TUB COLUMBIAN. ntiHiiiinitiiii, numv, .iiii.v ni,t- l'lllt.ll) hai.es, (( irg! A. Holy, mlintiiNlrntur of Henry K ,i-lHiry, ilcce.in'il, will oiler toil c,tntu fur ll0 in llonlon oil y.Uiinlay Augmt 7tli ivt 10 n, w. Killer ol' llio Doniocrutiu purly nf (Joliiinliiii county, collnlud siml jiriuU'il at thuCoMJMm.vv olllco in ;im1ili!t Conn, now rawly. cry Doiiinenitic voter should huvc u copy. ollt' poM111"' to 1I11V IU' on rcct'ipt of ton cunU. inon i'V or postage stamps. Address iiircot.i'MiiiA.v JJIoonisliurg Pa., ,julyW4-w A II. Whi'icw hm boon n. pcinle.il prislmas ( hi Itncktioiii. Tli.' Cm .I'iriim of 1 lie X6rni.il S'clmol lmri , o piiii'.cil nt this onicc ami nrn rculy for , inbuilt. n on nt'pUtniinn lo llic l'riiiciptil. .1 nnips HcMy luis ulurr.cj lo I'liKiinsliiirK niup mil a IlniLiT simp 111 the! JxiliartRi' I'.loite. llu tmileri-Uiiila Ms liiiaineiM In all it-. Jji.n.cliet. lliliis firrlinu, enumerator nf MiulWon toten li!i repor s 1 1 lUatlm for llit icnni yinr, ."(I .!r "Is mtmliP", .met UU'J dwelling hwi"i'. Tlure! is only ntireit Ino-thlrtls iwiiikIi Inr vi in" iiincMnrry in Cilifornh to pulicr llio pp ii nt crop, ami dinners are in tlefp-iir. I!. ITarri" nml llusli ISiiclcliiglmin lire our i, iili .r tei fnlicllnrs fn. mi w piili-iTilvrn. Wo li ik our Minil-i in llio tlltloretit lownsliipn in hivlor tliein all llio rwhtnnew pe.milile in pla lintrtlie! Coi.VMliMJf in lliel'Hti'l' of evtiy IV'innrrat ill llio county. A Intel fostivril will lio liol.l at Aficn en l'i ulav, ami Saturday evening, July 2;lnl mid tilth. S ipper will lio nerveel from 5 to I) p. in. Icecream and oilier refre-linietits will lie erveil. JIusic ly dlU'enint kiml. All ate c.rilially inviieil. I'roceeila for the licnilil of Afton Cornet Hand. Kinf.s' l)i:NTr:iiv CoMi'Ni'.vn There ate noili-cascs that will fo ipiickly hring ineielctiH ol a pernor' pill life and make liiiu think of homo and Ida mother at Cholera, Cholera Mor Iiim, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic and all llieir kitulreel eliacnsce. And lo be without Mne'H Dymnteiy Coiiipoini 1 when overtaken by tlio above disease H to liu almont w ithout Iioj'O. July 2 lui Tlio Scott townsliip enumerntor, J. K. r.iehi in in, has handed us the following; nt.itii-tit'p: InhaliitantJ, while, 1,311 " black, 0 Total, l,.".l IVuln during tlie cciihh year, IU llirlli.s " " Mirried " " S Kiinil, 1 .Manufacturing establishments, III lie returns thinks fir tlio ourMici shown liim while in tho perfji'iinni'i! of liis duties. Kiulidiuicn formerly Kiipposed lliat Ameri' cm running homi were very inferior lo theirs but during tlio lil two years Parol?, WW leu-sit-in and other IVt ones that were f-cut from this country to ICugkiud, have won hundreds of tliuti--ntils of doihrp, for sndi Anicrie.u.s as the Messrs. I.orilliril, James CloriUn lKn licit, o. Tlio JZniilif-linicu have iiivestigalul llio le isoiks. fur the great success of theAmeiii oiii horn's, and find tiiat they are i.ept in such line condition by the const mt usu of M. 1. 1 1' ili e 1 1 my Horse Powders. July 2m A NliW lttisi; COMPANY, A tneelirg was lid 1 at the othVe. of Knotr e Wii.tirstien on Motility evining, for the pur pose ol organizing an inde'Ciident hose com pany. About lif y young men were pre-ent. K'ibiTt I! nkiugiiiiiu was ileeted chairnnn ai.d Arthur A. Clark and W. Clark Shun, ferrei-i-rios. The name of Win ma lloe :nloiiH.l A ninnlur of eonituiitees ifere appointed and tlio meeting adjourned until m t Mon biy niglo I-'rom present appearance! tliis organ i..iuun wi.l uc -it line u any in the State, com posed as 't is, of the het yotins men in the lottn. Wo liope our ci iem will contribute liberally to tho purihaso of the nercs-ary cijulp iiieuts, Tho Sevenlb Annual Tri State Picnic of the Patrons of hinliandry and farmers of Siuthern Peniisvlv.ini i. Mirvland. West Virginia, and adjoining States will he held at Williams' drove, Mechanicsburg, Pa Align"' 21lli, Sltli, 2i!lli and 27th, 1SS0. Connocted with the pic nic thsro will bo an exhibition of itgriculliir.il and horlicullur.il products, farm Implements and michiiiery- A course of agricultural lec tuiei will be delivered by Prof. S- 11. Heigcs The Uiimlwrlind Valley Klitorial Association will hold a metttng on tho grounds on I-riday, August 27th, at 10 o'clock n. in., and at 1 o'clock p' in., nn address will bo delivered by fiovemor Hamilton, of Maryland. Other cine nent gen ibm'.-n will deliver addresses during tlio exhibition. COl'.NCII. PltOe,Ei:UlNGb. M RIiNUSsniY jui.v 7xii . Council mot in regular monthly meeting, present Mtsns. Hnbb, Kvans.Sharpless, Thom as. Tlio president being absent, on motion ad journed lo meet July H, 18S0, nt 7J o'clock. July 8, lfcSO, Council met pursuant toad J mrnmcut. Present, tlm nrnsiibiit. (I. A. Herring, nnd Messrs. Kharidess, Kahb, Holmes and Kvnns, Hook ci Ladder conipiny mado japplication for a hose carriage for sale by Edwin I.iverick of Xew York City for 5-300, Tho secretary was instrncteil lo correspond with Mr. I.iverick, I On motion, the president was instructed to ascertain tho amount ol hose i.codeel, tho stcie tary lo correspond with different parties lo as certain epinlily and piices. Petition was pre sented signed by sundry persons of said town, rei'ucsting council lo open Centre street from Itblge allay to Front -Ireet.al ing Ihe Unformed and Lutheran burying ground. Petition re eel veil and ordered filed. On motion, a committee of two, viiti Messrs. Hnbb and F.vnns weie ap pointed to confer with the trustees of llio He formed and Lutheran congregations and report at next meeting. On motion it was resolved anel thottrect commissioner so inslruc ed that nil side walks which were not put in good re pair within fivo days shall bo put In repair by the town authorities nml the usual 20 per cent, added to the actual cost thereof. On motion tlio following hills were read and approved and the secretary authorized to draw orders for tho same-. Hetiirn of labor done by II. H. Hiilieni.in Street Commissioner fur the month ofJunelSSO, $HM John J. Toner for two police badges 5 ''0 Jilooinsburc Gas ro. for tho month of June - "OO II. 1 Ian is, serving apprul notices 10 00 " police duty July 3rd 1 no C. M. Vnndersllie. lililltlllL' tax liolicea 3 00 I. H. Kuhn, one year's rent, engine house M. C. Woodward, services as Town con stable J). Laycock, police senico night of June 20, 'SO Sieietary's salary for June, ISbO II. U, IVeas for Ullii'.g nlut and burying 2i 00 8 33 1 (HI 15 00 100 Toll). 9W 08 Jnc, K. fliioTX.Sc'y. THK V(.I,TAI01IKt,TUa, MAtlsllAU., .MICH. " Hells In M !"' nt','' .C0l l,r i:il.o-Vollalc sMi, ",c 'l"lc,lr'1 ""on ' Ifl.il. Spcidy mrs Ku irntneed. Thry ,0 wnt ,, nle to Ihem wilhoiil dclsy. Nut. 21- ly. 1'KItsoNAir M,I!ic1,': ))V-"r,'f'lic Danville llefont, and .is iioncii mule us a verv i, . it last Saturday morning, In our unncttitii, 'liorgel.ayrock,nf the Wilke.harro Ilecnl iinpfi'iling a fnrdays hi i0wn. Otant llirrins nnd Siinpon l'erree nre linmo from ( olleKe ., omltnit Hie yacallon. .Mr. Old Culli.cn, of Yotk, p.,., 9 ,,,nK llie ltev. W. W. Pvins. Mi-s Kannlo Seule Is il. Kuut of Mis, An- in Moan. I.. P. Apptcm in, !,)., of Eslon, is fpcd. ing I' e puiumer at his fnhoi's. .lames II. Xeal returned fioui a trip to (he Wlillo Mniintniin l.nt week, Hon. C. 11. lluckalcw Is rimttcatlng at Long Pond. Col. A. 1). Suley nnd l'r.ink S. Hunt, of llernick rptnt .tt Sundiy i lown .;,), fiicnd". Custr.mor 'Why are Mall llllleta so noou- lir?'' "llrecjist 'Ibcain.e as.i I'nnd !r.,1l,i liny inridi the blood, hunbn ll.e lnunles.oiili it the nerves and pi rbcl (ligation." july2-lw MIl.TuN (KI.Ii:r I't Nil. O. 1!. Xagle, J ;-., Chief I'lireem of Millon, was in town nn Mouliy, for Ihe pnro-eof pre entln ihe f.dliwing Utter, width cxplilns itself: Mll.TON, P.t. July lutli, ISM), To Hon, Wm. lii.n it.t : Ittitr Sir : At a meeting of tho male nnd fei m il.-suHeurs, held in Milton, on Fitd ly eve ning July 'Jib, liSO, lo eleitii (oniiniilee, for the puiHise of devising a just i ml C .ital le method of di-ti Hulling the funds snkindly con- tribiilid fjr the reliil of said sulhrers, the fol lowing ic'olulii us were in nt,inu,mlv adoi tub lu Win, '1 li it Judges Cummin, Klui'll ami llocki filler, be Khctnl as a committee to di- be a inilhod of ditrihiiting ihe Kelii f I'uml: Ihtit in tlitm asimiiiint jurists we base the most implicit confhhtKe, tint whatever method they niiynlopt will be honoiablc, just and piitnble, and tli.it we will abide, by Ihiir de- C1M0II. !rultcit, Thai O. I!. Xn;le, Chief T.urgess of Milton, bo a committee lo call upon snid judg es and notify liicm of the action of our people, and earnestly urge tluir nss'i.-tance In this im portant inieigniiey In compliance with the above resolutions, I in behalf of cur suffering people, earnestly re- piest that yon. accept tiie trust, bdieving that by o doing you will render, not only to the oiHereis by our late lire, lint to thegenerius lonorsnbo, a mot valuable porvico. 1 remain very truly yours, 0. 1!. Xior.i:, Chief Ilitrgess. M. I!- Itoberts' Poultry Powders will cure the wort cass ot t-liolera or iiapcs. nun .i. i. Hoberts' Poultry Powder you can increase the number of eggs ."0 per cent. Sold everywhere at 23 cents per iiaikago. july 2-1 m ASUUllV ITEMS. It has been determined by the nllie ial tncni hfisoftho M. K. diutcli to hold a festival at Ashury cliurdi on Siturday afternoon and eve ning of ihe 2-"ilb of Ibis month, the proceeds to go for ihe repairs to ho nude on llio chinch. Como one and all and get some good ice cream and refiishinetits. Kev. Williams, of Orange ville, who wasli- cen-ed at tlio hist ipiaiterly conference lo pr.ndi, had an apimiiitme.il at this place cn Kiblntli la--l hut did not appear for tcasnns unknown to us. There were a gnat many co pie di-appoint. d. Our Summer schools hive all clo'el for (hi lime b"ing. Mr. Janiei M. Kiitz nlh-d to s n u I.u' week. He his jn-t iitumed from I.af.iyett College nml U now vi.iiii g bis many friends at this pl.ic.' and elsewhere. He proposes teach-0 ing a select sdi.iol at this pi ice to crmmi'iice on the lUth of this month. James is an ex cellent liii"her. Ihe oiri.ii' s'ono ol In i M. i.. church wa hid tut Sih'iith n S'illwilcr. The sermon waspnadiid by .1. I-'. P.rown. Our firiners have their harvests off and gen erally in Ihe barns, for whiih they are abiind anly lliaiikful to ihe ( liver of all god. and we are also thankful fir the n imitation of (leu end Hancock for our next Pre-idi nt. We will roll up a large vole fir him in l'ishingcreek: depend on it, Republicans. Hl'.l'HIlTIIH. A cauipmccling ill lie hold by the F.vangel calihuri'h in Mr. Culp's woods, on the public load leading from I.ighlslreet to F.py,cnmracn cirg August 6th. Tents can he rented at $2.50 for the term by applying on or befoic the 2oth int to Hev. S. K. Davis, iv-py, Pa. All are cordially invited. ANNO!" NC'I'MKNT, i.UEOK(.r.Ni:r.Ar. wisi'Iei-d pcott HANCOCK. Weaio glad to know that the well known puhlishlns house of Hubbard Hros., of Phila delphia, have in preparation and will soon is sue tho "Life of llener.il Hancock," written by bis old-time friend, Hon. John W- Forney. The career of the brilliant soldier who Is soon lube transferred to the White House fuinbhes nub rial for a volumo which, in deep and thrilling interest, bin rarely been coualtel in the nunals of American biography. It is fortu nate that its preparation has bean nrshjued lo Colonel Forney, who for twenty fno yuirs his been known as ono of the ablest editors and most brilliant writers in America. His known ability, and his personal intimacy with (ieie Hancock, nre a sulhcient guaranty nisi me book will be full, complete anel autnoriiauve volume i I' pcrmmcnl value, and in this re spect widely ilillerei.t irnin oruinary c.nupaiK" lilcnture. It will he sulil only uy suu-cripiiuu and must meet with avery large sale. Xo more sick Chickens. Saye your poulliy and cure them ol disease, by u-ing l.oberts Poulliy Powibr. it has never hilled locuie Cholera nnd all dl-eaes lo which town nresuu- i. . !..l. .1 jeit. Price 2 cenis per paesngu jui.-iiu jfSB i:ATin:it. Tho following is a inelcoroh'glcal summary recorded' llio weather at Catawlssa, during the month of June, 1SS0, compiled by Win. O. Yetter from observations mado by W. Pruett. Hiromelrio pnssuie corrected for tempera ture and elevation uigutsi picnum l'Jth, 30,333 inchesi lowest on tlie 13th, 20.li.10 incites; monthly range 0.703. Temperature of Iho nlr Highest lempeia turoon tho 25th, 00J ilegtees; lowest in Iho 3rd, do degrees; average timeraluro for the no:.th,70 elegreotj average of same month du rbiL' nrevlous year (187U)liS degrees; monthly raogo I5J degrees; grentesl daily range on the 23th, 29J eltgrees; and leai-t daily range, 6J de- grcoi on the loth. Moisture Number ol elays on width rain fell. Hil total iiinouiitnf ralu fall 3.00 inchesi rainfall during the same month In previous v.ar (1870) 3.18 Inilies. Wiwl The highest hourly vo'oclty of Ihe wind during tlm month was 5S miles per hour, nrcmnnanvlni! a thunder storm Iron, the sonin west on the 13th ImU Tho force of the wind during Iho lorni excites) a pressure of 17 pounds l!r fiuare foot ot ciposcn eurtac. T11ECOLUAII5IAN AND Till) I'AMt'AKlN I'.ll HMI1I1M Only "A (ents lor sit mnntlis, or Sl.fil a yfnr Hi advance, (letup club, and .end in you iiiima Th .re orelwo arbitni'i mm n if,,.,!., In tho grind. liryroo.n. Vn .o, I v. I.. I .. nnd one in dipt, llroekn.iy's uilicc, (Irim & io. v, "Mcvcuson, A meeting of tho Dimncncv m h.l.l In Milnvllleon Ihe isil, lut, for the imn.ose of forming a rbib, The ineetitn' w.n nrvmiiid by the tbcllon of the Irillowing rdllcrs: Prc.hlenl, John M. Xu-s: Vico Prod ler,t, Xiithnn Miller, Henry It Inleiliieri Secretiry, 1'. I. dm i CorMsiininlimr Seereltrv. J. II Xii.si Tre.imrsr, W. II I'Mit. A motion was carried tint tho od'uvrs an point nil nico-siry (ounulttees and that the i meit weikly. Aildreraea ttere lundo bv I. M.i C. Ilmck, K.,., and Ikrvev H. Sniiih. I!i I'liirlv n amis wuc iilncid m on the roll book of Ihe dub. TheCcnau IJnuiiieratorsof Columbii oiiuntv. Pa., met in emir' Minn on Jul. 10. 1SS0 and elected tlen. C. M. llliker, Chalrninn and Pe ter A llvnns aed I' M. llatttnan, Secretaries. .itnong the Inisinen 'rmsiet-d, the followirg res .liit:on was in ed. lltvilml, That Ihe thmiW rf llu- Census Ijim- inn ilort i f the county are hereby tendered to the Hon. I'runeis A. Walker, Census Superin IcnilcntM.il In tlie II Pe'cr P. Smilli, Cen sus ttiheivi-nr of Ihe ,'itli ppn.iia ,1,.ir;. r Piiii.'jlninl.i fir II eir kinlness ami coutteniis assi-l mce given us in taking the ccr.pns of ibl, comity mid we tru-t thai lln ir nnd oiirltlior ill be duly appierinteil- iiia. .u. ni.AKiat. chairman. l'lll- ti II. llMiTJI IN, 1 ., , PiMtatA. Kv.x.s, 'ii Twnbo'lhsofthodi.at Mexican lteiue.lv. Hcil.iibue Hitlers, iimd m,. f Invpopsii and 1-iv.T (Vmpliinl of t u years s'linding, 0.1). Honel, He.iid's I.m.ling, Kcnlucky. A large anil inihiiMiFtie me-iling of the De- nioir.iey was held nt Xiiimidia on last Silurilay evining. Speedus for Ibiiuod: cod Kngli-h were iiinde by J. JI. C llanck, i:si , mid llertey 1.. Sniiih, H ,. ()vcr tl,ri.(. bun- Ired voters were pnmit anil one life-lone lie- puhlieati announi-td his intenlion nt the elo-e of the meeting to vole for Hancock next fall. The meeting was called lo order by Ceri Hew er anil Ilinrv (H.hle was elerlod President, Christian Small Vice President and Adam Kline, Stcretary. At ll.o pre sent lime when there nre fo many worthless liniminls in the market, it would he well to irnpiiie which is Ihe best tins will ho found in M. 1! Hoberts' ci-lebtatnl Kmhroci- turn. It is a panacea fur nil ailment that re ipiire liih'.iii.g eithii an man or bcasl. For sale by all eliuggists. july a-lm hCIIUOu ISOAIID. The school h-jard metal the office of H. F. Zarron Friday evi nil g, all the members be ing present. It was dtttrniined to appoint but one principal fir the schools for the ensuing year, with a salary of f 113 per month. The sal ary of the Irucl er in loom Xo. 1 was fixed at &I5 per month and ihe princi) ill's a-.i-l.inl at 10. The salaries of the rispeillve rooms are Ihe same as lat jcar, S"5 ati'J SCO per month The teacher of the Wr!h Hill sehcoj receives S3" a mcnlh. The following Ichiheis were se lected : Principal '.. Schonnoer, Assistant II. W. Hnckinghiin. ltooin Xo. 1 T. 11. Millet. HI I Ull -1KK1.T nl'U.llINfl. 1 loom Xo. 2 A mcli i Atm-ttong, Kva Ku- put. Iloom Xo. 311. P. Vanu.ttia, Kalo A Huveer. l'ooin Xo. 1 Florence Wirt, Sadie Van- natta. 11 i-t ii -Titi:irr iiun.ni.NO. Koom Xo. 2 Win, Chri-tm m, M iry M Thont is. Iloom Xo. u Mary lTuingsl, Ida Tutnhich llooin X'o. 1 C. II. Welliver, l.cna F.iulds, Welsh Ilill-Ci.W. Sterner. Ilidiard h.U'ards nnd S niiiud Ycftor wen elected jauilors at a-n'aryof ?2"i a inoiiih Th" t.M' hiirs a v M h ' alio red the limn ibey attend the Co inly Institute. Tho tenn will open on the llist Mond iy of Sepleuiher, vata lion of one week during the holid iys. The' board adjourned to meet em Saturday eviniti; the 17th at S o'doik. Pnysicinns freely pie-crihe the new Fooi Medicine, "Alalt Hitters," because moie nour' isbing, strengthening and purifving than all iher fnruu ofmilt or medicine, while fice ofrom the ohjections urged against malt liquors iuncl-lw .MC1U.NT l'l I'ASANT CENI-LS STATISTICS. Inhahiiaiits white: i (An Increase of 8 since 1S70) Deaths iluruiL' Ihe Iat eeiisiisyear I.i X'o. of persons horn during census year Xo. ofbliiid persons Manufacturing establishments producing J500 nnnuallv Siw mills iiroducirji.' S500 nnnuallv . t arms i - IHespeclfiillv, J. L. Giumf.s. Mothers, before giving your litllebibe cougl or croup medicines, remember that Sines' Syr up of Tar, Ilo.irhound and Wild Cherry, is ihe only preparation that contains no opium, mor phine, or any other narcotic. july 2-lui Hi-CKitonN, July 12, ISsO. LllS. C'OI.L'-MIIIAN : Xolhlng of interest having occurred in our ijuiet vtll.igo since Jmy last, and being absent a part of the lime, I will notice u few of the oc currences of the trip. Arriving at Hamburg oa Fihlay afternoon, wo were soon the gue.-ts of Dr. William Harris. Hamburg is a lown of 2,000 inhabitants, composed principally of Hermans, is beautifully located, ipnto a mantl facturing plnce, and Lelng as it li in Herks county, Democracy is supreme. W e look occa sloti to visit the churches on sabbath, A grand feature of St. John's Sunday school Is the mu sle which was led bv an oieheslra ol eight pie ces. This with the eiig.iii ai.d singing iv.is fiuu lo fay the least. In ihe evening we viaitid the M. II. ehurih. It being the lib of July, wo notiied a line eompary of fully eipiipied sol diers in the front pews and was grutilicd with the sermon, On Monday the eelthrated Ham burg cornet band, composed of 23 luiuibtrs. and conducted I y Dr 1 1. m is, tlailed to fid an engagement at Litlz, Laocasier county, and he ing somewhat accustomed to the use of hand in slrutnenls, we donned a uniform and born and took a hand in the game. We eb not liodtal to say lhat this i one of tho l est bands In ihe Slate. Litlz Is a beautiful plnce ir.eleed, anel with its line ehiirches, academies, holeb, and last but not bast, the Litlz Springs and grand nark, make it unites summer lesort. Trout by the Ihotnund here abound and nro carefully watched and cared for. We will not speak of the ceb bralion more than to mention lint il.ero was ipiilo a parade, a gcod oration nnd fire woiks or display in llio evening to tho amount of f500. 00. I Deaths. Mi'lll.Niiv Al Slillveiiier e li the I'.'ih In-t Darey S. Infant son of Sirwart nnel Annie I Mcllctiry, ageil il years, C months ami "fl elays "Kalr lleclinz comfi rt of an hour, flow soon wu'rucalleel to pail." IUnnisox In I'islilrgcreek township, from injuries receivcJ from the Lil of a In rse, on the ISllt Inst., Mr, Jartd.IIariison, hkc-J 71 yenrf. VEfoOCW Ar!BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, .Sunday School Hymns and Music It seems to Its high lli.-.p that tho Me.gs ol llio Siliidiiy school, III" pm r mrntlii,; niu' the regular cluiruh teen b. nbl h,cf inoro closely allied in . . e titer, t ai whllo tho latter shall be nulo ttnre hearty nnel earnest, thu two former shall be lets nwnrthy of a place In tlio mlml and heril with the grand truths uul inagulflueiit liter altiro of the llibie. roo much coiinltMi.mcn lias hrritofoio betitglycn In the Pu inlay chool lo "liyiiins" Ithout rrnson, wllli hero and thero ailash of scntltiirntitllsm in plnco of vigorous tliotight lllpparit In stylo and Irreverent in expression, and set to tunes ol'llltlo merit. lttv, I)r. C'lnrles 8. lt'.binson, the author of '.Sengs fur the Sanctuary,' remit ml a v.. uable service to tlio churches when he added In bis later woik, 'SpliUu.ii S.ingi for the Church and Choir,' u tnnl excellent edition ailed spiritual Songs fe.S -clul W'cirshlii' : anil now a continuition of tho "cries is to to Ua,irilttal Sqiiyior Ihe Sumlvj tehool.' by the name tec impllshed nulhnr, who has -rr. nsli il in the wrk by Mr. W, V, herwln, the well known musical conductor, conip. aor ntnl gehciiil Sunda fchool workvr. The title of the book Is hupi lully suggest- e, and the iiatueol Dr. lt.ibiti"Oti nr.il Mn S o.win give mcli pmiiibc of Ihorotighly scii'ible and nttraelive work that tho event of tiie new volume will .i watched willi eager Inter a, as one likely lo meet lnrs' happily the prtsMit ntnl, The b ink will lc puliltsbeil by Stribucr ec Lo. Ail oi iKitis I'lii'iils. It b.'H lii'i'iiino hnrnuiinnn to writo llio 1 lojii u liti lt id nil cli'irutit. inlcivMinj nr tiede nml linn run into isuitie nilvcitic; ineut that l iiMiiil nil titdi clieut.s tuul simjilv cull Kile iitiuli Id tlie merits of Mop hitters III us plnni, lioncM Iciius ;is poi-slIiU', lei ilnllie'i' it.eiik' lei rio llii'in emu lriat, :is tin niiuwlm kiniws llteir llllo will tier use nil) tliinj; ede. CliNSIi'S I!K1TI..S. Tho following returns of tho population ave been made by the enumerators' of the several townships, to tho Prothonotary's office. J'optitttlion, lUrms. Heaver, 1221 Hentoti, loiil! 157 Herwick, 200 1 Hlooiuslnirg, !!70l Hriar Creek, 117.1 111 Cittawi a, Intl.", Center, 12.'i0 1112 Centralia. 13011 Conynighaiii, 21(51! Fishing Creek, 1 1 II) 21.r Franklin, VIS (ireemvuod, 170" I'd" Hemlock, UNO - Jackson, , (127 Locust, 2117' 203 MailL-on, 1077 ltil Maine, (2(i Mitllin, 10,'iS IIS Montour, Mil 73 Mt. Pieasant, 7I" Orange, 001 Pino, 01 1 Until iii Creek, r,."," Sect!, 1317 152 Sugarloaf, Si!S Total, 32, 13S Il should bo tho aim of every owner of IIor-es.L'owSj&cto tnaki! Ihem as band-omo line) it-cful as possible". The German Iloiso and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. It improves its beau ly and increa-js its usefulness. It makes milk, mucle and fat. Hv u-ing it a liorso will elo more work and a cow give more intlk ami be in better condition with less feed Sohl only by wi ight nt 15 cults a pound by C. A. Kleiin, Hiuom-burg. Dec 12, '70-1 y Business iNoticus Good Cloyef-eeel and Tituolhyseeil, Lots ol it lor sale by Silas Voiine- nt Lieht Street inly 2-2iv Hoots and Shoes cheap i.t McKi.ine'.'. Shetland SJiiwls at Clark & Son'. Tlie public nre hereby informed that splendid suits nro now made from the late- styles ol spring Goods on the lollowiu; terms.- J.mcnt iVias, JMfcst 1'nrcs, Jhsl Mt hr'tal, Jtcst Wwl.muMltiji, and Jkut 1U at tlie Popular store ol i;.ivm i.owenuerj Hon. Georee X. Corson, Xorri-towii.says Tho Pliienix Pectoral Is iudispensablo in my t.imllv. It acts like a ciiurm in curing couclis and colds with tho children.tiud 1 always uso it when adtlre-sing a jury. Price 25 cents. 0. A. Kleini.Hloomsburg. nprlC-ly AdmUsion free at McKinncy's. Another ease of Kino Itcndy Made Cloth ing just received nt O. Lowenberg's. -1,000 pounds nice drieel raspberries, -1,000 pounil.s.niceelrieelpitted cherries wauled tlii. i.ill by Silas Young, Light ritreet.july 2-liui Call at McKlnney'a (or Shoes, I'or Nobby Hats, I'or Latest Styles, l'or Lowest Prices, (io to Davie) Lowenberg's. Call nml see the llest am) Cheapest .Slim mer Suit for jii.UO at 1). Lowcnbcrg1!!. 11 ibbers atMclCinney's. PUBLIC NOTICK. Tho Clolliint; Store of D.ivhl Loiveiiberj; is well slocked willi nil tlie latest stvles ol Clothing lor Men, Youth and Children. Call and examine, lioot headquarters at McKiuney's. Hariitt A. XewMrt, of Salem, says; 1 was cured of tetter in my hand by three applica tions of Camphor Milk. My husband was cureel of old running sores by usinit it. It cured my son ol a sprained ankle, Priei1 cents. Sold by 0'. A, Klciut, Illoomsbiirg. apiil lli, 'gO.ly DMI.N'ISTTlATOll'S NOTICK " KSTITK OFPANIEI. W, U01IBINS, IISCKISKII, Letters of Administration on ihe estate o Daniel . Itobbliis. lain of the town of Plooinsburg.e'oluin bj co,, elec'd, bale been ginnli d bi Iho lleglatcrcr said cutiniy lo the' unditslgned udinlnlstralor. Ah persons hue Ing claims ugnlu.t lui' estalo nre m qunstnj to present Ihern for settle nient and those Indebted to make pa) mint wlihout elelay lu vomer, n. itoiuiiNS Administrator, J.ino 11 'su-ilw p. o. liloomsbtirg, Columbia co, l'a. NK W FIRM! ThowellknownC.il. WHITE, IMoprlelor of Iho OIlANHIiVH.l.i: AcitilCUUTUltAl. WOKliS, has sold a halt imeiesiln the samo toJ. W. Conner. 'Ihe company hale repahed Iho woiks, anu are pre. parcel louecoiiiiuodate ull who want ui.jllilng In the hue of Arleutiur.it Itup'ureiiis. 'Ihey hau Just completed a hew li rt hand w hlto plow,whtihlf pos sible, will boat I he I lirht hand. Also surface plows or Joliiiera for ihe samo. A new Hireshi rand Clean er with ccctio shako of ildaio shoe, cjlttel Ihe WliMei Tlirchhci' iiuil ( leaner, Willi both Ii eer and latlway powerson a greallv linpiOM'd plan. We oianur.u l uro I Mi lliii.l.Ki.s Willi ensllron heads, corn Plows, eloiible und slnirle Cultivators side hill plows, Mill Castings, Tuinlni' of every di si rlpitou done wltu pioniptiuss. tn Kniii c instantly on hand a large iisnorluii nt or flow Share's for our ownund luauy other plows that ure used In the country. Wu will not hu undersold In work or mate rial ct tho some iiualll). All our hi. rk Is warranied In glee snll-f leiVm, or thu money re luuihd. WKDEKY COMI'IiMTleiN. l annirs'neiel i un pui'uu iu ki iinui uie iiiue-bie ei eu Cliuauu I'V ainUio before puirlmslng i-lsewhere. WHITE & CONNER, inn, !, fo-ly CUANOi;VlUJt,l'A. HOW TO GET almost Everything. Do you know how to get in the easiest way and to best advantage what you waitt for dress and house-furnishing? First, how: Write for a catalogue ; see what you can learn from it about the things you want. If samples can be useful to you, ask for them and state your wants so plainly that exactly the right samples can bo sent. Second, where : The place where goods arc kept in tho greatest variety ; where they arc sold for what they really are in respect to quality ; where prices are lowest; where most care is taken to serve customers accept ably; and where you have the right to return whatever Is not satisfactory. There no matter where you are if you make your wants known and avail your self of your privileges, you will get the best things in the best way, promptly and without trouble or risk; sometimes by mail, some times by express, almost always at less cost for car riage than the money you save in the price. , John Wanamakcr, Philadelphia, Pa. Chestnut, Thirteenth, Market and Juniper, Y DMINlsl'llA'lOIt'S M TI 0 E. KSTATK 01- HANNAH 1.AM0N, IlCKAF.n. Letters of aillillliUtrntl.in on Iho rslnIA nr Itnnn.lli I. a i mm, I.i to et nii.ircicek township, Columbia co., l'enir.l.. lleee'.iseil. lnve been erranieil hv tlm ln-iMs. ter ot said comity to c. 11. Jackson, miner., lier- wick, ru ,u persons naunirciniins againsi me es late of the ile'e eilent ate reipiestcil to present ihem for set I lenient anel those Imlctitcil to tliuestnto to make payment to llio unUerslgiieil Administrator 1, IlllUILl. Ull Ij . I. II. .i-iuii-su, Administrator, Juno Is, j.n..jw lierwlek, I'.u I ).M IX 1 S Til A T 1 1 1 X XOT I CE. I STATU 01- ISIlAtX B0I.1.IIT, 1'tCE.ISKn. IX'ttets of Ailiiilnlstintlon on llie'ealateof Israel r.u"rt, tale ot e,ieenwoo.l township, e ulunioia co I'elnrii.. ilis-etseel. hale lieen cram eel liv the lietrls ti'l-ofsalit co.to the ilnderslniil Administratrix. All itei-sons ha tier claims iilmIiisI the esla'e of the deccileni are iciiuusteil to pr-'scnt them torsettlo- iiii-iii, itiiii i nose inoe nie-il in inn e-siaie lo niaso ii.ij inent lo Ihe undoi signed Admluuir.itor without sus. iaieii:ici. C. W. Muiiit, Airy. Administratrix. June it, vi-eiw JOTICU IX PAHTITION, 1S TIIK1STATB 01' WII.IIAM S. KVISS, TFCElsEn. To Man U Miller, i-arali A. Miller, now residing In Washington, I), ej.: Mury I., l'touts, ot tihtto iln ien. r.i.. nr. it. I.. I'rejs. or iicruuk. l'a.. cii.iiut.in ot e-harli'S i:. DoiNon i nil I.iein Dodson, minor clillilie'ii of .lulla Iiods'iu, tliieaM.tl, and .lulla Keats uaiiiuir 1 1 Mi.-vtn Mnlin. nee it ,ot ruuaaeu ma. ra. Yuu in e here b rioltlli-it ttial In accorel.lr.co with a wilt Issued out ol Ihe Olphans' e'ouit of Columbia i.nu.iy ni.ii in uie uui lieu, I w in 00111 an imi'iesi on ei rtutn lands situ ite In llerwiek. ru.. deeiitu-d In said writ tu tu.ike ...rililon of the said picnitscs lo, mid atii'ini: tin- liiiili-s lntt-ie-tid. If sueli paititlun i. in bi- in iili- without prcJU'JUe lo or spolilliir the whole, nnel iffiiii h pjrtltliiii eahliut be mide then to e.ilne nn lapprnlM-tlie tame. r.ild !hiUesl wllll-io UL-Kl .ei lii'iwieli, lu , on -iTllillAV, at 1 o'elck, p. tn. Mii'llO's otll-e, Mly list li. ls-n If Aflil'sT "til, tssii, , II. r.NT, -hellll. ) ILK REMEDY. 1 iit-4 jut unc 'uMitL' tortuies fiom lnior ii 1 lili-iulUiv, IXlcrrul uml Itching Piles 'ihr;aln fiiilcavors to obtain ftu p trtlal kIIi t Jui ilivuur au'edtlic inllttoiis whusulTLT, iml the li.nu 1jihu llielr aL'on In slU in r. llilnkln-' flii-tv wan no hums dr pioi-pt-'f L of .i cure. Notw lihlanilhitf tho total ralluif of tin- manj ivini'dls In rMnroro ofTcreil fur tne t'UTv cr piles, nuu in- piauro or agony listing till IIIU 1 AW Vi I HUM' 1IU lldil) lllfU IUL' UI Hlii 1 L'lH edle-i but in nln Mt cairt-rh suuLiit for and uu- loui-I trU. aiijilifiif,' th it piomlus tlio k-at relief until their r(uraro hasloiui slucu gHcn place to do spoinlt'Dt j, U't thorn clict'i' up, allow tho smiles of hipplnt'ss to lltuniltiuto tlio li.ijrtfatd countenance, and the duties of life will heptTloriiieL) wlthadcKree oi uiUMiiueuii anu iwasun' utikiiowii lor 1 1 ki suit of unct'iV-lnj; stuiTyand experimenting, the ne piuHUurior muaicai heieoee, unu in every recpeci iin Ki'ieiiiiuu anu reiiaoitJior inucuri.' ui piie in erj form, inijrss' remedies are sold by c. A, Klelm, uiouiii-jouik-, l'a. Pry Dr. HrluK' lliiuloti IliiUntii. $1,000 REWARD i.llAiiiiu is mu niui uuiii-i a.ii nuu uisin-ssiug disease or ine present oay.unii eno scores or won deirul renicdles olTereel for thu cure of this distrust Ing ellspiw, which uro worse than worlldess. has illseournge-d Iho millions who suiter and halo HI. d In all. for relief nnd cure until their courage is gone anel Iho ileum still burfers In doubt. Hemweare with Dr. Jostah Itrlggs catarrh speelllcs Nos 1 and 'i, and how shall wo proceed to cumlneo that wo naee- tueoest auoencapese reineoies Known, ist-we will furnish them to responsible narllis on condi tion "no cviik no ru." vnd Will payfioeifora ca?o they WM not cure, ardMll pav lion for their eeiu il as a cme. sin win pa f.sou it anuung poi. sunoiisordi'Ielerloils Is found In Ihetr eoinoosllfon :.iu- win pay fi.iMsi ir in any particular nr. aosian Itrlgu's Catarili Specltlcs me found ditlerent front repit-sentalion. arninte-d lo Instantly relti-veand radically e'uro Acute, chronic, rieentlliu or Dry ca tarrh, e old In the Head, and all alTe'Ctlons ottho eaiitiis or tho head and Ihroat. Two bottles In one no. i.tmitest sueeess or the age. sola by !'. A iiiiun, inooinsuurg, ra. Tr Dr, llrluu C'ltlnrrli pee-ltles. BUNION BALSAM Inmlons. Corns and oilier a Imontsof thnfef tciwi much Mitferlus unions ull natkm by whom hhoes uro w orn. There Is mi i o t han Pio.nit w 01 1 U or iHiots .i tul siiiR-H deMro.u'd annunlli In tno I nlted Males id) the lest of tho world moro than f l.O'm.ihtu) cut- iiii, it ii i it- in n i ui uum if oli, iu uiaKt' loom lor Utllll1 fill liiibtoiis nriis.lN'rt.wlneiial s. soio (nst iw. wc. Ik'sld'-i tills iireat frjcntli there W pjld iu New York to hiropudlMs about favtii) annu.vlli : lu New Kmrland states about fvmu : In the w-hiirn ntnl foutliern about jt),tMi; and In the to-t ot tho woild uLoul fJ'tujiMf: beMl(ithl-i1her IS i'rfMt.lu) .r iitnn. nunlli fur eausi! a.il other worthless eomiKjunds f'ir the i me if Itiinlons, t'orns, Sore liibtens. under i-eei. fie. I o uoni iiieso irreai tosses uini uxwiuii- luie-., ue Or. .ioah Hils,'' liunlon ltaUam and Mu o Corn tutv, which U tho only iireparallon eurers hind, bortlanil ulctruted llunlons hard, snit und fettTed emu-,, a-seular e.veiesenees, callosities large and small, &on insteps' hllsteud heels, tet der nn, (ukiummik nawa, i ii- uuoui eausmc or ieav' In if mi) pain or soreness. Wa minted bato and suie ruiu ai ftieun, liioomiiour, ra. Tl Dr. Illluut.1 I ilpuratU led Pile Uciiic.l). Read and Kcllcct. Loeal and ionsiltutlonal treatment fnr nil nn tanhal alf etlons. Vf Joslah HrljnrV Catarrh Siw elllt s uro ottered to tnoso alllleted wlih aeute.chrun- if. ua-t-taitL' in ui j rauuiii, loiu lit I I1U IlCUd, llUV fecr, relaxed palate, sore throat, hoarsem-hs, los cf voice, nml ull anV tlom cf tho nasal ealtlesand tuiuitW nun iigiidiaut t. iuul iiir iiioeueaiH'r, Del- ter, moreeitlea-ious. curlim uuleker. with m i-r..r. taluty, uufl more u'rieable to usa than any remedy et dlseovtred. 'lo bottles In ono box, ono of wioiu ruuueeu nuu wuier mahea til ouriees for uso, I'rlcu f l.iu in-r pat Kate, furnished to resnonMble pailles oncondlUons; Nocuiu no pay Dealers uiu iiuiuomi'u iu reiunu mu money it pur elii.sen are not sitUlled. ThoM clil.-s aro cnii-nm. tlonalas well us loeul. fli'U wlUbe paid If the fall to cure win n tiv J as diiffled. f .oh ir tht ireuu d as a eure. "im u m, ,uum iKjlsonousor deleterious Is found in thi Ir lonmo-iltloii. it .ono iuiii ti. ,..m iflti aitjr nsiMit Dr. liilyu's' Catanh speelilri ate found (limit nt troiu lepresentalion. IU le h, nn o- ivjitunlty for ihoso dl-eoiiratfed by repeated fall urtH lu ir ui;alu ona K'iaiunted(ire, Ami tut tlml.l who lear diei ptlon may iitiure to tn lht -.i sixh?11Uh wlthoui luinu' lhat they are to Ui hum buifiretl. as t here Is no i i-k to run. Wurracted f he ai fht, lHibl und most liu'teeuble. If not fotiQd nailer ie tory demand our money and It wlitte returned, ji. .y w, mviui, jiiutniiauniK I N Uli. J, iiliiiir,n4co.. Neittuik, ew Jerwy. uprll S3, "so-ly J OB )'I!INTIINO Nf-Ktly ane) cbea(ily txecukd t Uie GOLIMMJLM Offitr, SI1HUIFFS SAL 15. Uy ilrtuo o' mmitrr wrltslssiieil out o( the Court oft iniiion I'leiia of t ui 'iiihl.i co mi .', nn I tome ill tnl.it will In expiisi'.! In o'll.lle -He ill III' CiillH 'ioiHe In ttie t nvn of II suiiiMtrir. il ioil.ik.i. tialiiriliiy, July '2 , 1680. All the rlirhtlltloatil Inlcrostot tho defendants In that eertsln tract or piece of land situate In Den ton township, Columbia county, I'cunsjlianlii, tioundi'd ami descllbedaa follows, to-wlt I On the north by land o( Solomon liarls and Hiram Ash, on Iho east lis' lanJ ot Siinuel Kllni, on tlio soiilliby latiilot William AMi, nnd on the weit by land of t he I l.j ii 1 1 ui Mutuil HiUn:,' ln nil and Loan Assoclatlun, conlftlnliigono hundred acreainore cr less,on which nro creeled two two-story framo dwelling houses barn and out-liul'dlnjs. Sclreil,. taken In eteeutlun and to bo boM ns tlio projurlyof Thoiuus I.. Iiaila and Hcuben.t, I).nls. Knoiiii .t I'iiitz, Attorney. sundry Writs. AIAO, , All that certain 'met or tlece of land situate In .Montour township, coIuiLbta county nnd state ot I'ennsjlvanla. bounded and elescilbeel us follows to wit! on Ihe north by Undot ltcuben emu's, on the south by land ot Frank Uvans,niid on tho wist by land of Walter estate, cotitnlnlnir tw o acres inoroor less on which nno erecte'd n two stoi) frame tin ill ln house, barn tint outbullllnirs.a iroo-1 applo orch ard nnd other lrutt tre'es on tho piemtses. Al-sO, One other Iracl of land (lluitcln Mual.iur town ship, Columba county, I'rntisilinnl.i, bonneted on th ' noith by land I ile of h'ni Wellleer, on ttie east by land of Kcubeu (lullJs, ar.don 1 lie south aret wefct by 1 ind ef the Walter estate eontalntr.jf rour eieics ni ue or leas. ALSO, Ml lhateeitiitn totcrpteceot k ound slluate In the town ot llle.onul'iirk', Celumbla ceaint), I enn ilv.'h it, hounded and der,tlbed as lulto.es, to-w.t: in ln a lot cf ground with .he lulldttiirsanj appur tenancs situate on Main Etreetof said toevn, and bounded on the lent li b .Main or Second streit, on theeast tiy llanou's Alle,on IhoRoiilh by I'lne Al ley and on Iho west by a lot formerly owned by Itt'.jti.'ii K lvalue r,oon i tin Itur I.i fiotit on Main stri 1 1 twenty four reet and nine lochia, runtilnir lliune tuek to I'lne Alle two huiidred nnel fjlirleen fee t atetsU liuhi'i, on which me inettil a Iwesslor) friiiiu etwel.tfikMiotise iindout-ttirillni,. AI.f'0, one other lot situate In the lown of Iili ontsbuiir, ulinnl la county, pitnisj Ivanla, bouinlod ntnl de- seilbid as lol'.ows, leswlt: Pckdniiln,; ataposlcor- ner In line of land foitnerly owned by .lacob t:jer and an alley twentv fiel wide laid out by I'r. John Ilsiiit'i,y. and I iinnln thence along satd al'ey norlh Iwerity-iijrlit and threc-touitli decrees, west one hundred und fourteen feet lo a post la ttie line of a sel thtity-ltiree feet wtde, laid out by Ihe said John iTxsey, lhei.ee utoiii; said street south slxty- onuaud one-fourtluleyrees, west two hundre-d and flfty-nloo feet lo a post, Ihenco tiy land ot tlie heirs ot Wm. M right, deceased, south twenty-eight and three-fourth degrees, cast one huuelrcd and .seventy-three feet to ti post In the lino of land formerly owned by Daniel snjeler, thence by the same north lld.tj-four and one-fourth di'grces,east one hundrin and one feet to u hlckory.anet thence by land form erly owned by Jacob i:jer, north thlrtj-ono and three-fourth degrees, east ono hundred and nlnely three feet to the place of beginning, containing one acre .strict measuro.bo the same moio or less, on which are erected a dwelling hou-e nnd out-bulld-Ings. belied, taken In execution at the suit ot Daniel Try against Jackson Waller and to bo bold as ttio property of Jackson Walter. Kami, Attorney. Vend. Ex. ALSO, Ml that ccitaln three-fourth Interest In a tract or piece of timber land situate In Iirlarcreek and flsti tngcreek townships, Columbia county, nnd btato of I'ennsjlvanta.bourided and described as follows, to wlt : lieglnnlog at a stone, formerly black oak.lt being an original corner of a survey In Iho warran tee name of Nathan Peach, and another tn the name ot Daniel 1'. seybcrt, tnenco along snld Ilcach sur ey south ilghty-ono degrees, west four hundiul and tlfty-threepct-ches to a stone foimeily a chest nut oak; thence by tto same south nine degrees east llfty-two perches to Etones, thence by the same south eighty-one degrees w est si jty-tw o perches lo stones, theneo by survey In llio warrantee nameot Samuel .1. l'ealcr norlh twenty degrees ono hundred twenty-six perches to stones, theneo by land In Iho warrantee name of John Allegar, thence by the samo norlh seventy-two degrees, cast three hun dred and -.0 perches ton black oak, thence by land waiiantcedto I'ciry lluckalcw north ictcnty-Ihu legree'3, east ono hundred nnd thlily-two perches to a post, thence north elghty-slxanet a half degrees e.Vst llfty-one perches to a chestnut oak, theneo norlh sixty-two degrees east eighty-tour perches to a post, thence south two degrees west one hundred and tltty-otght perches to tho placo of be ginning, containing four hundred acres sulci meas ure, 11 being tho sama prenils"s which Dr, John Kindt and sally Ann his wife by th-lr Indenture bearlugdate herewith diet grant and cotitlrmunto th? said AngeUno llol n. seized, taken tie evcuiluii at tluisultof M. A. Ammeiinaji against flunk's Vnangst cxeeiitor ot Dr. John Kindt, deeeased.ind to be sold r.s the pi op- erty of Ch.'iiles l'naugst.e.ecutor of IsrT. John Kind , elecea-ie.J. llnociiwAV, Attorney. Vend Kx. ALSO, All that rertaln tract of land sttuato In Pine township, Columbli teiintj nnd siateof l'ennsylvie- nla, bounded and deseilbtd us follows, t.i-wf: em the north by land ot Philip shoeiniker, on tlneasi by Und of Hiram Sliultz, on tho south by 'and cr rarvln lives, anil on ttie west byltndot Abraham Tltman, containing about tony acres more or less, on which are erected a two-story tramo house.largo bank barn and out-bulldlngs. hcleel, taken In exccutl 'n at tho suit of Joseph Cole, Jr., useof A. V. Heller, administrator of lienja lnln Ei es.deeeasd against Jacob Colo and to bo sold as the properly of Jacob cole. A. 0, & II. E. smith, Attorneys. Vend. Ex. Terms cash on day sr sale. u. ii. i:st. July 2, 'sO-ti Sherllt. i iiniTnii's xoTir:K ii. KdTATE Or JIAKV OOKKt.lJn U M,b AS t J. Tho undersigned auditor nnrwilnted bv tho Court to distribute lne moneys in the hands of William 11, Clark, trustee nppnlnttd to make sole of tho real es tate of Mary (Jorrell, lata of Cf ntiulla borough, de eeasrd, will sit at hlaonice In Hlonmsburfj on i-atur day, Ilulyaist. i&hi, ntten o'clock in thu foienoon of said day for tho purpose of his appoint mem. All persons nation oiaiins uffuu sl kiiiu wiuio win up rear and rrefeent them at lhat time, or be fureu-r debarred from recdvlut any share of said fund. UOUEI1T It. LITTLE, July2,lo-iw Auditor. COLUMlilA COlTNTY, S: Tho Commonwealth of lvnnsj ivar.La to Mary Ann (ilnes, widow, usan Ann Heller, isaruli (Jingles, Harriet (iluKles, imnlap, Morris county, Kansas, Maty Wlllhims, Knowiiie, Mnrion county, towy, anl .ii.u unt, r-uuuimi, nueai uesis-uoauiH or Anurcw tdnirtea. deceased, and to nil other nersons interest ed, tltet tint;: You and each of oti are hereby cited io on ,mu appear ucioro ire juuires n our unmans Court atan uriihans: t?oi it, tn ho lipid nr. Iilooins. burg on tho iirst Monday of SepternUr next, then and there to acceept orrttiw to tak the real es tate or said Audiow Clnicles, dt'Cea."ed, at the ap praised valuation puv upon It by the inquest duly awarded by tho said Court, and reluruel by the hherllT, or show causo wh it shall not lw sold. And hereof fall not. Witness the Honorablo William Dwell. President of our said court ul lllocmsburt', the l'Jth day of WILLIAM KUICKIUIM, July V, isso-jw clerk o. e:. UDITOH'.S NOTICK. Estate or m ili um mckklvy, hkkiseu. The uiuleislk'iieel Auditor uppoluted liy tlio Or rliaus' 1'ourl e.f Culumlil.L e'ounlv to make dNlrl- bm l-.ii t.t tlm liuLineoln iho IihiiiU ef tno exeeutora ofsield esUie. us Mioun by llielr uceouut tu nnd uinmik' llie imriles enlliled then to. will meet tlm I'lirtles lutetehied lit liU ollliu In lilooiasbui jf on iiiuueMi,iv. me sin uay in .mii;iisi uexi at Itn o'eliHktn llie loiti.eon of t-alet e1.iy lo pe-rfonn llie dtitliH of lilsaiiiKjliilitietilMtien uielulieru ull per sons Interested urn t eiue Med to pres-eni ilietreLilms to said mini nr le foieier eieoarred tmn coiiuiil-io lui u Miaiu II Bum luuil. It. FItANK H1(, July 0, VM iy Auditor. A UDITOlt'S NOTICK. (STATE OK IliVNIll A 111 EVAS', IlEeEAIEII. Tlie tmel.Tstuned auditor appointed bv tlio Or. plunv I'ourt or Coluuitila eountv in si.itie m..i n.i. )uit lliel.ifoiesald i stiite, to liiursluil iLsnetH and make eiiiiieiuui.u ui uiu iiaiaui'e in ino iiaiuH or.iolm Ap nil man. exeeutcr e.f llantiali Aimiemnn. .i .111...1 ussliountiy Ids Ural ami partial aeeounr. tn nml umuntf llie parlies entitled tlieriHo, lll sit nt the uillee ot e . 1.. liaikley tsi.. In thu ton of IUooids-luirk- on nid.iy. AUk'Usti.ih, issu, nt'Jo'eluf k In the forenoon In pi 1 furm Ihe duties of his appointment All peisous haMinr elalms atralnst suld esiatei Mill upiieiir und present mem at that time, or lui loiever uiu.iueu Hum reeimug; uuy 01 said rulld. , , , , , W. 11. H1IAWV, July a, 'sO-tw Auditor. i (1 K NT S WA XTKI) 'I O SKD-JDUS TDK llrst elcais'St, tiest, and only uuilieutt.i loee jui. 1-1 iiuiiji isjii.aiuui niu III' '1 111. GEN. W.S. HANCOCK AMI II. ENGLISH. A COlllliletO lee'llld e 1 tlm enrle nr ,1 iiiill.nrL.liln ... MaJ. lieiierul Wmilel.ls, 1 1 a murk, u I h 11 lii'l und 1,-rjplileaeeoiiiitot Urn piueei-dliiirs, Itielelents nml hid 1 niu Hat llioe lncliinalU'(iiieull(.D,lullieiilul. turui, taliln cr lunula nnd lelleneciaceeriuiieevelih thu llfultW. 11 Kll-ll-h. Illehlv iinls'llKI V111, numerous urt'stlilliei.sirailotiH. and nti iiuiiu,nr. I entrem-d Tftraltaiti-aeUcanuldato. S.uro auceeaa lo all who take tiold; UI iioslllrely outitllall Looka. ehin lui luiuiaia auu CAlftl UTIUS. AdelrtM. II.W.KEliKVSai.. 1 Htyt.-mwur ItlssauiieiriiMnitt.rukiaolrliU PA? G B ROBBUnTS, (auccisasoR. so . w. noPBiNS,) DSAiiiis. iiv I I ue Itr.inille'H, At lilslilc ., (.Ill's, (tiinis, ami all Minis ol fVltiCN cuii- lllllllt Ull tlllllll. UirOltTHI) AI-l'S AXI) l'UllTlvllS IN 1MTTM.S i!V TIIH DUZK.V. Landlords tin otijt outt'ic county will find it to tlicir udvanliigo to call and exainino my stcch before mil. lu'Mng cleewliere, BLOOMSBj'RG, pa., Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron. July n; 'rto-iy U "I I'pietofwiiS A' "I In the manufacture of Organs U rcsuUiii; in the production and Fain of cheap goodd, made from inferior i .... ii... .,i: it uuiis vigiius iiiiic .ue; wuiiuiuiiiii niyi nun exltflCllCl', WltllOUt any merit whatcvur, except to lie oll'ered elienp and then wlieii purchus ed fuund to 1)0 dear at any price. Will ymi noi, ilicn, reader, II Sfou GoritciTipIate consider it your only safeguard to select an instnuneiit hearing tho named of first class, wholly responsible makers. A good ti.-yortinrnt of styles of the celebrated hVtey Organs can now be seen at tlie new roonw ot tlie Only .mithorizsa .ageni foi the Satcy Organg iu Oolumbin County. A guarantee for live years from the maim-' factureis accompanied every Kstey Organ. June 25,MMf TO fr,iH( YKAH, or 'o a ri'i In journMi laratlt. . tn 1; Women do as well n? i.i Munv make inorehan tie! ai mnt.-L.a--ed abot no one ran fu.i 'o mol: mone.v fast. Anyone -n do tb work. You can make fiom 5 cents to $i au Lour t v i devotlnyourevenlTissutidspnetimeio th? bus!- i ness. It costs nothl'tUtrj the bu-li e--'. No'htni; 1 like It for money nuklntrevr oiried b f-.rc. Htisl ness pleasant and Mrlclly honoral le. l i "d. r. If o . want to know all about the lest Ti i.Mntr b'. ibifss be 1 fore the public, send ua your address nnl we vlll semi ou full partlculais und private teims frte samples worth f.' ulso free ; jeucan then nke up your mind foryourstlf Addrebs fiKOKfn; vriNo-N a Co., rot tiand, Maine. oct , ';y-ly C. E. SAVAGE, IIEAI.SK in ilvorwaro. Watches. Jowclry.Clceki All klmls of Vuu.-tu"e. e'loi'k uuJ Juwelrv ly repaired an.l wai mhied. Diay ii, is ii M C. SLOAN & BRO. ui.otiUsiti'it;, Manufacturera of Carriages, BtiSgics, Phuotons, Sleighs, l'LATFOUM WAI.ONS, 4.C. FlrBt-elasa work always on hand. KEl'AIIUNO NEATLY HONE. Prleeia redmvd In suit the tlmen. PATENTS FOjUNYEHTIOMS. J. CLUMIIN'T SMITH, til listicet, Wnslilrgt. n I).C Attorr.ey lit Lnw and Solicitor of Pit. i.ts Survivor of eillinore, M11IU1 4: Co., and chltniaii llosmer.v Co, semi postage tj'nmps foi CUcuUir j;t- Inff fees, ic. une . lssn-ir A W KKk in our own mwn, ana no cap ital rlsKetl. You can tflto the buslr.'s a trial wlihout expvnsv. The best opp'-rtu-nlt etr offered for iho,-e willluv: to ork. ou should tn nothing eui nntt: ou hit tor uurtt If what sou tun do at the business we offer. No room to expldn hero Voucaude ita all your t'mo or oiiJ.v our spic time tothe bulneH-s, ucd make t,'reat j- tire ry hour that ,ou oik Women in'ike an ni'i- h m u send for special private bums and p,utlcul'H.l.l' h wo mall f to f 5 outfit fiee Don't complali of nid times while jou havt sin h a ebanee. Addnsall. UAi.LKiT .vcu , rortiahd name oct 3. "7i iv F&T AND LEWI. If iou are too fat or too leen and wuLt know howtoehani;i our condition, tend for. op of tltewoik. Kat and U an. It eitittalms n'..il.'te 111 iflenl'-, !! ti-tle and Therapn,"f Ini t.tlons ibfct wuien.ion itu one 10 retitit int'ii ne-n uio.puii in or lnre i-c it if Pinjetatt ,. n N wrttt.-n In a L .u jet comprehenbUe hth i.nd its dirt etion i'.n be easily undt rstmHl. it Mimild U read In eeij t.t or leau iktnju. elt for ten it.reo er,t hump. S AN uti.i k ni., o ,nn i , mw j (tic. April 1, cm. aiiiVC nr t X rej "'oJiKi-Aiisiiiein iirar-i "urf. I 1 A lM i'-oldat hole sale rue n. r ill s 111 nesi iieiueira ui iiiiiiiiiihi c iliu'i. 1 . ailiu'i- stuk'a scale fur l-'ifuaie 1. raids. Iliest 1 y lt.li"-In .linerieu ri.niii 111 us-. 1 aiaii'Kue ui s-- iu isiu-e Jl'llll.Ki: tlltHANS.the lest in llie vor.d .Mi sn- n orpaw onlj i5; u stops, ttf'i'tictilor rri- Al .eiii oms daya irl.il-Inli;hr tree If tinsalf r . i-m to. rv 51lli bluet und lutli Aienui'. M.l.r.l Ml sle at , prlee. Catalui;uo ot s.iihi 1 1 1 i ' 4. eholco pleceasent lor be st-mp.t MV 1" ,lliiri'a! .iiiiiir.i.?fteiiri l 1 m-u 1.11., iux vua . uprll, s.tsi sm leo C. C. G aLIG NAN, Plumber. Qas Fitter, Tin and Shoot Iron Woxksr, STOVES, HEATRB.S JTsTTZ RANGES, BIOOIYISBURG-, PA. Shop iu Opera Houm-, (itli door Pt:i 's0 ,!r ? ftS2e. Ptf StSiftH "SSK-i HS'FJ ra I SSlSS V '. I I 1 in SJ, 1 Jy, '3. 1 1 .:-sa um m v .rzt w ti p-iDk m mi GET THE BEST, J materia 's. I refer paiticuitirlv to !....:.... , . Buying b.k Organ J. SiMaTSDIB, Agent, Vi'Iif. Tul. Pi. July .o 4w AT T fireit cli r.fetomikmon v 1 i It 1 ei Uo i.ctd a person In ev- A I 1 I I ir; townio take suts.Tlp-- n msforllh: larpest, chvap- t. ' n.d bol Ii U-rOtd h nils publication In tio w.iilt e - i.e'ean Ueioie ifcUcjcsstu a.-cnt. ff-a.iit works ol urt j.hen ine ms'io-aiu- r. 'Iho piMvstt l.u ttat nlu.tis cvtr,bo1y MiU'rlbe. on- ko 1 r polls taiitj: t ti fipismwrstna diy. U''i mi' a up.its maklDi:! r cl -nr pit lit in ''lull)!-. l' vho et 'ajo labke m-trey f'st. Vol can 1 j vi.it ;H, . rpj. t une husjin-H.fi only jour epiit tttiu nt . nn' tn ftom home.tr MC'd. wtr. lull w Has O'he-s lull dlter n .uul tfl 1:1 t t : I ,. t at d t'prphlH otflli; r e ir.M-i v. i ru, u iiMr rk t usii.urad- iru:i , to rs iu ou.iat" s. . h 1 rt . Tal o i.mVh 1, ttat pay, st.rvi.-K'- iv-s. i. .i Co. i ti Ui d, Main .u- f, t - f n. e 01 o'.r d-l'l l-riots -IOKv i i 5 1 iu IMI tNiiiJt si f-r.L It !e I I f. ii:el'it o, te 1 rif.f'liic Hi' fted In'u .t t it 4 11 d M eh s His 't 1 . - - li !'(. 1 i inf 1.:. r , tt, h e 10 ac riw m I d tl n.. it ' . urt-l oc rd tioui ih."t 11, te iu k" roU it' " I ' 1 1'C" pviTLH ! 11 1 KM t.h hum !,: a mi d r ti t v Uli leull iis. free. A(!ilst.). a. JtjSEv, M jlm'n ton, 11 J d) M, VO-i.v l l At.KNT W Ti:D to sell the LIKE OF UFA'. elA.S. A. G AIRFIELD ts UN r mrrde In -nms .u'd ir-onnl TrVnil, Civx. .t I!k!miis. an a'.'ibor of wld) celebr'tv. 'Ihla woik N ef.mi'i't''. lUnh' life lnw prtetsl. Kt it.v II. '.i -tiuthi i'f-iu.ti the 1 tst and rheap'st bttf.k. ;.'iu.' o'lrr iflleoi. --lid f1; at onu foriuiTit. i-uU"tho b s ti-n-i-'. Kct qitie-f ned von can tn moiiev. UUlir.Altl V.IiOS., I'ubs. "WChtRtnut str.'t t, run,. d J i'y 10, 'su-4 v 17 STOP "ORG-ANS !&F.,f 1 -i. il an.'. Me. -1 .i'i. f c. hi rr-'-iMd-ni in r i-n ll'.Ll'. Jt.ATl"i. W'lkMi . i: :s N'ew l'linc iw In Hi std f.ee..ddre-s DAN ' ou. N-. J. el July 1 4W turutH tViiuteil I r ni li s ltlble Dictionary nnel "n,lW PICTORIAL BIBLES. Wnm f r' Ireulars, A. J. IIm'MaN Je CO, TUIla, July 'i, "so -i.v d MALT BSTTERS TRADE MAillt .MALT AND HOPS', In f4 UN FERMENTED Kill 1. ' 1 .. .1 !'!) 1 1 . In p ver'sl id i. e ' d. I u i.v. Kldneia ane l r(uar eir . ii lilt.' n. In it I..IU 11 Meiilal ntd 1 l.is'eel hiu ti. 1.. 1 1 iu ai. Vn., ii,-, MiiHi.e M. ll.erK, .. kll I 11 'Inn 1 .1 II I ill cf Ac'l', MAl.1 lll'l'- Ti:tis an MirraM. li e. Vli,.'l,'.n" 1 1 n 1 11 ! Ni iirMilec. MnnctUen. 1 1 li u I j ! an 11 r f iLelr rich s-- In I.i' i' ..ml ile'i .e I u ..iii.-lr.Lr Vate rial than .'lull if iiusiiii 1 i- 11. lilie.iehlle free turn th .1 -1 1 ens itr 1 il ii. uui 1 mull riiuris Irepar . d 1 1 ' ' . M 'I I'.l ' 1 1 1:- e 1 , in ui 111 1( line nled in ' dliui- -.1 .1 .'MiMiheif. M1T lll'imis t'. 1 .'..li ! 1". d JlllJK, IHW ' i I 1 ' M v 1 1 1,11 ' ""M' cured In In tn ' 'i I U .11 ''' N , iij tr.ciired Dr.. 1. stk 1 1 e 11 . 1.. 1 1 in nrrll i. 'Mi-iv DOKSVoni HACK ACHE? To " li ii puli. nt he hide v, u ursWe Kt-ialu t I 1 y,nr l itin I- jiur Itl'e b'vh c lrj3T IJ ' ' ih w iiieui,.'ii r Hit'k lun i' p.-;r in yojr 1 ' , 1 '''' '""'l'l!' "li f "in li'UNKY, or 'l'l'.'' . 11' CI ,1 , ru -I , , , , . !,i , Wy, . ' ' " 1' ' ' rtali 11 eni.. 11 1 m',.." iljijI I . I I'. I n le I ill ItnlBK .rnli, fl li Uy 1 j '''' " ' O'W . . .1.. -- r .r e-m.it si r (it ' 11 1 11 1 1 in M ini ti pcnii''' i r w i5AM? t . 1 ' ' i k, 1 nv i 1 11 iay Y,m:iY pad a. r.cmr (i::o :!- ' in Jn le. lei l ldiieyl' n. DISTRIBUTING AGINoY ATTiiE PF.OPLES' DRUG- ST013B, tOtoUtsiurg. l'a.