I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUliG, COLUMBIA COL NT I, PA. trv. Ip inItimBian. 0. E. EL772LL. Edit sr. J. K. BtirENBSMDSa, PuMlsier. 1J LOOMS HU HQ, PA. F i-1 tl tv vTa piTl MO, 1880. hllMUDUATMi STATU COSVBSTIIIX. I'p to the time of the a'eniblln of the lijnveiillim at lurrisUurg on l eilnesiUy at t rmxin It looked very much as though thesef, tlon would be n turbulent one, owing tothe contests in several districts, and especially In L'nitadclphla, by rival delegations for seats In the Convention. The so-called Wallace hii 1 It m hill faction seemed to be unable to arrive at any compromise that would bring h.irniony, Chairman Miller called the con vetitiuu to order at 1:13 and very soon alter w.irih It appeared that a basis of agreement had been reached that put an entirely new apect on the meeting. After the appoint ment of secretaries, .Mr, Cassidy of l'lilU' delphla, one of the leaders ol tho "regain organization" arose and tali): Mr, Chairman: I wish, with the permission ot Hits t)uuy, to niato a staicment, and ti follow it with u motion. I il-slre to sav tint I am brinuing to this convention glad tidints. Great applause. They are tidings that the people ot I lie party throughout the common we.iltli, from one end to the other, have been looking lor, hour alter Hour; and now, aluiosi at the last moment, with tallnrc imhiinent when impetuosity and high temper are ai ti rule, they have given way to reason and directed tossy that there is a plan by whlili we oeneve i tie dincreiices m I'lilladelphlH and the differences throughout the slate ivll be :-ettled upon a basis creditable to all, bun orable to all, and eminently useful to tint1 great party hern represented. IVocilermi applause, cneerlng, and renewed clieuiniii The party that iny name his been identili Uh perhaps more than any other in th city of Philadelphia, and kuowu as the 'reg ular organlzttiou,' Is here under recognize and well known rules. While they deslr. that all shall know that thev are here i accordance with recogniz-d rules, they deiri also mat all stiall know that they are vll ling to take by tlie hand all men! (here th speaker s voire was drowned by applau and cheers), and as an evidence that we d mean that its matters shall be finally closed and put upon a proper adjustment, not onr with a view of what la to be done to-da; but so that there shall be hereafter in th great city of Philadelphia one party on under the Banner ot tho democratic part applause to present a united front again the common enemy, I have been asked t move (and 1 trust there will not be a ill sentiug vote) that the differences in that cit ami all contests throughout the state shall b referred to a committee of six. since I am asked to name the committee I would state that upon consultation we hav agreed upon names that, I think, when yo hear them, you will say is the best evident' that we not only mean toettle, but we meai to settle upon lair terms. Applause. I therefore move that this subject he i ferred to the Hon. Andrew H, Dill, of Uui applause,; the Hon. William S. Stenirei of Franklin applauie, the Hon. Hubert M Gibson applause, the Hon. William M Mutchler, of Northampton applause, th lion, ueorge A. JeuK, ol Jelleraon ap plause, and the Hon. It. Milton Speer, n Iluntiuirdon lapnlausel. For the nurin- of allowing these gentlemen time to con-ul and report, 1 trust a recess will now be take the convention first, however, adoptin me rebOimiou properly and honorably, As he concluded aud the great result whicl hid been consummated fully dawned upoi the convention, and the spectators, the most intense enthusiasm prevailed. The fee mat ensued is beyond description, ltingui cheer upon cheer went up until it seemed as though the strong building would be sha ken to its foundations. Speeches were made by It. M. Spear, ol Huntingdon; Klchard Vaux, of Philadel phia; Malcom Hay, of Pittsburg; It M Gibson, A. H. Dill, W. S. Stenger and W. JT. Uensel. The whole house thencalhd "Iiandall, Itandall," and that gentleman rose amid the wildest cheering. He said: Mr. Chaiiman: This is the happiest po litical moment of my life. Great applause Thigives to the people of Pennsylvania and to the people of the United States hope t' st we shall early in the luture return to consli tutioual government, and soon be in a posi tion to demand of the executive officers ol this government that they shall administer affairs according to the laws aud the const! lution of the eouutry. Applause. I do not mean to detain the body; but I say with all my euergy, with all ray intellect, with all the powers which I possess, that thi means a thorough, complete and honorable peace, the ending of all war in our party aud an unending war ou our opponents. He had no sooner finished than there was a unanimous cry for Wallace. Mr. Wallace rose from his seat beneath the gallery. "Order, Order," called those below, "Hurrah for Wallace," shouted those above, "llring him out where we can see him." Mr. Wallace was escor td to full view in the centre aisle and a great deafen ing roar of welcome arose from the vast as semblage. It was useless for Mr. Wallace to attempt to speak until the cheering which it seemed would never cease had subsided. At length rmiet was restored and he ad diesscd the convention. Gentlemen of the Convention: I thank you for the houor of this greeting. It will scarcely be supposed of me, after giving to the Democracy rf Pennsylvania the best years of my lite, tha' I would fail in t! is cri sis nf its history, Great applause. I have in the past done what man could do for the advancement of the faith in whicli I was born, and in which I hope to die. I do not, therefore, come here to pledge you what inv future is to be you know it from the past. That Is the guidon of my policy. I shall pursue that course, erring I know as mortals do err, Hut whether I um in the advance, or of the soldiery, and in the ranks of the private, applause, I yield to the democracy of Pennsylvania, and I accede to their de mands when they seek unity, harmony, con cession and forbearance. Applause What ever may have been said in the immediate past, I trust the immediate future is to be one of victory only victory only in a con test unequalled in the history of parties in the pat,and in which concessions aro graver, more important, farther reaching to our be loved country than any that have occurred in the history of the past. You will find me wherever the Democracy of Pennsylvania see lit to place me. Applause. I am their servant and will obey their behests. Great applause I yield to no man in the present ationof a basis, a just basis of unity and sentimeut: and this I believe to be one thnt will bring to (be future of the Democracy of i-ennsyivania peace, narmony and victory, IGreat and long-contiucd applause. The speeches were received with immense enthusiasm. An adjournment was made until 5 o'clock, at whicli time the committee on contests not being ready to report tbe meeting adjourned again until 8 o'clock iu tho evening. The committee then reported progress, and said they would be ready to report in the morn ing, and 1) o'clock was fixed for the meeting of tho convention on Thursday morning. The different congressional delegations met during the day on Wednesday, and made selections of delegates to the National Convention. For the eleventh district, our townsman, David Loweubcrg, and 11. II, Staples were cboseti. The district delega tion of Pennsylvania will at aud 3t5 Anti-Til-den and 18 for Tilden. Hancock is the fa vorite, Iln to the time we eo to press. (Thursday up to me iiu-ene gu iu piesa, i luursuay . on) fur. her proceedings ol tbe convention I ' . ' , , I noon )ive not tieeu received. The ClcnrfieM Cititcn unilerstBiiils that thtt Greenback party In that comity ii to bo rpnrpanlreu and niltlrr Against nttcti fool Wiiiim. 1 lie Cilhen, formerly n, Greenback paper, "It wasn't wrong to be n Given backer when tbrre wa some th I n? elm than tlio name to It, but now, when It has resolv eil llcelf Into a party of illrratltfleu nml ills appointed polltlciana, no excuse can bo made for Itt adherents." Hon, Thomas A, Hendricks says ho will not allow his name in connection with the Vice Presidency this year. That four years ago, unexpectedly and without consultation, lie was elected tothe second place ou the ticket, ni'd in duty to his party lie accepted, but now he has a chance to express his views on the subject beforehand. He does not consider tho olllce of Vice-President very attractive to n man who has been n United States Senator, TUB lmillKKSSKNTKNCKD. Judge Pearson passed sentence on tho lot bill bribers last Monday, Kem'ble, Salter, ltumberger, Petrolf, and Crawford, were each fined one thousand dollars and sentenced to imprisonment In the Kutern Penitentiary for one year. 1 ho punishment is indeed severe, but not too much so fur the crime of which these men aro guilty, It Is probable that laws will be made in this State hereafter without the free use of muu ey to obtain their passage, and the time may soon come when men of ability and in tegrity will not refuse to represent their dis tricts because of the disgraceful manner in which the Legislation has been conducted for some years past. A wholesome lesson has been learned, audit is hoped that it will not soon be forgotten. It is said that the Ibard nf Pardons wll hold a scsion soon. Will these men b, pardoned ? Whatever else may be doubtful about the intention of the authors of our tarilf laws, they undoubtedly meaut to place ou the free list all materials used in the manufacture o paper. It happened that pulp of wood which is by far the most important element in the manufacture of paper used by the dally and weekly press of the country, was not specifically and by name exempted from duty. Under a Treasury decision which held that this verbal omission was fatal to tbe free admission of wood pulp, a few man ufacturers of that article have been able to impoean exorbitant tax on tho general body of paper-makers, by whom it is of course shifted op the consumers, tho newspape publishers of the country, and the burden falls with special hardship on publishers out id of the great cities we, consequently be lug impoverished so that a handful of mo nopolists may grow rich. The most pewer ful champion of these monopolists is Hepre tentative Garfield. Were his opposition to the bill withdrawn, the restoration of wood pulp to the free list, where it belongs, would be accomplished in a few days. While his opposition continues the monopolists arose' cure. Can Mr. Garfield afford to continue his support of a most odious and oppressive tax which brings in no revenue to the Gov eminent, but which interferes very decided ly witli tho dissemination of knowledg among the people? Tho Disbarred Attorneys. The Supreme Court will meet in Harris inire on .Mot day, May 3, at which time it I expected the appeal of Messrs. A. J. Stein man and W. Uhler Hensel, the disbarred at torneys will be heard. These gentlemen have retained Hul'us K. Shapley.K.n , James 1'.. Craven, l-.sq., and Colonel A. K. JlcUlure, ol the 1'lilladelphia limes, as their coun el, the latter being expected to direct bis attention principally to the relations nf the ippeiunts. as editors, to the court, in interview with his Honor, Judge Patterson your correspondent was informed that he had not yet retained cou-sel, although he bad received oilers Irom Itepubllcan and Demo cratic attorneys all over the stato to rjpre sent bis cause. When told that a rumo prevailed that Attorney General Palmer bad been retained, as well r.s Samuel H. Keynold K-q., of Lancaster, he replied that they had been mentioned iu connection with tbe matter, and were among those whose servi ces were at his disposal, but that no definite arrangement had been made. It is heleived by those who stand very cli se to Judge Pat terson that the gentlraen named will appea as ins counsel, OKANOEVILI.K ITEMS, The funeral of Mrs. Caroline. Coleman took pliee on Sundsy. The Union church was filled lo its utmost capsiily, and the ofliciating pas tor, Itev. II. A. Diclterick delivered a highly appreciative dncourse. All of our merchants have returned from th citv and ale now busy re-stocking' their stores wilh new goods. The commercial business o this place has ahuust doubled during the last fewjeirs. This speaks well for our men t ra flic. the number of students enrolled at the Academy for this term ixcreds 90. It wil quite probably nach 100, Itev, I):ekion, of Berwick, delivered a I tureoo Monday evening. The portable fa mill has at last arrived and will soon begin the Caiiman and Kline on tract, and many a stately oak which has hitherto graced our beautiful Nob Mountain, will be felled by the woodman's ax, cut into los, stripped of its thick, rough bark, sawed into lumber, sent to Ilerwick, and there be come lh rolling stock of some railroad. The Union Sunday School is now being sup plied ui'h a new library, "to guide our erring youths iu the path where once their fathers trod. Our milliners have received their new hats and bonnets, but whether the will make better or worse Ihe appearance of the wearer, will he demonstrated on the first fair day in May. George, the new grocer, makes a very pleas ant and ngretable clerk. A number of our people attended the dedi cation of Kitrhen'schurch on Sunday. James II. Harman intends starting for Kan sas in a few days. Ni7riir.iii.AND. It should be the aim of every owner of Ilnrses.Cows.&c.o make them as handsome and u -e ful as possible. Tbe German Horse and Cow Powder helps to develop all the powers of the animal, It improves its beau ty and increases its usefulness. It makes milk, mucle and fat. Ily using it a horse will do more work and a cow give more milk and be iu better condition with less feed. Sold only by weight at 15 cents a pound by C, A. Kleim, Itloomsburg, Deo 12, '70-ly A DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. EST1TC Or II1NKAU LIMOK, DICIISID, Letters of administration on the estate of Hannah Lainou, late of ltrlarcreek twp., Coluuitjla co.. ra. deceased, have been granted by the Iteguter of said county to the undersltrned Adiu'r. All persons bavin? claims against the estate or the decedent are requested to present them for settlement, and those inuwuieu 10 me esuue iu muse payment 10 me un dersigned Administrator without delay. K. II. I.ITTLB, aprll S, !S0 ow Administrator, jtotice. Notice Is hereby glten to tbe creditors of tho un dersigned, and to all peTsona w horn It may concern, that lis will apply to the Court of common 1'leas of Columbia county for Uio benefit or tbe Insolvent ba" of ""Is Commonwealtli ou Monday, the third day 0, Mayi 1M(J u, bcu me my )HW)tli btLylIi anvobjecuonatobunnal dlsriariroasan Insxiliniit debtor cas ariuaria uakeUieMine koowii. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OPEBA HOUSE, ONI? XK1HT OXtiY, Friday Evoning. April 00. under miaaicmcnt of JOHN AlililtuuoMllllS. Till! I1HKAT, TIIK ONLY, Till OKIUINil. ANTHONY fc KLLIS' Mammoth Uncle Tom's CalConpy OO ARTISTS !I0 The tjirgest nnil llest t'liclo Tom's Cabin Company in iud i.uiiu ttvn ,i-irmm ui iitiinei, iiui-mer Sinww'H Immortal work -'1 ho (ironical Miccess of manv seasons Houses Crowded Eiervnlii-re-tti. (lorded by I ho people, t lie press anil clerity without ii-iu iiiiiv ii.i,ei nn, iiiiiitue none Anpi-aruncv 01 I1IU IK 11 10 HUH lltl'UIUllllSUCU Al'lTCHS .MISS MINNIE FOSTER TiiK (htfUTiwr I.IMNfi Tnrsr. In licr orlelnnl nnrt rp. MTTLH may hillman AS P.VA, Tho flreatrat Chllil Actress on tho faeoof theCIlobc, Mipponeu uj a .M.ui.-sie-iui.NT cast, tho only (Iniiilne (tpiirsln Jubilee sdnaari, In th Clreat Plantation Cotton Picking Sceno, THE CONGO MKLODISTS, of New Orleans. Tho (IHKAT KNOWINU DONKEY riiL win appear ai every perroriiianc-i. Paor. I'kkcv Howard, . .Musical Director. Tho only strict first-class company on tho road pin) ui iu i t upies i upuiur i rices. Hcseneu Scats - 35 and 50 cents. nailery ... Doors open at 7. Commence at 8 o'clock. UeserM'dseistor snlo at Clark's Hook store. ritKfl. 1). STltAfl'IN, Iluslncss Agent. E 7X ECUTMX.NOTICE. ESTATK OK THOMAS L. KMNK, bKfKAiKH. Utters testamentary on tlio estate of Thomas L. Kllm,latnot Orange township, Columbia county, Penn'u.. ilt'ceasi'it. li.ivu hpen irrftntpcl hv thn iii-ltIh. tcrnt wald county to Mmn ktlno, Kxeeutrlx, or- Huse.iuF. ah ptfnwns navinj? cmims affdinst tins es i.vv of t ho itfcedrMit aru renuesU'd to nrcsent thrm for tv'ttlemunt ami those Indebted to tht'estattlo iniiKw najmciit 10 mo uuaersinea j;ecuirix vun M'SAN KMNB, Kxecutrls, o. V. Mn.t fh, Atty. April 3J, Vu6V A DMINlSTKATOirS XOTICK, ESTATK OK JOKl'H I KtIK, DECEASED. litters of Administration on the estate of .ToacDh I cur. lateot lleav-r townshin. Ooluiiihla couiilv. I Vim 'a., decessod, hao been granted by the Itt'tfis- leruistii'j cuiuiv, iu o mui ieur, Auimuismtuor. A'l iwraons Inv m if cUilrniatfalnHthueata'eof the decedent are reaaxsted to ur'sent them lur&etile- mcut, aud those indebted to the estate to make pay ment tu the uudcrblgued Administrator without ueiay, HAM-'KL LKI1U, 0. V, M ti lfk, A ti (y. Administrator. April 3Q, 't0.6w' A (lENTS WANTED for the best and fastest selllni L pictorial Hooks and tilbies. l'i ices reduced percent, ."national i'immhiimj Co., i'htladelpbm. ra. mi avr, m, -su im AGENTS; Send for circulars and proof ct Jito u montu made selling our New Hooks. Uolden Thought of Mother, Home and lletven. In prose and poetry, by 3txi iM?st auihora. Elepantly Il lustrated. PleaseseveryULKtv. UAb: also ft ouo curi osities of the Hlhle, 1,T5. A single eanvaHsr has uciuaiiv so'u oer copies. .iouay s Aiunon.eu ermous, i,w. jianeu on receipt. 01 rics. J:. 1(. TltKAT. I'DUUSHRH. apr. 30, 'C-im aid 'o. sos Kroidway.New York, MASON HAMLIN Kent paid two-ana-a-quirter j ears busono. MestCabluet or I'arlor tirans lu the w orld winners or n urhe-t d st ltifl tlncilon at ever world's filr for thirteen lears. rr ices Ml $57, (A6. IllK U) 5' 0 and ORGANS uowaru. aiho ror easy rtaV' tnents. $5 a month or (4.3xa (marter and unward. CatA- " l (If, .11 A HI, (V 1 1 AM I IN UHliAN t V,, ll 1 TV- luont vt., hoston; 4ti Kast uth a'., (Union Square) apr. 30, bo-lm aid ACKNTS WANTED tO Sell thft NEW BOOK, FARMING FOR PROFIT HOW TO Cultlvta all tbe Farm Crops In tho But Manner i Ureed, Feed and CareforStocliiprow Fruiti Tarm Dualnensi Malco Ilapr? Hornpi, aDd .MAiii; mom-;v ON TlllC l'AUM. Eerv Farmer hbould hare a copy 800 Paces 140 llluatrnttnna. SptkI firclrcuiari in J. C. McCUKDY & CO.,l,hlladelihla,ra. AGENTS WANTED. piii FATING OUTFIT r lit t EMPLOV- J1EXT DtT. IjO UKULKft A CU., 1000 Anb BU, I'blladclpbla, WANTED Ity an out ekUt'li h ca Ilou-se. sunn ho ebU lntcllidit Men to Camai in the . coumrv atut illaoi Ion romtuNsEon. An KXCIU.IiKNT ori'OltTU.MTV. Something uiilicanl vt bi-forp. so far a fl know, A ?vm chance for icacherf1. Younir 51 eu. Farmers' and Mochantca' Nwtt to k'ft Into a h rlit. affrefable, pa inir business, with no ribks and ft it h BixulprosDPCtiialieud. Answer soou. statin aps, formor occupation and rrforences. Addrcbi 1'. 0, Lock Box W, 1 liiUdelphia, l'a. apr, so, 'io-im aid UI)1TUK5, ItHl'OHT OK Conyuy him TonUlp hii1 (Vairiilli irirt tor the ycur rudliiK April 11 'unr UU Ih, ISSU. C. G.mtHlY, collector. 1U. To m't f l)orout'h duplicate poor tax es, inltls " uiii'tur borough duplicate special, 1 nlll " am t of township duplicate poor tax nt tnHW " unit of township duplicate poor tax tjptclal 5 mill.- cit. 677 34 115 41 6,09 40 3.S39 70 Uy amount returned to Ounifilsslyners on borough 100 K. w cents BrKCIAL, lo centa Thomas Connon., Itrtdjret t Urk, Kdward Curley, Iianlel Dixon, Martin Uaugnan, Thomas Uauffhuti, Thomas Mowelt, l'dll llefTrou, 1 homas Homes, Johnd. llauley, (,'arollue Kline, W Idctw KelUT, Oeorfc'e Marks. Mary .Mcllrearty, Hlchaid I'urctli, William Torry, Martin VtUsh. William Zeltfier, Total. cents $' o soceuts ti us 5 i cents is centa VI CeilUi 10 ents ascents lo cents II 00 !0 centa 10 cents to cents '1 OWN SHII DUI'LICATE. i-oon srKcui (:. II. llrotk'May, ts cents 33 centa Win. rown. '.u " lu " ltcrnard Hresltn, s ' '.5 Nathaniel Hiowu, fl5ii laiio loahua Ik-am 23 lo i 7 1 and I) C'Obroe, to 25 KUen caln. co ts Inn Cdtithan, U) 21 David Cwk, so 2) Davin luvls, no 75 Con Donahue, 6 ) 28 .lerry (Jourire. 2S n Thomas Henneey, 25 13 Jonn Huston, e;5 391 Kd. Honebaek r u l'etcrJoice 25 13 I etf r Kline, & ro 3 5 A, W. un-anirr. imi yi Caroline Knlttle, 1 60 75 (ien. 11. l.indermutti, 25 13 Mrs. J IJnil-nnuth, 25 13 Kp&ralin u-lbv, 25 13 Catli. Morrison, 75 as " " 1W "5 I'atrlck Moran, 60 25 Terrene. Mazulre, 25 13 Kil 1 Mc.Menamln, 6) 25 Mary ui ift 'I homas Mellon, 75 3s Marra' U Kendlg, suo 400 Harry s. Marr, 1 76 s7 .Mary Huston, 1010 6U0 John ItUhUin, 400 201 Casjier Ithawn, 1 75 ss I els Trelsbach, 111 25 Jacob Trleu, ao) 300 " " aiu 300 John VouDf, 2ito 1100 Total, 1101 15 (sou Ity um't of exonerations on borough duplicates. eooa si-scUL KlUabi-th Cleary. $100 20 .Mm. 'I homas Lunk'on, 2110 loo John lmvls. 2 15 55 Thopnllus Kvans, 1 la 22 H bert Horn 1 & Co.. 0 ou 1 211 Mrs. Abel Keller, Ml 10 Mrs. Ibos. Monahan, loo 20 Nirs .las. McMenamlc, 60 iu Mrs, draco Monahan, 87 17 Sirs. Mary dunning, 1 to so Total, 117 22 1104 Ily um't of exonerations on township duplicate. roou SFKCUL Henry lurrlck, a S3 Win. Hums, f 33 Jacob tu-aner. 20 10 Patrick Coury, a 33 Mrs. Wm. Caw ley. 65 33 owpu Cortltran (dead) 61 33 Lackey curry, 65 33 Patrick dalldKher, w 25 Thomas derrttv, 65 31 widow John derrlty, 73 J? vm Cawley, 65 H3 Widow llufhes, 200 1 ou Henry Jjivelle, 65 33 John Huron, (error) 1 50 76 llrjuu Ktikerr, K 33 Widow Kealy, 1 10 65 John Mcllale, 10 James Nau'bton, 65 93 Total, 113 80 16 '9 1)11. To township poor duplicate ami 3,on 40 ' boroush " " " S7IS1 3,650 64 r:it, Ity a'int returned tax on town ship duplcalo lly am't returned tax on borough duplicate " um't errors and exonerations township duplicate " am't errors and exonerations borouKb dupllcalo collectort comtuUsion ate per bent x UlabCd Ui b ptild in Utuury 1161 15 15 M 13 30 17 83 tTASl 6,114 M C. O Mt'lU'llY, Treasurer, In account with aatd 1)11. To m't to bo received trom Col. ICClor I5.1T0 w Cit. Hjr ura't of Tromurer'ii commlulon Risrerceni ,103 bs nm't of orrtira ot li'9 reileemtd ,8 to ' ' 1 8T 1,441 M " " 1TJ " 111 Ml " " Wt " M am't balance duu district 4 13 !,!! ts I'ainnceduo district by 0. tl. Murnhy, Treasurer Ills -i uc iiuuvi ikik'ii n iiuiuii i i-i milium mi. t-uuui; haed'Uy etninlut-d and audited tho rorejfolnir ac count anil Mod tt correct as ibuvu set out. VM. 1. MNNIKO, 1 KK. SMITH, lAUdltOH. Ctlltl.Hl lAN II. SKKSHOLTZ, ) C. (1. MUHl'I'V, Collector of special tax, 1)H. To ain't of borough spidal tax dupllcato ,115 41 2,339 "0 lUIVIllllip $2,651 11 lly am't returned to ( om im-nuiiicrs lor cuuteiion loMiKhlp, ,S0 63 Hv am't returned to com. inlvtioniT t r collection borough 3 19 " am't of errors and exon e'atlons, tnunsutp 6 6, " nin1' ot errors and exon erations, boroush 4 04 S3 II 11013 114 01 " am't of Collector's commission at A per cunt " am't special tit to bo paid to Treasurer 2,432 55 tl,(53 11 C, 11. MUIU'IIV, Treasurer Ot special tax. I)!t. To ain't 1 f special tax net to bo collected 1,4S1 ta l it. ny nm t of commission nt 2 per cent Jis 63 " recelptcf I'rothonotnry Krlck baum August sii. is;s 431 (0 " receipt of ITothonolnryKrlck- baum September I, ts79 400 00 " receiptor I'rothonotary Krlck baum l)ec. 2, lsl soooo ' rt-celpt of I'rothonotary Krlck- baum ll c. 29, 1S7U 226 61 " bal rtueC d. Murphy on Judg- muntaatlstled 1615 am't John Sullivan Judgment. debt Interest and costs agreed to be paid out of special tux 34 75 " am't or balance duo tho dlst. at datu 469 39 11,432 65 naiancH uue uy c. u. .unrpny. Treasurer J 109 39 We, Ihe undersigned auditors of Columbia county nave uuiy exatnlliO'l anil auoiieu uio ioregow ac count ond tlni it correct ns abo 0 set out. WM. .. M INN1NII. 1 K. SMITH, Auditors. CIlltlsTl N D. 8EE8IIOLTZ, J Orders redeemed of 1ST9 and lsso In detail. No. 160 Anrll CS. 1s:9. lira. VaHtlnc and Meats, medklue and services 77 95 " ir.l Anrll 20. deo W. l)ab. r.. au ditor fees 20 00 " mi Anrll 26. '79 Michael Monahan. au ditor tees 20 00 "163 nr!126 '79 Thomas t'asev. audi tor tees 20 00 " lflilArr ISC. '!9 Thomas Murphy, audi tor fees 20 00 "161 nrl 26. "79 Chas. Magulre. audi tor fees 20 00 " 16'1 Anrlt so. '79 1). F. Curry room rent is 00 "167 ' Win. II. l'llce.aud.fees SO 10 " las ' cpy'g rept 7 50 ' C9 " " Martin 1'lanagan audi tors' clerk SO 00 2 May 22 19 It. M. Lashclle.ined.servlees 33 M 4 " "David Walsh hen lees noor director 110 60 5 " " 'Ihos. chsnman services poor director 124 60 "6 " " Thomaa ctiHiiman services poor director 150 00 "7 " Thomas dallacher services noor director 123 50 " " " 1". t', lturlio bal. clerk tees no 0 1 " 10 omee rent 40 00 "11" " Thos Chapman horse hire wto " 13 May 31 '79 Snmiiei Keller salarras steward S5 00 "14 " " Samuel Keller money ex pended for district 253 t " 15 " " deo. Troutinan powder 2 M "16 " deo. W. UaWs. Ir.. mcdl- rln-", Ac. 2 W "17 " " C. d. Murnhv. mdse. for district 743 3S 20 July 18, '79 Hrock-vav&Klwell pub- l'shlng ntntument sow " 22 Aug. 30, '79 j no. I- Kllno lumte-r 40 2S "23 " Samuel Helnbold bhee mending l'i 49 "2 " " ItenJ. w agner seed corn 42 19 " v7 " " sum. Ixans clover seed r.i "S3 ' " Id. Kuril, smith work 650 " so " " Wm I'.-HTer keeping va grants 17 05 " 31 Sep. 13, '79 iiurke ltros.conins 24 Co "33 " Lewis I'rlnce clothing tor paupers 22 75 " 24 " " c d. Murphy mdso. for district 311 21 "35 " "C. d Murphy md.se. tor district 400 00 " 36 Oct. 8, '! Hurke Jt llro. mdse. for district 2110 37 " " A. II. Former tinware 20 lo " 42 net. 94, 79 A. K. Mensch carpenter work 6 oil " 43 " " Chas. strausser ourp'nt'r work 6 01 11 44 .1 ii, Kortner.stove, ic. 25 10 " 45 " " V. F. Iturkrt ou account ot clerk lees S3 00 "46 " " lir. 1). J. McKlbbln ined- eal sen I es 50 00 "49 " " John 11. stukes work on farm II 00 "51 Nov. 1, '19 Um. I'clrTcr keepingva- giants 32 50 " 52 Dec. 27. '19 Middle C. K l oor Dlst for 1 IMivards 3s0 " 56 " " It. M. Uushello medical services 16 73 " 5s " " . KeUly attending J. WeMi 6 00 " CO Jan. 3, so I'. K. mirke clerk fees on arcount 40 00 " 64 Feb. '.s, 'ao Mrs. Jus. sweeny str- v ces rendered 2 50 " 71 March no, so I'.K. lluikeun account of salary 50 10 Iho following orders on Thos. Chapman, lato Tre. surer, were also redeemed bye. tl. Murphy. No. 64 Aprll 27, lsls, John llerner.conius, 4c., $30 03 No r,5 April 27, 1S7S, John llcrner.corlln', .te , 23 00 " 71 ApUl 97, 1S7S. Thos.dallagher, sor MciHusdlrucor 833 " May 4, 'IS, Edward Koy. attending li.Klpen 15 00 " so May 4, ' s, O. II. .Millard, mdse. for district 69s 46 " s9Julya, '7S, Win. Peltier, keeping vagrants 21 70 " 102 sspu 8, 'is, K. D Kurti, smith work 6 00 " 104 sept. . is. It. I). Fahrlnger, J. I', ft es tor paupers 17 00 1116 sept. 9, "s. deo. W. Davis, med iclno and supplies S3 75 " los sepr. .9, 'is, Thomas dallagher, se Alces rendered 4s 00 ' 1 12 Oct. 4 '7s s. P. Levan, bal. duo 13 62 " 113. oet, 15, '"S, John Heruer 4 is) " 115 Oct. 15. '78, Mrs. Sweeny, mak ing shrouds s 00 " 116 Oct. 15, '78, Wm. l'clller, keeping tagrants 15 15 " 125 Dec 7, '73, u. (I. Murphy, uids'e for district 300 CO " 33 Dec. 28, '78, H. M. Ileaver.potatces 7 so " 135 Dec. ss, '78, Charles Chauibci lain, services rendered 2 25 " 131 Jan. 2, '7, Sam. Keller, on ac count of salary 6000 " 13s Jan 25, '79, deo. W. DavK, medl clde, ic, 31 33 " 142 Feb. 29, '79, Casper Ithawn.clotli lng 7 00 ' 143 Feb. '79,Owen t'atogan, attend ing paupers so) " 145 Feb 28, '79. nenrllle thoads,llmo 19 so " lis March s, '79, Locust School Dis trict, tuition 15 00 " 149 Ma'Ch9, "79, mra. Donlon, servi ces rendered It 0) " 151 March 9, '79. Dr. It. M. Lashelle, medical services to 00 " 153 March S9, 19, Wm. I'einer, keep ing vagrants 1140 " 153 March 29, 19, John Snjder, tmlth work 2 60 Written order Auditors fees 10 50 The following orders drawn on James Dally, former Treasurer, were redeemed by C. d. Murph, No. 42 Dec. 31, '77,Oeo. Uoyer.corn plough c, 23 si " 44 ivc 31, '77, Thomas Cerrety, ser vlcea as poor director V9 00 And also the following orders drawn on I'atrlck liurke, formwr Treasurer. No. 203 Murrh 31, "77, Thos. Chapman, at tending court, 40.. lseo 150 Jsu. 3. '77, 1'. F. Uurk. building crib 15 00 1st March 31, 1S77, It. Falirlnger, J. 1'. fees 2 50 The following orders Issued during the still outstanding and unpaid. No. 1 May2S, it), O. W. Davls.medlctne, 4c. " 3 May 31, '79, David Welsh, strvlces as director 8 .May 22, Tt. Thomas Oallagher, servi ces as director 19 May 22, '79,Dr. McKlbbln.mcdlcal ser vices " 19 June ts, '79, Thos. Kerns and oth ers dlgglrg grave " 19 July 15, u. E. tljers, publish ing statement " 91 August 30, '79, V. K. lluck, hard ware, 4c, " to August so, 19, John L. Kln, coat for poor bouse " 25, August ao, '79,11. M. Laahelle.med leal services " 29, August 80, ,79, Thos. derrety car riage hire, etc " 33 supt. 13, '19, Chaa. B. Eck, lime tor farm " as oct. 8, 19. d. W. Davis, tni-diclne " 39 Oct. 8, '19, 1', E. lluck, hardware tc, " 4) Oct. 8, '79,Dr. McKnlbbln.medlclno 4c, " 41 Oct. 8, n, Mrs. J, O'Couner, horse hire " 47 Oct. J4, '19, John Snjder, smith work " 49 oct. 24, '79, Win. Fink, smith work " 50 .1, n. Peters, rrult trees " 63 Dec. 27, " Simon Fetterman, vine gar, Ac. ' 54 Dec. 27, '79 II. D. Maize, medicine IttMS, 14, '75 " 65 Iiec. i', '79, o. II. Millard, mdse " 57 Dec. 21, '79, Yeager 4 llro., leather 4e, " (9 Dec. 27, '79, Thos. Chapman, coal and hauling " 61 Jan, 81, 'J. Thos. Chapman, ser- v Ices as director ' 61 Feb. 2S, 'so, 1. K lluck, hardware " 5 Hatch 81, V), Krnauuel Levan.coal for poor house " 6i .March 27, 'o, Tilly Wagner, eala. ry as servant " 67 March 27, SjO, Peter Hwauk, bone dust " 6 March 27, 'so, 0. 11. Millard, inds'e " 69 Sam. Keller, medl- cine bought ' 70 March 27, 'so, Dr, D. J, McKlbbln, medical services 71 March 2T, 'o, Thos, (lalagber,ser. vices aa Poor Director " 63 Feb. 28, '79, J. ti. steel, bill heads year are 45 75 ICO 00 ico 00 25 00 6 00 89 50 27 ti 9t 87 50 03 24 00 6') 10 4 70 49 13 383 96 00 22 00 10 2-1 20 00 11 45 236 45 785 43 00 25 00 11 10 15 11 8 00 4 80 151 75 11O0 50 00 60 0) 5UO $1406 61 txs.es rooa uocsk, iriut, 1, l.so. Number In house March II, 1879 - admitted during year -absconded ioiQ left " rtciidUnt;U4VrU l,lk(i s: a w it INVKNTOllV. . 11 ..nr. 79 acres of land "llschman tract" $4506 00 " wm. Miner tract" 24000 ; dwelling house, 1 barn, I wngon shed, ICorn crib, 1 coal and wood sued, 1 pig rieti tisuinn Improvements on tho nbovo soo 00 f.Ritnwlt. tnn.inr.. 1 tiay rake 1 threshing machine 1 wind mill 1 cutting box 1 two horse wagon l two horse wagon 1 earrlngo 1 set of carrlagn tiarnpss $lito 10 to 10 no 6 no It on sooo 4eo 10 2100 80 00 600 BIO 100 90 00 150 40 100 00 100 800 21)00 2 s-ls nf wagon harness 1-palrboh sleds 9 ploughs 1 narrow 1 reaper 9 scithes 2 garden rakea 1 grain drill 1 wheel barrow 1 cultivator 1 two horse sleigh $31190 iiot'ssnoiD rcas'iTi-m. 10 bes on upper noor 7 " "si-cond " 4 " In two rooms a cooking stoves $100 00 70 00 60 00 94 00 600 310 1100 200 9 CO 310 600 4 00 4 00 1 56 SCO 4 00 210) "iicsung stovis 1 table 1 lounge 1 writing desk V doz. chairs 1 doz. common chairs 1 cupboard 1 washstand s bed room stands 3 looking glasses 1 kitchen Ubles 1 round tablo so yards Ingrain carpet $129 50 STOCI, 8 horses 8 cows 9 h Iters 3 hogs JIWOO 90 00 60 00 60 00 I FUISXD OK THE t'AKH. BO bushels w heat lit 00 160 oats sooo 960 " potatoes 130 00 39 " ryo 2s 50 650 rurn n rars mm 63 " buckwheat 32 Z5 7 " onions 700 2 " beans 400 1300 heads cf caUbngc 30 00 19 tons of hay 240 oil 9 tons corn fodder to 00 170 pounds pork 11901 12 puunas oeer 4300 -II0S0 75 rRonrcs on niNn jini-irt 8, 19-0. 7 bushels rje $195 26 (SI 20 00 1250 901.1 100 011 4 10 60 OO 79 0(1 27 00 6 00 10 (HI $49; vo " wheat 50 " oats 23 " buckwheat 300 ' corn In cars 200 " poiatoes 4 " onions 6 tons straw 1300 pounds poi k 450 " beef 250 heads cabbage 2 barrels saurkrotit CENSUS OP THIS TOOK MOCSE fOK TUK TE4K. No. In poor house April 12, 1879 " admitted during j ear 17 -- it-it uuring year in poor house now 21 ,,The following balances are due the district from iuc uiucera oeiow uamea. Duo from Nell Lcnthan collector of '73 $957 43 'M 25 588 99 8134 4 73 469 89 Thos oerrlty for Kd. Curlv for 'J5 rau uurice, ireasureror 'ifl " " James Dally; Treasurer ot '17 " C. d. Murphy, Treasurer of '79 " " " " special tax " " Thos. Chapman, Treasurer ot '78 thos. cnxruiN, cr. By ain't paid W. A. Marr. att'y $160 00 " " salary as director 14710 " " horse hire, time and ex penses us director lu lull fur but. of year '79 116 00 Dal. duo the district 19115 607 15 Balance duo the district bv Thos. Chap 607 10 man as Treasurer tor '78 $191 15 Wo the undersigned audi ors ot Columbia county, have duly examined the foregoing accounts and nnil tho balance duo by the several officers correct as set uut uppusiie. ineir respecme names. WM L, MANNING, ) s. K. SMITH, Auditors, ClIltlSTIAN 11. SEH.SIIOLTZ.I We the llndershrned nurtltirM nr Pnliiml.ln fnnntv- hereby recommend that the Hoard ot 1'oor Directors do proceed to put a new roof on tho poor house ot said district, and raise the rear part or said house so as to bring the comb ot roof ot the simo to middle of structure, the w hole cost or the same not to exceed oia iiuuurt-11 uunars 1 (wiu.uo.) We also limit Ihn nrl-n nf nno lmri.A nnH hiim-v pcr day to four dollars ($4) and tlx the pay ot the Poor Directors ot said district tor the ensuing jear at three dollars per day. for each day necessarily opvuv iu uiai nm ku ui iiieir uu.ies. W.M. L. MANNING, ) S. K. SMITH, l Auditors, CHltlSriAN 11. SEMUOLTZ.I April 30,-tf. A DMINISTKATOKS NOTICE ESTATE OK Wl!, 0. QUICK DECEASED. Letters of Admin Ktrat ion on tho estate of Wm. o. (Milck.late of Montour township, Columbia co. deceased, have been granted by the lteglster of snli county to undersigned Administrators. All persons hating claims against the estate are requested tc present them for settlement and those indebted iu matte prompt payment. HINHI T). QUICK, JAM IIS QUICK, march 2tl, 'RO-fiw AdrnlnUtrators, I. O. tlox Rupert Columbia county, l'a. DMINISTKATOIVS NOTICE KSTATK OF NKl-SOV IIESS, DElKISRD. Letters of administration on the estate of Nelson Hess, lte of Ihe towni-hipcf t-uarlouf.rolunihu co. deceased, have been granted in the Itvlster of said county to the ut dersljjned Adml'dstrator, All per sons halnir cNlms aifa'nt the estate um requited j pivfi'ui. int-ni lur ot i nt iiiriii. uiiu iiioe inucoieu to jnase pa) nient m iiuoui ueiay. H V IMMTZ, aprll 2, si-Cv Admlid-.lrutor, jgXECU'iOR'SNOnCK. " ESTA1EOP J.1I1N M'KKYSOtIS, IHCKHtil. Letters testnmentarv n th tMatf ut .John Mclteynolds, lale M tht-towti of 1 1 loiiislmrir. Coin n blu Countv, I'enn'a, dect'a-sed, havt hct-ri urn led by the Itetflster of said ccnM 10 'ui.'h W. Me evn oldof the town of iniKnns,'Urjj, af.ir- nttd. All p t sonshavlinrclalrns a?alii-it th- nstati' ot HUd rivet. dent are requested to nn(,'it them fur si-ttieinent, and those Indebted toth-i estate to m.ikt pa ment IU tup UUUdfliyurU I,AVtHUII, "llltlllll urit. II. V. MC liKVStU.PS, aprll 9, lsso fiw Kueutor. DM I X I ST K A T 0 H S NOTICE FSTATB OK JANE BKOAP, IKCKA-iKl. Letters of Aamlnlstra'lon on ihe estate o. June Broad, late !of Madison township, Columbia "o, n ty, deceafcea, hao t'een granted by the Iteu'lsuT cf sum county uj in unoerhiynen udminisirutor. ju persons having claims atrulntt tne estate are re quested to present them for settlement and tote uiueuieu iu inae payment nimoui delay lo WM. HAItTLlNE, Or his Attorney, Administrator, Ukhvey K. Smith, Jeraeytowi), col co. moomsourff, ia. upr. is-o ow". UDITOlFs NOTICE bSTATB OK DANIEL PK ALE U, DECEASED. Notice IsherehytfiTenthat the undersigned ap pointed by tho Orpuana' Court or Columbia county to dtstrlbutw thH Mnrt in the hands of Hiram 1'ealer administrator of Daniel I'eaJer Jr. deceased to and nmone i no parties entitled thereto; win attend at his ofilce In Hlnnmsburtr. on Saturday, May 1st, Ivy) at 10 o'clock In the forenoon ; when and where all persons hrtvlny cla'ins uion the said fund am re (lutn-d to 1'iesentthera or te forever debarred from lumm? In for a share of said fund. JO UN Q.FKEKZK aprll t, is-C-lw Auditor, jgxi-xirrolrs notice I.STETA OK ELIZA BET II ADAild, DECEASED. I-etters Testamentary on the estate of Kllzabeth f daiiii late of the township tf Madison, Columbia couniy, I'enna, deeeaited, have been granted by the iceglster of said county to Jno. K. shultz. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent lire requested to preaen them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to tho esutetomakH paiment to tie undersigned Kxecutor without detav. JOU.N K. 'IIULTZ, Jerbeytawn, aprll S0-fiw, Execuior. NOTICE n Notice Is hereby given that the following accounts invebe ntlUd In tuo Trothonotary's olllce of Co li'inbiacounly, and will bo presented to th- Court of t'omimn fleas of said couniy on the 4th day of May, is mid confirmed after the fourth dav ol said term unless exceptions be tiled within that time. The rlrstnnd partial account of Marti u (lass.'ossl gnee i f .1, J, lloagland. i. TU s-cond and noal account of M, (l. Hughes, uwilgnee of w estey Terry. 3, Actount of Herman Fahrlnger asslgneo of Lu caa Kahrlngerof Locust township, WILLIAM KltlCKUAL'M, 1'rothy, liloomsburg, Aprll 1, lsso. JICENSE NOTICE. Nillee Hhprehv given thU tho following named person lmvo tiled with (he clerk of the Court of OUTtervs lonsof tho 1'eaoe of ColumDU county, their p-tit ions fir llocuso which will be presented to the add Court on Wednesday, iho Mh day of May next WO. ti. II, lauhlng, Jleavertwp,, nottl J II MiMiiun, " Hiram tlenn, Kenton, Luuiiu) Edgar, u tiiHirge W Mauser, Ilerwick Horough, " Mrs.Tl. U. Westler, Kelnliart ittrger, Hestaurant .1 I. (inton, Itloomsburg, Hotil J me B Itrown, Wm. tllKger, " W II, Umnore, " Hestaurant I'eterurohs, " " I, W. K'ibbins, LiquorStore 0. A, Jacoby. (i, u iwtubaudnr & Co., catawUsa, Hotel J, It. KUtler J. K Ituawn, Hestaurant Henry Hrumbach, K, s. Trui'kenmlller, " Jainesdoidsworlhy, Centrallu, Hotel W K, Weldensaul, Hanlel K. Curry, William ivirrer, u Johanua O'Connor, ' Liquor Sforo Thomas Collies, Qestaurant John U Kline, Convngham, Hotel Daniel K. Kehres, " Samuel llazledtne, (Jreenwood, C. iLIUetlericW. Hemlock. Daniel Knorr and L, II, Daniel, Locust, " I1, cherrlngton, Wfrlllngion Vwager, a. K. smith, Madlaon, " Weley Dlld ne, 1. U. 1-nngenberger, Maine, m U. H. VetU r, e Aaron W. Hew-, Miniln, Iteuben Itouch, Monumr Kmandus Unaugst, orange, Oeorge llttkman, hcott, itucib Miller, " i. H.Ulbbons, bugarloif, WM, KHIOKBAUM. Clwk OtBOe, -Altfti H,vto ViMtVS. , SHERIFFS SALE. ny Mrtue ot sundry writs twicd out of the n.iid.iii.i.1... iMcim nt I'nlumbla county and to mo directed, will be exposed to rubllc sale nt tlio Court House In HloomsburB, on Mondiiv. May 3d, 1880; at t o'clock p. in., tlio following described real cstato All that undltlded half of tuo following mn"i im ntinnii .iniAin in Hemlock township, ColumHa county, renns)lvanla, bounded and described us follows, It: lieulnnlng nt a wniio ouk, memc -i landotdodtrey.Mellck.soutUfcienteen and a half degTees enst one hundred and fifteen and four tenth perches to a post, thence by land of Iho satno sou h one-halt degrees west, slxty-nlno and three-tenth perches ton stone, thenco by land of tho heirs ot Samuel Wanlch, and AlbcrtsotnmtrawiuiiiuiijMu.il and a half degrees west nineteen perches lo npost, thenco by a public road nnd laud of Jacob Harris north eight degrees west eighty-seven perches ton sugar tree, thenco north one desreo east thirty-four perches, north twelve degrees west, ten perches, north eighteen degrees w est tweniy pcmies, uu.ui fifteen degrees west Ihlrty-four perches, north six and a half degrees west eight perches, to n button, wood, iiorlhslxty-slx nnd one-fourth degrees enst, tltleen and four-tenth perches to tho place of begin ning, containing twenty-eight acres and twenty, eight perches, strict measure, whereon aro erected n three story grist and llourlng mill with tt good water power and wnter right, a two story dwelling house, large hog pen n.-,d other out-bulldlngs. Seized, taken in execution nt tho Milt ol I'llnton Mellck, executor of dodlrey Mcllck, dee'd, against John lleaglo with notlco to James K. Kjerand Moses Stetler, terre-tenants, and to bo sold ns the property of John lleagle. IxstiR, Attorney Lcvl'IFa ALSO, All that undivided one-half part of nil that certain In-lot situate In tho borough ot Ilerwick and bound ed on the north by second street on tho cast by an alley, on the south by a lot ot Joseph tcks heirs. and on tho west by a lot of now s c. Jajno containing one fourth of an aero more or less, whereon are creeled n frame dwelling house, a frame stable, a framo wagon house, nnd other out-bulld lngs with tho appurtenances, seized, taken lu execution as the property ot licit ben MlPcr nt tho suit of the First National liank ot Itloomsburg now for the usoof Henry Doak, and to be sold as the property of Iteuben Miller. Krikzs, Attorney. Alias la ALSO. The undivided onMialf part ot nil that certain tract or piece of land Mtuato In Ixwust township, Colum bia County staio aforesaid, bounded on the west by lands ot Thomas llllllnglon, on the south by land of Thomas and Mary Itushton, on tho east nnd norm ti. lands ot Lewis Lee, Isaac Lewis, Ilenjamin camp, Jacb ICershncr, nnd others, containing four hun dred and ' hlrtj -nine acres nnd four perches. Ala j, une other certain tract situate as utoresald, bounded ou the west by lands ot Michael Stlnc and otherwise bounned by lands of Lewis Lee, John Illlllg nnd others, and by the aforesaid trait, con taining one hundred and eighty-nine ncres nnd six ty-throe perches. .... Also, ttll that certain lot or piece of ground situate In the Horough of Ccntralla, county and state afore said, on tie wst side ot Locust avenue, being twen-ty-tlve feet In width on said avenue and extending at rWht angles therewith westwurdiy one nunorea and forty feet In depth to an alley and Known on ine map of said Horough as lot No. J, In block 111, said lot being bounded ns follows to-wlt: on uio east bj Locust avenue, on the north by lot of Jane ll.Torrey; on tho west by an alley, and on tho Routh by lot of Ilrldget Farrell, on which Is erected u two stor frame dwelling house.stuble, and oilier out-bulldlngs seized, taken tn execution at the suit of The Shen andoah Valley Hank to use Ac, against J. .Miller Itaub, David Keller, and Edwurd Shatter, terro ten ants, nnd to be sold us the property ot J. Miller ltaub David Keller and Edward Shancr, tcrre tenants. Fkbkzs, Attorney Lev Fa ALSO, The tollowtng real estate situated in .Madison township, Columbia county, i'ennsj lvanla, bounded on tho north by land of Adam lioat, on the east by lands of Henry Everett and William Mnsteller.south by land of Henry -Miller, west by lands ot Joslah Mauatand William Masteller.contulnlngabout slxt eight acres, moro or less, on w hlch uro a two stor) framo dwelling house, frame bank barn, and other out-bulldlngs. A good apple orchard, and u good spring ot water and spring house near the dwelling. This property Is situated on tho public road leading from Hloomsburg to Jerseytown, about three miles from Jersevtown. Seized, taken In execution at the salt of Conrad Kreamer against Ellas llogar, nud to bo sold ns the properly of Ellas Hogar. IUkklky, Attorney. Fl Fa ALSO, All that certain lot or piece ot land situate In .Mlfllln township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Abraham .--chweppenhclscr, on the cast liy I'eter Michael, on tho south and west by Horace Schweppenhelscr, containing eighty acres, more or less, on which ure erected u two story framo house, bank barn, a largo frame grist milt, mill houso nnd alt necessary out-bulldlngs. seized, taneii tu execution at the suit of J, II. Hit- lerusslgned to F. Jordiu & sons against (leorge Nungesser, and to bo sold as Ihe properly cf deorge Kungesser. iiKocxwAY & Elwell, Attys AI Fl Fa ALSO, All that certain tract, messuage or pieco ot land situate In .Mount pleasant tow nshlp, Columbia coun U, and stuto ot I'ennsj lvanta, bounded und describ ed as follows, to-wlt: On the north by lands ot S')l esler Kitchen, ( u Ihe cast by lands of John Mus grave, ou the sou'h by lands ut Jacob Johnston, and on the west bv Unas of S) Ulster Kltchin and Jacob FWe-r containing Mt-slx acres more or less, on whli h Mre erected a log dwelling house, a good bam an I wu?un shed, and out-bulIdliiL-s. selzfd, taken la execution ut the suit of Torinda Ihii-i'iibuih, since intermarried with luijdlikhl u,'stust Henry Kitchen, with nullcoto terre tenants aiul 1 1 be suld us tho property vjf Henry Kitchen with notice Uiurre tsnauts. i.irlLfcs, Attorneys. Vend E ALSO. All that messuago und tract of Und situate In Heaver township, Columbia county uud statu ol Pcunsjli onla, bounded and desirlbed as follows lz: Ou tho north by land in Warrantee namoot Catharine Lorgenbtrgtr, and land of Columbia coil und Hon nmjuny, un Iho south by public road leading noui lleuu-r Valley to Macauley CojI Mines, ou the east by la-'d of Charles F. Mann, deceased, and ou the w est by land of John luker, Si., contain lug seveoty-nve acres more or less. seized, taken la execution at the suit ot Joshua Fetterman und Aaron drover Admrs. of Michael (.'rover, deceased, against John HlnUrllter Sarah Ann Hlnterllter and Jacob Hlnterllter, and to be sold as the propertyot John Illnterliter, Sjrah Ann Hlnterllter and Jacob Hlnterllter. Freeze, Attorney. Lev Fa ALSO, All those four separate nnd distinct pieces or par. eels of land bltuato In Locust township, Columbia county, i'enn'a, bounded und described as follow s that is to say No l, known as tho Tavern Stand In the town of Numedla, beginning ut a stone In tho public road leading from Numedlaw Kerntown thence ly land of IIcriLnn Fahrlnger south nine and one nuarter degrees west twenty-one and eight-tenth perches to u stone thence by land of deorge A. snjder south eigniy.nve uno mreo-quarterdigrees weal twenty onu and ihree-tenth perches to u stone In tho center ot tho public road leading from Ashland to Calaw Issa thencv In Bald road and by land ot Peter Swank and Iteuben Fahrlnger norUi eighteen degrees east twenty. two ni.dflve-tenth perches toastone, thenco n laid lead and by land of lie tame ul d Murguret Khoads north tw o degrees w est ten aud sei en- tenth perches lo u stono thenco by laud ot Mury Telts- woriunorm eigntj-su degrees east fuurteen and tnree-tenUi perches to u stone, thenco by u ten foot ulley south three deL-rei-seast eleven and two-tenth perches to as. one lu the public mad, thento In said puwic road und by land ot Herman Fahrlnger. north elghty-tlve and three-quarter degrees eust ten und seten-tenm perches to tho place ot twrinninv. ran. mining three acres, und eighty-eight perchci strict measure, whereon aro erected u large brick hotel, largo frame stable and wagon shed und all necessary out buildings In good order, fo j, situate in Locust township, county and state aiuresaia uounuea and described as follows: llcrln nlogatattoneacornerot land of Silas It. Johnson and running from thrnco by Und ot William imiieir north atty degrees east eishteeu und tour-tenths Iiercnes to a stono theuco by the same north mm. aud a halt degrees east fourteen perches to a stono anu ileal, tuenco by laud ot Susau Kllno north thirty, seven and u halt degrees west ntty-slx perches to u post, thence by land ot tho same south titty degrees w est thirty und nlnc-lcnlh perches to a stone thenco by land of Silas 11 Johnson south lh!rty-nluu and uirce-quarier uegrees east slxly-tour perches to the pmce 01 ix-i;inuiug, containing eleven acres and ono uuuuieuunuiweaiy-eignt perches strict measur, containing timber. No", sliuaui In tho township of Locust, county and stale aforesaid bounded and described us fol lows beginning at u stone a corner of land cf Jaiob u vuiiine ana me.Numidla school lot and running thence by said schwl lot and land belonirlnir in tti Lutheran and derman Iteformed Church south ono uvunu xraiMnceu percues to a stono thenco by land ot deorge Oelty north eighty-nine deirn.a .., thirty-one penhes to a stone, thence by the same uunuaiiieeu una ono-quurter Uegrees east forty, ono aud nine-tenth perches to u stone, thencn Li the same north Utty-tour degrees east Ave and tle- ic-iiiu pereues vo a scone inenco by land o( John A Itltner south, elghty-.nlne degrees west ten aud ek-i.t tenth perches to a stone, thenco by Und ot Jucob vasunesouiu ntiy-tour desrees west forty-four aud one-tenth, perches to Ihe place ot Uvlnntnp containing seven acres and six and one-halt wrchi. strict measure, whereon Is erected a one and ono-half aiur iruuie uuusu uuu sncnen. No 4. being Hi Locust township county and stain aforesaid bounded as follows: on the east bv land nf John Helnbold and un tho southby "lane l ot Herman Fulirlnger and on the west by land of John A liiffie? and onlho north by land ot John Itlnbold contalnlnir k .i i i i i WVI i, luv mo more or less. Thiers Administrators and M. d. llugnea uirailli? llmili.1 MdrrW mill In to t, 1,1 ' .,"'""uk? iiSw MirfE " wvr W KniartFKIIlI. AttlS. LisrVa Terms, cash on Cay of sain. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS STRAWBRIDGE Desire prominently tn 1'ivlto nttt-nllon to tliolr magnltlceiit line of Medium-Weight Dress Goods, Especially adapted to the weather of MAY AND JUNE And for Country, Seaside, Mountain and Traveling Wear later on The fipcrlfnceofp.nl reasons hn shown us thai In our cl mate a cUs of l)re.,il, urci Is uVmindfil fqually removed from tho thick fahrlcs ol winter nnd the .,r. , nf summer. We liarpacconllnglv arramted fur an altogether exeppt onal nnrim,,nt()(pl clasv of Kahrlcs In rronch, English and Amorlcan C.oods anil now submit, ,M which must command universal attention as by tho testimony of numcrotu im rcliasi.lH HAS NO KQUA1 Ai fairly representing the clasi of goods 46 Inch Granite Cloths 87Jc In Choice Shades. Illuminated Oranlte 1 00 Very scarce und Desirable. 40 Inch t'eliln l'mile 75c Extra Quality and Cheap. Illuminated Chevrons 87Jo 44 inches In width. 40 Inch Powder Cloths ! 00 Would Cost More to Import. New Cords and Arnuires S7Jo In Wonderful Variety. Granite Cloths and l'etins $1 00 in Bewildering Assortment. Cordettes, Hayes, 1'eltins, Polka Dote, Fnconne?, and Crepe Verginia, t $1 2.1, In tho Newest French Colorings. Cashmere l!di;p 50c All Wool and 14 Inches Wide 45 Inch liolge Verglnln ."fic Splendid for Service. French Cashmere 00c Double Width' 23 Inch Cushmero Holm '2So In (Iray and Ilrown Shades. 44 Inch O. anile Mohair- (J2c Would cost to-day "5 cents. 44 Inch Granite Mohairs ,1Gc In lleautltul llelgo Colorings. Granite Cloths 40 and 50c 51 Inches lu Width. r ...i,rt a....n, o.. ... it. - it i i. i'n" "ii" 1 i"" mo uui" i-i visit me euy aii'i iiersunany inspect tu is ivoa! fill exhibit should avail themselves of the advantages offered by our ST IS A WIS IC I IM Eighth and Market Streets, Phi la. C. C. GaLIGNAN, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Tin and Sheet Iron Worker, AND IIEALEH IN STOVES, HEATKBS JlsTlD JRAJSrarSS BL.OOIYISBURG, PA. Sliop in Openi House, Otli door B&CEACBB IS AX OIVCS OUKBD BV BENSON'S UAPCINE POROU44 PLASTERS I" IS Till; O.M.V ll,OW, (JIII'V 2(l(l() IjPll.ticitsitfi Iitinf. m.iiitoil. a iMi-tmi' k-I.iI its thai I lie, 1 are in Bvi:ry way Superior to tho .'UI 1.11 , UT U order busl new when person. When them back. clerks, who are able to we are enabled to gtvo customers wha teat Ilia choice WW? twenty years at retailing, wo cannot afford to lose our good namo by laolc of proper service to absent customers. Write plainly, and describe fully what is wanted, and about tho price desirod. Address, John Wanamaker, LargestlDry Goods House, Philadelphia. rstini ..an 1 i ".:r:nTTTi'.i.. .1; i:1 r,,..., iiini.JnMiiMiirtiMiiMinMtiHiiiiiiiMmiiiiniMiimiiiiiMinmiiiiih uctober 3, 79 tf. s ATARRH Dauchy & Oo'b. Advt's. ON 30 DAYS TRIAL l-i!.,?.!,". c", our E'l'Ctro-Voluic lielts ana otlu-r h ix'trloAiipllaiia-supon trial lor so Hjjb totlioao uni;rto truiu Nervous iwtlllty, Kheumail" m K aljslHor iuiy dlM-uses of the l lu'r or MUu'is sliI y V'1'" 'Itsi-asi-s. a sun- cure suoruniu-a ir i,i HOPE DEAF Alj n, pen,.,, but lu.l.lble IS o'urrl. 1 ap-lla, '60.iw u Dr. Lascolle's English Remedy Funllki; thH many ho-called prepara Tmr, . ,loli'orilil3aiwratru.iuouj rc. ITS ' '.tilf..V'",B y lio Patient i has be'n,n..or a' fin 'VViV? 'lii ' winiJ1 'A,,lf to she It a talr leu, Mt"iX UK U ar.rl.44 h.iL.,.! THECOMPLETE HOME ruU.r I'UACTICAL ltotuiATiuv, Tss XV'H IIxu.i-Ucik,-'. OIIDE, HI" Kricr,ce4 IIu.iKm,', rBIEm A book of mors protlcl utility will ldom tr.vnp NEEDED !;,;" "!" rv i"ii utrllt & GLOTHIEK referred to, wo name the following I Hoya' Snllll Cloths In Desirable Shades. Mehingo Chevrons lu llelgo Ml wl Colorings. Melango Granite Cloths In llelgo Mixed Shading. 41 Inch Camel' Hair In Ileautlful Light Shading Illuminated lielce All Wool nnd Suitable for Count! Choice Mohair Melanges, Wear At 25, 2S an 131 c ppeoai nargains at uiesi- Prli -Novel Ilritish Fancies, At 30, 37 ami -,o Adapted for Trimming and Suri ,ut3. Ill Our Novelty Department, We havo for T1MMMINGS Tho Largest and most beautiful comii'nsti Colorings and the drcatest Itangi ,ti'n . ....,,, I.. tl.llol.,tr.l,,n 6 in connection iviin aooie List of (n is su'.'J l rencli Ulnik Caslimrris ourlmporlatlons'lils scisonsi,.,,. targe hut Ihe demand Iibh Ih en unpn i'iimm Ul)lisri)ui-iii;.i in im- llllTfllMng popularity , poons we oner, uur siock is sun comi . ' intfl From 40 Cents to $2 00 per Yanl Wearc Just opening a New laioleeof , ir v Silk Warp Henrietta I'lntln, Tho last wo shall recelre tho presenr s, -t prices aro sun ns iusi year nnd iim gai i eiti ( 111U DU111C. , . i ii.. : I' A I.OT11 1 10 Ii oprll 25 KU.Mi:UY THAT MJIt I'tll.s.vS S Ordinary. Slow-acting-Porous TlasK 'IliiiilhW.'"' Out of town peopto who can not conveniently trnvel, msyliavo sam ples Bent them of Dry Gooiia ind ult other yoods thutwosell. If they wilt -write us, No charge, nnd no need to if not suited. Wo mako it u to attend to such letters quickly; orders coma wo send tho exact artlclo wanted, and at exactly samo price 1 other customers pay when hero buying in goods nro not aa ordered, we Havlntj trained and resnonslblo use discretion in filling orders, great satisfaction to the many to m. With a reputation of l ,.,n.,i.i.n..i . LLiiLL I a Terrible DUrARp, Iu feat ful t fleet, are cMnip'i? rur.ninj dow.i the tlroat, weak cyct. deafnet, lots of v ue lou cf .ncll( ijtuitinc odon, natal dtlorniiti, and Un.u y consumption, trom nnt to latt It 11 ever accieimc. trill nary Ireatments a-e wtiu ihn uieleis. If neglccied while a cure u (oiililf( it may rapidly develop into quick consumption. lhe mol Ihoroiian, suC cenful and pleasant treatment u Dr M. W, CASE'S Popular Keniedy Carbolate of Xar INHAI AWTQ HnllHtnotlon nlways ituii- 1 j r.'rin'y runtooil. Circular!, Con&uluMon, 1 nti nd Adnce Iree. Ir. 31. W. t'oe, SJ Arch ht., I'hllu., l'a. WATERS' PIANOS & ORGANS' IlKsT MAIjK; Wakkanthii Six YkHf , AMIS Mooliinii rmi-r, fiat, npwuril Nhw ' , '. JiS.IIIustralfU CaiuliK i- ti- '- '' :)AN.1K"- Sr-CUM' IUMl(.MrSlr.M A ' lldli.U'K WA'IKIIS ; to , bill, llruailwu aprll va, 'bo. ly (t ffliSSs t.oi-ranil Hock onti ft 1 liiMopi,, a i.ft in ' t.stool. Hook, onli lJi 1 rui .jiuuKiio rrt-e, Addreais DAMEI t ' vi 'i&lilnutou, N. J, u u PLASTI 80 P13K TON coxs rANTi.y nv ham t'lit'apcNl ami iickI Sloni', III"' nnd i:ui'iiiviirur! , , . IN TllKCOt'KrV, I'lea&u come anil Examine Quality aud Compare Prices. NEW FISH, Nice, Bright unci Clicaji, II. W AU1-, aprlU, -so-jin' Esl'V HI'1 T S1500 TO flUKX) A YKAIt, or i" Jl ilaylnjourowulaoalli) ' "I uuieu uu aa m ue iu... . makeinorBiliiintlienin' " 'rjl ea alKHe, so ono can tall " I innnF-v f .iKt. Anv nm, CUD a I work. Youcan make. Irom &u reum to flan n " aeotlnsjoureenlnt'a and .pare time to tlif pins. ItcostanothtnL'iotryllin LuslniMi. N like It tor money makfiicewr orfenU Ufot'' nt'ba pleasant nud Btrlctly lionorablu. Heaili r " want to know all about the beat puj Ins bualu a ' , lure uie public, tend ua our adilrias alia - -..Hjuuiuii imniuuiuro uuu pnruie hii..- -bainplea Hortli U also frees loucau II1111 1 ll,k ' ,,4 lOUriiltr.,lfnr.Kull . H.ll.,, 1 1 L-l HI fl V. S'l 1 I 411)., 1'orlland, Maine, ' oct, 8. ' '' rJui.iJliuJo!' Murpniae uauii cuitu m V&.CO ri i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers