The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 11, 1880, Image 4

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0 ic of tlio IrlnK nf liim keciMiin con
tti In thinking wht nupnill Imve for (lie
t willy lira1t fat, illnntr nml supper". Tlitno
wild nr In'xprrl'-iicrtl In Hip matter be
llevo lliat if Dip; only (mil the money Ioro
tn nmrket llioy noil!.! linvo tin trouble in
maVii'g it proper selectl in, but n liitlo prac
tice convinces lliem to the cnntrary,fi)r very
toon beef, inutloijClikken ami ti n til becutne
monolonoti;. 'I'liU dlflicully la Increased II
the members i f Ihe rmily arc possessed of
tmle, which la ralli-rnpt to lie tlio rule thau
ttto exception. For .tliii reuou it Is much
easier to murket fur lurg family than n
Bnia.ll oiie,hccKio In tlie firmer cato hnt-
ever la put upon tbe table lias a chance of
being eaten by soma b nly.
Inn small ftniily n fmltiiss for oysters
may be regarded In the llgit of a temporal
btexlni; for several ruuiitn. In the fir
place luey can tie easily ami rjuickiy cooked
mul a smail dih of oysters can bemadoas
paUtablo ma largo flue. In tbe teconJ, there
s no waste abiiit oysttra, no bones.etc., and
even If any are.'Mefi over" tUey cm be pick
led, If uncooked, or made, into croquets, if
cooked; but, unfortunately, there tire mem
bers of many families who cannot eat oysters
which Isr con litlm of domestic affairs sad
Indeed for tbe housekeeper.
U-iast beef is another utand-by for the
table, but everybody kmws "that he who
buys beef buys bones, and in spite ol the
theories of the economists these bones must
be wasted, unlesi they are made into soup;
which takes so many other good things for
Its development that in the end It Is nn ex
tra expense. Then, too, u roast of beef
shoui J bo l.iro to be really desirable, nnd it
Is an ironical trick of fate that the majority
of eaters d not likn cold meat. Then they
require cst'ups, pickles and sal ids for Its
garnishing and even then applaud them
selves for their c mrige In eatim; It. Mutton
s harder to dispose of when coll thin rnat
bof. IViultry is popular, but then overj
bndy likes tho white meat, and housekeepers
are p'lt to their wits end to dispose of tho
wings and legs, To ba sure theio is ham.
FUh are also to be considered, but both of
these articles of diet only conio in as a
clangs and neither will do forstcady eating.
Of coitro there are veet.ibles,fruits and fari
naceous artlolep which give ft relish to t
pints, but, ftfier all is slid, these are hut in
cidentals, and meat remains a necessity fir
people who work. j
Almost everyboly eats meat twice aday,ths
mtkea fourteen times a week, and although
there are Only five diflerentvarietlcsof meat,
men say their wives give them no vnrioty
One cannot delude a man into tho belief
that sweet brrad or liver is a new kind of
meat. lie at once insists upon It that bo li
nro veal, Yet out of these a dainty dish may
be made, which greatly resembles terrapin :
Take a pound of calf's liver and boil inn
pint of water, reserve the liquor, but remove
the skin of the liver. Hail the sweet breads
(3) and romove tlu fat and veins. Place in
a stewpan ooe onion with nu ounca of b it-
ter, removo tho onion alter it has fried lb"
five minutes. Cut the liver in small pieces
and pour into the butter in the i-tewpati, tc
gether with the liquor inwhicn it was bid"
cd, add two tablespooneful of catsup and
two ot win", salt and pepper to taste, tlieu
cut up tbe sweet breads and mix in with tt.
liver, stewing the whole five minutes, add
another oonco of butter rolled in Hour, ami
crumble through thadish tho hard boiled
yolk of an egg.
Thlaisan excollant dish for tea, as it is
delicate and appetizing and a decided change
from the routine roasts and broils. Speik
ing of broils remiods me that this is tbe
season lor pigeons. Squabs on toast are a
delicacy, but much ot the bird is bebt in
broiling, bince the back and wings are m.l
easily secured by the knift and fork, ami it
is unplossant to use the fingers.
A dIcu way to cook pigeons is to place
them in a pan in the oven, with a (bin lav
croi ocei iai tieu over tno ureast. When
thoroughly browned place in a small cover
ou atewpan, witn enough, water to covr
them; ttew with pepper and salt until tends
remove tho pigeons and keep them hot
make a brown sauce of the water in which
tho birds were stewed, and browned flour or
bread crumbf; servo with currant jelly. Tho
pigeons should be placed on toast, the sauce
poured over them and the dish garnished
with the jelly.
Pigeons make rather an expensive dish.r.s
they sell for forty and fifty cents per pair,but
a pair dressed in this way, by proper man
agement, do a family of four for tea. The
way to manage is this: Have wheaten grits
boiled and placed in cups, when cold it will
form nice little moulds. One of these placed
before each member of the family will take
off tbe edge of appetite and tho prospect of
tho plsreops keep up their spirits. I don't
thin much of wheaten grits, but some peo
ple like it, and one can eat it if one has
something better to finish off with.
A meal, like a piece of music, to be effec
tive should present contrast, the lights and
shades of harmouy,as it were. There should
be same prominent didi In tho foreground,
aomstbing that his a flivnranda taste.
Then tho side dishes should be (to speak ar
tistioilly) stumped in. The tea and bread
represent the varnish point. Hence, as in a
picture, the question beoome, what shall we
have in tbe foreground.
This must depend greatly upon fioanefs
and inclination. Let us suppose) that both
aro limited. In that case broiled berrii g
will do, particularly if they have roes. 1m
ussiy the herring aro in tho foreground, or
the bottom of the table, what shall one have
for the middle distance ? Dried peaches will
do, and dj very well, If properly cooked
Toahilfpiund of dried peaclea take half
pound of whlto sugar ; soak the peaches
three hours j stew in the water they were
soaked, adding the suar when first placd
over the fire , stev until a rich syrup is pro.
diced. The dish, which costs about tweuty
cents, will generally serve for two or three
ton. This picture of a toa tuble may be
improved by stumping in the neutral tints
in the shape of hot cakes. It is not luxu
riotis, but will serve excellently well in
Lent, or at the end of tbe week when the
market money begins to run Jow.
"Picked" codfish is net a bad di.h for
Ihrhc, who like It. Wish the codfish and
pick it off Ihe backbone ; throw in a skillet
with cold water and boll a few momeuts
repeat three times; mix In lump of butter
rolled iu Hour, and a little milk and pepper;
when cooked stir In an egg. If tbe"picked''
codfish la in the foreground, tbe middle dis
tance may be suppliod with a plentiful sup
ply of mashed potatoes.
I'or a table picture on a more liberal scale
let us consider chicken. In the foreground
it chicken slewed with epg sauce. Out your
chicken up and atew in a quart of water ;
when half-cooked stir in a half teacupful ol
rice which lias been previously soaked.
Have Ihe rico thoroughly soft. .Make a nest
of the dish lay the pieces of chicken
in it. Hoil (wo ergs and slice (hem in drawn
butter, which pour over the whole. Garnish
with a little parsley. This not only repre
neutu an attractive foreground, but is the
lih that baa the estimable quality of going
far. For the middle distance provide, cold
slaw, garnish with small pieces of reduced
T.imakocohl "law.cutvour cabbane very'
. . . ' " I
line, neat together vinegar, butler, egg, pep
per and salt. Pour over, and serve either
cold or hot, If In tho summer, when toma-
tots dnsseil with mttyonaise will beprefera
bleln the cold slav
Thero Is nnthlrg new In any of the above
Ideas, but they will serve to remind house
keepcers of things which they often forget
The eternal drain of responsibility about
providing marketing is a severo trial to n
woman's nervous system. She thinks and
thinks until thero seems to be a lessening
of the brain or a loss of the connecting link
between knowledge and the faculty of prac
tical performance. The table tuns away
with so much money that one would like If
possible to reduce the sum. This Is difficult
If one has a particular family, but still va
rlety may be oblaiucd nnd an occasional
fifty cents saved by a judicious management
of the family marketing.
Women Never Think.
If the crabbed old batchelor who uttered
this sentiment could but witness tho intense
thought, deep study and thorough lnvotl
gitinii of women who delerniln the best
medicines to keep their families well, and
would nolo their sagacity nnd wisdom in so
lectlng Hop Hitters as the best and demon
strating by keeping their families lu pcrpct
ual health, at a mere nominal expense, he
would;be forced to acknowledge that sucl
sentiments are baseless and falsi.
About tlio Teclli.
Dr. Meredith, In his lecture upun "The
Teeth," says: "Knough has been spoken and
written at various times upon the abuses of
civilized life, and especially of refined soci
ety to induce us to confess that the con
stitution of man has deteriorated, and that
the teeth had shared in the iligdieration of
the organism. One of tho most conclusive
proolsnl this Is ton ml In the fact that scien
tific travelers visiting various nations in
different parts of the glnbo have reported
that those people who breathe a pure atmos
phere, who drink pure water and eat unad
ulterated food, who tako healthful exercise
and sufficient rest, who dress In a manner
that favors free respiration and free move
ment of ihe body, are wonderfully free from
inoe uiaeases tnat are so common among
people of more civilized nations, and possess
teeth that are seldom, durlni? a lnmr life. nt
tacked by any disease. It is a reasonable
assertion, then, that if wo would endeavor
to imitate that healthful manner of livingof
these nations which we could do very near
ly and h' ill retain all of our claims to civili-
zition, If we would eat, and compel our
children to eat brad made of unbolted flour
aud other things containing a liberal amount
of the phosphates, we could make a decided
impreslon for the better upon the teeth ol
the following generation. If that genera
tion would pursuo the same course, and so
on, it would not be many years until the
teeth would bo restored to their pristine
soundness and Jpeif clion. But people sel
dom bestow any thought upon this subject
until they aro forced to do so by the condi
tion of their own and tbeirchidren's mouths.
At that time it is to late to change the con
struction of the teeth by anything Ihattbey
may db, aud too little interest Is fell in the
welfare of humanity several generations af
terward to induce them to make any radical
change in their manner of living, or to
leave the beaten track of favorite habits and
No discovery iu the history of tho world
has aroused. tho people more and claimed
the attention of medical men, equal to the
discovery the wonderful ingredient contain
ed in tbe Day Kidney Pad.
Literary Revolution and
.in emcyiopajuia in m vul over Ili.OOO
f .1 i ' in : iV r"""" .u luntuumry, aim simi, nanusomeiy and we bound,
clnth fur Slfl. in hnlfmnrinen fn 4r1 .... e. i. ... .... .
........... v.u, null iiiniru "ti hub neavy paper, wide margins,
bound iu half Kussia, gilt top for f 20-an enterprise so extraordinary that its uccess, be
yond all precedents in book publishing, may be fairly claimed to inaugurate a Literary
fi-mBrtiB.BAB?P TOEI?A.L KNOWLEDGE is a reprint entire of the la.
(18, 0) Ed uliurg edition of ".Chamber's Eocyclopnjiia," with about 40 per per cent of ne
umuer auueu, upon topics 01 special inlere-t
in character to any similar work, better than
mninrtlv wlin ennsiilf tvfiplru .f r-nnn- i
field u
Leading principles pf the American
I. Publish only books otrcol value.
ii1; Si.rlTn lbe asls of Present cs' " making bor.ks, about one-balf what It woa a few years ago,
III. Sell to buyers direct, and save th.-m so tnaimr -nf ,nmmi..lm
adopt thlowpe S'len'the 5& niiottftV1 "me
ratan?avuleK binding, but avoid all "padding
I. To make It and a friend is better than to make M and an enemy.
Library of Universal Knowledge, so vols . tlO
nowledge, so vols
me, 5 -ois . f en,
bngland, 4 vols., t
Cl Vnrr T Man...
Macaulej 'a History of hngland, 4'vols.,'
ffiSS'f hWS-. "iS"'!", 4 vols.,f !.
knlgh.'a History of England, 4 vols., ts.
Plutarch's 14 es ot Illustrious .Men, s ol
(elkel'a 1 Uh and Words of unrlst. bo cen
Illustrious .Men, s vols., $.H).
YUpfr1ng),e!ioCOI1COrllai'cc' 8"1,0 rererences (pre
Acme Library of Illogrophy, 60 cents,
look of Fables. Xsop. eto 111 us. 50 cen ts.
Mlltnn'a complete poetical Works, 11 censs
Shakespeare's cimplete works 75 cents.
W orks of Iiante, translated by cary, 60 cents
w orks of lrgll. translated by Dryden, 4 1 cen'ts.
The horar. of Mohammed, translated by Sale 55 cts
. . .t . . iim.,ou cents.
Arabian Nights., Iilus . fio cents,
llutiyan's lUgilm's Progress Iilus., se cents.
Robinson eriisn. Ulna wi
Munchausen and (luUlver'sl ravels, Iilus.. 50 cents
t-torles an- ballads, by E. T. Alden. Iilus ? ji e '
Acme Library ot Modern C.asslcs, 60 ccnla.
RemlthT hnnt-dMf, v,.nA.. .... .. . 1
In postage T stamps: ! Addrew ' "'uc''"sleredietier
JOHN It. ALDEX, Manager.
1. IiabyMlne.
S.Klia liee.
'Ihe Old Cabin Home.
We'u'rcmt? Woses wbea th0 Ushl
W b?? mk at 1,cni6-Swanee Itlb-i
24 sweet Iiy and By.
2 Whoa, Emma.
sk. Vpulf He member ile.
l' M ELtPh ' Uw,t lD Mrblfl Halls
UP iou andl Were Young.
S4. Collage bv the sen.
as 0)
as. h o Parted by the Iflver
M-When riHuT's rV'
ftlSffiS. eiiii?'' 4 liTOot btaVtte Old song,.
Jo I K! ,i "P ,0 llv Mother, liil. Walt ngmy Darling for Tuee.
ra rem1's5f v. "cr-Couilc. 1 o. Pin Unely Since ny mother died I
k? Hnat5 f ''""eem-ccmlc. 17S. 1 enllng on the old tamntlround ,
a lnX-L ,a Flirtation of the Whlp-comlc. v
S" il.'h" """"oiadments-Comlc 'its. Tho Slave's Dream.
C'omto Commandments ;I7. Don't Youoo, Tommy, Don'tOo.
J a
So suSSJ".? 7,"r?.u?h "eorgla
S'Ti, MTn.n.iiieiK"tt;l'',,b the
12 n
7u. Take Hack the Heart.
7S. 1 he faded coat of Blue.
74. Slavery Uajs. lu""UB-
T5'.lr,s.'lel,,?01 on '"o t -
IX lilt IVrlr 1?riritiftn
,T'ight!d KenluckJ' ll0'mf).
L' Jf"0! An? Near ani yet
f"- The Mwoid of Hunker I1IU.
rr. CT
I. . . "if ''u!rao'-'iy Mother,
si. I'll ba ali smiles To-night. Love,
SS. Listen to the Mrvbtn.r Hint
M. llei Hrlght smlla hauou
w. Sunday .Night When tno
M. The oypsj'a Warning.
...j ""-"H'-a ;u mo LaDf,
BF but a Little Paded Flower.
m ' ' km iwuiua lie.
fp 105 UlllOimttTLUp.
SS JSKu7vvee,.'.:"liUl01dV''lf,n
c 110. llllly's ADnealtnhl. v
11. The Old Man's i.runk Again,
in. I am Walling, Euslo Jear?
118. Sllnht Illntiiii-nWjS
p -i
VI- SakB M.e )laclf 10 "one
!5?' om"'-1'" by my aide little
Kb" me mother kus your
14.The old Log Cabin on the
1 8i. The Skids are out to-day,
ISO. coming Thro1 the lire,
in. The liable on oar Ulook.
1H. Itio maaaan aucjr Ball.
i TiiiMAmii or TiiitmATK of christian isn,
Notice, Is hereby given by tho undersigned auditor
nppotiite.ny Mio Orphans1 Court torilm Coutitv of
Columbia, tudlMHMiletbe balance In the hands of
i lie administrator or mid tn cedent, that lie win sit
lntti' illsciMttro ot 11m duties ot his appolottneiit at
Ms Lincoln lilnomsburi Uv n saturdai.thesfith dajr
ot June. iwi. alien o'tlockin tho torenooti whero
anil t which lime nil pjrtn a Interested inthesnld
fund are required to he atid appear or bo forever do
barred from any claim upon said fund.
maysT, 1880-lw Auditor.
In the matter ot tho anstgncrt estate cf Hatletlne
anil Hteel for tlio benent ot creditors.
Notice la hereby Ktven by the undersigned auditor
appointed bv lh' Court of common I'leas ot Mio
County of CotumhU, to distribute the balance In tlio
hands ot Ullllim It Abbott, Assignee, 10
dlschaigo Ihe duties of tils appointment at his omce
In tiloomshurir, upon Mondat ,tho Klfct dav ot June,
ism, at ten o'clock In tlio forenoon, vhero andnt
which tlmo all parties having claims upon sail fund
arcrtqdrert lo appear and present tho asine or bo
forever debarred rrom any share or the anid rumi,
1'AUL.K. vviitr.
may ss, ltwww
Neatly aud cheaply executed at the
(InMtMRIA flftr
Testimonials nre received evorv d iv by the pro
YirleKirs of SIMMONS MVEIt HMIULA lolt.trom m-r.
Honsof enicitlon and prominence trom all panaot
the country attesting to tho wonderful curative
properties or mis great mcaicine, iso other prepar
ation but llin Kegulalor has ever been discovered
that wnuld effectually cum ixspcp&la and lm kin
dred evils, and restoto the nnilent to a wrfeeilv
healthy condition nf body and mind. Tho rapidly
Increasing demand for this modlcfno and our largo
si tea In consequence. Is Indeed buntcleut evidence
in 11SPII0I lis greaviKMi'ii iruy,
Perfectly noeolul. Harmless,
It can be ii'ed any time ltnont fear by tho most
delicate persons. No matter what tho ailing, aud
mavbo given to children with pcrtect safety, as no
bad results follow Its use, oolnir no possible Injury.
An a ini a i umc. irei me uixuuvo anu Harmless in-
I viirorant It Is Infinitely superior to any known reme-
Colic, ItestleHsnoFS, Mental Ii.-presslon, Mok Head.
acne,, causes. lllllousuesR,
neAd Mie following antes of DerKotiH welt nnd wide
ly known who lestlty totho altuble properllesot
Ilnu. Alex. II. SMoens: John W. lleckHlth. HlMion of
(Jeorgls: lien, .b.lin H. (lordi'n, u, h. .senator; lion.
Joan uui Miuricr; uv. itev. ihsiup fierce; .1. Ittlgar
Ihompson; lion. 11. Hill; Hon
loim u.
Prof. David wills; n. !.; Hiram Warner, Ciller Jus
tice ot (la.; I.ewls.Vunder, Assist. 1". M. Plilla-, and
msnv others trom whom wo have letters comment
ing upon this medicine as a most valuablo household
remedy. l'UUEl.Y VKUKTAIILE.
Its low price places It In tho reach of all bo they
rlchorpoor. itycuaro sunning and cannot nnd
relief, proi-uro at once from your iirugglst a bottle ot
Hegulator, (live It a fair trial and It will not only
niloiu renei, uul permanently euro Jou. ills wnu
outasl 'ule exception.
ine v;neaphi, ruresbdna uest ramiiy Aieatcine in
orixiim ii ml Pennine
MANiPiCTtarn ovi.v bv
J. II. 7.KII. IN A- CO..
Prlre 1 1 ,(n. Po'd by all Druggists.
April io. so-iy.
. ppetlte, refreshln? blo-p, the acquisition of flesh
nnrtcolor, are blesMngs attendant upon tho repara
tive processes whl-h this priceless lnvlgorant speed
ily Initiates and Carrls In R MICCPH.ful nnnr-hwlnn
Digestion Is restored and ustcnanco afforded to
rum uie-misiaining organ Dy tlie Hitters, wli-ch Is
Inoffensive even to the femtnlne palate, vegetable In
..wiiii-vraivivu, uu mut uuUljr Nile,
For fain by ml druggists aud dealers generally.
October a, lo-iy
pages; 10 per cent more matter than any En
In American readers, thus making It equal
any other suited to the wants of tho great
,. ...i ., . . n . .. -'"h'V
uuogeiner ine laiesi Aiicycloprcula In th
wlUl WSe ot retHrnon receipt ot proportionate
Book Exchange.
U but a 'ractlon -of ",0 rost when niae Bt a
American Patrlotl-m. r.o cents.
Tulne'a History ut Knglhh literature, 75 cenU.
Cecil's Kookot Natural History. 11. .
Plciorl.U ll.ody Lexicon. 3J cents.
fraj lng, y author of Murrowgrass Papera,M cents,
rs. Iiema rs I'oetleal Works, is cents.
rvuLuii i.ii;irpieiiia uiu immure. 1 vols.. 13
Kollln's .-widen l hlstor , i 50
Sinltirs Hletionary of tho Bible, lllus.. Its.
Works of Flat lus Josephus. ti.
comlo History of tho U is., Hopkins, lllus., 60 cents,
ruiia uyr.verciss, nr. uoo. II. Tailor, 50 cents,
llealta for women Dr. neo It. Taylor. 60cents.
I. brary Magazine, In cent a number, It a jear.
Library Magaztue. buuud volumes. ci cents.
Leaves from tho diary tit an old lawjer, 11.
Eeachof the abive bound In cloth, tfhvmmi rio,
tage etra. .Most ot tho books ore also published In
u...wu4 u. uuiuiup uigiier prices.
Deiierlidlve riitnloaiie nn,t terms lo C
eut fire on reiiueat.
or by express, Fractions of one doUar may bo sent
'III lm ne II illilln, Kew orh
lS5.The Hallway Door.
1st, Darling Uessle or the Lea.
13s 1 he Klos Df hind the Door
1S3. I'll liemember You, Love, la my
'41. i ud wooden nockor
142. speak, only speak.
143. 1 anclng Amund with Charlie.
144. You may Look, but you musn't
147, My Daughter Julia.
150. 1 here's Alwaj a a beat In tho Pax- I
lor tor V ou
t S I've no Mother now, I'm Weeping
tor You. r
t!4. Nearer mv find to Theo.
16 . Massa'a la de cold, cold flround.
lt. bay a Kind Word when you caa.
,,".. I "l."'u"c.l!?'Ia'--omic.
bo. Don't beangry with me, darling
Sea isii-Tha old Village school ou the
HI. Flirtation of the Fan comic.
1W. hy Did She Leave him.
IM. Tliou Hast Learned to Love An.
so Far
203. There's None Like a Mother, If
ever so poor.
204. You wero false, but I'll forgive I
!, old LogCabln In the Dell.
m. w hlsper sottly. Mother's ds Ing. 1
11. Will jouLove mo when I'm Old?
SIS. Come Into thA rinrden. Maud
me still
tiMYbera there's a will there's a way
2u. Annie Laurie ,
222. Sherman's March to the sea. I
iu. lamentation of James Itodgera.
224. Come Hlrdle. Come.
225. Now I lay roe down to sleep.
22S Kveroflhee.
2rs. joe Amnmr the Hoses.
210. Iter Deltcher (laL
23. oiaArm cuair (as sung by Ned
?39. The bailor's Grave.
24. Fanner's Daughter; or Chickens
In tha Garden.
213. oti! Uemilolden Slippers.
24 Poor, but a Gentleman sun.
24U. Nobody's darling but mine,
kst. Put my little shoes away,
25. iurllng Nellie dray.
253. Little Brown Jug.
it. Pen Holt.
257. OoodVbye. Sweetheart.
m. Sadlo uajr.
Indian Blood Syrup.
77 W.3d St., New York City
Disease. JVio-cC
font, llhtmnti'
llsm, Mtropsy.
Mttafl IHstate.
mttoustitm.Yervoug Ittbltlly.ttc,
ThoBostEBMEDT EH0W1I to Man I
9.000,000 Bottles.
This Syrvp Possesses Varied Tropcrlks,
Tt tlmattf tho Pytyntlne In itin Pnllrn.
Vvhleh cooverls tho mnrrh nnd utijjfirof Iho
food lntn gin con. A tlrflclener In 1'ytynllna
caniea Wind nnd PourlnjE of lh food In tho
tommrh If ihe inpdlrlnn l tnkrn ImmcdU
ntelj nftrr cnttoc iho fcruicotatloa of food la
It act upon the TJrer
Itnctn upon iho Kldnpn
It IleBii I ntr the Iton-eli
It PorlOen tho Illood.
It Quiets ihe tVerrou Bj-ntem.
Itl'roraotrn Dlumtlnn.
It NourlnliM, Hirrnethpn nnd TnTtcorntP.
It cnrrleo ofTIhe Old Illnod nnd ninkrn new
It opeim the pores of the akin nud Induct-
Uealthr reroplrnlton.
It neatnlizcs the hereditary t&tat, cr poison In the
tlood, which Kenerttea Scrofnla, llryilpt'laR, end nil
ininner of fckla dlseasos and Internal hum ore.
There are do irtlrite employed In itn mtmifacmro,
and It can bo taken by the most datlcato bribe, or by
the aged and fooblo, cart only bting rtgairtJ in at'
ttntUm to dirtciiant,
TBIC2 OS Smii B0TTLI3, - - BO
of Persons who have been CURED bytht
lit? ware cf counter ft-It Medlclnn. I emnlov no
agents or tuoncrs toso.icit irauo irom druggists.
Uct Medicine Ever Used.
Krtton. WvomiDffcountv.Pa.
IVnrSlr: t had bppn trowblfd for a lone time
with a Pain In mv htomaeti, nnd found no relief
until I bpcrun mli-e vnur Indlnn Itlood Hrun. 1 II nd
It tho best medicine in usp. nnd 1 can rpcemmend It
to all, oil and younp it Raves many dollars in
doctors' bltlH, nod one large bottto did mo more good
man uve uuuurs worm ui OLUtT intuit; im'.
.Mar lain i.noarr.
An Astonishing Cure.
Monroe. Wvomlnir countv. Pa,
Dear Sir: 1 had been oITllcted with a Cou'h. Low
of Appetlba und Djanoi-ala for ten years. I could
not properly niiena uj mv ouiiness, anu ueaniii; ui
your Juitly celebrated Indian blood syrup, t resolred
vo try ii, miicu i giu, ua in a suort limy mb? uiucii
Improved. I now have a pood Appetite, and have
tmjuyeu goua ueaiiu ever sineo i curamem-fu uh usu,
ejick Headache Cured,
ltow man's Crppk. Wvonilair countr. la,
DearSln I had Sick l(eadtcho and bvlheusoot
yourmaian inooti-jrun i wus ereauy reneieu. i
recommend all to t ry lu valuable propertU s.
o, uurueii
The Kemedy did more than she Expected,
Newlerrv. I.com1necountr. Pa,
Dear Sin Ihe lmlliin. Itlood Srrun did moru than
I expected It woul 1 and It has etued mo ot Uver
Complaint. 1 use tt sa Medicine and wuuld not bo
wiiauui u.
Mrs. aiary Luarman.
Headache nnd 1) zzintm.
Willi a manort. Lvcomtntr countv. Pa.
lear Sir : Your Innhm uioud Si run has cured mo
of Headache, Dizziness and Lossot A ppetlte, so that
I am now able to work tn my factory. 5Iy wife de
rived more benefit irom Its uce than from any other
Henry Itussel.
Would not bo Without it.
Wtlitamsptut, Lycoming: county, ra.
IVnr Sir; Thn lnd nn Itlnotl Svrun is tho Best
ever used and 1 would not be without It, it 13 good
loruu compiaiQis,
John liurkhart
Diseases oC the Stomach.
Eaton. Wvnmlmr county. Pa.
Dear sir: This Ls to certify that I had a Weak
Stomach and coulJ eat no meat or any hearty food
whatever. llv a Triend'H ntlvcn 1 commenced the
use of yotir Indian itlood Sprup, whtchaitvr a short, effectually relieved me and I can now eat
anjiuing i cuoose. lour rup given uuntTULu
Elizabeth II ad sail.
All that it is recommended to be.
Onera House. Columbia. Pa,
Dear Sir: I have used your excellent Indian Mood
Fjrup and It has proven Just as represented. lean
reeummend it to all.
Win. Tiochow.
Wholesale .Merchant, stti street,
Unanimous Recommendation.
Tbe following" add thttr testimony for tho Indian
liiooa njrup:
U, E. OreafT, enfflneer P It It.
J. n. smith, at lUldwim steel Works.
Mrs. snder. of Columbia.
A. lirener, of Washtnetonburgh.
John Kenjs, ot bare Harbor.
Would nnt be Without it.
ftenton. Columbia countr. Pa.
Poar Sir: I have used jour excellent Indian
IU.O0D YKUP ana nnvo receivcu mucn oenciit tnere-
irom. j coma not get along without it.
Mrs. Barber.
Never Fails to Cure.
East Lemon Wvomlnir Co. Pa.
Dear Sir I was sick for three yeare, and under
orofesslonal treatment mof:f tlio tlmo without tw
ine benefited, At last 1 was induced to try jour
Indian ni-oQD otkcp ana aiuT a snori mai, i round
w) sen in wuer neaim man i naa w en ior hix years,
jnis, lueruu uail
Sure Cure for Liver Complaint.
Kobrsbunr. Columbia Co. Pa
Dear Sir : This Is to ceriliy that, jour Indian
FixwdStrcp has been used by me, for Liver uora-
flatnt, which had been troubling1 me for a long tlmo
derived mora benefit from tho use of the tyrup
iuuu iruui uujr uu'er lut'uictue. t iieuriuy m uiu-
uit'uuib, uuu uuvi5t) uu suu crura wj givun u iriai.
L P Smith
Loss of'Appelite.
Hohrsburp Columbia county Pa.
Dear sir: I hae used your excelleot Indian
liLOOD Svarp for Loss of Appeclio and Weakness of
the Stomach, with very beneficial results. 1 believo
our medicine to be the greatest blood purifier
known, and advise all who may beBufferlagas I was
jirs. m a very
Pains in Shoulder.
Ilchrsbunr. Columbia countr. Pa-
Dear sir: This U to certify that vour Indian
IlLoou Stbcp has greatly relieved me of Pains In the
shoulder and Chest, which I had been anileted with
ior years, i recommend it very nigniy.
Mrs. Mary Welsh
Kidney Complaint.
Df ar (laD. Columbia Countv. Pa,
Dear Sir: My Father has been sutrerlng with
Kldner CoraDlalnt for a lone lime and had been un.
der doctors' treatment, but the doctors could not
effect a cure. I have leen subject to a Numbness
and weakness In mv Left Arm. Weobtatnedsome
of your inva'uable Indian Blood hyrcp irom jour
Atrent.Wm. U. Potter, and it has cured my father
completely, and my arm Is much better. It does not
irouuie me naii so muuu. lour meaicine is excel'
Joslah John.
Female Complaints.
Hear Oao. Columbia countv. rn.
Dar Sir i ThU la to certify that I purchased sme
of jourlNDUN ituwD Svhcp for my wife for Inila
matton and Female Complaint, and It has given her
J K Herner
Best Medicine Ever Used.
Hear (Jan. Columbia rountr. Pa.
Dear Sir :Mv little son was troubled with his
water pawdnff from him constantly, day and night,
I cot suited two doctors and (rave him medicine, but
wiuioui eneci. i uuugut buuie vi jgur ceieoraied
Indian Blood Syhcp, u short trial ot which, cured
Lambert Camp.
Dyspepsia and Indigestion.
Numlda. Columbia Countr. Pa.
DearSlr: For many j ears my win was amicted
with Dyspepsia, and wo epent colderable money
without receiving benent. We procured some of
our Indian Blood Svhup and she began to Improve
m ucttliu iruui mo umu duo wiurm; u iia usu.
Solomon utoyder
Liyer Complaint.
Centralis. Columbia Co. Pa.
Dear blr : This la to certify that I w as unwell and
could scarcely attend to my work, I think my Liver
was affected. 1 procured some of jour Indian Blood
Sykcp end now. after nation thai, feel like a new
man. i recommena lis use io au.
Uanlel Goodman.
Dyspepsia and Neuralgia.
Hyde Park. Luzerne Co.. Pa-
Dear Sir: Your valuable Indian Blood brarr has
enecien a nerina ent cure in mv case, l nan run
amicted witn tne uyspepsia ana neuram, nut am
uuw euureiy wen.
Kirs. John Thornton,
Hillous Stomach Cured,
Hvdo Parlr. Luzerne Co.. !
Dear Sir t I have been troubled with Bilious
Complaint and by the use of jour Indian Blood
stbvp it uas erje.iuaiiy curea me.
iwun unams,
lyspepfda Cured.
II. do rark. Luzerne Co.. Pa-
Dear Sir t Your valuable Indian Uloiu hyki-p has
cm ea me oi uyspepbia.
Liver Complaint,
Hyde Park, Luzerne Co., Pa.
Dear Sir il Lara been troubled with Liver Cnm.
plaint, but I was pcrxnanentiy cured byu&lnjryour
vaiukbu Inpun Blood btRcr.
Mrs. Q P UnUiinxaA.
W JtfiO
Some Reasons why
are better than others.
1st. They contain no rubber.
2d. Thoy will wear longer than any other
3d, Tlie cords run over pulleys, and conse
quently thero can be
them out.
4th. There can be
buttons, it being the
penuer m the world.
Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter,
3S9ooEiislliBr;, Psi.
-JT. In 1848. .
Ia ........ l ...... ... . I S
.Thirty-Two Veare of Prosperous and
cr noma, location, or mann (foment, lurnurieti & ttroii
pmrantpe for jnonor condi nnd houomblo do&liiur.
PAIITIOUI Th cnJerful neccl ud popnlkrltj df
UMU I I If n I Vibkatob Hhlnorjr hat drircn otht-n
liuifltiluei to ina nail 1 bine vtrloal makpri ars now attomtit-
InjC to bull arii p&lia off iatvrlur nl mongrul imlttllont
our lauiuu c""1
tf ach ft peri mental anil irorthlMi Tnacblocrj If you toy
at Mil, it't lboOrlslntilMaQit th MinulnL'" from ni.
Cj"For fuU rurlU'utar emll on our dealers, nr wrlt
to u for Illuiiriul Circular, wLlch rnall true. Addreai
H1CH0LS, SHEPAPD ft CO., Battle Creek, Mich.
April 2, ISMl 1TW
.1 l: K1HI.1I.11 V llllll. TurliiilVlllc, Ph., Ahi.
TOfiWHiA YE Alt, or $5 to m&
nay in jourown ucauij-. onK
WomendOrtHViellos mt'n, Many
rnakn inoieMmn the amount Ktnt
ed above, no one can fall o niako
monoi fast. Anyone cm do tlio
work. You can moke irom 6" cents to -t an liour by
devotlntr juur evenings and spare tlmo to tho busi
ness. HcosiBiiothltitftotry (ho bu'-lncf-s Nolhinj;
like It tor money maklmr ever cllf red before. HusU
ness pleasant and htrlclly honorable, ou
want to know all about tbe best pa j Ing business be
fore the public, send us your address and we will
send jou mil pirilculars and private terms tree;
samples worth 10 also free ; jou can then tLOko up
your mind ror j ourselt Address OEOltOK sTINSON
& CO., Portland, Main e. oct. 3, ?9-ly
20 New Styles,
Suits just received So. to 15 per
Cheapest ever sold in this county.
Call and oxaniinc our stock.
aprlU, ;so-3m' Esl'Y, SKslt l)i:i'or
"A treat M on Chrunis Dlseasrs'tmbraelnij Ca
tarrh, Throat, LnnK'S. Heart, htomacn, Ller, Kid.
neys. Uilnary and female I'Isi'flses j aKo 'lle.s; sent
tree to any uddress. Kvery sutTer r from tluso (lift
eases can bo cured. Sendfur thlibouk toiheuiia'r
signed, a pin slclan of lartro enl'iraed by
hundred' ot leadtng citizens who testlf to hi Mclll.
send stamp to p.iy postio to u. 1C Living ton, M ,
I)., liisjtf Miperlor street, Toledo Ohio.
aorll a. 'wj-iv wco .
Thousands buffering from Hyspepsla, Habitual
CoKtlvenehS, Liver and Kidney Comnlaln'a, Sertfula
and kindred diseases, will hail with deitgtit this new
and wonderful dlseovcry,w hlch as a disease conquer
or and liealth restorer, has no equal tn modern med
icine. ThoJreat Mexican Itemedy was nnt Intro
duced Into California in ls70. where In a few months
it effected so many wordeiful cures as to create a
demand for the medicine from Maine to World, It
Is the only medicine In the world compounded from
tho njtlve plants, roots and herbs of Mexico It
cures all 1 1 uinnra, trom the u orst scrof a com
mon blotch, pimple, or eruption, while It clears and
beautltles the complexion. In diseases of the :tom
ach, Illood, Liver and Klduejs it lu perminently
cured thousmdsof hopeless cases w lit re till other
known remedies had failed, one dose will cure any
case of Sick lloidache. Two doses will nreak un
any ordinary cough or cold. Persons surrerlne with
Heartburn, Waterbrash.Hour stomach, lUlllouancss,
rosttvenefrs. riles, Palpitation of tho Heart, Imw
Spirits, and kindred affections, whlnnd tho Mexican
rt-Mfdy a nvtft and sure relief, 'llm ifenulne In
Kwed berore the public, nder the lollowlL'g nume:
Herbaline Bitters tho Great Mex
ican Remedy.
Call on your druggist and get a bottle ot tho
Mexican Itemeay.and convince younelf that It Is tho
ltest Medicine in the "World,
Th trade, supplied by John Kccfchnn, Wholesale
Drilst, N. W. comer ath and Walnut streets, Clu-
clnnitl, o.
fieneral Agent for tho United States,
aprll , HMy wctco
Highest Medal at VIeaaa and PhlladelpMa.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
SOI Broadway, Neio York.
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers In
Velvet Frames, Alburas.GrajihoRcopest
2nc ravings. Chrsmos. Photographs.
And 'Mdred goods Celebrities. Actresses, etc.,
We are Headquarieis for ever thing in tho way of
Store:pticonr and Magic Lanterns,
Eachstjioblnii1h vst of Its diss In tho market,
lleaullflll l'hatGi.rruiVa Trsnsnflrpi.eli f, or srntu.
ary and Kniruvings lc itie window.
Convex disss. Mani-aclureri tjf Velvrt. vmmi.a
fur JilnUurisaiid con ex (Hiss Pictures.
Citalocues (if lanterns and slides, with itiree.
lions lor u-ug, sent ou receipt ot ten cents,
Jau ,o-iy
Manufacturers of
Carnages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
Plrstlass work always on haul.
Prlva rednood to suit the times.
APITT f Morphine Habit cured In Io to w)
VJ 1 1 U HI days. No pay tl I cured. Dr. .1. 8
riikNS, Lebanon, O, wco apm 9, 'bo-iy
AC1KNTH WANTED for the best and fastest belling
pictorial Hooka and liiblos. l'rlora reduced si
per cent, Mtiokii. rrausiiixa Co., ltilladeliitila.
l'a. aid
these Suspenders
no chafing- or wearing
no strain on any of the
only sell-adjusting sus
Throshlng Machinery and Pcrtablo
and Traction Engines.
THE STANDARD of ezcclleoce throughout tU
riATCIILCSS (or Criln-SaTUur, Tlmo-Savlnff, Tcr
fort Clcmmr. JtntTil an-1 7hormiqh horlc.
INCOMPARABLE In uadyof Mftterbl.rrrffe
nf Parts, Thorough Workmanship, Ugant llnun, nd
Jiea-itu of Model. . . , ,
MARVELOUS tot mstltf nprtor work In nU lt!t
tirnin, imil tm(w-ralf known as tlto nttly nerosfi:I
.....wl l,..ini,i PntiCPU.
Continuous Business by tu house, without chanco
I'v CnliiMililnIniiluur, NnnliM nud Union rniinllri,,
Usollntlio principal Churches tor Communion
Speer's Port Grapo Wino
rnhls Celehratcrt Native WUio Is made from tho
X juice ot tno oporto iirape, raised in this I ouDt'
its mraiuablo
Tonio and rftrengthemng Properties
aru un&urrnsed by an ottierNanio Mne. llelng
the pure Juice of th Ornpe, produced under .Mr.
bpeer's own personal supervision, Its purity nnd
genuineness are guaranteed. The younpeBt child
may partake or Us generous quaJll les, and the weak,
est Invalid use It to advantage. It Is particularly
benetlctal to the aged and debilitated, and suited to
tho various ailments that affeet the w eaker fecx. It Is
lu every respnet A 'ill lili l(KULI) o.
P. JT. Sherry.
Tho ! .I.SHEKIiVlsa Wlneof Superior Chiracter,
and partakes or tho golden qualities ot the grape,
from which It Is made, For purity, Wellness, f'lavor
ana .Meuicinai rroperues, it win tw louna unexcelled.
I. J. ISramly.
This 11IIANDV stands unrivaled In this Country
tlng far superior for medicinal purposes.
IT is A ruitK distillation from tie grape and con
tains valuable medicinal properties.
It has a delicate SaTor, similar to that of the
grapes from which tt Is distilled, and Is In great fai or
among tlrst-class ramllles.
See that tho signature of ALFKED SPEEIt, Passaic
June. lST9-tf
WhKK in Vuur own uiwn. nnil nn nil
.u.,.b.... vu vuu diir luti uutlllfVI U
trial without exense. The tiennnportu-
uiu i'.it uueiru lur iiiuu wn ini 11
woik. Vou should try nolhlnir eisn limn
louseo for ourKelr uIiai. rnn .) tin nt
the business we offer. !o room to exiililn here,
lou can devote all your tlmo or only jour sparo
tlmo to the business, and make great pay for eerv
Muiuiu u,nc us tUULlI US UltU.
hend for (peclal prlvntB terns and partlculars.whlch
we mall free, outtlt freo. Don't complain ot bard
times while you have such a chance. Address II.
0Ct8, ID-ly
P T A IVn IfStoK-All6trlctlynrst.class,
,t J Jil VO!old at Wholesale Factory prices.
Ill In hi Honors at Centennial Exhibition. Mathu.
snek's scale for Fquaro Grands, rinest I'prlghlsln
America 12.000 111 QUI I'atAlni.lif nf la niWTu
JUUILEE oitdANS.ihe best in tho world: An 8 stoii
organ only iu; 13 stops, 9!-clrcular tree. All sent
.v u.j, .itui-.iciub ii eo it uiiuuutiaciory. racto
ry tli street and 10th Aenue. bllEKT JILIO
. v i tic iuiuiugue vi n,uou
IN PIANO CO,, U0X S06s. K. V.
mu'wi iiireen eut ior s
Address MKUELbbOlIN
aprll, J.'bO-sm vitca
Paper Hanging.
is prepared to do all kinds ot
I'lalu and Ornamental
All klmlM urFuritlluro Ilcpalrcd.
mid made nn good un uuu.
Estimates Made on all Worlr.;
Silverware. Watchoc,Jewolry.O!eek3.&c,
.., i.i-.i.if wairtics. ciocHi and .tewelrjr tifnt'
1, rrpnlrcil nnJ wurrnntrd.
UIU i' i w -
Weaver & OoTs Ads
w (Mrinw It la ftrry f , mitff n vo ! 'j"1 u??
Irifr tilMrlyrootl,ll rltM inpunt ttllff, ntTn tht
MoMclrOPlcciM-, tn mm f l" j ""'"'f"
rsj, 1 wlintHfl ii ire brr of li" nll ''n I r1-" '
lul all e ! trUI, tn tun In -Uml iib
Mlipr tii-niii hurefftllfil Pclil It do' In bi li"".
v 1 1- f i" I'" f,n 'I ' ,f 1 Tl "
4l( Cilt tViLT7t(;rnrriI ncrtil for I S sin', (nnift
:ut I niiiUliii I'.iiIHhmii-i.
tTAIIcrmiln Utdtm! oJ iljonure cf In J.V D
III sini iter
bept. :o, '73-Iy.
J w A: CO.
KstabllRhoain 1 72 for thn cure
of ('iiiu'4'r, 'lumors. Ulcers,
i . . I nml kiln TlkuiloliB
without the uo of 'knife or osa cf Mixxl und little
pain, i-or luionnaiion. circuifu- nun i'i f" i
ftdaress lr. 1. Jj. l'O.M), Aurora, Kano Co , 111.
Kpt. 19,'7C-ly.
J w & (0.
cp-Uf, with hltA4julln(f lull
f th IWr, whIU the EAtVtn tht
tht Rem II brld Meorelj 4r n J mb1. n I ft tfllcl ni..
UlD. Jt li .y,Surbl in fchtap, Scut Lr mail. CimuUrf
"" Egoleston Truss Ccfjihicarjo, III.,
sept, 1, '79-ly, J w&i'O.
Cured Painlessly.
Tim mfclleinft kohl for n sm.ill margin abootlio
cost of compounding. AH mex trtuied 1y upvclal
prcscnoiou. tor iuii parucuiars auurt'SHiiw ins-
Jlrs S. II. Colllm, La Porte lnd.
fth (w:ra wico
prove Itor rmfelt$.'o 0. $1 outlll
tree. I., ti. in.uu r x cu
t ulion Mreet New York, N. V. Jw co feb tiMm
q 3IONTII-f),inc's I.arc, llliHIIiited pa
" per uiu .hii. rani .r.
A liar. i.ii(
Ilosiou. Mass.
feb m, un.
IlASllM.a, 4i t Olllhlll
BUND FIXTUltK. TlievreuilerMlnUachangeable
In an Instant into tho best awnlnir isvtT madu The
Ai;ents'A(lvocflto"MjH: "Ktlison Is dlstaiu-ed, for
(Treat convenience that It inut Huoeicedo all old
mcthodV' and offentscan Uoa buMues which
leave sewmp micnine men rar uemna. ivsmudcli
on hour, a Smart man wanted m your town, Ad
a reus me i;. r. l'lerre Jiiiiiiiiueiiii-iiiif 1 11111111113
uobiou, 31 ass,
w Marcni9. srn,
VVW PTTR Consurap Ion k Asthma
1XjV U.1C, Never yet tailed, ixldres
with stamp unMn.TrOfttturff, Sid.
IVO.fl, N. t WACO
II J.MI.Il 1 1IHL 1011
. L1SH lU:MElV,an, irtr,
linruilng cure for
Seminal wnnknosa,
Spermatorrhea, Im
IHJiency and olldM
eases thatfollow'.as
u sequence uf heir
abu-e ; as Loss of
wemory, unirersni
1 nn1!lltli I 'nin tn
of Mlon. I'ifiiiatLii'o tdd At'e. Hiid mniiv niniTdu.
case1? that leadto Jnnmtvor Conumpiion, nnda
1 ii.aiuiuiinnu, -un uu iiuumi S IU UUr piim-
plilet which we desire to send fre by mall rn every
one. SfThQ fneclflo Medlclno i sntd hv nn timer.
Slats ot f 1 per pucbaffe or Mx packnires for . or will
iuouiiiiiu ut iim'i ii hum nui mis inoneyoyaa
dressing T1IK iu.V MKDICIMK CO., Mechanics1
miA-'n., j'liuh, niivii, cumin mooiilfjDUrir OV V A,
v. may i, 'trU-iy
Tl f Yotr ir.i.vr u ,r - J 1 i'Q t r 11
may 7, vo-sw no
Tiir. Johnson nr.voi.viNO i:oo:c-cAti:.
JlaJ of Iron, Wutlfully orna
mented. AdjusUbJij Khtilven.
(.heap nn.l btronff. Cannot pet
out i'f tuder. Tour Blet iSeinl
for complete circular and prlco
Iht, Keml 5 cnts for new
Illuitrateil Catnlopuo at School
Merchandise. iTivrv Parent or
Tt.achrr should have it.
Headqjarters for all School Supplies,
112 X lit (JltlM) STItKCT. tW YOUK,
Thli utnaiktbla mrdL
rlnc UI cure 8rln.
t-plint, Curls L'ftlloui, tc .
or my tuUrKemcut, itl
UI riinovti the LuhlIi
iihoul tlUtcrlnjf or cbui,
Injc lore. Ni rrmpdy
ewrdicovtTCHJuli It for
certainty ol action iiMti'D-
J tlltlff th l.ln.miM. kliil ta.
Hmovlnrr th hunrli. lMroallit tlH tr Uiu..
lj-trttvd circular ttMng poltlv- roof, lnd your
Cure ll BOltl bv Ilrilrrn.1.1. r
.... y vi, u. , ihuuiivui (uviuurg t nit, cruiODt,
MOYEK I1KOTI1K1IS, Iilimw-burp, l'a.
will mat IV, t,i tiift mfli.... .. . . ..
&S?u,?.ll 01C1"'8. k'a!'"; be ""t. clear anil
iu Ann bt. N, v. ' ' uiuam s Lu
Jiarcnso, em.
11 U Y
mm. . MX 1
etorilKe'rn,Tfanei Vomx "uri'8' makera"
VEannaiffi JXVeolS
" ueiraw uH emaciated. HH written In ii rienr
J. CLEMENT 8MIT11. 711 Q street, WasWngton
1.C, Attorney at Law wi Solicitor otlS
survivor ot OUmore. Smith Co..d c hlpman,
1 W 1
Warner's Safe Kidney and Urer Cure.
(IbrmertU Ir, Craig' Kiting ( tir
A TPRfinblo prepnrntlon nnd the iml
rfiimlr In the world for ltrll.r lU-,V-
IHnhrtfniKl AM. Killing. WrV. j ml
Lrrlnfir.rllxiiKCi. , r' 1,11,1
MDIestlmoiilnl of iho highest order In
Of thPo statements. 1 ,r
WO'FortbP pure of DtnTirlrw, call for v..
jTFor tho rnru or llrlBiit,i nnd Ihnr
dlratrn, call for Wnrnt't-'n NnVa Uldnl
iiiid LlvrrCtirr.
Tt UthRbQt Illnod lnrlflrr. nnd ttin
nvpry fimctton to more lieiiUhful uetiun ,1
-IsthiiSft benent In all dldcwifs. ,a
n rurcsnmtiuinun nnu other nitin Tnut.
f Inni nnd l)lqenes, Includlug Cntirrtk. 11
rrw.andotbcfr'hirrit. '
Iiynprpiliv. Wiiliti(M nfllm Mniunrh
Coiiftiliintlmi. llMltiCH,Jrtirnl iiiiiii!
tt.r etc., nre cured by UieNurc Itltu-n. ii .
utifqimled nn nn oppetlcerniid regular ton!'
ilottlea of two sites 1 prlcM, O0c. and 81.00.
Quickly Riven ltct and Mrcii to t ho uir
rurri llrmlnclio and Nruinltcla, pnv
i:plIcileFHtand relieves Nrrtmi I'f
inilltMi brought on by excessive drink, ov
work, mental hocks, and other cauci,
Vowf-rrul m It Is to stop psin and eirothe -tnrbed
Nerves. It nevpr Injures the syai i
whether taken in umall or larire done. '
Bottles of two sites: prices, 80r. nnd 81.03,
Are an Immediate and active sttmtii r, h
unit n
Ibvs, MaUtU, r t
and At ot. nml nit
I fiowtlsdonot
rretiy niirt re
nai'lbrrtt'W rmulr
mll Ainn f, r tho
wark. l'rirU5H.
Yltrthtr'Htr Ittmr '1
1 RoMbf Iini(t J IAD
In Jlfdirln vrrjitliv
h.h. warncr til1,,
IEO0HE8IE1', K, ,
m mr rum,
Oct. 81, 1S79.iy
On nnd alter Sunday. May .10. V so. Ihe Imlm
on tlio l'lilliulo phla cC Erie liu Iruad UH U Ion w i tun
as follows :
Erie Moll leaves I'lilIadelpliU 11' pm
" Ilarrburjc 4inn
" " VMIIIaiu port 6 tn
" " .lei-hey ..ior ! ti, 1.1
" " lack l!acn 0 40 m
" " lienovo Ho am
" arrive at Krle T 55 ii in
Niagara Kxpressliuves Philadelphia mm a ,.
" llnrrHiiurit nam
" arr, at lillniiipurt i i n i.i
1 " LiiCk liaen 4. pm
" " lienovo 5 4gp.i
Fust I.lno leaves i'litlndelphU 11 to a
HriWburg 8 "i pin
" nrrUe at WPllamsporl 7 5 n i..
" " Lock Haven t40in.i
Tncino Bjpreaa lea' es lock Haven fi 4 r
" " Jersey sr.oro 7l5u u
" " willlamspoit 1 1 .a i,
" airlvo nt llarrlsoiirif lunpin
" Philadelphia Kii h,
Day Express leaves lienovo moan.
" " Ijoek Haven H lo a i
' " llllamsport li so p oi
" arrive at linirlibun: 34ipni
" Philadelphia A 4 p m
Krle Mall leaves Hcnovo 8 40pm
" " Ixjcu Haven iiwp a
" " H IIllaiTisport 11 lo p ii
" arrives at llarrNburg a 43 a in
" ' Phllndelphu 7lilu
Tast Lino leavel VM.llninsport H.ishu
arrives at I larrlsbtirir a o a m
" " l'hlladelpula 7 in ii i
Erlo Mall west and D.ty Kxprf& East make clc o
connccllonfiutNorlhuuiberlund with L. J: ll. 11. lu
trains tor V.l'kebbarre and Scranton,
ErloMall West, Nlii'jara Express Wost and Fast
Line WVfii inaku tlono (OLiiet-tlon at WlUtomsiurt
wllh N. U. II. w trains norlli.
Niagara FJcprcss West nnd Day Expref -it
makcclosucoLiiictluU at Lock Haven wttltl.. 1.. V,
It. H. trains.
Eno .Mall east nnd West connect at Erie Mill
trains ou l S. & M. S. It. It. ; at Corry nttli (I. C l
A. V. It. It. : at Emporium with II, N. V. JC P. II. It.
and at Drlttwood Willi A. V. It. It.
Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia an4
VMllamport on Matcara hxpiess west, and lijj Ei
pre&s KuAt, bleeping cars ou all nuht trains.
W.M.A. II A 1.11 I"
tieneral tup:.
On and atler November 20th, 1SI3, trains w ill icjvs
Kunbury us tollows :
Erie Mall U.20 a. m arrive Eln.lra 11
" Canaudalgua... 3.M p. tn
llochcster B.16 "
NlapaiA 9 40 "
Itenovo accommodation 11.10a. m. arrlvo s lllkuns.
port 1!.m p. ra.
Klmlra Mall 4.15 u. m., arrlvo Elmlm i a. m.
UuHalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrlvo Uufalo 6.50 a u
UuCalo Eiprcos !.50 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg
" Ealtlmoro S.40
ElmlraMail 11.15a.m., arrlio Harrlsburg l.i
" Washington! a
" UaltlmoieC.JO
" Washington
narrUburg accommodation
burg 10.&0 p. m.
arrlvo Haltlmoro
" Washington C.13
Erie Mall U.53 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3 1)5 a. m,
" UnlllmoroWO "
" 'Washington 10.35 "
All dally excert Sunday.
D. M. EOTD, Jr., (leneral Passenger Ak'"n
A. J. CASSATT, (leneral Mauai.r
May ll, 1879.
For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, rolt-vUM
Taraaqua,cll,45a. m
For Catawlssa, 11,43 u. m. 7,!1 and 7,55 p. m.
For WUllamsport, 6,2s 9,05 a. m. and 4,oo p. m.
Leave New York, 8,45 a. in.
Leave Philadelphia, 9,43 a. m.
Leavo Heading, U,t5a. m., I'ottsvlUe, 1?,. 3 p. m
andTamaqua, l,s3p, m.
Loav o Catawlssa, 11,20 8,M a; m. and 4,00 p. m.
Leave Wllllamspoi 1 ,9 43 a.m,!,15 p. m. and 4,5n p m
1'assengers to nud Irom Now York aud PW C !
pUU go througj Ithout change ot cars.
C. O. HANCOCK. oneralManat,r
WlfiTWIV IJ W it. . . n
Tlme-Table No. s, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M
MONDAY. JUNE 10, 1818.
D.m. n.m. A
SOC1 11,
a.m. p.m. r-m
v so tn
o a
9 us
8 59 8 fit
8 61 3 40
8 40 3 4l
13 41
VI 16
8 03 3 30
8 13 3 10
9 40
9 37
9 SO
Taylonllle.. .
I 10
s 10
i si
8 30
0 '.I
C ii
9 21
....... Huston
.. West Pitts ton...
19 58 9-1
9 19
9 14
s 41
10 07
9 49
0 I
7 I
.Plymouth June
.., .AVblidJlO
3 i5
9 04
10 18
8 41
10 33
3 'J
8 S3 3 80 8 55
3 10
3 15
it vt
7 '
7 13
10 !)
8 13 3 11
6 04 3 04
7 61 11 51
HI J 39
7 13 1 34
7 S3 9
7 IS
1 14
7 10
7 IU 3 04
0 60 1 67
60 1 61
0 43 1 40
7 1 37
0 IS
8 47
8 83
...... .,uutii.uivc
111 34
. ii.T Til
10 43 3 IU 8 1
10 65 3 50 S-.l
11 07 4 03 8 43
111 13 4 10 8 "
..lllfW'H Vrrir
e 17
8 li
.Heach Ilaren'.'.'
S 00
cam IIUTUII,, 11 19 fi IU O
..lierwick 11 si 4 is 9i3
Hrlar creek I
4 ii I 15
I 83 7 .'
4 33 7.3
a tt 7 41
...v ihow urove...,l
ume iiiage...!
.uspy. u 39
11 43
11 5
11 67
13 Id
4 49 8 11
4 53 S 3
6 00 8 r 1
6 18 S ll
9 IS 9 61
u SO 9
6 43 9
7 S3
T S9
7 11
Catawlssa Iir'ld'ge!
... I 'OU 1 11IB........
1 00 6 43
13 43
P.m. p.m.
p.m. p.m. a.r
Superintendent'. OMoe1. Bo'ran'wnrJu ?i$Jk
Dealers In
KU X, BriCKS, BICAtB BODt, tO., 4YO,
8. Oortier tecond and Arch streets,
Norton will receive prompt attention.
jronniEitN cektual, hailway