ME COLUMBIAN. lii.oiDisniino, ntniAr, jujik t, mo Mr. 0. Vt. Mstiger hss recently refitted the Uailroad liolel nt Hcrwlck, I. 8. Ktilin Is building n new tlnblo 4t the Central Hold. M Wynkoop Is visiting his parents in tlio western patt of llu stale. Tlio Commissioners of Lackawanna county are preparing to build a new jail. V. M. Hcber Is In Now York attending a Mtdictl Convention. Dr. V. W. Conner's professional card appeals in another column. Owing to bin lurire and tncrrnalng'lirnio prac tice. Dr. V. Hi House Ins discontinued lib dental offico at Catawli-sa. A visitor camo lo tho bouse of J. F. Peacock onTmsday. Il was 11 young lady, in facta itry young lady. Dr. K, ' Hulter is making n wide icpntv lion at Ilorwick as a ore fill and skillful pliysi- c'"n' The St. Cliatles Hotel at Ilerwick, is a well kept lioiic, under the uiansgement of Mrs. II H. Wcsller. Tho plank sidewalks on several sltccls In town no becoming sot cwliat dilapidated, flint in Ironlol the l'robylctian church la partial hily bad, and ought to be repaired. Tlie council of tho Lutheran church hare do niled $25 to help rebuild the Lutheran chinch at Milton. To tills William Krickbaum added $i!5 more. Tho report of tho proceedings of tho Sunday School Convention was handed us too 1 tto for insertion tills wick. It will appear in nest is sue. t Tlio City Hotel Barber Shop his bem re moved to the Kxch ingo shop and both consol idated. Mr. Doizol will at once secure another workman and keep two chairs in operation. A steamer for the ue of the officers of the canal company is being constructed at I tie Espy boatjard, This Is tho thlld steamer that lia hcen built there. Thenew foundry f S. M. How is fist ap proaching completion. Tho building is abo'it fmiidicd now, and some of tho machinery on thogrounds. Con'iderahlo dimaga was done in the store of H. J Chrk fc Son lat Saturday night by the oretllwlng of a tank in Snyder's gallery on the third jloor, A bt of oalitoes and other goods wcio wet. The Ilcrwick Water rampant i putting down a fuur inch pipo on Main street in that place. Xot liking the mounds, they hauled away the wirfice earth, and as a nntural rc'iilt had a trench about a foot deep to fill up after the re cent rains. Hohr McIIenry, of lienlon, has 1,200,000 feet of white pino and hemlock lumber; 200,000 pine stwod shingles, and 230,000 pine shaved t-hitifcles- lie is al'O prepared lo cut liill stud at short notice. Any one in need ot lumber hould call upon him. A man named John Hodman, was brought before Esquire Maize last Tuesday afternoon, on a charge of stealing "eventy-five dollar fiom G. M. Lockard. After a hearing be was bound over In the sum court. Sufficient ball not being ollt rid he wa committed to jail. Tho subscription books of tho Indqiendent WeclJy were not lost in the Milton fire, as Ins been reported, and as soon as V II. Smith, tho editor, can get tilings in e-liape, the paper will be sent out again. Ho lo't everything cl'C in tho office, and if anv of his friends in ill i-" county will render him somo n-sistancc, he will be very grnttful. Give him a fiatt. The W'hcetcr jYo. 0 has taken the lead the laft file pears the world over, as the most perfect combined Kenper and Mower. I'or etrength,du rability, ease ol management and excellence nf work, either reaping or mowing, it cannot be beaten, Vtn 1'eirsel, liloomsburg says he i more than pleated with bis 2so 0. june 4-Gw Itov. Walter U Krebs, l'astor of the Iteform- ed church, of this place, has resigned his charge on account of the failure of his health, and removed with bis family to Liltletown,li whore ho expects to rest for a lime from all mental labor for bis restoration to health. Wo are grateful to our friends throughout tho county who are giving us valuablo assit. ance in increasing our subription list, Good names are coming in from all directions. Five now ones at Espy wero added one day rc ipnltv And t,,n frrn llgrwt.l' Cln niineiltv. Stafford's Commercial Ink is a Ilright Fluid, which clinngos in a fow hours to a deep and permanent black. Its greatest merit is that it never loses its beautiful blue color whilo in uso but retains it to the last drop. It is more lira pid than the thinnest fluid, but will not drop from tho pen. It contains no gum and cannot thicken, and it will not mould. Try it. For sale by G. A. Clark. Mr. P. E. Homboy, of Espy, bos invented a very useful article in the slinpoof a combina tion piano stool and Christmas tree holder. Hy simply loosening a screw the stool is removed and a standard for the tree is left. Tlio stool can be used in offices as well as at the piano, hating a telescope arrangement by which It can be raised or lowered. There will be a large demand for it as soon as It is put in tlio markit. Mr, Homboy has applied for a patent, Oshornt No. 8 Light Jleapcr mcirht 750 lbs,, runs very light, has perfect lilting apparatus, Kirby's celebrated rolling head inles (acknowl edged to be the best self-rake over invented) perfectly controllable, and has no rpringi lo get out of order-- con scquently is tho most durable and light reaper in the market. june -l-5w The heavy fait of rain on Saturday and Sun day was a blessing to tho crops and cisterns, but it has seriously damaged thu prospects of thai injunction case against tho Water company. In some places the earth has sunk below the surfice, and dirt has been hauled to till iho holes. IflLo Injunction had been granted rs asked for, requiring tlio mounds lo be leveled, it would have cost the t .wn hundreds of dollars to haul earth back again to fill the trenches of terlhey were done settling. DECOIIATION DAY AT KsI'V The ceremonies of Decoration day were par ticlpated In by the Odd Fellows, Sunday schools, and citizens generally, at Espy. Tho procession fonuid between nine and ten c'clock in the morning and marched to tho cemetery, where the graves of thirteen fallen heroes wers covered wllh flowers. Tho Kspy and Afion bands Planished good music for the occasion. lucse bands are composed of young men, and are progressing nicely, the former under the leadership of J. M. Lehman, and the latter led uy uougta White. After the exercises were over, Esquire Worman furnished some very fining; martial music on the fife, wllh drum accompaniment at Miller's hotel. In the after noon there was a picnic at tho pit n. D, M.Osborno & Co.. the ctltbrated manu facturers of lteaporr, Mowers and Self-binders at Auburn, N, V., sold six thousand "O-bonie self-hinders" last yesr. They have feverol acres of shops, employ 1,000 skilled workmen, and turn out one hundred and twenty-five ma chine every day, jane 4-5w The cow organ, of U,i ...fc. ,., J"W "." of corporation, for he p - vuuncii became I ie Is a stock holder In the party who !ln 1 1. a l .1 -f.f . . " ' 7 " w""nK 'T tliathcet ought not - .... nimseit ridiculous by printing c, nonsense. AnvslmUm . " better than lha.. tno mw "The Clvslcal Choir" t. it., .tn. . lion of sacrid mus o com,.n.,.,t ..i , . Jame, C. Ileeleel. S. W. . "7V. 7 i . , . Winn Aim niifi jiar ket ..reel., rhlladelphl,, In fivo volumes. Vol. i contains Oratorios and Can lnla, Vol. II, An thems and Choruses, Vol. Ill, Quartette,, Ac.. ,. V'h Sc'"",('. IValmsand Hymni amU ol. . Voluntaries. It la ,n excellent col Ircti AUA1N nr. COMES. Mr. Henry O. Vennor comae fl.rwnr.l with his direful prophecies of storms.hcat.cold. Ac. His letter is dated at Montreal, May 18.h and In II he savs- "I holt... ,1... i n, i ' n Intensely tho l,f.1. !,, the end of the present mooih and probably the Hrst of June,' will ho fill-lika will, frn.t. again. July will bo n terrible month for storms with terms of intense heal, but nnolher fall-liko relapse, with frosts, will in all likelihood . cura few days before tlio 20th. I fearthe storms ol thunder and hall will bo of nnnsiml .on,t, luring July. I must claim thu verification nf my prediction relitire to n cold wave with frosts, over a tiortion of the TTnl,p,1 Sinio i... ween thelOlhnnd lOthofMay." Mosrs. Divid Herbert, Manae-r. and J. C. Towns end, General Acent for D. M. nhnrn. : C'i., visited Milton last week and made a andsome donation in ca-li to John S. Lawon. who has been agent for I). M. Osborne & Co- for twenty years and was burned out, losing is entire machine ehops, foundry, valuablo patterns and machinery. They will alo send ilui a new stock of O-borne reapers and mow ers and a full lino of repairs. Two bottles of the Great Mexican Remedy, Herbaline Hitters, cured mo of dyspepsin and liver ci.mplaint, of ten years standing. U. D. Heard, Heard's Landing, Ky. FAYING SCHOOL WAIIHANTS. State Tieaurer Hutler has determined to honor all school warrants ns fast as they are prcentod fur payment numbered from one lo a thousand. As the schojl boards make their leporta to the Superintendent of Public In struction, wirrants are drawn in their favor for the amounts due them and numbered in the or der of the reception ol the reports. The meth od offers a premium to prompt reports. The appropriation to schools is $1,000,000 a year, anil of the amount appropriated for 1879 it Is proposed to pay about $150,000 before stop ping. The county superintendents and certain ptpils in the State Normal Schools have re ceived nearly $100,000 oftho annual appropiia, lion. Patriot. llcvi Hishop Gilmour, of Cleveland, Ohio. has used the Great German Hemedy, St. Ja cob's Oil, and endorsed it highly, lie writes about it as follows: I am pleased to say that tho u-e ol St. Jacob's Oil has benefitted me gren'- ly, and I have no hesitation to recommend it to all as an excellent curative. Insolvent Debtohs Whilo on application was being made recently in court ot I'ottsville for the rilene of n young man from prison mi- ler the insolvent laws, tho court remarked that some legislation was needed in these cases. It seems very harsh that young men should he permitted lo seduce young women and thenos- enpe the tupport of their children and the ex pense to which their victims are put by their crimes; after n brief imprisonment, as is tho case under existing laws. There should be some redress for the innocent child at least. HAVE YOUIt TITLE J'ArEItS ItkCOllDEI). Many people nre under the impression that n bureau drawer is a safe place to keep their deeds, and that nothing is gained by having mch pap rs proper')' recorded. Al the recent fire in Milton a great many papers were lost, and it is probable that thero will be some dif- licultv about boundary lines where owners of property had failed to put their deeds on rec ord, Caro in this mntler not only prevents the loss of deeds, but very often prevents ex pensive litimtion on questions of title. It costs but little to enter them on tlio record. If you have any unrecorded deeds tho sooner you at tend to this matter tho better. IIUCKHOHN N'EWN. IlccKiionx, May 31, 1SS0. Ens. Coi.UJtnUN : Nothing unusual has occurred since my las to mar the pence and quiet of this little village.. The M. K. Sunday school observed last Sal: bath as tho Centennial of Sunday schools; it be ing one hundred years since Robert Halkcs started tho first Sunday school in Glouce-ter City, England, a splendid wreathe, as a tribute to the late poldiers, being conspicuously placed on the pulpit. Mr. Daniel Neihart who has been very sick is slowly recovering. Dr. Leuker was absent attending the Medic al Convention at Altoona. Our band has been reorganized with tlio ad ilition of several new members, and on Salur day evening gave us soma street music. Wo ore glad to see ihisetep, for they are a jolly f et of fellows, and music is their fart. Mr. Frank P. Harris, of Hamburg, Pa., i isiting his many fiierds in this place, think he intends staving n while; for Ills truuk, among other things, ccntaincd two cornets and a violin. Tho band intend lioldinga festival en Patur ilv nviiilnir. June 12. when wo presurao the above named instruments will be made use oi. I DECOItATIOS DAY. There was unite a demonstration hero las Saturday. At three o clock in the afternoon rocesslon was formed on Market bqtiare, in the follnwirc order. Ilioouiiburg tomet II mil w. II. Enl Post, G. A. II., Af on Ccrnet itai.d. Friendship Fire Company, Ite-cuo Hock & Ladder Company, Literary Societies of tt Normal School, Sundiy school children nm citizens. The line of march was iq. Main to East, out East tn T ird.elnwn 'I bird lo Murk et, up Market to Hock, out 11 ck to the Ctmc tery, from the Cemetery to the Court Home whore the rank- were broken, hhtrin u Knt. T. J. VHiidcrsbce, and . II. Abbott were Iho marshals, ond eouducled Iho proie ion In good military ctjle, Al tho Court lion the Itev, A. Hritialn delivered an appropriate address, and a player was nude by Lev. I. J Waller, jr. The dec ration t;t graves was more than ever before, almost e very olio I thu cemetery having a bequel Uh)H it, prcsen iiiL- a very beautiful appearance, It would be well if the grates or the soldiers !,, lto.emonf thculd iceedve a liitlo attention ofiercr than once n year. The plot should I laid out in belter shape, and ncly wddeJ. Tli graves now oro crooked and uneven. OsllORNE NO 3 HKAl'tll, wide-cut, wclgl 900 lbs , is the old etard-bj-ninchii'O for farm era having latgo mid heavy harvests to reap, You can always depend upon it -wet or etry. tall or short, thick or thin, A, II. Crnop, in arcreck, says Am No. 3 t the born of all the ma t bines he ever saw. One team wcrks all uay the warmost weather and dots not mind It bit. His 13 year ohl daughter did ul the reap- ing after the first half day. Try them-buy them tnd be happy. Junesl-Ow 29ilUMBIAN AND Tho Journal this week publishes n list o names of signers of petitions f r licenses of ho tels, and restaurants, and tho bondsmen in Oils town. As a piece of news wo surmise that this will not bo nf any peculiar interest to the public, nd It is not likely tint It will in any way the persons named excpl to mako tboni feel that people with one Idea often re sort lo very foolish mttheds to accomplish n good end. The object of this publication, we presume, Is to prevent persons from signing such petitions hereafter Ihroush fear of getting their names In the paper. It will probably havo just as much cfTect on the signers as thrent lo publish the names of the Judges would havo em the granting of the licenses. Thoro is n right way urd a wrong away to do everything. Such a conrso as is calculated to make, enemies liistnd of friends for the temper anco eause is hardly the proper way lo promote that cause. Wo fivor temperance In nil things Had judgment is sometimes as disxstrous In its results as bad whi.kev. l'liysiclans freely proscribe) the new Food Medicine, "Malt Hitters," hecause more nour ishing,, strengthening and purifying than all other forms of milt or medicine, while fice from the objections urged ngilnstmalt llijuors. unc4-lw E.Nf)tr.HAToltS .tl'l'OlNTED. 1'. V. Smith, Census Supervisor of this dis trict liaj made his appointments of enumera tors for this county. They nre as follows: Heater Jonas Hiltenbcnder, llenton Warren McIIenry. Hcrwlck J. S. MiMurlrie. Hloomaburif West District Chester Fur. man. liloomsburg K tst District H. Ducking ham. Hrhrcreck William I.ntnon. Cnlawissa Dr. Win. I). Hobbins. Franklin Isaac Campbell. Centre Hiram Whltmlre. Conyngham Thomas Ennls. Centralia Horough Wm. Hryron. Fishlngcreok C. II. Sutton. Greenwood Wcley Morris. Ileiulcck F. H. Hartman. Jackson S. W. McIIenry. Locust Daniel F. Knittle Madison Ilaltis Sterling. M iin Win. T. Shuman. Mifilin A, W. Hess, Montour I'tter A. Evans. Ml. I'leasnnt Josephns Grimes. Orange II. J. Conner. I'inc John Lore. ltoaringcreek John Maurer. Scott J. S. Hachman. Sugarloaf Jeiso Fritz. For Kent. The Espy Planing Mill situated the Epy Depot is ciTered for lent. Apply N.U. Funk, Hloemsburg. may 14-tf The angler's theory Hint a fKh does not fier much physical pain from a hook in its lis, or mental npony either.froni that matter supported by the recent experience of a tratford, Coun., fisherman, A large trout tore tno hooks in quick succession from the nc, and was finally pulled nut on the third, itli the first two honks in his stomach. TWO FULL CAlt LOADS OF FEHTILIZEll". Iltceived this week. Will be sold close for cash or country produce. II. W. Aul, Epy, 1'a. LONDON l-UItPLE" Is tho safest, besl nnd cheapen material ever used for tho destruclion of the Potato Hug,Cot ton Worm and Canker Worm, and lias become Ihe recognized poison for the extermination of theso fearful plagues. It was first introduced in 1877, since which me it has received the most unqualified sup port of all tho leading agriculturists throughout the United Slates. It Ins been carefully amdyzed and recom mended by the U. S. Agricultural Department at Washington, by the U. S. Entomological Commission, nnd by tho Proftssors of the State Colleges. It was sold in large quantities throughout all the districsl where offered in 1879, ami in every case where properly applied gave un bounded satisfaction, destroying not only the larvic,luit also the winged insect, and leaving tlio vines both clean and healthy. It costs much less than Paris Green, and goes nearly three times as far. For sale by Moyer Hros., liloomsburg, at wholesale and retail. may 'J9-3w Harriet A. Newkirk, of Salem, says; 1 was cured of tetter in my hand by three applica tions ol ejatnplior ililK. My litisbnnil was cured of old running sores by using it. It cured my son of a sprained ankle, Price 25 cents Sold by C. A, Kleim, liloomsburg. npril 10, '80,ly Dr. J. Schuyler, many years a Dyspeptic and sufferiug greatly with Neuralgia, Uheu- atisin and constipation, getting relief through an accidental discovery of a sub- titute for calomel, without its debilitating effects, precribes thesamoforotbers, varying to suit each case with gratifying results. Among many who have received the bene fits of his treatment, the following bear tes timony, as follow-: Ili.ooMsnuno, Pa., April, 1880 Dr. Schuyler. Dear Sir; I suffered greatly with Dyspepsia for a long time. My rood alter eating would uum ana annoy me, lenressine. my spirits, making me miserable indeed. I became weakened down that I could not work at my trade (sadler) I tried various remedies recomuicuueu uy pnysiciatis nnd friends but none of them did me any good until I placed myself under your treat ment when I began to Improve and have continued getting better until the present time. I now feel liko n new man nud can work every day with cheerlulness. JOHN UIIBI3TMAN Bloo.msiiui:o, Pa., April, 1880 Dn. J. SCHUYLER. Pear Sir ; For sever al months I have suffered with difficulty in breathing and fullness about the stomach. Two physicians pronounced my case one of "heart disease" fur which I took Digi talis at their suggestion as the only medi cine (hat could possibly do me any good. When you told meitwus only sympathetic of tlie stomach by bad digestion, I felt en couraged and after being under your treat ment for n few elays ibesyniplnmsof "heart-di-ease " all left ine nnd 1 telt like a new mnn, nnd have continued quite well ever since. JAMES V. r ERflUSO.V, Ill.oo.Msiiuito, Pa , Marob,18S0 Dr. J. FcilUYI.Ett. Dear Sir: I can tes. tify to the value of yrtir treatment for rlieu mutism. iMitterrii si-vrieiy ami urn long time, and ud various- remedies, but all in vain, until you commi-nre-d treating inv oase. lhe pun I rum Inn lnii o tips kne ( 'Ciattc.i I which was very sovro, pi.d elf in one week a time leaving me Ireee Ironi pain, ex cept sum' shifting alns in tlie limbs, hut by continuing III" u-e in jour ii.edii'ines nicy havo all pasMil away that I now feel quite well again, John Stineu. MlM.VlI.LK. U; April 1SS0. Dr.. J, Scill'YI.lIR Jkar , Sir; The med icine you sent me did me more good than any I ever tried before. I mil very glad that othfrs who hud got relief from your treatment advieil me to give you a trial lor I had suffered from eljspej tda for along time. Mrs. Harriet Johnson MoiiDAN&VII.l.K Col. Co,. Pa., April 1880, Dlt. J. K'HUYLEli. Jlear Sir : I am pleased to give my testimony to the valup of your treatment in iiyspe pua, i nnei tuuerrti greatly witli distressing burnings, nnd retch ings in the stomach, from which I failed to get any relief until I placed myself under your treatment, when I commenced to get better ana cantinueei to improve until I leel entirely restored, I O, L. Sani. nay 81 3-w MOCllAT,BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TUB VOLTAIC HBLT CO., MAIISIIALI,, MICH. Will send their celebrated Klcclro-Voltnto Holts lo the afllicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guarantee!. Tliev mosn whit they say. Wrllo to them without ellay. Nov. i!My. COSl'S IS I10AI) VIEWS- It might bo well to bear in mind the law as laid down in tho following opinion of Judgo i: I w ell on the subject ol costo In re views nnd all subsequent viows of roads. Thoso who sign petitions for such views should be careful to secure the costs In ad- vance. Supptce vt. Johnion ct. at. Cate tubmitlcd lo the court. OPINION. The defendants were the petitioners for tho re-review of a road In tho laying out of which the services of the plaintiff were ren dered ns n surveyor. It Is agreed by the par ties that these services wero worth the amount stated In the claim of tho plaintiff. The question to be determined Is whether the petitioners for n review or for a third or other v lew are liable for the expense attend ing such view? The questton Is answered by the express provisions of the Act of 13 June, 183C. Hy the Ctth section it is enacted, that, "The tx pensct of views of private roads, and tho ex pense of einy reviews, or nl any iew subse quent ton review of a private or public road thall be wholly paid by the parties applying Jor the same." And by the GOth section of the somo Act it is provided that "Jlcviewcrt and viewers upon a third or any subsequent view, shall bo entitled each to receivejeom pensatlon from the persons at whoso instance they wore appointed, for every day by them necessarily employed in Btich Bervice." Digest 12S3-4, pi. S3 aud 0. And by the 58th section of the same Act it is provided that "In nil cases of n view or review or of nuy view subsequent to n re view of a road n surveyor shnll be found and paid by tho persons applying tor such views." Tho Intention of tho legislature to make the petitioners liable for alt expenses r.tteud !ng a review or n ro review of a road ob tained nt their request, is manifested by clear, explicit aud unambiguous language. From the time the road laws of this State were moulded into a system by tlie Act of G April, 1S02, (Pamphlet Laws 195) to the present time, they have declared that n re view of n road shnll be at tho cxpenso of tho parties npplying for the same. In Shnfferstown Itoad, 3 Wntts 470, Judge Huston who wns a practicing lawyer con temporaneous witli tho net of 1802, says: "The review is to be granted at the expense of the parties applying for tlie saiuo." It was held by the Court iu that case, that a review could not be grauted em tho petition !'" iucreaie.i iii tho road. "Tho names of tlo persons lia- i , ,, t i ...... . ble, says.the Judge, "ought to be of record, The parties dissatisfied should themselves s gn n net t on for n review." it . , Iu Hellertown ltoad 5 W&S 203. there 1 1. ., .7: ,r t.i i .i . , is a rfict ol Judge Kogers that a review is n matter of richt. and is at the exnense nf ,i.A ...... Tt i , t.. , i .1 the county. Tho learned Judge does not However reler to the (Hth section of the Act ii ioou uuutu ciieru. xne eniiy questions ue .foro the court were whether an alias re re view ordered by the court without a pe ti tion therefor could be sustained, and whetlp er a report which did not conform to the or- der'8hould be set aside. The question na to I s the costs was not before the court as theielw " btrouse Emanuel. wero no petitioners for the alias re-review. Inasmuch therefore, as the dicta above cited 4 1,1 llln VOTV fam lf ,1m it ia nni nfl I.1...11. r.,.. I 1 II. l-.l When a petition is presented for n review or for any subsequent view, nnd reviewers nre nppointed, the clerk is thereby substan tially directed to make out an order directed to tlie persons appointed, and if such order comes to the hands of the reviewers, and they obey its commands, they are entitled to recover the compensation allowed by law, although not notified by nny of the petition ers. Thev nr nnt hnllml tn tnntitrn rolin l,.l .!... ... ,u I.. r. ,,u., uui mo wiuri. il in cuuuuu iu . . .. .... ... eniiiio ineni to cnarge tno petitioners tnai the order was issued upon their petition. It is no defence against a claim fof tlie cxpen scs of a review or a re-review tjiat the peti- tiouers wero not active in tho matter bo- vond inatiBuratiur' tho nroceedincs and nro- curing the appointment of the viewers. when the proceedings are begun by them, nnd prosecuted to the end without dissent or objection on their part, it must be conclu sively presumed that the services were reu dered nt their instnnce. Th county is clearly not liable for the costs in this case, even under the opinion in Hellertown Koad. Supra. The legislature have imposed the costs nnd expenses of all reviews, and of third or sub sequent views upon the petitioners. Under the agreement as to the value of the .,1.t..lllll .! 1.I..1.... i.t ,u I'.uiuv.u DBcnuca uuu luuian, uon cuihku to judgment. And nnw. Mnv IRlti. 1PRO I'nilrrmpnt fnr ,, , , .... ,i V . 1 v. luc piaiiikii. upuu lua ugltrcu upuu I the patties for the sum of fourteen dollars and fifty cents nnd costs. By thu Court. It should be tho aim of every owner of HorseSjCowSj&cto make them as handsome auu usetut as possible, ineuerman liorse and uow roweler helps lo develop nil the powers of the animal. It improves its heau ty ana increases Its usetulness, It makes milk, muclc nnd fat. liy using it a horse will iln mnrswirL- nml A raw fflvninnm mill- " and be in better condition with less feed, Sold only by weight nt 15 cents a pound by C. A. Kleim, liloomsburg. Dec 12, 71)-ly M ARKKJMiEPOJiTS. I1LOOMSI1UKO MARKET. Wheat per bushel,, Hyo " .. Corn, " ,. Hats, ' " .. Flour per barrel .. Cloversce-d nutter V.10 TJ .50 .4U T.W 451 .23 IS Tallow ot .OT Potatoes 25 Dried pplce, im II.'IUIS U sides J: shoulders im Chickens M. .or Turkeys laird per pound Hay in r ton jj no Deesuax ,, 23 IJUOTATIONS FOK COAL. No, t on Wharf 3.10 per Toe l.O.O " ., ....(, 1 S IO !.. a " t l.Ta Hiae-Ksmiin a miup nn wnari 8..0 llltumlnous .....t .w PHILADELPHIA MAEKETS. FiiirK Tho market was nutet but llrm. l,.nnl. V4iiiu miuiij, t i u w wv, jiuivuv uuu liigu grauca, J11U riUVR-M 10. w iimt Hie msrket wasflrm: No. 2 wesiern rmi at il 2s; I'ennsilvanta red i 2'; amis-r tl 2T. i;oK-t EirmniiiiM.-uri-; bieuiner 04 (4 63C: leilOW JiCUet, 5le65c! mixed 3 64c. iuts Irregular; No. 1, 4ic; No. 8, 4l; No. 9, livK t'irm; western at 92c; Penns)lvanlaat92c, IMkx Ma 111 25t4 li 60. limr HainsuttiT 0091160; Indtana mess beef, V8. ' HiCOM Smoked Rhoulders, at 6Vc; salt shoulders, 4J. e 4)c; kuioked hams 10 i He; pickled hums, 8L.I.49k.0. Lisii Dull; loose butchers, ot4'c; prime steam ut Set so, Itmr.llXInit.t . a.. e !2c: llradtord county and New Ynrk eitra. is '! western reserve extra 1 C4 lie; do good choico, is ! ise; rolls uuu; t'eansylvanla extra at 13 (4 l!o. Hius-Qulet; Pcnns jlvatla at 18j Q 14c; western at 180, Cusss-Yak and unsettled; N. Y. factnry He: western full cream at n e3 11 v; do for crood 10 3 loiiq viosumtiidf bkluui eg loo, Marriages. llBAn. At tho bomeof the bride, on Iho 30tli ult, by Kev. A. Houlz, Mr. Daniel It. Hustler, of Jonestown, to Miss Elisabeth Hear, of Union township, Luzerne county. I'EAt.Ka Davis. At tin Lutheran parson age In llloomaburg. Tuesday, June 1st, 18S0, by llev. O. D. 8: Marcluy, Wm. M. Pealer, of Wilkcsbarre, Pa., and M rs. Fanny 8. Davis, of Bloomsburg, Pa. Business iNohccs Hoot headquarters at McKlnney's. Another case of wide Percales at Lutz & Sloan's for 10 cents a yard. Just received at I, V. Hartman's, n lot of wiao rercaica at w cents. Hoots nnd Shoes cheap at McKlnney's. The public nro hereby informed that splendid stilts are now made from the latest styles ot Spring Goods on the following terms; iMlctt Slyh$, ImwciI iViccs, Jletl Ma terial, Jleil Worlmaruhip, and Hat Fill nt the Popular Storo of Uavld Lowenberg. Hon. George N. Corson, Norristown, says: Tho Pbicnix Pectoral Is indispensable in my family. It acts like n charm in curing coughs nud colds with the children, nnd 7 nlways use it when addressing a jury. Price 25 cents. O. A. Klelm, liloomsburg. RprlC-ly All Wool Laco SuTptTlIunting at I. W. Unrtman's, 35 cents. Admission free nt McKlnney's. Shetland SbvTs TlOO and SU0 nt I. W. Uartmau's. For linen or Poplin Ladies' Ulsters, go to Lutztv; Sloan's. Call nt McKlnney's for Shoes. 000 Fans at I. V. Hartman's. For Nobby Hats, For Latest Styles, For Lowest Prices, Go to Daviel Lowenberg's. A largo stock of Mosquito Net at Lutz & Sloan's, 8 cents a yard. Cash paid for -1000 bushels of good Whilo or Yellow Oats at Silas Young's, Light Street. March 19-3m I. W. Hartman sells all the late style Lawns at 12 cents. Rubbers at SIcKinney's. PUltLIO NOTICE. The Clothing Store of David Lowenberg is well stocked with nil the latest styles of Clothing for Men, Youth and Children. Call and examine. rpREASUltEH'S SALE UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A. iu- vfrtun nf sundry acts ot tho Oenerat Assembly if lhe I'ommonwcalihot Pennsylvania, relating to --.-rrwJt-dnnil unseated lands In tbo county or Columbia, etc , ror taxes duo and unpaid, I win oner at puunc saio ul uiu vuui i, uuiwi w vue tum ot liloomsburg, on Uio SECOND MONDAY OF JUXE.A.D ,18S0 at l o'clock a. m., tho following described pieces ot land, or such part thereot us may bo necessary to satlstv the! amount ottases due and unpaid against tho ame, and continue tlio same Irom day to day tuosiine may bo touud necessary. TERMS Of SALE The amount or iaes auu uusu, IUU3I. u iiiu wiifn thJ ""J I, Struck on, or the sMo may bo void and tP'" Pu'up?" ,':0 ,,, 1 Lot Cannon Morris ! 41 i .. ni'nrv ni 1 il 1 92 s " ltuthrun haniuei 115 acres Davis Aniauu 3)11 I 92 9 45 bl CO iosoo 3 TS 1 a 3 Si W 2 94 T! 1 Ml 1T9 T4 4 M 1 61 4 63 3TI I M 9 IT C3SI1 60 V 12 0 62 451 6 SI TST s lots Trout mcijui:u 1W) acres Iiaus nm i.. .. visnersaran.. n: .. iiMniiiirpr Hetrena-. f ' nrelibacli lsaao ., lnta limll.iv Joseph .... K In,. A til llCO wiiacroa " " lots u..fler Jesse. 1 Heacr Charles Itutt and L'nger ... Iloyer TS liroekwayo 11 - Charles Miuou f..irnw Morris 3 3 S3 acres 5 lots 1 1401 acres Columbia coal X Improvement Co. 93 " DreWiachl! 1' :t lots Evans Kecce 3 ' Flanagan A 3 " ry s - loo acres rncK i n lots liearhart wm..... cu acres llauck Jonathan. 9 40 4 TO 4 W 813 2 85 7 60 4 64 101 2 11 "4 1ST 8 03 19 CO 22 VII 4 TO 3TI0 I C5 TC5 4 TO 9 6T T 611 6 62 6 SO 215 1564 tOO HOUleS CIlur.L-a uuuowuu T3 Hlnderllter Johns Ilamer Jester Iloninan Eliza Hunt KM Kramer L L ....-- Kiom A VS 19.ts I a 3 m i0t in 1 vnti.Tnrnb It lAta I nurpticu K oi acres Jtanii and Miller ;L !! x,R wnii'nm'"'""'!'!'.'.'.'!! ' " ,?IR5'1!'.1!1!.liw ' KH) . jeiinicn e ouruu... 100 " MlnlcHlienjamtn, no ijungessereicorgo S '. i&SVtZwS; s-sotolotsltutlmitt bamueli: Co.. 111 nrrpR Ittl-R riporiru 140 r.eppenlilier i iv 60 " shuman John. oeco.. 2110 4 90 14 10 515 Miumnu neo u anu urouitr & bisici- 900 " Lteivart wm 921 " bhumanFL. 8 lota MnltlU TST MllCkJJ ... " T6T a . HUnn Geo 2 19 89 acres Vonducen ClUaman & Co....... 1 ss 3 TO 5S4 2 33 3 03 120 50 13 10 4 54 4T0 2 03 61 SI 901 162 us " " " 54 " " " " 2 lots VasttnoU K - ....-... 2363 acres w est uuck .moudiuiu u a. . v.u.. lots vetl u s I. " WoodAugustus f,a acres whee'cr wm 5 't3 creasy Llojd.MD.. ! " Henrv (leorire 45 acres Longenbei cer Peter.. 4 lots Maston Wm ........ 2 Monday Jonn St 60 acres MiuinanOA 9 To HiumanMlcbaeI liecmnger const. DENTON TOWNSII1F. Hoover Lizzie Kucklo John, Jr... Sutton John Klefer A F Pennington Jesse, dee'd Wells John "" Oberholizir A A 1IEI1WICK 110HOUOH. Edwards Geo M Parks Ann est Hosier bamuel MrphensAraos U tilUer Daniel Woods Geo Walp Jeremiah. IIUIAKCHEEK TOWNSUir. 1 acre 200 8 60 8 20 1 11 4 40 60 jj 2 20 15 1 l 1 j t 60 acres DlUli I'euben 9 99 14 " Hawk Samuel.. ss Mont Nathan. 1 so of 200 Apple Paul sno as acres llowman Jesso T 41 nryan Guy si) nn) mm iv.urii... .. Edwards .Martha J 20 ttvans Francis H HeadleysF estate... Mlukle John .... Klsuer John lauiioii Win... l'arkerson John....-., Hewer Abrain .... Mttler Samuel s blackhoiibu a 11 5 04 sr.s Ten 40 40 6Mi 19 200 TOS 100 Ort ll) 321 2H0 24 3 tl 9 84 J Stackhouso Josepn Schechterley Oeo t-tackhouso sutler Traugh Henry Jacoby O A . SlUer David ., .... .. CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP. ; Probst J S Hlddlo heirs 95 3d 4 80 40 110 10 T CI 14 11 4 41 100 " Clovtell Jacob 65 " secNlch Sm 4 2T 9213 weaver Ellas. 5 I 8oT " Dunbach Maigaiet 2sT " Ktnnlerliobeit 80 " NeMllo Fred 9 30 SW 194 lo " Price Jonas CESTHALIA IlOltOUGH. lot Holmes Vhomas " Maries Lloyd ... ' Marks tleo...... ' cjiitiw Pat , " HanleyJohnG " Hurke Fufeilci, V Hevln James " Conner '1 homaa .'2 41 4 99 II 94 6 SO 4 40 7 tiO 1 40 T TO 8 20 6 20 T TO curle-y taiwiiiu.. Gausthen Thomas Clark linugei Murphy 1'utrlfk 3 6U aury in ...,. WefsU Marttu - ., Zlirter Wm llrtmtli llenjamln... Moore Johu t.'alu Terreneo Cain Michael, doo'd Colllris I'eter F ... Dougherty Michael .... Harts Geo V ...... Ganghen Martin .....m. Hoaicland WU1M...M..... Ilowelttlhoiaas.. Jonea Ann F, Ktlae tJaxolUie C'JSi 14 CO syo 3 Ml 60 120 & 1 1 lo 1 1 9 8 i t 1 l S 6 4 1 1 " Better Wl-low - 4 40 ' lanyon Path ...:..-..... no 1 " Uv land II A .. CO 1 " Iiiilk-ntMstmnoyHltuo.. .......... lsio 19 " MachenThoinas.......M.m.. . 1 " .MCKInney llisr'es.,..- 190 9 " MooroMrg eerac- H . 19a 1 " Khepparil II F . so 1 ' lirpey Luk .. 1 tn t " Weitli i n-M 1 90 u " Ycaifi-r .Monteltus 9 91 V " eiurryUK. . 1 i 1 " Morrison .Mrs Catharine .. 1 90 OKNTHB TOWNSHIP. 99 acres Adams nnos L 4 4 s Allabach ncnjimln...... ....... ST I " Has n -lolin.. . 69 10 " Ilagenbucb U' S3 5 Ileury Josppli i TV " Knnrr Hnmud . u.. ........ 1S90 Klefer Daniel : ... 19 8 " Iiwry Simon 69 84 " HotTman William estate. 9 9T CONYNGHAM TOWNSHIP. t lot Asliton .Tacob. 99 1 " Cook Catharine 10(5 9 " Cook David 8S08 1 " Magutre Tcrranco 91 64 1 " MUtely Matthew................. 9 93 1 " . neorgo Jerry 9 no 9 " Cosgrove John and Domlnlck...... rws " Hennessy Thomas......... B99 s Jllllonl nomas. I9ti4 a " I'aln Terranco s S3 1 " Hrown Wm ..: 8Bs 1 " llrcslln Bernard 603 450 acres Drown Nathaniel. 4StM 499 " llcara Joshtiit 97019 9 lots Callahan Uanlel 6 93 9 " Ponolioo CorncllnJ. . 4W 119 acres Huston John Tom I lot .loco Peter 9 01 9Uacres KlinoJounL 1993 893 KUno Peter..... -m.......... 63 93 ! lo's Kavhelreteo tleorgo.... 9 00 1 " Mndermutn Oeo f) , l i t 9 Mcilanamum Felix . 965 9 " " I'etcr..... 9 to l " " " 18 81 " Marr and Klndlz . ss no I ' Marr Its is us 99S acres N Y M OKU USO e:o K Jordan tract 645 84 80S ' ', " A Porter tract 40 63 8M " 1. WftUrprlnwit 494 Ts aso " Ituston Mary 3 o no jcuston i nomas 9 lots Trelsbarli Lewis W acres Treln Jacob tract 100 ' " , 1 lot Yocuin Prank 401 acres oung John tract , tl'.IO 5 91 63 00 03 00 60 232 OK 2 43 8 83 965 2 40 .6 40 1 90 199 1 60 1 11 90 8 93 rs 83 690 0 63 1 19 8 45 23 et as lot Yarllntr llearv. HrockwavC II , Cane Kllen Kettero.f Michael Krampr A W ., Ltnd-jrmiith JohnM Lelhtg Ephralm Mc.Manamum Mary Morris Ann 11 !".7.;.'...".7" llhawn Casper. llonetuch Ed , Jones oeo FISHINOCItEEK TOWNSHlr. ires nielsh Hi-utien McIIenry 11 and C 11 " Musselman Jacob " ltlchard Iwls " Swnyzo O M " Doty Peaier & Stewart , " Force and Crawford " Hutchl-on Thomas J Harrtson Jarlus " lljrrmin ft Frcaa " Jones It II " Kindt John & Co " Lemon Thomas 100 M 15 60 a 150 200 '.' CO 09 903 14 90) 140 3 15 90 6 65 1 92 2 CI 90 860 T2 860 S IS 19 1 82 7 92 " ivsier tieorgo " Parks James il hito o u FItANKLIN TOWNSHIP, i Cleaver Wellington Hower Moses Mllle Ab ram. Vought James OIIEENWOOD TOWNSHIP, s Albertson M and H Hcrr I ram lieaglo tieo Kline Daniel Kindt Matthias Mason Augustus Hlchte Edward Washburn George WllsonJ 1) HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP, s ApflemanMS II H Itarton Newton Cambclt LN Evans A J Mordan John Neat & I'urcell l'urcell Isaac lvester Hobbins Zebulon Applemanm JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Frlck Geo A llPesIlenJam1nV.V.'..V.r."."rV". Keeler John K Lewis Iiantel McIIenry Kit Miller o W MtUer and Neyhart 0 ac CO 92 1 35 ci ac 411 31 3 2 lots 19" 9S 2S ICS 8 41 4 9J 6 30 15 07 461 131 II 17 S63 It T2 2 83 10 62 4 50 1 80 2 23 12 lots co at 94 95 110 10 12 SO 20 20 I 12 60 OCT 300 100 ' 5 90 25 ' 40 ' 4 ' 23S 1 2111 52 1 CI 1 60 1 44 144 90 21 4 S3 9.1 13 TS . 2S 4 4S 1 21 0 411 12S 2101 24 40 0 40 SSI Mcllenrv Hohr l'urker & e.'o. L'lCUST TOWNSHlr. Dewart Oeo Eierharrt John Gerlty Thomas Stlne Daniel ltroree John lutllngtoii Charles Ilugues Wrliht Kline John L Kline J and 11.10 ltupp.. l.oenb"rg PLlllp Myers Mary - Huston Thomas........ lteeco Daniel ... . Ituston Mary ' Charlott Iteynolds Johu -nvder Jeremiah ShatTer uenry Yocum Henry M.. Camp Samuel ., JIADISOX TOWNSHIP, a lleagle Oeo Hix;hrel Jacob Hills William estate Freeze John G itout Daniel andsJ E Cox Joel Eies C W MAIN TOWNSHIP, s Illttenbender Conrad Hruckway aud Ent Durnbach John l'ew alt Philip DelTner Samuel C lminep christian Klefer James Miller Aaron Miller Nathan MoserMlchael MiumanWmT schmeck, l'.robst Yetter & Hawk Hnjdpr John Yetter J II Yetter Daniel estate so acres 303 C 23 7 70 3 65 1 54 01) 3U0 5 40 86 43 2li0 93 21 101 33 900 100 190 200 200 sew 100 S2S 1 62 120 194 194 1UJ 1 92 13 20 40 3'0 67 99 T2 I8 60 1 61 94 80 11 IS) 15 00 SI'S 4 6T 9 16 110 230 3115 316 10T 91 45 8115 61 1 41 10 01 11 1 8 05 C 10 8) 8 2S 61 150 snyuprAiirtuiam M Shultz Christian MONTOUlt TOWNSHIP, acres Itrockwayanfl Ent " Lelby Jacob Itamsey estate MT. I'LE SSANT TOWNSHIP, acres Hartzel Joshua . Jacoby and ttupert " Jacoby Samuel " Miller Henrv A 2 40 1 20 103 IB 47 1 20 13 53 200 20 " Waller D J ., " Fisher Jacob MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP, acres A ten Thomas Illttenbender Mary " Creasy Henry " ' Horace " Drcschcr Samuel " Iletler M It " Hendersh'.tt J fl " " Catharine " Jacobv O A " Lutz Elizabeth 79 1 CS 94 8 31 64 80 49 1 62 160 12 12 9 Msjsteller Joseph Aan-n Miller Stephen. Jr Nuss Jacob Nungesser George sutilttJoel swanks II swepoenhtser I K t' Horace " Abram Williams Sami-el Zimmerman Joshua Hurler Jaeob estate) OHANGB TOWNSHIP, i llowman Wesley Crevellng Samuel Lverltt Moses estate " Gabr el Kline Abram J Sne der William Zimmerman Samuel 1'INE TOWNSHIP. I nogart Emauel Duvlu Thomas estato 21 9T 144 9 40 43 24 141 103 UO T9 144 63 40 17 tot itves u w 223 50 1'rlck e'.eorL-o A Kunoton Julin A Frlek S Leguott eireenley Junies (lordner Henry, sr Jacoby ti A Kllno Patterson 100 25 H 100 900 13 no let " KHner Samuel so " l.vniisJiimes estato 111 1 Ml 1(10 ' .Ml ler and Colo lir.4 I SI Phut Irani TS ' Shoemaker Wclllwrton 50 11 Hiaekbouse Alex ebtato 750 1111 4 " Warner -Mariraret 1 lot lun'Hoii William I ' 1'latlJuno is en HOAItlNllCIIHEK TOWNSUll'. acres Artllla Francis " Heruernd Iwiac " itueher Peter ' HariiHt. Thomas, Jr 'I 111 elicit Jacob " Hearer neorgo and J L Kline ;; I'onlalr undlllce " Hllleplalno Ezeklel . " HuitonJohn John btacy " Utile )tobrt " Miller Gll MurrU & HukIi'S 110 3-15 1113 Wl 60 UO IIS 19 411 140 US 8T5 Wi so 91 1 1(K) '44 44 181 141 1 7 2S 43 100 -Meliington William ltlco sbrnm shuman Jacob Trlou Jacob Hchey Mury estato Yoourn lsaao Vocu-n HJ,ili t-CotTTuWNSHl Crouse Nelson blttUliUiAF TOWNSHIP, a Hellus vtllllain liuekielew James ewtate t'ole Fte k'el liiH-btere'liarles 30 not 49 ml S4 4110 1ST llrui-s Nathaniel hot 1111 acres Hets Wuslry rs 1 m Ui M so s I Hartman Jessa laubsch 1'e1 er Montgomery Itobert htenhi-ns w tluam Sullia Wafchtnirioa esute Vaplo Henry Lutih Cj-rut PA. T ItEAHUUER'S SALE OF SEATED LANDS IN COLUMHtA COUNTY. Also tin following lota, pieces md parcels ot sest . ed lands.returned by the tax collectors, are to b t sold at the sams lime, under the provisions ot a l Art of assembly, ci.tfllnd. "an Act relating to tho sale of la nds f jr taxes la Columbia county," appro ed March Mh, 16ss. UK iVEtt TOWNSHIP. 78 Acres Morgan T el 7 so 4 Lucas Mrrnos 8 ss 60 " names Charles. 81 90 I Lot KocliWeie . 19 85 Acres Miller Daniel 1 so il Crouse Stephen 1 69 IIKNTON TOWNSHIP. 80 Acres McKelvy wm estate. I4 8S 60 " Conner ('eraerve 80 no TS " Koons lohn It 60 60 " Shotts Christian 6 40 1 Lot llurllnger Wm 1 os 24 Acres Kline Mary 1 Hi 3 ' Lew Is Sarah and Thcodoro 185 V " stiles ltlchard 4 no lo " Ho? i rt samuel a 94 49 " Ilepofl Hiram 6 16 64 " InU Jonas , 0 80 TO " Drink McKclry. 7 T9 9 chaptn 1)1, 11.1 to " Conner Catharine 9 C) 41 ' do Mathlas a 89 1 Lot Kline Mary 1 90 60 Acres Hanco John 8 4S 8 14 Appteman John. 120 llKHWIOKllUKOUUn. Lot 1 Amos Hartman ITS " 1 C.Suhtawtmch 1 40 " 2 Oeo A Heain 4 Hi II LOOM. Lotl, Barton John M. 19 03 " 1 Coleman Wm 82 8J 1 Creamer Kebocca 7 18 " 1 Gelger Win , 8 9s 1 McMush John 25 r1 " 1 penna. Canal Co... .r. 18 M " 1 Waulch John 9 13 " 1 Mason and Snydi r. 20 3T " 1 Drawer John u I Kstter Washington 4 CO Acres Hi Foster Charles 92 9T lAiia a (vrmm-r ouuu il,,,,. o Lot 1 Acres 9 .Morns naruara is T urnbach Phebe 0193 Lot Vannattallll , 67 81 1 Kalilcr Nancy 23 so " 1 Hennes James 2 si " 2 PursctlMrs U II 31 CO " 1 Tliurston Martha 7 IM 1 Thomas CI 14 89 " 2 Walter Norman 15 so " l Saunders Wm , 9 co ' 1 Hobtsnn Mrs Iietsey 94 in " 1 Mlckel Mrs Caroline 8 90 " l Kinney Jacob 8 ew " 1 Kramer Andrew 4 20 HKIAKCItliEK TOWNSHIP. 150 Acres Doty and Pealer 124 81 V " Hosier John 1 62 290 " seybert John 23 69 CAl'AWISSA ToWNSUlP. 40 Acres Henry Isaec estate 2 17 1 ' Arndt Noala 1 62 Krum Ellas... 1 CO CEN I'ltALIA 1JOUOUOII. 1 LotCurley EJward 4 29 7 4S 3 9i) 80 15 99 CO 62 6l 1 75 22 SO 92 73 2 HO 60 Hunt - Pat F.. Ganghen Thomas lleneron PhlllD.. " l'urcell ltlchard creamer A w Calllghan James Denning Pat Dixon Daniel Llndermutb Nath Aicnanamumaaa., Mcllrearty Mra Mary 9140 trilare Michael..., 9 60 1 50 'l arpv Luxe i aunuren .lira a a , Hryaou Kobert and Co Torry Wm Kntltlaiosephll 22 43 9 90 C CO G 50 .1 01 Oil IS eo 9 00 5 81 12 62 2 es 2 69 23 22 24 4 60 r acres Freas Amelia... 1 lot Huttenstlne Peter loo acres Lnmon Wm . 60 do di. CONYNOUAM TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot 1 trow n Fred Moran Patrick Hcnner Jacob 1 llennesoy Thos 1 Lots Onsgrovo John and Domlnlck,,, 'I' ixii oug-.ierry jamea Ivello Patrick Y'arltng Henry Kvaus Ann eiarra Pat , Murphy Maurice Hrockwayc il OcrrltyTiionias Ilcrfion Philip , lluber Jacob McAllister JameH 2 1 1 IS 19 12 81 2 III 2 43 2 l) 60 2 1 1 " NauuhLon Jamea 03 loo acres Huchner I'eter tract 7 esi 441 acres llrennan Kbtnezer Iraet 44 lo c lots Kramer A w 9 co 1 " lUHJson David 9 so 1 " Fetie-rman Jonathan 1 9', 1 " Morlsoa catu-eruie 8 53 9 " do do T e 1 " Davis David 2 3 1 " Knit tie Caroline T5 1 ' Carrlgan John 1 21 4 " Kramer A w is FItANKLIN TOWNSHIP. '5 Acres Smith Paulel t 9 00 1-1S UMIUltKKlv Tuwresnii- 15 Acrs ltotrart John 8 84 6 I hapln J K 10 20 83 Force Itussel 4 lo 8 ot us er E i 8 H3 a Lot do no 94 H " do elo , 2 63 !l " do do 4 us 40 Acres Ynnlo Jacob 15 64 ivarns u ll iui " 1ing.Ias M 1 C3 8 " llrlcht llarman J 2 10 50 " Lnrlli Cj rus I Mi 26 " Ilright It U 4 6.3 4 " Golder Abram 2 7 Kllue Ira 1) 2 45 Lot hhultze'ornellua 1 41 GltEKNWeXH) TOWNSHIP 1 Lot Lcggott John 2 20 l " " " 12 92 11 Acres " " and Frkk es) 1 Lot Odd Fellows nail I hi 1 I)t IcdPrbrantFE 3 54 81 Acres Mooro lairayette 12 4 l i.ot rayior misna i v. I Lot Kramer Wm 4 60 20 Acres Eves Josenh E 6T I la-i jiu-'a.,oiiu-i I iu 8 Acres Noiton samuei 130 Acres ltlchard Alfred 20 23 ii - nr.uersucrt t j o iu 6S " 1 eeco Philln estate 1 1 Lot 1 avis Hebecca estate 24 2T Acres nails John estate ' i uji inne a r no i " Klnnev wrn 1 " Pin cell Wm 84 Acres -samuel Young Aiuertson Joel It 1 101 HEMLOCK TOWNS11I1 o Acres Kuner w m in GUlaspy Wm estate 1 tin 10 sajrewm 15 " Vund. rsltcft Johu II 1 vo JACKSON TOWNSHIP s Acres Knousn vt Bsnini-ton. 73 KeelerJacob LOCUST T 1WNS II so Acres Kostenu,uderNathan. .Meiz cnanes s 50 40 " KostenbeudPr Nathan ins a e.erllv 'inomaa sa MADISON TOWNSHIP, 1 Lot Whlnn'r lleUmel. 1 . Wetllver Susan estate 170 Acres Fori ner Margaret 2 40 iu -- 11 in 1 60 MAIN TOWNSHIP 65 Acres Yetter Isaac.. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP 1 joi nuK-nes A 31... lsr " Holler Ann Aires Aioc le ooun 11. 1 Lot heicnner Jacob sr.. MOM mill 'IliUNSllIl. 1 Lot Hutler Wm estate 911 57 Acres ua lor Peter and Ellas 4 .111. ILf AS.1M -IIIW.NWIII" i i.ui rut -wuiuunne 1 r ox Lourv. !1 Acres Kitchen John C. C. GaLIGNAN, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, ' AND 1IEAI.KH IN STOVES, KCEATERS JTsTJD RANGES, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Shop in Opera House, Gth door arni m. -so-iy Mi. ' 41 v4 41 810 S'S 143 ue 41 1 11 1 ei4 iei 4 03 nd when 1 11.4 4 41) 31.7 157 person. When I S 8 'S 1 1 SO take them back. clerks, who are able 4 01 we are enabled to give 7 Ml Customers vtho leave the teil twenty years at retailing, 0 s 113 name by lank of proper 1 1 plainly, and describe fully 1 6 J an SSI Jan 53, 'so. 1y, mm m m 11 w V. V.U'.TJtV7 mwry prlco desired. Address, John Wanamaker, Laroost .Dry Goods Houso, Philadelphia. 8 70 M IS 1111 li Hi HU5 B KA 11 S3 6 70 1 II 015 14 43 I 84 4 t'l ! hi. Octobers, TIM. OHANflE TOWNSHIP. S3 Acres Schuyler u in 9 Lots do do lo Acres Coleman Jesse 67 " Crouso Nelson 1,V " Illcllav ll ,. .... 16w " llageiibiieli Margaret in ' HaitmaD Augustus 93 do do 88 " Illellar Geo y-i Acres lunk J F , si " Kves James estate.... ... 10 Hartman eeotlleb.. . m ' rat terhon Margaret J 9 " ltlceJi'ss riNKTOWNsIIll". 850 Arres liar?, I-ggott and Co. loo U-ggott John t Lot do do 119 Acres Leggottahd Frkk.... ....... 1 jot uo do , loo Acres Eves, Heller and Co. .......... 800 - do do do..... 60 " ludr Jacob 1 79 A 16 ' ID Ztl I si 0 81 I 81 4 II 4 44 . 1 M' 1 1, t litt I 17 n 40 - 96 43 1 w IS 74 . IB 411 (A ) 10 to 111 CH 2 44 (4 tl 14 61 1 83 4 65 t 9 1 ei 84 09 6 f. 6 18 8 69 59 4 90 lei so 4 04 1 Ml 94 8 19 90 Greenly. lames 2-3 " Hobbtns Joshua VI " lilcketsKCI . 9 Lots Dawson Wm ... 91 Acres llatt Irain 63 Furman Win To " Eves aud Heller aw do do ... . 100 " 00 do do do ... . 9T " Eves E2ra estate....... 1 Lot snider tieo ........ N) Acres liobb Adam 7 " Drelblebla Jacob ebtate. ............ 21 " do Abram. 23 " Greenley ltlchard. . Hester John Sr ...... Parker John ll llOAKINIJCieilKU. TOWSUll. 144 Acres Keller ltlchard. . 62 niceAbram ..... . sis,. 4T " Witehy Mary ... - 83 " 1 eager Isaiah i 13 " dams I-onard ................ a Bl " KrwtneWm m 6T ' do elo . 15 Hughes w right Hower Hiram 7 132 " Miller Ellas 77 Mtr11y .lohn s 93 " CherrlngtonAustln 13 19 " Ltndermiilli Jacob 11 Ix Charles 91 " Ix-van laiwson. 165 14 " Olive r John - 43 93 do di ....... 17 ei ' do do .. 63 , 23 " do Win ta loo " StaurTer Joseph. 811 11 ' Btrauswr Solomon em 8' OIT TOWNSUll'. . Lot Hetz Susanna - 44 " Fedder Jacob 1 83 " lltrtman Martha 1 64 " schecliU'rlv sm 8 69 acres McKwcn et W 3 19 111 .siunes wm estate. va " Souder Elizabeth 'J 40 lVacrt-irl'ursell i.ucludii 4...... 04 rOKLIIF TOWNSHIP. 123 Acres Stephens Wm .... ..... 7 00 411 " UUIH IUDS It Z Miller Elizabeth 6 70 400 " Hoberts and Larlsb... 13 40 20 " Ili'sa 1,-Hna...... ... so 2M) 1 haptu .1 F . 13 20 - 93 " eiitiei-bon Amos. 8 49 13 " Lunger James 7 10 II. A. 8WEITBNIIKISKH. Treasurer. nprti 9, tf eemedy. Piles What unceasing tortures arise from lnter , 1 lilordltii- External nnd itchmir Piles. Tho vain endpavors to obtain ovea partial relief haa discour- agt-n ine millions wuoauner. auu ine jiuvo uunis Uielr agony In sllcn e thinking there was no hopo or prospect of u euro. Notl hstandlng tho total failure of the many rtinedles heretofore otlered for tne cure of ollt a. and lhe lilelure of Qirouy resting on the f icon tnoso who have tiled lhe various rem edlos but In sain j et eagerly sought for and anx- loualv tried an) thing tn t promises me least rcnci until their couragu has long since given place to de spondency, let. them cheer up, allow tho smiles ot lispplnwss to lllumlnnto lhe haggard countenance, anu the dullesof life will be performed wlthadegreo oi nappiueas ana pleasure uiikiiuwu lur ivctjk, nionilmor vears. Iirurs' l'lle uemedles aro the re sult of unccistng stuovand experlmenLlng, the ne plus ultr or medical science, and Inevpry ripect sate, sclentltlc and reliable fur the cure ot plies lu ev- ry lot rn, nnggs1 rcmauies are aoia uy u. a. ivieuii. oomsDiirg. I'n. Try Dr. Ilrlirj-M' Itiiulm, Itnl.itin. $1,000 REWAUD CAT A HH U Is the mo-tunherHal una dlstreaslog fllsfrtsoof the preent (Uy. and llu cort8 of won- Inp Ulftfose, wlitctiam vorso thim Horthless has aicournced tho millions who suffer aud h&vetrl'd Id valL for relief anil cure until their coura ?ont and tlie victim sail buirers in doubt. Hem wo are with nr. Josun tints' uuiArrn spetinca oa i ata t, and how thall we proceed to couMr.ce that we have the best audcheupest remedies known. Jstwe win iuriiisu iiiem 10 it-ppimMuio puriies on conui tlon 'so cvhr no r.' r.d Will pay ftoufor a cn-so they v, u not ture. 8rd V ill pav fiw) forlhelr cqun 111 a cure. ui v in paj wu u auj iuidk '" Honousurdeleterloui Istound lu their compoHiuon. Mb Will pay f 1,000 ir in any particular Dr. Jotlah Itrlifus Catarrh peelC3 are found different from repneDt.itiuii. uarranted to instantly relieve and raaicauy cure acuip. lurouic, uicurameor urvta tairh. 1 old lu tho Head, and all affectlona oftho cat 11U a (r the had and throat. Two bottles In ono box. (ireatest success or the oce. fcuia by i;.a. Kleim, uioouisuurg-, ra. Try lr. llrtass (Jnlnrrli NperlflfN. BUNION BALSAM. Itunlons. Corns and oMirra lnientsot tho feet cause much suffering among all nations by whom shot a are worn, mere is moreinanj uiu.wiwonnoi uoois and shoes destroyed annually In tne United States (In tlie rest or the world more than $l,OXwo by cut ting while iitw, or ueari)flo, to make room for pain ful hu&lons. corns, ingrowing nal h, sore Insteps, etc. lifsiaes 11111 preai. eennce, ineru is ptiu iu rtw York to chiropodist h about annually; in New upland btHHfl about f 5,(ott ; In the western and o out hern about fiO.utO; and In thu rest of the world about ttfoo.oo ; terddesthls then la fvxi.105 spctitan tiually for ciu-ttlcs a rt other worthless compounds for the cure ol Hunlonts, corns, sore Insteps, t ender feet, etc To avoid great losses ana expendi tures, UhC Dr. joslah Urtirga' Hunlon liulsam and ue uorn ;ure, wuicn is xne oniy preparation known that plves immedute relief and radically cures hanl. soft and ulceiaied Bunions hard, wit and festered corns, vascular excresences, Cullobltlcn large ana i-man, wre insieps onsierea neeis, iei aer feet, Ingrowing naPs. tc without eauslne or leav ing an pain or soreness. Warranted sale and Bure. bold by 0. A. Klelm, lHocnuburg, Pa. Try Dr. UiIkkh ITupnrnllflctl lIIc Itemrdj. Ecad and Heilect. local and crinftllntle'ral Ireslment for .11 f'a- tsrrbsl nffeetlciis. lir JiHl-ti Prices' Catanh 6pe clH' s nre olTere U to tr 00 sftltcieel with ncute.cliron Ic. ulcerative- or ilrj- catarrh, cold tn t be head, bay fever, relaxed pnl ii.., sole throat, bonr-eiv 68. lots e-f voice, nnd all nrfectlrm ef Iho raal canities and tnroar, wini n e mat iney nre cheaper, bet tr, more hit c .eioin enrlnp no'cVcr, with mnre cer tainty, and more n(r-ecabl tn um than nny remedj jet dlFeovi lul. i wo bottles in ore box. one of wiicn r.iiic.'o vnn wsrer niaKPs 04 cu ces ror use. PrtcH (i iu pe-r roekaire, fun lste-d 10 responsible parties on cnndltlriLs: --No cure no pay Dealers are autliorlzed iu refund Hie money It pur-cliisi-rs are not sat 1! fled The nerinranrrronMltii. tlunl as euas local, fpo mil 1 p'ld if they fall to cure v. h. n used a epre etert iof for their equal as a cure. mki if , loihlnir pol'ornudnr deleternma It Luindln tm-lrconi -n. Ittnu ft oeo (win in paid) If In ar v respietrr Hrl?jrs' Cstsrrh 6'pccincs aro found dine n-nt from repre-sentolion. Here Is on op portunity tor thnsi rtiscoursji d by related fail ure's to try main on a ruaranteedrure. And the ilmldwhofen-eiereptlon iny venture to try iheKe sBecltlcswIthoutftllncthst they are to bo hum busreed. astbro Is no n.k-tortin. vi'tirranudehp'p et, best and most BRreeable. If not re "nd ratlsfac tory demand onr money and It IU11 returned. Sold by c. A. Klelm, Ploomsburo-' PR. Hit. J. HltlOGH SCO., aprll 9S, sviy Newark, New Jersey. DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Do jou have l'uln In the side ? Are. you unable to ItcUtn or H.jpt-l jour rune? I- eur Uilne hlch ci'loreelT Bo Hojou hiie Altuuituous or Hrlck Dust Heposltn In jour froM? liojousutl r frem erol8 Debility crWesknets? ou have I'aliilul Urinating t Then jour KIDNEVb or 11I.AIIHEH aie .erected, Hiid ynti hhould not delay using our I'sd nt once, ror It will certainly cure jou. ben L0U1 lnr else can. FeTHilebj druirntsis, ur sent by tnsll uiHin receiptor prlM), r-end us jour address for certificates ol cures and our book, -'How a l.Uo wan e-avcet." DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. JmiKWAHE Of all other Kidney Pads. DISTRIBUTING AGENCY AT THE PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, liliioinslMit'ir. 111. Out of town people who can not conveniently travel, may have sam ples sent them of Dry Goods nnd all other good that we sell, if they "will write us. No charge, and no need to order If not suited. Wo make It a business to attend to iuah letters quickly; orders coma wo send the exact article wanted, nnd at exactly tamo price as other customers pay when here buying In goods are not as ordered, we Having trained and responsible to use discretion In tilling orders, great satisfaction to the many choice to utt With n reputation of we cannot afford to lose our good service to absent customers. Wrlta what Is wanted, and about tho