The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 25, 1880, Image 3

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HtooJtsBUim. rniDAT, Jim: 25, mo
ruiiuo SALES.
c,(cr Ann Mson, Kxecutrir of II. Cole,
..pi.cil. of Ilcnlon townnip, will oipose teal
mi. inale on llio liremlscii on Thursday,
,y 15lh, 1SS0. See ndmllsemcnt.
J. llucknlcw ofTcia n house unit lot ultn
,4on Fifl slrcf' '" '',e Town of lllootmlmre,
t ptit ate pnto until July 5tli, nnil If not ills
cKilcfl7 tlin t tlmo will tio fold nt public
,e hhout rt solvation.
Vo aro cjiup IleJ nlnioM daily to explain to
,r.otn who come In tlilsofilce to fettle up tlieir
I'tsctJption wliy it i that we cnnnot tako $1,110
,ea for nil the lime in nrrenr.'. It U 'imply
. .
Ihote nre nui uur icnus. minever
rccJ to do anything of tlio kind, and do not
r(.nDt". A short time biloru lint Oclolicr,
;ncVny & Ulwl'i ",0 'ate pulilUncrs, re
iicelllio nubscrlplion price lo $1.00 strictly in
01 courfC those who did not pay in nilrancc
srenot entitled l till rate, while those who
(J for the paper when Die price was two uol
i-s a jtar, were charged that price. Now the
ronrictorslilp lisacliangeil, hut the accounts re
nin nt the Columbian office, just although
o change had laken place. Thofo who owe
.1 . ... ah mrrt lliun mm tnnr will n.,
jriHe!"!'-1 ...... j ,..v ..,u
'otlar.4 for the paper, wlillo tliufo who have
.tt..A.Ii:n.rlnnnrlpttilirlll nt Sl.KD. 77,
irt of thin paper hat always been $2 00 n year.
tuli riniains at that, but a discount of llfiy
inl m allowed when paid in advance. I'ltieo
.aiotiilicr that all pipers for the present year
Int are not paid for by Oitober 1st, 1880, will
.e ?-.0t) l'.ipcfcntiJ nil oilier materials still rc
niiti at a high figmo and we bare to pay eat'i
or it. and the low rate li ofliitcd for the pur
est of gelling "ew Bulfcilbers and to break up
ilie I' s! credit system homo people think that
,f they pay for the paper once in lour or five
tears, that Is euflicienl, but it is a great iocon
venicneo to the publishers who need the money
every enr ; hence nn inducement is held out to
tveryiouy 10 pay wiinin mo year, ii 14 uone
(pecially forourown convenience, and there
fore niter the year has expired, persons not
ituiplying with our terms ought not to havo the
deck to nk us to give them the sanio bencliis
ihal others receive who Ante complied.
Let us illustrate what is of frequent occur
Mice. A man comes in who owes Hrockwar
AKIwellfnr three yoars' suWription. He Is
old that his bill Is six dollars to October lJ,
1S75, and SI-CO for the year ending Oiloll r
lit, 1SS0. He says thai ns the price floi'ln
nly $1 SO, bo will not pay any more thai tli I
for the whole time; and if wo do noteiinply
he will pay up and stop the paper. Ou reply
is that the price up to last October was t'odol
lars a year, and we cannot I like less, alii fend
ing the paper three years. No fair mined bu
mikm man won 11 a-k us to do any suc'tbing
lint the impression of many sceuis to I that
llic ihreat to stop the paper will lirit, us lu
time, and ihcy w ill get it at S1.G0. no nailer
when paid. This is n mistake. Wecanu-tris
well all'uid lo loso the subrcribcr m to Ise 11
dollarand a half on tbreo years' eubEcriui
The above arc cur terms and pi ices Id v. c
fliall adhere lo them striclly, and no lfe no
one will ask us to mnUo a special rule etaeli
we. We treat all alike, and have butie nilo
for everybody. jiine-lw
11. V, lllwell and family aro visilij nla-
livei in town.
town nniWl,l. viiy aa
pest and abated il n
ail. tli
ln'1e lw ngainut the
some desreci hut, after
1 the true wav ! in ,. 1.
bi .nM ( . ,S anJ Ri'l'H'omselve, cm
;'yooiebr.,lu,,wiln-r;i iz:z .on. M,,jr WaSer lher In the July
ih. , AT',' t"m f Persuasion In
the story of "Tom-., Ant! lire cracker League."
nslrnil, T.'!,"1"nl'"0f,,'a,moIlih
n similar end In view, l),l,l lii ,.,
sentences and many ple.urc, allures the young,
davii n" d .n. I'apcrl!allcons,bv
daylight and , hrlighi, will, equal Mfely lo i,ftf.
loons and seni or).
Oinoitxn No, a Hi..,...,, ,,t . ... I
ik .i,. a.d
w 'arge niul hcavv ,im,.i.
on cm. iI..,. , c,.,n lupon It . , or dry,
I'll or Aorl, thick or thin. A, II. Croop. Dil
rcrcek,say,,M.V0.3,l(;,c(,()Mof ,h;
v...- uu er saw. une le.m works nil day in
; , weniner mul iloea not nilnd It
'" l )oir old dfliighicr did all the rcap
nr ofter (be first half TrJ. ,himb'
In I1 111 t Iwl l.i 1.i. u . '
r u "i'py.
One fount of 23 line l'lca, wood type (4 A)
oil's only, about 120 characters In perfect
condlilon. H'e hayo two lonnli nearly alike
and netd but one.
A rare chanco for a country office lo get good
P" "l'eP. June 18. )w
The Whctcr A'o. 0 ha, taken the lead the lat
five pears the world over, as llio most perfect
combined Hcnper and Mower. l'or strengthen
rahlllly, ensool management and excellence of
work, either reaping nr mowing, 1 runnel It
bmtm. Win. I'ursel, llloomsburg says ho is
moro than pleacd wilh hi. No. 0. uno d-Sw
Kits. Coi.umman: ,
tlrnnd"hop" UlhoNallonal Hotel the evc-
ningof July "nil.
Mr. Wm. Wan. of Henri iH'm-e.k Inwniililn.
n I J
junc l-5w
I'ATBMKNT lit' AtVOUNT OK nr.fiminti..
THfollowing is the slateinentofihc account
of he llooimburg Hand Icstivnl, held Jue
island JOlhs
'""ie lu, 10 noantions S10 0(1
io, loiecciptsufucnlng 10 hi
" C!l 11
Wiuic 21, Decker A SlerkelV bill $10 50
t Jacob Aid's bill 0 15
' W. llnitnian'sbil 5 03
Vi i ii " ' """"'s bill 3 ill
1 Harlinan Hnw. " 1 .is
$03 78
O. A. Klel.n'.
1-W. JlcKeivy's bill 7 71
1 dwell A lllitenbender 175
Mrs. linker's bill 1 23
lolllns,lInlmi'8 & Schuyler CO
Crenm s 7 1
To Nell icccipls
SS3 58
15 20
Mrs. P. II, Hmilli, of l'lyuioulh, Wjonsin,
isvidting at her fallur's, Juelge Klwe.
Stores and oilier business places town
will be closed on Saluidav July 3rd.
Mr. Oeorge Tustin graduated at Brow Uni-
ver'ily, Providence, lthodo IIaniI, In week
Wednesday, and bis returned home
A valuable borfo belonging to Mr.r. W,
Oilbs, Ihe liveryman on Irun street, i;d on
'1'uctdny night.
The Wheeler Xo. G runs I'njhter than another
coaibiued ilower and llenper in the niket,
cultins five feet. june ,-tf
Hev, J. P, Tuntin has resigned bis chae as
pislor of the liaptist church, of this ace.
It is intended by llio Church to havo tbpul
pit immediately supplied.
Only 75 cents lor six months, or $1.50 near
in advance, (lot up clubs nnd rend injur
Itespectfiilly, 59s 73
llLooMsaunn ConstET Uanii.
lj I.. (!u:no!f, Stc'ij.
If your child has worms, glye it the Great
Mexican Itcmedy, Ilerhaline Hitters. They nre
easy ol administration, pleasant to lake, and
harmless as honey. They never disappoint.
Some lime ago, John Seyberl, a farmer living
near Iletwick,was arrested nnd convicted of
slealing a mule and polling the meat as beef.
He wa sent lo the Columbia county jail, from
which he subsequently escaped, nnd has not
since been heard from, The people of Ihe liltle
town aro now gi eally troubled at the mysterious
appearance of a strange looking woman, who
caeuo noonc knows whence. She perambulates
H16 strecla nt nighl, nnd upon meeting a man
genornlly raiis bis bat, peers inquiringly
into his face, nnd, with the exclamation,
"yon are not the person I want," replace? the
head-covering and lolls him to go bis way. She
is always thickly veiled, and all efibrlsat recog'
nilioii or capture have thus far proved frultlis;
and recently, when chased by a number of Ber
wick's citizens, she ran down llio steep hill upon
which the town is built and escaped by swim
ming the canal. The ladies of the place arc
greatly scared by the appearance of the Strang'
er, and It is said that they never appear upon
the street afte nightfall, unattended by mascu
line ocort. It is thought by many that Ibis
wan is John Seyberl, returned in disguise to
persecute his former prosecutors, Union
The Wheeler A'o. G is tho only to-whled
tciper baa folding id itform lo pats thrill
narrow lanes, barn and gites- June lSf
The Governor lias appointed James Ij. ba
ton, justice of the peace m Greenwood to fillie
vasncy causal by tho dentil of A. J..1-bertson.
The name of the Milton Independent has In
changed lo Ihe Arius. Tho firet number tie
the lire, was issued last week. It is chand
in size and form.
The Wheeler Xo. 0 uses "Wheeler's pate''
au.usuoie anil movable steel latu in e
g iards , which cannot bo used by other mai
facturers, juno 18-t
All Hie members of the Senior Class at t'
Normal School, passed the examination I
week, nnd were highly complimented by I
Male Superintendent There arc thirty-tin
in Ibo cuts,
Mr. J. S. McMurtrie lias finished tbecens
of Iletwlck and finds tho aclual number of n
idenU lo bo 2 094. In 1870 the censua v.
02J,and in 1850 it was 158.
Wo are requested to announce tho name of
('. II. Campbell, of Ilriarcreek, as a candidate
fir the ollice of County Superintendent of com'
mon etliooH. .Mr. Lnmpucu h 11 leacner 01
long experience, having been engaged in that
I rots-don for the past twenty-five years In this
county and Luzerne, june lS-2w
F.xtncnEa of commenuemrnt week.
Sunday, June 27, 7.30 P. M. Baccalaureate
Sprmnn bv Ihe Principal. M. E. church.
Monday, June 28. J-.xaminauon 01 urnier
.Monday, Juno us, 1: m. i.cciuru ue.uiu
I.iteinry Societies, I'cv. U. II. Yocum, Opera
Tuesday, Juno 29. Usaminalion of Under-
trriliiali. mntlnucd.
Tno-iuay, June u, s 1-. .u. eoucen, jiriei
r Pml. t. V. Nilos. Institute Hat I.
Weetnesilay, Juno au. I'.xaininauou 01 uu
dergradutales, concluded.
Wedneday, June 30, 3:00 P. M. Final An
nnnnrpiilpnt. CnninUS.
Wednesday, Juno 30, 3:30 P. M. Class Day
Wednesday ,June SO, 8P.M Calliepian Ke
union. School Parlors.
Thursday, July 1,9:30 A. M. Commence
mot Hvpi-plsrH. Tnnlilute Hall.
Thursday. July 1, 2 P. M. Aluinnt Keunion
on.) Dinner.
Thursday, July 1, 7:30 P. M. Senior ltecep'
(ion, School Parlors.
Ihe Wheder Xo. 0 is the only machine built
,,!n II'Wit's Pufent JlaUina HmI Hales,
which bandies grain in all s'agei in the mos
perfect nnd satisfactory manner, june 18-tf
Tho fitberinen are daily making vain n'
tempts to laicb the wary bass. Only occasion
nil v tin we bear of a few being cnuglil.
There will bo a ceneral meellnir of ihe stock The Com Van Tassel Tiuupe pHyed four ..f ii... itni,,.ci v ... n nii,iji,atu-pnk ln(). R Hall. The band ol II'
at the olticB tif b'.nnlc 1 llillmpvr. rp,.i.,' wick, by arrangement, reaped a poitlcn of lb
intbotownof liloonisbiirg, (to-morrow) Satur1"'. There weie large audiences every
day, June 20th, at.hreeoclock in the afiernooinigbt who seemed to enjoy llio play very
fiir ilia niirn.c. n.nlrt., r. ,1 .1 . t . - TJ mllfll.
laws fur the government of its atlalrs. Lat Saturday morning, at about two 0 clock
;t i. .uniiosed. two horses were stolen from Hi
The Illoom band held an open air festival omtable btlongiiu to the William's hotel. One
Market street above Main, 011 Friday and Sat- if the horses was oned by Mr. WillltnH and
urdaynlgbtsof last weke. The altendanco ll e he other by Mr. Cooper, 01 naziewn. jii
first night was not very lame, butoii lh snrnml .me .l.iv and the following men wer sent on
Ilie street was crowded and llio proceeds satis- Ii various directions in search of the hi resam!
factory. The Catawissa Hand came over aud V iriye the aljrm. I bey lound no irace
made some good music at the festival, and af
terwards serenaded a number of our citizens.
Otborne Xo, 8 Light Jleaper tceij.a 750 lis,
runs very light, lias perfect lilting apparatus,
KIrby'j celebrated rolling bead rakes (acknowl.
edged to be the best self-rake over invented)
perfectly controllable, and has no eprimji to get
out of order-couseijuenlly is the most durublu
and light reaper in Ilie market. june 4-5w
We did not intend to do the Secretary of tho
town council any Injustice latt week, but simply
nu.uu 1110 uiaiier as we unierslood It, vie
were Informed by two lesponaible persons tbut
no said there were no minutes oflhe council
inentlng, 1IU explanation Ii that be meant
there 110 minutes of Bufficiont Importance to
puoiuii, though all that was done was duly re
At a meeting of Democrats held in the par
lorof Ihe Kxobange Holel on Monday night
for the purpose of v.el(oming home our dele
gate to ihe National Convention, David Low
cnbtrg, Col, Free re was elected Chairman and
l.L. Win and Kobert Uuckinghaui, secrtta
rles. W. C. JlcKinney. 0. 1). Itrockway. C.
G.liarkley, -Thomas Goicy and P, Iilllmeycr
vioa'niiuitui cwooiiKee 01 BrraPgemeuu.
lost a trood h'.r.f r. ,'pn IK.
l.ear lu mind the "Fourlh" will come oil on
third" this year
Sir. Slayberry Snyder put up a now cari'incc
iouso n short time n;
Mim Slnry.H. Ilnr.d, the milliner, moved
from Zsumulia lo ihls vlllige a few days since.
lotilohiigs are very numerous hotcabouts,
soiuo places entirely destroying the plant,
SI.-. Uoland'H Htrbein's health lias not been
good during the last few weiks.
Tho fui.eral of Wm. II. Price, who was kill
nt a Cinlrulia colliery, parsed through this
ace on the afternoon of tbu 17lh inst.
Sirs. I.ucetla Snyder, widow of the late ex ttensurer, John Snyder, had her bouse
icatly p.uiiled last week.
Mr. Dcnnh I-'abiinger, formerly of thisplaee,
as returned from Kcranton, where he has been
engaged In the carriage manufacturing bus!
I!cv. J. P. Hen font, of Centralis, delivered
an eloquent lecture on Saturday evening in the
trimly church, beyond Num dia, bis subject
ing, "I.ibby Prison What 1 Sawnnd Heard
Tnere will be services every fourth Sunday
the SI, K. church, in Ibis place by Itev. John
uldin ; the next announcement being for
lily lib.
Sir. Luther X. Snyder, at present a student
f the liloonisbiirg Normal School, and whose
permanent residence is Slilllln township, visit
.1 bis friends and relatives in this vicinity Sat'
rday and Sunday last
That nged and respected citizen, Sir. George
I-cnftermacher,'wbo h approaching bis seventy
fifth yenr is fast failing, nnd his recovery is sup
losed to be rather doubtful.
The Lutheran and Kcformed Sunday School revived. It now numbers
from uglily to one hundred scholars.
Coimideiabld damage was done by the wind
and storm In this part of Ilie county oil the 12th
and 13th int?., by way of overturning small
buildings and uprooting and breaking down
many fruit and other trees.
Sir. C, S. Ilower has been commissioned nnd
as in town on Saturday as the census taker
for this township, instead of Daniel F. Knit'
e, the regular appointee. Probably Clint gets
little vexed in obtaining the ages of some of
the'.bachelorsand old maids,
Our cnterpaising townsman, Sir, William
Yost, the shoemaker, lias bad a handsome por
tico built in front of bis home, aud also had bis
welling finely painted. Vi'a suppose the next
thing will be to take unto bimstlf a parlrer to
aid in paddling life's canoe
Sfr. C. II. Barnard, of Ashland, occupied
the pulpit of tho SI. E. church in this placo on
0 afternoon of the 13th inst., in tho absence
of Rev. J Guldin, the regular pastor in charge,
who was away enjoying his bridal J.our. Success
and happiness are our congratulations.
The members of the various Slcthodist Kpis
copal churches of ibis section have finally con
luded to have a consolidated pic-nic ami fes
tival in some grove near this village on the
day nnd evening of Saturday, July 3rd. tjji'.e
a good timo is anticipated. One bind of 11111
ie, positively, and very likely two, will be
present for the occasion, ''Come one and nil,
both great and small," and enjoy yourselves,
and by so doing, you will aid in a good and 11
hie work.
hero about eight years sgn, hut not very many
of them.
A. gentleman of Cumberland ronr.ty fays,
nothing has been seen of it about his locality
about two miles norlhwesl of Camp Hill. He
would try tho plan propoMl by Ilie Jlund .Vein
lorcrand several oilier iigricultulal parers.
that of ditching.
A farmer of York county says: "Il hasn't
reached us yet. Wo'll try ditching. It doesn't
trouble Ihe potatoes; it leaves I lie 111 lo the
bugs. Perhaps they are blessings In disgiilto,
but wo don't see it ast yet."
Several other gentlemen were interyiewed on
llio subject. Homo said they didn't know any
thing about It. It hasn't reached them yet. mid they would tiy ditching ll Jit came,
but they did not think it would como Ibis year.
It must come within two weeks to do any barm
to the wheat around here, as It will have chang
ed color within that time.
The grasshoppers nnd n worm that strips Ihe
leaves oh" Ihe goosebeiry nnd currant bushes
nro the pests that nro troubling Ibis locality.
The potato hugs can bo doctored very success
fully by 'applying Paris Green when Ihe first
young bugs appear, for llioso nrejthe ones that
do the destroying. Tho Insects generally dis
appear ol themselves.
The Waynesboro Closdte lays that lba"wheat
worm ' is rnvngiutr the fields of wheat in that
noighborhoo 1. The worm resembles the black
ea'crpillar and varies from a half inch to 1111
Inch-nnd-hair In length. At the time we visit
ed n field, n little after sunset, countless num
bers could be seen on ihe wheat stalks, on the
fenic", and on the railroad siding dozens could
ho seen on a square of four or fivo feet. The
worm nttacks llio bead as well ns the bla le,nd
the altack must piove very damaging lo the
crop, They aro said tn bo more particularly
confined to low grounds which nre inclined to
dampness. Some who profess to bopostediny
that these nro llio veritable "army worms,"
which are bo destructive, but this is n mistake.
The general impto'slon among farmers seems
to be that the destroying insect will not reach
this locality this year. Hut that it is rapidly
approaching there is little room tn doubt. When
last heard Irom the army was at Womeledorf.
Berks county, where it was reported in strong
forco and is striking consternation into the
farmers' hearts. Thirteen farms havo already
been attacked, and the farmers are holding
meetings to do vise the best means of defense.
One field contning twenty acres of rye was dc
stroyed in a single night, after which the in
sects attacked a corn field. Il'l'j Patriot.
(lllbert II031 and Klljah Albcitsan, supervisors, tn
nccounr wmi sugarlonf township for tho year
ending A pi 11 lllh tsso,
Toarn'tof duplicate ot road tax
innanasoreiuiiert Iirss
To ain't nt dupllcnto ot cash Uix
granwu uy 1110 court, 0 mills, In
hands of Hubert Ileus
lly work done on the road
iijt iiniu m Hiipi-rwsor
Ily nttcndlngs'.ttleinent
Tiy ain't of orders unpaid for tho
lly ain't nt orders unpaid tor the
yoar ism
llynnitof orders Hsucd for the
j ear mu
It should be the aim of every owner of
Horsc3,Cows,&c.,to make them as handsome
and useful as possible. The German Horse
nnd Cow Powder helps to develop nil the
powers of tho animal. It improves its beau
ty and increases its usefulness. It makes
milk, niucle and fat. I!y using it .1 horse
will do more work and a cow give more milk
and be in better condition with less feed.
Sold only by weight nt 15 cents a pound by
O. A. Kleim, Bloomsbtirg.
Dee 12, 79-ly
Physicians freely prescribe the new Food
SIcdicine, "Slalt Bitters," because more nour
ishing, strengthening and purifying than nil
ther forms of malt or medicine, while free
ofrom Ilie objections urged against malt liquors
tun 10
I3S3 40
mi 49
s .
tilt 811
I'onmti.f duplicate ot road lax
In hands er kiiiaii aiiiphjuhi
lly woik done on llio lonl
Py exonerations
tiy credit irom the present super-
JK3 3'2
13.11 P7
IMJ 81
tli CI
333 43
185 04
(111 09
liS I HI
Indebtednrfii DC turn ml
To ain't otoierwo! kid I.IIJ1I1 Al-
",-iinuu, U'liiut-u 01 er ij .imue
N. 1'eiihlogt on.suiiervlsor, to bo
applied ou Uls year's road tax $U1 40
Junotth, Isxi.
W'Otho UndprtlTnpil nlt.lltnri nf Hturnt'ln'lf tnwn.
stilp duly oxuinlnca and audited all Ihe foregoing ac
count and II ad It conect as auovo set out,
11. 11. Ctil.n, " 1
.ItMIIWA ll. DAVIVr Auditors.
lly order of Auditors,
. Attest: ANDUEW LAL'llArU,
Juno is, isso. . tlerk.
Tli well known O. II, WHITE, Proprietor of tho
has soi l a half Interest In tho same to .7. W. Conner.
Thu company have repaired tho w. rkR, and aropre-
fiart-11 10 im-niinnnii t,.- ,111 wno warn il'Mining in 1110
Ilie Cif ArlcultnrHi Imiileir.eiits. 'iliey lme Just
completed ft new If It hand hue J-low.w hlchlf pus
Bible, will heat the runt hand. Also surface plows
or Jufntcrn tor tho same. A new Thresherand Clean
er vltti centre shake of riddle shoe, called the
WI1M0 Tlirpsilicr tuiil Clcmier,
wllh both lever nnd railway powers on n creollv
miiroi I'll plan. io nianui.iciure LAnii itut.i. liters
villi rust iron heads. Corn Plows, doublu and nlnele
Cultivators side hill 1'lowa. .Mlllcnullnirs. Turnfiur
ot every desrlpttnn done wttn promptness. Ni-
M-en (--onsuiniij on ilium a iirifo HHwrimenLoi now
Shares for our own and ninny other plows that arn
used Initio country. W11 will not lie linden-old In
wiukorinaleilole.t tho snmo quality, lllourwnrk
1s warranted toglio satlficilou. or tho money re-
Iiinaed. WIIDEl'Y UU.Mris rriliN. Farmers, and
tho nubile In central nro rcoiifsted to rail and ex.
amino beforo purchasing elsewhere.
Jan. 10, "S0-1y OIIANOKVIUJ!, l'A.
A WKHK inyourown town, and nocap
Ital risked. You can give tho business n
trial without expense. Tho best oplHirtu
nlty ever otrcred for thoso willing to
woik. You should try nothing else until
vnu sen for nnrRi Ir wliQl. nu ran rloAt
I ho buslnons wo orfer. No room to explain here.
You can devote nil your tlmo or only our sparo
time totliobuslness, and moke great pay for cicry
hoiirthatou work. Women make as much as men.
Hend for special private te rms and parttculars,w hleh
womaltfreo. Mtiutnttreo. Dont complain of hard
times while you have suoh a chance. Addresa II.
iiALLKiT k co , l'oriiano .Maine.
oct 3, 19-ly
Lettem nf Admtr.Ktrntlnn fin llinputnln n. ll.inlr,!
W. KnblilliR. 1AIP nf Hip tnirn nf lllrnahiiriv fVOinn.
bla CO., deed, hae tiecn granted by tho Iteglswr ef
said county 10 the undersigned administrator, All
persons having claims auninst the estate nro re
iiui'ii.-u 10 iirescni. mem lor Boilieinent nnd I20se
iniieuiej 10 maue payment without delay to
J.-no 11 '?imsw P. o. Uloomsburg, Columbia co. l'u.
nr l "TrvC tIMtoimi.-Allstrlrllyfimr.claM.
1 I IVr Viosold at Wholesalo Kanorv nrlc-ca.
Ill host Honors at t'cntcnnliit Exhibition. Matlm-
slick's scale for Fquarc Orands. l'lnist Uprights In
.Mni'uuit ix.uihmh use. i.aiaioguo ui is jiagea iree.
.1 1'lii (iietiA.-s.dio wst in llio world. An 8 Eton
organ only J03; 13 stops, cut circular free. AIT sent
on 15 nays trlal-frelsrut free If unsatisfactory. Facto
ry Mlh street and 10th Avenue. SIIDKT MUSIC
at h iinco. uaeaiogucoiB.ouo pieces w-nt lor 81
rtuiin-ss .11 &ur.LSuil
npni, v.-so-sm wtco
TjitlrrM of ndinlnlstrftllon nn thn pstntn nf llnnnili
j.ainon, late or Ilriarcreek township, Columbia co.,
Peim'a., deceased, havo been granted by tho ltegls.
ter of said county tn c. 11, Jackson, adm'r., tier
wlck. l'.i : All persons havlcir claims airalnstlho ea-
taloot llio decedent ore requested to present them
for settlement nnd those Indebted to tho estate to
make payment to tho undersigned Administrator
e;. ji. .iaukmj.n.
Juno IS, 'SO-ow Derwlck, l'a.
Tetters testamentary on tho catftto of BcntMntn
Winters teen. Into or Vine townshln Colum
bia county, Penn'fi., deceased. havoueenpraLted
uytho liefflsterof said county toL. A. oerman
ana rmneas wmtmire, Executors, ah per
sons havlncr claims atralnst the cstato ol said duc&
dent aro renufifctM to nrcnt them for settlement.
and those Indebted tot bo catato to mako payment
ii. a. ukiliiai 1'err s i'. u
1'IIlNEAS W1UTMIKE, Hne Summit,
may 20, lsso-iv Executors.
lrPv.Hn! 11 noiut nbout four milea from
'Phil noint nai In the wocm rorin-c:
nn.l, 1 lie track wjh lo-!. uu cu
turn - - -
nft.mon.Str. Keek, of that vicinity s
.m RBlIopIrg riilerU'HS in llio ioa.1 lowai
mniintiln. W 111 a coiupnnion, no lonu...
1 1.. .1.,,, .ml returned them to N 111
a uiugui .v
., .Irqm InillrnlPll 111
AllCiriuril iinuii -
,v liail broken loos Irom wucre uiey
intioJ. ThU was verificJ the neitilay
tBnilluuoftlieremainilerof the torn straps
Jliewoolsiiboye reierreu 10. ,n
t.-e, the stolen briJIes were also found. The
tivos nro unJIscoyoroil. Suspicion points lo
a,!J oH'enJer as perhaps one of the fatty.
ersrlck l'a., June S3. '&0.
r. John Schleyor, the proprietor of the
Cllon, Wi'.i VolUote, a proeres.lvo flenuaii
wily, giollfietl us with Ihe Mowing:
ilh pleasure I aelj my testimonial lo Ihe
my alreaJy slven in fayorof St. Jacob's Oil,
wjh I hail occasion to test personally. I mf
el extreme pains in the Lack of uiy neck,
B)li were almost unlesrable. Having heard
0f . Jacob's Oil I dispatched one of my men
t0 a nearest drug ttore, procured a UjU'e and
. unceJ to apply it at once The pain rub
d on Ihe neit momtng I wi all light
Tho news that tho army worm had leached
Lancaster, Lebanon nnd York counties has
caused considerable alarm anions tho farmers
of Dauphin and Cumberland counties. The
lestroying insect seems to be marching direct
ly wc-tnaid, and If it continues its course will
undoubtedly before long strike this locality.
A l'atriot reporter interviewed some of the
wide-awake farmers living in this and Cum
berlnml counties and gleaned from them a few
thoughts 011 the subject of the army worm. The
first gentleman interviewed was Sheriff Keel,
When aked what he would do in case ihe ar
my worm visited his property he saldi "Let
them come: the only thing that will stop them
is ditching. I would dig deep ditches around
my fields and run water into them and drown
the worms" Another farmer said; "I dou'
believe there is anything in it. I think it is a
hoax. Thete is a worm around that attacks
the goo.-eberry and currant bushes and eats all
the leaves oil'. You see the berries hanging
full on the bare stock." Sir. John Kby, living
at LocustGrove,eays : 'The nrmy worm is
neur enough for me. About the only thing to
do is ditching, and that will give employment
to many laborers."
Mr. Gabriel Hiesler says: "I don't think II
will reith us this year, und I hope it won't
come, lint if It comes I will "doctor" It to the
best of my ability. It is no hoar, for I havo
talked with men in Lancaster county who have
seen it and are Iroubled wilh it. 1 would plow
a deep furrow, say about ten inches deep, on
the side that they aro coming from, so that Ihe
perpendicular side is next to ihe liirui. They
cannot climb a straight wall tin inches high.
Then I would scatter straw iu Ihe fuirow, anil
when tliey come burn them up. I believe that
another good way lo destroy them would bo to
placo a row of sawdust lu advance of ihem, and
pour coal oil on it nnd set it on tire when ihey
reached it. They do not attack tho grain whin
Il Is ri c, as it is too tuugh, Tliry utlatk the
gre-u wheat and chew it oil' near the roots
Then they tan eat Ihe grain "
One ginlleniaii liv'ii.g near HummeUluwii.
says he doesn't know an) thing about ihonnuy
worm, but ho knons that the grasshoppers nre
near him. They have destroyed a large field
of wheat and havo began on cue of rye. (Join,
from one Held to another they are so thick that
a elep cannot bs taken without killing a hulf
do i, n or more.
Sir. l'Uhtr, rctidirg near Shlietnaiislown,
says: "We ate Iroubled with a whiut worm
but I do not Ihluk ll Is an muiy worm,"
Sir, Abner llaael, whose funis are just this
aide of Hummel-town, says; 'I would not
know what to do wilh Ihem, 1 think it best
to let them run their coure. It i-n't infe
l'arlj green Ihem The only thlncs lhal both'
eruaate the grasshoppers, and tl.ey iifj es
pecially bad when there la a drcrght, There
was a worm here about eishl years ago that
ale up the wheat. It nle entirely through the
held of tho stock, then went to another, thus
miVing the wheat owlets except for straw
Sir. Nliley Buys the army worm was arcutd
It has come to be a well known fact that
there are certain portions of this county
from which delegates come to the Democrat
ic county convention annually for the pur
pose of making money. Tho rules require
that nil delegates shall bo instructed for
whom they are to vote in convention, aud
that after the second ballot, the candidate
receiving the lowest number of votes, shall
he dropped from the list, and bo on after
each second ballot. After any candidate is
dropped the delegates instructed for him are
free to vole for whom they choose. This en
nbles certain districts to send their delegates
here instructed for men whom they are quite
sure will stand lowest in the convention
and after tho second ballot they are free to
voto for tho one who is ready to pay them
tho most money to cover what they ell nee
eisaru expenses. These expenses are anywhere
from ten to ono hundred dollars apiece, and
these demands have, iu too many instances
been paid. In at leastone case, not very long
ago, tho general belief that two delegates
had been bought in this way, resulted in tho
defeat of the democratic candidate for tin
important office.
The fair namo of tho Democracy of this
county requires that these corrupt practices
shall cens.-. Tho law specifically prohibits)
them and attaches a heavy penalty to any
violation. A resolution of the convention of
187S aims at this very matter in the follow
ing word1:
Jlesolccd, 'J hat the Standnui Committee be
authorized to examine any charges which vxay
he made lo them, of violation of law or Dan
oct alio rules hti ami candidate in connection
tt'ittt the actcfate election or convention, ana iy
such charges shall be sustained, to take all nee
esiary steps to vindicate the law and the rules
of the party.
Chapter IV, Utile III is as follows :
In case oj the death, declination or REMOV
AL of any candidate put in nomination ly the
convention, before the election, a new nomina
tionof a candidate shall be made by the Stand
ini Committee, callid toiiether for that purpose
by public notice, from among citUens eligible
under thete rules.
It will be seen that the regulations of the
party are ample to remove any candidate
who has obtained his nomination corruptly,
and to put in his place a new man. This
portion of our machinery has never been put
in operation, and bence it has been lost sight
of. Hereafter let it be knoin that the law
and the rules will bo rigidly enforced against
anv man who shall obtain his nomination
by the ue ot illegal means, and then we
shall have fair nominations and triumphant
Lettersor administration on llin rstntfl or ITenrv
Lehr. lato ol Dealer townshln. Columbia co.. l'a..
deceased have been granted by tho Register of said
county to O. W. Miller, Adm'r, do bonis non cum tcs
tnmento annexo. All persons having claims against
vuo u&uiiu oi iiioueeeui'utortj requesieu eo present
Lui-ui ,ur M-ii.ii.'uieiii.u!iu mouu luunoieil lo uiu i'hl-
aio io make payment to mo undersigned Acimin
C. V. MttXEn,
Slayst-sw Administrator.
Uloomsburg, ra.
Jfotlco Is hereby- given bvtho undersltrnod auditor
appointed by the orphans' court for tho Countvot
Columbia, to distribute the balanco In tho hands or
the administrator ot said decedent, that he win sit
in tho discharge ot Iho duties of Ids appointment at
hlsortleo in Uloomsburg upon t-aturday.tho 26th day
or June, lsso, atten o'clockm tho forenoon, w hero
and at which tlmo all names Interested In the said
fund are required to be and appear or be forever de
barred from tiny claim upon said fund.
may 2", teso-iw
Letters ot Administration on the estate ot Israel
HOirt'rt. late or (Jrcenwoon townsnin. commDia co,
I'enn'a.. duces sea. liave been cranted bv the Ited
ter of said the undersigned Administratrix.
All persons lmlntf claims against the estate of the
ueceueni nro requwsit'fi io nrbem. mi-ni iors.eiuQ
mcnt. and those indebted to the estate to make rar
ment to tho undersigned Administrator wthout
StmN 110OEIET,
C. V, Mili.ek, Att'y, Administratrix,
UUO 11, 'SO-CW
In tho matter of tho sale ot real estate of William
sehuier by w. jl.Mnlth, Assignee for tho bene-
moi creauors.
Tho Auditor appointed by tho Court of Common
Pleas ot Columbia county lo distribute proceed of
wiiit;, ih-'icli,) ii uiilu iiiai iiv win mefi iiiu par
ties tntercsttd at hU ofilco In liloomsburir or
Friday tho y'.h day of July, lstrn nt lo o'clock lu
the Iureno'on of aatd day. All icrbons having any
claim upon said Mud to then acd there present thu
isauiu ur uu iurtM er ucuai reu num uiiy Mini l inereoi.
L, i:. WALLKlt,
luneli, vo-iw Auditor,
iui.ii .i;iiur, nuijibi tuiu
UO Of 8,001) f I f 1 TO
:r8cstnmp.UKljr AJN Q
UN 11 AMI C(5( UOX JW58, H, Y.
If vou aro too fat or too lean and want to know
how toclianffoyour condition, send torn copy of
the work. Fat and Lean. It contains com Die to II v-
(Tlcnle, Dietetic and Therapeutic instructions that
will enable any one to reduce their tlesh if corpulent
ur ilixi t iiju it i l it'ii, ii ii wriiu'u in u uiuur
yetcomnreheDBtto style and Its directions can bo
easily understood. It should be read by every fat or
icuii jifrnuii. m.'iu lur u-u innti ix.'itb Hiuiuys, An
uuli a: iu.,i Annsc, incw iork.
April 1, cm,
letters of administration on the estato ofSuwin A.
ei rover, lato ot tho townshln ot MllUln. Columbia co,
deceased, have been granted by tho ItcirHter of said
county io me uDaersiifnca Aumimstrator, ah per
sons having claims against tho estate aro requested
to pieseni inem lor seinement anaenoso macoiea
io luaKO pa uieui. n iiuuui. uein .
Juno 4, '80-ow Uloomsburg, Pa.
For Ihe year rmtliiK June I, I8S0.
M. C. WOODWAltD, Collector.
Dr. Cr.
To nm't of dupllcato ls79-'60 S134 ni
10 uaiance ou uupnt-uui i&- tv ya vtt
iu- ntnl. nf Ions on dunll-
caco ista-su wti
ll- exonerations on du-
nlleato lsrs-'TO 18 53
lly ain't returnod to comtalssloners 85 00
lly amt paid Treasurer ou dupli
cate lSIS-'U 810 S3
By ain't nald Treasurer on dupli
cate 1S7D-M) CS49 41
lly i per cent com. on 8393 c lot n
uy uaianco uuo eusinei. ou uupu-
eaio is, 'J- ou
KLIJONES, Treasurer.
To flm't received Irom M.C. Wood
ward, collector
To ain't received from J. It. Oraul,
roruicr treasurer
To am't received from bODdsreen of
W. II. Koons,
To ain't received from Silas Conner
To nm't received irom J. it. Lvang,
old Academy lot 612 SO
lly aint ot orders cashed less or
ders for commissioners
2 percent commission on saino
lly balanco in hands of treasurer
Total, $"1100 00
To am't tax levied for building
purposes 1C20 87
To am't received ot J. It. Evans on
old Academy St2 80
To am't from former collector wi co
To am't from blias Conner 4 20
To ain't irom former treasurer 17 81
lly am'tlpald for bond redeemed
liv Interest paid on bonds
lly treasurer's commission
lly collector's commission
By ain't exonerations
lly ain't returned lo commissioners
Hy am't duo district by collector
l)y am't duo aistrlct by treasurer
7430 54
C-1 43
f 3KS0 CO
In the maiiufiicturo of Organs is resulting in the production and Bale
of cheap goods, made from intenor materials. 1 refer particularly to
bogus Organs that are continually springing uuo existence, witnout
any merit whatever, except to be oll'ered cheap, and then when purchas
ed found to be dear at any price. Will you not then, reader,
If you Contemplate Buying an Organ
consider it your only safeguard to select an instrument bearing the
names of iirst eliiss, wnony responsioie maners. iv gooa assortment ot
styles of the celebrated Estcy Organs can now be seen at the new rooms
of the Only Authorizad Agent fox the Estoy Organs in
Columbia County, a guarantee ior live years irom tne manu
facturers accompanies every Estey Organ.
J. SAX.TZE.R, Agent,
"me!,''80-,f Bloamsburgy Pa.
Dtmchy & Go's. Advt's.
ETJ rrDlTAfn TST IlronitiBTiw Vnrli,
, X). in.rjil,publMiPr of llrst-class sub
scription books, Wants one or more AKOUta Inev
c ry countv. i-teady work aod best terms.
Juno 4, !so-4w d
boxed and shipped only sn. New Pianos H95 to
l,coo.:ir-.Mtdsurumcr offer IU'sW frec.Address DAN
1KL F. I1EATTY, Washlncton, N. J. d may!l-oiv
Tho uiKltrKlsned Auditor ncnolntcd lir the Or
plians' Court of Columbia county to make rtlstrt
nation of tlio fund- In tlio lianils of tno executory of
D.a. ItowDian, (U'ceawctJ, to ami ainonjr tho parlies
Lntltled to tho samo wilt meet tho parties lnteresi
id at his olllco In IMoornsburg' on Wednesday, tiio
7th div of July next nt ten oclockln the foie
noon of Raid day when and where all persons having
claims upon saM fund ar required to premnt them
or bo forever debaned Irom any bharo ,of said fund.
L. E. WAtLEIt,
3Iay 21, 'S0-4w Auditor.
Will send their cekbrated Klectro-Voltaic
Itclts to the alllif led upon 00 day a trial. Srealy
cure guaranteed. They mean what they fay.
Write to them without ueiuy. Jov.ii-iy,
im Mrtue of an ordrr Issued out of tho Orphans
Court of Columbia county.Ilestor Ann Edson. Fxec
utrlx ot 11. 1 cole, lato or Kenton townshln. Colum
bia county, deceased, will exposw to public ealuou
thu premises on
THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 18S0,
at 2 o'clock n. m., the followlnrr described real estate
lo-wii : a vena-! iui- uri-iiiiuii ui' lanu siiuaiom
lienton township. Columbia co.. Pa., adlolnine lands
of Lowry Colo on the east and south, itig 1 ishlnR-
urt-t'ii uu tuu coi uiiu jiuuiiu ruau an mo nuriii,eoii
talnlnc OXJ3 ACHE moie or lessi whereon arti erect
ed a two-story framo DWELLING IIOUbE and STOKE
iramosiauie ana oui-uuuaings.
Terms of Silk. Ten per cent, of oce-rourth of the
purchase uiouey to bu paid at tho etrlklDc down of
the property, tho one-fourth less the ten per cent at
the confirmation ot Kile, and the remaining three
fourths in ono year thereafter with interest from
continuation nlst. Deed at cpeuso of purchaser.
Possession glen Apill Istvsii.
June ts, l'iso-ts" Exeeutrli.
Business oticos.
lloots and rihoes cheap nt JfcKlnney'o.
The public are hereby informed that
splendid suits nre now made from the latest
styles ot Spriti? Gondi on Ibo following
terms: JmUsI styles, J.otcest I rices, nest Jia
tirial, llesl Workmanship, and IJcst Fits at
tlio t'opuiar tioro ot
iiaviu iowciiDerg.
lion. Oeomo X. Cordon, Norristowu, sasr-:
Tho I'btcnix l'tctoinl is indispensable in my
family. It acts like n charm In ctirini;
cnuchs and cuius with (lie ('lillurtii.nnU 1
always t-se it when addres-inp a jury, I'rice
'm cents, u. . Kicim.iiiooinsuurg. nprlti-iy
Admission free at McKinnoy'a.
Another cao of Tine Iteady Mado Cloth-
logjust received at u tjowenberg i,
Call at JIcKinney's for Shoes,
For Nnbby Hats,
l'nr Latest Styles,
Tor Lowest Prices,
Go to David I.owenberg's
Call and see thn Itest and Oheapoit Sum
racr Milt ior u.uu at i. J.owenuerg s.
llubbers at JIcKinney's.
The Clulliiiiir Sloro nf David Lowenbcrir
is well stocked with nil tho latest styles of
Clothing for Men, iouih and Children
Call and examine.
Hoot headquarters at McKlnney's.
Harriet A.Nenkirt, of Salcm,eays: 1 was
cured of tetter in my baud by three applica
tions of Camphor Milt. My husband was
cured of old running sores by using It, It
cured my son of a spraimU ankle, I'rice 25
centa. eoiu uy u, a, jucim, uioomsuurir.
rtinc,'80.1y "
To am't tax levied for school pur
poses To am't tax received from former
To am't tax received frora former
To am't tax leeched ot bondsmen
ot W. It. Koons
lly am't paid lTteachers
lly ain't paid a Jinltors
lly am't paid advertising state
ments and printing bonus
lly ain't paid repairs and cleaning
Hy am't paid tablo
lly ain't paid auditors' fees
lly am't paid cleaning 8 organs
lly am't paid 7 galluns Ink
Uy am't paid crayon, trees and
lly am't paid Montour school (list.
uy am i jmiu r-Lcreiui y sai.irjf
lly am't paid coal anil wood
lly am't paid treasurer's eoinm'n.
lly am't paid collector
liyam't exonerations
lly am't returned to commissioners
Ily am't duo district by collector
lly ain't aue district by treasurer
tint ii
SZj S3
SS 75
I Is richer In liono nnd ilusclo l'roduclog Materi
als than all other rorm3 of malt or roertleine, wlillo
free from the objections urzed against malt liquors.
Kor dinicult digestion, Mck Ileadaclie, uonsunip
tlon, Kmaelallon, Mental nnd Pheleal Kshausllou,
Nervousness, Want of Meep, Ulccratlvo Weaknesses
of Females, Exhaustion of Nursing Mothers, of thu
aged, and of itellcato children, MALT IlITTKnHnre
the purest, best and most economical lnedlclno over
compounded. Sold ticrjwheie. MALT HITTEIIS
(o.,lioston,Mass. d June 4, "so-iw
lil.OOxlISItUIlG, PA.
Manufacturers ot
Caniig03, Btisgies, Phaotens, Sleighs,
Flrst-cliss vrork always on band.
rrlr-ca reduced to isult the times.
T)rTTT r Morphine Uablt cured In 10 to so
UL1 J u L daj-s. No pay tl.'i cured. Dr. J. Stk-
'Uess, Lc-banoo, o.
aprll 1, 'so-iy
111 SO
s mi
89 32
i HI
lt.U (,U
Hi ill
117 12
134 40
7lK) 00
18 07
Total, JCD2J fO f C5.D 80
Silvcnvaro. Watche's.Joweliy.Olocks.c,
TOftwooAYF.AH, or $5 to 20a
dav In volirown lacalltv. No rlEk
Women do as well as men. Many
make moro than tho amountstat
cd above, no one can fall lo make
monevfast. Anv one can do the
work. You can mako Irom so cents to M an hour by
devoting your evenings nnd spare time to the busi
ness, il i-usis uuimuir iu try ilie uuuiess. noiuiug
like it fur money making eer offered le tore, llusl
ncss pleasant and strictly honorable. ItPader, If ou
want to know all about the liest palng business bu
foiu tho public, send us your address and we" will
send ou full psitleulars and private terms tree
samples wortuta also fice; )ou can then nake up
your mind for jouisx-K Address GEOlttlE HTINsON
Si CO., Portland, Maine. oct. 3, ta-ly
schacton, ra., May sotu, io.
Da. A. E Dcbki
I toolr your Neuralgia and sick Headache rills for
Chronic lleadacho wttli Dyspepsia, and they acted
like a charm. I w ould not bo w Ithout them for any
amount of money.
Mas WlLIItW Urock,
t-cianton, Pa.
TAKB mi, A. i:. IIURU'S
Keiualgin ASIcK llcailat lio I'llls.
Tliey will euro you, There Is nothlDg In this world
lko them. Easy to take, tliey UlssoUo In the mouth.
Tho Physicians generally recommend them.
For Salo bjr 0. A. Heira, Elcemsbnrg druggist.
june is, 'so-u
No. 40 bond Issued to S. V, isoonc,
due October l.lhsl
Int Jan. 1 'so to June 1, 'SO
No. 41. Pond Issued to I. E. hchoon
over, due Octob t 1, 'si
Int. Jan. 1, 1su to June 1, 'so
No 42. liond Issued to L.Tomlln
Ron due Oct. 1, '61
Int. Jan. 1, 'So to June 1, 'so
No 43. liond issued to I. E. hchoon
over, duoOct 1. 'Sj
Int. Jan. 1,'eo to Juno 1,'eo
No. 44. liond issued to Freas Brown
duo oct.l. 'sa
int. Jan, 1, 'so to.iunei, o
No. 45. liond issued to Freas Drown
duo October l, '&2
Int. Jan. i, 'so to June t.'SO
No. 40. liond Issued to bUas Conner
due Oct. l.Vi
Int. Jan. 1. 'w) to June 1, '60
No. 47. liond Issued to Douglas
Hughes, duo Oct. l, '53
Int. Jan, 1, 'bOto Juuol.'sO
No. -is. liond issued to Douglas
Hughes due Oct. 1, ' 3
Int. Jan. l, 'so to Juno '., 'SO
No. 40. Pond Issued to blUs Conner
uuo oct. 1, 'as
Int. Jan. I. 'so to Junel. 'so
No. no. liond Issued to Freas Drown
UUO UCt. 1, 'e4
Inr, Jan. l, bi to Juno t, 'so
o. 51. liond issued to Mlas Conner
dus Oct. l,'s4
No. 52. Uo'nJ Issued to Mlas Conner
duo Oct. 1, 'si
Int. Jan. 1. 'so to tuno 1. So
No. 53. liond Issued to l-reus Drown
uuo net. l, 'w
Int. Jan. 1. Vi to Juno t. 'SO
No. 54. Itond Issued to bUas Cornier
duo oct. 1, S5
Int. Jan. 1. 'soto June 1. 'SO
No. 53. liond Issued to alias Conner
utieuct, i, -sj
Int. Ian. 1. '0 to Julo 1 'so
No.M. Uoud Issued to Moyer Pros.,
uuu duty 1, Ml
Int. July 1.170 to Juno I. 'so
No. 5T. liond Issued to David stroup
uuo Muy I, BO
Int. Jan. 1,'suto.Iunol, 'So
No.6-1. liond Ussued to Creasy &
urown uuo July i.'sa
Int. Jau. 1 'so to Junol. 'so
No. 50. Uoud tsaiied to Creasy i:
nrowu duo July 1, o
Int. Jul v 1. is to Juno 1. 0
No. co. liond issued to Luzetta
i reasyuuo jiuyi.'SG
I 111. JUI.V I. '.V LldUUD 1. S1
No. oi. liond Issued to Luzetta
Rowoll & Co's. Advi'e.
ny uiaressinic (ill). I'. ii(U:i,i, ,v co. to
bnrUCOr-t.. New York, roll li-Arn llm i ft . ,t
any proposed line cf AUVEKUUMiiu Ammcan
eniKia. so lllll-!aK luiiiipblrt, lucla.
JunoH.'MMw r
A YEAH anu npenr-e io agents,
outot Free. AddretHl'.O. VICJiSHY,
300 00
7 50 307 50
200 no
5 (10 2u5 00
600 00
12 50 512 50
100 to
2 50 103 50
200 00
5 ru 205 00
5 00 SOS 00
too oo
12 50 512 50
800 00
7 50 S07 60
800 00
7 50 807 50
1260 61250
200 00
0 00 205 00
12 60 612 60
500 00
12 50 612 50
200 00
5 00 205OU
600 00
12 50 512 60
600 00
12 60 61210
500 00
27 50 UI 60
12 50 612 CO
200 00
5 00 203 00
100 OU
5 00 1(11 60
All kinds Of Wat.'lius. Clocss and Jowelri-
ly repaired and warranted.
may 11, ta-ii
Whereas, the world renowned reputation ot tho
White feewiug Macliino
lcducea many unscrupulous competitors to resort ta
all Muds of mean trick to injure Its reputation, ne
uetocautlou ainutenaioffpurcnascranot to luya
White Machine
except from Its regular authorized dealers, who will
lie sustained by the follculng wairanty.
White SMfle Sewing; Machine,
This warranty excepts the breakage of needles
bobbins and shuttles.
This warranty will not be sustained unless tlio
plato number abovo given corresponds with tho
numtvr ou the shuttle race slide, lioware ot defaced
o.- altered numbers.
The "WHITE" Shuttle Sewing Machine
Has okeatkk cApictTV than any ctlierfamlly Sewing
Machine for doing every variety of work.
J. SALTZER, General Agent,
Bloorasburg, l'a.
Oct. 3, 70-ly. j
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, Gth door apnua, -so-iy
VA-rTL, fr Ksrw-I our nine? Ie sour Vrlne htuti colored Do
tjS7 El U T)oou liae Albuminous or m lc k Duht Hepoilu la your
i riii" t nujou huut r iKiii t'nuiis iJuuiiiiy ur cnaceEBT
,ou lwe l'a I nnil LTrlnatlngT 'Jbn your KlDNEYti or
ULADDhK ato ifTi-cttd, una ycu tbould not delay UBlrsr
lAirl'tiil fltcncf, fur It will n alnly cure you, bo& iiotfc
lnutl -erju. KorMlu ly dtUK'k'Is, or sent by mall upon
n L-t Ipt cf price, $?,!. SeLd h i our nddrtfes (or ttertlflcatcs
it cuiew Hiul our book, How a lit wuu uitpA.
I fiiKtVAIlK of all other Kidney Tads.
Jtltioinslnirsr. itt
Jjn V i, 'so. ly,
creasy duo Julv i.'n
.itt. uuu, i, ou iu uuuu i, nu
Ha, ti Bond Issued to luWd btroun
due July 1, V
lut. Jan.l, 'so f Juno 1, 'so
No. as. Bond Issued to E. U. Brown
i o Juiy i, si
Int. Jan. 1. 'so to June 1. su
No. 01. Bond Issued to Cieasy I:
nruwnuuo July I. 'sT
lot. Jan. 1.1,0 to Junol so
No. 05. Bond issued to E. U. Blown
UUO till!) i, -si
lut. Jan. 1. r4l In .lunn 1. sa
No. (A. Bond It-sued lo J, J. Brown
due July 1, o7
lot .lulvl. TO toJunnl.Vo
No. 01. Bond hsued to It. V. hmilli
uuu jiuy i, -si
Int. Jan. 1, V) to June 1,60
6 w 105 so
too 00
13 50
too 00
100 GO
loo no
Sit 00 I
104 to I
1--MS00 1
wi iiamr iri i r
tbt 15
Cash tn hands ot o; Hector on Uupll-
Uuu ty Ht-mlor.k school illstilct
state appropriation unpaid
Cash lu bands of treasurer
Actual Indebtedness
AnE!!.T,! ... .,.JA8.o.imnVN,l'rcsldent.
V, H. 1 UllM A N, becreury.
'0 tllft Undf-rRltmd Aiutllnr-a t ll!n.LKn 1...
lave examined tho ikietoiuir statcnient win! tne
ouchers as oressnted b tho 'l reasurtr.&nd Had the I
- ---."- h.u bivib lug Muig,
8137 6T
June lo, us.
Out of town
people who can
not conveniently
travel, may have Bam-
ple sent them of Dry
Goods nnd all other good
that wo eo 11, if they will write
us. Is o charge una no neea to
order Jf not suited. Wo make It a
ilness to attend to such letters quickly;
and when orders como Wo send tho exact
article wanted, and nt exactly tamo price
a 9 other customers pay when here buying in
perwon. When gooaa nre not as oraerea,we
tako them baoU, Having trained and responsible
clerks, who aro able to use discretion In filling orders,
we aro enabled to give great satisfaction to the many
customer? who leave th choice to us. With a reputation of
twenty years at retnlllng, wo cannot afford to lose our good
namo by lank of proper service to absent customers. Wrlto
plainly, and desorlbo fully what Is wanted, and about tho
price desired
John Wanamaker,
Largost'Dry Goods Houso,