The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 09, 1880, Image 3

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iii.oonmuiin, ciiidat, jui.t o, issn
rmiLio sales.
George A. Dotyi adinlnlMrtitor of Henry
Klngdwry, deceased, will (IFerrcal cstnle for
salo In Hfnton on Saturday Aiigutt 7th at 10
n. m.
Hosier Ann lvdson, Kiocutris of 11. 1 Cole,
dcccifcJ, of llcnlon township, will c-xioe real
cstite lo tale on Iho fremlnen on TliurcJay,
July IStli, 1BS0, Sco rtilwllscmcnt.
K. Yt Elwell anil
lit inc.
family liaire returned
C. H. Jloulilm offers iniluceiucntn to country
hmllcruN lo purcln ihclr bar nipplios from
him. Ho ell fowl liquors at low prlce.
Mr. William Neal stid family are sojourning
up llo creek for a fnv days.
H. Bowman, editor of the Ilerwlck InJrpcnd
tut mado in a call on Wcdnesdiy.
Tlic Hand, Friendship Fire Co., and a large
number of our people went to Danvlllo on
the Sth.
1'bysiclans freely precribo t tie new Food
Medicine, "Malt Hitlers," because moro nour
ishing, strengthening and purifying than all
llier forms ofmalt or medicine, while free
ofrom the objections urged against tnalt liquors
F. 1'. Coper, of Wilkfauarro, and N. II.
Hnrlman, of Nanticoke, with their families
wore visiting friends In town the past week,
A "llrockway Congrensional Club" hai been
formed. It has its headquarters in the Kx
cliango block,
Counly Superintendent Snyder examined
applioants for teachers' certificates at the Fifth
ttreet school houfo lat Monday,
The State Teachers Assocl ition will hold iU
annual meeting at York, Pa., July 27th. Kx
enrsion tickets will be sold on the principal
Mrs. Mason Cliyton, of Connection!, will
fppak in Iho M. 13. church on Sunday next at 3
p. m. It will bo a Union Temperanco meet
ing, and nil are Invito! to hoar this lady. Col
lection taken lo defray expenses.
A. P. Fowler has purchased the planing mill
at E'py, near the depot, and has begun biifi
nesi. Hois prepared to do all kinds of work
done in such establishments, and hopes to re
ceive a fair share of patronage. 51. C. McCol
him is his agent in tho conduct of tbebusi
nessi M. H. Roberts' Poultry Powders will cure the
worpt case of Cholera or Gapes. With M, I).
Roberts' Poultry Powder you can increase the
number of eggs CO per cent. Sold everywhere
at 25 cents per package. July 2-lm
An article In last week's isue, headed "Re
publican Convention," should hnve read "Re
publican Consistency." Tho editor being ab
Fcnt, our compositors were unable to decipher
Ids writing, hence tho mistake.
Only 75 cents for six months, or SI. 50 a year
rr . i i
in nuvancc, uui up ciuus itiiu penu in you
names, '
No more sick Chickens. Saye your poultry
and cure them ot disease, by using Roberts
Poultry Powder, It has never failed to cure
Cholera and all diseases to which fowls are sub
ject. Prico 26 cents per packago ju!y2-lm
Pursuant to a call of tho chairman of tho
county commitleo a considorablo number of
Democrats met in Cadman's hall Wednesday
evening, July 7, for tho purpose of organizing
a Hancock nnd English club.
Tho meeting was organized by electing John O
Freeze Ksq. as President, Peter Ilillmcyer vice
President. C. Q. Barkloy Esq. Treasurer, C. It
House) and R. Buckingham as secretaries.
Tlic President stated the object of meeting in
a few appropriate words.
On motion tho Socretariet were ordered to
tako the names ot those wishing to join the
Master Willie I.owcnberg prestntod the 1 1 .'
tiV Hancock and English Hag, which Ins
father brought from Cincinnati.
Moved that Cadman's hall bo rented from
ho present time until the night after election,
for the sum of thirty dollars, carried.
Moved that the club be entitled Hancock
and English club, carried ,
Moved that the club meet every Thursday
evening, carried.
Moved that a committeo of three be appoin
ted to organlzo a glee club. Elijah Shutt chair
man of committee, carried.
Moved that a committee of three be appoin
ted lo procure speakers, with the President of
the club as chairman, carried.
Moved that a committee of three bo appoin
ted to organize drum corps; Wm. II. Gilmore
chairman of Committee, carried
Moved that a committee of five) on finance
be appointed.
Movod that a committeo of fivo on con
stitution and by-laws be nppointcd, with in
struction not to require any initiation fee,
The chairman announced tint names of
members of Commit'oe will be given at next
meeting, and that the names of any new mem
bers can be handed to the secretary's in the
mean lime, The meeting adjourned with three
Cheers for Hancock and English.
Sixty fivo members were entolled,
This institution is ono of tho growing colle
ges of tlio country. Formerly, the buildings
stood In the city of Hartford, but a few years
ago tho State purchased the grounds and erect
ed a magnificent new Capitol thereon. The
college was reiuored about two miles from the
old site, and now stands on a lull commanding
a splendid view in all directions, Tho build
ings aro equal, If not superior, to iho'e of any
similar iniiitution in the country, and when the
plans are fully carried out they will form the
tnott complete and elegant university In the
United States- Near tho colleges stands the
Chapter House of Iho Epsilon Chapter of Iho
Fraternity of Delta Pal, oneot the fecret socie
ties of tho college. It was erected at a cost of
$30,000 and is the finest building of the kind in
this country. It was lo this society that the
writer had ttie honor to belong while in col
lege, and tho benefits derived and the associa
tions formed have since been remembered, and
occasionally renewed, with much pltasure.
Trinity College is an Episcopal institution, and
there seems to be an impression that it is only
a training school for the Episcopal ministry.
This is erroneous. There Is no Institution where
the facilities are greater than here, for a thor
ough classical and business education. Trinity
is destined one day to be tho leading Church
colleceofthU courtrv, and It Is net only a priv
ilege, but a duty which every Episcopalian
owes to the church, to patronize and encourage
it. While the form of worship Is that of the
P. E, church, the institution is open to student
of all denominations, and never attempts to in
(luenco the religious belief of its patrons.any fur
ther than by requiring attendance at chapel ex.
erclses, Tho greatest obslaclo this colics" now
has to overcome U tho general supposition that
It is intended only for those who expect to in
ter Iho'Enbicopal ministry, As soon as this U
done the number of students will largely in'
crease. If there are any young men in this sec
tion who are thinking of taking a college courso,
wa would urgo upon thcin the advantages and
pleasures of a courto at Trinity, Catalogues
can be obtained by addressing Jlev.barauel
Hart, Hartford, Connecticut.
Em. Columbian i '
They aro nnklng no iron at tho rolling mill
Ibis week, having doud for repairs.
Mr. C. It. Woodlu and family aro spending
cveral weeks in Hazlolon.
Mrs. C. 0. Jackson and daughter hfilast
week fur the Sin-shore, where they expect to
remain several weeks.
Mr. ilrugler, architect, who received the
contract for building the addition to our school
house, commenced work on Monday. 1I0 ex
peels to have It completed by September.
Dr. Little, F. Stewart and V. 12. Smith look
advantngo of the first legal dav of the wood
cock season. This w is ,Mondny the 6tlilnt.
They ttarttd at fouro'clcck In the morning for
Iho Isliuds a short distance below NMiM.mtw
Their report is rather
over, nllirniing that they secured sixteen
Messrs. Ilowman nnd CYtp in rrcolvcd or.
dors tho other day for upward of S7fi worth of
ardiery materials, Tho foundation of the ar
chery club is being laid.
A pluasuit little picnic was cnbvod lat
Silurday in Croup's woods by thoo who were
desirous of esciping tho nolso and bustle of tho
celebration exercises. Thoy reached the grove
via tho canal, in a IhMioit a ride very much
enjoyed by the pleasure seekers. On Tuesday
of this week, a Inrger affair of the kind loft
here for Shickshiiiny, whera tho pic-nicers
disponed themselves in tho River Grove, hav
ing plenty of food, notwithstanding the little
showers that periodically sprinkled them.
Tho parado on the 3rd was a grand success,
the visiting Fire Companies from Bloom, Dan
villo, Lowisburg, and llydo Park, and the
bands from Scranton, R'oom, ai,d Afton, look
ing well and conducting themselves a) was ex
pected, in a very gentlemanly manner. The
above yisiting organizations combined with
our band, Grand Army of the Republic, Pa
triotic Order Sons of America, and Fire Com
pany, nude a ycry creditable parade. The
speech by Mr. Nicholls was a highly enter
taining feature of the exercises. 'Iho display
of fire works in tho evening was wi(neased by
moro than two thousand people. The dinner
provided for the visitors was abundant nnd
quite Eatlsfictory. All day long perfect har
mony prevailtd, no accident nor quarrels.
Tho citizens of town were pleased with the
visitors, and tho viiitors seemed pleased with
their reception.
Englishmen formerly supposed thatAmerii
can running hon-e were very inferior to theirs
but during tho lat two years Parole, Wallcn
stein and other fast ones that were sent from
this country to England, have won hundreds
of thousands of dollars, for such Americans
an the Messrs. Lorillard, James Gordon lien
nelt, &c. Tho Englishmen have Investigated
tho reasons for the great success of theAmcri.
can horses, and find that they are kept in such
fine condition by the constant use of M. 11.
Roberts' Horse Powders. july 2-2m
New potatoes are putting in their appearance.
Our townsman, Mr. John Eelund gave his
house a handsome coat of paint last week.
Miss Lizzie Scott, of this ) lice, is visiting the
family of Lor brother, Mr. Jonas Scott, at Wil
liamsport. A valuable bori-c belonging lo Christian
Small, died on tho 2'Jnd ult. , after returning
from Market at Ashland and Centralis.
Uev. J. A. Adam, of Elysburg, will preach
in the, school house, above town, next Sabbath
at five o'clock,
Rev. J. V, liodine will preach in the East
Slabtown school houso every alternate Sunday.
Next appointment is July IS at 3 o'clock in the
Two parsonages aro to be erected in the vil
lage in the neir futuie; ono by tho United
Brethren circuit and Iho other by the Melho
di3ls We believe tho committees couh! not
easi') li.avo selected a more suitable io ation
Uij l.rve for their pastors' convenience.
Mayberry Gearhart, a wealthy old fanner re-
sidiiigaioni.' the Susquehanna river, on 'he line
of tho D. H. A W. railroad, at tho mouth of
Roaringcrec-k, was harvesting grain with sever
al railroad employees on Sunday, the 27th ult.
Hands being scarce, he resorted to the above
means for garnerinc his crops.
Mines Lottie nnd Ida Ilerninger, of Elys
burg, W. J. Hughes, of Berwick! Edward Ster
ner, of Plymouth) Mr. and Mrs. George Long,
of Norlhumberhnd, and Leander Eveland and
wifo,of Maybeiry township,Montourcounty were
among thoso who spent llie Third and Fourth
in this vicinity with their respective patent",
relatives and friends.
Mr. Jeremiah Snyder hi" been rather unfor
tunate during the past few weeks, as severnl of
his young pigs have become blind, and ho also
losta valuable horso by being kicked to death.
The danco on lasll-'ridny evening at the Na
tional Hotel was well ntlended nnd rather live
ly throughout. Among those present from
Bloomsburg were W. Krickbaum.T. J. Vamier
sllce, W. II. Jacoby, Capt, C. I!. llrockway,
Sheriff Ent and cx-Shiriir, J. W. Hodman.
The Catawim M. E. Circuit Pic nic and fya
tlval held in Johnson's Grove, near this place
on Saturlay, was right well attended, The
Kcrnville band did the music for the atlair.
Financially speaking, we are unaldo to say how
successful they were, as up lo this writing no
settlement has been ma de.
On tho 29th up., C. W. Stlne, while driv
ing a spirited horso in his pliarton from this
place lo Calawissa, stopped to converse with
Mr. Jacob Boas, when a dog came out and tho
horse became frightened. Mr. Sliuo jumped
out but iho horse being somewhat too quick
managed to get away from him and ran down
what is known as Fulling Mill Hill, overturn
ing the vehicle, aod breaking it badly,
C. B. Bobbins succeeds his filher, D. W.
Bobbins, In the liquor business nt the old stand
on Main street below Iron
The enumerators have furnlJjed us with tho
following statistics:
Inhabitants white
" colored
Total, 3."01
rijul.a rlnrini' the last census vear IS
No of blind persons
No. of persons born since first day of
June, i. v., low
No, of persons in county jail at time
nf enumerator's visit
No, of persona who have been impris
oned during me ytur l-huiuK ...a
31, 18S0
Wholo number of days of Imprison
ment of all persons who have
been imprisoned
The .Sherill' is allowed 25 cents per
day for maintenance oi eaiu pris
oner) henco the amount paid the
Slieriffdurlng the past year is
No. of empty bouses
Manufacturing establish men ts produ
cing $5C0 annually
Farms consisting of more than threo
Tim noimlalion of the town In 1870 was,
while. 3.202. colored, 70, total, 3,311, so lhat
tho gain In the past ten years has been but
Mother?, before giving your little babe cough
nr eroun medicines, remember lhat Sines' Ryr
up of Tar. Hoarbound and Wild Cherry, la the
only preparation that contains no opium, mor
tihln. or any other narcotic. jui -im
nto to them without delay. N07, 21-1."
The degr. e of Doctor of Philosophy has been
conferred upon Prof. D. J. Waller, jr., by Lv
fayclto college, This was no mere, compliment,
butawclldcstrvod honor. Though compara
tively young In years, Dr. Wn'ler I. n rips
scholar and Is making tho N'.mnnl School ono
of tho lending Institutions of the State,
At the present limo when there are so many
worthless liniments in llie market, It would be
well lo Inquire which Is tho best-lhls will bo
found in M. II. Boberls' celebrated Embroca
tion. It la a panacea for nil ailments that ro
quire rubbing either an man or beast, For sale
by all druggists. july 2-lm
Independence day has come nnd gone. The
flame of patriotism has been renewed. "Young
America" has had his tiro crackers and fun,
"lots" of powder has been burned) tannoiis
have been fired) and the Orators of the day
have, no doubt acquitted themselves with dig.
llnguMied ability. But as there is always n
calm after a storm, so after the stirring scenes
of the Ith of July, tho people, young nnd old,
settle luck again Into thelrplaces, and move on
In tho accustomed pursuits ot life. This year
the Utile village of E-py has had quite a pica i
ant lime, obsjrylng the 3rd as our National An
niversary, because the 4th camo on tho Sab
bath. It is true wo di I not celebrate the day with
military parade or procession, with tho fiting of
cannon, or a display of oratory) and yet In the
absence of all thi, the day was spent very gen
erally In pleasant and Innocent enjoyment,
There was some evidence that King alcohol
has his subjects, Some of his worshippers
showed tho fruiln of his spirit In foul mouths,
profane language and an occasional black eye.
But there was not so much of this kind of dis
play as has been seen on similar occasion", and
this argues f.ivoiably, either for tho morals of
the people or lor Iho discretion of the disburs
ing officers of tho old king in shutting offsup
plies. "Discretion" in this caso is certainly
the "belter part of valor" This change for
the better is good, and it is to be hoped that it
will last.
We had our little excitements also) the most
noteworthy beirg the exploit of Praf. William
Abbot, in crossing the river on the ferrv wire
on a velocipede. Prof. Abbot is one of our most
quiet and una-siiming citizen", but at the same
time he is a man cf pluck and indomitable will
Ho has gained considorablo notoriety among
us as a successful market gardener; his early
vegetables being very early and fine, and his
prospective melon crop on one of our river is
lands is of grand dimensions.
His new role of traversing tho Susquehanna
on the ferry wire astride of a velocipede has
added much to his popularity, and has demon
slrnted clearly that some things can be done as
well as o'hers. Some persons who read the
nnnoiincemeut of the intended exploit said that
it could not be done; others pronounced it a
humbug) and some of the profefsor's intimate
friends doubted his ability lo fill the bill. But
he has dono It; actually in the presenceof hun
dreds of spectators, crossing in the manner indi
cated from the Eqiy sboro to Ruckel's Island.
The hopo is expressed that he will repeat the
voyage at no distant day, and thus givo to oth
ers an opportunity of seeing what tho Professor
declares is a safs and agreeable way of crossing
tho river.
Too ladies of the Lutheran church gave a
very excellent dinner and supper for the bene
fit of tho church, which was well patronized.
Also in tho evening they lurnishcu icecream
and other refreshments lo a large crowd in at
tendance. This enterprise of the ladles has re
sulted quite successfully, as they have realized,
over expenses, ninety dollars. The Espy and
Afton bands added much to tho enjoyment of
the day and evening, by discoursing appropri
ate mu"ic, and this they did gratuitously. When
we consider the comparatively recent orgam
zation of thoao band", we are astonished at
their proficiency. Their rapid advancement
spoils well for their instructors, Prof". Meth-
erell and Brooks, as also for tho readiness
and antness of the members of
the bands.
In this connection, I nm authorized to state,
that the managers of the festival wish to express
Iheniht-lves highly gratified with and thankful
S.r the eliii itiu services so cheerful! rendered
by these musical association".
Sinis' Dvt.ENTi.uv Compnund There are
no diseases that will so quickly bring incidents
of a person's past life and make him think of
homo and his mother as Cholera, Cholera .Mor
bus, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic and nil their
kindred diseases, And to be without Sine's
Dysentery Compound when overtaken by the
above disease is to be almost without hope.
july 2-lm
Court met pursuant to adjournment, all tho
Judges on the bench.
Citation awarded in the cstnlo oi John 11.
Dtvis, deceased.
Subpoena In divorce awarded lo Uobert Jlc-
Bride. . , , r ,
License of II. Brumbach trausicrreu to jonn
Sale of real estate by guardian of Anna -M.
Ent, confirmed nisi.
Bond for sale of real estalo of William Hess,
deceased, approved by the court.
Cilalation awarded to executors of l-.Ushn c.
Baiton, deceased, to file nn account.
Subpcena in divorce awarded to 1-annio I.
Partition awarded In the estate ot V illiam
S. Evans.
Subpu-nn in divorce awarded to Lizzie Kline.
Frank V. olf was appointed guardian of Ells
worth P. Wolf.
Liuuor store licen.o of D. W. Bobbins was
transferred lo C. B. Robbius,
Sheriff Km acknowledged deed in open court
to Catharine Lamon for land in Bnarcreek
township, Consideration $100,
McAIarnoy vs. Wolvcrlon. Polmon ot re
ceiver lo soil goods and chattels tor rent.
J. G, Freeze appointed commissioner in lu
nacy of Samuel Rhone,
Sale of real estate ordered in estate oi Isaac
Breach, deceased,
W. Mauser, John Rhodes, John -Mensch,
John Good, John Appltman, Thoa. J.,Vander-
lice and John Hartman appointed viewers to
assess dam aee by Pennsylvania Canal Co., on
petition of S. V. Boone, to meet July 2SI11.
September fMh fixed by llie court lor Hearing
of appeal Columbia counly vs. City of Phila
delphia. Attachment issued In estate of James inorn-
ton, deceased, to executor for not obeying the
order of tho court to pay over moneys in his
Shuman's administrators vs. Houck et. nl.
Rule to subrogate made absolute.
Marv Reuiley'a administrator vs. Michael D.
Remley. Rule to ihow cause why Iho judgment
should not be opened aud defendant let into a
defense, lien of lovy to remain.
B F. Zarr appointed auditor to make distri
bution in estate of William McKelvy,deceased.
W. H. Rhawn appointed auditor in estoto of
Hannah Appleman, deceased, Order to ad
ministrator lo psy over money in his hands to
putties entitled thereto,
Benton H. F, A L, Association vs, J, Sllles.
Rule lo show cause why judgment should not
be opened and defendant let Into a defense.
Customer "Why are Malt Bitters so lwpu-
larr"' Druggist "Because at a Food Medicine
they f-urich the blood, barden the roubles, qnl
ct the nerves and perfect digestion," July Mir
The license of the Intel) W. Bobbins, n
transferred to U, 11. Bobbins nt the late s- mien
of court, who will continue tl e business at the
old stand,
At the regular tmo in nf the Phllcloglnn
Literary Society held Jul e25. 1SS0, iheiha h
of our late brother Elmor h. Illller was an
nounced, whereupon the following resolutions
were unanimously adoptedi
Wiieheas, It has plcaed Almighty God in
Ills all wlso providence lo call from our midst
our lalo brother is there
fore, JUmlval, Thai this society has, by his death,
sustained the loss of a useful and actlvo
llctoltcd, That ns an expression of our sor
row and respect, that wo as a society, attend the
funeral, and that tho hall be draped in mourn
ing thirty days,
KaohtJ, That we lender our heartfelt sytm
palhy to the bcrcared fimlly,
llesolrcd, That these icsotutions be entered
on tho minutes of iho society, that they be pub
lished In ono or moroof tho town papers, and
that a copy of the same be presented lo the be
rcavtd ftmlly, M. Gkhius,
Annum. J. Simmons, J-Com.
O. II. Wi:txs, J
If your wlfojins lost her healitlho Grett
Mexican Remedy will be found a swift and sure
restorative. Ask your I'rugglst for it.
A Letter found oi a California suicldo :
"Iu this sheltered nook I lay too down to
die. Wlicnalnan outlives his usefulness I
think ho out to retire,
'What every ono says must bo true,' that
'Dr. Selleri Cough Syrup' has no equal for
coughs and colds. Try it. Pride 25 cents,
A gentleman in lecturing for n blind asj
lum began by gravely remarking: "If all tho
world were blind, what a melancholy sight
it would bo,"
Advertisin; I'lieatn.
It has become so common to write tho be
ginning of an elegant, Interesting article and
then run it into some advertisement that we
avoid all such cheats and simply call at
tention to the -merits of Hop Bitters in as
plain, honest terms, as possible, to induce
people to give them one trial, as no one who
knows their value will ever use anything
Burgxeii Newman. At Orangeville, Pa
June 24th, 18S0,byltcv. C. K. Canfield, Jlr.
Augustus J. Burgnor of Delaware City, Dela
ware to Miss Eliza J, Newman, of Beaumont,
Wyoming county, Pa.
Cox Lewis. At the M. E. Farsonace.
utoomsDurg, July 3, tssu. by liov. i-;. 11 . lo
cum, -Mr. illiam Uox to JIiss hltzabetli Lew
is, both of Bloomsburg.
ConTRiciiiT KiNtisnunv. At the 5L E.
parsonaue. Bloomsburtr, July 0th. 18S0. hv
Rev. E. II. Yocura. Mr. Christian B. Cortrinht
anu -Miss Laura Kingsbury, both ot aluckshin
ny, i-a.
Heacock Roberts. In Benton, on the
17th ult-, at the home of the bride, by Rev. II.
It. l ortner, Jlr. John J uncock to .Miss llan
nali Roberts, all of Benton.
Case euff. At Iho M. h. parsonage in
llenton July am, by Jtov. M. li. 1-ortner, Jlr
Peter Case to Miss Lydla Zelilf.
Business Notices
Good Cloycrseed and Timothysced. Lots
of it for salo by Silas Young nt Light
btrcet july 2-2w
Boots and Shoes cheap at SIcKianey'e.
Shetland Shawls at Clark & Son's.
The public aro hereby informed that
splendid suits are now made from the latest
styles ot Spring Goods on tho hollowing
terms.- Latest Style), Lowest Prices, Best Ma
terial, Best Workmanship, and Best Fits at
the roputar atoro oi
David Lowenberg,
Hon. George N. Corson, Norrlstown.says:
Tho Pbu-nix Pectoral Is indispensable in my
family It acts like a chnrm in curing
couuh's and colds with the 'hildren.and I
always use it when addressing a jury. Price
25 cents. C. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg, aprlG-jy
Admission free at McKinuey's.
White Goods at Clark & Son's.
Another caso ot Fine Ready Made Cloth
ingjust received at U. Lowenberg s,
Do not pay 8 cents a yard for calico wheu
you can got wido i ercates at luiz a aioatr;
lor 1U cents a yard.
4,000 pounds nice dried raspberries, 4,000
pounus.nicedriedpltteu cherries wanted tins
fall by Silas Young, Light ritreet.july 2-G'ui
A full line of Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings
and Muslins at lowest prices. Ulark: ix con,
Call at McKinuey's (or Shoes.
For Nobby Hats,
For Latest Styles,
For Lowest Prices.
Go to David Lowenberg's.
Lutz & Sloan are telling Muslin at a re
duced price.
Call and see the Best aud Cheapest Sum
mer Suit lor tu.00 at V, Lowenberg's,
Go to Clark Son's for your Dry Goods,
Rubbers at McKinuey's.
Tho Clothlne Store of David Lowenberg
i well stocked witli all l ie latest styles o
Clothing for Men, Youth and Children
(Jail and examine.
Another new lot of Ladies' Linen Ulsters
at Lutz St bloan s.
Great reduction in prices of Dress Goods
at Ulark iv bon a.
Boot headquarters at McKiiiney's.
Harriet A. Newkirk. of Salem, savs: 1 was
cured of tetter in my hand by three applica
tions of camphor Milk, .uy nusbaim was
cured of old running sores by using H. 1
cured my son of a sprained ankle. Price 2;
cents, bold by u, A. Klcltn, isioomsburg.
april 10, '
Letters of Administration on tlioestato oi'Dantel
V, Hob bl us, late ot tUo town of I Hoc msburg1, Colum
bia co., dee'd, Uavo been granted by the Kmrlsicr cf
Bald county to the undesigned a din In list rai
nurbons havlnir claims DiralnK tuo estate are re
quested to present them for settlement and U?Obe
iuuuuuju iu muty puyueui muiout ueiay w
Jono U 'so-flw P. O. Ulooin&burff, Columbia co, iu
Tho well known 0. 11. WHITE, I'roprietor of the
has sold a half Interest In tho same to J. Conner,
The company have renal .d thn works, ana aro nre-
jurvu iu uuuuiiiiiiuuaiutLii nuu wuul anjuuug in uio
lne of Arlcultural ImDlemeats. Thev havu lust
completed anew left hand Whtto plow.whlchtr po
Hlbte, will beat the right band. Mao burraca plows
or jointers tor i no eame. a new Thresher ana uiean-
er wuu centre snase oi nu jie suoe, called the
Wlilto TlircHlici mid Cleaner
with both lever and railway powers on a ureal lv
Improved plan. Wo manufacture LAND ltoLLKltS
with cast Iron heads Ootu Plows, double and single
Cultivator, side Mil Plon s, Mill Castings. Turning
of every description done with promptness. Wo
keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Plow
bhores for our own and many other plows that are
used lathe country. We will not be undersold In
work or material ot the Borne quality, ill our work:
Is warranted to give sath-facuon. or the money re
funded. WKIiKPV COMPKUTION. fanners, and
luupuujiu iu ifcueriu are reque&iea 10 caumtu ex
uiuue uviuro purchasing fcibewoere.
juutt.'w-ir oiuNUEviujtnu
GET almost
Do you know how to get
in tlic easiest way and to best
advantage what you want for
dress and housc-furrtishing?
First, how: Write for a
catalogue ; sec what you can
learn from it about the things
you want. If samples can be
useful to you, ask for them
and state your wants so
plainly that exactly tlic right
samples can be sent.
Second, where : The place
where goods arc kept in the
greatest variety ; where they
are sold for what they really
are in respect to quality ;
where prices arc lowest;
where luost care is taken
to serve customers accept
ably; and where you have
the right to return whatever
Is not satisfactory.
There no matter where
you are if you make. your
wants known and avail your
self of your privileges, you
will get the best things in
the best way, promptly and
without trouble or risk;
sometimes by mail, some
times by express, almost
always at less cost for car
riage than the money you
save in the price.
John Wanamakcr,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Cbgstnut, TUlrtccutb, Market aud Juniper.
Letters or administration nn thn PRtnf ft nr Hannah
Lainon, tale of. Hrlarcreek township, Columbia co.,
i-cnn-a., aeceasca, uavo oeen granieu oy me itegis
ter of said county to U. 11. Jackson, nrtraT., Der-
wick, ra : ah rxrsons uawncciaims oirainsi mo es
tate or the decedent are requested to present them
for settlement and thoso Indebted to theestatoto
make payment to tho undersigned Administrator
wunoui ueiay.
Ilerwlck, ra.
Juno 18, 'go-ow
Letters testamentary on the estate of Benlamln
Wltitersteen. Into of Pino town shin Uolum
bL. county, Penn'a., deceased, have been era eted
by tho Iteglsterof said county toL. A. dcrmau
ana Phlneas Whltmtre. Executors. AH per'
sons having claims against the estate ot said decc-
and those indebted to the estato to mako payment
iu inu uuuersignea r.xccuiors.wunouL ueiuy.
L,. a. uukaiaiv, ncrr h r. u.,
may 2, isso ow Kxccutors.
Letters of Administration on tho estato of Israel
uog'Tt, lato of Greenwood township. Columbia co..
Penn'a.. deceased, have been eranled bvthe leels
ter of said tho undersigned Administratrix,
All persons havlnir claims against the estate of the
decedent are requested to prpsent them for settle
ment, and those indebted to tho estato to make pay
ment to tho undcrslffned Administrator without
, W. Miller, Atl'y. Administratrix,
Juno n, 'feo-cw
In tho matter of. tho salo of real estato of William
hcimyier by w, ii, bmllh, Assljneo for tho bene-
ui oi creditors.
Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court of Common
'leas of Columbia county to distribute proceeds ot
saie, ntreoy srives noiiceiiiaino win meeiinopar-
lie wiitrresien iil ms omce m liioumauunf ui
rr iln the 9'h dav of Jul v. ls at 10 ocloeK li
hi fort- of snld day. All lerson1) havlnir any
Jalra anon said fund to then and there present the
same cr uo ioreu'r uuoarreu iiom auy tmuv uirieui,
L.E.W LL..iW
lune 14, IMw A idttor.
Piles What uncoas ntr tortures arise from Inter.
m I lileediucr. Kxternal and Itchlnir Piles. The vain
endeavors to obtain eeu partial relief has discour
aged the millions who suffer, and they hare borno
their atronv Insllente. thlnklnir there was no hone
or prospect of a cure. Notwithstanding the total
failure of I ho many remedies heretofore offered for
mo euro or pues, anu inn picture or ojrony resting-
on me iacuoi inoso wuo nuo ineu me vuriuus rem
ecllei but in vain, vet eatrerlv sou cut for and anx
loush tried aiijMuntr that promises the least relief
uniU their couraire has lone since given place to de
spondency, let them cheer up, allow tho smiles ot
happiness to lllumlnato the haggard countenance,
and tho duties of Ufa will bo performed with a degree
of hannlness'aud Dleasure unknown for wteks.
months or j ears. Ilrlggs' Pile Itcrncdles are the io-
suh oi lull-easing bluuj auti expunmeiumg, uiu no
plus ultra of science, and In every respect
saic, Kcicuuiic anu rcuauiu lur uiu uuru ui puea iu t'v
cry form. Krlggs remedies are sold by C. A, Klelrn,
nuMimaminr. iu
Try lr. IIHuk' Jliiuluu IliiUitni
1.000 REWARD
CATAItUU Is tho most universal and distressing
disease of the nrejsenr. dav. and the sco re n of wau-
derfut remedies offered for the cure of thts disgusts
lug disease, which are one than worthless, has
discouraged tho millions who suffer and haelrl'd
in ain lor renei una cure uiim uieir courage is gone
and the lctlm still suffers In doubt. Here we are
with lr. Joslah lirlggs' catarrh specifics Nos l aad
2, and how shall wo proceed to com l nee that we
nave mu ucsi uou cuuapesb remeuies Known. iBi-wt
will furnish them to responsible parties on condl
t ion "no cckk .o rtv." xnd win pay fioo fori
ca-o they whl not cuio. 3rd Will pav fiuotortheli
emul us a cure. 4th Will nay tduu if anithlnu'col
srmousordeletertous Is found lu their coin nasi t Ion,
nth Will pay fl,ouo If in any particular Dr. Joilah
nriffgs uaiarru ppecinca uro lounu uinerem irom
repreeentatlou. Warranted to Instantly relieve and
radically cure Acute. Chronic, Ulcerative or Pry Ca
tarrh, cold In tho Head, and all affect Ion a of the
cai Itles of the head and throat. Two bottles In one
oox. fireatcsi success oi tuo age, tsold by c. A.
iueuu, luooinnuurg, i u.
Try l)r Hi-Ikk t'nturrh speelllCM.
Bunions, Corns and other a'lmentsof tho feet cause
mucii buuenng amung ail nations uy whom shoes
are worn. There Is more tnanituomtu-nrth nr tmnm
and shoes destrojed annually In the United btatcs
iu iuv insuui mu wurtuiuuro limn ji.uuu.uoii) Uy cut
ting white new, or nearly so, to make room for pain
rui miuions. corns. inerovwngnai et.
uesmes uiu KreaL bjicnuce, mere ii paia in rew
York to chlroiKKllsts about I25.W0 annually; in New
England btates about 23,ooo ; In the western and
southern about &o.ikm): and In the refit nf thn wnri.i
about f wo.tKx); besides this there is 50o,ooo spent an
nually for caustics aud oilier worthless compounds
for the cure of liunlons, Corns, wore Insteps, 'i ender
Feet, etc. To avoid these greatlossen and expendi
tures, uso Dr. joslah Urlggs Ilunloa Jialsam and
hure Corn Cure, which is the only preparation
known that trles lmmedlatn relipf nmi rartir.nii-
cures hard, soft land ulcerated liunlons hard, soft
and festered corns, vascular excresenees, callosities
iuiku mm eiimu, suru mau.-(s uiuiereu neeis, lecuei
feet, lngrowlnir nails, etc.. without causing or Ipuv.
lnir anv natn or soreness. Warranted oafa nnd unrr
ouju uy v. a ivieim, uiuonisuurg, ia.
Try lr, ltrluuv t'n paralleled Pile ltemrily.
Ecatl and liollcct.
Local and constitutional troarmonr. rnr .n
tarrlial arfrctlons. Ur. Joslali UrlirL-a1 Catarrh sno
cltlc9 aro otrcri'd to tnoso &mtct,i wTih nnt
tc, ulcerative or dry catarrh, cold In tho head, hay
fever, relaxed palate, eoro throat, hoarseness, loss
of voice, und all affections ot tho nasal cjvlttes and
throat, with ueuarunlfo that tliev arnclipnru.r hi
luutuv.tivaiuuo, vuiiuK iiutv..vr, mm moro cer-
"""') " "S""i',u V" UI" "lau an remedy
jet Ultcovercd. Two bottles In ono box, ono of
which reduced u Ith water makes w ounces for use
1'rlco ,1. co per rackuge, turDlshed to rebnonslhln
parties on coudltlonb: "No euro no pay,'1 Dealers
aro authorised to refund tho money If pur.
"iw,"" uiwuwi, BuiuMiv-u, tuupm-eiues are constitu
tional as well as local, iloil wlubo paid If they fall
to core whn uwd as directed, lion tnr,r.,i,i
a8acure. fault eoHhlntf polsonousordeletcrlous
Is found in their composition, f i.uou (will ho nald)
If in any retprct Dr. lirlircs' t'atarili spccltlci are
.uuiiu umrui nuiu i.-inunvuvuiion. nero is an OD
portunlty for thoso discouraged by repeated full.
urea 10 iry asaln on a cuarantecd euro. And the
iiuhu nuu I mn iiiuu lunj Tcniureiotry thenii
specifics wlthoutfeellnir that thev am m i2 hum.
burccd. us I hero Is no rUk to run. arranted chain.
oat, best and most atfrewblo. Ifnotlouad luUilao-
bolinxO.A.Kleim.iiioomsburir'r M
prUM,V-l7 t.ark,M,w)r,r,
ny vlrtuo of undry n rlls lisucil out of tho Court
Common rlcaa of Col lmhl county, an i to mo di
rected, will lit; expo el to publlo Halo at the Court
Homo In tho tuwn of li:initiurg, nt J oxiwk, p m
riutunlay, July 24th, lb80.
AU tuo right llllo and Interest of tho defendanU
that ccrtitn tract or pteco of land tltuato In Hen
ton township, Columbia county, 1'ennsjlvanta.
bounded nnd descilbedaa follows, to-wlt I on tho
north by land of Solomon Havli and Hiram Ami, on
tho cast by land of Samuel Kline, on the south by
land ot William Ash, nnd on tho west by land of Iho
llcnlon Mutual saving Fund and Loan Association,
contain log ono hundred acres mora or loss, on whlc h
aro erected two two-atory Iraino dwelling houjcSj
barn and out-butldtngs.
Seized, :takcn In execution and to bo told as tho
property ot Thomas L. Davis and ltouben J, DaMs.
KNoan Fritz, Attorney. Sundry Writs.
All that certain 'factor plcco of land situate In
Montour township, Columbia county and stato of
'ennsylvanla, bounded and described as follows to
It: un tho north by land of Itcuben (lullls, on tho
south by land of Frank Evans, and on tho wist by
land of Walter estate, containing two acres moro or
loss, on which oao erected n two story framo dwell-
C house, barn nnd outbutldlngs,n good npplo on h-
ard and other fruit tires on I lit premises.
Ono other tract of land situate In Montour town
ship, Columbia county, l'cnnsjlianl.i, bounded on
tho north by land lato of Evan Welllver, on tho cast
by land of Iteuben Guilds, andon the south and west
land of the Walter estato containing four acres
mora or less.
All that certain lot or piece cf ground sltuato In
the town ot liloornsburg, Columbia county, Hun-
hahta, bounded and dcsrlbed ns follows, to-wlt:
log a lot ot ground with iho buildings nnd nppur
nances situate on Matn street of satd town, and
bounded on tho north by Main or Second street, on
tho east by Ilarton's Alley, on tha south by l'tno Al
ley and on tho west by u lot formerly owned by
Iteuben Kreamcr,contalntog In front on Main Btrcet
twenty four feet and ntno Inches, running thenco
back to I'lno Alley two hundred and fourteen feet
and six Inches, on which are erected n two-story
f ramo dwelling house and out-butldlngs.
Ono other lot situate In tho town ot llloomshurg,
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded arid do
scribed as follows, to-wlt: llegtnnlng at a post cor
ner In lino of land formerly owned by Jacb Ecr
and an alley twenty feet wldo laid out by Dr. Jolin
anney, nnd running thenco along tald alley north
twenty-eight and three-fourth degrees, west one
hundred and fourteen feet ton post In tho lino ot a
street thirty-three feet wide, laid out by tho said
John r.amsey, thenco along said street south slxty-
ono and one-fourth degrees, west two hundred and
Ofty-ntno feet to a post, thenco by land ot tho heirs
Wm. Wright, deceased, south twenty-eight and
three-fourth degrees, cast ono hundred and seven-
three fectto a post In tho line of land formerly
owned by Daniel Bnyder, thenco by tho same north
thirty-four and one-fourth dcgrccs,east one hundrea
and one feet to a hickory, ana thence by Und form
erly owned by Jacob Ejer, north thlrty-ono and
three-fourth degrees, east ono hundred and ninety
three feet to tho placo of beginning, containing ono
aero strict mcasure,bo tho same more or less, on
which aro erected a dwelling houso and out-butldlngs.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of Daniel
Fry against Jackson Walter and to bo sold as tho
property ot Jackson Walter.
Kirk, Attorney. Vend. Ex.
All that certain three-fourths Interest In a tract or
piece ot timber land situate In Urlarcreck and Fish
lngcreek townships, Columbia county, and state of
'enDsylvanta, bounded and described as follows, to
wn : llegtnnlng at a stone, formerly black oak, It
being an original corner of a survey In tho warran
tee naino of Nathan Beach, and another In the namo
of Daniel F, Sejbert, thenco along said Dcach sur
voy south eighty-one degrees, west four hundred
nd fltty-threo peithcs to a stone formerly a ehe&t
nut oak; thenco by the samo south nine degrees
east titty-two perches to stones, thenco by tho same
south elghty-one degrees west sixty-two perches to
stones, thenco by survey In tho warrantee namo of
Samuel J. Pealer north twenty degrees ono hundred
twenty-six perches to stones, thenco by land In tho
warrantee name ot John Allegar, thenco by the
same north seventy-two degrees, cast threo hun
dred and so pcrchos to a black oak, thenco by I and
warrantcedto ferry liuckalew north soventy-fno
degrees, cost ono hundred and thirty-two perches
to a post, thence north clghty-slx and a half degrees
east flfty-ouo perches to a chestnut oak, thenco
north sixty-two degreos cast eighty-four perches to
a post, thence south two degrees wost ono
hundred and Itfty-clght perches to tho placo ot be
ginning, containing four hundred acres strict meas.
ure, It being tho same premises which Dr. John
Kindt and Sally Ann his wlfo by their Indenture
bearlngdato herewith did grant and conflrmunto
tho said Angcltno Horn.
Seized, taken In execution at tha suit of JI. A.
Ammerman against Charles Unangst executor of
Dr. John Kindt, deceased.and to bo sold as tho prop
erty of Charles Unangst.executor ot Dr. John Kindt,
Hbockwav, Attorney. Vend Ex,
All that certain tract of land situate In Hno
township, Columbia county and Mate of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described ns follows, to-w It: On
tho north by land of I'hlllp Shoemaker, on tho east
cy land ot Illrain Shultz, on tho south by land ot
Pnrvln Eves, and on the west by land ot Abraham
tunan, containing about forty acres moro or less,
on whn . are erected a two-story framo houso.large
''ink barn and out -buildings.
selzau, taken in execution at tho suit of Joseph
Cole, Jr., use of A. 1". Heller, administrator ot t 'ti
mln Evcs.deceasf-d against Jacob cole and to bo sold
as the property of Jacob cole.
A. C. 11. E, Smith, Attorne) s. end. Ex
Tcims cash on day st sale.
July 2, 'so-ts shciirr.
The underslimed auditor aDnolnted by the Court
to distribute lue moneys la Uiu Hands of William II,
uiarK, trustee appointea 10 niaKe Haiu ui iuu rem es
tate ot -Mary (lorreli. lato or Orntralla boro'igli, de
ceased, will sit at Ills onice In llloonisburff on hatur
day, lluly 31st, in. atten o'clock m tlio loienoon
ot bald day lor tho purpose ot his appolutment. All
persons havlni; claims aatrbt said estato will ap
pearand pret-nttlieni at that time, or 00 forever
debarred irom receiving any share ot said fund.
uly2,lss0-lw Auditor.
Ilio Commonwealth ot lvnnslvanla to Mary Ann
Olusies, widow, busan Ann llelltr, Sarah (HnglcB,
Uanltt (.Ingles, Dunlap, Monls county, Kansas,
Mary Williams, Kucwllle, Marlon county.lowo, on l
ilauba hhuman, lineal descendants of Andrew
lilntfes, deceased, and to all other persons Interest
ed, Greeting: You and each ot you aro hereby cited
to be and appear before Ihe Judges of our Orphans'
court atan orphans' Court to bo luldat lliooms-
uurg uu iuu uiti -tiuuuay oi repiemuer iiuai, lueu
and there to acceept or refuse lo tako Iho real es
tato of said Andrew dingles, deceased, at the &p-
,isen valuation put upon ll uy mo imtuesL uuiy
Klierlfr, or show causo w hy it shall not bo sold. And
hereof tall not.
Witness the Honorable William Elwell. President
of our said Court at liloeinsburg, tlio mil day ot
."uay, isso
M1UL.1A.U 1VJ11U1V11AU31,
July 2, liso-iw Clerk O. C,
Gilbert lleas and Elijah Albcrtbon, supervisors, In
account w llli Bugarloaf township for tlio year
ending April 12th 18o0.
To ain't of duplicate of road tax
in hands of Ollbe't Hess
To ain't ot duplicate of cash tax
granted by the court, 0 mills, In
hands ot Gilbert lless
Uy work donoon tho road 30d is
Uy time ah supervisor MT3
Uy altcndlug settlement 1 23
Ji-Sl 79
Toamtot duplicate of road tax
In hands otKllJah AlberUson
lly v.ork done on the toad
Uy exonerations
lly credit from the present super
visor 103 3?
(332 07
7 CO
111 C'i
2H3 43
1S3 04
Uy am' tot orders unpaid for tho
year 1878
lly am't of orders unpaid for tho
year 1S7U
By am't ot orders Issued for tho
year isso
(IS1 irt
2b 1 72
Indebtedness ot lowntlilp tlVJ 3D
To ain't ot overwork ot Klljali Al
berlson, handed ovir lo Juimni
N. I'ennlngtou,suiiervlsor. to Lo
applied ou tjls year's road tax till
June 7th, issu.
Wo tho underrlgned auditor or Nugailoaf town
ship duly examined und audited all tho toregolug ac
count and nnd It correct as abov o set out,
U. I. COLE, 1
Joshua li. DA Vis, I. Auditors.
AAKON ruin, )
lly order ot Auditors,
Juno 18, uso. cle;ic
Neatly and cliesply executed ti th
. - -
m- 1 a a m
MMimy on
Landlords tiiroudiouttlio county
call and cxaniino my stock before
Main Street, 2nd Door below Iron. ,
In the manufacture of Orgajis is resulting in the production and salo
of cheap goods, made from inferior materials. I refer particularly to
bogus urgans unit are continually springing tmo existence, without
any merit whatever, except to ha oil'ored cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to be dear at any price. Will yuii not then, reader,
If you Contemplate
consider it your only safeguard to
names ot hrst class, wnouy responsible makers. A good assortment ot
styles of the celebrated Estey Organs can now bo seen at the new rooms
of the Only Authorized Agent foi tho Eatey Organs in
Columbia County. A guarantee lor live years from the manu
facturers accompanies every Estey Organ.
ISU Mrtue of mi orilf r Issued out of Hit) Orphans'
Court or Columbia rounty,.letitor Arm Dliou,
utrlx of 11. F. Cole, late of llenton township, Colum
bia county, deceased, vlll expose to public bale on
tlio premises on
THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 18S0,
at 2 o'clock p. ra., tlio following dccrlbo4 real estrrto
to-wlt: A certain lot or I'IKOji ol-' LANK mtiutyin
Uenton township, Columbia Co., 1'a., adjoining liiids
of Low rr Colo on the east nnd ouih, Iiir 1'lMilQg
creek on the west and public road un tlio nortb.eou
talnlncONt: ACIlU moro or tnt, whorfonareereot-edatwo-htoryrramelJWKI.UNilHOUSKand
a frame fctable andout-bulldlngs.
Ter of Saik. Ten per rent, of one-fourth of tlio
purchase money to bo paid at tlio gtrlKtbifdownof
the property, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent at
uie counrmauon oi sair, ami me rrmuinnit; inrvu
fourtUsln one year there ifter with interest tri-m
conilrmatlon nisi. Deed at expense of purchaser,
Possession given April 1st, lsl
llEslKU Xnn nusoN,
June 18, lo-ts' Executtlx.
TO fiUion A YEAltt or 5 to $24 n
uay in jourowu icamy. isonsK
Women do a well aa men. Many
make mor'han the amount stat
ed above), no one can fall '0 make
rnnnfvfast. Anvcno ejn do tbo
work. Vou can make Irom cents to $J an hour by
fiuvniitm vnii r Hvi'ninirs nnd smre ilmo to tho busi
ness. Hcobts nothing to try iho bulDcss. Nothing
llko It for money muklci: ever offered before. Iiusl
nesspleasaotandntrlctlv honorablt1. Iteaupr.lf ou
want to know all about the bostinjlrigbusluphs be
fore the public, send us jour artdrtfcs and wo ll
sendioufull juillculars and private teims free;
samples worm it hisu 1110 ; juu run men " u u
your mind for joursilt Address GU01UJK STINfeU
A CO., Tori land, Malue. oct S.Te-ly
Rowcll (k Co'. Arlvc'n
lly tuldrebbli u HIM. I'. KOWlMJj ,V ( if. to
hpruce ist , New oiu, ran kiirn tin exctcostof
any proi-ovd Hr. ot AUVCUT1HI (Uu Amf.ican
lSGWp:HHrfl. ri"HI(l-Hi iiiii(ll't IO t In.
june i-i, u-4w r
A VEAH and expeiiH'i 'o apettB,
outni Ktoi. Address l'. o. vickkuY,
Augusta, Malue. r June 14 4w
O. 23. SAVAGE,
Silverware. 'Watchjs.Jewelty.Clocks.&e,
All kinds of Watches. Clocks aud Jowelrv neat'
ly repaired and wai ranted.
may it,
If you aro too fat or too lean nnd want to know
how to change your condition, iend for a copy of
Iho work. Fat aDd Lean. It contains complete Hy
gienic, Dietetic and Tbcrapeutlo Instructions lhat
win enable auy ono to reduce their tlesh If corpulent
or Increase It If etraclated. It Is written In a tlear
yet comprehensive stylo and Its directions can to
easily understood. 1 1 should bo read by ev ery f at or
lean person. enttor ten inreu cent stamps. ia.h
DELF & CO., 20 Ann it.. New Yolk.
April 1, cm, alutc.
nr v Airc 'Mtooo---,"i"i"'iyrst-cii
I lAlv Unsold nt ttholisale l aclcrj pile
lllrhesi Honors at Centennial Fxhtbtiloii. Mat
sbek's scale for Fquaio Orands. l'lm st l plights lu
America -12,eeo In use. Catalogue or 4s pages fnv.
JUI1ILEK oilOANS.ihobest In li e woild. An ssirp
organ only pu; 13 stops, fin ciiciilarfiis). Allsini
on 15 days trlal-frelgiitfreultuiisalMariorv. Fseio
ry 07th street ond loth Avenue, mikw -Ml'slo
at ; price. Catalogue of S.ikjo f I 1 1 4 v c.
choice pieces sent for So sunnpA J VT V 1 o
Address .MKDKUSOIIN I'lAM) CO., lion. su.s N. V.
aprll, 2,so-8ni wjreo
Plumber, Gas Fittor, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker
Shop in Opcru riousc, Gth door aprina.wy
1MB 1
mm m
.....I Mitu nf'tVllirl fAH
will find it to their udvanJlgc to'
purchasing elsewhere. t v
Buying an Organ
select an instrument bearing the
J. SELTZER, Agent, '
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Hi.oo.nsiiimo, pa.
Manufacturers of
UUlku, UaVbUlltt UlUAlUlf$
', '
Flrst-elass work a'woys on hand.
1'rtrvs rodnced to stilt tno times,
rll r TT A r Morplilno Habit cured In II) to 0
I 1 U l L day s. o pay tl i cured. Dr. J. sti
riittss, Lebanon, o. vvico aprlls. 'go-iy
Whcre'i, the world renowned reputation of tho
White hewing Aluchino
induces many unscrupulous competitors to resort to
Lll kinds of mean tricks to injure Its reputation, we
bes locautlou all Intending purchasers not to buya
White Machine
except from Its regular aulhoilzed denlers, who will
be sustained by tho following warranty.
White Slinillfi SBwine MacMne,
plvti: NUMiimt lo.inni) von family puupo-
t This warranty excepts tho breakage ot needles
bobbins and shuttles.
This warranty will not bo sustained unless the
plate numbei hIjoio trlven corresponds with tho
number on the shuttle race slide. Dew are of defaced
or altered numbers.
Tho "WHITE" Stutt e Sewing Maohico
Has miEATKR capacity than any ether family Sewing
J. SALTZEH, General Agent,
liloornsburg, 1'a,
Oct, 3, TS-ly.
A WEEK in vour own town, and no cap
ital risked. You can give the business a
trial without expense. The best opportu
nity ever ottered for thoso willing to
work. You should try nothing else until
VOU fnp nllrvAlr urliat l-nn oan rinnr
the baslnewi wo otter. No room to explain here.
Jou can devote all your tlmo or only your spsro
tluio to the business, nnd make great pay for every
hour that J ou work. Women make as much as men.
Send for i-pccial private teiinaandpartlcuars,whlch.
we mall free. t3 oultltfreo. Don't complain of hard
!!'P,"'.h".0. 5'011 """! a chance. Address II.
HALLETT & CO , Portland Maine.
Letters of administration on tho estate of Susan A.
(.rover, Moot ihe UiwnHiJptt MlfUlii, Columbia co.
SSS-'J',' !',avo l'Sl'n nUd by the lleglster of said
counly to the ui il. rTgred Ailmlnlstrator. All per
ilous ha tli s it dms uta'nst Uie estate are requested
to piv sent 'Hem for settlement and those Indebted
. . " i'.uh w nuiiuui ueiay .
llloom-biir(r, I'a.
Juno 4, 1M
ou lute I'iIi.ii.i r,i,,ii,.,.; Sir; . r...'.vffi"?1'
,i"iK",?.,1 ?'"" ' ;,l,a J011 """"'d ""I delay usln , IOI....I. ry t UcirlalnUt cure jou. when noth
WW. ,,'"', t,.rs'llJ dru g'st,or sent ty maU upon
u .vl PV tl prl 'e. f mi. ti.d lis t our sddresa far Aimcitea
H cut. s, nd our lux, "How a Lite B fao4.'I t'ru0C4tt''
urimvi AliEcf ail other Kidney l-ads.
UlootmljurLr. ia.