THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOiMSlHJKG. COLlhMBIA COlNTt, iA. Harry KtiplMi unit Ills Crime nniuF BKirrcn oriur. uiiimi; ror. which 1IU WII.I. IIAVIi TO, Tlio recent citpttuti of Harry Eiik1IisIi In Michigan, Iim awakened a lively Interest in lila rasp, nml many of our rcntlm are tie Rlroiu of liavliitr tnc iiartlcnltin of ihe crime wllh vvliieli lio Wchnrril, wo r(irilnra tlm lumo from tlio Eliiilru Ontftte i ' '"Tho crinio for which M irIhIi li In an swer Is nno of (he gravest known In law. A warrant had been Issue ! fur lili arrest on a eliariro of fore cry. Subsequently he removed to Caledonia, Elk county, Errqiitnt n'tenitu werti inadi' to apprehend htm, hut he tare luliy Jdl the nllicfts, Helnccn four mid live o'cluek on SatnM iv, April 17, Dmtilcl Attorney Vitrsto1t.Itistlcn Thomas llurko. and Constable. Vollinfr of St. Mary's, acpimipa tiietiliy Constable Warmth, of lterzl'jger to.vsh!yent to the home In which Krglisli raided at Caledonia and si.rrnuuded It. A the story ruo?, of the oflicets in'crei! tin home, and as they ilnl ho English stal led to run u;i tlti nUir,v.i. II') was com. niinilr 1 lo flop, and tint doling so one of Ihe nun is fir-il al Mm, lie rati into a room up stair , ami sectirod a Winchester rillr, and o i Uc -,u 'y coining up Iih thrust It out d' III P'ir ully cloio 1 door and flint Miikine tn- ( ris'able, War'ielh, Irom tho cll'oclsof w null In d'ed shortly after. l-'indin tlio avenu-s of escape g inrded, a .d li trrmiticd to g.i;it tho wood', K.r.!isli 11 od I'roai a mar 'tlndow opou (Junslauie Viillincr, who was Kuardiug tho rear of tin bid 1 ii lvi(.l s!i then Ist'.rntU divn ami out and i.lvb a dash for the d liuuntatii. As ho was running DistiictAt torney Wurzoll sVi' at hi n, the ball taking cfljet inthocilfof li i 'h-li's lcir. This only disabled him -lihily and lio mating' d togiiucovar and make e;.,od hii tcipe. llotv the woods ami mountain were scourid in vain for him is yet faniliar toour reader?, The giavest iipprehcti.itmi vveie felt by the citizens of O.iled ml.t mid vicinity who had in any linuner aided the nmhorities that English would return secretly at night and fleet vengeance liyoiilier Injuring; Ibcm in person or pioperty, So thoroughly agitated did that siclion of the country become that the Commissioners ot Elk c unly oilVitd a rewird of $1,000 for the delivery of the per son of Hairy English al the jail at Itldgc way, tlio county peal. It i said tho residents ntVt. Mary's and Caledonia agieed to swill it to the amount $l,0()0,nnd the commissiom rs of Mclvean county offered 200. Kuclc was seen at different times by persons wi whom ho was acquainted afterword, both to Forest and Warren counties. On IheJlrd of Juno ho met J. K B-ir!t,(a former resident ot Weston's Mills, Pa.) at Ceadcr Springs Mich. Uorst usr.1 to know him quite null and English approached him by tho Jlasnn ic signal. They had a long lalk,and in tak ing his departure English promised to retuin in a few days, evidently feeling that 1 would not betray h mi. Ho railed to come tho second lime, however, and Hoist, company with an oflicer traversed thee no- try around but did not discover him. It was probably through information furnished bj Iiorst that English was finally captured at Sheboygan last week. Sheboygan is quite an important city on Lake Michigan, at the terniiuus of tho Sheboygan division of the Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western rail road. It is forty-three m!lc3 east of Ft n du Lac, and sixty-two miles north of Milwau kee. The people of tho surrounding coun are largely engaged in the lumber industry. Williamtport J'amier. --1 I, Answer 'J'liis. Did you ever know any person to be ill, without inaction of the stomach, liver or kidneys, or did you ever know one who was well wheu either was obstructed or inactive: and did you ever know or hear of any tnse of the kind that Hop liitters would not curt? Ask your neighbor this samo qiijtion. Times. A l'.uugli Ohl Farmer. A Jlaitford jowolor recently direelcd tin' attention of a friend lo a rougli ap pearing old fanner sauntering down Alain street, and ivinaiked, "l'vo been worse Mild on thai man than anyolhei in my whole business life." Tho man, fully threescore years and ton, wore shabby pautnloons.rough cowhide hoots innocent of tho slightest traco of blacking, a vest soiled in front and with tho back ptutly in tatters, wis in his sli'nt sleecs, with out a collar, and his licnd coorodli a tilo fashionable many years ago. "Tiiut was about bis style,' continued tho mer chant, 'wlien ho dropped in at my store ono day dining tlio warand said ho wan tod lo buy a watch. Judging fiotn his appcaranco that ho meant something in the future, after tho scaieerow season was over and ho had drawn his money, I didn't busllo around ery lively io make a trade. I thought that about a $10 silver watch would closu out bis pile and shoved ouenciosstho counter to him. Ho meiely glanced at it and asked, 'Don't you keep anything bettor'?' This nettled mo for a bluff I hauled out an American watch, ono of tho eoMlicst wo had in the store, win tli Si 7.) in gold, and gold was worth S-IW then. IIo examined it Vnre fullv, asked thu in ice, and then to niv amazement said. "That'll do. lie div ed down into his pantaloons pocket and after fishing out ot the wava i oil of green backs as big as your hat ho hauled up a purso of gold, counted out of it tho $1"." shoved tho walch into his pocket and walked out. You nitty imagine this ex cited my outiosity, and af tor awhile I ascertained wdio my strango customer was. Ho lived a few miles down the liver and was woith enough to have bought out my wholo establishment. Since, then I haven't tried any bluffs on plainly dressed men. You can't always tell by a man's clothes what bo's got m his pockets." "Say, Susan, have you lost your appetite? Are you wrak and nervous,? If bo, 'l)r Llndsey's llloodSeacher' is what you waut," At tho Bavarian Industrial Museum there lias recently been exhibited a new kind of flooring tiles made from asphalte in a very simple way. The drawing of the intended design Is first made on coarse heavy paper Then it is covered with bits of china and glass so as to form a mosaic. Lastly u bord er U made to llin sheet, and liquid asphalte is poured upon it. After the wholo ha been covered, the paper is taken away with cold water and the lilo is finished. This flooring is said to bo handsome in appearance, and tu resist damp for au IndtTmlto period, Seo a woman on horsebaik la aunothrr columu, riding near Speer'a Vineyards, with a bunch of grape from which Speer's Port Orapo Witio ii made, that ii so highly es teemed by tho medical proftssiou for the use of invalid, weakly person! and the aged. Sold by C. A, Kliem, Hloomsburg I'n, Iturlington Jawleye ; It I claimed by soma moJical men that smoking weakens tho eyesight. Maybe it doe, but just se how it strengthen the breath, It is Impossible to live peaceably without being In the lull ti'juyintnt of health which is wore luroly securest through Iy' Kid my VuH ttian ff6iu ftuy other rtuiody In tho wolW, Drunken Wolus. lliiiry Do Cniii'lli', in :i I'lcmli woil. tiKiii tlio iintiunl history of l.o .Monnii, (!l (llsllicl (if Kliltl('l'), tills its l ll.'ll "ill i ho Summer the vm1m', liki'tlio trviisiiH, Iihw Hot liny llxi'il tisiilcnco' I'liey limy tlii'ii be met w illi in tlio stniuliul; tmiloy or out, the vinevnnls nnd IW'Iil; thry sh'ct) in' iho open eotintiv, find scl mil seek tlio fiiclidly flieltoi' of tlio fol- "I I'M'l'lit 1 1 II 1 1 1 LT tlio M'olt'llill!' lllUIIS of tlio tiny. 'IWiiiil tlio otiil of August 1 Iiiimi oflon met tlioni." snH lio. "in tlio viiii'Viiuls, npp.'iionllv liulf (lunik, sctnoo Iy nlilo to wnlk in short, ipiilu ttii.stoady on their vt, nlniost iliiwiiiu;lliojri'oiiiii'l up with tlioij' noses, tnnl hluiiiiL; Mitpiilly about llioni. 1 onoo rnnio upon ono iitnt- liililcn niiioii llto Ihiok iituU'i'L'i'ow lli nnil wci'ils on tho odyn of tlio piles of sloiu'M I'olloctoil I mill .'iiiioiii; tho vinos. My pioM'iico aroused liis growl, when lisini; ltizily from iniiotig tlio liushos ho tumbled tnnl loll, liiinjj ovukiilly liioa i.ililo of itoiuir futllii f. A Htilulu from both li.irrols willi Miiiill shot M'tuccly tickled his skin, lint it lnoilglit li'nii onoo inoio on his lo.ns, lliimli only lo full ttjjuin, wdien, lun Injr lolonded,! udvnnccd on linn, nnd adiiiinistcicd a doiilik' doso in his oar, which luul tho dcsiiod ill'ecl. Tlio fuel was ho was iptilo drunk, til lliouyli not disordeily." This iuclina tioti in woluH-furiiiloiiipcrulo indulgence in tho fruit of tlio iriupo is oiichod fur liy s-OM'i'ul autlirinlios It would iippeiir Unit tlio wohes dining the aideiit heals of August suffer urciitlv fium thirsl, and in tho absence ol water take to tho uuc ytirds, and tlicro otideavor to assuugo it by outing largo quantities of grapis very cool, and, no doubt, voiy delightful at tlio tune, but the treacherous liquor ferments, imeclianalian funics soon infect tlio brain, and for sovotal hours those four logged lopcrs aio literally "asdiiink as beasts',' and entiicly depiiud of tlieir senses. ,ltl the i'mr lotnul. Lydia E. l'inkkam's VrgelaWe Compound will at nil limes and under all clrcunntiin ce, act in harmony with the law that gov ern the frtmile svtem. Address Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 23:) Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass , for circulars. In Cauton, liradfurd counly.tlie firo works for Independence Day were so carelelcss ly handled that they all "went olf" at once, giving the citizms a display which they will never again witness, Tho little one hue it, and often cry for mure what? "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," which cures them of coughs, iclds and whooping cough. An Irishman who had a pig in hi posses sion was observed to ad.ipt the constant practice of filliug it lo repletion uno day ami starving it the next. On being asked his reason for doing so, ho replied: "Och, sure. and i-ii't it that 1 like to have bacon with a slrake o' fat and a shake o' lane aqually, one alter the t'other." Mr. Ikiwen, of Gun Lake, Mich., say "The people heie cannot do without '5eh l:ri' Liver I'iils.' " Try them. ORT GRAPE WINE Used tor the principle churches for comtnuuioa sea lets. ESOELlESr FOU LADIE3 AND WEAKLY PEHSONS AND THE AC-EE, It. VttKT-L. ..?BS SPEBR'S POUT G-HAPE WINE. FOUR YEARS OLD riihls Ctlrtirnted Native Wine Is maJe rrom tLe X juice or mo opoito orope, laiieJlu thlsi'our tj- lis iu.umauiu Tonic and atrengthemng Properties are unsurpassed by anj oilier Nativo vv Ine. lieli.jj tbe pure Juice of Hih Omp.', prcauced uuUer ill. SBier's own rirseiml euwrvlslon. lis' mirltv ami etnulneness ore guaranteed. Tho youugesi clilld may partake or ttsiruii'iuuaquaUtlt'b.aud iheueak ebLlnvatld use It lo advantage, it 13 partlculaitv licueiU'Ial to tlio ad andd''Uiltatfd, ai.U sulieil lo tlio va tons ailment that atrect the weaker Sox. H la in every resp-ct A vv inu to he itELlhl) o i. F. J. Sherry. i ue i-..i.mii;iii. is a w laoor snpcrlorcliiracliT, and partakes or tho ttoWen qiiiluic ot tho irrare rroin which It is made. For l'tulty, Itlclmcss, Klavtr aua .stcaieuiai iToptrncs, it vv in Do round unexcelled Sl'KKK'S I3. ISraiBtSy. This niiANlir stands unrivaled in this Country bdrnr Jar superior lor mi dlclnat purposes. IT is A I'UUK dlsilllatlon irom t'je t-rape and con talus valuiblo piuji'itles. It has a dellca'e tlaror. similar to that ni th.. grapes rroin vv hlcn It 1 distilled, and Is In great lav c.i ainoni; llrst.ctass famines. boo that tho signature or ALFIIBI) st'KKll, Taisslc .mi. tauKi ilo vv, i. oi emu oi mo. SOLD HV a. A.KLI31M. Literary Revolution and UiWEKSAL KNOWED4E An nneyloi ;eilia in 2d VOLS, over 10,000 cyeloia:J!a ever btfure uibllslieil in this eoimtry, nnd kolil, liai.iUoinely anil well lumnil.ln cioin lor tur, in nan iiinr ceo mr ami ptmteil (inline lie.ivy paper, vv lile inargitn' bound in half Kuasla, jillt kmi fr $20 au ente.Miiie so extr.inrJin.iry that its xiccrs, be. yonil alliirtctilenlit iu book tiublishint', may JWUtllttUft iiu-4 i.UJiiAin ur iJAlvr.i; l.OW I.KIHil-: is a reprint entiro of the lat (1S7U) Iviiuliuigeilitlfin of "Cbaiubrr'a Kneyclo telia," with almut 10 per per erut of new matter ailJed, upon tnpira of perial interei-t In Air.trieau reailers, thus iiinVini.' It rqual in charaeter to any similar work, btlur Iban any miltil lo tlio wants of tlio ereat majority who consult works of reference, and nciu sii.itiil cither stjlu lor examination pi loo per volume. Ki'ct'Iul DUroniiu to all early subscribers, and extra discounts to clubs, tlve catalogue or many other standard vvoi ks equally low lu price, bent fri e, Lending principle of the .imei'lt'iiii I, I'ubllbti only boots tf real value. II, Work upon tho basis or prescut cost or Making in. boa io uuyers direct, ana savu in iu wit ci IV. Tho cost ci bo.ka w lien inado lc.wu at atluiols auopt oio low price anu su ins urge quantiiy. V. Use tood typo .'. Piinr, etc., docaieful prtntlie, and stiong, r.rat blndlnir, but avoid all "paddlnc," vltu lype, kp nirv paper ai.d iraiuty binding, which oie kicoii lesciKd to to make und line, und which git ally uc'.U lo Ihilr cost, but do not add lo tbctr valua, ratand heavlly-Uudt books appear large und line, VI, lo make l and a filend Is better than to make d a filend Is better than to make 3 and uu enemy, STANDARD BOOKS. Library of Urlverfal Know It dire, no vols, f 10. Mlimuii's (, atuii's nciue, 6 "ols . I w, Mncaulej 'a History cl Ent'land, 4 vols., ft oa, t'hatnttr's oclopiriUa cf JUctf. Uteiature, 4 voK,f i, KlI.'Ii 's Ul lcry ol Kiiflaud, 4 vols , U. ITuiarch's It'tsol HlustnouB.Mtn, Svols,l,60. (ictkrl'a I Uu and Words ot l hits', to cents. Younu's muo concordance, 81 1, iani nkiciKea (fro- r-urlnelisu. Acmo Ub ory ot M'iepliy coeoits. Ho. ik ci rubleA, .Esop, He, lllus. CD cents. Milton's complete Poetical Works, toienss. MiakenKiare's c mi IiUi wcrlss 7S cents, u oiks or Dante, uanslated by Caiy, to cents. VVoiks of rirell. IransIsU'd by Iirydcn, 4" ctnta. '1 ho Koran of Mohimincd, translated by Sale us els. Advcntuiea of Don Quixote, lllus., CO cents. Arabian Kleins., Plus , ui cents, Hui, yan's i'lli'i Im's 1'reiness lllus , f ceM9. Kcblnson Crusoe, lllus . to cents Munchausen and (lulllver'slravcls, lllus.. M ccntu. bloiles an ballads, by 1!. T. Aldcri, lllus., l. Acme IJtirary of Modem Casslcs, to cenls, Ueinltliy liElctlraf(,nonf-yoratr,rfgtiWrwimtTorlytrprC!is, rraclioos CI ono doltir Utftjjr W) font InjusUKaStaiiil'i. AUdrm ,,v,iiV.n. xTOIUN H. AI.HBN,MnkVtr LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. mm Mn.uvti.E or LYDIA I?.. PSrJKHAIW'S VEGETABLB COMPOUHD. For all Female Complaints. TlilnpnTtrAllnii, ft." It tiiiTi-l ri,"ui1f, rntihiHti ot VcpoUiM.' l'i jjci tin I'.it ni D I uritili a lo thi l.iot tit 1 ii oi o trlAl tlio lncrltt of Ill's C" in IxrnJwl.tli'roriiiilii-l.ajlfUif Is IiniiiP.Unlo ( m.J Urtiltiimlfi.'-ti vtr.1, 1 1 iiaiLtj-nlnocuB tin alu.n. (mt.aiti imaiiti tcuri tneiTiLU-tl,Tjth-ntttiutIii vl 1 u tlfy. o t aeount of Iti rTuciimorU, tthti-t!(iyr com ii ii mlfiil ixtvl iircBcrilxtl hy tlio tet liliyslclans In the country. It will euro cntjrcly tlio vont fom ff fulllnjj of tlm .ilurus, ILu(,i,ihtvtvt lircgjtn' aitj jmliuiit J!enilni'tliii,fi.novarIfl.nTroulJiw, IrlUnnnntlnii nn.l ncrmtl'i.i, Htxllntrn,ft!ll IbiiIoitihoiiH nnd tho run (KHIuci.tcpfnnlwtAknofln.riiHlU tittlii)jy r.iltitril t 1'iOtl.anfroof I,lfo, U vi!l dl-oUfi iwul ixl tumort from tho uttluuhian o.irly ttago of dove I 'inurnt. Tlni tjit'lency tir.inpt'ioUiliuinurtlliero li checkeJ tty ijiccUiljlylU-iM.1. ill f.wt It l.M v'l ti lio tlio frrvtiU twt nnt lout lumcil tlwt 1ms ccr Ix-cn tllscovi r 0 1. It t-ormcatps cvory ui Man of tlio fyfrteii, ntul eh i new UfannJ knr. It rv-movii f ilitnpKi,natul(.ucy, Co 1 1. oyii all iTT.v.n,; for etLiiulahU, aiul relieves vcAinita vt O.ORtOlUVll UciirciMntlng, IToft-liiclirB, Nervous Trctr-ntton, acnri'illJebtUty.Mcii.Jiii., lV;tru4an tuA InCi (r.Ttlon. nittfccljiroCliCurlnffdoRli, tftUeinff JaJii, xvcit:ht ctul LiicLacliC, 1j nlvtars irrmn&nU tuml 1 y itsiiae. ltvUlttuIll!niu),uiiJLnuivtJl circumtton cm, ml I X liwmony v Uh tLo Ut that covting tlio fctiflJonyKtcin. rjrKIdii"yCouiijlaJntsof cltUr iw-X lUa comi)ounJ tj ntu'jriUJHCvl, Lydia E. Pinklum's Vegetable Compound 1 'U iwircil ot 213 ft'nl 215 Western Avenue, Ijt tin, Hn, vilcotU-i). Six boUlcf.r$u-,.M. Soi.t ty ninll In Hid f orni of I'lll. t:i tlid form of Lozciirib, tn i etelg t of jir!ec, $.no, y Inx, for titlicr. Mm. IINlCtL'tM fretly au-mcrjalllHttraof lnquliy. fcciul for iani' jlilit. Address 03 uIjovq Xenti.m this intprr. :,a family bhk.ulJUwHliout LTD I V U riNKtlAU' UVLUl'lLU. Thty euro Contlitlon, MlluutufB uudlorpmUy c f tlio IJ tr. 2j tLiiU )c' JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A CO., Gonoral Agents, Phila,, Pa.( MILD 11Y M0yj3RLR0TH333., Eloomsburg, Pa, IIUIIU li, I. J Oil I'KlNTIrvW 1,'i'illy ami cli- ly ejecuted at tl.e MitiMiix, I'a., May ioth, lsn. l)n. A. K UrpK: I tooV our N'ouraia and uk llciulaehe rillafor Ohiotito lleadithe with Dy.spep! v, ai.d tl.i'y act d like a chai in, 1 ould l.ot bo vv lthout ll.em for any jvinouutof nienoy. "hts VV'IIIIAV llllOCK, scr.iiiton, I'a. ir vor n.vvKiiUAiiAciit:. IP VOl' IIAVK NHUltAUltA, II' YOU l'AVU 11 "sPEI'SIA, IF YOU II WE CONSTIPATION', IP Y'Ot. HAVE I.N'DHlK.sTION, ir you have unrtvous Clllf.l.S ip you have aoue oimi.i.s IP YOU IIAVK r.UIMTAHOS OP Tilt: HK.MiT ip You n..'tj rAiiALViiH, IP VOl' 1IAVT. TOOTIlACIin, IP VOU AnUMb'liVOL'.S TAKE Dli. A. i:. llUBll'S Xein:il-lu Stclt EIi:ii!;m:IicI'111s They will cuio jou. Thcro la cotlilni; In this vvoild lko tliera. rasy to tfllce, they dissolve In tus mouth, Tlio l'hjslelana generally roioinmend tlicin. For ci'.o 0. A. Elcin, Ilen:Vurg druggist. June is, -to-tr THE WHITE SKWIK& MACHINE Whereas, tho vvoild renowned leputatlon ot tho White dewing Machine Induce1- in Any rnsrumnHtus a mplltorsto rc&ortto H KlntU of mean h.lks lo Injuu Us r putatlon, vu Wi-iitu Machine eYcepi Irom lu legular iiulliorlni di-alera, who will w Huiiaua.!) oy mo ujiiuwiuj v.ariamy. W13 WAIJIiANT THE KATUl'.AL W EAI! AMD TEAlt OP- THE It) Shnlile Mm Machine, l'i. ,TE M'Mllfl; 10311311 P'-l! PAMIt.V PUItl O MS, -M I I'ltEMV AdllhETO KKi: 'HIE HUH IN KLPMU I'OII T'lli Till M OP l-'IVl: VIlAUs ki:o. Tins u n i;, n;i:i: op riiKui'. Mrs vvanaiity ixipta the liei.l-.ite c i.tedlcs untiMi,!, at d Bhutllcr,. Th!a vwtiranty will lie Ftihlalmd unless Iho plate nun.ber hbuvo eivcn iTrrefponds with the iiuiiirer ou iho hhutllo ineo tilde, liovvaio ot Uclactd or altered uumoera. WHITE SEWINO MACHINE CO, Tho "WHITE1' SJutt o ?cwins Machine llasniiEiTKit car am thinany ellurliimtlyKevvlni; .H.UUUIV ii uii.jj i ,t i j taut-iyi, wort., J. SALTZCIt, (Icceral Agent, Hloomsburg, I'a. Oct. 3, ' ly. vwt: 10 per cent moie inalter than any Kn be fairly elaiuicil tu luaiigurate a Literary alu gttber tho lateot Encyclopaedia in tho with irlvlkee ct retmnon receipt of propoitlonate Full parlloulars with debcrlp- Hoiilt Uxclianc books, utout oct-1 alt what It wnsu fiw wrB at'';. per cent.Toiamissioii coinmonir allowed to dealers, but a fraction of tho cost when made wo at a time 3 and uu enemy. Aincileon ratilcthm ;o cents. Talno's nutiiycf Enplltlillieiature, 73 cenls. Cicll's l'cckilhamral History 11. 1'lctorlal llsndy Uiclcon, SKenis. sujlrt's, i youihcrtlMiorrovvcrai8rapcre,50ci vrs. lUmuo's 1 oellcul Woiks, 13 cents. Kltto'a I clr uidla Iilb, 1! vols., 3. llollln's uc lint hlsteri. i (o. Melth'slileilonary of the Ulble, lllus,, f'.l, Works of Hiivlus Jctf i bus. ii Ccinlc IlUtorj ollheU s., l!or kins, lllus , to teuts, iieaiin by i.xcicise, or. e.eo, n -lujeor, eieeius, Ucalln loi Weinin, lir.Oio II, Taylor, uicenls, I, brary .vrk'srlr.e, lo cento a number, 11 a sear, l.lbraiy Mautlne, bound volumes. CO cents. Leaves ficm tl.e ultry of an old law) cr, tl. Eeacli of the above bound In (loth. If by mall, pns lage extra, Most ct the books ere ulso publlsliod In lino editions and lino bindings at higher prices, llftrrljillvo Clllnleifiue ntlel Irriil lo Club brut I'ri'vvu irquesi. MRS. .iJir.iin'.tn liuuiv r..i ii.imh., "f flluiun HUtliniiK, .CcV VArttt DR. CLARKE 1 80 I iin lauohatoiiy, 77 W.3dSL, New York City f Til, t iruc, Minrumn, llvopiy. tlcav! lUttrnir. t!loinuts8,Verroif9 llrblltli.ttc, Tho Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man ! 70,000 AOE.NTS HATE SOLD SINCE 1970 9.000.000 Bottles. Thu Syrvp Possesses Varied PropcriUi. It Mlmalntf tlio rylynllnri In tlir HnlUn, Hrtilrh ronvri tA tlioMnrrti rind wupfir ol thu food Into clticoHf. A iirdcloncv lit VylynWita rnuc Wlml nntl Pouting ot' tip' footl In tlio Mnmarh If llie tnrrilrlmt H lukrti inuneilU ntflj- fiftrr catluj; Ibo fcruiCDtulluu ot fuud U lrcTentt'cl. It ncta upon llio T.tver Itnrt upon iho Uldnrr It ItPtfiilfttet llin HntibU It 1'iirUlrn tin- Wood. It (Jii'ptu tlio crvnuiSj ttem. Itl'romrttci DlKPllnn. It Wourltlic Mn nctlirim nml TiirtcoTntrfi j t can ivs on lun mi iiniati nun tnnui'H iieiv It open tlio porr df tlio sUlu ttntl IntlucrN Ileal t!r Pcrsplrailou. It neutralizes Iho liPmlHnry tilnt, cr rolflon In th Hood, which renoratca Scrofula, J. r.vslprlns, and nil jDinnerof eVin dlscaees nnd Internal humors. There are no spirits employed in Its manufacture, and It can bo taicn Ly tho most dallcuto bftbo, or by tho agod and leobla, cat e enly being reairU in at' ttntion to directions, PEICE OP &AP.G2 EOTTLrS, - $1.C0 miCE OE SHALL B0TTLI3, - - 60 Read tho VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who havo been CURED bytht uia oftht BLOOD PURIFIER- Al niN TO 1)UUW(H8TS. llawara of cinitcrfclt Mc.llcln". I omn'ov no ayonta or luuct'is tosuildt trade from druirglsis. I)dt Medicine Kvrr Usnl. JUton, Wyomlriff county, I'a. Di nr sir; I had bton IroiiblrU for a lonir Hint' with a I'aln In my Momaoii. unci fuunrt no rclkf hd til I bOffan nslre our Indian itlowl Hiiup. 1 lliul It iho bt'.st niedtcitio in me, ami I can it'cciiimcmi n tn 'ill. oli lintl vounir It satM mitiy iloilars In doctors' UIIIh, and niie lirffi bottln dl 1 ino luoro fcood nte aonard orm oi oiiilm- liitim-im. Aii AttJiiihing Cure. Manioi. Wyoming' couaty, I'a. ylr: I had been utilicK ii with a t'ouli, Ui-s cr An,rttltii unit l)spcfsla for ton -ars. 1 could uot; pi4 jnrly atLcnd to injr baliippM and hoaiiinr of our J'lslly C'lebratcd lndlm lU'iudHi i up, I rolu'd io tr) llt " inc t) l ii id, 'i i ui m h hyuiL vi mo wui miuuii linniood. Inowluoa eood AppctUi', and hau iijuytU gcod ht'alth er biui I bluo I toinnicin oti irw me. J. Lufcarr. riiek Hfiitlatlie Curttl. Itowtnan'.- rreelr, Wyomlnu coucly, I'a. Doarsir:- l nail hicu lu-ajeK-no una oy uw uso vi v our I it'll. Ln lihiod iup I wi3 yually uhoicd. I rt'CojiinouJ all to try Its JluAbk piunutlcR. l It n, luunttt. Tin Remedy tli'l ninu thniujlw Kxp-clnl, NnU'ir, LjcoifiJi.KCuuuty, ra. Di'jrSh-: 'Iho Indian lilotrt srii did inoio than I L'.xrcctrd It would and It has run-d mc of Ltor i CumiMlnt. 1 use tt aba Mi'dlclne arnl would not be I HU10ULU, Mrs. Jiarj L;uarnian. ilcatlaube and U.z.ine. ' Wllllatn&pjrt, l.icoiniiiK cciinty, V,. j boat Sir Your In'U.tii itloi-d t i up cuit'd mo ot Headache. DlMtni'Mi m,d lu&nor Av.'jictUu,hollut l aill now noiu in woik ui iny i.uuiy. .tj niu- ui- iltd more beLcllt irem IU bso than Horn any other medicine. iicniy iiudsu. Would not bo Without if. M'Ullarap&rt, Ucomlry ouuty, I'a. Dt-ar Sir: Tho Ind an ltlocd fciinn Ia tlio liest 1 McrUft'dand I would net bu without It, It la t'bod ror an coinpiamis, i Jehu ltuikhait. j I)He.ics cf llic Stuiufich. ' Katon, Syc:nlDjjr couuty, I'a Dear Sir: TuMs to coitlly that 1 h..d a Weal: btomaf h and could eat no mo it or any Ju-aity fond wlnte-ver. Uy a frlond'H a iv lv 1 coiunii'iicvd Ihe u-p i r joor Indian lUtod sjirup, v.hlch aiur a fclmrl tt ui, ctf- ctually ullceil mo ami 1 can now eat ,in thing I choose. Your hymp gives unnerajr. bul-ttiit'on, riUubetn huJmu. All that it n commended lo be. (iwra IIou. Columbia, I'a. Ioar Sir: 1 h.un used your v. wont Indian Wood su'uparidlt hasp-men Juscaa repiest'iitcd. lean rucommend It to all. Win. Hoeh jw, Wholesale Mt-iehant, &ih street. Unnnimntis lit cdinmenthition. The following add their testimony for the Indian Ulood s nip: II. l. (iu-air,ciinccr 1 K It. .1. tl, Mntth, at liaklwln Wtl Woiki. Mts. Mijder. or Columbia. A. Itrcnt r, ( r Wnsliliifrif nburgh. John Keios, ol !?aio Harbor. Would not bo Witliout it. Ilentcn, Uolurublacoii ty, I'a. Diar Mr: I hao used joar ecellont Indian Iluxu Svuuf and have l net hed much beneilt tueie trom. 1 could not gut alonjr wlthcit It. Mis. HarUr. Never Fails to Cute, East Lemon WynnlnjjCo, I'a. Tear sir f-lwaaslclc for Ihrto sears, aud under prvresaloual troatmont most if the time without be ing teiu'iUed, At laat I watt Induced lo try jour iMiUN Hi ood Svuei nnd altera short trial, 1 fuund myself la better health than 1 had been ror six oars. y.m, Therou liall Sure Cure for 1-aver Complaint, liohrtbutv. Columbia Co. I'a Dear sir : ThU H to certliy that jour Indian PtooDhYittrhaa be(n if-ed by me, for UverCim plilnt, whlvh had luen trcuMlitj; mo for a lonp tlino 1 dtihed more beiiUit Irom tie ute ff the j-jmp than from any ctber nu'dlclne, I huullly leeora meudlt, aud cdvlae all sullercra togheW atthtl. L V bum li Los of A'tlitt'. Holufcburg Columbia count) I'a. Detr Sir: I haio nstd your exceJ'eni Indian 1:i.doi Hvia;i' for I os3 of aj petite t4Ud Wcuknts-Hcr U.o S'Linach, wlthvuy bimllcUlrtsulta, I behce our medicine to be tho greatest blood purlilcr known, und acnKe all who umj bcsulTcrluas 1 was to trlo It a hptedy trial. Mrs. 13 Acry Pains in Shoulders, Id hrsburjr, Columbia county, I'a. Dear sir t This Is to eeitiry that xour Indian Iii,oo svma has greatly icllfved mc of l'alns tn tlm s'Ktuidjr and Chest, width I had bt en ullllctctl with for i cam. I iccommcndH eiy highly. .Mrs, Mary Welsh. Kidney Complaint. lUnr nan Columbia county, 1'n. Dear Sir My rather ha been puRutnir wllh Kldiiev comnlafrt for u loin; llmo ami had U en un dfrdottois' irfdiment, but thu doeiois could net effect a cure I have been subject to a Nuinbricss ana weaKiicss in inv iA'ii.rm, c octamcu srmo cf ourluva'uablo Indian liioon bHtr irom jour Affent, Wm. II. Potter, and it has cured my father eomr-letely, and my arm M much better, it doeH not treublome half bo much. Your mcdUlno is excel lent. JosUh John. Female Complftint, Hear (.ap. Columbia county, Pa. Dnar sir This is to terllfy that I purthasnd s-mo of our Indian liioon Kvaei' lor my wlfu for Inua mat Ion and re mate Complaint, and It Uvs given her nlitf. J K Ilerner Best Sftdiciue KvcrUsed, liparOan. Columbia rountv. I'a. Dear Sir: My little bon was troubled with his wattr rasslnir Iromlilm ccnstaully, day nod night, I COI buiuu iwouueiura aim l,ruvu nun meuieiue. uui without elTict, I toutjlit Bt'ine or our celebrated Inhun 1I1.UUH bviilT. a Uiort trial ot whlcli, lilui. . t Lambcri Camp. Dyspepala auil InJigestlon. Nuiolda, Columbia County, Pa. DearMr 'For many jeara tny win was anilcteil with livspepfela, andwo spent con-lderablo money vMlliout rieeHlus benefit. Wo procured fomo ot our IHIUAN 111.001) snci-andfcbe bet-an to Improve In health Irom tho time the corneno-d lis use. Solomon 1J Snyder I.Iyer Complaint. centralla, Columbia Co. I'a. Pear Mr : This a to certify that I was unwell and could heurcely nttend to my work, I think my I.her was alTtcU'd. I piucured &omo ol jour Iniiian U1.0011 Sykci" and now. niter a tlioit trial, leel lite a new man, I recommend lu usu u all, Daniel (loodman. Dynpepiia nnd Neuralgia. Hydo Park, Luzerne Co., ra. Dear Sir: Your valuable Indun IiloodSykup has effected a pennat f nt cure In mv case. I tad been annelid with tho Pytpepsla and Neuralgia, but am now tntlrely well. Mr 3. Joua'lhornton, llilloui Stomach Cured. nydo I'urlr, Luzerne Co., ru Dear Klr:-I bavo Uen troubled with Hllioua Cemplaliitand by tho use ot your Indun Uiaou Hvkit It baa eilt;liially cured me. John N Williams. T-ynpepsIa Cured. Ilyilo Park. Luzerne Co , I'a. Dear f-lr t-Vour valuabla Inuun Vims Isykui- haj cuitdinoof Iiyspepsla. Mrs. SBAdklns. I.lver Complaint. Ilydo Park, Luzerno Co, IViAr Mr v-1 li&v -n tmuoled with bi M.i.i.tAit I w KriiMwnUy cured byualtt x lifi-iy vivo I lFlf "a &Bf 2 iPsi, as BL00MSB0RG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DISTRICT-. Bloomsburg, Columbm County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLBR, Jr., Ph. D., Principal. Bri.. ftloti h.Vdthtul. an.i eftHV bt ttcce. T.iaher. phi v eents 11 week iled'ieinu 10 all uxpootint,' 10 lew-ii. Courses of Etmly prei'i'i fed by the Mate ! 1. Mod-1 St'hool. II, riiparntory. Ill, Klenientary. 1 ,, in n . t A ni.t.,ii!ii ft fininiii.M'rtll. 1 1 1. C'llilrFO 111 Mllslc. Ti,n Kiementarv. ' scleiiltnc and rorr siTor.itliiir 11. irrees ! Mnstirof the UlnMenta!'.r inn n'TO-a; .ii.tneroi "inw. ..i.u.u.u.i their ntliliiincnts.. sltrned be the onieers nf the or r istee !?. E?.?nS,T!Viih Tlie 1 he state i equlresa tilijh'T ord. "l".i-n;, !- .,,.-f,,ni,,.i.s,.ii.,i. T.iiiilsenlit sollolis vumiiriieraoiisnr uu ijoon sei 11 111 ii.." . . 1. entnnu nnd their tiuentJi, as muiieins. iu uu ou-.u n t-iwu- n.l thi-il- catalogue, ainircsi me i-iiniii'iii. llllS. WI I.I.I .U i:i.i!m.i ISept s. 'l.l - I'leililent llonr.l THE PULLEY Some Reasons whjr these Suspcudcrs are better than others. TSsry eoaBtssaisa no riBtScr. a. :$! TSs (.'E'ls sand eo2asi'iaicaBta,v cliatfiaig: ov wcsna'asB- iJSbcjsq out. &th. Tiaes'eesaae ha ca si e-;i a es osa sissy oS'sSIh' gtEaisfciis., li beiEB disci only FOR SALE BY BAViOD) L(0WINBEK(& i- For this slyls Supr Wo .'lil M'ni uto ai.r norot lobe I'.s-iiiitiLtt b-fjiujou po rcr tt. li it cot as n'piiwii'"' It imii lie n-UiiULil in mir c pt'i si iid a p Mai c ml r r ii lustratcd circular, c, A. W OtU) iS: d). l? ,. 'Hutu tt,. till.i ,1'a J ily 'J. M)Pm i.t.o Ft iTji ouilli to (tt'iih f j a tl( i lL'i-I M'll'iijr nr- j JJ i l'iiiO rim '' IJ to u ii n.-n ltDL' 1 IllS llllV , 1.1 IKinK'l P ! B-tl Mi It - V i) JtSL- nso i rr.cKli.j,'. '1 1 Is l it It i ,v put llo to pohtmaMCT, cr hi j l rMnr m nun in this puce. July 9 'w)-3m Aco J-rai.l lit. cu,, Mi'i-s. ANTi:n-n)K aavakk acjinis. In all piitsor iho lo Hull's new '.telOL'unt MAI' Ol' i NNSYI VAM.. r.uijCHIcn Miuuhl nae it. oihii e lit s t (if ft"nl 111 c Usu co warllm s. I'fUul, oumi.t i.tal ord chit p ApiM onoppoiluiilty ttr ntifc'eiic canAatEiiv, t.tiupjy (ir co cents. AfiUu, ((UAKi:if t'lTY 1 1 UUSlllNU IUjIIRB. Julys, 'ui-lm v.Aio Tihlk in L ILilcila, 1 rj JN n 1 UiN O 1 line or duly, tty wound. illseusH (r liijurj, ih uitltluito rtr.Hin. j'cn.sUiiis date back tojln.!' ci dlsduiite rr dcallutsnldlcr I'lfitms Lf iill dtt-dlniKn rioi-i cnlcd. orkH ui loM disc lmrpt h cL tnlnf d. Cimuis nit d by at tt 1 ik j a uho a o Miice died, ir trora uintr cun&i-s nae ct'as.t'n to piactlcc, m-lPtd vliluiit deLiy. Addie-bitb stamp, II. S. itiCill.iN i ( o, Alioii.cjs, ti i 9, 'Ki-Sm VACl1. O, l'l M-2 WlicLfrtlCU,!) O, A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A treallii'3 on Chronlu nienso-." uubr.iclnj; la. tauli, ', Ijinsa, Ucuit, ftomacli, I.lvcr, Kid neys, Uiluary ami l-ennlt' Diseases i alwj 1 llt-s; si'M tuo to any uddit'ss. Kvciy sutfer r irom theso fits, eases can I e curvd. K-i.dlor tills Uiok lo thu undr feigned, a plu slclan cf largo ixvilencet endrrsidln hULUrfd- or leadli.g cltlz ns Lo t(stir tu l.W Kill, Send staiup tu jtaj pot'iifo to V R MWngbion, M. 1)., iil yuptilorMitt-t, iolotio, Ohio. avill a, "bu-lv s&m THE MEAT ffilCANREMEDY. 'I'housaiicti kiitTi rtnsr iiuiu liyspi-iwl.i, liautin' Costlvei.esa, 1 Iter ana KMney ConiiiUtlins, SeivluU atfl IvlliJretlol5i-.t?e lll hall t. 1th Ight this hew a ml wuiidei fill dl-eo t rj ,v hlcli bHa ulieaMH-uiniiier. or ana health lestuu-r, luiaiiotiiual In hi-jil-ni ine.1-k-lno 'rtiot.riut Mexican lii-lneily was Hr&l lutiti- iliiced Into caiirurnl.t In liu, vlme lu 11 t.-w months It emctetl t-o invny wot-deirul cure- aito eieatea ileuuna fur Ihe inedlcliui from Maine lu Hurlua. It luhe ot.I metlleliio In tlioiutul ioiniour.diil frcm the nollv.- jiliuita, toots and LcihH ot Mexico It cures all Hiimoih, inm tl.e a com tuon blc.ti li, iv.iiijile, nr irufll n. while It clears and beautlnes the comj'le.xlou. IndUeasea of the htoin ach, lUocil, I.ltir nLdlildnej It has iierinauently cuietl tl.oubandstf ItofiUfas coses uhiro nil other know u remedies had fnlkd. line dose will cure any case of c-Uk Jloadaehe, 'lio doses MU break un nuy ordinary couch or cold. I eisons sulfcrlni; llh Heartburn, Waterbusli .sour stoie.nrh.i'iuiuusmss, Costlveness, riles, rulpltatlun ot the Heart, Low Kplrlls. and kindred affections, will nml the Mexican ii-nietly a nwltt and sure relief. 'Iho uetiuluo Is placed before the iiu&llc, ruder tlio follow Ice name: Herbalino Bittei's the Groat Mex- ican Remedy. Call cn 0ur druj,rUt and get a boitlo ot the Mexican Iiemedy.and couvlnco ) ourselt that It Is tho Uest Medicine la tho World, 1 ho trado '.supplied by John Kce&han, Whrlesalo nrugsrlst, N. W. comer cth and Walnut sticets, Cin cinnati, o. Gentral Ageut for tlio United states. aprll 2, UM-iy wco Higher Msial it Vienna and Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, 2fcw York, Mimufactunrs, Importers & Dealers lu Velvet Framesj Alburas.Grapboscopesi STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings. Chremos. Photographei And lodrcd goods Celebrities, Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials Vio are lit adquarttis for cverj thing In tho way of Sterecpticonr and Magic Lanterns, Each at)lebelni tut jest of Its class In the nrnrtet. licautlful riiotO(rrap:o Trantnnrcuclrs of btatu nry and Eugravinga ic lUo window, i:oon-i (ilass. Jilanuncturers of Velvet 1'runCf for Mlulatures and Conv ex (ilasa I'lelurea. (uli.Vr-a'ius ot ImtuuJ ir.d Hiit, vltb direc. ',loi.i (or tun;, Mtil fcn Ot tt n renin. mum mm nxperl -rnvil, onl.-lent, an. I nllvn tD thlr work. DlaCtpllno, firm Imt kind, untcorm ami tuorauan. St'iduuts ailultU'il at any llmo. Itooina TV. Course In Art. aro I'Wl.nwt.iXU 1 1 1 li llinn iir.vlu.ttes bines del land It. It. 1 1 one of the pi linn, olijeet, ot , .Mm ,l,.i...l,rT,ln il.nlr n.i.enrs. . ........ , , -. . of Tnii-toi SUSPENDER Oil, s turn hifbsoiS a ii mioi run ovor ifovvu esiu Se is a If an tri ii 4j:. a per WM. IP. RoDIM' IKON VI'., 11K1.0W SIC -ONI), IH.OnMlll'llll, ! Is prepared to d j alt klteb ot HOUSE FAIfTTXSJu l'laln and Ornamental PAPER HANGING,' UOTIl IHX'OIIATIVU AND I'LAIS. All It I ii its of I'liritHin'C It ci:ilri'I. mid mailt! un gooil lis nttv. NONE UUT F1KKT-UI.ASS WOIIKMrN I Jtrl-OVKIl Estimates Mado on all Work, WM. F. 150U1NE. Oct. 1.1SI8. (lltAY'n MTl'll-'IC .iii:iik im:. TRADE MARKTIIR (1 KKAT I-M1vRADEMAhK i.wii in.'Al!.'llV. hi. ' . iinfillliig ctne for seuilnal weakness, Spermatorrhea, lm. poteiicv ami nllUH tasi-s that nt-iiueneo ot self abuse ; lis Loss of Memory, unuersor I nstllmle. rain In BEFORE TAHNB.the llat-k, liliimcn-AfTER TAKIKQ. ol Vt-li.ii, I'lemuturo i M Ace, ai.d mam,-iMMhllut lead lo Inuiilii or l'onuinplloii, and a I'rt niatiite Cia.R. 5"l-'ull parllLulais In our pam-plil.-t which wo desire to tend free by mull to eery oi. e. r.?"flio spoUrio Medleltio Issold by nil ilruc cWsat 1 per pai kgo or Hxpnckaites forts, ur u 111 le suit trie by tii.i'l on receipt ol the money by ml dre-tln" Till! tiltW MHHCINK cn., Mechanics' liluck, Detroit, Mich, Sold iu Iiloomsbuir bv c A, Klelin. ea may 7, 'ol-ly Tim joiinsox ni;voiviM3 ikxhccahk. Jlado of Iron, beAutlfully orna- $S& C'iiotii and btroiitf. Cannot pit out of onler. Four bic. Bern! for complete circular and prico lit. frieiul 25 cents for our new Illustrated Oatalopuo of Hchool MertMiaiulIsa Vi'vry 2irt r UXaiKcr $ftoutd have it, EAKEH, PHATT & CO., Headquarters for all School Supplies, lit A IU UKAMJ STUtLT, YOUK. ept 1?, ly ThU rftnitlibl tnill tine will cure tipivlui, tlilint.Curli, Cilloui, lc. or ny tuUrgt meul, ami wilt rrinovu ttie IuikU without MMcrihic or etui lull tore, a renitnly evt-rdlacovirtdcquili ittur certainlyotn-tlon in atop Din the lame net t mil re riiinv.nrlhlilllih. VriL i 1 (JU. tM-iiil fur IlIUI- JtraW-J circular Kiin(t pontile proof, and your f ne&rrit aieufa tddrtaa. ICfntlall'aNpuv Via Dare In lulU bv llruaruUt. or M OVhll llHOTHKItf, liloonitlurp, I'a. PIMPLES. I will mill (Fico) tho reclie for a t.!mrlo Vetreta. ble Halm that v. Ill reinoio Tan. l-'itECitLFM .mm IL1: anu I'lotcheti, leavlnir the fckln fcoft, clear and beautiful; alio Insti ucllons for producing a luxu riant ttronlhof hair on a bald licador kmuolh face, Addrebs, inclosing 3 cent btatup, lien, Vandelf & Co., .U 1UU Ob, ... I , nbico March M, cm, 11 UY THE BL ATCHLEY PUMP for Clsterna or Wells ot any depth l'laln. Iron. I'orcelaln, or Copper lined, Urania XO, (I, XIX, (hi, o No. 1 II, UU, li No. 1, For Kale Ly tho llardnare Trade, Country Stores, I'ump makers, etc. See that the t.urop you buy is fctei.cllcd o, o, Klatchley llunuluciuitr, aes Jl.rktt utrtet, rhllu. l li, ra, Aqutduct HpA Icr Karma Alines, 'I'uu-K-rltti. Ho. ticui 1106 tt In bcia, nnd tuiupd ud fiitd work M UI acei-fti.tloBa intdti to oraer. ami nrin J II mm Tt ra i si inn mm reserved v lieu deilicd. V. Course In I'liysicil Culture. lu the other Courses reeelio Normil Ccitlllcates .,. ...... . . p... this Xehool to l.-lp to sccitre It, bj. urnlsli ni in u- p'isi's,-iM.ii.-'.wiiMie in- i.j uu, ..... lllll t l;3 for WI 1 ill Uuor alter ll'lllintr-ienooi. rui 1 P. llll.LMVUU, Secretary. Weaver fk Oo'n Ads o 3 i We uiract It In rrv rtie, mitten not cf haw louf lUod Iniror Iidw ilcrilj rmtrd, It hti luriant rellrf, anrlcurei tl, iiimt cl.icmtti cnri, 1u iritii mie lo llitee i-t kt, If mud m illrw t It, I tili ml If d nf leKlnn'liinl tin lutflu-ii ir de.itnl. Ilit nil we H-k U n tilal, In uutlnri II. it It wit) euro li n nil olhrc n w list c fiillnl -r)il (y ill ilr i r It) mi dli t n c. (I in t l-i.iilc kmt Inom r '(irTirUv (t J.U UT7,RriirriitiiKrt:t fitrl.K nih! l',s ..u I'utiihiiu si,, ntiiiluinif, Mil, tO " ' ii ii I m ha tmJe n.ark tod lu o ri r fcCpt. Ii, INSTITUTE. V ratabHfhoilinlR72 forthnenra of CiiiHcr, Tuinura, IfUcm, SiTotuhi. ami hkin 1)isoiikO(i. -without tho imonf knlfo or 1obh of LNxmI nml littlo jutiiu l'oc iufurmation, circnlarn ami rrfoi i-uct'B, tuklfuBa Jr. 1 r.. l'('l, Aurora, Knuo Co., III. sent. 19,'T9.1y. .1 W .t C D. THIS tEW jELASTIC TRUSS lllua Tail diffrinifi-om alloltiri, n CHp-bat with half Adjutlln Hull cnur, aii iiskii i tin tntlllotl h tK-lir. ttrLlla IfcB Dill In Ilia cnppRESSES 8ACKDlNTESt)VS t Uernl. Ii hdl rl a.r ...a L.,m. .n I r..1.ool , c,r ulo. 11 1. ...y, durable an f cheap. Spi.h n.n.l. ( uvul.r " EoBlestou Truss CoVChicatjo, III., sept. 19, '73-1 y, JwJteo. 0P!Uri HABIT Cured Fainlo.ssly. Tho WPillclno s,oM for a binall m.xrgln aljoolho cost oi conipounama'. .u r,Tea uenu'ii uyt.picmi prcscnoion. ior nui parucunrs auuiufedino jiis- uovu w, till. H. I!. COLLINS, nr Mrs s. II. Colllm, La l'otto Ind. fLbfi-cni wico N!irl' T'lTRli' cciiMiinp tun K IJ1j UltiV, Never jet failed. llh btarap 'IIOMi:,"Fl0tbu-ir, Md., 'sil-l I wieo Asthoia, AUdrebs britAxtir. uur,Y tuui:. Wlicti Dr. l!rij.'Ks with conscioiH iriJo, Anil fftrnest zeal Lis minil apiilittl, The science deep lo open wide, Ol sool Ii ini anil til liealiiif;. IIo took nf many stibst.infes known Tinit would lieal nr still a uroan, Anil toon cnniioeil by skill alone lli-t miraculous Iiunimi l!il:im. Tormenttd with liuiiion, Com or l!rui;C, 'I'liousanils of sull'ercrs heard the iicwh, The leuu-ily that meets tlio vicivs Is IV. Iliifjr-i' liunion B.iUam. Sold by 0. A. Kleim, Itlonmsuuij.', l',t, A Word to ihe IIVc Try Dr. Jo-inh lirit'gs' Catairh spec! Ik's on following condi tiont: We will pay f 100 for a case they will not curt; $100 forthiir iipial asa cure; $500 if nnytliini; poisonotn is lound in them.and $1,000 it in any resprct thty are ditlerent from reprtseiilation. .Sold by (J A. Kleim, Illuoiiii-biir, I'a. 7'Voiii ii CtkLruhd J'ittcian vf Jlairis liury, I'a. Dr. Joaiah llrijjtr, Dear Sii: Somo four niontlis since a lutly applied to mc for something io lelieve tho pniu of a trouble some bunion and a teterfd corn, and having beard your liunion l'alsam highly spoken of, I diiecltd her to call on your agent J. II. llojier, aud get a box. Shu did so, and now informs nio Ihocuru iseomplete, she having sutlercd no pain alter the first application, l!eliting liriggs' liunion IlaUam of gieat value to tlin-ewho sutler fioui corns, bun ions. &o I utiliosltatinirl v rtecminenil it tn Uho people of the i-oun'ry. Sold by C. jv, ivieiin. liiii'imnurg, i a, Ciitnrrh that loathsome tliseageAhut scourge of hunmnily, which deslrojs mi'l ms of peo ple annually, U spetdily and riollcally curtil with Dr. .li.Miili llrigus' Cataith Specifics. Sold by C. A. Kit im, lllooimbiirg, I'a, Mr Am Jf Moan, of Itci.tou, A'. .., says I would pay $100 for one botlleot Tamarack Liver and Kidnev JmcOy, it I could not get it without. It has cured me of gravel nut) Inflammation of the prostrate glum weak buck and gentral debility. Sold by 0. A. Kleim, Illooiiikbtitg, I'a. J)r. JosiaMiriyija' Jlunion JlaUam is the climax of medical ncif nee, the only dbcov ery on earth that will radically and perina nently ture'thcfo troublesome and nalnfnl torments, whose throbbing pains and uu- Mgntiy protrusions is a source ol untold mis Bery. liunion Ilalsam also cuiea hard and nit corns, sore insteps, &c. Silver Corn I'lastf r is a model of excellence, Deodori zlrg Foot Lotion is a boon to sweaty feet ami dUpels the t Illusive odor from them. lUdictl cure fur ingiowing nails is the won der ol the world. It blood and corruption gushes from the sides of the. toe at every step the radical cure for irgrowing nails gives instant rel'ef, aud the severest canes are cured iu ten days, Sold bjC. A, Kleim Hlnoimburg, I'a. ' Stcl; Nervous or llilious Headache, Mil lions suffer this must universal allliclinii ot Iho human race; all classes aro troubled, Iho head never aches when Iho various or pans are working iu harmony wl'h nature. There can be no headache It tlio human ma chinery is in n healthy condition, llrluga' Allevantor is reliablo lor headache and neu ralgia; uever falls. Sold by 0. A. Kleim, Hloomsburg, I'a. Sound the Jluyle. Herald tlio tiding ot the glorious victory, The day of suffering from Internal Weeding, External and Itch ng 1'iles is pa.t. Dr. Joslah Ilrlggs' Coin ulnatlon I'lle Itemedles aro iu every respect reliable for the cure of beruorrlioids.or piles, fistila ano and iiropalapsus, ani, &c. l'rlce 1 bold by (J. A, Kleim, Illoomsburc. I'a. arlil 23, '80-ly h' ' PUBLIC SALE HAND BILLS Printed at this Office ONSIIOaTEST NOTIOE aKD AT THE MOiiT RKABONAW.K TERMB kliiiatura nt Vt J be a-iy. JWS CO. htscNsmtrW Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. A veRPtablo nreimmtlnti rul the onir mm niiHl.r Id tbe nrM f.-r llt ItthlV uU,V?Z? Iliiibru-M. nn.l ALL Hl.ln.V V :"r"V,i 2 L rliinr.T liUoniM'. i '"I'esHmonlah of tho ltlgheat ordof In nmnf Of thwo RtMemeiit. In prwr 4 terror tho euro of ninficfcB, call for -... i nrr Salo lllnbclf n l ure. ,,r dlserwps, call for Mnnit-r'. Nulu Hlti ;i B WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It la thC best llloml fnrlllrr. tinrl .iirT..V . every fnnctUin to more iipniihful action, aii,! It ruresMrruHilaua und other Shin Knim f Inn nnd IHoemcs, Includina Caitrcra iT crr,ftnd other Nrr. ' ll' lrflil. MknrMorilioN(nmnrH. ConMUmtloii, I)lliu,(j(iif ml luiiii! It.r, etc., lire cured hy lhear iiittrr. it i unenuMed m an ttppetlroraud regulnr tonic liottles of two nizes i prices, 00c. and l.W. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly nlvcs ltctt and Ktcrp to the fiufferlrr rurej llriidnrlio and Ncumlslm prcciita i:illcito l it, and relieves ftorvuiia tmf lun brought on by excessive drinlt. ovei. work, mental sbocki, and other cannee. l'owerful ns It Is to stop pain and soothe dli. tnrbM Nerve. It never Injures the antoni whether taken in dmall or Iftrfl doses. ' iiottlea or two sites prices, SU. and 81.00, WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stlmulm for TorpM LUr, wnd cute CoitlTinaii, DriptpiU uu. MOTVHHPn A louinan feiltoua bur. n, iirii, rtvar and Agua, and Bli'uiil I be used whenever tho I bow els do not njttrnto fietly and unuinrly. ' Pioothrr I'll it rtrjnlro coth mall Antra for thi-rouh work. Trim ttft tlo. l,oi, ararr'a Mnfp KrtuMltrt kr l aultlli DruvaUl Itful.H h. ii. warncrs, Co., i ROOIIESTEIi, N, Y, t7 .srnd n.r ramiil.lrt m.l lf.ll.nnl.N. Oct.31, ! suros. FIAIL ROAD TIME TABLES W1NTI0R TIME TAI1LE. On and after Suna.iy, Slay r..i, lsn, Hit ttmm on tho Philadelphia Itlo Hit lroadlllvisluinstl run as follows : WESTWAHD. ErloSlall leaves riilladolplila 11 tr, pm " " HiirilsbiiiK A um " " wtilljin-porC s, is u in " " .Icisuy shore imiIhih " " l-ock llait-a li-waiu ' " lirnou 11 n am ' artlvo at i:riti 7 55 p la N'lagar.t Expi cta lt-aves I'lillittlelrlila li im u in " llun 1st. iny VI an a tn " arr. at Wllll.unsport :il."pni ' " lock Uau-u -I in p la " " l.'enovo r. 4iiii in Fast Ltuc leaves plilhtUi-lrhla II to a in lim-rlsbtiitr 3 yr p in " arrive, at Wlillamsport 7 23 p m " " Lock Haven s 40 p in KASTWA I1D. 1'acino Kxprcsq leaves Lock Haven s I'uim ' " 7 is a in " " Ullll.tmspoit 7 J n in " artho ut llarrlht.inir 1l4iipm " " I'lilUdelpliU 1.1 p in Day Express leaves Henovo y fun in " " Lock Ilaen II In a m " " v uiiunisnort la 2ii pin " arrive at lliiiiMiurir S4.)ptn " fhlhidulplila 0 4ipm Ki lo Mall leaves llcnovo s 4.1 put " " Iick llnven ur,iipin " " v llll-inihport 11 in pin 11 at lives at llarrKbury '45 a in " " l'lilladclplil.i 7 win in Past Lino leaves v liltairisport la l.s a ui ' nrrlii'a nt. IImi rlshnr.. .H Ml n In " " riillutielpuU 7 4" urn Krle Mall vvt'stand liny Kxpn ss mike tloe connections nt Noilhuiiiburiiitid Willi L. a; It. II. li. trains for WUkoabarie-niiil Scranloa, Ciit-Matl West, NlAi'tira Cxpioss West ami rait Lino West in.tko cluso toaiieuion at Wlllltiuhi-ort with N, u. It. VV trains north. Niagara Expiess West ami liny L'xpress TaK inuke close couoectlun at Lock Haven with u. K. v, 11, li. trains. Trio Mall oast nnd West connect at Frio whit trains on L. s. a: M.S. It. It. ; at C'oiry with o.u.i v. V. K. 11. ; nt l.inpialuin with 11. M. 1". & 1". 11. It und at Hllltvvood wllh A.-V. It. It. Parlor enrs will rim between riilla-ielphla an! VMllamspoit on Mat'ara l-:.picss wesi, and Da Ux pios hast, isiccplugcais un all nllit trains. WM. A. IIAI.mVlN, lleneiul &upt, N OHTHEKN CENTItAL It.UI.VAY COMPANY. On and alter November until, 1S73, trains will Icivs sunbury as lollowa : NOltTllWAKD. Erlo Mall 6.20 a. in., ai rive Klinlra 11 ,s " Cnn.iiidalt'iia . a.of p. ra llochestcr. . .. " Nl.igaia !)4ii Kenovo accommodation 11.10 a. In. anlvo Williams. port 12.1S5 p. m. ElmliaM.ul 4.15a. in., arrive tlmlra 10.20 a, tn. llunalo lixpreas 7.15 a. m. at i Ivo llulfalo a w bOIJTHWAltl). llunalo Express 2.50 a. la. anlvo Hat i hburtr " llalllmoi'08.10 Klmlrailall u.ioa. m arrive llunlsbuiK l.M " Wasliluflon 10.31 " Ualtlinoro C.30 " Washlnt'ton Harrlsbure; aceommod.itloii buri;lii.50p. m, arrive lialtltnore " WaslilLgtonC.13 Erie Mall 12.55 a. m. arriv o llarrlsburi: 3 05 a. ui " " " Washlntrton ln.Jr." All dally oxcept uundiy. 1). M. liOVl), Jr., (ienernl Passenger Agcn A. J. C'ASSATT. tlcnernl Manager piIILADEU'IIA AND HEADING ItOAD Altll ANG Ell ENT OF 1'ASSENGEK TRAINS. May II, 1S73. TKAIhS I.EAVK KUPKKT AS 101 LOW SKt'KlAT KXt KCTID For New Yoik, Philadelphia, l!eadlnb', 1'uluvllW Tiuiuquj, tc., 11,45 a. in For UaUwUsu, 11,45 a. in, 7,21 nnd 7,86 p. in. For Wlillamsport, c,2S a,03 a. m. and 4,liii p. m. IltAIKSKOK KCI'EBT I KATE AS rOUOWg. (nrKMY II mt'TKn.) Iavo Now York, s,is a. m. Leave Philadelphia, ,45 a. in. Ixavo Heading', li.wa. m., l'ottsvlllo, 12,:a p. m and Tumaqua, 1,35 p. la. li iv o Uatavv lasa, r,,2o 8,50 a. m. and 4,ti p. m. Lcav o Wiuiamsporl ,45 a.m,2,15 p. m. and 4,to p. m r.iseng'ers to and Horn New Yorkand l'hlladtl phla ko thi otija lthout thantjo of cars. J. E. WOOTTLN, Ucnerul Monafer 0. (1, HANCOCK, Oeneral 1 Icket Agent. Jan. 14. 1370 it. E LA WAKE, LACKAWANNA ANE VVJSS'l'filtti KAlLKOAl). BLOOMSIiUKU DIVISION. Tlrae-Tablo No. sa, Takes odea at 4:30 A M MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878 NOltTII. DiAiiuau, bOUTII. jTOllTHKIlN CUNTKAL KAII.WAV a.m. p in. p.m .. ..Soranton Uellevuo ....TaylorvUle.. . ..Lackawanna.., rilt&ton . Wistl'lttston... 9 35 9 45 a io o m 2 10 6 20 2 22 6 25 2 SO 0 33 2 33 C 40 Id 53 Wyoming' Maltby 10 07 2 49 6 60 Oi DW 67 0 59 3 15 7 10 3 15 T IS 3 II) 7 li 3 15 7 13 3 21 7 S3 3 20 7 42 .1 a.1 8 114 lieanetu Kingston Klnt'Strm... !10 18 10 33 ..Plymouth June. ....i-ivmouta Avondalo Nnnllenkfi . 10 29 111 34 10 42 .Uuiilock's t reck. ..MhickHhinuy..,., ....Hick's Ferry.... ....lieuch Haven.,. l!crwlck .... Hrlar Cicek...., ,.. lllow drove.., Llmo Hldg'e Kspy . .Uloomsburif..... ilO 56 3 60 8 25 11 07 4 OJ 8 43 11 14 ,w U it; 4 is 1 I . 4 25 I 23 4 33 7 30 4 44 7 44 11 39 II d!i Cutawtssa Hrtd'i'tv ii w "Z 11 67 5 OJ 8 60 12 18 6 18 B VI II 6 .... .I'lUlYlUU Chulaaky Cameron .NorUiumborlond, 9 IS v, K 30 9 19 45 6 45 9 p.m. p.m. ft-n - . W. Y. IIALSTKAU. BUPt. Siportntendenfa Office, Bcrauton, Juno lo, 1979. yAlNWKIOHT&CO., WUOLEaALE UKOCEIW, l'niLADXU'UU, ' Dealers In 4 TEA ibas, aviturs, cxikfkk, bugak, moijissks uitr, sncts, bicais boda, ic, la. X It Con.ct Second und Arch streets, tv-tiidortiwiu rcofclvelurornpt Hlonutni. p.m. p.m. a.m. U SO, 4 l'i 9 40 9 23 U 17 9 37 9 as 9 so 8 68 3 51 9 21 8 61 3 40 9 19 8 40 3 41 9 14 12 41 12 10 8 33 3 30 9 04 8 13 3 10 6 41 8 23 3 20 8 56 8 12 3 12 8 47 8 01 3 01 8 33 7 61 2 51 3 23 7 M 2 S9 8 11 7 da 2 34 8 12 7 25 2 23 8 00 7 18 7 11 7 10 tW HI T 441 6 50 1 57 7 S3 0 50 1 61 7 33 45 1 40 7 29 0 27 1 27 T 11 15 6 00 1 00 6 43 p.m. p.m. a.m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers