The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 07, 1880, Image 1

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Issued wookly, ovcrjr Friday morning, at
IK. M,
11.011 15.00
OnolncU....... . ....JJ.oo ll.t.0
T,.,,,,. . .( 4.01
. . ro dollars por vcar, 60 co nts discount allowed
u.isi s.uu
7.00 lt.00
g.oo ll.oii
..... .n n 11.1 1-1 ilnncei. TO Subscribers out. nf Iho
Iliree Inches . . .( ';
fuur Inches M J.
ousrler column . P.eo
A.... in rut ft fin
oounty tho terms are 11 por voar, strictly In advance
10.00 10.""
18.00 SS.00
NO paiKT UIS,uillu,v,-n, UJSuuyi, u. ui'UUU Ul U1C
m.o.iiUhrr. until all arrearages nro nald.but
continued credits after tho expiration ol tho first
ot.o column '. 6.10 to.oo M.uo loo.'t
-A..iv A.iiAr,iumftiis ti.ttblp Quarterly. Tran
' kit nanora nrnt, nut nf the Ftatn or to distant, nnu
win noL m alien
sliiiUdvertlscmentsmustbc paid for bcfereinierwo
OITlces must bo paid for In advance, unless a rcspon ivrinn In Columbia county nssumcs toi.av the
. cpl whi le parlies nave a ounis.
.nsei lions, and at that rate lor ddlllonallncriloIJ
SUDSCnpil'"! .
" ...... n. ,,nmn.l
the county.
Aimoutreierencs loicngiu,
Tho.tnhhirir uenartment nf tho Columbian Is very
Ejecutor's.Amlnlstrator's and Auditor's notlc
three dollars. Musi be paid for when Inserted.
Translcntor Local notices, twenty cents aim
complete, and our .1 li Printing will compare favora
0. E.ELWELL. i ..,. ....
reijularadvertlsementsliall rates.
J. K. BITTEUBEHDE3, j rroP""or.
TIIK COMJMIIIAN, VOL. XIV, NO. 1!) cards In the "liuslness U
COLUMlllA DKMOCKAT, VOL. XLV, NO. 1o dollarpcrvcarforcachllne.
bly Wit 11 C 'H Ul III" I'lIKU 1.11 ll'S, nil MUI MUUW UU
rtemand.neatlyandnt moderate prices.
Ituniurnn uutvivi
, est
ll I Y 1 11 H i I i t 5 l 11
lllinii, ItcliiPC,ff I
Itriiinir.fif IllrnrnUxi
I'lirtf tnat l
Hrtnrily f&ili
lmmiHlifttn rvli
of Ion MAndi
ami oHinurf
llfxathllt llntllf11H
Itrturil fails tocurn. (livna
lmmiHlifttn rvlirf, CiinS c&59
of Ion ftAnditift in 1
in a a nji.
Jnn genttint
Jr.V. ilOltrU UnnntMTP, I'M.
turn or won fin I
li alltm
!TitirtiErliti. h-ntliy inMliy .1.1'. Mm rn.M.
0V.1 TM7
11 UY
for Cisterns or Wells of any depth.
I'liiln, Iron, t orcelaln. or Copprr lined,
llrandn XV, (I, MX, (III, (I No. 1,
II, 1111, II No. 1, Tor sain by tho
Hardware Trade, Country Mores, rump makers,
etc. see that tho pump j on buy
lllatchley .Manufacturer. 80S Market strict, 1'hlla.
delphli, Pa. Aqueduct Plnu lor Farms .Mines, Tan
ncrlcs, itc, from 1lo6 It ches In bore, and turned
and bored work of ull dcsci Ipllons tnudo to order,
aprlia, '. sis
H you mo too fat or ton lean nnl want to know
liow'tocli'inpt) your condition, vviu torn copy ot
tho work. Kut nnd U'nn. Itcontalns eompWc tl 5 -L'lpnf,
Dietetic and ThcrapiMUtc Instructions that
will enable any ono to ri'd'ico tiuMr ileH If corpulent
or Infroa-to It It eil. It li written In a clear
yet comprehend o stjlo nnrt Its dlrectlonn can 1
easily underfitood. ltKhonld he read lv eery fit or
lean person. Sent for ten thre cent statnpi. VAN
DKla' cu., w Ann rt . New Vork,
April 1, cm. ab&c,
Paper Hanging.
ikon st., nni.ov skconk, iiloomsiiuiio, pa
Is prepared to do all kinds ot
Plain and ornamental
All UIikIm i.rriirultiii-c licpnli 1.
iiiid niiitlu :ih guild sin nciv.
Estimates Mado on all Work.
Oct. 1,1 S73.
IMitlill-dicd lSll.t.l
Ponsions, Increase of Pensions,
and all other clashes ot Claims lor Soldiers and Sol
dleri' Heirs. nr.'Secilted.
Addrt-ss wlih btainp,
dec 5-tt
(IILM01IK i: CO.,
Washington, p. c.
All sts les nf work done In a superior manner, w ork
warranti d as reiiresenled TKkTii l..ruCT
ki without Pais, (loodsets fr fio.
omco corn r -Main and lion Miccts.
7!) be open nl nl hours during the day.
Will bo at tho otllcn of Dr. I.. H. Kllno In Catawlssu
on Wednesday ot each week.
Nov. iMy
, , K. UAKKI.HY, Attorney-al-I-aw. Olliie
j. In lirower'a bulldlnt', 2nd fctory, liooms 4A5
t I!. H0111SOX,
' . In llartinan'sbulldluif.Malnstieet.
II. WM. M. UKI!KI,WirKeoii ami 1'Iivm
clan, omco Market .ucei. Auoiculi Last
It. KVAXS, M. 1), Surgeon ami I'liysi
. clan, (Otllcu and Kesldeuco on Third street,
II. McKELVY. M. 1).. Surceon ami l'liy
. slelan, north sldo Jlaln street, below Market.
omce, North Market street,
. llloomsbur, Pa.
li. I. I.. KAMI,
II am street, opposite Episcopal Church, Hlooms.
bur', Pu.
I v Teeth extracted w ithout pain.
Oct. 1 law
elnir Machines and Machinery of all kinds re-
dalrcd. oi'ka Horss liulldlnf, liloomsburg, Pa.
fAVID LOWKNIlKltO, Merchant Tailor
U Main St., abovo central noiei.
7 S. KUIIN, ilealer in Meat, Tallow, etc.,
KOSKNSTOCK, l'liotoniilier, ovir
, Clara uil aoiuie, ...uu ot.tvv.
UOUSlUri I'lilHIM). rraclica! linnien.
ifb. 14.
puthlo Ilorte ana cow iiocior, nionmsourt-, n
MuimiuXT 'PATI.OH.
ltoomNo,' 15, OrERA llocsK Iicilbinu, liloomsburff.
Catawlssa, Pa.
collections promptly made, and remitted. Offlce
A 11 Ull.MV i -ii v " i
Catawlssa. Pa.
onice, corner ot Third and Main streets.
I.ari'est stock In New
v,,rk citv. Lowest Prices.
cuusMlngot .Moiiuettes,
Yimou, Axniinsters, Veliels. llody and Tap'f r
Hrussels, 'Ihree Pls and Ingram turpi ta Wl'y.
ilers to matchl. Oil-Cloths (all wldlha), Mattlugt,
ders to match), Oil-Cloths (all
LACK criiTAlN-t. Ji.oo per pair,
to tho finest
1IKAL; imporiru.
la 1D1 blxlli Ave., cor. 13th St., N. Y.
March sa, 6m, ab.fco.
imnutlVIlN Tilt VnHlWtVa
Lycoming ot Muncy PeDnsylvanla.
North Atnclcanot Philadelphia, i'a
tranklln, ot " "
Pennsylvania of "
Farmers of York, ra.
Hanover ot New York.
SlonicelonnMarket Street No. e, moomBOurg, I'a,
oct, , I ly.
una cow to obtain thara. I'amphlet
ties, upon receipt of Stamp for pont
age. Address
aiLMOKE, 8M1TI1 is CO.
SoUciUm of Tamtl,
Kw Patent 0JU4, WntUntl, A O
1 1!. lll'.OCKWAY,
T T 0 U N K Y-A T-Ii A V.
Colimman Hilt uiMi, lllwiliisburK-, Pa.
Meinh.r of tho Culled Matis Law Ataoclatlon.
Collections luado In any part ut America or Kurope.
oct. 1, 1Tii.
T K. WA1.I.KU,
onice, Second door from 1st National Hank.
jan. 11, ls;s
U. VUNlv,
Iticrcnso of lVuinns Obtninctl, Collections
onice In Knt's Urii.mso.
Q 11 ti W.J.I1UCKALKW,
Uloomsburg, i'a.
onico on Main street, first door below Courtllouse
Ulonmsburg, Pa.
onico over schuj ler'a Hardware store.
cjfhck In Harmon's liulldlng, Main street,
lUoomsburg, Pa.
K n. t.ITTLB.
H. & li. It. LITTLE,
llloomsburg, Pa.
omceln Urower's building, second No.
lUoomsburg, Pa.
1'ltANK ZAHIi.
Hl.OOMSliUllO, I'A.
onice corner of cmtre and Main streets, Clark's
On bo consulted in German.
Jan. 10, NMt
-1 ko. k. i:i.m-i:ll.
,V T TO li N E Y-A T-L A W,
Coicmbian Ucildiwi, lUoomsburg, Pa.
Metr-ber of tho United states I.nw Association.
Collections made In any part ot Anurlca or Kurope
oct. 1, 1979.
Notary Public.
omce in Ilnrtman's lllock, Corner Main und Mar
ket streets, liluoiusburg, Pa.
t&S-I'iiuioni and Jlounties Collected.
II. l SIIAIll'LKsy,
Cor. Centre and Hall ltoad sts., near L. i: H. Depot.
L:w:st Prices will net bo undersold.
Manufacturer of MINE CAH WllLLLS, Coal Hroak
crandlirldge castings, Water Pipes, stoics, Tin
ware, Plows, I HON FBN'CL, and all kinds of Iron and
Ilrass Costings.
Tho orl.'lual Montrobe, Iron beam, right hand,
left hand.ond sldo hill Plows, tho best In the mark
et, and all kinds of plow repairs.
cook stoves, Hoom stoves, and moi es ror heating
stores, fchool houses, churches, A'C. Also tho larg
est stock ot repairs for city stoves, uholesalo and
retail, such as l'lro Hrlck.ilrates, Cross pieces, Lids
tc. Ac, stoic Pipe, Cook Hollers, Skllllts, cakc-
1'latcs, large Iron Kettles, C2D gallons to la tarrcla)
Farm Hells, SIM Soles, Wagon Koxes,
"Allentown Bone Manui'e"
Jan 0, 'su-iy
The Greatest ssewiniic Machiae of the Ae
Don't fall to toe tills wonderful piece nl per
feci ion, llw New Iais Vertical I'Vcil
Shuttle PewlntrMtii'liIno Manufac
tured at VViitctown, New Vork.
All nro cordially
lnvilnl in call und in
spect Hie New Machine
und nlitnlii s.iuiile nl work,
nioro beaullliil and desirable, than
II. lnil and utterly
impoisible lor any oilier to iluplicatc.
'ri..uiu.,n.L n'ittihHiiiL' the iuimelire IlitiLr
of work, and discarding llie'r old machinis
lor the KV MAC1IIM., l" miuh h-i i 'i""i
its stiiieriority and brine; lor the Davis i
trade that runs the ractnry tu its lullist ra
The Vertical IPced,
U'l.ieli kuiiercedes the under Iced, is the
liintre. upon which swings the I NP.M1AI.LI
Composed of ODly 13 Working Parts,
while uthers liuve lroni lofty to seveniy-nn-
.....i-i.. i- fit.. aii-T ennui i ii'nii'ii. il l, li u.'i uui
UU Alll Vl VI .v I " " -
l.l 1 rull.,l,lt, tiinehinp 111 1IS0.
UUlti nun iiiw-w
It positively leads all oineis, iuhmjawai
...i.l. ..II l.oyli,,,. und Is Hie I.Killl'IWT HUN-
nn .. tii,iii,vi iv 'inr. wmit li 1
ami gives general satl.lactlon. ill be old
... .1... ..iil nmailar lirill'f T.ll SCALU OP
1T.1CES. tfarnplc. of work free.
J. sAIr.lUl, Gen'l Agent.
lUoomsburg, Pa
oct. 3, 79-ly.
ritlllSTIAN F. KNAPP. llL()OMSIIVltO,l'A
I MON lslfllAIMr.ii'.'Nei.
ri he.o oi n cnnroiiiTioss ore well seaoned by aire
and HsKTEsTku and have neier jet had a loss set.
led Ly any court of law Their assets ale all Invest,
id lu soLin stccMTUsand aio UnWoto tho hazard
1 dsses rtfniim t and hoslsiiy adjusted and paid
as i.oon us dtteindntd by cubisiun k KK.n-.srtc-lU
AUeSTiS'll AnJCSiiK IH-ooumiBU. PA.
Tho people of Columbia o unty bhou d patronlje
ilieaEi" cy whrre losses II any aro bottled and paid
by?SP'.!-i lAin DBAMKO
HOT, it,
N12 W P1KJI 1
Tho well known 0. II. Will n:, Proprietor of tho
OltANOKVlLt.!', AtllllCrl.TUIlAL W01IKS,
has soli a halt Interest In the same ti.t. W. Conner.
The company hnc repaired the works, ona are pre
pared to aeconitnnditenli who want am thing In tho
line of Arlcilllural Impleirci ts. They hsie lust
completei anew lert hneii White plow.whUhltiiov
slble, will beat th rlk'ht h ihd. ,Ua surface plows
or Jointers fur the mmc. new 1 hresherar.d Clean
er lth centre shako of rid Jlo Hiw, called thu
White Tlii'ffclu-r mid Cli'iinor,
with bolhlpvcr and railway powers on a Kteatlv
Improied plan. We manufacture LAND UiM.l.i:its
with cast Iron heads, c irn Plows double ami slnitlo
Cultivator. Mile hill Plows, Mill Castings. Turning
of every diwrlptlon done wun promptness. Wo
keei contantly on hind a Urge niioittiicnt of Plow
Mures for our on n runt many other plows that aro
uieil In the country. We will not be undusold In
work or tn-iterhil of the same nttaltt.i. our work
Is warranteil to give sntt-f ictlon, or the money re
funded. M DliFY COMPL 1 1 t'lnN. rarmers, and
the public in genual nre luiuottcd to call and ex
amine before purchasing i-lsewh re.
Jan. la, '-o-1y
riU" Wlmttini'faiiiff triuic9arl'e from Inter,
n I Jlk'ulltir, Internal and itciiln I'ilf ' he alli
endea trn to obtain eeii putlali idler Ins di"eonr
ajjedthu millions who Miller, nnd thei hive burin
their aj;oii In sllcii' r, thlnklm,'- there waj no hop-)
orprosit'U vt a euro MitlUMandltiir the total
failure or the man rtinedlH la-ietotore uffered for
tnecnrecrpllts, und the plclnro of aj:on resting
on the fdcutr those is ho have tiled thu varlotn tern
edhM but In lain set canetlv sought for ami atiX'
lousU tiled nn.Mlitnir tint promises the least relief
unlit their coimiire has lonir sluee irlven place to de
spondency, let th'm cheer up. allow tht smiles of
hpplness to hlundnato the hnKvard countetiaiice,
nrul the duties of life will burrormeii wltlimlereu
of happiness m,d pleasure unknown nrweeki,
months or j ears. Hills' I He Remedies aru the te
htilt of miceiiMtij- ttuly und eerlmeuttiiKr, the lie
pluaultrMif ine Ileal wlt'iie'. and Ineiery respect
safe, sclt-ntltlc and reliable for thecuru of piles In ev
ery rorm. Kills' u-medies ate boM by 0. A. Klclm,
Kjooinhhurs. I'a.
Tr) Or. llrltfit.' llmiliiti IliiNuiii.
la r.nn it m nine mi'i unnersai ani Hisiressim;
dlsensi' of tin1 present d iy, and th seoren nf won
derful leuiedh s oflcred tr Mie cure or this disgust
ing disease, whlLhare wort-u than worthless lias
dlseour.iced the millions who sum rand havetrbd
In vain for teller and euro until tlnlr eourayuls jfono
and the victim Mill sutlers In dount. lien woatu
with Dr. .lusl.ui KiU;'s fatatih sj iitics Nos l and
2. and how shall uunrocu'd to convlnen lint vu
have thutmst and cheapest rein'-dles know n. Ihl-Vu
win furnish them to responsible lmrtlea on condi
tion .no cniK no i'v." viul- v ill pn fiiH-rorui
pauulhi.uullniiti-iirii urd U ill 111 1iul fur I hlr '
ipui as a cure. 4ui in pay j.-i' u ii auviintii; pin
unoust.rdeleterlous Is round In their compos, tian.
th Will imv Jl.eeo ir in anv particular Dr. .lo-dah
llrliTPs L'atiirrh -Teenies arc found dltlereni from
renri'MMitnllmt. U'nrranti'il to Instntitlv ri llt'Vcntid
radically euro Acute, t'liionlc, I'leeratlve or DrK'a- I
tarrh,oid lu tie' Iliad, and all nfTittlons or the
cavlth s or th" b"ndand thm it. Two buttles in one
box. (rvatest Mint s of the uj;e. sold hj t . A. ,
KUlm, r.iuonisbtitg. ra. i
Vr Or. Itrluu Cmartli pi'idlic.
lliinlr.ii-. frtriiRiiiid oltmr a'lnients l f tlm fcpf cniiti'
much sutTerlne amoufi; all nations by vvhom shoes ,
are wot n. 'I het e Is moi u than $1imj,ih) i vv orth ol bo Jts
and shoes detnoed annuall.v In tho United Mates
(in inn rest or me wor.d more i nan oy cui-
tlni,' while m vv, or neailj so, to make loom Tor pain
ful bunions, corns, lnrovv inn nil s. oro 1'lyt 'p.
DeMdeslhU jiieut si'rltlce, theru Is pdd In -New
l orn id unropimisis aoom ti.v"v anuuauy: r.i .ew
Kmrland btates iilmut li.' : In the wistern ncut
houthem about 5o,ihio; and In the k st of th'1 world
abotit jito,ii ; beMdes this then ! t'-oi in spent an
nually fur cau-ttes ii'wt otner wonnu'ss coiniKuims
jr tne cure or iiunions, uorns, roie insmps, eno'-r
et-t. etc. To avoid these cieat oses aiid expeiull
tures, use Dr. .io-IUi Krlifjfs' Bunion lialsam ami
sure Corn Cure, which Is tho onlj pieparatlon
known that i:lves tmmediato ndief and radlcallv
cures hard, softland ulcetured llunlons haid, sutr
and fesilered corns, vascular ex credences, callmsllles
larpe and small, sore insteps blistered heel, te uer
reel, Inrovilnif nails, etc,, without causing or leav
ing an palu or soreness. Wnrrauted safe and sure,
sold by c. A. Klelm, lUoomsburj;, I'a.
Trj l)r. llrluK-s' rniinnitleled rile ltriiird).
Ecad and Reflect.
Loral and constitutional treatmdit for ull Ca
tarrhal aiTectlons. Dr Josi ih Itilt'irs Caliirh ou-
clil. b areotTered to tuose allllcted with ncute.chron
tc, tilccratlve ordiy catarrh, cold In the head, hay
lever, relaxed pal Ue, soie throat, hoarsen ss, los
ot volce.nndnll aiTectlons cf tho nasal cavllleSHiid
tnrodi, wun affuurani c inai uiej arui oe.iper, m i
ter, moreemcictous, curlnj; quicker, wllh tn-'re ct r
talntv, und more aifreeable to uso than any remedy
jet illscoveied. 'two bottles In one box, one or
winch reduced with water makrsiH ounces ror u-e.
1'rlco ptr package, rurnisU u to lesponioie
narttes on conditions: ' no euro no pa . ' Dealers
aro authorized to rehmd tho money If pur
clner.s aro not satlslled. TIiuih-'CIIIch are eonMitu- .
tlonala.svtdtasiocai. jioo vviune pua ir tney ran i
to cure whn used as directed, f ton ror tin Ir efpial
asacure. j:eitir anj Ihlnk' pulsonousor deletcih-us i
Is round In their composition. H.uhu twm e pahb
If In any respect Dr. lirtffjfs' Catarrh spicules ate
found different rrom lepre.sentatlon. Here Unn on
portunlty Tor thoso discouraged bvtepeated fall- '
urea lO irj llkr;uil uu n niuuiiHimtuiu, aiih uiu
iimid wlio ft-ar dt-centlon mav venturt- to tr.v ihise .
speclllcs wtthou' feeling that they ute to be huin-
uueti, asmeru is uuiin ioiuu. iiiii.iuu-uun-ii-
est, bei-t and most agreeable, ir not fouid
tory ditnaml jour money and U returned.
s-oia uy l. .. uieim, luoomsuurK i
DD..I liltHiKs&C)..
nprll 13, 'a ly Newatk, New Jersey.
end for circulars
and nro f ol a
inoiiUi iiude s litu
tiolden 'thounhtof Mother. Home and lle iven, in
oroiu ai.u oucn j , v) ui"uii ...v.....,-
i.,.tr,it,.i iitnuti-i'rvbodv. t-'Mi'. a so 6.0 JO C liri-
osllles or ine inoie, i,to. a iiik'" wium-i a
uctuallv sold over 7,ini copies. .Moody's Authorized
....,.., c, j. bi mm in'nint nf irii'i'
npr. a), 'o-;m aid n"o. su& uroadway.Nevv oik.
Kent p.ild tuo-.itiu-U'iuaner
j cars bu ono. liest I 'ubtuet
or I'arltirtnK'ani In thu worU
winners or higher! dNtlLC
tluctlon at every world's r ilr
fui lhlileeh)eius, 1'rlces
.':, ffic. f-ii, fi, to tv u and
unw .rd A1-.0 for caaj pj
mciith & a month or t.ju
Mtutlei und uovsatd. cutu-
lOgUt Stilt. JUmW H AMI IS (JKOAS CO.. 'M'lrc
tnonthl,, li. stoii. 4i i:aat Uth tr I nloa simaie
t!vv York, lir ii U abash Avenue, chli go.
upr. Mf-nn '
mm u rrmcii
April , iv rrw
f TlcUllni or I)r)iu-ot" ibo
Horu Thruuti
Cold In the III-ud,
Wli00pn.f ouith
Cold In thu HoHi'Ut
Allinutlo t'outfh
and rtdlerurCuukuuiyllv.
Si m i
I if Tiiill
W.CII.OiriON HItOVNIMJ,.W. rronrlemr, 1117 Arch Strnrt. VhlluUelphlu, IV.
I i i in nA i.i. in i ill, tin n
dec 0, 'J ljr eow
riirnlKtit rnrcri
Ujr lir, Uurr'a Votiraltfla nnd Mck Uendaehe l'llls. A
universal pure for N'eurolfrta, Mek llend.irhe, Ncr
vmis Hendiche, Pjtpepsia, Cnnstlpatlon, Paralysis,
MeepleKsnpKS, t'nlpatniloti of the llenrt, and Head
nchn urlsltiif from over MlmuUtlnj; either from
opium or Alcoholic Stimulants,
These Tills arc n special r'murat Ion on' J for the
cure of sped il dls-ases t nmetl and firthes- diseases
lhy aro worthy rf n trial by nil Inielllk-cut suiTerer.
lh'y are prepared expi.ssl.v to euro Neuralfflitt
Mi k Headache, Nervous lle.idiche, D.vppt psl.i. .'on
silpatton, Paralysis, SI- eplefisnes, arid luss of Ner
loinKntrny. 'I hp are pleasant tn take (they dls
olie In the mouth) harmless, and i irectnally e-jrp nit
niseases arWw; from a deranged Nervous system,
1 hey cot tain no opium or other narcotic.
Prepared by A. K, lmrr, M. U., scranton, I'a,
l'rencli Ittchmts A Co PhU-id 1 1 agents,
sent by in ill on receipt of price, 5v ccnin.
Ixiny llran' h. lec, wt isso.
Dr. A. u, liurr,
Hear Sir: Xour NenraK't.i Tills cured
me, and 1 was the preitest of wufferirn. I haio since
boiiKht tin m Tor my Mt-ter and olhtm and they euro
fiery case.
Capt Cromwell,
Uniff lira rich I'lcr.
l'Htston, I'a., 1'cbctli, ISso.
lr. A. n liurr.
ivar InMv wife Ind tho Neuralgia
Tor ten dvvs and her pMMdnn g.ut her no relief, 1
culled on r, Kra p and not a bottle (.f your Neuial
if la l'llls and they relieved brr tu a few hours.
'Ihomas i-ord,
Atft impont 1'owderCo,
A, Klnlm, 11 ooms'.urL. ras: t liae sold these
Pills be tore und they gHu c;onl Hatlsfactlon and
always cure
Fcr Sa!o 1;7 C. A. Helm, Ilo:nitturg drugl:t.
feb V)-;'m
Vhcrc.'sl tho world renowned reputation of the
"White Sewing Machine
Induces mnnv tin scrupulous cnmptltors to resort to
i.M Klndnor mean tricks to injuie tts r-putiUlon, vve
b to rami in nil Intenillnif i'urchaeisnot to buyn
Whiti: Machine
I except from I'a tegular authorized dealers, who will
1 be siiatulneii by the fullo-w luj vvurruntv.
White Shuttle Sewing; Machine,
PLrn Ni'MiiKU tonann roll rMii,Y pciipo-
in hli'aii; roit 'rm: tkhm hp run ii:ak
This warranty excepts the hreakago of needles
bohlilns and shuttles.
This warranty will not lie sustained unless tho
plain number nboe uiieu conesjMjnds with the
number on tho shut He luce slide, lieiiaie ot deruced
or ultered numbers
Th3 "WHITE" Shutt.o Sewing Maehioo capvcitv tlnuftny ( t hi r bi mlly Sewing
Machine tor doing cut variety ol woik.
.1, SAI.TZEIt, (ifiicrol Ak'Cnt,
OCt. 3, 'Ttf-ly.
1 will mill (Kiee) the rectpo for n slmDlo Vegetn
bh lulmthatwlU iem-ivi ian, I'KKrKLR 1IM
PLKs und notches, leavlrur the skin soft, char and
beautiful: idso inductions for pnduelmr n luu
il.iiit irrovvth of hair on a b.ild he.idor f-mooth f.icc.
Aildress, Inclosing 3 cent ttanip, l!en. Vandeir &. Co.,
so Ann t. N. Y.
abico March 2C, Cm.
lM'jW Ll'Urj, Necrjet failed. Addreii
nitr ArTin I'nnfciimn'lriii ARtlimn
n 1111 Sill III JJ iwmi., iiuntciut., .Ul.
It't'.O, 'MT-J1 VViCCO
rnrtll) ll3 hytrm
And jou an1 armed against dUease, 'I ho finest ton
ic rurthM put pose U llohtetter's stomach Illttera.
which i tiiders digest ion ea nndcompiHtu counter
acta billlou-sccss, and keeps thB bonel' In ord-.r.and
N the bod Inv Rotated and legulated Ly lu Use, but
ae-'pouui'iic) uauisuen iroiti in- uuno.
l'or Halo by all druggMs and dealers generally.
For Internal and External Use,
ts a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for hlch it Is recommended,
and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of
even the most Inexperienced persons.
It w a Mtro mid quick remedy for ( 014.11S MUCi:
TllltO Ti CIlllJ.. und tlnular tnmbh mlurdn untuut tth,
U th vtoit tnatitfHaht Juno of DIl'UTI IDK I A and 1 Ihu bent
:or itiu.r.UA i i.u ami -iu u.ii..
Il Ihih been ucd ilh eli wiinlcrtul .urrr ul
i-irt. ili' v tH tor CUA.Mr-. ( IHtlJ It A. IM MIUIHIIA,
iim:m'i:kv ui mi mw:i. cojipkaintn -
roiuiitltritl an unjmltn-j cnr for (AtM dmatri
It l lir.COM.MllMHin ! I'Ii.IcIiiii, lll!iimirle.
.IlliiUleri. .IIiiiiuutTN nl I'luutiilltiii', iirK-.'-liiii, uu,l
I ,iclirli, Nure in lliiilliil. in 'hort. bj i:icrbud
ci crj hero who ha. pii.u U a trlid.
It hhcmld shtaya lw uurd fur 1'iiIm in the ltiiek it ml lde,
and lr'")t tftrity an J trmanmtit rthtj" lit ull i n-' i nl llrnlM'
I'utu f oral h srfr Iluriit, scnhU. tu
Stt lMU, CAN h.tlT.l.Y 1111 WITIKU'T IT. It will
uuuually wtvo uiany tmi tt toct in dixtor' bilU, aud itn i-rt
brim Jt Mlthlu tho n-ach of all It i old U .5c. "0c. and b 1 .(M)
u bottlo, aud mu bo cibULut'd f rum ull dnibtrixbi-
SON, Providence, R. I.
pruduatu-.f lut ..i ii ,at-.l'iwl
Ihinuaclkt, 6. id a tlki-i.--a
chuui-t Uta"C v' C'V utrh
6i C jU) Cordial t v itiir
;tof locrotliani .tiatcf J 'V
fe.tentlfiori;M'4rt,4iat'l. u.i t-y
auditi 'tlctn,64h U '.lymn
bytlierai'iuit,(li-p, . jaai.-l
iU unparai:-' It acy. Iho
cxprnt-atulEdiu .nuf. tumlnat
1 iBtjrfOn.a-itfrtataat'i-ttof
any othr iui Utina mi) tho
ti.arhr t, and ) t It 1- aJ I at th-j
cxrt lUiicly low pr.. (.f flOe,
S-H t ul t i
fciiwrt Uiuo c -) 'J ri,
- m r 1 1 it l 'i t 1 1 n I t.
It's curioin, Isn't It, Hilly,
Tlio ctinnses tliit twelie montM may brio?,
I.ait j ear I was at Saratoga,
Ant happy and rich an a kinir.
I was 'nklncln pools on the races,
And fcelns tho waiters with "Ten,"
Aud slpplnt mint Juleps by twilight,
Ami to-day 1 am here In the "Pen."
"What led mo to dolt?" Wlutalwaji
lA'ftds men to destruction and crliuet
The prodigal son, whom jou'veread of,
Has altered somcw hat In his time,
lie spands his subtJinco ns freely
As tho biblical fellow ot old;
Hut when it is gone he fancies
The hiKks turn into gold.
Champagne, n bo at the opera,
High step while tortuno Is flush.
Tho passionate kiss of women,
Whose cheeks haie forgotten to blush.
The old, old story, Hilly,
ot pleasures that end In tears,
1 h troth that foams for an hour,
Tho dregs t hat are tasted for cars.
Last night as I sat here and pondered
On the ends ot my evil ways,
Tr-cre.aroso Hko a phantom before me
1 he vision of boj hood daj s.
I thought of my home. Hilly,
(if tho school house on the hill,
Of tho brook that llowed thro' the meadow
1 can e'en hear Its muslo swell.
Again I thought of my mother.
Of the mother who taught mo to pray,
Whose lore was a precious treasure,
That 1 heedlessly cast aw ay,
1 saw ogalu Id my lslons
The fresli-llnped, careless boy,
To whomthe future was boundless,
And the boy but a mighty toy.
I thought of all thlsas 1 sat hero,
Of my ruined and wasted life,
And tho pangs ot remorse were bitter,
Tticy pierced my heart ULe a kulfo.
lttakes some courage, lltlly,
To laugh In the face of fate,
hen the 3 earning amoltlonsof manhood
Are blasted at twenty-eight.
.lotiti (IU.) .Vmiid'cim.
Select Story.
'KvoryboJy envies Hue Korretter.'
The pn'o girl, in golil-coloreil sill', lifted
tho bro.ul lids from lier clear ejes f.r a mo
merit, as the speaker's words reached her
ear; then she bent over the photograps upon
her lap again.
She handled the pictures with an enthusi
astic appreciation of their worth, no absorb
ed in their examination as (u be totally un
conscious of the tall, fair man who Blood
tilte nenr, looking at her with an apparent
suddenly awakened interest.
'lielonging to such a nice fami.y, an heir
ess so beautiful I'
The continued words of the speaker reach
ed Howard Manly's ear, but evidentlr Hoso
Forrester did not hear them. She turned
with a sparkling mule to her hostess, and
was still talking with her of the photographs,
when Mr. Clinton brought Howard Manly
up lor an introduction.
As she rose in the full light it revealed
that she was very young, scarcely 20, yet
tall of stature and with a certain marked re
poao of manlier.
Her beauty was not conspicuous sho was
too pale; yet Mauley r-aiv how perfectly cut
was eery feature, how clear the dark gray
eyes, how dark the curling lashe. The lips
shut over teeth as white as milk, and the
contour of the face was a perfect oval.
The girl's natural and spontaneous man
ner told that she gave the young man, at
first, no unusual attention. Little by little
she obseived him tho fair hair shadowing
the white forehead, the dark blue, penetra
ting eyes, the ununial grace of figure, the
faultless dress.
Her manner was so cordial and friendly
and unmistakably charming that Mauley
racked his brains fur the chance of a next
meeting, but was obliged to abandon it
when Miss Forrester was joined by her
She left the room, but inlautly he thanked
his tood fortune, at the findiug of a ruby
scarf pin which he recoguized as hers. It
was easy to decide the ornament too valua
ble to be entrusted to a messenger. It was
a presumption which he would mannge with
ease to call upon and restore it. was not a belle. She had too much
depth and passion of natura to ever be a so
ciety woman; but she had her admirers, and
out of them she soon cliu-e .Mauley
Sho could not te'l why, but his looks,
words, every act had a charm for her,and the
eloiiucut blood tinging hfr cold cheek at
his Approach told him the story of his
Ho was a proud man he might well have
be'ti a happy mie but hoolttu bore an air
of noticeable wearine-s and deprcs-iou. This
in aiismr lu Hose's gentle inquiries, he at
tllbutid to ill-health.
Spring was opening with its vivid sun-
shin", its balmy air, and Uose was very lia
py. It semied to her that it was the pki-
aiit inllufiice of the season which made her
laily ways s.i Wfh'; the tender colors, sights
ami sound surrounding hor daily walk with
Manley in the puk, which made them so
enj ivable.
IVthaps they lulped In make hf-r spirit
rmg m that she dared hay to hi rell, '1
love hini!' aud i-ay it without reservation or
fur she knew! that it was but a little
while much she fir.t met him, and of his
past history and muih ot his present she
knew nothing.
No; she feared nothing for herself. To
lue and be surrounded with tenderness was
happiness enough for her; she asked for no
more. Yet some instinct or trace of worldly
wisdom made her withhold her confidence
from her brother, who was her guardian;
he knew nothing of tho intimacy.
From the night the had first met Manley
at Mrs, Clinton's party, she never knew any
one who knew him intimately. He told her
(hat he had no living female relative no
He evidently had means at command, and
procured for her, with an ingenuity which
was almost geuuine.the tarest and most beau
tiful gifts, Her delighted reception of them
seemed n mutualjoy which prevented any
possible feelings of obligaiiou tm her side.
In truth, full ot the passionate impulses of
youth, she was deaf, dumb aud blind for
anything but thefulluess of the present.
Her brother came into the music room,
where she hat at the plauo, dreamily play'
lug, one day
'lto.e, will you give me yourattentloti fur
a few minutes?'
lie held un open letter In his baud, lie
was twenty years older than herself, a world.
wUo prudent man,
'Dr. Wingrovo proposes for your hand.
You are aware that It will be a very admlta
bio match, are you not? '
lton had n strange, stunned feeling, yet
she bowed faintly. From childhood she had
been greatly under her brother's control.
'1 should like to write him favorably,
Uose. Havo you any objection?'
She fouud herself upon her feet shivering
In the May sunshine.
'I would have a little time, lM-rln."
'Certainly, if you wish,' though his brow
slightly clouded. 'The doctor will not prob
ably look for an immediate answer.'
Tno next moment Hose had escaped from
tho room, nud was locked in her chamber.
During tho next two hours she hardly
knew what she was doing, She found her
self walking tho floor, and wringing her
hands. At last she stopped short, with a
sense nf pride.
'There is no leasou no reason in the
world I dare tell my brother why I will not
marry Dr. Wlngrove.'
Dr. Wlngrove was the noblest and gen
tlest nfmen, singularly handsome, wealthy,
and highly connected, and barely 30 years
of age. He had known her sinco childhood,
never mado love to her, but now that tho of
fer of marriage had como to her, she real
ized, Bomehow, that he bad always loved
Hose was conscious of a racking pain in
her temples, at last. The chamber seemed
Catching up her cloak and hat, and tying
a veil of heavy black lace across her (ace
she weut out into the street.
She soon walkul her-elf weary, without
abating her painful sensation, aud, returning
to the street lu which her residence was situ
situated, entered the public inclosure of trees
and shrubbery which ornamented the square.
tV fountain bubbled in the centre; the stone
vases of (lowers sent (a sweet perfume upon
the air.
So close to her home, she had no timidity,
and sinking upon a circular seat surrounding
a large tree, she gave herself up to her ab
sorbing thoughts.
It was soon dark, yet she had not stirred.
In her black dress, in shadow, she was quite
unnoticed by two men who crossed tho
street from the opposite side and sat down
behind her
She would then have arisen and glided
away quietly, but that the movement was ar
rested by Howard Mauley's voice.
'How soon?' he asked.
'Now, my dear brother, I'll stand tho risk-
no longer. I'yo passed false money enough
tor you to shut me up for the restol my lite,
and I value my liberty, singularly enough,'
Well, well, I am willing enough to go,
1' red. Heaven knows that I am as sick of
the business as you can be. Coining isn't
all prosperity. In a new country I should
feel like another man. Hut '
'The heiress?'
'I am sure of her. Hut I don't like to urge
a hasty marriage' She has an old fox of a
brother, who maybe inconveniently curious
regarding my affairs. If we could wait till
the autumn, now, I might enter some re
spectable business.'
'I tell you it won't do.'
Iloth rose in their excitement aud invol
untarily walked awayl
Plainly, under the gaslight, Hose saw How
ard Manley aud his brother pass under tho
slrtet. They were coiners.
More dead than alive, she crept into the
house. Hut Hose was )0t a weak girl. He
fore midnight she had placed Howard's gift)
in a close package and sealed them with a
note, briefly stating that she had overheard
the conversation in the park. The next
morniug it was dispatched.
As soon as her brother broached the sub
ject of Dr. Wingrnve's proposal, she, asked
to have the latter call upon her.
He came, with countenance so high of pur
pose, witli eyes so full of truth, that she in
voluntarily contrasted Howard's old, reli
cent face with it; but she told Mr. Wingrove
all the truth.
'Perhaps it was wrong but I loved him
loved him purely and my heart is torn and
bleeding. I am wild with a secret pain
which 1 must hide from every one. If I had
never known him! Hut I cannot imagine
that. This terrible experience has changed
mf; lam not the care-free, happy, trusting
girl you knew. I cannot love you; but pity
me be my friend, I inu-l talk to some one,
and oh, there is no one in the world ui kind
as you!'
Was Dr. Wingrove piqued by this recep
tion of his proposal? Jfo, he was tro gm-
erous and tender hea'lid for that.
'Poor child!' he said, in a time so soothing
that, for the first time, Uose gave way to a
relieving hurst of pa-shnate weeping.
'What shall I do? What do you think of
me?' she asked at lat.
'Wh will wait, and I think that 1 love
you,' he answered quietly.
So two kept the sfcret of Hose's sorrow
more easily than one, and though her heart
still knew the pai g nf grief for a time, the
milliner brought change of scene which wa
helpful to a spirit nally brave and inno
Dr. Wingrnvi" j lined Hoe and her broth
er at the seahore, to find brightness in the
younz girl's eyes again, and to the latter It
was sweet to call so kind aud noble a man
Together they tho rocks, drank in
tho freo air, watched the sunsets and the sea.
Of old they had been congenial, and now
they semied more happily so.
I here is usually a sidness about first love,
and perhaps is expected of nn to record i!ih
death of my heroine of a broken heart, but I
must toll the truth.
In the autumn Uose married Dr. Win
grove. She is one of the happiest wives in
the world. The fust love fell from her liko
a false blossom, while the second ripened
richest fruit.
Pain in the side, back aud loins, high col
ored urine, with debility and general emacia
lion nre symptoms of Kidney complaints
Now is the time to prevent suffuriug, aud
savo applying a Day's Kidney Pad
Sol 1 at the Peoples' Drug Store.
A red-headed woman may know a bean
but she cau't bo a school ma'am iu Michigan.
School committeemen dau't like readheaded
'Digby, will you take some of that butter?
'Thank you, ma'am I boloug to tho tern
rcri)jed Jigby.
The long-held ami only recently rejected
theory, that the shoals of fihcs moved in n
vast mass along tho coast, seudlngoff detach
ments ir.(o each river as lliey pass lis month,
is lo bo attributed to John Gilpin and some
other authorities, who have written llowing
ly on the subject. The recent careful inves
tigations of naturalists indicate that the
anadromous fishes, those entering the rivers
and bodies of freh water from the sea, do
not have an extended range lu tho occan.and
that thejtiyer's colony remains, after return
ing, in tho deep waters opposite their riv
er. Tho motive fot the movement of theso
shoals of anadromous fishes, or rather how
it is incited, has scarcely been explained
Tho life of the fishes has always been a mys
tery. It Is not a search for food, as Ihey do
not eat while in fresh water ; tho opening of
hundreds of stomachs will fail to find food
present. It is an easy disposal of the ques
tion as to how each colony iccogniza its na
tivo river to say that 'it is instinctive.' So it
i, also, when the butcher's horse recoguizes
the familiar gales ; but we have some evi
deuce as to what senso ho uses. Tho fi-hes.
probably, prompted by functional disturbance
from tho tumid ovaries and spermaries, aie
incited to movement. The course of the sea
unmarked as they are, aro within eacl- colo
ny's limit, their habitual pathways. An un
erring capacity in the fish far finding its own
tivcr may be more than thit which guide
tho hermit-crab to the tiaHca. The latter
goes to hide its sensitive body, with an appa
rent nervous trepidation at its unprotected
condition. Tho former, with au uneasiness
of body from the functional changes it is un
dergoing, is impelled to activity. The trans
mittcd habit of ascending the stream Is, as it
were, blended and alloyed with the substance
of the nerves, and roused by its condition,
carries it, without conscious purpose into tho
riycr of its progenitors and its own. The
impulses of the fish are only in a slightly
more complicated series than thoso of the
crab. That it should be tho instinct for a
specific stream, established through inhen-
tance of many generations, is easier to under
stand than that it is a sort of memory or the
place of its immature life, as the theory of
fish-culture makes it, and as observation
seems to sustain. In the waters of the Dela
ware, where thero were no salmon originally,
the young salmon placed iu liusbkill creek,
returned alter five years, and were taken, not
only in the Delaware Itivcr, but the laige
number in tho neighborhood of Hushkill
crock It is not essential that all the fishes
should have this impelling inilucuco, whatev
er it may bo, as like gregarious animals and
birds they (lock together, following the lead
ership of whichever for the time takes it.
Tho idea is sugge-ted that the senses may be
the guiding agent, that a fish goes nosing
along the coast, or tasting the streams, until
it recognizes its own Tho convexity of the
cornea must afford the fishes a very limited
raugc of vision. The supposed dullness of the
sense of smell and of taste iu fishes might
alone dispose of the suggestion that these ate
employed. The following occurrence, how
ever, would seem to decida to the contrary.
The Hussian Hiver, emptying into tho Paci
fic, north of San Francisco, had its mouth en
tirely closed by the waves during a storm
The colony ol salmon made their yearly mi
gration from the deep waters toward the
mouth of the river, and many of them raced
through tho surf, and lauded high and dry on
the sand that walled them out from their na
tive river.
The migration of the salmon into some of
the Pacific rivers is a fieuzicd advauce over
shoals, tapids, and ca-cadts, lar into thiu
streams aud brooks, where they unite bat
tered and weary, to nccouipli.-h their exhau-t
ive reproductive labors, and drop back, the
spoil of the current, dead and dying, tow aid
the sea. Jamt II'. Milncr in Harper May
azine for May.
A Western editor, whost style of writing
was calculated to apuo people to deeds of
goie, being himself not much on his mu-cle,
found it uecessarv to keep a fighting editor,
and ho had a speaking tube connected with
ho heeler's mom to call liitu when danger ic-quired-
One dry a gentleman whom the ed
itor bad lcfericd to as 'a cr-i-s eyed diume
dary,' eamo in to itquest a eorr ction, and as
the fighting cd'tor was out he didn't respond
to tho signal nf distress, and while the editor
and his vi-itor weie on the door under the
desk the former agie. d to coircet the mi-take
and the irate man left. Pretty soon a gen
tleman from the rural districts came in In
give the editor a big squash and get a notice,
and about tha' time the (inditing oditi re
turned, aud a buy in his room told Iiiui tbut
the boas wanted help Toe man of war wss
juick to respond, and da-liing into the chief
room and seeing the latter iu a souienl.a' di
oideied condition, tho result of his lin vinus
visit, he thou.'ht the countryman was the
cause of it. and flinched him, aul, ifterstav
nig up some furniture, ran mo vietitu acros
the street to where an empty heaise was
standing iu front of an und?riakei't' shop
Into tho vehicle he jammed liie fanner aud
hut the d ior. 1 he commotion lie had cre
ated scared the horses attache' the hearse,
and they stinted uf on the dead luu 1
pie soon u tho i una way, and ran alter
it, and were shocked at beholding tho hearse
collide with a post and become a complete
reek, aud (heir hotror tit secine a human
body ptceipitated to the sidewalk was only
equalled by tiicir amazement at s"cmg it
spnni: nioii'iy t" r n-et ami tan- oil across
the eouutrv yi-l'ing minder. They thought
It was au mtciupt to bmy a man alive, and
pait of them went and got the undertaker to
lynch him while the rest pursued the tanner,
who was l.iund hiding iu a swamp. And af
ter ho wis brought iu it look over three hours
to get miit'ers explained, and then tho faiiu-
er went before a Justice of iho Peace and
made affidavit that he hoped to be stiuck by
lightning if lie ever cuteicd a newspaper of
fice again.
Illil Micep.
Sell your sheep to butchers while they are
In their pruue. Il does not take half
much to faiten lliiiu then. When they get
olil and thin, iu order o pu. them in a con
dition In slaughter the whole structure mils'
he rebuilt. I-mirsetsot lambs are all any
ewe siiouiei near; this will bring her to
live years, and ihls is an ago v. lieu, with lit
lie extra cate, the will round up lo a lull
carcass. Exceptions may bo made when
the breed is scarce and blood Is more dealr
able than anything else.
The Mnnnf.uture of Itect Sugar.
Tho experiment made this year by the
Delaware Hect Sugar Company at their mill,
at Hivcrside, on the Delaware, a few milts
above Wilmington, has proven sufficiently
satisfactory to induce the Company to en
large their wntks. Their present bulldlng.ln
which all the tiperati'iiis ol making sugar
froni beets was carried on, is CO by CO feet,
and now contracts havo been entered into
for the erection of an additional brick buil
ding near tho other, which will be CO by 142
feet, aud two stories high. The new buil
ding will have in It the machinery necessary
for making Iho syrups, and the old building
will be used exclusively for making the
Last year the beets gro-vn from seed dis
tributed by the Commission, appointed by
the slate, to encourage Ihe enterprise,
amounted to about 800 tons, of which tho
Delaware Heel Sugar Co. purchased GOO tons
iood for cattle. The amount of land culti
vated tri;row them was about !K) acres.
This year the company have taken the
matter iu their own hands, and during the
past winter have distributed among farmers
In Delaware, Xew Jersey aud Pennsylvania
a circular to the ell'tct that they would con
tract for sugar beets at the following prices.
For those testing 8 per cent of sugar, 13.50
per ton of 2240 pounds; 8 und up to 9 per
cent. 4 per ton; '.) to 10 per cent. $4.50 per
ton; 10 to 11 per cent. 55 per ton; 11 to 12
d. 5 5(.l per ton; 12 to 13 do. CO per ton i
13 lo 14 per cent, and abovo t" per ton. The
contract provides that the farmers shall pur
chase the seed from the company, all of
which was purchased in Germany nt 2o cents
per pound,14 pounds being required for each
Already 110 farmers.representing 325 acres
have contracted to grow the beets, and it is
expected that before the 1st of May, the us
ual time for planting, nearly 500 acres will
be obtained. The average product to the acre
is said lobeaboutJlO tons.though as large as
lfi tons have been gathered, so that the com
patiyTexpcct to set the coming season from
four to five thousand tons. Of the farmers
who have already contract ed,nllresidc in'.Del
aware except seven in N'ew Jersey and sev
en in Maryland. In addition the Company
intend to plant IromCO to 1000 acres of land
near their mill.
The state Commissioners, who still have a
portion of the $1500 appropriated by the
state ol Delaware to encourage the growth
of sugar beets, have agreed to pay premiums
to the farmers whose beets produce the great
est amount of sugar. The highest premium
will be $100.
Ono farmer,near Odessa, Delaware, raised
lat year on one acre of land sixteen tons of
beets, for which $01 were received. The to
tal cost.for labor, seed &c, in raising the
beets was $20.
The Sugar beet Company have issued in a
neatly printed form directions for selecting
suitable soil, the preparation of the land, the
kind of manures to be used, the tima for
planting, how to plant, the first cultivation,
thinning, when to harvestVc.
The avergc woman is composed of 243
bones, 109 muscles, 21 old newspapers and
210 hairpins.
Keep your family well supplied witli Sel
lers' Coueli Syrup,' use it in time, you wil
avert bronchial and pulmonary affections. 25
The longest drought that ever occurred iu
America was in the summer of 17G2. No
rain fell from the first of May to the first of
September, making 123 d lys without rain.
Many of the inhabitant sent to England for
grain anil hay.
Ciiolributinns nf oiiginal puzzles are so
licited from every r ader. Address all communication-
relating to this department to
V, II. I'.-i-lnian, Auburn, Me 1
I am cmiipised ol fifteen letters.
My !), S, li, 13 is not in time.
My 10, 2, 3 is the skii. of ceitain animals.
My 5, 11, 1 1, is a veel.
My 1(1, 1, 7, 3 is n number.
My 10, 'J, 1. 2, 14, 15, 13, 3, is a full.
My 1, 12, 15 is the centre.
My whole is one of the works uf a great
1 HOMAS llr.XKY.
e'UKTAll.M I'.NI'S.
1. CuitiiH closely confined and Icavj a wri
ting llis'rument.
Curtail a table dish an 1 leave a
3, Curtail a ves,e nml leav h j ike.
4, Cur ail au article Ustil (or fuel and
leave a vegetable.
5. Curtail tu breathe rapidly i.:i.l leave a
kitchen ves.i-l.
fi Cur'ail construe'rd an I leavn angry.
1. Transpose a portion and form a snare.
2. Transpose a fruit and fium to harvest.
3 Transpose a deed and firm a domestic
4 rraiispru a doine-tic animal and form
en idol.
i. Triisp(ie lo proceed rapidly aud form
a vase.
0. 11. A.
lil'.OPl'KD l.KITERS.
0 a.) -a- vi-r-s -f wo -r -f-.
l'-e -a-d-s- n-s -h-s- I- m-g-t -a-e -e-n,
towns ami cities.
1. A beverage, to tear,aud a heavy weight,
2. Tne whole, an exclamation of disgust,
and near.
3. Hcloved and carried.
4. A prejection upon a wheel in machin
ery, and a bean's lair.
5. Pleasant, and a tract of territnry.
Uncle Claude.
am8we!'.s,to last puzzles.
.Yiiifld'iVii llniyma.
"Let us all be e-ver up and doing,
Still achieving, still pursuing.
Initial Change), Hull: 1. Mull; 2. Gull;
3. Cull; 4. Pull; 5. Mull; li. lull.
I.etler Arithmetic Wiong-tlmed.
ftoblem, llrowu ten; Jones thirlj, Siuilli
Decapitation). 1 . Away, way, ay; 2, Ueat,
eat, at; 3. Chill, hill, HI; -1. Date, ate, te(a).