THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCR ArP, BLOOMSBUliG, COLUMBIA (BOUNTY, PA. HE 00LUM.R1AN. ni.ooiiniiiin, KiintAV.Aidist o, tso I'UIILtO BALES. I 1V.I. .lt..lnl.lrnU. if IF I irga i'wjj " "- " u """r .birf. 'losonoil, will offer toil culnti) for . .J . I..-.1 ... t t Til. 1ft Hl'llOllOI t3liuru.y uui e- Mil ill 11 ruiu.iu SALES. Sirmicl I. lir, mlmlnlVratorol I.olir, will "MI valmulo roil cnUte tn llio Mm in llcivor township, on Saturday Au- i'i 23, J.M White mil Oeorgo Conner, nelinhtra- if William Whim ilccei'o l,will full valua- roil onto on the irciniie in Scott town. !1Cii Saturday, AiiRUSt 28. jo'cpli Itic.ach nn I ti. M. TewMiury, nel ninlratonof Isinc Ilreach, ileconieil, will fell inablo real tfliteon the prcimoi in (.nlawtaa imliln on Tuc'lay August 31. i) i,orAli DotU will foil valuable real eMail .i - Kll;m townftliln. T.lizprne Hits l " - i i r vr 'noFil.iv. son cnilicr lo. 18S0. I)i:.IOCKATIC COUNTY CO.NVKXTIO.V. Tlie Pcraocratio voler-itff tliocvcral ilistricts r'nlnnitln county will meet at the tinial acwtf hoKlin(,Mliu f,irural election on Slit Ur. Auguit Till, 1SS0, belwoe-n the houri t ireeand feven orlock In the afternoon, nnel ct delegatus by bnllcit to represent tho ills- vn in ibo county convention to ba held in eOfera Hou'e, WoonisbiirR on Tncsday,Au l lOlli ) t 11 o clock a. ni., to place In nonu Icmonc candidate for Congreni, one candi 'c for Slnlc Senator, two caiulidatiu for Hep . ntativc and ouo candidate for Diilrict At- ney and lo transact ftich other busine.n as e interest of the Democratic party may re Ire. Also a' tho s.iuio tinio and paces and llienainc mannoi ; tlie Democratic electors o. .1. .Hctrlnt will i-lent nnp ruri-nti In nervn in n mber of llo County Standing Committee i ' I. ...Ill mm( iftimt it ml (I V fill tho ml inn m- cntol the Covcnlion. y,j order of the couutv Committee, David LowrxiiKiio, . Chnirman. Apportionment of delegates according to ,ie fur (iovcrnor in 1S7S. 17!) 115 177 193 109 88 178 43 139 Jl 11 2-JO fit 147 r.r, 108 litifi lf.tS 112 178 81 83 is viuting TI1K VOI.TAIO 1IKI.T CO., MAIl31IAt.L.MICIL . Y,n' rr"'1 a'' t"1' hrWlX Wc-tro-Voltalc pIU In the nllliclci unnn 30 i.t.1 u t emei giiaraiiUcl. Tiny mom whit il,ei .J. tviHe to lliem wllliout Inlay. Nov. !U-ly, Tbo new houso at Miir.lifii.1,1. wMM, cuplcfl tin ,it0 of Webster's old liome.wlitch was bnniid, I, neatly completed at n cost of about J1,(X)0. H li very dlsroiiraclnu to t!,n l,i,t.irl,,. farmer's wife, as well as foolish to Imo her poultty die from cholera or oilier tllfoai?, when lio can buy of her druggist Hobcrt's l'oiillry 1 owJer for 2 j cents n package! and guaranteed ,ocurc- migCtui 1'EltbONAL. Miss Slmonton, ofMaryhnd, is vl-iling Miss .1 iiiiiu ij nil , Mr. John Iloyd, of Uarrisburg at Mr. William Xeal's, A, K. Miller, now living at Uarrisburg, was in town tins week. J. !. rcacock Is tlio bos "lemo" man. He would bo invaulablc as a circus attachment. h. II. Utile, Col. I-rccie, J. II. Mnlie, and Clco. K, Ktwell went to Hinloii on Thurrday on law utisinefs. Miss Minnie Kyeily lias cone to Mexico, l'n. to visit rulatlvcs. 1 lor. O. I,. ilbur ninl wifi aro spendinj tho summer vacition at On-onta, New York. Miss ltolripy, of iVewuil!e, I).laarc, who has been vMtitij Mrs. I.. Zahtier the I nst few weeks, returned homo on Tuesday Jtev.t). U.S. MarcUy is liking a vacation o( a fuw weeks. Ilev. L, Zihncr was voted tho large cake at Ibo inona festival on Satmday night. Col. I'.. Thayer Is confined lo Ms bed Irotn the cflYcts of a f.ill. N lin zerup, ick aton o,.m 1 ist nn aim West Ward iitereek nvniziiain is. i c iliins:cipk .nlock ' 5ii .st 111 ItCUll Delegates nun l'le.ismt 'ft'ige iiringrrt'd: t b'cott 'ist Scott igarloaf 3 1 3 99 07 GO fiO 157 3 Geo. E. Elwelt addressed the Hancock tlnli i Vtdtied.iy night. The gas coniimy on Tueiday night dee hired dividend of It per cent. Kogers A Campbell's show will visit Ihlsp'aoe ! T.V .1.. 1. la n (i.r .ll t.rt 1 11. 1 II 1 H 111 I 11 I . ill iimnj. it .3 1 It is sad and true lint many children have fillid untimely graves, by llio niglect of their mothers to have Sines' Syrnpof Tar, Hoar liound ami Wild Cherry on hand. Kvcry moth or has a bottlo this sc.tson of the year fir imme diateuse. angOlm OllANor.VII.IX ITEMS. There is already a gouil deal of l!fc In politi cal circles, and the three parties arecountin noses to know their strength in tho campaign. Tho Hancock club meets every Wednesday eve ning in their room at tho Centennial hotel Congressman Klutz addressed tho club on the evening of the 28th ult. He was afterward ser en ailed by our band. The Informed charge of Orangeville conlrib tiled ono hundred dollars lo aVut their unfor tunate brethren at .Milton to rebuild their church. Tiie two corner merchants are awake to their lumber interests and judging from their elcc tioiieoriner policv, would make active candi' dates for political honors. Mrs. Kate Conner and Kcv. C.infield are im proving their residences. Many cf our citizens expect lo attend the Union Harvest Home to be held in the grove at the .ion's church on Saturday August 1 1. The game of quoits is an every day amuse ment with some uf our people, and some of tho exper's claim the championship for Orange villc. It U about timo nr"Jerry ' ami "lluel lo make their annual visit. "Harry" contemplates, darling a zoological garden. He has already as many etogs as any nMcboitied man can take care of, which Willi few foxes and owls would make a very respecta ble outfit. Ncnir.r.LAXi). Klolzntul jlegaisp'.l ns Hollers. l'liMociiATS, i;i:.vii :d iu:n.i:t r. In , Congressional mnttat of lMO.Co'- - "ii- linn ami uf ne '.iieii, ,,. up, I'ike, Miinrmj u- .1 1 , , .ur K tz led t hull. 1'nr lliii l.A Hluoinsburgniul bv npp .intu.eiit bco met .Megargell atlil others, lie offered In run lilmioir,lflho UiUimmia.n ami others wouid nupptirt him. This was refused under the clrciims'ances. In proof I ctlvn cM'acts from bis h tlcrs, tho otlilcials of which are In my possession, Matich Chtiti's I'n Oct 21 C7 iltj Dear l'rieiuh: ben I ltncli Home loiitnl Mr llru,iillii.:iil t man Judgo l'acker hall Dozen most l'rom intiit comity olllciah and heads of L'any Ac all hero at' nding court Then Taylor Lentz Steadman Ac tho conferees all wlsblug to tho noun i e2iiaiueu an ami snow them How you Mr lliickalew ami Others felt and that old fioblo ' Columbia" at Least would be a unit in action On this suhiect and tliat wn liuil ngreed to n ect iloudav or Tups. lay SiC All Was IlalUlV Mill nil wrrn nirrorA ay drtermined At 6 o'clock p, m. it came one nun i.ynn n.i i annoniiceil tlmt lie would lloi't Collins In llm Jlu.t nf his I',, say that he was regularly nominated Ac This so exasperated our l'eopla tlmt 12 to 15 ot llio ery bead men went to sec him and nnioug uniirsjiulco l'aeker saying it was a uuiiier in iiotur m i nau Uieu sent lo your t'nii.iy tie Din .'ir. niter rutiinir us o I sent for t Iraiir mul Crali? ahmc deeiileil That Collins wi s. tin- .Man anil J.nn said so in Ids paper Oh 1 My Dear Sir tills morning Jnnii t a lor anil .! or 1 more j.o in to stop their i a pit iinei en ciare wo sua i aim mint nave a ncv organ and llio chairman declares he shall i.ot 1'r.iil the tii ktts A and thero is n genual How We are acting ni if we had no ii, nn yet fortho district and will mi stand wiiu .Monroe ami toltimbi.i I llavowrittui tin m in lull The r. publicans hero Mr Lilly eves lliink that Vs ir renub can cainlidalo fur cmigrtss can tarry Co uuiui.i by sntlii so llovil Itobiton wrote to Malkle A Co and to Mt Nairat llaz'etonatid also to the Kepublioaus beie and while our republicans here now elpclino to ndvo e'ato they .dso say if Waller Joei withdr.iiv by the Inlluence of his region then tin y will not lulvocnlo nominating an other one and then they will go lor any man Ujipo'eu to i onitis. x uin yi.urs ii.ui Mr Ii M lirodbead WiU write to Mr 0 U Dttckalcw by this mail , ii" We omit a communication from Hearing- . i r - if M'lll ..rtvl ..I. Pamuel Shaffer, Sr., an edd and respected clt. i ofllloom township, died nt an early hour i Friday morning lat. A rousing Democratic meeting was hcW at nmvi umi sst. I' rn iiv I'VpninlT. MiCOCIlCS 1.. t... ii v u.i.i. 1 r n ilillK, I.t., Hll'l IH"1 t O. 1 iinui;iniii. . II iwing ouieers tiicieii: A, Ji. eroop, itiri- dnt Kip., iti llioll. nl nml ovi NiMir ite i rep ueuis: inirrv i. oecreiiui . iuh. . 1. Adinis, Ticisurer. A nuniberof voters, sttln nml oili r.fist onc Hist w re 'ini irom till' c'limtr to ling 'lid, Im o win It ii drills uf thiiii.nuds ol dolus, lor snih Am ric.u s as the Mc"is. UsiM ird, Janios Uo.-dcn Hen licit, Ac. The Knglishniun hive investigated tho toasons f ir the great snestcas of the A mori. can liortes, and find that they nre l.ept In eiieh fine condition by the co.istml usa of M. I). llobcrts' Horse Powders. $10 l'.i'.WAHD. l.oil, on S in lay evening near the colored camp ground at Uuport a rest leath er p ckct honk ronmlnlnaboiit?'.'! or 2o,nnl D. L. & W. H. It. ticket fiot.if' trillion to llo'.iokcn (N'cw York city). Tl.o finder can keep $ 10 If ha will return balance and It. 11. tlck.t to this office. No epicstioi.s will be asked. It should bo tho aim ol every owner of Ilorses.Ooivf.itc.lo make them as bntidsotne and u-t'lul as posslhW. The (lenn.iii llotse and Cow Powder helps to elovelop nil llio powers of tho anlmil. It Improves its ocatf ty Kin!'S Its uscl'ului-. It nuikes milk, muclo hnd fit. lly uslti it a liorjo will do morpwork and a cow civ more milk and he- in bette r ;onditioii with less feed. Sold only by weluh' at 15 cents a pound by '. A. Kltdni, lllnomsbiirg. Doc 12, '70-ly THE WINONA TESTIVAL. Kitenslio preparations were made for a good i up m I in Cat en nl IliP V nnnn ' 111 Pnilllill' in I mo j ivr.i nn! i lnmil n 11 111 1 11 0 r. SIM III i null 111 iuhii mil ciii m i.mui n. ij -.1:. ..11 1. . i..A. n . SHU, llll COUIllllieU tU HUU lUe ii liiatmiiin nv.. 11.1 . .i 1 -.i .1 1.... ... .. .11a ll.illv. nvir iiiiniLiiii, ".. . in 1 .. I ni' 1 bo ii u vounir lai ea wuo waiieu on 'h m, Thev oil looked their prettiest ami did their best to swell tho receipts, and for their It llin 11i.nm. nlftpp M iflO Aflll' Tvtlllll nr.ll Othersdid equally ns well, but wo cannot at emiit to tell what each ono did. There were a number of features here net of ten seen at such pieces. A soda foanlam kept 10 mm constantly employed in preparing tooling beverages. Thp grab bsg was a source of considerable amusement to the audience and r.;Gt to the company. There were all sorts of draws and lotteries, several hnndfome prizes betnir disposed of ill that manner. There was a clnck, crbiloid toilet cares, and elegant jewel ry, from five to twenty-five cents a draw, The Uloomsburg band and MelbercU sOr ''iC'lra furnished excellent music bptli evenings ami on Saturday night tho Ai on band at'-'iul tJ, Willi their handsome new uniforms, They not only look well, bat they play well too. The crowd on Siturdav wps immense, the m-cintiatthedoor showing an attendance o' stoat 000 pople. The atmosphere in tho hall u just right to make a large demand for ice cream, of which about 130 quirts were sold. A number of the Friendship mid Itescua mem b'ra showed their good will by unending and patronizlnz the fstlval liberally. At tl.cclo e of the ldi-t evening, It. Ilnris, of the Iiescue kindly lent his services 1 auctioneer "nd tun off everything tint was lelt at Mr prices, lloih night's perfect order was main' ined. On Saturday night seyeral intoxicated nnngotiiito the hall, but on heinp- nulpllv rcoueled to have, they all did so but one. He wn csu- li',..,l ... .1.. !... .1 1 ..., .lin. ""'ii iu uriaii uui riiuni'iiai'iiiiivi-iiiiii ui. position, whereupen he wss at once ejected itliout any ceremony, It did not lake long for rowdies to find they weieout of plaio. The total receipts were about $253,' expenses mounted to $115. Kcbcrt's Poultry Powders aro guaranteed to tnre pcultry ot all diseases, if given before the fowls refuse lo eat. Sure cure lor cholera. We have tried it and advise n'l to use it. aug dim No man can live with a woman who eats pork and cabbage tbrco times a day. Dr. Trnncr. Tho mceliciufs of Dumis Drcr; .t Co. nro unexcelled lor elegance, purity, anil relia bility. Thoir Seidlitino Scullitz rowders, are as pleasant as Lemonade. Their Soft Capsules aro world famous. Seo Adt. july 30, 'SO-Cineow TUB UAMl'AItlN COI.U.MIIIAN Only 75 cents lor six mouths, or lyl.ou !i ycir in advance, (Jot up clubs ami tenu in juu names. Ifyour chilil has worms, i;ivo it the Orett1 Mexican llemedy, Ilerhnline Hitters, they are easy of administration, pleasant to take, aim harmless as honey. J hej never disappoint. i dim t M. F. iSundiv school will hold a UKttWICK I.ETTK1 l'fS. COLUMUIAN I A much needed improvement Is being rrade io our town reservoir, that of cleaning it and inereaaiiig Its elevation. Itev, Williamson, a former teacher of town, sad wife, arti Riirnilinp snvptul weeks with 113, Th Jteverend's recruation consists of bunting and fishing, though the wood co k aroviry PCaice and the I ms nra lint very active. l'Vw of the many fisherman return with trophies that they feel proud of, occasionally wine cue murns wan a 'thrce-pouniier ami a "yarn to suit. Messrs. 11. F, Crispin and I' It. Jackson aro l'lcueu wun llio Ktiowieelgo mat uieir nirnaeu at Lmrellon is In operation and doing very good work, Tho abundance of rain during the lust month combined with the sndilen clangers In the I em petsture. eeouis to have ceuerated throat dia eases amnnn nM anil vftiim. ft tu biifii In MSV tint during this perlcd, fifty have suflereil with "V lureoai anu quinsy. liKroiiTMt, lrwicit I'a., Aut. 4, S0. Mt. PL basket liio nie in Applemnn s ijrove on niuir- day Augu-t U. I the nflcrroon ami evening Ibetu will b an ice cream fslival, Ac. Pro- cee 's for ti e beni li' of the Sabbath Kbool. Sines' Dy entery Compound when taken ac rordinir to directions, will ininntaneousiy curt Cramiis. Snasms. Sour f-tum.icli, lieariuurn, Diarrl eei, Dysentery, Colu-,ninl alloliier uowe complaints. augu-im dklkgatu ki.kotion satuhday AUODriT 7. LIU' KVKItV DliJIUUJtai ATTKNU. Travelers should a'ways have u small bottle of Sines' Dysentery Compound for immediate relief from any bowel complaint, guaranteed to tone up the stomach at onto to a lii-althycon dition. augfl-lm Tho union of the Democrats and Green backers of JIaiuo is now complete, and they go into tbo campaign with a united frout to tlie enemy. The republicans will have their hands full to carry tho Stuto iu Septem ber. Mothers, don't fail to have Sine's Dysentery Compound on hand, for the relief of jour little baby whan attacked with any bowel complaint. It contains no morphine nor opium, yet us sootliini: effect will give the little sutlerer so .i, ,i;,r n nt he will ktouco fall into a gMille sleep, and give his mother an opportu nity to rest, as well bs every provoked bacbc' lor of thehoute. dK'O'lm m.' VTi: lil.l'.CTION f ATU11DAY august 7. u;ri;vj;K ufcjiuw" ATTI2NI). Hinpp il,o LLiitltuicnas well as the Miiun. Lnrillard. James Gi.rdou Uinnelt, Ac r.....,l mufh virtue ill ilobert's IIore HUTU UHI"' , Powders, and have usod it in inch quaniius all persons who are alivo to thrir inteiwls give ii ir. il.plr hordes, whether runners, iroiiers m farm hose. It has a wonderful ellccl. ntigOlm Tho Hancock and Dnglidi club of Calawiss i ili,imn,.l,l organized. Dr. Hobbins ui'ri.idcnl. and W. I. Kvcrly, lvi', Secrets I) II llrockwny and II. li. Mulin auurens M.u'ch Chunk Oct 21 lS7d Mil Dear Oiiii'YUo thing is Jus t here Mr I'acsir .Mr iiucknlew anil Jlr llrml- head and such meu don't Like to ben Parly (o l'.un against the ticket run iiefore they nic .....t :,. it.... i.i i'..u. auiu enoj .aii .tin, ., it .iil-j i.nui i, ttiiti to wltliuraw anil then oue ot us can como in and net the united support of the coun tics, and as I told you up there it Waller iton't withdraw I dont want to ltun end get licked or Klect a republican I can beat Collins out of ids boots if Waller is oil' but if be aint nlf 1 am afraid and if Wallet would iru oil' iu 1 days Irom Now I-caii d it but Lilly says il 1 am not on the ticke t the re-tiublice.s c.n cirry Carbon as we have only 30l) democratic majority that 1 will lie Mad and ivoa't electioneer add my fiiend wilt lug but that il I am em the ticket 1 cm cairy the nbolo Couniy ticket aloug that is to me a Kind of a CdiiijiUmrnt but 1 don't want them now They My Collins is a Catholic and our Man Siwcney, leprcsent ativo is u Catholic and Mollis trials a going on is all turned to iccount to Heat us aud they tbiuk 2 Catho'ics will weight us down but I am goitiy. iu o tlie fight and we hope to Heat them anyhow I d ui't no what lo say but Let it go unless Wallcfgoes off unless vou want to give them a hitch &e IvI.OTZ Mauch Chunk Oct 21 lSwfl I Hasten to make tills mail Jim Lynn letter received he is a Dam fool Wo never asked him anything only to Pass it over ono week and to tho request weto every yes every Prominent democrat Including L'acker and lirodhead and all the conferees and only be Lynn and Craig but J Has broken the Camels back and we nre all united for a new Paper We will and must have an organ We can control and will do to at orcsuro I cnclofo you Letters Monroe Democrat and Albeus Tell Mr Lowenberg Jlr liu ck alow auel I will write again to-morrow M ail goes hi You give Collins 1200 iu Carbon you may inpan Monroe and Collins cunt tarry if I dont run No I think Coliins will anyhow We have only 300 Democintie Majority here. Jv Mauch Chun!: Pa Oot 23 r.rod:uatj:ro days ago Lilly and all hands tin night you or nu would Kuu against Collins anvliow and that would make Wal ler ii d tin rel'oio th'-y rulu.-cJ to withdraw List cvriiiiii; 1 licarn irum iwo suuiccs that They now talk of withdrawing if so and do it iu 2 or 3 days we can scalp Ihuu yet (yes we can) Carbon still holiln out so uoes Kmchcr dam Joe Lynn ami his tie nun Power Craig. 1 would Like to learn him a Le.isoii May write toiuonow It Kl.OlY. Grecnawald may T'ako up Collins thi3 week- No matter we can carry mat coiiuiy anyhow "'v ' .Mauch Chunk Pa Nov 1 LS7G i,mii.imlll ili.l mm v'ii himl Mr:u- nr en ill If. Itrin That bo bad not heard my name in connection witli congress (Inti .....ii... ; mil. he Ilnvp bppii doiiei That l I thought It looked ho had only beard ol iMcUargeltciC 11 Ki.otz July I Business Notices KooUs and t.hnei che.ii at McKi,ir.c7'(. Tie public ait' hereby . in fm mcd that pl.'iuli 1 -ni s aro now mndo lioui tlie latest lyips nt S. rinir (I'i'.ds mi the" trillnw-ing terms: o'' tvtjm, Joreil irieet, Jiett Ma terial, Df I Il'iiii'itiii'i'i'', .mil licit l'it at the Popular Store of iMvni iiweoocrg. Harilit A. N'ewkirl:, of Salem, pass: I was ruiod of tetter in niv hand by llmo npplica- t uns nl Cl.innl.or Milk, .lly wnl cured of old rniiiilng sores by using it. It Hired pij- im of a spihinnl iitiklp, l'ri e tenia i-id I by U. A. Kleim, lllnnm..burg, at in Hi. 'Mi.iy Ci-h naid fur MO Inns cord dry blight KopI; OakP.ntk by ti'cs Y-.ting, Lijiht blrcel. july 30.2m I'ubb.'rs at McKinnpy's. priiLttrxoTTci:. The Clotbiiicr Sliire eit Daiid Lowenberg is well stocked with all the latest styles of Clotbini! for Men, Youth and Children. Call nml examines. 15fi-)t heidiuiuters, nt McKinn.'y's. l'or Nobby Hats, l or Latest styles, For Lowest Prices. (In to David Lonenberg'a Call and see tbo Hest and Cheap-p'tPum nicr Suit ! r SG 00 at 1). Lowenberg'a. 4,000 piiiinils nice eitied raspberries, -1,000 pounds.iilceilriedpiliedihtri'ies wanted this bill by Siln-s Younir, Light rilreet.juy 2-Gm Call at McKinney's tor Shoes. Hon. Georcre N. Corson, Norrlsfown.siyn! The Pheeiiix Pectoral Is indispensable in my familv. It acts like a churiii In curing: riillr-lis and redds W til tllfi I'lllldrt'il.ail'l I nlw.ivs u-e it when nldres-ing a jurv. Price 25 ce'nts. C.A. Kleim, Uloomsburg. nprlG-Iy Admitsion free at McKinney's. Another caso of Fine liendy Jfndi! Cloth' ingjust received nt 1'. Loniiiuerj s. Now. Cant. Droekway decliued to run un der any circumstances, hoisted Collins' name in the Coi.umman, and thus foiled thegame of Klolz and Jlegargoll to bolt icgular nomination. 0. 1!. liltOCKWAY. ISrockway Congfessional t'luh. I'.LouMsliuno, August. 18S0, TiiWcluli is ortrntiui'il in tlio uiti'ics ,.f r.-mt. L'lmilc'.s I. liiiickwav. anil eo livimuiio so far :w it can his nomination 1 .1 !.... . I ', I. ,.-!ll 1... ill! inn i' i'l'tiei i in e. uiiuii.". l it in .ii. ild. Im- him In t-t'o lifi-oitally ti Diiiiotiatio Viilevs uf.tliK comity, niiitdi . . c .1... ' .. ...1..... ....i. lOsn lllll'-ti Ol lilt s'.s. niiifi iisiiiii'-. .11- instiiiitt' tins Dtstiii't. l.t'siili's ho I". ui.l nindit lei lie well known to till. ' lie rv. ed tho club last Satmdiy evening Ilobert's Hur-e Powders welt forn-eily uted nuiongsl the i miners and other valnablo liorses but now eiucolhe price has been reuuc.ei io cents per package, all can atlord to uso mtui. augG Im liFLDG ATI. ULUOriON SATUIIDAY AUGUST 7. LIU' KVRUV DlvMOCKAT ATTI.ND We wcioercatly umuscd some days since, by seeing one of our venerable cliisini, who li.d be. n bowod down with liheumatisin, throw awsv hU crutches, and declare hliin-elf just us be used to be. end now he Is r-eom mendinir Ilobert's Kiubrocallon to eyeryold l.dv in town. Great liniment that. sujiG-lm iKe) of the oiiiiiMin that bcutiriui; the iMiiintv fur a nomiiinlioii is iic"'iaiiiiii; in i.-idf unsti'i tlio time ot eaiiilulatt't. am of the voters, iitul inuiHi'a an outlay ,.l iiiiiiiov that a lieior man cannot ailoi We will litiotly statf inu ita-eui wuj f'nnt. l!ioci;wav hlioitlel lit nominatril. lo is a native of the comity, anil limit linvlioml lias been eiiriii'-t, nnlfiiT l),.iimimt aiulliv Ins MiftelifS, ami as ditof, sitstamtil tlio ;".ineiiii! oi ins in niv. I . , ... . r .1 ... 1 ...!.l :.. .1 As a memiit't oi mt;imiiiiiii- hi ii trvmtr hfssioiis tit ln.K-7.i-l. in was ii iifkneiwhib'til leaner ot the Ihuui'iTulie iiieiiihtiS ot tlio House, lie unit iimlH m tlie iiiea-tiivs wlni'li "ao liiitlito om new fiiiislitutioii ami iiitiny of tin most halnlaiy aet.s passed wtio iliafttil ami ailvoeateil liy him. It is nol within tlio scojio of tins circular to (icei- i V all tlio benilifial let;il!itloii lit tifcom )i!ilieil, but it is fiiouli to rail attention lo llio rejifai en cut onions t iMisini.ii j law, ninl the removal of the Sl.atu tax on horses, mules ami cattle. His aiitecli on the lull to tax iimma- eito coal hail llio e ffe et to elefeat It. Its iassa,'u woiibl have jdaeeil tbo lux net nally on the consumer, or it would have been ileeliiettil from the wages of tlio miner His greatest Hjicfcli howeve r, was on tho Military Hill a imnasuii! outrageous in every ia"rticular,mieoiistitntional in na tutc, ojijuvssho in oicration, ami even In time of lieaeu wotilil make tlie mil Buhoiilitiatu to the military power. The lienubliculis vuio ho Ml tick witli tho force of .Mr. llroikwav's niL'tmient that they uiiU'il in elefeating the liilh IJveji (lov. Uartrniift was iiiiju'csseil with .Mr. lirockwav's oliiections , nml at thuopeu- ing of the next n'sston sent for liim, bhowcel a new hill tdiorn of the ohjee tious to the former own, nml asking Mr. Urockway to iml it thiomjh If it was tie- 1 Knall'htui'ii foMneflv s ippowd lbt Anitrb eldahli! to him. Mr. lliockway mailt n ' can rnnninc h .r-c w-re ver Infer or m theirs lew nmetullnents, nml lliiil olleieil the ,t d nlugl ip le.t .wo yoars I'nr I , Vsllen. inn, which was minmmoiiiy ianieu. Another imiiortaiit .'let Ot his was tin a-Vintr of a co'iMnilli'i nf itliicli lio was nnilo Cliainnati to iuv stigato llio sub ct of taxes tiniit or eltie hy tho ltatl- rein Is, Canals, &c. of the Stale. Al though the investigation was hiiitlereel icn wav, tlio result was t no return to tiie Slnlu Treftsttry front ono company f $.ii),()l)ll, nml the fiiiiling of over !. 000,000 elite ami unpaid tlie State. .Air. lirWiwav s reiioit was tttiatilmoti.'lv twi'il to, aHliontili thrco ofthS fie inetnhers of tlio comtnittco weto liciitit)- .cans. In tlie elchato on the Ubui v 1 11 1, he took lnoail gronml for frets money, ov so no legali7cil lratttls on the peonlo 1'ke Saving Kitnels w'.tli nsurioua inter est. Tlio winking men hnvu reason to know that ho is their fiientl. In 1871 lie was their counsel nt llarrishurg rep resenting 70,000 men ngainsl .!l,0t)U, 000, lieaileil liv V. 1). Gowcn. So much for liis civil life v. hero lie has liten ecsieil, Now as to his ipllitnrv rec ord, Xo one fmuiliitr witli tlie history of the Milil'ttis fiom our county can (pies lion il. Tesiinuiliials from Midi meu a (.-leneriils Mcado. llaticock, Warren ami others, witli llallerilig notices in of lieial repents, u brevet commis ion from the United States lemltr details iinincissnrv. t.eii. Hancock in a letter to Ilou. Win. V. Sewanl, Secretary of Slate from ( 'aiondelet. Mo., Xov. 7th, I Sii7. said among oilier tliint's "I liavo the Iioiioi to state in his li'dialf Capt. lirockwavl hesetved tinder niv com- maiul :is nil ollicer ol aitilltrv in the 2nd C'onis, Annv of llio l'otomno and that be was a gallant anil cllicient ollicer Inwards tiie close ol the war lie was Hancock's Assistant ( liinf of Aitilltrv, (-leu.'d belli'' Clnel. Of him .Major Ucntral Uti'il. Chief of tlie Artillery of tlie Army of the l'olo- tuac wtites." lln.. C. H. IiiTuu.i.w, U. S. Sf.NAir.. Sir : I have heard that Lieut. O. U. lirock way fnnue' ly of the Pennsylvania, Ai til- lory lias been piommcinly iianied tor tlie niipoinlmcpt ol Minister licMilcnt of i'.ic Lii'iicd Siait-at (Jc.ilo. ('iiptniu llrtckwitv served as an ollicer ot lialtery v. 1st i'cntin. Artillery (.kick tits) tl'iout'boi't the war. Ills set vice as a lieutenant was always faithful and allenl'ivo in ctiinp ami campaign, gallant nroinnt and skillful in hattle. He served iu nearly all tho principal ba'tlcs of tiie annv of tlie Potomac, and wtis sptc'ally dislinguished at the battle of Getlvsljurg. On the promotion of ('aiitain'leickeits, 1.1. 1. was selected as li's successor in llio command of tlie bat tit ,-. He also served as Adj'utant to Col. tla..arti, Clnel ot Atlillerv, Unit at mv coi ns. In all the dillictilt positions in which he was placed he served with credit to linn elf and nilvantat'u lo tlio country and su-tained an excellent lcputation. 'l'he fieipienl tran-fe' to which Lat teues wete suli.tcltil Irom one ettvi on or aimv co .s to another neces-anlv bioke their military records into frag ments so far as ilien immediate cominan ders weto concerned. This lias operated lo tlie disadvantage of t.,iir otliccrs as il has de'iiivtil thtm of thai recogr'tion of service and the rewards eonsceiucnt up on it which were their elite. As chief of artillery of the Army of the Potomac I therefore feel it my duty to testify to the value of Captain i5ioek vvays scrvbes and to express the .oj.e tliat thev may be recognized and reward I have the honor to be Very Kcspecl- fu'.ly your obdt. serv. iiuMtr .i. 1 1 i n r, Major General Lute. Chief of Artillery Annv of Potomac. Would not Capt. lliockway if elected , as before, a good aid to his old Ce m- mander, Hancock 1 "Whtie were 'is op- onenls dining tlie war I We elo not defame any man. I'al-c hoods and e.agge.;ition we leave to oth ers. Hut we in.iv add this. Oil' coim- h.ts never had a Congressman m our esent limits, ami should claim it now istlieappiiitiomneiit ne.i year tint; throw us again into a Kepuliltcan Distiict. In 1870, without solicitation, Cap' s rock way was nommateel tor Longre-s linst Judge Mercur. Tlie disniet had a ieiublitan majority of about L',000. Cven such an excellent candidate as Judge Klwcll against Mercur had about 1200 majority counted against him. lint nit. lirockwav mailt' a iletennineel tiglil mil elespile ollicc-holders, b.i jcry, co' tnii tion, local divisions, seducing election ot- liteis. anil lalse counting a maionty only 121 was all that could bo scored igaiiist him. In 1S71 Urockway was nominated by Lolumiiia Lotintv. ins conicrees win drew because the County was not given proportional representation. On rcpre entalion tliat tlie atisence oi coiuiuni countv Conferees might lead to the elec tion of Kloty, who was offering bribes 111KN, at the reiptest ot Jlr. Imekalew mil Peter l.ut, lirockwav ami ins ton fertes, ineditding Low enberg and Swisher. uid the sitbstilulo tor C ol. I rce.e, return ed to Wilkes lianv, Hon. K. D. Collins was there nominated. Hut ho gave a written pledge, signed bv himself and Conicrees that he would be a candidate for but one term and they conceded tl j next to Capt. Urockway auel' Columbia county. Tho pledge was broken the -succeeding teini 1870 and Collins was leturned. In 1878 Capt. lirockwav again earned tlio county, over both .Megargell and Haiick. Tlie Conferences dtv uhtl. II had. however, the votes of Co'umbii Montour, Lackawanna, and Pike, ami the contesting delegation from Luzerne, fifteen of tho twenty ono Conferees, a majority beyond iptcstion. and K'lolz hr.'l but six volt's having Luzerne as an tin dete'imiiied coldest, or vv eh it, but nine Klutz's money, ninl a false report on lite eve of tlectioH, too late to refute. gave him a reported majority of 'Jii. . Against lr. Megargell wo have not one VMird to say. Ho is simply the stool pigeon ot lvlot-t, and they train together, The bargain is that if Mi'gargill is sue ccs-fill beie, his conferee's ate to go for Klotz. Hence the laltc's fiicnds, bv liis money, liiesenee and solicitation would again lob our county of a member in fnvoiMif a stranger. Louie to yorr tickets, as the paekttyc mill titstultu or uttered. Mr. Kanek is a icsulent of fccraiiton and Mr. Collins has already repieseuted us lour yeais lienn there, ami that bcclion has no claims upon us. KloU has none. Hv sworn evidence it is proved that ho tiled to bribe oil' Confl ict's hist time for SlAOO, Ho tried it at evei-- Conference. Ho furthermore agreed to ask for but ono ter. , and bound himself not tousk for another, so tliat Columbia county might have chance. Iu principle, as is well known, 31 Hiockwnv is a Democrat to tho core, but is opposed to lings, corrupt sedicuatlon ami tlio menu nets ol routine iiolilicuuis, He believes iu thocnmliilatiaiiumi'ilhy the Democracy, in its plat fm in, uul in protection to J'cnntylcaniti'a industrial interests. II. Vuatv, Ii. ILvitmi, Sccivtniy. Presidents. orici: IN is TiisssTireorwiiiiAM s. rvsss, insessn, To viirv I. St Her, snrali A. Jllller, now residing In Wa-lil iKlnn, II t'lMsrj'. IT' ll's. Of VIiltu IIP II. IM.. II II. I. I IMSiHI IMTll'lIC I I'.. lllSrillrtll nl eiiirtes K. IHili'i'i i 'id i X'V t inns, n, inner llill'lli'n nl l '111 I'n M'll, ll'i'iisiil li. v ii niiin diiiiKlif r ct Susan sinlih. . in(l"i . iiilsipiililn, I'a. You me licirb; notllli'tt tliat 'n ' or(lt.Pwilli writ tssnetl out ot thpnrrl iius Court ot e'liluiiiWi county toineillneied. I win hold an Inquest on c rtnlh Unet-s simatuln tWAinc, IM.. il"icrltrt In Siitit writ lo innke iwrtltinn nf Hi" iM pienilacs to, anitsmnn'Jllie rartlis tin n"t' d. If Mich paitltlon can loinsnv without priJ'nJIi p to or po Ing tlie whole, anil ,f stirh partlllon eiihnut ho made then to value nnd nnnratsn the same. Mid Inquest w"lue held at lierwlek, I'a, on BVTUIttlAY, Al'QUCT till, ls), at 1 o'( lock, p. in. siicnn'aonice, July loin, tstra. tf 71 HE INSUltANOE. CIlltlSTlAN P. KSAI'I', llUJOMMllUitO, PA, imiTlSIl AVIKUtCA ARslIilANCt: COMPANY. IIKIIM AN I-'lltBtNSfllANUH t'OMI'AV. NATIONAL F1HE tNslIIIANOE COMI'ANV.. t'MOM l.NSt UAM'K COA1I-AO 1. ilmsp om coaroiiATioss are welt seasoned t y atro and rias TKStrn and have never yet hod a loss set llpiltivntie roiirt or Isw. Their nsselsiirp alt Invest ed tnsoiiiisEccniTIEsahd are, Itat'teto tho hazard of t-iitK only. lAfsRes I'HOMrn.v nr el itosrsTi-vnojiLsipq ana rani as soon as ileteimlned n tinns-ruN K Kssrr, srsc- si AtiRNT Asn Ai'Je'sTr.ii lti.nnMsrcKii, re. i hp opodIo of Columbia cunt., should natrontrn thp nt-pi pv ectipr.. Itakpr Unnv nip Mitlpd nml ti.ild by nntioflliPlrowncttl-detis, jiloMi-i?, ieuei-i caik oivALiiit Nov, is, no. I'Mtl ITION. , 11, KNT, Elicrlll. WM li G. SLOAN & BRO. MAOulaiturers ot Carriages, Bnggics, PhAotoas, Slds, rL-VTFOUM WAOO.NS, A.P. Ftr&U-la&s TQtk ft'.wayacn liUPAUttNtl NKA1LY DON R. l'rlcen reduced to suit llm ilmrs. Tot.'.ifO A YF MI, or f-5 lo tn tliy in jitiir-siwii Ucnllty. Nml; k u well tn mm. Maiiy m tkc in -it' h.iii t'io rtrnduutauit ,u :ii)nw mo it'.c i an full 'o innl-p iiH'ii,' fist. u do lli- urk. Ytni c.o TfiaKc n ntu crm tn H nn wttir by at'utln".onri,('.itti-"- ipu pArt tnno i mo imisi noht, Ir co s ikiIUI i; in t r tlt tmvincf. Noiliing lllvc It !nr tiiont-j ln.ain ocr off. t'l b f.irc. Itusl iieis il'iis.iiit unrt Mill tlv ln.nornbl . Itt-o'lor, It ou Will) l 10 KTlinv I'll III Mil I'H' Ul'Pfc iiiHK i'U!H''M w- turo the jmtilk, mend u jour udflnH ninl wis wilt newt un full nuttciiliM and rthan tctms frcn; pimnlfs wortli fi nIo fii-" ; loni'iti tim - nl.e im vour inintt f-T vnnrv-K ArtilrthS (UlolfiH M INMN t "0., roiiliiid, Multe. o:t 3, VJ ly Krldllt. rowi1r. Ai iV-ant m a glwa of uionode. r. n n:n cvh. All lrug Htorcn. A X A T I N E. Jijsilln Ij'mMiKPi for lloculfttlncr tho i;t'vtl. I'rr-Acuts uud t'tirr- Cunstlpattou. (t'tita pr box. All lirujj Btorcs, I'iiim Ta.pzh Thomson, Tostor of tbo -iH-Urf tlio Diseiplcaof Cbrit-t, Detroit, .I.h. 'My pon dtuifjerously ill and U.r. ly vi'tridcl irom Chillt nnd Fever V.r.ou:! I other tn-jeikincahml been tried . .t c.'.cot, Mr. Crnij4 vaho hnl ysed '.moaiiT.'Ti'.catlviseilntrinlof it, I- . i..u , r-nult.n-j in liia coinplcta . v '. .in ii liw iiay3.' J3f adoiii ere S r w iiU Pifuandrollttblocyrefor S 'JK-tlupv Ciiiunlalnts. anl i'izn a uf tlio CTrlnai'7 r l ur inic. Thor will euro any i.aL' ,. Kiuwa divR. Tho vord Jocutn H pmm'M 1;. li -rtp -bn,witbfuUdiri'ctiin9, l-, nl .HvB!tmtl ri' lctu'a. apatite (larjii r: 4l "0. A! i llinitfStX'f'i. Mnlloil roccipt c t brUrNI) 1-i KIV IC& CO.,33W00btci 0 J3- BOBBINS, (riTXCOECBOK. TO . W. 110DBIWS,) IM 1'liic llrrtiutlc.v VhMili'N, JIiih, Ktiinx, uul all UliuN oI IVIiicn cun- F(Hlltl) llll lltlllll. niI'0HTi:i) ALKS AM) POUTHHS IX H0TTI.H8 1JY THE D07.I5N. Liiiullorils tluous'.oiit the county will lind it to their udviuittigo to call ami examine my steel; before iiurcliasing elsewhere. BLOOMSBURG, PA., Main Street, 2nd Door bolow Iron. jnlytijuo-ty GET THE BEST, ESirE-Z" ORG JOISTS. ---.j-.i.&jp relieved, ty tlio '. '-, j i.i,oofrtlncciticcuMiitico r.rra. Luiuulu. jiri-.-vti, ori2'UlO'l ou tecupvoi KV. n. CjMl.'iaaSoia by oil I., i.-u:i)Aa iii'K 'c co., :.ifg. i CUcj-sla, Za Wiou;tcr Street, Now York. In the manufacture of Organs is rcsttlting in the )rotluction and sale of cheap goods, made from inferior niateiial?. I refer particularly to bogus Organs that arc continually springing into existence, without any merit whatever, except to be offered cheap, and then when purchas ed found lo be dear tit any pric. Will you nol then, rattler, consider it your only safoguanl to pelect an instrument bearing the names of first cl:tsa, wholly ieponsible makeiv. A good assortment of styles of the celebrated Kstcy Organs can now he seen sit the new rooms of the Only Authorissd j&gcns foi the "Bu'ctiy OrgatiK in Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manufacture:.-! accompanies every JCstey Organ. 3. SLTg'SE, i3. ft-emf. June M.V-tf HOW TO GET almost Everything. Do you know how to get in the easiest way and to best advantage vhat you want for dress and house-furnishing? First, how: Write for a catalogue ; see what you can learn from it about the things you want. If samples can be useful to you, ask for them and state your wants so plainly that exactly the right samples can bo sent. Second, where: Thc place where goods are kept in the greatest variety ; where they are sold for what they really are in respect to quality; where prices are lowest; where most care is taken to serve customers accept ably; and where you have the right to return whatever is not satisfactory. There no matter where you are if you make your wants known and avail your self of your privileges, you will get the best things in the best way, promptly and without trouble or risk; sometimes by mail, some times by express, almost always at less cost for car riage than the money you save in the price. John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, Pa. Chcttnut, Tlilrteculli, Market ttuJ Juniper. (tMJ miikw mrrs. IT C. C. GaLIGNAN, Plumber, CiS-aa Pittov, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, ' AND DEALKIt IN STOVES, KTSTOSHRS BADGES, Shop iu Opera House, Gth door ir is.. aprll23, "SO ly C. IE. SAVAGE, DiALKU IN Silverware. Watchcs.Jcvrolry.Clccks.:, vuros without ST'Ieino Simply T)J Aoi'On-on. Tho Onlr Xrao P" n iln. in cAi'llonitlirtpuMio nMnRtconn t.-. ii 1 an! ii'i!. M n "I't-tla," or allklntla. In fivt upon th s Ulni ticr tLealwve l'konesi r.rul .u."i i ilvtvto roLiiue ttaup ot Ilolnun A' Co , Vo) ft. 'i ib u ti itu remedy vltliout inMlelne, Its " ' ihiT. 'hollvordthTounhoutth"Worl'L ' fund oi" 'Jularln, IVvi'rH, m, ;Jloupiie-, Tilvcr totr.iiltilnt, 'V lirr.n!o UlifPlMtJl XIfrriMo, It !3 i ii y.t i-uary to gettliuOllNUUttlXIyHiwnM. i.i. ir lit vir fatla. Ilulman'fl l'i a a-cnutne) U boU byllrnsfrWa. I hi iloulit nbj'it tho Ktnulnemn- of rads i (1, cnuh'Ha $3 In rcjrUtorcJ lettfr to us nt.1 rt't'chf tlio r ui .ly ly rutum, ioet ; .11 "rwrliu inlorlreatreitlsij. If hovcrcly . . t with rUronlc ullmcntfl, dfscrlbo sycn-t.-i.n inlly, lr. lioluiftu'aadvlro UwuTU. Auiixpd, ISOI-FIAN 1AS3 CO., i'U WilUain aircct, New TorlS nAIRPYEis tho safest nmlbehtiactri iridinn j9 iStiioinoitnatunvlHltad-a - Xi Jcfblackorovn:doe3 - niblr.lMU; Oir.ppHfa. Abtanaara lTvparatlon ; favcrito JfeiV5u;)-n eory v-II rj s. . Ss nil liruprcnts i ( np V t.r ari-saejfe. J. Gilt I 1 l Y -Tt, VILLSOK'S itnN'i:ln votir own luwn. 13 oultlt true. NorWc. Ittwh'Mt jiMiwaut abnsln'hs at whicli txtwii!) i( llher wx twn iiuilie irroat ii.iv !' the ttmu tlu'y worlc. rlto furrrltculaisto II. im.LK.i'&Uo., Hortldua.Miilne, Il ciri'-i t'-nuinjttnu .icr'iii-f' As" i -( iui hit it, Kiut (.utiiin. C'uahPt CsKU, II n t r.ip:v4 .ii:U imitj i-adcvtHnittliftit t.i i ''ti ' J - hi 'tl Tin l;i-5t'irt CarVvljitt'J OU U r t i' I'euu.iL luiii MiiKi.runlouAifict'., i )' in. i... A.U, Ii lrfu(',y rt?coimmiin!c(l. It j ;-.!iiy l-v-fi .t v waJjm.nn Coummiition- iv ' 1 jw i '' ti r-''t'ul tiiutiy oi ,iai: : .Ml 1FL f Y V UlLB IT lH ItU- Ut iTf. ' it t. fl.r'..-? ff tliflrfl-M-Jf..'. . . i ly'iu i 'i'1-tliHi.ui hottka. Wlllion Is 4 il fl.iubln ''L." Ileiuembcr tlie r.- il .I'-i'iijLr.I.-'rlnHfrouyourCruiCiOl ,u cur. 4 1 j?CL:vii:iLCO.,.v. Tho Farnuhar Separator. ?: Jul 2, ' , 7 GO e'li . I.'i . An Ml kinds ot Whi.-Iu 'I(i.ui and .luwolry ucnt ly rennlreei anil vvarraui ii. inaj' ii. .s-ii PATENTS FOR INVENTION 0. J. CLKMKNT SMITH. TU O St ret. Vo.li1rgton D.C., Attorney at law and Solicitor or Talents SurvUor of oilmoro, smith k to., and Chli-innn Hosmcr & Co. Send potagy stamps for Circular glv- UUO low 1 1 u u oh .i re ! t-i -tt mot1- v . We hC 'tl I' r.i il Ui fV- id a ii i.i t u.. ul'.'llr . 'i- i ir ih I ir-i .r, t 1i"him t.f.i-v t.ul in tilun In tl.u -UlVi 'i-tUl HV.'Iit. i'K t u.iiK.-(.I .T. tri,( to hut'i-criOi v The , i ii v iiji iins tirvt"-tiy f.uh ciltifs. .i t ! n ik r's ''.ti ! " hUlis'Tllra In a iliiy. i it i,t if i 'm.iUpc Ktv J'Joo rlenr piollt m ifiitiM'. .U v" lU'i' ih iKo money fast. You t .m ri" - .tfull nr 'in t iii.e man (s,crcpiy 3 our t .-ii ni u 11m 1. bV.u.vfjuM holm' ovir L .it.-it' t .111 eft II it . !i a OH.L'lV. lull OllK Ct' r -1 VLi.' I' .1 r l'i'. I- , v... I r.lfl LML OUtfit tr v II wx w .it pi il'ni'l voiUsend usjciirort rtn 1 ut t iv . 11 i-piis ii'j'ali.-. (otry tho bulne'-s. ni' wu I'ppi -1 s I.i' .1. ih.Ui'd crcat puy. Ad- tn hs r(-(jit..K hn.shON -x co.. 1'unluLd, -Maluc. j ny ic. wmt WHEftT! on your drill hoots .TONE4 1 I l.hl. WUlliK Tht run leu I, cov er U'lumimlj. aim lnt .nl "f rrowdln-jr the f-ood Into one tii'h luw. i.'i.r 11. , 4 unn flincues. 'ino itiant -v u.i - itndin wuhi m rt, lunc more rocm to so 1, dtirii- ii -mi- in int-hiiitnt trom the poll, be e!ll' ui'ie li;i''i. .11 i n 1 1 ok iikiTCUPKVKiorED AVt-'HAf.K IlKAl'rt. I il!u-(taucl ciu'iir with K-stl-m. nuib, net.. AOdit.I. A. JONLs. WllmlnElou, 1K1. a July ic, ttti w AtJENTS W'ANTKD t: GEN. JAS. A. ""11 UlO LIFE OK GAKFIELD W'kKK in our own town, end no cap- iiai U'-beu, 1 011 tan uih lubuic-sih v (rial without eipenrtL'. The best onpoitu- nlty ever olTeied fur tho e MlUnir to work. ou Mioul.l trv liollnne elfro uriill ou sec rrr oiirKolf A-vliat ou can do t the business wo offer. 'o room to explain licie. llmo tntl.hlen.tnnQO 'ci-nH ..l-., e.v.t f,, ..mrv . WllfK Itf CI Illt-IL-It. HUtllflltlt . tUW rrlOtU. 1 I LLY II- nourinaijou -orK. wen '-n ni .' n'U-n as men. 1 "''. wiu u; im . vm.... vu, iv . .'ud for swell) oilv.'it-(-' . olll.'ial. K-nd nc, at pme tor outni. T.y his eemmde In htms ax.dpcrK0Ral friend, Ufx, J. s. i:i.ii'iN, im ouil.or ot wide celtbnty. Hila womallfieo. jstiuttlttreo. Don't eomplnt'i of I'aM times while you han &uch n chance. Address II. I1ALLKTT & CO , rortland Maine. octa. T3-ly u yit'thfl tfi tuniB. Act (itilck ami you can coin monev. 11 UUllA 1; 1 KliOS , 1'ubs. TWflitstr.ut s.rt et, i'hlU. d Juiy ic, HMw FAT AND LE If vu flic too (rt or too loan nnd warit to know howtocliaigoyour coiiilltlou, f-enil lor a copy e,t the woik. 1'ut and Lean. L contali.a e-onirletti Ily- Kii'nic, in.--teiic ana Tlicravutlc nisiriiciloni tnut will cuuble any one1 to relnco their ni'i-li irrurpuii'iit orlnrnaso It It nnaclated. II Is Million In 11 elear jet cornel olii'iir-lio i-tjlo mul eitretiloni can to easily uinl.'i tteioel. 1 1 HionM bo read hy I'vcry rat or le.en ivrw ii. ellt tor ten threo cent biampi. VAN liKI.r 1-O..SU Ann bt. New York, April l.uin, BEST: huslccbs now oie the nubHi?' Youcnnmako mo'iey fat rot wcilitor us than pt nnUMmr olst. CuPltnl n I rt mm. i. Wh " suit ou. fli a day nnd upwure-t n uoo at home by ti itaustrloiiA. Jlen, wcn-t'i t.mR and irlrls wulitrd ecn whore in wo.k fr. ti-. Now la iln lime. Vtu etin demote iotir whoime'o thnu k oronly f-urr,iMp un nientH Nu oiw- biitlne i wilil"yo"a'lyaswell. No one i I'Mur Xv work can inti to make enorc.una pay hy iLKxylneot onre. co-tly ouillt and tcim tit v. A cri'at vv jptu- nlty tir niaVln' money easy auahonorat-'y Adrtrt -a ATOTICH OK 1 ClI.VHTEIt - APPLICATION l'lll! N'ollen la heleby irlvcll an Bli-uiioi - '111 bo niaclo en hateinuy. mo win n,iy ot u., A. J , ts-sii, bi-fejj-o tbo llonorablu VMtllain Kluell. rnl.lnt JuiIbb of tde uourt ut t'ominou fleusot Columbia couut lor a cliarler for a "I'lrn Company lor llio control o( tiro iu tlio'lou net iiiouirsu ir,- July 10, "bO-lw I..H. WlKTKKbllUI.") Ciui. vVooiiuorsK, I VV. 11 AI.1V.K. Fhams li Dkmifk, i KUWI'.IU 11. LI, A1IS, . Coinralttce, HOP BITTERS. (A .llcillrluc, not u Urluk,) eMNTMNS HOrS, Ill CIItt, SIASItlMKE, HAM)i:i.lllN, Asn Tll rcBEUT AiU HT MtnKulQUiU- ilia or au. oruxKtiiTTtu. T1I13Y O Ult 13 All 'OU.e.ol 111' Plomierh, Howell, Plfiofl, Llvr, Kldnci,ii"'4 Lrumrireirifuiii. Sir VUU.ue.., hlri I "' .uli't takLlull I VUI.IU l.UUipii.lU'.., SIOOO IN COLD. "Will be rld tbT ft nse they win not nre &r limp, or iur j """ t-tuvui (oUud 14 tl U. Ailtyour drupptHt for 11 i Ultten unl try tUciu Ufora )u k 'p. '1'uUu uu -uiUii DIC UanthidlmcanJI-r "lMIf rure for lruokouuenB, uao vt m tuui, tubiccotnitl EkKb tOH ClBfTLAH. All kkn iMl'T" -l tU. BUCHAN'S GARBOUC BALfcl .ift.iis.itrM. tialolt ncd St.irtUc Curo. It Iloala Without u Soup. Alluyo Pulu & Stopa niooellnc. Scotlioa n Quru ur cnll. HoivluiCiitLll.iiMnRto. ' BraJiolr,oaout of aWcillli'y BUCHilS, CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT CONTA.IIIS IIO GREASE AIID V-.'Aa1IE3 OTV WITHOUT SOAP, tc.'s Jtishnt'if ciJ liia Hank. Tf. Bolt lllii iini, Sil-o Throut, tli-'rw, Iluif s, tenlili, Cu, Wemiitl". 1 il"., lio yea, 1'ol.niioei. HtliiK. mi'l lili". Iluiliei. Irl, CllUi'' llnnil., i'.irnluo I ii. bo. ana any ku4 every fcthLr I'Urptwo fit t. . ulvn lllntmnt (.1 Lo Uiod. Una n't Oailiolio Ilnlm Otntmnntutba iwu'.nm lliatian lnjroli&l upta. i, . illat Ijlly-ooiotolnril-'K miH la rltJJ 4 vi.U ll" iliovo "trtlo-mrk." -erlllioufc i mi Ii uuuuIm. 8 " to It ttwi your fjruu. . . v i ii''(.iiAM'ri.L. .Iioto dci-nbt i, elr. ",t iru ttt np.'li'.i04 X-t tlej ..laau'.ia. . "tts? piAr;iir.cTi'nis(j co. in tbe f. S rulfo trom tiliv e use, aliei lor tielri ol ueceuieo b.ii.-ii is. lue.i'iri .1 ell .-b 1 1. ml n 10 ll'lisbi" I'elll-lei's. nu- .tib J 'jli,. r... .h In luir more llberjl now, llHiusoin'h au- te,tima totii"l'r rate's, e o iiui hi.ui ui- ei'-riii' I pes I in nri'd. 1 .( wiio an in uoutii hk i iu i ii r eiiiii ei i.i ,i"' ilie.,.- sboutitM-Mltieo tteeut fcti'iiijib Ccr e i"- eUeiilur ii Auari'ss. eeiiu atamn. htouil.m ,t en . k- Heiiopunr 'latins hint raleiitA. llooni s Ki.e'um,! iii'iifiii'. VVa-Illl'ltt ni, II. V. . juiyu. -su-jui wiio biemuAKT CO. iven Indollible Ink. ' f Ic,tmthcvorM;UAckathciyn:j,Y . till ready, po jirtparat'oa nc.1od 6; July W, cm. Cf will rwti Iniurt any fabric. h. L..I I kii.tlllm ..nlllLl! cow If 3SSSIOH pre, urea tor Ml noMli rs dlsablol WHITE, Troprletor 01 tho OKAM1EV1LLC AUltlCULTUllAL WOUKS, has sold ft half Intere&t in tho same tn.T, V. Conner. '1 lie eompjny have u pallid tho wciks, and areprc- tno cf Arleulturul hnn'rireritH. 'Iht:v hae lust cmnplelcd a new leu luind hlte plow.whlcUU po- hime, wiu uem im iikih nana awo uniuepiuws or J iiutfiH lor llm Mine. A bewTliuMierard Clean er with centre fcl ake ot ilddle thoe, called the Wliitu Tliro!icr and Cleaner. with bcth lever and railway powers hi a creatlv linproNOtlnlan. Ae mantif.tctuie LAND llOLLKUS with rnsr iron heads, Corn t'lows, double acdblnjlo CuitUaforH Md hill 1'iows, Mill Custlnirs. Turning of evi ry deMMipiion dono wltu piomptueBg. Uu keO'. contatiil) n hand .t Hre assort incut ot VJow Miartt fur our own and many other plows that aro umkI in the country. t- willbt-t bo underbold In wcrk or material i-f the mine quality. 11 cur work IsHrrauted tovrie mi Ut fact ion, or the money re funded, SKlUvFV ctiMiKUllON. rarmus,ana thepuMlo In t-m.'ial on nqueskdto call and ex amino bcloro purt hat ug eitewhero. WHITE & CONNER, .iH.15, 60-ly OltANlltVILLE.I'A. Rovell & Co's. Ad-vc'e. PUBLIC SALE Ol" TAI.V.M'.I.E REAL ESTATE ! ny vlrtuo cf authoilty toutaineain llio labt mil and IPbtoment ol Henry Kloobbur, Inte it in nlon township, Commit! eounly. eleojaw,,), tlio uueler Blsneil w til e-ipoio lo public salo on llio i remue s In licnlos on SATUIIDAY, AUOUST 7ili 18S0 at Un o'clock in tho tore noon, all ce rtulu lot or pleco ot lanct.Htuatc, Ijlni; ana be tut; In liculon vil lage. In tho towfshlpot Uentop, and county if Co luuibla atore-fald. buns lot nuniter tlk (No. C) onthe plan cftlat part ot tlio vllloco wlitelivo, labt e.ut by I'arilu Jlastr9 Louneleit anil eiserlleil nfc. low,to-wit i lie'Binntoif at a jm-t by tbo Kirkiug cree l; ioa.1, by lamt of Alear.cltr Cul'ey, (lut No. 6) north mty two ur iju hult il Bre e h ililr- ttt'ii percht t Rod ine-tllrd to a pom, iu.i.'- be an aiie nielli teti ).e,eii and a hiilt dryreeB ejH thre'c p. ieli' lout, Hnneo by Hm'i'l llholie. Im (lot No. 7)w)i,tUi,IUy.tBnrii ulli.lnl . "ree-i. e.'.i Ihl'tirn iereli.8Pi.dti.r U.l'ci t a rru oy ll'e roue up Jikliin;ein Ic. ileim li, raid (eud Miuili J7 i no a luelf at u re i e. .ih ti.iiy. isubi-. to llierla'e "f Uirliin'ii;, Hm forty Miuutu pe rilt.OM; HlL'Itlll (:V ANChOKLAilll. vhe'i-es-juUcitedadejiiiBgtiotii) tnel ouubillet- '1 e i ins utiCe V-ncve n on iUj- ot hale. (IXll (IB A. WiTV. '"'"''t-Wli'tcrderontine'ii, m C Aroioldbrallll inlw,iPBiini!II irn-fM l ntt tp . Thero UaoouooMDloj atini.. or iiiul.- tmt h it wtllfritU Iu tDl-illna of ifoois, if y-tt untie. l-ocUllymlaptfa lol'i. tr wants. CiiVF IU' il'K'O CO VjtftCTl.ov.N. V. tuloWiMii'tucliirciti. July 15, su-iw r MOSaUITO CATCHER, I'lT. .ll'KE W. 1S.-0. Wilt ft"' currooii' li ,i ti u i,.ii,u'i'R vinioiit'incilce, K'Ucr Urease. 1 1 "' -' cnlK. sL.,d i,.,. Inl (or lllustrst el Liruiuar, .-.u'i'Iii-' aiili"'. eioouee. I itifi i.ine st na'tmion , -dd. July ic, vuiw iu. L.'l'.JUKKJ $777 A YKAIt anu exien.eA xo rctrta. (inttlt Kw. Aele!rt"Jl.o. vicKbkv, Auta, Maine, r Julyn CAMPAIGN A UVUltriKHS, B-ml lor emrfl.ct lift of 'V oeol new hpaiMi n. Heo. V. Itowe'i & Co., 1 .-jpier 3 st. N. Y. r Ju'y it, t-iw , JIADORS. 1'I.ACS, lk'H"imiH unni.ii,-ii l;Jkea tt (bo liciiUUId'a and Ih in .erall' candluatea lAKHeil) UAKCOCK nuel (lit aud AHTHflt irNULISlt e 1 1 if i f, ."I ihitr.-roilis (t ik Caiell. tUtiK i ' i f d Iu iiitft'ute e i.i Kiiinie-s, lth pin . iiiiioliiiir ic ui,! er vim. Attlie ttil.lscni mule t." n day H-lilm ' I . n , mil ll j end coi Llrv ,i...i".e'iiii uitke a lieu om eqo t it nr. nieo iu e-i-i l eui li; 11 fe.r lSeeiii... hi tor to ei i lb er Un fer tOMi. " iii'ii'iiu) h ni'u i rium luie- I rtvun Mrimlti.ui ttMiH pun liner, lie refc tle n by W. lor 5 (elite.. Kleiga ult klctB lend k nun (ail i.iUmh, Ni,w In if herein tlmei fsr v.bUanaU4rJtin. be-id for tcu,lib and 1.1IICU- f XAMFACIfltlKe.CO.. July t, 1vSui ttcsiatumd MiUilUftluir.fa V4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers