The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 30, 1880, Image 4

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Hancock Under Fire.
Astonvor his dash tiiiiouiih TiinwiLV
Dr.uNi;sa linitHtiio uniu:lati:i.
Widoii't remember tclnve seen anything
In reference In General Hancock's dash
through tho wilderness nn J on the lined the
l'o river, without It be a. mere reference to
the series of engagements had with the reb
els during the first tlsvs of tho Grant advance
on Htchmond.
That General Hancock had been offered
tho command of the entire arm; of the l'olo
mc wa generally creillleil ere the army had
moved out of In winter ii:uteri and Mnrleil
on tho mud to Rlclimimil under General
Grant anJ Claueril Moido. H it the exp rl
cucis of General MtOlellan, Hooker, l'ope
and llurnsldo with the Government had
came 1 a nettled conviction In tho army that
tho kuccesi of any movement upon General
Leo depended In a largo nnaniro upon tho
support the Givernmeiit was disposed to
grAnt tho general In command and
while tho Government "vas censured by the
rank and file ot tho array l'orjlts "nhorlcom
logs" in support of the several commander",
no doubt exists thatUenTal Hancock seeing
tho way in which his aoclate tommandcrf
bad one by one dropped out of pluco under
the persuasive powers of the Government,
Colt no desire to take up the sceptre of com
mand and run thogiuntlet of a political
fire ia I ho rear, lie was content with tin
tlinplo ommatid of the bct corps in the
army. His decision was a wlso one as the
sequel shows. To be commander then vns
but a sinecure. To command & corps the
way'was open to do a service to the country
alike of profit to the cause fr which the ni
my was contending and the men whom he
bid tho honor of leading Into the thickest ol
the fight.
It was well understood In the commence
ment of tho memorable campaign of "On to
Rlchtnoud" that General Gram's reliance i f
individual support and co-operation, as well
as In advisory capacity, was in Genera'
Uancock. The confidei.cj e,f tl e army wa
in Hancock, Ho was equally as popular
with the army as was McClellan in hi
pilraiest days. Grant saw in Hancock the
make-up of a thorough soldier and elNcit
llaarian, whoso banner hud never trailed in
the dust or been shadowed by defeat. He
was the man to lead, the one of all others In
whom the chief commander placed his rili
ance for the successful enconunter which
must pave tho way to a. fioal victory. S'tn
one must bear tho brunt of the battle and
Habcock was chosen, so to speak, as the
right-hand man to Grant.
At the dawn of day, May 12, 1864. shel
tered by tho dim twilight and a dense mist,
the Hancock corps moved quietly and caU'
tfously up from its position on the soul!
side of the l'o to the north side and toward'
the enemy's Ikes. Imagine a bluff covered
from base to top with rifle pits and bread
works, with half a dozen tiers of cannon
eighteen and thirty-two pounders stetcbitif
along over the rugged aud woody space, and
you have a fair idea of the position of the
two rebel divisions when attacked by the
Hancock corps.
The troops gallantly surmounted all the
difficulties in reaching the base of the bill,
the excitement increasing, till it broke out
in a Bplendidrurh at the rebel entrenchments
which the troops leaped with loud cheers,
dashing into the enemy's camp and compel!'
Ing their surrender en matte. Three thou
sand men, forty guns and two major-generals
with several stands of colors was the trophy
of the first dash on the rifle pits. The charge
of the Second Corps was followed by heavy
cannonading all along the line, and under
the cover of which the whole line moved up
to the support of Hancock's corps, and im
mediately an incessant rattle and roar of
battle arose along the whole line. Often ri
val bayonets interlocked and a a fierce and
death-like grapple over the intrencbmenls
lasted for several hours, the rebel flags now
surging up side by side with those of the
Union, and anon torn and riddled disappear
ing In the woods.
It was hero that Ilancock exhibited the
true ideal of the general. Finding his men
luely to waver they being considerbly out
numbered, he rode up close to the lines end
In aloud voice called his men to "stand
firm 1" and as if necessary loencourago thei
at this critical moment, he drew his sword
and led the column forward until they had
scaled tho pits. Then the air was rent with
the cheers and huzzas from the victorious
band. The losses had been fearful, yet the
becond Cor ps held its position, though re'
peatcdly attacked. They were there to stay
the grand old guard of the army. It completed
the first act in the campaign on Lee's army,
and closed the eighth day of almost contin
ue us fighting. The Union forces suffered
20,350 hors-decombat, and the rebel lo.'s
succeeded 30,000 forty cannon, twenty-two
stands of colors and 8,000 men taken pris
It is thus we speak of a sigle engagement
and of the commander of the Second Corps,
who in all the battles of the campaign was
conspicicus among the many bravo oilicera
of the army, for daring, enthusiasm and
steady vaior.
Will he not make enuallv as steaiiv an er
ccutive of the nation and govern, as he was
wont to do, the men who love and adoie
mm as the ruler In hrmness, yet with sim
plicity, given to moderation and kind
One of the most urgent demands of our
time Is a system of education which shall
train the vounc to apulv their school learn.
ing, At the Pennsylvania State College
practical instruction in Agriculture, llortl
culture. Botanr. JCooloev. Mechanics.Chem
istry, etc. Is given, and thus theory in the
tiass room is applied unu cnlorceel by expe
rience In the field and labratnrv. Full
session opens Aug. 27tb. For catalogue ar.d
full Information address the Iiuineea Mana
ger, Ktate College, Centre Co., Pa.
A movement is being made by Philadel
phia physicians to Becure a new law as to ex
perls' testimony in criminal cases. Thebil
w hlcb tbey have drafted provides that,wheu
expert medical testimony Is desired, the
counsel on each siie shall select the name
of six or more physicians in regular stand
Ing, and from the entire number the Judge
shall draw two by lot. These two shall tts
tify to auy points presented to them. Either
aide may also introduce expert testimony on
their own account, but the idea Is that the
opinions of the two presumably unbiassed
men will bavo the greatest weight with the
"No Cube, ,no Pay." We authorize our
Agents to guarantee that our medicine, if
taken according to directions, will relieve
constipation and tho diseases incident to
Jorpid liver; and If any one will show by
positive proof that it has not produced what
we guarantee, they are entitled to a return
of their money provided tbey take the genu
Ine Simmon's Liver Regulator according tn
Indignation among tbe passengers In a
railroad car is reported from Ohio because
a lady left her pug dog drink out of a tin
cup attached lo the water cooler. She re
plied lo a remonstrance by asserting that her
d ogs lips were cleinei than those of the to.
barcc-chewing man who cijecled. II re
torted that he coii'd whip any tuia who
wculd Utbsae ha chsaptcn, hut irohody
tolutWtred. 1
The llrooklyn llrlelgo.
Tho ti'itilnir ilowit of ImihliiiL'ie In
Chatham Strceit tei inaku way fur tiio tip
pfeiach of tho Hunt ItiviT luidjip, is lio
niij netlvL'ly tuislictl. In tliu last fuw
luantliH it tiitud advances has liccti made)
upon tho npjiriinclicK on both sides of the.'
ribr, notwithstanding n coiigliU-rniilo de
lay rnnocil by the) iliflieulty in olitniniiijj
possesion ot tlio land and buildings
along tho lino of wen k. Atolii'S liao
W'li meted on several Htrvotnnel about
100 men are nl work upon tho nppvoncli
between l!oo and Chatham streets. In
llrooklyn tho approaches to tho lniiljjo
are neatly done, soino 200 men beiiitr em
ployed on that (lido. In ClinlliiMi street
the nitiironrli to tho bi-idire will bo on n
level with tho street, and it ttille over
100 feet wide. It will bo nearly onno
silo tho Court House. Tho stemo vailiui;
four feel in hoiirht, which is to extend
on eaeb edge eif tho bridge its entire
length, wtll'end on tho "house lino" in
tho street, and will be marked by orna
mental stone posts, on which there will
bu lamps. Tho approach leading front
tho street will lie divided as follows i In
tho centre a juonicnade for foot panssen
gcrs. This will bo seventeen feet in width
and raised about three feet fitmt ll o
roadway of the biidge. Next to this
and on eaeli side is a spaeo for it rapid
transit or stieet ear double track railway
Those spaces will be sepatated fiom the
promenade by an iron railing. Ilesliles
these there will be two wagon roadwavs
for all kinds eif vehicles, on each side ef
tho biidge,liinited bv the Mono railing on
the edge. This will be paved with intu
itu blocks ; the promenade will bo of as
phalt concrete. If it is thought necess
ary to tdiargo toll buildings for tho pur
poso will be erected at the entrance eloso
t ) tho street. Hut this matter lias not
yet been arranged, though the present
expectations are that for n time, at least,
toll will be charged. It is prtdiable that
the bridge at mght will lie illuminated
with tho electrics light.
No More Hard Times.
If vnu will stop spendinir so much on fine
clothes, rich food and style, buy good
Healthy lood, cheaper and better clotUing ;
get more real and substantial things of life
every way, and especially stop the foolish
habit of employing expensive, quack doc
tors or using so much of the vile humbug
cncdeclne that does ynu only harm, tut put
your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Hop
Bitters; that cures always at a trifling cost,
and you will see good times and have good
health. Chronicle.
Covington is a doomed city. .It is situated
on the Bend of the Missouri River, tho
binks of which areeaten away. The ground
on which tho Court Houso stood n year ag.)
is now covered by many feet of water. The
cutting away is done unevenly. On a recent
Sunday the current set in shoro nnd took oil'
a strip of land thirty feet wide in a fen-
hours. No invasions were made for another
week, when another slice was cut off. Then
half a dozen houses wero moved back thirty
feet, and the next day the land on which
they bad stood were all gone. The residents
haye tried to moor trees and logs to the bank
in the hope of forming a barrier for the flood
but the current is so swift and tbe water so
deep that these attempts have failed.
Tbe ladies who some time since were
unable to go out, having taken Lydia K.
Pinkbam's Vegetable (impound are quite
recovered, and have gone on their way re
joicing. The Columbus fact tells how on Drlesbacbs
menagerie entering Newark, O., the ele
phant's keeper lell in a fit, when tbe ele
phant wouldn'tlet any one to approach him,
but at first taking him up tenderly with his
trunk tried to put him on his tusks,but find
ing he was insensible put him gently down
again nnd showed great distress. At length
tho mau revived enough to speak to the
animal, and to tell him to let tbe people
What 1 what I well I declare Smith, you
out again? I thought the Doctor said you
were dying with the kidney trouble. Smith
oo ne did but you seo 1 am wearing a
unya iviuney ran.
Andreas Eichenberg went into the Capi
tal City Bank, at Columbus Obio.and asked
President Richly for a loan of J108. Klchlv
declined, and Eichenberg instantly shot
him, after which he killed himself. There
seems to have been no other incentive than
a sudden and furious rage of disappoint
ment. ,"Dr. Seller's Cough Syrup'' will ensure
you a good night's rest. It is the best cough
m cdicine in the market. Price 25 cents.
The Secretary of War will tbe delivery of
Captain Payne and bis men, arrested for
invading the Indian Territory, to the civil
authorities for safe custody.and in tbe mean
time as some new questions are involved in
the case, the matter will be referred to the
Attorney General .for bis opinion to the
mode of civil prosecution to be instituted
against them.
Achirg heads and clouded brains are
cured by "Sellers' Liver Pills." Try them.
Sold by druggists. 25 cents a box.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I.
April., ty-r aco Proprlotore.
Perfeotlf puriru. th. Blood, .nrtori.. th. Blood, r.dd.n. the Blood, make, new
Blood, wonderfully Improve, th. Appetite, and change, th. Constitution
ufferlng from C.n.rnl Debility Into on. of vigorous, health.
The 1xt proof t,t lit wonderful efflcarr t. la Va blileliicd br u trial, uuil that
Jmpl. trial mtxtiugly rklaMUhra ll. rrjiulnllou with all. .
49 Xt la Molt trjeiitll1ltv mm t'lecitiitly comiMvnlcl hr it. eutlior ftntl enlo
)utrieor, V. CIIAMI'IOM BKOTI.VO. M. II., 1117 Ardi Mrt, 1'hlUdrlpMe,
Mrvtar trt t -Mtnui VMlMl CWWf U rfW4U, . IKMaara nwM a. .iM
Irlej BOO. tni I ;OV. For telt) f Pfrfrfctor nid til Ofigghrs ii Dottch kt IM-Jn.
Tho riMlttTP Cum
For all Fcmalo .Complaints.
ThUprfpimHon, ni lti rtimo Mznlflfn, connletnof
YeffoLiMo lYopcrtlci that oro m to tho moat del
IcatctnTfill 1. Ui'imono trial lliomcrlti cf'thU CVm
pounJ wi:iborocor-nUd,ttirclljt Is Immediate) noJ
ithonltiuwH r-oiitlnui J, In ninety tilnocnsoaltt fthua.
drwl,ftiKrniinc,itcurjUr(rt'cttttrwthoU3aiiJs vrlH tes
tify. 0.1 account vt K proven luerlti, it i lo-tlny re-coni-iitniletlaiHtlircacttlKfUb
tho teit iibroU-iani tn
tlio country.
It nill euro entirety tlio worst form of filling
of tlio o tenia, Ltucorrhtt'o, Irregular nnl jJnful
JIcni'.nj.itlon.nllOarlnnTroullM, Irulaiiuiiritlon nnd
Ulceration, tttwdlnKii, alt DlsriUotmcnU nnd tho con
nrriuetitiiirtiilvtaknci,ftiullr4 fnixtlaUy Minuted t
thaChtuirjrobf Llfo. tnilU!lslva nnd mm'I tumor i
frotiithoutcraslnnrtc&rlxtiffo of derelopinent. Tlio
tendency to cancerous humors thero Is chccltod very
HH-cuIly bylt4ic
I.t fact tt 1 11 froved to 1 the tTn(it
twt nnl lcst remedy that lias ever Un (Uncover
ed. It permeates every irt!on of tho ryBtcm, and elves
new HfctaJvIijor. It removes faint ncM.lljitnlcncJ', dot-troys
allrrnvlcg for fctlmukuts, WiJ ixlluvi-s wwdtncM
tf tho stomath
It cures Moitlnp, Itetvt-ichea, Kcrrous lYontratlon,
ClciicraJ lVibiJty, BIcci ItBtncM, IciircuIoii and Indi
rection. That feeling of lcarlnff down, causing pftln,
weight and backache, UoJuvaysi-crmanently cured ty
Its use It III at all tinea, and under all circumstan
ces, act la harmony withtho law that governs the
temalo system.
For ldney Complaints of either sex this compound
Ij unsurna&icd.
Lydta E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Is prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mima,
1'rlco f l.W. Six U.ttlca for $S 00. Rent Ly mall In tho
form of pllti, aUi in tho form of I-oiences, ou receipt
of price, CUM, iter box, for cither. Mr IINKIIAU
freely answers all Ictten of Iniulry. Stnd for pam
phlet. Address as abova JUntton thU rr.
No family LhoUJ bo without LYDIA E. riSKIUM
IJVn: TILLS. They euro Cocit'patlon, XiOlotuuies
andTorpIdityof the Liver. EJ ccpI ptr box
General Agents, Fhila., Fa.
M0Y2R BROTHERS., Bloomsfcurg, Pa,
Juuulj, ly.
TpatlmonlaU are received eerv (Uy by tlio pro-
nrlftirs of SIMMONS L1VE1I HLnUlJV rolUrom ner-
sonaot education ami prominence irom nit pariAof
me country ruchid io ine Avonuerriu curaino
properties cf this jrreat raedlclno. No other prepar
ntlon nut the Hegulator his ever been illscovered
that would effectually cure LMsnensu and its kin
dredcvllts, and restore the patient to a perfectly
ueaiiny conuuioa ui uuuv nuu utiuu. iao runiuiy
ir.rrRiiRlntr demand for this raerticlnn and our lanre
Rf lea In consequence, la ledeed sumclent evidence
in lt'teit or us sreai popai u u y.
Perfectly soKl Harmless.
Itcanbeu'edany tlino wltiaont fear by the most
delicate persons. No matter what the atllng, and
raav be nlven to children with perfect safety, as no
Dad reuirs lonaw us use, noinir no po'-sioie injury,
As a mild Tonic, centlo Laxative and harmless In-
isorant It U lnflnitely sup2rlor to any known rrme-
ay tor
Mnlarlouq Fevtr. Kowel Comnlalnts. Jaundice.
Uollc. Restlessness, Mental lvpres&lon, Mck Head-
acne, constipation, nut-el. uinouaness,
IV.Sl'i:PIA. A c.
Head the foUowlng fames of persons well and wide
ly known, who testify to the valuablo properties of
Kimmons Liver Hegulator or Medicine.
Hon. Alex. II. Stevens; .John W. Heckwlth, UUUop of
Georgia; ien. John H, Gordon, U. s. senator; lion.
John (Jill bhorter: Ht. Her. lilshop Pierce; J. Kdtrar
Thompson; Hon. It. Hill; Hon John C. Hrecklnrlde;
Prof, navid MUs; n. l.: lllram Warner, Chief Jus
tice of Ga.; Lewis Wunder, Assist. 1. M. Phlla. and
many others front whom we have letters comment
ing upon this medicine as a most valuablo household
Its low price places it In the reach of all be they
rlehorpoor, Ifjeunre suffering and cannot nnd
relief, procure at once from your Drug-gist a bottle of
iteguiaior, uive u a imr uui ana it win noi omy
auuru renei, uut purmuneniiy euro jou. n is wim
outaslnele escentlon.
Tho Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medlclno in
Urlftlna txiul !eniilnc
J. II. IMI.IN A- M).,
Prlee 1 1 ,00. Sold by all Druggists,
April 16, 'so ly.
Sere an Injunetlun on IliMrnto
lly Invigorating a feeble constitution, renovating a
debilitated phyMque, and enrldilng a thin and in
nutritious circulation with Hustetter's Stomach
ltttters, tne finest, the mo-t highly sanctioned, and
tuo most popuiur tonic ana preentive in existence.
For Bale by ail druggists and dealers generally
October 8, 19-iy
For Internal and External Use,
ll t SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is recommended,
and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands or
even the most Inexperienced persons.
It U mire ami quick reuirdr 'or COUflHS, MlHi:
TIIItOAT, e illl.IX, and ulniUar trouhlen itTonla emlaat rtiu
IA. ul oll).,l fm of DirilTllKItlA. nut I. ihci l.i-.t
kuotru remedy for 1HII:UJIAT1M3I ana MXH AI.;I..
It liaa been used lih micb ronderful aurrrfeM U an
pant nf th4 ttwW for CHAMPS, CIIOf.HUA. 1 1 A It It 1 1 1,
ivm:nti:hVi na iu huwxl compjvim's, aai n u
t9idrtl on trf ailing turt 'or Ihtu duat.
It 1 Ki:C03f3Ii:.M)i:r by l'bitlclanm MlMilouurleit,
MlnUterm .flunavera of PIuntatiuiiH. 'urkHhoiis, and
l'urturle, urt- la HonjiltuU ia nhort, by Everybody
every here Mho ha ever glen tt trial.
It ihould fclwiys be nsod for Puln lu tho Hack and Hide,
and lrigt ipdy and j'mumnl rtlif lu all caw of llrulet
ChIim Sprains, hevere IIurnt Would, etc
annually uvo many tunes 1U cost In docton,' bUU, and iti i rtco
brlnjrt it within U19 nacn of all. It U sold at 23c. 50c. and 8 1 .OO
a botUo, and can bo obtained from all dnwlfita,
Tb OwliiLratwd rrMcrijitioa of
Indian hi hm
77 W.3d SI., New York City
visrasts. Fever v
v.lijitc, Jlliruma
it Ism, IlraHf.
ITrfift Mmtte
BUtousntss, vYervotts IMttlUy.rtc,
The Best EEliIEDY KNOWH to Man !
9.000,000 Bottles.
This Syrvp Possesses Varied Properties.
Jt ftttmnlntr lho rytynllnn In tlift Hnllvn,
trblchcotiTerts tlioflinrrh nnd micnroftlio
food Into Rlnco. A itrflclrncr In Pytynllno
rnDBPn Wind nn48onrlnff of Ihi foil In llio
itomnrli. Jf Ihptnpdlrliin U Inkru Immodl
ntely nfter railnft tho fcruicutaliuu offuod U
It nrta upon tho T.trcr
Itncti upon Ilie Kl.lnry.
Jt litjpitatrn tbo Hon-rU
ItVarlfles lho Mood.
Jt Quiets tbo TVerYitiMflj-itrm.
It Promote Plspiln.
It Nonrlnbrfl Kirrnsthcn nnd TfiTtcnrntr.
It Citrrlci olT tbo Old Mood nnd tun Urn ttcvr
It opens tbo porrs ef tbo akin and Induces
Ileal thy Fersplrntlon.
It neutralize tho hcrwlilary U1p t, cr jviaon In the
blood, which reneratcs Scrofula, l-ryRfpclafl, and all
manner of fiklu difleasca and in:ornal humors.
There are so spirits employed, la Um manufacture,
and It can bo taken by tho most delicate babe, or by
the aged and feeble, car onljf Iting repaired in at
it niton to direct ion u
of Persons who have been CURED by the
lite of th. BLOOD PURIFIER.
Ileware ot counterfeit Medicine. I employ no
ueiiu ur luuuers lusuiicii. irauu irum arurgit9.
Host MeJiciue Kver Ueil.
Cton. Vvomlni?eountr. l'n.
Dear Sir: I had been troubled for a long time
withn Pain In my Slomoen, nnd found no Teller
until 1 began mil g your Indlun mood syrup. 1 llnd
It the best medicine In use. and I can recemmend It
to nil, oH and younp It saves many dollars In
doctors' bills, and one lirgt bottle did mu more f,ood
mail uvu uuiiurs wuriu ui uiuer ineuicuiu.
.Marlam Li.barr.
An Astonishing Cure.
Monroe. Wyomlntr county. la,
Dear Sir: I liat been mulcted with a Coujh, I.o-s
of Appetite and Dyspepsia for ten years. 1 could
not properly attend to my business, and hearing of
your Justly celebrated Indian Dlood syrup, 1 rosolred
to try It, willed I did, slid In a sliort tunc was much
Improved. Inowhavoa good Apiirtlte, and hate
vnjuy eu uuti ueuitu over bineu i cuuiiiieuceii lis use.
J. Labarr.
riick Headache Curt J.
llowinan's Creek. Wvomlnir countv. l'a.
Dear Sir : 1 bad sick Ucadacue ancl by lho use ot
your inaian uioou rup i was greatly rcueveu. i
recommend all to Iry lis valuablo proicrtli s.
1. W. Uurnett.
The Remedy (lid more than she Expected,
Newtorry, I. coming county, l'a.
Dear sir: The Indian lllood svruu did moio than
t expected It ould aud It has cured mo of Liver
uoinpiami. i uso 11 as 11 a.cuiciuo nna wouia not uo
n ltuout it.
Mrs. Mary Charman.
Headache nnd Dizziness.
Wllllamsport, Lycoming county, l'a.
Dear sir : Your Indian Ulood S rup has cured me
of Headache, Dizziness and Loss of Appetite, sothat
I am now able to work In my factory. My wife de
rived more benellt from Its use than from any other
Uenry Itussel.
Would not bo Without it.
Wllllamsport, Lj coming . ounty, l'a.
Dear Sir: The Ind'nu blood S) rup Is tlio llcst I
ever used and 1 would not bo without It, It Is good
tor all complaints.
Johu uurkuart.
Diseases of the Stomach.
Eaton, Wyoming county, l'a.
Dear sir: This U to certify that 1 had a Weak
Stomach and could eat no meat or any hearty food
whatever, lly a friend's adv co 1 commenced the
luo of yujr Indian l(luod"Sprup, which after a short, effectually relieved ine and I can now eat
auHhtng I choose. Your syrup gives universal
Elizabeth lladsall.
All that it is recommended-to be.
Opera House, Columbia, l'a.
Dear Sir: I have used your excellent Indian Ulood
Sjrup and It has proven Justns repicsented, lean
recommend It to all.
Wm. ltocliow.
Wholesale Merchant, oth street.
Unanimous Recommendation.
The following add thtlr testimony for tho Indian
IllooJ Svrup:
II. E. tireair, engineer 1' It It.
J. (1. smith, at llaldwlna steel Works.
Mrs. snjdor. of Columbia.
A. lirener, of Washlugtouburgh.
John Kcnjs, of Sato Harbor.
Would not be Without it.
ilenton. Columbia county, l'a.
Dear Sir: I have used jour excellent inhun
lbAOD Svkui' and have received much benellt there
from. I could not get along w ltliout It,
Jlrs. H.irber.
Never Fails to Cure.
East Lemon Wyoming Co. ra.
Dear Sir I was sick for three years, and under
professional treatment most cf tho time without be
ing benemed. At last I was induced to try your
Inuun ItLoooSVKue and alter a short trial, I found
myself In better health than 1 had been for six j uta,
Mrs.Theron Ball
Sure Curo for Liver Complaint.
Itohrsburg. Columbia Co. l'a
Dear Sir : This Is to certlly that jour Ikhian
PiflODSvRUPlus been used by mo, for Liver com-
flalnt, which had been troubling mo for a long time
derived more benellt from tho uso of the sjrup
than from any other medicine. I heartily recom
mendlt, and advise nil suffercis to give It a trial.
L 1' Smith
Loss of Appetite.
Itohrsburg Columbia county Pa.
Deir Sir: I have usiU your excellent Indian
lli.o)i SvRri' for Loss of ,ppeilto and Weaknesifof
tbo Slomacn, nttu ver) bentnclal results. I believe
your medicine to bo the greatest blood purltler
known, and aavlsonl! who may be tuner log us I wis
to give It a speedy trial.
Mrs. E Avery
Pains in Shoulders.
Itchrsburg, Columbia county, l'a.
Dear Sir :Tnls Is lo certlly thot your Indian
Ui-ood Syrup has greatly relieved mo of 1'alns lu the
snoulder and Chest, which I had been atnicted with
ior years, i recommena it very nigiiiy.
Mrs. Mary W
Kidney Complaint.
Benr Clan. Columbia Countv. Pn.
Dear Sir: My Father lias been sutierlng with
Kidney complaint fur a long lime snd hnd been un
der djctors' treatment, but tlio doctors could not
erfeet a curo. I have been subject to a Numbnt ss
and Weakness In mv I-erc Arm. We obtained some
of v our lnva'uablH Indian Iiixiod Sykui- irom your
Agent, Wm. 11. Potter, and It has cured my father
completely, and my arm la much belter. It does not
trouble me lialf so much. Your medicine Is excel,
Fcmalo Complaint.
Hear nap Columbia county, ra.
lar Sir: This la to certify that I purchased s me
ot your Indian uimo hvat r for my wlto for lima
mallnn aul Female Complaint, and It his given her
J K Ilerner
liest Medicine Ever Used,
Hear flap, Coluiublacounty, Ha.
Dear Sir :Vy utile son was troubled with his
watr passing from him constantly, day and night,
I coi suited two doctors and gavo him medicine, but
wthout effect. I bought some of vourcelebralud
Indian I i loo u svhci', a short trial of which, cured
Lambert Camp.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
Nuralda, Columbia County, l'a.
Dear sir: For many) ears ray wit was anilctcd
with liyanepsla, aud we spent, con.llerable money
wlibout receiving benetlf. Wo procured some of
v our Indian Hloou SvutTandshe began tolmprovo
In health from the time she comeno u Its use.
bolomon 1) Snyder
Liyer Complaint.
Centralla, Columbia Co. l'a.
Dear Sir : This ts to certify that I was unwell and
could scarcely attend to my u ork, I think my fiver
wasauecieo. 1 procureu sumo 01 your INDIAN IlLoon
niaur aou nuw. arujr u auuii. iiiiu, leei like a new
man. i recommend its use to an.
Daniel Goodman,
Dyspepsia and Neuralgia
Hvde l'ark. Luzerne Cn.. l'a.
Dear Bin Your valuable Indian Ulood Stri'p has
etT(todapermarfntcurolntnv case. 1 had been
mulcted with the Dysnejisla and h'euralgta, but ain
uui vuiui;4jr trvu,
Mrs, John Thornton.
Bilious Stomach Cured,
llvdo l'ark. Luzerne fyv. l'a
Dear Hlrt 1 have been troubled ulth mnmi.
Cloinplalnt and by the use ot your Indian Ulood
dibit ibutus cuociuauy ouieu iuo.
wm n n uiiams.
EjBpepla Cured.
11 de rark, Luzerne Oo. l'a.
Dear Sir t Your valuable Indian IIloid Knrr
cm ed mo ot Dyspepsia,
Mil. OUAUUllS.
Liver Complaint.-
Hyde l'ark, Luzerne Co.
Ar Sir --1 hATft Ih. n IrouLJM with rv.
puint.tmt 1 wupertnanetiUr cured byiaSit
vulaable Indian liiUD Mr acr. .
i ail immmmmmm
ft EM. Tilil
Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., Ph. D., Principal.
TIIISSCIIOOL, asnt present constituted, otters tho very best fnrllltleafor Professional and tnawieai learning. i,,.nri ii,nivnr mire
Hulldlngsspacious, liivltlngand commodious ; completely heated by stenm, well ventilated, lighted by gas, and turnlilicd with a boilMKul stun. or pun.sui
spring water.
"n healthful, ami cosv of access. Ti)acnersctpcrl"nc0'1, eniclent, and allvo to their work. Discipline, firm but kind, uniform and tlioruii.ii.
ixieai it
moilerate. Fifty cents it week deduction to all otpoctlui to leacn. siuueuts admitted at any time, uooms
Courses of study prescribed by tho State !
I. Model School. II. 1'iepariitory. Ill, Elementary, IV, Classical.
l.l!iin,t PniiNiu, T A ,,.ii!nittlf T T. PntTimorpntl. Iff. fiillriiA In Miiatn. IV. rVinrsntn
t-iAMAn,nr., G.inniifi nn,i ri,tai,..,i Unnrttpa,.:rA,,a. na.tnrM Mnmpnt..
thelrattalnments,, Mgncil bv the timcersof tho Iloar.l of T'istoi".
Tho course ot stud y prescribed by tho Slate H liberal, nu.l tho 5 :lantlnc and Classical courses arc not
Tho stato renuiresa niguer orner ot ctuzeosuip. nio times iieuuniii.. n.iuiiooi tuo pi-iiimijujucis ui uui iu..r.t. ,AVntUihnir time
gent and efficient Toaclicrs for her Schools. To this end It solicits yotmy persons ot good abilities and good purposcs.-lhose vtIio llJ''nH"H
?r'i. ... n. U.,.1..n,a 'P.. nl ui.nt. I, hrnmlcn. rtt .1 1 .1 ...'nlnnl n f l,nlr ivtwnM n n . I 1 1n, n , I , n t nnrvtHlin I i. for WPt n.ll'l labor OllCr ICRV lUg SCI10OI. 01
catalogue, address the Principal.
"HON. WILLIAM lil.WI.'LL, I'resldrnl Kanr.1
Sept R.'is.-
Some Reasons why these Suspenders
are better than others.
1st. They contain no
2l. They will wesir
any oilier suspender.
3d. The cords run over pulleys,
si nil consequently there eau be no
eliafing or wearing tkcisi out.
Itli. There can be no strain on any
oft he buttons, it being the only self
adjusting suspender in the world.
Merchant Tailor &, Gents' Outlitter,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
For this slylsfcr
Wo will send It to -our Deiwt
to bo examlneil bt fore you nay
lor It. If tt Is not as ri-presented
It can. to returned at our ot
lwtifte. send a postal card f- r IN
lua'rated circular, c. A. WOOD
x Co.. 17 N. 'it nih tl i lilIa.,lM.
J'lly . w)-3m vr&co
1?, i71?outntioaLloadGz.fastwlllntTBr
; 1 .ILlj licit s. tent to ewry turw n nnswi-iint:
tills adv . ui dcLC)(tlt l4 8-ct ttrirnsto revi-uHr-
acre and packing. Tl;i is licr.ctt. t'rtferthopib-
lic to poMinuMcr, or otj tusines man In this place,
ASlElilt'AN MAM-'d Hi.,
July 9, 'SO-Sm w&co Hantlln City, Mahs,
I In all Dditsof tho Mnto toK'll ttuscl's new
Selecant H AT UK 1'l.NNhYI VAMA. Kxry citizen
sliouianaiQ It. olliti'irliQsuice:f'd llAelt&ltce
wartlm b. Utcfu).oimrr.eritlni.dcl!Ciir. A co'U-
onoppoituntty for i uergctlc canvaEcr(, aIllpie fcr
e;u AKEie iti v I'rin.isiiiNO liouhu.
Julys, 1iu-lm Aco Il'SMii.sun lillada.
Tyi7l"XT C T f XT C T Kvrry fcoldler disabled In
I JliiN Ol VJJ i3 1 line of duty, by wound.
disease crlnur, is emitted to pension. Tensions
dale back to ;llm or discharge cr death cf soldier.
Claims cf nil descilpMon piostcuted. Copies ol lest
discharges cblatGed. Clalrns riled by attorneys uho
ao since oieo, tr irorn oiner causes naveceasen
to Dractlce.Iliilslifd wlihout delay. AddretswltU
stamp, II. s. UKHI.IN tee), Attornejs,
yn,'su-lin vtsc i , u. cvx asun ,'icn, ai.u.
"A treatiso on Chronlo Diseases." tmbraclug Ca
tarrh, Throat, Lunffs, Heart, stomacli, Liver, Kid
neys. Uilnary and Female Diseases ; also Plies; set.t
frt-o to any address, liverv sufferfT from these dls.
eases can t'O cured. Secdlur this boiktutheund r
fclsned, a phj blclan cf large exiwrience, endor&ed by
iiuuuif u vi leuuu t ciuzt us vuu ic&iuv iu ins thin.
Send stamp to pa) poMeo to u. K. Lhlngton,M.
1 Kisjtf superior street, ioledo, Ohio,
anrll 2. bu-iy wco
Thousands suffering from Dyspepsia, Ilabltun!
Cohtlreness. Mveruud Kidney i'uniplalnis. tfervfuU
and kindred diseases 111 hall lib dulsht this new
and wondei f ul dlseovery.w hlch ss a dlseasi conquer
or and heallh restorer, has noeiiual tn modern med
icine, 'rnciinot Mexican Iteniedy was tlm Intro
duced Into California tu is79. here lu a few montln
It eirected so many onderlul cures an lo create .1
demand for the medicine Irom Maine to Honda. It
Is the only medicine tu the world compounded Ircra
lho native plants, rools nnd herhs of Mexico It
cures nil Humors. fr 111 the uoistK' a com
mon blotch, pimple, nr eruption, while It clears nnd
beauttiles tiieccmplexlou. IndUcases of lho &lom
neh, mood, Uur and Kidnejs it liaa permanently
cured thousands cf hopeless cases wtitro all other
know n remedies had failed, line e!oe will cure any
cascof Skk Uesilache. iwo doses will break up
any ordinary coujh or cold, rersons suffeilng wild
Heartburn, waterbrash Mur ctomaeh.l.llllousness,
Oostheness, liles, 1'alrltatlou ot the Heart, lsn
Splrlls. and kindred affections, ulll llnd the Mexican
remedy a twlft and sure letlei. 'Hie irenulne Is
placed before tho public, Lder H19 following name;
Horbalino Bitters the Great Mex
ican Remedy.
Call ou your drurtUt aud get a bottle ot the
Mexican ltemeay.and com Ince yourself that it Is tbo
Uest Medicine tn the World,
Tliotrado supplied by lohn Iieeshan, Whrlesalo
Druggist. N. W. comtroili and Walnut streets, Cin
cinnati, O.
lleneral Agent for the United states.
aprll 8, iwuiy wtco
Hlgrxest iledal at Vienna and PUlaJelpUa.
E. & H. 'P. ANTHONY & CO.,
SOI Broadway, New York.
Manufacturers, Importers ft Dealers la
Velvet FramesjAlburas.Grnphoscopesi
Engravings, Chromos, Photographs,
And lidredgoocts-Celebrltles, Actresses, etc.,
We are Hiadquarteis for crcr) thing In tho way of
Storeoptlcoim and Magic Lanterns,
Ear UstjloU.lnif thr Mat ot lis clou tn the market.
iMrau.itui j uuioirnip-uo 'iTaosparerjclCB 01 blalu
y and Kncrravinir"! lc I be window.
Convex eilass. AlanLcturen nr vik Tvoa.
tor JJInlaturca and (Jon' ex (JUsa Itcturta.
tlosa for tiling, tint on receipt Tit ten ctota.
LTiiiiH i ant
n f i, i' itf it.'KN i v a t.. nn,i qtiKbintq (.raftn.if ntr
Mn.i.rnf t hn M.'innfpa. M.,tpr nr ihn fU.ia,iP4. iiriiiiiiatns tn tho olher Courses receive Normal LCi'tlncaies
or Tnnli i .
n TTOi T. T7"TT T7n
longer than
l'a per Hanging.
13 prepared to do all kluds of
Plain and Ornamental
All kliiilti ol'I'urnlliirc Rciaircd,
and inailc nn good an new.
Estimates XVXado on all Work,
OCU 1.1S78.
eiitAV'.i M'i:i:n if jikiiicim:.
uht tiling cure for
Seminal weakness,
spermatorrhea, Im
notency and alldls.
a sequence ot self
abuse ; as Loss of
Memory, universal
1 aslltude. Tain In
ot isioii, ereinature eid Ase, and many oilier dis
eases that lead to Insanity or consumption, and a
Premature tira,e. tfKull parllculais In our pam
phlet which wo desire toeend fre by mall co every
one. t"lhe Hprcltlo Medicine ts sold by nil drug.
(hi) ot f I per package or Hx packages for 13, or will
lo sent tree by ina'l on receipt 01 the money by ad
dreshlno Till! UIIAV MKI)1CIR Co., Mechanics'
liiock, nciroii, alien, bold in bloomsburg bv c A.
Klelm. ea may 7, "so-ly
Motle of iron, beautifully orna
mented, Adjustable shelves.
CJieap and fctronjr. Cannot ptt
out of order. Four sUea. Heml
for complete circular ami prlco
list. Send 23 cent for our new
Illustrated Catn1oj;tio of School
Jlerehandlse. favry rurvnt or
XtutW should ham it.
HeaJj:rten for all School SuppIIu.
ThU remuiftbl tried).
cine H1 cur Spavlui,
bpUnt, Curb, CHuuf , 4e ,
or my ulueriictit, dJ
11 111 rvmuvi th bunch
without bliiterlug or cui.
log lore. Mo reuicUr
ever ditc rem) equili It for
Ctrt4luty of action lu.tnu.
Imovlnir the bunch. VrlMtlUU Send tut lllu.
raiMi (.ircuiarjiinx potuir proor, ton your
numl aii-enl'a adilrraa. KfudHllUunu.
'In (J arts la sold bv llmnUn. or
f Ur, 0. J, Kendall ft Cu., LoMburs J'aU, Veruast.
M OYKU imOTHERS, Hlromi-buriT, '.
I HI mill tKieo) tlio reclpo for a slmpl VegeU.
We lialmlliatwlll remove Tan, FBKejKLKS 1'IM
PLKn and Plolclies, leaylns the ttln 60ft, clear and
bcautirul; alMlnstiuctlons tor producing a luxu.
rlantcrowtUoflialronauald lieador atauotli face
Addn ia. tnclohine a cent tump, lien. Vandell K e.,
vo Ann bt. le, v.
atitoo Mareli So, tm.
"Cinema or Weils ol any ckpth.
I lain. Iron. Porctlaln. or tJopper lineil,
liranda xd o, XI1C 00, ej No. 1.
Ji, Wl. It No. 1. Foriila hi thX
iiiruwar iraae, country Stores, Pump makers
nc. fee thai lte pump you buy Is stenciled O CL
JilatcWey NSLUIacru,er,J m Wirket stwei. 1-bilS
d.lphli.l's, Aqueduct hp lor Farms Wliuia.a'an.
terles.eto, ttym Hot li elf In Loiv, na Wroed
Esa . t
.h ss
Expilis f
rcscrvcu wuou umn.,
Art. V. Course ill Physical Culture.
therein, iccelvn stato Diulomas, contcirlng lho follovvln
.,, .
Inferior to those of our best colleges. .... mielll.
V. V., Secretary.
Weaver & Co's Ads
M e Drintca It la mrj ri, nultrr net tt how lm lUrnl.
Iti( tT hn dvtlj rnotrd. It glt IntUlit rrllef, KDdcurri thf
mutt ctiroulcrxr. In frfiii u to lhm irtLi, If upd Mdlrr-1-1,
I tilimltrcl iiumtx-r rr IrMlmnnlRl ran tx- (lfii If itixirvl,
tut ill kah U IrUl, ta oi. Im il,t It wlilourp txti ll
otlipr nirant fallrtl Hnld tj ill cli-ahr in moelkiue, 'Jt
orni' i rlxitito fi-tit fife i.n rmlj I .f j rwi' l.y
JUiI'.U UTZ.v.rnrraluoul furl. K and ( na''ii
:jo rruiiklln St., Ilalliinorf, .11.1.
7-Umufnek" lr4 nuk and tlinatora ortir J, V Pa
lit TtpTir.
Jwi CO.
of Cuiu'tT, Tumorit, UU'tMK,
Scrnriihi. and hkfn l)iHi.iiHo.
without tho ubo of kuifo or loss of Llotnlandllitlo
imltb l-'or iufonnatlon. circulara ftiil irfiTeucca,
addfosa lr. X L,, l'O.Nl, Aurora, Kaua Co. HU
sept. 1 V70-1y. J w Jt f 0.
P.T.ARTin TlMTco
f Hit t PU ditTtHn- from U othtn, i
(inBiw, wm neii-Aaiaiung lt
lo Mukf, adayU lucir to potltloni
f th beT, whll lrl Hjni tn 111
l,!1,1l.l'"'1-"cf,' w '"' ii ,a.
Ulj. 11 U ;. dunut u (cliur. Ht It null. e,n.h
Eoaleston Truss CoVihicaflO, III.,
sept. 19. 79 -ly,
Cured Painlessly.
Tho medlclno sold for a small margin Qbovotho
cost of compounding. All casoa treated byspptlal
Mrs H. ll. Collins, La I'orte Ind,
leu o-cm wco
rTTT?! ConsumnMon & Asthma.
... VU1VU Never yet failed, iddress
feb.C, 'SO-yl WACO
When Dr. llriirRs with consciom pride,
Anil earnest zeal his mind applied,
The science deep to open wide,
Of soothing and of healing,
lie took of many substances known
That would heal or still a groan,
And soon composed by still alone
His miraculous Bunion l!ilain.
Tormented with Bunion, Corn or liru'ue,
Thousands of xuflerers heard the news,
Tbo remedy that meets tho views
Is Ur. Iiripga' Hunion lSaUam.
Sold by 0, A, Kleim, Ulooimburg, Pn.
.4 llorci lo the WUe. Try Dr. Joslab
Bnggs' Catarrh spec'fics on following condi
tiont: We will pay $100 for a case they will
not cure; SlOOfortbeir equal asa cure; $500
if anything poisonous is iound in
fl.000 if in anv rrsnrct thee nrn iinr, ...i
from representation. Sold by 0 A. Kleim
iiloomsuurg, l'a.
Vom ci Celebrated rhyslcian of llarrh
W7, l'a. Dr. Josiali Urigsr, Dear Sii:
ouuio iour uiumus since a limy applied to me
for someth ing to relieve the pain o 11 trouhle-
juiiiB uuuiou anu n lestercu corn, and having
heard your Hunion llalsam highly spoken
i.i, a uireiieu ncr 10 call on your agent J. H
lloher. and eet a box. film .li.i n .
. ... o.., au iiu,v
lniiirms me lho cure iscomplete, she having
sullered no pain after the firit application
Believing Briggs' Btiuiou lUNatn of great
value to those who suffer from corns, bun.
1 uuiiesiiuiingiy recomineiid it to
the people of the country. Sold by C
A. Kleim, Mo'imsburg, l'a.
Catarrh thatloathiome ewe.tbntscource
of humanity, which destroys milUs of peo
pie, annual y is speedily find radically cured
with Dr. J oa nh ltr mn ni.,..i. o...i,
Sold by 0. A. Kleim, Blooni.buri.' l'a
Mr. Ma M Sloan, of Irenton, A' ..', my,
I wou.d pay $100 for one bottle ol Tamarack
get it without. It hat cured me of gravel
and inflammation of the prostrate gland,
weak back and general debility. Sold by 0
A. Klelm, Bloomsburg, ptt
Jr. Joiah iriij' liunion Jlaham is the
climax of mcdlcaUcience. the only di.cov
ery on oatlh that will r.dically and prrma.
nently cure lroubleome and painful
lor.nenti., whoe throbbing pains a'nd Ta.
sightly pro ruslon, Is asoutcanf untold mi",
sery. llunlcn aIs0 cute8 fa fl
olt corns, sore insteps, Ac. Silver Com
1 Master is a model 0 feicc 1 fence VeoZ ri
zlrg Foot Lotion U a boon to iw.aty "e
am dispels the flensivo odor Irom then..
Hvlloa cure f.;r ingrowing nails Is the won
der of the wo, d. It blood and corru, "on
gushes from the. Mdes of lho toe at every
zici-,Acrrou,or lhlhout lleadache,m
ions sufTer this most universal nllllctlr.n nl
.p, "w, ii classes are troub led.
The head never aches when n, ,.!...'
gansare working in harmony wUh nature,
...... v uu urauacne 11 ine uutnan ma.
a !! . V ,":a.u"5r condlt on. mlm
ralgl.; never falls. Sold b, 6 1 1 . "
iiloomsuurg, l'a.
Sountl lhl Hunt. ,1 ....
the glorious victory. "fCi "toy o .uTrlnJ
from Internal Uleedirg, KxinL and &
Ing l'llft Is rail. n, V.1.1 n't "., A1"'
hlrTallnn I'll." r"""?u "r,BB Van-
Ti i r . re"""e are in every retnect
reliable for the cni.of hemoriholdsfo, , dl "
Printed at this Office
sept. :b, "i-iy
A VPre table nrrDfirntlnn unrt i..'pCl
rrinrtly In tbe world for Itrlalii'. i.Y
p-i'pat ImonlaU of tho hlfilieat ordop in . .
Of theo statements. vaiura nnrroof
"Knrtli cure nf IXntrrtrH. mil r., i.
rti',or the euro or UviitUVm tinA it,.t.a
dlwMM, call for Wurnt-r' j ,dLhf'
nv, ry function to more lieaitufui B ?J ? 11
in thU4 A hciioflt In nil ril.iin.. ' I0U. Mid
I It rurcsftrmniloiiTi nnd other Sl.ti, r.
CPrn, Mid other Noroft. " H,""t U
.vaitrpln, enLnrM nftlio Mom.i.
roiMllpalloti, llrlr-,, fj"rV 'i-,!"Kf!'
unenualpd ni nn nr-petlzortim! regular t. nii
lloltles of two Kites prices, 50r. n "1 T&
Inltltf rrlOIX flln. Afi.t t.1
work, mental r hocks, and otliercniis, 3
turbfd Werves- It never Injures tl.
whether tnken In umall orlnrtredoHt 'uta
liotttes of two sizes ; prices, Buc. nuj 11 0fl
Are nn Immediate and active atlnui! f. .
Torpid llwr, nnrl elite CoitlTcntu, Dyrp l,r
louincn, Biltoui Di,
ad Agvt, an.l fill ,1
he usi-d whcuev rthg
bowels do not ,pirfi.j
o ntbrr Till rnulr ia.k
mill il.r.n r.r Id ir..,k
work. I tie
It arna-r'k kf.. It,
i ftl-ll.jUrwMl.l. Itp,
H. H. Warner feci,.
Cysrnii r..r r.t u ,
OCt. 31, 18"9.-ly
on tno raiiadcipma unci Jta lrcndulMslouvuir
as ioiiows ;
Erlo Mall leaves riilla.lplplila 11 pa
" " ilarrlsbuip 4x am
' "' port li
' " -tersoy Hioro i1 in on
" " Lock ItaM'ii u 41 um
" ' Kenovo 11 o am
" aiTlvo at, Erlo T m p ia
Niagara Express leaves I'l.llailelr lila (mki a m
" lliinlshiiit; litim
" arr. at vililainsiurt ilpu
" Ijick llacn 4 i um
11 " ItCnOVO 5 411 pm
Fast Lino leaves I'lilladrlplila 11 iiura
" HflrrUburir 3.1pm
" arrive at Wllllamspcrt 7i3pm
" " Lockllaen S40pm
rnclllc Express leaves Ick Unren
" " Jersey hliure
" " llllainsport
" arrive at llanlsouii:
" ' riillartulphVa
Day Express leaves llenovo
" " Lock Haven
" ' V llllamsDOrt
f. 4i a ra
T i in
T y u ra
tl4' pm
a i. i rn
0 tn a ra
11 In a in
12 til p in
3 4 1 p m
U4 pm
s 10 p ra
1) ' p m
11 m ra
1 4j a ra
7 mi a in
li, i'-1 a ra
3'0 am
14 arrive at IlnrrbburL'
' 1'bttadi'lnUU
jino .Man leaves llenovo
" " Lock Haven
14 44 Wllllamspurt
44 arrives at llarrlMiurg
44 44 Philadelphia
Past Ltne leaves u lillamsport
4 arrives at Ilarrlsbiirir
44 44 l'lilladelphla
1 40 a m
Erlo Mall west and Day Kxprcwi East make cl
uuiiiit'ciions iiiciniiuiaucriaiiu iu u n. n. i
trains fof Wllkeibarre and berunton,
uno .nan vvesc, Niagara lixpruia vvesi am rsr.
Line West make close conneellon at IllIuiiMcr;
Willi N. C. 11. W trains north.
Niagara Express West and Day Expic s fir.
make clce councctiun at Lock Haven vlilil).E.f,
It. If. trnlna.
trulnsein L.8. tx.b. It. K. ; at corry Hllhii.l'.l
A. V. It. It. : at Emporium with 11. N. V. .t I'. It. 1
and at Drtrtwood Willi A. V. ll. II.
Tarlor cars win run hetn een l'htla lelplila ul
tt lllamport on Niagara hxpress west, and liuyli
pieu haat. bleeping cars un all ulsla trulM.
Hll.A. I)ALUV1S.
tienerul upt.
Oa and after November 20th. 1S73. irnina Wiiiian
Erlo Mall 5.S0 a. tn., arrive Klinlra 11 .5
44 Canandalgua a.r, p.n
Nlagaia 9 40
Itcnovo accommodat Ion 11.10 a. tn. arrlv a mm
port u.w p. m.
Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrive Elmlra lo.lio a. ta.
Buaalo Exprcss T.15 a. m. arrive UutTalo 8.M a a
UutTalo Eipreas 11.130 a. ra. arrive llorrlsburg
44 lliiltiinoiuf'.IO
Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., anlvo HarrMiiirg l.
44 Wii&hlngton 111 3e
44 UaltltiioioCiiJ
" Washington
Uarrlsburg accommodation
burg lo.K) p. m.
orrlvo Ilaltlmoro
44 Washington tf.13
Erlo Mall 1 J.65 a, m. arrive Uarrlsburg 3 115 a. in,
44 llaltlmore 6.40 44
44 Washington 10.35 44
All dally except Sunday.
D. M. 130 YD, Jr., Hcneral rasscngcr Asei
A. J, OASSATT, eicncral Jlaoajt:
May U, 1S79.
TRAINS llltl KCfKllT iS 'OLI.OWB(alDAV rxcirtH
t'or New York, 1'hlladelphla, Heading, rottsimi
Tomariaa, Ac, 11,45 a. m
ror cntawlssa, 11,45 a. in. T,S1 and 7,35 p. in.
For WUUamsport, ,05 a. m. and 4,w p. ia.
Leave New York, 8,4s a, m.
Leave l'lilladelphla, ,13 a. m.
Leave Heading, 11,55 a. m., rottsvllle, l,s P. D
and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m.
Leavo uatavrlssa, c,jo 8,50 if. m. and 4,oo p. in.
Leave Wllllamsport , 4Sa.m,8,15 p. m. andi.w p. 0
1'assengers to and from New York nnd I'Ulaicl-
phU go througa ithout change ot cars.
CO.uancock, Genera, ilanagcr
;a and
Tlmo-Tabto No. 89, Takes etlect at 4.10 A.
MONDAY. JUNK 10, 1878.
son 11.
p.m. rum. a.m.
a.m. p in.
9 S3
9 08
8 58
8 51
Ill 1 40
.. Wiitlltuton..
Maltby ,
9 35
s h eg
sji if,
1 11 40
S 41 I
14J IW
(1 it)
see Tie
o I IS
9 87
9 45
9 30
i 61
3 45
3 41
9 31
9 19
9 14
9 53
8 45
10 07
11 41
li 0
3 80
3 10
9 04!
8 41
10 18
10 8J
..Plymouth Juno..
a 10 I is
8 15 IU
3 91 I 35
8 SO I '
8 S3 3 SO 8 55
Is mouth.
10 SJ
3 19
3 04
Avunaaio ....
8 47,
8 3U
8 33
til 34
8 01
llunlocW'sirix-k.Io 43
3 I"
3 HI S
4 10 s
7 51
9 11
7 38 S 39
...Hlck'nKerry,,..1!! 07
..lteach Haven.. .Ill 13
...... Hervvlck II 31
8 17
8 18
T '1 I 91
T 3 8 ta
7 18
4 I9 1
4 .H J 1'
4 W '
4 S3 TW
4 41 7 41
"! f SS
4 5S
. ii t Ml
-..isnar creck
-Willow llrove.
T 14
T 10
1 03
e m
e it
t 04
1 57
1 61
1 II
1 17
J ..........Eapy.;
tl 89
11 45
11 5
7 S3
.... Runert
7 90
L'utawlssa Urldgo.!
11 57
T 11
..... 1J1U1VU1U.. ......
I 11 !"
bt 9
6 00
1 00 45
13 45 5 43 I
P.m. E.m. a m
p.m. p.m. -a
Supartotondent's omoe, Wiintoo, June l'o, 181
Hoalcrs In
u , sricss, BICASI SODA, tc, .
. K. Oorter (3e6nd ud Arcn treVk