The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 30, 1880, Image 1
i THE COLUMBIAN.! nnlCMBIi BK0CI1AT,IITR OP TIIK NORTH ANn COL-CM BUNCONSOt.tDATKD.) Issued weekly, ovcry Friday morning, at lltOOMSHUIId, COI.UMI1IA COUNTY, l'A. .woDotuinporycar, Ml conta discount allowed iitintllin ilf.incn, To subscribers out of tho -nunty tlio terms arc (1 pir vear.strlctly In advance, 0 .rcllscollUllll, (l.cioont lit t ho out Inn nr l.n o ibll slicra, until all nrroiragea am paid, but long lonuniinl crodUs after thu expiration of tlio first tampers sent out of thostalo or to distant post , ,,1 nlustbopaldforln advance, unless a respon i in' person "1 Columbia county assumes to pay the "posTAOK Is no longer exacted Irora subscribers In 81c RATES OK ADVERTISING. srAc. Dnolncl I'wti I tithes riirvo Inches. . Four liiClK'H. . . . quarter column... Half column ,,. One column ... 1M, SM. 1" ...t.Wl 11.60 IS.Otl 6(K) J..H 5 HI 4.1" ."P ".I1" ! . . it , mi i in It. HP :'s JES 3 nt'iM. -rft.nn W "V !.W.W B5.C0 8000 tO.OO l00.fc r'io county. JOB rilPlt' tur ne.Iobblr.g Department ot tlinUnirxiitANliieryi. anteto.iindniir.l U I'rlntlnir tvllleomparc favoru. 0. B.BLwoLL. t....i.i.. "!" ttffi! SndC,!l.l,t1e,n!..wurkdoI'0"DiJ' K' 'II7E1J3SMD3S, -rrepriter BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1SS0. Vfla.iv Driirtiipmfiiiii tiAiahlP miancriy -" llpiMAJvertlficmf'ntfttnuBljpjaiarorucior:iijewi. exifpt where partlcft uaf accoumo, tvfftU.wUsrrhtLwodolU insert mtiR, ami annairaM' iur aumnvut-..' wttUoutiprereiicoioicngiii. Kxetuinr'K.Am.nNtratnr'a and A ta d it or' j not lct tnrcuiioiiaift. JViUJU vv yum iur riiinniinii"' i ransicni or i.otai kuuitb imuij THE COLUMBIAN', VOL. XIV, NO. Is cards In the "liuslncss Directory' COI.l'.MMA DEMOCHAT, VOL. XLV, NO. 9 dollaricrtcarforcaclillno. column, oli Hl H Si " sT flEWARDJte;:; Ithrul, ltclnne, tir (Jli mini I I'lIrxtliM DrtlltiRV 1'tlo Itrtiirdy fiilntncuro. Kit.1 J mrmsJiUii run f, ciircn c&nnj Jot Ion it ttnndiiijt In 1 yi-tt Bund nri1it.ry r-,-.- InStlflji. SI. nfHtttt$ an I ("Vi.&irVU. Wnt I.J mill In J. r. Mil I rn.slVll, "u.-ly "id j) ii r y THE BL ATCHLEY PUMP ujti Mr Cisterns or Weill of any depth. . aT Plain. Iron, Porcelain, or t'oppcr lined. vJv-'1 liramli Xc, n, XIX, (id, 11 No. t. ; j II, 1)11, II No. I. for sain by the Hardware Trade, Country Stoics, I'uinp makers, ,t,, vettut I Ik. putiipi)ii buy IsMeiiclleil c. u.'lil.,i Manuraciuier, flits Miket strict, 1'lilla. d, Iplili, I'll Aipieduct l'lpe tor Farms .M1iics,;t.iii iierlcs etc , from 1 to 5 It clies In bnre, and turned mill bored work ot ull descriptions madu to order. aprlU, 'Mim s FftT ftND LEAN. ' If ou aro 1 10 fat or tin lean and to know hnv toctuniru lour condition, fend for a copy of Hi work. Kat unit l.e.iti. Itcontalns eomnletu ll u'l.'Ul ', liletetlo and Tlier.iwutli! Instructions Hist nllieniblo anv one to reduce tlielr lb".li If corpulent oi It If emiclaled It Ii written In u clear jetcomprelienslio stjle and Its dlmtlons cm be lastly uuil -rstoiiil. It noutil be read by eiery fat or li'im person, sent fur ten three cnt stampj. VAN DKI.K ' Ann si.. New York. April , 6m. 1 r'irpi:TlxTPf(K1 apcr Hanging. YVM. IP. HOD1NE, l.iOS' ST., IlKl.OW SI! ONII, IIMlUMrtllL'ltd, l'A Is prepared to do ull kinds of HOUSE PAINXirja Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, 110111 DIX'OIiATiVK AND 1'I.AIS. .til lilmls ol'I'iirnllin c Iti'piilt't'd. siiul iiihiIv as i;ool as iiuiv. I.AWYKIW. Q 11. lll'iOOKWAY, ATTOllNT.Y-AT-l.AW, Cui.vmhan ln-ii.niNii, r.lionediurk', Pa. Mitnb r ot the Vnltcl slates Ijiw Aisoelallon. Colletiions m.ulu In my part of America or Ktiropc. cel. I, t;n. r i:. wai.i.hi:, Attoi'iioyit-l.tuv. omce, Second door from 1st National Hank. UUioMslll'im, PA. Jan. II, ls u. ruNK, At toriicynt-I Jiw. of l'cti!otn OLtaiticJ, Collcctioni Alailo. 1II.00.MS11UI((I, l'A omce In Knl's lini pinii. Q II , W.J.I1UCKAI.KW, ATTOltNEYS-AT.UWV, Hloomsbarg, Pa. oniecon .Main street, llrft door below Court House NKW PIHMI The well known 0. II. Will r I:. Proprietor ot tlio OIlANdEVII.I.l; AuniLt l.Tfl! ll. W01IK1, lias sol In half Interest In th,. h.uii,. t ,.l. IV.Coniiir. IlieeHinp.iny hae icpstict the wnk", nnu aiepie. pired to iieroiemiHlatH nil w , ,,, In the line of Arlculluial llnp'i tret Is 'Ibev line Just completed a new I, tt Mbit,, piuw.wh ihti f,o- i'.1"'.' U" !'' ' nM '""'I aUi Mirlaw plows or Joiiiten for lie .jime. i n, w - im'sln-r at d Cluin er with icutro llake of rid de ,hee. culled the Millie'i with bnthleler i.iilit traproied plan. We iituiii.t.ii i nr.' pinurson a Kientlv nr.. I .vii 1,1.1 I I with east iron been, u irn plows ibeible and simili mill t'loaiici'. I.AM) ltd Its Liiiuvanir. Ude bill Pious, Mill Custlnirs. TuinliiK vl mrj derilpiion dm,,, with piomptncss. He kee icotKt.inllv on band uliri;e ,isoiiiiii ntof Plow Mures tor our nnniiiul inanv other plows that are used In I l.o eonntrv. Me will not be niidirjild In work ormileiiai 1 1 the niiii' iiu.ihty, siieur work Is niirriiiiteii to rfi ,, sati-f ml m, , r tl loney re- f llidMl. MKI.KKY CUMI I: 11'lnN. l.irin. Is, and tin' puiiili' in fin, iai ,.r, it iii, -t, ii to mil in, d ex. amine b-fori- p'lh b isiojr , ..iwu, re. WHITE & CONNER, J.1L 111, Mi ly t'lllM.KVII.I.K. PA. JOHN M. CIjAHK, ATTOUNEY-AT-I.AW, Ulooinsburc, Pa. unlec oi cr Sch'ij lir'a llardwaro More. P 1'. UII.I.MKYEU, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. on im-In llannati's Kuinilnir, Malnftnet, . ii.nrriK. llleOinsburir, Pa. K0BT. K. LITTIK. 7 II. A Ii. 1!. L1TTI.K, J' ATTOHNKYS.AT-LAW, liloomsburc, Pa. c.w- .MII.I.KU, ATTOltNKY.AT-LAW Offlccln Urow cr's building, second No. 1. llloomsbuig, l'a. B. NONE HUT kihst class wouumen employed Sstimatcs Mado on all Work. Oct. 1.1SIS. W.M. I1001NK, G1LM0RE & CO., IVtnhll-dicil s(l.-,. Pensions, Increase of Pensions, ami all other classes of claims for Soldiers and sol diers' llelrs. prusicuted. Address with stamp, (.II.MOIIE Jt CO., dec 5-tC Washington, 1). C. W. H. HOUSE, PLOOJISBUliaCOL. CO. PA All stMea of work done In n superior maimer, work warrantMl us reoresented Tkktii Extiiact- kl WITHOUT I'AIS'. liOOrlhl'tS t IT J1U. omce CorinT -Main and lion streets. Ti, he mien al all liours thtriiin the ilau. Will bo at tlio nfllce of Dr. L. 11. Kline In 1'atawlss.i on weanesuay oi e.ieu with. Nov. 24-ly omce corner ot ontte and Main streets. Claik- llulldlug. (!an 1,'e consiUteil in (icrmati. Jan. in, 'si-tt i eo. i:. i:iut,Mi. Or A T TO 11 N E Y-A T-L A W, Co'.UMbiAN llt'iiniMi, l'.loomsburg, l'a. Mecber ot tlio United Stales Law Association. Collections made In any pan of America or Europe oct. 1, s:. ksouit. KNOllll I S. W NTKHSTEKX. k WINTEliSl'EP.N, Attornoys-at-J-iaw. omce In llartin m's liloek, corner Main and Mar ket streets, lsiuouisburg, Pa. teJT'iH.i'iHH Homilies Collalcd. i!i.oo.MMi:i'i:o i)iii!:tToiiY. PlIOKEsslONAL OAUDS. i. IIAltKI.EV", Attiirney-at-I.nw. Otlue in lii'ower'slnilldlnir.ind story, lioouis 4 A 3 Olllce ;. 1 I!. ltOMSO.N", Altiirnev-at-I.aK', I . In llartman's building, Malnstieft. I) It. W.M. M. ItEltElt, Silicon anil I'hvsi clau. Ofllco .Market , licit. Alovotth East 1!. EVANS, M. 1)., Surgeon niirl l'liyi-i clan, lOfllco aud lleslJcnce on Third streit. T 11. McKEIA'Y, M. I)., Surceon anil l'liy- , sician, noriu siue .wain sireei, ueiuw ,niu .i-i, D II. J. 0. ltUTTEIi, PHYSICIAN tSUIttlEON, Oaice, North .Market street, llloomsburg, l'a. D"- net. 1, 'T'J. i. i.. ISA mi, I'll AOTIOA I, DENTIST, Main street, opposlto Episcopal Church, Ploomi dure, l'a. :r Teeth extracted without pain. Oct. 1 ispj .MISCELLANEOUS 1 M. DHINKEH, (iUNand LOCKSMITH, souring Machines and .Machinery ot all kinds re- d ilrcd. oi-eka IIovsk llulldlng, llloomsburg, Pa, rAVII) LOWENItElUl, Merchant Tailor NEW 'FJ.'RlsZ. SHARPLESS & LE ACOCK, Cor. Centre and Hall lload sis., mar i.. ,v u. ncpoi. L;wcst Pricoswill net b: unacrsew. .Manufai Hirers of MINE CAH WHEELS, Coal llreok andlirldgo Castings, Water Pipes, stoics, 'I In- ware, Plows, IIION FENCE, and all kludsot Iron and llrass Castings. Tlio original .Montrose, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, and fldolilll Plows, the best In themaik- and all kinds ot plow repairs. Cook Stoves, I'.ooin stoves, and stoves for heating stores, tcliool houses, churches, Ac. Alsu the larg st i.took of nnalrs for city stoves, wholesale ntul retail, such as Flro Hrlck.liratcs, Cross Pieces, Lldi Ac, stove Pipe, Cook Hollers, skllllts, Cake. Hates, largo Iron Kettles, r2'i gallons to turreW I'arni Hells, MM Soles, Wagon lioxes. Allontown Bone Manure" LAbrEII, S.M.T, XC, AC. Jan y, 'so iy THE DAVIS. Main St., above Central Hotel. . KUHN, ilealer in Meat, Tallow, el Centre street, between second and Thlid. HOSENSTOCK, I'lioli)j;raplier, oi Claik A: Wolf's store, Main street. H. A UOU.SlTrf Kit EL' Vpathle Horse and Cow Icb. II, TH-tf KltEL'N'I). rraetieal Iiomei,. jioetor, Hioomsuuig, ru. TXT- Y. KESTEIt, ' MERCHANT TA.II.OH, ltiHimNo. 15, oreiu llet'sn Iiciunso, Uloomsburg. api U1,17n CATAWISSA. YVTM. I.. KYEItLY, ATTOllNEY-AT-LAW, catawtssa, l'a. rniiN'Moiis nron.nilv mado and remitted. Ofllco onposlte Catawlssa Deposit Hank. Cm-SS Ty II. ItHAWN, attoiini:y-at-i.av, catawlssa, l'a. onice, corner of Third aud Main streets. CARPETS!- , 1 I areesl sua k In New ' ...l .Ot- lu k, Pt I, COIISlMIUgUI .,ll,,ll Wliions. Axiiiinsters, leluts. ilody and Tapi'slry lirusels. 'three I'll a ami Ingrain i irpi is ,111111 001 tiers 10 hutch), oil-iloths vail widths,. Malting I.M 1: critT.MNS. ii aw ner nalr. w the lluest HEAL I AL i: tin h,i tul. SHEPPARD KNAPP, 1VJ k t'Jl SUtU Ae., onr. 13th at., N. V. March 21, Cm, abico. B.F II A HTM AN HEI'KESENTS TUK 10UX)WISa AMEUICAN INKUItANCE COMPANIES Lycoming of Muncy Pennsj ivani.i. Norlli Ainclcan of J'Utladcfphla, l'a tranklln, ot " " Pennsylvania of " t armers of York, Pa. Ilnuoverot Now York. Manhattan of " Ofllco on Market Street No. e, WoomsDurg, l'a, ocu lie, tj-ly. find how to obtain tliern, PompbJot fieo, upon receipt of Stomp for post age. Aildross CHLuMOUE, SMITLI is CO, lilklLr$ . J'aUsli, A'Mr Valeut Offlct, H'uthlnfkm, U a uooe-ti I'll A NIC ZAIU!. Attorno v-nt -r.iiAV. HI.OOMSlIUItO, l'A. P. SIIAIII'I.ESS, D. LEACIICK. VUa remedy. I'l'esWh it ill inn,; t l 1111,'S alls,- from Ihler- II I llleellllik', l.M.' iilid Hi 111, Piles 'Mi,, lain to obtain ' lea pu Hal I ell, f lias ibseolir ngidtlie inllllotis whosiiirt-r and th', haie tiimo tlielr iigoni Insiien e, tmiikln." iimi. whs no ho.v orpioM't of,, eure. Not i li-ianiiing the lotui fallllle ot the main 11 tin die. lUTilof 'le otTered for the elite it II, s and Hi,' 1 1, 'line 1 f agoln resting on in,- 1 -,', 1 most- v.110 null' in.'ii ine unions rem edict but In 1,1111 .let eugeilv sought for 11 lid mix loiiMi tiled iiiiiHiIng pruinlses the least relief unlit th,'lr r in, age It is long since given plai to de spoiidenev, I,'l ii"in 1 In er 1111, allow Hi,- "mills of bippliiess 10 I Itiinlli.ll., tlio iiagk'.ild 1 attitfitiihiv and tile ililtl-sof IIP will t'operrormed wit It a dog I re ot happiness a- d pl,'iistlle utikiiown fjr week., motil lis 1,1 stills. Uriels I lie I'i nu'illi sine Hie 11 suit or luii'fising si'idi and evp-'iinen In;, the 11, plus illt 1-. or in, .,11,' d seli'te nnil Inev ti r-p ,'l site, sih'ntllle and Tollable I ir llioeiuv or 1 II' s In erv fjrio. InlifM' 1. 1,1, ,l'i. nr. s,,l.i .. . v ivi,lt,i liiuoinsi urg. l'a. Tr) Dr. tliluu' Itiiiilou lltiUiini. $l"(lo(rKrAHl) CAI'Mtlitl 1-'I' III t-t (UlUt'Mll lift. I ilKirM-,-1111; illMHitftf Uh .n-t-iit (I i, anl IH' woif u n. ilMfil M'tiM ill. h i ih I. il r 'I' 'In 1 ire ui tH-rfllit- Int' ill .t-t . uliNitiiit- u.'i-M1 t'liti MiiiiIf has rlN'iuiiu I 'in- mil I n wtui uif. r Hii'i Uiti'irld In 11ln fur 1 -J t-r ai.d rut i uit 1 11 fcjiiriiirt'ls kuuu ainl lln l-(tia t-i ill ittlt-rH iluuit. ih r vtart wtUi Dr. liiU'.s t .narrh t III. -s Sua 1 nnd V, ainl how Mull w'inicil m i i,hh" tint ui Ii tt tln'ht st undi l.t'.ipt st 11 lii-tll -s Ktiurt ti. It i' ullt fuiitiMi Mu In tu n-pgiihililf ii-iitits mi .-null- tlOll 'NO l l UK NO PU.' VI. (1 , ih f.lh fiH .1 chsm they i not i-hh1. unl-UH! pu tr Ihi Ir t-iii us a cun-. 4lh will p.i Mi1 if an tliinc put'It'tfilui-v lsluiitnl in l lit lr luiniHjsitlun. r.tli Will ia (i,iNif lu any iiarlU-iiiar In. .luMah Iti Itth iv.titnli pi rlilcs nn-fmiiil dilh n-tit fnun rcprt -iMii.illo... Warranli d to tntaiil l rt-ls-aiHl r.nlk'illl) filtv A- UK', liluiilc, I IvilKtHe ui Drvt ,i tairh, mill tutti-- Head, and ull nITn tluns -rtlie MIU H Of 111" l .llnl til Mil. i'WO It Htlv- III ullf Imi.v. i.nui'M tiii.s-s i.i til- , Kv. s ij i'. A. Kltltn, I.lun i sh'ir. i'i. Vry Dr. ltrUu' ('ulat rli -"pci-Illr- Ni'iiraluhi rnrcii Uv It, liurrs Ni'iiiah'ia and lc-k tlcndadte A unlvcrsil cun' Tur Nmrniitla. M.k Ih-adartu', Ncr ou Ih mi ii In-, lsivrj..,i, C'Ht Inn, I'mnUJi, -h--plt"'MicsM, I'aipaiutli.ii d tl v llnitt, ami Head arli.' arisli'if froM iait nitmihitlntf i-ttlur Irom Opium or Mrulmlfc t:mulnt.ti. Tl.t st-rrin arc n i f ii Di-tltn nn v for tlm curt ot 'i'ln1 rtl"ai' i amod and fnr tht'sciiHi anH in) nn1 vi run nr a iriai in niilitiiiii fit fmiTrn'r. Th-'y an' pn-piin-d cvpr lu cuio NViiralvli, rk tlr.ldili 111', N-MU'll- i- iil.lfhc. hsppsli. Con- sllpat'iiti, 1'in Kir, si.-i pi. nt1, nt.d Iom nf Nrr mum Kt i-riv. TiM'v mi-i.Mntint tn t iku. (Ilii-y dM-nli- hi tl.i' mouth) h irmli'ss, nml i-lT. t'hinlly v in' all dli'ti ii-s hi lliii Ihini a il. rintfnl Nfrvous Ostein. Thi'y ru t tin no ontiiiii or oth'T nam tli . I'n piir-d hv A. I.. litirr. M. It., rrant(.n( Pa, Kit Ii llli h-mU ,v im., i ( iiffcnu ivt, hi m.ill on rccilpl of prU'c, .V cents. iitamh. lu-e. so, io. Dr. A. II. Ihirr. 1 1 nr sir: Nour NViraUlu I'lllt curnd mo, ntid I tin yrfati-nt orpiiiTrn'M. I c Mnct iiouviht (hi m tor mj -Is I t-r ntul (.thru and llifycurt ftery caw. ('r.:nwi 11, horn Itranch l'lrr. Httnton, l'a., h nth, IMO, !r. . i: tniir. hoar Irt Mv ttlh had th" Nctir.ilBla for t.'ti d iv iiinl tier phyMf 1 in hi-r im ii'llcr. I ciUi'd nti Ur, Koa p and tf'tt a twntli' of your Neural K& Pill -ind Mifi ii'IU'i-d hff tn a h 'iv liniirs, 'I U Jtimi on l, Awl imp--nt ivwderco, A. K't I hi. I! t in-' uru' kn: I Imii- pnt th''fn Pllh t-t ion ai I tin yn tf.i tl call-,r.i tlm and nlw.iv-, i un "cr Sate b C. A, llcir., r.::n::V:rr: druist. h h V". 1:1 THE WHITE'SKW'INB MACHINE. BUiNIOX HA LSAM. liunlutt oi iH.ind uthi-r.i lin nt1' rtin n it chho mm Ii Miih riiii. amoiiT nil tuitions h iioni shoes arc vvoiii. 'I lit-i'i' Ismoiu -Hoidiot hoots Hii'lfchtK'S di'struvtd aiimiall.v lnttici mit'd statts (in the r'it ot l in vvniMl m rt' t li.m ii.u i'i,oin'i m cut tlm, while in v. or nMiU f-o. totiiaki ooin f r tmlo ful huuli.ns, c-oriis.luurimlii,,' 1 s, suits int ps. t ti Uc.slth's ihts k'ltai biillln. Uicic Np.ll lu New Yulk to i liirupodl-ts Hhuill ti'','Hi aliiiu.illj . In New Knel.ind st.itis ahout f v im ; in the wistcrti imd southciii atiunt f mi.ihhp; and tn tin' iw of tti woiitl atiutii lniv'U ; lnldcft Mils ihcr-t a i hp nt an- nu.illv f.ii i au-tli sii' d otluT wuithli s ruinpounii-4 r r tin-1 lire of ltutiloi s. corns, s,n inirps, 'i-nl"r hcct.ct'-. I ti avoid tlifsc irrcat losrs and ,ifinll lures, u-c Ir. .luiih lirluics Bunion It.iKim nnl Mllit I'om CHIC, Whir i Ii tin onl) kiiuwn Unt i.'lvc-i InuiHill.ttc rein t and tulU'nhv '"tin s hiird. si rr .and ulrua'td ISunlnn-- Innd. nml h'sii i cil i oin.s. vascular cM-resi'iii-Ms, c iilnsltlcs Inrc and small. Hmc lnste,is" hllsit-n-tl het-K tc dcr feci, lni;uiwlu-r uaP.s, t tc, .viihout c.iusiiu' or tcav- iitL'ativ nam or soicm S4 v eijsaii aiuistue. suKl by O. A. Kleltn, Itlu iiuiiiirj;. l'a. Whereas, the vvoiid renowned rcptitailon tf the White iSewiim- Macliine tndmvs in in . en- t iiput n.-s eimip titt-m id resort to nil ktij(l f im a ' irn k- tu timitc lis i. -nutation, we ht'!; tu iatitlun all lntfiidinK puieli tsers not lu hu a Whitk Machine rtcept from Its icntilar nuth'Ulc I ilenhrs, who will ie suM.unen oy me loilu'.v iiijv tvuiiuniv. wi; WAiiitAN r Tin; natuuai. wkah aniti:ai; OK THK White Slmillfi SewiDS MacMEB, 'l'r Dr. IlilnuV iiparnllcletl Pile Urmeilj. lload and Reiiccl. Ioml and eon--iltutlGiial trcartrent ff.r nil t a tnrrlHl iitrirtions. ir .loslih IhU'v-sM at ir h pc elil -s are ulh red to timse alllleted with aciiti' te. iilnratlve ur dr i atairh, euld In th- In ad, I. iv lever, lelaed p.ilale, suit throat, l.uaiwn m I-i-s i f vuli-e. and all uftVct lon-t cf the nasal ivllli-s mid throat, with asuarant ctliit thev atci h--iper, bft tt r, tnoieell.eactous. uuilnjr nulckt-r. with n, rc ocr tulntv, and luuic iirecalilc tu u than an.v reined. jet dl- iviii'd. 'Ivvo bottles In une, box. one or Which relueed with water makes fil on ecs for um-. Price ft in per packajft', to r'spun-lbli' pittlcs on conditions: no cure no pat Itealeis arc uutliorlzeil to refund the tnoncv (I pur t h isers are not s.itksik'il. 'I he-pcclll 'a ate con-titu-tlotml as will as local. Jltwi wlllb" pildlfthe fall to cute uli n Used an directed 1 fur their i-qual as a cuie. Jihi if ti,t tlunjf poisonous or ileletcrloiis t. ruui.d In tin lr com juiltloti. f l (hi .win h pattb tfln atit n-spn t Dr. P.iU'ks catanh pirltle-t are found dllTerent ttoin representation. Here Is an on puitunii.v for those dw uurajjed hv repealed fall 11 n s to uv aj.iln on a uatantci il uic. Andlli" timid who f.-u-iii I'fption in.iv v nture to trv nit -e "K'l'lIU s without feellni tint they are to te hUlil biiu'fd. as there Is no tl-k lorun. arrant ed i heiw est, best and most m;ri eaiilc If not fuuuU sallfac torv demand vour uioiii- and It will be reliiriud. sold h f. . M'-lm. Plooinsburi," Pa hh..) mtn.i.sA ot.. nprll i-t, s 1 Ni vutk. N"fw .b-tsey. f'I.vti m'muki; in:n:in nn: rAMir.Y pritro. "Ts. nd iikki:i;v A(.itKi:T(t kki:p tiii: swii: in iii:piu r.iit t -i: ti:km uf rni. vi:it. KKOVi 'lUls D fi V Flillliur. lUKiiK. Thli warianty e-'eplM the bri'ikaj,'e cf nculh tlllll Vlltlttl.'S. 'Ihlswaitantv will not le sustain d unless the plate tiumbei nbovi- irivcn cotitsponds with ihc n until r on th'1 shutile tatehlhle, U .vine of delactd or alien d nui.iOi'i s MfTKMAYINti MAC 1IINH C'fi, Th: "WIIITZ" 3r.ut:.o Scwiaa Machico Has i ki vifu rivti ity than nut cthei lamlly Sevvliij- ttai nutr ror uoiuj; ctcjv vhmmj ti wi.ik. .1. salt Zi:ii. icnrial trent. liluouiiburif, 1' Oct. x ':a-iy. KEK In v our own town, and no cap ital l Mail. un can Kive Un' busintss a trial wiihuuti'.xpeitsi'. 'ihcbeet onH)rtn nlt ever olTtied fur ihu-e wllllu to woik. on clioald 1 1 v liuthtinr cNc tinlll vou oee for x otiivlt w hut von can do at the business we uffei. No loom to eMudln htic ou tan devote all tour time or only tour spue linn lothel.u-Uies, un. 1 inake j.'ieat p ij lurevtlj' hour that urn oik. Women iiiHkc as much as men, 1 snjtl for -pi dal private t, rmsai.dpiirtlciilars.whldi I we n .ill flee f . iMittlf tN'e Don't toiuplnln tf hunt i timcwmie .vou have hinn a (iuim.c. auuicssii, II l.I KTI A CO , IVrttilid .Maine. t I I will mill (Kiee the ret'lpe fur a Mmple Ytp'la- hle Halm that will niuovi hui, I'KKt UI hs 'IM IM.f and blob hes leaMiitrfhi -kin el-nr and biiiutUUl: also 1 list u Huns for pr dm im: i hiu il.ini growth of hall on a ba'd headoi -mooih face. AiMit s-s, incloslnj,' ' ivm stump, Ii li at.dtlf ( o , o Mill M. N Y. aKvuo Man li W, Cm C. E. SAVAGE, OKA I Kit IN crwaro. WatchcsJcvclry.Cicchs &zt oel ,i i A O A TV "C'l'o solicit orders for onr Mir- s-'Jto.'- iiuaauM.n stork. .Mm of integritv MEW TJTT A T-.T iTI Tim- IU 'I'I VV Xl J AmX&J hiMln V h liUMie" biis-v. etjt una lair i ipacitv can iit!-ll a KnoWieu'je HI I1U' nitisi j-ive entire at' (-ni Ion to th wor!: un i i.f able in jo lu any put or ibi tr om. oi ai 1 1 ntny' s. PKt!M t.T i;mpi.( .h;m. OOOD rY AM tXI'CNK-. t'lv e j t-i' ir v Ions 1 1 eii p.r ion, an I reft reiiCcs Ad'lnss. h. 1 1 . t ilt; , i , pi v. M Pldl.ohtphli. vv. a-rliy,-iw NEW (TIIK, wtih hi amp MlnM r, I felu., 'sii ' ot -ump'l 'i .v x, t i . t lalb .1. -i' nr. Mil. Asthma dlu'is PIIE LATEST 1STI1EBKST The Greatest Sewinc MacMae ofthB Aae Don't fail to ee this wonderful piece "I per fect ion, thu New Davis erticul I'ttu Shuttle Sewing Machine. Manufac tured at Wate'town, New York. All are cordially invited to cull and in spect the New Machine anil obtain samples' of work, more beautiful and desirable than ever belore accomplished and utterly impossible for any other to duplicate. Thousands witness tig i lie imineu.e rniigr of twirl', nml discard mi.' their old macninia lor the SEW MACHINE, is siiiiicieni prom m hs simerliiritv and bring lor the Davis a trade that runs the laUory to its fullist cu nacitv. The Vertical Feed, Which unercwles the lluiler feed, is the hi'ige upon which swings the usI'AHAI.i.E' ED success, Composed of ouly 13 Working Tarts, wMI,, others have from fully to seventy-five, mukitii? Hie irast comdliatcd, the must ilur- i , it ntul most rename mnetiiue in ue. It imsltlvelv leads nil olheis, DolMi AWAY with all hasting, end Is the LIMIT Er IH'N MN(I slll'TTI.E MACHINE IN THE WOULD ! ami Bit es t-'etieral Mili.lactton. Will he sold at the recent popular HEDUCED scale 01' l'lllCES. !-ttmpies oitvvori. iree. J. SAl.TZElt.Oen'l At,'ent. Jllounisburg, l'a. oct, 3, 79-ly. Silv All klndi of Wut'lu-i, theks and .lewclry .9 rcpalicdand wuiiaam-u, mai it, 'Ts tf A tl.t MII.E MILL PlU)rEUTY, CONTAIMNI. 28 Acres of Liand iiti iii ifood Londltloti T tin , ran of at mi s. i,n D WA I'EU PliVVLU. T, mis ii-., on tble. l',,r filllh, i pilltlcilt ,r 'P I V t I 'I'tllN llEM.t.l-. M i i a-' in, i oi l ffbl.' 7IKi: lNSL'HANL'E. CIllllSTIAN F. KNAl'l', Ill.OOMMH lttl.l'A, IIIIITISII AMEIIICA Sl'IIANCK COMPANt. I (M (n rlllElNst'l'ANCE COMPANY. N VI 1 1 1 N A 1. 1' III E ISsfltAM'K COMPANY. ..s is.wl'11 iv'I'V! I'I IM l'A NY. Theio oinioHi oiiATioss are well sea'ined ly aire and HKKitsTtnaiid have neterjithsil a Im set tled b) any court oi law T belr a.sets are all nvcH-elliisoiii'-Hi'BlTlisand ale liable to the haaid 1 osVis 1-hOxm.T n id iiomhit adjuktid and paid as bmai us Oilermliied b ciihoiiim r' hsiif, bi le- .v IIKI.TIH III DtlUht 1 Ull. l'A. The people of Columbia cuuly tliouU patrotile tbe ug!' ci vvluro losses If any uro settled and paid ?.',U E.7L-.1Y JfAIK UBAUNO Nov, le, "M, 5 Tllli OMA" CI I'np tllalicir, (.rnvi l, lDtipi, llil'dil'i Dl 1'ii.p, puln hi he Hat h, luiildlllj Itt Ki-liiiii uv 1 I he t rlut I itltiliu of Ihc Hliiililcit Itiilli Inu ur I'uhiliil I liiiHiii:';, IlitiK IMui lttpoli Alli-cilon ul the pUic tmu IHIiUU, I i mule can nt hi ami nil huciim oi inc Kidney, Bladder and Unnatinc Organ: It avoids Inienial inedli'lie s Is i 'liirortal'tis i the path id. Ci Until In tla n, t uno ( I ltl.wln nothing ele ..III. Avoid Ull olli, I l)iln,- I'nilv . Inanv orl Idi f- hull ul oi,s an Unig l d u i II1L- Illllll.l l. til IVlll Ml.ll , 1 1 till' .it s , f cun s. ai our Uiok, "How a I tf,- ws savid, Hi,- upon th rccdpl of vouraddrens. Iills p n Is Mild tn Druggists, or Miit b mull OU leielpl 01 puce, ts'.-.llli, Distributiug Agency at tlio PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, IUooiiinImuk, l'a. JlllW, so. ly fsX mm tej STOMACH m Poetical. Sl'IIIXd CI,i:.MN(l AI morn! -On leaving homo around I gi mce, All there Is Imury and eli gnnee, 1 he dog and cal upon the hearth-rug lie, My sweet wife kls'es me nnd sns good bjc, tt Idle sreviinls hrlng my lint ntul and cane. With so much comfort.hovv coirhl man complain? TIs noon! ts to tnv home I then draw near, 1 bear the sound ofblovvs. Thn atmosphere Is but a Milling, blinding cloud of ilusl; That 'tis from carpets heated, I mistrust. And. horror stricken to the house I lly, A scene ot desolation giei ts the eye; The carpets up, curtains dow n, tires out, Furniture nil upset nnil pllisl about! it Idle baik and forth, with head! In towels bound, tt IllisHrts looped up a foot above tl.e ground, And arms all bared, tt creatures -can It bo Mj wire and lovely servants beat I see Tearing about In th"o outrageous duds, And sllnlng up this awful smell of sad., While In their ejes there g.eams .1 dangerous light? (Ireat aeavens, 'lis the! Oh, wlnt a dreadful sight! A whitewash brush and spatter eve rj thing. Hut I am not forgot. My feat H spred out In the woodshed on a barrel bead, one slice if Dread, a plate rf warmed. tiobeans, -onto water lu n mug, a dish of greens, oh, biniput rich! Andbis,tof nlljouseo I ve brought a fellow homo to dine with mo, Jfoffon lol. Select Story. now wi: au'iii:i. 11V PALM.'.sON. 'Hear tlii-, Dick.' And I read in tl.e best tvle at my coniiiand, this misanthropic virt : And woman s 1 ,ve"s a Utter fruit And li'ivvevvr Ui bite or sip, I'm re's niniy a m in his llvul 1 1 curse Thy taste of I hat Trillion his lip." I say llii",' replied my friend Dick Gage, irately. 'If you would llitig Onen Meredith out of the wimlotv, pack your v.ilise and Rti liiwn to my sj.ter's a month, you might learn a thing or two abtit 'woman's love' that you don't know yet. It's abominable Iur a handsome, wealthy young fellow like jou to throw aside women aud take to ltyron and Ontn Meredith just because Lucille Da- tenport jilted you. I did think you had mote sense; hut its nearly. tlirtn years since you vowed ull women were) t.ilse, lickle, hollow -heated, etc., tore oil' to Europe, and' Hold on Dick!' Interrupted I. 'Take a rial now, I tvasu t aware that Uvven .tlere- dith was not to your taste, or I should not have inflicted his poetry upon you; and 1 lidn't know that Mi-s Ainslie has invited me down to her place fur a mouth.' Nonsense! You didn't know'.' You rtad my Ictttr from herbs', week, saying that we must both be there ft r the holidavs,' 'I did not.' ' Then I forgot to show it to you. Well it's jii-t the same,' philosophical!; I meant to; here it is now,' taking the document initii his pocket and handing it to me. 'lining? Of course,' he replied. Alice Do giu will be there, and where she is there is y mi r humble servant nlso, accidents except ed. Uesides, there will be a lot of pleasant people tlicr. ; Nellie knows exactly whom to invite together. Then mv cousin, Clara Vernon, is .spending a year tvitli Ne lie, while her lather is in India; her mother is dead. Will you go'." 'Ye", I think 1 will I replied, 'if lor no other reason than to df niontrate to you that I am still in pose-ion ol'a portion at le.i"t of that sense, which you intimated a while ago had taken to itself wings' 'liood! Next Widncsdny is Christmas; we had better go down tti'iiight, and tie w ill take trunks instead of a vali-e,' said Did; and so it was arranged. died and Interested than frightened, The steps came nearer and nearer, the door swung open, anl a nnninii dressed in heavy black silk, and whose lung raven hair almost swept the Hour, pained on tlio threshold. She loolrd at u, standing lu a breathless group before her. iMiihlclily her cyeftll upon .Mis. Vernon, tvhn stood next tn me, with n shriek that curdled the blood in our veins she hounded forward, anil heforu one could think, much less act, her right hand, which had hung by her side, buried In the folds of hrr dress, was lifted, and then we saw a gleaming knll'e descending toward Clara Vernon's heart. I Hung myelf before her in lime to re ceive the blow in my side. The gentlemen prang forwatd nnd disarmed the furious maniac, who fought so hard that lour ol them could scarcely hnld her. And just then tlio New Year chimes pealed out Irom the neighboring churclie'. They carried me nut to the library, stopped the bio d and bound up the wound as well as possible, lo the credit of Hie ladles bo it said, not one of them hunted, 'Why did you try to kill me?' asked .Miss Vernon of the mad, who had grown pileler. 'I thought you tvete she, the woman with the led gold halt; the woman he loved. Hut her eyes were black. If I could kill her he would love me again.' Ue knew she must have escaped from the not far distant insane asylum, and ome of the gentlemen volunteered tn take her there. he went. They met men looking fur hershortlp after leaving the castle, and glad ly gave her into their care. I was almost exhausted from loss of blood. I hardly know how they eirried ine home. The excitement, the cold and the wound proved too much for me, a'.d the next morn ing found medelerious. It was u month before I could leave my Young I'rult Trees. I II..,, II . v., II,-r.,u l'a Tt Is n ivnnil I rulo never to hang pictures higher than tlio The subject In reference to young appl height of the average human eye, when iho trees are specially applicable, nnd we t en- owner of the eye is standing. .No one can turn an opinion that, were the early years of enjoy a picture If obliged to gso wearily up. these irets belter attended In, the trouble- ward. The eye.s of the portrait should look some blight won d in all probability lie not Into our own. In buying pictures, do not so bad. Thus in preference to so much select ligtire niece s exclusively. They nr knll'e work, young trees of lhee slinuhl be likely to tire you sooner than landscapes, ilsbtnldeil Immediately on showing signs of which reflect nature, and are restful and pushing, and Instead nfhietcly rubbing refreshing. them oll.tliey should be closely pared with a . . - harp knll'e, thus preventing the po.-lbllity "Well-n day! That is remarkable! I will of lateral buds pushing forth. Providing tho g,i this day and get Mime lor my poor George stem is tall ennugh.a limited number ol buds I know hops nre good." alone should h allowed to ptnh firth. Thee will firm the main branches of the tree, and In all cases (he terminal bud should be cut oil', so that there may he no central main lir.iunh. The latent, in cour-e ol time, will sulliciently fill up the center space. Then, as the lateral m iiii bran the. expand and again put forth other laterals, these should be again disbudded, un I care taken that buds having a tendency to produce low branches should bo carefully eraed, ajofa ureiy if left they. will only have tc be cut away at a future period, In the way of stakes to young trees, the question is whether the conceived rule is A uiimiiioth pine in Cherokee county, Ala. made 1U."0 feet nf lumber. The happiest rtsttlts invariably fcrtend the taking of "-Sellers' Celebrated I.iver l'ills." 23 cents per box. rnnobc i has shipped 100,000 gil lous if .vine to l.erinany, the first shipment of the liud ever made. (toil-, I'itnples and all blond diseases are cirnlhy"Dr. I.indsey's lllood Searcher." Sil l by all druggists. room, but 1 had the best ol cue. Unce 1 lay apparently unconscious, and hot tears managed by proper di-buddiu fell on my face. When it was safe to do so I opened my eyes, and aiw Miss Vernon pa a out of the door. When I did get up the guests had de parted all but Mis Vernon. Dick had gone up to the city fur a day or two to look after our mutual business interest-. Hut 1 was a first class hero with those that re mained I never knew why. Any man would have done what I did if he had stood in my plae, no one could have done less. Miss Vernon would thank me for saving her life, though I begged her not to do so. It was the middle of February, and I was In irn linnip ll'i'L- linil ,i., ,1 ,i-ii In tie- company me. It was mv last night w,lh the grave, Hie officiating miui-ter-aid ; Clara. .Mr n,l Mrs. Aiosli.. iiiiilersriimlii,- '"" lUC.-teil by the situation, kindly vacated tho parlor. Mrs. Frederick D. Smith, of Uorne town- tlie right one that Is, having stakes some ship, Crawford county, committed suicide six feet in height.thus protruding one or two by drinking I'aris Green. She was 81 years Icet bey ntul the leading lateral brauchcvoid "Id. often, as his been observed, causln' a te serious haling. "I He the child a dose of "Dr. Sellers' Our opinion Is that the main br.mches.are Cough Syrup," and 11 was all right in an to start a. four feet from the level of the hour, sum by uriigsi-H at .i cents per ground the top of the supporting stake should bottle. i,,.t l. ,,,!.,- ,i. i.i,u. il,,,. ;,-L,,,r U neces.ary support to the at the '"' "" "-" '"' ' ....... .... .2 .i itn'i imn t i . t ,- aninllninlhi-in.'fP nl.iv In ihnl.ranel,.. """ '",'w"'" v. ..on.,.,-:,. .,.:. which scarcely, tin ler no chanci or possibil ity, can receive any support Iroin Hie stake. l'r. limnuings u. ,v u. Cordial lias never The main lateral branches should head out been taken by any one whom you could af- Hieiual distances a process that may be lerwards persuade to be without it. try it, and you will he so delighted that you will Iniep nil v nilr friends It. inn II fl fa I,,!- superior articles in universal reouesi are ,, .... . ,, ... ,,,,,. always counterfeited,,.,,.! .lie pirates of trade (, ., f .i,,.., r (u. who pick up a living by depredating upon the ruhts of others, are const intly trying lo cheat the public by substituting, imitating and falsyfying Simmons' Liver (tegular; but beware! take none exept tin ler ourcipy right.engraved lah"l,with seal, signature and stamp of J, 11. Z-ilin it Co. .i.'..u.,.,,ci'iw.,i a lOMia. Jf vou nre lri)llblei, nilh n ,ame bacbi At the burial of -Mr. Clement V. l'oirsall UAi' s kidney I'ad, it will certainly cure in the Troy Cemetry, near Uirmingham, yu Mich., a few days ago, after a brict service at rect to the prnprn Iur, Dr. Iirowninp, 1117 Arch street, 1'hiladelphia. There Is much lesi ventilation in Knclish than in American stable-, causing influenza in horses that go from our dry atmosphere to the moist climate nf F.ngland. I am reitie.-ted by these sons, who have bmugh tthetr father's body to this sacted Dick had gone to see his betrothed, Alice l,,M"-,u ' t,,i,t """"ul h n '1' A sharper learned the number of U. P. bonds held by an ni'ipiaintance, and concoct ing a story of the bonds having been lost du ring a shipwreck, obtained duplicates and drtw the money. Logan I do not know when I first discovered that 1 was hopelessly in love, hut such was the fact. When we were alone Miss Vernon he came more icy than I had ever known her. 'lly theway,' she said, 'I had a letter from Lucille Davenport last week. Am I to con gratulate you?' 'For what, prat?' I asked. such a luck-y escape in regard to hei?' 'L-capt?'she lepealed, ttonderingly. 'Are you not engaged?' 'Well, no, I have not that honor,' I an I', . er nml tu ne. The trae uli'l lol, lo'li ,'IT, ,'l s of lid.i-ln.i I telli-r s soill.e'll I'.lttets 'Mils llietlli Hie Ibe'iiosl nonuliirri'tiicdli'S of an u ju'opni'i nr., f'-' ii ' vv In levor on tills l Ho ls on,- T r successful n,d Is In lii'iii, lis,. d'''l liltiiclll f, vir nod ugili exists. vvlni'glass full ilirei tlini'S a d i.v Is Hie 's'st pos- Ibie preparinivi' i"r t'ln'ouuii'iinK i, iu.ii.iiiis u- inosihcre, rcguuiimg ine over, nun invigoruuug tho suuna'di. ..... ,. l or sale ny an uruggisis ami I'tuns & -uoi ,ii. ti:-.; ,ioi:;;on i:i:voi. im: hooiv-ca'-i:. Jli.'., of Ir"i. !"'iut.fiii!.p orti I .li.l Adjll-l.lblo sh.'lv, I ip lltl-l dtlong. Cannot K i it i f i .iI,T. 1", ir rl, ti t a eo'iiphto ciri'itlnr ui, 1 p. I ' lid S.'lxl .1 Ci'lllS foi o -I" in i IM isliiited Catlll 'go-' "f Sell, "!, I h '.mils,. ',, ' , ii" o i' .i ' r Mo'iM ( rAZE?., rn ATT & CO., H.a. , p',i', f r . '! C(S I Eurr Hi A Mil lit Ml ST11! I I, M.W tO'.IK. S' pt 1.', J i ii... ii utit, an i I likfil HOT iU- tt h" toiiuiiy v. r.tliinulifir I f il l U HI 1 Il IIH . not nnl n -frtl.tfi-'f ill"" . iTu ,f. tint wr ( Ktit.liill'aNtiV Itl tt HriitfiiUlB. bt i.ii t nig l'U, trmwU. I I 1 i ' theie .iro hum in beings ftndish enough to de-pnil the sacrid resting places of our dead and to deserve the execration ol all good train the young In apply their school leam- people. the sons now pr ipo-e to take such .t.t tho 1'einit.ylvania Slate College measures as iney nope win secure the tit- practical instruct ion in Agriculture, llorti . disturbed repose of their father's remain-, culture, Uilativ, .lology, Mechanics, Chein and as will with absolute certainty insure jsirv, etc., is given, and thus theorv in tho It C'iu-c I had I ooniiy aniiiiuiiiiioii m eny who nneuipi lo inletleie. .lter the tietuiliction they will remove the culliu lid and pla.'e packages of ii i tr. glycerine about the body. The two persons who will do this are centlemen whose business has accustomed them to the ue of this dangerous explosive; they will . lint hould any desire to withdraw they can lo so w iihniit giving ofl'titse." The entire throng remained anl witnessed the prnceed ing with many expre-ious of approval. Cun la I'.'.llUr U J. h' 1 1,11'H III !. s3-fra ruuv i. un1". Tit p ig f ni lltfl.diZ M.' it I- tlOO Utnl It ( ! It, rciyvuiiojiini. "Hi a 1 tiiiitniij:, I'll W wtovr.itiiM, Ifor u c:i tint Jl' p t. tM and una lion i &ti ym 1 1 nil vou v LaJlcs. Jo j healinyairl tK'nu-lfir "Tim prcatpst nt' iiui r, niuiiia-i Noo4 Htitl 11 v. r r Uujt-llp lutttr ClcrBYmcn, I 3 vta, i if 1 1 .in; r un. huh i t lion Jiiiti ii-U4ii) ' Mlnpnitr-TsJltn r-. ti Tl illli .III. .11 1 ll' Ul C tl, I" ll 1 Vi it (rviiuluUiiii's-ruui-i'. MPoiirftomirli, ulclj Iipi U ii'i tli,l ni tf.l nlHiii rut iuti H-'ti l'itnr lmll.U ii'. l ufi l it'll and ii r i h rutitinnsil.y i rum i no jirm uopt.- ITIitnfV nn.l Vrl. nmyt .lui'lnliitiof h1 K t it il in rni in. nlly Hop CiM-mr Cvnieli I) an . ti kit, ift -t UI.-41K t. Akicitil.Urvn-i Tho I! ii- Vn fnr i 'iivrli, r Binl I UiU- U ciiperlur I j n.i Sena tor A- ra-yi---s r' 1 l.n'i 'tt'.u'uto 1 i , -il (lira H i i .i.uuud B V '1 f. ,T. 'd ,y H "ill'l"'.,""t " I . (t-r-uliir, I i 1,1 isiuro.-J It was New Year's eve. We were gath ered in Mrs. Aiiislie's drawing room, listen ing tn Miss Vernon's rendition of's riipiitm. I have never heufil it pViiyed bet ter. This lady from the first puzzled and in terested me. She was tall and statelv, fair as a lily, eyes neither blue nor black, but vi olet, and hair of a strange reddish yelloi, like the color of a sardonyiix. Her beauty was enchanting, because -o rare, while a voice like music added to the charm which she threw around everyone. We were the lust of friends apparently, but thero was a erve in her manner that was impeicepti- ble to any one but myself, and it was u bar' rier which I could nut cross. This rc-erve pu..lid me and perhaps wounded my vani ty n little 'Women Usually are not so cold toward me, I thought with the egoiism that is more or les a pait of all maculines 'I lie music cea-eil, and tie began discus ing our plan for the e veuitig, which bad been originated by Mi-s Vernon. Not far from Mrs. Ainslie' residence was a mansion built after the style of an li-h castle. It had not been occupied lor years, and was said to be haunted. In the round room, an apartment which was lorn crly Used as a picture gallery, situated in the North tower, we proposed lo watch theold year out. 'Why the round room particular!)?' some one asked. And Clara Vernon replied: lUe.uisn they say the ghost is never een in any other part nf the building." It wan apptojc'ied by a long corridor, at the southern end nf which, f icing the round r mm, was the library. Mr. Ainsllehad sent snii" Mtvauts befoul dark to build a lire there mid curry some refreshment.; they could not hate been induced to enter tl.e gm.inds even alter dark. About loc ick a party rf fourteen of us set out, four young couples and three married men with their wives. I had Mi-s Vernon hdi Mr. and Mrs. Ain.lie in my double sleigh. It was a bright, moonlight night, and not tiiicom- fort ilily cold. We found the library well warmed upon our arrival, and after lighting our candle and lanterns, we repaired in sol emn proccislon lo Iho round room. We laughed and chatted for a half hour, atotir luncheon, and when cold warmed ourselves tit the li brary lire. At length we all gathered in the round room, when Dick Gage stepped forward aud remarked: Ladies and gentlemen, it is live minutes ol II'; the old year is breathing his lasl; we have watched, but as yet wo have not seen the ghost or hisdtpartiug foim, aud the tu ces.ity of speaking the literal truth compels me to add, nor any other ghost. Let u' 'Marl!' sail Mi-s Vernon. We listened, and from the further cud of the long hall we heard footsteps upproach ing and tho sweep ol a silken robe. Our face grew while, but we stood spell-bound The ladies were too frighteued to scream all but Miss Vernon, who seemed inureev. swered. Did she savso? I continued, slid I....I i.. . ., l , . . . . I !. l. I. ...I 1 icuiy uuiicrsiauiiiiig luecouuess vviiico nan i,,iia .,.'i, rr,., .,(,.,.. 1....11...1 - , . ,u i, allien inc. 'Why she certainly said something that led me to think so.' she returned with an embarrassed blush, 'May I eo the letter, or that portion of it, 1 mean? The llelialile Man. After an instant s, hesitation sho rose mid went after it. I went to my room anil pio- The reliable man is a in m of gmid iudg iiuceil a letter received Irutn lnenil l.alpu mtt. 1P does not jump at conclusion I .. r I l iv t . ;il i I . . wui.wii ii jlw uayi ueiure. leucine iaiych- hc uni :i rtvuluiH nun. II is t li ills it ....... i port s letter said: flli. He turns mvr a -tiM-et in his niuid T 1 .1-. I-.I ,a , !.,...- ... ... ... . ... "nr iui r.ari iougiass is visiuog ai llml i(l,f , ,, an lie is not a pa.'- your eiusins. uM t get your heart en- tint or oiii-miJimI man. He s-es through a One of the most utgetit demands of our time is a system of education which shall i-s room is ii plied and enforced by ex perience in the fn Id and laboratory. Spring sesion opens Aptil Oih. For catalogue and full information address the Ilusiness Mana ger, State College, C litre Co.. l'a. OUR PUZZLE CORNER. CdNDl lTED 11Y W. II. EASTMAN. tangled. I have a small claim there.' 'Three years ago, Mi-s Vernon, ' I rtaid, 'I tillered my heurt and hand to Miss Daven port, I thought I loved hot; she had led me on unlit I could not do otherwise than make the olfer, believing that she loved me. She declined Ihe alliance witli thanks, how ever, and I l.ave since found out that it was thing. He is up, to bo a very reticent man He does not have to d"l. He is a m i lcr.ite man not onlv in lubitsot body, but also in mind lie i. tint a pi siiiiate in m ; if s i by n it it re, he h i-over come it. lie is a sincere man, not a plnttfr or ich i in tr. Whit be siys may lie relied mi He is a triistwnitby man. You f.'el sale Oivitribntinns nl original puzzles nre si -licited from every r;ader. Address all corc muuieatiiins relating tn this department to W. H. Eastman, Auburn, Me. N't".tli:i:ic.ti. ENICMA. I am con inul ol liflt-one letters. My Si, 21, ,'!S is a domestic animal. My 2. '22, s, ;s, ;i i, is a gMl's name. My 11, 2. li 1 is an iii-eet. Mv 1, It is in an nsce tiding diiection, My 2'.l, :!ti, 2:1, r,l i, a kind of li-h. My 6, 17, 27, 7 is a part of a ship. My In, 1 1 :',r is a vessel used for vatious pllrptisas. My Id, 21, 2.'., 10 I. a 11 .w. r. My l'., Is, .VI isi 1 irillc hnue. My ti, Is, 21, -1, fill, 2ti, ,'!0 i- nn East, rn city. Mv 20. II, ;in, :!:l, 1 is an evil spirit. .My 11, ., is 11 print tun allairs in his han Is. lie is a bravo man, lor My :it, IB, Hi, isa sm ill vessel. his conchi-ions nr.- logical y d 'diicvil I'om My 12 nnd 10 are consonants. the sure basis nf trulh, and lie vinos mat f-ar Jly whole 1, a IhhiiiIIiiI o'Ulpb t contain to niaiiitaiu llifin. He is a good man, fur no ing an ixcillenl sugge-liun. vvoiiiuled taulty instead of a bnktu heart with jour property or the ni'di ol My 12, ill, -HI is t . allow. that rent me to Europe. Halph Durum V letter said: 'I inn tn be married on the 1 Ith to Lucille Davenport.' The 1 lib,' raid .Miss Vernon. 'Whv that was the day Lefoie ye-leiday.' 'Ye,' I replied, and placed the tvidding cauls in her hands I looked at the fair, downcast face, which was slowly llu-liing beneath my gaze, and at let gth I became bold and told her my story She listened quietly, and when, with all the passion ot my great loe in my voice, I asked her fir a word ol hope, she turned and laid her hand in mine, one can !' thoroughly honest and truthful without I', ittg gun I, IlllMMtilt Sllllilil'it). One of tl.e a'ssi.iants at the p--t otlice happened to be standing at one of the deliv ery wltidiiivs 1I1,. (din r day w lien s biiimn lam-el of 1 k'litf en rummers hailing Irutn llerrvtowii, Mcpped up and asked if stamps I could scarcely realize were sold there. Up in being told that they that this precious jewel, this rare, pure ivo- man s heart, was mine, and mine only. Dick and 1 were sitting in his sanctum a few days later, lie picked up a book a nil begun to read: Tor a vi omiiu, Will, Is a thorny llowcr. It breaks and we bleed ai d Hart, 1 lie Llosrom falls at the fairest. And tin- thorn runs into tho heart, And a woman's lovels a" He ceased abruptly, for I bad caught the book from bis hand and thrown it into the furthest corner of tlm room. 'Heboid, said Dick, 'Oer cy nio isabout to develop into a man, and tho poems which were once the apple of his eye.he eschews' "Uli, noti-eiise, Dick!' I said, laughing. I am willing to hear your chafing, only dnu't read that particular poem tn me.' S'i ba it,' said Dick. 'Anything fir peace. We were married lu June. Tho woman whne mistake was mi nearly fatal In my dar ling, died not long afterward in the asylum. As tor me, I have found that Ihe love of 11 true good wife is tho most precious thing on earth. And eteu hersticngth on mine shall Unn, tint the stars .hall fall anil the aiigcll be weeping, Eie 1 cease 10 love her, 111) queen, my queen. were, she said that she wanted to buy -1 worth. 'One dollars' worth,1 repeated the smiling a-slstant; 'of what denomination?' The damel showed st inpiiuiis of embar rassment and hesitated to reply. She twirl id her shawl fringe 1 ervoiisly, cast her ey.-s about to see if any one was near, moved a a little cln-cr to the window and fin illy asktd in .1 tini' inns vuii'i: 'Do jrnii lief to write it dowt.?' 'lly no means, answered the courteous as sistant; 'that is not necessary, li it I priniu.e you have oine preference as to Hie deuolui. nation?' 'Ah wt'.', -ye,' repliod the strangT, her face tin.. 11 scarlet. 'J I ev s, uie. 1 gener ally go lo the 'I'l.copal Melhndl.l nit -elf, but the le.ii,t I oiiying the .tamps lor he's u Universal Orthodox. Jeuiiy. INU I.M, CIIANOES. Change the initial of a city in Great llrit ain as many times and leavi: 1 Tn sweeten. 2. A tvelbknovvn ,s;a fowl, :i To selec'. I. To pluck orts- draw foicibly. 6. Ul no force. To epiiet. Mei.a.ncthon'. urrrei; AiuriiMimc, M T I K 1: D (i O E U W 0. M W U G T E The above is a compound word signifying a tioUtiou of the right time. C. II. A., Urnwu, Smith and Jones sold one hundred sheep Iur iM'.O. Ul this sum Jones received only one-half as much as Smith, while Smith's share of the proceeds was six times as great as llrown's. How many sheep did each sell. KATIE DID. DECAPITATIONS'. 1. Uehead at distance and leave a pas sage; again, and leave an adverb. 2. 10 conquer and leave to mastl- Corn one. fifth by drying, and whe-t eMv: "Kal". nml leave a preposition. one.lnr.ieiii From t'ii. the ..tlmate is mde - lieheud to tilled with cold aud leave an lint ii is more profit ible Iur fjriiicr.t osell tlfvatiou or land; again, and leave diseased, . ... '. .... " . t ll..l.An.l .. ... I I . . utisiieiini coin in the In! at 7,1 cents ihsu n- '"' ""u leave a coiiiices: at jl a bushel in the following "E'1", "d lo.ue a phut. MirlnUage nf (Irani. llraiuli.W Ine and Hiitcrs. Siuer's 1'. J. Urandy, l'urt Grape Wina and Wine Hitters have an extensive and re liable demand. Physicians recommend them in prefere nce to any other Hoods of the kind. Spetr's Vineyard at 1'amnie, New Jerny. and his tvino was awarded the high i'si premium at the Cei leniiial. R)r sale by that wheat atfl 2'i in December is equal to in the siicu ding June. In tlis case of pota toes taking iho.e that rut u I are other wire lo-l, together wilh shrinkage more i but littlcd.iuht ll.ut between Uc obor aud June Ihe In., to the owner who holds llietn is not hs than ,'i:i per cent. Thomas IIknisy. ASsWEltS TO LAST 1TZZI.US CYmu-i'xW I'.niijma. Kalsehond Jf'JiUn Towns. . Acton. 2. Yoikton. 3. l'urllaml. I. Upton, Ilanuvir. C, (1. Kith, 7. Norway. Voifin, The llrt fourteen; the tecum ten, CuHCtlilletl PhUmnuku Ar um ,u,I ,llr... "Is ii possible that .Mr. Godlrey is up aud d without sfli,ir? at wink, and cuted by so simple a reined)?' Symtc IIW. "1 ar.ure you thai it is true that he-is in. t y. tirely cuied, and with nothing but Hop Hit- A j) ;V jj leM and only ten days ago his doctois gate p a Y E lilt 111 I !) llcetoi's. A A iv if un, liloouistiurh, mm up uuh said lie must die" I 1 i i- 1.