THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COINT, PA. 1 To Ct.EANSP. Glt.T FllAMES-Fifl bosuto I pnrslf-y ; servo hot. For nntnlnr n U Tn lliey nre real gold, ami lfr, find not ttio rMenne, cut from peeled potatoes with ft imitation water washes' t.ff, they way bo cletiod by dusting thcui well with n soft litmli, nnd with a piece of cotton apply alco hol or js'tn to tho spots, and they will almost immediately disappear. If, on tho corjliary, thoy are gilt in oil, nt imitation gold, n lilllo water applied cuefilly with n spongo will have Ilia desired effect, and bo very carelul not to rover'o these directions as what cures ona kills the other. To pruvent llioa Injuriinr. plctura frames, boll throe or four onions iu ouflpint of water, brush jour frames over with tin liquid; no fly will touch tlioin, atitl l will not injure tho frames. T; Makb (loon OirfED It is generally Bitpposad by colTie drinkers that tho best cof fee is uiadj from a mixture of Java and Mocha in proportion of two thirds Java to ono-tliird Mocha. Tho Mocli is suppoted to give a flavor and arnu, whilo tho .lavu supplies tho streng h. Tho licst colfeo, how over, is made from plantation Ceylon, the flavor of which cuinot bo sarpwed by any oftoo intheiuirket. Tho only obj-ctlon pn siblo is tho fact that It takes a very much grea ter quantity to secure aVich color inVrepating Frensh cjff.-e, which is tho only way coffco should ever bo cooked. 0 10 way of remedy ing this fault is to mix with tho drv colfeo a vorv littU licorice, and then filter the boiliiu water throng i tho whola, say to a pint of gnund coffjo lionlco ttii sizj ol a small bsan. Soois of tho receipts for cafe an hit iu our cook books aro ro tlly auuuinz ; lor in staajo.whcn a wiso authority tolls tho reader lo put a s-mnful of ojIT.m in a pint of milk and boil fifteen minutes. It would bo hard to hi wlul sire of a bsvor.igj would bo tho ro salt of such a perforunnc3, but ccrtaiuly it TOuldniver uiilto tho djhcious coffee served in I'.ir'n, and fr tint unttcr throughout Franco, under the n ime of cafe au lait. Tl c Freno'i onk stralm a pint or less of boiling water slowly through a pint of ground coffee This is done by pouring on a little at a time, always being sure that tho water Is boning and keep tho pot cnered tightly while the prices of filtering i goin i on. When tin idled tho ciffee will bo verv duk and bittor a concentrated extract. Tho uiilk shoul never be allowed to lennin on the firo after it has boiled up once, but be served inline (bately in a asperate vessel; to three-quarters of a cupful of boiled mils add a quarter ol ths oiffeo. and sweeten to tho taste. Una you have tho full virtue of the stimulant, and a wholesome, nourishing drink ut the tame time, which U more than cau bo paid of the great bowlsful of colored water made palatn bio by tho addition of a few spoonsful of cream or condensed milk, and drank by thousands of Americans every morning throughout the country. Potatoes and Way op Cookinci Them. Thero are two ways of boiling potatoes both are good. Tho first fashion is to put them into well salted cold water ; having let them boil until they are nicely done, pour off nearly all the wa'cr, set them back on the fire, cover and letthein steam until th'm ouglily done. Tako off tho cover, and lot them stay a moment or two to evaporate tho moisture. The other way is to drop tho po tatoes into enough boiling water to cover them, and as soon as thoy aro done pour off the water entirely and put back on tho range to cvaporato the miisturc J put tho cover on the kettle so that about a quarter of tlicl mouth is left open to the air. When boiled in their skins a tiny picco should be cut from the end of each potato. They must boil from thirty to thirty-five minutes. Always select potatoes as nearly of a size as possible New potatoes with delicate skins should not be pared for boiling. Take a sharp, thin knifu and scrapo off the skins. In thecoun try, new potatoes just brought in from the girden do noteven need scraping; a few smart turns with a rough textured cloth tako off tho fine skin in a twinkling. But tho dwellers in towns don't get tlie.-o idea potatoes. For perfect majl-'cd potatoes, pare and boil them as above, and after every true of the water lias evaporated.mash them will your pcatle still in tho kettle over tho fito ; they are naught if kept hot. Get out every suggestion of a lump and as you maah put in a gensrom quantity of fresh butter, and, If jou have it some cream if not cream, onough to make the potato rich and moist Salt It to taue, anil ecrvo hot and pileil up and smoothed over in a hot dish with a little black pepper sifted on top. Mashod pola. toos which have stood on the stove awhile be' foro serving is poor stuff. If you want the top browa Inld it over a salamander or a very hot stovo lid don't put tho dish into tho oven, that only makes the contents wat cry. For potatoes "a la Neige," just press thd mashed vegtablc through a colander into a hot dish, and servo hot. Saratoga pota toes are prepared with a little cabbage cutter, which shaves off a large fair potato slices of fairy like thinness. Put the slice on ice or ,in cold wa'er. Try your boiling hot lard with one slice to seo if it colors properly ; whf n of a delicate yellow color tklm them out upon your tin plate with your perforated tin ladle ; sprinkle over them tomo fino salt and put them in your dish. They are as good cold as hot. Grilled potatoes are among tliti best of their kind. Take potatoesboiled tho day before, cut them in two, trim off anj unevon surfaces.aud lay the pieces on a clean hot gridiron over clean coals. When tlioj are uicely browned sprinkle them with a lit tie salt, and spread delicately with butter heretofore mentioned iu thiscolumu. So in very hot. These aro delicious with broiled or fried fish. InUead of l)roiHug,thcse slice may be fried in nice butter. A delightful way of using up mashod pott toes lelt over is this : As soon as It cnmrsiiff the table, and befuro it gets cold, pack i tigh'ly in an oval ilisli wliicti has been pre vlnusly dipped iu cold water. Ntxt morn indent it in regular slices about a quarlt of an inch thick and brown them quickly i fresh butter, previously mads very hot In shallow pan. Servo immediately. Potatoes thus prepared is specially nlco with chops, lie suro that you get your slices on your hot dish without their breaking; their falr,large lir iportions must be preserved. The best sort of potatoes to accompany beefsteak are .a tho pommes de terro n la Macon. Take cold bollo 1 potatoes and cut them up In small slices, of paper thinress. liavo some hot butter cream and milk ready In a clean ps ready over the fire. Put the sliced potatoes into this, salt them delicately, and let them stay until tho butter and miU have become absorbed, stirring them enough to assist th: process, and prevent burning.but not cnougl to break the slices. If more milt is needed pour it in ; the potatoes Bhould be moist and rich, but there should be no sauce about them. Put them Into a hot dlib, dust them with a little black pepper and serve quickly. Another good fashion Is potatoes a la Kuban Take large peeled potatoes and cut them round and round Iu long shavings. Fry them in boillog lard, drain on a sieve ani salt them. If preferred, the .potatoes may be cut into long but not 'thick wedges and thus fried, lie sure to drain all fried pota toes, as nuthing Is more uninviting than a greasy mass, For Lyonua!sepolatoes,mlnce a small onim and fry in hot butter; add some cold sliced potatoes and toss them about until tbey are hot through and slight Jjr colored then add a spoonlul of minced vrgtable cutter as many lilllo balls ns tho of the cutter will prnilt. Fry them about fiv minutes In boiling lard, being careful that they don't burn. Skim the iu and drain ami sprinkle with salt. These balls mny aN. bestowed in milk, slightly diluted with water and thickened with n lit tle Hour. Season ith butter, pepper nnd salt. Old potatoes when not very good any other, way, may be thus stewed. Peel them aiid cut 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 in quarters. Put over liio tiri iu suited cold water, boll, and when almost done pour n(f the water, leaving a llllle. To tins aiM a Urge tumbler of milk, a piece of inner half tho sizoof an veil, a teasnoonful ofnilnccd parsley uinl a leapoonl'u1 of Hour mixed smoothly In cold tnillr. Simmer. For crrquetles mash your potatoes, season with butter, milk, salt, a thvdi of nutmeg nnd a ash of cayenne pepper: add the beaten yolk of nnegg, beat thoroughly, and mould up Into balls or oblongs ! roll these In egg ond fine cracker crumbs and fry in boiling ard. Remember that one of the chief charms of potatoes, however prepared, lies in their ueitutemd fresh and hot, N13W F.I11M! WHITE, Proprietor of tho OHANOEVILLr. AtlltlCULTUHaL WOIIKs), ha sold a halt Interest In the sumo to J. W. Conner. Tho romp my hum repaired thn works, ami are pre pared to necominoilatosll ho want nmthtt z In tho lino or Arlunlturnl Implements, Hioy nave Jiret i.fiiii'ii-ir.i Kiirn ifii nana Millie piow,niiiinirpo- stole, will best tint rljht Hand Also mirtnce plows or jointers for . lin RAlno. A new T lirenlipr nntl Olen er with contio shake ot riUJlo shoe, called the Sonielluns Alisut tho 'hucky' llorso ISIioc. Wlilte TlircftliiM- nnd Ulcniie'r, I Indian Blond Syrup. LABOrtATOIlY, 77 W.3dSt.,NowYorkCily litx or bsst crrr tmnrocd plnn. Wo mnnutuetiiro t.ANO HOLI-KUS with cast Iron heads t'jrn rmws douhlo and slnelo uiutiir.itor- side hllll'lows, .Mill UsslinK. Turning or every description (lone wun promptness. We keep constantly on hand a Urire assortment otVlow Miares fur our fin n and manv other plows that aro ii-M-n in int. riMimrr. n i m iw in ueiu ti in i work or nutei ui ot tlioeniiionimlity. our hoik Is warranted torxlte MthMcilon, or tho money re- I funded. Wl! IIKI'V HflMI'i: . ITIilN. KArmem. nnd Ihepuiillo in treneial uro requested to call and cx- aiiiuiu uciuru piiminMiiir risuw litre. WHITE & CONNER Jai. to, Vo-ly I OltAMiKVII.tE, 1A. A W Kkk in your own town, nnd noenp Itnt risked. You can gle the business a without expenso. Tha bevtopportu nlij ever ottered tor thoso wlllltif to work. Vim should try nothlngclso until ion seo for inurself whnt von enn do nt tho business wo offer. No room to cxpl.iln here. You can devote nil your llmo or only our sparo tuno totliebuMncsi. nndmnko treat pay for cjery hour thnt iou work. Women tnnkn nmniirh as men. Send ror siwelat prlvnle f mis and parilciilnrs.whleh wo mall free. (lUiitntfrce Don't complain of linrd uiut-n tvniiu fii uiive Riien n enniicc. Aiiuress ii. IIA1.1.1..1 1' k uo , l'oriltitid Jlolno. octa, "Dly f M , . , . -. - ! I ' ' ' " '" " f CURES Tho horsf shoe, now all the raze as orna iiienta.and afiVcted by men and women alike, hug long been conidered n token of good luck, cspecttlly by sailors. Fow sailors would start on a voyago iu a ship on which tho potency i f the huro shoo was not ac knowlgitgetl. It mut bo kept at some con. sp'cious place as a sign of good luck. Ou Western steam boats, not n deck hand could be induced to engage himself on a steamer that did not have a partly worn horse shoe nailed over the companion way of the bov. Veryjoften tiy aio near tho figure-head at tho stem of the bow. How long this su perstition ha prevailed, it would bo impos sible to tell. It is by no means of recent origin, llorso shoes and cot jurors have been allies. To find a whole hore shoo in tho road that has been cast (torn theauimal and still retain five of the nails in it is con sidered a remarkable token of good luck. But should any one find a horse shoe with all the nails in il, ho may consider bimhelf endowed with wonderful powers of magic. This conceit, no doubt, had its origin iu the fact that It is almost impossible for a horse to cast the shoes while all the nails are in tact. There lived i man in Shanandoah county, Va., who claimed to have found Hticli a horso shoe. Ilia name was Conaid Gerst. He had little education, but was con siderable of a knave. He professed lo be able to work wonder", and was believed by many peoplo to possess certain powerful con- uring powers. Oerat was a shoemaker, and very poor, for ho was too lazy to work, ind had a large family of children. He could heal the sick, recover stolen articles, cure diseased catlle,find underground stream f running water, make the butter come for the dairy women aud drive off witches. A woman churned all day over a churning of cream but the butter would not come. She sent for Gerst. He told her to get an old horse shec, heat it red hot and cast it into ha churn. Thcu, after cleansing the churn with boiling water, ho guranteed that the butter would come nt the next effort. And more. If the woman would inquire carefully among her neighbors sho would discover that some cf them (an eye enemy) would have a severe burn on some part of her body There were plenty of people who believed in this. Another case. A widow lady living two miles from Geist had a sum of money stolen from her. Instead of giving it into tho hands of the authorities, she sent for Girst. He inquired iuto the affair, and af ter performing a number of incantations with a stick that he carricd.and placing his horse shoe in the firo and cooling it in the spring, he announced confidentially that on tho morning of the second day thereafter the money would be found in a certain place. The conclusion of the conjuror was widely circulated and ou the morning indicated quite a number of people assembled at the widow's house to seethb prediction verified. The money was fouud at liio place Indica ted. The solution was that the theit, who ever he wa, believed in Gerst's preten ded power, and retumed'the monev out of fear. Tho superstition that impitts the vir tues to the horse shoe gave birth to the pre vailing idea that makes it the emblem of good luck. pr i "Tc: to fiiio -All strictly rtrst-ciass. 1 I t V 1 V JoSold nt vt holts.Uo Factory prices lit best lionors nt Kxhtbllfon. Mathu- sliek's soaio for Sipiaro ftrniids. Finest I'pnglitsin Amerlcn ti.iHK) In use. tlntflloiruo of 4s imires free. .11 lllU!KinuiX,NH,iliobpht In tho world. AnSscp orgiiu only fill in stops, fir circnlai tree. All Rent on M mya tilat-frcUiit treu It uiisilisrsctory. rneio ry 6IHi slieet mid mtli Avenue, siiksi" MUHIO at a price. I'ttfnlo'juc cf a.'ino XTU choleo pieces sent lor lie sump. I J I jr V Js i? luiiin ..i n.ici,ouiin i i iw t. w,, tiu K'ljs ii upru, n.sii-iini wfuo FAT AND LEAN. If vou are, too txt or too lenn nnd wntit to know how to enanso your condition, tend for a copy of liio woik. v ut ana I eiill. il, eoniai'm eiuuieitj nj l'. rtil-. Uletetlc nnd Ther.ipnitlc Instructions that wltlennblo any ono to reduce llulr lleli Ifeorputi iit or It It emaciated, tt Is written In a clear yetcomprelien6lo stile and Its olrcetlons can be easily understood, ltsliould be rend bv ciery fnt or u no perm n. .eni ror ten inreo eeni st-amp. iaa IJHI.r K e-u., so Ann M . New York. April 1, .". nrj.vo PATENTS FORJNYERTIOhS. .1, CLOIllNTS'MlTn. Tit (l Street, WiifMngtoo, 1.U,, Alton vy at Law crrt lltitir ot 1'itnts- sumvor or ailmore, Mnlth k Co nnd Chtf-man HpRmer & Co. fcntl postago s'amps for Circular glv- uno4, issn-tf TpRtimnntfiH nro rpeelvptleverv tiny bv tho Drr nrietors ot SIMMONS LIVKM HKfinvroit.trum ppr Bonaotei.icillon anil prominence trom all parts ot liio country nnsun,: 10 inn woiui-nui curniive ptopcitles ot tuts Brent tnedlclnp. No other prepar atlon t.ut the WejiuUtor has ner tccn UtecoereU vmlil tlTectujlty euro IhnpfpsU and Its kln Urrd evils, nnd restore tho patient to a perfectly healthy condition or bodv and mind. The rapidly increnain demind tor this medicine and our lnnre sf les In eons, quence. Is Indeed sufficient evidence 111 UrVMrur ItS K'vU IrrUll'IlUIJf. Perfectly Harmless, It can be ipednuy l!mo wltnout fenr by tho most deiicnte itersoni. No matter what the nt'ln?, and inavbeuuen toclilldrtn with jiertect snrely, as no bad result8 follow lis use, e.oltiL' no jKistble Injury. AS ft nillu ronie. ceniiH ijixniivo unu uarmieM, ill' vleornnl It Is lntlnliely superior to any known remc. ay ror Mnlnrtotis rer. Ilowf 1 Comnlnlnts. Jaundice. Colic. HestlessneHH, Metitnl H.-pi-eftslon, hick Head- acho, CousllPMiIon. Nausea, liuiousuess, IIVMIT.l'NIA. c. Read the following iinnies of pemons well nnd wide. ly known who testify to the vntuiiblo propeillcsot Mmmons Llv.-r lleculator or Medicine. lion. Alex. II. Sevens; .lolin V. Iict kwllli, I'.Uhop of (leoiirt i; on..! Iin U. Dordon, U. s. Kenutor; Hon. .loh.i dill Hhnrter: lit. liev. lllshop Pierce; J. Edgar Thompson; lion. II. mil; Hon John c. lirccklnrldire; I'rot. linvld Ills; I). 1).; Illrnm Winter, Chief Jus itee u! liu.: Lewis Wuniler. Assist. P. !. I'lilli-. and miny others from whom we have letters cummenu liur upou tlils medicine as n mrwr valuable household remedy. I'UUM.Y VECET'ULE. lw tow price places It In Ihe reach of nil be Ihey rlchorroor. liycuyio surrerluir and cannot tlnd relief, procure nt onee from yi ur tiruirplst n bottlo of lleguiator, lilvoita falrtrlil and It will not only I arroni rcuei. out peruiiiuenii cure jou. it is wnn out a sleiflu exceotlon. 1'he Cheapest, i'urcbtdnd llest Family Medicine la me worm. Orlitliui nutl llentilne I MlNCPACTrRKn OWI.V BV .1. ii. zi:ii,in a- en.. rillLAHKLl'lllA. rrire J i.uti. ou uy an i)rujgt.sis. April iu, 'ao-ly. TOADS StAItr.t i J)tn;epsl(T Zilvcr 'Diseases, JFVfrrcO tttr)tu, tiriiiilrt tlsm, XJroMj. JMrarl Wfsensr, ntllonsncKs, .Vervott.i M)ebUUu,tc, Tho Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man ! 10,000 AfJEXTS HATE SOLD SINCE 18iO 9.000,000 Bottles. Tins Syrup Possesses Varied Properties, 7t tlmntntp tlio I'TtTnllno In llin Hntlrn. rhleh conrertn chontnrrli nnd BiiRnr of the rood lain niiicofe. A tifucirncv in i-Tijnii"o i cnaien Wind nnd Pouring of th food In tho t oniric tl If tlicmrdlplno l lultfil Iminptli nlely nfier cntlng tho fcrincntutluii orfuud U preTenled, It nets upon tho Kidneys. It Kpcntntm Iho ltoutln It I'lirinm tho Itloo.l, It Quiet iho nervous flyittcm. Itl'romotr Plgrsillon. It NonrlnhrM HirrnKihen nml Tnvtcorntrn. It cnrrlca olf Iho Old Itlnott mtd tnnhfM tifw It onen iho nnrrfl of tho klu nud IiiJucp Healthy 1'emplrntlon. It nentrall2e tho brredltary tilrt, cr rhen in im blood, which rcnrrnlcaScrofidft.LryWpfrhi, and all issmier of tVln dineues tnd In tern 1 humorfl. Xiicre are no (pinn empioyeu in iu niKmiuciuru, md It ran ho taken ly tlio most dalle te buho. or by Hie igwl ana jecuie, turr vntj cttn Tyirrt m w Untion to dirtctfont PEICS OP LAS02 I0TTLE3, 51.00 72102 0? SHALL E3TTL", - - 50 Rrl lh8 VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURE.D bylhi Uts oftht BIOOD PURIFIER- LAUl'lON TO l)l!iJlHir3TS. llewnrrt nf enunterrelf Medicine. I emn'oy to agents or limners to rso.lcit trada from dtut'slsts. Uot Jlediciiie Kver Useil. UHod. wyomlnccountv, 1'a. Uair lf.f linrl been trnutiletl fur a lout? tllllC withR fulti In my stomach, nnd found no relief until 1 beiran usli g your Indian mood Hj nip. Hind It tho best medlcliio in use. nnd I enn recommend It ln.ll nl nn.l vnlino- It KllVe IlinllV ClDlIlirM III doctors' bills, and one lirgu bottle did tab moio f.ood than uvc uonais worm oi outer ineuiuiuo. .lariuiu i,auuri . An Astouiihing Cure. Monroe. Wyoming county, l'a. near sir: I hid been afflicted with a couu, lojs ot AppctlloandDjaperMafor ten yeors. I couui not properly attend to my business, and hearing ot vour Justly m icbrntnd Indian blood .syrup, I resolied to try It, which I did. nd In a slintt tlino was much Improved. I now have a good Appetite, nnd bain unjoytd good health ever I commenced its use. dick Hemlnclie Cured, llowman's Creek. Wyoming county, ra. . DearSlr: I had sick lleadiclie and by tho use oj your Indian mood jiup I was greatly relieved, l recommend nil to i ry ita vaiuauio nuwiuio. J.v. uurnett. The Remedy did more than she Expected, Newberry, l.j coming county, ra. TViarUlr. 1 l.n 1 n.tlnn P.lm .il S Mill fill! mOlU lUnil I expected it would and It has cuied imi ot Uier UOinpiaini. 1 USU IlUail JtVUIllUU tiuu n uum iw. mv. without 11. irs. Hilary uuiiuuii. Headache and Dizziness. Wtlllamsport, I.ycomlng county, ra. r.nrt. oi. I..HI tn lilfitid Hi run has cured 1110 ot Headache. UUilness and Lossot Appetite, sothat I am now ablo to work In my factory. Jly w He de rived more benefit lrom Its use than Irom any other medicine. , ,,,..,,.... Would not bo Without il. Wllilnmsnort. Ls coming ounty, Pa. Dear Slr:-The Ind an Wood.syrup Is tho nest BLO.OMSBUHG STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NORMAL SCHOOL DI TRICT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rov. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Priucipal. Tltllscil00l..asntpresent constituted, oitersthoverybestfacllltlesfor Professional nnd Classical learning. IltitldliigH spacious, ln Itlng and commodious i completely healed by steam, weltenlllatcd, lighted by ga, and furnished with n BPrlllg Witter. n,rtt....ln .fNHtnt nnH ,llvn fn wnt-Lv tltaelnllnn. firm lull. kind. Uniform nnd tllOrOULTIi. IjOCaUOIinenilllllll, IIU.IV1I Ul w;". . w.ivti. ..i v M1 ""t wv-.m ..... v.. " """ ;V. .I .Jt.nn .InolVnr, UlUUVJlUt IttllUltbt-U UK HUJ kllUU, IWUIU, 11X1 1VU .. uvu u. u.. v u PC moderate. Kitty cents a week deduction to nil expecting to tu.ich, COUrbeS 01 Slimy preswi itn-u uj luu owtni 1. Model School. It. rrepnrntory. III. Klement.try. Aillunct Courses ; I Academic. II. Commercial. Ill bountiful suonly of pure.soft Expenses Tho Klementary Scientific and Classical courses are ru'ji'iissiu.Ab, ana Htuuents grauuatng iiicrein, leccivn rinm inp'nisi , ijim-i 1 iuk v""v. " corresponding Degrees ; Mnsterot the Klcinents: Master or inn sciences; .Master of tlio Classics, uraditatcs in tno ouier courses receivo aurunu t.iiiiiuiiv. tne rntiainmeiiii... ;iBuej, ,"'"" ; , s;t , . ,,,, , , , , , ,,, nnit.,. t IS stnte l enn'lresa nlcher order ot citlzcnsliln. The times del land It. It Is nno ot the prime objects of this School to help to secure It, by furnishing lntelll- gentnndeniclentTeachersforhcrScliools. Totlilsendlt solicits young persons of good abilities and good iyin'OsM,-lliom i"" ?;..i...t.. .avfinienta. 'in nit niieii tt nrnmips aid in iiove on nir t he r nowers. and abundant onnnrtun ties for we Paid labor after leav lug Mhool. ror tl 111. lilt- tt 1.11. ...n, b . . - - " I ----- , - ever used and I would not bo without It tor all complaints. Women .Never Think. If the crabbed old batchclor who uttered this sentimeut could but witness the intense thought, deep study and thorough invest ! gitinn of women, who determin the best medicines to keep their families well, and would nolo their sagacity nml wisdom in te lectiug Hop Hitters as the bevt mid Uemon- trating by keeping their families iu perpet ual health, at a mere nominal expense, he would bo farced to acknowledge that uch eutiraents are baseless and false, feW w HTOMACXI Annrtltc. reliTFliln? slwn. thrt neniilsltlon of llp&h and color, ure hlesMniisntieniUnt upon the repar.v tlva processes whlh this priceless Invlorant speed Hv lnlttut8 and carries t4) a successful conclu.slon. Dlcesltoa la restored ond fiisiennnco alTordeil to each lUo-susttnlntforpan bv the ltutcrf, which is inoffensive even to tho ri'rnlnlno palate, vtgetahlo In composition, unu. uiorouiny uit. For le bv nil drufft'ta aod doalers ceiierally. IV, Cla-iaical. Course In AtuMC. lf. Course In Art. V. Couwe In I'liynicnl Ciillnre. ntalozue.oddren tho rrlnctpal. 'iiox. wiiiMAJii i:i.u iir.i Preililcnt llonn! of Trntrr. F, p. JlILLMYCWccrftniT. THE PULLEY SUSPENDER PERRY DAVIS' 3 VECETABLE 11 I II 1 1 1 111 1 PAIN KILLER A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internal and External Uso, Is a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is recommended, and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of even tho most Inexperienced persons. It it a turn nnd quick rcinrtly for roUIUIS, MMti: Til HO AT, Cllll.l.s, and "Itullur troubles, OTortla ItiMI rtlu in th utoaf nallgnami J'om of III I'l 1TI I Kit I A. and is tho bt'fct knonn reined)' for JtHKUMATlKH and MXlt.M.lil.V. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. It )mn been used with ucli uomlcrfu! feurrritH t all jxiru nf tht teorUt for CItA.lIl'S, (;il4IM:it. I)! A It I IVM:Ti:itV, and all UOWIX CO.Ui'iai.NTS, thai it U tontitUrfl an unfailing cut fvr (A Jftai( HAS STOOD THETEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. It la. lti:eOMMi;MH:i by lMohlrioniN IlNNloiiitrlen, Dllulnleriri IiinuuerN T lMnntulhiiiMt Wnrlt-hhoiiit, and l'ttrtorh-Hi iirHi-H In lIoKpltuU-iu tliort, by lerjhody t3cr)hero Mho Uu ever irUea It a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL ASA LINIMENT. It fchould always bo uaod for l'ulu hi Iho Hark and Mdt'f and Iringt tfHttiy and frmanrt ftXUf in aU cases of llrnUt'M, Cutt SprnliiK Severe ltitrnit, hcnldn etc .NO VXyX AN HAFKIA' Hi: WITHOUT IT. It wUl annually save many time Its coht In doctors' bills, and ttn irlco brlntm It wlthia tho resell of all. It Is enld at V5c. 50c. aud gl.OO bottle, and can bo obtained from all drugirijjU. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. April , ly eo w aco - " " " DR.BR0WN! The CelLrtod rrencriptioo of v.; ciiAiino.N nuowMNo. u. i. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Perfectly purifies the Blood, enrlohe. the Blood, redden the Blood, makes new Blood, wonderfully Improves the Appetite, and ohanses the Constitution suffering from General Debility Into one of vigorous health, Tlio l,efttYf,tMf it wonderful eftlcury I to ho ubtulnetl liy n Irliil, nnd that simple trial .trously ektabll.hes 1U rejtutalltiii itIIIi nil. 4tirlt Is lnu.t selentlfteally and t:lcrunlly culiilKiundetl liy tl. nuthur untl solo rorl.tar, W. ClIAHirJON lIUIUVTilNO, M. IK. 1117 Art I, Mreet, I'ltllntlf l.l.ia, A H8W KtMVi. f MtoM UWtMl CUW-ft. .1 rkUhlft, . Ifetwih tXiA V kklllfwlTku MMlU. prifeb, SI.OO. for tj tU Proprietor tn4 all Druggists ik1 Dstltn 4 iltltdne. 4ec ,r-ir-ow 11 13 good John Uurkhart, DUea'-cs of the Stomach, ' Tntttn Wvnmtntr fount V. Pn. rtanct.Tltiala tt. rtrllfv thf. I had U Nedk Stomach and could c-t no niiut or any henrty touil whatever. Ilya irleud's nuv ce 1 commenced tho use nt yoar Indian mood Krup, which ntwr a Ehort, effectually relloMd inc and I cau now eat anvthlnp; I choose. Your frup glvca universal satisfaction. ,, ,,.,, All that ii U rccniniiienilcl to be. rtttftrit llntttte. Columbia, ra. n.tnri..l tttvtt tittptl vnttr excellent Intllan lllootj .sviuntuid'lthiianroveu JmKiarenieneuled. lean rccvraiiiend It to all. Wholesale Merchant, 6th street. Unanimous Hectnnmeiidatiun. Tl e tollowlnir add llulr testlinony for tho Indian moon rtjrup: il. r.. tirean, eiiKutet-i t t, t.. .1. tl, MiUih, at ll,ildnln Mecl Worm. Mm. Mmler.uf CulninbU. A. nrcuer. ul Wasliluirtnnburt'h. John Keuj s, ol fal Harbor. Would nut be Without it. Ilenlnn. fitlumLla COUDty. Ttn..w ci.t itnttt ttnd excellent INDIAN liLnou t.yBue and have reo-ivcu mucii ueneiii meie from. I could not get along wnnouiiu Never Vails to Cure. Witt lt.ittrtn Wvnnilnt' Co. Pft. t tvnti ait-if ff.r ihrett veurti. and under nrolewlooal treatment most I the time without ! luir benefited. .l last 1 was Induced to try sour lsniiN nuioiiSVBCPaua aiierasuoriirnu, i iuuim mi sell In better health lluu I li.idbeen ror six s ears. Sure Curo for Liver Complaint. ltr.lir(.liiiri' CnllimblA CO. Pa. Dear Plr : ThU Is to certliy Ihot qur Ikiiian n,M...t.vurpin4 iihttii bv me. ror Liver com plaint, w men naa been i ruuumiK m" .", IderUed inorobenellt fioin tho usn or the Kjrup than from any omer inetiifiue. i itfttititj iw.u. mend It, and ad Iso aU sutlerei s to gie u a iriai. I Li l omiiii Losi of Appetite. Itohrsburir Columbia county Pa. r. tt..t K .v.. ttd. il vmir exeellenl. INDIAN it. Uvunn Tnr I f.wtl ttf AtttltTlltl Mlltl WeatxheSS Ut thu Hioniach. wllh very beui Ilcl il results. I bel eve our medicine to bo Iho greatest blood purlUtr known, and ad lse all who may be suffei logos I Wtts to give It a speedy trial. . P.tlns In Shoulder. Hrlir8burg, Columhla county, Pa. Dear Sir i Tills H to eertlty that your Inpian llioou syiiL-r has crcatty i-eiievea ino oi r wis u Hiioulder aud Chest, w huh I had be n anilcU'tl with tor ) ears. 1 lecouimend II very highly. Kidney Complaint, nenr nap, Columbia County, Pa. K.tthi.r has been surrerluir with T..nn.. ....,n,a(nt It.rn lnn.rllinn aril had lieen un- rt-rdftiirfc." irentment, but tho doctors could not effect a cure I have been a Numbness and weuKness in inv wiv i in, tinuuim.. el vour inva'uablB Imuan iiiaoh Bvnrp lrom your ircnt. Win. II. Potter, and It has cured my father rnmpleU'ly, and my arm Is in'ich iwtter. It. does not tri'ublemo tiair so much. Vour medtcluo Is excel- t'n1, Joslali John. Female Complaint". Hear (lap Columbia county, ra. nnir Rln This Is to eertlty that I iurchasd s-ine of your Imuan Hloou bvai'i- tor my wife ior inui innilnn and Female complaint, and It bus gtien her relief. , ,. ,,,..., llest Medicine Kver Ul. Hear (lap, Columbia county, Pa. r.AA. ut .Mt. uttiA Kim was troubled with his water passing trom him constantly, day and night, I 1 coi suited two doctors and gave him medlclne.Trat without effect. I bought Mime oi soureeieurnieti INDIAN JIUIOU HVBUl, U ruori. Ilia wu.t.t, u... I''"1. 1. .,. e.m Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Numlda, Columbia County, Pa. nenr sir rvor many s ears my wltt was afflicted with Dyspeptla. ami wo spent comlderablo money wllhout rVeelvlnn-benellf. We procured somo of lourlNDtANltioouhvKCPandslio began In Improve In health from tho time she cotneno. il Its use. Llyer Complaint. Centralla, columbli Co. Pa. ranr ti .Titia u tteeritfv that I was unwell and could scarcely attend to my work, I lhink iny Uvcr wsa affected. I procured some cf jour Indian IIloou KriaT aud now. at ter a shoi t trial, fuel like a new nan. i recommena in use io . lunlct Goodman. Dynpepsia and Neuralgia Ilydo Park, Luzerne Co., Pa. near hlr: Your valuable Indian Iilood htkdp has effected a permanent cure In mv case. 1 had been anilcted with the Dyspepsia and Scuralgla, but am now entirely wclL Ililious Stomach Cured, Hyde Parlr, tuicrne Co., P. Ilnr Klr,T hnvn lieen troubled With lllllOUS I Complaint and by tho usa ot your Indian llboou sisurlt has effectually cuied me. j uiiu it utituiia. tyspepsla Cured. Hjde Park, Luierne Co , l'a. Dear blr i Your valuable Indian Iiioid avacr has cui ed ino ot Dyspepsia, ...... J II .tUUlUl Liver Complaint, Hyde Park, Luzerno Co., Pa. rw-nr Kin-. 1 have U en troubled with Uver Com plaint, but I wsa permanentlr cured by using your VSJU&D10 1NDIAM iUJUUUPini.rt OR, BRACE. Some Reasons why these Suspcudcrs are better than others. 1st. They contain no rubber. 2d. Thoy will wear longer than any other suspenders. 3d, The cords run over pulleys, and conse quently there can be no them out. 4th. There can be no strain on any of the buttons, it being the only sen-adjusting sus pender in the world. FOR SALE BY BAVIB ILtOWElBIBdl,. Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter, fin O' or won rin (' ' V.IBtT(sri.4 Amnlllal sun Alii W nelltlttr- Tliroshing Machinery and Portablo and Traction Englnos. Xsrtlt T-x i"1)!! THE .STANDARD of eicellenet, fArouAout lAtt KW'AW if iff? riATCHUEC?, lot CrilnAvtaK, TImo-Savtoi:. Ter. iv!.,l'ilA5Iyy!3 K.l "l'fJei'il '" nw,J'tpi.lnt Tlimoun Work. ZSS7fSk -Sffiiil'&V . lf'UOMPARABLC,ie"alaofMterlI,rHVrt'. JXitVyrYW ef i'art, thorough Worlommship, i-Vejanl 1'inlt.b, pntl .-"VfilZJ "s f'.SvSfevL- 7lwi. 'y t f Aftxlel. V--" . 4-7S--" 'Altmriirp in VIat. Timnl.iv. i:inr. nnd nil nthpr Krvl nltiv. i Aefnnlehlnrrlif niirnlilt nut wonder fui i nmnU.xi na tma than half tho usual srn&ra nnd belts. PORTABLE, TKACTIOri, nnd ST RAW-BURNINO STEAM-ENGINES, with npucltl funtnt-KH rf lr.tknr. linn.hilitv Nn.' V.nrmrtmr. nnrt ltmiutv Lfitin 1v unknown In other tnnLrfl. Nt Piiin. Vmvcr OuIiitH nml Hti'uiii-l'iiui r Sfinrutri ji iirlilty. 1W lza of fcH.'paratorf Irom i niny."" i wo curs oi r-rosperouH una Lonunuuua uuoinujtt s,jr uwu,biiuUuhvuuih,u ct naintt, local um, r uuuinKcmfnfrfumuihtH a ptron P A HTinFJ I TU )lcrlil tuno-d itil insularity of UflU mil i our t ibhatoii iiarntntrj nai oriTtn ointr tuaclilaea to tlio wallt hence Ttrlooi tiiiskrri ar now Uternnt. Inn to build (uxt yaim elf laforior tul mongrel imitation at BE NOT DECEIVED tf tnc1! exporlnictitat nml vortbleii Truclilnerj If jrn buy at an. im mo "rritsntii ana ina "isenuino-iroin ui. CtT" lull rttrtU'tilnrsi call on our deak-n, er write lo ii fnr lllutrate4 Clrouluri which toail Ttw. itlJrei NICHOLS, aiffiPAED d CO., Balllo Creek, Mich. Anrll 2. lssolTw KltlMI.ll A: llltll. Til r hot Villi', Pn., Am m. fur Culuin!ilii,.tIoiilitiir, NuriliM nml l.'lilmi poiinllei,. A VALUABLE BOOK FREE. "A treatise on Chronic Dtaensea'c mbraclne oa tarrb, 'iliroat, Luriffs, llcurt, Ktoraach, Uvir, KM neys. L'rluary and Female Diseases ; also Piles; Bent rreo to any bdilres-s. Kvery sutTerer Irom tlieao dla castea can be cured. Send tor this book to Uio under signed, a plij Blclan of largo experience, endorsed by iu Nfc a F ;tisrUfiin&ie. VACO Iiuudred ot lead tnc citizens who lestltv to his skill SendfiUmp topay postagu to O, V.. Livingston, M, lorsLrueL, iuieuo, warn viMtf btiperior street. Toledo. Ohio. auni a, 'ho-ir THIS GREAT MEXICAN REMEDY. Thousands RulTerlnff from Dyspepsia, Habltua! CufitUenehS, LUerand Kidney Complaints, Scrofula and kltidrtdolsoasiK, wilt hall wUhdo'lffht Uils new a ml onderf ul dNem ery.w hlch as a dlseas conquer or and health restorer, has noequal lu modern mod tclne Mexican Itetuedy was Ilrst Intro duced Into Cultrornlalii IMS, u litre in a few months llcO'CU-dhO many v.oiUeifiilcure as to create a demand for tho medMno iromMainoto Morida. It U!hoofilv medicine in tho world comnoundt d from ih-iuii lw 1'iHiits, roots and hi rim ot Mexico. It cures tdl llumr, fitm th orst a com mon u h, piinpl-, nreruptl m, wlilln it ciearnand ufauiiuei uie euinpiHxii.ii. luuiaerihen in me pioui nrb. llixd, llur nnd lvlilncys it han uermaiu ntly cured tno-ia ntlaif hupiifM ea&es wluw all other known renud.eKhad failed, out dOao will cure any cuseof .si k llo rinche. 'two dus4-s will break up any oidiLury toiu-h orccld. J ergons butTerlng with llearthuni, a'HrbriMi -smir stomach, itllllouane&s, UMlveneM. llles, l'ttlpttatloa t.f tho Heart, Ixw Htlriifi.undkindrid affections, will find tho Mexican ftinedy a wUt ani suro rtllet. 11m ireuulno Is piaa-u berore tho public, bder tho foiiowii-gDamc: Horbaliuo Bitters tho Great Mox ican Roraedy. Call on oiir rtnu-irl.-t and Rft u bottlo ot tho Mexican llemeuy.and cunWncu )ourfceltlhatltlstbo Host Meilictno In tho World, Thetrad'i suppltad by Jehu Keehhan, Whrlefialo Driiffztst. N. W. comer OtU and Wutnut fctrects, Clo tlnn.ill, o, ileneral j;eut for tho United Htatcs. aprll i. ISsn-iy wico Highest llsdal at Vienna and PhilaaelpWa. E, & H. T, ANTHONY & CO., 591 ! roadway New York, Munufacturers, lmp3rtertf Dealers In Velvet FramesiAlburas.GraplioRcopes. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Engravings, Chromos, Photographs, And inilredeoodj teletrltlus. Actresses, etc., PhotbgraphMaterials We aro Iltadquarteis tor ever) tlilnB In tno way of Stereopticonr and Magic Lanterns, Eadibtyleliplnklno st ot Us class In tba market. ueuuuiiu i'iiuioirrap:o Transparencies or &uiu- SDI ry anil KnrraYJDLrs lc ibe window. Convex Glass. Matiuattuit ra ot Velvet Frames for Miniatures and com ex ulass llclures. Catalogues of Lanterns and slides, with direc tions tor using, cent on receipt ot uu cents. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE Used lu ttio principal Churches for Communion purposes. I'.MJSLLEUT F0.1 LADIES AVID WEAKLY PEBSONS MID THE AQtD. i XI : l f Mi Speer's Port Grape Wino ! FOUR. YEARS OLD. ipnla Celebrated Native Wine H made from tho j. juice oi uio uporu) urape, raucaiu 11113 1 ounly Its Invaluable Tonio and Strengthening Properties aro un6urraf ed ty any ctuer Native Ine. Heine tlio pure Juli o ot lh (Irapi". produced under -Mr. bpeer's own personal supervision, Its purity and Kfnulnemi-H aio gusrauteed. Tlio youngest clilld may pa-take of llsgenerousiiuallllei.,and tlieveak est Invalid uho It to advantairn. It Is particularly tieneilelal to tlio aged nnd deoiutatcd, ai'd suited to tlio virlou ailments that afreet the weaker sex. it Is in every respect a vt i;is 1 u us ucLitu o., BPKKH'S P. .T. Sherry. Tho 1 J.SHKHUVlsa Wine of KnperloiCiaracter, and partakes of the golden qualities of tho crane. from which It u made. For inirtty, Hlcltnehfi, Flavor mm jiieuiciuuj rrupernea, u win w louua unezceiiea. SPEEIt'S I. .T. Brandy. This UltANDV stands unrivaled In this Country being far superior for medicinal purposes. IT IS A I'UltE dMIUatlon from tie grape and con tains valuable medicinal properties. It has a dellcato flavor, similar to that of Uie grapes from w hlch It Is distilled, and Is In great favor among flrst'Class families. Seo that the signature or ALFItEO SITKIt, I'assilc N. J . Is over the cork ot each, bottle. SOLD BY O. A. KLEIM. )imoS7,18T-U Weaver &. Oo's Ads W fimrinu Il la tverj rut, mallrrt net tt how Inoit tand Ip or haw durlj rocird, It iItm Inctnnt rrllrf, itinlfure tl Hiosl rhronlc rwn. In from tna tn , If unnl dlrt t fd, I nlimlti-rl tixmlrr -T truln.nlsiUtpu h tlrrn if ri.irei1, lutnl) b U n trljt.t" rniit luie Hist it wtll cnrvl(iii nil t.iritr rumm lie fllrd. f-ilJ ly ) iIimIlf In miMliilnp ,fi wiiii (io in . fot frrM n rtrtlt t of ( ri( hj JMV.V. ' UTZJirnrraluscni for I". S mi(U'fl:i.)',i. Ki ' rriiiililiii St.. ltultlnn.rr, .11.1. t7"All (rbuina navt trsvl tnri ati4 Ignatnr f Ur. J, W , Da IU b rtpr BCpt. 19, '73-ly. J W A CO. JNSTITUT v EatablUhPtl In I R72 f or tho enre of Cancer, Tiimort. Uh'ern, LwmmJLAZKm hcrotuiii, anu hkiu uibetises, without tho uro of kntfo or loea of Mood nnd littlo paiiu l ot loiormation, circulars turn rciercucrs, ftddi'oflalir. i', L. 1'0'1, Aurora. Kaua Co., JU. wrt. IVt'J-ly. TifsENSIBLcW THIS NEW Tir.ASTIf! TRTTQa i liu ft Tad dltTartnit fi-om all olhm, it .i,u nvifnujuiiiDtr Hall Id canUr, ad.pU (Uelf to lt rotlUont oi ina wwit, wDiia tu Bill tn tf5Sfs thtlNTleriHre "" Egglestoa Truss CtfJNDhlcano, III., sept. 15, ta-ly, Jwifcco. OPIUIVI HABIT Cured Painlessly. Tho medicine nold for a small margin abovotlio cost of compounding. All ca-es treated by special prescriDlou. J'or full parllculars address the DIs- wYLrer, UK. S. 11. COLLINS, or Mrs S. II. Collins, La I'orto Ind. fob fl-Om wico $55.66f Agents Profit ter week Wll prove It or rorrelt f w o. fi outllt tree. II. tl. HIUKOUT & co ins lrultollMleclr York.N. Y. Jiv X CO feb 2IMm MUCH I3Sr'XiXTTLE I IILIND I'lXTUllES. They render I'llndsrhangeoble In an Instuut lino the best ownlnirever main, Tim "Agents' Advocate" bus: "Edison is distanced, for nereis a practical invention or sucu bin Ul cost and great conicnlcnco that It must supereedo all old inetliod," and agent can do u business which win leave sewing midline men far behind, fin made In nil hour. A Mnait man wanted tn your town, Ad. ilrcsitholl. I'.l'ieree Jliuitiriielurinv Ciniipnii), w March 19, sm, WWW OTTT?l.', Oonsump'lon k Asthma. .... .....' Sever yet tailed. Address miu Mump -uu.sii.,' r rostourg, .Ma. teb.C, 'sn-yl w&co liltAY'S M'lXll IC .lti:i)ICIM TRADE MARKTIIE dlinAT PNll-yRADE MARK uiitilllng curo for Seminal weitkopss, spermatorrhea, Itn potencyatitl ulldlj- eases mat roiinw,an a sequence ot self abuse ; as Loss of Memory, uniU'isal 1, irt,. I'nln ,n BEFORE TAtine.tho Hack, Dimness AFTER TAKING. of Vision, fiematuru idd Ate. and m.uiv r.ti.r,tiw easrs thut leudlo insanltvor Consumpiion. nmta I'reiimturodrtt.e. IJKull partlculais In our pam- imiet w men wo aesiro to hena iron bv mall to every one. Sir-rhe Specinc Medicine Is sold by all druir- cisiset fi per package or fix packaites tor $3. or will no iseiii ireo py int't on receiptoi the moneybyail- uiirnoiu in,. , iimi .Mr.mui s n, uii., .Mechanics' tlock, Detroit, MIcU. Bold In Wooinsburg bv o A. s .i i I g 1 oir li AKr j jr a ha r o f ir JS S')Iri'Ym;nP''ir;,7iCJl7t; t'auiU UUAKhll nil V UA1.V.M0 to. ."A. ,.;,;,;, ya. may 7, UO-Sw no thi: Johnson nr.voi.vixo r.ooit.c'ASE. MaiU of iron, lnaiitlfii'ly orna mi'iitrd. Adjustabtj sliolves. theap nn.l strung: Cannot get out cf oiiUt. Four sles. en.l for co'iipluto elreubr and prloo list. IsVnit 3 cents for our new Illustrated Catnlugno of Hcliool Jlerchandlno. Kfery treHt or 2tatAer cAoutii liave it. EAKEK, PHATT 6 CO., Headquarteri for til School Supplies, H! A HI tlUtNU ST11KI.T, ,EIV I0UK. f-epttti!, ly BH jmm fTr - tt r rati tTh!l rrmtrkiblo modi rln will curs 8rlni, hplint. Curb, fallout, .c I vt waj culnrt'tiutm, an J will remove tke buucii w libout tl liter! en or cnui lug ion, hi renuMy tver oltcuvercd efiuaii h gr certlnlxofai.tlo luiton. plnHtheUmt-neii anil re 11. rrkallllL ficn.l fur illui. araud tircularKulndpotltlvt prtHf. aud youi lit ('Ur la llllll I.V lll-ll.rrrl.1. . Ur. 11. J. KeuJall it Co., Eaoibiug Vtrug&t. W0VKU llltOTIJKIiS. lllr.ouii.LBrg, l'a. PIMPLES. LES iiud lilotcbes. leaving the skin sott, clear i beautiful; also iiistiucilons for producing a luxu. riant growth of hair on a bald header smooth face vo jfrmbt! nNcli5iliB'8t,i"'t'1'"P. Jn. Vandelr"u; ttutc March S6,om, 11 U V THE BL ATOHLBY PUMP for ctsterns or Wells ot any depth.- U, mi, li No, I. for sale ty Hardware Trade, Country stores, Pump makers etc heetliat the pump you tmy la stencliwi ii ii' lllatcliley MsnuIacVurer.' m iiarkft street ' delphla, l'a, Aqueduct i'lpe lor Karras Atlnosliw f SJ? "Jf- ''.'.W l"" bores aid turS Warner'i'Sale Kidney and Uvcr Cure. (Ibrmtrltf Dr. Qmttj'g Lldnnj Vurr.) A vegetable preparation nnd the oitlr ntit-n rincl.r In tho world for llrlehl lUpn. Ilahrtr. nud AiU Hldiicj. Mwr. J I'rlnnr.T hlMPiiMr. ' "c istrTestlruonlnl" of tho highest order lu urtmt Of thew Btfitements. . u 1 roor 0ror thn ruro or I) I nit?! cm, call for vn-. tlPr'aftnriIHnttftr'iirn. urFor tho cure rr llrlnhl'ii nn't llinth-f dlioaips, call for Wnrnvr' fttifu 14t(in..2 WARNER'S SAFE DITTPOR 9 a is thebo't lllooil I'lirirtrr, nnd ntlmtiintoa , every function to more henltbrul action, atut It curpii Nrmniloii and other Mitt it 1hh. Hon: and Diieftiei, Including CniitiTB. Li. cvm, and other wrria. .TRP4ralAi lVinhnrM ofthn Ktntnnrlt Conmipnllon. Illnr( 4rnrrnl Imih; Itr etc.nrecuretl by ttioMnfo lllltpn. tia uncqtinled m an appetlrerand regulnr tonic JioTtles of two ii ws t price, SUr. aud Sl.on, WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quick. RttM Ilrt and Nlcrt to theiaiTeTJnr curen llrmlnrlio and NrurnlaJtt, prevt iti KpllrpilcrilN. and relieves Ncrinu r. trillion brouffbt on by extensive drink, ovr nrk. mental hocks, and nttier onuses, rowcrful as It Is to utop pnin and soot tie dl j ttirbfd Nerves. U never Injures the Brsttia. whether taken In nniall or Inruf1 iloirs. ' XsOtlles or two sizes i prices, nor. and $1.09, WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and iwfivp stimulus for a TorplA tlTtr, and enrq Cgitlveneii,DrBepiUt mi, WffftBPP7 A louinaaa, fclhoai DUr raa, aiaian, revcr and Afua, and i i beniil whetievt-n bouelsdo not npt freely and r mtar Aoolbrr lllh rtnulm Lrh mall rirwr For llinri h , rk. lTlre!tAi-a. alii. Warnr'ahaMinrrtlwan auM h liritinrM A linlrra In amlna iprtwlirrc. H. H.varner&Co., 1 PpAnrtpftira. ffROOUESTEIl, N, Y, itrl TFtltnntitiU, OCt. Ill.lbTli.-ly RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES J-OKTIIKKN OENTKAL KA1UVAT tmlLi run W1NTEII TU1K TAI1LK. On and after Sunday. May an. I'm, the tn a tho Philadelphia & Krln Ita lroad Dl tslon will as louuws i WKSTWAKD. Erie Hall leaves I'lilladelplita It t.5 p m " " Ilarrlsburg 4113 a in " " Wlillamport sasniii " " .Terwiy hhor iioTum " " Lock llaten U4Dam " 1 itcnovo 11 o am " arrive at lit lo T to ji in Niagara Express lenicsl'hiladclplila 0 no a m ' " llnrrlsburg Uxiintn " arr. at Wllllaniipurt a 13 p in " Lncminven 4110 pm " " Itenovo r jo pm Fast Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 W n lu " llnrrlnburg 8 83 p lu " arrive at Wllliarasport 7 S3 p in " " Lock Haven 8 4opm EASTWAUI). I'aclflo Express leaves Ixck Haven o 43 a m " " Jersoy bhoro 115am " " w Ullamsport 7 6 u in " arrlvo at Ilarrlsburg U4iipm ': Philadelphia s 1.1 1 in Day Express leaves Itenovo otuani " Lock Haven 11 leu in ' " V Ullamsport 12 ' p in " arrive at llnrrlsburg :140 pm ' " I'hllndLlpEla 0 4ipm Erie Mall leaves Itenovo 8 40pm " " Ick Haven U30pM " " VHIllansport ltlopm " arrives at 1 Ian Isburg a 43 am " " l'hlladelplua imam Fast Lino leaves Wlillomiport liftam " arrives at Han Isburg 3 to tun " " I'hlladelplila 7 40 am Erlo Mall west anil Day Express list make close connections niXortliumbcriiind Willi L.& 11. IE, li. trams for v llkosbnric aud hcrauton, Erie Mall West, Niagara I'.xprejs West and Vast IJno West make closo roDnectlon at WllUoiiibport wiui it. j. ji. v . inuus iiurin. Niagara Express West and Day Expr fs I us! mjke clove toiiuectlui, ot Loci; llaen with li. E.V, it. it. trams. Erie -Mall east and West connect nt Erlo nils trutns on L. S. & M. H. it. lu : nt Corry with o. t A. V. 11. It. ; at Emporium with 11. N. Y. ti V. 11. il. and at uruiwood with A. v. It. IU Parlor cars will run between I'hlUielpliI i and Wlllamsiiort on Niagara Express weat, and Day Kx press ast, keeping cars on all night Iratn. WM.A. IIALIIVM.N, uencrul nipt. "rOKTIIEHN CKNT1JAL KAILVAY On and nfler Novembcr.SOth. Is73, trains vvhl 1 an Sunbury as follows : NORTIIWAItD. Erlo Hall 5.20 a. m., arrlv c Elmlra 11.6 " Canandalgua... s.3&p,m llochcster 5.16 " Nlagaia- 9 40 " Itenovo accommodation 11.10 a. la. arrlvo Williams. port 12.55 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., arrlvo Elmlra 10.20 a. m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrlvo Buffalo 8.50 a n BOUTIIWAllD. Buffalo Express 9.50 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg " Ilalttmoro 8.40 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a.m., arrlvo Ilarrlsburg 1.60 " Washington 10.31 " lialtlmorn r..3o " WasUlnglou Ilarrlsburg accommodation burg 10,50 p, m, arrlvo Baltimore " Washington 0,13 Erie Mall 11.55 a. m. arris e Ilarrlsburg 3 05 a. rn, " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., Oeneral rassenger Agen A. J. CA8SATT, General Jlana:tr piIILADEI.rilA AND HEADING KOAD ARUANOEJIENT OF l'ASSENCT.R TKA1NS. May II, 18J9. TKAINS LSAVK Rt'PXRT AS !OLUjWSBl?NhAr SXCEI'TID For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, rotnvllU Tamaqua, c 11,45 a, m For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. rn. For WlUlamsport, 0,28 o,05 a. m. and 4,ws p. m. TBA1NS FOR RUI'EHT LBATI AS FOI.LOWU, (SCKUIY I csmn,) Lcavo New York, 8,45 a. ra. Leave l'Mladelplila, 9,45 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,55 a. m., I'ottsvtlle, 12,33 r. a and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m, Loavo Catawlssa, 0,20 8,50 a. m. and 4,oo p. m. Leave Vj'llllamsport,s.43 a.m.2,15 p. m. and 4,50 p. ra l'asscngcrs to and from New Yortaand I'Ulladel phla go througa itliout cUango of cars. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Managir C. O, HANCOCK, Jan.l4,lsio tf. TELAWAHE, LACKAVANNA XJ WSST1S11N ItAILItOAD. BLOOJISI1URG DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. siN Takes effect at 4:30 A MONDAYS) UNU 10. 1SJS. NOHTH, I STAI'lONS. SOUTH, ANB p.m. v so 23 17 9 03 8 64 8 61 8 40 8 S3 8 13 P.m. 4 12 S 61 8 40 3 4l 12 41 U it 8 80 9 10 a.m. 9 40 '9 S7: 9 30 9 21 9 19 9 14 9 04 8 41 8 S3 8 20 8 55 8 12 3 12 8 01 3 01 7 51 2 61 7 88 9 89 IH 81 7 S5 9 as 7 18 7 14 7 10 7 02 J 14 50 1 57 0 50 1 61 0 43 1 40 0 27 1 27 8 15 000 1 00 8 47 8 39 8 28 8 17 8 12 8 00 7 44 7 S3 7 83 7 29 T 11 Scranton Beuevuo ...layionme.. . .Lackawanna.... l'lttsloa , West I'lttston...! ......Wyoming.....: Maltby" -ltenuctu .....Kingston Kingston ..riymouth June. ....Plymouth Avondalo Nanllcokc .Uunlock's U'eck. ..-hhickshinnj',...1 ....Hick's Ferry,...! ....Beach Haven... ....... Berwick .... .....llrlar Creek i ...WlUow drove.... .,.Llme lUdge.. Espy.....; ...Bloomsburg..... ltUDert.7. t'alanlasa Bridge. J'IUl,lllU..H..t, Cbulasky....... Cameron .Northumberland. a.m. p.m. 9 85 2 lo 2 10 9 45 2 24 2 30 2 S3 2 44 2 4) ill tl 3 15 8 16 3 10 8 15 3 21 3 SO 3 85 3 Ml 4 113 4 10 i IS 4 12 4 VJ 4 SJ 4 42 4 49 4 51 5 01) 6 18 9 13 u SO 5 43 9 53 10 07 10 18 10 S3 10 2) 10 84 10 42 10 55 11 07 11 13 11 20 11 89 11 45 11 6 11 67 12 IS .in 0 13 0 SO ti SJ 0.1 0 41 bl o to 1 11 0 59 7 19 1 IS 7 'S T S5 5 7 11 S l a s a S'5 a j i 'SI 7.1 7 41 5 ffl 6 li SMI 3 Si 9 51 9 f n.m. n.m. m p.m. p.m. s.m W. V. IIALUTKAD, eup Buperlntendent's Offloe, Bcranton, Juno 10, Hi. yAINWUIOHTACO., WHOLESALE OIlOCKllS, ruiunit-ruii, ' Dealers In TEAS, SYJtUl'S, COFl'EE, SUOAIt, MOLAbSEH Kit I, SUCKS, BICASB soda, ta, to. tt. Oorner Bocond and Aroh streets, WnSora will rocolvo prcmfit kttentlon. i fi