THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC I? AY, B LOOMSBU UG, COLUMBIA (BOUNTY, PA. THE iiiooiisniiiMi, fiinur, AUirsr is, mo ruuuo SALES. gunnel Ichri mlmlntlrtor ol ,Toiili I,otir, jciwl, wilt 'ell valanbto roil attain nn the fl mine In lloivor township, tin Sntimtay Au- rll't 23. ,1, M Willi" ni'l Omirj Conner, ailmlftra Ir4uf W'illhm Wlilts rlccoi-o l.will nil valua foiloiftlo on III? rctnUc in Scjlttbwn ,,ip on Sftturuny, August -8. Jo'Cpli Iltcacli nn l K. M. TcwlisWy, ml minUtr.itors of Ilreich, deceased, will "ell valuable re al esluloon tlio ptcuil-oiin Cntaiw-sa lon'lilp on Titcwhy August 31. Dtbor.ili Dotk will foil valuable real eslnlt on lie premies In Snlciii township, Lurcrnc , unly on WVuWtWjr, September lfl, 180. Tl.o C.ilhollo festival was well I'tUronuetl a.( week. m Walk U progressing on tuo new ill J-.. Uliurch ,t Sliltwntcr. Tho WIHiam"port lhiihj Manner it a gooil puper, and coiiftanlly improving. Tho Winona Flro company occupy Stcrner's tall hr the proent- Our frlmili nt Central, Coles Creek, anil oili er r.olnls,wlio cillcil upon us l.vt week in Hen. ton will plcao accept think" for their favors. Thero was a very pleasant Sunday school picnic in tho grove at Slillwntcr last Saturday- , Thero win a large attendance and lull volo at the delfgato election here on Saturday after nojn. Itlookcd llko a general election. Owing lo the absence of the editor, last wefli, several iimtlers lint should have been publish cil were Inadvertently omilud. t The Illoomsburg Comet Hand will hold a f ertival on Friday and Saturday evenings, Au-gu-t 21st ami 22ml. Wanti:) Kindling wood wantid at this of liccon nuabcrlption. The wood shoul 1 lie cut f, Din 12 to 15 inches in length, any thickness Market ptico will be laid. Torncy' f.lfe of General Hancock is selling rapUly. Thomas (lorrey, njml for this coun ty, Iim sold one hundred copies without going oil of town. Our readers have only lo try tlm A. S. T. Co.'s Illack Tip, advertned in another column, to be convinced that it is what is lietiliil on children's shoes. 1'enily and economy cum lined. Lost. A letter containing a $2100 order or check was lo't In the Opera Houre on Tuesday a-.t. The linder will ple.i'0 relum to this of fice anil oblige tho owner, as it will be of no value tunny or.o else. Water was pumped in the main pipes on Sat unhy tifiernooti. Mrs. 11". llirknibmo ttiriiul ou llie stream and st.irtul the pumps. Kvtry tiling worked nicely. The pics nro being test' ed this week- Tho barn on iho premise ot Martin Krnrt, in Ijocust towiuhip, was destroyed by firo on Monday afternoon about two o'clock. Tho loss of Iho barn and cnnlenls il about S:!00. We have not loamed whether Ihcre was any insur ance. It is supposed that the (ire was started by some children. A 0 irfield and Arthur club wis org mined by tho rmlbllcons last Saturday nlgli', in the rooms at the City Hotel. A speech or two was mule, hut the annl una was inaudible Afcr nutting down the names of all the men ami boys who were present, and the names of a gwd many more who ibe managers thought ought to havo been thero, tlio lit cuntnintil something ovjr a hundred names. The Hancock l 'ub numbers over three hundred, and is still i ft" . A number of persons vottdnt the delegate election last Saturday, who never voted the Democratic ticket, and do not intend lo do so this fall. Some ol ihem joined tho Garliebl dub lhat Kime evenir j. Such action is neithtr honest nor smart. It is just as wrong in the person who rolicits tho vole, as in him who vojes. We do not know in whoso intinst these voles were cn, but all gcod Democrats will agree that Iho candidate who secures I le gates by such means ought not tobenominsled l'Vt'innlHly, this irregularity made no ilill-r encc in Ihc ueneral resnll, but the thing should he closely walcffed hertafter. The Hancock and Hnglidi lub nut in Cjd inan'a ball nn AVndncsdav evening, lltli inst. I). Lowenberg, chaiinian of l-imlpineiit com mittee reported lhat the Caps and capes had ar rived and lhat tho remainder of equipments will bohere in a few days. The President called attention lo the deco rnlion of tho hall and instructed the chairman ol the decoration committee to pee lhat tho hall ba decorated without dolav. On motion, to additional names were n pointed on thodecora Hon committee. Aflerromo discussion concerning ibe nec essary expiries of iho campaign, the President introduced C, 1!. Ilrockway, who aililro-wcil the club in an incournainz manner. President Preeze fnllowi d in un addrss which pla lily alinwiMt ilm lieiies of Ihe ennrnian nn l Oar field 'r record as a free trader. Ttie club tin odjourntd to rccet Auguft 18, at 8 p. in. COUNCIL ritOCEEDINUS. wkiini:siay aco. 4th. Council met at 7J o'clock in regu'nr meeting tt, President. CI. A. Herring, Meirs, Kabb, Thomas, Evans, Ilawerl, Slinrd(68 Minutos of last miuliug riad and approved Application was made by Winoni Fire Co. re nuostinir Council to furnbh itwilh such por U0113 of the hose purchased by Town Council m they thought proper On motion a permit was aranled the Evangelicol congregation I'1 build a brick church on Fourth St., between Iron and Catharino Sts. On motion It was ordered that crossinesbe rut down on line witli pavement from the Town Hill thelowir end of Scottown on the North Bide of buonu i. ji one crossing across said Second Si, at or near tha tirnnnrtv n f O. V. Correll. On motion A Rlmttx nrna nnnn inied lo the Police in care of Port Noble district. A petition was received from I). 11. Cotlman ntoylng for his appoint ment of Policeman en tho police force, On motion the petition wan rcceivtd aud ordered filed. On motion Newlon Uoone, Joseph Oar rlson and It. Harr U were nominated Collecto for the prisent ytar. Newton lloono having received a majority of all the voles was ncei oil .lulu t,l..i..l n ,.,iin tlm rjonimittee Center St.. were rcnlinucd. On motion the President appointed Mewrs. Sharp ess and ThomaB a commlllfo lo confer will' tie Coun ty Commissioners to atcertain upon wl at terms Iho town could purchase ll.e old jail property. On mtion O, A. Herring was di rected to purchase a licee carriage. Onmollon the following lilli wero read and approved, Keturnof work and labor by E, II. Hid le mon St. Commlislone for July 'SO $81 60 Work of Illoomkburg Oaa Company for July '80. , 72 00 Ellas Mendeidull, Lumber furulahod 0 50 M. O, Woodward Polico service for July '80. S3 Daniel Iiiycork, Police service 1 00 W . Shutl, police service July dlh, '80 1 00 It. Harris for lending llurdict & Allen show 1 00 It. Harris for arresting U. Herring 60 W. Hhutt polico duty July 20 1 00 Jno.Qrolinc. aalary for July '80 16 00 Total, SlOl 83 On molicD, the Secretary was oideicd to draw orders for the several nuiouuH. On mo tluu tdjourni'd. JnO, laoTr, Sec Fox, Jesse Riltenhouse, (libbons. J. S. H,Sl.ick- DEMOCItATIO COtlSTV CONVENTION. The Ucmocracy of Columbia county met in convention at Ibe Opera House, In l)l(,.burg rn ruesdsy August lOih at 11,10 o'clock a. m , for the purpose of tmltim In ii,,,l,,,il candldaie Congress, one candldtte for Slate irnator, two candnliks fur Asieuibly nnjl one for Di.trlct Atlotncy, putsimnl to tho roll ol ie county cumuiiltiT. l).lvld l.owenbctg, iiiirman oi uic counly tommitlte. cal cd lli omvenlion to order. William l'.van., of llrinr creek, nonitinted C. It. Uucknlew for President ami he was unanlinuulv n. n w .Vmnicinmu, of Orange, and Themis Oingles ifMndi.on, were elected seerelnrl lllllbiejcr, l(p, leading clerk, Tho llrt of leltgales was called and the follow! nif lirrsniiH answiredi Beaver James T Wm. llauck. llenlon W. H. Cole, (1. M. Kline. Ilernlck Hur. Hudson Owen, W house. Ulooin Eatt-Ueorge I.ockard, Eli Jones, Hon. C. 11, liuckalew. llloom WeM-Stephen Knorr.C- A. Kleiiu. Uriarcreek William Evan, Clms. Heed. Catawlssa W. T. Crcisy. C. I). Hamlin. W. II. Kobblns. Ccntrnlla I! ,r, Patrick Mcllrcarly, Charles Mulhcrn. Cenlre-J. W. Miller, II. Whltmire. Cnnyngham N Andrew ltooney, Clnrles Hag- city. Conynghnni S. Michael Eagan, Patrick Mc Donald. ihlngcreek John Wit.ncr, Snmuel man. J. F. Hutch Iron. Ell Pealcr. Franklin J. T. Heeder. P. J. Camnboll. reeiiwood U. P. Mcllcnry, Daniel Welliver. ileinlnck -.Inlin KUUr, .1. A Harris. Jackson l.A-kitl Cole. Matlhew Mcllenrv. icctist Daniel Morris, lloljiulus Ilerbine, J. lieaver, John Hillig. Madison T. II. Olnglcs, John M. Smith, C. Kramer, Main Diold Fedcrnlf, Day id Shuman. Mililin Stephen Wolf, Henry Heller, Jacob N. Pifer. Montour Samuel Oigger, Isilnh Oigger. Hi. Pleasant Amos Wnnlch, Miles Ikelrr. Orange I. K. Dihline, (.'. W. Atnmcrman. J. T. Fowler, C. L. Sflnes. THE VOI.TAIO 1IKI.T CO., MAIISIIAU,. MICH. Will send thMr celehr l.d Eleclro-Voltaic l.ells lolhealilicleduiioti ItOdsv. trial. Si rn-dv cure- miiraiiHcil. Tho mom whit il . snv. Write In Ihem without d Englishmen formerly supposed that Ann rl, can running horse' w,re very i ifcrtor In 'lielr-. hul durlngtho ht iwii yer Parol', W lien- stein and other fit n osihel wero leu freun y.' Nov. 21 ly this country to Eng u' J.M. Freck, cf Cenlrili , h io in A.iiina, where ho Is supcrlnlcinUnl and principal owner of a large copper atid allytr mine. Wiih Mr. Freclt are tntorolcl scvoral prominent Schuylkill capllalUts Of Iho mines ow Cole lltnringcretk William Ycnger, D. W. llarig, Scott Hast Huston Kubison, O. M. linker. Scot'. West II. O. Kelchner, C. C. Trench. Sugirbaf A, S. Larish, Wm. A. Kile, J. P Fritz. Convention adjourned until 1:30 p. m. On assembling, Hud'On Owen, of Ilerwick, was called to the chair and the reading of the votes was proceeded with. The table of votes ap pears elsewhere. On tending Ibe instructions on congress, O. A. Megargell received 47 voles C. II. llrocl.wny 17 and J. M. C. Ranck 3. Di Mcuargcll wss declared the nominee. The following resolution was adopted: licaolial, Th it Dr. John K. Itobbins, Hour Mclfenry and II F. Fruit are hereby appointed conferees from Columbia county to meet con fertes fioin other counties of this Coiitrres-sional ,litrict to nominate a candid itc to hesupitorlcd by the Democratic j arly for Congress, On reading of inslruclions for Slale Senate, the following was the result: E.J. Mcllcnry t! voles, W. J- liuckalew, "1 yolcs, Mcllcn ry was declared to bo Ihe nominee. The fullowing usolulion was adopted: WltniiEAii, The Hon. E. J. Mcllcnry Ins been nominated by this convention for Stale Seinler, Theteforo ifWrc, that A. I), Seelev of Ilerwick and Frank Wolf, of Fishingcrcek, appointed as senatorial conferee, with in struclions lo u-e all honorable means to sccuio the nominniiouof E. J. McIIenry for Slate Senator in this district. 11. fore proccoeding to the reading of instruc tion for.Itepresenlnlive, C. It. liuckalew, chair man, ccplained tho rule concerning the voting of Delegates aflcr their instructions are elf. The first reading of Iho instructions re'ulted as follows. Vanilerslice. 321 Drown Dew it. 20! Kniltle, Fritz. 1) Derr, Necessary In t r.miuntirn, -lo. The second ballot ro'iillid the fame, and ihe name of J. F. Dcrr, bo hiving the lowest vole was dropped. Tho third LuUoLstood Urn's TCnillln. 31 Dewllt. 2-1 A Vandorsliee. 321 Fril.. 1 IJrown. 2H It was agreed to strike out the wold umml in Chmler II. rule 1 . line i, foils to ad, "aed so on at etch successive vole, cc. fThe word sitoiii! wae in the report tf Ihe cum- tnitieo on thu levi'i.iu of rubs, m published by Ihem in 1S70.1 Tin mime of FriU was llien Iropped. rour.Tii 11AU.OT. Vandurslice, S9J Ilrown, Knitlle, 35 Dewilt, llrown's name was dropped. rtrni inu.Or. Vanderslice, li Dewitt, Knitlle, 11 Only 110 votes were cast, and tho clinran nounced the meaning of tho rule to be that tikes one-third of tho convention vote aiilIeU to nominate. Mci-srs. Vanderrliceand Knilllo haying more than one-third the volt- polled were dec'nred the nominees li. R Utile was doohrnl iho nominee for District Attorney, having fecund all the voles mat fur that oilice. Tlio convention then ad iourned. The. attendance was lirge, ami everytning pas-cd olVuuietly and harmoniously, Sines' Dyentery Compound when liken ac. cotding lo direction, will Instantaneously cure Cramps, Spams, Sour SUunaeli, Hearlhiirn, DiarrlnuJ, Dysentery, Co!ic,and all other bowel complaint". augfi-lm ASHL'ltV 1TB.MH. Rev. Mr. William'jof Orangcvillo, preached at this place iiti Sunday morning. Orangeville ought to be proud of such a voting man. lie niidlid hi subject we I, 1 hoi- he will hon or (lod and ibe ibureli in hi day and genera tion. The f sthnl held nt A 'bury on ihe evening of the - 1th till., went nil finelv, leitiltitig inn net prifil of abcul filly dullors. Miss 1 1 ti tlio Zancrgot tliccake with tho silver dollir in it. There were Iwo ladles taken up aud voted fur and Mifs ZimCgi.t tie most vole. M. W. Mcllcnry, e.f Stiltwa'er, got the take with the two d, 11. ir and o0 rent gold piece.) Wo prop. "e organizing a Hancock club on next .Saturday i veiling at thu State school of aye whii liu, d i- s of tlioiHiuids of tin. I ii , ' "nil Ann r -uis as the Messrs. Iotill ird, James Gordon Den nett, Ac, Tho Englishmen have luvestigat-d the mason fur the great success of the Aiiiuii. cm horses, and liiid that ihey ntn kept In such fine condition by thu constiiil us.i of M, II. Roberts Horse Powders. Jnly2-2ui 1I0U.NI AllOUT llOAitlNUOItl'BIC. Picnics and fetlvalt regularly every S.i'.nr- ehy somewhere in these parts Many R publicans In this vicinity will volo mil and uperated by Ihem ten assats from Ihe Merrltnac averaged as fellows: fill, IS In liver and S3.jl.89 in gold, the former mine owing a rolld vein four and one-half feet wide milling ore, the latter illrclosing a vein sotno irec feet wide. They nro within a short dis tance of ibe Southern Pacific railroad, and In rictinoss are said to excel any jet discovered in for Hancock and predict his election. ll.n .o.l.l -I'l.-- t M l ... 1 1 , : v: : Z ...I. , ,lml""le ll'hlp of the I,ntl,cmn minister, ... nt i.ii . iimi, luuuiy vurniuu I r r i,..i.. that nnnlinrlmriil ell,l A.l...i. . . Visitors in and about this place recently. Jiolicrt s l'oiilliy Powders ate guaranteed to wero Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlns W. Gable, ofOor enre poultry ot all (llsencs, ifglveii before the den Mr. Rjbort 1.. Hurst, of Wnihlngloavllls fowls rcfuo lo eat. Sure cure lor cholera. We and Mrs. Hannah I.oinlorsman, of Minersville. Iinvo tried it and nihiso nil to use It. aug 01m Rev. J. F. Dlemer. In rlrnr.fSt tr ..i .... THE OAMPAK1N col.CMDIAM .nauiicw s fiittrcti, ueilvtrcil un able discourse Only 75 cents for six months, or $1.60 a )ear in llie l'-'1 Slibtown school house on Sunday Innlvanco, Oct up dubs and send n voti aiternooii tlio lsl Inst. l no uemoctatlc meetings litre show a great leal of enthusiasm far Hancock and English Mr. Christian Small fs thu President of the club. Chatles, n young ton of Jacob and Caiolin Carl, residing near this place, died recently cf cholera morbus. Tho United Ilrtthrctt will bold their (Juar- Icrly conference In the Flee Will church, Au gust 21st and 22ud. Itev, M, J. Jlunro, of A 1 1 1 1 v i 1 1 c , I.clmuon ciunly, P.i., will preach Mturday cyetilnganil Sunday morning arum ning, CHiiuinunion service in ihe forenoon. The CttawisM clicuit of thc,Uiiitcd llrethreii in Christ, h ie brt ki n ground for n parsnuags, size 20 x 20 in this 1 1 ice, on a pint of gtoui d obiiilned of Mr. Mnyberry Snyder, on Main street, adjoining what is known as ttie Yohe lot. There will bu a picnic held by the United lliilbrni mar IheFree Will cliuich, Saturday, iignsi 1 1th. Mr. William Pfahlor was tcriously ii jurcd recently, by bi ing throw n from a wiigoii which broke down Counly Superintendent, W. II, Snyder, will hold his nnniuil exsminatijiii of applicants for W hivccomo In the conch s, on tint every msn ought t i buy a priming p'O- and print ld own p'per jut to suit I inve ' I It n their won d Ii- n i fault fiiund with ,'li'.r for not suiting i veijlialv. Itwoull vnrk I'nst fi'i' unt 1 e aeh liiau th- w d h.s p.) c 1 1 a eighbj , vrlun there woul I probably be a lUht. We ale never al irinnd when Wo heir soma ono is go- leg to ill-n nllntie tils piper because it lias pub lished Fuiiiclhlng ho iluis tiut like. We hive card thai threat l'o often. While wo are crn- ntctcd with n newspaper It will probably be conducted 111 our own way. To Keep yutir fitully healthy and save doctor bit's, ue the great Mextcnn Remedy, Herb ! linn Hitlers the best Wood Purilier In Ibo World. house, and expect nune able speakers from WilkeS'litric. Republican, look out for the I schools of Locust and Roaringcriek toiviiidiipi l'idiingcreek confederacy, they are gelting In at the West District school housi oil ThuiM earliest, but don't ex cct any military mobs to day, the Efltli inst. iiilcrfetc Willi our civil niectii g. jIr, JlilUrnnd Mi's AllceSloke. both Mr. Paul Gilbert, of Ibis place killed a largo of near Ntimidia were united in holy wedlock, rntllesniilse- on the Knob Mountain, measuring on the 22nd ull., by Rev. E. it Kramer, of four feet eight ii.ches in lencth, and a thick as friiil can. Ho bus Ibe skin smiled, so any one wishing t.i see it .an cell at Ins houe lli:foitri:r.. Trnve leis should alwajs have a small bottle Sines' Disinlcrv Coini ound for iuuuediato relief from any bowel loniplaint, guaranteed to tone up the stomach at once tun healthy con dition. nugO-liu 1IE.NTON MATTEI'S. .1. Saltrer wa hern hi-t week wilhalnidof sewing i'lnciilius. lie is icilll'g agocumany in this section. The propcity of Ilcrry K ing-1 ury deceased, was sold at utile sale on ln"t Saturday, Jacob II. Fritz being ibe puichaser, for St. (labtiel.s church Sugarloaf. S. I). SlilCh, of Town Hill was Ihe auctioneer, at d a very good cue be is, tco. Mi,s Nettie Stiles, of Rloomsbuag, is vi'it- ing friends here. Candidates are not nearly to numerous this week as last. The Exchange Hotel is m.e of the best coun- liv inns in this section. Rhor Mcllcnry is gelling cut a large lot of limber. His lumber jard is well stocked. The Cornet band held a fctivnl last Satuaday afUrnucn. The Ltiiirrte aid Orangerille bands were in altendcnte, and a gcr.etal good lime was bud. There was ciuite a court at Ibe Exchange Hotil la-t week Thurnlay, sevcril lthioin law- yeisand about tblrly wtti.iws Icing icrenl to tauo depoailions m the estate ut J lr.inas I'avis. J. F. Mcllcnry of Stillwater has some wheat that yielded over nine bushels to the bundled sheave. Sinco the English gentlemen as well as the Me-ri Lortll.'iid, James (icrdon liennelt, ,c, have fund so much virtue in Rolnrt's Hoise Povtdets, and have need it in such ijuaulltis; all perrons who are alive to their inteiesls give il to their horses, whether runnels, Irolleia or farm hoses. It has a wonderful efi'ecl, augfilm this place- Tlie blidegiojri was Mr. A J Stolees, and bridei-uuid Mi I.uetla .1. Eevan, who all tri.nsdcted Ibeir pails very creditably. Tho ceremony was cr'oruird in iho pre-ei co of several invited ulaiives and friends. All p.i-scd oil' vi ry pleasantly, with a lively sere nade in the evening. We unile with their many friel ds in wishing the.young couple1 a long life ol blb-s and pru-t erity. MoNllll.Y COLUMBIA COU.NTV CKNSfS. Tho following are the olhcisl returns of ctn sua in this et unly, m by the sup.r- Busiiioss lNoticiis rte.ots and Shoes cheap at Mcliluney's. Tbt nubile are hereby itiforninl that splendid anils are now inailo from tlm latest styles ol Spring CJuods on the billowing tcim". Mill Xlgfc, lyowetl J'rieet, Jletl Mil Icrial, l!c.d M'orimiiultiji, anil Jlctl Fill nt tho Popular store oi luw i l.'iwenuerg. Harriet A. Nenltltk. of falcni, uyi: Iwns cured of letter in my hntid by Ibrre applica tions of Camphor Milk. My husband was curud of old running sores by mint: It. It cured my son or asptaiiinl nnkir, rn o2) cents Sold liv U. A, Klclm, uioc'tn-iiiiri'. aptil lu'P0,1y Cah tiai l for fiOO tons good dry bright R-u k Oalill.irk bv Silas Young, I.'gbt Street, july 3,)-2ui Rubbe rs at McKitmcj ', 1 rilKiWS' A ITU ISI5.M KSTrt. 11 'the fi,ttowln uppnilseine ut ot real ana pi'i nnal pint ertysi t nntiit lo v h.i.wsof eleccdenta Iibm-neen til. illnt,." nftiiu of the l.cirl-iiir c.t Cot un. 'it i enui.l .unui th Iintca nt e miri. unel wlllb" tit- nleii : litis-. t niiltrinnM t. to t' "rphans' liii.rltol" '..l.ll.i II n.ii-iiir 'i itli-i I'Miniin. If. .ill 7.1. in I IV, t'l Mil I lOt 1' ' l ,W0 o'li-aikp. in., orsaiil la vn:esM . ... pilous to oenttrniutlnii are lircviotttly niexl, ol wMeh all per- aunn inTeresieu in sniu cBiBie win uinu uciuuu . I. WM iw of Hiram li. Apiilemaih latent Hemlock nmusuip. Widow ol vvtltiam O. (jiilck.latee t Mootnnrtown atilp, eli'cetueett. rj. Wielow ot Jcmepli Ilir, late ct r.eavertwnsliip, it. censed. 4, id iw ct Norman L. Kline, lato ot Ornngo tow n- riiip, ue icaseii. 5. Widow ot I'lililp llnatigst, l.ito ct l'lslilngcrcek cownsnip, ucccawu. o. Mow of Hanlel W. Itobblno. lilo ot thetown ot Iilm tiuliUrg.deceased. Widow of William r. Binojer.lule ct.Mimin town rlilp, doeeaseil. 8. Widow pt lienjiinln lllcks, lalo cf (lie liorougli or nerwiCK, ileceascil. 0. Widow cf Israel llogart, late ot (Ireenwoodtown- bhiji, uwuieseu. 10. Wldmv ofA. J. Albertton, Into ot (Irecawood low nstup, iieeeaseu. IWlstci'a tinier. I W II. ilAftil'V. Iiloorrwuuiy. Aucf. e, ) f la-ft tor ATOTICE. Not lee s liereln- Chen thai Ihc fol owlnc accounts Inn- lii-eu uteri liithul'rotiionot.irj'ae.tll'iieif I'eihun- n'a eoutiiy ntui win rxi )iret.eate,t vi mo coun or Common Pleas ot said counrv. cm Tuesday, Ilia "Hi day it eptell'er A It, l-tn, arid continued after the foiiith day of aaid term utiloas cxcipttonabe tl'ed wltldii tiiatltme. I Aecoukt rf W. II. Atbott. Asslrrtice of William llaun- 2. Aeeniint of Pumu-l O. Kelclmer. Comniltleu of siephen veaip, a luuatic. a. Ae.-nii-t of .1. 51. Smith. Aslrri.ce In trust for tlio toenail ot the credit-, of I. .Inlin una Son. V.M.KItll.KIIUI.M, rictlionoUry. aug. 0, 'ell-to PUlli.lO NOl'ICE. The t'bitliing iMeirn "I ll.n id Emvcnberg Is well klee-kLiI Willi nil ll.e l.itcrl st.Mes ul Clnthiii'f fur Men, Yeuilli and Children. Call anil e xiiiiiliic. II ml liead uarlprs al .MeKiiuii'y'a. Fur Nobby Hats", Fur Iiitet Sljlcs, Fur l.tiivc-t l'rltc, (in in David I-owenberg's. Call and ei- the ll.'st and (llieapeit Hum mer Suit for ?t! 00 at I). Eowcnbctir's. I (it;(l pi liiid nice ilil'-d ra'pbcrrles, 1,000 piiiiniN.iiii-f drii dpiltcd clicrrifi wanlcd this fill by Mia voting, i.tgnt etrett.juy i-uui Call at McKinney's for Shoes. lion. George I. t'oison, Norrlslown.saya; The l'l ictiix Pecti lal Is indispensable in niy fatuity. It nils lilt a iballil III turiDg ciuiglia and cote's w ilh the-childte n.and 1 r.lwnvs use it when addressing a jury. Price 25 cents. O. A. Klclm, Illoomsburg. aprlO-ly Admifsion free at McKinney's. A ne.'l cr eno "I Fine ing jut leieived nt idy Mule Cloth. Liiwi-iilierg's, vi-or. 18S0 lti"0 Heaver 1221 !l"8 Ilenton 1 0112 llt'i", Ilerwick 2W"i 2:i ll!ii.,ni'bnrg 3702 3311 llriatcrcck 1172 1U77 l'ntawi-s i 2003 101 1 Fiankliu fob) fiOfi Centre IKfi 13-'2 Conynghatn 2183 1913 Centrjli.i t lo00 13 li Fishingcrcek 1 1 17 1372 llrieiiwood 1710 15SS lletnloik 10SO 1170 .luckron Ii7." Oli-J l,.cnst 2011 1531 MadUon 1077 10S0 Main C20 Ml Mililin 11138 1021) Montour Wl 027 Ml Pleasant 7(10 7"1 Orange !W1 !i0". Pine 011 ' 71 lloaringcieek 633 -iNi Scott 1347 l-K'5 Ci'igaloaf bUO 7.VJ 32110 2o7tlO (i.iin sirce 1S70, GOOO. Mfied M. Winterstcen, son of William Win. tcrstctii. of Hemlock, died suddenly at Roch- ele-r. Minuirotii, i it July 20ih. He had been uttering from chill and fever, and ill Ihc after noon procure el Koine powders, one of which he took ilia cup of ccllec, and then went to Led. On going to his rcom to call him fursnpier, the landlord found him in an unconcious stale. The next day he died. A coroner's jury found lhat lie enme to his death from natural causes, the powder taken being nothirg but ipii- nine. Ho was a finglo man and hi ago was SOyears. He was buried at Rochester betore hi friends hero received the sad intelligence of his death. Mothers, don't fail lo have Sine's Dysentery Compound on hand, for the relicfof jour litlb baby wlun altncked with any bowel complain It contains no morphine nor opium, yet soothing effect widgive the lilllo sulKrer mneli relief. Hint he will ut once fall into ceulle sleep, and give his mother an opporl nity to rest, as well as every provoked luchc lor of the house. aug 01m Wn dn not know an honorary degree onv other kird, frcm a llaptist institution would make us ngcod llaptist, any more than degrees Item Methodist tchools make good Molhidl-ls oi some men. The acceptance of an bom rary nicmber.lilp In a Free Trade dub is a very dillVrent thing from lllli acceptance of a literary d.gree. 'Iho ntyuMican' '" pnriscu is not a gocd cue. Ills sad and true thai many children have filled untimoly gtincs, by iheiuglecl of their mothers lo have Sinci' Sjrupof Tar, Hoar houDd and Wild Cherry on hand. Every moth er has a boltlo this reason oi ihe year for imme diate use. auglilm Tho lint number of The JnduMhl lSoyrtsi, a Greenback campaign aper, U on our table, Who the editor or publisher Is, noes not any where appear, but J, M, Howcr Is announccJ as manager- Mechanically, the paper is net a model o I perfection. Tho make-up i badly ar ranged and iho press work i notdcar Ko far aa tho subject matter 'is concerned, It is all rlehl from a Ireeiibuek standpoint, but un sound from uny other. Tho pa crwill no doubt improve as thoso connected with it get more experience in the business. We wisli them uccoa In their itndertaking.pecunlarily B oak ing, but from the limited number of flreen bsckers in this cot'iily, we fear lhat the expeii mcnt will prove that such aa organ rutiuot be sustaiucd here. Pennsylvania Stste College admits both sex o. Endowment lulfa million. Tuilioni. Courrcs of study, Cliaslo-il, Sclcnllfio anelAg rlcullural. A thorough Preparatory Depart ment, Expenses $3 to $5 cr week. For cata logue, Joseph blioitlietge, A. M., J-re. State Oollr, 1'a. 0g18 lOw Wo havo much ploasuro in rocommending Thcrmalino to our reader-1, an an absolute cure for Malaria. Tho manufacturers' namo alone isnpiar.uitcoofita merit. It sells at 2.j cents per liox. Tor particulars boo Adv t, iuly 30, 'SO Omeow Col. I'litiicy's I'riticMit un lltul.elti'i'siif Acceiiltnice. Oeueral Hancock's letter accepting tlio Democratic nomination for the Presidency is such a paper as a straightforward man ought to write. Happily lie tun nulliing to explain, and, unburdened by jobs, un fettered by committal, ho can aiTonl lo bo ou'ipoken und truthful. His character will be to hundred, of thousands his best platform, .Mr. Garfield a letter was a Pelplnc om cle, neither intended tn be understood by him, nr cnilly understood by others. A modern Presidential platform has been to many men a French guillotine, ending m several ca-es by cutting oil' tlio very heads of tho people who ride upon it or wnlc letters supporting it, Itancocic c.i-e hi acceptance is as clear M light, and people will read it with the inoro plcnsitic because it is well written, genial, and full of old fa-hioiicd reiiic. The Deiiinc ratio candidate fur Vice-Prcsi lent, Mr. EnglMi, bus elaborated a good point. U is Unto lur n change ol adtnliils tratlon. No party ever began with so mrg nificent a prologue, none is ever iletditicd to end with to barren a sieuiel. Its proportions were simply magnificent when it espoused tho causo tit the country, but nn organiz.i tinn -t liich lias lost in succession nearly all its archllecls.arid has generally hcciimo pan of a great kite floated by a few selfish pollti cians, has fairly outlived its day. At its inception it was the v.arp.irly,wheu overybody wanted war j to-day It is the war parly when eyerybody wauls peace. 'J ha coitutry wa nevermore healthy, and jet tbtoo republican leaders Insist that It was never moro consumptive. The credit of the nation was never higher.niid yet they argue that it is tho Interest ol' tho Democrats to destroy lhat credit, No candidate everliad a brighter record, than Hancock, few broad, and yet the republican leaders Inslt that tt is black aud doubtful. The difference between the two parties to-dav is exactly the reverse of what it was in 18C0. Then the Democrats were divided and the Republicans untied : to clay tlio republicans are eliscor- du nt and the Democrat: solid. And this dif ference Is broadened by the letters of accept aiiconftbo four candidates of the two par ties. .Tho republicans arc dclnhic unci re- vengefull, blatant in doctrine and emphatic only lu malignant lialred ol eight million of our owu people. The Domocrats, clear, posuiye, tolerant, aim practical Tho declaration f'f the Democratic Nation al oonventlou endorsed by both the candl dales, in tho explicit language of General llnn,...L. l.l..,nir I- OJ r. 11. ...... ti.i . .i... , imuvuv. iiminLii, ", in inr It sliou 111 be thu Htm ol (Very owner ui kernal nt the wlmlo a that rn. an. I shm, ,1 ll.....,.ri-iUj Ia ..ibn II...... a. liu,nl,i.llll. -II .1....U. l.,..r. 1 , (iiai.i-.u.Mip.ivv.,!!! m... nnl" ' .. i irui'itu nil einuuc ir iiesiiuucv linn ecerv . , .. r..l I 1.1 . 'l'l. .. fl . ll..,ja . , . I . 1 . un,. . I . . . . . - uuu u-eilll aa pcwaiuie, j lie iieiiuuu iiuiu miriouc mini! : 1110 tuirtoetilti, lour. aud Cow Puwuer helps to Uci'elop ull the teenth and fiflocntli ainendiiients lo the powers ol llie iiiiiiuhI, it iinpioves us peau- tjonstlliitloii ot the United Stales, emboclv tv and Increase its tisefnlnpss. It rnukes 1m; the re.ull of Ihe war. are inviolable If milk, mucio and lai. ny using it n tiorse I called tn Ihe Presidency, I should deem it will ilo more work anil a oriw giveniore iiuik niy duty to rtsiet Willi Ml niy nower anv and bo In belter cocdillon wilh ltn feed, atlemnt to Impair orevuele the full for nml Sola oniy ny wngni ai tu cttus a pomin try i tiiict ot tne tjotikiiiution.wiiicli In every ar U. 4, ivieim, inuouisuuig, i iicip, atctiun ami uuieuiiuient, is tne Dec H!, '70-ly I pixttio ww oi 1110 luutt, Robert's Horrc 1'owders wtic formerly used amongst the runners and other valuable horses but now since the price lias Leen reduced tn 25 cents per package, ull can aflord lo use them. atigG 1 in There will he a festival hold in Thomas Mc- Henry's grove in Orargo town-hip, two nidus nortbwett of Orangevillu em Saturday, AngiM "1st. Supperfri' Ice cream and other rofrohments will bo served. Jluic by llie band. All are cordially invited, ihe pro ceeds are to be applied expressly for the erec tion cfn church at Mclleniy s appulnliucnt. We wcio crtatly amused some days since, by sceirg one of cur vcnerahlo citiitiis, who had been bowed down with Rheum iti-on, throw away his crutches, and diclare himnlf just us yonne as he used lo he, and now he Is recom mending Robin's Embrocation to every old ladv in town. Great liniment that. tugO-lm l'liliSO.NAI- Prof. W. II. Schuyler, and fimily, are s end log the summer with his father. Rev. John Hewitt, of Uellrfonlo Is vlsillng in town. A, II. How mn, of Ihc Sullimn .'itieni called upon us on Friday oi last week, Doc. Rohrbach tcok in the New York and Coney Island exilltMOii this week. John J. McIIenry, of Ileiiton, wasintoyin on Monday, Air and Mrs, Fioas Ilrown are spending a few weeks at Ocean drove, Now Jerrey. Mr. Dlckioiijof Phll"i!elbla, has been vis- itlng at Rev, Dr. Mitchells'. HOW TO GET almost Everything. Do you know how to get in the easiest way and to best advantage what you want for dress and house-furnishing? First, how: Write for a catalogue ; sec what you can learn from it about the things you want. If samples can be useful to you, ask for them and state your wants so plainly that exactly the right .samples can be sent, Second, where : The place where goods are kept in the greatcs't variety ; where they are sold for what they really are in respect to quality ; where prices are lowest; where most care is taken to serve customers accept ably; and where you have the right to return whatever is not satisfactory. There no matter where you are if you make your wants known and avail your self of your privileges, you will get the best things in the Lest way, promptly and without trouble or risk; sometimes by mail, some times'" by express,, almost always at less cost for car riage than the money you save in the price. John Wanamakcr, Philadelphia, P.i. Clicniiut, TliltUeutli, Market and Junior, (I. M. qriCK, I't'iniv), GOLD.! ill oat clvnt-o loinakn mon pv. ii iii oil t rorwm In ev ery to'Anio lnko HtiVscrii- 1 11111.1 inr i ui' lurL-fi . en 'in1 r-staiHl bit TlltuliriuM r.iruM v rubiiiutlon la ti. voi hi Any owii'im in come a nimsMiu iwom. mx elcgiM wul.s t( :irl clu-n In lo RUfBCriU r. 'Ilm inrc ii hi) low null niiiiQH t'MTl iKHiy siiiwcni't inii'itpiii t()iort uini'jf ' " Mittwili" ruinn my i i uiy hki'ih n'pi'i is in ihinjf (Apr f.w near iirtni ui ti'iidns. All wUu 1'iiL'iiirc niiikc iiniiicv r.tst. nin U Mlcall Miiir tlnm toUu t.ublrixi,ort.nly 3 our umi j 1 u mvn in hw.i iruni noiiit' ut r iiiiriir,' uii ran io 11111 t u iis omu rs. n uikt- rrtc it j uu tt.u.t p-oiltuiilo wt-iK Ht-iiil ui juurnil. ui ar ttuc . 11 i'i in a roi nine ion y ma nufinn ft, No oiii nho fliiriiirt s ful.s to lii.'ko kic.U r drths(.i:fmn' biiMi'tiN a Co.. I'urilai.d, .Moiik'. U1V 10, '-IMF vmnsm iwi -tw rrr.nnLBr mmjrmvfuo rjt usn mm "Tnn TETtrECT TOIIIC." k li LJ I hare iilJ llriinUo tiatitt Unto f r tuint tsP The only 2S cent: AWE KERSEDY X3NT I'SSU T7iTG:nXjiX3 : 1 "vol jit V1MIF111 tinn 'PTii 1 ut.A nil HIALAltlA R1SKASIC. li)! 111 Prurstttii. M4lli.l FREE T'rt " rttsi tJ M MAi UlCK It) , SoiTH bTT, Siw ) iti, fur It Ir ftn cmt html lutllud t tb laadari l l!.ilP.r PUFF. .11 wi o. BALD HEAD'S Mm FRIEND. a IB. BOBBIN'S, (CUCOHSBOXV HO D. VV. 3.0IJBINB,) BBAU-um. rino iti.uiiiii'1, ivnitkicH, rsiiio, miini,"i aii.Ki"i"' " flnnll) tin Imnil. IJII'OKTKI) AMS AND l'OUTKHS IN UOTTMiS BY Till. HOZKN. I.iititllonl.-) tlnoii!f' out tho coiinl V will find it to their uilvaiilngo lo cull anil cxainiiK! my stock before inircliiisitiy c-Ir-cwliuro. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Door bolow Iron. July !; w-l y GET THE BEST, .--45a ?3i?-?S5'Vy -?t'T."i :7..r tern A VONDERFUL DISCOVERY I 3 ib a p h yiiiiyy--iiiiE-i riucikln cir own town. fSoultltfriM' Nnrlsli. KnuiiT.lf jouwnnt ttlwln',fs at whli Ii inrhoiisor tltlier tPX cau nuke trout nay tilt tl.o tltno llit'j ork', rlte juiy ic, y-ir TVTOTICK )V AI'I'LU'ATIOX V O II 1 I'll.Ml TEH Nutito ih i-ereiy Kiwn mntn T1. Mttnn ulll tu lmtrlH on Kitunlt. the lilll ilav 1 Auirut, A. Jho, Uforo the llonoralit' Klwcll. ITPrMcnt .ludirti ct the Court it Counnon I'l.'nsnf t'olurnLla cuiiiilv foruiharur lna 'Flie I'oinrany" fur tho cotitioi ct liiu m thelonot liloomsburu', Ii.K. WlNTKKSTFKS, 1 ClIlS. WtfODHOL'bK. I s. li. Ailkn. CommltUo, Fkank l. Dkntlek, l KltWlKU U. C'LAKK, ; July 1C, HOP BITTEES-l r CONTAIN hops, nrc'iti?, ?iam)Iiaui: ASP TflR TCKKitr AM) lll"T MEItirAtQVAll- AU Plica if" of the Pi om c ft, Unwtla, IUood, LUtT, Kliin.'ji. und lirlu-ry urcam. Nir vuuauKW, bHuili'KitiM'Mii.iil ncclttlly SIOOO IN COLD. AV'll he raid for r. rme tlicy i 111 unt cure cr 1,1.111, Ul ,.D),U,inUI,Hi T (uumllu tlnlu. Aikjreur drumrl.t (or llf.p rttteri nt try U-cui be-fore )u ilt-rp. TuLu uu tilhiir. 1) t.C titnelolulonn.llrrrilittblortilnfor JOI UuKOUUCM, V"" CI ('IUm, IblJMCCb abil I hEKLl FOB ClkCVI.111. I All tUv. lfl I V drv -.-li lloplllturalllf. I ,1'.' - er,N, l.lATcr.Ie,eiAL July lc, 'ou-tt P'IKK 1NSU15ANCK. OHlttSTIAN V, KNA1T, LLOOMtlllL'IlU, PA. HlttTISIl AMEItICA ASlfltANt;K COMPANY. HKItM AN FlltKINM'ltANC'K CIIMl'ANY. NATlllNAI.l'lHt: 1NM IHNCB C'uMl'ANY, UMON lNSL'ltANt'KCIIMI'Ar.Y. 'I lieko oi u i'OKi-oKiTiiiiu aru well M-(ionect ty arc tltKl br any court of law Thr-tr iuuiu nr.. All I,,. ct e-il In wuu kkccmiikriona aru llaliloto Uiu barard of nm only. Losses rnorTi.T ana hokkitlt adjuitr-d and paid rut koon aa determined by ruuiaTux f. KNfp, ni-io- il. AllNT SD ADJl'fcTlK IllMIHkUVm. !. I lio )icople of Columbia oi.uaty .bould patronize by iTincttliilr owucllKi in. 1'ltOMPTNESs, KCiUU'Y f A1K DKAUNTJ 11UI, I, W, A Doodorized oxtract of Potroleumi Tlm Onlv Art tf.lft that "Will IlO- btoro Hair on lialu lloaas. What tho World has liccn Wanting for Ccnturicu. In tlio miimifactui'C of Orguns i.s nulling in tlio jirothiution und utile of (jlieiii) gooils, niiulc from inferior niiilerinls. 1 rtfor paiticubrly to bogus Organs tlmt nro contiininlly snringing into oxistence, without any merit whatever, except to bo offered clictip, and then when purchas ed fuuiid to be dear at any price. Will ywii not then, reader, If Q- Coites-Xttt Bujfing sn Organ con.ider it your only Fafeguard to select an instrument bearing tho names of fir?t clas, wholly lesponsible makers. A good assortment of sty lis of the cclehiatal Fstey Oigans can now bof-rcn at tho new rooms of the Only Authorise! Agent fot tho ISatey Oigans iu Columlii? County. A guarantee for live years from tho mantt faetuieis accompanies every Estey Oigan. J. C. C. GLIGNAN, Plumber, Gaa Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, ' ANII DE.M.Iili IN STOVES, HEATEKS RANQBS, BLOOMSBURG-. PA. Shop in Opera House, Oth door nprU S3, so-ly .R1 it-isni The rreatest discovery ot onr day, po far ns a larpo portion of humanity U concornetl. Is CAi: HOLINn.tin articlo prepared from petroleum, nod which effects n completo and radical euro la caeo or haldncss, or whero tho hair, owing to diseases of tho scalp, has become thin, and tend to fall out. It la cUo a pneedy testoratlvc, nnd whllo lta ueo bo- enrca a luxuriant grou Hi of hair, It also brings back tho natural color, and gives tho moet complete eat lsfactlon In tho uslnj. Tho falling out ot the hair, the accumulations of dandruff, and tho prematura change in color are all e ldenccs of a diseased con dltlcu of the scalp and tho glanda which nourlfih tho hair. To arref-t thefo caUBcn tho ertlclo used must possess racdlcjl as well as chemical virtues, aud tho ihango mnst begin under tho scalp to be of penna nent and lasting benefit. Such an article is uak 110LIXI.,and, llko many other wonderful discov eries, It U fuund tocouBlBt of elements almost la their natural ttate. Petroleum oil Is tho artlclo v hlch Is wado to work hucU extraordinary results ; but It Is after It has been chemically treated and completely deodorized that It la tn proper conditlou for tlio toilet. It was in rar-otc i;ma iuh ma effect of petroleum upon tho lialrwas Hret observed, a Goernmcnt odlcer halnff noticed that a partially 1 bald-headed servant of hl, when trimming tho hmps, had a habit of wti-tos his cU-bcBinearcd hands luhlafccanty locks, and the result was la a few months a much finer head of black, glossy hair thau ho ever had before. Tho oil was tried on horses and cattle that hnd lott their hair from tho cattle plague, and tho i etulta w ere aa rapid as they were man clous. Tho uaues and cen the tails of horses, which had fallen out, were completely re Ftoredlua few weeks. These c-p-irlauuta wero heralded to the world, but tho knowkde wa prac tically usclee. to tho prematurely bald and gray, as Lutue in clllized society could tolcrato the ueo of rtilned petroleum as a dreMlug for tho hair. But tha eUll of one of our chemists has ocrcomo thodUIW culty, nndbyaproce4known onty to hiniself, ho has. after very elaborato and cottly experiments, sue cecdtd lu deodorizing refined petroleum, which, renders It susceptible of K'Inghaudled as daintily as tho famous eait tte cologne. Tho cxpt rhntnts with iheele-odoilzed li.inld on tho human hair wero at teuded with tho most atoiiI&hin results. A few explications, whero tho lulr was thin and falling, t;avo remarkable tono amUUor to tbo bcalp and Ulr. livery purtlclii of dandruff disappear on tl.ofirtt or fctooud dressing, and thellquldeo&carch'" Jug In its nature, seems to penetrate to the roota at ence, and eU up a radical chango from tho start. It Is well known that tho mot beautiful colors aro made from petroleum, and, by some mysterious operation of nature, tho uae of this articlo gTadu ally Imparts a beautiful light-brown color to tho hair which by continued use, deepens to a black. The color remains permanent for an Indefinite length of time, and tho chango U so gradual that tho moat lutlmato friends can tcnrctly detect Its progress, In a word, His tho most wonderful dleory cf tho ngc, and welt calculated to nudto tho preina turely baU und gruy rcjoltc. Wo adldo our readers to give it a trial, fee lie JZ ratletled that ouo upnllcutlon will cuminee tht-m of Its wondt-rful eltceU. 1'ttUburyi Vvrnirurciul tf Oct. iii, 1-77. The article is telling Its own ttory tn tho hands ct thousand who nro uiri it with thu mo-t gratifying and incourugln results ; V. II. BmiL A Co., Tlfth Avenue rharmocy, nays. 'Wo hab wM (irepuratiou fur tho hair for upward cf twenty year, but have nevir bad one to veil as well crgfvo am h universal uatisfactlon. Wo there-furore-cummeud It with touUdencej to ourfrlcudi tad the general public." Vf. flriTUTa P. II iu. of tho O&tea Onera Troupe, writes: "After tlx weeks' nso I fjn coa-r are also my comraue-?( inui your 'LMoo lino' has and tsproduciuit a wonderful growth of hair w litfo 1 had nono for ears." 0, 11. Smith, of thoJennlo lllyht Combination writes i M After lulntj your ' CurbuUno three wetk 1 am convinct d that bald beads can bo ' ru-ha!red il Him my wuuuvriui m uiy vubv U. Y Ahtiivu, chemUt, llplyotet. Mass., wrltess Youi ' CnrbollnM1 ha rebtorcv my hair after ttery lUlllg llsQ tiftd IteUed." Jos Em E. I'ond. nttorneV'At lsw. No. Attlcboro. lans., writes t Tor more tlun iMyewi a portion cf my lit nd has been a nuooth und fue from hair as a billiard ball, but tome e-icht weeks ayo I was In eluced to try your CarboUne. and the edict La been .Imply wonderful, Whiro r.o hair has beta teen for years there vow appears a thick fro win. and I am com luced that by continuing Its use I shall Lave is L'ood ft head of hulr as 1 evLf had. It U rowing itow iiearly as rapidly as hair dues after CAEBOIIIE Ii now nreunted to the nubile without fear of con- Iradictiou as the be. I Keftonillvo and lleuulifler of me iiair me worm lias ever pruauceu, lrlrc, (INV. IIOMiVII inrbottlo, bold by ull liruuuUtk., KENNEDY & CO., PITTSBURG, PA.. 6Uo Age&ti for the Uulted Slates, tho Cahadaa and Vli VUfc UtllUUh' l.uis'rr.ii'h xoticks. Vntli-n la 1htiiv trlii. n tn nil ltu'ritfrq. Pt'l'il - uiannd ulhe-r ft rson'-iinteiTLcd In tlie iot,itij l tho uspeUhc lU'cciluiti mid mliuirs, tb it the rob lowing tulmlnl'stiatioii niirt inH.ui .f ouni huvt been tiled lu Ibo (Jbet) or 11m I.VtfMcr i.r I'uiuinblii count, i.tnl will ie pn nit d rr roiitlriintl'tii uvt. alluwiiitie til ll.e UlplliHiV t'ei'ltt to In- h.'ld In lllooniNtmijr, I'll Mondaj, b"pt. rt, 1h,-ul a o'clock, p. ui. f.u illd eluy : 1. Th' w eoud and tlnrlnTi unt of .1. II. 1'r iiiihMruici of llaiiLuli Lake, him t,f tM',it tuwn thlp, tieceast il. a. 'i li- tlift nrnt llnal Mrount 'f t'litlut'lno Uroct bennt;r, i(li.itulsttaitil e.f ItciU'tii'init'r, l.ilo of bvuurtuwjiMilp, (leccii--f(i, 3. Thf part'nl ncc-ritnt ff Hcrrl'-tiuThhlr, neimlnlsiintiix ullh tin will iiimcjfil, nl I.uU vlif Tlilr-ln, (.1 llrinr luPshlp. Ut re-ase-il. Hit ilrst iiQtij'iint er.Ichn Kitm, u''CutGt"o6 A. 1- U.IV1S l.UI 01 IH I.UJ1 KlWIihllip, il"f- Ilii? nccouut cf Lrl A. llldlaj, execute r 1 1 nvali II. llltllaj, l.itc ot Ci'iitiv lov.nshlp. el. eejped. 'I'i.i' Hi .t umlllnfll cirMiiit of (ieurjre W. '.mil, ndinliii' r of .Jueob Mniicj, tf tlu town of liloninuur. dtn'tini'a. The nrsr arrount cf ret r :Jlli immftr and Mo- fi s Si'lilh li-1, uM-cutois nr sun n Ji Iliamme, l.itu or lit'iut r tmvjiMilp ilifu1- n. 'Ihti tlrst urttt uivouni e.f .lonos, ndinlnH- truttirofdo'in Jones, latoot Hit- town ot lilooms- bury, lieee.i-t'il. The lltst ur.d lltiitl ne ouut cf Willbim V.oif, oxro uior of liUw Ut"iou, l.ttu oritiM'.or luwnahip, fKCi'llkt'd 'llmiirsf nml nml account nf .1. P. optUke, ftd lulnlatiiitor e.f Ail-t It. ejpil.ko, IjU- ut Uiu bui onyimr Iterlck, elLCt'aj-cd. Tlio bi-ioiul and p.uii il account of bvubon Shu iiriii and Jclin T Miunnn. cxcuttors of Jacob Hmman, lato of Slnlii tfiwn-hlp, elitvnsi il. 12. Tlio niMntidilii.U.wouut ot fi-Hiuroi'in'i .MoeiisOiL.iaitf e,n(recuweX'U town snip, in ixe'ii. 13. Tho lir.-.t and partial nt cei.iiit a: hunuicl Apple- liy Mrluo of an order ct Ihe Orphans rourt of :o- iVAViou ' iaiCLI W county, iho uuderblgned AdmluMrator of It. Tlrst und flmu iiccounti.f 1. IC. Krlhmim. fLrt. louw Vl '"V m-uw-r lownsuip m.ltll 1,1.. i.T l'.nti.n ' Julys", em. tow TOB 1'KlNTInO I O Noilly aiij chrtiily eiccukj l 11-. 1 OjiXU&UN 031co. M.rtANTos, I'u., .May SOlll, ll. Dn. A. K Iii-kk: 1 'coV 3 our Ki-urjli!l.i an.l Wrk llcadaclw nils lor t'lironlo lli-aiLii'lio with Dispejl-i, autl llu-y at-l-d llko aclurm. ) would nut bulliuut lliim foi iii.y iiiiouni ot iiiuncy. MlW WlLI 1 IM IlK.lCk, ttunintou, I'iu IP YOl' Il.WKlir.Atlnt'llE. ii' Yor iiavk m:i'i:.m.iiia, IP YOU I'AVE lnSI'LI'HIA. IP YOU II WK CONSril'ATIOM, ' IP iin- HAVE iKmncsrioM, IP YtlU IIAVK NUIIVDl.'s C1IIU.S IP yOU HAVE AOUli I'lirM.S IP YiiU IIAVK PA1 1MTATIOK OI Tn KRAUT IP YOU IIAVK PAIULYXlii, It' YOU HAVi: TOOTllACUU, IP YOU AI(KN-ltVOL, TAKE Dli. A. K. llUItlt'S v ."Vc'.ii'alvii, AwSI.'S( ISciiiliU'ltu 1'illr.i Tlioy will cuii! jou. 'Iliuiolt nolblug In tlilsworld Iku llt(-m. t'ayy lo lukc, Uicy ill-,solu lu lite inuulh, VUo lli slclaua generally rceuininenil thctn. ?:r Sale lv C. A. tlcis, Elccnslurr dragsitt- Juue Is, VMI TTKLia Sft..3 op v.M.rAULi; real: kstatei mii'lttrntur of KUbli.. luwuiilup, UlCU.Ifcull 15. Tlii'llilia nnU partial o ounur Allen Mann, rx- ir'uorci ri-itr i.earnau. iji.' ci nearer lown fclilp. Uect aieil. 10, 'llio tlrt anil I'.rial i ivoimt of losepli li. role, ad- iiur.i-i ruti.i-. r .MoiiiKciuery Cblo, Iilout hugar luar township, (UceiiM'ti. IT. 'I'lie liift nnl nceiunt it A,(lren- impp, aU- luiuu.inu. i ui 3iary,MeLieuliaicoi iajcui, luwn fclilp, ileeeaseil. IS. Hi" fiiiiiunt i f Anrnn W. (ln,er, one of Iho ail- imiiijiratcia ot Ml, unci (irmer, Utj ot the town i f Uioom-,nurh', tlea.'tt 19, Tn, nrstaml Dual itoeuunt of II. J, nmiitr, nt- miiiisiraiurof Minuel II White, lato 1 1 IIsMuk eui k township, ilwasea. to. Tlio reeauhl f Josliui I'e'lf rnnn, or.c of the uuniiiiKiiiiiors ft MUliael un.ytr, lato ot tbc loiuiot Iiioouisuurg, deeeaseil. l.'llu nr-tanailnai lkcler, cuir- nun oi i r,e I'ithjii umikIh oof w tin te - ir. a minor ihtiil ut Wlllti.ui Welllvenlatijot .M'iuimn xow nsuip, uec ' V2. Tlie Pirbt nr. annul account r.f II. ('. lieu, t-uar- uian ot ariiitib.i Ufh4,or.o of tho helm ot Jacob Neiintr, Uteusetl, 23. The nr.n uml llnal ircoutit or t'onr.ul Krearafr, I in ueecaninlib, lato ot Mautson township, ueixaseil. SI. The illaii'l parlUlno'ount of Clinton Kills, and ..iary iiuuiu-r, auuuuisi raium ot i.outtii oun mtr, lato ot Oatawltna lovinhl , UeceasiU. S3. Uu-in. t ana Haul uceuiini of viimoii nils, ad- ini'.t.iiaior i.i taine.4 Harry, lalo ot caunvlsfca towiuhip. di-eesed. so. Ibe tn -I llnal nrinuiiKf i'bail (I, llarkley. otoiiiorii .11,1111.1. iiarhl'iy, iwi'i 1 1 me town oi lilofiiiburif, Columbia eomtty, deceased. ST. Ihe llit and tlualeecount ot MoirH C. sinan, ex. eeuior ot vusntt rum iwat. iut ',f llie town or lilgntnshurk', Columbia cuuul ,dec,.uhi ,1. Si. Hm tlrst and Uiui aicouni of i liurle.A Me)er, uuiiiiuiiraiorot.iiuii it. tinier, 1,110 or urn town ot Ibooiu.-burk-,'ouxd. S9. The tlibl anil llnal ueeouul ot utlmrlfo M. 011- 01110, noiiiiLi-tralilsot William JillJlae, Ijle ol Miull.-oL towishlp, dtotuud. HO. Tho first "nd nni ucccmni rf Andrew .1. Alb- tt- wu, exicutor nr Wll.lninj. Htlrr. lain of mi. I'lcAKdht lelibhl , ikii.uril. a 111' dly J.Jtb W. I.icce, adinlulttratorot iiiulren J. Afberlidi, dccoaHeO. SI. Tho llnnl account ot llllam v riron n, guardian ot mc ut-raoii auii ebiaie 01 iiiiaoi iirown, lui torcblldor oeorifo A. Ilrown, deetus--d nunicd by liW exec utors, Joiiu I', Ilrown and lamek C. iirown. M. Tho tlnai neiount ot WUllain N, Ilrown, euarulati vi uiu iiriTju hi.ii i-aiuie oi r.ano 11. liiown, minor rU Id ot tit-oiet A. Iir wn, im Ihwl by hit executors John Y, Urow 11 und JaiiKMO. lirowr. S3. The iuoond nod llnal nrenunt or ClaiL llili.k. auinlntMratnr or lici jiula Drink, I.1U1 of Ikn- LU4 lu ,1 (mill p, UUOClVM'll, 81, Tho llrnt and llnal neenm.t of in-omv M. Unwell, auiiiiuivraittr cuiu leMuini-iiiii anneo. or lll coot I'.UUait. lato of Hilili.L-ciei I. tonnidilp, do. ceawd. S5' Tho tlrst and rarllil nciMin.t ot Sl.ll.llnsflieb and ..nin.. tt'HK' r.uniiiiiiihiraiorhoi isaiau inagir, latoot Ijiciut township, d-eased. tf, Flrnaod nnalnocoui.t ot lUiMf.HrlwIr.iraai. dlun ot Marietta llurge, udui'r (1:11,1 or surah .iv, ,.1 1 iuio 01 iyn tixuip, ueceHMU llejUUrt OSloi., 1 W.ji.JaoijiiY. Illofiniuurif Au?., t'm. Hogisltr- II. C. SIMM & BRn. IU.O()lSU'llCi( V, ManufactaAuiiot Crri2C5, Bugsics, Phaeton., Sleighs J ATrvltM WAHONS, to. firs t-cl 133 work olwaji on band. lUil'AHIIN'a KEATLT DOSB. rthxi vulucu) to ftult U10 Uaios. In &ald co inty, d, wilt exposo to public solo on Iho premises In Rcr tOHnshtpou S.VTUItDAY, AU(JI!ST 2S, 1SS0. at ten o-cl(k In the forenocu. all lhat certain tract piece, or parcel ot land, biglDnlng ut a btono la lino of lan 1 of l lurlea .Michael and running thencD ulo.iK line of land ct Jacob Fry south Ihreo ano a halt dcircos west tw enty-tlvo and nine-tenth perch es to a Mono corner ot lut,d of Sarah Iloats, and thenco by land i f said Sarah Heals south slxty-ono at,d llneo-iiuarter deuru'a coat, foity-Iour perches to a htoue, lUencc by Ihe same ttouth one and a halt dogtei'swest thlrty-scen and llu-tccth perches to a stone In line ot Under hlluWth t human, thenco LyUiudof said lllzabeth Hiuroan liouth tirty-iieven and a half degree cast ss peiches to a fctone, thenco by other laud ot tbo t-ttato. ct said Joseph Lcur nin th fourteen ana three-n,uarltr decrees, east one. hundiidpenhtaard-tour tinlhs ff a petch to n atone lu line or laud ot Charles- Michael, and thenco by huidot saldCliarlea MUliael north eli!hty-lght and thuc-iiu.iiler decrees est elshtj -live aud five- tenth peichei to Ihe place cf beglnulng, contalnlog TWCSTY-SlNI! ACHES AN1 ONU lU'NUllUU AND TWK.Ni wi w 0 rruoiics. Also, ono other tract, rteco or paicelot land ad- Julntne the above, l sinning ot a stone tn lino of land ot Charles Mlihai I rurtdnglhmeoalonK other land if the isialucf Bald Joseph Uhr, to-wlt: I'urpaitAo. 1 south fourtetn and three-quarter di-gniswcfct or,c hundred miches and four-tenltis p.reheatoa ftone In line of land ct Abraham Wee, ihenee by laud of said Abraham Hlce south fifty- si ten and a lia'f dern-a (astllfty fight andfceten- renins (erei isiu a stone, iherou by oilier land ot ihe estate of aaldJoiepli 1 hr to-w Iti 1'urpattNo. ), north tunny and threi' itunrttr drvreoa east ono bundle,. nr.d thirl; -s'x pin lies lo a stonoln line ot Und of thark'n Mhhuel at rtsald, arid thence, by land of said Charles Mtthui 1 north clghty-elght anil tnrio (purter crguib wist teuotj-tuo and one-u-nth rcheB to the place cf bejInnlDg, containing FOMY-SIX ACIII K ANII SUVKMY-TWO 1'EIICIIES, on wbli-h no a HOUM:, 11AHN and oulVuildlEts anu ricnara ar-u u nne stringot water ut the door. Also, one ether troci.ileto crptrrctft landad. lolulng Ihenlove.beulnnlci; nt a Hone In lino cf land or marie MUhaH, and ruiml&g theiic along other land 01 trie (stile of tuld jost-r h Lehr lo-Hlti Pur part Ko. s-south iwenly and throe-iiuarter degrcea west one nui.urcn ar.u tntrty-m perches to a ttonu In lino 1, t hind ot Atraham Mec, thenco by land of said Abrnhnvi Hue tiutli tllijmeu oi.d hallde- gieeseast seventeen umi ihrro timlis veicar s to a, sloiio coiner cf Undrf Daniel singWy, thence by liinil ot tald Hanlel Mrglf y north twf nty andthree pjarler dittoes test, forty-ntno and m-untUs irn-i.tH 10 u .11111., menre ti seine south seventy eight n d r.e-clehiln degntaeast seemy-0ve and thrte tenth iili"; ra a Mote, ! In loo by thatama ii.i' in luuiuen ui u 11 n uiniBrier Uctrws east clKti. tj -ti'iir aud tour t. ntbs pcr.les lo a store in Hue ot land of Saieh Iloats, thi iue bv land or sarah Iloals nmtli lxi .or,e ar dene-fourili ill tiers, hi tt forty six a 1 it two t nth-1 en hi s luitsuiiie cnii.erof laut of ( Imrli s 1. I ri 1 nfori 'aid. end tLei ce by tabd of sod 1 bjii.KMt.t ml nun, uglily debt Mid three. iim.iii r 11e1.11 tn. ml tblilv .Igbt ubdelihl-tenllui P nhfa to lue l laiv 1 Jligliini,g,ct.r.taliiliig fil'tY-llVRAtiUisAND ONE HUNWIED AND EltillTY rKKCUESwllhtheappurieuantea. TtKnaor 841.K Ten rr cent, ot onc-fouriri of tlio nim-omonn tote paid tit the itilklig down ot iBepioiieity theone-fouiihlefaiUo tenpVi'trnt at ttie tntlruia11i,n abaolidn. .mi ilm rinni,Vi.. i..A7. fi.urfbB Hi one vear there tier with Inter-1 in 1 ,.nm..i.l.,n nttl - uounriuullon nlal f , V, Miixnt, Attorney, SAVPELUtmt Adrutnislrnor, aug, e, VKa