The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 09, 1880, Image 4

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rwurr upon riiotiF.
Tim j.r.ADiNo nnpuiiMcvx 'M'i:ti. on
o.vm'ield's l'Aiir in tin: credit
Oivernor Foster cominj to the defense of
Dafhlyrr OArdold Is reported In tlio New
YiirkViW. as having said substantially
tint there Is nothing In Iho charge, that the
Ilopubllcin enndidptfl fur llio I'resldcncy
wai bvlly smlrc'ied In the Credit Moblller
bmlnes. Gjvcrnor Foiter la referred' not
only to tho tortim my Uken before
tho Poland Committee, the report of that
body and tho speeches In Its support by such
men as Judge I'ullnrd, ot Vermont, Judge
McCrary, of Iowa, and General Joe. Haw-
ley, of Connecticut, all republicans, for a
full substantiation of the charge, but more
especially to tho flies of the leading Repub
lican journals, embracing the period of tbe
run times on Titr. oitcmr mobilier.
Tho Now York Timet, the leading Repub
lican newspaper in. the country, denounced
the Investigation as a campaign scheme of
the Democracy, and threw cold water upon
it until tho testimony taken before the In
vcstlgalloti Committee became so overwhel
ming that it could no longer allord tho at
tempt to gainsay it. The Timet was rem.'
lantly compolled step by step to admit the
damaging character of the evidence adduced
before the committee, and when all tbe tea
tiumy was in and the report of the com
mittee submitted, this exponent of the Re'
publican party was compelled by facts ellcl
ted and Its own sense of honesty, to use the
following language in a leading editorial in
iue of February 19, 1874, the morning af
ter the presentation to Congress of tho com
mltteos conclusions,
Tho report sets forth fully the fact that
the Credit Mobilier scheme, was in fact?
and intent, a fraud upon the government. It
was a device to enable those interested in
the Union Facinc Railroad to transfer to
their own pockets the bonds and the lands
granted by tho United States lo build th
road In this fraudulent scheme
Mr. Oakes Ames undertook to enlist Ids fel-
lnw mpmliplM nf (SnnrrflM hv aplltncr tlipm
stock at hall its value, but in preventing
legislation und it was to this end that Ames
used the stock. Without reference
to the tedious list of Ames, contradictions
prevarications, and misstatements before the
committee, it is perfectly evident that hi
meant to perform a corrupt act. The com
mittee strengthen! its recommendation lor
his expulsion by citing a btatuteunder which
Ames's orTenso is.made punishablo with ten
years imprisonment in a penitentiary and
with a heavy fine. Regarding Sir. Brooks,
the committee's report is equally distinct,
Tho transaction is the counterpart of that of
Ames, tbe recommonilatiou of expulsionjin
the one lease as In the other cannot be eva
In approaching tho cases ol the other
members of Congress concerned in the Cred
it Mobilier, the committee does not 6nd its
way clear to conclusions so definite as in
cases of Ames and Brooks. Of the members
thus referred to Messrs Kelly and Garfield
present a most distressing figure. Their par
ticipatiorUn the Credit Mobilier affair Is
complicated by the most unfortunate con
tradictions of the testimony which the com
mittee do not undertake to ravel. Tho only
possible comment on their cases is that if they
had taken a perfectly upright course In the
matter and refused to have anything to do
with thestock no occasion for contradiction
could have arisen. Wo agreejwlth the com-
mittee that a knowledge of the relation on
the "Credit Mobilic to the Union Pacific
Railway would have made the holding of
that by a member of Congress a dishonora
ble act. We do not agree with the committee
on this lenient assumption that such knowl
edge was possessed by the Congressmen who
purchased the stock. II they did not now
i. i . .i . i i i I
Its character they must .have been curiously
deaf and blind to what was going on about
them. With those who knew anything about
the Union Pacific Railroad in the winter of
18GG, the purpose of the Credit Mobilicr
were so well known that they may fairly bo
said to have been Notorious. Certainly
Congressmen who took stock in a scheme to
cheat tho Government, under these circum
stances,deservo some well defined measure of
condemnation and wo regret that the com
mitteo recommended none. We trust tbe
House will remedy the omission."
In another articlo the samo day the Times
says :
"No party can continue to receiveor de
serve the confidence of the peoplo which
aoes not disavow an sympatny wnn legisia
tive bargain and sale on the part of its
The following day the Bame' Republican
organ said among other things relating to
tbe subject:
"Tho general impression in reference to
the Poland committee's report is that it Is
good as far as it goes, but that it does not
go far enough. The Poland Committee does
not meot-the case satisfactorily. It says that
there is no evidence that the Congressmen
knew of tbe nature of the.Credlt Mobilier
stock. This id begging the question. Con
gressmen ought to have knownof the nature
of the stock before investing in it. It was
their business to have informed themselves
and they could very easily have done to.
The character of the Credit Mobilier was no
Becret, Tbe source of its profits was very
well known at the time. Congressmen
bought it. Oakes Ames may have succeed
ed in concealing his own motiye which was
to bribe congressmen; their acceptance of the
stock was not on that account Innocent.
Tbe dishonor of the act as a participation
Tn an obvious fraud still remains.
Tbe committee distinctly rejects the testi
mony of seyeral members, Notably that of
Mr. Garfield, This can only be done on the
ground that it Is untrue. But untrue testi
mony given under oath is, morally, if not le
gally perjury. The committee find" mem
berg and among them Garfield guilty of
this offense, but docs not see its way clear
to recommend any punishment for it. Eith
er the committee is mistaken as to Its facts,,
or it falls far short In its recommendations.
It is the plain duty of Congress to visit with
punishment all who took Credit Mobilier
atock from Oakes Ames. Ames himself is
justly recommmended for extreme treat
ment because bo acknowledges an attempt
to bribe. A similar treatment of Mr, Brooks
is required by the fact that he was a govern
ment Director and was Intimately acquaint
ed with the character of the scheme. For
the rest Garfield tl. al. a resolution of
r"severe censure is the least they deserve, and
is demanded not only as an act ot justice,
but In order (bat a definite standard may be
established for the future.
As the matter goes on from bad to worse
the" miserable effort of the House to screen
Its convicted members from censure and
punishment, the Times, which in December
bud denounced tbe investigation as a "weak
invention," of tbe "hell bounds of the op
position," can no longer restrain Its virtu
ous wrath, and on the morning of the 27th
breaks forth la this rein:
"In order to save few Republicans Gar
field and thereat is ft worth wblUto run tbe i
risk of ruining tlio Republican rartyf This
Is a pracllcat question wlilcli lie House of
Rcim'tcntallves would do well lo consider.
Tliu touo of llio debnte on I lis Citdlt Mobil
ler report suggests the Innulrr. We are to
tally nt a Iron tn understand or tusllTy the
temper of tlio Home The case of all llio
Congrcwmen who luve hold Credit Mobiller
stock Is plain. The stock was an Improper
ono to hold. It created an Interest In de-
fraudlng tlio anvernment. To refine to
censure the holders of that stock h to say
that the Congresdonal standsrd of morals Is
not high enough to condemn It. This is the
view the people take of the question. If
Congressmen would meet their constituents
they would realize that fact. The public
believes the thing looks Ugly. If tho public
were mistake!1 we should be glad to say so.
ve did not hesitate a year ago to denounce
those who were tryln to raise a false clamor
for selfish purposes, But the public Is not
mistaken. It has formed deliberately a so
ber, sincere judgment, based on the evidence
and guldo 1 by common sense aud sound mor
als. Such a judgment cannot be Bafely ig
noted. '
The Timn concludes this article In lan
guage prophetic of the tidal wave ofDemoi-
racy that swept over the country tho follow
ing year and gave the Democrats an over
whelming majority in tho House of Repre
sentatives: Hero it if.
"If the House tleali nlih it dUhoncstly or
evauvely the party will surely be crippled.
It will be in danger of not beiug only crip
pled but destroyed."
Just so with Garfield's candidacy. If the
Republican press shall, as it seems disposed
to, treat tho charges against Garfield dishon
estly or ovailvely, hh chances for election
will not only be crippled but destroyed.
hese cbarges proven before a Republican
Investigating Committee and sustained by
tho Republican press of this country, cannot
be ignored, but must be met and fully an
swered If Garfield is to bo the next Presi
dent. Hut this cannot be dono aud the chair
of George Washington will never bo pol'ut
od by corruption that festers all over tho pel
son of DeGolyer Garfield. From Washing
ton to Hayes was a grand descent, but the
PrTnt ,,b",t '"re ns T"1'1!?,
parison with the blackness of Garfield's
moral infamy.
To regulate the liver, stomach and bow
els, uso only 'Seller Liver Pills.' Take no
other. 25 cents a box. All druggists sell
Gen. (iarllelJ's Credit Molillier Record.
From his own sworn testimony beore the Po
land Committee January 14, 1873.
1 never owned, received or agreed to receive
any ttock of the Credit Mobilier or of the
Union Pabifie railroad nor any dividends or
profits anting from either of them.
From Judge Poland's report, Feb. 18, 1873
Garfield's testimony perjured.
The facts iu regard to Mr. Garfield, as
found by the committee, are that he agreed
with.Amos to take ten ehaies of Credit Mo
bilier stock, but did not pay for the same
Mr. Ames received tbe eighty per cent, divi
dend in bonds and sold them for nincty-sev
en per cent, and also received the sixty per
ceutveash dividend, which together with tbe
price of stock and interest, left a balance of
$329. This sum was paid over to Mr. Gar
field by a check on tbe sergeant-at-arms and
Mr. Garfield then understood this sum was
the balance of dividends after paying for the
From the JVeuj York Times February 19, 1873
Messrs. Kelly and Garfield present a most
distressing figure. Their participation in
the Credit Mobilier affair is complicated by
the most unfortunate contradiction of testi
From the New York Times February 20.1873,
Tbe character of the Credit Mobilier was
no secret. The source oj of its profits was
very well known at the time Congressmen
bought it. Though Oakes Ames may have
succeeded in concealing his own motive,
which nras to bribe congressmen, their ac
ceptance of tbe stock was not on that aC'
count innocent. The dishonor of the act, as
a participation in an obvious fraud, still
Some of them have indulged in testirao
uy with reference ta the matter which has
been contradicted. The committee distinct
ly rejects the testimony of several of the mem
hers. This can only be done on the grouni
that it is untrue, Put untrue testimony given
under oath is morally, if not legally perjury.
It is the clear duty of congress to visit with
punishment all who took Credit Mobilie
Btock from Oakes Ames.
Fromilie Kew York Tribune Feb. 19, 1S73,
James A. Garfield, of Ohio, had ten
shares; nover paid a dollar; received $329,
which, after tbe investigation began, be was
anxious to have considered as a loan from
Mr. Oakes Ames to himself,
Well, tbe wickedness of all of it is that
these men betrayed tbe trust of tbe people,
deceived their constituents and, by evasions
and falsehoods, confessed tbe transaction to
be disgraceful
"Sit down!" eaid a nervous old gentlemen
to his son, who was making too much noise.
"I wen t do it," was the impudent answer,
"Well then, stand up. I will be obeyed!"
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Indian Blood Syrup.
77W.3d St.,NewYorkCity
Liti or Jair a it.
(TBicz iunx:
I Ttrpepla Liver
XJistast. r evtrtv
viatic. Mlhtuma-
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Mitarl MHttntt.
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It nets upon the TJvcr.
Itfictfl upon the Kidney.
It Ileaulntr the Ilowets
ItFnrlflea tbolllood.
It Quiets tho !V errous Hyitem.
It Promote UlRCMlnn.
It NonrUben, HtrrnKihen nnd TfiTiftorntea
It entries off the Old Wood nnd mnken new.
It opens the pores of tbe skin nod Induces
Healthy Perspiration. '
II neutralizes the hereditary Itlnt. cr poison !n Ihe
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There are no spirits employed in Its manufacture,
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ttniioH to dirtctionu
ibice or large bottles, - $1.00
'of Persont who have been CURED by the
ute of the BLOOD PURIFIER.
Hewaro ot counterfeit Medicine. I employ no
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Beit Medicine Kver Used.
Eaton. Wvomlnccountr. Pa,
11r.flrNlr.T lm1 tipen troubled fur A loni; time
Willi a l'aln In my stomach, and round no relief
until I began uslrg your Indian mood rup. iuna
It the best medicine In uso, and I can recommend It
to all, oil and young, it saves many uoi;nre in
doctors' bills, and one large bottle did me more fcood
than live dollars worth of other medicine.
Marlam Lnbarr,
An Astonishing Cure.
Mnnrop. Wvomtnir eouutv. l'a. Rlr: T had been nnllctedwlth a Couch. Loss
of Appetite and Dyspepsta tor ten years. I could
not properly attend to my business, und hearing of
your Justly celebrated Indian Ulood syrup, I resolied
ii irv li.. which I ciiu. ami in u buui L liiiiu n iiiuu
Improved. I now have a good Appetite, and have
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Sick Headache Cured.
llAwmnn's Propt. Wvnmlni? county, l'a.
nenr Sir T had sick Headache and bvlbousoof
your inaian nioou yTup i was grcaviy reiiceu. .
recommend all to try Its valuable properttts.
l. . iJUllibl..
The Remedy did more than she Expsctf d,
Newlierrv. I.veomlntr county. Pa.
near sir: Thn Indian lllood Mvrun did moio than
1 expected It would and It has cured mo ot Liver
Complaint. I use It as a Medicine aud would not bo
wimout it.
.Mrs. juary marinou.
Headache and Dizziness.
Wllllamsnort. iAComlnff county. Ta.
near Sir: Your Indian lllood Svrun has cured mo
of llcndache. Dizziness aud Loss of Apxtlte,sotbat
I am now able to work In iny factory. My n lfe de
rived more bcncilt Irom Its uso than irom any other
uenry nussei.
Would not bo Without it.
Illllllllft'UI I, Jil.Ullllll . UUIIlJi 1 ...
tlenrS'lr The Indian lllood Svrun Is tho Jlcst I
ever used and I would not bo without It, It Is good
tor an complaints.
tJUUU UUIlkll.ll I
Diseases of the Stomach,
Eaton. Wvomlnt? county. Pa.
near Sir; This Is to certlfv that 1 had a Weak
Stomach and could cat no meat or any hearty foou
wlmtRvrr. llva friend's advice 1 commenced the
use of your Indian lllood Sprup, which after a short
trial, effectually relieved mo and 1 can now eat
anyinuig i cuoose. lour ejrup gives universal
satisiaction. . .
iizaueiu iiaasau.
All that it is recommended to be.
nnora House. Columbia. Pa.
Dear Sir: 1 havo used your excellent 1 ndlan lllood
Sj run and It has proven Justus represented. Icon
recommend It to all.
vvm. uocuow.
Wholesale Merchant, 5th street.
Unanimous Recommendation.
Tho following add thtlr testimony for the Indian
jiiooii .t rup:
ll. i'.. i.reau, engineer r n j(.
J. (1. bmltb, at li.ildwlns steel Works.
Mrs. sndcr, of Columbia.
A. lireuer, of Washlngtonburgli.
John Km) s, ot Safe Harbor.
Would not be Without it.
Denton. Columbia county, l'a.
Dear sir: I have usod your excellent In dun
unon svkvp ana uavo receiveu mucu uenent tncre
Irom. 1 could not get along witnont it.
.Mrs. iiarocr,
Never Fails to Cure.
East Lemou. Wyoming Co. Pa.
Dear Sir 1 was sick for three years, and under
iroiessionai treatment uu'si cr uic nine wunuuiuo.
nc hpTipmpd. At last 1 was Induced to trv vour
INDIAN ulood vaue ana altera suorv inui, i jounu
myself In better health than i liaa been ror six j ears
mi a. j iici uu uiiu
Sure Curo for .Liver Complaint.
Hohrsbui L'. Columbia Co. Pa.
Dear Sir : This la lo cenlly that sour Indian
luoonSVBCP has been used by me, tor Liver com-
taint, w men naa oeen trouonng me tar a long time
derived more benerlt from tho uso of the syrup
tunu rrom any oiner mcaicin.e. i neariuy recom
mend it, ana aavise an suuerers 10 give n. a mai,
Loss of Appetite,
ltohrsburg Columbia county Pa.
near sir : I bavo used vour excellent Indun
Ulood Svhup for I.oss of Appetite and Weakness of
tho Stomach, w 1th very bencnclal results. I believe
vour medicine to be tho greatest blood purtner
known, and advlso all who may bo suffering as I was
to give it a speeay tnai.
Mrs. K Avery
Pains in Shoulders,
llchrsbunr. Columbia coustv. Pa.
Dear Sir : This Is to certify that your Indian
Ulood Syrup has greatly relieved mo of Pains to the
Shoulder and Chest, which I had been mulcted with
for years. 1 recommend it very niguiy,
Mrs. Mary Welsh.
Kidney Complaint.
Rrar naD. Columbia Countv. Pa.
Dear Sir : My Father has been suffering with
Kldner uomDiaint lor a long nme anu naa oeen un-
der doctors' treatment, but the doctors could not
crrcct a cure. I have been subject to a Numbness
and Weakness In rav Left Aim. Wo obtained some
ot your invaluable Indian Ulood Stkcp Irom your
Agent, Wm, II. Potter, nnd It has cured my rather
completely, and my arm is much better, it aoes not
trouble me halt so much. Vour medicine Is excel
Joslah John.
Female Complaints.
Hear flan. Columbia countv. ra,
Dear sir: This is to certify that I purchased sime
of your Indian in.oon syrup tor my wue ior inna
mauon anu reuiuie vumpiuiuv, iviiu it uiu b'ivcu uv
J K Herner
Best Medicine Kver Used,
Hear Gap. Columbia county. Pa.
Dear Sir : My little son was troubled with his
water nasslng from h in constantly, day and night.
I consulted two doctors and gave him medicine, but
without effect. I bought some ot our celebrated
Indian Ulood svkup, a short trial ot which, cured
Lambert Camp,
Dyspepsia and Indigestion,
Numlda. Columbia Countv. Pa.
Dear sir: For many ears my wife was afflicted
wlih Dvsnerjsla. and we spent considerable money
without receiving benellt. We procured some of
j our Indian Uloou svkcp and she begun to Improve
in UCailu 1101U UIO uuie UlU uviucuuru lis use.
Solomon D Snyder
Liyer Complaint,
Centralla. Columbia Co. Pa.
Dear Sir : This Is to certlty that I was unwell and
could scarcely attend to my work, I think my Liver
was affected. I procured somo of your Indian Ulood
Svhup and now. atterashoit trial, feel like a new
man. 1 recommenu its use w an.
Daniel noodmon.
Dyspepsia and Neuralgia.
Hvde Park. Luzerno Co.. Pa.
Dear Sir: Your valuable Indian HLOoDhrKcr bos
effected a permanent cure In mv case. 1 had been
afflicted with tbe Dyspepsia and Neuralgia, but am
now entirely tveii.
Mrs. John Thornton.
Bilious Stomach Cured,
Hyde Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa.
Dear sir: I have been troubled with Ulllous
Complaint and by the use ot your Indian Uloou
BYKur it uas eueciuauy emeu me.
John N Williams.
kyapepxia Cured,
lit de Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa.
Dear Sir : Your valuable Indian Uloid svkcp has
cuiea me or uyspepsia.
Mrs. BDAdklns.
Liver Complaint.
Hvda Park. Luzernfi Co- Pa.
Dear 8Irl have been troublod with Lire 1 1 nt
Plaint, but l was permanently cureu by usiaif
Mrs. u r nsrungune.
Bloomsburg,. Columbia County, Pennsylvania.
Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal.
mnnrnlo l.'IftV
Courses 01 siuuy jircscnucu uj iuu oiu.u .
I. Model School. II. Preparatory, ill. ll.leiiicnt.iry. i , Classical.
i.ii.rv,nn,M t Arailemlc. III. Coure ill .Music. IV. Course in Art.
Ti,e ramnontarv. sclentl' and Classical Courses,
coffesnohdlng Degrees ; MasTfrot the mempnts: Master or inn sciences! ..inner ui vura. .u...v,
ccntnniiciucient leaeiieinn" ."."'"?..I"'V.,''"
n. , Trt , iiia
nd their talents, as students, to an sucn it promises
0 HoTTl? ' l!l.Vu!i.I.. Prclilent Hoard
Some Reasons why
are better than others.
1st. Tliey con ta iii bio rubber.
3l. They will wear longer lliaii
any other siisnenler.
3d. The cords
siiicl eoBisequently
dialing or wearing llieni out.
dlh. There can
of flic buttons, it being the only self
adjusting suspender iu f lie world.
Merchant Tailor
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Astontahlncly Durable tnd uotuUrJ'uVif tmpltu-na lem than hull tho usual Rnnra and biltfl.
ifttlares of l'ower, Durability, bafety, Lcouoniy, and IJoauty entirely unknown In other makt-a. httMiin
wcr Onim uiui h(cnui-rwrr pparntori 11 iocliilty. l'our fires of bopitora, from
cii to twnlrn torso power i ftlno two btlcs Jmi'ruvi'a Jluuiited lloro I'oMi-rit.
Thirty-Two Years of Prosperous and Continuous Business lythuUoiuo, without cluma
jruAranui for Jponor gtwd and lionoratile dealine.
p A I ITI ON V r!l lr()t,Jcrful i"cel ku1 popularity df
luacLLnei to the Ut Lenoe Trloai riakcti art now kttcniDl.
Ide to bullj and faim off Ufi-rlor aal mpocrtt lialtailon vf
by itteh fxprrliBrntal Ml vortblen tnachlnerj It ycu buy
t u, r- ids 'uricinui" and ma "genuine" irum ui.
C7'or full particular call oa our deultr, ut rlt
to us fur llluitrnted CirouUra, which vo tuall frci.. Aiifvutci
BICHOLS, SHEPAKD & CO., Battle Creek,
Anni t. iso.-iiw
I! X- 1IKO. TnrliDtriltt'i I'll., Aki.
"A treallhO on Chronic lMcasps.,, embraclnir Cj-
tarrli, Throat, Lungs, Heart. Momach, Uver, KliN
neys. urinary anu remaie Diseases ; ai&o nies; w;ni
rreo to any address, livery suiTerf r rrom tbese dis
eases can be cured, Send for tliU book to the under
blgned, a pin slclan of large experience, endorsed by
nuiiarea.8 01 leaainn- riiizens wua iffaiirv 10 nis skin.
Seudfitamptopay postage to u. E. Ulng&ton, Al,
Thousands BUHcrlntr trnin Drspcpsln. Habitual
Coslhiinebs. Liver aud Klduey comnlalDts, scrotula
and kindred diseases, 1 111 nail with clcilfflit tills new
and wonderful discovery ,w lilcu as a dUea) couquer.
or and liealtn restorer, lias no equal In modem med.
lclnc. Tnedreat Alexlcaa lteuiedy was nrst Intro,
dnced Into Calltornla lu 1S79, wliere In a few mouths
It elTected so many wonderful euros as to create a
demand for the medicine from Maine to Florida. It
Is the only medicine In the world compounded from
Uio native plants, roots and herbs of Mexico. It
cures nil Humors, from the oibtcrofula,lo ncom
monUnuh, pimple, or eruption, while It clears and
bcauttiles the complexion. In diseases of the Mom.
acli, lllood, Ltver and lias permanently
cured thousindsol hopeless casts wuuo all other
know n remedies had failed, one dose will cure any
case of hick lleidaihe. Iwo doses will break up
any ordinary couuh or cold. Persons suffering with
Heartburn, watcrbrasli.Hour stomach,UIUlousness,
Oiwtlveness, rues. 1'alpllatlon ot tho Heart, Low
Spirit, and kindred affections, uul find tho Mexican
remedy a nvltt and sure relief. 'Iho genuine Is
placed before the public, rndur the following name:
Herbaline Bitters the Great Mex
ican Remedy.
Call on jour druggist and get a bottle of the
.Mexican ltemedy,and convince ounelf that It Is the
Best Medicine In tho World,
Tho trade.'supplled by John Kceshan, Wholesale
Druggist. N. W, corner 6tU and Walnut streets, Cin
cinnati, O.
General Agent for tho United states.
aprll 8, lssu-iy wico
Highest Medal at Vienna asi Philadelphia.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
501 lfroadway, Neio York.
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers In
Velvet FramesjAibums,Graphoscopesi
Engravings, Chromos, Photographs,
And ludied goods Celebrities, Actresses, eu:.,
Wo are Headquartcis for oterj thing In tho way of
Stereopticonc and Magio Lanterns,
Bach stylo being th oost of its class In the market.
lie&utlful rhotograpMo Transparencies of btatu
ary and Kngravings 10' the window.
Convex ulass. Mant&cturera ot Velvet Frames
tor Miniatures and Com ex Ulass 1'lcturea.
Catalogues ot Lanterca and tildes, with dircc-
huuo cur usuiy, cuv un ruwipi oi in oenuu
nro. I'ltOl'ltsSIONAL, and students K.rMuatng ti
lentinc and Classlcalcourses are not Inferior to th
ami it. luioiiept inepnineiHijOTLs oi
And it aniiKiia villi n.r i,prnn iir I'mifi Hiiiin ins una liuuii
:r. r.?i.Vii ;i.,.n,iin. .m.;,
uiuiuiiuTeiuiniig usn ii".
of Trn.trr,.
these Suspeuders
run over guillcys,
lliere can be no
be no strain on any
& Gents9 Outlitter,
Threshing Machlnory and Portablo
and Traction Enslnos.
THE STANDARD of excellence throughout th
Graln-iintmnq liorii,
MATCHLESS tor Orain Savin. Tlme-SaTlnir, Per.
lect-1 leitnitir, HipM ami Thorovtih Work,
INCOMPARABLE In Quality ot Material, Vrrftctlon
ft rttrU, Ihoro'inh orkuumsllip, JClegant Finish, and
Jieauti of ModAl.
MARVELOUS for rmthj tvptrtor vsoxV In all Un.U
nt Oraln.ana nirrHv known as the only RMCrrftful
lhrehr In Flm.Tiruothr. Cllovor. bikI all nthpr Kaada.
Ui, l'iili,iiiblii,.lliiiiliiiir, .Vorcli'il nml Union riiiinMr.
tiKAVri M'licii'io .iii:ihcim:.
iiiiiniiiti uuie loc
Seminal weakne&s,
Speiinatorrhea, Im
potency and all dis
eases that follnw.os
Uhequence uf self
abuse ; as Loss of
Memory, unnersai1
1 astltude. l'aln In
of Vision, eremature old Aee, and manv other dis
eases that lead to Ins,iMlyor Consumption, and a
, iwimvuiu ..14...1. ... . u.. i.uiuis tn uur pam
phlet Mhlch we desire to lend free by mall tonery
one. fff'ihQ necltlc Medicine Is sold hv nil iinit..
clsts at f 1 per packaco or tlx packages for 3. or nln
be sent tree by mull on receipt ol tho money by ad
clressluir 1I1K OIIAV MEDICINE CO.. !echanlci.
uiock, ueiroit, alien, soiain uioomsbuigby c, A,
Klclm. ea mayr, 'so-ly
Hade of Iron, WAutlfully orna
meuted. Adjustable shelves.
Cheap and stronf. Cannot pet
out of order. Tour $Ues. tfend
for complete circular and prlco
list. fWrid 25 cents for our new
Illustrated Catalogue of School
Jlerchandlse. Every Iirent r
'Jlachtr thould Ikhv it,
Headquarters for all School Supplies,
Ecptt1?, ly
TkU remarkable mcdl
flna 1U cur Spini,
pilint, Curb, Cfclloua, t!
or any eQUrgvmvbt, ftni
U1 femova ttit bunch
without Wittering or etui.
I tig l or, tin remedy
tvtr discovered equtUltfur
certtiDtyofKctloa iniur
tiln21halamcncii aud re
JuotIdc Ibaburkh. lrlcatlU. Stndfurlllui.
iiaieu circular ritidk pviTa jirooi, ana your
c (tcui tuurct, nrnuHii'inpitTi
In Cure U aula bv llrurrtrlili. or
test If Ur. 11. J, Kendall k Cw.t tnoilurg t'atlj, Yutuoct.
MOVEll BKOTHKKS, llloomsburR, l'a.
I will mill (Fiee) the recipe for a simple Vegeta
ble Hulin that will remove Tan. PRnnKritM
l'LES and lilotches, lenvlnc the skin soft, clear and
beautiful; alsolnstiuctlons for producing a luxu
riant erowth of hair on a bald head or smooth face
Address, inclosing s cent stamp, Hen. Vandelt 4 Co
Va) Ann bt. H. V.
noico March SJ, em,
11 UY
ror cisterns or Wells of any depth.
1 lain. Iron, porcelain, or Conner lined.
, ., a. BU1H CT llll.
Hardware Trado. Country Stores, lumn n.i..,
etc. bee that the pump you buy is stenciled o iV
itlatchlcy Manufacturer. 08 Market MrreL t-hba.
delphla,!'. Aqueduct Ilpe for farina Mtuos.TanI
nerlea, f trom I to s Uchea in bore, and turned
and bored work all deacrtnUons made to order
ajutH.en-wa ijst '
h mm -. .a.
V. Course in Physical Culture.
.uln fcn .Atlnnrltl
crci Ccrfmcates
... Urac
- .n.ii.iii,.9 rnr won na u labor aiicr leaving hcuoui. iui
i.'.."'. -.r-'." '.. .
V. P. UlLLMYKlt, Secretary. "
Weaver & Co's Ads
f uaranUa It la tvary ciia. naltcra txl f bow long iUni
Icf Pr how driitj rooud. It Iniiant rtif. and eurrt tba
nittt chreclecain. In frrni ou to thrM rtlt, I lured at direct'
eJ, I nllinilarl rmiuUp r (i-HlmnnUli ean I t Irea If deilrot,
Lut all e aik la a trUI, to coin foct that It will cure tien all
ttlier meant hava failed. 8li ty all dealera la wediclnei, bO
wiit er ltile. ent free en rew Ipt pf rrlce, br
J.U'(HtVALTZ,(ienfrniaccnt amM'ann'ia
l.'to rranklln St., Italtlmore, Md.
D7AIICLi.ttihaT Uadetuark and alfnatara at Dr. J, W Da
ill aa tn,.r,
sept. 19, '79-ly.
KstAbllihcdlnlR72 for the cure
ot C'Hiicer, Tumors, Ulcer.,
niriiima. nuu ukui xisuhhuh,
without tho uso of knife or loss of blood and llttlo
pain, 1 or information, circulars and references,
address Dr. 1', L. ro.NI), Aurora, Kauo Co., 111.
Mipt. 10,'7K-1y. J w t o.
f lu a Pad differing; rrom all other, la
eap-abap, with 8lf-AdjaiUnc Halt
la canter, adapt lUelf to all noaltlona
of the bodr, while the 111 in th
- Egaleston Truss Ctfj-JhlcaaB, 111.,
sept. 19, TD-ly, J w&co.
Cured Painlessly.
The medicine sold for a small margin above tho
cost of compounding. All cases treated by special
ijit-M;iiiiiuu. rur mil particulars nuaressuie ma-
u,;i ,
IJll.S. Ji. COLLINS, or
Mrs s. 11. Collins, La Porto Ind,
reu 6-cm wfico
prove It or forfeit onou. ft out lit
tree. K. 0. H1UKOUT & CO,, SIS
i ulton Mreet New York, N. Y. Jw i: Co feb so-lm
TCVW PrTPW consumption & Asthma.
r.LiV tiUlIl, Neer yet failed. Address
with stamp 'IIOJlE'e'rostburg, Md.
feb.s, 'so-yl wico
When Dr. Iiriggs with coosciuui pride,
And earnest zeal his mind applied,
Tbe science deep to open wide,
Of soothing and ol healing.
He took of many substances known
That would heal or still a croan,
And soon composed by skill alone
His miraculous Bunion Ilnlsaui,
Tormented with Ihinion, Com or iirtihe,
Thousandt of sufferers heard tho news,
The remedy that meets the views
Is Dr. Uripgi' litinion lialsam.
Sold by C. A. Klelm, llloomsburp, Pa.
A Word to the Wise. Try Dr. Josiah
litiggs' Catarrh specifics on following condi
tions: We will pay f 100 for a case they will
not cure; $100furtheir ujual aia cure; $500
if anything poisonous is found In thetn.and
51,000 if in any respect they aro different
from representation. Sold by 0. A. Kleim,
Uloonisburg, l'a.
From a Celebrated Physician of Jlarris
burg, Pa. Dr. Josiah ilrigg, Dear Sir:
Some four mouths since a lady applied to mo
lor something lo relieve the pain of a trouble
some bunion and a festered corn, and having
heard your Bunion Balsam highly spoken
of, I directed her to call on your agent J. IJ
lioher, and get a box. She did so, and now
informs me tho cure iscomplete, she having
suffered no pain after the first application.
Belieung liriggs' llunion Italsam of great
value to those who suffer from corns, bun
ions, Ac, I unhesitatingly recommend it to
the people of the counlry. Sold by C
A. Kleim, IJloomsburg, Pa.
Catarrh that loathome disease,ti&l scourge
of humanity, which destroys mill.ins of peo.
pie annually, is speedily aud radically cured
with Ur. Josiah llrigifs' Catarrh Specifics.
Sold by C. A. Kleim, llloomshurp l'a
Mr. Asa M. Sloan, of Irenton, A'. J.,
I would py 100 for one bottle of Tamarack
Uver and Kidney Hmedy, if I could not
get it without. It has cured me of gravel
and luilammation of the prostrate eland
weak hack and general debility. Sold by 0.'
A. Kleim, Hloorasburg, Pa.
Pr. Jonah liriggs' llunion Palsam is the
climax of medical .clence, Ihe only discov
ery on earth that will rsdlcally and perrna
nently cure these troublesome and painful
torments, whose throbbing pains and uD
sightly pro rusions is u source of untold mis
aery. JIuuIon llalsam also cures hard aud
oil corns, sore insteps, &c. Silver Corn
Plaster is a model of excellence. Deodori
zing loot Lotion is a boon to sweaty feet
and dispels the offensive odor Irom them'.
Kadica cure for ingrowing nails is the won.
der of the world. It blood and corruption
gushes from the sides of the toe at every
step the radica cure for ingrowing nalfs
gives instant rel ef, and the severest cases
are cured in ten days. Sold byO. A. Kleim,
Illnornsburg, Pa. .,
Sick,Xervousor Pillious lleadache,m
ions suffer this most universal affliction o
the human race; all classes are troubled
Tho head never aches when the various or
pans are working In harmony wLh nature.
I here can be no headache It the human ma
ch nery is in a healthy condition. Ilriegs'
Allevantor is reliable lor headache and neu
ralgla; never fails. Bold by 0. A. Klelm
Illoomsburg, Pa. -ivieim,
Sound the Pugle.-UettM the tidings ot
the glorious victory. The day of suUerli,
rom Internal Bleeding, Extefnal and lfe
as Piles Is past. Dr. Josiah Brigs' Pnm
blnatlon Pile lUmedles are In eveff re?pe
reliable for the cur. of hemorrhoid for pue.
fisulaano and pronalansus, anl, Ac. Vrlia'ai
i w mm mm i ib
Warner s sate Kidney md Uier Cure
A rentable preparation and the'i ...
rrmndyin tbe wor d for llrlshi'a lit.!'"
Jrllftrr IlUpntna. """ri ""la
ofrait.T0mSJ,or h"hnl rJ" t
nt&&h?nW!l?r ' War.
iTor the euro riirll,t'a and n..n,.
It li IhebMt niomt Poriner, and (tlmoSi,.
every function to more healthful muod i SfJ
Is tn inn benefit in all diseases. ""-"""i ua
It cures Nero nilnua and other nklii r.
(Ions and Dlseasra, Including l'nuIVr: ."T
err, and other Horrs. n,
pjsprp.ln. Wrnbnnaorthcltlnmnrl,
ronsflpatlon, lltilnr, (Jrnrral ,,?,,.,'
Ity. etc.. ar cured by the lAre llltirnL V ;
uneanaled Man appetlierand regular lonlp.
lloltlcs of two alms t prices. 00c. and iPSa
Quickly RlvM Rrat and Hlprp to the snireiillr
rum llrndiu-tie and nruralalit. rreVinf;;i
Irnllon brought on by excessive drln k, o IT.
work, mental shucks, and other catisc9.
1'owerful as II Is to elop pain and eoolhe dli.
tnrbed Nerves. It never Injures the yitem
whether taken In small or large doses.
Itotues or two sixes ; prices, ooc and at.oo
Are an Immediate and active ettniuln. I, , .
TorplS Uw. and cute Costlrtnt.i. Drui.t..!. Bll
nl An., and sImmj
be used vvheticver Hi,
I bowels do not cperata
I freely and reirularlr.
' aeelS.rl'111. r.aal......k
". r.,f
M.ll du... fur Ihorattih
wk. .!.,",
I W.rm.r'.S.IUa.nnMv.
I mM b. Urrtl.u A U..l,n
1 1 HMltla. .trr, h,r.,
H, H, Warner & Co,,
CT'Stad for raiaiALl
a.r1 fw.llmr.nlaN. V
OCt. SI, lbiD.-ty
On and after Sunday, iny so, ipso, ibo ttalu
a tbe l'lilladclplila & Krln l!a lroad Dli islou m rug
as follows
Erie Mali leaves l'lilladclplila
" " llarrlsburff
" " Wllllam'port
" " Jersey shore
" ' ixick Haven
" ltcnovo
" arrive at Kilo
Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia
' " llarrlsbtirg
" arr. at Wllilamiport
' " Lockllaien
" " ltcnovo
Fast Lino leaves l'lilladclplila
" " llarrlsburg
" arrive at Wllllarasport
" " Lock Haven
raclfic Express leaves Lock Haven
" " Jcreoybhoro
" " v. Ullamsport
" arrive at llarrlsburif
' " 1'hlladelpliU
Day Express leaves Henovo
" lxcc Haven
" " winiamsport
" arrive at llarrlsburir
" l'hlladclphla
Erlo Mall leaves Henovo
" " Lock Haven
" " Wllllambport
" arrives at llarrlsburi;
' " rhllodclphfii
Fast Line leaves Wllllamsport
1 1 M p ra
4 25 am
8 as a m
9 01 a is
9 41) a in
llo am
1 55 pm
9 oo a in
li in am
315 pm
4 vu p ni
5 411 p in
11 50 a m
3 85 p in
7 us p m
8 41) p m
CIS am
7 15 a m
7 55 a m
11 40 p m
s 15 p III
9 ni a in
11 main
3 4D p m
c 45 p m
8 411 pill
I) 51) p 111
11 lo pm
2 45 a 111
7 ui) a m
is as a ra
arrives ai uarrisoorff
" " l'htladelphla
3 50 a m
7 40 am
Erie JIall west and Day Express East make dose
connections nt Northumberland Willi L. U. It, H.
trains for wtikesbarre and rcranton,
Erlo Hall West, Nlasara Express West and rut
Lino West mako close connection at Wlllloinsport
mm r.. kj. it. w. trains norm.
Niagara Express West nnd. Day Express Kant
maae cioso cunucciiuu at ukk naven witun. iv,
It. It. trains.
Erlo Mall ca&t and West connect at Eric mIUi
trains on L S. it M. H. It. It. ; at Corn- with t). L'.l
A. V. It. It, ; at Emporium with 11. N. Y. & I'. H. K.
and at Driftwood with A. V. It. it.
Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia anil
Wlllamiport on Niagara Express west, and Day K
piess Ifast, Sleeping cars on all night trains.
Ciencral bupt.
On nnd after Novembcr.20th, 1S73, trains will leave
Sunbury as follows :
Erie Mall a. m arrive Elmlra 11 .5
" Canandalgua... 3,35p.m
Rochester c.lo "
Niagara 9 40 "
ItenoiO accommodation 11.10 a. in. arrne Williams.
port 12.55 p, m.
Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m.
Buffalo Eipress 7.15 a. m. arrive Duffalo 8.50 a to
Buffalo Express 3.50 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg
" Baltimore s.40
Elmlra Mall 11.16 a. m., arrlvo Harrlsburg l.M
" Washington 10.31
11 Baltimore 0.30
" Washington
Harrlsburg accommodation
burg 10,50 p. m.
arrlvo Baltimore
" Washington C.I3
Erie Mall 12.55 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3.115 a. ml
" Baltimore 8.40 "
" Washington 10.35 "
All dally except Sunday.
D. M. BOYD, Jr., Ueneral Passenger Agcf
A. J. OASSATT, General Manaecr
May 11, 1879.
For New York, Philadelphia, Reading, rottsiule, tc., 11,45 a. m
w. iuui ,i .aoa, ll,.. u. Ui. 1 ,xt uuu 1 ,,u l'. w.
For Wllllamsport, 5,28 9,05 a. in. and 4,0s p. m.
Leave New York, 8,45 a. ra.
Leavo Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m.
Leavo Reading, 11,55 a. m., PotUvllle,l!,39p.m
andTamaqua, 1,35 p. m.
Leave Catawlssa, 6,20 8,50 a, m. and 4,00 p, m.
Leavo Wllllamsport ,9,45,!,15 p. m. and 4,60 p. m
Passengers to and from New York and Philadel
phia go througa w ithout change of cars.
General Manager
0. a, nANCocK,
ileneral Ticket Agent,
Jan. li, lsit tf.
Time-Table No. 39, Takes effect at 4:30 A,
p.m. p.m. a.m
a.m. p.m. p.m
9 45
9 St
..Scran ton,,..,
9 35
9 45
IU w
8 10 6 so
S 81 tM
S 30 0 33
3 J j 40
S 44 (43
8 411 6 50
2 63 I 55
67 0 69
3 15 7 10
3 15 7 1;
8 II) 7 IS
3 15 7
3 81 7 35
9 gj
9 17
9 09
8 58 S 51
8 51 3 45
8 45 3 41
9 30
. Huston
.. West Plttston...
9 91
9 It
9 14
,9 53
10 07
13 41
IS 116
S 30
3 10
Hint's ton...
I 83
I 13
10 18
10 33
..Plymouth June.
8 83 8 '
8 56
Avondalo ......
. Nantlcolrn
10 89
8 11
8 VI
7 51
7 39
7 Kit
7 S3
7 IS
7 14
7 10
3 11
3 114
9 39
3 tS
8 47
8 39
8 SS
8 IS
8 00
10 34
.Hun lack's creek.
10 48 3 S3 8 04
10 65 8 60 8
11 07 4 03 8 4
11 13 4 10 8 t5
U 80 4 13 "
.Hick's Ferry,..,
.Beach Haven..,
....Berwick ....
..Briar Creek
ill 1 "
4 89 7 83
1 S3 7 30
...Willow drove...,
,umo Midge...
7 M 2 (14
8 Ml 1 57
7 41
T 83
7 S3
11 39 4 43 7 41
11 45 4 4 8 nil
11 61 4 6S 8 81
11 57 6 IX) 8 50
IS JS 5 18 8 8
a eo
S 43
1 61
1 4
1 SI
Catawlssa Bridge.
y IS 1.1
08O 9
6 15
6 00 1 00
e 45
Northumberland. I
II 45 5 43 8
D.m. D.m. a m.
p.m. p.m, o.rd
W. V. HALoTEAD, Supt.
Superintendent's Office, Scranton, June 10, 1673.
Dealers In
uci. srtcxs, item soda, ta, tc
N K. Corner Becond and Arch streets,
TJrdors wui reoelve prwnj attsnuon.