ahe l'lllsfor
Chronic Hendacho with Dispepsla, aud tiny act J
like nihnrni. I would not be wllh lit tl.em l"r..i,,
amount of money.
Mtts WlUIlM Pillock,
S-Cllltl 11,1,1.
rttr:ili;ltt .s.SI k 1Io:ii1:ii Iii I'llls
They will cine sou. There Is noll.lrg In Ihlsworld
Ike the m. Easy to take, they dlssolie In toe mouth,
Tho Physicians generally ri commend I hem.
Tor Silo by 0. A. F.loim, Elecnttiirs Jrar;r;i;t.
Juno is, 'sivif
COXSli.Ml'TlON Clittlill
CsiiiiicilUtMliN.iVftlKht lii months
POWIIITTAN, C.H., Va., A pi II, IsStl.
Dn M. Milton:
Dear Mr Atler hnilrg her u sliklwilve months
and tried the best ph) sit 1.11 sof Iho tountrv witli
out doing mo Ihe lensi good. I tiled )out CltlTiK
PETIIOI.TlUM 1'II.I.S. When I coinmn.eid taking
Iheuil coughed nltnost Ii,cissnnil), hail liciuon
h.tge. night swe.i's, itc. I wetghcii 114 lbs Atttr
Inking the pills two months Iho tough nnd night
sweats ceased and hnd no hemoiihagc and wclghi t
UJ pounds,
Yours, lespcctfnlly,
FEED, 0. 1)1 NN,
Thousands of cxsesllke the above.
Tho plllsarc also a positive cure for rhtoiilc bron
chitis. Asthma, catnrih, and nil Throat and Lung
Tilat boxes as cents. Largo boxes (tan p'lls) si.
sum by mall on nceipt tr pilco, with dhcctlons.
July e, 0-3m wA-co m Ing, N, Y
For the Campaign.
Tun W ei ki.v Si-N will be found n usi tu! auxiliary
by uii who nio tnriiesily w 01 king for the 11 form ol
Iho National t.'ouinmciit Dclleiltig lint 11,0 exits
which bale so long beset the country can Occulta
only by a change or the party In power, T iik m
earnestly surportsror ITesldintund Vhe Piisldmt
IlANCoeu and Enui.ish.
lu order that all Ihosowho SjinpnthUewilh our
purpose may most enir h-ntly eo-operatu wllh us.wo
will send Tits: M'Kkhi.v scmo clubs, or slng.o sub
scribers, post paid, lor Itttntj-liic ceiils rorlho
lie .xi thitc months.
Addtisa THESUN, Ns:w Y'ouk firv.
nug si) 'so-lm,
daring VAOXHUN. For lull imrociilsrj, njlri!,,
j. e:. airciiunv & :o.,' I'niin.iHoiiia, !.
IN A J.IILT CTjIMATK. In North Carolin
, flltrnUnt;.ifriizliic am! Mineral LatitU
call be buualjt VKItV ClIJIAP. Iho Cltiuate U
iniiu, (-1UW011-, iteaiiumi, iue hou is fooil ftiiacspaDia
i iue ingnesi aoveiopnieni. iwerrtnl
Union Is irr'wn In tm Itmlu. rmiuUt
anil hospitable. TAXT.S LKUIT,
TI1IIT. artnri-J
j trr
inuitiiiiyuitt nnu priisperoun. jvniiU'M water iiowern.
C'orroBponilence Invited. InforniHtioti promntly Klven.
Apply lotUflUcpartmcntoi Agriculture.KulcfgG.N.U
TIII3 UUNANZA l'ttlt liOOK A(ll NTs,
Is helling our two eplcuCIUly lUuarateil book.s UCf
the first wiltten by his lire-long friend, Hen J. W,
loIINI.Y, an author of nullcnal r.,ine, anil an ar
dent admirer 1 f tho "sui tub soldier;" Iho second
wit ten by his comtadi-in-iiiins, nnd rusonal
... ..... utll. mn. rs, Jtil l.-sj,. r. ,iU null OC OI W lOO Cl-
i.iuy. li.ith onielal, low-pncni, immmsi ly l'opii
hir, nnd selling Hourjil Piccedcnt. Acenis 1)01 Itl.E
1 1)01 Itl.E
I'lHU II'is by selling both. Outnts roe. each. Act
O.l'ICK and Coin Money. IILDI1AI1I) Dlius.
Chestnut street J'hlladelUila. a nug. J4iv
The American Shoo Tip Co.
M'AllllANT lllKIB
A. S. T. Co.
1 hat Is now so exteuslrely worn ou
thi'sn,,'",? Int",,.l"? by them and by which
misfit n i'.'UI,,.l',.l''..,.'.MV,'' 10 l"1r""
liuall). 'i I.t. -ij,, jn ',,, !,
J.''f''.?', sides t.clrig noru on tho coarser
tl L'1,!""'',' ",,u ml ro-Hr shoos
5UnVhfti,u,Kli,,l,p BCC'",,
They all have our Trade Mark A. . T. Vo.
lanipeit 011 front of T Ip.
I'aronis ihould ASK TOE SHOES with thU
ln.."ieiP-?.'.l''n I'"" basing for Ihttlr shlMrsn.
Farmers ! M To Your Interest
And buy your Porllllzirs of liojd llrauds. 1 sell
naugh and bobs' goods ouly-Just rciellcdfour full
Ground Hone, $37 tier ton
Amiuoniateil Dissolved Hone", er ton
Phosphates, joi Bllj J09 (,er 0n
Gtjanii, J-lOperton
l'lster, J 7 per ton
Salt, S per ton
Salt In Parrels, $2 80 and tl.ffii per bbl, In
new prain bags' Jil.-lO and 0.") ceuts.
Hcu d for samples and lull price list,
II. W. ATI,.
aug. 13. kD-lw' ESPY. PA.
Nextlj and chetpljr ezecutnd st the
COU'MIUN Ofllo.)