THE COLUMBIAN. III.IIIIHSIIPIKI, FIIIIIU, Al'llll, .11), ISSO A. Ni ltrlco I ansoclatctl wllli ttio Sumiry Gaultt m one of llic editor. Court Logins next Monday. It is expected that the Cnrlcy caso will bo tried. Hlicnamloali p-rotntfcs to Ijo nslluly as Lend vlllo tlie coming minmer. Ii. S. Wintcrslcen lias been niioinletl Xt lary l'ubllc In placo of 0. lllltcnbemler, to signed. Tho Gospel Ti-in,itriittco Union will hold llteir regular montbly meeting next Tut-nlny night nt the llaptiilcliiirtli. It was .lohn 1'. l'aiktr. of Lock Haven, and not John 11, Packer, of Sunbury, who recently bad a stroke of pamljei-. A meeting of county ruperintcmlenls of pub lic schools was held In Harrlsbiirg last week, Columbia was not reprcented. lty permission of Xloycr llrcs., their a Iyer-ti-eiuent is omitted this week to make rocm fur io id ini; matter. The English edition of Umbner'i .Vagaxine, which is steadily increasing from month to month, now amounts to 11,000 copies. (!o and fee the Louiilanaljuartelte and Geor gia Jubilee Singers with Anthony & Kills Un cle Tom's Cabin Company, this Friday evening. A correspondent of the l'hila. 7iW say- that Hon. C- il. Iluekalcw at an early dale l to edit a volume of Judi?e Mack's writing. John Cliri-tni.m has opened a new faddlery and harness making e-taMi-lnnent on Main street, next door to Conner's Grocery. The firm of S. H Miller .V Son was eli-solveil nbout the first of March. The business i now carried on by I. 1C. Miller, who is putting in a new slock of goods. Clia. Lee, a graduite of our Normal School, now County .Suptriuteiident of public schools of Wyoming couuly, spent a few days in town last week. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'. If JOU want to sue money, buy jour Clothing, Hals and Cap-, Hoots and Shots at Gross1 Xcw York Store, two cloois above Cily Hotel. Go and see Utile Mary Hillmau as Kva, the greatest child actress on the American slave with Anthony & Kills Uncle Tom's Cabin Com I any, this 1'riil.ty cvon'-i:. Geo. H. llrown is making alteration mid improvements in tiio Centriil Hotel. The par lor has been cut into two room', and the win dows enlarged. It will be newly papned nnd painted. Col J. G. I'reee, John M. Clark, David Lowenberg, C. II. Iirockway, W. H . Jacobv, (i. A. Clark, and SherilV Kut attended the Demo cratic Suite Contention at Harri.-burg this week. W. C, McKinney has contracted witli C h ules Krng for the erection of a brick building on the (orneroftho William McICelvy lot telo-v the Kxeliange Hotel Thofirf-t tloor will contain n slorc room and the second tloor will be devoted to offices. The Annual Meeting of the Columbia d unly Agricullural Society will beheld in the Opeia House, IHooinsburg on Salurday, May 1.1th, at one o'clot k p. in. The election of t tlictrs, niitl a proposition to amend the charter will be a p.ntoftho b'lsine-s. The present cominit'ee will meet on same day at 0 o'clock, a. in. Kiu:i. 1!. Haktman, April illl-liw Secretary. The tiietion has been asked us, if html stonus can be K-rureil frcm the governinent for Uuiun soldiers whose graves are unmarked. In reply we would stile that blink forms of appli cation will be lurnishiil to I'o-ts of (he Grand rmy in this county, or to per-ons individually interelel, by application to C. 11. Itrockttay, Sicrelary of Soldier'' Union. Notwithstanding the fact that the Kxeliange Hold is alriudy one of the be-t turnished and ebgar.ily liiiUh-il houses in the siute, improv -nienis are constantly being made The upper halls and rooms have recently brtn newly r -pred and iiin(id, nnd other nillitions uiade lo its many conveniences. This house is one that our tili.eiis m ly Hell take pride in, as it is the surprise of nil who nre its guests lu find a hotel so complete in its appointments and limn acmeut in a town of iliis sie. Tubbj A. Chaiiiberlin have giiued a wide rcputaliuu u c mpt tent and obliging laridlcrds. An esei edinglv funny burlesijue on tbo ways and tricks of politicians is ''Our candiilate,1' which was produced here on l''rid..y night list. The portrayal of the ehirict'-r of Grimwig, by llicbmond, was a clever and natural piee-j of acting. He comprehends fully the chaiacter, and his acting is free from that allicttd style which so many of our coinmedi.ius fall Into. Von liiylensa representative of "Our Coming Citizen" would be hard lo beat, 'Hang" and 'Trogtoes" wer. well tiken. Asa whole, ihe performance was a good one and judging Irom Ihe thunders of applause which followed cieh wi'ty saying, was generally appieeialcd by ihe large audience which greeted it. The contract for the erection of the Miners' Hospital, at Ashl.tnd, was awarded to W. S. Patterson A Co , of l'liiludelphia, nt a meeting held by the Commission on Triday tho lCth The- main building is lo be 1ST feet front and iWO fl'.ories and a huement high, surmounted liy a tower and spire, the top of which will bo 370 leet from the ground. Thow.rd btnlJiigs are lo he cite story high with bisement, and are 12 feet wida by 1J2 feet long. The ends lUnk the main bmldingund have the appenrince of wings to it Thero is also the kitchen , s oie room an 1 tnnlry, in ihe roar of main building between Hie two wards. The total front of the building will be 1ST feet and depth to rear end of wards 192. Various e-tiiuites were given In sealed propo'iil', rsryiug from $17,700 lo $71,700. The entire work was given to Mesr Patterson A Co , for $17,700. Hi.oommii'Iici, April lititli.lSKO. At a mi cling of tho ciliensof llloouislnirg und vicinity lirld in the puiloisof the 1'Aihangu Hotel this evening, an nrg.inuilion was ellect ed, by selecting David I.owtnberg Cliiiiriuaii, ant) W. II- Abbott Secritary. The Cbu'rinan sillied Ihe object of the meeting was fi.rthe pur pose of becuring our town as Ihe place for hold irg the encampment of the l'irst, Second and Thiid Itrigndes of the National Guards of Pennsylvania, Ihe coming summer. On motion it was resolved tint Whereas, The First, Sworn' and Thiul Itrigades il the National Guards of Peiin jjUauia, intend going into lump for one week, during ihe coining Summer, uud whero is Jlloomsbiirg and vicinity ntlords umple ac coinuioiUllons and facilities fur Slid encamp merit, therefore be it Jlttolml, That a rnrdial Invitation be and i . hereby extended to ilio said ltrlgades lu accept the lio.piiuli'ie of our town and v.einity du ring Ibu said encampment. Mm, Tint Ihe Secrelsrv crrrespond with (lie General, Slat!' and Field cllicers ul said ilrigades, urging their hearty co-operation In se curing our town as the lace for encamping. On n otion It was ordered that the proceed ings of the meeting be published lu all Ihe county papers. On moiion adjourned to meet at the cull of too chairman. I). LowExiiERo, Pres't, AltMtl W, H. AWlOTT.Beo'y, A 1 il . ".... regular meeting of Phllologlai. Idler. .; Hoc,e y, held April 21,1880, ,h. death of "other It. Frank Unang.t ws announced! hereupon the following resolutions were una,, Itnously adopted. WllKKtus, It has pleased Almighty (lod In his Allwlse Providence, to rail from our midst ourhue brolhcr II. FMtlk Unangst, Ills ihere- AWmi, That ihe-e reflations be enfred In I'm.',""" I!.011'" "S'rtr. theybepnWUl . e I in nr.. r,r " V. f '. ue I'" '. . i i lown pnpers.and that n co py of (aino bo nnsi-nrnl i .'i. ' ? n coiiy i family. , ..v.. ,w uerenvcu . H, IlnooKa,) A. J.S'Imons, ICommlltee. H. JI. Gkiiuis, J Last Notick. All persons indebted lo the estate of Peter, doceacd, and to Ent Brothers are hereby notified that the-o accounts must be paid by May 1st or costs will be in curred. Cull at my office at l!loomburg. . March -U. H. F.xt, Adm, A Hl'I.KNIlll) COMPANY OF AltTISTrt. Promts Daily Dntth, l'.rit, lu Anthony A i:i,' Uncle Tom's Cabin Com piny give nt the Opera house latnleht a better representation of tliat celebrated story. th;i we supposed were possible In a single evenings en tertainment. The charae'ers were exceedingly well suslaincd throughout the entire cast. Top y by Miss Minnie Foster, aril little F.vaty MttloMay Hillman who traveled nil lat sea son with Modjcska, were surprisingly fine. Mr. Clarke performed Phineas Fletcher to nn admi ration, ami Mr. Hart performed the difficult role of Marks lo perfection. Uncle Tom was tnot fiithfully portrayed by Mr. Perkins D. Fisher, and the prim Miss Ophelia by Miss Cannon. The humorous, pathetic and villain, ous w ero tit nly blended and carried the ami ience along with each phaze of sentiment. It would be silent and angry at Simon I.egrcc, tearful al the sufferings of Uncle Tom snd the death of Eva and Mr. St. Clair, and wild wilh delight al Ihe ftii.ny rendition of tho parts of Phines-, .Marks the Quaker and the deacon. The house was inconveniently full, and the wish was often expressed that an opportunity might be offered to witness the performance again The Jubi. lee Singers were exceedingly fine. Will play at the Opera House, this Friday evening WATEIt COMPANY UNJOINED. A hill in erpiity lias been filed by the Town of llloomburg against the IJIoonnbuig Water Company and II. JI. Ii'rkeubinc and Hnrrv Ilirkenbine.contriictorviskiiig the Court to gram an injunction lo restrain the defendants from obstructing travel and maintaining a nuisance on the streets hy leaving open ditches, and vio lating ordinances concerning thegrade, ic. A preliminary injunction lias been issued. AMICHY 1TK.MS. The i rospect was a good one this venr for a good crop of whortleberries on the Nob Moun tain, had it not been for some bad fellows who put fire in the dry leaves in that dry time, and not only blighied our prospect of a good crop of berries, but doing oilier injuries, such as distroying young nnd valuable timber nnd burn ing ihe farmers fences at tho foot of ihe Moun tain. The ra-cils ougl't to bo caught and pun ished severely. Quarterly Conference held at this place on the nircteenth inst., was well represented by die official members. T. O. Clces in charge officiated, the elder not being present on ac count of ill heal tli . The regular business was cor e through with and the finances footed up fSi 'Jo ca-li. The widow ltunyan of Anbury, has made some important repairs by way of a picket fence on front street, and a new fence all around her lot. Slio intends building a new part to her house' and rebuild her old one. Mrs. D.uid Coleman is following suit by way of making new fences on same slreet. Hope some of the ma'e members will lake pattern by them. A boss shot by II. N. Animerman's boy, who now lives in Nebraska, ihisepriug while out saw 'i 1 irge flock of wild geese. He tired in llit in wilh a single barrel gun and killed eleven geese so Hiram informs us. I'eat that sportsmen ! Kusscl Pealer who left this county some "7 years ago and settled himself somewhere in South America is visiting fritnds at Jonestown and Asbury agiin. Itiiisel lias made a fortune from all accounts. .UptiiY I'.trourn:. HKItWICK LETTEll. Eds. roi.riintAN i Mr. Kinney Adams is in Philadelphia this wok, purchssing a new stock of goods for bis stoic. Col. Keynolds, Moj liennel, Adj. Moore and Capt. Hush, of the 'Jib Penn'n. Ilegimeul were in town on Tuesday and in tho evening, at the armory, with Col C. (i. Jackson and Capt. Secly of lown, reviewed the compiny. A icrcplion was held on Tuediy evening in the Presbyter i m church, in honor of Ilev. Kumler, who has accepted a call from this church. Mr. Petty delivered a neat a hirers ol welcome, which was replied to by the new pa-, tor with a lining speech. Refreshments were served later to ihe guests. Mr. Kumler is an nccompliditd gentleman nnd deserves allthe success we wish him. One night last week the burglars had a "night out." and honored the li. I!, depot with a serenade. They effected an entrance through a back window, securing no lucre biita vali-er j samples belonging to Mr. Kei-er, a traveling salesman. The booty was worth in the vicinity of one li until o 1 dullirs. Mr. Kei-er is looking fjr a man profusily decor Kid wilh silk hand kerchiefs. On Monday night, Yi llliam J rimer, a young pd II years of age, was in.uritly killed at Ihe rolling mill, where he was employed, llendiig over the collars of the rollers lo gel a tlrink of water .rem tho spcul, he was seized by a pro jecting wire atluclied to one of ihe collars and whiileil round again and again, dashing his head against the iron machinery wilh such force that his skull was completely shattered. Prof. Cecil, an exposer of spiritualism, hel 1 two cxhlhilions in town la-t week, He per formed many of ihe wonderful feals of medi ums by jugglery, explaining them or mo-t o' them on the sec nd evening Several of ihe tricks looks I supernatural. Jacuby handcutlii: tii iu securely, but the cabinet a mill nte, he reiuilie I with hjs hands free and the iron bracelets fasteno 1 to u chiin. A commli Ire from the audience tied liim hand anil foct iu the cabinet, ami while (losing tho doors thev were rapped on ihe head by his hand, though still securely bound. Again tho doors wtio closed, ami on opening lie was found tied u Iwfore but without a coat on his lack. Agiin be was fjuu t with one of the commiltee'a coat on. .Most wonderlut was tin iiu com mittee lied a rope light round his neck, throw ihe ends over a beam of the ctbinet, raised him from ihe tloor, when suddenly ho dropped lo the floor, leaving the rope uncut and untied in the couiiuilti.e's ll inds. This latter feat was one . f the few lie would not explain. Tho expla r ntions made ilia feats enceedlngly simple. It is not lit nil surprising lint Ibere are many be lievers iu spiriiualbm. Had lids man claimed lo bo a medium, more Ihau half his audienre would bayfl lo'li much distresse I iu mind. If lliu expert Juggler can rival tl.e medium and oii'.-medinm him, what Is theitn spiritualism? Cecil claims that ho can product) ilale-wriiing, almost the greatest feat of mediums. Through deception, table moving and rapplngs he t- formed . ItKJ-ORTEK, Berwick P., April 28, 'SO. E COLmrBIAN AND TllK VOLTA1U !IEt.T CO., MAI13I1AU., MICH. Will send t lie i r celebrated Eleclro-Voltaio Kelts lo the nfillcled utmn CO divs Irlsl. KupmIv cures Kunratitriil, They nioin what ihey say. Willi, lis II. 1.1 . 1 I ... " . v. ..c i.j Minn Trillium iHiwy. rov, si-iy, fTILLWAl Kit NKW8 etirv h.ivn iitir chived a lare Iract of liml.or al tho North Mountain and are bmJIjr cngf-Red In mrinulNc umiiK it into lumber and hauling It lo Horwlck where they find a read nnrkct. Hon, ll. J, McIIetirv Is dolnir a lari-ejimoiint of custom work nt hU ilourinR mill. Joe Ktcl- fjr is an Pitolltnt and obliging miller. Tho Spring term of tho Sllllwaler school open next Mondij! MIm Nellie McUenry, leachcr. Trout are ocarce fishermen pltrnly. Farmer are mostly done Powiutroat-, and are uov looking forward anxioiMy to corn plunling. Mr. Mel?er(our enllcm.irily hlacki(.ilth, let Ihehuildmg of hi mw houfe nl Sttllatcr, last wctk, toMr, larrih uf Kuntrloaf. O H. McIIenry preparlni? to rernoUland enhrge hi lurn. W'.L, Manning ami Geo. Derr of Jackon are to do iho curptnter woik. The Improvement will he a fine one. 1). M. K INT Fit. We omit a por.ion of th'M letltr for the rci--on that Anything further cm ihe FiihUct men tioned would he of no Interest to the public generally, and we dislike lo puhlMi anything of a personal ch meter when no good can come of it. i;i. See a woman on horehaek in another col urnn, riding near Hpeer'a Vineyard", witli a hunch of (Irape from which Spi-er' I'ortUrape Wine !- made, that U fo highly esteemed hy the medical profes'-ion for the ue ol invalids weakly person' and the aged, Sold hy Druggie. June 27 1-y. (1001) COMPANY NUMllKlt IIKIIIT. Good Compnny, ($3.00 a year, Springfield. MiM) Nnmher Kight opem with a etory hy Mrn. He'mT.t Hirding Davi which h not lack ing in her inual vigoroiw totichca. The oth er nlorien ro ''A Talc of the Norih Shore" and "Not in thel'urr iciilum," hoth from new con trihutiM "Ihrberry Ulitid"of ttie ht number Is fol lowed hy "The Schoolmistress on llarberry Is land," equally attractive in rjuainliifps. A realahlu piper on "Aichcy aa It Is" is by Maurice Thompson, the wtll-known authorit on this subjret. K. S. (iilbert tonlrihutis one of hiit fi-cinaling article!, tnliihd 'Spring riower-"' which give-i evidmce of much famil iarity wi'h them. Mr. tiforL'e M. Towlr write- interestingly of CVtthir. Ihe pmi-'h sniefinan, and Kdward Abbott give s une afotuut nf Mar? Carpenter, ihedcvotfd IngH'h phi'.inthiopis,1 whn-e vt lo tliiri co inlry co'iie ymr- ince will be re called. There arc al-o "(iMting Hrikfit at Bruges,' "Ihe l'teadier in l'riut," "Ai lo Family News paper," and other articUs ItfCKIIOltN 'K IlfCKtiouN, April 'JiJih KlH. COLUMIUAN : Wo notiio some improvements in this little place. Clni. . Hartnun U b itMini a nt w barn, I l.irk I'arf-el is tmiltling , ne end lo Iih houee, and mort have c night the yard fence lever. I!ven one of our ehurcho iutend hav ing a new yard fente. Ahorse belonging to Jacob Ilarri-icot fut in liie stable and wa badly wounded in ctru gling lo get up. During a recent storm ihe lightning struck Mr. Geo Winner'i" houe. Mr.rf. Winner w:n fitting by the Move wilh her ftet on thy heirth. The clocking on ono foot wis almost burned oil", Wc congratulate ihe old lady on her nar row e-'cipe. Death his agiin been in our midst and re moved from our community the venerable Aaron 1). (iuild.The deceased muved ami settled here in an eirly u.iy. Was for tinny yeir- a resi dent of Hemlock, b it recently lived wilh hi daughter, Mrj. eHiver, in Alomaur, wtiere beilied on Mondiy al the ndvutued age of S3 He was for many vear-i a corininlent number o: the lVehhyterian churdi and died happy in a SiviorV love. children, aid meny grand-children and great -grand children ur vive him. The friends hnve the sympathy o (he entire community in their ud beieae mcnt Mrs. Dr. l.enker ban relurneil from her visit lo Wilkes-Il irre. We are forry to state thil Miss Annie Sav ide, daughter of Kev Sivide, is not tpjov tug goud health. It U hoped that lur vUlt to Sunbury will have iu desired ttlect Our obliging ruercht'it, Mr. Ilruc Vanliew has mule many warm friends duni'g his I'mrt iay among us Bruca has a lino slock and is building up quite a irade MrH. Wm. Marshi), of Akron, Ohio, is U iting friends imliis phict I. Viom Another Corrtspomknt. Kih. Coi.umuian : The Cromptotj Iiteraty Society flourishing cotuliton, and is becomiu, interedtitif, quill Miss I, L. Moorj has procured a stcck of goods in the ciiy and opened a millinery cUre Several of the youn perilous of Buck Horn and vicinity are now goinj to tho Normal School at Bloomsburg. We hope they m iy bo fuccensful. C, For the benefit of all sutl'crers, b goo I cnouirli to bring tho wonderful efleit ol M Jacob's Oil bpfure the public. For twehe loi yeiM my wife so fie rid wilh Neuralgia in tliw heid, and often had (he moht terrible, p linf A few week) ago I bought a hotlleof that wonder ful remedy St. Jacob'b Oil and am perkcily astonished at Itn marvelous etleit; half a bottle thoroughly cured my wife, 1 gladly would have paid any physician fifty dull irs if he could hnve done the same; therefore I wwi that ev erybody may learu to value this true medicine. Christian 1 1 arm i t Voung-towo, Ohio, iTUOKhLiKE V U.n 1 ill K I ull twenty bottles of (he Ortut Mexican lieuuily, to one of any other medicine in mv Htore. lie ire" every time and goes like wild fire. I enred mv wife of chills and fever, and my child uf cruuj J. 1). Fromun, druggist, MHrLUnd, Ind. TWO CENT 1'CJVl'AI. OA1IU.-. 'I'he House Coiuui illee on Ollices Iihs agreed toa bill p'othling fir a ttto-cent p tnl card, the card to havu a llexib'e lip or cover adupird lo concedl ihe utiiiti);. The cnniiiiitleo cuy in tin jr rej on tli il i It i . t nrd will be nil ill tennedi lie means of rntnn trntlei to lelween tlie totter iluet nnd ctivulute snd the open p ii tal curd, mid would bo Hi;ul-l of ly lhoiiants wlio will riot list iliH(ip'n po.iitl tnrtl on ac ctRint of lu publicity, Tho prop s.d cirds woultl not hoi i any more tliun Ihe one-cent card, and its a loptiou coull nut, therefore, af feet letler correspondence. Marriages. Josia TltoM is A I lesidi me of the bride' pirenls. at Kters (iroe, on llieevtnini: ot die 22 1 lust., by Kev. ll. II. Yt cum, Mr. Moore ('. Joroj lo MinSu lie J. Thomas, all of itluouiv btirn, Deaths. Tiiaykic In Portland. Oregon, on tho 10' h of April, 18S0, (Jeoiiie V. Tliaytr, agetl 51 )$ars, 11 luonllia and 2 daya, The detieaiid was a n u of Col. K. Tharer, of IlloouKburt;, und brulliti of Mrs. Willimu Dwell who it the lut survivor of tlx clili Jien, thrco of hIioui died at ll.uago of Gfy. two. DEMOC R A T, B LOOMSB UKG , COLUMBIA OOUNY, Business Notices 1 kittle t)nlunt wniititl hv Hlbis Yntint'. for wliluli bo will tuy :i hvh i rlue. niitl! 2 Murr fcll tho Am. r i Machine very cnenp. can unit thcni. The la'lle sav vnii pun ultvnv. (1ml 1'rnttv O.illco at I. W. ifiirtnintiV. cilii'llaiitl Shawl", ltlbboti', Tie'', Lace, :c, lit Clnrk i Snti'n. . Tor tlll'clicann't nml linr-it linn nf (.'Inlh. lug, Ro to Orci-f' X. Y. Store. Oo to C'reaiy' for vour Ilannna. onlv 3 cents each nr lifl cenn u dozen . IoN of Onoil Cliivprppil nml Tlinntbv feed for file by tilliii Young, Light Street. IIT1I 11V Xew ClooJi nt Mart's. Ynu enn liml Monilp fMnlhi in r.ll tlm leinllnz Bhntlet at Chirk & Son's. 100 iileeetof I)rf"flnniN" at I, V. Hart- nnu', S cents to ?2 ppr yanl. VVIMM NOl'IOi:. The Clotliliig .Sltire ol Davhl I.owenberg Is well stitckul with nil the lalfst styles ol Clotliliii; lor Men. Youth nml Children. Call ami examine. McKinneys Mioe More below Court lloue. Mnrr will lake O.U, Com, t-itle, Slioulder ftnd Ham lor gootl Mackerel. Hummocks, nt I. H'. llnrtiniti's, Did ynu see tlioso Nice lawns and Dress Goods at Cl irk tt j-oiiV,' Choice Clover Money Smip at Creay's. t-ee hut, tt Sloan's llltu'k Cashmeres ami other Dres (ioods before bit) ing elsowhere If you want to save money. Shoes of all kinds, Men's, W'omens', and Children's, at cost lor lid days, at Clro' X. Y. Store. A nice llarttnaii' Luce li.ulof lor tl 2." at I. W. i Hoots and Shoes cheap nt McICiniiey'o. l'.irtnols and b'un Umbrellas just opened nt I. U'. I Iartinan's, Tlit public are hereby informed thai splcndi.1 suits are now made from the latest styles ot tiprini; Goods tin the billowing term": Latiat .S'vf's, J.oteoil Price, Jl'il Mil- lerial, Hat or:iiuiiuhiii, ami lint J iln at the Popular Store ol D.uid Lowenberg COsT ! COSI'"-! ctjr ! ! ! Shoes at cost at dross' N. . Store, two doors above City Hotel. New canned coeds this week, Tomatoe Corn, String 1', Peaches &c , at old prices at Creay's. People coming to Court next eek are in y ted to call at I. W llii''s. Ladies in; lor l)res tloods and Triiiiiniugs ot any kind should not fail to go t Cmrt et Sou s, as tney nave juii revet veil their Spring Stuck. I.uU.V .Sloui are selling their Percales, nearly a yanl wide, lor ten cents a yanl. Pur Nobby Hat", For L.ilet Style', Fur Loue-t Price". lio to David Lowenberg's. You cangel all color ot Huntings iu plain limeade and laceworU at low prices at tlarK ec Son's. Call at McKinney s lor stiuts. Cash paid for goo I Putter at Silas Young'", Light Street, for six wicks. Match PJ-tiw Have you seen those elegant French No cities in 'Dress Goods at Clark iV Son's? New lot of Ladies Walking slioc toned and Ties at I. V. II tinman's. Lubbers at McKinney'". line Cash paid lor IlKiii bti-bels of good White or Yellow Oats at Silas Young's, Light Slieet. Maic.i It' liui Harriet A. Newkirk, ot Salem, eays: I was c trcd of tetter in my hand by three applic lions ol Camphor Milk. My husband was cured ol old running Mires by using it. It curtd my son ot a sprainitl ankle. Price 23 ctnts sold hy C. A. Klcim, Bloomsburg. npril lii, ' We have Calico from 0 cents up. Clark A: Son. lio to Cieasy s for lloss "2 lo:'." Ladies' Cloth for Jackets at Clark it Son's with Coats, Circulars, Aiu., readymade. Marr will tako produce for Ihe American tewing Machin".". We have the the largest line of Ladies nml Childien's llo-iery we have ever had. Clark - son. Luti t Sloan can give you almost any color of i ilk or satin cut l)ia. 1,000 pound" of nice dried apples wanted at Silas Youngs store Light Sirett for which f i.. . : . t . . . r.... i win pay me ingiic"i inaihet priecs. December, Pi. 1-m. New lot nf Illaek, llrown an 1 L'ght Col ored lvitl lilovcs at I. W. liartiiian's. You can find all kinds of Muslins, Tick ing", Print?, (litighiiins Trimming", iVc , at lo.v prices at Clark .v s in s. II'-.'. Corst-t tor tlui money at I, V. Hart man'". 2,000 yards ot gootl Calico at Lulz it Sloan's fur d cents a yard and 11,000 best quality lor a cents, lioot headquarters at McKinney's. llutterick & Co's. .May Patterns are. here at .Mm r s. Hon. George N. Cor-on, Norri-tow rr, sjp: 1 he I'litenix 1 Vctcral Is indispensable in my laiiiily. It acts like a charm In curing coughs and colds witli tlie hlhlreli, and 1 always L-e It when addressing u urv. Trice 20 cents. C. A. Kleiiu, llloonisburg. aprlti-ly Admission free at McKinney's. Neatsfbot Oil and Vacuum Oil for bar nes" grease for sale liv Silas Young, Light Street; also HUck Oil, V i Oil, Linced Oil, Whale Oil and Castor Oil March l!).2in I I'M tlli'ttltllt'' HI' 1V'H. ll I'UTV ll( t tljf JUM- prlct'.iHt.r sIMMuNs t iKI( ItLi.l I MoW.lnmip. i hohhttii" in 4M1111 j.r m . mini nil n.nir tin- nmitt iiH-''ttiir, t" ill- w-iIdJi rrui mnttiw iiioif(itt'i 1 1 In t:rtut in- in iin Nu itiirr pr-Mr- allOIi UV Uir i:fl--.0ir Ini U't-n iltuOou n-ii that vi uiit firi'iiu.ilh (1111 In w-p-,U anil lt kln-iln-il 1 l hihI itsi.irt tin piilii.t iu 11 ii.rrei'1) IhmIHij (iintliioii of both tuitj mliiU. t Im runtUh lu ri-uMii 1i-iji iinl for ilii-. nn .lU-iii'1 anj our la lift si iti In fuiit .1 mi-. W lulita .-ull.clclit t'hUtiU- Perfectly Harmless, It em tie iistduu Ituie ulinoiit f.-itr b the most d"lli'iile isons. Nu iii.tlii-r wtmt ihe ullliig, and lie given toehlldi. 11 with pel rest sah-iy, us no bud 11-ulu lollow lib use. coins' no imssible Injur). As a itilld Toule. Ki'ldle I illative anil harmless In vlcnruut It 1 s ltilUili el nujierlurto uny known rouit dy lor Mitlirloiis ruvtr. Iuom t t'i uiplulrits, Jaundlt-e, Colli . Itestlessness, Menial Il.'prebslon, MtU lleud ue'he, Colistllltini, tlllHa. littloUstiCMi. i si'iip-i 1, Ac. lleuil the follow in,,' numeaof persuus uelluiul wide Ij knuMii ho Usury lu the laliublu proiiertlosif Muiliions Llivr lleifidulor or Medicine. Hon. Alex. II. Isteve tis; Julili W. llocKMth, llMion t f tifoitrlri; ti.'ti. Ji'lin li. tionliin, 1, h, fM'tutTor; lion. John lilll Mauler; III. Ilev. Illshop Pierce; J. W.'iir 'lliiiUisoii; lion 11. Iltll; Hon John c. Pn 1 kliuldt ; ITU. iiaMd wills; I) I1.1 lllrinii Wnmer, e h'rf Jus tice 01 tin.; Ijnis W under, Assist, p. M. I'hlla-, and inuio oltu'in foiiii whom tie have li'iti-is tuiiiiiieiii luir utiou lids iiii'tilelue as a most tuluablu huuaelwld Iflned) PI Khl.l VHHKI'MILK. Its low price iiliiet'8 it u ll.o 11'm'h IJ( o,, ,., rltliorioor. Kitusro kuiierliiif and cannot rind relli f. 1 nieiire at onte irom s 1 ur urui;i.'lt a buttle ot PoKiilulor, die It a fair lilul and 11 will not onli ullurd lellt r. bin peiuiaiicrjtlt cure vou, ll u wlih out a Ble eicviitloii. 'I he l lieupeiil, puitbt and Hen rauilly .Mtdlclue In the world. Drlwliiul anil llfiiiiino vnMiitti atn osiv uv J. II. .). II. is a I'll., Price t.,.,o. f-o:abya..lJru1!tli;.!!IUlJ1!U'1J,i' ApiUIO. -sst-ly. W IDOWS' A PI'U A ISKM KNTS. ? 'Iho 'ollowlnif appraisement of real and personal property it t apart to wtilowsnl tlecetteiila lime Ik en ItU'tl In tho oft'ee ot the Iteglster or Co. uinblnt'oiintv. iimter tie Ilules or Court, ourt sa 111 tr ri'si'iiien ror nnsoiuie cnnnrinntloii to the tirpliaris' 'ourt lo lie helil In llloomHtmriMri una rnrsnlil rnun ty, on Moiutiiy, tho ml. lai ot Mar isso, at two ueliN k p. in., or salil it.iy iiiiit ss exceptions to men coniuinntlon are preilously Bled, cf whlcli all per- owns iint'iesieti in Bum entitle win take liutieu I 1. Widow ot Elijah Fullmer, Uti ot Pino township, tl'Teascd. 2. Wtrlrnv of S.inilirt L MItenrv. lain nf ttolitnn towiihtp, neeeasecl. 3. M,loivot William A. Case, lato ot Mucilt town Hilp, ilict ascil, 4. Wlitoiv of Mui tin V Nuss.liteof thoToivnot llloomsburg, oeeeased, 5. W Id jw ot (leortto llollenbaiti, late of Stain town ship, dcceaf-ctl. t) W'l.iow of Ueorito Utby, lato ot Locust township, deceased. I, Widow ot Nelson Hess, lato of Migarloat tonn- fclilp, deceased, s, Widow of Cantleld Harrison, Into ot thoToivnot UloomMjurg, deceased, u. W Idow cf Joseph Lllloy, lato of Scott tonnlilp, deceii-ed. ltenlslcr'sDrtlee. I W It. JAI'llllV, l-vrlstcr. lllooinsbtirir. April 1,'sn.f r) KOISTLIl'S NOTICKS. , Nollco Is heri'ln irtcn tii alt li'intni(. rn-dl- (of and otlitT (RT'ionH fh to re Med In tli" t'stnlcs ol tli' n'spr-rtUe iliwdonn und minors, tliullliu fuU liiMlmrndiulnlMritlloiiutid uardluti accotiutH li.iiu bfen tiled In Hip olllco (irihu lfejstcr of Columljla county, nnd lllho litt'hrntt'd Tor conllnnatlon uhd nllowunoii In the OriiliunV Court lo bu lu'ld in muomsiburi;, on ilond.iy, May ad, lShU, ut 2 o'clock, I. hi. on Kall day i 1, Th" ntft nml final account ot Klllah u rleawr. (Tuardlati ul Uthun 'lliomu, minor child ot .fo man i iioiujw, i.ut' oi iioaniiKcrtTK lownsnip, uo-cea-syl, 2. 'the tlnal account or .Mm tllcks, guardian ot I tit' L'. iVnrosi'. minor child ot .lOHenli ivnrosc. Kit ot liliKinsbury, dcccHfetd, as liltd by It. V. HIckh mm f.iiruomi nicks, aumtuisiraiurs oi joaa Jl UkH, dtccasfd. :i. Thu s'-tond and Una I account ot.Iacob Fislier.oi-it-utor otKo Fisher, lato ul Main luwushlp, ue ccused 4. The account nf I.nU YcUcr.truiU-por Kills Cert-- man, as HUd liy Win. (I. eltcr, executor ot Lew is Kt'iirr, ueccasteu. 5. The ilt an J tlnal account of I.nlna Shoemaker und t'li-nv Mioemakcr, admlnlitratorn of 1'hlllp lUnilttltWl , laiU VI llfUUVLK tuniiMiip, ut" ci-ased. c. The first und final account of I eander I'etterinan. ndrulnl-trator ot ulnmon Kettcrrnan, late of uatawsKi township, deceased. . The first and paitlU account ot Icwla Tetter, administrator of Marv Clark, lato ot Montour tiled b Wm. (I. Vetter.ex luuiorui eis i euer, uei;eiustu. The first nnd tlnal nccount of Ixwls Yettcr.nd- ininisiraior oi -iary LiarK, ueceaseu, apponneii by the orphans' Court to sell leal istate, as filed vy in. u. lenei, e.ecuior oi i-ewis leiier, ue leased. tf. 'Iho second and wecount of Kdivaid Hart man, eucutor of .Jacob Homboy, lato of seott iuw nvuip, tit'ceasru, 10. The siTond and final account rf M. K. .lackson exicutor ot .la men Iiui'in. lale of llrlaiererK umiihiiin, dtceaseii, as filed oy O. II, .hukson, one of thy executors of M, E. .lackson, de- eeaeu. It, Tli1 account of imuel Hutchison, administrator n Mar) uuinnsun, uiu or ucmrc lowuuip, ue teawd. l. The fiit and final account or ('. II. Iirockway, uanilau of virali K. Hoberts.inlnor ihlld of Cad uallid'T UubiTH, Ittu of Moutour touLnhlp, de ceased. IS. The account of Lel WrUht. tfuardlinot Siiah KllaUeth Folk, minor child of lienviiie K. tolK, late or llem.ock township, decea-seil. t4. 1 he sccoml and llnnl account of Herman Fahrlnff- i r uuu istiiaii uuvmt, a'limnisiraioi j orueuoen i aunnKer, nne or i.oeustiownpnip, uecea.scu, is. 1 he tlpit and final account of 't homas Crevelltiir Jr , administrator of farah E. (larrlsou, latuot fLIUl IO USIlip, Ul Ufa-sfU. lii. 'lhi-tlrst and partial account or HctibcnL. Itlch and i nomas w ll-on, executors ot .John il. Hlch, iiiu1 tr iireenwooii low nsnip, in eeaseu. 17. 'Hit' first account of Ullloiuhby shuler, admlnls- iraior or ii.iiiiei nuier.iaio or i rankim wwu ship, dece.vsed, H. The first and pirt Ul account of W n. H. Clark trustee appointed by th" ornh ins' Court, ti make sale of real e-tato of Mary tiorroll, late of com ran i, ut feax a. w. The first and partial account of John ppleman, exceutor of Ilannali Appleman.lato ot tho Toun oi luooinsourj;, ueeeasm. 20. The ncniiint or licnjunlnC. Hess andSirahE. r.i'lshlliif, admlnlsirator4 of John W. Ili'lshllnui Ute of ri-.hii),'ereek townslilp, deceased. 21. The account of John F. iH-rn-nd Henry .1. Hob bins, executors of Elijah Fullmer, deceased, who was the execnior or Henry Kingsbury, Kite of Hellion ion iimp, (iteea-seu, runnier inmnmeu oeitire iiiniK ihcuuiii. 21. TIip first and final nccount of ficorce Hollf nbach, administrator or Jacob Minpara, late of Main township, deceased, as filed by Hiram MiUtfar-., uumiuisiraior oi iieuiu nuiif nuacu, now iiC' ceased. 23. The account ot E. It. Urown. ndinlnlirator cf I). A. liouman, late of Mltifiu township, le leased. 54. Thellrst and putlal account of Isaac K. Kihk bantu and William Hilnk executors ot Joshua isiluk, 1 ite or lienton township, deceased. 23. First und final account of John A. Kunston. exec utor of Thomas A. Funstou, lato ot Madlsou to.nslilp, dice.Lsid. 26. The account cf Frank s. Hunt, administrator or lonn Meuiuli, into or iue iiurouuor nerwhK, dt-teused. 27. The first and partial account or l.W'. McKely anu .1 u. narni in, exeeuiors oi .Mri'i y, late of th- Town or liloomsburt', deceased. 2s. The first account tt Eenson II. Creeiinir. exic utor ol l)')rothy A, creellntf, late of scott town- snip, ueceaten 2J. First and pirt'al account of Henry lTahler.exe cutor f f J. ti. I'fahlcr, late of Catawlsa town ship, deceased. SO. Ti e Hist nnd noillal account of Cjru.s Kobb'jis, Adtnlnlstraiorof .htcoii i. Mokcr, lato of lncru k township, deceased. M. 'Ihe first and final account of anmel linwtr. test!ll'ntar trusieeor Kebecea Mullltn, minor ihlld or Caiharlue Mufilej, late of Ctutru town i-hlp, di ceased. 32, 'I he first ami tlnal account of William M.atTt r, Administrator or Julm cam, late or Centietown ship deceased. 3.t. ThS( t onl and parllflt a count of HtrnmK. Kline nun u i u j , nenoai u, ri iuoih ui .loan acucu bach, late or uraujjc township, dicea-td. Jl 'the second and n.iriliil account ff Samuel Nov luird, b i utor or l'rt derlck snuffer, late of Cen tre townshtp.i'H ( a.ed 'l he tlist and riartlnl account of John M. Whto ami (.eort:e Connc, AdmlLlstrators of William W hlte, late tr N-ott towusLlp, deceased. Itet'lster s (Ufice, ) W. 11. J C(llY, ISlooinsburi; AriH2, 'sO. ( lieglster. li h tue of sundry wtltsHsiied out ot the court ofCummon Fleas of Col nubia county, anl to mo ill rectid, will be exposed to public sale at tho Court House in the town of llloomsburg, at - ocloek, p. m. on Sutunluy, Muy Stli, 1SS0. All that certain pleco ot land sinuto lu Mlfllln township, Columbia counlj, I'eiina., described .is follows, to-w it : Hounded on the north bylanUsot John Aten, east by 11 sell wen pen he 1st r, south by land of 1 homas Aten and on tho west by Charles KIltv,'aman, t ontalnlDjf one hundred ami tenacies, more or leBn, on which are trccteu a framu house barn and out-bulhlln. ALSO, One tract of Kind situate In same township, bound. od on the north and east by lands of Thomas Aten, on tlie .south by land of MIchaO (irowr's Itlrs, uu the wvft by lands of W m. I'arr, containing twenty, four acres, moie or less, on which aro erected a frame house and out building. ALSO, one tract bounded on the north by land of I. li. schweppenhelstr and sauiutlsn)der,ou the east by Lawrence Watttis, on the south by Abrcni SihweP' peubel-ser and on tKe west by John Aten, contain- Inir thirty louracies, mere or Icsh, on whhh aro tiectt, d a frame house, barn and out-bulldlnyj. AI.sO, onetiactot land bounded on the norlhb land of Mephen c.earhart and others, on tho east by 1. K. s hwejijienhelser, on the south by land of John AUn a id ot. tho west by land ot Joseph Oearhart, con taining ono hundred acres, moie or Ictt on wlu?li are erected a frame house, barn ami otlur ouubulld- la-;.. ALSO, cino lor ot Kioimd situate In tho town ot Malnvlllo I'olumbU county, lvnn i., toiindcd and tlt'scrlbcd as tolious, to-Hit : Hounded by land ot J. K. Lonucn o.'i it and two public romla, UIdi; .t coriicr lot In said town, on which urc t-itctctl a two .lory bileL sii.n Inni'.o with tho annurtctumccs. stii-d, taken In execution at the suit ot Kstlier t.ctrlurt utfaln&t I. K. se'liweipciihclst'r arul to bo bold a- the property or I. k ScUiH'prcnhclser. Mu I ut, Attorney. flu. Vend. Ks ALSO, A lertaln tract of laud situate In line toitnshlp. Columbia couuly, and state ot rennsj liuiila, bound ed und descrllssl us follows, to-wlt: Iti'iflniilue; at a pobt, corner of lander lgott I.oc, thencoea-st alun- Hi c of land ot Thomas licnttfld ninety-live IKTchei to a sii,t corner, .ilieiico north by Und of Kllas Walls noeiil.nlne and lliroc'leuttis jiere'lie to Hue ot land or sal 1 Mows Wa'is thence wci-t ulonf line of land ot t-alu .Musi's Walt, nluetyoiio piiahe to a post In line of 1 tnd of saltl I.ivif olt .1 Love llienco by land ot said Lec'oil x lxc sotitti t.eH'iil.iiliio and tluee Icnllis perches lo the place ot btvlmdiic, eoiiialtilui; atiout fori) -set en acres and a naif, wheicon tire u mtv-hdll, dwelllni; house, ita oiu and oui-uuliuunjs. AI.;0, All Ilia certain tract or plcco ot land iltuite In IMiolOrtUshlp, county and tato atorewihl. beu'ln Din,- at a pine on me lino of laud of Mmuu Mai land by wine noi III si t iity.nlne and tin ectentliii percheBloa Kr, ihentv bi laud Ok'rcid to bo oore ie)ed lo HfHuiulu IMiiitrsteen two hundied anl foiittfin terclii a to a pu.1 on lino of land ot Jow pli iuiaii,iiieue" iKiutn beteiitj .rune pert-lie and lltree teutlis lo a KM corner tt land acrced to bo come) ed to Philip V lnter.ieeii. mid ttieneo I y lunt ot same cost two uuuureu und lourlcen, pt i. iit.iotnu plae oi befinuiim, coniuiniiin ono liundicd acres and al, lotianceii Ac, wli mcou area tivo.story Irauitidtull liiB house, larso bunk baru, work -sjiop, and out buii'iiutfs. M Ued. taken In cteuiion at the suit cf tiranise Mile .Mutual hailni: h'und and Uan Assoclatlun against A uios I'. Vjtisuud.M"s"i Wa'ts and la no iio,J as tlui property ci Amos Walls ana .Moses wait.-;. Miuta,Attorney, l;i, Mtb'ASt'llKll'H SAI.K OK UNSKAI KJ) LANDS IN LOI.l'.MHIA COUN1Y, I'KNN'A. tlvUrtucif sundry atls of the il neral Assembly of the 1 1 minoiiwt altli of Peiiii.jlvrtniii, relstluirto I ho ssloor t-eati d nil I nnscitifii luiidsin the county of Columbia, etc , ror tntts due and unpaid, I will ortrr alpubllcnnlo at tho Court House, lu tho town of Illoomsburi;, on lliu SKCON'I) M()NI)AYOl',JUNi:,A. 1) ,18?0 at lo o'clock a. in , Ihe following described pieces of land, or such part Hit reof as may bo necessary to satt&fy the amount of rates duo and unpaid acalnst l no rliiue. linn eonuiiiie too hhiiio irom uay louay as the suite, may be round necessary. TKIt.M-l OF SAI.K. The nniounl of laves and costs must bo tiatd when Ilia land Is struck otr, or thos.lo may bu lold and tho proiierty put up and resold. tlHAVKIl TOWNSHIP. Lot Cannon Morris " Henry Wru " lluthriltT falntlrl I 41 1 -il l n (I'D I i! 'J 45 SI CO ros tH) a 5s t a 3 .111 ii ui i fin 1T1) T4 IU 1 M 4 53 5 .t. 3 It 7 M i t; 65 so 50 V 11 ISM 4 51 5 111 7 St 40 4 T'l 4 ID 313 V35 7 M 4 54 llll li IT T4 T si 3 03 111 Oil li VII 4 Til 3t in T or 7 (in. 4 TO a st T Ml 0 52 r so 1 ir. 15 .',4 ItSacres Datls Anthony lots I'roul Mcniieu Iw acres DaMsWurr vj " FIshtrMiralt S3 " lltinsinirer llcgvna 3i " Miller. Lonifeuueruer nnd I'lsher , 13D ', Maun Alh'ii sj sirocso L'uidnuel 55 31 " DreKbach Isaac tots liudlov Josenti "" lmiucres Noer i;eo lots Asii tleo 3IH acres Ames, Abbolt and Lose lots neater .lesse " lleitverlliarles " lout and I nocr...., " note"- r s J acres Orockwai C II lots Charles simou " Citriotv .Morris 14i)l acres Columbia coal ,c Iniproiement Co. i'l t ls.U.H.11 l I lots Kvatis iteece H " Khmiicau A-..,. H " r ry W n mo acres rrlck II 1' .. lots tieariiari w in no acres llauck .lonathan Its) " and John 51 " " 1 r Iter lobn H x,si lots llamer & .lesicr i ton man r.iua " Hunt KM lot Kramer i: I .. Mem A 10 acres Lynn Jacob mis iavtreiicu t t " I ewls j:rank 4i)) acres .Mann and Miller.. .MortrariT tt aw) " Moie llllnm Ill) " McllelliuhlslIW lis) " .Mlnlcli Conrad lis) " .Mltile.s lienlitmln Mlnlcli Peter no " Mnicesser deorirt' lots ratierson .1 c " Price Ll.llC'lico iof t) lotsltuthrtill aulut'II Co HI acres Itlce lieurK'o .MH'Ppehh'ser I K " Miumatt Juhu. deed Hun 4 U'l 14 III 5i a 'ii " Mium in tleo Hand brother sister wo " su-ttart wm at " Miuman V I. lots -nutnj w Muck .1 J " 'tilson teo i II! 1 s,s 3 ill 5sl It 35 3 03 120 50 13 10 4 54 4 Til I IU sl si 2 Ul 1 sl 2 711 41 Ci 39 acres Vanductu Clll.ii.iuu & Co its " " " " 54 " " " " lots nstlnoll K '2503 acres u est liuck .Mountain c A. I Co 5 lOtS Wft7clCS, W tsiit A lliruslus S9 acres Wheo'cr in lots Cieasy Llojd.M 1) 1 " Caiitner win 2 " Ileur ticoree 45 acres LoiiKcnbeiuer l'eter lots .MllMOIl m in " .Monday John 5i) acres Miuman c A shliman.y. lehiiel li " liernlnctr Christ IIENTON TOWNMUP. Hooter Lizzie liuekle John, Jr Mlllon John Kli ter A K I'ennlnirtoii .lesse, dee'd Wells.luhn ooerholttr A A HKItWICK noitouaii. tleo Turks Ann e-t llo-'ler Nimilel Mepheus Amos 11 other Daniel oods tleo Walp Jel emlali IlltlAHCllLEK TOWNSHIP. 1 acre 2 UU 5t) S Ml I " .120 1 11 4 4U 4. " 23 " 2 2U 13 lot 25 05 X, 2 Oil SS 50 acrts I etiben 14 ' Hawk suinti1! I " Mout Nathan ',' of sua Apple Paul... Hs acres How man Jesse 1 Ml 3UD T 41 iiryan tiu) Dotj itntl t'ealer Ldwards Martha J.... Ktans Iraticls llctdley h r estate . S 11) II To 20 5 114 s 5s 7 112 48 Kunkle John Klsner John liinou Wm l'arkcrson John.. lleect r Abram Mttler s.itnnel s ., siackhouso A 11. 40 5 Ml 12 7 111 SMI) llll) Dm 100 3 Ull 2 31 VI 10 24 110 l' stackliouso Joseph ''sclieehlcrley t:eo Mackliotise .t Mttler 'IlMtlifh Henry Jaooby C) Mtler DaUd 10 a 1 4'l 41) 11 T CA'l'A WpsSA TOWNSHIP. 54 acies llrnbstJS 4 41 s m.Mlii heirs 1U lis) e'levsell JacriD 4 27 15 VIeNlrcll Will 22 15 :t't Weater Ellas o lu 307 " Iniubnch M triraret ti 3o 2s7 " Klrmler Hobert svd 30 " Neville rred 1 24 lo " Price Jonas 2s CENTHALIA llOItOU'lll. I lot Holmes Thomas I Marss L'oyd 1 ' Matks tleo 1 " ijulnii Pat 1 " llauley John II , 2 " Inn ke I'airlck F 2 " lletln James l " t 'onner 'I nomas 1 " ctirley Kdward 1 " uuuirhi'ii Thomas 1 " Clark llrhlfct t 2 " Murplir Patrick , 9 Tun w'm 1 " Welsh Martin l " ZlL'ier w in 1 " tirimih I enjamln... 2 " Muore John 1 " t'tllll Ten erice 1 " l '.In .Michael, dee'd 12 " Collins I'eler V 1 " Dottcherry Michael 2 " tlltlstieoW 2 ' ciaii;tien Martin , 1 " Hoiti,'iiiuilWmM 1 " lluweiis'lhotmis t " Jones Ann F I " Kline Caroline 1 " hell r W idow 2 ' I an on Path I " Lev laud 1 1 X 12 " Lei.ljli x Mnliauoyllltco.... 1 " Viichen'rnomas 1 " McKinney i h-tr'es 2 " .Moore Mrs '.rtce I " Mieppird 11 F 1 " Iirpey Luke I " Wowlf oat Id Si " Yeaiftr Montellus 1 " cunyDF 1 " Morrison Mrs Catharine CKNTltFTOWN-lllI'. !2 4'J 4 '."J 11 HI 5 M) 4 IS 7 sf) 1 HI 7 70 2i) 8 20 7 70 3 N) oil 30 14U0 s 20 3 Ml Ml 1 20 till 7 21 Gil '2 4U S ) CO 4 4" till I N) 4 4 I 1 20 ti') tt'O ti' 1 21) 1 20 1 2U t 20 2 2 1 1 20 1 20 22 acres Ad ' his Enos I, 4 R4 5 Ailabacli nenjunln c7 t " His 11 Jtliu . 59 10 " llaKcnbuch W'm s 5 " llenrv Joseph 12 T'j " Knt'tr samut, u live 5 " Klefer liiiultl : . . 12 3 " Uiwryhlnion 6y 31 " llonuiau William t slate 291 CONVNtlllAM TOW'NMll t I lot At.hton Jacob 1 " Cook calliarlne 2 " Cook I lat id I " Mnt;utro Terrance 1 " .-hltely Matthew- 1 " '.eorifo Jerry 2 " Cnt-irroie John and licnVnlck.. 1 " Ilt-nnefsy'i nomas 3 " Mlllon 'I tiomas ' Culu Tetrtiuee 1 " llrown Win .. ... : ' " in -.1111. Ileruard 450 acres llrown .satliaulet 422 " lleam JonhUa 2 lou Callahan Daniel , 2 D0110I100 Cornelius 112 acres lluslonjoi.ti .., 1 lot Joj co Peter 1 22 acres Kltie Jt.un L 325 Kline Ptier 2 lo's hat hlrelco lleorire 1 " Llndermute tleo fl 2 ' Mclliindinuin Fcllt 2 " ' I'clor 2 111 53 3s C's. 21 S4 2 23 2 00 0 73 8 29 1211 3 S3 2 3S 5 05 4- 270 39 5 23 4 50 70 IK) 2 til 12 9.1 M 23 2 00 1 t srr. 2 to 1 mi 32 Marr and Kindly S4 IS) H4II II , 29 acies s M c F H ItiC i'u 11 Jordan trsct y ' ' " a I'orrcr tract 321 " . " ' " 1. Walker tract 8Mi " lliision Mart- ITo " Huston Thomas 2 lots Tici-baili Lewis iiki acres Treln Jacob tract lis) ; 1 lot Vootiin 1 ruiik lolucris ouui;.ohii tract 1 lot inr Iri henrt , , .. 2 " Irtskfavt'li 2 " Cul.e Ellen 25 " u ttero f Slichul 2 Kr luer AW 1 " I.l'iil"iinuii Joint M .,.. 1 Ltinif L'phraim 2 " McManamuiu Mary J ' MorilsAnnll .'"".V.....7",'".',",'.' 1 " lltiawucaspe- 1 " Hontbach r'A , " jonea ilto KIMII.NliCltKEK TUWNslltl', l S 515 34 4 AO Ii3 49s 93 OO tt. 5 2' r.a ti eu uo M. tit 00 215 3 3.1 2 5A V 40 49 1 2 1 29 I Ml 1 17 91 8 93 1 s 92 too acres re 15 50 " 3 " iw " 9HI " n . " 2iK) " 14 2il " 149 i " 13 it) " 40 ItO-es Get " l " SJ " tl't lslt Ileurcn .Mctleniy llmdc 11 Mussolmau Jacob Kit hard U'wis swaysil' M 1M IVti'tr jt Stewart ' o .t Force anci ("raw fcitl lluichlton '1 lit mas J Harrison Jartus lb niiiu 1 1 it as .lonetii it Kttdi John .V co 1 1 mon The mas I'ffler Cieoriro Park James II MUile l t( HtVNtil.IN lOWSSlIIP. (leaver WilUoston UoMir Moses Itlllo Abram Voufht JatofS r. 91 t53 1 12 3 43 1 32 201 s Ml 0 US Sl'J 4 2 PA. tlHEENWOOl) TOWNSHIP. M acres Altertsnn M and 11 4 " Herr Irani a I " lieagle tit o S Kill." Hnnlrl llota hlndt .Matthias I," Masiui Amrustus H " ltlclile Kdwald s " unsiibiirn ileorgo 13 lots Wilson J I) HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP. 16 07 4 69 i u 17 17 55 It 72 2 33 10 52 Apr leman M f ' II ll llartnn New ton cambell I.N Ki-ans .1 Monl.ui John Neat A I'urcell l'urcell Isaac " fjlvester Itobtlns tebulun Appleinan lu JACKSON TOWNSHII'. 4 50 1 HO 3 21 (VI 1 JI 1 41 1 41 ftn acrss FrlcktlcoA 4 90 SSI) I 1 75 s 4 H 1 21 .11 411 1 20 21 III 22 40 0 41) 8 sl 300 I ti) Hfss lierijiiinlu Kt-eler John It tj'w Is 1) tnlel..." . !.. Metlenry KM .Miller c W .Miller and N'e) hart Mcltenrv ltolir .'.""1".'"!!." Parker K Co via I, Cl'.ST TOWNSHIP. Dew art (Ico r. 23 Kierhard John 7 70 tterlty Thomas 3 ss Mine Daniel I 61 liroreo John 00 liimngton tharles .Inn lltuues W'rUht 6 40 Kline John I. no Kline J and tleo Utipp 22s ljiwentfrir Philip he, Mjl IS .Mary . .... 1 S2 Huston Thomas lvo lleote Danltl 192 Huston Mary 1 92 Churlott 1 92 Itejnolds John 1 92 snider Jeremiah 110 MialTer nenry is 3.ocum Henry .M sa Camp s-amuel o7 JlADIMJNrOWNMIlr. s lieaiile Ceo 57 Heclitel Jacob 99 Kills William estate 72 Freef) John tl IS 60 llo.u lumlel 1 52 r-ands J K 92 Cox Joel 3ti Eves c W tl 00 MAINTOWN'-Hlr. s Illtter.bender Conrad 15 tH. Iirockwsy nnd Enl 3ns Durnbach John 4 57 I'ewalt Plllllp 9 15 lleiTners.aiu!iel u soft ImineP 1 hrlsllali 3 13 Klefer James 1 of Miller Aaron 9! Miller Nslhan 13 .Moser.Mli'hacl 315 Miumitn w m T til .schmeck, lirobst Yetter i Hawk 1 4 1 Snyder lohn 10117 YellerJ It 3 05 ' Iter Danll cMnto 0 10 Mijd-r A'trahain 31 Mmllz christian 32s MONTOL'Il TOWNSHlf. s Iirockway and Ent n Lelby Jacob ' i 1 no ttainscy estate 1 o MT. i'LE SANT TOWNSHIP. s Hartzel Joshua 1 Os Jacoby and ltuert I'.'. 2iNI 100 mi voo no S3II ho100 3U 150 T 100 .iaoou s..tiuuei Miller Hemy A Waller I) J Fisher Jacob -MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP. 1 20 13 5.1 2 IHI '.5 acres c,9 ' 111 " 51 " 17 ' 12 7 10 " 70 " 2 ' 2 V 0 " 5 " CO " 100 " 35 " 4 " 123 ' 30 " 25 " 13 47 " 5 " Aten Thomas lntlenbentii'r Mary t'tc.isy Henry " lloraee Drescher Samuel llelltr.M 11 ilendcrshittJ.s " Catharine Jacobv o A Lull Ellzutietti Mssteller Joseph " Aar' 11 Miller Mephni. Jr Nuss Jacob Nunrresser llcorfo sutilir Joel swank s II swepnenldser I K I' lloraeo " Abram w llllams sami el .lmmermait Joshua Harter Jarob esta.e 72 Its 24 3 31 s4 30 42 1 112 1 50 12 12 21 07 1 44 2 40 1 14 1 IS 90 72 1 14 C2 OKAMIKTOW'NSIIU'. s How man Wesley Cretetlni; Samuel Eierltt Moses estate " tlabrel Kllno Abram J snviler William '.lininerman Samuel PINE TOWNSHIP. os Hocart Einauel D.i Is 1 homos estate K3C8CW l'rlck tieortre A Fnnston Juhn A Frlck & Let-cott (Jreenle.v Jyines Uordtier Henry, sr Jacuby 0 A Kline K I'nttetson Klsner Samuel l. ons. lames estalo Ml'ler and Colo I'latt Irom shoernakt r WVlllnpron slackhouse Alet eslate W'amer Ma-caret P Dtwson William liatt Jane HOAHINdCltEKK TOWNSHIP. es Art Ilia Francis lierirernd Isaac loicher I'eler Harn-s Thomas, Jr Iiielseh Jacob Heater (leorije and .1 L Kllno Coiitalr ami Itlce Dlllephllne Eeklcl, lliistou John John stucy Llttlo Hob-rl Miller Ellis Mon Is x I tilth's 2 17 11 32 51 5 40 34 11 3 4S sl 41) 3 00 3 42 lot 223 50 100 25 100 50 la 9 .10 2 20 41 2 110 13 Ml 1 21 1 Mi 1 1 OS 2 94 7 20 1 20 13. -II s 10 12 13 2 s 2 43 4 s.l II I 22 1 02 16 20 2 02 4 "3 2 03 ti ' 9 4 40 507 2 57 IS' 3 "S 1 110 4 ul 2T3 7 30 2 IM 2 03 tl 31'. 2 13 1 4 1 01 315 50 HI 1I3 U 20 25 373 19 110 21 41 132 112 19 45 ) Meiitugion William " Illce tbrilin " t-llu,nau,lc0lj " T rl-'ii Jaciib 't Wltchey.Miiiy cstatu " Yccini Isaac " Y'sorr: hlijah .-COIT TOWNSHIP, ot t'rouse Nelson SUOMiLOM' TOWNSHIP, acres William t " liuckMle James estate " t o,e r.i k'el 11 " Hoebltr t'ltsrtes t tiross siitluinlo. of 119 acies Hots Wesley 0 TO 10 T6 11 T2 20 10 10T3 3 3 33 1170 1 31 11 73 2145 3 32 4 02 I 110 Hitrtroan Jesse I autHCh I'e er Mootiromerv Htitiert s. eph''tis win tut sutllil w ashini;ion cstatu Y'aple Henry Lsrl-liC.trus Iihi sou lto ',iMti:.suiu:ifs SAi.u J. OF ;i:An:i lands IN COI.UM11IA (OL'.NTV. Also the following lots, pieces anil parcels t f seat- cd land-.retunied lo the lav colltciors, ore to be sold at Ihe s line time, under the protlslons cf an Act or Assembly, eniltud. "an Aci relaliui; to 1 in- salt) of lauds fir taxes In Columbia county," appi oi- ca .March Mil, W',.. HEWElt TOWNSIIIP. :s Acres Mon; in Tit 4 " Lucas slienn 5o " names Charles 1 lot Koelib rCie 33 Acres MllltrlUntel 1 Ml 21 - crouso stepheu 1 f9 11KNTON TOWNSHIP, 30 Acres MeKelty Wmi'slato I4 Ciintier ''i-rsertu.... ' hutUI. lohll OO IHI II OK ll 411 50 " sh..tistTiristun I Lot llurlluin r Wu- I ll 1 M' I 3 4 M J s 24 Airea hllne Mary 2 Lewis s.irali and iheodori).... 61, " h'lles uuturii iu - itoir-rt sumuo- 49 " Hepo- Himui 6 lu " D' tt Jonas I) 30 Tt) " l.rli.k ticKclvy . 7 72 I t4 9 110 II Sl 1 -tl 2 ' t h.ilili. ll 1 fu " Ctiuutr Catharine.... 43 " .'.1 M-tliluii 1 lot Kline .Ma v 50 Acres li.tnee .li lin . i 4s . I 2J " A I pitman Joint HEltWIC'i; lICJItOV'tHl. Lot 1 AtniiS Hartrnsn 1 ci.scuiawtacu 2 (leu A Ileum W.OO.M, mnon .It lin M Coieina'i Win creamer Hcnocua, tieU-er Wm McMnfctt John I'eiina. Cuuitl Co, Waldell Jultll , , Masouuitd snyotr Hrewcr John , isilcr wjtiilncioa ; Poster t It tiles Msmer John W Moms I ai tatra 'I itriilioeli PheOo Va nalla 11 II KdhltrNunoy Dttunek laiuot. P11rs. il Mrs K 11 Tiiiirs'oi Martin Thomas CI Wall- r Noiinuu satiiid. rs w iu lloiosou Mra Hetsey Mlikel Mrs lurullno ... . Kl liett Jdtsit Kramer Andrew Low, ons2' I)tS 2 Lot I Acres 2 lot '. I 1 12 0.1 32 7 U 9' 25 is I 1 0' 9 I- 211 .1. d 92 4 Mi 22 .1 s I'. 73 0 V. ' 3 :. .1 2 .u 31 ll 7 Oi 14 .'9 It Nl 9 Ik) VI VHIAIlCHBKK TOWNSIIIP, to Acres Dotv and Pealer " Hosier Juhu 290 " SeJbertJt'hn CATAWISSA TOWNSHIP, 40 Acre Henry Isac. sktale I " Arndt Neutii h rum KUaa.,, , . ,,, ,, 114 HI 1 52 23 3S CBNTKAL1A IIOHOUUII. 1 Lot Curley Blward " HtirksPatF 1 " (latiKheii Thomas.... 2 " llt neron I'lillip 4 W 7 ii I 90 M 15 , an 62 Htl 1 76 t, Ml 22 73 i no l'urcell lllchard 1 reamer A w caliljrhan Jainon... . Iienolnir Pal Dixon Imnlel I.lnileriniith Nattt 3iesianamom.las., Mt lireany .Mrs -iary t 40 li'llnre Michael. 1 60 inrpv i.nke Yaiiliiiren Mrs H K Ilrtson itobeit ami c?o.... ............ . 2 611 32 43 9 90 0 CO II 61) 1 90 CO is to 9 OH 6 34 12 S'2 2 t'S 2 69 VJ 22 ti 24 4 60 11 19 12 34 1 It) 1 43 2 00 M 73 60 0-3 C.3 7 tJ 44 10 9 GO t M 1 9.3 3 63 7 t'S 2 23 75 1 31 78 I 9 00 5 34 10 20 4 10 tl II 94 2 53 1 " Torry Wnt 2 " Kblttla joseph 11 CENTIIK TOWNSIIIP. J. acres Freas Amelia . , 1 lot Ilutiensilno Peter im acres Lamm W lit . 5o " do Uo. CONY.NOIIAM TOWNSHIP, 1 Lot llrown Fred y. " Morun Patrick 1 " lienner .lucob 1 " Hennesey 'I hos 1 lots (in"irroe John and Doitilnltk.,... H Lot ouL,'ierty James I Ijtlelle I'HlrlCK " larlini; Henry ... 1 " hians Ami 1 " iiaTa Pat a " -Murphy Maurice , lirtskwayc I) " (lerrliyT'itmia 1 " IlilTron Philip V " llulsr .T.ieoh 1 " -Mo Ulster Jsrnes 1 " Nailihtott James... Iih) acres Huehlier Peter tract ....... 411 acres lirenriau Kblnerer tract a lots Kramer A w 1 " HiilJson Hat Id I " Fell' rnian .lomtthar 1 " .Mortson cat'isrirm 2 " tlo do I " Dills DtWd 1 " KnltileUiirollno 1 " t'arrttran John 4 " Kramer A W FI1ANKI.IN TOWNSHIP. 73 Acres smith Daniel ITSIIINtlCHEKU TOWNSIIIP. 13 Acrs Hovrt't John mi Chaplri .1 F JM " Force Klissel 5 ' ' lot Ikeler K It '. iJ't dJ tlo S, " tlo do . " do tlo I IIS 40 Acres Ynplo Jacob 15 S4 tlo " Kurns 11 It 2 97 0 " LontrJAS M s " inuhi llarmMi J ful ' iJirlsh C) rus 20 I'.rhrhi It 11 4 " Holder Abram 1 03 2 11! 7 W 4 3S 2 79 2 45 1 42 2 20 12 92 9 CH) 1 80 3 64 12 40 1 95 4 60 67 1 1 3S 20 25 a 70 1 75 34 M 90 80 60 91) 1 SO S " Kline Ira 1) Lot ishultz Cornelius CIHEENWOOI) TOWNSIIIP. 1 1 !.ot Leirv:ott John II Acits " " and Frlck 1 Lot Odd Fellows Hall 1 Lot Hel.liTbran! F K SI Acres Moore Lar.tyetle I LOt Tut lur KIISh.1 I Lot Kramer w in 20 Acre Eves Joseph E t Lot HcsJoiias s Acres Noltun samuei 130Acrus Hicham Alfred II Var-ilerslie- T .1 cs " ltcss) Philip estate 1 LOT 1 ails l.'tbecca fstrtte 27 Acres ''atH John estate I Lot Kllno A F 1 " Kinney Wm 1 " I'uicell W m 31 Acres Nimuel Youn 41 " All erlson Joel It 1 Lot " HEMLOCK TOWNSIIIP. 0 Acres Fbner Wm 10 tnllo-spy Win estate 10 " stpeWui 15 " Vdndersllce John II JACK-ON TOWNSHIP. s Acres Knotise w usulnslon 75 " Kerl. r-Iucol). LtRI'sT TlWNSIIir 40 Acres Kostenbitider Nathan fw " MelzClnrles 40 Kosteiiiimder Natliau r. " derlly 'Ihotnas MADISON TOW.SSU1P. 1 Lot W hippie llethuel 1 " Weinier siman tstate 17o Acres Forrrn r Morarct To Co w 111 MAIN TOWNSIIIP 55 Acres Y'etttr Isaac MIFFLIN TOWNSIIIP. 1 Lot Hushes A .M ljv " HollTAnn 2 Acres Amrle John It 1 Lot Kelt liner Jacob Sr -MONTOl'lt TOWNSIIIP. t Lot Htitlcr w m" 5T Acres Ha.tlor Peter and Ellas M l'. PLEASANT TOWNSHII'. 1 Lot Ftix c.ithortnc 1 ' Fox Unirv 21 Acres Kitchen John oiuxu: TOWNSHIP. 25 Acres schutler W'm 2 Uds do do 10 Acres Cob man Jesse 5T " CroiiM- Nelson ICS, " lll.ll.iv Lot I ICS, " lluuenbuch Marcraret 10 ' llattmau Aumisius 23 " do do 33 " llidlav tleo V2 Acies P.tnk.I F 3.1 ' Eves Jame4 estate 90 1 20 90 120 76 45 7 44 8 60 1 03 24 4 02 3 SS 2 40 1 SO 20 76 4 50 0 -.0 1 39 1 72 5 75 2 77 10 20 3 3. 3 31 1 32 S C9 4 SI 4 41 1 SO 1 111 2 IU) 2 tr M 40 20 45 1 00 IS 74 IS 40 05 10 rc 10 cs 2 44 24 51 14 02 1 SS 4 Ml 2 10 7 19 31 02 C 21 5 13 5 C9 69 4 90 10 SO 4 OS 2 SO 24 3 12 10 iiartmiin t.otiieb 20 " Patterson Mariraret J 2 " HtceJe-s' PINE TOWNSHIP. io Arres Lore. LCL'trott and Co 11 I-eiriroli Juhn tjit tl 1 do 112 Acrt s U'trpttt and Frlck 1 01 oo uo no Acres Eies. Heller and Co 3ihi ' tl do do 60 " niiW Jacob cireeniy ,1 lines 123 ' Hot bins .lobua il Mokels Kll 2 I.ts Daw Mm Wm 91 Acres Platl Iraoi 53 " Fill 111 111 Wm .0 " Kleb and Heller Son " do tin I'hi " do iU T " ill di it " Kes I'zr.t estate 1 tt sntiter t.e.) , ro Acies II1.I1I1 tibllil I' eiriit ois. 10c oiestaie 23 do Abram 2s llreelllev lllcltattl KesterJi'lin sr Parker Joint 11 Ht'A'lINtlCltEEK TOW N-IIIP. ill Acres KeiiirHt.lurl 52 40 - itiee thrum 3 00 47 ' Wit hi M.irv 0 00 3 " 1 nivr lsuidlt co Is ' diim. Leonard 34 31 ' Krwlnu Win 03 37 " do do . 15 70 lllljhes Wlll-ht 34 24 7 ' Hotter lltram 7 IB2 " Miller Ellis TI i ' wiieny .lohn 35 23 " cherrlnKinn AUsiln 15 19 ' I.lllderiiltltll JU"ob 11 9 " Let th tries 10 91 ' t.t'1 in Lawson 1 55 14 ' 01 v. r John 43 23 " du d) II 23 " tlo do 65 2s " do Win cs ti"i ' s1.111ner.lost ph. so 11 " straussersooinoii on S 'Off TOWNSIIIP. ltets'isinni 44 Ft d 11 r Jacob 1 2s II tilniau Martha 1 s-i s.-his'hlerlv wm h r,a 1 tot 1 1 - I Hi acres -Mehweii ' W 319 I lot liunes W 01 I'M l e 103 1 ' -sotiiti r 1 llzuh. tn '. oo I'i aires Pur-ell Liielitl 1 os st'UMtl.otF TOWNSHIP. 125 Acrts s.'i pliens Win 700 - iie 1 nun 1, 2 SO 0 " Mill, r Ellitbelll 570 l " Kiilier'sillid Luilsli ".. 15 40 M ' Hi ss Letliu ... . Ml o' 1 ll ipm .1 F 13 20 M I.iIhtmiII (mis 3 42 5 ' Lunger Jtiuieit . 7 io II. A. SWEPPEN'HKISF.H, Treasurer. apiti 9, tr Rowoll 8e. Co'a. Advc'H. AXLE GREASE. Het m uu''r,d. Ust longer than my other. undeoriiM. i o-,u om dtlle moretuan tie lmtttloDs. Mer p.n k;n'.- iu- ihH trade murk. Call lor iho b'enuliit', tiud lake uo other. r aprll9, 4w. BEAUTIFUL SEA SHELLS Forjl Inr. lI t. r. il It'll, r. we 111 html ttto Abal. one slt 1 , 1 j s uu. hirce, and contain all the col crs et ihe rainbow . I W'es an Inch souare sold at Ihe e eniennlal lor su cents. V. s a. HALL, Los A uncles, Cal. r aprlts, 4w, Pettnoci's Patent Road MacMne Keens the highway nte H-res better tor halt the tireseul eo-t. Is rutikllt ii.inlnir t.,,.. ... und cetiiiiry. ( lreulars trtst. sAM't. PENNi t'h a. mjns, Keunett Seiuare, Pa, r aprll9 4tv. $51 pcoti'nt Ireo to Ak'eots, and all expenses SJa.-iJpttl,, Address 11. 11. sutw, Alircd, lie. tsr7r7r7 Eltano expenses to agents. Outfit ''' Fri-e. AddrctbP. O. VICKEltV, Alltro-la, Maine. r upll 9 ,w. E MPLOYiVIENT-hS.SSi'T: ' 9HLAHT IM-rmoutti. All EXPENSES A i"o'aotlVtU-' """'' SLOAN V 1 o. JOU UcurL-o Sl. C'lurluuktl, o. r apt 11 9, 4ir 1 C. Sl,041l b BRO. iU.OOMSIIUnO. 1.4. Mauuiacturorset Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PUTFOK.M WAGONS, tc. Flret-claaa work always on band. UKPAIHINU NEATLY DONE, Price's rvduood to suit Uiu tlmeu. 20 S 00 4 20 2 IT 1 61 1 C4 60 20 1 33
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers