BEAUTIFUL GOODS rnni en ST!(!KIX() (ULYKR. A Doctor went to bleed a dan- FOR LADIES' COATS! AT i To which the Doctor replied; "Oh lyes I tun used to sticking culvc? The quid man Bays ho can buy more clcthing for his money at I.owenlicrg'K than anv where else. LO WEN BERG'S i A ciiricii-i eiitanh may he lead Mxteen ways. Khali we all die ' We shall nil die. All die hall Wt ? , Die all we ?hall. Some Reasons why these SUSPENDERS arcbettsr ihsn others i 1st. They contain no rubber. i TMOE COl GENERALLY KNOWN.1 2d. Thev will wear bmtfer tlinn" t I any other suspenders. That von can buy nmro I'm- ' ' J oil. The cords run over pulleys, VWBt .TSO.TKV aittl consequently there can bo no j cbalinii' or w carina; them out. 0 i3sr 3s.BA.r'sr Jih. There can be no strain on any HATS, of the buttons, il bcini? the only self HH I f OiHTIIIl II !l(,,s'n" s,ls)(,n,b',r in the world. FOB SA3L.33 BST DAVID LOWENBERG, Merchant Tailor and Gents' Outfitter,, ! be a AT David Lowenberg's The Pcoples'Clothier Than at any other Stare in Town. THE PEARL SHIRT jrj ALWAYS CX i Q (PEARL) j ON HAND L-y I yj ttst Rtllm SHIHT in llif Market. lit l. LOWENiranG'S. CQ 0 H b K h i i 4 l b Q 0 f CO b Q W CO H fe! CD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers