The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 16, 1880, Image 1

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lssucil weekly, every I'dday morning ,at
m,oi)ltSllUlt(i, COLl'MllU COUNTY, PA,
I.. t.oI.t.A per ye ir, Gilronts discount, nltoivod
j, HI .U To subscriber , 0111 ot the
t 1 '. n,i. t inn. arc tl rtir loir, -trleltv In mu.i ......
.(lUIU , ,. ,i ,.,.nt ill. III.. iiiitl..,, ..f ti..l
tinlilull ufi'.-.iriKr.M nr,t ti.ild.lntt in.,..
' hi. 'I edits ttlc the expiration ot tlio tlrst,
will not bo given
in n inert sent out of the, statu ortodlstnntpovl
must lio paid for In nilvancc, unless a resiion.!
, n r..oii1n coiumbl.1 county assumes to pay tho
II" 1... ....... .tint nil il..niltiit.
It lJ.... .. i.ik l tin iniiircr exacted from Kiibserlhprslt,
'job 3?aRTisT'riisra.
i... t tiili;tf lipirt tnnnt of tlioCoi.tMBUKlsveryl
1 111 : i,i nnr .t h I'Mnttmr will comniiro fnvniM.;
?r witu t'Ht or ttio larjro eltk-. All uork done on1
ina,m;'j - i
Columbia County Official Directory.
i'i iient .nuiifu -i iiu.itii i.i.ii-iii
V .uviitc.luilges I. K Kilcktiutim. P. I,. Sliuman,
. . . .. ...IIII.... t?t..-.1l
I' Wll.iw....... .................
' Ti it irh-r -Williamson II, Jncoby.
,,i AUorncj -Itobcrl II. Little.
''' ,r1' Hiniwl'Ni'vlnr.l.
urer-lt A. Siveppcnlirlvr.
,ii sinners -Stephen Polio, Cbailos Itlch.irt,
a.".".1:'.1:!!;.?:.-.. .i.n.iwv.
1 tllors-S. U. Willi ! i'imuji, v.. ii. Pti-
"commli'loncrH-Kll KobMni, Tlieodoro W,
nteM-merlntenilont William II. Snyder,
i, n ivi'ir null let -!lrcctor-lt. s. Ilnl.scolt,
Is'm. Kramer, niuuiniuuiii
and Thomas Heice,
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
it Mdent ot Town Council-1, 8. UUI1N.
i in (ul Polleo-li. Lajcock.
Pi il.lentor lias (Viiniuny . Knorr.
1 T'tnry Miller.
Ill l.nsUUrff II.1I1KII1K1 mill mil- .iuiiii .
lUeni, 11. 11. ........ . v..n,
i. .i lonal -fliailcslt. l'aiton, ''resident
p. TiHlln, I'aililer. ,
iiinl.i County Mutual Saving Vunil and Loan
lailon-I'.. II. Utile, President, C. W. Miller,
1 r. .
U IlllllJUrU llUIIUlllLT II I . . . . i.j.L ii....
-U'in. re.ieoek, rresineiu,.!. liMlooisoii, eeieuiry.
Ill unvoi i ; m u.ii J1II....K . u..u -.uw.......-,..
llniwer, riuaiuynii . . . .. .. , . -..v.w...,, .
liArrtDT cuoiicii.
Itcv. .t. P. TiHtln, (Supply.) ,..,,
S'li .1 ly s-TVlccs -lux n. iu. and M P- "'
suinl.i" scliool 0 r. tn. , ....
IT.H 'r Meotlns-uvcry Wo.lncsd.iy evening at 6j
S.mis tree. The public nrolnvlled tonttend.
IT. JlATfllin n l.w i nr..,.,n V..V.1.U.
MtuHter -Itev. I). I), s. un.l.iy.
S " "lav enlcc3-10, a. m. nnd 7MP. n.
snmlaf school -on. in. ..,.,,.,,.
iT.iver Aieo'inu--L.ii.ij ,.j v.v ,
s "itks-trce. Nopews rented. All are welcome.
MlnlAier llov. Muari Mltihell.
sniid.iv sen lees -lo.'. n.iu. aiidOMP- m.
siiiitlivSehinil '.in. in. . ,
pr"ver Meuilnir-Iftery Wcdiiesdiyoenltisai r.i
s . ii s'rree. No puws rented. SI rowtcrs welcome.
MKTiioniiiT KPi-cortt. ciiritcit.
PresldlnR llldcr-liev. W. Uvani.
MliiHter-ltev. 11. 11. ocum.
iiiuliy Sei vices -mjj nnd f p. m.
nllile'nS's'-i'.VeJ.Mom evenltiirnl r.vj o'clock.
"miiiS Men's I'mver Mcnilnir-Kvery Tuesd.iy
deiiernl Prayer Meetln:
-Every Thursd.iy evening
7 0 X10CK.
KRKOKMV.Il cni'Kcn.
Comer tit Thltdand Ironslrccts,
i,,sinr- llev. w. K. Mens. . ('oi ner 4tli and fnilin Ine upeets.
.Sunday Sen lees -un n. m. and 7 p. m.
n.i.-er ieotlns-satuvd.y, 7 p. in.
All arc lin It'll '1'here Is always room.
1! ctnr- llev I.. Zahner.
suniliv Seivlces-lil a. m., 7X p.m.
.und iv School 9 a. m. .
Klrst suml.iv In the month, Holy commm.ton
s.nlees preparatory to Communion on I rld.i
leiiliiUbctoretho st sumuvin e.ien iimiiiu.
I'civsrenteii; oui i.vei .u n...... .
KVANdKI.U'll. curucii.
presiding KMer-ltev. A. I.. Ileescr
Minister ltev. ileoriro llnnler. . . ,
siinday Sonlcc- p. in.. In me Iron street church,
pr.ivcr Sleeting i:erysabljatliat p. tn.
All aie United. All ate welcome.
....... i utim limn micic church on the hilt, '
kiiiivvn'nstho Wclsti Baptist Cliurcli-on Kock street
''M ."iilir m'cctln'.' for worship, every I-ord'a day at-
U' ?MH"?w?nDdthu public are cordially Invited to
CH'lIOfil, OUUKUS, Wank, lint printiM ami
7) nentlv bound In small books, ou hand and
i sale ai mo uulchih" i....vv.
mmwmt mm m l'lw flu-Honill t'ir I'.iJ'l
HOW TO BE Mm. runners lie
. . . 2r.rtcliniitcjni;a',l.mi-ll
YOU5? OWN1"1"1"1' l,wi.ilc...
I WWH V WW IV liront Kuril;.. One iiLilit
t A1IIVPD FOl'l W"l tn 1,110 ten 11, Ml
EaiAVW 1 Civ Dill. r 132 111 3i dais Oil;
ollirr 75 In 13 i!ny. ? IV..J 1, 11 tlmi It. ci-l. li 1
cv rvl,ilv niiiii. it. N'ti'l fer clrciiliir. ana U-ruu.
Ali ( AiriMit. VV .n.ti'.l. A, .ir .i
1'. W. ZICGLCU 4 CO ,1,H)0 AnUM.,rii!l'a, T.
Kov.SI.9.-I7 1,1,1
Ml styles ot woil; dono In a siinei lor manner, w ot k
wiiiinntidas ivDrcsenteil 'I kuth l-ATintr-KiMViriiouTl'us.
noodsels tot fin.
Oflico Coiii'i' .Main nnd lion streets.
To be open at all hours durbnj the datj.
Nov. 2My
ni.oo.MsiH'i:u muix'TouY.
PlKll'llsSIONAI. CAltlW.
lll'Clv'IMllI M. Altnrnev nt Law. OI'
I i.. nn ii .1. I'luk's llillldlri'.'.liilstorv limlil
l.iuj:n.Uiirj. ",a '
( tl. IlAPvKI.KY, O'l:
, In llrower's building, vud story, Itoomm i j
in llai tin.m's building, Main blrtet.
W.M. M. UKItKIl, Stirgwm ami Plry-i
Ian, omco Market ueet. Near in-pii.
f It. KVANS, M. D., Surgeon ami I'liyi
t) . nan, (tin'.cu and HealJcnco on Third street,
T It. MeK'I.'I.VY. M. I).. Sunreon ami I'liy
J , Mctuii.tioi Hi sldo Haiti street, below Marlat,
jyi.J. 0. liUTTKH,
onice, North Matket street,
Hloomsburg, l'n.
Oct, 1, '79.
l. l. P.Aiin,
Main Street, opposite Episcopal chureli, Iiloi
luirg, Pa.
J" Teeth extracted without pain.
Oct, 1 is7
vy... , ...
I'nving luacuinesanii .uaeuineo ui uu
dalred. Ocbha Hocse llutldlng, Hloomsburg, ra,
TWVII) LOWHN'IlKHCi, Merchant Tailor
XJ Main St., above Cenlml Hotel.
1 K, KUI1N, ilealer it. Mini, Tallow, etc,
J . Oeritni street, between suona ana iniru.
. .
i Ilfinsirs l-'IIKUNI). I'rnellcal l.otmo
.A lulliln lloiso and Cow Doctor, lilornnbbiiiii
Kb. u, '19 tr
vlt.'.l'nnWT TAII.OH.
ItoomNo. 13, OrnKA Hoi'sK ucniuso, Hloomsburg.
M. I HYl'.ULY,
Catawtssa, 1'a.
coiiHi-iions tiron.niiv mado nnd remitted. Ofllco
onnosllo (lnlawlss.1 11,'nnslt llank. Cm-3S
' A T TOlt N K Y-A T-L A W ,
Catawbsa, Pa.
omce, comer or Third and .Main streets.
Lareest stock In r.ew
. v,,rttlt v. Lowest Prices.
cousMlugot Mouuittes,
WilioiiH, Axiniusters, Velvels. llody and lapesir)
lirussils, Threo plja and Ingiatn uarpei.s oiiiii i.
iters to match), Oll-Clollia (all vildlhs), .Mattlugt,
i.At'E ct'HTAINS. Il.( per pair, to tho llnest
lsJ lul Sixth Ave., cor. 13th it., N. V
March 20, cm, abico.
incoming or iluncy Pennsylvania.
North Amclcan ol l'U-tdolpUta, I'a,
Kranklln, or ' "
Pennslvanlaor M
''armera ot York, Pa.
Hanover or Now Vorlt,
AiAnnaunnot " .
onico ou uarkbt Btroot No. , Uloomsborg, It,
Coit MriAv in it niMi, hloomsburg, 1M
Mimic r w the fulled Slntis Uw Atsoclalln
"m ." "1 . "le lh uny p.i 1 1 if Amerleii nr imrm...
OCt. 1, N
j" H. VA l.l.KIi,
tinice, Second doorfinni 1st National llat.k,
Jan. It, l7s
tiniceln Knt'.s IH'Iuuno,
Q II it W.J.nUCKAl.EW,
Hleomsbiirg, I'n.
timceon .Main street, tlrst door below Court House
ortlce over Schuyler's Hardware store.
1'. lllI.liJIKYKIt,
o pick In Hamuli's liulldliii
Iitp, Main street,
lsloomiburir. Va,
. 11. 1.1TTI.K.
KOB'T. n. I.ITT1 K.
li. IilTTLK,
1 H.AU
I'.loomsturg, Pa.
oniccln llioiver' No.
1. I'.loomsburg, Pa.
lil.UO.M.SliUlltl, I'A.
omee corner or Centre and Main streets. 1''s
Cun bo cotisiiltcil in German,
i.ui. in, 's -tr
1 1:0. 1:. r.i.wi:!.!,.
COM'MiiHK Ui'iuiinu, P.loomsburg, Pa.
Meir.tier ot the I'nlted Slates Uw Association.
Collections made in any pail ot America or Kuropi-
oet.t, IS7U.
S(luu 1 H. UH.TEIt-.rKKS-.
Notary Public & WISTKP.SrKKS,
tinicohi Ilaitmm's l'.loel:, Corner Jl.un tiint
kitsticils, lllooiinburg. 1M.
ttifl'tiisioiis mid Hutintk Cnlleitcd.
NEW "f'Hi.nVE.
Cor. Cenlre and Hall l! sts., near I., .t It. Depot,
Lowest Price:- will net to umenold,
M.irmt.itturiiserMl.Ni: CA1! v lli:i:i s, Coal Piiak
indllildgo castings, Water Pipes, stoves, Tin
ware, Plows, 1 HON n'.NCi:, and all kinds oi iron aim
Ilrass castings.
Tim original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand,
it It haul, 11 lid side hill Plows, I lie best In the matk-
t, and all kinds or plow repairs.
Cook stoves, I'.uom stoves, and stovis tor l.catln;
stores, 'ehool hoiisjs, cliurenes, Ae. .viso uiu i.u-t-st.
attiek of renaliH fur city stoves, wholes.ilo and
totaii. kiii li as Klre llrtck.lliates. Cross Pieces, Udj
Sc., stovu Pipe, cool; Hollers, skllllts, cake
plates, large iron unties, i'i') gauons to y, laiuo
'aim Hell-, sl-d soles, Wagon lloxes,
Allontown Bono Manure"
PLASI IIH, s.M.T, AC, ic.
Jan 0, 'so ty
V MONTH m a oav
in,ni mint,, lis- tlio indusirlot.s
Capital not requln'd; vM'l start
vou Men. ivi.iueii, bo.vs and Klin
nuke monej raster at work tin- us
than al .no thing else. Tlio work Is
light and pleasant, aid nun us nnjiim can :
........ ... .i'i.,. i.r. ni-i. iiUe who see l i s liolii
wnin'nil us tli-ir iiililH-sscs at oiue and we for
., 1. ,.,.iv niittlt 111,1 terinstn-e. Now Is 1 lie
1 line. Thusc ulliaii) in !"ii 'in " .'
sums nr iniinev. AUduss 'llll b .V i". AiiiPttin,
Maine. "l '
ONI", TIMl'SAMi il.UOfV ' "
PliLMll Al iluiid m v .i 1 it.i'.'
tlml will .In as tilil'AT A U, )'''
what thk
..n, n uTin TrnnminiT VIM?
Mb'VJ liU X V K. K i ll. A ! "
HUH uninJ 1 miiiu..u
H'lY do without ladiutj.
11,. 111 mill,, wide lam on sl'cits, ,vc , hem all
matini r or mas wouu 11 kihmw. "' " , .' .;,.: '
nukes a mure 1 1 istlc stllili than any other tutu nine
. in ,, , n i.i,i ,111,1 nut Iu Pining at same limit
ft will turn n linn, sew bialil en the light sldo
and si it en on inmiiiiuK ai i'i"i.-
It wllliloMllngntasor straight, cu tier 011 iun
or woiileu goods.
It n 111 ft II ucross scums cn any goods.
..1 ii,,.,. r,. sllrl nr il sew on f.iclr-g,
elilii r with n-without tbowlngslltihts: bind Dress
i'oods with the s..niei.iiilr!al,.-ltluriia .;s.poti.
kill! 1 1 t S lr Kl'll I'll'. I UV UMl UlUl I1IUI- II"
Ha s ciolrs. "r ..ther unities with bias, satin or
silk, irom ' 10 11 Itiihisln wlulh, without basting.
H will gal In r will! or w ithiut sew lug on.
Itwlllgather between two pieces and bew on at
tlio same time.
Il will niuku amine and stitch a pillow Hip on to
tho luring at tlio sainoilme.
It will shirr any kind ot goods.
It will make plaited trimming cither with or with,
out sew lug II on.
It will mku plain il intruding ( llhe.'icu .iKdor
slralght and sew 11 Piping on at the si.1110 time. II
Minimise knife plaiting.
J, SALT,i:it, fien'l Agent.
lllouiiisburg, Pa.
oct. 3, '70-ly.
KNAPP, llt.OOMSIll'lai, PA,
E MM AN I'llII INst'KANCi: C'OM AN l .
"hese oii loaroiuTioss ato will scnencd by ago
aud HiiKTiiSTiuandliavcneverjetliod u loss set
tled by any court or law. Their assets am all nicst.
ed lu;oiin6ici'Hiiir.snnd ato llntluto tmi haiard
0S!o.?si.SrMMrTi.r nrd iiosewiv adjusuil and paid
as soon as detcrmlnid by ciihistian K lni i-,si to-
AL A0KNT ANP AlUl'fllK 111 POUSSl'SO, '1.
I Ue people or Columbia o. uuty sboii d jwtronlze.
thoageTey where losses If any are bettled and paid
wiierras, tlio world renowned reputation ol tlio
White, hewmg Machimj
UlllCeS llinllV UtlsrilllllllnllS Cnlntlntllni-a In liwrl tr,
all kinds nt mean triiks lo Injun- lis r-putatlon, vie
beg to caution nil Intending ,urcha.scis not to buy a
Wiiitu Machine
XCCllI frum Itn 1 f(Ml1ll' nlltlinrl in I liiitinro l,n it 111
'White SlmMo Stwing; Made,
i.ati: Ni'MiiEii to:t:in!) roil i'amii.y ppiipo.
ix ami iikiii'.iiy aiiiii:i:to unci- tiii: .mr
in iikpapi rim nil: tnitvt or civi;
r Kit vi this ii ri;, ritHB or ('ll.iliill .
This warrants excepts the treaknge ot needles
bobbins ard "buttles.
1 his wair.inly will net be sustain, d unless the
l.tle tuiiul'i r above L-tveti Willi the
liutuhi rou lb,, siiullle race slide. How ale ef di laced
Tho "WHITE" Sl-.utt.c Sowing Machine
,isintKTHi itv linn nn v ether riimlly scwiii;
.u-hluo lurdulittf cury v.ulttynt work.
.1, Alrznil, (ictirnl Aircnt,
HlouiiiibiirL'. l'o.
Oct.n, ':9 ly.
P a j) o r
WM. 1 Ht)J"IXK.
.' -I'., IIEI.OW si: -O.MI, I'.I.OOMSllL'ltd,
Is prepaled lodoall kinds of
Plain and Oinamental
til IU ii il ol rnriiitiii-G lii'imlicil.
ntnl itiailu :is ikiiI its nc A A'.
Bstimatcs IHado on all Worlr,
1 ID I II."' 1"1 1.1'.
Neatly aivl Cheaply printed nt tho Coldm
IllAN wilii-e,
of Syracuse, N. Y.
Arc now pulling on the maiki I a Plow that
Is ils lunch siiiH'il'u- i.i ..u.v Plow ben tuitiio
inade astliu l'luwsnf tin- past few .veals, havn
lM-en supeilor to lluise mado hair a century
itcumblneaallllie i-NeelLnclesot any Plow
In us
It i.bvl.itcs all Hi" objections made to any
I ii aJi lit Ion It cmbracci sci end now features
nf t li" irn ate-t nine, rur vv lilell w e hav e ub; i il i MllUlVii l-.tteuts.
It.. vis, .Iiiluterstiinilanlanil Wheel
Stand in! w 111 be s'l Hi:i. and Un mold Is-anl
villi lie.ic.miii-lilo.i "t St.-1 and Inm ihllled
under a pniei-xi tur which wo have aNi
obl.illied an i.clilslve IMU-iiL It WIU bo
ItsWil.l I will be i
n pounds 1. ssllian
our pre- 111 si ' t'
A tlrst. i. , i. , i pi
1. ade In H11 (
i'te u- w.e , luli ih '1 i l i 1. , .in! si. , I 1 1,
I i a i , id ii , -i dull .i-s
ll' 1. 1 tWI lltV-UVIl
, 11 tall 1. 1 1111 six-
'I In- jiiln- ,r ner in w PI -w will be but
sniiiii.ii i),illur., ami It will Is. the
ihe.ilii -t A Hi utl in, d Ih. ill. Haul i ver si, 1,1.
Its un 1 1 b 'anl will outwi ar three ct tlio
vi r In si kl.als ot tlio I'tdlnary sUtl tauld
It will scour la M 'lis where all steil plows
and all otlivr plows have hltuuio proved a
f illure.
Vi'lih this I'l 'W will lie Introduced a comi.
u-atei li"W Point and Joint r P. 'hit, on which
w h ii" idsniibtahiwl a pat. ut, and whli his
al-si a great liuiroveu.eut, both ,u regains
stretiirth and wear.
i lie J'llntir can In- Hiltt-d so as to lako
more or 1 -ss laud, and also more or less pitch,
nn.l It cantilivn bo kept on a Hue with tho
P Hi.
'Ilr u Iiul will run iiinlcr tho lram or ono
si.ieiir it asileslre,. nnd nlwais kept in line,
'Hie b .e.i I. ...Ijosi itiiu f.T spilug or rail
Pluwl.i '.. and at 1 1 'I' two or three nouses.
'I'll.' ha.i'H'.s .an t.' adjusted to acootiimo-
ilate a in to or ti ,', i.n the taiac Plow'.
Il i- I li i ' l I'lwlV.
V.." le.i b -an-saie gelligoulof llae bw-allso
tho sUdn:., - :l and wuip, und nevir run
lion licaiiis a.'e too heavy.
Malleable beauts bccuino demoiallAftl and
l-n 1. wLIih Isiiiueh uoivi tliau lubivak.
A St 1 1 beam lttlieiaccsltyot tlwtlay, It
1st luce limes as nliuiig und veij miulillghlfr
lh.ui any other stile.
When m say a Slold boai-d H ihtlUsl, tho
fanners know tt I. so.
We do i.ot palm on on lliem a coniWsltlou
Ot vallolis tilt'tab nn'l ci.ll ll Cllllieil lia iau
We want agents lor this new Plow In every
town In this but,'.
Wo can Live but a very small discount to
iheni. but we will nay the liallmad 1'rclght.
We proviso to placo this Plow In the hands
of l'aniu rs as near tho owl ot wanufacluro
as possible,
H will bo tho Vnt Agilctiltural Implement
i-v er will.
It shall also b the
Persons then tore vi ho are not w llllng to act
as audit en tho prluclplo that "a iniiibiostx.
pcuco Is better than u stow btitlliug," heed not
nun v for uu agency.
No Plows on commission. All natal ubsolute.
t'ir This lsllio only steil Chilled Plow In
the Woild.
steel ci.ts several times more than Iron,
Hut this Plow, lull ilgged, by giving small
discounts, can bo Bold or seventeen Dollars.
( ouipai o this pi lea vi It 11 t hat ot any 1 rou Plow
ever made.
It Is cheaper than any other Plow now
mado would bo at live dollars- ami a halt.
Wbero theio are no agents wo will, on re
el Ipt ot Koventccn I killam, honil a plow to any
Hatlroad station In tho Stalo unit pay tho
Irtlgbt. Auurem,
6yraouto, N.Y,
Juno 18, law.
fin 11 . rr un 1
m w Tt mmm
Irt)OMSr,URCx, PA., FRTDAT, JULY 1G, 1880.
(i'i:ni:i:ai iianciick and mistiicss
l'op lifk'uii j'l'iiis llii'i'iillri- lioinililic'ip
imilv iiinl pii'ss Inivt- msi-li-ii Hull Mr
iti v li, Siinatl whs ti it'll liv ii li'jjiil inn?
oiisiiitiiiiinnl coiii'i, iTi-i'lvisl n just iiinl
1'iu'liliuMH scnlt-iici- mill vviis tlipi-i'tiinlri'.
iiisllv mill i ll' hi fully cmtiiIimI. I'Iii a
IniM; Hot yet Ik-i-hiiii' siillii-li'itlly filiniiu1
lcsii to ik'Iiy. in U'litis, vvlnit tltcy litivc
so lout; tissi'i iiul mul tnnnlit, 1ml llti'V iti-
diiii.'ili- that (u'lii't'iil llaiii-oi-u llicii i-oiii-
iii.'intli't- of llic .Miilillc .Military Division,
is in some iiiic.v.ini'sst'01 iiiaiiiur,1ilamaMu
in tltc iiroinisi-M. No d'norl allegation
is inailo, Init hp arc indticcil to snpiioso
licit (totii'ial llattfock was ilisrouitcotis
toward .Mis Stiiratt. mul uiiiii-i-pssnrily
seven' in liis i1i'ioitiiRiili and lliatjto K--
tiist'il to Alls. ninttt tlio last, i-otisola
lions of lite I'liiiifli. Tlnis tlti'v are
Willing to wound and )et arrald lo stitke,
Just hint a t.iult , and hesitate dislike:
ami siiiii,).(! mul iihih. mat tiicit' ltiorc
iiinlilc follow cis will do, in excess ol
zeal, what tin- leaders dan- not.
In order that they may not ho allowed
to iiei vett tlte truth of history, a littielv
examination of the facts mid eiretitiistatt-
.iiiiiiiindiii''this ineiiiiiralile case 111:1 a
he of use, and hv rci'.-illin;; the events.
nalile our own people to leplv to the
hall concealed or more open oliiection.
And it will ho shown that whether ob
jection oc inaile to Ins ollieial ,'ietioii, or
to his personal hem nit; tovvanls any ol
tho iinloitiitiate persons under sentence
of the intlitmv eoninitssinti, or to the
friends of anv of lie did ev
ery tiling in his power to alleviate the
inelital miirnisli, Imlli ot tin- eoinleiiineil
and of their friends, mul was most Uiml
and considerate towards them all in ev
ery respect.
.Mrs. bin rati was charm-d with com-
iininir, eonleilerauni; mm eonspniuvr
with .lohti Willies I'xioth, Lewis I'ayiie,
David C. IIarold,.loliti I f..Siirratt. Sam
uel A .Mtidd. (ieorire A. Ateroth, l.d-
ward Smii!1er, Samuel Arnold and .Mi
chael ()'l.ont;hliii to kill mid iiiunler.auil
in pui'siiaiiee thereof, killiiiLjandinurder-
iii!? Ahrahani Lincoln, and with entor
taitiitiL'. haihoiinir and concealing his
inniderors. with iruiltv knowledge. She
was tried heforo a Military Commission,
found jjuiltv hy it and sentenced ti he
limitred: the tindini' and sentence were
atinroveil bv .Mr. 1 'resident .loliiison.and
. , . 11. .1 ic
10 eeou 1011 00K 111:100 :iocoriiiii''iv. n
.Mrs. Sun-alt aviis rihtlv tnoil, conviclcil
oiiteiiood ilium that ehari;o and
soecitieatioti, then 110 lilamo can attach
to anv olio for the execution of tho sou
leneo! And if she w as over so wroiitifiil-
lv tried, convicted and sentenced, in
blame can attach to (ioneral Hancock
coiiimaniliiiu'llio iii'pariinem, who 111 111s
ntlic'tal capacity was only carrying into
execution the orders ot his superiors
Ho was iu the position of a Shct'ilf oxc-
cut lit"; Ihc sentence or the law upmi
an oilondor, himself blameless, whether
tho convict is innocent or jjiiiltv.
It was a most delicate and trying po-
1I1011, but it was onlv one ot tho many
liich (ieneral 1
uncock has heeti
iwf.i . in vv in 1 in
is most irraudlv
ilisplaved the highest oiialiltes of tlte sol
dier. the oattiot and the 'entleman. 1 1
.Mrs. Shi rati and her heart-broken tlauirh
tor ho was the olnistiaii ucntlcmati: t.
the colli I before which ho was brought
on a writ of habeas eoiiuis, the loyal pa
triol; and to his duly as commander ol
the deliaiTinent. the imbolidinir soldier.
Statements made at tho tune of tho
occurrence, when onlv tlio trtiiii nceiien
to be told, when there was no object to
be siib.eived bv the invention or propa
nation of a falsehood, arc the bostevi
deuce oi wnai was satu ami none, anum
them I apnea! in niakintr up the record
I oopv li'om a report prcpaivd on tin
shot bv tho special correspondents and
reporters nt tlio I'lnladi Iplua daily 'in
itiirer. and pulili-iietl 111 a volume, will
the iinpiinl of 'I'. 1!. l'oteisnn & Iitntl
ors al the tunc of the tual. I ho ooiiit
ootivened on the l.'Slhol .Mav, ISti.'i. thov
tad stibiiieuaod for tho prosecution 2 1
witnesses and lor tho doleitso 2:111 : not
all of vvhoin however wen- examine
'I'he court sat from about Mav l"th to
.Itiue I'llth. when tho record was mad
and sent to tho 1'rcMilcnl. He ai
proved it .lulv oth, the ollieial order lor
tliu execution va- issued on the lith, to
becarricd irto i-ITeel ou the 7th. between
10 o'clock a. m., and - oolock p. in., of
tint day.
What follows, is the report, verbatim,
tar as it ei.ncoins (ieneral Hancock
mil .Mr.-. Sm rait, and to lhat statement i
ill not add one word. It dissipates at
itiei. eviry ungenerous insinuation
ii;atn-t (ieneral Hancock, and iseinphat-
n-.ill V one ot thosi) lew caes III which
tin truth is not only mi overwhelininu
uiswor to the slander, but "ivos to the
listin-'uished eharaeter of whom it is
okeii, a greater lustre.
iiii: l ill I! I M Villi VI..
Ou tho litsl of .May, IMi.'i, I'roidonl
lohit-oii issued the lollovvinu; order lor
the trial of the criminal- :
Kni.i i 1 1 v i . Cu At 111 l!,
W v-iiiNi, iun Cut, May I, Lstio.
Whereas the Attorney (ieneral ol the
I'liiled Slates has t.'iveii his opinion that
the persons implicated in the murder ol
the laic I'lv-i'lcnt, Abraham Lincoln. ami
the attempted aa illation of the linn
William II. Sewaid, Seorelaiy of Stale,
mil an alleged cotispirai-v to ass.i-.'mate
liter ollioi is of the l'Vdeial ( toyenillleut
at Wash'uioiiiti oitv, and I heir aiders and
ibolloi's are subject to the jurisdiction ot
iiul legally tnalile iieloiv a uiilitaiy com
nit ion :
ll h orih i'i it : 'ii:it That the As
-Mailt Ailpitaul deiieral detail nilio com
ii'leiit niilttarv ollicer.s to servo as a com
tin ion lor the tual ot said pattio.-, ami
that the .lilile Advocate (Ieneral pio
coed lo preler cliaruc- :i''aiiist said par
lie- lor their allowed ollenccs, and Ininu
litem to tiial before said military coin
mission : that said trial or trial-bo con
luctcil by the said .Indue Advocate (it'll
Till, as rcconlcr thereol, in poison, aid
;sl by Mich assistant or special iitdu
vocate- a- he may do-lunate, and thai
.aid tiial- be conducted with all dili
'eiice consistent with the cutis ol jii-tit
atiiisaiilcoiiiuiis-ioii to sit without regard
to hours.
Sicimil That lircvet Major (ieneral
llaitraiifl be assigned lo duty as Special
I'rmo-t .Marshal (ieneral, lor the pur
pose ot said Ilia! mid ,'ltlcliileuee upon
said conuniioii, and tlte exictitioii ol
its mauilatcs.
iiii'K that the said commission is
tablisli such order or nilos ol proceeding
as may avoid uiiHcccssatv delay ami con-
tlilt'c lo the cuds of public jiistic
Aiui tvm' (ir.M.ii vi.'s On u e,
AVasiiin(.io.n' 1). C, .May G 1S(15.
Ollieial Copy ;
W. A. Nichols,
.Assistant Adjutant flcneitd.
In coiti)iliaiico with this order the fol
Imvilttf olliei'i's weto dolailod ns lip.mber.s
of tho inililary commission :
Mv.ioii ( Dvmh lli
M v.ioit (ii Niaivi. Li:w V vi.i.m i:.
li.ti.v. M v.i. lii.N. Ann sr V. K vi iz,
limn. ( !i . Ai.nitiN I'. I Iiiwt.,
I'tlllM. (its. 1 r S.,
lliiio. !i.N. .1 vAir.s A. j, in.
lilllll. (il'.S. Tnovi vs II. II Mlllls, .
Cm,. Cn A. Tompkins,
lliir.v. Cm.. I). I!. Cixniuain'.
The proseoulioii was oonitiiotod by
il madter 1 ielioiai .loscpii I loll, ludtjo
Advocate (ioneral s assisted Lv llrevet
Colonel II, L. I'nrip'tl, of Indiana, and
I Ion. .lolm A. liinuhnm, of ( )hio Assis
taut ,lud''c Advoeales.
Tito itisolii'i's soloeled for their conn
1 Itovoi'ilv.lohnson.of .Marvlatnl.Tliomas
Kwinir of Kansas, W. ). Duster, of
l'ltinsvlvania. 1'rod A. Aikin, District ol
Columbia, Waller S. Cox, .lolm W.
Clanipit. and K. Siono.of .Maryaud.
v-iiini.ion. -Iiino '.'S 1 Me .Military
Commission met this dav, with closed
ours, iu secret srsshnt, tn deliberati
on the testimony and lindinir of a ver-
liet for or ,-i;ainst the oonp'irator.s, and
flora session of six hours duration, not
coining to a decision in all the oases, ad
lill the next dav. Thursday Juno L'Mlli.
fThi' testimony luivinirbeon lakon and
the ai'iiimu-nl of counsel liavin ' b,on
inaile botweon .May IM and -lime L'S, the
Conuiis..sion met as follows:!
Y vsiiinu ion, .lime '.".). The Militarv
CouuuissioH met this inoi niip' in secret
ion. with closed doors, and after be
ne.; in session Mime Hours mtind a ver
iltot iu tin- ease of each ol the cousin
rutors, when a reeoid was m ide up mul
forwarded lo the War Deparlmeiil for
revtovv. Irom whom it will he sent to the
I'lesiilettt, who will examine the whole
of the voluminous testimony closely he-
fore rendering his decision on the liu-
iliiiir- ot tin- .Mililai v Commission.
W vsiiiNi. ion, .lulv (!. III accordance
with the lindiiiL,' and senlctevs of tho
Militarv Commission, which the I'rcsi-
lcnt approved yi-steidav, D.tvid H. llar
ild. Lewis l'avne. .Mis. Surratl. and
iooi-'o A. Atoroth me lo be Imtit; to
morrow, bv tho proper .Militaiv author-
it ios.
Dr. .Mtidd. Arnold and )'Laiihlin au
to be imprisoned for life, and Spantiler
for six veai's. all at hard labor, in the Al
bany I'cnilontinrv.
I III', ol I II I VI. OKI'I It.
W v-iiiNi. io, .lulv li. The following
linpoitatit order has jtisi lieon issued:
v ar Deparluient, Adptlmtl I teller
il's Olllee W:isnn-don, .lulv lHti.'..-
To .Major (ieneral W. S. Hancock, Tin
ted Stales Volunteer, commandite; lhi
.Middle .Mtlil.nv Division, W ;ilimtcl
D. C.
Wheroa, liv the .Military Commission
tppninioil in paragraph 1, Special Or
lei's Xo l'I 1. dated War department. Ad
liilaut i ieneral s i niiec, vv usiiini;inii..ii:iv
li ISti.'i, ami ol vihielt .Manir (ieneral
llnnler, I'liiled Stales Volunteers, was
l'ro.-iilenl, Ihc lollovviic; poisons wen
tried, and, titter niatiito coiisuieration ol
evidence adduced in their oases, wen
found and sentenced as hereinafter sla
ted, as lollows.
Mlis .-I IU! v I'I :
siAir.Ni i..
Marrv K.
Snrratt. I'iudiut; of tin
.peeilieation u'liilly.exeept asto roeeivinu
.uslaiiiiii''.haihoriii''aiid coiicealin; Sam
uel Ainold ami Michael I'Lautrhlin, and
except as lo eonibiniUL'. c.inlederalinc;
and eon-piling with l-'dward Spaualer
of ibis not trinity. Ol tho ehari;e L'uil
tv, except as lo eoiiib'mini; eon federal iul
and conspir'niL-' with I'Mward Spani;ler,o
this not trinity.
Sentence. And Ihc commission doo-
ihercforo, sentence her. tlte said .Maiv IC.
Snrialt. to bo hull-' bv the neck until she
bo dead, at such tittle and place as the
I'lesident of the I'liiled States shall di
reel, two third-ol tho t miission eon
etiritit; ilierein.
I'UHslPl.NI'.lollNsiiN s AITlillV.VI..
And Whereas. Tlio l'rosidenl of th
I'ltitoil Slates ha- approved tho Ion
.'oimr sentences, in the pillowim' or
tier, to w ll :
Kxr.ei nvr. mvn-iov, .lulv o, lSli.'i.
The foieuoim; sentences ill the ca-e-o
David P.. llaiold, (i. A. Atzrolh, Lewis
l'avne and Marv IC. Snrratt, are hereby
approved; and it is ordoroil mat ine
ntotice-in the eases ol navni P.. liar
Id. (i. A. Alzioth, Lewi- rayito am
Marv K. Suratt are to bo eariied into ex
ii'iilion liv the proper uiilitarv aiithontu
under the direetioti ot the Seerelarv
war. on lite 7th dav of .lulv, ISti.'i, In
I ween the hours of 10 A. .M., mid -
clock 1'. .M. of lhat dav. (S'u;ned)
Aniusi.w .ImiN-iiN, l're-ideiit
lerelore vou are hereby command'
to cause the torc-roiut; sontotteos in the
ca-e- of David H. llaiold,(i. A. At.erotli
,ewi- l'avne and Mary K. Surratl to be
illy oxoculeil, iu aecoril.inee with the
I 'iv-ident's order.
liv command of the 1 'resident of the
I'liiled Slates.
IC. I). TllW N-l.NP.
Assistant Adiljaut (iettcial.
rur. si:nh:m.i:s hi vu io uu: pi;isoni:i!-.
About noon to-day, (ion. Hancock,
who i- vliartrcd with the execution ot the
sentences, proceeded to the penitentiary.
Hid in company with .waj. (leiieial Halt
ratilt visited the cell ol eaoh pii-uncr
and iiifoimed each what verdict had been
rendered. No one was present at this
iuterv iow hut thu two (ienerals mid the
.Mis. Smratt, ou loarnini; her fate, was
.xlreiiiely depressed, and wept bitter
lv. She was alone, her tlaiiLrhter,
having left her it sl.oit time before,
not knovviiii' the sentence was to be an
iiounced to lier mother to day.
Jilts, si uitvrr's si-linn vi. .viivisrits.
-Mrs. Surral asked that I'athers 'al
tor and W met, ( athohc priests, nf l!al-
liuiore, be scut for. Ilcr wish wa.s im
mediately complied with, and both the
ler''V'ineii ai rived this cveiilli''. mid
weru admitted to her cell.
A I ut .moi;.
An iinprc-sioii appears to prevail
throughout the city that .Mrs. .Snrratt will
not be executed, tiial thu President w ill
commute her sentence to inipiisonuiont
lu loss than an hour after the liiullni;-
Had I Hen announced this rumor was on
tho btreet, and it was ii-scited that iiiativ
who had been most strenuous in asVin;
lor severe punishment upon the coiispir
ntors weru w illiiij; to miito iu tin eflou
to have, tho sentence ut Airs. .SiirruU'n
easo changed to imprisonment. This l it
mor was wiilunpread, but had iiofouuda
tioit In fact, Tho wish was cvidmilv
ftUlici- to thu thought.
no i:xi:ei rivi: i i.p..vir.i v.
Harold's sister called at the While
House tills afternoon, ploadiin; for nnr-
cy, and l'tither alter and Air, Aiken,
one of Mrs. Surratl's counsel, also called
on behalf of Airs. Snrratt, but the I 'res-
lent declined to sou utiv of tliom, and
forrod them all to .linltrc Holt. It
would seem to be the determination of
tlio 1 'resilient to decline intei lerinj; in
the matter, and there is no doubt but all
thoio condemned to death will bo ce
tiled to-morrow, Mrs. Snrratt anion-;
the number.
Aiken says ho lias sotnu nfter-discov-
ercd testimony lo offer, favorable to her
ho. Iitit it is not probable, the rresi-
lent will relent to-morrow.
PAv.Ni:, a r.r.noi ii, iiAUiii.ti and mhs.
sriiitvi r AKi: nt no 1
'.v.sitiMiit)N, July 7, lHfi.i To-dav
.t... t.. .. r .i. . .. t i t
i ue him -ceiio, oi ine lernoie iraeuy oi
tho 1 lib of April took plaoo. Lewis
I'ayno, David K. Harold, (ieoru A At
zcrolh and Mary H. Snrratt, tho rintr-
leadcrs in thu iniirderons jtlot to assasst-
ite ihc heads ol tho ttovoriiincnt. and
o throw the land into anarchy and eon
fusion paid the penally of tlieir crime
upon the gallows.
lite execution was comparatively a
puvatu one. I ho follovvini; is tlio form
of older which was iinpeiatively reiptir-
lo secure admission to the scone ot
the execution:
lleadipiarters .Middle .Military Division,
Y a-hmtrtoii, D. C, July 7, 18(i.i.
-Major (ieneral J. K. Ila'ttranlt, .Mili
tary (iovernor of .Military 1'ii-oiis:
Admit . lieporter o'f tlio 1'hil
adelphia Jmiiirtr, to thu Military
l'rison this day.
WiNTiia.n S. Hancock,
Major (ieneral Voluuteers com'ud;.
on the reversewas written "between 10
ind 1 1'. M"
Kaoh pass was ro-'i-tered with the
ank and -tation of the ollicer ami the
aper to which tlte representative bo-
Onlv one hundred were issued, and
ono-forth of these to tin- representatives
f tin- pio-s. Over a thousand appli
ations wore made to (ieneral Hancock
for passes lioin various sources, but he
inducted the whole affair with the ino-1
otnmeiiilable propriety, and sonclehcd
otnplotcly tho "Sece-h" sympathi-ers
who wi-hed to witness the execution,
1 ho-e who eaino I'roni mere personal
tiriositv were all denied.
ii- newspaper reporters soon betran
to oonttre.tto al-o, and in a lew mmtiles
not less than a score were in attendi-noo,
wailiiiL; t" pick up the smalle-l item ol
intcro-l. No ncw-p:ipor man wa- allow
1 lo sec the pii-otiors in their cells be.
foie they wore led out to execution, anil
(ieneral llarlranll was very ileeided on
this point.
tin: cixiniY.
While w-iiitiiiLT here for over tin
horn's, the elcr-'vnien passed in and
nit throntrh tho houvv i 'noted doors
loading to the ini-on colls, which croak
1 heav ily on its hmo- a- il swum; to
mil Iro, and the massive key wa- tinned
in ine inner side with a Heavy sound as
visitor was admitted within it-
.Mrs. Snrratt s daic'litcr passed into
e ante loom, acciitupuniod by a hnl
who remained icpted, while the ilaui;h-
lor rapidly onlerod the hall, ami, pa-s-
itiir throtmh the heavy door, is soon in
the eon idor where her mother is incar-
.t twelve o'clock the bustle increase-
Ollicers arc riinnini; to and fro callin:
for orderlies and givin;; orders, deueral
llailranJt is Irvtm; to answer twenty
ino-tions at onee from a- many differ
ent persons, lite sentrv iu the hall i-
becoinini; antrrv because the crowd will
isoep lnlrudint; on his beat, wtieu sml
lenlv a btmu'v at the door announces tin-
arrival of (ioneral Ilancoc
He enters tho loom hurriedly, takes
eiteral Ilartranft a-ide.and a few words
pass liotweon them Hi a low tone, to
which Ilartranft nod- aciiiiie-ceiicej-trien
in a loud voice, Hancock says: "(J
ready, iioneral, 1 want lo havu every
thin-; put lit readiness as soon a- iioi
hie." This was the signal for the inter
views oi tho elergyinen, relatives am
mcmis ol the pusoners to cease and tor
tho dooomeil to prepare for execution.
I he im-tlo inorea-es. Air. Aiken ap
proac-hos .en. Hancock and a few min
utos' conversation pa es between them
Aiken'- countenance, changes perceptibly
al Hancocks word-. 1 lie rca-on
plum; there is no hoito for Mi-. Surratl
'1 ho habeas corpus movement, from
which he expooted so much, has failei
and Aiken, iu a voice tremulous with
emotion, said to your coriespondent
".vir-. suiralt will lie hunt;.
The bright holies hebad cheri-hed had
all vani-licd, and the dreadful truth
stood beloro him iu all its horror. Clam
pill, too, till (ioneral Hancock arrivot
indulged the hope that the habeas cor
pus would ofleet a respite for till'
our days.
At 12: 10 four arm chairs are brought
nit and placed upon tho scaffold, am
the moving around of (ioneial Ilartranft
indicates the drawing near ot thu time
I'he newspaper correspondents and
loiters are admitted to a position about
thiitv feet from the gallows, and about
one o'clock und ten minute-, the hoav
loor in ironl ot tin- rolls is swung upon
its hinges lor tho hundredth time within
in hour, and a few repoiters, with (ion.
Hancock pass iu ami through to the
yard, ami the tir door closes u-illi ;i -lnm
behind them. All take positions to get
'mul view. (ion. Hancock for the last
time lakes a survey ol tho preparations,
and being satisfied lhat evervthing is
ready, he re-enters the pti-oii building,
ind ma few minutes the solemn proces
sion inarched down lliostopsol the back
loor down into tlio ) aril, in the lollow
nig order: 1 lie condemned, Mrs. Snr
ratt, suppoited by Lieutenant Colonel
.Mel all, 1 wo hmiilieilth rnuisylv ania
liogiinciit, on her left side, and Sergeant
W.l!. Kennedy, company A., Twelfth
derail Ueserve Corps; l-athus Walt
er and Weiget walking together, liar
old, accompanied by Sergeant Thomas,
Company I!. Kiglit'ceiilli Veteran lie-
serve Corps, aud an ollicer attached to
I o. Itakers detcctivo lorce. I'avno no
coiupaiiied by Sergeant (irovcr, Compa
ny D., Kightoeuth Veteran Jie-erve
I nip-, and olio of Colonel Hader'a do
tccliv is.
Al.eroth attended bv Sergeant Whilt
Kouitceiith Veteran Ueserve Corps, and
one oi n.ikoi s detectives. .Mrs. Snrratt
on emerging from thu back door cast her
eves upward upon tho scaffold for a few
moments with a look ol curiosity com
blued with dread. One. "liuipno and her
eves fell to the ground, and shu walked
uioutr iiifchaulcally, her urooiiiui;,
nnd if sho had not Ik-ch supported would
nave union.
.ntft.1 nnt tfwnt l M r1 v'l Vfl cn'
11114 lWIU.lll,ltH IVIi, l 1 ,,ii'.
mat .vrrr.vuvNci: ami ih.mi.vmiu.
She iisrcnilcd the scaffold, and was
d to an al in chair, iu which she was
atoil. An umbrella was holdovorliorliv
thotwoholv fathers, to piotcct her from
the sun, whose ravs shot down like the
blasts front a lierv furnace. She was at
tired in a black boinba.ine dross, blnek
I para bonnet, with black veil, which she
wore oyer her face till she vv.ts seated on
tho chair. Dm ing the reading of tljo order
for tho execution by (ieneral llarlranft.tlio
pilosis held a small crncihx lie I ore her
which she kissed fervently several times.
She lir-t looked tit the crowd before
her, thou closed her eves and seemed cu-
iged in silent prayer. Tho rending
ind the annouiicoinoiit of the clergy in
behalf of the other prisoners having
been made, Colonel McCall, assisted bv
t her ollicers. proceeded to remove her
bonnet, pinion her elbows, ami tiestiips
I cotton stull arouiid her dress iiolovv
her knees. This done, the rope was
placed around her neck and her face was
overetl with a white cap reaching down
to the shoulders.
When they were pionioning her anus
sho turned her head anil made some io-
arks to the ollieeis in u low lonc.which
ouhl not be hoard. It appeared that
they had tied her elbow s too tight, lor
they slackened the bandage slightly, and
then awaited thu final order. All tho
prisoners wore thus prepared at tho same
time, and the preparations of eaoh wore
completed at about tlte same moment, so
that when Airs. Suiialt wnsthiispionion-
shc scarcely stood ten seconds, sup
rtod by those who stood near hor,vvhoii
ieneral I lartranll gave the signal tr
ipping his bands twice for both drops
tail, ami as .-ooti as the second and
the last signal was given both fell, and
Mrs. Sun-alt. with a jerk, fell to the full
length ol the rope It wastlono as quick
us lightning. She was leaning over, and
this gave a sw ingingmotion to her body,
which lasted several minutes before it as-
iinied a perpendicular po-itioii. Her
leutli was instantaneous : she died with
out a struggle. 1 ho only muscular move
ment di-c.-rnablo was a slight contrac
tion of the left arm. which -ho seemed
to try to disengage Irom behind her as the
Imp loll.
Alter lieiiig suspended thirty minutes.
ic was cut down and placed in a wood
en box or coffin, in the clothes m which
he died, and was interred iu the ini-on
nil. The rope made a clean cut fully
an inch in diameter, which was iiiackand
li-colorod with bnii-od blood. The cap
i- not taken off her face.aiid -he was laid
in the collbi with it on. and thu- pa ed
twi uv from the face of the earth Marv
K. Surratl. is uniler-tood
ill bo given to her family for burial.
im'UU'.m's vr un: vvmri: iiot'si;.
About half pa-t eight o'clock this
morning. Miss Snrratt, accompanied by a
ft malu friend, again v isited tho White
llouo, having boon there last evening
for the purpose of obtaining an interview
tt h the I resident. ITo-idcnt .lohiison
having given orders that ho would re
ceive no one to-day, the door-keeper
stopped M'ws Snrratt at the foot of the
tops loading up to tlio l'roidoiit s oi
tice, anil would not permit her to proceed
further. Sho then asked permission to
see (ieneral Mil-soy, the l'resident's Mil
itary Seeietary, who promptly answered
the summons, and promptly came down
tails where Miss Snrratt was standing.
As soon tn tho (ieneral made his ap
pearance, .vii-s Muratt threw heisolt
upon her knees boforo him, catching him
bv tho coat, with loud sobs and stream
ing exes, implored him to as-i-t her in
having a hearing with thu l'ro-idont.
i ieneral Alu ey. m as tender a man
ner as was pos.silile.inlorniod .Miss Snrratt
that ho could not comply with her to
piest, as I'rosident Johnson's orders were
imperative, and he would receive no one
I pou (ioneral .Mus-evs returning to
his olliee .Mi Smratt threw herscll upon
the stair -tops, when- slut lomainod
on-iderable length of time, sobbing
ilolid in the greatest anguish, protesting
her mother's innocence, and imploring
every ono who caino near to her lo inter
cede in her mother's behall While thu-
weoping she declined her mother wa-too
;ood and kind to oc gntltv ol the onor
moils ci iiuc ol which she was convicted
and asserted that if her mother was put
to death site wanted to die also.
Tho scone was heart rending, and
inanv ol tho-o who witnessed it, includ
ing a number of bard v soldiers wir
moved to tears. Miss Smratt having be
come quiet, was finally persuaded Intake
a seat in the r.ast ltoom.and here sho re
mained lor several hours, jumping til
Irom her seat ovorv time tho front door
of tho man-ion wa- opened, evidently in
hopes of seeing sonic one enter who
could bo ot service to her, iu obtainin
the ili-ired interview with the President
or that they were tho bearers ut good
news to her.
Two of Harold's sitors dros-od in lull
mourning and heavily veiled, made their
appearance at the Whito llou-u shortly
alter Mi-s Smratt, for tho purpose of in
tciceding with tho I're-ident iu behalf
of their brother. Kailing to see the 1 'res
ident, thov addressed a nolo to .Mi.-.
.lolni-on, and expressed a hope that she
would not turn a diaf ear to their plead
ings. Mr-. JoIhi-oh being quite sick, il
wa- thought expedient by the ushers not
to deliver the note, when, as a last expe
dient, the ladies asked permission to for
ward a nine to .viis. runei'son. me m-s-ideiit'i
(laughter, which privilege was
not granted, as Mrs 1'attoisoii was also
plite indi-posed to-day.
.ui-s .-uu rati was vvun ner mother sev
eral hours last night, as also Hov .
leathers Wiget and Walter, and Mr.
Ib'ophy, who were also present this morn
ing. She slept very anv, ami
requiied considerable attention, siill'eiiiig
witu cramp and pains the entire night,
i-an-ed liv her nervousness. In- lu-eak
fast was sent lo tho prisoners at tho ii-.ii
al hour this morning, hut none oat, ex
cepting l'avne, who oat heartily.
DisrosiiioN or uu: viii.irvin.
Major (ieneral Uaitr.ift made the fol
lowing dispositions of the military ou tin
occasion: i no rsixtu liogimoiit veteran
,,, , ,. . i.
olutitecrs, .Major Lawiter, wore station
od ou Koiir-and-a-hiilf street, irom the
gatu of I'oniteiitiary grounds to I'enn
syhaiua avenue, the Kirst liogimoiit
otoran oltuiteers', Colonel lioml, weie
on duty inside tho penitentiary yard,
loiiiieii the guard around the gallows.
Tho Kotiith Itogimoiit Veteran Voltu
teers were stationed on tho wall surround
ing tho yard, ami tho I'.ighth liogimoiit
Veteran Volunteers, Colonel 1'iieo, were
stationed along the l'otoiuait river, to
pievciit tho lauding of boats on tho
shoio of tho penitentiary grounds. Tic
Sixteenth Now York Cavalry were
ou duty near thu Penitentiary buildin-r
About three, thousand troops were
ployed in guarding tlio building nnd
v. x.
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jiccpt wiiero parueB nave accounts.
Irani advertisement! vv o dollar per lni li f or t tare
insertions, and at that ralo tor addttlonalinscitloL
without referenco to length.
Kfiri,tnr'ft. AtnlfiltrAtnr'N Arid Auditor' nOtlWA
mrcc nounis. muh ucpmuiur wucu ihbuicu.
Transient or Local notices, twenty cent aline
rcg'Unradvcrtl.cmpniMiaii raics.
.iru 111 Lllullllllirnn ,
lollar per M'artcr each line
l .Iru 111 lliu milium:, iiiivutui; mmmui
a licvitr itr.NiiiNii scf.Nr..
Ily permission of the authorities, tho
daughter or Mrs. Snrratt passed tho
night piovious to the execution witli her
mother in her cell. Tito entire, interview
was of a very affecting character. Sho
remained with her mother until a short
timebofoic the execution, and when the
time came for separation the screams
of anguish that burst from thu poor
gill could bo distinctly hoard all over
tlio execution ground.
Ihtrtinj the inoniliii tltc tlaiithtfr
Jirofcidcd to the Jfctro)olititn Ifotel,
and Kouiht mi interview icith (ieneral
Iain-nek. "latin; him, ihc implored
in pitiaile aceentu to ict a reprieve for
her mother. The (ieneral, of course,
had no tunrer to orant or obtain Hitch ii
favor, and informed the distressed iirl
in an ijentle a manner as possible.
(ieneral Hancock, with thu kindness
that always characterizes his actions
apart from the stern duties of his noblo
profession, did his best to assuago tho
mental anguish of the grief-stricken
iiii: .vi'irtt uiscovi:m:i thstimony.
Tho alleged inipoitant, after discover,
od testimony which Aiken, counsel for
Mrs. Surratt, stated would prove her in
nocence, was submitted to Judgo Advo
cate (iouoial Holt last night, and after
a careful examination he failed to dis
cover liny thing in it having a boating on
the ease. This was oomuiiiiiicaled to tho
I'loidout mid ilotihllt-ss induced him to
decline to interfere in the execution of
.Mis. Smratt.
un: ii vitr.vs court's vi-pmcvtion.
About 7J o'clock this morning the
counsel for. Mrs, Snrratt applied toJudgo
Wylie, of the Supremo Court of the)
Distiiet of Columbia, for a writ of ha
beas ooipus,to bo directed to Major (Jon.
W. S. Hancock, to bring into court thu
body of the prisoner.
uu: rinuioN.
The following is the copy of tho pe
tition :
To the I Ion. Andrew Wylie, of tlio
Supreme (omt ol the Di-tnet ot (oluin-
nu. I ho petition ot .Marv P.. Snrratt,
her conn-el, K. A. Aiken and John
W. Clainpitt, mn-t respectfully repre
sents unlo vour Honor, that on or
ibottt the 17th dav of April A. D. 180-i,
your petitioner was iirro-tod by thoiuilitary
iiithoritios ot tho I mted States, under
the charge of complicity with tho mur-
er ot Aornuam Lincoln late rrcsidont
f the lTnited States, and has over sincu
nit time been and is now ooiihnod on
lid charge, under ami bv virtue of said
lilitarv power of the I'nited States, anil
is now in custody of Major (ieneral V.
. Hancock, commanding .Middle .Vlili
iry Divi-ion : that since her said arrest
your petitioner ha- been tried ; against
her solemn protest, hy a military coiu-
ini loibiiiilawtullv and without warrant,
omened liv tho Secretary of "War, as
lppear from pliaragraph 0, special
orders, Xo 211, dated War Department,
d jututit-(!onoral's Otlioo. Washington,
.May, the (1th, 180.1, and bv said Com
mission, notwithstanding her former plea
to the jurisdiction of '1110 said Coniinis-
moii, is now unlawfully and unjustly do
nned and sentenced to be hanged on to
morrow. .Inly i, IMi.i, hetweeii the hoius
of ten A. M. and two I'. AL; yourpoti-'
tumor shows your Honor that at tho
time of the conimis-ion of tho said of-
fen-o she was a private citi.en of the
I'nited States, and in no way connected
with the militarv authority of the same,
mil the said offence was committed
within the District of Columbia, said
listrict being within tho lines of tho
iirmio. ()f the Cii'ded Statos.aiul not ene
my's territory, or under the command of
t militaiv commander for the tiial of
civil causes. Hut on tho contrary, vour
petitioner alleges that tho said crime was
an offense simply against tho pcuco of
the I'liiled States, propel ly and solely under the Corstitiitioii and
law- of tho I luted States, by the crimin
al court of this district, and which said
com I was ami is now open for tho trials
of such crimes and oTfences. Wherefore,
ina-mtich as the said crime was only an
olfciiso against the peace of the United
Slates, aud not an act of war, inasmuch
a- your petitioner wa- a pi ivate citi.en of
the same, and not stiojoct to military
jurisdiction or iu any wi-o untenable to
military law ; inasmuch as said District
wa- the peaceful territory of tho United
States, and thai all climes committed
within -tu b tenitory are, under the Con
stitution and laws of tho United States
to be tried only before its criminal tribunal-,
with the right of trial by jury,
Iiia-much as the -aid Commission was a
Military Coniuii ion, organized and
governed by the laws of Military Court
Mmtial, and unlawfully convened with
out warrant or authoiilv, and when sho
had not the right of public trial by jury
us guarantied to her bv the laws and
Constitution ol the United State-, that,
thoreloie, her detention and seiiteneu aru
so without warrant agaiu-t positive law
and unjustifiable ; wherefore she prays
vour Honor to grant unto her thu
United States, most gracious writ of ha
beas corpus commanding the said Major
(ieneral W. S. Hancock to prodiloo be
fore vour Honor the body ot vour said
K-titiotier, with the caii-e and day of
icr said detention, to abide, Ac, aud
ho will over pray.
liv Fredrick A. Aiken, Jim W. Clainpitt.
iMMiii-i-.AicM' uv iiii: cm nr.
Indorsed. "Let the writ issue as privy,
d, returnable beloro the Supremo
Court of the Distiiet of Columbia,
how sitting, at the hour of ten o'clock
A. M., this seventh dav of July 180.1.
A Justice ot the Supionio Court of
the District ol Columbia, .lulv 7lh.
The writ was accordingly issued and
it St o'clock A. M.tho .Marshal returned
the same served. Tho Marshal reported
that (iciieial Hancock had hot Vet ap
peared and il was now past the hour for
his appoaiaiioe. The District Attorney
suggested eeitaiu objections to the pro
The counsel for Mrs.Siiirattstatodthat
il his client was guilty of any wtis cogiiiablo bv this coiirt,and
not by tl military Uihuiiah Distiiet At
torney Cariingtoii, after loading the cer
tificate of the .Marshal setting foitlt that
lie bad served thu w rit at half oast eight
o'clock, said bo was only to defend tho
act of the the Marshal', and tho duty
loquiiedof Itiiu by direction of tho court,
and ho found that the Marshal bad jior
foi Hied his duty,
Tho Court said: The casu is now
here oh its merit oh thu petition of the
iiaily. At an early hour this muming
1 directed the writ of haloas corpus to
cm -
co.'Ci.vifcu ox vovirrn tAdfc