THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOC RAT, BLOOMSBU COLUMBIA COL NT, PA. wsa iMitiitfHitB, 0. S. SIiWBLL, Editor. J. K. EITrZUC21IDU, rnUltlvor. ULOOMrtHITUO, PA; Friday, August 0. 1880. Democratic National Ticket FOll PliUstljUNT, 3ri. W. S. HANCOCK, OF l'KNNSYLV.VKIA. rou vit'E-i'i:i:sim:NT, Wxn,H. ENGLISH, OI1' INDIANA. simtc tic iter. 'nu'r.iiMR Ji'i'oi:, GKOIl'JK A. JKNK3, Jellersun cmitit.v. Ai'DiTor. av.NniiAL, r.onr.nT r. "divnieut, putu-icipiita. JIKMUEI. 01' STAXIIINU CO.MMUTKK. Do not forget to put the name of r-m ood nt tue 1 .Horn oT your llok et, for member of Uinlin committed. IIKLIXIATK TitKKrs. The tickets fur tho Delegate election to- morrow nave been printed at this office am! ecnt to each election distric". They have been given only to responsible person, wlili t ie rtquct that they be lefc at the election home, anil nut opened until Satiireiay morn Ing. lKSTlU'CTKWL For Consresv and State Senator strike on all the names but tho one for whom yon wi to Instruct. For reprejoutalivc, Btritc out all but two. At there is but one candidal for district attorney, of course you will that stand. Write in the names of delegatr at tho top of the tickets, and the nam? i oneneraon fur standing committee at too bottom. Each voter is entitled to as m n. votes as ihero are delegates to be clec'.i' and may cast them all fur one deleprito, o maydivido them aniotig the dclcga'.es as tLey see fit. In caso of a tie between delegates i shall be decided by drawing lots. In another column wo publish aa artiil giving rcasona why Capt. lirockway siumlJ be nominated fur Congrcs'. this article inserted simply as a paid advertisement, and with tho distinct understanding that wo d not in any way endorse it editorially. It the policy of this paper not to tako up t!i cudgel in lavor of any particular candidal prior to the nomination, but wo cannot ro- iuse to permit any democrat to advocate h own claims through this paper so Ion as ho does not request us to adopt his woid as ours. So far as our personal preferences go we di sire, first, to have abona fide Columbia comi' ty man nominated. If this cannot be done we thint it only right to carry out the es tablishcd rule and return Mr. Klotz to Con gress. DELEGATE ELECTION SATURDAY AUGUST 7. LET EVE11Y DEMOCRAT ATTEND. Tho bloody shirt still waves in the South but tho shoe Is now on the other foot. Hard , ly a day passes that tho papers do not con tain accounts of outrages committed by Southern negroes upon white people. A res pectable physician while riding along the road was shot down by a colored man v. ho apparently had no motive for the deed. Another negro was lynched in Maryland for outraging a white lady. And yet the re publican orgaus would have us believe that the only reason why tho South is Democratic is because tho poor negroes are bulldozed. Occurrences In the South aro magnified nd exaggerated, while the very same things happen every day in the north without no tice. What a beautiful Ku Klux story the Vanliew murder would taye made if it had happened below the Mason & Dixon line, liut who In this county oTei suspected that this crime had any political significance ? Men on trial and acquitted in the south before republi can judges, and the Northern press howls about rebel juries which override the laws and set criminals free upon society. Men aro tried and convicltd of inciting to riot, of bribery in Pennsylvania, and before the jury cm render a verdict or the prison doors cau close upon them a republican Governor pre pares a previous paidon, on a republican board of pardons sets them free. That h the difference between the repulican North and the Democratic South. Republicans may commit the crime of theft, mis con duct in office, perjury, or any other high crime, they may disregard the constitution and tho laws, and the'more they do it the better partisans they are. Parly offices and honors are lavished upon them, and they aro held up as noble exam, pies of republican statesman, Rebel briga diers who signify their willingness to be con' rertei to republicanism fora consideration aro received with open arms, and.rewarded with olllces, as weio Longstrcet.Mosby and other rebel leaders, Hut lot a Wpele Hampton be 0 sent to tho Senate Chamber, and the cry of "treason" "treason" comes from tho.throats of a thousand organ grinders. The republican platform so far as the south is concerned is just this : "Voto our ticket, help keep us in office and everything you ask for shall be granted you. Iiut bo long as you stick to the;democracy, just so long you ar rebols, just bo long shall you bo down trodden, your rights denied you,your ballot boxes guarded by our bayonets. You shall and must be a part of this union, but you shall not have one word to say about now the union snail be governed. Repent and we will give you all the spoils of offico there are left after we get what we want. Stick to your pros eut allegiance, and wo will keep our heels on your necks until the majority is so great against us that we dare no longer oppress you." That day is fast approaching. Hon. William D. Kelly claims to be a tariff man, and refused to vote for Mr. Gar field for Speaker of the Uouso, because he was a Free) Trader, Actions speaks louder than words, and Mr. Klly can't make any sane man beliove his talr. Is he honest In what he says, or was be honest in what he did? Come William, for once face tho music. DELEGATE ELECTION SATURDAY AUGUST. LET EVERY DEMOCRAT ATTEND, HANCOCK'S LETTER. a niiir.r mir iminitii acci.itanck Mi: UNIO UN I Til II COXSTiTUTIOK rn.un mint not sui.vritvr I' uimiTs -ruii lUYONi'.rNor a nr ivHrntnrr.Nr roll voriu mi: iilix-uniim or rnurrciT it.ait.. (lovniixoit's Isi.anh, Ni:vv Youii Citv, duly SO, 18M) Gknti.I'.MC.v: I have the honor to ac knowledge the receipt of your letter of July 1H, 1830, apprising me formally of my iinm Inatlon to the office of Prcddeal id tho Unl led State! by tho National Democratic con dition lately assembled In Cincliitntll, I ceppt tho nomination with grateful appre ciation of the confidence reposed In me. Tho principles enunciated by tho convene tlon are tho'o I have cherishid In the pat and shall endeavor to maintain in tho future, Ilio thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments to tho Constitution of the United states, embodying the results of tho war for the Union, are inviolable. If called to the Presidency I should detni It my duly to resist with all my power any attempt to Impair or evade tho full forco and effect of the Constitution, which, in every artiele, section and amendment, is the supremo law of the land, tiir uniox u.vnr.r. Tin: consii-i utio.n The Constitution forms a baIs oi tue Government of thn United Slates. The power granted by it to the legislative, exo cutlve and judicial departments define and limit tho authority of the general govern mfnt. Powers not delegated to tho United dtates by tho Constitution, nor prohibited by It to the state, belong to the Stales res pectively or to the people. The general and State government, each acting in it own sphero without trenching upon the law ful jurisdiction of the other, constitute tho Union, This Union, comprising a gcuer al government with general power and State governments with Slate powers for purpue locil to the Stales, is a polity tho fonnda tlons of which were laid In the profoundest wisdom. This is tho Union our fathers made, and which has bceu so rctpectt abroad and so beneficent at home. Tried by blood and fno it stands to-day a model form of free popular government, a political sys torn which, rightly administered, has been and will coutiiiuo to be the admiration of the world. May we not say, nearly in the words of, tho unity of govern ment which constitute! us oue people justly dear tons? Itis the main pillar in tho edifico of our real indepeudency, the support ot our peace, safety and prosperity and of that liberty we so hiahly nruo and intend at very hazird to preserve. it.aui) must not sunrcnr iWulau BIGHTS. But no form of Government, howeve carefully devised, no principals, howeve sound, will protect the right of the people unlovs tho administration is faithful and f- ficeut. It is a vital principle in our system that neither fraud nor force must be allowed to subvert the rights of the people. When fraud, violeuco or incompotence control?, tho noblest constitutions and wisest lawi are useless. The bayonet is not a fit instru ment.for collecting the votes of freemeu. It is only by a full vote, free ballot and lai count that the people cau rule in fact as re quired by tho theory of tho government, Take tho foundation away and tho whol stiucture falls. runuc omen a trust, Public office a trust.not a bounty bestowed upon the holder. No competent in no dishou est persons should ever be entrusted with it or, if appointed, they should bo promptly rejected. The basis of substantial, practic; civil service reform must first be establishe. by the people in filling the electivo offices If they fix a high standard of qualifications for office and sternly reject the corrupt an incompetent, the result will bo decisive i governing the actiou of the servants whom they entrust with appointing power. LET US 1IAVB 1-CA.CE. Tho war for tho Union was successfully cloi ed more than fifteen years ago. All clas of our people must share alike iu tho blessings of the Union and are equally con cerned in its perpetuity and iu tho proper administration of public aff.iirs. Wo ara in a stato of protound peace. H- iceforth it be our purpose to cultivate sentiments o friendship and not of animosity among our fellow-citizens. Our material interests, va- ried and progressive, demand our united and constant ellorts. A sedulous and scrupu lous care of publio credit, together with wise and economical management of our governmental expenditures, should be main tallied, in order that labor may bo llgli' burdened aud that all persons may bo pro. tected in their rights to the fruits of the own industry. THE WAY TO PROSPERITY. The time has come to enjoy the substau tial benefits of reconciliation. As one peo plo we have common interests. Let us en courago the harmony and generous rivalry among our own industries which will revi our languishing merchant marine, extend our cominercco with foreign nations, assi our merchants, mauufacturersand producers tJ develop our vast natural resources and i crease the prosperity and happiness of on people. If elected I shall, with tho Divine lav labor with what ability I possess to dii-ehare my duties with fidelity according to my con victlons, and shall take caro to defend aud protect tho Union and to see that the laws be faithfully and equally executed in all parts of the country aliko. I will assum the responsibility fully semible of tho fact that In administer rightly the functions government is to discharge tho most sacred duty that cau devolve upou an American citizen, I am, very rospectiully, yours, Wi.ntiemS, Hancock, To tho Houorable John W. Stevenson, President of the Convention j Honorable John P. Stockton, Chairman, and others of the Committee of the National Democratic Convention. KXdMSH'S ACCEl'TAXCK. WHY THE REPUULICAN PARTY SHOULD fJlVE WAY TO THE DEMOCRAT Indianapolis, July 80. Hon. William H. English transmitted tho following letter of Rcceptanco of his nomination as candi date for Vice President to the committee of notification to-day i Indianapolis, Ind., July 30, 18S0. To Hon. John W. Stevenson, Proident of the Convention ; Hon. John P. Stockton, Chairman, and other members of the Com mittee of Notification : Gentlemen i I have now the honor to reply to your letter of 13th instant, inform ing me that I was unanimously nominated for the office of Vice President of the Uni ted States, by the late Democratic National Convention which assembled at Oindnnatl. As foreshadowed In the verbal remarks mado be mo at the tlmo of tho delivery of your letlcf, l havo now to say jjthat I ac cept Hi' high trust Willi n realizing etie nl s responsibility, awl am profoundly great- ful for the honor conferred. I accept the omliiation upon tho pisiform nf principles lopttd by lliu Convention, which I cordl- lly npprove, and 1 accept It ipillo as much realise nf my f.uth In ihe wisdom and pat- illsm of the fjrrfil stnt t-in : n mid soldier oiiilii:itid on Ilio MiincllckM for l'residuit f tho Uiilud Alalia. Ills emioent services i Ids country ; his fidelity to the Oonstttu- in, the Union mid the laws his clear per ception of the correct principles of govern netit ns taught by Jefferson ; his scrupulous ire to Veep the military in striet riibt rdl- nation to the civil authorities ; his high rtgaid for mil libeily, ir.-onal lipids and tho light of trcpcily: his acknowledged bility iu civil as weU as military affairs and his pure and blame less lifi-, all point to him as a nun worthy ol t' o confidence of the people. Iot only a brave soldier, u great commander, n wise tlatip.iuau and a ruo patt lot, but :i prudent, pain "taking, Mcticnl man of iiiiqurntioiKil honesty, trusted often with important public 1111110", faithful to every trust In the full meridian of ripe and igorous uianhot.d, ho Is, lu my udgnient, cuilnintly filled for tho hlghcft nllicii on tutili thn I'rtiddfiit of tho United State?. A CItAKOr. DEMANDED. Not only is lie thn rljiht man for the place but the lime oas coma when the host inter csts of the country icqulre that tho party which has monopolized tho executive d partment ot Government for the ast twenty years should bo retired. The continuance of that parly lu power four jcars longer would not be beneficial to the public nor in i.ccoiilaijco with tho xpuitof republican instulions. Laws of cot dl have not bieu favored in our system of givirn ii en'. The perpetuation of property or place in one lamilv or tt of nun l.ns never been encouraged in this country, at d the gteat and good men who firmed our rupub llcan government and in traditions wisely mited the tenure of ollice and iu many ways showed their dlsrreval of long lea.ej of power. Twenty years of continuous power s long enough, aud lias already led to irrtg, ularilies and corruptions, which are not like to be properly exposed under tho tamo pirty perpetrated them. Fit UD MLVT not in: CONDONED. ISe-idcs it s lould not b" forgotten that the fnitrlifct jearsof p ner held by that pally wcro procured by discreditable means am; held in dffiiuec of the wishes of a mr. jority ot the pe I". Jt was a greuous wroiu to every vou-r an i to our sjstem i self-government w hicu should never be ftr irotten nor forgivo i. .Many of thn mjii now in ollice were put tht re because of corrii partis in services in thus defeatiug the fairly and legally-expressed will of the majonty: and the hypocrisy of the profession of thn party in favor of civil service reform was hhown by placing such men in ollice and turning the whole brood of Inderal ollice holders loose to influence the elections. The money of Ihe people taken out of th public Tuajiiry by tbci-o men for services often poorly performed or not performed at all is being used in vast sums, with the knowledge au 1 pre.-umed sanction of the administration, to control tho elections, and even tho members of the cabinet are stroll log about the country making partisan speeches instead of bcirg in their depart ineuts at Wasnington discharging the pub Ho duties for which they are paid by tho people. Hut all their cleverness and ability a di-criininating public will no doubt read between the lines of their speeches that their paramount hope and aim is to kee; themselves or their satellites four years longer in cilice. Thut ptrpetuatiug the power of chrdnio Kt-deral dike holders four years longer will not benefit the millious of me and women who hold no ollice but earn thci daily bread by honest industry, i what tli same discerning public will no boubt fully understand, as they will, also, that itjis be' cau-e of their own industry aud economy aud God's bountiful harvests that tho coun try iscnnparalively prosperous, and not be cause of anything done by these Federal office holders The country is comparatively prosperoii'.not because of theoi, Lut iu spite of thuu. THE PEOPLE AND THE OrFICE-HOLDEES The contest is, in inct, between the peo pie. endeavoring to regiin tho political power which rightfully belongs to thcm.and to restore the pure, simple, economical, con govciumeutof our fathers, on th one side, and a hundred thousand Federal office-holders and their backers, pampered with place and power and determined to retain them at all lo'zaids, on the other. Iieuca tho constant as-uuiptiou of new and dangiTJUs poffns by general government under tl.o rule of the U.q.ublicau party The elfo't ti build up what they cill a strong government; the iutcrft rence with bom1 rule and with the administration of justice in lha churls of ihe several S.alcs j the in terfertnea with tho elections through th mc-dium of paid paltisan office-holders in terested in keeping their parly. in power an caring more for that than lairness in tl elections; in fact, tho constant encroach mentis wht h haw been made by that party upou the clearly reserved rights of tho pei pie a id the States will, if not cheeked.sub vert llio libertits uf ihe people and the gov eminent of limited powers created by the fathers and end in a great consolidated cen government, strong Indeed for evil an tho overthrow of republican institutions, The wise meu who framtd our Coustitutioi kuew the evils of a strong government and tli long cuntinuance of political power iu th same hands. They knew thero was a ten deucy in this directhu in all governments and consequent danger to republican instuti- tionsfrom tliatcause,aud took pamslo guard against it. The machinery of a strong cen Irallzed general governmeut cau be used perpetuate tho same set of men In power from lriu to term until it ceases to bo a re public or Is such only In name, and tho ten dency of the patty now iu powerln that direction, as shown In various ways besides the willingness recently manifested by large number of that party to electa Pres dent au unlimited number of terms, is quite apparent and must satisfy thinking peopl that tho tlmo has come when It will be saf. e.tand best fcr that party to be retired. IN FAVOR OF THE CONSTITUTION Iiut in resisting the encroachments of the General Government upon, the reserved rights of the people and the States, I wish to be distinctly understood as favoring the proper exercise by the General Gove-nmeut of the powers rightfully belonging to it and under tie Coustitutioi. Encroachments upou the constitutional rights of the Gener at; Government, or Interference with thi proper 'exercise of its powers, must be care fully avoided. The uulon ot the States un dcr the Constitution must be maintained and it is well known that this has always been the position of both the candidates on the Democrat Presidential ticket. It is acquiesced in everywhere now, and finally and lorever settled as one of the Wt'ulU of war. It Is certain beyond all question that ic legitimate results ol tho war for the Un- will not bo overthrown or impaliud ould the Democratic ticket ho elected. WHAT Till: DEMOCRATS WILL DO. In that event proper protection will lie given lu every legitimate way to every citi zen, native or adopted, lu every section of b republic, In the enjoyment of nil tho rights giir.tnleed by thn Constitution and Its noi diiuuls. A Milind currency of honest money, of n valt.o mm purchasing power corresponding substantially with the stand- rd re-.-ogiiized by the i-ommTclal iiorld and nd consisting of gold and silver and paper convertible Into coin, will be maintained. he labor and Manufacturing, commercial nj business Interests of tho country will bo favored anil encouraged in overy legitimate ay Tho toiling millions of our own peo- le will Ira piotccted from the destructive competition uf tho Chinese, and to that end their immigration to our shores will be properly restricted. Tho public credit will be .scrupulously maintained and strengthene! by rlfid ccouu my in public r.rp'iiiilituies and the liberties I llio pecplo and the properly of tho peo l will be proticted by a government of law and order, administered strictly In the in- ercsts of .all tho people, and not uf corpora tlons and prlvlllged clasns, 1 do not doubt thodi-crlmlnatliig justice of llio peoplj mid their capacity of Intelli gint keif gov, rnment, and therefore do not liubt the success of tho Democratic ticket. ts su.-cess would bur; ,beyond resurrection, lbs bcclional jealousies and hatreds which havo so long been the chief stock in trade of leisiiferous demagogues, and iu no other way can this be o ellVctually accomplished. Ii w iitld restore' harmony and good feeling between all tho sections aud make us in fact as well as In name, one people. The only rivalry then would be In the lor the development ol material pros peiity, the elevation of labor, the enlarge ment of human right', the promotion of edeea ion, morality, religion, liberty, onler aud all that would lend to in ike Us the f ire- most nation of thccirtli in the grand match of Iran no progresi. 1 am, with great respect, very truly yours, William II. English. DELEGATE ELECTION SATURDAY A UG US P 7. LE 1" EVERY DEMOCRAT ATTEND. It bra been th o istom in Ibis c unity lo i-i-iilit candidal' s lor and State Senate to name their own conferees, For reasons ilia! Wve oecume manifest in recent years, this practice ought lo be chaug d. Congressional and conferees are chosen by the convention and are supposed t-j be the representatives of the party. Tin y are sent to the conference for tho purpose of using all honorablo means to secure the nom ination of the man for whjim they are in structed, aud if this citunt bo Jaccnmpllidied to nominate some other pe. on who will make a strong run. I!y permitting the can didate to iiamo his oivu men the convention turns over to him the privilege of appoint ing thosewho willdi nothing except what he directs, which often leads tj protracted fesL- ioiw, aud makes bad feeling. The coming convention shoald sek-cl its rcpre'iit.itives to conferences, aud they shoul 1 be men who will not only do all iu their power to secure Columbia County's choice.but who will n'to act upon their own judgment witnout feel ing compelled to obey tho direction of the home candidate, when they see that his chances are gone. The conferees are the agents of Ihe whole parly, aud not simply of the candidates, and they should therefore feel at liberty to act for the best interests of the party. Mil. GARFIELD VOTED IN CON- OREsdTO REDUCE THE DUTY ON FOREIGN PIG IRON FROM i'JM TO W SO PER ION. Of course the manufacture! of pig iron are very happy over tho nomination of Mr. G.iifield. That is the "Ohio idee" of a tar- ill' aud protection. 'J'heio has been enough of that. Let us come back tc home rule, aud try au old Pennsylvania!!. How will the following do for a rea son, wliy U.irlleliJ sliouiu be elecleit l"rel dent. D. Jlagner it his "Atio Sytlemof JaIucx- timj Jorscs" page ioo says: When tlio elo- cpjeut preacher and Senator fioui Ohio Mr. Crfield atteud'done of my exhibitions, bo great was his pleasure while witnessing the great performance of Tommy's tliat ho roll- d, clapiicii iiis hands, and shouted with de light. CANDIDATES. fho following icrsons have been proposed tor nomination by tho no .t Democratic county couven. tlon to bo held AUijust loth, isaii. Candiaatesun bounce d lu this Hit are pledged to nbldo by tho do c'slou cf Ihe convention. KOft ItmtE. ENTA'HVE, T. JEFF. VANDERSLICE, of Jltooip lurg. A. L FRITZ, of llloomsbunj. DAVID S. 1IR0WN, of Main, JOHN F. DERI!, Of Juclion. ISAAC A. DEW ITT, of Gmiurood. josepii "LTkniti'le, qf Cuiammi. I'Oll DlSTItlCT A'lTOHNKV, ltOllI'.RT P.. L TITLE, of Jltooiiislurg. - YOU STATE BENATOIl, W. J.- 11UCKALEW, o jlloomiOurij, E. J. McHENRY, of Fithinycrcik, Subject to tLo diclsion of tbo fccnatuital Confir ence. FOR CONOliESH. J. M. 0. ItANCK, of I.iijhMrect, 0, A. IdEGARGELL, of Orange, Dr.. CIIAP.LE3 11. 11R0CKWAY, of llloomtburg, Subject lo the decision of tho Congressional Con. f crenco of tho eleventh district. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "VrOTICE. A meetintrcf tho nockboldere ot the Iiloornsburg Slutual bavinc kutiu Arscciauon wiuueuemaciue office cf J. J. Iirowcr upon tho scih day of August, lso at IX o'clock p la., tor Che purpose or latin? Into consideration the condition of, and dovlilng means if possiLle, by which the assoclauon may be equitably closed out al tnis tune. WWa",UieLtl PAUL E. WIRT, atig, , fid-sw JSteitury, MUSTEK'S NOTICES. Iiirnniiilolhorpcrsoiisniion-Meil In llio esmles nf tho nspo,ii1l.ri.ll.i, rill minors, tlnrilir) fnl- 1 j. , :' ' ,i'"i'ii mm iriinriiiiin aeeuiinis iim-iH-i'ii lilcil In !ln omro or llm lleirlsti-r or rnlumiiin i-iiiiiilj,n!iiHMIlln!prewiiU'il for ronnriiutlun mul nllownneo In Din nrnimn. nmii-t m iu. iw-M lu lilnomsburir, on Moiutiy, .sunt, n, isso, Ml o'clock, p. in. un said day i t. Tin- second anil nuntaeennnt of J. II. IloUson.nd- iiiiiii-Mriiiuror iiaiinaii ijikp, into ur rseiavioffii slilp, lin-nsid, SJ. l lie llr-t nnd tlnnt nniViimf nnllit Or.n llrM- lieniu'r, nilmlnlstratiPc ot llculn-u lireilUenner, i.uu ui iiemcriowusiiln, ileci'UfcPO, 8. The first nrd nut-Mill nnnntr,r lli.ntti ll.lHitrlc. u liiiliilsinii i s biiii the wltt mmoji il, of in; iiih-ic, i in-or Locust lounstiln, uicvan'ii. 4. The first ncrv.itit f.f.Iuhn h. Kline, cm eiitor nf a, l, law of llenton townsliin. licensed. 8. The nrcornt of t.el A. tlldlny, csccutorcf Mirnli ii. iiKiuij, iaio ui i;enirij lounsmn, Hccasiu 6. The nrst and final orcmnit, of cininra W. Correll. nilinln.. trntnr of Jaeob Kinney, latuof tli) town v. ...wutniiui,,, iiMJixisi-u. T. Hioilrsl nceoimt of li-l. r Hlipih.trnmer and Mo- Fes fklillchir, ejecitois ot MnwiiNiclhamtmr, iiilu oi nearer township, uectaseu. 8. Tho first mid flnul ot fit .lone, mlmlnls tintorof Johu Jones, latoof luO tun ot mounts iniilfi necunseu. 0. Tho flrst and llnnl nn-oni t tit W' Wntf. evce iilorof L-idnljKeilon, Into C Heaver township, irieiiueu. 10. flint una final account of .1. t". Opdvko, nd- iiiiiiisiruioroi iuis ll, unuiKe, idle 01 lliu du oujfti ot llernlck-, i cceased. 11 T ,o second and autuil aecnutit of Iteiibf-n Shu- man and .tchn r Shum m, e.-ienitora of .Tacoti Mitim.m, 1.110 of .M un township, dec-nsui. 14. The nrttnmlnnnl account of lleatock. c ecutor nf Marjrart-t .Mhcitson.latc ct Urconwood iu uuip, iieeeaseo. 13. Tho llrat and nrrnrit nf Mumtnl Aonto- nun, a' n'lbiHtor of John It. l)a s, Uloet ntuion i -wnsntp, deceased. 11. Klnst nnd final amount rf L K. KitcMuium. aa- mlnlMrntor ot Ilium thult?, lato cf llenton wwiisuip, ui-e-oased. 15. Tho ihlui nnd rnr nl ot Allen Mann, ex- cciunrcr Peter (IcarliJU, lato cf Homer town ship, deceased. 10. The first nnd final nccount ot Joseph V. Cole, nd- imnisiraiuror .Montgomery cole, lito cf sugar- ,o.ii Lowii-mip, ticcc Isotl. IT. llio Ilnstund nnalnm.nntct Andrew ttunp. nd- tiit..,sii..Lorof Mary .Vtcnsch.lato of Locust lown- bui", ueeeuseil. 19. 'Ill- nccount of Anrnl. V. llrnvpr. nnnr.f llinail- inlnwrators of Ml.'hncl drover, lat" of tho town v, imu'usuiiiBT, ueeeaseu 19. Th" nrst nnd llnnl nccount of 1L .1. Conni r. nd mliilstrntoror mmu.'i D White, lata of erei k tuwii-iup, uece.iteu. 111. 'I ho ace, unt cf Joshua rctf -rman, onn of Ihe lown of Iiloumscurt', th-ceased. 2t.Th' tlistnndflnal lk.l.-r u' iiiiii-tuiiiora ei .siitn.v'l tooier, lino in me Ulan ot ILo person iiudc-Hatoot WIliiniu i-ili Mi-.a mmoi- ehl'd of Mflllain Vcllh.r; hue tt -siaciison township, deceased. !J. Tlio 1 list and final accoritof II. (!. He s, l-ii.i'-dlnu of Manana Ht-ss, one o'tho heirs of .lucob wenucr, deceased, 23. Tho P st nnd llnnl account rf Conrn.l Ki-carntr, ndn iilsvralor ct ftcbecc-a n.lth, late ct Madison lownsmp, uecen d 21. Tin- nrst and partial nc-om,t of critoii Ellis, nnd Maiy ..riia?r, nninnusinitun or uoiieio inin- iner, lam or u.unw i-si low iisiu , ui-eensed, !5. Thoilrst nnd Hunt nccount of nintui Litis, ad intnl-trator or lauus Hairy, laloof Calawlssa lunnci- ,i, ueveuseu, 20.Tho llrstnnd final nceountot Chailosd. Ilarklcr. executor of John .1. Iiirkley, 1 Un it tlio town of uiuoiusuure, uo.umoia coumy, ueceaaeu. ST. Tho first nnd flnalnccount. of Morils C. Moan, ex ecutor ot Vnshtl Paticnst, lato cf the town of iiiooinsijurs, Columbia cue uyaleccastd, 2S. Tho llrst nnd llnnl nrcoiint'of Chillies A. MoM-r. ndminlstratcr cf John tt. .vtojer, hilo of the town ii.uunisui. I,-, i.uiiiuiuin ejuuiy, iieeeiiSLU, 25. Tho nrst nnd llnnl uc-nunl of Calhiilce.M. D" Clni', .irtir.lnliiiiir'tr lilldlue, late of Mlldlsou township, deceased. ItcKter s Oilic -. I W. II. JACOI1V. lilooins mii; Aus-. il "Sil. f ltosrlsur. TrinOW.S APPHAISLMENTS. V Thofoltowlnir aiMn-.itseincnts of real and nersonnl property tt upart lo widows of decedents Uil. u in ll Jiieu in mo oii'ee oi ni-iveisiei ui vol uinbi.icouuiy, tinner un KUKSor couit, nnu wiuoe iresoiuea ror aosoiuu- counrinaiioii 10 ino 'piiana .'oui t to Om held la lltoomsburjr.lii nnd forsald coun ty, on Monday, the ct:i day of hept. issii, nt tvs-o o cloi:k p. m., or said day exceptions to suih conurinarion are preuouMj niea. or wnicn an per- sous lnieiesien in t.iui esiaio win inKU uoitco ; 1. Widow ot lllram l). Applemou, late ot Hemlock tow usuip, ueeeaseu 2. Widow of Wiltlim O. ijulckjateof Moutonrtown- suip. ueeeaseu. c. widow of Joseph. Lchr, late cf reaver twnsLIp, ueeensieu. 1. VI Idow of Norinan L. Kline, lato of Orange town- biup, uu.-eieseu. S. Widow of Ph'-ip Unangst, latcct l-'.shlnscrccl low uouip, uiev-..seu. c. widow ot Dan'el W. nobblns, lato ot the town of i.ui.!iisuuitiieeetiae(i. T.-Widow of V, l'llani I", bmojer.tate of MIOl'i lown- ir-p, ueeeusui. 8. Wldo,. ot Vcnjamln nicks, lato cf tho borough oi oerw ck, utceascu. 9. Wkhw of Isiacl Iiognrt, latoof tlreenwood town- iiip, aeeeu u. 10. Widow of A. J. Albertson, lato cf (iieenwood I iwusuip, ue easeu. Kec'stci-a (imcp. 1 VV. If. .IACOIIY. r.'oouisburt', Au-j. C, VO f l-i ter N otici;. Nfttlce 13 licicbv cien that tho followintr nccnunrs lme bt?cn filed IntherrothonataisoniLOOf uoliun lUcotmiy uudl'i bo prest'iiU'il to ihu Cou'-t of uumiiiuu rieiLa ui suiu cuuinvoii i utjo ij, uio mi ilay (f K'ptembcr A.I), i i, and coniirmeri atter tho louilli day ot s.iid tvrm ' ubs t'xcp.lous be filed ntthtu time. 1. Afceou&t Of II. Abbott. Assl!7nfjti of Williflin Kan p. i. Account of SuniHl U. Kclchnor. rommitlt-euf s?tcp 'cu .up, a umatic. 3. Account of J. JI. Smith. Ass1i?n(0 In trust. Mr t io wuuii oi me crcr tora oi i. .Jonn nna Hon. WM.KllICKIUrM. (1. M. (H'TCK. rn.thonot.'uv is7 TOTKJE OK DISSOLUIIO.N. '.Noilco Is ureby given that tlio naitnerslil j '-itf ly exlsiln" between ll. 1-', shaipless mid Dan" I.e.i cock, oi liloomscr -g, I'a., was dissolved on tl " th d.iv of Julv. A. 1).. Is o. by mutual consent '1 io bu siness 'I to cairled on bv It. f. Sharpless wLols nnlhoi.zed io settle nil debts to anil by llio firm. II p. SHAlti 1 Aug.0,V)-4iv 1UN1UI. Li vcoei;. PUBLIC SAL3 OF VALUAIIL1. REAL ESTATE! l!y ,ue ot an order o' I ho orphans' Court ot Co lumbia coi it, the I'udcislgued Ai'u tntstrator of the esca ot Jo-eph Lchr. late ot beaver townst-'p, lu said county, deceased, will esposu to public sale on the premises la Beaver to .tnslilpoo SATUKDAY, AlKiUST iS, ISSO, at ten o'clock Inthelorcnoor.all that certain tract piece, or parcel ot land, bet m'ag at a stono In line ot land of Chaites Mlch.u-1 and running thence along lino of land ct Jacob l-'ry south thrto and a half degrees west twecty-ilvo and nine-tenth perclr estoa stono corner ot land ct Smi'i Uoats, and thence by laud cf said iSaruh Heats south slxty-oue nndlhre uuarter degrees east, forty-four perch -s to a stone, thence by the same south one and a half degices west thirty-seven and five-tenth peiches to a stone In lino ot landot Lllzabelh Miuman, thence by land of said El'zabuh Miuman south illiy-scun and a halt digiees east SS perches to a stcue, thence byolher land ot tho estato of said Joseph Lchr north fourteen and thiee-ipiartcr dogiees, east one liundied perches nrnl rour tenths eta perch to stono In line of land cf Charles Jllchael, and thence liyh'ndof saldChailes .Michael noilh eighty-eight nnd thrt-e-iiuaiter degne-s west eight) -Uvo and live- tenth perches to Iho cf beginning, containing TWENTY-NINE ACHES AND ONE IIUNDIIED AND TWENTY.TWO l'EHCIIES. 'so, ono other tract, piece or parcel of land ad joining tho above, begtnulug at a stone In lino of land of Oliai les Michael ond running thenco nlor other land cf tho (slated eaul Joseph Lchr,to-w.t lVrparlNo. 1 bouth fouitccn nd thiee-nuarter degrees west one bundled perches and four-tenths perches t a stono lu line ot land cf Abraham like, thence by land ot bald Abraham Itteo south ttfty- seven and a halt degrees east m.y-clght and seven tenths perchc3 ton stono, thetco by other land of tho estate of said Joseph Lihr to-wlt: Purpart No I, noiih twei' yond .er degrees cast one hundred and thlrty-st perches lo a sione lu line ot gart t ureach, east by lands of John lllney, J. Finch land of Chailes Jllihael at:res.'d, and thence by er and F. btruuscr. south by lands ot bnmuelYea. land of said CtartesMtchai-lnoith e-lghty-elght and thrcnea 'er degries vnst seventy-two and one- tenth perches to tho place o beginning, containing lOKTY-SI ACHES AND SEVENTY-TWO l'EHCIIES, on which aro a noum, IIAHN and out-buildlngs and orchard and a tine spi.cgot water at Iho door, 'so, ono oilier truct, piece or parcel cf land ad. Joining the abote.beglnnltig at a stone In line of land of Charles Michael, and running thene-e along other iaudcf tuecsutjot said Joseph Lchr to-wlt: Pur part No. e -south twenty and three-quarter degrees west ono hi idled nnd thlrty-'lx reichcs to astono In linnet land of Abraham Mce, thenco by landot said Abrr 'nun nice, south tltij-scvrn and a half de grees cast seventeen and three I nlhs perches ton stono corner ct land ct Daniel fclngley, thenco by If ad ot said Daniel Slnglcy north tw cnty and thi cc qu tcr degicos east forty-nine and s'l-tenths perches to n (tone, thenco by same south seventy eight and nvc-ctghths degrees cast seventy-flve and three tenths perches to a stone, thence by tho same north fourteen and three-quarter degices east eigh ty-four und fcur-ltntlis peiches lo a stone In line o lind ot Sarah Hoats, thenco by land ot Sarah Hosts north si ui -one and occ-fourl h degrees, west forty six nnd two tenths perches to a stono corner of land of ChnrleB Michael aforesaid, and thenco by land of said Charles Michael north eighty eight andthree (uniter degrees, west thlrty-tUtt and e ight-tenths perches to the place ot beginning, oontalnlr.g FI Fi'V'Fl VE ACHES AND ONE llUNDHEI) AND EI01ITY rKltCllESwlth tho appurtenances. Twins or BitK Ten per rent, ot one-fourth ot tho purchase money to bo paid at tho stilktngdownof the property, Iho one-fourth less tho ten per cent at the confirmation absolute, and tho remalttn,; thrce tourlhslu ono year there, tier with interest (rem oonnimatton nisi. kamcel i.Enn. 0. VV, Minis, Admlnittnitor. Aliorncy, ring, c, -su-is T Tlfl TTT WrTPW rliisrl irrn WYOMING SEMINARY AND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. THE WYOMING SEMINARY 13 A FIR3TCLAS8 HOARDING HOIIOOL FOR LADIEd AND GENiLEMLN It offers to stiideti.s the follnwinc Courses of Study: Common English, Normal Course, Lilt ml tiro mid f cknee, Ola-sleal (',iur6o College Preparatory Course, Course In .Music, into any stiiitlcs men llicy are prepared to The Conuneiclsl Collego gives Instruction In espondence. Telreiapby. end Hook-keening Corre Fall It mi opens September 1st. Commercial D., D,, Kingston, Luzerne county, T.i. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, PUBLIC SALE or .iu,-Aiii.t: REAL ESTATE! Uy vliluo cf au order cf tho Orphans' Com t oi Colambli county, tho linder-lgncd Administrators utv 'llani VM'ito, di ceased, will expose to public o on 11 premises In Hcolt township, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, ISSO, at ten o'clock In llio foienooo, tho fillonlng valua- do Itc VI, estate, j-wll: All that cerlaln piece or parcel of land sll'ialo partly In Scott township and paruj- in omnite township In said county cf Coluni bli, designated and described In petition and writ tf pamtlouns nlltho;o two lols, i leces, or paicelscf I Old situate In Heott township nnd Orai.go township i liisald comty cf Columbia, tho first bounded, nnd -leserlbed as follows: lli'glniiln2 nla Hone In tin! public road In tho lino ot land of Sampson Town nd formerly Daniel .Vlellck, ruimlnir thence by llio s-un.j andlindot Abrubam White, north, four teen ani one-touith devices west two huudrid peichis and two-tenlhs to a post, thence by land cf I th-sall Abraham VVftc, formerly VVP'lam Whtto south el'hly-two (I -gives west so cnly-lwo parches to a stone, thtnee byliuls of the csUilo cf IVUt lint, deceased, f.u merly .Vlatlhow McDowell, south one and one-half degrees east nineteen perches nnd seven-tenths to a pine stump south lwentj-tl--eu degrees east forty perch's to n stoac, South seven and a bait (legless cost C9 perches to a btone.south U degrees west tour perches and seicn-tenti.s perches lo n stone, formeily blacltoak, thence ly landot A. IJ. White, turmeily Oiorgo John sou.h fourteen and onofot"-th di-grecs ll.ty-slx and eight eenths peiches to stone, Ihenco by land of Mnsuii Johnson, formerly Charles lUchman north seventy- lno uud three-foi-th degrees e.isttwelie peiches and seven-tenths to a stone, tuenco by lot of Ale-aud-.rCrcvellngandtho ollpr coutlgdous lotluic nfter described north seventy-ulno and three-foul h degrees east thlrty-sl: perches and eight tenths to a post, foi inerly maple, souih thlrteeo amerces, ea-1 cleen perches anil rour-tcnthstoawhlte oak stump by tho public road aforesaid, thence along tho sains north seventy-one degrees east thlrjy-tl-cc perches to tho place cf bcg'inlng, containing EKlllrY-NINE ACHES AND EIGHT I'EttCIIES and allowance of six per cent for roads. tho second bounded nnd descrlbea as follows, to- n It: Ueglnnlng nt tho said white oak stump b tlio puWIc road, thence by the other land north thtilecn degices west eleven perches and four tenths to .v rost, formerly maple, south scvcnty-nlne ond three fourth degices west till ty-direo and a half perches to a black oaknow a stone, south 14Vf degrees ease 12 perches aud 7-10 to a stone thenco by lot of Alex ander CrcvePug south thirteen nnd three-fovth d -grees cast thirteen and ono-tcnlh ptichcti to a stono in tho i-oad. Ihenco along tho samo north seent -six nnd three-fourth d 'grees east, Ihliiy-llve pi-reh-es nnd one-hilt to tho place of beslnntng, contain InJTVV'.i ACHES and ul-,cly-fou- perches, maklnc .1 total of 91 acres id one hundred cad two perches, nnu ina allowances, with tho appt'iteuances. Theio arc on the a LAltdEDVVKI UNO HOUsiE, A 1 It(IE .ND CIOOD HANK IIAItN, two well3 ot water, ono nt tho house and the other at the barn, good orchard, fences In good condition and land In a good stato of rv'tlvatlon, Possession given April 1st, 1SS1. TEUMS 01' SALE. iVn percent cf one-touuh ot the j urchaso money to bo paid at the sti 'ilng dow n cf tho property, tho one-'ourth less the ten per r; tt. at tho coilrnutlon absolute and tho remaining thrce-toi-ths lu onojear thcreattjr with "iterist from coi irmatlon nisi. J. si. vviiirK, ) (lEOIKlU CO.N.N."!, i Adin'ntslrators c. VV. Mm - tit, Attmnoy. aug. ii, 'so-ts PUBLIC SALS 111' V'AL' .MILE ESTxTE 1 The uuderjlned will orfjr al pul' c say on ' premises In h 'cm town'hlp, Luz--rno eovdy. 1'a., on the lino ct tho Delaware, la -k iwnnna Jt Western railroad, and the pauitc road leiul'ng .oinr.ei.vlLk to Mi ckstduny oa V KDNEbDAY, SKPTKMI1KR 15, 18S0, beginning nt ten o'clock In tho forcnoon.lho follow ing desc.bed real e tali te wtt: . 1 tint ceilaln MHSSUAGE AND TRACT OK LAND sttua e In Sal. n tonfblp, Luzeino county, la,, lx m"es south of i-hleksl imy, bounded as follows: on the not th by land cf Leo Mewart.on tho south by Jacob (lould, on tho e."st by tho North llranch ot tho Siisquelu- maimer oul on tho west by land of Jo nas Itabertand c, smothers, contai'i''ig TWO 1IUN11HCD AND TWENTY-NINE ACHES more or less, on which 13 erected a DOUBLE IHtldK DWELLING HOUSE, and I.AKiiE i .A51K 11AHN and ni nerous ou' bui'i ags, ISO Is cleared and In good farming condition. Tho ba'anco Is thickly covered good j oung oak, 1"NE, and Cll US I N (JT TIM HE1 There Is a we'l ot g:od wa r nt the door and springs on tl.o farm tor watcilng stock. Tho Dela ware, Lackawanna & Western HuHroid, and I'enn Sjlvanl.i canal and si-siiu, hanna lilver lun through the turn. The faim Is desh-ab'y located foru-ult, truck and dairy farming, being in close proxlm'ty, ti-v miies'ioc-io m' un? town of Sntikshlmy and convenient either by rallruad or water to tho cu'lre Wyoming and Lackawanna coal Held-, where good prices may Co obtained at all times fcr the products of tarmornvry. Tt.ias:-:tei cn day of salci f.JO wacn issCssion is g.ven; ond the ba'anco awy ye uly paymr ms which w '1 bo in id) knot , on c y or caio. nuj. C-ts DEI10HA1I DO.VK. administrators"" "sale- 01' VALIUMS REAL ESTATE! Ily virtue of an order of tho Orphans' court of Co ir nbla .1 Uy, tho undersigned Ai'n'T'tratorsot Isaac Ureach, diceased, w i se''nt publio sale on tho premises In Culaw osa township, Columbia i- luniy, renns'nanta, on TUKSDAY, AUGUST 31s,t, ISSO, A I'Alt.U, d cubed as follows: Hounded on the north liy lam' of Moses llower. J. Klneher nml ger, Jpcob Ilower, and old Heading road, west by lauds ot llcorgo Murray e id tlcorgo btravsser, cou ia" og SIXTY ACRES, on which N creetc-d i. LOO AND FR VI U HOL'hE AN ) FHAME UAIiN A spring of wat-r is near the houso una It has con sldirabiu "ult. About one half Is linprov td aud Is situate about four m cs fioin Catawt sa'uudtwo ral'es om Slablown. TE.lMS AND CJNDITIONS OF SAI n -IJ3 on strll "ngdun.i t'.o property on foe .h k-ssiison conilrmailon tlsl, onr fourth at conUrmallon abso- lutoand iho rcuulntng one-halt at giving posses sion April 1st, ls81, JOJENI IIIIEACIL 1 U. M. TEVVKSIlUitY, Alltatt, auj. o, "so-ts. 7ATEK NOTICE. Notlco Is borebv L'lven. that In DureuaLce ct a rrs. oluiloiiof tlio lionru ot Dirt't'tor.ageairilinwiln? or the fatockho'dera of the ltlooinsturg Wattr ComDanv vA m held at tle onica of Kratilr P. JilUmeyer. Secretary, in liloomsburjr. on Wedne debU.-Oi.ufcb and lsbufiiir bouda to ht cury H p k-uuo. MASK IMilLLMKVKH. becrutaryot HoriL UJoonnburir, July U, i-U A DM I K ISTH AT 0 il'B KOTICE nun or onvm wins, pxeiism. Iettcisof adm'nlstratlon on tho (-stato of Oliver Watts, lito of the township of Centre, Coluuibl i co, dfteubrd, haie been granud by the iteglster of said county to the ur derslgned Administrator. All per sons having claims against tho estate aro requt-stod to present Ihe in for wlllerni nt and those Indebted to make payment vt lUiont elelay, L'UWAHU WAONKIt, Administrator, July 14,'bti-ev,' aud Ooiirso iu Att. bimleiits not deslrirg to enter, rrices wiuiin me reacu oi mi, pcnmnnsiiip, Commercial Law, Political as npplled 1" business of all kinds. Fho sludents nddiesi Kkv. L. L. SPKAGUE, A. fllllll Corner Main and Market Streets BLOOMSBURG, PA. T ho lindnrRlgr.edhulng been In Ihe W 1 1 (I.i:-A I.I : III! I'll r.ii.lncw for flic fait eleven ears, would call tho attention of tho publio generally, nnd I'.I NtUV DUALEUh In pin miliar, to their huge nnd vailed slock. M GQU&i&t Qf BROWER'S BLOCK. C-sasaiai ha XiU'imssvAl siasywlacvc. IN IT MAY BE FOUND A I.ARGE STOCK OF Hl'ONaES. CHAMOIS), COLOGNES, rEUFUMEUY, CKlAHfl, FANCY AUT1CLE1, TOILET SOAI'S, T0011I HHUSIIKS,! HAIR 1IHUSIIES, - . LAMPS, (II.OIILS uud in fact every thing that should he kept in ii complete ami well retnilaled Dru: btore. They are the sole Manufactures of tho Celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. ALSO THE MANUAKCTUREIIS ANI) SOLE l'liOl'lUKrOUS OI1' De. W. I. BICICLEY'S CelebWed 1NVAL U ABLE P11EPA11AT rONS. C- MPOUND AllOMATIC AVINE OF GENT TAN AND IRON. IMPROVED CREAM CAMPHOR, WORM KILLING AGENT, HOSE PE0T01LAI, The Best Remedies Made. Highly Recommended by Physicians. Hlooinsbui'g, Pa. Oct. U 'T9.-1V SHERIFFS SALE. Hy virtue of sundry w.-lts lssuc-aout ot tho Cou. ot Common I'lcas ot Columbia county, nnd to mo ill rcctcil, will tecsposcilto public sato nt tlio Court llouso In tho ton n ot Illoomsburi;, nt 2 o'cluck, p. in. SATURI.WY, AUGUST 21, ISSO, All that certain fk-ca or inird-ttt Limlhlluatoln llenton town.hlp In Iho county ot Columbia, bound-i-il and ili-scilbcd a tollow3, to-wlt: 'a tho north by Thomas r-clsfilcd, on Uio cu!.t by land ot Alexander Kramer, ou the houth by land -I William A, Coleman nnd J. II. Dlldlne; and on tho west by a public road, containing llvu acres moro or k-ss, whereon aioercctwl a two-itoiy trnino dwelllni; liotuj and blacksmith tboj). Belied, taken In execution at tho suit ot llio llenton Mutual Saving l-'und and Loan Asso ciation against Jiiemlah stiles, H.-nJimlu Karnes nn 1 Caleb OTirieu rind to be bold as tho property of Jcicmlah;sttles. I E. II. Littlp, Aturney. I'l. ri. I'm. ALSO, All that certain plcco or parcel ot land bltuate In Beaver township, Columbia county and state ot i'ennaylvanla.boundedaud uWrlbnlus rollows to wlti On tho north by land ot lienultt Eckroth.on the east by laud ot Uav Id Er tne.ou Ihe bouth by land of Henry lillllcr, um on tho won by land formerly ownid by Samuel ITsber, containing lxty-no acres moru or lt-bs, on w blch aro erected n tw o-story and a half log dwelling houso and aut-bulldlng,, Seized, taken In; execution nt tho suit ot Adam Hill against Wellington Case and to bo sold as tho property of Wellington Case. iitties, Attorncjs, Vend. Ex, Terms cash on day ot sale, U. II. EST, Julyso.-so-ts sheriff. COXSUMl'TION'OUitKl) CRUDE PETROLEUM PILLS. Ciniucii un lbs, wi-lgiu In a imohUin rowiuniN, c. II., Va., April, isso. Iln, M.Mh-ton; l'-iarlj-lr-Afur having lpn tlcktwclro inonlhs and tried tho bi-bt pnjslelansor thocountr run riiilni inn II. n ii.d.i trf f, i ..... .....-! i uiui-ouniry wnii I tiled jourCHL'liK i-:THOi.kUM I'lLIS. When i cornini-nced tuiir.S then I cousrhed almribt Incebsai lly, had ke-morr. mure, nignihwcais, etc. 1 we;ghe-d It lbs. Atier towing the pills two inonlhs Ihe couch and nleht swouu i eased and had no hemorrhagu aud welghel Yours, rtspeclfuliy, KHED.C.IJUNN, Thousands of coses like theabevo. Tho pl'li ore also a posiuvo euro fnr chronic bron. chin; AkOima, Catarrh, and all Throat andLunir T roubles. Trial boxes 811 tents. Urea boxes (im Mils) a. Sent by inaU on retelpt of price, vtlUi airoctiuns; July , topa w Sco llrvUig, N. V. lute eny ( no ol llio Uiurscs of Study may Kc innmy, Cii.oiui'rclnl Arlthniclic, lliislntss Irlrgtnpli olhccs, to banks, .Sic. .M., aud all others l!i:v. D. COl'I.LAND, July lC-Ow it I.V ? PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, main Strcrl aliovo Iron, BLOOMSBURG PBNN'A. HEAi.nit in Drugs, Medicines, C'heiuicals-,li'aii-cy ami Toilet Articles, (Soaps Brushes, Sponges, Per fumery, etc, I'll, blelans' prescriptions cave fully compounded und ordetsnnsnercd with euro nnd despalcli. i'ann irsand physicians frum tho country will llnUour stock ot medicines complete, warranted genuine and of Iho best quality, JOHN 11. KINl'OltT, Jan. Si, 'S0-ly l'ruprlelor. Paucliy & Oo'q. Advt'fl. Auruu VViiii u.l for Sinllhn lllblo Dictionary and '''vl PICTORIAL BIBLES. Address, for Circulars, A.J. 1IOLMAN CO, I'htla, July an, 'bu.iw tl 14 STOP ORGAHSMSf" boxed and bhlppod onlv -s. New i'l.inos IJHJ to Jl.cuo tv-Mldsiiininer offer lll'btd frco.Address HAN 1EL V, 1IKA1TY. VVshlnirton, N. J. d July m tv AOENi-i taxojouriholcoondbt-ll thol'foof GARFIELD g HANCOCK And coin money. Circulars and terms free. Outfit w cents. K. 11. TMKAT. I'uO., J5I Uroadway, New vorfc Julys), 'bO 4-w, d w THE NEW FOOD K MEDICINE 4 BlTTEfiS Do not confound this Matchlebs Itenevotor of Fccbld and exhausted Coiibtllutlons Itli v lolcnl cathartics, clicapdecocllon90t vile drugs and ruin leal Intoxicants innoce-ntlylabeledl-'blllem" MAM lim Kits apiie-al to popular connde nco because bif lured trcin unreiineiittd Mult, llors, and ejuinine, and other pie-clous Ingiedlents.accordlng to tho pro les of Ilebig, and aie rleherlnlho elinients inaj restoro to )rrnanent liealiu iho veok,ConvalciPi Consumptive, over-worked, Kcrvous, bleeplesa Ills I. Inn.. .111.11 ... l.HIrtni pepuc, iiiuious, ana ii bio in appoint), wm" ""r 'iho geuulno aro plainly slimcn by the counony. Bold itertwhere. ilLTUlh'KItoCt4ll'AYlUUS'i'ON,MASSl. JM lifliiil i