The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 18, 1880, Image 3

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III.DOJlSIIUItll, Kit I lATf JUSKH, 1980
Michael Hower.of I
plenty of n,,poPly latK,Uay. Ho vLhm-
' u" ounuay at Wumodin.
Corlci 1). Itobbirs, the Admintstrntor of 15,
Wi Kobblnf, will fxnonclo public sale on Sat
urday June 22nd, a largo rjtiantlty of various
bmnils of liquors nnd lioutcholil uoode, furnl
tore, Ac.
0. 11. lliockwrty will expoio to public rale to
morrow,.! uno 19, a lot bounded on the no:lh l,jr
Third street, on the east by C. B. llrockway,
poulhbynn alley anil weal by ropertr of M.
P. I.titJ, containing -10 Let front ami all! feet
In depth. Tlio lot In in ti lilvh ptnto of culll.
vittlon wllh stone walk and Iron fence In front,
a hi'imoiy In the rear iit,d.cillcnt fruit trees.
Hester Ann Kdaon, Executrix of H. V. Cole,
tleceated, of Henlcn township, will cxpoie real
estate to sale on tho premises on Tlinrtdaj,
July 15th, 1830 See advertisement.
Candid ilea' cardi printed at this cilice at low
rates on shoit notice.
Harry Grot?. Ins U iho engine In his tan
nery to Milt, Ilcss.
I,. A. Ullcr, of Arhland, wai in town on
Monday. .
I. X. Orior. feij , and famitf, of Danville,
have nono to Europe.
Luis A Sloan have put Jwn a crossing on
Main street fpfo'll" their More.
Charles M. Biltenbendcr returned home from
Xebrnskn on Tuonlay, after tin aWence of one
Clerk J. 1!. Casey tnnile a good crier at the
sales on Monday. No lime was wasted in wait
ing fjr Ills.
Col.S. Knorr and Sherifl' Ent went up Iho
creek on Tuesday to try their hands at trout
Comm!sdoncr Ueichart ha recovered from
his Injuries. He wns In town on Monday at
tending to olliciil duties.
V. 11. Jacobv, V. C. McKlnney, 0. A.
Clail: and several other Democrats are talking
of going to Cincinnati with Mr. Lovrenberg, the
delegate from this dUtrict.
The Wheeler Xo. C rum lighter than any other
combined Mower nnd Hearer in the market,
cutllng live feet. juno 18-tf t
There was quite n Inrge attendance at the
Treasurer's sales cn Monday. A number of
sales wero adjourned until next Monday at 10
o'clock a. m .
The Wheeler Xo. G use "Whaler's pateni"
adjustable and movablo tteel plates in tin'
guardi, which cannot ho ued by other manu
fjcturets. june 18-tf
Wo have receive I n very nsally printed notice
of tho commencement exercises at Lewistown
Academy, to be held June 2'2nd. Prof. H. II.
Schuyler is the principal of the school.
No ntHwer hiving been sent in by any one
to ' Our Puzzle Corner," we have concluded
that our readers were not interested in it, and
have therefore discontinued lint department.
The Wheeler Xo. G is tho only twr-whecled
reiper that has folding platform to ias through
narrow lanes, bam ami gates. june lS-tf
There will be a ftrawberry and iro cream fes
tival in Ivpy, neir Iho steam grist mill, on
tho evenings of IViday and Saturday, June
li.'nh and 2Gth, under the auspices of the Espy
CornctlJtnd. Proceeds for tho benefit of ihe
band. A cordial invitation is extended to the
At a meeting of Flslilngcreek Improvement
Company held recently, tho following ofiicirs
were elected: J. M. Harman, President; David
Lowenberg, Treasurer: C- H- Itrockway, Secrc
tary, TliPabovo named and W. K. Tubbs and
U. H. Ent wero chosen as directors.
For the delicate nnd complicated difficulties
peculiar to ll o female constllulion, Lydia I..
Pinkham's Vegelable compound is the sover
eign remedy. It aims at iho cauic, and pro
duces lasling results. Send to Mrs. I.ydia E.
Pinkham, 233 Weslern Avenue, Lynn, Mass.,
for pamphlets.
A.J. Albertson, of Kohrsburg.died on Sun
day last. Ho had been stiller in j: a long time
lrom cancer in tho face, and only a few days
before his death, returned from Philadelphia,
whero he had frequently been for treatment.
Several times he believed lilmpelf cured, but
the terrible disease would shortly afierwards
break out again. He was a justice of the peace
in Greenwood for some years.
Otborne Xo. 8 Light reaper weighs 750 Mn
runs very light, has perfect lilting apparatus,
Kirby's celebrated rolling head rakes (acknowl.
edijed to he the best self-rake over invented)
perfectly controllable, and has no tpringi to get
out of order- consequently is the most durable
and light reaper in the market. june 4-ow
Thoro will bo n, festival in the grove at St.
James' church in Fishingcreek township on tho
afternoon and evening of the tfril of July. Come
one, come nil.
AVo are requested to announce the name of
C. II, Campbell, of Uriarcreek, as a camliuaie
for the office of County Superintendent ot com
mon schools. Mr. Campbell is a teacher of
long experience, having been engaged in that
profession for the inst twenty-five years In lids
county and Luzerne. j"ne 18-2w
Messrs. 11. Ilruce Klcket's and J. K. liogert
will start fr Cincinnati next Siturday, to at
tend Ihe National Democratic Convention.
The foro-er will afterwards go to Colorado and
visit tho more Interesting mining points.
Wilhetbarre lleeord.
people of Millvllle will i,i.i
on . he 3rd o July. There will be good speak
Ing, music, dinner and supper, Ice cream, Ac
I roceeds to go toward building of a free meet
g house. A good lime In
Come one, come all.
Mill. Hess' ntW fulindrmn it.- i
jlallrwid and Iron streets Is neatly completed,
to expects to manufacture larg4 quantities of
lion fence soon.
M!sos Buckingham. IVninnn ami Qi!t- I.....
closd their schools at Shenan.Ioili The Iwo
rormirhnvo returned home It) Jtrmmt tlmlf. ...
cation, ami the lairr 1. ua Inn. tn Al.!!..-
Iowa, lo rper.d a year wllh hcrsuters.
Ihe Wheeler Xo. G is Ihe onlv tnachlnn Lull!
using Wheiter'n Patent llolllnn lt,nl ;!,.
which Inndles grain In all s-nges lu the most
perfect and sitlsfartory manner, iune 18-tf
The heavy wind on Sund.iv linrnnnn tin I
roofed the Into al Col. Kre.zt's farm, over
turned Jacob I)ieflenbach'sw,igon shed, un
root til many trees, nnd did miirb ,1m.. ,.n
along Its track. One of Buckslews' livery horses
was in M, A . Moore's bam at Buekborn when
It blew down, and was considerably cut about
iho head.
M. AVynkoop returned homo list week, from
a trp of business and pleasure lo the weslern
imtofihe Slate. Thote monlo who rennrnd
nt he went away to avoid lid 111 On t n I n n
debt ho owes will be much disappointed that
their report proved false.
What an Old Physician Says In a nro.
lice of over thirty j ears, I Imvo never found
n curative equal to the Great .Mexican Berne-
ly, Ilcrballoe Bllters. Havlnc used but twn
holths, I am entirtly relieved of
feclion of the s'omach aid bowels of feven
years' stnnling. I regard it as Iho best health
restoring agent In the world. C. Hampton.
M.D, Vevay, Ind.
Lock Havkn, June 1 1. A terrible wind and
rain storm pvsed over this city and counly
yestciday aficrnoon. Houses and barns were
unroofed, bridges wero damaged, and fruit
orchards, gardens, shade trees, fences and sheds
were dtslroyed. Tho cily flouring mill of Ibis
place, was blown out of line. No lives wero
The members of the Bloomsburg Silver Cor
net Band will hold an open nir festival in North
Matkel ttreet In ncielnrhoid of the Lutheran
rhurih this Friday an 1 Siturday evenings,
June 18th and lfllh, The bill of f ire embracis
all refreshments of the season. Good mui-it!
will he in attendance and a pleaant lime gen
erally is expicled. Patronage of a generous
public respectfully solicited.
N. B. Should the weather prove unfavora
ble for an enttrlninmcnt in opin air.the festival
will be held in Ilartmsn's hall, corner Main
nnd Market streets.
Tho Town council held their regular montl:
ly meeting la't week, Wednesday nigh . We
are unable to print ihe proceedings n the clerk
informs us there were no minutes of the meet
ing. So far as we can learn a building ptrmit
vra granted to 1. S. Kulin, and n number of
hills ordered piid. Only fuiir members, inclu
dire the President, were present. We cannot
undersland why there are no minutes. TI
proceidings of every meeting of the ceuncil
must he ktpt aril recorded by the Secretary,
and Ihe minutes nte open for Ihe inspection of
the public. If there is no record of the meet
log there certainly should be, and if there are
minutes, hut not reconle 1 yet, a week afier Ihe
meeting, it is high lime liny were put on the
Minulc book.
all manufacturers of threshing machinery are
so anxious lo mike a sernrn'or of the "Vibra-
tor"(, i- het-HUsoit hasbeen pruvid b-yond
a question that the principles upon which the
"Vibrator" is built are tho only orrcc.t ones.
It may not be generally known, but it is a fact,
that the word "Vibrator" is not lo be found in
ihe dictionary, but was coined and copied by
Nichol-, Shepard & Co., of Battle Creek, Midi
for thtir threshing machinery. Tho success of
this firm is almost phenomenal, and yet it but
illustrates tho fact that true merit will always
succeed. By discovering and applying iheliuc
principles of construction, and using only the
very best materials in mnuufitturing, this firm
have nncn to the first position in their line,
and ihe ''Vibrator" Separators and enginesare
now used all over the world. Any one intend
ing to buy any threshing machinery does him
self great Injustice if he docs not first obtain
full information from them and cat efully exam
ine the merits of their goods.
Will send llmlr olcl,,.i.1 l.i,.ir,,.i.
Hells lo Ihe aflllcled upon 30 dsvs trl.l. Hr.e,U
cures guiranleisl. They moan what they say.
write to them without iMkv. Nov 'il-lv.
John M. Slackbouie Ins addd-d lo the beau.
tyofhls hand'oino residence by enclosing it
with one of those lasly and ornamental wooden
tftires manufactured at Esn.C,liim1,!a mnn'v.
These are the most stylish wooden fences now
made and In point of Uauly are superior to
iron. Shlchhlnnu ICrhn.
W'o keep on haul a larirsr misntiiv nf ll,.
bing stock than any o.her printing office in the
county, and can therefore suit iho lastia t f all
customers. Our facilities aio unequalled, and
our job d1iartmeiit Is cromlcd lecture of our
ncatwotk nnd low prices.
Tho 30th Annual 0 rnmencement nf the
University nl Lcwisburg will bo held June
23rd in.t. The I). L A W. It. R , will sell ex
curslon tickets from Seranton to Northumber
land gnod from Juno 17th to the 23rd to go and
tjlhe2Gth to return.
niit saw: at this offick.
One fount of 25 lino Pica, wood type (1 Ai
caps only, ah ut 120 characters. In perfect
condition. We have two lounts nearly alike
and need but one.
About .50 lbs. of this
Great Primer. CAPS.
i 7
lower ease and figures.
In good condition. Just
the thine; Cor poster
work. Onlv 15 cents
a pound.
Mut 4V c
(((OH. &tt
A rare chance for a country office to gel good
typo cheap. june 18-lw
2(7 caij a
The Wheeler JS'o. 0 has taken the lead the last
fiye pears the world over, as the most crfoct
combined llcnper and Mower. For strength, du
rability, rao ot management and exco'lsncc of
work, either reaping nr mowing, it cannot he
beaten. Wm Pnrsel, B'uyisburg says lie is
more than pleased with his No 0, juno d-6w
The members of Iho School Board, B. F.
Zarr, 0. T, WHsm and J, C. Brown and mem
bers elect, C, S Furrann and Wm. Krlckbaum
met In Ihe oflico of B, F. Zirr, on Saturday
evening the 12th, to efl'tct an organizttion
for Ihe ensuing year. A temporary organiza
tion was made by electing 11. F. Zurr chairman
nnd J, C. Brown, Secretary. On motion 11. F.
Zirr was elected Picshlcntfortho enmlngyeir.
The salary of the Secretary was fixed at $160,
the same as last year and on motion J, C.
Brown was elected Secretary, Tho Treasurer's
commission was fixed at 2 per cent, the same
as last year nnd on motion Stephen Knorr was
cWted Treasurer. Tho collector's commission
wns fixed nt 2 per cent same as last year and
M. 0. Woodward wis elected collector. The
bonds of both Trei'urer ami collector wore ap
proved. The Secretary whs directed lo draw
orders forlho ptymentof the Auditors for one
dollar each and for twenty-five dollars each in
favor of lbs Coi.umm.iv nnd Uepubllcan, for
publishing annual statement. On motion ad
journed until Fridiy evening tho 18th.
Kus. Columbian :
The wind storm last Sunday did considerable
damage in our town nnd vicinity. One of the
slacks of the rolling niill was blown down nnd a
portion of the rouftirn off. The damage is
probibly si-vm hiindn d dollir'. Qui e tt num
ber of shade trees neie broken down, in the
rural districts the orchards sutlered, many val
uable fruit Irees have been desirjyed. Very lit
tle rain accompanied the storm.
Mes-rs Pealeranl Smith returned from Ihe
Noith Mountain, where they have been camp
ing for a couple of weeks. They sny they had
all the trout and pigeons lhat they wero able to
use. On the 3rd of June, the cold was severe
enough to freeze the water in their tin cups.
They uid a short visit to the Long Pond Houe
and found Mr. Kicketts as jolly and entertain
ing as ever.
At the Literafy Sochty last Fridiy evening,
Frnnk Stewart nnd W. F.- Smith argued that
I'Warisn product of civilizition." Dr. Frets
and 0. Kcslcr argued negatively, but ip ninj
ihe judges decidtd for the slfitnativd Mr
Kayscr read an csay on the Social condition
of Womm In Germany, and W. E. Smith read
a humorous sketch.
Preparations are being made for a grand eel
dilation of the 4th of July. There will be a
large pirade a'ld some speeches by noted men.
Strawberries being ripe, festivals are in or
der. Two evenings last wejk were thus devo
ted by the Presbyterians and one evening this
week by iho Methodists.
On Sunday, (lev. Brittain preached his semi
centennial sermon in the M. E. churcb. A
large congregation listened to hioi.
The school directors are preparing to build
an addition to the school house. It is to be
ready when Ihe fall term begins.
Berwick Pa., June 1G, 'SO.
'flic law of I'artnerslilii.
The lollowlng may be of Interest to many
of our readers, as it is probably not gener
ally known what the hiv concerning visitors
to bar rooms and drinking saloons really is :
A caso was decided at Philadelphia lately
by which one of the party of four persons,
who had spent the eveuing nt a public
house, who was compelled to pay the whole
bill.hls compauion9 liaviug neglected to "po
ny up" their proportions of the expenses.
The case is reported in the lhilktin. Tho de
fendant held, that ns he had not drank the
whole, nor nto tho whole that was ordered,
but only a fourth part thereof, he was not
responsible for paymeut only in that ratio.
The Judge was of a different opinion A
company assembled at a public liouse.can be
considered by tho landlord only as one per
son ; they have joined themselves together,
and ho has no right to put them asunder.
He cannot say to one, as he enters, "you may
drink," and to another, "you shall not," nor
ask any one whether he has money to pay
lor his reckoning. One may treat another,
for what he knows, or he may treat the
whole. It is a partuctship for that night,
and what right has the landlord to inquiro
who finds tho capital? They are equally
accountable to htm for the whole debt. It is
not enough that one pays his part, he must
take care that the whole is paid ; that is his
concern, not the landlord's.
When the partnership dissolves whether
it be at mid-day or midnight, every partner
is rosponsiblo for debts contracted in the
partnership. If one man breaks a glass, it
is nothing to tho landlord who broke it ; ho
can charge it to the company, as well as its
contents, and they must settle the matter
with tho individual. One man with money
might bring a dozen without, who, being
strangers, the landlord is deprived of his
property and his remedy. He can take any
one of the company, and he whom ho takes
may demand bis share from the rest.
The defendant declared that he had never
heard so much law and good sense in his
life ; and that the decision and opinion put
together was worth the money it cost him ;
he would pay the bills with costs, and re
member it fi r his futuro government.
Ilazard's llegister.
The convention of the Dloceio of Central
Pennsylvania met In Christ's Jatheilral.ltea
ding, on Tuesday the 8th Inst. It was mnro
largely attended than usual, very few parish
es being unrepresented, owing to thelrener-
al Interest felt In the proposed iltyUlou of
the Diocese. This question was disposed of
on Wednesday afternoon by being referred
to a committoelo bo appointed by the Dish
op, to consist of three clergymen and three
laymen, said committee to report to the next
convention. This action, opposed by the
advocates of division, makes tho formation
of a new Diocese Impossible within the next
three years, as the consent of the Geueral
Convention (which meets triennlally) must
be had before a new Dioceso can be organ
ized. The next General Convention meets
in the coming month of October and it was
Intended by tho supporters of division to
havo the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
divided in time tube ratified by that body.
The committee appointed by lllsbop Howe
to report on this question next year consists
ct the following gentlemen : The Kov. Dr.
Spalding of York, the Key. Dr. Breck of
Wellsboro, the Hav. Mr Jones of Wilkes
barre, Mr. Hob't. Packer of Sayre, Mr.
Buehler of Harrlsburg and Judgo Cummin
of Wllliamsport.
The delegates elected to represent the
Diocese at the coming General Convention,
are tlieltev. Courtlaud Whitehead of Beth
lehem, the llev. Mr. Knight of Lancaster,
the llev. Mr. Jones of Wllkesbarre.tht Uev.
Dr. Breck of Wellsboro, the iron. R. A.
Latnberton, Presideutof theLehlgh Univer
sity, John L. Atlce M. 1). of Lancaster
Hon. John W. Guernsey of Tioga and Henry
Coppce L. L. D. of Lehigh University.
Tho following were elected on a riro voce
vote as supplemental delegates to the gen
eral convention : Hevs. Dr. H, W. Spald
ing, J. H. Black, Wm. L. Leverett, 0. G.
Gllliat, Messrs. W. D.Dungllson.S. H. Rey
nolds, C. M. Conynham, J. G. Freeze.
Of the half hundred young follows grad
uated at West Point this year, three, it ap
pears, have pocketed $750 apiece in lieu of a
commission, dolled their uniforms, and sub
sided into the plain prose of civilian life.
The theory of West Poiut i that the govern
ment educates, lodges, clothes, and feeds
promising boys fora term of years in order
to secure the benefit of their services, at the
expiration of this term, as officers of the
army. In practice, it seems, the Govern
ment offers a bonus to the boys not to even
attempt to make any return for their edu
cation. This may strike non-military readers
as a queer wayof doing business.
The Young Men's Christian Association
hive purchased Kxeter Hall, London, for
2.r).000. They intend to spend another
15,000 in doing up the building. The Ro
man Catholics were anxious to purchase it
for a church, but, although they otfercd as
much as tho sura paid for it, the actual pur
chasers got the preference. The United
Kingdom Alliance also put in a bid for the
imous rendezvous. This is a sign that the
anti-liquor law agitation is likely to rank
mong tho permanent Institutions of the
New York pays more for tobacco than for
bread, Dealers say that there are smokers
i that city who average 100 cigars a week,
and men whose cigar bills run up to thous
ands of dollars per annum.
ICstbav. A dark red cow with knobs on lur!
horns, while spot on breast, stiayo 1 from the
premises of the undersigned 04 June 1st. Any
person knowing her whereabouts will plesse
inform the owner,
june ll-2w JOHN D. JONIX
Water pipe hasbeen laid on Centro street,
between Main and Third street'. This was not
included in the original distribution. We ham
lhat pipe will bo extended down Third street to
Scott town.
The citizens of Brwlck are preparing fora
grand time on the 3d of Julv, tho 4th falling
on Sunday. Invitations havo been extended
to the various organliatlons of this town, and
to tho citizens generally, lo join in the rica
slon. Whenever there has been anything of the
kind here, Ihe people of Berwick have turnfd
out liberally to help us make It a success, and
now that they propose to celebrate, we hould
reciprocate. The. members of the committee
having the matter lu charge are Col. A, D,
Seely, W. T. Snydor and Wui. W. Boyles, and
Ibis is sufficient to Insure that the arrangements
will be extensive snd complete. Further par
tlculars will be given hereafter,
OsnoiiNE No. 3 Beapbk, wide-cut, weighs
000 lbs., is Ihe old r-tand-by-machine for farm
ers having large and heavy harvests to reap
You can always depend upon it-wet or dry,
tall or uliort, thick or thin, A. II. Droop, tin
arcreek, rays hit .Vo. 3 it the ban of all the ma
chines he ever saw. One team woiks all day In
the warmest weather and does not mind It u
bit. His IS year old daughter did all the reap
ing after tbe first half day. Try them buy
thorn hd U happy, June'sl-ow
On la-t Satudjy, n party of three score per
sons stealthily took pos-essiou of Samuel Yost's
houe in Fnhingcreek town. kip, and for
hours had their own way. Their object, of
course, was not to plunder the old genlletnan
butto remind him ofhis birthday, l'jlher lo-t
is 75 ytars old, haB 4 children. 21 grandchil
dren and 1 1 great-grandchildren. As a reward
ofhis indi-lry and good management, he now
enjoys a very fair competency. He is a liberal
supporter of St. James' thurch, ami is noted
for his hospitality. He is also noted as an ex
cellent mirksmni, and very few cin surpass
him In this particular. IUring skillf il in this
art, he is passionately fond of hunliig the tim
id deer. Rich in his experlenco of hunting,
there seems to be no end to his deer stories, It
there should he a change in the political ad
minMralicn this lull, we havo no doubt that
this olJ Nimrod will lake advantage of his
good feeling go to the North Mountain and
kill a large buck In honor of Democracy. Alter
suendlng hours In fenting,clutting aud
singing, the parly retired, all f.cling that the
occasion was a very pleasant one.
One of the Pittrv.
tiucKiioiiN yaws,
BlTiiiioax, Juno 15, 1S80
Kus. Columbian :
Iho old saying that Buclhoin "never does
nnvlhing by halves," was again verified on Sal
urday evening, It was a lencal lo our tanu
u theshapo of a festival, held by the members,
Early in ihe evinlng ihe multitude began lo as
semble; but when the celebrated Lilawl-sa
band put in their appearance, the village was
thronuid Later, the LJspy oanu lent a uetp
inir hand, when music seemeil to be Hie order
of the day. The receipts of Ihe evening were
jut one hundred dollars. A cake was contest
ed fur between then' two nanus, juh SJme.
v,eit lo Caiawissa, Another was present! d to
tho F.'py Band. This is a )Oiing band, but
the Espy people can well feel proud of Ihini,
The Cilawlssa band Is older, numbers twenty.
and well uniformed, presented a solid front and
charmed our coumunily wllh their eicelun
selections. These band will please accep
thanks and come ajaln.
On Sunday afternoon a heavy storm passed
over this section, blowing down Mr. M, A
Moore's barn and killing two valuable horses.
the one belonging to Mr. Geo. Oil. Help wis
Immediately summoned to rescue the remain
Ine horses and calile. The 'scene was pllilul.
Hundreds of people lent a hand, The tarn
was completely wreckedj all kinds of grain
scattend with the debris. Even tin walls were
blown down. A few other smal'er buildings
and part of ihe roof of Jno. Miller's barn with
hundreds oflrtts were the result ot una norm
Cleveland, Novcirber 1, 1S7S.
Edilors Wachttrom Krlt, Cleveland, Ohio:
Gentlemen: Allow me, as nn eld reader of
y our valued journal, herewith to rend you a
few lines, which plearc insert in your next is
sue. I will vouch lor their truth, and know
that by their publication a great deal of good
will be accomplished. Having been a reader
of jour paper for many years, I hope jou will
kindly grant my request.
Foe twelve years I hadsuffeiod, from lime to
time, terribly w'th rheumatism, to such an ex"
tent thai I ns unable to move about and lest
the use of my limbs. I tried everything recom
meiidtd to eflect a cine, coi eulted some of the
most prominent physicians, and expended large
sums of money trying to find relief, but with
out any success. Glancing over the columns of
the Wachter, I rend about tho St. Jacob's Oil
and the many cures the remedy had efiecttd.
Haying been disappoinlid so many tunes, 1 lo'
all fiith in nnv remedy, the St. Jacob's Oil in
eluded, until I saw one day that it had cured a
well-known citizen with whom I am acquainted.
Other parties fully endorsed ihe value and won
deiful power of Ihe oil, tilling rue that it had
curel them of different ailments in a veiv short
time. This brought me to a renelusion, I said
to myself, "Schwcizer, fifty cmts won't break
you;" so I went to my druggi-l, Mr. Bocli
bought a bottle of Ihe oil, and must now confess
that the result was truly wonderful. I ued it
every two hours, and found relief Immediately
upon the Hist applira'iori. Fearing n niw at
tack, I r.mamed iu b d an I usul the remedy
every three hours. All pain having hit me, I
arose from my bed and walked down stairs with
out any Iroub'e.
Since that lime I have b cn able to f How
my occupation an I feel no pilnsor inconveni
ence, however disagreeable the chang, sof the
weslher mar be. Having thoroughly teeted
the St. Jacob's Oil, I cm conscientiously re
commend it to all sfilicted with rheumatism,
Fitly cenls is a email expense when tho servi
ces for so trifling an ontlay are considered. If
I was cue ihousaDil mile away from all human
habitation, I should nivcrtlieless procure this
remedy an I keep it always in my house.
Cor. Mervln tvl Centre at, devu'and, O.
Abmv Wohms. Tl.o fli I'U In par's of New
Jersey an-beliur ilev.istatid by army worms
These destruc ive pests are about an inch in
leng h.of a slate ctlor and covend with a
rough fir. The fre put of tho body Is furn
ished with inr.umeralls legs while tho h'ud
nart lies fl u on ihe ground Wherever these
worms ap ear, th crops vanish liko mnglo be
foro Ihe countles millions of crawling distroy
era. Fire, water and Paris green havo been
emph ytd to check thiir progress, but the vast
hosts" behind crawl over the dead Indies of
those who fall in front. Should these worms
enter Pennsylvania the destruction of crops
would be terrible. It is to be hoped that some
thing may occur to turn the course of these
destroyers away from our borders.
Physicians freely proscribe Ihe new Food
Medicine, "Malt Bitters," because more nour
Ishing, strengthening sud purifying than all
other forms of milt or medicine, while free
from the objections urged against malt liquors.
Tlio (Irecnbackers-
In the Greenback Labor convention at
Chicago last Friday, after the nomination
of Messrs. Weaver, Campbell, Butler and
Wolf for tho presidency, Congressman Yo-
kurn, of Pennsylvania, placed in nomination
Hon, Hendnck B. Wright, of Pennsyl
vania. William R. Dale, of Tennessee, who
claimed to be a phenomenon as tho only
living confederate private in the Uuited
States, nominated Thomas H. Much, of
Maine, aud he, being on the floor of the con
ventiou, declined the honor.
Wisconsin presented the name of Edward
P. Allis, of that state.
The call of states, from Alabama to Wis
cousin, was availed of by delegates to speak
on questions connected with the greenback
labor party and the various candidates.
At 3:25 a. ra., it was moved that the con
vention proceed to ballot for a nomiuee for
Presidentof the United States.
An informal ballot was first taken, the re
sult of which was first announced at 4:10 a.
m just as the day was breaking.
It stood: Weaver, 221J; Wright, 1261;
Dillaye, 119; Buller, 95; Chase, 89; Allis,
41; Campbell, 21.
Befure the announcement of the first bal
lot it became evident that Weaver bad a
clear majority, and all tho delegate a
hastened to change their votes to that
candidate. Motions sprang from every part
of the convention to make his nomination
unanimous, and just as the sun shone through
the eastern windows the result of the ballot
was announced as "18 for Gen. B. Weaver
the total vote and without unv motion his
nomination was made unanimous.
In the midst of a perfect pandemonium of
shouting delegates, the nominations of can
didates for Vice President weio made. Gen
Iloraco P. Sergeant, of Massichusotts, pre-
seutiug the name of A. M. West, of Missis
sippi. F. J, Chambers, of Texas, the no in
inee of tbe St, Louis greenback convention
was also put in nomlnatinn. On the first
ballot Chambers received 311. Gen. Cham'
ber's nomination was then made unaul
At 0 a. in , Geueral Weaver came into the
hall, apparently fresh after a good night's
sleep, and accepted the nomination which a
sleepless convention tendered to him. He
said that in n most informal manner, and re
lying on Divine Providence, he accepted the
trust reposed In him, and promised to in
form I lie in in a more formal manner of hi
acc3 t nice.
After passing the usual vote ot thanks the
convention, at U:10 11, in,, adjourned tine
The following are the resolutions in full
;,t'oarit, nut n is ine sense ot the houso
that all currency (whether metallic or pa
per) necessary fur the use and convenience
of the people shall be Usued, and its volutn
controlled by the government, nnd not lu
ll r through the corporations of the
country, ami wnen so issued. It thou it lie
full legal tender in payment of all debts
public ami private.
lUtohed, That In tho judgment of this
House tnat portion nt me, interest hearing
debt oi i no unite? states which shall be re
deemable in tbe year 1881. or prior thereto
(being in amount about f 782,000,000) thould
uot bo refunded beyond the power of the
government to call in such obligations and
pay them at any time, but should be paid as
rapuny as pusiui anu according to con
tract. To enable the Koverument to meet
these obligation! the mints of tbe United
States shall be operated to their full capacity
in the coinage of standard silver dollars and
sucn other coinage as the business. 1 uteres
1 of tbe country may require.
centenarian ex-soldier, who died recently
n a Russian village, continued his business
of tailoring until death, though ho had been
blind for forty years. His sense of touch
was so acute, that ho could distinguish dif-
rent bank holes. He used to thread his
leedleby means ot bis tongue.
It should be the aim of every owner of
Iorse?,Cows,&c.,to make them as handsome
and u-eful as possible. The German Horse
and Cow Powder helps to develop all the
powers of the animal. It improves its beau
ty and iucreass its usefulness. It makes
milk, muclc and fat. By using it a horse
will do more work and a cow give more milk
and be in better condition with less feed.
Bold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by
0. A. Kleini, Bloomsburg.
Dec 12, '79-ly
Now is the lime to buy Dress Goods.
Summer Dress Goods r.t cost at Clark &
on's to reduce stock.
for llip jrnr rnittnff .Innr t, INHO.
M. U. WooinVAIll), orecto'.
fsui II
t 83-7
IS tfil
85 W
107 V
6537 30
To am't of duplicate t8T9.'o
Til lintflnn., nil dlltillpAtp '.A-TH
liy amt. or cxooeratloos on dupli
cate 1S79.VO
Iiy additional exonerations on da
plicate tsis-H
ny am't returnel to commissioners
liya'mtpald Treasurer on dupli
cate 1878-'79
Iiy am't nald Treasurer on dupli
cate! 1 879 mi
llv 9 ner cent elm. on 8393 fill
11 balance due district on dupli
cate 1S79.DO
Total, 8S3I sa
EL! JOSE'S, Treasurer. Dr.
To am't recoil oil from M.C. Wood
ward, collector I72S"9
To am'treo- lvcd from J. 11. Oraul,
former treasurer 89 OS
To am't received from bondsmen of
W. n. Roons. !9 73
To am't received from Bllas Conner i J9
To am't received from J. It. nvans,
old Academy lot sis so
Hy am t of orders cashed less or
ders for commissioners 7430 M
3 percent commission on same 14s CI
uj uaiincuin uauus ui ireuaurer osisa
ToUl, $910060 $3100 CI)
Dr. Cr.
To am't tax leMcd for building
nurnoses 1620 sr
To am't received of J. It. Kvans on
old Academy sis so
To am't from former collector 80 on
To am't from e-llas Conner 4 90
To ain't from former treasurer list
Iiy am'ttpald for Vxmd redeemed Itooooo
Iiy Interest paid on bonds i 634 80
Iiy treasurer's commission 8143
Hy collector's commission 83 69
Ilyam'tcsoneratlons 21 74
Hy am't ret timed to commissioners 7 ( o
i-y am't duo dlstttct by collector 8hi on
Hy am't duo district by treasurer 666 66
Total, 13541 SS 12511 SS
Dr. Cr.
To am't tax levied for school pur
poses $S507tO
To am't tax received from former
collector 821 39
To am't tax received fron former
treasurer , I
To am't tai received of bondsmen
of W. H. Koons S3 76
Hy am't paid 17 teachers 14771 26
Iiyam'tpatdtiiinltors 41180
Hy am't paid advertising state
ments and printing bonds 00 oo
Hy am't paid repairs and cleaning 184 14
Hy am't paid table 8 6o
Hy am't paid auditors foes 8 no
iiy am c taio cleaning s organs it w
Hv am't imld 7 callous Ink 6 23
Hy um't paid era on, trees and
sundries 89 81
Hy am't paid Montour school dlst. II m
Hy am't paid secretary's silary 150 eu
Hy am't paid coal and wood 2.J4 21
i3 uiu b pum iri-tuiurer a cuuim n. ji, ix
11 ain't paid collector 184 4 0
liyain't exonerations Miiifi
Hy am't returned to commissioners is do
Iiy am't duo district by collector Too no
Hy ain't oue district by treasurer 10 07
tea. -j so (0929 so
No. 40 bond Issued to S. V. Uoonc,
oueuctowr l.issi
lot Jan. 1 V) to .June 1. m)
No, 41. Itond Issued to I.E. bchooa-
over, due octoo
Int. Jan. 1, Vi) to June 1. 'wt
No 42. Hond IsHued to UTomlln-
fion due uct. l, 'M
Int. Jan. l. so to June 1. 'so
No 43. linnet issued to I. L. hclioon-
over, due Oct 1,'ttj
Int Jan. 1,'witoJune 1,'mi
No. 44. Honu Issued to Freaa llrowu
duo Oct.l. VJ
Int., n) to Junol, 0
No. 43. liond thhud to Freas lirown
duo October 1, 'f2
Int. Jan. !, 'o to June 1. to
No. 48. Uond issued to bllas Conner
due OCt. 1, V2
Int. Jan 1, soto June 1, 'so
No. 47. uond Issued to Douglas
Hughes, due Oct. 1, "83
InuJan 1, &oto Jun;,'80
No. 4$. Jlond Issued to Dougtos
Hughes due Oct. l. 3
Int. Jan. 1, 'so to June ,
No. vi. liond Issued to bllas Conner
due Oct. l, '-a
Int. Jan. 1, tto to Jucel, 'bO
No. 50. liond Issued to Freas Urown
due Oct. l, 'M
Int. Jun. l, ly) to Juno '80
No. 51. Hond Issued to bllas Conner
dUtJOCt. 1, bt
Int. Jan. 1. VO to June I, ')
No. 5'2. Uond Issued to Silas Conner
due Oat, 1, "w
Int. Jan. I, 'oo to mno 1, 'so
No. 53. Itond Issued to Freas lirown
due oct. l, 's5
Int. Jan l, &0 to Juno 1, "80
No m. Itond Issued to Silos Conner
due Oct. l, h5
Inr. Jau. I. 'w to June 1, V
No. 65. Uond Issued to bdas Conner
due Oct. l. 5
Int. Ian, 1, 'wto June t.'so
No.&tl. Itond Issued to Mover Uros.,
due July 1, 'ml
int. July i,'79 to Juno 1, &o
No. 5T. liond Issued to oa Id btroup
due July l, wt
Int, Jan. 1, Vj to Juno 1, '80
No.5S. liond Ussued to Creasy
lirown duo July
Int. Jan. l 'witoJunel, '80
No. 9. Itond Issued to Creasy &
Urown due July l, 'ftf
Int. July l, 7tt to June 1, w)
No. to. Itond Issued to Luzetta
Creasy duo Julyl.'bd
Int. July 1, 7tf n Juno 1, S
No. ci, Uond Issued to Luzetta
creasy duo July l, 'wl
Int. Jan. l. 'lo to Juno 1, '60
No. 02 Hond Issued to IMvld btroup
due July i, '?7
Int. Jau.l,
No. 03. i:ond issued to ll. It. Urown
di.e July 1,
Int. Jan. 1, "coto Juno 1, so
No. 04. Hond l&sued to Creasy &
Urown due Jdy i, 't7
Int.Jan,i,'M)toJunel '60
No. 65. Uond Issued to K, It. lirown
due Jul l, "87
Int. Jan. l, wi to Juno 1, '80
No Cfl, Hondlihuedto J, J, Urown
due July l,
int Julv i( to June 1, 'tO
No. 67. ItODd Issued to U. W. boilth
due Jlyi.bT
Int. Jan. 1. m) to June l.&o
Tttens testamentary on the cstatn of Benjtratn
WlnrTMtwn. latp nr IMn townh!n column
bl. count. Pen n' deceased, bare bei n era-led
byllio HrrfKter nf said county to U A. fiermin
and riiineas Whllmlrc, Kaecurors. All pep
son; havlntrclalms against thestAta of said dece.
dent are remietnl lo Mrecnt them for settlement
and those Indebted to tho estate to make payment
to tho undemtirnert Kxccutors,wlthout delay.
! A.tlKltMAN. Derr's I'. O.,
may is, lojr tiecutors.
i t
Notice in hereby irlvrn tint nnrltcallnn has bren
made to tho Court of Cctnmon rlrintf Columbia
county for Irate to pinendihu tnarurcf the above
named corporation under tne Actor Mtmbiyof
April vj, mi no uinitiiq ursi ciauso ot am icie xoi im
Chatter bo iiineinted to u to read "The tiuslness of
tho Raid corporation Minlt uo conducted by not less
uihii miiu uur iiiuio iuuu uioe uuauvs, r
J as. C. Brown, Tiesldent.
secretary. mayiw-4w
Notion U hereby plven by tho undersltrned auditor
appointed by the Orphans' court for ihe Count? of
Columbia, to distribute the balance In the hands
the administrator of raid decedent, that he will tit
in inn uLscanrpo oi me uuncs oi nis appointment at
Ms oflico In Ithiomsbur niton Suturdai.tho 26th dar
of Juno, imo. ntten o'clovkin the furer.oon where
and at whkh lime all partus interested in the said
iuuu are rerpjiren io im aw npm'ar nr uw loruver m
barred from any claim upon said tund.
may 27, lfctiMw Auditor.
in tlio matter of the assigned estatft of llazletlno
ana pieci iorme ocnenioicreuuors.
Notlco is herebv irlven by the undershrned auditor
appointed by th- court of Common ileas of the
County of Columbia, lo distribute tho balance la the
linn (is of lUUm 11 Abbott, Assignee, to
and among th-j parties entitled tu-rtto, thttt he w 11
dlsehaige the duties of his appointment at his oflico
in Hlooinhburir, upon londa ,the 21st day ot June,
iso, at ten o clock In tho forenoon, w here and at
whti h time all names liavtnir claims upon said fund
arorttplred to appear and present the same or be
forever debarred from any thare of l ho said fund.
miy 2S 1KJ-C-4W Auditor,
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
EH rpTyTPArp TAT llraailiinr, Nfir VorU,
. D. lJtvnn.l.,l'ubltali'r ot llrst-clasa sub
scrlptlon books. Wants one or mnro Agents lnev
o ry count v. steady work and best terms.
june s, du iff a
Keilkk KnuMM, At liloomsburc June
lOlli, 18S0, by Kev. J. 1'. Tustin, Mr: Wm. J.
Keller to Miss Dora M. Krumm, both oi
lilocimburg, l'a.
Business Notices
soo no
0 00 X03 oo
H M) 5H CO
8 (II 1(12 M
too 00
5 I'O 205 00
r w 2u5 oo
cue uo
USD 512 SO
J to 807 50
1 M SO? CO
12 5U 512 50
5 IM 205 00
500 IK)
12 CO 612 CO
690 OO
12 CO 512 60
200 00
SOU 20500
600 00
12 CO 512 60
COO 00
12 60 512 60
COO 00
27 CO C27 60
12 60 612 00
200 00
6 ( 0 205 00
100 00
5 60 1U"M
100 00
S CO 105 60
100 00
2 50 102 CO
600 00
12 50 512 50
600 00
12 61 512 50
200 00
5 OO 205 00
2 60 102 60
200 00
1100 211 00
100 00
2 CO 102 tO
Whereas, the world renowned reputation of Ihej
White bowing Machine,
Indues rnanv unscrupulous comtvtltors to resort tOs
nil klnrW nr mpnn trirlra tti tnlura Its renutAtlon. weD
beff to caution all Intending purchasers not to buyaj
White Machine
except lrom Its regular aulhrrlzcd dealers, who will j
uq ausiuinea vy ine iuuuwiuk unauLj.
White Shuttle Sewinn: Machine, ;s
w.tTB NttMiiKii in.iaan poll FAMILY PIIKPCMri
This warrant exrents the brcakacro ot needles TS
uuuumsituu Miuilli-n, . ."a"l
This warranty will not bo sustained unless tho1
1'iaio numiier a Dove inven corn-puuu mui uw .
number on the shuttle race slldo. lleware ot dclacca s
or altered numbers
Ths "WHITE" Scutt o Eowing Machlaoa
Has OKKATKKCiriciTr than any otherramuybewinc
jiucuiue ror uuing every variety oi worit.
J. SALTZElt, (lenoral Acent,
Bloomsburff , Fa.
OcU S, T9-ly.
Printetl at this Office
l-iles What unceasing1 tortures ariso rrom inter--i
iti.'pdiiif. Kxurnnlnnd Itclmttr l'lles The valn-
endenvnrs to obtain ive i pirtlalrellel hasdtaeour- ,
iiffd the iiLllltoni who outTer, and thej havo born
t'M'lratforiy insllm n thinking there was no hope
or urosMct ot a euro. uti hstanillng tbe tout
t tut riirtw f niti-M. nnd the nlcturu of aflrony rvstlnir,
on the fice if tnoho who have tiled tho verlousrem-
edloibut.ln vain jet eagerly sought ior ana anx
loush trledanjthtitglha promises the least relief
until their eoutuire ban long since given place tode
Bpondency, let them cheer up, allow the smiles ot
hnpplneii to tiluinlnuU the nnggard countenance,
ana the duties ot lire will bo performed with a degree ,
of bnpplneiss ai-d pleasute unknown for week
months orjearf. ltnggs l He Heruedleaare the re
sult or unce-utlng btudyaud expiirlmentlng, the ne
plusultr o m' nele'tc, and lu every recpect
Hire scl -ntiric and reliable f jr the cure of piles la ev
ry r i m, lines' reiatjaiod are soia oy u. a. iieim,
ICooinsourg, l'a. i,
Try llr ItrluM"1 Ifuuloti ItaNniii.
I Hilchfr In Itone nnd Muscle I'roduclt ir Materi
als than all other forms of maltor roedicuie. wtillo
free lrom the ubjectlons ured against malt lltiuoM.
For d'ftlcult digestion. Mck Headache. Consump
tion, I'.maelatlon, Mental and I'hjslcal Exhaustion.
nervousness, wanx oi Meep, uicerame eaKnesses
of Females, Kxhaubtion or Nursing Mothers of the
aged, and of df llate children, MALT ltlTTEKsary
tho purest, rrst and most economical mndlclnpeer
compounded. Sold everywhere. MALT ul'lTIilW
CU..ltostou,Mass. d June 4, "bo-jw
Silverware Watches.Jewelry.Clacks.&c,
tirfisrni rtiiv. and tlio scores or won-
derfunemedlesorreredfur ibeV'ureot this disgust- W
inrr tikPMSp. v, i n ii ar worse-tiiHn wormiest, n&a v' i
dlseourawed the millions wno suffer and havetrt-1
in vale for relief and cure until their courage Is gone
and the victim still sutlers la UouDt. Hern we are
with nr. Josiau ungus' caiarru speeincs os 1 ana
2, and how shall we proceed to convince that we
lue the best audcheatHSt remedies known. 1st-we
win fni-nich itinm ti ltiGrwinMhtn nnrtlftA nn rntiiil.
t ton 'no cukk no rT." ind will payltoufora '
nna.i tlmv ul I tin I fiiri !4rii. 111 nnv CtiHl fur thflr 'i 1
tipi losacure. 4th W 111 pay IVjO If anj thing pol- .l-L
stmom or deleterious U round In their eomitosltlon.
5th vtll pay i,ooo ir in auy particular ir. Josian
liMJca catairu hpecmcs oreiouua aiuereni irom -
repri-t-entatloit. arranted to Instantly relieve and
rauicauy cure Acme, uuruiiiu, uu'eruu. o or urv ua
tairh.ioid intno I end. and all affections ofthe
ca uifs of the b-ad and throat. Two bottles tn ono
dox. ureaiest kucccss oi ine age. soia oy i. a.
Kieim, ltioomsuurg, ra.
Try Dr. IIHitK' Cittnrrli .specinrs.
All kinds of Watches. Clocks and'Jtwtlrv nea
1 repaireu anu warrameu.
may u, o-u
TO fCOOO A YEAH, or W to f 20 a
I nay in yourown icaiiiy. wontK
Women dotswellas men. Many
make morethan the amcuntstat-
ledae. no ono can fall o make
money fast. Anyone can do the
work. You can make from cents toll an lour by
, devotlnkr vour evenlnirs and SDare tlmo to the busi
ness, ii costs hot iii ii g to try in uuvmef-s. ioming
iiKe it ior money maKing fier enrreu wiore. uum
nessplensant and strictly honorable, reader, If jou
want to know all about the best pijlngbuilnss be
iore inep'iDiic, sena us your, aotiresn ana we
$1,000 REWARD M
OATAHHU Uthe mostuulertal and distressing isl
rtlspasecf them-enem day. and. tho scores of won- , f 1
liuriloni. Cornsand o-hera Iraentsof thereetcausa
much suffering amonir all nations by whom shore
are v, orn. Tht re Is more man Jloo.oo i worth of boots
andhhnes destroyed annually lu tne united states
(tn thereat or the wor d more than by cut
ting while m w, or nearly ho. to rnHko i oom for pain
ful uuulons. corns. Ingrow Inu nat s.Bore Insteps, etc.
Hestdes ilils great cicnnce, there la paid In rsevr
York to chiropodists about rAWO annually; lu New
r.utri.inu biuit s nuout j3,isi, , iu tue western ana
toutnern about su.oiio: and In tho rest of the world
nbour f oo.ihj ; i-eidcHthtft then-is SNXrioOepentnn-
nuauy or caustics a a oiner worumss coropounas
for the cure ct Hunlons, Corns, Hnre Insteps, i ender
feet, etc. To uold thehe great losses and expendi
tures, use Dr. juslah llrlggs' ltunlou HiUam aud
hum Corn cure, which li tho only preparation
known that trues Immediate relief and radically
cures hard, sort land ulcerated Bunions hard, soft
and festered Cfrns, vascular excresences, callobltles
large and small, sore tnslej a' bitstered heels, terder
feet, Itigroulni; nails. tc without rauslnir or leav
ing unv pain ormirentBs. Warranted safe and sure.
Mold by C. A. Klelm, llloomsburg, l'a.
Try llr. llrltftfi ITnimrnllcled Pile Ilemedy.
Cash In hands of ccllector on dupli
cate of 'm-'so
Due by Hemlock BChool district
Mate appropriation UDpald
cesh In hands of treasurer
tluoo oo
liw ft
ua uo
U14S 2437 57
Boot headquarters at McKinney's.
Do not fall to call at Clark & Son's for
Drets Gomls as llicy reduced the prices ot
many goods to reduce Btoct.
Boots and Shoes cheap at SIcKianey's.
The nubile nre hereby informed that
splendid suits are now made from the latest
styles ot Sprint: Gondi on the following
terms: Ialttl Sight, Louett l'rictt, Beit Ju
ferial, Heat Worlmanthip, and Jlett Fits at
the Popular storo oi
uaviu jjwenuerg.
lion. Georce N. Corson, Norristown.ssye:
The l'htenix Tectoral Is indispensable in my
family. It acts lite a charm in ctirlnc
cnnirha and colds with the chiUlreu.and 1
always use It when addressing a jury. Price
jo cenls. u. A. Kieim.iuoomsourg. apriu-iy
Another caso of I'ine Heady Made Cloth
lug just received at I) I.owenberg's.
Admission free at McKinney's.
All kinds of Dry Goods nnd T'luimini'i at
the lowest prices at Ulark v Min i,
Call at McKinney's (or Shoes.
Kor Nobby Hats,
For laleft blylea,
For Lowest Prices,
Go to David Lowenberg's
Cash paid for -1000 bushel" of gnod White
or Yellow Oats at Silas Young's, Light
Street. ' .March l'J Urn
Actual indebtedness
Attsst: jas. c. liunw.V, Preside nt.
c. S. 1 U11.MAN, secretary.
We tho undersltrn'd auditors "t BloomsburB, ra ,
haeexamlaed the foregoing statement with ttio
vouchera aa presented bv the1! reasurer.oud nnd the
same correct unu approve the same,
TlltlS. WElllt. i-Auditors.
June 10, 155.
Letters of AOmlnlstratton on thepRtate o. Dan'el
W. Kobblns, late of the tow n of Bloomsburc.Colum-
bla eo., dee'd, have been granted by the KeglJLer cf I
said county to the undersigned administrator. All
persons having claims agalu-t tne estate are ro I
nuesieu 10 present mem ior seineraeni ana uiose 1
iuucuicu w uihku payment nunout ueiay 10
J.'ne 11 'So-Ow p. o. Woomsburg, Columbia co. l'a.
send you full particulars ana private terms free:
samplea worth 5 also free : xoucan then n ake up
your mind fursourselt Address qeoikie STINSK.S
CO.. Portland. Male. oct s, ;-!)'
iiMio.nsniTitn, i't.
Uanufocturers 01
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
Flrst-clasa work alwuys on hand.
Trices reduced to suit tne tiroes.
Call aud see tho Ilest and Cheapest Sum
mer Suit for iG 00 at D. Loweubcrg's.
Hubbers at McKinney's.
The Clothing Store of David Lowenberg
is welt stocked with all the latest styles ol
Clothing for Men, Youth and Children
Call aud examine.
Harriet A. Newkirk. of Salem, says: 1 was
cured of tetter iu niv hand hy three applica
tions nf Camphor Milk, My husband was
curenotolil running sores try using It, I
cured my son of a spralntu ankle, I'rl e2
cents bnlil Iiy U. A. Klelm, ltlootniburg.
april 1C,'80,1
Letters of administration on tho estate of Henry
Ihr. latent lteuer townshln. columbu rn.. l'a:
deceased have been granted br tho lteirtster or nald
county to c, w Miller, Adm'r, de lionla non cum un.
ratnento annexo. All persons having claims agalbet
the estato of the decedent are requested to prv-seul
tucuj lui m:iiu.ciii, buu iuuw muvuiru lu UIU Cbl'
ate to make payment to iho undersigned Admin'
M.VSlCW ArtmlnlKtdlr.v
r415rTTr -Mrphlne TTablt cured In Iu to vo
J x. J- kj ill. ua s. ro pay 11 , cured lr. .1
ruENS. Lebanou, u
aprll 'i, 'so-iy
Ecad and Kellect.
local and eonstltutlorat treatment for all ca
tarrhsi am cllons. lr .loslah lirlg' Catarih t-pe-clrt
s nre otTeretl to tnose anilcted with acute.chron
tc. ulcerative or dry catarrh, co'd In the head, hay
revpr, relaxed pal ite, sore throat. boaren-f.s. loss
of voice, nnd all arrectlon i f tho nasal cavities and
throat, ulthHr-uarant ethar,
moreen cieious. curing quicker, with more cer
tainty, and more ag',eeabie to us.-s than anr remedy
jet discovered. Two bottles in ono box. ono of
uhich reduced with water makes w ources for use.
Price ( in vr rnckage, fun lated to responsible
partita on conditions: '"'n cure no pay Dealers
aro authorized to refund the money It pur
ch isers n'e not sittsned. The 'pecin'-s are contl'u
tlun il ua well ns local. Itio will bn paid If they fall
to cure v h n usi-d o directed, f ion for their equal
as a cure, fjuu if i.ythtug po!or.nusor deleterious
1i faui.dln their ermiKiMtlnn Mono (will re paid)
If In at y respri t Iir. litlega' Citarrh Specincs are
fuund dint rem frrm rcpresenlot'on. TIere Is an on
poitunlty fur thos'j discouraged bv repeated fail
ures to trv atom on a guaranteed cure. And the
tlinldvhorea'-diceptlor may venture totry these
sKdllcs Blihoutleellng that they are to to hum
bugged, ss there Is no il.k to run. w arraatcd cheap
est, btsr and most agreeable, if notfonnd satisfac
tory demand jour money and it w ill .bo returned.
Sold by c, A. Klelm, I'loomsburg' Pa.
Dii. J. lmiofjsftco..
aprll i8 -so-iy Newark. New Jersey.
Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker,
Shop in Opera House, Gth door aprtm.-so.jy
Itlers ot Adrnlulblratlon on Iheefatatoor Israel
Iiuif-rt. luto of (lieeuwuol towcsbln. Uuluinlila cn .
I'eiiii'a., acmbed, lmo Iw-u granted by the lietrlt
UTotbutd co, to tlio uuderslKiied AdmlnUtratiU.
Alt iert.oii8 havlnir cUtius against the estu, of the
dt-cedent are rtquvbted to or sent thtm IorBettle-
luunu, uuu uiubu inue u it u iu iuo esiaie 10 make pay
meut to the undfrfaltfocd Admlniitrator without
C. W. Millkii, AttV, Administratrix.
vm PAD
an !3, !), ly,
IlO 50U IiaFt, I'nln In !hn hldH As, vnn nnhU In Heialn
or hp I your I Hue? I jmr I'rlno htuh coloredt Do
j uiuu m voAuutrir.ous or I'.rlck Dun lierili In lour
IrlneJ Dojou sun r mm Nervous Debility cr WeaxceesT
you have I'clulul I'rlnatlngT Hwn your KIDNEVB or
IILAIUitK aie tmctid, ud jou should tot delav uslne
our Tod at once.ti r It will ff cure jou. when botll
Ing else can. lirsile by druggist, or sei.t by mall upon
rnelpt of pil, e, ,iw. K-i ri usiour address for cerimcaUsa
01 cures und our book, "How a Ilfo wss taed."
f n-HKH AIIEof all other Kidney Tads.
It loo HI slll Iu
Ju tho mattfrof tlio ea'o of rcaloatato of WIULim
K-huj ur by w, u, biutih, Asslncu lur tho Unc
ut U cii'ditorti.
Tho Auditor annolntPil bv thn Pnnrt nf Pnmmnn I
Pleaa of Columbia county to dlstrlbut nriMviuU nf
bhu?, sir iv I'j fcnco uuiKvuiui ue nni im ui iiib par
a lUHIinnu Ul, 13 Hill U III lUUWIlilUiirLr IJL!
lilday tho i'.h Uny o( July, at. lo o'clock la 1
Iho forenoon Of faald (lV. All i frsonn hsivlriL unv I
claim upon wild fund to then aid tht ru jireseut the
tune U, 'fft-iw Auditor.
UlJlTuU'ti ionuE.
Notice Uheifhy jjlventhat the undtTbiirned an.
icliiUdHu auditor to diatrlbuie tho f ind lu tno
nandd of KUab Laubacii. ooo of Uio adnilr.lsiratuM I
vi Dims if aior, uet-euiu to una ninoiitf tlio puriU's
irut-tbiru luciiiu, win miruu at lilt U1I1CO IU IH'Hlia- I
tmr.on talurdiy, Juuo 19 l(yu. at luo cluck lu the
lort'uoou to i-t-rfuim the dutloa cf his &pNjlttuittit;
when atiU btio ailjx'rbons lHMotr cla ma titxiu iho
saldNoU uru requiitd to pitbent themor Utfort-v-cr
debarred from cowing u for a bhare of bald
Jlay i, l&so-iw Auditor
Rowell & Oo's. AdvcV.
ny rooressirjir i:i:i. , ltow 1:1.1, x- CO. 10
i-in., miv iutk, can itarn me exact ciibtol
uoy jircioard line of ADVElt'llMMi In American
juneljw ' 7um
(VfyryiyA YEAH ana ennnses 10 agents.
tbl I I iu'''lJ''f-Addrel'.O.VHJrrKliV,
VI I Augusta, Maine, r June 11 aw
I Neatlj ind cheaply eiecutej st the
OoLtrxiux OAo.
Out of town
people who can
not conveniently
travel, may have sam
ples sent them of Dry
Goods nnd all other goods
that we sell If they will wrlta
Mo charge, nnd no need to
order If not suited. We make it a
sinews to attend to such letters quickly;
and when orders coma we send the exact
rticle wanted, and at exactly same price
as other customers pay when here buying in
person. When goods are not as oruored, we
take them back. Having trained and responsible
clerks, who are able to use discretion In filling orders,
we are enabled to give great satisfaction to the many
customers who Icara ( chotc ta , With a reputation of
-twenty years at retailing, wo cannot afford to lose our good
name by lank of proper service to absent customors, Vrita
plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted nnd about tho
price defclred,,
John Wanamaker,
Largest Dry Goods House,