THE COLUMBIAN. iii.ooHsni'iui, .Fitimr, mat an, uso IIs Mlnnlo Eyoily Is bulling In York, I'n. Col. f. J. Keck, of llatltton, hai gone out ol tlioitfug burfnem. Oo and fee the "Two Orphans" to night at ll,e Opera Home. nx-8liorlir W. 1. KlkcnJall, of Luierno co., raenllonid ai n candldato lor As'omuly. I K. A'aller, Kq.,wcnt In Georgia lat wetk Oil huslncra. Tim personal jiroi'erty In tho City Hotel wll benolil at public falo on the llli anil Gth of June. IHigli anil grow fat grow fat ami bo latigbtil at. It Is a poor rule that will not work In all directions. The howl overtho potato bug lias commenced It is mid they neer were so numorous m they are thU Hiring. Tho brautlful Idea of getting something for nothingis nowhoro more readily traceablothan io a newspaper offico. The Bloomsburg band attended tho fotlvnl held by the Afton band last Saturday night, In full unifi rm. J, K. Bltlenbender attended tho convention of the Young Men's Chrlftlan Association at l'olt.'grove last week. l'hlllp Kline, an Aged and respected citizen of Mt. Pleasant township, committed filicide on Thursday evening of last week, by hanging. If your wife has loft her health, the Ore-it Mexican Ilemedy will be found asure and swift restorative. Ask your druggist fur it. lion. Thomas Chalfnnt, of the Danville 'In lelligcnecr, is again able to atlend to his edito rial dulicJ. He had a long siege of sickness. The residence of Nicholas Klmlt near Rohrsburg, was destroyed by fire, on Friday nieht. of last week, the occupants barely hav ing time to escape. Tho regular monthly meeting of iho Goprl Temperance Union will be held in tho Presby terian church on luesdny evening next. The public are cordially invited to attend. The Episcopal convention of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania will meet nt Heading on the 8lh of June. Judge Elwell, E. H. Drink er anil Geo. E. Elwell mo the delegates from St. Paul's church. Tne Indies of Sunbiiry worked all day on the Sunday afier the Mllion fire, and made np near ly ono thousand dollars worth of clothing for women and children. It was a work of charity and necessity. The Wllkcsbarre lltxord says there is but one wealthy man ,in that town who refused to con tribute to the rolief of Milton. Wo have a man of considerable means in this town who dona' ted the magnificont sum of fifty cents. The ho', dry wealhor lias done much dam age to tho strawberry crops in Maryland, Vir ginia and Delaware. Hay and grain arc suffer ing nil over the country. No civil cases have boon tried in the Mon tour countv courtB this year. TIito were only four on tho list for the present week and they were disposed of without trial. The annual conclave of Knight's Templar met at Williamsport this week. The city was beautifully decorated and crowded with strang ers. A grand reception took place nt the Park Hotel on Wednesday eveninr. Messrs. Murray, Dougal it Co., of thoMilton carhops, sent out word on Friday that they jad employment on the car work grounds fti every man presenting himself, as they intended to rebuild immediately. On Friday evening last while the puddlers and heaters were at work in the Milton nail fnctc ry, one hundred and fifty feet of tho ventilator roof fell upon the roof of the main building with a crash that was heard for a mile. For tunntely no ono was injured. Tho McGibeny farrily at the Opera House, "last week, 'Wednesdsy, gave a first-class enter tiinment. They are a truly wonderful family, in n musical way. Never lose another oppoi- tunily to seo them if you with to pass a de lighlful evening. A son of Jesse Henrock, of Greenwood, wn killed on Friday, of last week, between Eyer's Grove and Mordansyille. He was engaged in hauling railroad tics, when his boom became loose, and in endeavoring to adjust it, a portion of the load foil upon Mm, crushing him. We should have stated in our report of the meeting for the rolief of Milton last week, that Mr: Peter Iiillraejer.otlbreil to receive and take charge of all contributions at his stcre. He and F. V. Billuieyer, Esq. devoted their time to the worthy object, nnd not only received the goods brought in, but attended to the shipping of same ontho P. & II. read to Milton, The p.-oceeds of the festival held by the Pl.ll ologian Society for the benefit of Milton was $90 03, which has been banded over to David Lowcnberg, Treasurer. This makes over S7u0 in money that has been contributed, which with provision, clothing, &c, makes the whole amount more than $1200. The Sunday School Convention convened at the Presbyterian church on Tuesday morning, and elected I!ev. Jf. L. Smyscrns President and Lamon Bower, Secietary. The session was not well attended, owing probably, lo the extreme warm weather. It khculdbe sus tained by Ihe ihuieh. Tho convention closed on Wednesday afternoon; a programme was prepared for the evening.butin the absence of a number of delegalcs they adjourned. Next convention will be held at Zion's Church, near Orangevllle. Wilh the great fondness for law which the Town Council nro at present exhibiting, it would bo a good thing for them to see lint Iho ordinancs forbidding piga to run at largo is en forced. It is bad enough to compel the people to be annoyid with cattle, without permitting another nuisance which is as yet lorbiuucn. Dr. Jacob Schuyler has preseuted us wilh a pamphlet entitled, "Digestion and Indlges, tlon, or the Dyspeptic's Guide to Health, the subject of a lecture, How, What and when to eat, with some remarks on the trcatmentt of In digestion." This lecturo was first delivered by Dr. Schuyler before the County Institute, and was so well received that it was printod for general distribution. It contains much good advice, and should be read by all who have any dy speptic troubles. Price 10 cents. A special meeting of the Town Council was held last week. Thursday evening, at the call of Mefsrs. Holmes, Sharplcss, Hassert and Thorn as, Mr. Holmes moved to reconsider the ac tlon of the council In atklng for an Injunction gainst the Water Company. Nobody seconded this mctlon and the ineetlrg adjourned. ih time four memlers who railed this meeting. have made affidavits in the Injunction proceed tnga to the effect that the work Is being proper, y done, ind yet all but Mr. Holmes are con tent to let this expensive litigation continue' When this matter comes lo an end there will be a Urge amount of cods to pay, and It will be tut, fair lo make those foot the bills who have 4ir,nttcffrl!y incurred item, ' THE COLUMBIAN AND John W ore nexi IfnfT'm.. 1 - 'viiiuo.1 uiiinnpnM akl.I J.-ll - store npri ,1 ."..... ieeu M.i-.. '. ..' lu"' wsrk ft Son's on I Main street "rry 1-ornwa d I. I.t. ,.. : . - Tl. rv .. "ii.ini.un oi ino I , M. n. A. tm.. (trove, was one of great Interest. Tho Imnort- question was, how can . .l greatest work among boy, S. A. Tmrt was T nn," "l" J ""l "A -Hstrict use thetr Influence to estab II. . ,t, i.r.i. ..m , . . . nuitu win iniprnat lie boys, as they will 80on be young men and nuiuil LllCm. A Siif.ep with Tiircr Haw.-Samnel So mi, of Vashlnrjlon townshln I. il, , t . , , . . ' 4 ' ," wmicr ui I -rr "g duck amo, which is a natural curiosl- ty. It has no less than three heads. First is "" no less than three heads. First is tho regular head, in tl. r!l,i .-.i erly formed. Then-under mM. I. . L.n head about the siioofa laree wnlnni .... . .ui.iu, ,ongue ann teeth, but no eyes, the animal was ono of a pair of twins, Is ,p. arenuy nea t hy, growswell, and docs not seem to bo affected in tho ni l (i. ..... . , , - - Ai uvutig, 1 vv.uiiy u piniruiar rnrmi iv ...i -i.A..i.i f 1.. !- .1 . . . . - It ".uum - .... l"e racnRKe"eor .Mr. Adam Forenaueh Willianuport Jlullclin. A IIousKiioiD Neei,.-A book on tho liver, its disease and their treatment ding treatises upon liyer complaints, torpid liv. or, jaundice, billiou.nes, headache, ronstl, I'auon, uyspepsia, malaria, etc. Address Dr. Sanford, 1C2 Broadwny, New York City, N. Y. may i-iw. The sad Intelligence of tliedmth r Mr, "co. B. Markle, formerly Miss Claire Tuhbs, of Kingston, was received hero last week Wednesday. Sho died at her homo in Jeddo.Lumno county, on the morning of that day, after an Illness of, bout ten weeks Ilw only last January that the young couplo were married nnd tho bride went from her father's home with the prospect of many years of hap pinrss before her. She was a beautiful, light hearted girl, with alovoly nature, nnd during her visits here, made hosts of friends who sor row with the allicte.l husband and fmiily in their boieavement. The funeral took l.lace at Kirgslon on Saturday afternoon, Our drug stores are now supplied with "Malt Bitters," the new Food Mediclno which has done so much good and comes to us so hichlv recommended. Try it. It may save you heavy uociors bills. mnv 7.4w At tho M. E. Sunday School, held at SicIIen- ry'a in Orange township, May IGth, 18S0. unon the death of Miss Elmira Poust, tho following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in his allwise Providence to call from our midst one of our former Sunday School scholars. Sho was atllicted a long limo and bore it pntiently and put her trust in her Creator, who doeth ail things well. Jkaolml, That the Sunday School has sn. tained the loss of a regular and active member. Ilemlvcd, That while wo lament th. iWtli nf our beloveit sitor, we humbly bow in submis sion io ine uecree ol Uivme I'rovulence, be -lieving that our loss is her gain. l!csohel. That we sincerely and afiectionalelv sympathize with the family. Heiohal, That the resolutions be published in me couniy papers. IIUIIECOA McHCNItY, I Mary A. McHenry, V Freeman Bellas, I Com. I deem It my duty to acquaint sufiering hu manity w'th the fact that St. Jacob's Oil is the mot beneficial remedy tver introduced; this i naye practically tested, for the past sixteen years I havo suffered with rheumatism, ard so severely that I was often robbed of my night's rest. A change of wealher would havo the most painful effect on me.for then I could move neiiucr nanus nor ieei. i irieu every i known remedy but of no avail; nt last some body recommended St. Jacob's Oil, and I con cluded to try it, but wilh little hope for relief. Having hardly used half a bottle, the pains di minished, and to-day I am well and hardy once moro- The small sum of fitly cents had curtd me- Thomas Ott, St. Boniface, Pa, Tho following subscription have been re ceived bv the Milion lljlief Committee since lnt weel: Philnslphia.SlO; S. Knorr, $10; 0. W., S10; M. S. Applerunn, $15; Philip Unangst, $2; Jacob Mellick. $50; H. W. McKeynolds, $2; Jacob Keller, $5; G. W. Correll, $1; A. Lewis, $1; D. P. White, SI; N. U. Funk, S3; Jerry llc, $1; Harman & Hasserl, $1; Cash $1; E. P. Curtis, SI; J. Hendershott, $2; I). J. Waller. $10; Mary D. Snyder, $5; F, H. Bentz, $1; A.L.Fritz, $1; Jesse K. Thomas, $1; Mary Tustin, $1; Mrs. Sleeman 50 cents; Mrs. Zahner 50 cents; J. II. Sleeker 25 cents; C- A. Kleim, 25 cents; J. Welliver 25 cent; David Iirobst 25 cent; Cosh CO cents; C. Fom1 wold, 25 cents; Wm. Kvnns25 cent; Cash 50 cents; Philologlan Society, SU0 98. Total, S2:)U8. Prey ioufly reported, 524.00. Whole amount, 755.48. Notice. The officers and stockholders of tho Fislungcreek Improvement Company arc requested to meet at the office of C. B. Brock- way. in Bloomsburg. Pa-, on Saturday, the 12th day of June, 18S0, for tho transaction of iuv portant business. C. B. Bkockway, Sec'y. liEKWICK LETTKIt. Eds. Columbian ; Tho public schools will close this week. The high school will have commencement exerci'es nn Friday evening. In l ie hall of the i. -1 C. A. No little excitement was occasioned last Sat urday evening, by a rumor that a man in wo man's clothing was prowling around town, and endeavoin" to set fire to a house. 1 he mas querader was given chase but eluded his pur suers. He is still an enigma, One evening latt wcik, three men, Bitlcr, Fowler, a weak-minded Lut wicked fellow, and 'helped themselves to several thousand feetoflumber fromtho canal wharf, loaded It on a boat and set sail. Tho theft was witnessed k...n,. 1, Informed ihe owners of the ' " .... umber. Tho Hi eves were captured snu lanen before the justice. Two oflhcm gave bail for ikoir nnnenranra nt court and tho other.Fowler, ' ' . ... was taken to the county jail. TWration dav will be obervedon Saturday , ... ... the 29th inst. There is to be a parade to tno ..,..l- In ,tnrl l, nrnci of SO d r. BHll ihen to Heseryoir Park, whero nn address will be nude by Rev. Kumler and a memorial liH torv of our soldiers read by W. E. Smith. In tho evening lliero will be a temperance drama nlnved by the P. O. S. of A. in 0. F. Hall. Judging by n reheartal your correspondent heard, tho affair will ben success, A meeling of citizens was held last Wednes day evening in the O. F. Hall, for the purpose of conlributing aid to the Milton sufferers, Hight liberally did tho town respond. Hie em- ployecs of the works gave each a day's wages ... . ..... if.. .-!.i. c-.nn. TI,. and the firm headed the list with S500. The balance was made up by citizens. The total amount thus far contributed is tujs.iJ. Iho Lliernry Society floats on successlully. At the last meeting, we had a recitation uy Miss Lizzie Ealon, and an essay by Miss Mag- gio Mallory, for the introductory exercises, These were followed by an interesting debate on "That Fashion is a greater evil than Intem perance." Tbe speakers on Ihe affirmative were L. Thompson, Dr. Hill, and S. B. Crouse; on the negative were Dr. Fleas, I. Bower, and An draw Frcas. Dr. Hill distinguish d himself In the delivery of a brilliant llttlo speech, not more eloquent though than the very truthful re ply by I. Bower. For poello thought, Andrew Freas carried off tho palm. The Judges' decis ion was In favor of the affirmative. llETORTXB, , Berwick P-, May 35, '80. or llent. The Esnv llnin Mill at the K.nv 1W.1 t. ...i . ........ ...... X " u. runtc. II ooms inn?- ,... HOItnsilUltd NKWB. Eti. Columbian : On Siturday, the 16th inst.sta blithilav party llttlo Jtoggle Black, In trying to get on a 'Flying Jlnnt" brokolier arm. It was painful al Cr,ti bu' ' l"ccnt Is doing well On Friday the 2tst. Elwom1 Rimt.W fell from n ladder nnd broke his arm. Our popular miller. Georee Cole, undertook to cultivate his patotocs. The horse got unman ngeablo, escaped from theculiltai nr Ami fnmnful M Ul6 whe1 f"1J "loto atlrr'nUni, where It was finally caught. Annie Utt, returning from a nartv clvon bv Ella Utt lost her way home and was found bv joo iwwm, who kimlly showed her the way, Ti,r,m; wr .. i. t.-.-.i. himself, wife and granddaughter, were aroused,.i..i .1. ., ...t.. nii ui, 111c uigm 01 1110 Z1SI 10 UnU m h-.,a. r... n. o, anil ha't barely time to es cape. Iho house was a largo square one and had been built but a few years. It was well fur nished and tho loss will there lore be large, as It is now reported that the Insurance had ex pired. As all the abovo occurred on Fridnv it seems to havo been an unlucky day. Wm.and Bent Ikeler havo beenbiilldlni? a fence around tho yard and enrden ot tholr mill house. As the nallncs are rouch. they should add a coatol lime and water to give It n mi ... moro rustic appenranco. ' T S!' V" T,S' l00k9 f'ri Bn ellcr, who camo home from the west till sojourning and far less than forty, Tho pleaant shower last Saturday was very welcome, and although it did not last long it had a line ctlect on vegetation. Moie anon. Poor Pk.v. Wasted. The following files of tho Co lumbian are wanted Uy the undersigned, for which a reasonable price will be paid: One ropy October 29, 1875 " December 31 " " February 11 1870 " February 23 " " April 14 " " May C " " Mav 12 " " June 2 " Juno 30 " July 14 " Two copies One copy Two copies One copy Two copies Jamrary 2S July 13 October 19 November 22 June 21 January 18 February 21 1877 tt 1878 it 1879 One copy April 18 August 8 " 0. B. Bhouuway. londjn ruurLir Is tho safest, best and cheapest material ever u(d for Iho destruction of tho Potato Bug.Cot ton Worm anil Canker Worm, and has become the recognized poison for the extermination of theso fearful plagues. It was first introduced iu 1877, since which time It has received the most unqualified sup port of all the leading agriculturists throughout the United Stale. It has been cirefully an&lyzed and recom mended by the U S. Agricultural Department nt Washington, by the U. S. Entomological Commission, and by Iho Profeesors of the Slate Colleges. i,,.n,i : i.m niiniiiliiB. ilnnnolmnt (1istricst whero offered in 1879. and in e,e , wiicre MaMr, nnlled eavo un L0utiue,l satisfaction, destroying not only tho larv!o,but also the winged insect.and leaving tho l.niiwT.nn .ml i,..1Miv It costs much less than Paris Green, nnd goes neaily three times as far. For sale by Moycr Bros., BloomFbtirg, at wholesale and retail. may 29-3w Dkatii in Canned Fruit. An exchange in commenting on the poioning of a family in Brooklyn recently, Indulges in some re marks that apply in Bloomsburg as well as else where. An examination showed that the poi soning came from a salt of zinc caused by the action of the free acid of the fruit upon the zinc cover of the jar. The fruit was canned by n friend of Ihw family, nnd every care taken to havo it pure. The whole trouble aroe from allowing a portion of iho zinc cover to come in contact witli the frnlt, as other cans put up in tho sme way nt the same time, and by tho same person, and in which the zino was cov ered, were free from all poison. People using canned goods should examine lliecan and if the zinc iu the cover has come in contact wilh the contents of tie jar, throw it away. Butafar betler and safer way is to use glass, ROUND ADOUT ItOAItlNGCHEKK. The pic-n ic season will soon be at hand. Mr. Mayberry Yeager has moved into his new dwelling. Since Saturday's rain, the" grain, grass and Bhrubbory seem to bo somewhat revived, Mr. William Pfahler lost a valuable horse, by Inflammation of the bowels not longsince Samuel Snyder, Kj., and wife, of Mifllinville, were visiting relatives recently in this vicinity. Mr. E. II. Bolicli has turned his attention to tho mediclno business, by compounding whatis known as Bollch'a Celebrated Army Liniment. Try it. 50 cents a botlle. Our studious friend, Mr, Chas. Fahringer, who by the Milton (ontlngration was thrown out of his job, is at home wilh his parents In this place. Tho wheat hereabout looks well. Rye prom ises bat rather a meagre crop and the grass is alto very backward, owing we presume, consul erably lo the dry wuither. A western editor ttanding on the threshold of 1.1- sanctum, beh.ld an emigrant wagon pass y wi.u ... .ouowing,.1,, .. trusted, in Kansss we busied. onder if it was w. u, Keiniwiu who, we are. 10m, is on I. lo ...... ,...,,., I mill. la. - Why is It that " Urcle Sam" cannot glvo this route a iaiiymail inttend of n tri-vedlv as it is. I .. ti 1.. r. n ir ... .1.. M'or m"J '' , present mall carrier is compile,. .0 ma,ve u-e .ri.n... ,-. In lrn,j.,nrt ..11 II, a Mini mi " ""V, " U'" -'" "'""I via. of Roarlngcreek and Numhla. Kni'Oimnt. May 21lh, 1880. Uooil Company Number NIiip. tVooi Company, Xtimbcr jVne, Inn its us ual full complement of stories, by Miss Sar ah Q. Jewett, author of Deephaven, Sydney Hall, and others. Lord lleaconsflehl's reaont defeat at tho i sr)ecial iuterest to Mr. Qeo. M T j i( Kr8,,hlc sketch of his career, which I . . gives much information about tbe late pre mlcr. "Science in High Latitudes" has also . narilciilar timeliness iu connection with the uowettte Arctic expedition, for which prep4r(l,iuns ate now going forward. It i; . g Dougias, authorof several prevlou t ,uis mapDei "Country Schools and State Needs," by W. M. Bicknell, urges tbe want of an enlivening and energetio in lluence from a central state board in coun try schools. President Iliscom, ol Madison, WU.,Unl vtrsity talks about names; Octave Thanet has "The Canada Thistle;" and there Is Bketch entitled "A French Home." In tbe Editor's table there Is an assault nn that growing public nulsiance the system of feeing servants, a graft from foreigu toad ism not wanted in this country. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TUB VOLTAIC BELT CO., MAltSHALL, MICH. Will send their celebrated Eleclro-Vottnic Belts to the atllicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy euros guaranteed, They mean what they say. Wrlto to them williout delay. Nov. 2l-ly. How an KlephnntWas Weighed. An Indian writer rotates an Interesting; anecdote concerning Shabjee, tho lather of tho first ruling Prince of tho Mabarattas of Ulndoostan, who lived at about the begin ning of tno seyenteenth century. On ono occasion n certain high official made n vow that ho would distribute to the poor the weight of his own elephant In silver money, but tho great difficulty that nt first presen ted itself was tho mode of ascertaining nhBt this weight really was, and all the learned and clever men of the court seemed to have endeavored In vain to construct a machine of sufficient power to weigh the elephant. At length It Is said that Shabjee came forward nnd suggested a plan which was simple and yet ingenious In the highest degree. He caused the unwieldy animal to be conducted along a stage, especially made for the purpose by the water side, into a flat-bottomed boat, and thcn,having mark ed ou the boat the height to which the water reached after the elephant had weighed it down, the latter was taken out,and stones substituted In sufficient quantity to load the same line. The stones were then taken to the scales, and thus, to the amazement of the court was ascertained the truo weight of tho elephant. Hon. George N. Corson, Nnrristown.says: Tho Phtcnlx Pectoral Is Indispensable in my family. It acts like a churtn In curing coughs and colds with tho children, and I always uso It when addressing a jury. Price 25 cents. 0. A, Klelm,Bloomsburg. aprlG-ly Horace Mayriard, the present minister to Turkey has been agreed upon by Mr. Hayes and his cabinet for the appointment of Postmaster General in place of Judge Key who goes on the United States beneh Tennt8sc3. It should be the aim of every owner of IIorscs,Cows,&cnto make them as handsome and useful as passible. The German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal. It improves its beau ty nnd Increases Its usefulness. It makes milk, muclc and fat. By using it a horse will do more work and a cow givemore milk and be in better condition with less feed. Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by C. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg. Dec 12, '70-ly Learning to Sew. To be handy with the needle, is one of the sterling accomplishments of every educated woman. To be able to take the "stitch in time," is worth all the time and trouble that are required to learn the art. Like walking reading, and the many other things we com to do with special thought, the learning to sew Is a slow process, and should bo begun while the child is quite young. The girl should not only have the use of the thread, needles, and patchwork, but be instructed how to take the stitches, turn the corners, and to do the various things con nected with needle work. We are not ex cluding the boys in our remarks, because they need to learn to thread a needle and do general sewing. Men aro sometimes situated that they must depend upon themselves for their necessary sewing. Even if It is an age of sewing machines, it is best that all chil dren should learn to use the simple common old-fashioned kind, which can never be wholly superseded, The amusement and occupation thatstwing furnishes little folks, alTord sufficient reason why all mothers should see that their girls and boys, too, learn to sow ; but the very practical use of the needle in after-life is tho principle thing, after all. Harriet A.Newkirk, of Salem, says: lwas cured of tetter in my hand by three applica tions ol Uamplior Mill:. .My nusbanil wns cured of old running Bores by using it, It ureu my son ot a spratniu ankle. Price 20 cents. Sold by C. A. Kleim, .Bloomsburg. npril 10, '80,ly Dr. J. Schuyler, many years a Dyspeptic and sufiering greatly with Neuralgia, Rheu matism and constipation, getting relief through an accidental discovery of a sub stitute for calomel, without its debilitating effects, preeribes the same forothers, varying to suit each case with gratifying results. iVmong many who have received tho bene fits of bis treatment, tbe following bear tes timony, as follows: Bloomsburo, Pa., April, 1880 Dn. Dear Sir: I suffered greatly with Dyspepsia for a long time. My food after eating would burn and annoy me, depressing my spirits, making me miserable indeed. I became weakened down that I could not work at my trade (sadler) I tried various remedies recommended by physicians and friends but none of them did me any good until I placed myself under your treat ment wnen i Degan toimprovo anu naye continued getting better until the present time. I now feel like a new man and can work every day with cheerfulness. JOHN UHRISTXAN Bt.ooMSiiuiui, Pa., April, 1SS0 Dn. J. Dear Sir .-For sever al months I have suffered with difficulty in breathing anu lu ness about tne stomach. Two physicians pronounced my case one of "heart disease for which 1 took Digi talis nt their suggestion as the only medi cine that could nossiblv do me anv good, When you told me it was only sympathetic ol tne stomacn uy uau uigestion, j ieu en cournged and after being under your treat ment for n few days thesymptomsof "heart, disease " all left me and 1 lei t like a new man, and have continued quite well ever since. JAMES V. I'EROUSON. IlLOOjisnuito, Pa., March.lBSO Dr. J. Schuyler. Jkar Sir: I can tes tify to the value of vntir treatment for rheu matlsni. I sunereu severely anu ior a long time, and used various remedies, but all in vain, until you commenced treating my case. The nain from the Un to the Knee sciatica which was very eovere, passed oil in one week's time leaving me free trom nain, ex. cent nome shifiing pains in the limbs, but by continuing the use of vour medicines they have all passiu away mat i now ieei quite well again. John Stishr. Millville. Pa.. April 18S0. Dn. J.ScilUYLnu Dear Sir .-The mod iclne you sent me did me more good than any I ever tried before. I am very glad that others wno nuu cot reuei irom you treatment advised me to give vou a trial tor 1 had BUlTered from dyspej sia for a long time. Mrs, nAKRiirr Joiinkok MoitliANsvil.i.F. Col. Co., Pa., April 1BS0, Dr. J. SuilllYLnR. Dear Sir :l am pleased to give my testlmouy to the value of your treatment in uyepepsia, l nau euuereu greatly with distressing burnings and retch ings in the stomach, Irom which I failed to got any relief until I placed myself under your treatment, when I commenced to get better ana connnueu 10 improve until 1 ieei entirely restored. 0, L. Sands. may it 3-w Marriages. Urink Parks. On tbe 23d Intl., by Jobn F, fierr, Esq., Mr. Daniel Brink to Mis Al gernon Parka, all of Jackson township, Co lumbia coantj. Business iNoticos Boot headquarters at McKlnney's, A large slock of Sllk-chcuille and Jot l'rlnges at I.ulz A Sloan's. The'Butterick & CVs. Dress Patterns for June are the handsomest ever produced be fore. Sold by Marr. For Fans Sloan's. and Parasols go to I.ulz & Parasols, SunUmhrellas, Fans, Jko.. at I. W. Uartman's. Marr has some Beautiful Lawns very cheap. Call and see them. Lawns 8, 10, IH, 14 and 15 cents a yard at Lutz& Sloan's. Marr pays 25 cents for Butter and 12 cent for Eggs. . -. I,. i Nice Dress Llnons,25 cents at I. W. Hart man's. Boots and Shoes cheap at McKlnney'a. The public are hereby Informed that splendid suits are now made from the latest styles ot Spring Goods on the following terms; iMtett Stylet, Jyoweit lMca, Setl Ma terial, JJcil Wortmanihip, and JBeil Fiti at the Popular Storo of David Lowenberg. Men's nnd Boys' Linen Panting Goods at I. W. Uartman's. Admission free at McKlnney's. Tho American Sewing Machlno Is the lightest running and the simplest to thread In the market. Sold by Marr. More Shetland Shawls atLutz& Slocn's. Go buy a Hammock at I. W. Uartman's. Call at McKlnnej's for Shoes. For Nobby Hats, For Latest Styles, For Lowest Prices, Go to David Lowenberg's. Appleton "A" Muslin 8J cents a yard by the bolt at ItitzA Sloan's. Cash paid for 4000 bushels of good White or Yellow Oats at Silas Young's, Light Street. March. 19-3m Rubbers at McKlnney's. I think Marr spIU the best Sugars. Syrups and ColTee iu town. PUBLIC NOTICE. The Clothing Store of David Lowcnberg is well stocked with all the latest styles of Clothing for Men, Youth and Children, Call and examine. T REASUKEH'S SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A. Uy vlrtuo of sundry acts ot tho General Assembly ot the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relating u the s lie or sealed an, 1 unseated lands In the county of Columbia, eto , for ta-tes duo and unpaid, I will otter at public salo at the Court House, In the town ot lilooinsburg, on tho SECOND MON DAY OF JUNE, A. D.,1880 in n'eim-k a. m.. tho following described Dleces of lAnrt. or such nart thereof ua may bo necessary to satisfy tho amount ottaics duo and unpaid against tho i-amc, and contlnuo tho same from day today as TERMS OF BALK. Thi amount of taxes and costs must bo natd when ti.n inn,i iq ktrnek on. or thosilo maybe void ami tho property put up and resold. BKAVKR TOWNSHIP. Lot Cannon Morns....... ........ I 41 1 31 1 Si 319 I 22 9 43 81 OS 10JOO a is l a.-. 3 ss no 3 94 7 83 Henry m liniimin Hamuel Its acres Davis Anthony 3 lota Prout Stephen 1() acres HailsWmT nsuemuriui llunslnger ltegena Miller, Longenberger and Fisher... Mann Allen Mrouso Emanuel S3 55 Drelsbach Isaac . 9 lots iiuaiayjuseim 100 acres No) cr (leo - 5 lota Ash Geo........ 340 acres Ames, Abbott and Lose 160 179 74 151 lit 4 58 5 V.-i 3 77 7M 817 CD SO 60 lots neaver Jesse....... Heaver Charles " nutt and I'ugcr .. llnver T H 83 acres Urockway O II . lota cnarit-3 eshhuu...... .. rnrrnw Morris 140t acres Columbia coal & Improvement Co. !3 " Drelsoacn 11 r a lots i.vans m-iyu - ... 119 lianagan a. . r rr v S - 11! 4 84 100 acres Krlck II r.... - . a lnr.4 flcarhart m 604 7 87 00 acres Ilauck Jonathan. 9 40 100 lloates Charies and John.. 4 70 4 80 Itlnderllter Johns. 313 9X lots Ilamer Jester 933 IIU1IU1U1. . " Hunt Kll 4 64 Int. Kramer E L........m... 101 .. irtiMri A 8 17 10 acres Lynn Jacob ..... - 74 1018 l.uw renuu " . -1!s Krank 303 aoo acres Mann and Miller - 19 110 Morgan -r" - More William -. 4 70 MclteynoldsltW 3710 Mlolcli Conrad -. 7 05 Mlnichlienjamln 7 00 Mlnlch I'eter - 4 .0 Nungesser (leorgc 9 87 3U0 1(0 100 100 43 140 lota Patterson J C 7 50 .. 1rla I'lAI-pni-ft o 52 3-5o 0 lotsltuthrutr bamuel CO 6 so 91 acres nice ueorBo........; 313 140 " Hweppenniser 1 .-......... 13 64 300 490 1410 " Miuinan juuu, ueuu......................... " Shunmn fleo D and brother sister " Stewart Wm ... 11 KhumanPL. lots Smith J W shlcK J J - .. rrilcnn cipn 51 5 7S7 7 87 3 19 1 SS 3 70 684 335 3 03 89 acres Vanducen ClUaman a Co..... 79 " ' 118 " " " . 64 " " .. " 9 lots vastlneii i S303 acres West Uuck Mountain o & I co..... 130 66 13 10 lota wetzel u - " Wood Augustus 4 64 89 acres Wheeler wm 4 70 3 03 81 lots creasy Lioi a, ji v. .. Cantner Wm. , Henry (icorge. 61 45 acres Longenberger Peter 3 03 iota .nasion iu " Monday John icres Shuman O A ., " Shuman Michael.. " Bennlnger Christ...... BENTON TOWNSHIP. Hoover Lizzie - 3 CO Buckle John. Ir... s so Sutton John 8 80 Mlf-i Klefer A F 1 11 1 eiiuiUb'LULi .icaat-i ucv . - " " Wens John.. 15 lot Oberhottzcr A A BERWICK BOROUGH, lot Edwards Geo ..... " Parks Ann est " Hosier Samuel . " Stephens Amos B " outer DanleL ..... " Woods Geo ........, " Walp Jeremiah. BRIAltCREEK TOWNSHIP. 35 80 85 65 85 60 acres llllsh Pouben Hawk Samuel stout Nathan 3 89 88 180 800 14 " 4 K of 200 Apple Paul 88 acres Bowman Jesse, 1 41 Itryuii uiiy...,,,, Hoty and Pealer Edwards Martha J............. . 8 19 1170 80 5 04 31 ' Evans Francis 318 " lloadleys F estato.............. 8 68 1M) 27 7 02 Kunkle John ........ Klsner John Ijujion Wm Parkerson John.,,,- Iteecer Abroni blttler Xiumiel H 40 40 6 80 13 too 7 08 8 90 64 100 24 btackhouso A 11,4....H . 8 84 Ktackhouso Joseph 85 80 110 10 1 to 11 Kchechtcrlev Oeo - 4 80 40 stackhouso bllUer.- Traugh Henry . jocobyo A . . hitler Du 1,1 CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP. t 140 10 64 acres 8 ' Iirobst J 8 4 41 lildUle heirs . Olowell Jacob MoNlncn Win .. Weaver Ellja Diinboch Mararet , Klnnter Robert H Neville Fred , Price Jonas CENTItALIA BOItOVqil, Holmes Thomas Marks Lloyd Marks (leo. (lulnn Pat Ilanley John (I llurko FatrlcK V llevtn Jainos! H Conner Thomas .......... , , , , , , Curley Edward....w..H.H. Oauulion Thomas. . .... 93 4 VI 100 " 65 33 15 3l " 5 10 807 " S7 " 86 " 10 " 1 lot 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 ' 3 " 3 1 " 1 1 " 1 " 3 " 9 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 3 " 1 " 1 " 18 " 1 " 3 " 8 " 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 9 30 899 134 !8 49 4 89 II l 880 4 40 7M 14U T1U 8 20 830 710 8 80 Clark Uridine. Murphy Patrick. .......... Tory Win Welsh Martin Zlirler Win... .,. (irlnitU Itenjamln... Moore John .. Cain Terrence. .... Cain Michael, dcc'd... Collins Peter F Dougherty Michael.. Davfs Oeo W...... (Janghen Martin. .H(MW lloagland WmM. HoweUslliomaa......,, Jones Ann P, Kline CkroUn...,. 09 81) 14 00 yso 380 80 440 t 0 Kl 18 00 1 ISO I ) Ml I sn I Ht 190 1 10 Lebtgh & MahanoyltltCo.. M action Thomaa. McKlnney uhar'es. . . Mm....... Meoro Mrs (trice ..., Kbeppard ti F. . lArpi'y Luke WeiMi Liavl.l ..,Mm,. .. Yeager Montcllus , M. i - u-urry ii r..,. m. 1 " Morrison .Mrs Catharine. OKNTRB TOWNSHIP. nacres Adams Enos L .,. 4S4 s " Allabach nenjomtn T 1 " lias n John t 10 " liagcnbuch Wm....... ss 0 " Henry Joseph II 1H " Knorr Samuel ...... ..u.. . lito t ' Klcter Daniel.. ! ... t S " lowryhlmon 6 14 " llonman William estate...,. ....... 9(7 CONYNOHAM TOWNSHIP, t lot Ashton Jacob. 3 79 1 " Cook catharlno loss t " Cook David s OS I " Magutro Tcrranco St 84 1 " Hiihelr Matthew i!i 1 " (icorge Jerry 8 on S " C'osgrove John and DomtntcK a 7S 1 " Hennessy Thomas................. ... s ti a " Mllion Thomas,.. 1104 3 ' Cain Tcrranco 8 8s 1 " lirown Wm .,,: ... 1 as 1 " llreslln liernard..., 5 (13 4W acres Drown Nathaniel 4srw 439 " Ileam Joshua 37089 9 lots Callahan Daniel . a S3 3 " Donoboo Cornellns 4 Ml 113 acres Huston John 7o&o 1 lot Joyce 1-etor . 9 64 313 acres Kllno John L.......... 1198 133 Kline I'eter ........ Msa 3 lots Kachelrclce tieorgo son 1 " Mndermutn (IcO D ....... 1 id 8 " Monanamum Felix . . iu 8 " " 1-etor.. 3 70 1 " " " . . u 81 " Marr and Klndlg........... 84 00 7 ' Marr u H is us tit acres nruuFn it0 co It Jordan tract S4.1 84 805 ' ', " a Porter tract 400 e 8 so " " ' h Walker tract '5i7s 880 " Huston Mary 93 00 60 00 170 " Huston Thomas ...... 8 lots Trclsbach Lewis 100 acres Trcln Jacob tract.. 100 1 lot vn.'um Frank 401 acres Young John tract.. 6 97 C3 00 C3 00 8 959 00 9 SS 8 82 365 940 b 40 1 90 199 1 80 1 17 90 8 93 ra 83 690 6 63 1 19 8 45 95 1 lot Yarllng llpnrv... Brockwayc 11 Cano Ellen ..., Fcttcrolf Michael Kramer A W ..., Llndermuth JohnM.............. Ilblg Kpliralm McManamum Mary Morris Ann II HI..7..7..7I7." Ithawn caaner llonebach Ed. Jones (leo ... FISniNOCnKEK TOWNSHIP, res lltelsh Heuben " Mcllenry D and C B " Musselman Jacob " Richard Iwla " swayzeo M J Doty Peaier Stewart " Force and Crawford " Hutchtaon Th-imas J " Harrison Janus " Horrmsn & Freaa " Jones K II " Kindt John co " Lemon Thomas " Penler Ocorgo ' ParksJamesll " White C II FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, es Cleaver Wellington 1 Hower Moses 1 LUllo Abram ' Vought James OREENWOOD TOWNSHIP, res Albertson M and B 1 Derr Iram ' Beagle Oeo Kline Daniel Kindt Matthias Mason Augustus ' Iilchlo Edward ' Washburn oeorgo Wilson J n HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP, res AptlemanMS ' II D ' Barton Newton ' e-ambellLN 1 Evans J Mordan John ' Nerd A Pureed ( Purcell Isaac ' " Sylvester ' Bobbins Zebulon ' Appleman Mm 9 85 I 1 1 9 0 I 1 1 100 CO IS 60 8 150 800 CO 99 snO 14 901 140 3 16 90 S85 865 1 83 3 04 90 880 79 880 CIS 1) ICS 8 40 4 30 CSO 15 07 99 33 C4 40 3, 8 It) 9 34 17 17 slots 19 63 9S 11 73 9 35 98 13 lOtS 10 63 4 60 1 SO 8 33 60 89 95 .10 111 19 CO 1 80 311 90 90 144 144 7 18 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. w acres FrlckOcoA 490 3oo " " 'Tin mmTmT III 83i 100 HPSsBenlamln.. 13 7a 6 Keeler John ft Lewis Daniel Mcllenry Ell Miller c W Miller and Neyhart Mcllenry Rohr Parker Co. LOCUST TOWNSHIP. Dewart Geo Everhard John . . . . . . . Gertty Thomas stlno Daniel Brofee John BUllngton Charles - Hughes Wrtght....... Kline John I. Kllno J and Goo Hupp ... lowenberg Philip Myers Mary Huston Tlioraaa. Beece Daniel . Huston Mary Charlott Reynolds John "nj tier Jeremiah Shaffer Henry Yocum Henry M Camp Samuel .. MADISON TOWNSHIP, s Beagle Geo Bechtel Jacob Ellis William estate Freeze John O Boat Daniel hands J E Cox Joel Eves C W MAIN TOWNSHIP, s Blttenbcndcr Conrad Urockway and Ent Durnbach John Dewalt Philip Ileffncr Samuel O Immeli Christian Klerer James Miner Aaron Miller Nathan .Moser Michael Shuman Wm T Schmeck, Brobst Vetter Hawk Snyder John YetterJ B Yetter Daniel estate Snyder Abraham Shultz Christian MONTOUR TOWNSUIP. s Urockway and Ent Lelby Jacob .is 4 48 30 35 1 81 to 0 40 1!0 4 933 34 01 813 83 40 6 40 53 3 84 093 7 70 386 so acres SC5 04 43 1 64 43 CO 9 90 5 40 8110 95 93 80 3 38 K6 1 83 120 193 192 102 1 92 CO 104 33 800 100 190 800 ) 300 100 43 48 83 07 43 4 15 30 67 99 79 40 300 18 50 1 lot 1 63 311 92 30 1100 96 300 81 15 00 305 4 87 31 110 230 llfl 915 3 (16 3 05 80 19 10 107 91 6 49 3 05 45 7 61 X100 1 41 17S 10 07 80 8 05 CIO 30 323 150 7 1O0 co 3 40 90 1 80 103 " ltamsey estate MT. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP, acres Itartzel Joshua " Jacoby and Itupert Jacoby Hamuel " MUlerllenryA Waller D J " insber Jacob MIFFLIN TOWNSUIP. acres Aten Thomas " lllttcnbender Mary " Creasy Henry ' Horace Drescher Kamuel " HetlerMIl " Hendershott J S " " Catharine " Jacobv o A " I.uu Elizabeth Ma&teller Joseph " Aann Miller Stephen. Ir 11 NussJarob IB 47 1 80 13 63 3 00 80 15 73 168 34 3 34 84 69 10 61 17 13 80 49 163 1 60 13 13 7 10 70 3 a 6 94 97 144 CO 10Q ii Nungosser Oeorge " sutirrrjoei " Hwank s H ' sneppenhlscr I K " 1' Horace " " Abram ' Williams Samuel 44 Zimmerman Joshua i llarter Jacob estate OltANOB TOWNSUIP. .crea Ilowman Wesley Crevellnp; Samuel 44 Kverltt Moaes estate 14 44 Oabr.el 44 Kline Abram J .. .. .. 44 Snyder William 44 Zimmerman Samuel PINE TOWNSUIP. teres Hogart Emauel 44 Davis Thomas estate Hies 0 W 44 Prick Oeort-o A 44 Funston Jonn A 44 Frlck ic Leggott 44 (ireenley Juuies Oordner Henry, Br 44 Jacoby (i A 44 Kllno Patterson 44 KlsnerSamuel 44 l.vons James estate 44 Miller and Cole 44 Hatt Irani 44 shoemaker Wellington 44 stackhouso Alex estate 44 Warner Margaret!' Dawson William 44 PlatfJano ItOAltlNOCltEEK TOWNSHIP, acres Artllla Francis 44 llergernil Isaao 44 Hucher Peter 4 Darnes Thomas, )r 44 llrelsclt Jacob 3 40 43 85 4 U 1 44 108 90 183 80 85 15 47 79 144 CI 5 30 19 65 61 84 11 40 llot 833 60 100 35 8 100 60 16 30 100 37 73 60 1 lot 37 170 sto 345 13 16 60 00 1(3 38 3 43 13 30 85 SIS Heaver Oeorge ana J L Kline Contalr and Idee Dllleplalne Keklel! Huston John lulin Stacy Utile Hobert Miller KIWa Murrla iiuura 183 102 Keller Vt'Uow.... Ijuiyon Path LoV' land II A... 930 380 41 sco i 13 60 131 1 80 1109 9 34 7 80 130 16 60 43 46 K 80 I 18 44 8 02 4 06 SO 13-3 143 19 7 38 I 3 45 9 100 30 40 37 Melllngton William 4 .Itlce Abrain 4 Miuman Jacob I Trlen Jacob 44 Wltotaey Mary estate 44 Vocnm Isaao 41 Yncu-n Klljah SCOIT'lXJWNSUl Crouse Kelson bUtMULOAi' TOWNSHIP, acres Hellas imam 44 Huckalew James estate 44 role Eitkiel 41 Doebler Charles Ml 7 30 94 43 llot 49 193 64 400 187 dross Nathaniel 1 80 60 131 Vol 119 acres Hess WeMey CO 940 880 19 llartman Jesse Laubacb l'eier Montgomery Hobert HtephenslllUlam Nutlin Waahtnguneauto Yaplo nenry -ijirUij Cyruj 100 wo CO ICO 30 6 440 CO 3 PA. TltEABUHEIl'S SALE OK SKATED LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Also thu following lots, pieces and parcels ot seat ed lands.returned by the lax collecvora, ro to IX. sold at Iho samo time, under the provisions of an Actor Assembly, entitled, "an Act relating to tho sale of la nds tar lanes in Columbia county, 1 approv. eaMarcnmn, in. IIIUVEII TOWNSHIP. 78 Acres Morgan T (I 4 " Lucas hlrenns. so " names Charles.......... ... 1 Lot KochlerOeu..,. 81 Acres Miller Daniel 37 " Crouso Stephen URN TON TOWNSHIP. so Acres McKcItv Wm estate 60 " Conner Pnrservo is " Koons.Iohn... , . so ' shotts Christian 1 Lot llurllngcr Wm 7 o 3 M 31 90 13 1 80 1 89 114 83 80 UO 11 00 0 40 1 OS 1 80 I 8 4 an 8 84 5 It a 80 7 13 1 04 9 GO fi S3 1 10 3 4S 1 30 34 Acres Kllno Mary, 3 I.OW1S Sarah and Theodore.... Mines Itleliaru Itflg-irt Samuel.. Iiepoo Hiram liMr Jonas , Brink McKelvy Chapln 1) I, Conner Catharine , do Mathlas Kllno Mary 10 49 s " 70 ' 3 to " 43 1 Lot 60 Acres Itance John 8 " Appleman John , BERWICK llOltOUUIl. Lot t Amos nartman 1 76 " 1 cschlawbach I 40 " 2 Geo A Beam 4 w BLOOM. Lot I, 1 " I 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 Barton John M Coleman Wm creamer Rebecca... Oelger Wra McNInsh John Penna, Canal Co... Wantch John Mason and snyoer.. 13 03 89 82 7 13 8 98 93 115 13 63 9 13 0 37 0 93 4 CO 9-2 97 1 lirewer .,onn Kstler Washington 1 Acres 9-i r oauir uuaries. UJLS a Lot 1 Acres 9 Kramer John W a 85 Morns Barbara 43 73 Turnbach Phebo CI 93 Vaonalta II B C7 31 KahlerNancy , V5 so Bennes James 3 31 Pursell Mrs E B 81 so Thurston Martha 7 60 Thomas CI 14 89 Walter Norman 19 so Saunders Wm 9 co Koblson Mrs Betsey 94)0 Lot stlckel Mrs Caroline 3 90 Kinney Jacob. 8 IU 4 90 Kramer Andrew UltlAKUUKKK TUWISMiir. 160 Acres Poty and Pealer $M 31 v " 110-ner jonn 1 ox 9o ' bejbert John 93 63 CATAWISiA TOWNSHIP. 40 Acres Henry Isaeo estate 3 17 l Arnat r-ioan. 1 ot Krum Ellas 00 CKN I'llALlA BOROUUII. 1 Lot Curley Edward. 4 99 8 BurkeratF 7 48 1 " (laughen Thomas vo lleneron rnillp.. so 15 Put-cell Richard 99 on Creamer AW 63 80 Calltghan James , I 75 Denning Pat 93 80 HUon fianlel 39 75 Llndermuth Nath 8 no McManamumJas 60 " Mcllrearty Mrs Mary 31 40 O'llaro Michael 9 60 Tarpy Luke 3 541 Vanliuren MrsS E 33 45 Bryaon Robert and Co 9 no 'l orry Wm 6 on Knlttle Joseph 11 0 60 CENTRE TOWNSHIP. nacres Frcas Amelia 1 n 1 lot ButtenstiBO Peter a 100 acre9 Lamm Wm 13 to 50 " do do 9 00 CONYNUHA31 TOWSIIIl". 1 Lot Brown Fred 5 si " Moran Patrick 13 S3 1 - pcniicr ouuuu - 1 ' Hennescy Thos 9 69 ILots Dnsgrove John and Domtnlrk. 93 8-2 i)t ouB'.ieriy jaraea 0 2-1 j.aveiio rairick..... a-i Y'arllng Henry 13 19 Evans Ann 13 84 Harm Tat 1 10 Murphy Maurice 8 43 Urockway C B 9 00 (lerrlty Thomas 60 lleflron Philip 75 Buber Jacob ; 60 Mcslllster James sa Nauchton James C5 1 100 acres Buchner Peter tract T 00 441 acres Brennan hblnczer tract 44 10 c lots Kramer A w " nana ion uavta t so Fetterman Jonathan iph Morlson catharlno., 8 63 do do Davis David Knlttle Caroline Carrlgan John Kramer A W FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. 7 05 3 St 75 1 31 78 , $ 00 , 8 34 , 10 20 , 4 10 , 8 03 94 , 3 65 75 Acres sm th uuniei FISIlINl.UUKKK TOWNSHIP. 15 Acrts Bozart John.. so " Chanln.1 F.... 83 " Force Russel... lot Ikeler I. R.. V Lot do do H " do do , X ' do do , 4 OS m Acres Yaplo Jacob is Pi Karns H II. 3 97 LonJas M .. Bright Harman J Larlsh Cyrus w It right H It Holder Abram , Kline IraD 1 63 3 16 7 93 4 63 3 79 3 45 1 43 3 30 13 93 9 (10 1 80 3 14 13 40 Lot hhultz Cornelius CJKKKNWOOD 'IXJWNSIIII'. Lot Lecreott John 11 Acres 44 44 and Frlck l Lot Odd Fellows nan , 1 Lot Itelderbrant F E 81 Acres Moore Lafayette , l u)t -rayior musna 1 Lot Kramer vt m 1 93 4 60 67 30 Acres Eves Joseph K l Lt uo-'s.jonas 8 Acres Nolton Samuc 1 16 38 SO 85 6 70 llOAcres Itichard Alfred 11 44 vaodersitco T J 63 44 Kw-co Philip estate 1 76 1 Lot I'avis ltebecca estate 34 141 37 Acres ra1s John estate... l Lot Kllno a F 1 44 Kinney Wm 1 44 Purcell Wm 90 80 00 90 1 80 C 90 1 90 90 , 1 80 76 45 34 Acres Samuel Young 43 44 Albertson Joel it l Lot 4 44 I1K.MLUUK TOWNSHIP. 6 Acres Ebner Wm 10 44 (itllaspy Wm estate 10 44 sagowm 15 44 Vandersllce John H JACKSON TOWNSI1II4. 8 Acres Knouse Washington 75 44 Keeler Jacob LOCUST TnwNSinr 40 Acres KostenbiuderNathan 68 14 Metz Charles , 7 44 8 60 1 05 34 4 11 40 44 KostenbiuderNathan Oerlty Thomas 45 4 4 44 44 MADISON TOWNRIIIP. 1 Lot Whipple IleUiuel 1 44 Welliver Susan i-stato 170 Acres Former Margaret 3 40 1 80 u vu&.tui. MAIN TOWNSHIP 55 Acres Yetter Isaac MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. 1 Lot Iluehea A M Ml 30 1 38 90 IJf 44 Holler Ann s Atre-a aukiii ouuii i 1 Lot Keicnner Jacob sr MONTOLTlt 'lOWNSHIl'. 1 Lot llutler Wm estat 30 70 4 SO 67 Acres llaj lor Peter and Ellas .Ml. PLEASANT TOWNSHIP 1 Lot Fox Catharlno 1 44 Fox liurv 40 80 1 89 31 Acres Kitchen John C. C. GaLIGNAN, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Woikic, ' AND IIEALKU IN STOVES, HBA.T'EK.S JTSTJD RA.3STC'5, BLOOM Shop in Opera House, Gth door iKSdKV FAB Jan S3, -so. ly, 4 Ml I 41 and when 619 4 40 I 607 9 67 person When take them back. 318 1 1 30 clerksrwho are able 4 05 I 3 63 I 760 we are enabled to give 668 s ik 3 60 1 I -tlttZJT&tifl s'2 je mm 30 I oustomera eha tear th choice to , With n reputation of twenty years at retailing, we cannot afford to lose our good name by lack of proper service to absent customers. 'Wrlto plainly, and describe fully what Is wanted, and about tho price dsslred,, Address, 803 I 8 03 I 6 36 I 3 03 I 1 8 161 68 6 70 I John Wanamaker, 16 76 I 1173 90 10 I 16 78 I Urgost'Dry Goods House, Philadelphia. 8 85 I 8 85 I 0 70 I 1 34 I 1676 I 93 43 I 333 1 4031 lUll notour , fttt. OIIANIIK TOWNSHIP. 93 Acres Schuyler Wm 9 Lnta do do - lo Acres Coleman Jesso 87 " Crouso Nelson Ittf " llldlay Levi Uji " llagrnhuch Margaret 10 " llaitman Augustus 33 " do do 83 11 llldlay (Jeo 9-2 Acres Itink.i F 83 ' Eves James estate to ' llartman uotlleb 90 ' Patterson Margaret J 1 " lllco Jess- PINK TOWNSHIP. 850 Arres Lore, Leggott and Co 100 Leggott John... 1 Lot do do 113 Acres Leggott and Frtck... 1 Lot uo do too Acres Eves, Heller and Co........ .... 300 do do do .... 60 " Hider Jacob so " Clrcenly James 13,1 ' Bobbins Joshua 60 " hlckcls KO .. 3 Lots Pawson Wm 91 Acres Piatt Iram 63 " Funnan Wm in Evos and Heller 801 " do do ... . loo " do do 7 " do do 97 " Eves Ezra estate . 1 Lot sni der ileo ..... no Acres liobn Adam.... 7 " Brelblcbla Jacob estate............ 93 ' do Abram . ... ......... 8S ' tlreenley Richard . ........ 90 " Kcstor John sr . ...... 80 i Parker John it , ItOAKI.NIICHKEK TOWNSHIP. 144 Acres Keller Itichard.. ...,... I Tt 6 T5 3 77 10 to 31 a at 1 89 8 89 4 37 4 44 1 SO 1 18 3 OV 1 II 61 ! 4 1 eo 10 74 18 40 U 10 (S 10 cs 9 44 94 81 U. lit 1 88 4 SS 9-1 7 C 14 03 a 91 6 18 6 9 U t 90 10 80 4 01 3 B 34 13 C 00 0 on CO 84 113 15 34 94 I JT 36 . IS 11 10 4,1 Bice Abram . 47 88 18 31 67 70 7 182 80 33 19 9 94 14 S3 93 88 1I 11 Wlt'hy.Mary k.agcr Isaiah dains Ieonard..... Erwiue Wm... do do ........ Hughes Wright , Hower Hiram... Miller Ellas witchy John Cherrlngton Austin,,. Ltndermuth Jacob... Ix Charles . Lcvan UiwBon 1 66 Oliver John... 45 17 do at , .. do do ... do Wm......... stauffer Joseph... , StrausscrHoiomon Bl OIT TOWNSHIP. Betz Susanna Fodder Jacob. CS 8U 1 Lot 1 1 " 44 1 it llartman Martha 1 64 1 schecliterly wm 8 c 10 acres McEwen it W , 1 Ijoi Mllnes Wm estAin 1 " Souder Elizabeth ii acres Purm-ll LuctDda SUUABLOAF TOWNSHIP. 183 Acres Stephens Wm ... 8 19 1 03 t 40 ii T Oil 9 80 6 70 15 40 6C 18 9U 8 43 I 10 40 " ColeTbos B. 40 " Miller Elizabeth 4in) Roberts and Larlsh. 80 - Hess Levlna...... . 950 chapln J F 93 " Diberson Amos S5 " Lunger James.. .. II. A. HWEPPENIIEISER, Treasurer. aprll 9, tf PILK REMEDY. Piles What unceasing tortures arlso from lnter n. I Bleeding, External and itching Piles. Tho vain endeavors to obtain eeu partial relief haa discour aged tho millions who suffer, and the havo borne their agony In Rllen, e, thinking thcruwas no hope orprosjiect of a cure. Not Althstandlng the total failure of the many remedies heretofore offered for tno euro of plleB, and the picture of agony resting on the f ice i f tnoso who hate tiled the tarlous rem edies but In aln 3et eagerly sought for and anx louslv tried anlhfog lhat promises the least relief until their couiago hxs long since glen place to de spondency, let them cheer up, allow tho smiles of happiness to lltiitnlnato the haggard countenance, and tho duties of llhnvlll bo performed with a degree of happluess aud pleasure unknown tor weeks, months or 1 ears. Brlgga' Pile Remedies are the re sult or unceasing study nnd experimenting, tho no plusultriof medical sclonoj. and In every resiiect safe, scientific and reliable for t no euro ot pllos In ev ery form. Briggs' remedies are sold by C. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg. Pa. Try Dr. HrlHiis' lluuloti llnlNiim. $1,000 REWARD OATAKUII Utile moH universal and distressing' disease ot the present day, and thu wores ot wou dertui remedies olTeredfor ho cureot this disgust ing disease, wlilcliure worbo than wortulokss lias dbcou raged tho uill'lons wtio sunerand liavetrl(l id vain ior rpnei unu curu uuui meir guuragois gijue and the victim sun aimers in doubt. 11 em wo are with Dr. Joslah Itrlggs' Catarrh aptclilcs Kos 1 a&d s, and how Mi all we proceed to convince that wo have tbebf-Ht aud cheapest remedies known, lst-wo wm lurnisu mem w repoiibiuie paruea on condi tion 'no curb no riY." Slid will rar flOulor a caso they whl not cure. 3rd Will pay fhio for their cqu ti as a cure. 4tu Will pay $50u it anything pol sunou or deleterious Is round In Uielr composition. 5th Will pay JI.ihk) it In any particular Dr. Joslaa linpgs uaiarrn epecmcs are iuuuq amereni. irom representation, warranted to Instantly relievo and radically euro Acute. Chronic, Ulcerative or Dry Ca tarrh, cold in tho Head, and all affections of the cavities or the had and throat. Two bottles In one box. Greatest success ot tho age. Mold by C. A. Kleim, Illoomsbun;, Pa, Try Dr. llrlaaa Catarrh Specifies. BUNION BALSAM. Bunions. Corns and othrra lmentaof tho feet causa much suffering among all nations by whom shoes are worn. There la more tnan $100,00 j worth ol boots and Bhoes destroyed annually in tne united States (lu the rest ot the world more than $1,000,000) by cut tine while ntw, or nearly so. tomakeioom tor pain tul bunions, corns, lngronlngnal s, sons Insteps, eto. liealdes this irreat sacrlnce. there is mid in New York to chiropodists about 2S,ooo annually; in New Knpland stales about ; In the western and touthern about iso.ouo; and In the rest ot tho world about $200,00 ; besides this there is Ivkjaoo Bpent an nually Ior caustics at-d other worthless compounds tor the cure ot Uunlons, Corns, Horo Insteps, i ender reei,eic. to uvoiu lueso great. losses anu expenui tures. uso Dr. josUIi ftrlircs liunlon llalsam and Sure Corn cure, which U the only preparation known that gives Immediate rellcr and radically cures hard, salt ;and ulceiated Bunions bard, aoit mm lesiereu euros, vase mar t xcresences, cauohiiiea large and small, sore Insteps' blistered heels, tei der feet. Ingrowing nalis, etc,, without causing or leav ing any pain or soreness. arraniea saie ana sure. Sold by 0. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg, ra. Try Or. lli-UuV Ummrulleled rile ltemeily. Rcad 4ind Kellect. Local and constitutional treatment for all ca tarrhal orrcctluns. I)r Joslati Ittlirgs' Catarrh Sre- cldi s are offered to those afflicted with acute.chron- lo. incerame or dry catarrh, com in the head, nay tever, relaxed palite, soro throat, hoarseness, loss ot voice, and all affection of tho nasal cavities and throat, with aguarant e that they aro cheaper, bet- it-r, morueiiiciinou'. curing quick er, wiui more cer tainty, and more agreeable to usa than any remedy yet discovered, 'iwo bottles in one box, one ot which reduced with water makes M outces tor use. Price $ ptr rackage, turnlsted to responsible parties on conditions: "No cure no pay ' Dealers aro authorized to refund the money If pur ch isers are not satlsfled. The Fpeciflcs are contltu tlutwl as well as local. $loo will be paid if they fall to cure Uni used as dlre"cted, $loofor their equal as a cure. $5oo if u nyi hlng poisonous or deleterious Is found In their com.nMtlon $l,ooo (will no paid) If In any respr t Dr. Urlggs Catarrh Kpeclflcs aro found different from repreisentatlon. Here Is an op portunity for thobd discouraged br repeated fail ures to try aealn on a guaranteed cure. And the timid who fea dtceptlon may venture to try these specifics wlthoutfceling that they are to bo hum- uuggeu, hhiirto is no rK lorun. w amsiwicutiiip- est, ton,' uesi ana mosi uKreeaoie. u not loosa uiisiac ton demand jour money and It w!U;be Wturned. sold by U. A. Kleim, Bloomsburg' Pa. DU. J. JM(. J. UKlUttH KW.. aprll S3, "SMjr Newark, New Jei BURG, PA. apm DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Do you have Pain in tho side 7 Are you unable to Retain or Kipel your Uitnef I jour Uilne high colored? Do Doou bare Albuminous or Brick Dust l't a in your LT nn t uujuu bun r iri'm itrvuuit jjeuimy ur nrasuratiT you havo Painful Urinating 1 Hwn your KIDNKTb or BLADDEH ate effected, nnd you should not delay using our Pad at once, for It will certainly cure you. when Dott ing elw can. Pors-ile by druggists, or sent by mall upon recetpt of prlue, $ i.w. Fend us ) our address for certificates ot cures and our book, "llow a Life was raved. DAY KIDNEY PAD CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. lirilKWAHK of all otter Kidney Pads. DISTRIBUTING AQENOY AT THE PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, llooiiiNliiirc. '"iv. Out of town people who can not conveniently travel, mayhavo am ilea sent them of Dry Good and all other good that we sell, tf they will write Y w- charge, and no need to order tf not eulted. We make tt a butneato attend to cuoh letters quickly; orders oomo we send the exact article wanted, and at exactly same price as other customers pay when here buying in goods aro not as ordered, we Having trained and responsible to use discretion tn filling orders, great satisfaction to the many 40