The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 30, 1880, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5
SLElvdZEHSTT TO THE COLUMBIAN A thing of hfiiut v is a iov for. over. So is u good suit-of clothes bought al LowenborgV. Why is. a dog's tail like tlio heart of a tree '.' Ikcause it is far- tliest from the hark. IJLOOiMSIil'ItO. PA, KKIUAY, Al'lilL :!(), I8S0- D. LUWENBEKG, The Popular Clothier of Hloomshurg HKUh TO INTOItM HIS PIICIrniWrDC AMI! TUP nun in FOR A NEW STYLE wUvJ I Ufiit.nO HI1U I IlL rUBUU, THAT HIS STRAW HAT Stock is now Complete GO 070 WITH AM. THK NOVELTIES EOR spRixo AM) SU.MMKR. kLowiibcrg-'s The BOYS' DEPARTMENT Tl'It.V OVKK AND OHMWK. A merchant onteied his Pton and i'uind his hoy IJohby attempt ing to throw all kinds of siimmoi saults. What are you about' asked the merchant. "Obligin m gal," replied the alnio-t exhausts boy, "the writ mo a letter and at the bottom of the page she said Turn over and oblige, and 1 ha been goinj it for moi'n half ai hour." avxtkact. iieip- SHOWS A LARGE VARIETY, "'a j "Hiv oiii 01 a iiiuii hole. V0 13 i3 G3 ffi. Phi & z uJ3 PHIS YOIWG MEN'S DEPAUTMKNT AM. THE Q FA S IS E OA A IS L IE ST 1' 10 S. (j THK liENTLMMKX'S DKI'AimiENT Kofi! TI.MKS Till-' p i STOCK TO SELECT FROM, X AW IIKKK KI.SK IN THK (Ol'NTV pCJ THE MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT " Zj (XOTBIS, Ijl t lI.TI E'i .16 H', , CIBIOVIOTS, :ibbI !t,;ln - C Of tho finest Foreign Manufacture. J SCOTCH SUITIXUS. NOBBY H A l 0 C5 ' tl 03 m 03 H o 3) Tim ten that wa;- not throwi. overboard in 15ostou barbur in tl ,ood old da v.- wa- I.iber-lv. 2T03rt A. Why is the ?x)i7 of the eye like a bad boy it school '.' Because I e is always under the tuxi. ENGLISH SUITINGS, FRENCH SUITINGS. MADE UP IN CITY STYLE. GO TO LOWEN BERG'S