The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 23, 1880, Image 3

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iii.iioflSM'iio, nnmv, .ii'i.T su, tsso
runuo BAt.KS.
OoirKJ A- Holy, ad mtnllrntnr of Henry
Klngjlinty, (lccci'dl, will offer real c.slnto for
Mlein Denton on Saturday Auguit 7tli at 10
n. m.
Rules of tho Democratic party
of Columbia county, collated nnd
printed at tho Columbian olTico in
pamphlet form, now ready. Ev
ery Democratic voter should have
a copy. Sent post-paid to any ad
dict on receipt of ten cents, mon
ey or postage stamps. Address
thucolumiuan Bloomshurg Pa.
July 16 i-f
Dolesalo election tickets will bo printed at
ihis olllco next week. All candidates tit siring
llieir names itiscrtett wilt Inform ui by the 28lh
Tlio Democratic volirof lliclsevcral districts
of Columbia county will meet at tbe unml
places of li Ming tto pentrnl election on gut
trJajt AuRWt 7lli, 18S0, between tho hours
tf three ant) fcren oclock in tho afternoon, nnd
dect tltltgalea by ballot to represent tho tlis
tricH in tho county convention to bo held in
tho Opera Home, llloonisburg on Tuesday ,Au
gut 10th, at 11 o'clock a. m., to place ,in nomi
nation ono candidate for Congress, ono candl
thtc for Slate Senator, two candidates for I!ep
re tentative ami ono candldalo for District At
torney and to transact such other business as
the interest of tho Democratic party may re
quire. Also at tho fi;i me timo anil places and
sn the fame manner; the Democratic electors of
cich district will elect one perFOn to servo ai a
member of the County Standing Committee
which will meet Immediately cn the adjourn,
mcnt ol theCovenlion.
!j order of the county Committee,
DAVin LownxiiERO,
Apportionment of delegates according to
vote for Governor in lSiS
Hloi-.m ICast AVanl
llloom West Ward
Conynglism K.
Ml l'leasant
K ist Scott
West Scott
11. 1''. Zarr, K-q , is oil' on a fishing ex-cureion.
Thero is n laige crop of whortleberries this
Mr. A. C. Frcns is reading law in the ofllco
of C. I'. Jpckson, Krj, at llci.vick.
Cnpt. Urockway atlcntl. J the Grand Army re
tiniion at Getlyi-burg.
E. H. Little lias been visiting his brother It
P.. Ijlttlo, at Tunklnntiock.
lion. II. I!. I'ayno has been nominated by
the llcpublicani eif Luzerne as candidate for as
sociate law judge.
Winona Hoo Company will bold a festival
at Evans' Hall on Friday and Saturday evC'
nings, July COilt and 31st.
Maior E. A. Hancock lias been appointed
O.iarierjii'ter fienerid to fill thcvjciircy catiFcil
by the tioith of Col.C. G.Jiukson.
There was n i-overe Inil storm in Lycoming
county hit Friday which did much damsgo to
fruit nid crops.
Lightning struck: (he oil tauks at Cit'tcrcity
last week. Thursday, end a largo amount o.
damage was done.
Thunder storms are of frequent occurrence
just now. On Tucfday morning tlieie was
liotvy fall of rain accompanied by heaven's nr.
No moro sick Chickens. Saye your poultry
and cure them ot disease, by using Jloberl
l'oultry Powder. It has never tailed to euro
Cholera nnd'all diseases to which fowls are sub
joct. Price 23 cents per package jul)2-liu
A number of our citizens have already made
their connections with the water mains. An Ir
regular supply will ba obtained in about
week, and ibo works are expected to be com
pletcd by August I5th.
The Bcaid of Directors for Mt. riensti
township were unanimous in tlio adoption of
tho "Triumph" fcliool desk on Saturday h
H, V. White, agent, Hloonisburg, Pa.
The Hancock and English club was address.
cd on Wednesday evening by John M. Clark,
Esn,. in a thoughtful and clear elattmeiit of tl
Issues of the day. W. II. Jacoby was elected
Marshal of tho club. The numbor of names
tlins far enrolled is 2)2.
Tho Williarasnort councils have passed c
ordinanco forbidding the keeping open of bar
her shops on Sunday. It was decided in tit:
county Bomo years ago that the common law
forbids the carrying on ot any such tradoor uu
ainess on tlio Sabbath.
MuL ?tml n!,el.r '''lcd Eleclro-Vollalo
I ells lo the afflicted uK,n 30 .lay. (rial. Speedy
?i rp?1,?"""l Thev moan what they m7.
V rile to tlicm without delay. Not. 21-ly.
llllltWlOK I.ETTEI!,
On Mondiy night a severo thunderstorm
visited our loan. Tho rain Ml wis grcitcr
than at any timo beforo this summer, . lama
ting the streets In several places to n considers
Me extent. No little damage was dono to tho
corn and buckwheat on tho neighboring f..rnn.
Tho debris on the properly known as tho
Jlkhael Irantz property, on Front street, Is
he ng removed preparatory to tho building of
a business block,
Mr. Snyder, County Superintendent, held n
leachera' examination In tho rrliool houso on
Monday. Two of n class of ten wcro rejeetcdj
that is, did not receive certificates.
Archery has nt onrtown and bids
fair lo take tho place of croquet. Almost daily,
at Mr. 11. P. Crispin's, a lllllo party may be
seen practicing, with Iho target plerced.'wltli in
numerable arrows.
At a meeting of the school board somo time
since, two new leathers were engaged, Mr.
TresMott and Miss Larrisb.
tKc bas do not sullcr much yet, though ev
ery day somo llred fisherman returns with two
or three, for which ho has broiled all day in n
hoi sun.
. . . . . KEronTEit,
Ilersick Pa., July 21, 'SO.
Sines' DvsnNTimv Compnund There are
no diseases that will so quickly bring Incidents
o( a person's past life and make him think of
homo and his mother as Cholera, Cholera Mor
bus, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic and nil llieir
kindred diseases. And lo bo without Sine's
Dysentery Compound when overtaken by the
above disease Is to bo almost without hope,
jnly 2-lm
council ritocnwiiNus.
Connril met nt 7J o'clock p. m. The meet
ing having been called by tho Secretary and no
lice having been giveu, all the members wero
present, Mr, Herring, President, and Messrs.
Holmes, Sharpless, ltabb, Thomas, Has;ertn'.d
Evans, Tlio President announced the object
f the meeting to tako into consideration the
expediency of purchasing the necessary num
ber of feet of hose needed, It was resolved
at they purchase eight hundred feet of leath
bose from Samuel Eastman & Cn , at the
price stated by their agent, Mr. C. A. Landay
n his proposition to the Council, viz: ono dol
lar and tweuty-fivo cents per foot, with 4 per
cent, deduction if paid within thirty days after
rial, with nickel plated coupling, com
pete. Also two discharge pipes, four noz
zles, two one and one quarter inch and two one
and one-eighth inch, at ten dollars each; also
one Siamese connection at nine dollars; also
two hoso straps, two double male couplings
and one coupling tool free of charge, the whole
to be delivered to Uloomsburg frco of freight
C. V- Miller, Eq., presented tho following
Town of Uloomsburg to M andrake Swamp Co.
'o as.'essment as mado by Company
June 1. 18S0 $350 -15
On motion Council refused unanimously to
pay said bill, butagreed to have their Solicitor
enter in cise stated with Mr. Miller and have
the Court decide the question of liability of the
Town of Uloomsburg.
Council pnscd resolution instructing the
Treasurer to allow twenty days from tho tw.n
lieth of Julv for tax-pavers lo pay their tax
without adding the five per cent.
On motion adjourned.
John K. Grotz, Sec'y.
Only 75 cents for sit months, or $1,60 a year
in advance. Got up tlubs and scud In yon
L. V.. Waller, Esq., is nt tg Pond,
Miss Ohlhauscn, of Mnl.anoy Plains is visit
ing Mrs. M. E. Ent.
E. W. Drinker Is sending his summer va
cation at homo, engaged in the office of
the Now York Central, company,
Capt. Chadwick, of tho U'H. Nayy, wasyls
lling his son-in-law, Hairy lllrkcnblne, last
Hon. J. P. Wickersham publishes n circular
letlor, addressed to tho boards of school direct
ors, and conveying the gratifying Information
that nil outslandlng school warrant will bo
paid during this and next months. Tho letter
is as follows:
"The Slate Treasurer, Hon. Samuel Butler,
authorizes mo lo give nollco that nil ootstand
ing warrants issued to school districts for the
appropriation cl 1870, numbered up to 1,500,
will bo paid as presented during tho current
month; and that the balance of these warrants
numbered from 1,500 upward", remaining un
paid at tho end of July, will be paid during
I congratulate schcol directors and all inter
ested in public schools, the long delay in Iho
payment o( mrney duo from the Stale is thus
happily ended."
On Saturday, August 14th, there will bo n
Union Harvest Home of tho Kcformed clmrgo
in the grove at the Zion church, in PMiing-
creek township. A number of speakers will be
present. All are cordially invllcd to attend.
N. B. Xu unauthorized parly shall be per
mitted to have an ice cream stand or confection
ery on Ihe grounds. A. IIoutz.
Geo. E. Elwtll will Le at tlio Exchange Ho
tel in Benton on Tliursday,Augusl 5th, and will
be pleased lo receive the names of those who
disire to tubs, ribe for this paper. He also re
quests that all those who are indebted to Ilrock
way & Elwell for subscription up to October
1st, 18i0 will call and settle, ami all who are
ready tu pay for the present year will bare an
opportunity of doing so, Improve tho oppor
tunity and save a trip to Uloomsburg. j2J2w
Englishmen formerly supposed lhatAmeri
can running horses wero very inferior to theirs
but during tlio last two years Parole, allen-
stein and other fast onos that wero sent trom
country to England, have won hundreds
of thousands of dollars, for Buck Americans
as tbe Mews. Lorill ird, James Gordon Ben
nett, Ac. Tlio Eniilishmen have investigated
iho reasons fur the great success of theAmcri.
cm horses, and find that they are kept in such
fine condition by tlio constant use of M. B.
Itoberts' Horse Powders. jnly 2-2m
Tho Hancock and Uncl'sh Club met In Oad
man's Hall last Thur-day evinlne pursuant to
adjournment. The prei lent announced that,
two hundred and tweniysix members ImJ been
enrolled. By tho u 'anlmom request nf the
club, It. E. Smith, E-q., nblrosscl Ihe miet
Ing In his usually tloquci tin inner
Moved that Iho mooting bo changed frum
Thursday evening to Wednesday evening. Car
Moved thai the committee on Iransptrencies
Ac, bo instructed lo decorate Iho hall properly.
Tlio president called attention lo tho import'
anco of procuring suits for the drum corps and
announced the following committees:
Constitution and By-Laws U. B. Brockway,
chairman; Jno. M. Clark, It. R. Little, Paul E.
Wirt and 0. W, Sterner.
Finance Geo. li Elwell, chairman; W.K.
Tublis, W. C. McKlnnoy, Frank Den Her, It.
W. McKiynohK
On procuring speakers John G. Freeze,
chairman; Pelet Dlllrocyer, David Lowenberg.
Transparencies and decoration of hall Thos.
Gorey, chairman; C. G, Barklcy, Jas. Cadman.
Glee Club Elijah Shull, chairman; Goorgo
Itassert. M. P. Eyerly.
Enrollment, assessment and payment of tar
es Wm. Krickbaum, chairman; W. lf,Jacoby,
John It Casey.
On motion club adjourned to meet Wednes
day evening, Jnly 21, nt 8 o'clock.
It. Ill'CKtSailAM, ;
O. It. HOISEL, j1"
becy s.
No More llnnl Times.
We notice by tho Williamport Sun that I'eter
Herdichas invented a new stylo of pwenger
coach, capable of seating eight persons and to
bo drawn with one horse. The principal points
about Ihis coach, giying it superiority over any
other, is in the fict of its having very largo
wheels, thus passing moro easilyover therough
pivenients and allowing one horse to draw
about as much as two with smaller wheels.
Tho axles are in a single piece of cn-ting, with
a drop of eighteen inches from (lie spin
dles, allowing the coaib to pet near the ground.
There are other pointsof excellence which com
mend tliem selves at once. Mr. Herdio has or
ganized a company with n capital of $1,000,000
at Philadelphia, where they intend to manufac
ture theee coaches on a largo scale and expect
to mpply every city in the United Slates.
At tho present lime when there are so many
worthless liniments in the market, it would be
well to inquiro which is tho best this will bo
found in M. 11. ltoberts' celebrated Embroca
tion. It is a panacea for rll ailments that re
quire rubbing cither an man or beast. For sale
by all druggi-ls. july 2-lm
The ice cream pnrty which was held last Sat
urday evening in tlio empty store room of E. P
Bender, in this pi.ico, was attended by one
hundred and thirty-one, old and young. It
seemed to be very well enjoyed by all.
Mrs. S. F. Pealer, ofLansford, Carbon coun
ty, is in this neighborhood, visiting her many
relatives and friends.
The heavy hail storm which passed one mile
north last Friday, did a great deal of damage
to tbe corn, oats, buckwheat, &c. It bailed
ecarcely .my bote.
The Democrats of Northumberland have
nominated Lewis Dcwart forUongrcss (sub
ject to tho conference with Dauphin and
Lebanon counties), S. 1'. Wolverton for
State Senator nnd Wm. Elliot and John
Scanlan for Legislature.
If you will stop spending sn much ou fine
clothes, rich food and style, buy good
healthy rood, cheaper nod better clothing ;
get moro real and substantial things of life
every way, nnd especially stop tho foolish
habit of employing expensive, quack doc
tors or using so mucn oi tne viio iiutnnug
mcdecino that does vim onlv barm, but nut
your trust in that simple, puro remedy, Hop
lllttors; that cures always nt a trifling cot,
and you will see good times nnd hnvo good
u e n 1 1 h. Uhvomcle.
Judge Itoss, of Montgomery, is said lo
have decided that tbe law docs not conlcm
plato holding post mortem examinations at
nqucsls,exccpt wherostispicious circumstan
ces exist.
Ono day in tho house Mr. Wilson of
Iowa, a republican, wai warmly advocating
an amendment to the tariff bill making
sweeping reductions in duties. Gai field as
usual began to sce-sait backward and forward
until no cmocnulcl tell cm which side ho
would land when Thaddeus Slevens interrup
ted him. "Why not come out honestly and
accept tho proposition of the Benl'eman from
Iowa (Mr. Wilson) which is a much better
and more Ingenuous ono?" Stevens bad
respect for the franknest and honesty of Wil
son though opposed to him. But ho despised
tho orookedness and evasions of Garfield
though pretending to bo on his side. For
this incident see Congressional Globe part 4
page 3,721, first session thirty-ninth Cou
grcss. Patriot.
To defino tlio neeoi.-iry anil
linn. George N, Uorson, Nnrrlslown.sayn
The Phrenlx Piclr.ral Is Indi.spetisablo in my
family. It net like a charm In curing
coughs and rnlils with the i liili'ic ti,and I
nlways use It when iildrts-lnp jnrv. Prlco
25 ccnls. O. A. Kl ini.tlbvitusluirc. nprlO-ly
Admission fnosi iMcKirnry's.
Another cao nf Pino Heady Mado Cloth
ing just rcrclvt J at 1). Lmvrnbcrg's.
The best (2 pair for 25 cout-1 stockliiES
in tho county at I. W, ltnrlman's,
4,000 pounds nice dried raspberries, 4,000
poutidsjiilceilriedpltled cht fries wanted lliU
fall, by f iR3 Young, Light rilrcet.ju y 2-0ni
Call nt McKlntioy's lor Shoes.
Ladles', Mles' and Children's Pincy
llosu Just received at I. W, llartmau's.
Por Nobby Ilat,
I' or Latest styles,
For Lowest Prices,
Go lo David Lowrnberg's,
Call and see tho Il5st nnd Cheapest Sum
mer Suit for fO.OO at I). Lowctibcrg'a.
New Muslins, Calicoes, Liwns, Ac., Ac,
at I. W. llarlman's.
Kuhbers at McKinucys.
Nuw CoLUHtitv, July 20, 1SS0.
Mb. Eiutok: Being asked several times
questions concerning the enumeration of Fish-
ingcrcck tonnship, I have made a partial state
ment of tbe enumeration, which please pub'
lish in your widely circulated paper, ti Ihe
benefit of all who may be concerned.
No. of Inhabitants 1419
' Dwellings aw
1 Families
1 Farms
1 Planing mills
' Coopers
' Blacksmith shops
' ltako factories
1 Shoemakers
1 Grist mills
' In-ano persons
" Idiots
1 Deafmutos
" Blind
" Deaths
" Bushels of buckwheat
I'lice per bushel
Mothers, hi fire giving your little babe cough
croup medicine', remember' Syr
up ol Tar, 1 1 1) irlioutid and Wild Cherry, is the
aly preparation thai contains no opium, mor
phine, or any other narcotic. july 2-lm
Customer "Why are Malt Hitlers so popu
lar'1 Druggist " Because as n Pood Medlcire
they enrich the blood, harden tho muscles, qui'
et tho nerves and perfect digestion." july !-4w
J. A.Scranton, of tho Scranton .YpuMiwin,
has been nominated for Corgress by tbeltepuh
licmsol the Luzerne and Lackawanna district.
It"1 was serenade 1 a few nights ago nnd Mrs.
Scranton made a speech to the peienaders, Is
it Juo or his wlfs that's running fur Congress?
Total value 43,452 00
TW1 nflniahal of errain l;S3,72o
Tota value of drain xu.iui.ju
Enumefator of Fishingcreek township,
It goes like wild fire. I sell twcntybotllesol
Ihe Great Mexican lleniedy, to one of any oth
er modlcine in my store. It cures every timo
and goes like wild Bre. I cured my wife of
chills and fever, and my child of croup, J. D.
Frooiao, drugg hit, Mailand, Indiana.
Judge Cummin, ono of the committee chosen
by Ihe Milton people to distribule tbe fund
contributed fir thtlr benefit, has lecided ti nt
n the courts have jurisdiction in bucIi matters,
it cannot bo distributed by a committee without
the consent of all the donors and donees, whiih
would bo practically impossible. The fund will
piobably be disposed of in tho courts of North
umbcrlaud comity,
William Ititcbie, a fsrmer living in the East
District, died very suddenly on Sunday after
noon last, of heart cllsense. He attended Sun.
day school and church in the morning, and in
Ihe afternoon in com any with Mr. Alonzo
ICrossler, he lode out to Mr. Krcssler's in Ml
1'leasant. where he died shortly after Ma aril
val, while engaged in conversation. Thede
ceased was 41 years old, was a a member of Iho
Baptist church of this ilaco and leaves a wife
and four children.
Total value,
Bushels corn, shelled
Price perbusbol
Tola' value
Bushels of oats
Value per busliel
Total valuo
Bushels ryo
Value per bushel
Total valne
Bushels of wheat
Value per bushel
Total valuo
Bushel of olatoc3
Prico per bushel
The printers say, omil writing on both sides
the paper, as it is a gicat inconvenience to
Uuiit continuous weather reports. rsever,or
'hardly ever" touch the weather except in caso
f storms or drought.
Omit the use of many words and comments.
Omit puffs for certain parties and keep the
editor's scissors sharr
Omit replies lo unpleasant personalities from
other correspondents. Silence on your partw ill
silence them in less time and more effectually
than all tho wordy warfare you can wage,
Omit unpleasant personalities and never send
items the force of which nro known only to
yourself and a few cithers, A newspaper is not
fortress behind which to throw shells.
Omit saying anything simply for thepurposa
f filling up a communication.
Omit nrlicles liable to stir up strife and dis
cord between neighbors.
S10.8S0 00
$3,01(1 F0
Physicians freely prescribe the new Foot!
Medicine. "Malt Bitters," becausa more hour
bins, strenithening and purifying than all
titer f.irmi of malt or medicine, while lice
ofrom the objections urged against malt liquo;
Ckvtre, July 27, 1SS0.
For some lime past a cloo observer inigl
have notlcod something peculiar in Ihe manner
of the ladles In ihe vicinity of Illdlay church
They frequently met in private conclavo and
seemed to be lormlug a ring. Whether a Htn
cock, Uaifield or Woman's Bights Club no ono
could say,
That something was nbout lo hsppen was ey
ident. Just what lhat something was remained
a mystery till last Saturday when tboconsplra'
tors gathered at a neighbors, and armed with
laree baskets well filled wilb those nrlicles neC'
essary to Ihctuccesaot slltsoll managed sur
rriso parties, the prrcee.le' rn ukmv, to tur
prise ihe fortress. The surprise) was complete.
while the reception, though Informal,
warm and cordial. Although tho party mini
berecl Ihirly-lhree, jet the baskets contaim
an atnplo feast Or all. Tim day was an enjoy.
able one and the whole affair proved a dellgh
ful mccess. The victim was Miss Lizzie Buck
d and tbe occasion her birthday May she
agreeably surprised on many such occasions
the ish ol her many friends.
proper c.v-
lii'iises incident to tlio nomination and
election of Senator, Kepresoiitativc',
State, Judicial, Municipal and County
officers, and to authorize tho payment
Sr.cnoN 1. Jic it enacted, etc., That
no lieison who shall hereafter lio a can
didate for the nomination, or for election
lo the Senate or IIoiiso of Itepresenta
tives, or to anv office of the judiciary, or
to any state, municipal or county office
in tins commonwealth, snail pay or con
tribute, either directly or indirectly, any
money or other valuable tltiitu', or know-
inirlv allow it to lio dono by others for
mm, either lor the nomination, election
or apiiiiitnient, except neccs:iry expen
ses as lolluws, to-wit :
First. For printing and traveling ex
r- i i! ; ..r :..r-
oeconci. ror uisxciiiuiuiiou ui iiuui- sr. n
Illation to tho public. Sim's
Third. For lmlilical meetinirs. dent- M-7 v-'
onstrations and conventions.
Ihe lorcirotny; expenses may ho lit
em red. either in person or throimh other
umiviiluuls or committees ot organiza
Hons duly constituted for the niiriioe-
but notln'iiK contained in this act shall bo
so construed as to authorize tho payment
of money or other valuable tluii'r lor tho
r ., r .
vcuu or muuencu oi any eieeiui, i-iun-r
directly or indirectly, at primary, town
ship, general or special elections, nomi
nating conventions, or for any corrupt no net;.
The Clolhlni! Store of David Lnwciibere
is well stocked willi all (he latfft styles of
Clothing for Men, Youth ctml Children.
Call and examine.
Shetland Shawls, white, hltn an I
$1.00 lo ,1.40 nt I. W. Ifartmari's
Jno! lu'adq'iarters at McKiiinoy'.
GET almost
Do you know how to get
in the ennicst way and to best
advantage what you want for
dress and house-furnishing?
First, how: Write for a
catalogue ; see what you can
learn from it about the things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly the right
samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods are kept in the
greatest variety ; where they
arc sold for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices are lowest;
where most care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably; and whrc you have
the right to return whatever
is not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you are if you make your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best things in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes by mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost for car
riage than the money you
save in the price.
ly vlrtno u' snmlrr wrlt-.Usueu' out ot the Comt
of Common Pleas ef Ool unhia county, an I lo inoill
rect'wl,witl t'O opo'tto public sio at tlw Court
House In IJiotown 'it Illoom itjurg, K 2 o cluck, P. m
Siituriltiy, .fuly IM1I1, KSbU
All tho right title and Interest of iho attendants
in that certain tract of plecoof Unit situate In lien
ton township, Columuhi county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and dcscilbedas follows, to-wlt I Onlho
noitli liy land ol Solomon tuvls and Ittruin Asli, on
tho enst by land ot Samuct Kline, on, tho south by
land ot William Ash, and on tho west by land of tho
lienton Mutual Sivlns Fund and torn Association,
containing one hundred acres moro or less.on whl ch
aro erected two two-story framo dwelling houses
barn and out-bulldlns.
Kel7.eittaken In execution and M ho sold as tho
property of Thomas I,. Davla and Heubcn.1, Davis.
KNoiui Fiiiti, Attorney. Sundry Writs.
All that certain 'raetor pteco of land Htuate In
Montour township, Columbia county and State of
l'cnnsyrtanla, hounded and described as follows to
wlti on iho north by land of IicuucnUutUs,ontlio
south by land of Prank i:vans,and on tho west by
land of Waller estate, containing two acres more or
less, on which aao erected a two fctory framodwell
In; house, barn and outbultdtngs.a good apple orch
ard and oilier Irult trees on tlio premises.
one other tract ot land situate In Montour town
ship, Columbia county, rcnnsjlranla, bounded on
tho north by land lato of Ean Wclllvcr, on tho cast
bylandollteuben tiulltK ar.don the south and west
ty land of tho Walter estate containing touracies
moro or less.
All that certain lotcirplccoof ground situate In
Iho town ot Uloomsburg, columtla county, icun
sylvnWa, bonnCcdnnd deerlbed as follows, lo-rll:
llelOK a lot of crounil with uio unnnngs ana nr-pur-
tciinnces situate on Main street of salJlown, and
bounded on the north by Mnln or Second slrecr, on
tho oast by Unrton's Alloy, on thn Boutb. by I'tno Al
ley and on Uio webt by a lot formeily owned by
lleuben Krcamer.contalnlng la rront on siain sircci
twentr four feet and nine Inchis, running Ihencii
back lo Pino Alley two hundred nnd fourteen loct
and td Inches, on v. hlch aro erected a two-story
frame dwelling house oiidonMiUIUllDgs.
ono other lot situate In the town ot Uloomsburg,
Columbia county, l'eiiusjlvanla, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-t. It: beginning at a post cor
ner In lino of land formerly owned by .lucib Ejer
and an alley twenty teetwlrto laid out by Dr. John
amsey, and 1 mining thence nluugsaia alley norm
twenty-eight and thrcc-fourUi degiees, wesl ono
bundled and fourteen feet to a post in mo line oi a
street tblity-llirco fL-et wide, laid out by Iho said
John Uamscy, thenco along said street south slxiy
oneoiid one- fourth decrees, west two hundred and
rttty-nlao feet to a past, theneo by land ot tho hclis
of Wm, right, deceased, south twenty-eight nnd
three-fourth degrees, east one hundred and heven-ty-lhrcofecttoapostln
tho line of land formerly
owned by Daniel Snyder, theneo by the tamo norlh
Ihhty-four and one-fourth dcgrees,east ono nunaicn
and ono feet to a htckory.and theneo by land form
erly owned by Jacob Eur, north thirty-one nnd
threo-fouith degrees, east ono hundred and nlocty
llirco feotto tho place cf beginning, containing-one
acre 'strict tho same moro or less, on
which aro erected a dwelling housocind ov.t-bulld-lugs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ci uaniei
?ry against Jackson Walter and to bo sold as tho
property of Jackson Walter,
ZAnn, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
All that certain threo-fourtlis Interest In a tract or
pteco ot timber land situate In Urlarcreek and Fish
ingcreek townships, Columbia county, and stato ot
Pennsjlvanli,boundud and described as follows, to-
wit! Beginning at a stone, formerly black
being an original corner cf u survey In t lie warran
tee namo ot Nathan ueach, and another In tho name
cf Daniel V. beybcrt, thenco along said Hoach sur
vey south etgnty-ono degrees, west four hundred
and lltty-tlirco perches to u stone formerly a chest
nut cak; thence by the same south nine degrees
cast llfty-two perches to stones, thnco by the same
south eighty-one degrees west sixty-two perches lo
stunes, theneo by survey In the warrantee name of
HamuelJ. l'oaler north twenty degrees ono hundred
twenty-six rcrehes to stones, thence by land In the
warrantee name ot John Allegar, thenco by tho
saino north seventy-two degrecs,east threehun
drcd and so perches toa black oak, thenco by land
wniranteedto Perry liuckalew north seventy-nve
ilegrees, east ono bundled and thirty-two perches
to a post, thence north elgliiy-slx and a halt degrees
east flfty-ono perches to a chestnut oak, thence
north slxty-twooegrceseast eighty-four perches lo
a post, thenco south two degrees west ono
hundred and llfty-elght porches to the placoot ls
ginning, containing four hundred acres strict meas.
John Wanamakcr,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper.
a week In your own town, flouttltnw.
No risk. HendeMf you wont abuslm ss
at which peisons of either sex can maice
rnvnt nay aP the tlrco they wurk. Write
for particulars to ll. Hali ettSCo., I'orlland.Malne,
juij in, tu-u
riles Whnt unceasing tortures arwo from inter
i ) uieedlutr, Kxternal una Itclitnff riles. Tho valu
r rtilofivnra lo nlitnln ovpii lilTtlnl Ifllef llflStllseOU
aceUtho millions wliotsuflcr, and the have liorno
their arony Id bllemc, thinking there va3 no hopo
nr TrosiKct at n euro. Notwlthslanillnir tho total
IilUUTt! Ul lllll IllUItJ ri-UIUUlUT IH IClUtUIUUUVtlu
iih i'iirn ti nips, ami 1110 niciuro ui uiruwy resiniii
on tne mco ciinoso ayuu imu iriuu ihu auuus i i-ur
prim rmr m nin vpr. Piitronv fioutrnL tor ana a.ux-
lrtiisU irtfiil nnvihfnL' that rtromlsert the leaat relief
until their couratro has long blnce plven placo to Ue-
sponuency, let memcneer up, anuw uiu smun
lillVIKKIa V mtO VOl lllOKlOnL lO fill OU'C- HpinutS III UlllUUUIllO IUU liag.tiu luhuiciiuuvi,,
pill poo umitLi inuutiu iu au ua ftn!i the duties ot lite will be perfurmeJ with a (lofirt'o
Uotl : flTKl all judicial, fitnte, COUluy ami or happiness and pleasure unknown Tor weeks,
itiii, n(l!p.r- lif.vnnftov nlootoil wlinll months or j cars. Urlegs' I llo Itemodlea are the le
millUCl pal Ollicerri IlCieaut'l CMtntu hii.ui It nf ,inr,slntr c.tii(Tran(i exnerlmeni nc thono
(sucansGoxx to v. w. noBBiriB,) deaidr iw
rino Hraiutlt, WiilNltlcs, Olns, Itunisi, unit nil UIikIm til' Win ch coii-
riniiii) iniini.
Lunillorila throiiK':! out tho county will find it to their udvantugo to j
cull ntttl exanune my stock bciorc puiclmsing olscwtieic.
Maiu Street, 2nd Door below Iron.
July a; 'so-ly
In the niunul'ucturc of Organs is resulting in the production and ealo
of cheap goods, made from inferior materiuls. I refer )articularly to
bogus Organs that aro continually springing into existence, without
any merit whatever, except to ho offered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to bo dear at any price. Will you not then, reader,
Ifyou Buying Qrgan
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument hearing the
names of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good assortment of
styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now be seen at the new rooms
ot the Only Authonzsci .agent toi tne SJatay Organs in
Columbia County. A guarantee for five years from the manu
facturers accompanies every Estey Organ.
ft TTS 4" rjT" frm A YKAlt, or. .i t
H a i S fi B 'y l" !rpur iW, l icaliry.
' tl Ji S H 13 'omi'n ilo rta w ell ns men
TO K'OO-) A YKAlt, or- J.1 to $20 ft
men. Many
mikj inoro'han the n'l'
eilutioe. no ono con rati o maleo
monev fast. Any tine do the
work. You can tnal;o troin 5" cents to $2 an hour ly
devotlntryoureventnffyantlFparetlinoto tho busi
ness. H costs nothlm: to try tho hii-lnehs. Nothing
like It for money making eer orfered lfore. Uusl
nn,s niciisfint. and strlctlv honorable. Header. If sou
want to know all ahout tho bent pny ing ImslnfRS be
roro inepUDiie, senu w your aauirna ana we
Rpnri ou full Tiarilnuliirs nnd nrivato terms f reo :
sampTen worth is also treo ; oucan then i Pko up
your mioa ror yourst'ii Atiarefis u wimti m
& CO., rorttanil, atalre. oct. 3, :9-ly
ure, It being tho same premises wlilch Dr. John SilvefWarO. WatcheS.JoWclry.Clorks.&C,
Kindt an4 Sally Ann his wlfa by their lnacnlure
bcarlngUitohi'rowltli did grant and conllrmuuto
tli3 said Angcllno Horn.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit ot M. A.
Ammcrinan against ClinileH Unangst eweutor ot
Dr. John Kindt, deceased, anil to bo sold as tho prop
erty ot Charles Unangst.oxecutor ot Dr. John Klndl,
Uhockway, Attorney. Vend Ex.
All Hint certain tract ct land sltuato la J!no
township, 1'uluinbli county and Htatoot Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to-lt: tin
the nortuby land of IHUIp Shoemalcer, on tho east
by una of Hiram bhitltz, on tho soutli by lanari
I'.irvln Eves, and on tlio vest by land ot Abraham
Titman, containing abont forty acres moro or less,
on which nro eruetoa a two-story li amo house.largo
banU barn and out-bulldlngs.
Seized, taken in cslccuM n at tho suit of Joseph
Cole, Jr., usoof A. I", Heller, adtnluUtralor of licnj.i-
mln Kves.Ueceos'-d against Jacob Colo and to bo sold
as the property of Jacob Colo.
a. 0. fi II. E, Smith, Attorneys. Vend. Ex.
Terras cash on day st bale.
U. U. EST.
July 2, 'SO-ts bherlll.
Imfdi'Q ontci iii'' llDon thu duties of their plusultMor medical science, and In every respect
it- . 1 i ,..1 .....ii.f, t, safe, sclentinc and reuanio ror tuo euro or pues in ev
vesiK'CtlVO oIllL'OS, tako mill milHCllliO till) eryfonn. Urlggs' remedies are sold by O. A. Klelm,
oatli iut.'.scnlK'(l Dv section lirst, oi aiti- """;;"u"-
Clu SOVl'II, Ot till! Constitution Ot tlllS COilt- Try Dr. Ilrla lluulmi llnl-iun.
1 ! Ill
mouwfiiiiii. ,(Kt -T . -T-v-T-v
Section 2. Every person violating S U)UU K. K VV A K U
Omit mailer oflered liv others which your either of tho provisions ot this act shall iBATAituii Is tho most universal and distressing
... 1 ' i ii... r ...1.1 . ,..,.1 r I disease ct tho present day. and tho scores ut won-
u fjiiiuy oi ii iiiuui'iiii-iiiiui, uu i... acriui remedies oHi red for tho euroot this disgust
viction sliall lie suiijoft 10 nuo not, ex-
'duiK one tlioiisanit dollars, and to nn
own juilgineiit Joes not approve,
Omit nnylliing outside ol fact?, never quot
ing larger figures than tho facts will warrant for
the purpose of (living your territory a good
howlng. i'ux(o, . IUconl
M. I!. Huberts' l'oultry Powders will cure the
worst case of Cholera or (Japes. Willi M. 11.
ItobcrU Poultry Powder you can increase Ihe
number of eggs CO por cent. Sold overywhero
at 25 cen Is per package. july 2 -1 in
lirisoniuent not exceedmt: one year, or
both, or cither, at thu discretion ot tlio
com I.
Ai'i'iiovr.n Tlio 18th lay of April,
A. I)., 1871.
J, F. ILvinitAxiT.
Ing disease, which are worso thun wortniesK,hu.s
dlscouraited tho millions who surferand haetrl d
In vain for relief and euro until their courage Is gone
and tho victim still sutlers In doubt, lleiu we a o
with nr. Josun m iggs- uaiarrn hpecincs .os l anu
a, and how shall w o proceed lo convicco that wo
Itavo tne nest aaucneupe'-i rtmeaies Known, ist-wo
will furnish them to responslblo tiaitles on condi
tion "so cru so i'4Y." siid will paytw)fora
casu they wld not cure. srd 111 pav ills) for thtlr
cquil as a cure. 4th Win pay $5to If an thing pol
Bunousordelcterlous Is found In their compoaltloii.
6th Will pay II.imsi If In auy paillcular Dr. Joslah
llrlggs caturin snecuics aroruunu iiiuerent trom
representation. Warranted to Instantly relievo and
radlcaUy cure- Acute. Chronic, Llcerattvoor Dry Ca
tarrh, told In tho Head, and all arrectlons of tho
ca Ittes of the head and throat, T o bottles In ono
box. tireatest success ot tho ago. sold by 0. A,
Klelm, Uloomsburg, l'u.
Tho undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court
tu iiisiriumu me moneys in iuu nanus vi t uiiaiii ii.
Clark, trustee appointed to uuiko s-jlo ef tho real es
tale or .Murj' c.orrell, lato of cvntralla boro'igh, de
ceased, will sit nt-hlsoillco in luoomsburtr on Satur
day. Uulyaist. lssi). atten o'clock In the forenoon
of said day for the purposo of his appointment. All
persons having c:aim3 airclnst said estate will ap
pear and present them at that timo, or bo forever I
ucoarrcu irom receiving any Bnaro or said lunu.
ItOllEItT 11. L1TTL1C,
July2,lSS0-lw Auditor.
All kinds of Ww n s. clock, and Jewelry neat
ly lepuuv i niut wuiiaaieu.
may u. is-il
m f f.AM p. run
in. ii, i) jyiui a li'.i'i.
Carriages, 2uggic3, PhactcnBi JSlciglu,
First-class work always on hand.
niccs rnduwd to Milt the limes.
TElo Farnuhop Srvtirtrnfoy j
i!VjV .S-T
TWt,rfc fc'?S)xNs.S-55
mi perfvelta
July 2, so 4w
chineo to make mon-
neea n person in ev-
town to take subHciin.
lions far tlm l.arvnsr- rlipan.
c&tnntl boat Illustraud family publication in tao
wuriu. a n uu wm ut-como a Euccessiui a'ent, Kix
elegant worKs of art jrlven frCo to sutiKCrttH-re. Tho
pilcelssu low tliat olmos- t'verybody subscribes,
imo cffei.t reports taktntr Ho Bubscrller8 In a riay.
v mi) iigeui, reports iiniLintf overjiiKt cieor prouL in,
tendaya. MX w lio enj;aKo make money fust. You
can devot all jour lime totno busiricsor only your
spare time, Yau in ed noi lie away from home -ver
nignr. j on con no it hh wru as owicrs. Full airi-c-Itoi.s
and terms f ee. Kteynnt ai'd expensive outllt
free. If you wjt.t proilt ible work fccud us your ud
drefas at. one . Itcus- ic'lilmr to iry th' bmluos.
NooiiLMliocni,ai;tsIallsUj makn yieat ray. ,iu
iln-M tiKimoK lluN . cu.. l'urilat d, .Maine.
JipvjO, .(
Dauchy & Co'a. Advt's.
ilrlll boots JONKS
hev run level, cov-
tr ua'idiuliy, uLdtiiKieul of crowdlnp the seed Into
ur iui ii ruvs, rn int-r IL.", 4UM1 0 1UCUCS. '1 110
:lauth sbiw sfanrt;nf r tiler nuirt, Imvo moro room
tn-iot'. ui'.rc itf-U'lthniprit rrom Hie toll, be
t'.mw moro vUmon ami riu-MTit HMTBKUKVHLOPBn
AVfKAdB 7ikai- rvipu -tiutcd Ircu vr with testi
monials, froe. AUai-ea- J. a. JUNKS, Wllmlnjon,
1M. d Jaly KcJMW
AQENT-3 WANTED to sell the UVZ OF
Ity hl eoinmdo In nrms and personal friend, Qbk,
J. s. Jthi'iK, an author et wide celebrity, 'ihla
work Is cuni'leU', euthetitle, luw priced. Fmay li-
i uerKATr i' iTsiuvgiy inn nest ana cueajiesi nooic,
one other irtlcal. 8eud wo. at onro for outfit.
Wo cite the boat teims. Act nulcw and you can
coin money. atmilAlll) iikus.. I'ubs. 122 Chestnut
street, ihiu. a July ie, so-iw
Tho fnquenl tains, wllh the warm ilaya nnil
nights, liavo given farmers gooil reason to liopo
that Iho corn crop will mature Uite early.
Farmers aro lmsy gathering oils, ami Ihe in-
ilicatloi's aro that the crop will ha unusually
A lady ami gentleman Irom Philadelphia,
iasseil through Ihis plico on foot en route to the
Long I'onil. ! t lie time Ihe reach lliis beau
liful summer resort Ihey will know lhat walk'
ing is not only healthy, hut tlnsome pasliiud
Tho fesllval in Academy grove fur iho benefit
of the hand, was largely pationizul. Ou rrii
day tvcnlog tho Afton band was iiru-mt, and in
their beautiful uiiiurms made aspUndida)
pearancc. On Saturday night the Kspy baud
played for Iho Immense crowd in Iho grove.
liolh of tbepo l ands are young and plsywell
for the piacttco Ihty have hod, and in bthalf
of our band and citizens wo thank them for
their gcod music nnd gentlemanly conduct.
The two great political parties have thrown
their bannirs lo the bretze, whllo on tho ror
ner, the liaders loudly tnd nngrily discuss the
merits of the uilUrtnt candidaUs,
It should be the aim of every owner of make them at handsome
and Useful as possible. Tho German Horse
and Cow l'on-der behu to develop all tin
powers of the animal. It Improves its beau
ty and increases its usefulness, it mates
Ml. Ti 11. .1.1.1. it .1
UlllK, UlUVilU UUU S.I .. ..w.c ,,,,, f.rn,,,h,,,,o,..,
will lo more work and a cow give more milk louchsuaeriiig among all nations by whomsiws
IIIU "UIU. IIHlDI3lllOIVUmilIIUU,jllUllUUl uuum
and shoes destroyed annually la me united Mates
ULE OK limits.
Tho Commonwealth of l'ennsjlvafila to Mary Ann
mug es, wiuow, busan Ann neiier, aran uingies.
Mary Williams, know lift?. Marlon county.lowa, an!
.Martha Miuinan, llDeal descendants of Andrew
(, Ingles, deceased, and to all other nersons Interest
ed, Ui ectlug: You nnd each ct you aro hereby cited
to ho and appear tetoi o tho Judges of our orphans
iuuil in -.111 t;ipniiii!i i.ut.rt u 00 iieui ai iiioems
bun; on tho Ilrst Mondav of hentemlicr next, then
and thero to acceept ortcluso to take the real es-
iai 01 s:uu Aiiorow u ingles, ueceaseu, in tne an-
l uy inn 11 nuesu q ui
and returned by tho
nralsed valuation nut unnn It liv th lnmieKt du v
ttUi U(.X1 US MUl VUUIl,
Mierllf, or show causo why It shall not be sold. And w0 mall freo. fs outfit free, lion't complain M bard
t.n...n..., ..... I , Imi.u .villi., vmt h.fu lii. n rimmu IHiIri.d II
Try 111-. ItrlKK1 C'ntnrrli specllicn.
and bo in better condition with leua feed.
Suld only by weisht at 15 cents a pouud by
0. A. Klelm, Uloomsburg.
Dec 12, '70-ly
l'AUKF.u. In Greenwood lownhlp. on the lust., of Ulabelis, Joseph U, 1'arktr, agiu
4U years nnd -J days.
Ammehman. In 1'inhingcretk township on
thu Uth iii'l , of diphlhtriH, Cirrie (A,, eldest
daughter ot Jumes Al, nnil Jenmu .M. Ammer.
man, sgiil o ytnrs, 11 tuontlis and J7 days.
Business jNoticos
Hoots and Shoes cheap at Mclviuney'o.
New lot of Hamburg Embroidery at I. W.
tianmau s.
(In the lest uf the world more than l,onj,ooii) by cut
ting while new, or nearly so. to make loom for nam
nil bunions, corns, lngrow Ing nal s,soro Insteps, etc.
licmuea mil Kioiii. Brferiuee, mere 11 pim in -.ew
York to chlroimdlsts about I25,iki J annually; In New
Kngland states about f asm ; In tho western and
southern about 31,1100; and In tho rest ot tho world
abunt f itiio.iHio: besides this there Is $ Mio.nia spentan
iiuiLllv for caustics and other worthless coinnnunriis
for tho euro ot llunlons, corns, Soro Insteps, lender
I'eet, etc. To u old these great losses and exru'ndl-
tures, usonr. juM4h lings' liuniuu Jlalsam and
nure Corn cure, which Is tho only preparation
Known mat irues uinieuiato re ef and radicidiv
cures hard, soft'and ulcerated llunlons hard, sou
turn lesiereii eoius, tuseuiar eereseuces, uttliositles
large and smalt, soro Insteps' blistered heels, 1 31 der
feel, Ingrowing nails, 1 te without causing or leav
ing any pain or soreness, Wurranted safe and sure.
hereof tall not
Witness the llonorablo William riwell. President
of oursld Court at lllocmsburg, tho 10th day ot
aiay, iso
Julyi!, 130-4w clerk o. C.
Tlio undersigned Auditor nDnolnted bv thn (ir
Chans' Court of Columbia county to makn dlstrl
utlonot the balance In tlio hands ot tno executors
otsuld estate, 'as Bhown by their account to and
among tho parlies entitled thereto, will meet tho
names interested at 111s omce in inoonisbure on
il.ulirDiiiu, UIU Hi 41Ui;U3l. lieAL ill iril
o'clock In the forenoon of said day to perform the
duties of Ids amiolntnitnt when unlwhereAll rer.
sons Interested aro teuuesled to present tin lrcUlmi.
to saldtundnrbe (01 ever ucuurred f mm comlngm
iui u btiuro ui saiu lUuil.
July 0, vmw Auditor.
bold by C. A. Klelm, uloomsburg, 1'a.
Try Dr. llrluus' rnpiiriillelnl I'llu Itriuedy,
Head mul liollcct.
Local onrt constitutional treatment tar nil nr..
tarrhalolTeetlonH. Dr. JoslaU linKcrs CatarihSixi
I clilca aro orrtriU to tnoso anileted uRii nmm our..
le, uiceramo or ury catarrh, com m the head, hay
rever. relaxed lulate, sore throat, hoarbcn-'KH, loss
of voice, und oilutTeetlonH of thu nasal en it Iarh.i
throat, with ut:uaranlje that they are cheaper, bet-
T)sf tllllilfp nro Iioi-aI.V lnfni-me.1 (Lot
lv L.eo.i.a gonoio vinuiH pucnw lit BpleI1dld suits aro now made from the latest taiilpVrtrTO
Lycoming counly. On Sunday evening tho tyloa ot Spring Ouods on tho following V'ilST,":.,,T,!'?,l,otl m" "
Ulli Inst., he preathed Irom tho steps of how's term; fMtist Style,, J.owc,t l'nca, Jlct JJ lVhcCB7.?!lrMifarL.rhUUea
store, wl.ilo ihe eongrrgnlion occupied the "four terial, Jlett Wor kmunthln, and Meat J'itl at parties on condlilons: ".No euro no pay ' 'licalere
the 1'omilar Storo of ;EJS,.r..W..nM
A ptrly of soven b-ought front Iho Norlh
Jilounlain seven buslTcIa of huckleUrrlcs in a
day's picking.
Ike culluro lias become iiulle an industry
with with somo of our cillieun, nnd one of our
politicians has an Apiary lhaldoes him credit.
Furlunstely for ihe bes, that hi if er did nol ilo
aainuth mischief aa ut first reported.
lavld howenberg,
tlunal as well as local. Iluo will bo paid It they tall
Ui cure nh-n used as (Uncled, tion rnr iiinr.:,,,,
I. W. Uartman oilers about 30 Silk and fftSJfSj, S'Mt
UOllou l-arusois at cost. if in any rc.peeilir. Urlg,'S' Catariu Upcclncs aro
- - luwujiiwiiuiuuii, iieruisiinop
Ifarrlft A. Npwllrlr nftJalnm anv.. 1 .,, poilunlty for thosj dlvouragcd byreneated fall
... , . ,. .. - .. una w iij HKuiii uu u uuuruuu'eucure. Aiuiiim
curcuot tetter ut niy nanu uy three applica- timid who fear deception may uniurdto try thi so
tlous of Camphor Milk. My liusbanil was failles wlihou' feeling that they are to to hum-
J, CfitlMUKP SMITH, TU (i Street, Washington
I). C.t Attorney at Law and hollcttor pr Patents
Survivor ot nilmoro, smith & Co., and Clilpman
llosmer & Co, bend postage atamrs for Circular giv
ing tees, Ac.
une 4, ivu u
A WKKK. in vour own town, and no cap
ital risked. You can glte the business n
trial without expense. Tho beht onpoi tu
nny eer onerfa ior iuoi m.iihu: 10
work. Youbhouldtrvnothlncelso until
uu Bee for ourtt'lt what you tun do at
the bualnena wo oifer. No nwia to explain hero.
You can devoto all your time or only our faharc
timo tothebuslness, andwake great pay lor eery
iiuur i iiul uu m urn. vt umrji iupiu lis niut'ii nn uu n.
Send for special private urnisKiidpartleulani.wMch
tlmt'H while you have tueh a chuneo. Address 11.
oct3, TMy
17 STOP ORGANS Tovvthf
boxed and shipped onlv f'jT."5. New Pianos flM to
ii, r-Hi.umnmer otter lllstd t'ee.Address DAN.
lELr.UE.vrrv, Washington, N.J, d JulyS4w
.limns M i, m ed tor Smiths lilblo Dictionary and
i:V ilUlUlLllJU J-fXAJXJikJ.
sddress, for Circulars, A J. IIOUIAN t CO.riilla,
juiyi, fju.4jv d
The und'rslgned auditor nnnolntpd hv inn nr.
Tihans' Court ol (lollllnhlii eoiinfvfn ki.iti.. ar.ii n.i
Just t belaforesald estate, to marshal assets and make
distribution ol the balance In the hands ol John Ap-1
plenum, executor cf Hannah Appieuian, dec-ascd. I
as shown by his first and partial account, to nnd
among tho parties eiitit ed thereto, win Kit nr. thn
ottlca ot c. n. Hartley I wi., In tho town ct lllooms.
burg, ou Krhuy, August (iih, isto. nt 0 u'clock In the
foieuoon to perform tho duthsof bis appointment. 1
All peisons having claims against said estate Willi
appear and present tilt m at that time, or bo forevi r I
ueuuiieu iiuiu iwvitiug uiiy ut rani iur,u.
. . ... W . II. KUAWW.
juiyv,'Sd-iw Auditor,
r ltrAt.cheaiH'st. bcttt. and nniv mniinntio in.u I
jmiul-u uwti wuiuiuiuii iuu in USUI
A complete rf cord cf Ihe early atd military Mo ot
MaJ. (ietioral Nintleld . Ihu.iixk, wi n n lull aud
gr.iphlo account m the ptocc dliig, li.rtdents aKd
.ni ci In s at thet li'Q thonlai.
I iriu, taiie cr i till, is and li'iicisifscitM tanci'.wllli
tin lite tt w II l.i (.ll. li l.lihly i mKlluaied with
If ou are too fat or too lean and want to know
how tocnange, jour condition, send torn copy of
the work. Kut and lean. It contains c'jiuplt to Hy.
glenle, nietetlc and I lierapoutle Instruc'luiis thst
will enable auy one lo reduco tin Ir tie- h If corpulent
or Increase It If emaciated. It Is written In a tlsar
yet compreiiensivo slylo and lis i.lreeilons can bo
fyislly tinderstfiod. ltshoiild bo lead Ir. every fat er
lean person, sent for ten tbreo cent stamps. VAfl
utbi & uu., Ann 6t., rew lorK.
April i, cm. awrc.
rr A -Trtf1'iut0,w'-A,l,l"'lcl'nn'"''ta'w.
1 J iVl V.JiT'f'old nt iMiolisale 1'Kotory prices
lib htst lionors at t'cntciintal KklilMthm. Xtsthu.
sink's scale for fipiare Uranus, l'lntst CprlclitK In
mei leu i,i,w ju iw. i uiuiiiui.. ei.. IWKes ire,.
JLUILEI'. oUllAK.lhe Ijest In tbe world. Anssfip
organ only ws; inhlojis, far cueuinrlre. All sent
on is aays trial-freight fren It utiwitlsfurrory. Kartii
ry Hlh street and loth Avenue. hliKKl Ml sit'
at S pi lco. Catalogue ol (ljfi A T l
choice phecan'iit for8osu,mp.V l VJ J 1 rl
Auuress.Msiic.ij.ouiin riAMiuu,, ihi ve-yi r., i.
apru,y,i-3m wico
r l'.nfbled Digestion, Impovtrlshfa
I'otid. Wiak I.liue. Kldness anc CrlnarvOr
Sins, t'ni,suir,ptlon,i:n"irtsti n. Mental and I'hyslca
xhnustlen, liultcate i. mules, Mmluc Mi then
MlUy Clllbtren, aid lltblllty ot Age, M ALT 11 IT
TKIts ate warrimlfd tnnn Numlhlili g, htrenglhen
log, Vliiiiiting nin I'uiifjlusbyrissdnoltbclrrlch
nensliiIio e and Muscle 1 reducing Material than
allot In r fnriiisnt mult or Meelilue, while freo trom
the obj't'. us meett ieulnst malt ilquois. Prepar
ed In H e MAt.T IHTi'KHS lo, ficiid unferinented
-sialt Hint lius bold e.irj where. MALT DITlKlia
Co., ll. sum Mas- a Julys, tO-AW
MJTITaT Hinhln.' llablt cured lnio oso
I 11.' Hi. CIU,.h, Ml)
vnirNK, Lebanon, .
na till cured, lir. J. Kts-
wco at rll s 'su-ly
1 n. L r"K Uy HrV ' o'i f Vtuu!! KrceubIer li 'Lot fo4 6Vt 5 i'ng raVw ?Kruu5$iMffi
cured iny son of a spramid ankle. Price 25 torydetmuid jour money and It wui.Us returned, to nil who take bold; will poratlv CltiiiboSS
cents. Bold by 0, A, Klelm, Oloomsburir. I A.klcua, WcwmsbujVi' bend tor clrcu'arsaiat'irtntn?
snril If! Wl lw I ...n.tvj... UK. J. BltlllGS X1M I AddrUiS. II. W. KKLLE V CO..
pm 10, tu.lf aprUll.-bO-ly Newan New Jersey, ulya.-So-iw JllSitiswn klntXll.Iuioclihla.
C. C. GaLIG nan,
Plumber, Gas Pittov, Tin aud Shoet Iron Worker,
AVI litll IVT
Shop in Opera HousV, Gth door aPm s. wy
y--- iflyW rin nu l.ave l'nln li, Ihe w'ri. Am vmi iitul.i. tn
txrhi Vi tliLufaiitiilnrKlduiy I udi.
Uloonibliwrtf. l'u.
H wPjJJH 63 1 OMti h-e Alluintni.i'.s cr lirlch puit lfult. In
rafij . " ' ' I- m i- uff r tri ill Ninons lifMUt) . r W
iTsi"J.Kii ,"i I' " -I Ulusiinict 'IP n f,.ur Kit'
wnYi tyKSa&&-S'St ' i i r,. n i ,un,.u, n.i Ton Hiuum not oeiav
. 'i