THE COLUMBIAN. oommu ihhooii1t,tab or rnn nin aud comjm- IssueJ Wcokiy, ovcry Friday morning, at BMlOMStlUWI, COMJMIHA COUNTY. PA, ,i iwn dollars i per year, 60 conw discount athwed I d n i i il'inei, To subscribers out of the iuntr tin! terms are 11 ipsr Tealwrlctly in advance, u ,.nr discontinued, oxoont at the omin., .7.. mntiiiunl credits nflcr the expiration ot tlio llrsl ill papers sent out or tlio stale or to distant post , res must bo paid for In ndvnncn, unless a rcspon. 'ibin perion In Columbia county assumes to pay the luuscniuivii " .....,..i. ihht.MI K Is no longer oxneted (rom subscrlbcniit, r-ieciiumj. Tno.foMHte Department of tUo CotxuRiAKlsvcry n -nude, and our J b Print tig will compare favora-l nnlete. ni our j u rruiu iK win compare ratora.13. E. ELwELL, 1 .. REWARD ffjsss PUnd,,r,r fjlrcrit l'llra tbUI)rlllnaPII cm ( tin llcltlm'. l'lln i.ri rnirtlvf.l abiflur.. (lima Imtdi.ui rrllrf, cur. CUM of Ion .Unding la 1 wrot. And ordinary i-mm Ins dir., riMTinu nWna UHU I IUI1 .,!, u,ffo KIT;'. " !"??"' 'Si! . "" iwrr.. TouUl " Aicu bu., I'laUSU , v V, ll i.-t uld n u V THE BL A.TCHLEY PUMP .u for Cisterns or Wells of any depth. Plain, Iron, orccl.iln, or Copper lined, Hrands Xc, (I, XIX, (it), u No. 1, 11, Iill, It No. 1. For sain ty the Hardware Trade, Country Mores, Pump makers, cic -cethat the pump you buy Is siencllcd O. (1. lilitchley Manufac'iifcr, sos Market street, I'lilla. dilplili, Pa Aqueduct Plpmnr Parms Mines, Tan r cr lew, t to fiom lt'iB t chi-s In bor, nnd tuincd and nored work ot all descriptions made to order. aprlU, '.-i-6in a As FftT AND LEAN It von nro t 'O fat or too lean and want to know how to cut ige vour condition, end for n copy of tliawork fit and Lean, It contains complete lly. epoU Dlitotlo and Therapeutic Instructions that wllientblo any one to rcdueo their Ileh If corpulent or laereaw It If emaciated. It Is written In a clear yet comprehensive stylo and Us directions can bo ensily undrstnnd. It should bo read liv every fat or lean ni'rson. sent for ten three cent stamp. VAN UBXF CO.. so Ann St , Now York. ante AND Paper Hanging. WM, F. BODINEi IRON 8T 11EI.OW SE'JOND, liLOOMSUOKO, Pi Is prepared to do all kinds ot house PAiwnwa Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, BOTH DECORATIVE AND TI.AIN. All lilnil ori'iiriilluro Itcpnlrcd. mill made an gootl un new, NONE HUT FHtST-CLAbS WOHKMKN FMPLOYED Estimates OTado on all Work. WM. F. BOD1NE. O t. 1.1873. GILMORE & CO., Ilnldl.linl lMI.-i. Ponsiniis, Increase ot rcnsinns, and all Ktherclus-iesot Claims for Soldiers and Sol dlert' llelrs. pr seemed. Addr ss with stamp, OIT.MOUK & CO., den 5-tf Washlniftftn, I). C. W. H. HOUSE, BLOOMSBURGGOL. 00. PA. All styles nf work dono in n superior manner, work warrant d a" represented 'I kith hxTKiCT kii wiriiiit-T I'aiv. (loo I sets f r u onico Corn r .Main nnd Iron Mreets. 7'i be npen nl nil mum during the lay Will bo at th onico of Dr. L. II. KllntitnCatawlssa on edaesday of each week, Nov. !My iJLOOMSHUUO DIRECTORY. PHOI'F.SSIONAI, CARDS. S11UCKINOIIVM, Annrno-n-Law Of .lice. It. J. Clark's Ilulldlng,2dstorv moras, usburg. may 7, '80-t f U. HARK LEV, Atiorney-at-Law. In lirower's building, 2nd story, ltooms 4 A i I. I II. ROIilSON, Attorney-at-La ) , In Ilartman'B building, Main street, -at-Law, Office I) It WM. M. RUBER, Surgeon andl'liysl- clan. omco Market aieei. A&oveoiu .ast R. EVANS, M. D., SnrRi-on and Physi , clan, (omco and ltesldeneo on Third street, f It. McKELVY, M. D., SurReon and Phy J . slclan, north side Main street, below Market. rR. J. O. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN HUKOEON, omco, North Market street, Uloomsburg, Pa. oct. i, no. D1 I. h. RAIiB, PRACTICAL DENTIST, Main Street, onboslte Enlsconal Church. Hlooms, burf, Pa. tv Teeth extracted without pain. Oct. 1 1S79 MISCELLANEOUS Q M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH, oo'vlng MaclUnesand Machinery of all kinds re- dalicd. Opeka House Hulldlng, Uloomsburg, Pa. D AVID LOWENIJERG, .Merchant Tailor Main St., above Central Hotel. 1 8. KUHN, dealer it.. Meat, Tallow, etc., ueniro street, oeiween oecuuu uuu uuu. K KOSENSTOCK, Photographer, , Clark S: Wolf's Store, Main street. A UGUSTUd FREUND. Practical hom XV oathlo Horse and cow Doctor, Plcmmsburg, Pa. no hoi 79-tt ItU. 14, Ty Y. K ESTER, MERCHANT TAILOR, ItoomNo. 15. OrxaAlIorsx DniJiiNO, Bloomsburg. apt 1119,1878. OATAWISSA. w M. L. EYEKLY, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, Cutawlssa, Pa. cniiwiinn. nrnn.ntlv mnde and remitted. Office onroslte Catawlssa Deposit Hank, lm-3 w h. riiawn, 'attorney-at-law, catawlssa. Pa. omce, corner of Third and Main Streets, CARPETSs Tareest stok In vew York rltv, ow-n mccs, amsMingot nonueiva, W'lton, Axmnsters, Wivet" Hody and Tiinestry H'Uksls, lip'o I'Hs and ingMiii uariy-H iwnii uui- oeis to inuicn), i u ciotns (in tviuwo, .iv,..'b Htm cpitTAINi. $100 per pair, to tho flnest REAL LACE Import d. SHEPPARD KNAPP, 189 191 tlxlli Ave., cnr. 18tlA St., N. Y, Mirth 2il, cm, abco. F. IIARTMAN ' HkPBXSIMIS TBI rOUOWIKO AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES Lycoming ot Muncy Pennsylvania. North mclcanot Philadelphia, i'a iranklln.of " " Penns) Ivanla of " Farmers of York, Pa. Hanover of New York. Manhattan of " omce on Market street No. e, Uloomsburg, Pa, oct. w, PATENTS and bow to obtain them. Pamphlet free, upon receipt or Stomp for post age. Address aiLMORB, SMITH & CO, &lllor . fl"H, AW Ofla. H'uklto, A a duo6-U 100 LAWYERS. Q !! UltOCKWAY, A 1 T O U N 12 Y-A T-I, A W, CotnmtAM UcitniNo, Plcomsburg, Pa, Mcmb r of the I'nitod stni t. C"u l',T';J!'aao ln any ratt ut Amcrlc ' I'-ofope! E. WALLER) F. Attornoyat-Law. omce, Second door from Ht National Bank. ULooMsnuna, pa. Jan. 11, His N J U. FUNK, AttnVTiMvnl-l n Iliercaso of Pension Olitnir,,.,! rvili! Made. llLOOMSIlltnd. PA. Offlco In Ent's DcantNo. p H H W.J.HUCKALEW, ATTOKNEY8-AT-LAW, Bloompbarg, Pa. omce on Main street, first door below Court House JOHN M. CLAKK, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW, Uloomsburg. Pa. omco over Schuyler's Hardware s-torc. P P. BILLMEYER, M-lUltnil AT LAW. 0rnc-ln Harmon's Building, Main street. Uloomsburg, Pa. n, L1TTL8. ROB'T. B. LITTLI. I? H. & R. R. LITTLE, IJ. ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW, Uloomsburg, Pa. p W.MILLER, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW omce In Urowcr'sbulldlng.sccond No. Uloomsburg, Pa. B. l'KANK ZAKIl, Attornojr-at-T,aw, III.OOMSHUUO, PA omco corner ot Centre and Main Streets. Clark's Building. Can be consulted in German. Jan. 10, 'SQ-tf 1 EO. E. ELWELL. A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A W, Columbian nciLBiso, Uloomsburg, Ta. Meirber of the United states Law Association. collections made ln any part of America or Europe oct. 1, 1179. NOUH. U 8. WITSR8Tr.l!N. Notary Public KNORR k W1NTERSTEEN, Attoi'iiovs-at-Law. omco In llartman's lilock, corner Main and Mar ket streets, Uloomsburg, Pa. Z3rPennont and Bounties Collected. ;. P. SIIA11PLES9, D. LEACOCK. 3STEW FiE-nvr. SHAEPLESS & LEACOCK, Cor. Centre and Rail Hoad sts., near L. i: B. Depot. Lowest Prieos will net bo undorsolci. Manufacturers of MINE CAR WHEELS, Coal Break cr and UrKU'ii Castings, WaU'r Pipes, .stoves, Tin ware, Plows, IRON FENCE, and all kinds of iron and Brass Castings. Tho original Montrose, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, and side hill Plows, the best ln the mark et, and all kinds of plow repairs. Cook stoves, Room Stores, and Stoves for heating stores, fchool houses, churches, tc. Also tho larg. est stock of repairs for city stores, wholesale and retail, Buch as Flro Iirlck.o rates, Cross Pieces, Lids tc. &c, Store Pipe, Cook Boners, Miunis, uano- Platcs, large Iron Kettles, t20 gallons to ltf carrels) arm Bells, Sl-d Soles, Wagon Boxes, "Allontown Bone Manure" PLASTER, SALT, tc, AC. Jan 9, 'so-iy THE DAVIS. TOE LATEST IS THE BEST The fxreatest sSewinc Macbiae of tbe A&e Don't fail to see this wonderful piece of per fection, the New Davis Vertical reeu Shuttle Sewing Machine. Manufac tured at Wate'town, New York. All are cordially invited tncall and in spect the Neiv Machine and obtain samples of work, more beautiful and desirable than ever before accomplished and utterly impossible for any other to duplicate. Tiinn.unila witnessing the immeu.e ranee ofworfc.anddUcanllnptuelr old machitKs for the new machine, i feutuiieiit proof of its superiority and tiring lor me javih trade tnat runs ttie taciury iu no mm... .. paoity. The Vertical Feed, Which supcrcedts the under teed, is the hinge upon vwiicu swings me ui-.i.i EI) SUCCESS, Composed of only 13 Working Parts, while others have from forty to seventy-five, making the Iract complicated, me iiiubi uut hU and ino-t rel able machine in use. It nosilivfly leads all nineis, iioijuami ... 1 .. i . . . 1 I., .1... , tr.Tr.T 1H1V- wim ail uamin, i " Li,.,n uiitiiTi i- MACIIlNi: IN THE WOULD and gives general satisfaction. Will be sold .r . I .. ...mot-r. emir nl.' at Hie re'cut popumr uwutw ,.m PRICES. Samples nl work tree. J. SALTZElt, Gen'l Agent. Uloomsburg, l'a. oct. 3, '79-ly. piRE INSUItANCE. CHIIISTIAN V. KNAPP, I1LOOMSBU110, PA. . n,nMuM.i,n.,flmHHi hru.uut'u UJ KKO and I'lHK TESTEb ana uftiuueici ji-i- um 'v ?.n'i ! ' : T... lour Thtr imru aro all Invest. ed ln JotiDSEcrRiiwsand oie liable to tho hazard L6bsesVnoMi"r!.Y ard uosmnr adjusted and paid as wnasri(teimlnedby('iii8TiA(i P KkArr.srkc- "l. AOkNTANll Al'JCSTEK UUIOHWI'IIO, PA. .If." " p nniv hlinu d tiatronlze the sgecy where losves If any ore settled and pild 6'iSSS,"StV A!R DEAUVO Nor, H.'sa ' UDITORS' REPORT OF t;o,".'i!!.a t " "! T 0 " " '' 1 ." ,"1 ''eHrnllK Poor 111., irlrt rir Hie jiMir niillng April lllli, IHSO. C o. .UKIMIY, Collector, tin To mt of borough duplicate poor fan es, s mills B77 2t IIS 41 6,079 40 9,633 70 "nl'll ' ,,orou'!,' dxpHcato special, l am t of too nshlp duplicate poor ta " om't ot township duplicate poor tax special s mills rti lly amount returned to Commissioners onboroueh roOB. Mi cents Thomas Connors, Hrldget ( lark, Edward C'uriey, Oantel lilxon, waitln Oaiiirhnn, Thomas (mughaii, Thomas llnt.rll, PjIII Hcuron, Thomas Homes, .lonno. liauiey, Cnro'liio KUne, Widow Keller, Oeorgo Marks. Mary Mclirearty, lilcliard I'uicill, WllllnmToirey, Mnrtln (VolRh srxctAt. lo cents M cent, i o so cents I!W fri cents Is cents so cents 10 cents 25 cents 10 cents 11(H) SO cents tlM w cents 90 cents 10 cents .WlilUm Zclgler, Total. t.JH 'ooit srrctAL rJ cents aa cents in pi S'l " 10 143 00 $2160 S3 7ft l! 87 to 85 tO S3 Ml S3 Ml S3 110 15 53 2.3 ! 13 S3 13 C 75 3 84 S3 11 S3 18 CM) 3 S3 1 SO 91 130 75 S3 13 S3 13 SS 13 75 .IS 1 to 75 60 S3 !5 13 51 la 60 vr, 75 as R00 4 00 1 78 t.1 1010 f. 00 4 (HI 2 01 1 75 M !i S3 ool aim 010 a eo 24 I ll 1! 00 c. II. Prockway, Wm. I rown. Bernard Breslln, Na'hanlel Brown, 'losiina Ileum ,1 liml II Pmrnv. niln (Inln. linn Calilhnn, Uttvid Coek, Hum Iuvis. Con Donahoe, lerry (loorire, 1 homos Henncsey, lid. Honcback Peier.Ioico leterKllne, A. V. Creamrr. Caroline Knltlle, (x-o. 1) 1 Indermuth, .in. o riuum, l.phrnlin I.elb, Calh. Moirlson, i ., Patrick Moran. Terrenco Maculre, i i-i a .uw.iieiiHniiD, Mary Thomas Mellon, Marrat d hendlg, llnrrj- n.Marr, Marv Itumm. John Iteston, ojji iiiiiinu, I Owls Tri'lshnph Jacob Ttlen, John Young, Total, Jiei 13 to(ta lly nm't ot exonerations on borough implicates. SI'EL'IAL Rllahpth Clpnrv. l ihi SO 1 (HI 65 21 1 SO 10 SO 111 IT 30 ills. ThO'i-as Langon. sou John iiHvla. Thophtlus Evans, l le k uen uoirti Co.. ooo Mrs. Abel Keller, .Mi Mrs. Mhos .Vmulian. leo irs .iaa. Jle.MHnimliu f.u Mrs. Oraeo Monahan, 87 .Mrs. .Mary (tunning, l 60 Total, JIT 22 (104 Hy am tof exonerations on township duplicate. POOR nenry mrrlrk, Wm. Burns, Jacob Heimer. 1'Htrlrk IVinrv. IB C3 S3 10 S3 83 33 S3 23 31 87 :b 100 81 75 33 65 6 33 Mrs. Win cawley. Owen Cortlgau (dead) i aekey i urrj, Patrkk (laltaeher, lliomas Uerrlt. Ml 05 75 C5 2 00 r,3 1 60 K 110 10 3 waow .lonn uerrity, wm Ctwlev. Widow Hughes, Henry Lavellc, John lloiran, (error) urjon Mikerr, Widow Kealv. John "cllal, James Naughton, Total, (13 30 1IK. To township Door duplicate am't (3,079 40 " uurougu . CR. Bv a'mt returned tax on town ship duplcato By im'l returned tax on borough duplicate " am't errors and exonerations township dupllcnto " nm'l errors nnd exonerations borough duplicate " collector's commission at per cent balance to be raid in treasury 5.7 S4 3,C6CCi (161 13 15 ss 13 30 17 22 272 44 5,170 U . (5,C50 64 C. O. MURPHY, Treasurer, ln account with said uisinci. DR. To om't to be received from Col lector CR. By am't of Treasurer's commission at 2 per cent " anrt of orders ot lso redeemtd 1S7S " .. .. ,1 870 .1 " am't balance duo district (5,176 15 (103 53 3,408 53 1,441 60 122 80 SOW 4 73 (3,110 63 llalnnceduo district bv C. G. MurnhV. Treasurer (173 Wc.the undersigned Auditors ot Columbia county have amy examined and audited the roregolng ac count and rind It correct as nbovo set out. WM.T. MNNINO, ) S. E. SMITH, ) Auditors. CHUISIIANll. SEF.SHOI.TZ J C. a. J1URPU Y, Collector ot special tax. DH. To am't cf borough special tax duplicate (115 41 " township ' " 2,533 70 (2,635 11 By nm't returned to Com-inl-sloiiers for collection towiiMilp, (SO 03 lly am't returned to rom mlbMouers f -r collection borough 3 IS " nm't of errors and exon eiatlons, township 6 60 " am' of errors and exon erations, borough 4 04 (S3 81 (1073 129 0) 2,432 55 " am't of Collector's commission nupercint " nm't special tax to bo paid to Treasurer (2,055 11 U.G. MURPHY, Treasurer cf special tax. lilt. To am't 1 1 special tax net to bo collected (2,412 55 en. lly nin t ot commission at 2 per cent tiscs " receipt (,f Prothonotary Krlck- baum August so, 1S79 430 60 " receipt of Prothonotary Krlck- baum September 1. 179 400 oo " lecelptof Prothonotary Krlck- baum Dec 29, Hit 600 00 ' recelntof Prothonotary Krlck- lauill IKC29, 1S79 22651 1 bal duoC o. .Murphy on Judg ment sal IMlcd 1673 am't John Sullivan Judgment, debt Interest and cwls agreed to bo paid out of special tax 34 75 1 am'i. ot balance due the dlst. ntdato 409 S9 (1,432 65 Balance duo by C. a. Murphy, Treasurer jit-aoy v,. iim underelirned nudltom of Co timbta county have duly examined and audited the foregoing ac count and Iln it correct as above bet out- 1,. .iMnliSU. i S. K. SMITH, Auditors. CIlllIal'HN B.SEESH 'LTZ.J Orders redeemed of 1S79 and lsso ln detail. No. ion April so. 1M9, Drs. rustlae aud .Mrurs, llifuniuo wuu oci n i-a i , mi Anrii 20. '19 (leo V. Dals. 1r.. au ditor tees 20 00 . lai Anrii so. '79 dltur tees 20 00 Miia ,nrii20. '79 Thomas Casey, audi- Mr fees 20 00 miiAnr 126. '79 Thomas Murnhv. audi tor fees 20 00 i. ins nrll 23. 70 Chas. 3Iairulre. audi, tor fees 20 on " 104 April 20, '79 I). F. Curry room rent is oo i 107 " Wm. II. Prlee.aul.tcea som 104 " ' cpy'grept 7 50 .. mo " Martin Flanacan audl- tnrs'elerk 20 00 2 May 22 '19 It. SI. lashelle.raed services 33 50 4 " David Walsh services poor dlr(Clor 5 m "ihos. chipman senlces 110 50 124 50 rioi ioor uireeior "o 1 Thomas ChMpinan scn'lces floor Director lomas (.alljgher services poor director ' P. P, Burke Iml. Clerk Ites " iiftlCB rent ' Thos chanmn horde hlro 15000 123 50 "7 " " " " " io " "11" " "13 May 31 " 14 " 1411 0, 40 l S0(0 63 00 233 91 7'JSiuiieI Keller salary as steward " Samuel Keller money ex. penueu ini'iiittrici is " " (Jul Iruuitnan nowdir 2 611 990 i " (leo W. Duds, Jr., laedl eiiw, Ac. ii it " " V. (I. Murphy, mdsc. for dMrlct ' 20 July 15, '79 BiiK'kwav A Elwell pub- llhhtug sialemenl " 94 Aug. 31, '79 Jno. U KUnu lumber ti 23 . " Samuel Kelnbolu shoo mending 26 " " I'enJ. W ainer Beed corn . 17 " " sain. I.evansrlo(er seed M ss " " Fd, Kurtz, nolih work i so " " Wm. Peirfer keeping va grants ' 81 Sep. 13, 79 Burke A Bros.conins ii 11 " LewUPriuce clothing for piupers ii 4 " "0 O. Murphy mdse. for district ss " " V (1 Murphy mdse, for dlst i let ii so Oct. 6, I9 nurke A Uro. mdse. for dUtrlct ' 87 " " A, ll. Portner tinware 42 Oct, 91, "79 A. K. Mensch carpenter work ii 43 " " Chas. strausser carp'nt'r work "41 " "A it. Portner.stove.te ii 45 " " p. p. Burk on account of clerk fees ii 40 " " Dr. D. J McKlbbln med ical seivl es "U ( John U. btokes woikoa farm 743 SS an co 40 28 p49 4212 600 5 60 1703 24 00 SS75 921 22 400 CO 22 JO 10 6 00 25 tO 65 00 60 00 11 vo i0lllltilWtl4 BLOOMSBURG, PA., PRID AT, MAY 21, 1880. " 6t Nov. 1, '7 Wm. PclITer keeplngva grants ' 58 Pec. !7, '7 Middle C. V TOOT Dlst. for I.. Edwards ' fo " " it, m. tjishello medical services . "69 k. iieiily attending J. Welsh " CO Jan. 8, 'so p. p. iiuiko clerk fees oa account " 64 Feb. '.8, '80 Mre. .las. Sweeny ser vers rendered " 71 March 80, v p.p. Bui ko on account 8160 89 00 1(1 IJ 000 40 00 2 60 of salary fooo Tho following orders on Thns. rhapman, late Tro surer, were nlso redeemed bvC (I, Murphy, AC, No r.3 April 27, 1S78, John Herner,eomn, AO , " ii Apilisi.iaivihos.oallagher, sar- vlo(sasdlrecor ' 7 May 4, IS, Edward Poy. attending H.KIpen " s.i May 4, '18, 0. B. Millard, mdsc. for district ' mi July a, is, win. Peirrer, keeping vagrants " lus fept, 8, IS, K. D Kurti, smith work ' 101 M'pt. 9. 18, It. 1J. Fahrlnger, J. P. ft es for paupers " WO Sept. 0, 7s. (leo. W. Davis, med- lclne ai dBurplles " les sepi. 0, 'is, Thomas (lallaghcr, services rendered ' IIS oct. 4 '7S, s. p. Levan. bnl. duo " 113, (ii't, 16, '7s, John Herner " list cuis. is, Mrs. swttny, mak- Ing shrouds " no net, 15. '79, Wm. Pettrer, keeping vngranis " 13 Deo 7, '7!, C. O. Murphy mds'e fordwrlct " 83 Dec. 2s '78, P. M. Heaver.potatces 135 Dec. 28, '78, Charles Chambeil In, serdces rendp,itl " 187 Jan s, '7J, sam. Keller, on ac count oft alary " 133 Jan 25, '.a, Oro. W. Davl;, tncdl clde, Ac, " 142 Peb. 28, ns, Casper llhawn.clotli li.g ' 143 Peb. 2T, 'ID.Owen Catogan.attend ll gpiupers " 143 Keb !, '70. Benvlllo llhoads.llmo " 14S Marcii s, '7, locust School l)ls 'Hct, tuitlort " 149 Ma'rli , '79, Mrs. Donlon, servi ces retdered " 15' March , '79. Dr. It. M. Loshelle, medical services " 163 Match !, '79, Wm. Peltier, keep ing vagrants " 153 March 49, "79, John Snyder, smith (30(10 5 00 5 83 15 00 893 49 SI 75 6 00 IT 00 S3 75 49 0U 13 62 4 00 5 00 1515 SOU 00 780 2 S3 60 00 31 85 TOO 801 12 SO 15 00 11 00 60 00 11 40 work j on W rllten order Auditors fees lo 50 The fo'loHlnir nrfl.r. rirnwn rm .1,m.. mil.. former 1 reasuri'r, were redei med by C. O. Murphy! No. 4ii Dec. 31, '7t,Oeo. Boj cr.corn plough AC. S3 tni " 44 Oec 31. '77. Thomas Oerretv. npr vices as poor director to oo And jilso tin-ro lowing orders drawn on Pal rick Burke, formvr Tieosur. r. No sii3 Mtr li SI, '77, Thoi Chapman, at tending court, Ac. 1200 150 J .n 8. '77. P. F. Burk. building crib 15 oo 187 March 31. 1877, 11. Fahrlnger, J. P. fees 2 60 Ttie following orders Issued during Iho year are still ntitsianoti.g and unpaid. -o. i .May ss, 'in, o. vy. Davis.medlclnc, Ac. " 3 Mav 21, "79, David Welsh, services as director 8 May 22, TJ, Thomas (Jallaghcr, scrvl (es as director 12 May 82, '79,Or. McKltbln medical ser vices ' 18 Juno 8, '79, Thos. Kerns and oth ers dlggltg grave " 19 July 15. '79, (I.E. Myers, publish ing statement 81 August so, -79, P. E. Buck, hard ware, Ac, " 24 August 80, '79, John L. Kline, coal for pooi house " 25, August ao, '79,R. M. lcal services " 29, Augut so, ,79, Thos. Oerrely car riage hire, etc " 83 Sept. 13, '79, Chas. E. Eck, lime for farm " asucr. s, '79 (1. w. Davis, mdiclno " 39 Oct, 8, '79, P. E. Buck, hardware AO, ' 4 ' oct. 8, 19,Dr. McKnlbbln.medlclne Ac. " 41 Oct, 8, 79, Mrs J. O'Conncr, horse hire " 47 ou. 24, '79. John Snyder, smith work " 49 Oct. 24, '79, Wm. Fink, smith work " 60 " I. D. peters, fruit trees " 63 Dec. 27, " Simon Fetterman, vino gar, Ac 54 Ivc 27, 79 II. D. Maize, medicine In '73, 74, '75 " 65 Dec r, 79, o. B. Millard, mds'o " 57 Dec. 27, 79, Yeager A Uro., leotner Ao. " 59 Dee. 27, 79, Thos. Chapman, coal and hauling ot Jan, 31, SO, Thos. Chapman, ser vices as director ' 01 Feb. ss, '80, p. E Buck, hardware 43 75 100 00 100 oo 23 00 0 00 3150 27 99 21 87 60 00 24 00 5010 4 70 4913 3 85 95 00 22 00 10 2 , 20 00 9 7S irUls 7 83 45 00 j3oo in niarcn si, su, umanuet Lcvan.coal 15 3- 1 oo March 27, '0, Tilly Wagner, sala ry as servant ' 07 March 27, '80, Peter Swank, bone dust ' 0" March 27, -80, O. B. Millard, mds'o 1 09 " ' " Sam. Keller, inedl- cine bought ' 70 March 27. '80, Dr. D. J. McKlbbln, mi dlcal services ' 71 March 27, 'mi Thos. onllagher.ser- vlees as Poor Director 03 Feb. 29, 79, J. s. steel, bill heads 78 03 4 80 157 75 11 00 50 00 600 500 (1406 01 cENsrs pooh norsE, AraiL 1, lsso. Number ln houo March 3t, 1S79 37 aamuiea aunng year abicondl'd and left remaining In A prill, USD INVENTORY. REAL F.STATK. S I 2S 17 2 acres ofland"llc miin tract" ttsoooo vtm. jiuier tract" dwelling house. 1 ban.. I wacron Khirt. lcorn crib, 1 coal and wood bhed, 1 pig nen Improvements on the above 000 (hi l'EKSONAL l'KOPERTV. 1 hay rako 123 00 1 OKI 10 no 5 00 50 W 81100 0000 2-100 30 00 500 800 2 00 80 00 1 50 40 101 M 200 800 21100 threshli.g machine 1 wind mill cuttint: t'OX 1 two horse wagon ) 1 two tioiso wagon 1 carriage set or carnage harness s-ts ot wagon harness pair bob sleds ploughs 1 harrow 1 reaper scvtiies garden rakes irralu drill I wheel barrow cultivator two horse sleigh $310 90 lIOrSEnOLD FUKNITCnE. 10 bels on upper floor 1100(10 second ln two rooms 70 0O eo on 24 00 5 IH 3 00 12 00 8 01 0 IKI 3( 500 4 00 4 Oil 1 50 2ro 4 00 2J0I cooking stoies lieming stoves table luinge writing ucsk rdoz. ehdlrs doz common chairs cunboara v ashstand bra room stanas looklmr classes kttcuiMit'hles round uiblo 30 yards ingrain carpet 323 50 STOCK. horses J150 00 90 00 50 00 COY.S h Ifeis hogs 50 00 (340 00 RAISED OS TUB FARM. PO bushels wheat 117 00 KOIM ISO 00 24 50 155 00 32 23 1 (10 400 SO 00 240 00 90 00 112 00 leo oats 200 " potatoes 3S " ri 550 " corn ln ears i3 " buckwheat 7 11 onions 2 " beans 1500 beads of cabbage 12 10ns or nay 9 ions corn loaaer l'lo pounds pork 24 pounds neei 45 00 J10S075 ifnnrr,nvnivntivir,nv4 Ifllrt I 7 bushels no v, -.-. S!5 v. ncai 20 1 0 20 Oil 12 50 90 00 100 00 4 00 50OO 78 (Ml 27(H) 500 50 " oats 6 " buckwheat 800 " corn In ears 200 " poiatoes onions 5 tons straw 1300 pounds poik 4511 " Itoef 250 lienos cabbage i uarreisbauiaioui 10 (HI f497 75 CKSSl'S OF TU It 1YOK 1IOCSE 1011 THE TEAK, No. In i-oorhousH April t, is79 anmuien uunng year left durlnir lear 17 23 'U",;n;',rl'?"SHK"?w .. .. - 41 Tl.t tftllnu Inir hAlirifv$t am rlim flip iUlrlft frnm the onioere tici w named (MIU IfUm 'til 1 I'UlIIUIirimt'iriUrUI tO ,';,M, nits (erruy ror m, uurpv ions im w " Pat. llurko. Treasurer or '70 " " James Dally; Treaautrr of '77 ' o (1, Murphy, Treasurer of '79 " " " ' special tax " Thos. Chapman, Treasurtrof '78 TUOS. ClIAeMAN. CK. 60715 ny ami pild V. a. Marr, att'y iso 00 " saliirv asdlrnetor 14Tto " horse hire, time and ex penses as dliecior In full fur ;ial. of year "79 116 00 Pal. due the dutrlct 191 15 60115 llalance due Hie district bv Thos. Chap man ivi 1 rruaurt-r lur is 119115 tl'o . l.a ,.,.- LWrf oi.H. ...... ., , ur.o...iu ou-. iuiuuiuiu vuuiii, have duly examined tho foregoing accounts and nnd tho balance duo by the se-erai onicerscorrectas Bet UUvuy,,Uo..v. r,. .T. .n uUJ. .. ... tu m, I I,, hi T 1 V llirt In.. CIIMSTHN II. 8EESIIOLTZ, ..... v.v.. r .... ' Wo the undersigned auditors of Columbia county hereby recommend that tho Hoard of poor Directors do proceed 19 put a new root on the poor house ot Bald dis'rlcl, audralt-o the rear portor said houe bo buiu urn un, uim iuipu iuo ri-ur I'linui nam ikiunu bu as to bring the comb of root ot the minis to middle of structure, thwhileco.tor the same not lo exceed six hundred dollars f flon.00.) oo anu mini inn pn e ot one norbe ana uugrgy VS&ZJ&l&VZ at three qoiiarti-r day, for each day necessarily spent m tho dh-charge of their duties. WM. L. MANNISO. I II n kUIMI Auditors, cmiiijTUiui. siilauoLTZ.J AprU Poetical. NOIIUDY'S CHILI), BT r It (EBB CARSV Only a news bov under tho light or tun lamp post plying his trade In vain. Men are too busy to stop to-night, uurrymg home through tho elect and ro'n Kevor since datk a paper sold ; vt nero snail lie sleep, or how bo fed? Ho thinks ai he ahlvrs there ln tho cold, vt utie happy children are safe a-bed. Is It Urango If he turns about with angry words, then conies to blows. When his littl ) neighbor, Just sold out, i uwing ins pennies past Mm goes? "Slop!" some one looks at hlmswect and mild, .urn iuu uice mat ppeaxs is u lender one. "You sho Id not strife such a little child, And jou should nut uso such words, my sonl" Is It his anger or his fears That have hushed his voice and stopped his arm? "Djn't tremble," these aro the words he hears; "Do you think that 1 would do you harm?" 'It 1 n't that," and the hand drops down j wouian t caro tor kicks and blows: But noliobody ever called me son. l localise rm nobody's child, 1 s'pose." O menl as ye careless pass along. Jiememoer Iho love that has carea for vout And blush for the awful shame aud wrong Of a world whero such a thlnir could Iw true Think what tho child at your knee had been tr tnus on life's lonely billows tossed: And who shall bear tho weight ot the sin, a one ot ineso "little ones" be lost I Select Story. WAS UK TItUU ? Sho stood on the topm ist point of a higl rock, her disordered yelluw tresses blowing in bl u try ringlets about her pretty flushed cheeks, her lur, dark ejesall aglow with an ticipated fun. Sho held her straw hat in her hand, swinging it by its scarlet string?; but upon the naer approach of u gentleman, she Hung it deliberately into the sea. 'Get my hat, Clive,' she commanded, as ho came up to her, panting from his brisk nalk- A tall, giant-like young fellow he was surely, towering far above the fairy-like per .linage before him. He Btood irresolute moment, evidently in no mood for a duck log at high tide, from such a perilous point as tin.. 'Do you hear, sir?' cried Miss Beatrice Chelton, impatiently stamping her small foot. 'Fie! what a gallant knight you artl Tho young man clutched frautical'y at the hat, as it was washed aihore by the incom ing tide. Hut it was carried beyond his grasp, and it took some exertion for him to keen his balance upon the slippery sand. fter two or three fruitless endeavors, dti- ring which his fair tormentor looked on w mirthful, mocking eyes, he succeeded in rescuing it, and once more stood beside her, his handsome face flushing slightly as hn ..r.-.ll'ur,.! If Ll- ,.ln,l,nj ll ,l.,r,l,l i,. loam, and his boots thoroughly soaked. 'I am afraid you got wet,' she said. 'Looks rather like it,' he good uaturedly replied. 'But now, Beauty, I want my re ward.' 'What reward?' she aked demurely. 'It is but a small thing to ask,' he said. 'Only a decisive aimverlo the question I nave so ollcn asked you in vain,' She looked cnqucttlshly down a, him. 'Suppoe I do not give it?' He miawed hU blonde momtaxhe. Sup pose Bbe did not? He could not force her, and he loved her too well to be able to stand 011 bis dignity. 'What pleasure can it afford you to keep mA tr. cu.. ,? 1,A n.n..llln ...1,.1. -.l ne was on tne rock cioo beimo tier, looking imploringly into her rosy, tantalizing face. 'I know that I have my way to make in tho world, Beauty, and that you are the petted heiress of a gooJ old nun; but, were our po sitions chnuged, I would uot cau9e you one heart paog, though you were heartless, or love you one iota less, though you were poor.' Tou are not friendless,' declared tbe girl, indignantly, 'and you will not always be poor. But, oh dear! you aro so awfully trag ic, CM ye. I do declare, you have given me tho blues.' 'Retribution,1 replied Clive, looking half playfully, half earnestly, at tbe pretty, so bered face. 'You will give me my answtr now, Beaut)?' 'In just five minulcs,' said she, setting herself down cooly to meditate on the mo mentous question of her whole futuro life. Those five minutes were like so many hours to Clive Winthrop, fraught as they were with an agony of hope and fear. If any one had told him then that he would he untrue to this girl he would have laughed the Idea to scorn. Tho happiness of his life depended on one little word from her lips. At last she looked up at the pale, anxious face. Well?' What a white heat of excitement tbcre was iu the word. She dropped her oves under his eager gazs, aud fiu.hcd scarlet as she donned her yellow head. Then Bhe stood on tin-toe and I ...I.I..,-.! .,.. I.. l.l 1 .!.. vTiiio'civu uci unsnci 111 ma ear, BU 1I1W unit even the winds could no iest it But when Clir w.d t'ealer. a Mnrrh 1.. i exprcs id her to sion in Ilia face, wouim his heart, she had fled, He watched her slight, graceful figure, as sho hurried lightly along in tho distance, and I ho heaved a regretful sigh when it was lost so to view. Ho would have followed her but for the sudden consciousness of wet feet, and akeen Bense of Ihe dUagreeablosideof I 0 alrenn sea breeze, wuenouly guarded agamst lur ilumn nlnilmu TJ.i linn I f -1 - tr... I M,u,iu v.wmw hpu.Ku iui luiiguojo otter wnnilpro.l lnnnnu on,,, tlw liuppr on MIA Piir nnitin I inexplicable reason, she had ceased to visit tho seaside spot where she had spent su many romantic hours, and at last, aoxlou und discouraged, young Winthrop ceased bis lonely vigil lie determined to brave the lion Ml Chelton' uncle in his den, n large, old I..Unn..l 1. . . iBQuiutiru uimiiirv uvuse.iiinwuusianuing lue I , , ,, , , . . I knowledge, that tbe old man regarded him . favorab e eves, and aq little - f I .... ,l l. . . icm ui uiure man a luriuue uunier. ... , , . , . ii certainly loot 4 line it,' ne tliougbt I .,111 Utterly as he conlureil hi nrMa nna 0 "'""'i 8S 118 c"jureu Ills priue oue day, and wended hl way toward tbe house. I wish to Bee Ml is Cheltod,' he said to the servant who came to the door. IIe wasshown Into the drawing room.and seeing a little figure Bitting at the further I , . , , end, rushed unceremoniously toward it. But he started back Iu dismay uttering an unin telliglble apology. Surely this was his Heauty? But no notwltlntandlnf? the ex traordinary resemblance, this grave, white ficHHud jetty locks did not belong to her. And yet 'I expected to seo Miss Ohelton,' he stammered, 'I was not aware that there was another lady In tho house.' 'I am Miss Chelton was the grave re ply. 'You Miss Chelton,' he exclaimed Incred ulously, '.Most assuredly,' said the lady, 'unless I have lost my Identity. But perhaps it'a not Miss VIvia Chtlton you wish to see. Prob ably you are referring to my slater, Beat rice? 'Ah, yes, that's it,' he slid, with a slch of relief, 'but I never heard Beauty speak of a sister.' 'Heauty?' sho said, inquiringly. 'We are great friends' he said, colorinc slightly. 'lis only a nickname that I have given her.' 'Obi' sho said. I underjtan 1. May I ask your name, sit?' 'How embarrassingly abrupt Bhe is,' thought Clive, as he gave tho desired infor mation. 'May I see your sister?' he asked, chafing inwardly at the delay. 'I am afraid you will be disappointed,' she answered, 'because sho has gone abroad for an indefinite time.' All the expected light died out of his face. Gone awayl It was indeed a bitter reve lation. 'Sho left a letter iu my charge, however,' continued his enlightener, 'which is directed to a person of your name.' The young man took it eagerly, and, ex cusing himself, went over to a distant recess of the drawing room, where be might read it unobserved. It was very short: Dp.arClivi: I have told my undo of our engagement, knowing that he would take "" nou'e anujuuicmm course, uieci the news more lenienilv from mn ilmn inB tho wants of its customers in all res- J I Tli men very angry at first, he at last con- setiled to a cumpromirc, and will givo us his blessing iii a year's time, if we remain true after Buch a lonir separation. He has sent mo abroad, hoping that I will become enam ored of some rich foreigner; but I shall uot frget you Clive, nor doubt your loyalty. BnATmcn. I'. S. My sister I never knew I had one, by the way, till uncle told me U staying with him during my absiice, and I will en close your letters in hers. It will be useless to answer them, as the old lady who is cha peroning mo will never let mi rest long in one place. 'There is so much to see and i"0 little time,' she says, but the little timo will seem ages to your poor exiled Beauty. B. Clive pressed the missive to his lips agait and again, 'My poor darlingl' be said, softly, as a vis ion of disordered yellow hair and a merry, vivid face rose up before him. Then he went back to the dignified figure waiting gravely for him at the other end of Iho room. 'Will your uncle object to my coming here finny Ietter.7 he nked. Biie raneu ner pale lace to Ills, with a unit, me'nncnoly smile. Aiy uncle lias no interest in my affairs whatever. My sister is his favorite, also his heiress, and I am only tolerated iu her ab- setice as a necessary evil. When sho rc- turns I shall go back to my task of ' Of what?' he asked, as she checked her- self Buddenlylti the act of confiding her troubles to a stranger. Of ponuding knowledge into empty heads,' she finished, at his solicitation. And somenow uecouiu uoisoon lorget me grave, iiueiieciuai iate. He went weekly to the house for his let- tors, seldom meeting any one but the young girl. When he did chance to meet the un- e they passed each other with a stilF bow. lue visits, at tint rather irksome, became a leasure, They gradually became longer and less far apart. Clive found that this grave littlo girl could keep pace with him in raanmlellectual pursuits he was partial to In fact she was the first voung woman ca pable of being really a companion to bim horn he had met in hi eventful life, He often fodnd himself wishing that Beat rina tiail Iiamm ludd nf a httllord ami m ira .. , m llkri l,..r i-ravp tntpllAiMiml !-tor Vivtlhut- n. , ....... -. . she was always grave; Sjnelimei a low, musical laugh would burst from her rosy Hps, but she couhl check it almost as if it ad been a sacrilege. Olive felt that her oung life must have been a sad history, and e often repressed a yearning desire to offer is pity and protection, But days and weeks rapidly merged into months, and ono day the master ot the house called the young man into bis library, requesting a private ulerview, 'It is now six months since my niece left her home, and I do not think It necessary to banish her six more. I suppose you will le glad to hear that I have sent for her to imo back,' And there was A humorous winkle in the keen gray eyes, and a quiz zlcal upraising of the bushy white brows. 'Of course, Bir,' replied the young man readily, though not in a very assured tone. Vou are still true to het?' was tbe next question Thero was a silence on the part of the other. He was a nuzzle to himself. He bad intended to be true but, with auother im age in his heart, could he, in truth, say he was? He could only reproach himself for his infidelity, 'I will be true to my word,' he said, un st pad 1 1 v, 1 see now It is,' chuckled the old man. You aro divided between love and money inu wroug me, sir,' said the youth, haughtily drawing himself up. 'I am dlvid en between Honor aim my owti Heart. ' i nat mows mat your heart Is n it honor able,' retorted the other, with more plain ness than consideration. 'You are pretend ing to be honorable when you are not; but' with a motion of dismissal 'vou are nriv lleged to do as you please,' i ue young man leu me house, aud uncoil sclausly wended his way to the romantic runty u'iiik uy lue sea. tie piciureu Jieat rice as she had last stood there, her yellow hair t jsslng in the wind, her bright face i t. i i - ag.ow wun nappinesa mat wa,s care-lree, I5l. l.n, . !-(.. ....II I.. .1 1 jun iii,ue-s auu luva iu ttuuuuauctf. Ii.aal.1 'hilt. mr.l.rllnn " 1 " - h ' But here, lost In his thoughts, he almost stumbled over a, tlnj figure that lay wedg-jd ju between soma grasr grown rock. A book had been flung carelesrly aside, and the girl's long, dark lashes lay on the pale, rounuen cuecxs. Ulve looked at ber with a great tender ness In his eyes. 'My darling has nothing but my love. IOU u Ui Alter an, as THE COLUMBIAN. VOL. XIV, NO. 21 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, VOL. XLV, NO. 19 old man says, It is useless to wear a mask of honor when honor is not in my heart.' And be bent so low that his Hps almost touched the fair cheek, and In another mo ment would have done so had she not sprang, with a little, silvery burst of laughter, upou her feet. 'You dear old goosel Did you think I was asleep? How shall I punish you fur your unfaithfulness' And off came the sombre whig that had made the Monde complexion look so start llngly white by contrast, and before Clive Winthrop, her face dimpling; between smiles and tears, and her tumbled, yellow-gold hair toeing In the wind stood his old loye, Miss Beatrice Chelton. 'What doss this mwn?' he asked, a light cocmencing to dawn on his mind. 'It means,' replied Beatrice, a new-born eagerness In her fair, smiliog, sweet, wo tnmly voice, 'that I won you as an heiress, and, to salitfy uncle, I have won as a poor, friendless governess.' And Clive took her gladly to his heart, for all the pain aud self-reproach of the past weeks could not equal his present joy at finding butu his loves one. 'But suppose I should prefer the quiet, in tellectual woman?' he laughingly said. And to this day, it Is a mystery to himself whether or not, during that time of proba tion, he was true to his first love. Attachment to Newspapers. Some one seems lo know about the rela tion of a good newspaper to the family, writes the following : "The strong attachment of subicriben to nell conducted newspapers is fully confirm ed by publishers. "Stop my paper," words of dread to beginners in business, loose their terror after a paper lias been established for a term of years. Sj lonir as a paper pursues a! ,t r r( iti l""' "1D "ca 01 irieuusuip oeiween ine subscribers aud the paper aro as hard to break by an outside third party as the link which binds old friends in business or social life. Occasionally defects and errors in a newspaper are overlooked by those who have become attached to it through its pe rusal for years They sometimes become dis satisfied with it on account of something which has slipped into its coluines, and may atop taking it, but tbe absence of tbe famil iar sheet at their homes and offices for a lew weeks becomes unsupportable privation and then hasten to take it again, and possibly apologize for having it stopped. No friend ship on earth is more constant than tbal coutractcd by the reader for a journal which makes an honest and earnest effort to merit net, nervous exhaustiontodlgestion; pain its continued support. Hence a conscien- in the head, with nausea; fullness of atom tiously conducted paper becomes a favorite acb after meals, chilliness, general debility in the family. blind Tom at Home. Blind Tom when at home in Oeorgialives in a building about two hundred, yards from the house, and there remains alone with his piano, playing all day and night like some one posted with madness. Btd weather has an elftct upou his ramie. In cloudy mjny seasons he plays sombre music in chords ; and when the sun shines and the birds Bing, he Indulges in waltzes and light music. Sometimes he will hammer away for hours producing the most horrible di- cord imagnible. Suddenly a change comes oyer him and he Indulges in magnificent bursts of harmony, taken from the bet pro- ductlons of the misters. Since his child- ,,ood no has beon 11 n idiot and he played nearly as well at the ago of seven as be does now; but now his repartoire is much larg-r aud be can play anything he ever heard lit now plays about even pieces and picks up new ones everywhere. It is a curious fact that he will mt play Sunday school music ft ho can helii It, having a great dislike for it. For Housekeepers Now that house cleaning time is ap proaching, and in as much" as every good housekeeper knows that nothing gives tbe interior of a li i'iso, that is not papered a more cleanly and cheerful asp.'ct than fre- nllfln, li,i.,nuL; kii.n:- ,1... r.un l"c"( 'i"'ii"8' n,;,w,r .u...... ...t.ii. 1 .i. .r 1. i... lug iccciiii, nuiuii iin iud iiicni. ui uciu inexpensive, may be of ue lo some of our readers. The most common and inexpensive kind of lime whitewash a purifier. A fine hrilliaut is obtained by mixing "Paris- white" with glue, in the propirtion to b'ix- tcen pounds to a half pound of glue. The glue should be white, transparent kind. It should be covered with water at ulght,and in the morning cuefully heated uutil dim)!- ved. The "Paris white should be stirred In to hotw.iter until it ii of the proper milky consistency fir applying to the walls, aud the dissolved glued added and thoroughly mixed- Try it, A .man' may be brave enoufh to walk right up to tbe cannon's mouth, and yet not have the courage to hand bis wife a letter he has carried in his jacket for a week. The man who is sure that he will go to heaven is sometimes so doubtful about the rest of the world going that he fears he may be the only one there An erring citizen of Fort Wayne, while fishing on Sunday last, had a fit, fell Into the water and was drowned. Moral: Never have a fit while fishing. The f mpress of Russia has keept alive brcathiug oxygen gas mixed with acid turpentino, which is administered to ber aud four times a day. 'And I pray dat de Lord take me, till tried 'Sellers Coug'i Syrup,' au' I'a nebber UfiCI-E CXAUDE. cougTitd sinco, llow's dat for bigh, bo..? When )ru meet with good fortuno all your fri-nds and acquaintances about wen you get stuck on a liorso trade keep I " u juur-x.-ii. I " - i I. i t,.i . all rre unutu n me. I -We can conBtleutlv recommend SsW, . ' . , r- i .. (3. ...... le n. . 1. 1 ..i , ' "'"Pr " StUtll highest prrwluro at the World's Pair, superior article of wine for the sick and billtateil, and all thnso who require viuunui Trantpoiilions. 1, Patt, Imp. 2. Pear, stimulation aud Initiation reap. 3. Act, eat. 4. Dog, god, 0, Run, Tbe vineyards are at Passaic, New Jerey. urn. near New York city. 0. A. Kloim sells wine. "Anty vat makes der leddle baby cry No Do it want ii mudder V "es, dear, the ' its fodder, too." HATES OF ADVERTISING. M, IX. It ... .. no ia.r.0 tl.u, IS.oo tsxi rvnlnclirs " . UiO ..( H.IO S.00 ." rhni InPhM l.tlt l.tA 1 00 11.00 j..,,t..hUk . . unn rim 0 CO ll.oii VO.'a. Juaner cblurnn. .'(S) B.OO lll.OO H.OO W.W" ,1.11 column 111.01' SJ.OO eo )ne column ju.oo so.oo o."v ivu. i Yearly advertisements nny&Me quarterly, ilnt advertisements must be paid for beforelns Trkk nteiw i ii-cnt where tiartlea hate accounts, ' in.i.,tvttMUmrti.iniiniiiirrerlnclifortlirft insertions, and at Ihsl rate tor addltlouninscrtioi without reference to length Executor's, Amlntstralor's and Anditor's notlcj Ihrajrinll... btiat ImMIa. Wh.H tm.ertd. Transient or Local notices, twenty cents a lit reguiaranTerttsementsnaii ratea. . Cards In the "Huslness Directory" column, of. dollar per year for each line. Kvery circus has tho only liorso that Jumps- through a ring of lire, nnd yet every circuit V has that one. Ananias crime was probably editing circus pnsicrs. "Somebody's coming when the dew drop fall," she was sweetly humming, when tho old man remarked: "An' you bet ycr sweet life, Marie, tbatbe'll think a thunder storm has let leose when he gets here." If you are bilious you will find positive relief by using 'Sellers' Liver Pills.' Sojd by all druggists. A rich man who is troubled to know what to do with his money should try tbe experi ment of leaying it to a young man who has been brought to think he is too good to work. Jnya are our wing, sorrona are our spun. Day's Kidney Pad Is health, medicines are death. . Itemarks by a Texan maiden to ber perfi dious lover: "I nn't got no brother, and's too old to fight, but if you will just takeone of these here pistols and step off a few paces I'll jluo in the duet, and mlstts won't count. No one can witness the sufferings of the baby without feelings of exterme pity; for ihesa suffering', however, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is a sovereign rtmedy. Washington was a very buy man. He scarcely knew what an idle moment was. When you read Ivrlng a "Life you begin to understand why George the Qreat never told a lie. lie never nad time. A Loosing Joke A prominent physician of Pittsburg said jokingly to a lady patient who was com plaining of her continued ill health, and of his inability to cure her, "try Hop Bitters I' The lady teok it in earnest and used the BitKrs, from which she obtained permanent health. She now laughs at the doctor for hNjoke, bin be is not so well pleased with It, us it cost him a good patient. A dentist at Liarell, Mass , worked at a girl's teeth for uearly three weeks, and it was proven in court that he stretched ber mouth half an inch. The jury, however, decided' that a big mouth was no damage to a woman. Long indulgence in over eating or drink ing products a disorganized Liver, and alt tbe evils attendant upon such derangi- munis; depression of spirits, habitual costive- land .anguor. Seek relief from Simmons' Liver Regulator. "It is a very valuable remedy for dyspep sia, sict headache, torpid liver and such like A-MAW.. w.S. Holt. Prrsident of S. W. K. I jj fj0 0f Qa," A Newark (N. J.,) man proposes that the Newark Gas Works, in which hundreds of tons of coal are consumed every week, be converted Into a crematory. He claims that the furnaces and the Iron cradles used for running coal into the retorts at the gas works are peculiarly adapted for consuming bedies and preserving the ashes. Bealdes, on the theory that a human body will yield in burning, 350 feet of Gas, it would enable the gas company to incinerate without charee. Thu. he claims, would do away with the expensive funeral required in the present mode of burial. Sore eye, tetter, salt rheum, &c, are cured by "Dr. Liudsey's Blood Searcher.' Sold by all druggists. OUR PUZZLE CORNER. CONDUCTED 11V W. II. UA8TMAK. Contributions of original puzzles are so licited from every reader, Address all com munications relating to this department to V. U. Eastman, Auburn, Me. CKOSS WOIID ENIGMA My first is in work, but not in play; My sciir.d is in hour, but not iu day; My third is iu whisper but not in talk; ....y fourth is in mimic, also in mock; My fifth is in lnng,but not in wide; My sixth is in lurk, but not in hide; My seventh is in line, but not iu mark; My eighth is in light, but not in dark; My niuth is in silver, but nut in gold; My tenth is in young, but not in old; My whole ,we all should surely prizu Above all else beneath the skie'. G. H. D. AS l.NSC'ltlPTION. We believe the couplet below was first found in a chapel in England, where it ex cited the attention and curiosity of the wise men for many years. At length some dis covered the key to the mystery, and brought to light the true meaulng. Who can tell what the kiy was?! P It S V K Yl'RKOT M N, V It K. P T U S P It ( P T S T N. DECAPITATIONS. 1, Behead a portion and leave duplicity. 2. Behead to put on and leave a propo sition. 3, Behead a wild auimal uud leava spike of corn. 4. Behead to revolve and leave a vase. Melancthon. easy problem. If five men, working five hours per day, by do a piece of work iu five days, what time will be required for six mm, working six 1 hours per day to do the same work? III DOLE. tell Of all enigmas and charades, jfr ft&jS In all the Ir shapes and all their shades, "iiS Whate'r the first or at cond be, f itt Tbe last is always fmnd ln me. AN8WEP.S TO LAST PUZZLES. Xumerical JCnigma Out Mutual Krlenil Curtailmcnii. 1, Pent, pen. 2. Bowl, 10e as a bow. 3. Punt, Pun. 4. Test, pea. 5, de- Pant, pan, 6, Made, mad. the Dropped Letter) I ' ui all sad words of tongue ormen. The saddest are these: It micrht hAvn iAn l so t Tuvn, and CidVi.-l, Trenton (tea-ren'l. and ton.) 2. Albany (all ban-nigh.) 3. De. orn (e.) 4, Camden, A, Fair-field. r WiS Vi 9i -.1