The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 28, 1880, Image 4

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W'lioln years Jny fiillow tlm wearing of
Day' Klilncy IM fnr Irw vKckn.
I'u I ii re of the Tomalii, 1
Dnrinjr llio iit fi'W year f florin Imvc
bit n made Id Improve im IrJmnto In hIm,
polidilj') flavor nniLj-nrlluffi! tif mnlurily.
There tins Ircn j'YiWriis, In nil tlicso tlirce
tloin, not pftlmio itmicli actual itnproc
metit n many of us Icllevc, but still pood
tomatnci linvo In tlm now Minis riuiinitii'il
lliflr rriutntliiiie. Old Varieties recm to
gradually jtivo way, or rlio pcoplo tiro ol'
thum, and liu tliry di'nppt'nr, Wo liavo
rt'i toinato llio wtmo n wo lind thirty yearn
nprt, nt lenst Htnler llio witno tiaino, owl
yot wo tiad thru pretty largo nnd good klnd.i
oven at tint thy.
W lluiit enU'rin? closely i til o llio liiclor-
ioil partofllila Ipqniry, wpjnl lliink nnr
tnnintop liavo rral'y iiiinrowil In Miirmtli
Iicm and quality ns n (ciifml tlilnj,', wIimi
anyone lias tnVon nn Intercut In having
n Kood ntlldo j, and in tomto cuitnro there
certainly has heen markid iiniirovtiiiont
Keenly ihcro liavo been brought into iho
oiinmtmlty fevcral Ideas wotthy of nMO In
those who tftivo for tho wry Lett nrtiilo
In reenrd to training, it in nwertoil that
nuie'i hctler fruit-uMiceinlly fur cut I ff
raw -can bo had finm plants fastened In
slant sinker, then when tho plants re nl
lowed to ran at will over llio gtound, or
ven when ihey tiro fnstened to M.iiitlinr
trolli'os. Heavy Hakes arc required of
eouro, ns tho great weight of a plant in
fruit cAimcitlio home by light noke. Slro' p
li'isli' a ato alf.o frequently iikiI.hik they in,
nwor very well, though Sometimes the vines
baconie very dctifo and ohsttuct vnitilalion
nnd tho ready ripening of tho fruit.
In regard to training tho plants, much at
tention hat been given In thinning the
branches, especially when grown nnptfiK't,
and in kliorlciiing tuck mme or the brani'lus
trt within ti few buds of whero tho bent fniii
is to set. Those who liavo followed this iirnc
tloo judiciously report pood rrulti. .
It'll tho latest wvel'y in tomato culture
111 tho matter of root pruning In older to
produeo oarliiicss. In this matter "omo nu
tirishig results liavo been achieved neeoiding
to ihoxo who liavo piveli in thoir oxperienee.
' While tho plants ru youu? I hey arc titnn'
planted fcveral limes, which of coura il
striys some of tho roots, and alter they lie
put out into their final resting places a rqmlc
Js oneo In a while Ihrust down into the
ground a f iot or no fiom tho main stult.
ti this of cour.o MZ9 and pflhaps qualllv i.
sscrlfieod to a few week's earlinexs ; hut
many nro willing to pay this penalty fur the
sake of tho early tli.-h. The principle heir
here is much the saino as is ol'ttn
done to get early grapes when a ring of bin k
is taken off. The supply of f.m l boitiB
oliickcd llio Tesiilt is only fiult, but with
slightly Impaired favor
These aro tho leading suggestions that
liavo been made In improved tomato cul
ture during tho past few years not great im
provements, it is (rue, but still not will" ul
You bet, when coughs and colds are. Hying
about lUe goals In n storm, "Dr. Sclltri'
Cough Syrup" is a suro cure.
I'notite Oultlp.
Xcnrly ovcry farmer ef-rciully llio'i'
wlio liavo plenty ol" money and uro no'
fumicrs to tho manor born lias Ms favmito
Iireed uf cattle. Sliort-liorna Hir a long timo
cnrricvl ttio. day, ami arc yet preferred by
many of tho'o who originally introduced
thorn upon lliuir farms. Assuredly th-y
Cannot .bo furpmscd for beauty mid fjui-
uietry, nnd then thoy mako up belter, wlivu
old, for tho rilmmbles. Then followed iln
Devons, which liavo many btrong poiti's n
their lavor, especially fur hardness aud light
feeders J also for bullocks and fur working.
oxen they have no Kupcriors. Next the
Holsloins gained considerable favor, but did
not long maintain it. Then followed tho A'-
dcrncys now more generally known as Jer-
scys which ntu btill tho pets of a great
many, particularly of those who koep only
an aulmal or two for their private use, ai.d
thoy nro likely to hold their own in the fu
ture) in this respect, ihey nro tho
beautiful of all and the gentlest, and aio
particularly fond of petting and handling.
And now, us the latest populnr iavoritu,
cluics tho Guernseys, which liavo apparent1'
taken a firm hold upon tho farmer both nf
tho solid nnd fitney type who claim for
them, liko for milk nud butter, as well us
eacy keeping and perfectness symmetry, n
superiority over all others. Whether cxper
iouce is likely to establish these claims wo
areuot prepared at this time to i-ay ; but it
looks now as if they had taken a pretty
firm grip on tho people whoso judgment of
cattle is regarded as very reliable. Never!!!
If ta inch cava thoir friends uud aduitrcis.aud
will continue to have. Some farms aro hi t
tigto ono ,bre-d than to another, and that
kind of course thonisouiau will adopt and
prefer to otheis.
" 'Dr. I.lndsey ' Wood Searcher' cured
iny sen rf erysipelas.' Mrs. E. Smellier
Larimer '. 7
Kules Concerning 'otes anil Checks.
The Philadelphia ZeJgtr says : "Th. re
are rome-thlngs which may not be geurrally
Known to some of our readers who do busl
neas at bank, the knowledge of which may
rave them from vexation and posmbla loss,
Ono, Ii that an individual or firm has no
rijht to make n note or acceptance payable
nt a bank at which they keep 110 account,
Should this have been done, however, and
tho officers of the bank refuse to receive tho
money from the makers of the nolo or nc
ceptaace, uo fault ran justly be found with
them furmcli refusal. Hanks yielding to
Mich requests have sometimes got into
trouble thereby, being embarrassed by Itp'g
ular endorsement, etc. A note or accept'
mice made payable at a bank Is liable to to
presented for payment at 10 o'clock in the
morning, and very often is so preseutcd.
The maker of paper payable at bank Is not
notified by the holder of the maturity "d
placSfof being assumed that the
maker lias the knowledge already, The
maker of a note or Rccptauce not mude
payable t bank can pay It au hour before
3 o'clock, though the earlier in the day be
does so tho better it 1 for his credit; while
n note payable at batik ought to be provided
for nt 10 o'clock In the morning. A chick
drawn by an Individual can hot lawfully be
paid niter information o the death of Ihc
drawer has reached the bank ou which the
check 11 drawn, 1'ersona holding such
checks ought to collect them as nuick as ns-
slble otheiwlse they are In a sense Insuring
me lives 01 iiieurnncr. '
,ilvcrl Isiu ClirutK.
It is became to cciniuon la write the be
ginning of an clef ant.lutcrc.tlng article nud
'then run into some adveilitetuent thaj we
nvold all such cheats and limply call at
tention to llio merits of Hop Hitters In as
plain honest terms as possible, to induce
people toglvolhftn one trial, as no ogel
who know their value will ever uaeany thlug
elw, i
ri1!I03n who tiftvri ttniTef A from tlm virion nt com
fiiit nii'ti iorm -i nm nti wmmii'Mi i.jr usurrn. ami
or curl'. nwHltilio kiik i rt'i thlnanrtdon with coiii)rr
sltio anilely. And Wfll thr y tn vi Itir no UUcmo that
nn un mi Duoni'i 14 nnirfinHiir pn Tuirfil nnd ta
oiiutm, nl ftlou nil fTiqafntljr lt I iflccttonil ol
tiut hriflfrtcrt Cuturrti. Otln-r imtiithtto f.Tpctl(in.
ite M A"hfnr, Irtifilrril f reofiriit,iinrt loni -f irnin
oi tmrW, mnr I Tt ft rrra to m tititmr Ini nt?rotthr1e
crlimi r-mlt ut tifilrh'., t'ntnrtti, hni cnoiiith In
lh"fnlTp, but nnotttintftniitifrcf1 with ttm dunjrtr
out ROcctloLi uflht throat main ik Ilitely to follow,
ITcn ncurr1. Tt'crc ti nirtoniit t)fnt it. Thfilm
mcdlftt. r iKf njonl i Ij t'KroRU'i IIaihcal
(.vrr run CaTahrh Ii Imt a Ufalit ey itenc of mht follow pi tflMirMtt un of tiilR rptnedy, Tlio hnl
1n nittt'ilniitK rtiitt ti toOr iHn H itl iAinRrs
it rctnorcd vtlihnfi w mn11ciitmri : ilin ulr r niton ki tl
inflnmiii-i''i tm'nlu't ftrnl fti-ult l . tt-c ntltf mcmVrn
n nlliinirififthi'ti- nliiroclMinncil(Kn!tirftrii, (Jon
ulltiilloi'iiiir ltd nrtlun litlmtui nponrrful purlfjrliiK
pro tit, 1rirrvlnx i Km rnf thr"tiK(i I'm ttpm
fl-n! 1omn( Mr ca In brlrfly nl follow! : I haro h4
TutArrti lor t n )pnr, tAcli jinrwlth lncrtiiitnf kc
vrritv. for ii ne jmrt 1 t ml n t I r.-nthod thruuith
odo noitril. 1 hA'f drcpplrv t In Urn tlirant, arrrr lml
fouiiti. itimAFiibml miIi.- o Ms god tu t k ft rvmedjr
or It at nliilit beforn belrtf bl iu Hi Oown nd alrtp,
una a routnt dull puln In mr hrifl. .Mr b(-A1 n-i
Kt tlm? o mil of rntarrimi m tit r o4 to Injurn my
of hf rl ijf m 1 rimp' I tun i-j fr t up wxt rul tlmri
In tho nltilit to c-U Ar It and mr ti"iit tr fr I could
tW'p, ry oto i'f tbPte flliti rwtuif i) mptonm hA tfl
pp arnl ti'iJc-tbo tua ot rot qnttn ttirr boltln of
hANrntttralUMrAt.Ci'RK. Myhrmtniririrnily rttored
I h ivn no A'tbiiiAtl'' urmptoniH, mi roujfh. no drntiplrtri
In tin iitro.t, tio hlAlllcll, Aid In nrry av bctlvr
than I Iiavd brf n foryrArs. I rinM ftrl Win effect of
theC'UHRbli inv Apprllt,un mr kidney, nd, In fnct
crry pftTt pf mr nvpteni. What habtrn rtone la mr
CAAA ti Kbolljr the ftlect Of tllO lUttlOAL f'rntr.
VfrrrrFp'-rtrullT, C. Jl LA liKN'CE.
Fircunccu. o.t. u.
Indorsed by ft Prominent Druggist.
1 bcrrby rrrtlfr tht Mr, I.Awrrnre pnrclin-io'l thft
It a pi f a it Vvnn or me, nixt fr m ttma to tlmn mrtde too
Umtllnrwltti blirnpc. Ibcllavo bin it At innt to bp traa
in pvprjr pATtlculAr JAS, 1'. litl.UV
FlTcunina, Oct II.
Knelt pAclftiio t iiitA'm Ii C nnf tril't Improved In
SiAltiiif lul tiinl full illrvlUMit for Ha tiAo tn nil cnRva.
'rli'i. . t (iriA'o bvail b"lrAl and ret All (lniK(rtt
nnd ilPAlera tlironifbout th I nltrd HtntPAand ('AiiNdA.
WKKKH Ac l'OTTt.M, (iencrnl AkhI nnd WIioIcdaIo
l'ruKkltii, rotoii, iUM,
An KlTlrn-flnHnnln llnttery -inMm'1 with
u hli: hi 3 MiMllmtrtl MrcnutlifiiliiR l'lantcr,
form (111; tlmlit riatrr for pallia uinl ache a
la the World uf Medicine.
Dr. H. M. Tllkcr, MontROtnprr, 0.
Mi. KrnncfB Uitrrlmtt , orlmi'l, .Me.
llrtrkiU tvwiB.l.t .MIlfonl.lKI.
Mrt, UlcliArd (Inriniiti, Lrncliliurir, Vft.
,1. II. hum nil", Ym.. v Inunrt, Minn.
Mr. .1 . A. 1 urrlc, Mfmpbti, 1 iun.
II. It. (tnocli. I' m . Onuriro. Knn.
Ir. WHUrd Colli i m, Itnrkrport, Me.
V. l.Ftwlch, Kid., Mt, ttrrllnjr, O.
Wr. llzt Younfft (Jmnbrldtia. Mnim.
KranrlA ItAkrr, fq., CtjictniintI u.
Mt. .U M. Uoblntun, K. Orrlniiton, Mr.
N. bbl prick, v at.. " lndppcntrrnt " otiice, N.T.
Mr a K lira J. liuiheld, Hume, 111.
licojirny, Fq , Montlcllo. Minn.
Mm. ttmii. Mound, ttoodtiull, III.
W . II. II. McKlnney. Morrow, o.
Mr. 1. 1-. blPirna, Fort Wayne, Ind,
N m. K. HlmmB, MAdlAontllk, Ky,
Mm. K. Hn-dftl, bt. LouIa, Mo.
ilgr timer Lion, Kai. bun Krsnclnco, CaL
Aud bundrod of other.
Pure hcn All othr remedlfA fall. Coplo of lettcru
flf tnlllnic Aomo AHtonlahinifcurra Hhen All other rcme
(I let h Ait lctn tried mlthoiit lucre, 111 bo ms lie it
tree, no that correnpondenco iiiajt ha timl If tlrAlred.
por tin euro of Lnmo llAck nnd wrAknewcA pecnllar to
ffnmlci, t'oLLtM Voitaio I'LiiTXBt nro superior to
all other citeruat remedies.
H rAreful tocAll forCoLLivs' Voltato Tlaatsr nt
you k t aihiio v orthlr Imlt Atlon. Hold by nl) hole
baIa nnd rrtAll iTrutftflHtA throuuhout ihn United HtAtet
And C'anndAA, and ly KEK3 & J'OTI KU, iTor.rletori,
Jloptrin, Makh.
June IB, 'tU-iy.
NlilW FIUM! WI1ITK, Proprietor ot tho
im sold n half lnlorest In tho Mimotn J. W. Conner,
1 ho cumpHny haco ropairt'il tho works, ana nro pre-
fi.irt'll to iircunimuu.ini mi wnu wnui hujiuiiik iu mo
Ino of Arloultural impVitiMits. Incy hao Just
complelnl n new u ft hand White plow.whlch If po-
BMMP, win vmii ill') riKiifc iiiiiiu. iitu iMiiiavu jnuttp
or lointirsforihH9mu(. A t)t'Wlhrehfranrt Clean
er w ItU ccniro tluko of rid Jlo thoc, called tho
White TIircNlicr nnd Cleaner,
with bothleer nnd railway powernon a urratlv
Improved plan.' Wo mantifaeturu LAND K()Lu:iS
wiilt tvist Irun hen H, o rn Plows, double nntl Mnelo
Ctiitlvatnr Mde hill Plows. Mill Oast I mm. Turning
of every doserlptlon dono wltu promptness. Wo
m'oi eonsuinxiy un iiiiuu n mru nsMorimfiitoi now
shnroH for our own and mnnv other blows that aro
used In tho country. Wo willnut be undersold In
worK or muunai oi u.u fiin. nuaiuy. aii our wotk
Im warranted toc vo atiinction. or Iho rnonev re-
funircil. WKl'KVY COMPK'lTltiN. Farmers, nnd
thfltmhtlo In reneral nro uonet-tcd to call and ei-
uimno uproro purcnaMng n&cn u-re.
Jul. 10. 10-y URANOCVILLK, l'A.
Literary Revolution and
An Kncyloturdiii in
yona niipreceuenin in uook publishing, may
An hncylojiowlln in 20 yOLS, over lli.000 puces 10 rer cent more in.itttr tlmn anv En
vcloptuiliu ever before publistml In Ihix country, ami solil, haiuUoniely nnd well bound, in
lotli lor flO. in half morocco for J; 5. nnd nrintnl
In hnlfliuhu irilt ton for $20
Tin? r run niv nr.' Trvrri'i)3 1 r ir,.nn.r ..nn. . . . . - .
,.",, "l',.T "lf"-u ivnun LiMHii; is a reprint mitre nl the lat
(I87U) Ivl tiburR edition of "Chamber's E leyeloino lia ," with almui -10 nrr ner cent of nen
matter added, upon topics nl pecial imerel
In character to nny similar, work, better thau
majority who consult works of relereticeanc!
prTii'TOlunw.' in e,Ulcr til0 ror camlnitlon
NmtL! Illr..nni to all early subscribers, and cxlra discounts" to clubs Full nurlleulars lib dtuertn
tlvocatalotfuoot many oihcr nUudint works eimallj-low m price, sent tree. P"riicuiaraiiniKfcrlp-
LeadirJB principles of the American Hook Vxcliaiir.
I. l'ubllsh only books otreaUalue.
!!r UFn lt'e baSls ut pa'8Cnl cost of mMns boolis' at,out or ,l at H n 'ew ears ago.
lir. Sell to bujers direct, ana savo tU,-m 30 Ui oo nor cent, commissi, mimn, n...-...i . .1.. ,i,"
SSfMI iS Sw Sffiifrf "m6
books nnntar in and linn u ,rt hi'r.'.,, ,n ".'.".h
. - kimiH nuuiuiut luai. uul u nut uiiii 111 iti.'ir
"u " iiseuu 13 oeiier tnau to inak0
Library ot Universal Knolortte, 0 ots , jie
MllmAn)! IllhbonV ltimp. Anl c nn 1
-Maeaulej 'a History or nuRlnml, t vols., Jl.m.
Chamber's f clopa'dla ct i:nff. literature. 4 vols. t.
Knight's History or Ku?!and, 4 vols., 13.
I'luiarcbV II en ot Illustrious .Men, s ids., tl w.
tielkel'B I Ifa and Wonts or Uirlsi, 60 cents.
lumiKn lump vuui.uiu(iuLr, ou,wu reitreuccs (pre
Acme IJbinryo'tlilosraphy, so cents.
Ilimlf or fillips. .I!sn ttf Illn. r.m.n..
Mtllou'seompletii I'oetteal Works, en cents
Mukespoaro's eompleto works Ta cents.
works ot Dante, IraoslaU'd by Car), to cents
Works ot Virgil, translated by Hryden. . cents.
me Koran ot Mohammed, translated by Mta S3 cts.
Adienturesot Don liulxote, thus., do cents.
Arabian NlRhts., lilus , no cents,
liunynuH 1'Iliilui's Trogress lllus., 6e cents.
Itoblnsou rrusot lllus . u eenis
Munchausen and lulllver'sTraels,inu8..tio cents
...... ...... v'i.h.- i,,iiui:h, 1UUS., ,
hu.h. vi wvuvm i"illlii,wiECUIS,
Itetntl.lir Ivinlr rlrstr mnnnv . . . . '
tu poSa swrnni . AUdrSi' '
iohv it vmrv r AMKBIUAX 1I00K EXOHAXHK,
JU1UN 11. AU)IA, Manager. Ti II.iiim, ILilhll,,,-, jv,." Yoi U-
1. liabyMiuo.
t Ella It
. 1 he Old Cabin Home.
. Tho Mttlo ones at Home.
24 Km n t,rt iw
MnSiH1). You on'1 1 Nu'tu
vSrTSri ..
W. cottace by the Sea.
sa iirnir,ii, .V. ,. ,iS.''",:1Jturren' 4,',Ml1 wooden ltocker'
isofiS ..i. '.?L1(l' . .. Speak, OnW t-ivali.
Went outr ""eiuou'iu . i nnclns Around lth Clmrlle. OjXk
si old Mb.. tH.m-.,,- imk..14"-..?., Iok.but ,ou musnt CMJ
11-rted by the Itiver side. ton Wtor M-vomie ' it
M. Jhen 1 saw seet Nellie Home, IM. strancers Vet lff
41. 1 Cannot Call Her Moih-r. im Cannot sinir thn old Snr,
clmi? cn"nJI"l'e''t8- Jtrkljont Vouiio, Tommy, nont
ft 5?J k 7,u,Tk: 1 ll'"Bla -m. Don't bo nnirry wl h m dariutl"
S"nV.?xn,,1i l,,','t'' the Sea Ini-Tho old viflace k-hol'l ou BS
us. Tho Mtustrei riov.
to. Take Hack tho Heart.
Tt 1 he faded Coat ot Ulne,
74. Msrerv Davo
TJ. Her Mulo Mitood on thoshuam
tat Deck-ltecliatlon. h
T. Mr Old Kentaeky Homo Clood
T..'r&ArtK,Near.ndye,Som;U'J'ou'.,Wl're bUU'" W
""oi oi nunter nui. ws, o , Ixnr Cabin in the Dell
! i li ' J 1 B!,r5 i 1 y. M. aier" Wtr isotllyTMotheri djInir.
S' i".?" t."1"?. Tc-ulf ht Loie. 111. Will j'ou Una 'me when I'ni Oldr
S.- ""K , ' Corno Into the Oarden. Maud,
i,fi,i '."''"".".'''iV'here there's a wUlthere'saway
w. Sunday Miht When tne luriorl t. Annlo Laurie
UU. m, Sherman's March tn Ihn mm.
to, ino oypay's Warnlnir.
V NHlOClni? Ill thrt ljtn
IW. Tn tut a Little Kadwl Tlower.
i" uin i leu jtenuiu e.
jjj Ulllolluttercup.
Th. flt.l ll.. I...
i s iff mi r ift
lit. Take .Me llaek to Home
lw. uiiue.slt by my s'de little
Ul. KUi ins mother kUs our danuitf
1W. A Flower from Mother tlrave.
iw.l tie lUJ Iv cabin on the
ittJ. The Skids re out to-dav-,
ISO, ecmlm? lliro the Ityr,
u.Tho fialdos on our lilook.
Dnuchy & Go's. Advt's.
W A. A A fc If; (I
bnf(l unit rsljlpp'1 onlr fss. Now IMinors imtn
tl imi.rr-M'ilsMmiiifr ntt 't III hM rrr-o.Aitdrcss HAN
I1IUTTV, WKliliialon, N. it my SI ow
i- i a l . r Mftlt us h
X3001C ZAgencs 1 jour a.llrofs.
it Will
TOVJOll, A. (I itTilN a to.,
I'lllll, (I
(81 loininoroo nlrut
may xi sv
A n.TKttVCl WANTKtl tyi ntnvass for tho
iMJCEJVi AO now and Ijcautltuliy lllastraluct
An nul h'-nt 10 ivnml of hloiir ' hro'iKh t ho H tin h rn
Hint' n, vuhti nnfl Mi'Xtro, wtih completu lilsiory ot
nllco'mtrlci In tlm TMptcn of t rtrr-tl aihI wmi
AlibTliM n ) full ncfoiiiittit Uio Inti Mkicitcili' Ci
tiMi. lUtKirniiil uilh tm in Hint iliittrianit. nttd K'o-
, trnplileiil hko'ih rf IV Minninl !' Ii'itw, Kurrtr
ruumaiul t-rtirt, mKlrciis II. V. KKM.Y (M-JMill-
nut'ipni.t, rit, u mry vi v
rpIIKWH li nn ffrn(or lU.dOP-I'UmFYINO ftlift
jjki; uivi.Ni) rr ncipio in ino worn or inr'm-
rlnpllmn LT Ml 1 Twits prepirntl tv th" Mai.t
ihitkhs l ivrANvirmn i niunnnn'ii mhiiiiihi ihm'
It Is it tffo,t lifiii)vuttr vt fci'blH and i-xlmustnl
ronlltutiiris, H I'lirU'tiof tho blnoil, MilliMlos tho
liuiu'i. lirtnl"im Ihn niHsdoH. quiet a 'ho norvi's, per
lectnl'sr'HlIon. chcpr lha inlnil, uinl vit-nlUes with
tifw lite fvcrv IlnhUjf Ihcboily. It H mo. Iicchu (t
Ptikfs nt tho root nKian'lHiu
(KriOX iin.l I.MI'UVhKISdKU IlU M. Mill i'V
Cf' where. d may 7, 'Mw
Wicwri., llio worlil renowned repiitnllon ot tho
v hito, downier Mafihme
i ii. i ii. r. inn ii t uii-ni iiiiiiiuii'. i:iiui)"iimi in I rsui i. iu
"11 klnilH ur moan inrkn to lujuro ItH repuutlon, wn
Ixtf to caution all lntcntllug purchawrs not to buy a
Whitiv Machine
ptpcpt from Itfl letfUlarntttlKTloi rtenlers, who will
bu sufrtalntti by the rollowlng warranty.
White Slmttls SLWiog MacMiie,
I't.VTE Nf.MIlBI! loaililll KD1I PWIILY IM'IUII.
This wnrranty ox'epta tho breakage) or niTdles
bohiiiim a'.il KDntili't.
Thti warrunty will not bo rmstiilnctl ui'less iho
plrne inimtipr tbovo clvcn eurivt-jMiiitl- wiiu t lie
nmnber on Ihn Unlltlc ineoullite. lieAnre ol dcfaceU
or iinereu numoerH
WHirn HKWiN'n v ;iiiKnrvi
Tho "WHITE" Snutt e Scwinir Machiao
HasoHKiiriKotrAciTV than any ether fmnllj MowlnB
.iiiuiuuci .ur uuiii; eerj variety ti uorK.
.1. SALT7.UU, tlone'iU Aent.
HIoOnuliurL', To.
be Cilrly claimed to Inaugurate a LUerary
to American readers, thus makliiL' it
any rthcr Milled to the wantMif tho ereat
altogether the lite.t EocyclnpinJIii in the
with prlvllego or return on receipt ot proiwrttonato
b Uut ,n,c"on ,h0 c,tet wh'n a " a '-
L"!. '.' Vu " ' .resorieu Ul 10 IUJKC
Jj and an enemy.
American I'atrloll'm. an cents.
?.".'.?'.!"''.""'? uf ''ff'h llteralnre, rs cams,
t'ecil's Hook ot Natural HUWry $1.
..v...i,i i.nuij- wjoti, id cents.
fa lutfs. y author iX xnirrowirrasa Papers,50 cents
rs. ileraai's iwtteal Works, n cent ;
Uttp'sfjc picJl.ililb llternture, a v iH., i,
ltollin'u aneleut.hltoi.$jM "
i-uilih'a Dleilouary or the mole, lllus,, :,
Comic History of the l) h., Hopkins, lllus., tin cents.
L brary Magailue, in cents a number, II a 1 ear?'
library Matnulne, bound volunie-s. on cents.
Lcacs from the diary ot an old lawyer, t.
Keaeh of tho nbVrt liming In Inil, 1,.. ..
m,k?M t. '."i0 olis ar" pubilsheff In
uo mumuja ui uifc'utr prices.
Ilr.rrlpllte ChihIouii nii.l lerms tn Club
i-in irrw on rt'iiur.l.
by "press,
Krocllons ot one dollar may bo sent
ItSS. Hie llallunv Dnor
Msr, liarlinir liessie ot the Lea.
iss ihc Kiss liehlndthe.Door
139. I'll ItememK-r Vou, Lote.ln
i'.' "auahter Julia
Massa'aindeCold. Cold firmind.
1 V
III. Ulrta'tlonot tho ran comic.
1W. w hy Did She Leave him.
its i nou iiasv learned io tove An
other. a. 1 hero's None Like a Mother, If
iJO, lamentation c-l Jsmes Itoders.
nt, con e ninlle, come.
m. Now I lav me down to sleep.
fs. Aiiwnir'lho Hoses.
C"a'rl" WSbr IP?
-l M n..' t '.l L. n V
" ,fer inushtcn or Chickens
Mother 143. ohl Itemdulden sUnoers.
iUUIol'IiI'1. 1'oor. but a Uentlemau tiu'.
U Nobody 'it darling but mine.
31. Tut my UtUe sh(s awu.
m. Darling Nellie Urar.
i Liirirown4ujr.
4. ten Duii
HT. Hood-Jam. HK(fi-art.
Indian Blond Syrup.
77 W.3d St., New York City
Vlxca). i'tvcv cC
finite. Minima.
flsm, Jivihi.
Blllo un ess, Yervo us Jit Ii I Illy, rtc,
Tho Eost REMEDY KNOWN to Man I
;o,ooo agents n.tTi: sor.n finxn is;o
9.000,000 Botties.
This Syrup Possesses Varied Properties.
It uttmalntr ihn Pytynlino In llin Hnllrrt,
rlilrh cotiTPrt llio Alnrrlt nn.I fnitfir of the
food Info Rlucoftp. A tlfflclrncr In i't)nllnn
rnaticii Wind nttd Ruarltirz of th' fol lit tlm
itomnrh If the in)llcln Ii inkrii Immrtll
nlrly nftr r rnilnf tho fermentation offuotl U
It nrm upnti tho T.trrr
tnct(t upon ihn Ilrfnrr
II Hrc"l'itr llio HoircliJ
II l'urinra Iho Illnnd.
t Qulotn tho Verrou Hfttcm.
It l'romotr-sj Dlroilnti.
It NourUhr Niri'Tcihrn nnd TnvIcnTntr.
It cnrrlcfl oil Ihn Old lllood nnd liirtkrM icit
It open Ibo parr f Iho klu mid Inducrri
llenlthy rpnplrniiatit
It noulralizci tho lirrwlllary tilrt, cr po!F0n In lt
ilood, which fcneralcfl Scrftfi.U.ljyniiHlas, nod nil
mtnoer of Biln tHeaw rnd Internal humors.
There aro no f plrits vmployod In Its muiiifacturo.
It cui bo tatru hy t!to most delicuto habo, or hy
the aged anil feolda, tart only itt'ng r'aireJ in at
ttntian ta dtrtcticnu
rmcE or lasos eottlis, . 51.00
miCS 01? fi'-TALli EOTTLIS, - - CO
of Persons who ruYe been CURLD by the
use of th Bl OOD PURIFItrn.
Jlnvaro of counUTfclt. Mpdlclne. I einploj 10
agents cr I unnei a lo so lclt trado from drtiifgUts.
llo4t Mcdicino Kver Uced.
Knton, w yfrntnc, I'n.
Dear Sir: I had htn troublrd lor it loiitf tlmn
with a Cain in mv stornafh, nnd found i:u tritrr
until 1 heenii utr g 3'our Indian lttocil Hrup. Illnd
It iho host rmUichio In um. and I enn rt'cnnmnid It
to nil, oil nnd roiin? U Kaves inany dollars in
doctors' hllli.Hndtmc hir-i hottlo did mo moro fcood
Ui iq ilvo doll. us worth ut other im-dtctne.
Marlam Lnhnrr.
An AatoiiHiintr Cure.
Monroo. Wyoming cnuutv, I'u.
Dt-nr Mr: I It id liecn n nilctt'd w It h a Coiuh.
ot Appetlto nnd DHpeislrtfor tt'n jvnra. 1 could
not properly attend lo my lniatni's. and hearlnir ol
your Justly ci leliratod IndUu HtoodHvrup, I rioled
in ir It. which 1 did. iul In a short tlmo win much
lmnrood. Inowlunou ood Appttltc, nnd have
enjoyed good health ever bIlj I commenced Its u&o.
.1. Lnbarr,
6ick Ht.nlacht? Cured.
Jtowman'H Creole, Wyomlntr county, 1'ft.
Dear Sir: llivihlclc llcatHcho and bytlmuwof
your Indian llltnMl3rup I wum yivully relieved, I
rvuoiDiufim uu iu ry 110 t uiuauiu prii'.i Lit .
.1. . uurncii.
The Keineily tlil more tlmn h1u Expfctnl,
Npwtcin. Licomlmrtounty. Pa.
Hoar Sir: Tho lr.dlnn lilood tv rim did mom thin
I exptctt'd It would uud 11 has curid mo of l.her
Uomphitni. 1 Ubu tt usa Medicine uud Wuiild nut ho
wunoui iu
irs. aiftry uiurman.
IIcvIacIic and I) ?.'iit"i.
WltllainMiort, t4e itVmr county, l'a
Dearlr! Your Im Un IthwidiS i un lias cured mc
ol ilcadach. Dlzitliiom nnd Idisor App ilt-.suthat
I am now umo iti wuik iu my ucioi). My v ul uf
rlved more bcut-lU irum lis Uao than from any othir
Htnry liusscl.
Would not ho W itlinut il.
'll'lamiptrt, lcomlii; ounty. Pa.
lvar Sir: Tlm Imt an I'.loodSviuii U the iic-t
oei tiod nud I would not ho without It, It is wd
tor an coinpminis,
I) nf the Stntitneli.
Ill ton. Wvomlnir count v. Pa.
Dearer: This U to ecitlfy that I had a Wenk
Stoni.ich and coidd tint nu mmt or un v li.-ui tv fmi
whatever. Hya trleuJ's adv ce I tommeiuj.-d tho
u-ic of o-ir Indliii lUintSprup which utttr a bhort ctToctiuily ltlievod ino and I mm now eat
amllitutf I choose. Your hrup gives uulurail
KlIZrtlM'th Uadsall.
All thai it rocnmnn?nded to lit-.
(tnt'rn lIoti"i. Polumbla. l'a.
Dear sir: 1 have uod jourexcclleiit Indian Mood
?jrun ana u ims i)rovcn jul as rcpiescnieu. i can
recommend it to all.
Win. Koehow.
WhoIcMlo -Merchant, 6th street.
Unanimous Kecmumendatinu.
Tbc following add thtlr testimony for tho Indian
itiouu n.vnip:
11. i:. tlrealT, enfflneer V It It.
J. (1. Mnllti, at 11 tld win Meel Work?.
Mix snder. or Onlumhln.
A. Ilrener, of Wnshlngtonhurijh.
John Kenjs. ot sato Harbor.
Would not be Without it.
Ponton. Columbia count v. l'a.
Hear Sir: I havo used oir excellent Indiin
ihmjo rYKir anu nave nuencamucn iKjneiit lucre-
irom. i com a not get aiong w ltiiont iu
Mrs. Harbor
Never .Fails to Cure.
East. Lemon Wvomlnp Co. Pn.
Pear Sir I wass:ck for three )enrs, and under
profesfttoiml treatment most cf tho tlmo without bo
in tern tiled. At last 1 was Induced to try your
inpian in .oop biyrtp anil altera snort inai, l tuund
nij in ueiicr uoaim man i iu.i neon lor bix j ears.
itirs. iiieruu Udu
Sure Curo fr hiver Complaint.
KohrshuriT. Columbia Co. la
Dear Mr i This U to certltv Hint our Indian
IitouSYBurhas ht-cn used by mo, for MverCom
plaint, which had been iroubllnp me for a lone tlmo
I derived moro bonetlt from iho uso of tho srup
than from any other medicine. I heartily rcrom-
uicuuu, aim an use au sunercrs iq rive it a inai,
LP smith
Ln-w of Appelite,
Itohrshurir Columbia count v Pa.
Der Sir: I have ust-d your excedem Isnus
UuKiDSittrt'Ior Loss of .ppulto wnd Weakness or
the V.oniiicli, with vers twut-ncUlivsnits. 1 believe
vour medicine to lo the greatest blood purliler
known. aud antso all who may ueBufTertDiras I jta
iu ive u ftieeay inai.
Mrs. E Avery
Pains In Sliotilders.
Itehrshur'. Columbia rountr. Pa.
Dear Sir : TnUj.H to cerllfy that vour Ikimw
Pi-oou HyauPhHR (Tfcatly relieved me uf Pains II the
Huoulder and Chest, which I had been ufllleted with
ior ) ears, t recomineua u v cry mgniy.
Mrs. Ury Welsh,
Kidney Complaint.
IK nr flan. Columbia Count v. Pa.
Dear Sir My rather has been ftumrtmj with
Kidney complaint for a loptf llmo and had been un
der doctors' irentmeut. but tho doctors could not
effect a cure. I have toen subject to a Numbness
and Weakness in mv I-eft Arm. Wo obtained wine
of your lova'uablft Indian iiiood hvncp irora our
Auent. Wuu 11. Potter, and It has cured my father
cuuuueieiy. aim my nrm u mniii wiier. ii uoea not
irouuiome mucn. vour medicine is excel
Joslah John.
Female Complaints.
Hear nan Columbia eountv.
Dear Sir: ThW is to certify that I purchased s-me
of jour iNr-UN ltiAon Sybvp lor my wife for lniu
mat In a an J Female complaint, and it has riven her
it; in i.
J K Herncr
Heat Medicine KcerUed,
Dear (Jan. Colombia countr. l'a.
IVarSlr: My little sun was troubled with his
water passim: from him constantly, day and night.
i cui auiitnt i n u uuviun ami gn o mm uif aicino. out
without effect. I bought some OS yourcclehrated
Inpun ltux)D Sykvi. a bhort trial ot which, cured
Lambert camp.
spepsla aud Indigestion,
Numlda. Columbia Count r. Pa.
DearSlr For many jears my vvlM wa- anilcted
with Dyscp!la, aud vve spent considerable money
without receiving bem'Ut, We procured Rome of
our iNuitN ihjouu btkit iiuubut) otxnu io impruv o
tu health from tho tlrue the comeno u lis uv.
Solomon l)Snder
Llyer ComnUlnt,
tvtitrall.i, Columbia Co. l'a.
Dour Sir Tills ts tocerufr tLut 1 uuh ui.uhII nn.1
could noarvfljr attend to my ort. I tliliik uiy Uut
was anei'toil. I nrucurtMl some tr vour Ixuiin Ttiinn
DiKir uuu uuw. uiifr m .nui i mu, icui ueanew
uxaa, 1 rccoiunieau iu ue to a'l.
naniei uooam&n.
l)yiepia and Neuulgia.
Ilydo I'ark. Luieruc Co., ix
I)oar Sir: Your valuable Imhin liLoouhmri. Iih.
enrcted a nermanent curu In mv cum, i h.i h.n
mulcted wlUi lutt ll) 5if iiil.l aud Neuralgia, but urn
uow entirely well.
.Mrs. joua j uornion,
liiliou Stomach Cured.
lydo Tarn, T-uierne Co., P.
lear Hlri I haM been troubled uith iinmn.
Complaint uud by tka u c t your Ir-DttK IIloop
T jieiwl Cured.
lljda I'ark-. tuierne Co , l'a.
Hear Sir iYour raluabla IhuiAK lluiin .mr. hn
cm vd ma ot V) .'la.
Liver CoainUiut.
Hyde fait. Luzerne Co., l'a.
Dear Mr :l Uave been Irtiubled with UnrOom
plaint, but I TrurvrmanenUir cured buslnzjour
Ttluible Ikduh iluwo brat-r.
Mr. Q P lierUnrame. i
Some Reasons why those Suspenders
are better tfrnn others.
1st. They contain no
2d. They will wear
3d, The cords run over pulleys, and conse-
(luently there can bo
them out.
A th. There can be no
bullous, it being the
ponder in the world.
Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter,
ABtOnieninaiy UUrnDlO Una vomerjiun njwr.n-'nfi nirn nrui ino uam yvnn iinu uiw.
fatares ot i'owpr. Darnlnl'ty, hjtfr'r, !cononiy, and IWaaty entirely nnlaiown Ii other mnke. Mi'imi
INmrr Oiilllm nnd Hlcnni-l'mirr hrpnrulMW n Mieclnlty. t.r rim vt btparatora, Inmi
tlx tn twplvo honw iowort nlo two ftIc Iiiiiirmrd alloimird loro rmrr4.
Thirty-Two Years of Prosperous nnd Continuous Business bytluhoni.,wituoutchanco
PAIITlnM ? litfijl icwft .nl irul.rltr of
I our i8KATo llnchlfiprr hu drlrt-n othv
In j ta build nnl jalw elf laroriur oui moncrt.l Imlutlant ot
t-y inch MKrImrntnl ant wortlilt'M machinery. If you boy
t ml. Bt (Lo Mtrltilnnlanil tho "(JcnulntM rrom un
CJVor full pnrtlr nhtr call on our rtuak-ri, or urltit
ta ttt for lllu(rV"l 1 Ire tlnri, whkh e mall free. AdJrcn
HICHOLS, SIIEPAni) & CO., Battle Creek, Mich.
I KltlL1I.ll (V II ltd. TurhotVlllr, I'n, Akin,
Mir Ji
over all competttori t
only practical testerer
held at International
Dairy Kalr. Iho box
contains no floats or in
aido (fesr. which mash
corner in wuicu mo
cream can lodge, to bo
i wahedlutotlio butter
milk and lost when tho
huttftr ornrAtf Tho
bnttor Rathe rt In beantlfal (rrannlea (tn tho beat poe
aiDie couauiou ior wasniuK iu um en urn hhu mm
water and brine). . This chara needs only to bo loen
to bo appreciated. Circulars aeat oa application to
u tHurrruataa or th riiiaairiD
BcIIowr I'alls, U
fob 13, 17W
Ir t "M 10 "" -AllhtiK-tlvtlrst-clasi
1 lY i V.'kSolJ nt Wholi naif H'nctnrj pili'es.
Ill lusi I imnrH nt tvnteniildl hxhll.lilon. .i1.iliiu
ntick'8 Kcilf for quaro tir.uiiis. On. tt I prlRhm In
Ami-rli-n 1-.U0 In iibi1. llnlntoiiue 0(4 iwiri-s frfi'.
JlJIHI.Ki: OHdA.NS.rlio lion In tho wonil. An st.t"p
orynu only t tsioni, rjt circular fn'o. .Mlai'iit
oiiis (lays freu If unsallstdcrory. Kni'tii
rv 57ih stioi-l nnil mth Avenue. SI1KKT Ml'SIU
nt price. Catalocun of :i,i I i ( 1 t My
cliolcu pieces sent for so bt mp. I J t V X
Auaroj..iuiii-.isutift i'i"iiuu., i
nprll, J,Mi-3m ndco
"A tre.ulti'i on Clironlo PUeatp."(mbinclnff (M-
tarrli, inroat, Lunjrs. iieurt, N'omacu, i ivt-r. Kid
neys. Ciluary nnd Feiiult DHashh : also Hlo.s; Mut
iree to any umiresa. Kvt'ry buuer r from uvw
oases can tH'curi'd, send for UiW book to vhe under
signed, n ptHslclunoIIirt'u tiwriMi.c enitrsfdUv
htiLdrt'd uf It'diltiic clllzena hu I(t1f to liU skill.
heud stamp toniy potigd toe. K Livingston, -M,
it., ziai hupen&r siruei, iouhio, i mo.
aurll a, VMy wiro
Thousands sufferlnc from Dyspepsia, llabltn i!
Costhenew, Lhtraud Kidney complaints, scrofula
ana kitifireaaiseasea, wiuuan vfuiHioujni- tins new
and wonderful dlsm v ry.w lilcU nan dlstaw conquer
or and health restorer, has no equal In modern med
icine. Tho (treat Mexican liemedv was flrht lntrn.
duced Into California la 119, where In a few months
it effected fo many wonderful curea sto create a
demand for the medicine irom Maine to Ho rid a, it
H iho only medicine In ihewcrld compounded from
(ho not he plants, roots nnd herbs or Mexico It
cures all Humors, from tho uorbtM' ft com -monbMcti.
pimple, or truptl rn. while tt clears and
heaul tries the complexion. In dbeasesof iho Mom.
iicli, Mood, Uver and Kidneys it lu- pcrmtuently
cured thousndscl hopelesi cases w litre nil oilier
know n remedies had failed, one doo will cure any
ciibeof sick lloidnclie. 'two does will break up
anv ordinary coujth or cold. Persons feurrertng u
Heartburn, Wa'erbrahh hour sionuu'h.HHUoiunesa,
'(Mt renew, riles, ralpltattou of the Heart, Ijw
splrtix. nnd kindred affetllons, win jind Iho Mexican
rnady a witt and suro rtllet. 'Iho irenulite is
placed before tho public, t ndcr the lollowittfname:
Herbaliue Bittera the Groat Mex
ican Romedy.
Call on jour dru?lt and get a bottle of tho
Mexican Itemed)- and voa tnce jourselttlnt tt Is the
Host Medicine lu tho World.
Thetradd supplied by lolm Keeshan, Wholesale
Prusgl-st. N. V. corccr cth and Walnut streets, cin
r Intuit, u.
(leneral AtrcnV for the United States.
aprll t, lMLiy wAco
fligtest Meia! at Vienna asi PHlaielpHa.
E. & H. T. MTHONY & CO.,
591 B roadway y New York.
Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers hi
Velvet FramesjAlbums,Grnjhoscopes
Un: ravings. Chronics. Photographs,
And klmlrwl gooda CiU-brittca. Actresses, etc.,
Wo aro IU adiuar'eis for over llilng In the ay of
Storo:pticons and Masi: Lanterns,
FaclistilelH'lutholstPf Itsclwsln the market,
lkauMtut rhitO''rai U'c Tranbnartucl i of btatu-
ary and Knirr..v Mr for the wliidou.
tii'ivei tsliM. slur.ufactureM tl Velvet Frames
ior m luuuurt . auu iuu ex u kis iic.ures.
rataloirtti'a of I anterni and MMrs. wlUi drec.
ttoas lor u.lag, M'ut ou receipt cf ten an.
llanututurere ot
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs,
First-class ork always on hand.
rrl'w reduced to nmt the time.
m IT 7 T Morphine Habit currd lu III t
1 U ll L doj s.o pay m cured. I)r. J. I
rus Ubauou, O. wiio aprU,to-i
A HKNTS WANTED for the best and fastest telllnir
pictorial llM'U and liible. I'rlceg reduced si
Kter-V inwu. Fisuamxa Co, rhlladelphla.
tdd cipr, to,
longer than any other
no chiihnu; (
strain on any of the
only sell-adjusting sus
Threshing Machinery and Portablo
and Traction Engines,
THE OTANDARD u tirtllcnco throughout tU
Tinroni Mark.
in Quaiityot ."Material. rerjretto
kuianaulp. KUgant l-'inUh, r.nj
' Ht'f of STddl.
riARVPLOUR for raitlti trr tor work In nU IM
(jriibi.nnil ynirrmllit Konun as tho only rtnricnvli.l
for Coitimlddt.lIinitiMir, NmihM 1 Union rimiHlc.
lOMliOuA YKAII. or S3 to
nay in jourowu lacauiy. o ru h.
omen (io as en us men. jinny
mike nioioMian the iimr.untPtt
ed abot. so one can fall o mat
inonev fast. Anv one can do tl
work. You cm make I rum w cenls to tl nn hour I
devoilntjyuur eu'MiiKsatid pie time to the loud
nens. Itco.s(s nothtneto tiy Hit' biMnew. Nolhitifi
like It fur inonev miiklntrewr offertd btlorc. luisl
ness pleiuant undMrlelly honornUln. lender, If uu
want lo know all about Iho Lett pjjlrpbiistn"Kfi tuv
fore ilieimtillc, send us jour address nd wo IU
send ou full pnitlcutarH and private term1 ne
sain Dies worth also tree : sou can then i nk I
yuiirmlnd for yourself Addre&sUKOlKlKSTlNs'JN'
& CO.. roitund, Maire. oct 3, 'in ly
ITsoiluthe principal Clin relies for Communlen
Speer's Fort Grape Wine
flints Celebrated Native Wine Is inado Irom the
L juice oi tae uporio urape, raised in ima I ouuty
ltd invuiuablo
Tonio and Strengthening Properties
are iinsurrusiia liy nri) other Nnmo Hlne. Iletng
inn juiu juiuv 111 in- iiiup, jiruuuiTu uuncr .Mr.
pee'a own per&cual supmlslun. Its puilty and
Bi-nulncncts are guaranteed. The jouiigrhi child
may ra-tnkoot ltairenfrous iiua!ltlos. and iho weak-
est luialld use It to advantnpfl. H U particularly
L.-111-ui.iai iu ihu uru uuu uruuuuieu, ll"U suueu lo
the vinous ailments that arfeet I he eaker f ex. It Is
in eicij ii-siiti. a i.r. iu iik J( u,
P. J. SIlCM'V.
Tho P .I.SllEllllVlsa Wine of Superior rhiracter,
and partakes or theeolden qualliie or the erape,
irom wuicu it is inaue. For l'urlty, Itlchness, Flavor
MUU.UCUIW111U luiriiivn, ii nui ue louna uuexccuea
1. .1. ISr;iBiBy.
This lilt MV8tjinds unrivaled In this Country
belntf far superior for medicinal purposes.
IT IS A I'U it K dM Illation from tic crapcaudcon.
tains valuable medicinal properties.
It has a dellcato flavor, similar to that of the
grapes from which It Is distilled, and Is tn great favor
among tlrst-class families.
See that the signature of ALFRED SHEEH, rassilo
.1. u., 19 OUT IUU UVIK OI t RCI1 IXUlle.
June ST, lsTHf
Rowell & Oo'b. Advc'a.
UCPt In the world. lA&ts loncrer than i mi.
Always in good condition. Cures sorea. cuts, cruises
r." .". uui. inuu iuuio muu ioo IIIlliailODa.
Mery packairn has tho trade xuark. Call for the
r may 14, 4w,
Fort In regWered letter, we v iu send two Abal.
one hi-lls. I hey are large, and contain all thocol.
orsof the nlntiow. lines an Inch wmara sold at
iiioivnieiiniii! tor 60 cents. W. X a. HALL, Los
, . r nny u rw,
Penoock's Patent Roafl MachiDB
Keeps Hie highway five Hires better for half the
prcseutj-ost. Is rapidly oomlng Into fnor In cltv
und country, circulars free.
H.YM'L I'ENNOCK bO.NS, Kennett Square, Y&.
r may It iw.
A YBAK ana expenRtji to aifnta
l utnt Fre? . Addrcasf. O. VICKkky.
I'l l I Augusta, Maine.
To evei y working agent male or female.
Agents are clearing from Mto lliad.iyon our
gooils In addition lo above premium, hend 11) ceml
for sample or 11 for run outnt ami .m-nra
ly. Tus tKk..N0tu l'fBLisuiMjCo.1Le,burir I'aT
obtained for disabled soldiers, from dtto of dls.
rharge. If appllcatloo la Died before July ut. lSl
Pensions Inrressed. Send posUgs for nevr la2
lilatiLs, and Instructions. Address, fc
... " I'rtlClNnKlt CO
tsroidcst Claim a gtney tn Uio ymu-i fcuits.
Muttt lt,a,
Silverware. Watc'nos. Jewelry Clocks &e,
Ml klnittrf Wuiii"i, (1o('s nml.tewilry neat-
,i irrum'ti nni wninwii'-u.
it. 14 ir
-n r "t rtci tlt''"1 forr lrr$'(o'"
dotdi'n llioiwlil' nt Moihrr, I'r mo nrul I """"j J."
prow nrm pm irv, nrwim; T.' .y'i.i k ,.,.;..?,.
tii.trntrii fioHw.Mfr)iKiy. .!; isn Miwiti'i-
Sen lli wiirl over T.ii" . ipli'i. Mo.Klr Autliorlicd
scrinnnf!, 12 ii. Mfillod on p crlpt of jrlo '.
1 i:. 11 thi:t, riLi.tfiiFj,
npr, bd, 'so-lm n'rt Ko.n.rjnroJUivoy,icw iuin.
a i;h.k tn your own town, nnil no cap
ItnlrMteil. S ou ran go lire bu.loi ss
irl il without fxpi'tiw. The In topportu
nltj cier r.nircl Tor thnwi wllllm; In
noik. Youtlioulil tn ruillilntfdso until
nin.t'Pf.r30uriltwnat3'ou rnn rtont
ii.. wn f.rfiT. M irwin to explain nerc.
You rnn itfvotn nM our tlmo or only jour pparo
tlmelotlicl.iKlnoHi.nnflmnko prcnt wy tor ecry
kn..i,.. .m. . U'liimiii mutr HI mtirll AS mfll.
s.nil for .pi'iHl prlVAtiiti run nn.I p.irlic ilnrj.whl.Ui
wom.tllfrro fMintlltfw !oii'womilJln of haiil
limps while sou Inn ii such n I'lmnco. Adunwsli.
llALUrvi I s uu i rorimiiu .iiuiiiv.
OCt 3. 10 IV
Weaver 8c Co'a Ads
t intrautca U In tturt ti, tint ten not of lift hnf PUnd
Int rr Tin iIitj It rxnirrl, II Innlaiit TtUtf, nurf rurr hf
tr t rt tt- it- ra.n, Iti Irrni m f lo llirtf nli ir uttrt fltrwt
nl 1 i ilitilitri Mitnl r ft t'oihif ui. n l rt ' if llrmt
Im II ml ) 1 'I. t. ii It- -it H It Hltme Hhm
.Hi" i' inn Imt e lull d r-nlil y hi) rt. In n.rAU itic ir
i itTf hi n fttt in 'i-llffn It
.MC i;n tLT.Cinfriilirnt lurl N an1 1 a:i f-n
i:m i iiiiiKlhi M.. liiilihiiiir',
C"AU fi-nnlna hit trade mrk itid itgijatiirt ef Dr J. Vl Dp
sept. 10. '79-ly.
J W & CO.
r.BtabllBhcdln lR72forth(icura
Of Ctiiii.T, Tuiiiiirs, llliers,
si-rulnlii. and hkin llmeiihes.
without tho viso of tmtro or Ions of blood and littlo
pain, x nr ltuonuatlott, circulars aim reiurruceit,
address Ur. 1'. J.. 1'UMl, Aurora, Kauo Co., UL
sept. l'J,'70-ly.
.1 & t o.
fllu K Tad dirTrrtnx fram llfllbr, n
In (tDkr, -JsfU lulf to l rxli0rn
the Hernia li tpia ortly ka mgbt. ml a riOtr! cim err.
llo. It UeMj. durable fturfcbetp. t-untL? mail. Ctruulir
Im- Egglestoa Truss Co'J'lihicaao, in.,
ftept. 13, T9"ly, J w & co.
linp'M'tiint to Soldiers.
Points, on bill for tho Dt lallatlon of liountles, of
Inter si lo ev-n Soldier uttlu t nl..n.riny. Send
&tampfrclrcuIIl. Pensions obtilued, 1'oas.lons In
creased, 'l.hujsands Untitled. Ad.lreHi (with srnmp.)
U.S. lll:ilLIS'C(,
WashlUKton. I). C,
may:4,'iW-lm wic LoiKboxtoi
" "oPl uImSTbTT
Cured Painlessly.
The medicine sold fur a small margin above tho
cost of comiioundlng. All cases treated by special
prciciiuiuii, ror iuu parnuuiaig auuressino jiis
covtrer, Hit S. Of COLLINS, or
Mrs, 8. li. Collins, La l'orto Ind
feb C-Cm wtco
rou Iter forfeit $30 o. fl oulllt
ree. j-;. u. iiwr.uui' X cu His
t ulton Mreci New York, N. V. Jw co feb flWin
ncr cii.mmonIUpeo
Ijirce. Illustrated na-
EllI'Ln. A pnr. iO.nll
AdKNTS WANTIil). II. i.. IllSTlhns. 41 ConiLllI
iioiiou, jia'ss.
feb 13, 4ln. vrto
BLIND FIXTI'llES. They render bllndschangeable
In an Instant Into ttie best nwnlng ever made The
"Auents' Advocate" sa j si "L'dlson Is distanced, tor
hero Is a practical (mention of such small costand
great coutenlenco that It must supercede all old
methods" and agents can do a business whtcli will
iciim smiiii iii'ieiiiue men lar oenina. fjsmadcln
an hour. A smart man wanted in your town, Ad
dress tho II. I'. Pierce Jliinuliii liirliiK Cuiiiimm,
v March 10. 8m,
NEW OIIRK Cousump-lon k Asthma.
Never jet railed, address
wtthstamp 'HOME,"Frostburg. Mtt
feu.a. 'wuj i Aco i'i:ciru- .(iimik im:
iintilllng cure for
semtoal wenkness,
sivrmatorrhea, Im
potencyanrt alldlj.
cases that f
a sequence of self
abusu; us Loss of
.neinory, i nivcrsal
I UHllIllll llln In
Ot IslOll. Clclliatliro l id Aire, anil m, ? J,?'??.'
eases that lead to insinlivor Consumption anda
I'rimatureora.e. tirrull parllculais In our pam-
iii..i. ik ..',. .'.j ...... - -"".iiauics'
...vvn. coiam uioouisbiirg bv u A
lMm- ea may i, w.y
ll".4.VT .Ti. 1 J I J ' 41 . m r
i7i 1 1 u-i I! ii ivn, ! -1 T.iT.n .T .
may r, so-sw
Tr.n Jnnxstix,.. i.wi....camu
J" i 'i ct l-"i, Ik-s ntlfu'lr orn:;.
ni-j'csl. Au.U"iublo hlioltc .
I lu an a-id s.n,ng. Oaiiuot t s
rut f i, ,i,.r. fu-s. ii. I
for couplet circular nn price
1st. Sh.i,,1 S5 cnlH for ojr lion
Illustraleil I'aUlnfnid of sliol
Jti r laii.M. rw i-v i'urnil
ii.n'..r.,i;ij i, n,
r.nE2, & CO.,
Heailjrtcn fjr til trhotl uff!'ji,
,ThU rrmarltablo mull.
iVpUiit, Curb. Cklloui, ie '
or ny tbtargi nwut, uid
U1 remove the tuiicK
Itbout bU.krlm or reui.
leg ivte. rcntrilr
cerliurolawu in.t,n.
J Plnx the Unwnrt eat rc-
ti(atirrularrirlnrwi.,.1H ' i '' .
HLES and lllotchea. Iniivli .H'.i ,i'r.!'1'58 1M-
beautlfuli aiiiTi.t, m iTS and
rtant groMh ol 'lifirarte WaS
Jlarch so, Cm,
V MONTH trumi ... .
at home mado h isi , .V.Ji'"f
Capital not required ; o w ill staTt
ii.Tn or i..wr.i woric ror us
gut and pleasant, aid VuaS.o S"
win send us their address at oaw lid 8.
jum. of monCTdrl-r XVS? ,
OCtt,7l5-ly ,
r0.1r,& B S a fa r
3 3H saYflBE
mMSfJm ,ins ..1111.U no uri.uo lorcnii irro uy mall to everv
one. lir-1 he Siiecino AtedlclnelssoldrTyalldrug
Pis ' Ir packjige or six pit kaires for ts. or will
ho sent free by ma'l on rece ptoi the monevbv-i.
dresin THIS imiv MKinf'ivir .H,7?.,I:
W . . I
movliie Ih. bunrh
Warner's safe Kidney and Uver Cure.
(Ibrmcrlu Dr. Cmio"! Kldnty Oitv i
rfiiii'iljr in tGe world for llrlKlnM iiL?f
WtfTesttmoiilats of Iho hlahpst ordtr in ,
OfthPotatement. l,r ,f
no'Kor the curo of ninlWtrii. call fyr U-
C-iTFor tho euro nr Hi iuiitH nnd llio rn,Pr
dhrftpn. call for Unrnvr'a Suit, ida?Sl
ItlsthebcHltlrnid Iitrlrirr,nnd utlnitiljiV.
crr function to more iienlliirul nrrir. .. ;
i is thus n tienoflt In nil dlncaspfl.
it cures nrroimnim nnu otncrHhltt limn.
tlonie nnd Dlsempn, IncludlUit Cuiucr iV
rrrn, nnd other Knrr. 1
I snvpaln IVrnUnrM of tlto SI nm.irli
Cun-illpnllun Ilulni, Jritrrnl in i,m!
ltj- etc, are cured by tliaftnro luitrrm. ii
unfQuated nsan nppotlzcrnnd rTKUiartonl'
Hollies of two slzijs i prices, 50c and I mi
Qtilckly (tlvesIlestaiidKlerntntlieeum P
cures ilnlhe nnd lNrurnlfflrt, tn
i:pllrii(loni.and relieves Npi ttHi,,, J
t rut It mi brought na by excessive drink, ov u
1'nwerfulASlt Is ta Hon nnln nnd nnil,,it.
turbed Nerves, it never injures the siui j
n hetber taken in small or larr dop
Bottles of two sizes i prices, 00c. and fit. oo
Are no Immediate nnd nctlve stimuli f,,r
Torpid LtTr, nniciire CoiUvaneit. Dyipf riU B.
rhm. MAlirla, r r
Kna ai, uuu nn i
tit used whencv r
I liowcis do not i'n j
fteely nnd nv
ha Mlif t I'lll rvuulr ,t
malt ritrift for Ihti,
work. I'rlf W.'i rt. i,
Tarnr'i tVafr lirtnillr ru
I M lit llriif nUU Jk It. r
H. II. Warner &Cc..
Prnprli tor
Crrs.nit fr I'.wii Pl
.nil Tllmn.l.l..
oct. i, tsT9.-iy
V s llros.
On and after Mwdny. Juno w, KT9. t he trali
as louuns ;
Erie Mall leaves Philadelphia 11 r. pm
' ' Ilnrrlsburg 4H5arn
" " William port hitfuin
" " .Icrbcy Mior- e7 a m
' lienovo 11 u ami
" arrive nt Erlo 7 5s p m
N'lagara Express leacslti1ladelphla 8 m) a m
' " llarrlsniirg llssani
" nrr. nt Wllllamsport i S3 pin
' " lock llaen li&0piii
Kast Lino leaves Philadelphia 11 Ml a in
" llnnlsburg SMpia
" arrlie at Wllllamsport Turipm
" " I.uckllnicu s 40 pin
Pacino Ktpress leai es Ick Haven m a m
" " Jersey Hl.oro T a in
llllamsiiort s U u in
" nrrlto nt llarrlsburg lanipra
" ' Philadelphia a 40 pm
Day Express leaves
" " Lock Haven It !oam
' ' llllamsport 11140 pin
" arrive at llnrrUburp iiiipm
' ' Plilladelphla T sup in
Erie Mall leases lienovo 8 40 pm
" " Ixick Haven UMjnu
" " MllllaTisport II 10 pin
" arrliesat Hanlsburtf n 4Jam
" ' I'hlladelphu 7 on a la
I'ast Lino leiHn Wllllamsport 1 nam
arrives at llarrlsuurt? SMium
" " l'hlladelpula 7 4ii a ro
mnt.ret Inn H nt Nnrl htiml n.rliiinl i II Ii I. A- It II I
trains ror u llkebarIe ami hcrantun.
Erie Mall West, Majar.i i:xpros West and Kas
Line West rnuko clone coi.nci.tlon at W lllluinspor
Willi N. U. H. W trains uurtli.
.sinniiri tAiiress iieet uuu iniy r.xpn i fa."
rnuko close conncclluii ul I.otk llaM'li nlilili. K.1
it. it. trains.
.1 i'i ..lull iii"t unu t Hi i:uniii'i:L ul i rill l
trains uL.S & M. M, It. It. : ut coiry wlthii.t..
. V. It. It. ; ot Kmpouuin with 11. N. V. s V It. h.
ana at liruivvoou wun A. v. it. it.
Parlor cars will run between PhlU'ielplila an
iWllani'.po! t on Niagara h.xpi ess west, and I i.iy El
iiitoa mw, ivLi'iuii I.UIO oil 111 nielli IIUIIIS.
Ur.lMHAli liAllWA,
Erlo Mall 5.S0 a. m., arrive Elmlra U ,i
" Canandalgua. . 3..p.u
Itochester 6.1
Masai a s n
lienovo aecommodat Ion 1 1,10 a. ta. arru o llllamv
port 12.55 p. m.
Elmlra Mall 4.16 a.m., arrivo Elmlra n. ra.
ltuttalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrivo Huffalo 8.60 a. a
llutlalo Exprens n.60 a. m. arrivo Harrlsbure
" Baltimore 6.40
Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m arrivo Hairlaburg1.M
" Washington 1o.3i
" Ilaltlinoro C.30
41 Washington
narrlsburg accommodation
burglo.50p. m.
arrive Iialtlmoro
" Washington C.13
Erie Mall Hi.55 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 3.05 a. m,
" Iialtlmoro 8.40 "
" Washington 10.35 "
All dally except Sunday.
11 f TirWM I. fln.A..lll..nA. . t .a.
iu UJ .V, Ul., VlUlllJini 1 UlTMUIIfcri Jl.l.
A. J. rjAaaAl, Gcneial Manajti
I 111 I .A IK .I'll A A 1 Bl 711 vn n
May 11, 1679.
For New York, Philadelphia, Heading. l'otlsrtB
Tamaqua, 4c, 11,45 a. m
For Catawlssa, 11,45 a. m. 7,21 and 7,35 p. rn.
For Wllllamsport, 0,23 9,03 a. ra. and 4,00 p. ra.
Leavo New Vork, 8,45 a. ru.
Leave Philadelphia, 9,45 a. m.
Leave Heading, il,65a. m.. I'ottavllle. 12.J9P.H
ana Tamaqua, 1,85 p. m.
iavo catawlssa, 0,20 s,50a. m. and 4,00 p. m.
iave unainsport,9 45 a.m,2,ls p. m. and 4,50 p. rt
rassengera to aLdrromNewvrirnii i-iitiadel.
puia go turougu w uiiout chango ot cars.
C, o, HANCOCK, UeneralManactr
Tlme-Tablo No. s, Takes effect at :Su A. H
MONDAY, JUNK 10. 1S78.
p.m. p.m. a.m.
30 4 11 9 40
9 23
9 17 9 37
9 OS 9 SO
8 53 3 61 9 21
8 61 9 44 9 19
8 45 3 41 9 14
11 41
12 m
8 83 3 30 9 04
8 13 3 10 8 41
8 S3 3 20 8 65
8 13 3 19 8 41,
8 04 3 m 8 SS
7 61 2 61 8 24
7 33 2 89 8 17
7 2 2 31 8 12
7 15 2 23 S 00
7 18
7 14
7 10
7 03 2 C4 7 44
Ml 1 57 7 Ss
60 1 81 7 83
IS lit is)
J SI I 11
U) 100 4S
P.m. p.m, a.m.
a.m. p.m. r.n
....o 1 UUUJU . .....
Lacbaw anna..
.... 11ltnrmi-
9 35
2 III u
9 43 2 24 6
2 JU C M
9 53 2 J '
2 41 6 IS
10 07 2 "
2 53 55
67 0 t
10 1S 3(6 II
10 33 8 15 1 M
8 10 7 1
West Httston..
.....Klngston. .
....I'D mouth,,,,,
.A vondale ......
10 29 3 13 7 S5
8 21 7 Si
111 34 8 20 11
10 42 3 8 W
.llunlock'ai rftelT
.thlckshlniy..(iu ta ill If
...Hick's Kerry,,., Il 07 4 03 6
.ui-iw.-ii naieu,, 11 is 4 in
...... llerwlck 'Il 2J 4 is
....Hilar urcck..! u l
-Willow drove... 1 2J 7 "
....LlmollIdge. 4 a 7 SO
.....ESDV '11 29 I 41 I "
.moomsburg..ii 45 4 41 sen
Ullnorr . II 1 . 4 32
Cauwissa lirldgei 11 67 6 00 s
foul UIU.,MH,I1X IS 0 19 .
L'hulasky...l 9 is 9 M
... ..lomeron 1 1, so
Nortliumberlaad, 11 45 6 45
p.m. p.m. .t
LhTKAD, hurt.
dealers In
BIC1, ariCES, IICAM HOBA, to., to.
A K. Ooreer Focond and Arch wreeta.
nJraori will reooira prompt tftntitun.