THE COLUMBIAN. 'cum'"1 moorat,t or Tim north and coiou- Issuod wookly, OTory Friday morning ,t nLooMsuuno, columma county, pa. . . .n notURS Par year, 60 cents discount uttnwn.i i)U 11,1 "!' To subscribers out of ttio 1 bounty the terms V1" vear.nrlctly In Mtaucev No p-ipcr discontinued, except at tho option of the in.ibllftlicrs, until all arrearages arc i paid, but lone oantlniwd crodlts after llio expiration of tho first VPUT Will nud uu All pipers sent out of the Ntato or to distant post imrnA 'nu,t 1,0 SM for ln "drancc, unless a rosnon- ,lu person In Columbia county assumes to pay the i. inscription due on demand. poiTAtiB Is no longer exacted from subscribers In (inroini. ' JOB 3?3R.I3SrTI3Ta-, Tue.toMitcg Department nf tho Roi.cmeian Is very. omp Pie. au wui " ...... hi. M tt.iuiui.iciiu.ura iwr wltn tint of tho largo cities. All work done on S mand.neatlT and at moderato prlcos. Columbia County Official Diroctory. (resident Judiro William Elwell. A-,aoclato.ludires-l. K Krlckbaum, F. I,.Nhuman. Vrotnonotarv. e. William Krlckbaum. i ourt stenographer m, N. Walker. it. riier.ic Iteeoruer Williamson t(. Jacoby. 'mtrict AMornny Uobvr 1 11. Little. nti- u. II Knt.. .v r mnuisl NovhArl. Treasurer 11 A. Swoppenlielser. e eninlsslonors Stoplien l'ohe, Charles Itlcharl. a. n llerr'ng. LMinmlloners'Clcrk-J. II. Casey. Ati'lltors-s. 11. Hmlth, W. Manning, C. 11. Sec- ".nir1'coinmlssloncrs-Ell llobbtns, Theodora W. 8!?it,'ni mincrlnlondcnt William II. snvder. uliioia I oor uisi i itiii'ii i twn II. S. Knt. Scott. Win. Kramer, Hloomsburg Jooit, and Thomas Recce, Bloomsburg Official Diroctory. President of Town CouncllI, S. KUIIN. I ierk-Paul IS. Wirt. Chief of Police D. Lnycock. President of Has Company S. Knorr. Kt-crcUry-O. W. Miller. lilooinsimrg Hanking company John A.Funslon, l'ri sldcnl, II. II. llrntz, Cashier, John l'eacock, Tel ler. Kir it Na'lonal Hank Charles 11. 1'axton, President I. p. Tustln, Cashier, r .himiii.i countv Mutual Favlnir Fund and Loan a -,nclallon-K. II. Little, President, C. W. Miller, li'oomsbtirg llulldlng andsavlng FundAssoclallon -Win. Peacock, President, J. 11. ltoblson, Necrelnry. niwmsbiirg Mutual Saving Fund Assoclallon ,1. t iironcr, Prcsldcn', P. K. Wirt, uocretary. CHURCH DIRKCTOIiY. BATTIST CI1UKCII. nor. .f. I'. Tnslln, (Supply.) s unlay Mervlcos-wj-f a. m u.m.1 iv Mr-lmnl 0 a. m. and ox p. m. i'laycr Mcctlng-Every Wednesday evening at x clock. Saal3 free. Tho public aro Invited to attend BT. MATTUKW'S LPTIIRllAN CI1DRCH. Minister llnr. 0. 1). S. Murclay. Sunday Services 10 a. m. and lys P- m. school 0 n. m. I'raver Meeting Every Wednesday evening at yt clock. seals trep. Nopows rented. All aro welcome. PBHSnVTKllIANCIieitClf. Minister tier. Stunrl Mitchell. Sen-lees ioh a. tu. and 6 p. m. unniku SMmitl 0 n. in. i'raver Meeting I'.vcry Wednesday evening at sj Seats'rrce. No pews rented. Strangers welcome. MBTII00IST EPISCOPAL CHUltCn. Presiding llider Ilev. W. F.vans. Minister ltev. E. II. Yocum. Sunday Sorvlces-lo; and 6tf p. m. sundav School 0 a. m. ... itihi.. fiflM kverv Mondar ovcnlneat 6i4 o clock, 1'oung Men's I'raver Meeilng-Kvery Tuesday e7etitnir at fljtf o clock, neneral Prayer Mcetlng-Evcry Thursday evening I o'clock. RprrniMEncncitnt. corner of Third and Iron streets. I'astor liev. W. E. Kiebs. Corner 4th ami Catharine sjreeU. Sunday services lof a. in. and T p. m. sundav school o a. m. i-rnyer Meeting Saturday, T p. m. All are Invited There Is always room. ST. rADi.'acnCBcn. Ucotnr-ltev L. Miner, sundar Services 10M a. m., Ttf p. m. Sunday school 1 a. m. First sundar ln tho month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to communion on Irlday etentng before tho st Sundav ln each month. Pews rented ; but overybodv welcome. KVANOMJCAT. CIIOKCII. Presiding Rider Hot. A. L. lteescr Minister Iter. eleorgo Hunter. siinilay Servlco- p. m.. In tho Iron Street Church. Prai er Meeting F.iery Sabbath at p. m. All aro Invited. All nro welcome. iiff rurMnir np rniltST. Meets In "tlm Uttln Ilrick Church on tho hill." known as tho Welsh Baptist Church-on Hock street C ueBUlar0rn'eetlng for worship, every Lord's day af. ,Cama-oTa0ndtUo-public aro cordially Invited to attenu rfim(il. nifriKltK lilnnk. iiift nrintcil anil 1 neatly bound ln small books, on hand and or sale at tno uolumbiah unite. IS50 to 1512". n Month. ENCYCLOPEDIA ,IAihi pm i-r" law on.nonns for litis). HOW TO BEnes Aim. KmicT, ile- B JT.rtr! cbanlca ami H..ikhn,nnoii VOI ID Aw IM spihni'fiiKL lvtrlcp. VWifc w orcat Bucccd. One nccnt LAWYER BoA &H1 tu one tow n, an oilier IjJ in :m dA8. ftn- ollicr 73 In 13 clnyB. Sivon ten times Its cnt, ni wnntsj It. rnd tot clrcnlnraana Icriua. Alo(Jencrftl Amenta WaittM. JWilrcss 1'. W, ZIEGLEii li CO., 1,000 Arcti St., riiU'a, Ta. Nor. 21. Tii.-ly w. n7 aid HOUSES. BLOOMSBURCOL. OO. PA, All styles of work done In a (superior manner, work warranted as represented. Tkktii Kxtuact- KD WITHOUT PAIN. OOOdSl'tS for I0. Offlco comer Main and Iron streets. To be open al alt hours during the ta. Nor. 23-ly DLOO.MSHUKG DIKKOTOUY. 1T.OFESSIONAL CAHDS. Tk HIiniv'TXnirAM. Of- Lv.nce. II. J. Clark'B llulldlng, 2d storv room 5. Uioumsburg. '""J ' 'so-t f 11. BAKU LEV Oflue g, 2nd story, itooms 4 4. 5 ln llrowcr's building, 1!. KOIilSON, Altorney-at-Law. in llartman'abulldlng.Maln street. Office DK. W.M. Jt. UEBKIl, Surgeon anil I'liysl clan, onico Market itrcct. Near depot. T 11. KVANS, M. D., Surseon and Pliysi I , clan, (onico and liesldenco on ThUd street, 11. McKELVY, M. D Surgeon and Phy sician, north sldo Main street, below Market, D R. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN ft SUKQEON, omce, North Market street. Oct. 1, TO. Hloomsburg, Pa. D1 I. L. RAUB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main street, opposite Episcopal Church, Blooms burg, Pa. ty Teeth extracted without pain, oct. l, is;o. MISCELLANEOUS Q 1 JI. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH. Bewlnir Machines and Machinery of all kinds re paired. Ofbka Hocsk llulldlng, Hloomsburg, Pa. D AVID LOWENHERO, Merchant Tailor Main St., above Central Hotel. I S. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., , Centre streeOietwcen Second and Third, A UGUSTUrf EREUND, Practical liomeo XXoathlo Horso and Cow Doctor, Hloomsburg, Pa. feb. 14, 19-tt Ty Y. K ESTER, " MERCHANT TAILOR, IloomNo. 15, ombaIIocss licitniNO, Bloomsburg. aprliu.ists. OATAWISSA. M. L. EYERLY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. t;oitectinns nron.nttv inado and remitted, ornce onposlte Catawls3 Deposit Hank, tm-38 W II. RIIAWN7 " ' A T T 0 R N E Y-A T-L A W , CatawUsa, ra. omce, corner of Third and Main sti eets. Lamest stock In New ljUnrr I Q j consisting of Monuettes, iork city. lAiwfsi. iiiw.0, Hums, Axmiustera, velvets, Body and Tapestry In Carpets (with bar. Brussels, '1 hrno Plj and Ingrain Carpets (with bor ders to match), oil-Cloths (all widths), Mattlnge, LACE CUUTAINS, $1.00 per pair, to tho finest ltl-TAr. T.lf'1.7 Imi.nrtj.rl. SHEPPARD KNAPP, 189 ft 101 Sixth AVO., cor. 13th St., N. Y' March so, cm, jbftco. B F. HARTMAN iPKiaiMTS rnx roixowiHa AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES: i-ycomlng of Muncy Pennsylvania. NorthAmclcanof l'1-.tdelpula, 1'a, rankltn, of " " rennsylranla of " Farmers of York, Pa. Hanover of New York. Manhattan of " ., OBlce on Market Street No, t, uloomsborg, Pa, CUM,t-lY. 8. S. EI.WELL, . , , . J.. bittehbehDEB, 1 1 Fm. 11. IHtOCKWAY, ATT011NEY-AT-I,AV, CoMJMfiiAN titn.tiiNd, lil&omsbnrg, Pa. memoir or tno U11 ted Slntps tn, COoet? 'm'spJ?"'10 "'ny pllrt of Amc or Earopel k E. WALIjEII, Attornoyat-Ijaw. omco, Second door from 1st National Hank. HLOOMsnUltfl, PA. Jan. II, 1979 JJ U. i'UNK, Attornoynt-Unw, v HLOUMSllUllll, PA. ortlce In Ent'a nnuura. C.1 ft W. J. BUCK A LEW, ATTOHNKYS-AT-IW, nioomsbarg, Pa. onico on Main street, first door below Courtlloufo JOHN M. CLAltfC, ATT0I1NEV.AT-I.AW, Uloomsbiirg,Pa. Offlco over Schuyler's Hardware Store. F. BILI.MEYEH, ATTOKNBV AT LAW. Omc-ln llarman's llulldlng, Main street, UFoomsburg, Pa. It. n. MTTLK. KOB'T. H. LtTTLK. P H. A K. K. LITTLE, ATTO UN E YS-AT-LA W, Bloomsburg, Pa. Q W.MILLEU, ATTOHNEr-AT-LAW oace In Browcr's bulldlng.second floor, room No. ! Hloomsburg, Pa. B. FltANK ZAKIl. Attovnov-nt-Tjnw. BLOOMHBUHO, PA. offlco corner of Centre and Main streets, Clark's Building. " Can bo consulted ill German. Jan. 10, 's)-tt Q.EO. E. ELWKLU A T TO R N E Y-A T-I, A AV, COLUMBIAN UCILOIKO, UlOODlSbUrg, Pa. Member of tho United States Law Association. Collections made In any part of America or Europe oct.l, is;s. 8. KK0KK. U 8. WISTERSTKFV. Notary Public KNORR & WINTERS rEEN, Attofnoys-at-Law. omco In llartmin's Ulock, Corner Main and Mar ket streets, Hloomsburg, Pa. JGSyrZVnsiona ami Bounties CuUcekd, B. I'. SHAHrLESS, I). LEACOCK. FIBM. SHARPLESS & LEACOCK Cor. Ccntro and Itall l'.oad Sts., near L. i: 11. Dipot. Lowest Prices will -net hi undersold. Manufacturers of MINK CAIl WHEELS, Coal Ilrcak er aud llridgo Castings, Water Pipes, Stoves, Tin ware, Plows, IKON FENCE, and all kinds of Iron and llrass Castings. Tlio original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, and side hill Plons, tno best ln the mark et, and all kinds of plow repairs. Cookbtoves, lioom Stoves, and htoes for heating stores, fchool houses, churches, c. Also the larg est stock of repairs for city stoes, vtholcsalo and retail, such as Ftro Iirlck.Gratcs, Cross Pieces, Lids c. jtc, stovo Pipe, Cook Boilers, SkUllts, Cake- Plates, large Iron Kettles, i20 gallons to 1 tarrels) Farm Dells. Slid Soles, Wagon Hoses, "Allentown Bone Manure" PLASTEIt, 1ALT, ic ic. Jan 9, SO-iy v MONTH guaranteed. Hi a day at home made by tho Industrious capital not required: e will start you. Men, women, boys and tlrls mako money faster at work lor us than at anj thing else, Tho work Is light and pleasant, and such as an one- can go ,T.l.. . Tlmcnulinnril WlSO hO hetl this UOttCO will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Losiiyuuiutauuiciiuoin"-. lime. 1 nose aircauy uv ""' "'V7 s i1 ""." sums of money, Address 1I1UE ft Maine. oct s, in-iy THE DAVIS. Sl.OOO REWARD nE TiruIISAND il.OOn I) w . . . . , . . ' 11PHCMV l'HEMR.M oileteu to a.i i niw thai will do as OHEAT A UGb OV WOltK -on ANY OTIIEIt MACHINE. WHAT THE NEW DAVJS VERTICAL FEED Will do without lasting. i n .u tun lirm on sheets, ftc. hem all manner of bias v. oolen goods, as soft merino, i prop.' H??u.a a'''ir.,KtV,,, iMinnsnv o her iVachlne; 1 .JiiT iiiVn a iicrn and nut ln Piping at same time ltv.111 turn a hfm. sew braid on Iho right fcldo and stitch on trimming at one oirat on. It will do filling was or straight, either on cotton or wooieu guuus. ir win fell across seams on any gooas. I will bind a nrtss or Skirl ana sew ouibciub, eit her i Ith or without chow lug stitches: bind I ress (loods with the same material, e,ltherscallops,TOnUi, silk, irom x uiiiumuw t, iraiiii-r with or w tmut sewing on. ltwlllcalher between two pieces and sew on at the same time. II will mako arunteanu sincnu pimm ohi.uu the raciogai uic buiuduuiv. 1, will chirr nnv kind Of ITOOdS. It will mako plaited trimming either with or w lib. .,nr uiMlnt'ltou. It will make plaited trimming either scalloped or straight, anu sew u iniui'B '""""" will make knlfo plaiting. J. SALTZEH, Oen'l Agent. Rloumsburg, Pa. oct. 3, '70-ly. TpiUE INSUKANCE. CIIHISTIAN K. KNAPP, BLOOMSBIT.O, PA, BltlTISII AMEHICA ASUllANCE COMPANY. ( IMtVl AN FIltElNhlMIANCK COMPANY. , NATIONAL FIKK lNSUItANCK COMPANY. , Une olu toaroiUTioss aro ell seasoned by ago and HHK tssteu and Have never yet had a loss sot tied by any court of law. r Their ascts are an nvest. edln sotiuBxcDRiTitsand are liable to tho haiard Losses nioumT and iionesti.y adjusted and paid as soon as determined by ciibistian F Knapp, urw The people of Columbia oounty should patronize the agei.oy where losses n any are oeiucu uu fun by one of their own citrons. PKOMPTNESS, EtiCITY NOV, K.'SU. ifAIR DEALINQ so Ori'MOE OE D. WILMOT CONNER, M. D, 01 llnut Min-rl, lllnnin.liiirii. I'n. S1T.CIAI. ATTP.NTlo.VKlveii to llio Ditcares mm jieiicis ni 1110 Eye, Ear and Threat, and Surgery, In nil Its various fmitielie. Having taltei an lhtcndcd course of Hindu in tl.n v.iri,.,,. ir.,...:i .i. .. .. .1 ' 1 c..r gtciil looms of tliis cimnlry, and in llio PRIVATE PRAOl'IOKA INSTJIUOTION nf one of America' Ablest Irofetsors nn the Eye, Ear and Throat, and aUUOERY In general; Aln n Grmluatc of ilie mu 1:1: yjiAis,- an Aim) counsi: nf tin. HA UN EM ANN MEDICAL COLLEGE Phlladi Inhla. Am now fullv enuiptied In ?ety ratttcular. Offer my services to Iho 'rotation and I'ullla ns a Specialist of the IWEASCS ami iin rrrs nv tiih 'ye, lhr. and Throat, and Suraeru in nil lis anons urancties. 1 alio carefully mm on- tijicalli adjust the EYE WITH PROPER GLASSES Hoillm? In rneeivA vnur llliprnl nntrnnan I subscribe myself, vcrr restipctfnllr. vnurs. I), WILMOT CONNER, 51. D. R 10 a. in. Hours ', 3 4:110 p. m. 78 p. in, Attention Farmers. We tball die especial attention to HEPAlltlxa uur Reapers, Mower: & Ihresh'ng Machines. AVeKecpft siiiiply f iti-piilm on huml for all of . M. OSBORNE & 00. MACHINES 'Oftlsn rutin 0nolrNE llEAPKIlS and MflWKIlS lor aioon Acctmmoaating Terms. We recommend llio Osbonio to lie tlic ?lost Diiralilt', and best adapted to your wanu. Come and see us. 1IAI1MAN C HAESEUT, foundry and Machine Shops nenrcar thops, L.& 11. It. 11., llLOOMSBCBO, Pa. June 4, isso-cw CLOTHIIft. 20 Itrew Styles. Suits just received $5. to $15 per suit. CJicnpcst ever bold in this county. CASH, 01: COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken. Cull and cxainine our stock. II. W. AUL, npillJ, 't0-ton' E'sl'Y.NEAK DEPOT AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINK ItON ST.. BELOW SE'.'ONIl, HLOOMSllUlld, Is prepared to do all klmH of HOUSE PAINTIIMO Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECOKAT1VE AND PL.MN. 11 UiniN ol'I'iiriiKnrc Itci:iircl. anil iiiutlu an goou an new, .NONE BUT FIltST-CLASS OI1KMEN KM PLOYED Estimates XVXado on all Worlt. WM. F. IiODlNE. Oct. 1,1871. TgUSlNESS CARDS lOi H i " nt'-i- LETTEK HEADS BILL HEADS, POSTERS. X0 0., Neatly and Cheaply printed at the Coi.UM niAV unirp. fcTHAXai: BUT WONDEltrULLY TliUE. When Dr. liriggs witli conscious pride, And earnest zeal his mind applied, the science deep to open wide, Of soothint! and of healing. He took of many substances known That would heal or still a groan, And soon composed by skill alono His miraculous Ilumon llalsum. Tormentt d with Uunion, Corn or I!rui-c, Thousands of suflViers heard the now, Iho remedy that meets tlm views is Dr. liriggv linnion jsaisani. Sold by C. A. Kleim, Itloomsbiirp, Pa. .1 Word to the Wise. Try Dr. Joalnh Uiiggs' Catarrh sptc'ficson following condi tions We will pay 1UU lor a case tliey will notture; $100 lor their tqual nsa curf; fsOO If anything; poisonous is found in llipm.and 1,001) II in any respect tney nro unierent from representation, cold by (J. A. Kleim, liloomsburg, ra. From a CtleLrated rhyslcian of Harris bum. Fa. Dr. Joslah lirigg Dear Sit Some four months since a lady applied to mo for something lo relieve the pain of a trouble some bunion and n fevered corn, and having eard your llttuinn i;al-nm highly spoken f. I direclf d her to call on your agent J. H. Holier, and get a hex. She did so, and now informs me the cure incomplete, she having sulfered no pain afti-r the first application. Believing Urigs' tiunlon llaliam ol great value to those who suffer from corns, bun ions, Ac,, I unhesitatingly recommend it to the people oi me country, ooiu oy u, A. Kleim. Illo'imnbtirg. Pa Catarrh that loathsome disease,m. scourge of humanity, which destroys milium of peo ple annually,is speedily anil radically cured with Dr. Joslah liriggs' Catarrh Bpfcifics. Sold by C. A. Kleim, lllooriHburg, 1'a, Mr Asa M hloan. of Irenton, A. J., sous I won dimv siouiorone uoweoi lamarack Liver and Kidney Remedy, if I could not get it without. It lias cured me of gravel and Inflammation of Ihe prostrate gland, weak back and general debility, bold by U A. K e in. I! oomsbuig. fa. Dr. Josiah iiriqqs' llunion Jlalsam Is the climax of medical rcience. the only difcov ery on cartli that win rsdicaiiy ami perma nently cure ineo i.oiiuicome nny painiui toriueiili1, wnose inroouing pains aim un k'litlv protrusions is a source oi untold mis aery, isuuion iKinam aiso cures nam aim nit corns, sore iinleps, ivc. silver Com Plaster Is a model ol excellence. Dfodorl- zlug Eoot Lotion is a boon to sweaty feet, and ulsprlJ ine onensive nuor ironriuem ltadiralcure for Ingrowing nails Is the won der of the woild, It blood and corruption dishes from the sides of Ihe toe at every step me rauiciw cure tor ii'groniug nans gives instant rel'ef, and the severest caes are cured in ten days. Sold b)C. A. Kleim, ., .,!-! - . - , li. Illnomsluirg, ra. Sie&.A'errousor Jlillious Headache. Mil lions suffer this most universal allllcllon of the human race; all classes aro troubled, Tho head never aches when the various or cans are working in harmony wlOi nature. There can be no headache it the human ma chinery is in a Healthy condition. Itriggs Allevairtor is reliable lor headache and neu ralgia; never fails. Sold by 0. A. Kleim, Hloomsburg. Pa. Sound the Hugh. Herald the tidings of the glorious victory, the day of euilering from Internal Weeding, External aud Itch Inir Piles is past. Dr. Joslah Uriggs' Com bination Pile Remedies are In every respect -.ltl.lA r... !.. ....... if l,..nn-.l,nt,l n. nll DIIHUIC IU lllti lui- ... f.vuji'l 1 1. ,i.U0,,' if-r, fisiilaauo and propalapsua, ani, &c. Price II gold by U. A. Kleim, iiioomsburg, I'u, arlil23,'80-ly BLOOMSBUHG, PA., FRIDAY, JUNW 18, 1880. Poetical. TUB SCAUIJl'ltUW. The farmer locked at his cherry tree, llu thick buds clustered on every bough', "I wish 1 could cheat tho robins," said tie; 'If somebody only would blow mo how I" "I'll make a tcrrlblo scarecrow grim, iMth threatening arms and with bristling head, And up In tho treo I'll fasten him To frighten them half to death," he said. He fashioned n scarecrow tattered and torn O, 'twas a horrlblo thing to sec! And very early one summer morn, Ho set It up ln Ids cherry tree, Hio tlossomi wcro whtto as tho light sea foarn, The beautiful treo was a lovely sight, Hut tho.scarecrow Hood there s) much at homo That tho birds flew fcrcamlng away ln fright. But tho robins, watching him day after day, 1th beads on one sldo and eyes so bright, Survelng tho monster, began to say, "Vthy should this fellow our prospects blight? "Ilo never moves round for llio roughest weather, lie's a harmless, comical, tough old fellow: Let's all go Into the treo together, For ho won't budge till the fruit Is mellowl" So up they flews and tho sauciest pair Mid the shady branches peerqd and perked, Selected a spot with the utmost care, And all day merrily sang and worked. And whero do you think they built their nest? In tho scarecrow's pocket It J ou please, That, half-concealed on bts ragged breavt, Made a charming covert of safety and easel By the tlmo llio cherries wcro ruby-red A IlirUlne family, hungry and biisk. The whole long day on tho rfpo fruft fed; 'Twas so convenient thoysaw no risk! ' Until tho children wcro ready to fly All undUturbcd they ltcd ln tho tree: For nobody thought to look at tho Ouy For a robin's nourishing family! CtUa Thaiter in June Wide Auake. i'OMTIOAIj PROSCRIPTION. r.EPOIlT OP 8EKAT0P. WALLACE'S SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE MEASURES WHICH MAINTAIN A MINOT.1TY IN POW EP. PnOSCltlPTIVE POLITICS DENOUNCED. Tho following is an abstract of Senator Wallace's report presented to the Senate: The testimony taken by the committee at Providence discloses many discriminations by the laws of Rhode Island, and tho prac tices under them, against foreign born citi zens of tho United States ami of Rhode Is land. Naturalized citizens may own any amount of property, and pay any amount of taxes thereon, but they cannot vote unlets possessed of a certain amount of real estate. Foreign born citizens who were naturalized and voted in Rhode Island long before the War of the Rebellion, and who served the United States and the State of Rhode Island, in Rhodo Island regiments throughout the war, nnd who have been shown to have lost this real estate, have been deprived of tho right to vote by that loss. The result has been in Rhodo Island that very many resi dent foreigners, not already made citizens cf tho United Slates elsewhere, on going to that Slate decline to becomo naturalized. They decline to take up the burdens of citi zenship without being permitted to enjoy Its benefits. As a specimen case your committee refers to that of Col. Jamea Moran, of Providence. An ab-tract of his testimony is as follows : "Lived here twenty-eight years; foreign er; naturalized; entered service ol United Slates from Rhode Island under promises made by tho State officials that foreigners who went into the service could vote when they came back; commissioned as seoond lieutenant; promoted to captaincy; served three years; honorably discharged; held an election for officials in Rhodo Island in his enmpauy in tho army but could not vote himself; was a voter once because ho owned real estate; has lost it and cannot volo now; been colonel In militia, nnd notary public; majority of the operatives in llio mills are f'oreigner: are changed about aud can't save money to buy homes." Although naturalized he cannot vote be cause he docs not possess the real estate. which Rhode Island laws mako it necessary for a foreign born citizen to own. A similar case is that of Colonel John M. Duffy, who had been a resident of Provi dence for twenty years. He entered the ser v'ce of the United States in May, 1801, in tho Second Rbode Island volunteers as a private, being promoted, subsequently, to sergeant, 2d lieutenant, aud 1st lieutenant of that legiment. After some service in the Second Rhodo Island volunteers, he was honorably discharged to accept the commis sion .in tho United Stales regular army as 1st lieutenant in tho Thirteenth infantry, being breveted lieutenaut colonel for gal- antry at the battle of Missionary Ridge. He remained in the army until 1809, when he was discharged lor disability, nnd receiv ed a pension of $15 per month. Col. Duffy acquired real estate after his return from the army, aud upon bediming naturalized was permitted to vote. Having lost his real estate from the vicissitudes of fortune he has lost the right to vote. The case of Hon. Thomas Davis, formerly a member of Congress from Rhode Island, is given in tho following condensation of his lertirnony i "Live in Providence; foreigner; natu. all- zed forly-fivo years ago; seventy five years old; manufacturing jeweler; been in both branches of the legislature a number of times; member nf Congress from Rhodo Is land In 1S53 -1; then owned real estate; I am not now a qualified voter; I failed in bu slness and the title oi my property passed to my asslgnees,and I cannot now vote; colored men now vote here like native born whiUs, while every foreign born citizen is excluded unless beoivni real estate; the effect of this is bad; It makes the voter mercenary wealth controls suffrage in RSode Island money Is all-powerful here; It can overwhelm public sentiment at any time here; have beeii both a republican and a democrat, but always advocated the repeal of this restric Hon, Thomas JI'Murrouh. Naturalized; can not vote; have no real estate; am president of the Rhode Island suffrage association presented a memorial praying for an exten Ion of suffrage to foroign born citizens; fath er lived in .Massachusetts a naturalized citizen and a voter there; the line between tbo Stales was changed and wo were thrown into Rhode Island; we cannot vote now for we own no land; at least 0,000 naturalized citizens In the State who caunot vote. Daniel Donovan, Naturalized; came from Cunnectlcul; lived In the United States since fivo yean old; am u skilled mechanic; ten of us work together In one room In our fac tory; the highest grado room In It; tlx of the ten aro foreigners and cannot vote for want of land; a house and lot to suit my family would cost mo $3,000. Inslancos are described In the testimony whero naturalized citizens who wcro the holders of rdal property have been disfran chised because of tho condemnation of their real property for city purposes. Iu tho caso of the Ilrooke street condemnation for the use of the city of Providence, thero wero forty-three persons previously entitled to volo who btcamo disfranchised under the law when the tract was condemned for city uses. In this case Ihuie men were denied the prlvllego of voting before tho title to tho properly passed out of them to the city, and befbro they had received their pay for it. Repeated efforts hnve been made to secure the alteration of the constitution of Rhode Island In regard to property qualifications for foroign boru citizens, but they hava al ways been defeated. Special instances wero shun n where state senators and representa tives have voted lo submit the question of the extension ofjsuffragt to the voto of the people, mid then have done everything In their power at the polls to defeat it. In tho case of the submission of the question of the extension of suffrago to soldiers and sailors who had served in Rhode Island regiments during tho war, submitted during tho prcsi denlial canvass of 1870, the testimony shows that it was made a party question at the polls. Wltucses testify that a minority of her people has ruled Rhode Island for more than fifteen years past, and the opposition to tho extension of suffrage came maiuly from those now in power, who fear the loss of place that would follow. Your committee believe that there aro good grounds for the complalits made, that the government of Rhode Island, under lis present constitution, is nearer an oligarchy than a democracy. Thedisfranchisecent of so large a percentage of her people , by sys- tuatic effort and rigidly euforced statutes, the small number of votes cast for president at a hotly contested election, the small num ber of votes cast for members of Congress In four successive elections, when contrasted with tho number cast iu other states at the same elections, tho choice of members of congress, governors and presidents by the oles of one out of every twenty of tho peo ple, whilst other states cast one out of every five of theirs, tho maintenance of the rule of three fifths for the amendment of the consti tion, by which tho will of the majority has been twice defeated, nil compel us to recog iza Rhodelsland as different in her govern ment, her institutions and her policy from all her sister commonwealths in the Union, and lead us to grasp at any provision of tho federal constitution which, fairly construed, ill grant us power to enforce, for her peo le, "a republican form of government," by which we mean a government by tho hole people, for the whole people of the state. It was urged upon your committee with great learning and logic, that these provis ions of the constitution and laws, with the practico under them were in effect an oligar chical government, and not ono of a republ ican form, and that under article -1, section , of Ihe constitution of the United States, it as tho duty of cougrcss to so legislate, as to compel a change in the rule of suffrage by the stale, which would cause its people to hnvo equal privileges with those of other states. It is undoubtedly true, that this authority iveu to tho federal government supposes and recognizes a pre-existing government of the form which is to be guaranteed, and the form must be substantially republican. A state cannot change a republican for an ar tocratic or monarchial form of govern. ment, but it may substitute another republi can form for that which existed at its ad mission to tho Union, and the clause of uaranly by (he United States, is applicable to the latter as it was to the former. As the charter stood when Rhodo Island entered the Union, noono could bea voter without own ng real estate or being the eldest Bon of uch a real estato owner. This rule applied equally to native and foreign born citizens, Ily her constitution of 1812, she has enlarg ed tho right as to native citizens, and re fricted it as to Ihose of foreign birth. The change is one which gives rise to inequality n tho exercise of tho right as between th iflerent classes of citizens, but widens the field iu its general scope. The practice un der tho added right, in the opinion of your committee, is vicious and demoralizing, and thu discrimination against foreign born citi zens is anti-republican ic Us character, but the form 'of the government of Rhode Is land is still republican, and cannot be inter fered with by ua. The whole question is ono of the right nnd power of the state to regulato the rule of suffrage, as it affects presidential electors and members of Con gress. Ibis power and right under the con- tltution of the United States is witli the states and not under tho control of Con gress. The federal system bases its very existence upon the rights of the states to regulate the rule of suffrage. The existence of the federal government lepends upon tho existence of the state gov ernments. W ithout existence in their en tirety it absolutely falls luto chaos. It can not continue Itself for r.u hour. There are three great parts of the federal government the legislative, tho executive, and the ju dicial. Ihe legislative has two branches the house and the senate. There can be no house of representatives of the United States after the state governments have end ed. The government of tho states must ex ist or tho popular branch of Congress fails to exist. This :s as certain as it is that there is a constitution of the United States. In the constitution of the United States tho regulation asto suffrage Is In these words "The house of representatives shall bo composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each Slate shall have the quali fications requisite for electors of the most nu merous branch of the State legislature." The electors for tho house of representa tives of tho United States are those who are qualified electors for the legislatures of tho atates. Qualified how? Qualified by whom? Qualified by iho federal government? No but qualified by the states. Tho electors lor members uf the legislature of the states aro the electors nf the Houso of represeuta tlves, and they are to be be qualified by an under the constitution of the states. If you have no qualification of electors for th members of Ihe legislature of the have under the constitution no criterion to detertnlno who aro to bo electors for mem bers of Congress. There Is no ineasuro of qualification, except as It' Is found In the clause quoted, which provides that tho elect ors tor members for the United States House of representatives aro the electors of tho state who are qualified by state constitutions and state laws to nolo for members of the legislature, If thero be none of these, there can be nono tor members ol the lederai house, and it logically follows that the exis tence of state legislature is vital to tho ex istence of that branch of the federal govern ment, for In their absence you have no cri terion, no qualification under the constitu tion itself. Do we presume to exercise that power here? Do we Bssert that we can grap that power and regulate by a federal statute tho qualification of voters? If wo do, wo mako a consolidated government out of a democratic republic. The members of the senate of the United Slates are chosen by the legislatures of the stat:s. Article 1, section provides: The senate of the United States shall bo composed of two senators from each state, thoscn by the legislature thereof. If there is no legislature thero are m senators. If thero are no state electors qualified bv statu constitutions or state laws there are no state IcgiJatures. Thus it all depends finally ou state qualifications of elec tors. Thus wo have bolh the federal houso of representatives and the federal senate de pendent upon tho qualifications of electors by the slate; qualifications created by Blate constitutions and state laws. Tho states themselves in their constitutions fix the qualifications of voteis. They are thus an element, an indlspenslble element, in the constitution and perpetuity of the federal government Thus we find the electors of tho stato fill the house of representatives, and the atates through their legislatures fill the senate of tho United Statci, all power proceeding orig inally from the electors of the states, quall- fied by state constitutions and state laws." These form the very hasis of the organiza tion of this body and of the federal houe of representatives. Without them the govern ment of the United States utterly and "bv Intely falls. Under th constitution of the United States we must return for ultimate power to the qualification of electors in the states, with qualifications regulated and controlled by the states, of else these bodies ceae to exist. The constitution, iu article 27 section 1, clause 2, provide?: Fach state shall appoint in such manner as the legislature thereof mug direct, a number of electors equal to tho whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled In the Congrem. These electors choose tho President aud Vice President of tho United Stales. If there be no state legislatures there can bo no presidential tlectors. The electors of the state legislatures are created and qualified, by and under stato constitutions and state laws. The voters or electors in the states are the same men who choose the members of the state legislatures, and if you have no state legislatures, then inevitably the power to create electors of the President of the United States must fail. Thus you have the senate and the house and the executive department all absolutely failing nnd break ing down for want nf the state governments. Hut this is not all. The judiciary depart ment of this government stands upon the ex istence of llio executive and the senate. If the senate fall through the want of voters to create members of the state legislatures, and if tho executive authority fails for tho want of tho power to create and qualify vo ters, then we have neither executive nor sen ate to creato judges of the United States. Thus we. have evtry branch of the federal government, house, senate, the executive and judiciary depailments, standing upon tho state govemmot ts, and all resting final ly upon the people of the states, qualified as voters and state constitutions and state laws. We now seo that tho state gov ernmcnts are vital to the existence of ev ery brancli of the ftderal government, and that the voters of tho stntes'are essential lo the vitality of every branch of the federal government. They car not be interfered with by federal power. The Supreme court of tho United States has expressly decided that suffrage under stato control, and so far as it can be settled it is judicially sett'ed. Tho clear teaching of every part of our system forbids us to interfere or seek to med dl e with the power of the stato upon this most yital of all hrrrights, as we seo that the people of the states, qualified bg the laws f the slatei, are the voters of the federal government, we cannot nnd dare not enter tain the thought suggested by those who su r in Rhode Island. Their remedy lies in another field. There is, therefore, nothing In these pro vision! of (he constitution and laws of Rhode Island which, iu the opinion of your committee, are in conflict with theconstitu tion of the United States, for tho regulation f its rule of suffrage is a subject for each stale to determine for itself; but your com mittee do not deem it a waste nf time to point out the great discrepancy that exists mong the several stales as to the exercise f suffrage by foreign born citizens, nor lo call attention to the fact that Rhode Island s the only state in the Union In which na tives and foreign born citizens stand upon different grounds as to the stato qualifica tions for tl.e ri jht of suffrage. The laws of the United States require re quire a residence of five years within tho country before a foreigner can be naturall zed. This makes him a citizen of the Uul ted States; bSt be may bo a voter for mem bers uf Congress, or for electors for Presl lent, or for tho members of a State legisla turo who elect a United States senator, after he had resided six months In the country If he lives ln Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, or Georgia, or within twelve months residence n Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Oregou, Texas and iaconsln. A naturalized foreigner can vote In California after a resldeuse of six months, Connecticut, after a residence of one year if he bt able to read any artltlo of the consti tution or any section of the statutes of the stale; Delaware, after one year's residence, if he have paid taxerj Illinois after one year's residence: Iowa six month's rel donee; Kentucky, two year's residence; Lou isiana, nuo year s residence; Maine, three monlhs; Maryland, one yeaij Michigan three months; Miesisslpl, six month' real deuce; Nevada, six months; New Hamp shire and New Jersey, one year. North Carollua, one year; Ohio, one year; South THE COLUMBIAN. VOL. XtV, NO. 251 COI.UMHIA DBMOuttAT, VOL. A L.v4 nv. 10 Carolina, one year; Tennessee, ono yeat; Vermont and Virginia, one year; and West Virginia, one year in the state. Tho same residence is required In theso twenty-one states of Ihe native born citizens. In these states residence Is superadded by' stato authority as a qualification to voting for all officers, state ai well as federal. In Massachusetts, two years; In Pennsylvania, thirty days, and In New York ten days are added by the state authority to the qualifi cation of five years; and In Rhode Island ownership of real estate must bi in tho natu ralize foreigner before ho Is a voter. These differences are founded in tho poli cy ctf the respective states, but there Is nn one of thepi lns which payment of taxes, length of residence or educational qualifica tions are not Imposed aliko upon the native nnd tho foreign born citizen, save the case of Rhode Island anl lis property qualifica tions. The vice of its system nnd the wrong to the general welfare, consists In its inequality in Its deliberate disfranchisement of for eign born citizens by n rulo which permits so gross a discrimination as is demonstrated by the proof taken by your committee. '1 don't Want that Stuff.' Is what a lady in Boston said to her hus band when he brought home some medicine to cure her ot sick headache nnd neuralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen ytars. At tho first attack thereafter, it was administered to her with such good result", that she continued its use until cured, and made so enthusiastic in its praise, that she Induced twenty two of tho best families in her circlo to adopt it as their best family medicine 'that' stuff is Hop Hitlers. The art of conversation should be ranked among the i'fino arU." Very few are very superior conversationalists. It requires more study and attention than one would at first suppose. Judging from theamountof talk done, we would suppose out of all engaged iu it there would be more persons who are excellent in conversation. They d, a lot of talking, but fill to converse. A person should be well informed, at least, upon the current topics of the day and upon the sub ject or subjects the talk is about. This in formation should not bo given in a patroni zing way. or of self superiority, as a teacher expounds to his scholars, nor with the mo tive to shine at a festival or in company. What you say, and ,the manner of saying it will shine for you. Some start a story, the drift of which you cannot see till toward the close, when the great big "P'lurns up as a pollawag grows Into a frog. The art nf saying littlo things is of no small import ance; they can be dressed iu a pleasant garb and made congenial, Brusque things can be presented in an attractive manner; but tie should never be overiy argumentative pro found, contcntiuos, brusque or capricious, in company. It is not an arena to show nil mental gladiatorsbip; bow much we have read, how much we know or how much we think even. To be natural does not imply buffoonery or buffeting. They are a very poor kind of naturalness. A boor i to be depreciited. A pleasant humor is always welcome, but no wit at anybody's expense. Subjects that are unpalatable should always be discarded; and mailt subjects aro spoken of at table that aro unrefined and sug gestive of thoughts far from agreeable. Top ics sometimes are intrnduced as much out of place as the dress of a ballroom at a fu neral. The companies we get info from time to time nquire in us versatility. We caunot bo exactly the same in all companies, and ouo evening's company may take ono or two or three mcods. Conformity to the mood and the occasion is requisite, The art of saying things easily, na'urallv, attractive ly, requires ability, experience and observation. There are nn defined rules as to saying tilings attractively at the time said any more than there are rules for paint ing the sunshine. It must bean inherent quality or faculty. The art nf continuing a topic progressively without deviations t-r in terpolations is no small one. Some tell things as they would build, stake end rid.'r fence, f.r as a drunken nun reels they wan der. What wo think strongly wo can ex press clearly. Don't do all llie cmverslpg. Show deference to others. It shows you think ihey have ideas also, Thero is as much art in listening as in talking. Tube a good listener is no small accomplishment It doesn t imply ignorance or inferiority un your part, and at the same time yoirinay gain information. A good conversationalist is a good listener. It is an essential part ol his creed. A good listener should give at tention to a compeer assuredly to a superi or. It also shows de'eteneo to company. vy"e should always be well informed. Weshould, if possible, enter company with a lirst-cUss set of exuberant feelings, wilh the avowed purpose of giving and receiving enjoyment. A beacon in ditresis "Dr. Sel'er's Cough Syrup," ami Ihe mostttticacii us remedy for coughs, colds aud whooping cough. Price 25 cents. TliAVEUNU SfOXtS. The curious travelling stones ol Australia are paralleled in Nevada. They aro desrib- ed as almost perfectly round aud about as alnut. When distributed upon the floor, two or three feet uf each other, they iinme- dately begin travelling towards a commun centre, and there lie huddled up in a bunch like a lot of eggs in a nesf A single stone removed to a di-tance ot three feet.un in be- ing relea-ed, returns to Ihe heap, but If la- ken away four or fivo feet remains motion less. They are composed of magnetic iron ore. Everybody knows the stupefying and dead- i ii. i i - - .i, iy quamies ni opium; sun mere are large quantities ol this dinger uis diugsold as a soothing medicine lor children, Dr, Bull' lUby Symp contain nothing injurloue.and will relieve your baby of paiu and ull disord- era of the bowels. A wall comes from Asia buiJened with the sorrows, of a starving people. A fun- ine exists in Kuruistan, Armenia and We.l. ern Persia and 40,000 people are suffering fur want of food. Hundred have died and twenty six villages are entirely destitute. Not dagiccable hardly more hitter than lager becrj aivl much moro salisfactory and plcaant, bimmoua Liver Regulator can bo taken at any timo without inteifuriug wi'h business or pleasure. It is ro gentle, safe. such a good digester that it is often used af ter a hearty meal to settle tho food and re lieve any apprehension that the meal tay disagree Willi you, RATES OF ADVERTISING. U. IK. (II. 1TI Onelnch t..l.oo .eo IJ.ou U.oo IW rwolnchrs . . .oo 4.W .oo s.ou rhree inches,'. .... 4.i t to T.oo i.on is.jy Courlnches 6.00 t.oo too U.0.1 vo.jj ouarter colamn .oo 8.00 lo.oo IJ.oo JJ.Oj lUlt column lo.oo U.oo U.oo 5.oo one column ".oo 10.00 eo.oo loo.t except where parties hate accounts. I leal advertiscme ntstwo aotiarperincnior wirv Insertions, and at that rate tor aaamonaiinseruoMi without reference to ungtn. 1 f M.iilnr'.. Atnlnl.trfltnr'll Arid AndltOr' ROtlCAl three dollars. M ust bo paid for when Inserted. I ' Transient or Local notices, twenty cents minel regutaradvertlsemenlMialf ratca. Cards In the "lluslness Directory" column, om dollar per uarfor each line. Danger From i hispliorus Hum, The Medical Times and Gazetlo men- . lions the case of n young man who, while travelling from Lyons to Paris, lit a match by scratching It with his thumb nail, and ft piece of incandescent phosphorus penetrated under the uall and made a slight burn, lo . .I-,, i . 1 1 . . . i . i . . i li.i.ll. ilia .tnln lnnma Inlnmn ,Iia tli.imtf swelled, then the hand and next the forearm. HA wnfl nhl ire.1 tn nliplif fit A station nn llie. journey and send for a medical man, who ' declared that imtncdlato amputation of Ihe postponing the operation for a few hours until tho arrival of hU father for whom Lo had telegraphed. But before the lalter,how- the shoulder, and any operation became im possible. He died in great agony in only twenty-seven hours after the burn. The case shows the danger of handling phosphorus In the manner described. Centennial Premium Wine. Physicians have used Spoor's Port Grape Wine of New Jesey, and have applied It to llio strictest Icjt, nnd pronounco it a puro wino and recommend it to tbo aged and infirm, and for general U'o where wine la desirable as tho most reliable of wines lo be had. It re ceived the highlst award at the Centennial Exhibition. For sale by C. A. Kleim, Blonmaburg,l'.i. Spiders as Ills as Hints. Saysjho Lcadvllle (Colorado) Chronicle: A short distance from Buena Vista is a cavo in labited by spiders which differ from other ' . spiders in their enormous size, and are quite useful to the needy people of that region. ' . The caye was discovered last December by a parly of sightseer., and the spiders and their i work were witnessed. On eutering the cave one Is struck by the funny looking webs. 1 they are workeJ like other webs of spider', but every fibre is ten times as large as the ones woven by nrdluary spiders. On pass ing further into the cavo the spiders are encountered They nro about the size of small birds, ami make a strange sound while weaving their web. Their webs are so tough and the fib'rsso large that itisalmnst mpossibility to break down a web. Some weeks ago while fookiug at a cave, a miner got to examining the webs. Their strands were about the size of a No. 12 thread, and bethought they could bo used for tbrejd. Having a needle in his poesion, lo broke off o-ia of the strands and found that it fit- ted the needle. Se wing on a loose buttou lo test the efficacy, he found it as strong as silk thread, and it answered his every pur pose. Since then ihe people have flocked in and carried away hosts of the webs, but the spiders do not seem to object in the least. There is some talk among the capit alists of starling a thread factory there aud using the webs for thread. Time has been when diseases of tho kidneys wero considered serious affections, but fortu nately all fearof any fatal results from these troubles aro how dispelled by tho certainty, with which Dsy's Kidney Pad always acts. Silent Women. Ono of Ihe prominent citizens ot a suburb at Chicago promised n ladies' sewing soci ety a certain sum of money for their treasu ry if they could meet or one afternoon, each with their individual work, and, attending strictly to business, refrain from speaking one word during the time allotted to society work. ln creat effort was made witli suc cess, showing that perseverance and will power can do in this rough world. Though the sighs and groans were many and heart rending, the laughing grew ouile dangerous; though at times quiet was quite funereal, the c'ii-knf the knitting needles, the rustle of the fancy work or the winding of j nrn would make it quite lively. Only the tongues were still, Though some were fi reed to ulaee a marble, or a lezenge, or a thimble in their mouths; though the strips of court plaster were on hand ; though the bo'lle of mucil age was sometimes pa-sed around taking them altogether, nothing of the kind was re quired, save the word and the will of the ladles, who bad pledged themselves to raise in that way, tho requisite amount fur their treasury. Tti'Vlible" is the verdict nf tho afflicted when referring to tho mciits of Sellers' Liver Pills. The diamonds that make millionaires now- days are of crjstal, black and slate colored hues ihe jewelsof the icemen, coalman and plumbe rs. Bad b'ood always causes trouble. It may be a family light, or boils, iich, letter, &c; but no mailer, Dr. Liudsay's Blotd Search er is the cUre-all, . . . A boarding house keeper who could not satisfy all of her boarders with the desserts, hit upon the plan of always giving them suet pudding. PiiorAtiATlNO Shah. A few days ago some 2,000,000 young shad were taken fioni the hatching house at Havre de Grace and distributed in ihe streams from the Break- watt r to the Chri-tiana by Newton Simmons who has been pay lug much attention to the propagation of these fish f ir lie past three years. The yourg shad were en nveyed in tiu cans holding .'0,000 each. It row appears that this is not Whit- taker's first cutting affair. It is asserted, on good authority, that when quite young he cut his tuctb. Tho starving people ol I rein, d are mak ing elaborate preparations for entertaining . the American title learn with a succession 3 of splendid bui.quets. -rt - - r One ol llio snidest and most vexatiom-'.. trials that comes m a girl when she war-''; ries is that she has to discharge her mother aul depend on a servant gill. ' ' Jones savsthat he used to have red cboeka ' hut hid a had cold "urns years ago, when be blew all the color into his nose. "The book to read," sajs Dr. McCoh, "i not tl.e erne which thinks for you, but the one which makes you Iniiik." A bank book lor instance. When you see a man sit down In a bar ber' chair, pin Ihe newspaper round his neck and begin to read the towel, you ma; vx blm down as absent-minded.