The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 23, 1880, Image 3

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iitooMSRtinn, ritiDAT, inta n, mo
Oo nee "Our Canilielate" lo-nlglit.
I'ltnty ol B0'' f'01'1 '' In llie market,
Sprine ulylen of llata and Bonnet! at Misaea
Krcrett and Gress.
The men working at the water workj are
yti eath every Friday.
Frank UnanRst U lying dangerously 111 nt the
resilience of lit. father, 1'hllip Unangit.
"Our Candidate" to night, at tlio Opera
Charles Ktug l repairing the planing mill
proparalory towotklngll.
1). A. Creaay has erected a new awning In
f.ontof Ills tore.
R, II. Miller A Son liaro been making ailell.
tloa and Iraproyements In their atore.
II, I). Clark U now In New York clly pnr
chasing goods. Look out for something nice on
his return.
W. H. Smith, editor of that spr'ghtly little
daily, the Hilton Argwi, wasln town on Moalay.
The Ilurkalew brothers have had their spring
ler repaired and repainted. It Is now in rlrrt
clas trim for its summer "heat."
The new string band, under the skillful in
ttructlons of Thomas Metherell, Is making
splendid progress.
Ualrd's Minstrels played here, Monday night,
to a fair house. The entire performance was
excellent. We hope they will soou return.
Three persons were confirmed by Iliihop
Howe at St. Johli'n church, Catawissa,last Sun
day morning.
Jerome Woodring left last Friday, for Johns
town, where he has secured employment in a
C. C. Galignan advertises in this issue. He
is a firM'Clafls mechanic and all persons want
ing anything in his line will do well to call on
T. W.Conner has enlarged his store by taking
out the partition and throwing the room used
by K. Mtndenhall as an office, into the store
room, lie linn also added to his stock.
Oo to Snyder and get your Photographs,
new rooms, better facilities and a guarantee fur
first clas work. Rooms in Clark's building.
The commissions for the newly elected Jus
tices of the Peace have been received at the
Keco der'x office for delivery on the first Mon
day of May.
The attempt at a faceti lis report of the pro
icrdings of the Democratic Standing Commit
tee, in the Republican of last we k, was a fut
ure. It lacked two essential points: wit and ac
curacy. Notick. In order to reduce my immense
stock of boots and shoes, I will sell for CO days
at cost Come une and all and secure great
bargains at Gross' K. Y. Store, two doors above
City Hotel.
There will be n meetine of the Stockholder
of the Slate Normal School on Monday, May
3rd, at two o'clock in the afternoon at the office
of F. I'. Ilillmeyer, Eq-, Secretary, to elect
four persons to serve as trustees for the stock
holders for three yearn, and also to name faur
persons to the Superintendent of Public In.
struction, from which to select two to serve
for three years on the art of the State.
A very large congregation attended the ser
vice at the Kpiscopal church on Sunday eve
ning. A class of eighteen persona were con
tinned by Ilishop Howe. A very able discourse
was delivered by the Bishop, on the doctrines
and customs of the church. Key. Mr. Fossen
den,of Catawissa, assisted the Hector in the
No one who appreciates line acting should
fail to attend the peitormanco of ' Our Candi
date," to-night. The play and troupe aro first
class, and it is only through the energy of the
managers of tho Opera house, that the have
been induced to show in a town bo small. Turn
out and give them a full house.
At the special meeting of the Council, the
committee on the park reported that G, W.
Sterner desired to lease the pirk ground fir
three years, and that he was willing to pay $20
for the first year, $25 for the secoiul, and $30
for the third, and keep the fencing in as good
repair as at present. The rewrl was accepted
and the committee instructed to enter into an
agreement with Sterner' A peimit was granted
Knurr A Wintersteen to erect a building on the
corner of Seventh street and Strawberry alley.
On motion adjourned.
There are a certain lot of men in this tnvic,wlio
are chronically opposed to every improvement
Tney wer oppuscd to the incorporation of the
town, but as soon na the I in was passed, they
were the first ones to step forward and signify
their willingness to hold office under the town
Jaw. They were opposed to the Gas works, bin
when these were completed this same set of
men were the first to ask for lamp posts in from
of their houses to ho paid for by the town
Thev are now opposed to tho vValar woiks, but
as soon as water is put into the town these per
Hons will all be demanding fire plugs in their
immediate vicinities. They ought to have them
by all means. Such enterprise deserves are
The Danville and Shamokin Hailroad, undsr
contemplation, is being pushed forward by th
inlerebtcd parlies. We are informed that some
of the p.nties, who aro most actively interested
in the building of this new link, havo been in
vealigating the Koaringcreeek route, and th
itidicatioim now seem to bo that this route will
be adopted. From our own kno ledge of the
n'lrfice of the country, we think this is
wise conclusion; beside, this route will lap the
Hear (1 in coal, which is said lu be the best do.
mei-tic coal in thie seition, ai.d will be within
easy acce to Danville and other points. It wil
ahe Danville consumers of coal better facilities
and probably at cheaper rates. Damitlt
Tlirougb the eourlesy of Lockard Brothers
we were bIiowii through their establishment on
Saturday last. We were award that their sln ps
were run on an extensive scale, but had no ide
of (be amount of veo.-k done there until we
made a personal Inpeclion. There is a black
emlth shop, machine shop, foundry, planing
mill, pattern shop, paint shop and lumber
yard, all of which are now busily engaged in
the contract for one hundred oil cars for tie
New Jersev Central railroad. As soon as lhs
Is done they will begin on an order for two hun
dred gondola cars lor the Hoslon and Hoosac
tunnel road, Four cars aro completed every
day.and to do this about ine bundled men aie
employed. Kighl tbouand feet of lumber and
nine tons of iron are used per day. Wkard
Brothers havo a large amount of exper.sive
machinery and are still adding to it-
Such un establishment as this is a blessing
to any community. It is only to be regretted
that there are not more such in this town, 'I hey
afford employment to laboring men, bring
Mmngcra here and add greatly to the prcperi
ty of the town. It is to be hoped that after the
completion of the water works, capitalists at
borne or from abroad will start e ther manufao
luring klablibiiieols here, There Is no belter
IKiint in the State.
CUrlc. Hie.
Mnn.t.. i 1 unaueipnia on
funeral!' "r 'eWa9 Mmib" h!s M
00 ' "Our Candidate" lo-nlght.
largest and finest nsanrtm,...! -f 1. i
rr,l I .1 -.."tiiiui urui ana
crd 'JP In the county, at (hi, office. Indies'
wdgentlemens' calling cards a specialty. Sec
our samples at Clark's Book Store.
All the latest strips ni It.i. ..i ti ..
trimmed to suit at, Kverett and Gress.
'I he Town Council held - n.n.i
Tuesday evening and ordered an Injunction to l,
sked for, restraining tho Wninr r,,mn.n. r.-
proceeding t Uj pipe, ,,,, Uie7 e9Te ,n
surfaco of the street ust as they found It. We
do not know much about such mattets, hut
would suppose that If tho,
down, the first rain would selllo It below il,.
surface and leave a denro-sion in U fllt.l ....
The gas pipes were put down in the same man.
ner, and there wero no ridges in tho Uriels after
iew rains.
Who are the tax-tmera that n..,i,t il,t.
action on tho part of the Council?
"I.sugh and grow fat" Is an old ailae wl,M,
cannot fail of verification In cae of your at
tendance at the Opera House, this (Friday eve
ning). The Comedy, "Our Candidate," has re
ceived tho highest encomiums of the press
nnerevcr 11 ua ueen produced.
Heavy rain and thunder storm Fridav ..
Lord's day was a very uleasant one. and
there was a good attendance at thurch.
The Stillwater Singing Class gave an ex lo
tion nt the school houso on Saturday evening.
e learn it was a very pleasant and eniovable
affair, though the attene'ance was small.
Mr. J, F. McIIenry is in the city this week.
purchasing hi spring stock of goods. "Cheat)
Joe," as be is familiarly called, Is doing a good
business here Mr. James Stoker, his clerk, Is
a very gentlemanly and clever fellow, and we
are sorry to say that his only child is now dan
gerously 111.
The lnrgest trout of the season is now on the
writer's table, and wife says if I want cat it
warm, I mint come so au rtroir.
The best material only used In producing
Photographs at Snyder's Gallery, First-class
work at very reasonable prices.
Kollins, Holmes & Schuyler, of liloonuburg,
Pa , the firm who contracted for the pulling in
of the steam healing apparatus, gas fitting, and
the entire plunibini? of the courthouse, have
completed their work and turned it over to the
commissioners. 1 1 lias all been done by sk tiled
workmeu and is a first-class job in every respect.
Special care has been used in the plumbing, anil
every possible precaution has been taken 1.1 pre
vent the escape of sewer gas into the building,
and thus jeopard ire the health of the county of
ficials. They have also scientifically remodeled
the plumbing in a large number of private
dwellings in town, to the entire satiifrction of
the patrons. The above firm aro extensile
contractors for the warming and ventilating of
Iwellings, stores and public buildings by steam.
Having their works located in a town where
rents and wages are low, in compariaou with the
large cities, they are preparcil to make remark
ably low estimates, and guarantee satis faction.
The boiler they use has no superior, being non-
explo'ivo and automatic, requiring no more at
tention than an ordinary stove and but a small
amount of water. The beat produced by it is
most healthy, an even temperature is kept by it
without any difficulty, and it is absolutely free'
from dust ard coal gas. An unusually large
number ol people and officials testify to the ex
cellence of the work of Hollins, noltnes &
Schuyler, HoncsdaU Citizen,
"Our Candidate" should receive the hearty
aud united support of all our people, irresiect
ive of age, sex, or parly.
James Barckle and Hattie Oraul were mar
ried, Thursday mornirg. oy flev. 0. D. S. Mar
clay, in the Lutheran church.
B. F. Fruit and W. H. Jacoby went to Snlli
van county, Thursday.
Last Notice. All persons indebted to the
estate of Peter Knt, eleceaed, and to Ent
Bro'hers are hert-by notified that these accounts
must be paid by May 1st or costs will be in
curred. Call at my office at Bbsim-burg.
March U. H. Ent, Adm,
Mr. William Wntts, formerly of ibis place
who had come' up from Danville, on Wednes
day, to obtain some medicine for thedist-ase
with which be was alllicted suddenly dropped
lead about half past 11 o'clock on Thursday
morning. Dropsy was tne cause 01 111s ueaui.
Hewill be burled at Danville on Sunday with
the Honors of War,
Comrades of Ent Post, 252.G. A. It., are re
quested to meet at their hall, this Friday eve
ning, April 23, at half past seven o'clock, us
business of importance! is te be tiansacted.
Eds, Columbian :
Mr. G.H.Crispin, of the firm of Bowman
A Crispin, merchants, has been in l'hilalel-
tdiia the past few days buying goods. Mr, II,
Bower, also a merdianl, left on .Monday tor llie
same plice for a like purpose. He is accom
panied by his daughter Minnie.
Mr. Williams does not Fell any li.juor, but is
not debarred from entertaining the public otb
ersvise. He keeps a beer clial ed in the hotel
yard, whose Rnticsatl'jrd a great deal of amuse
ment to the many spectators that daily congre
gate on the scene.
The pupils of the high school, accompanied
liy their lencher, . K. Smith, have lately in
dulged in five mile walks, alter school, out Intu
the woods in quest of Trailing Arbutus If this
weie daily practiced by our town schools, we
would have healthier und longer-lived men and
women. All our uchools should devote some
lime to athletic exercises.
At the Literary la-t werk, Woman's Kuflrsge
was discusse I by !' Slcnatt, N. Stiles, Isaiah
Bower, Dr I II 11 and Andrew Freas. The uu
dieiue extracted considerable amusement from
the remarks of ritewait and Hill, the former
championed the fsir sex with an illusion of po
etry and earnest encomiutiis.the latter opposed
the measure with all llie vindictive satire that
he coubl command. The other sneakers went
to neither extremes, speaking none the less for
cibly. Two of the judges, being uuuiarricii
men, dured give a elecijion basei) on a coinpar
i-on of the argume:.!, which was adverse to the
atliruialive. The other judge was Dr 1-reas
His es'luisble la ly takes a lively interest in tha
Lherary proceedings.
The -'Party" rage had not yet subsided last
week, Mr. M. W. Jackjon and lady hal open
douis for a large number of Invilud quests ep
Weilnesday evening. The ladle were lastily
dressed, some epiite handsomely, making
bright lhnn' In th-gaslight. The games were
meiry, particularly the acting charade whkh
all'.ir ded infinite umnsemenl. Brefre-hments
wblchcousistcdofillllVrcntvarleliesolice cream
ices, cakes, fruit, confectionery, etc., were par
taken of in the course ol tlieuveiung. , nu
Bar affair occurred at the house of Mr. Mcllen
rv on Friday evening. Hefieshmenls, atnue.
ments and all were a counterpart of tho above
AH the guests enjoyed themselves hugely, w Ik I
ly forgetful of time.
Berwick Pa., April 81, V
The new hand serenaded someol our citlrens
on Thursday night, They phy exceedingly
well for the short time they have been practi
cing. TUB VOLTAIOUELT CO., .MAIlSltAU,, M It'll,
Will send their celebrated Kleclro-Voltnlc
Belts to the aflllcleel upon 30 days trial, Speedy
cures guaranteed. They moan what they say.
rile to them without delay. Nov, 21-ly.
John Slncy, a prominent labor agitator,
died at his home near St. (Jtalr, last Friday.
Ho was. for some time president of tho M,
and'L. Tl. Association.
Accept a thousand thanks for that Golden
Kemedv. I suffered for many years with rheu
matic pains in my limbs, my legs were drawn
together, and people talleel me "crooked liner
tel." I used St. Jacob's Oil, anil was cured.
and now feel so well lint I think I could elaueo
aslnniy young elsys. John Haertell, Fremont,
L'llfltCIt llEtlKUICATION.
The church at Kitchen's appointment on tho
Orangey llle charge will be reded Icated accord
ing 10 ine lornn ol ttie M. J.. Church on next
Sunday, April 2-Vh. Uev. '.. II. Yoeum will
preadi on Situtday evening at "J o'clock and
also on h Inday morning at 10 n. m.
Come and and see the prettiest country church
you eJor saw. You can't afford to miss hearing
nro. locum.
T. O. Cl.Kt'., Pastor.
Two bottles of the Ureal .Mexican Kemedv.
Herballne Hitters cured me of Djspepsla ami
I.lver Complaint of ten years standing. V. D
Beard, Beard's Landing, Ky.
LtH. CoLfMiitAX Dear Sin: 1 noticed In
the Stillwater items of the 10thinst., that Mrs,
Benjamin Pealer, who for many months lay
under the care and treatment 1 fa physician and
grew worse all the time bad discharged her
phyician, abandoned drugs, and was now un
der the ho 1 e treatment and careful musing of
her mother in-law. out of danger.
Now the Hov. Scribe has either been wiia
(vrmtil, not informed at all in legard to this cast
or ho has wilfully departed from the truth in
the statements he lias made. Mrs. Benjamin
Pealer s physician has not been illschaiged
neither has she abandoned the use of drug, but
is taking them regularly, and her physician has
een her regularly since her first sickness. It
is true that a gteat ileal of piai-e is due Mrs,
John Pealer for bereave and elevoiion to this
sfilicted one for without this care thousands
have died who migb-have recovere-d) and her
recovery thus fir is in great measure elue to the
nursing of kind friends and llie nia'enial care nf
Mrs. Pesler. hut as to ihc helmce containeel in
ttat article, it is utterly fal-e.
('. W. Ammkrman, M. 1).
Orangeville, April HI 'SO
A purely vegetable medicine, containing
all the virtues of calomel without any of the
injurious tendencies so justly dreadi'd by
Simmon's Liver Regulator will be found
prompt to start the secretion of the liver
and give a healthy tone to (lie entire svs
tern, without salivation or any injurious ef
fects. When ti'ed as a cathartic, it in no
wise disorders the sy-tt in, nor does it pro
duce any nausea or sick stomach when about
to purge. It is so mild in its action as not tn
interfere with business or pleasure.
Krc.illcil to Life'.
Pesth, April 17. A most extraordinary
case of resuscitation is reported to Iiiivp
taken dace at Hiab on the 1 1th inst. Kaab
is about sixty seven miles from this city and
was formerly a fortified city. It is built on
the river of the same name and is a place of
commercial importance. The story that
comes from there reads more like oue of
the grim contni dmlatiquei of ItaUac than an
occurrence ol tlio present day. A young
convict named Takas, who had murdered
two women, was hanged. He was about 23
years of ago. After the body was cut elow
and examined by the physicians life was
pronounced extinct. As a scientific experi
ment the body was subjected to an electro
galvanic current, and after a few hour
liirtis of life were perceptible. The resusci
tated convict completely recovered the use of
his senses, and bis first actions were of
violence) toward tho prison ollicials by whom
he was uurrounded. He soon begin to "itf.
fer from congestion of the brain and brani
delirious during the night. He made re
peated attacks upon the keepers and I'lini
plained of violent pains asking from time
time for milk and water. Death releas
him finally from his sufferings on Tuesd
morning. Tho entire medical faculty in
this city is considerably exccrciseel ove-i the
A It 11 1 1d 1 11 s Assoiialititi I'aie.
The Supreme Court has rendered a dec!
slou in the case nf O'ljourke vs tlio West
IVnn Loan and Iluilding Association, hold
ing that where a building association las
clarcd that the slock of a certain scries li
reached its full value of j'JoO, but which
cannot be paid owing tn some of the money
being invested in real estale which caiini
be realized on, that a utoikhtihler cannot
bring an action at law for the matured value
ut stock, but must, where there is anything
wrong done him, bring a bill in niiily
O'llourke owned ten shares in the Wtst 1'enn
Bitildln' Asociation. About the latter
part nf February, J 378, llie tooth tiiinual re,
port was psiied, which put the ttrst ifiies nl
$201 3S, but, as a conilejemblu part nf the
assets was in real estate, it would not h ive
been possible tn pay the first seii 's share
holders unless the real estate could be con
verted into cash. This co.ild not be eloiiel
without 11 sacrifice, which llie i.-(,ciaipui
refused to eiei. O'ltotirke brought an ;n t 1 11
lortlie 111 itured v.ilm nf ble t"u s'piras He
was non-MUittd, uuil.Iinlge Verkes tcl'isud
to take the non-suit oil', saying : Wo cuiiiot
see that building in-nciail'ins are exceptions
to the general law governing corporations ;
that a shareholder cannot sue al law as a
shareholder. It follows that if he wishes tu
participate in all of the profits ot tho asso
ciation he must wait until the corporation
winds up the uerles lei iyhi.i'li lie beltings. Of
course, there may be wi-re he may in
voke the ajd nf a court nf eijuily." The
Supreme Court nillnns this jiulgiuf nt.
It should be the aim nl every owner of
Horses.Ciiwsctn make tlieiu as handsome
aud Useful as possible. The tieriuan Horse
ami Cow I'nwder helps to develop all the
powers of the animal It itiipruvea its hcau
ty and increases iis usefulness. It makes
milk, nuiclo and fat. lly using it a horse
will do more work and a cow give more milk
and be lu better condition with less feed.
Sold only by weight at 1ft I'tnta u pound by
C, A. Kleltn, Illoomsburg,
Dec 12, 79-ly
Kt'llUK KoiiTliEts At Catanisna, April
15, 1R0, by Uev tl- 11. I)cbant, Mr. William
Kpblln, of Williamsport to .Miss Helena M
Korlbein, of Caiawis-a, Columbia eo , l'a
Moriiak Mc.Miciiaki. At Orangeville,
April 15. ll-aO, by Hev. C K. CanCeld, liar.
man L, Mordan to Itosetta 1). .MiMicliael
Isolli of flreenwood,
Business Notices
Lltllo Onions wanted by Silas Yminir. for
which lie will pay n gn'id rice.
apr'J 2 ev
I.utz A Sloan nr selll ig irond dllctir fir
cents, and tho best made tur 8 cenls n
Lots of Good Clovrrseod ntid Tlmnlliv
-.I C... I... ,.!!.. - , , tj..
oe-cu mr -iiiej uy cuin luimg, l.lglll cireei.
nprtt s-inr
leiTiir in vreTtMP
1 net ejiuiiiiug oeeiro 111 iaviu juwenoerg
well stocked with nil the latest styles of
Clothing for Men, 011tl1 and Children.
Ua am exam lie.
Another largo assortment nf I.awns this
week at I.utz ev Sloan s at the (del prices.
McICInneva Shoe Store below Court
l.tltz it Sloan liave this week added some'
more new styles to (belt already large ttcck
n . n I
of Dress Goods,
Boots and Shoes cheap nt McKlnney
The public nre hereby Informed that
plctidlil stills nre now inado from tho latest
tyles lit Spring Gunds nn the following
term".- .tfc ,S7tiV. J.ntrtsl J'riectt. Jk't Ma
terial, lit it Workinmi'ltip, anil Jlest 'iff ut
llie rupiilar store ut
D.ivtel liowenuerg.
More New Goods at Marr's.
T W t T art ma .' mm nr-lca In nil tdpnsps
. ..e l n l ...... III., in
iiiuH ut iniiir. " " iiu in
f!all at Mr.ICinnev's for Shoes.
Do not nay a high prk-p f.t Ulack Ca-h-
mere, but go to I.utz .v Sloan mid get them
at the old low price.
For Nobby Hat,
l or Latest styles,
For Lowest Prices,
Go to Davitl Lowenberg's.
I.utz 1 Sloan havo a full line of nil wool
Buntings very cheap.
Cash paid fur con I Butter at Silas Young's,
l.igltt Street, lor six weeks, .iarcti r.'-uw
Iiubbers at McKinney's,
I.utz Plnan are sclline trnnd White Mus
lin Shirts wltli linen fronts for TO cents and
extra good for il.
Don't fall tn see the American Sewing
Machine. Sold by C C. Mtirr.
Another large assortment of Lace I'iclm'
anil other Neck Wear for the ladles just re
ceived at I.utz Sloan s.
I. V. llartman wants 1,0m 1 pounds
Gooel Lard.
rash paid for 1000 bu-liels of (rood While
or 1 ellnw Uats at Mlas i "line s, iii:tit
treet. .Marc.i VJ .Pn
Lutss it Sloan bsve a vp rv larco nssnrtment
of (Vrets. inelitiFiiir tlio Mine, rny Im-
tirnved, Dr. Winner's llenltli Corset, bis
i.i .11 ,,i . 1 .1 . ..1 -
l'lexible Hip Corset, and oilier pnpulnr
makes, also the best .10 cent rnr-et in ton 11.
All first rate dressmakers use Ilutteriek
it Co's. l'attcrns. Sold by Marr.
Harriet A. N'ekirk, of Salem. uy: 1 was
cured of tetter in mv hand by thrrp spplica-
tinns of Camphor Milk. My btislianil :t
cured of nl el runninc sores by nsiup it. It
ctireel my mt of a spraine el aiikl", l'riee I
cents Sold bv C. A. Kloim, llloomsburj:.
tipril 10, '
I.utz k Sloan's New Store is nearly eippo
ile the Central Hotel anil they have the
best lighted room in llloonisiuiru.
New lot of Ulaek, Ilremn and nssortiil
Kiel Uloyfs at I, , Uartmiiii s
.1 AAA ..I'., .lpia.l n....t,.u ii-otilnrl
1 , L. ' t- i.-.'..- 1: t
nt Silas mtnpjs store Light street lor wlneli
I will pay the highest market prices.
I'teemlier, Hi. 1-m.
Hoot bcadquarters at McKinney's.
.100 pairs ol Lidies', Misse-s , Children s
and Men's Stockings und Socks for Sprinp
at I. W, Ilartman's.
Hon. George N. tJnron, Norristown, siys:
Ihe l'liie'HX IVctiiral is liiili-pen-alile 111 my
f.unilv. It nets like a charm In curing
coughs and colds with the 1 111M11 it, 11ml I
nlwiivs L-e it when aildre-ing a pin. l'rice
25 cents. C. A. Kleim, liliinm-biirg. uprlti-ly
AdmUston free at McKinney's
NeatsCuol Oil and Vacuum Oil for har
ness grease fur "ale bv Silas niiug, Light
Street: al-ei lUsek Oil, V ,h Oil, Limed
Oil, Whale- Oil iiiul Ciismr Oil
March I'.I 2m
s-rit iNrir. in r WD.MiFiii i'i.i.Y Ttiri:.
Wli-n Dr llriggs wiili ei'in-ci'iii" priilo,
Ami earliest -nl his niliiil ai'plieil,
The- M'ieiii'e deep to o eu wide,
Of soothing alitl of lienting.
Ile to'ik nf tinny sub-titices ktinwn
Thin would heal or still a gmuti,
And --o'ip ciuiipnse'il by -lill iilnite
His uiiraciil ui- liiiiiion llil-uoi.
Tiirnienteil with lltiiiiein, (.'urn eir Hrui-e,
Thniisands eif stillVrers beard the nejws,
Tho reini'ily that meets the- views
is Dr llriggs' liiiiiinn Dils.uu.
S'dil bv (' A. Kleitn, llleii'iiisbnrg, l'.i.
.1 llbri la thr Wite Trv Dr .In-lnh
llrigj.'"' Catarrh spec ficsnn Inllowing t-einil
lim s; We "ill pay S'lUU fur a ca-c they w ill
mil Hire: ilOO I'd' their nitial asa 1 ure, j'till
if inn thing poisonous is inuntl in them, ami
$1,000 il in aiy roped they arc elnh r-nt
from renre sMiiatioii. Sold by C A. Kleim,
ll'iiiiiiisbiiig, r.i
7 Vow 11 tiWutil J'hi'lrian of Jarn
burij, la. Ir, ,lo-iah llf'gg, Dear
Home four niniitli since 11 ladi nppliid to iw
lor Mdiietliipg to relieve the pain ni'a trouble -
1.01110 bunion and a festered corn, and having
heard vetttr liuninii Ual-am bigblv spuk
nf, I duectid he r t call em your iipe-nt .1 II,
Holier, und ge t ti li 'X. Mie elhl so, ami now
informs tne the cure isp uiiplete', she' it
suillerrel no PaM) iiiter the Urt applii'aiinii
Helittiig llriggs' Ibiiibm'am id :'ie:ei
value to thus--who suiter fnun corns, bun
lops, eScc , I unhesitatingly recommend it 1
the petiole nf the contilry. Suld by ('
A Klnm. Hhi'ini-burg, l'a
(jitarrh that tnath&ome fist'ojf.that scourge
n 1 iiiiiHinly, which iesiros nil I dis nt
pie atiiiUHlli , is spinlily and rii'lli'Hliv cun
with Dr. .I'isiiili Ilr'ggs' Citnrrh Specilic
fiihl bv C. A Kli'im, li'oiini-biirr, l'.i
-1e' ,11(1.1 S'ooei, 1 lniitm,ji ,1 , mi.
I ivoiilel pay illllt for title li'iltli-.iit Titni'iriiek
1, yer ami IMduev I cuiiil ii"'
ge-l it Wllttntlt It li!iciirnl uii' ot gravel
une' lull iininalpiti e the proetinte gluinl
inak back and general elehiilty. Snlel by C.
A. K hiii. lllnninsiiiirg, I'u
llr. jMiah Urmat liuiiton liatnam Is llie
Hoax nf medical science, tlio. nnly eco
erv nil cirth tfiat will rselicalU nii'l ni-ruin
tiently cure ilie-e troiiDiii-otiiH ami pal 11 1 it I
tnruieiiis, wnose ttirnbliiiig puliis mui un
aiuhtlv protrusions is a source of untold mis
ery. liiiiiion ltal-am ulsn cuees harel and
soil corns, s"re insteps, Ac. Stiver Corn
1 laster is ti uinitel ut e-xe'idletie c. Dendori
zing Fnul Lntiini is 11 tintin lu sweety feet
anil elispels the edleiisive nelnr tmiu them
Itaelical cum for ingrowing nails is the won
eler eef llie woilil. II blnnil and corruption
gushes from the sides nf the toe al every
step the radical cure for ir grow ing nails
gives instant rel'ef, and the severest cases
are cureel in tendajs, Sold by C. A. Kleim,
lilniiuisburg, l'a.
Sict,Ji'trrouHur Jliliuui Headache,- Mil
lions stiller this most atllictinn of
the human rece; all cla-ses are troubled.
The head never uches when the varinus or
pans aie working in liuriiinny wbh nature.
There can be no headache il the liiiii'iiii ma
chinery is in a healthy condition Hrij-gs'
Allevnntor is reliable for headache und mil
ralgia; never falls. Sold by C. A. Kleim,
liliir'iiisbii'g, l'a.
!und the Ituijle. Herald the tidings el
the glorious victory . The day of sullering
Iroui Internal IHetdii g, Kxterual and lull
ing files t, post. Dr. Jeisiah llriggs' l'e m-
biiiatioit I'ile Kemedicn are in every reepf.'t
reliable lor the curenf In piles,
liHuiauiio unu prnaiapsus,unl, ac l'rice $1
Sold by 0. A. Kleim , lllcunstuig, l'lt,
urlil 2a, '80-ly
See a woman on horseback In another col
limn, riding near Speer's Vineysrels, with
l",ncl1 r Grapes from winch Speer s-Porl Grape
Wine Is made, that Is so highly esliemest by
:ie me-ellcal prole ssion tor the use nt Invalids
weakly persons and the aged
Sold by Druggists,
June 27 1-y,
Kiour per barrel
.loverseeu ,
Potatoes .
Dried Apptes .
sides km
ll.unn .
ilaynerton M
Hceawas. '
lll'(.VllUU I'llll
-fUVtO.IU.. .Wit V . '.,,.
No, 4 on Wharf 8.hi rer Tor
No. is " " I IK "
No. o " " f I.,5
uUicksmltti'st.mupnn Wharf...
" lutuminoua "
. 1 4.5o
Wltoletate pricct at the clone of trade on I'aet
liue-kwhrat. ilotir n.r cwt II MM)!! nil
VMieatllour " ' V " U 0
heat per tmsliel 1 ' " in
Corn ' " es " s
n.ita " " 4I ' t'ft
lianey " "
nressed hogs, nor pound OJv
milter " aecorutnirto
uuallt 1
M'ggH rs,rdazen IV
Turkeis si
Turkej drtihaed
Chi'iipest ami Ite".t Steinc, L'lil nil
11 11 el t'.tii llie'imai e!
IN lllbt.0! Ml.
'lease r.ini.' and
Exauiiuo Quality and Compare Prices.
iMi'o, Hriglit mill Clteti)).
11- W- AUL,
aprll 2, Mi am- !!' DKt'HT
l'l!i'-s iini'i-n -Inir t irt etri s ai-l-ie- from Inlcr
I llli'i'illni'. i:tern.ll eiU'i I It-Ill in I'll, s I'lli' l.llll
elid".iors to eilitntn i-mm p 1rlt.1l n-ll-'l li i--dise-our
aife-d tin minimis etio -iitTi-i and lb-. Ii.eii-bornei
their iikui Instl'-n e-, tlilnielner no hup
or prnsin'i 1 e.f .1 cure. .Not 1 lilM.tnilinir the total
l.llliire 1,1 lili 111. ill 1 11 iir-uiw iii-n-n'i 11 1 'u i"i
r plit-s. .11111 ui'' pi' inn' ..I anoiii rosiniK
uu 1 In' 1 ere 1 r ttiosi' !.n ti.i, titi-,1 tln -urt ms n-lii-
. i-e lint In uitii li'l e-iiL'f.ii Hniiirtii ur anu aiix-
liusl. lrl"d an.ittillii,' Hi .1 ii .tiit-i-s Hit' U'ust ri'llsr
utitll Itli'lr e-miruiT'' bus I in slin i len' to d.--s.iind.'nr,
le-t tti-'ln I'lii'e-r up. e.llote. tin- M,illes of
li ipptni'ss tu ltliiintii it.i tin' ti.t''ind 1 iipile'lml.i't
1111U T tie- dlltti's .if Itrolitll bi'piTrunili'.' eitlllieitt'ne'
I "1 "a 'Plliess 111 u pii'.isiiri' iinKimiMi 1 r i.iiks,
,,,,,,,11,'s or je-ars. llHirns' 1 tis l.e-tii.-ctb - are- tin- n-
lilt nr illiei1 esllu' slime .lllil e' p-'rilni'tl Ititr, tlli'ni-
pill-, eiltr of 111 ill' al li-eu ..lint tln'-l'y ri -p t
n r iiiii. l'.ltwr-r-i reaut'dli ill. sultl l. e.'. A. KU-llu.
'IIUIli .UMl I'rll l";i' 1 11 1 lit ' 'il 'in L'lirs 111 -
It ii'.iiisburL-. l'.t.
Tr llr. Ilrltlees- lliiiiiuii Itieliiiii.
Sl.000 RlVARl)
MMtltll l-.Hi' lii-i-t illih. is il unit (ll-.lrt"sllitf
dl-i-iiM' t.f Ills ptiflii d i. ulid tU' -,iui-' nf woli-(Ii-lf'P
li'llie'lltt's nil, I. .1 1 ir lilt- I UI1 1 a this Utslls-Uu-
iltva--.', m. tile. li nr. u.U'-i- tlieii u.tltili--- has
tll-i ..iinui d lti- lull lolls whii --uiTi 1 alid h Hi' til d
In lain fin it'llt I alitl e'urt- unill llu'tr e'our.ij,-t-ls -rutit.
und Uu li 11111 hllll Miner-, tn doubt. Hit-1 we-art-
with tu. .iuM.111 niU'Ks e'uinrrn tiles mi-, 1 unit
, iiud tiow Mull wt-prts i-i-il to we1
hilt' tl.e host un'tihi'ilH--t ri'ln'-eltt's Klloiin. l.-t-wo
will rurtil-.ll thi'ln tn li'spoiislbli' parties mi loliill.
Hon '.so it its. mi i'a-i.' vnd e 111 pin $ ion fur a
e'.isu ttu'i wt 1 not I'ure. ill p.i f hsi for tht tr 1 us a cure'. alli-Ulll pne f s If uliiltillitr pel
s Hums urdi-l.-li-rloii-. Istouli't In 1 tu tr e omiiosiliou.
r.ih Nl'l P11-. tl,iso ir in inn irutlt iilar hr. .lu-l.ih
III ILTS t'Htliri II Nlft'tlll'-i 111 I' bllllld llltll'l flit frolll
riMiri'st-t 1 iiliin. Wierr.u.ti d 10 tiiiuiill.i r, ll--i' lend
riiiti-.ilh nr.- A. itte. l liroidi', I li-i'lalli.' ur lire e'a
t.ii rli, 1 old In tin lit. nl, .mil .111 iiliiitlmis of tlii
mil s 01 tin' 11 -.ui un.i iiiMui. 1 wu iioiiti'-. 111 0111-
lio. e.rt'iili'st siii t-i of Ihe Ji;t . sold bj e . A.
Kit tin, l'.!uouisbur, I'.i.
Tri llr. ItrliiUsM nun 1 li -pi-e'llli-s.
lluntoii-. ( "ii uid "' I" 1 1 hit' ni-01 11, t,
mile It sutrt'itni; au.oi w-.ill ii.ailoti l. whom -.hoi-,
win 11 1 111 I.-1-. lnott-1 ..ill i 'in 's' norl h ot tin it'
ll lid -hoe d"-ll". i it alitiit ill In 1 !)' I ntl. d -l il'
(111 111'- r.'-l of IIP' en 1 l in- t . ih in -t,n 1.1 ' is,) b I'm.
Ilnir wlillt in w . 01 nt' it i --o. 1.1 hi iK loom ror ii.iln
ful I'IibIoii-. rorn--. li.''iow lui: n d s, sole lii-l ps. I'll'.
Il.' Mils gnat .-.iinui', llu'le l-pdj In New
Y irk to 1 lilt upodlsl s Hbi.iil I2;.,isiii ,1111111.111,1 ; In New
l.niil.ititl stale si ultoiit r ' ,,1 nn , 111 1 li. - W'-stern nail
eollthi'lli uboill f.'si.iiisi, and In Ihe rest ot the world
about fviin.iiii ; 1.1-s.ldi's this lhert-1-. f'ssi . en sienl an-
iiu.eiix ror .iu-iif s a u oiner wonniess euuipounus
for tin iiue ul Itiinluti-, t ori.s, s-uie Inslt-pa, iet,d.-r
Fei'l.t'li Tu mold tilt's 1 gieut Itissi n mui exi-ndl
lures, use Dr. .lo.lth l:rli:s lliinl.tu ll.ilsutn ati1
e in 11 1 nre. Willi ti I- Ihe oiiLi piep.eliillon
ki.oan that gives tiiiiui dl lie roll, 1 au,l laitte-.ili.l
nam. si 11 an, 1 uu 1.1 e.i inuuons nurn. seiu
unit f. -.ii h d i .rns. .i-i' evi 11 -el,,- -, i ill islllt".
IiiIk'' ali'l -mall, sole lie-l p-- l-ll-l. tt d Ii, t K, te iter
ollll ' lull's. 1 I' .. 11 in, in 1 1 i-"i o- 1 .
Ill-' 1111. pain ol -oli-le --, V. 1 1 -,ifi .elid-'lie,
sseld I'V 1 . A. Kli'liei, I.I" .iiil in 1 , l'.i.
Tr llr. Ilrlm.'-,' I ni'.ii iilli li d l'ilr It .-.. -.1 .
H(isul and t'llocl.
I real und onMliutloi ,il tiv.ttim nt fnr nil ('a
lurhil alT-I'llons. Ur Jo-l ill luiuv- .ti r h i v-
t ii lin- (tll'Tfi) t-t 1 lU'-i" lllll'i It'll H It t ill lit (-.. nru ti
ll', ii'm'I iiue (tnlrj itt.u i li, rt.itl in th.', hm
Ii'fi. nIur-i n it tt-, stitf thitiiit, Imnr-rn --.i. lo-
,f v.ili'f, jui1 Ul) ulTi'Ctlnns df I tl- liifsal f ivttU'H .Hut
thm, it, with tiKimr.titt e flint tn art-rti -.ip-r, t('t-
nutn'fiic i''"wih i niiiiL' mitt-KiT. t 1 in n-f-r
t 1 tit . iiTnl timrn iiirri'iMtili' tn ti-i th 111 (tnv rt'infilv
I't'Ii re Illfcil uiiii wiiU'i' tiiuK sr.l iiii'ice- for u.
l'rlr' imi nt'i 1 urkairt'. fnriiNlitii tu iiMiiinslii
puttl'S on ciiiillllnit: 1 Mtmru nopn ' IH-alprM
ii auuittrimi tn nniiMi tne inotn u pur
h 'wt .rt' nut utt-ilMii. I he lu'i'lll 'a ar con 1 i'u
llt'll '1 its Ut-ll l.t ..1. flro p-1it tniii' fill
ttn w li 11 im i ilrn'i'ii fio r t tli'-lr'-ipiiu
1 run. f iiHUI 1 I IllliLT IMUMiiitiHHMi (II ICimiMim
"In ana rfxp.
,", ,,, "''
tins, to in uu
l1 I lulMl 111 ilt'ri'tM "'ill'tU l. 1U liUU
ci up. miL'L'H' tat.tnii siu'dtUM un
lit from n-pri'M-nt ttiun. Mere nu o
r tun' uiM nirii2ii tij ri'iM'arst'u ruti
nuiiln una uu.iiunit'i tl iMir And Ih1
1 1 in id who ffii U I'fiitiun in.i, viTiiuit' to try tln"j
ih'i hici w n mui' r 'ciiiiff tn u tii" un- IU DO llllltl
i.-rift'il. asili'-ri' l.-. uu il-K luriin Mitrrmitt'iirn- u
-l. Ii .in 1 n.ii .iLTt 1 at'le. if iiui tt.iiid sittr 1'-.
c ti iii'in.ttui our iuiti" ami it ni w icturiit'd,
old l' I . . Kli'liu, Ulijuinsliuri.'- I'n
Die. j niix.i.H ,v eo..
April 'Ml' Nl . 11 K. Ni'W .Il r.stV.
Dauchy &. Go'a. Advt'n.
M. ..Ill li'l . 11
I ' ' " t I p! ,1 iTi
r n 1 irn ni ti il. 11 - imti 'i ii
. II1 il I - tutlio-
,ni 1 tiiiii , I t' not ili-ln, I'ai
s ill- 1 111 !!om ' 1
nl-l- 1 1 mv ill .
- ul ' li' ! i l Kldti s, nfd
111 Hi1. 1 1I1 1 ill. .
p iy. .!li. i
iipi sw
- n 'it- -,1 a .!.'' d (! no
I A it 111" I I it', t I -I .il', MUll,
1 rem
Garmore's Artificial Ear Drums
rt.iti 1 rt i. iti sioiti; tin; iii:uiimi
' I t ' i' ' ' Nlilillill llllllll.
Alwu t 1 lint illt Ullitf tiMillM-t, . 1
l I fft4 1 . ' 1 - li II I ll-I 1 IV. W
I til ' l aim .
Dr. Lascelle's Vnglish Remedy
11 unliivt ihi'iiiiim -n-raiiMt pn-nirj
I J Muni f 'i ililMtWnriltT wli Uou iv
I 1 TTO 1 Mi will!.- U"m i. ih- imti.-i.t
iu, (iiti.-. n:immm:nti. j .aid
lltlH 1I t 11 I idilMl 111 I ill- It bl I'l lllMpaTXl
ji.iitie.. nit' uMuiiiK 'uil-ui uni iM'i'i 1 11-0 in i.tiMtw
So ( H h(.F iiiiutr ti'L'l.i' II a lall tt'N'.ns UU
fcTKl 1 lllllli'ltilKK tuWt'IHl '.i II Ml tit 1 UiK ui till'
nit ,1 FltKP .n kxv n tin it fui s 111 .ui x imiiif uid
pi c 1 inn S-. in ni-, up iith lur my 1
Il J
t'anadi Mi-i-iiv
itpri; 'ti, V) sjw
HKs'l' M MlK; . imiAvmi l saieii. NKS I'l.
A N e is si en.l mill l i it l, I Hi), ilinlulel. NtiW eiltei sNh
lis, .mi lesi. t;-i.llliisliul.Ufiiliiliit e'lre-i'. Ae.KSTS
IIISIHI Miusl' IHMi 1NS11 llS AT t i till . I Ml,
Hull e K A l Ui" .v l ll . sail, llruuiluiel N. .
UJ.lll -ii, oil le it
TIT 1 Tflv """I. i "wruiiii IIihis. oul. III" to fie) ei,
r AN Sl'ltl'VsllMiips, .1 hi l 111 eels, i Kllee.
1 IXlilUU su,.iu .M,,,,!. Iliiulv. null .Us:r-Illti.irii.
' .li-Hs, s,
'Ui- 1'it'i'. Urtrt"
IMMlll. H llKAT'l'V.
il upilliiaw
BniCHT, ATTP'T.VJ, c anTiii.
Mr .liihu it' i . A' '' i w Itiiol.
I uiivr ru.1 a i i ,. . i x ; .'iv,
'llie ) " 1 l -i r' 1.1 IP",
H'l uc i.ti iu tu j. iu opt-r rmrm
"Hfl-K 1 -( ' ' H lr -t, A ii , it ',i,-..
nl Inn. 1 .-. ' ... I Iik . M -.ti Mn.,
1 amilf Li' ' i i i i i . ii . t ,
ti i 1, 'J lUUuiir t j I.t w tuo llwioo lit.Al.lU ti
teklul II Vl'l'l .
K fi-n- v i i--i-'rTn(,'i'ilmi1irr'MsrHrB,,ifetfo"',
bifjuDau- . . --i .i ...'
inf I'lfrnr. t U .ri I . lie.aUUill iilu',.i mill. . -
AGEH1 S WANTE05-!" ' '?""!?' t'?.?.
Aiiim j.tii;'-c".,-'iiiij;tiu,i'il.
arrllv.iw u
Shnw inir In le lttediieas eta1., ot te tow n r.f litoom
tiurg, tor the jear ending March tne at, ls.', made
lu nT-corila wltli Hi" Act ot Asw mlily ut April ltth
1S75, e nttlle-el "A supple liee-ni 01 an ie eo if-K'na"'
Ihe. inanrn'r "f Inue'iiiesinesue or 111 inn-ip .imi's, u
Pllrtlilc lur till' r -0, 111 JTilin il lll' miiii -, nnu w im-
isiwpe tialtl'S tor the' lili'itiil liii ri-a- inrn-nt.
rieparedanitpiiuilalieeriiy these rimrate uuUiort-tli-e
nt said town.
rcnesii 11EBT.
llonds due August 1, iswi Jtrooo
Interest on name (mm Hebrnary t, lst
ll.mildue.lamiir.v 1, 'si luuno
Ihtereat on same from February I, 0
llemd" due I r bruarj I, 'si two 00
lateri'si on sunn' from February 1, 'W
lleiiiils due' August 1, si 9W 011
Interi'st mi stuni' from I'ebrttar)-1, 'so
lloiiddui'.lsiiunri 1. 'v loo 0i
IMi'revt on siitni' Irum February 1, Wl
lljhds due Fehruar) 1, ' tuooj
tnti'i-'si on snmo trom Feiiruiry 1, ')
tloiids elue August 1, 'it ho nil
Ititl-le'St on s tine trom lle-forilarj t, 10
lionets eli Februarj 1, Hsli")
I nts ri st on name trom February 1, 'so
lionets elii'i August , s'snse
ttiti-ii's' on a inn- rrom February t, 'SO
Point elue .lanuary 1, 'si ')("'
tile rest em mime- fnun February 1, 'so
llolielsdue February 1, 4 Itio
Interi'st uu -ami. troiii February 1, !
Iiuiitlsiliin August t.'st WSIIHI
IntiTe st em same trom February 1, SU
llnllds due .laliiinr.l I. 's WO 11
Intere'si em same rrnin Ft'bruary t,
tloiids din. tviiniarj I, 'sj TiK) m
Interest nn sunn' trom February 1, 'so
liohilsdiii' August 1, semw
li a-rest 011 satne from February I, 'So
I onds elue- .lanuary I, 'sea .luO est
Inteti'st on Hiiini' frotn February 1, 'so
Iteinus etue Fe-brueiry 1, 'o Tis, . "
Inte-re-st on name rrom February 1, 'so
llondi due Allttust I, 'set IVmi ei
Interest on simi.frotn Fettruary 1, 'so
lionds due .taini iry 1, s7 tisi on
liite-p'st mi saint' rreitn February 1, NO
lleiliels due- Fe-ttni iry I, 's; GIHI 00
Interest on sum. rrom February t'
llonds elue August 1, 's7 fast 1) 1
Interest on same from Febrmry 1, VI
Honda dun .lanuary 1, 'as irfs) is)
Interest on sit me rrom February 1, '90
lioneis elue, February 1, ss 5110 on
Interest uti same rrom t'tbritary t, 'Ht
Total tuniled debt UeWensi
a ai carios ok txabi r. raoPFtiTV Tiimmtx.
814 VM TO
'I rades and occufaitlona
I'otal laluatlon ita'slloo
per teat, ot uboic valuation tUMs no
liaianoe ta.v on duplicate ot 'Jo tis ea
., ,. ' T l TT. 17
t)'io tri m sundry persms on account 200 00
'ent re st reet, Kit I ill shutt. 2 6ei
Market street, . I). Koona fmnei
.1. 1;. ituiier jo uu
" Mtas I'litllltM liioo
" w 111. w ebb if no
" si in. Wilson twea
uirth street, ltradlev anil (lorildti
1(11) (HI
80 011
Iron street, 1;. II. s-eesoltr. Mf)
vi in jieheivy estate miu
til Ml
sve-onel street, Clinton ltobbltis, Judgt. Ha 1 0
i).ei.eue.L-111 1 n-eei5'4ii;r a uuiius
Evee sot aasets over Moating debt
1 ird.-ra of ism outsta tiding
tst "
lSe'J "
fini si
103 1X1
Aetd tnteri'st tiiipaldcouponsnotpro.
'last tw
IIBO. IV e ORRSI.I., COI.I.SCTOa OFTISIW POK 1S7S, IV AC MtriniiKTOWN oe i.iioiiirui.
Tu bat inee of taxps tmeotl-eted on elitpllcatet
of isis as tier last nntiual eiatem nt
liee. sj, "0 by ami piM F. 1. lilll-
llieer ere'iis'jit'ras t n-L-e-ip-s 3151
Mareh Via. '-n by exonerations allowed
uyeouiiL-u iiiiuiiisi
llalancv on duplicate ot 178
iul '70, tu ajio int ot duplicate ot to ibios..
Man li :m. bv iimt pat.l treasuri'i' ns
p. r re-e-ipis. N'-j treasurer a ae-
c .iinf r,a tn
'.v t'loiienttlfins by Town
eouiiLii 1 eu. 4, 111111 .ii.ue.'u .', -o vjsijiie,,s
iicoJK'Clt'il tulanco on d.ipUt?ate of
COUNT WITH THE TOv OF HI 00 rt'lifK 1,
To balance In treaniry a Wf aniaul
isiait'infiii lur i5i" ji."
March 3', it In-nm"t pnt 1 nicr tor.
r. lUHim'jt.'r iruastircr lur im lifts
Maifli 2;, -o,to amount tccflvciUrom
r. .1 V.Liuierslliv b.ilanru trum 'I-i i.i 2.
.Iiiiio Iti'j, to amount ass-.'ssinent on
ti roll or .t'j I'rWi'j 27
Dih to ainuunt H CiHtd Iroin (1.
w . i urtti. to icctur mr ii as per
iciount or said (. W. coirell 4-3 sr.
(vt, I, tu amount reoelwM iioui New
ton nooiic eoih'tt -r for v.
1(!'J lit
hi M
01 1'O
tn oi
1!,5 00
116 21)
U'i (to
13 tW
oct. y. t laniniinl lfi'i'Uril In in New
ton Hoiiiie coil t lor rot"
oct. iu amount ntt h''d from New-
t jii litMiin' i-ullfi-ior fur "y
No, i, loan ount riH.vtwi from yew-
i on r.imi'c i'ui i't'ior lor j
ai.tnamouiit rweted from Npw-
tiin nurn' i.i it-dor ror 'tv
iH-c. amount ri'vlvt'tirrom Now-
tuu lioum ruiri'iurior cj
.4 '.to amount receivi-d from New-
tun ii..tme LNillirtur for mj
o. iisi in amount ttweheil from
... ion Hou'iu uolit'ftor for '73
b. tu amount rt'chi'd ironiMJw-
ton lioont' folli'ctor lor 'TU
'b ti', to Minxnit ncoied from
Nrnvt n 11muiu I'ollfCu f ir 'rit
March it, lu ltiu'i'ii.t n'cchrd from
Newton noci v iMiitt'ior tor 7
March x-'-, i nm'Hiiit imdvcd frotn
uwioti iioouc cnuirior wr.
To (.inbuilt stat
la.t collected durlug
Mar-'U li'.to amount roc'v
1 iruiu I -
Kmc, t rr-Hvui. i' t i
C'jl't fl lUUS 1U llliCS II t'N.M
V. IMIl.l.MKEB 'HI M-lt OKliTJ,
Inly i7. bv nmoiint (Inpis-itc
Ni-utitti niiout. L'llecmi r r 'i,
iH-Mnf tiioumount mv li t i a
tiuiMirer on tat ro!li f d.f j ui
liy boud-H pld Uarltitf j c i r :
i " AU'tl'3t i!
4. flfl U " 1
(viiibf r
( ,
Ilv lut.T-Hl pi.KI riuip f .ar ;
.-illl-IMUl ptlU Willi IR"l"i 'J
Mv di-r-i pdrt il irln fir
IU am 'Uiii Htuiti '1 .i on uomJc 1 tK 'ur
Hi uiuuunt 1 rcuaur- n con. ui -u
lulance la Trywui'-t s n n is ;. .
Amouii) rocclvuU froni T. l. Viuidt'i-s'li'' bal n i
" " ti. . LUNCH CJll.-
iiir forWTsi J-..S1 .:,
AriiMunt rtc'lv(icj from Ncwtou j.uuiic tt Ut-e.
tirlorimTO icji l
An."itt rtH-etvod fiom 1. , Kulin, PrtHldei.t
on tllicH (1 OUt:t. iCC , 44 7.1
Ain'iuul Mittc tax OM t"iidttl Vbt cid'cctud tt
" L'oltucud b luttu irtusutcr on tax
roll ot 'J wt u
Paid 'or libor. lai-atnis, t.'HlerbM. ro
imti h to tuoK te.t Unipijf jtar lito- 31
rau i. .imoo, coinuiifiMoi or ojutiru-
as I'M-hcivicci inittTti
1'al I simut't Hi,antr blatict) ft com-
lill T.'i
s.1 iiei
iii -'tuiit-rt f ld:rli aiM In '7ti
l'alu i 'i' priotln utiiiUHl utiWuient,
"ft U1H llilUI't'H, A'',
id r r luiuo ttti'Mei-u io sundry
I'alel l
Wenslwarel serle-eiH8bli,'h
niistjiiii', UMl si'ieiii' ai.ei tiu.ia
,e iki.i(
fit Bir-
int. in ii, ... .i .
l.o ;.
1 .1 uiii'i 1 liiiiii is bilant'i'
, -s us ,.j sl elui' 111 'II.
1 I'll te I iL-ee. e f h.'t r I ir l.f cueiuull
I'itu UKhTel,
I 'tjltu- II roeitll, J ,1. Ill'imur II i ISI
III. 'in riiuiu, u m. t.i'uioru aiiisi
llejnk A Ulelel' rl'u. HKitu vaet
l.'l K llt, Ii. MulieleT tfllliO
Kuifiiu' lui'iti, I, N. Kuliq s.'. isi
Tumid tu .'in $1411 tu
I'nlrt f ir em rturtnu ycur, Hlooiuiliui it
iiieiOuiiiiitiy IHHi
Pat' il. a, e lark, .lii'lonnry 4 '
i'amei W. I'nrre'll, S' t ilntj neiilr-pa lu ew
I iilillU',- auuuilac'leuullii;uetll nt
i'llll,-.' nn
raw lti.lllii,Toiiui'i'cliu)lcrturcbtii7
itauii'ruti ,1 is
' A r. Huiiti (ur i'omI' , uii
J. Sliai lilrSj, h jU r,.uoir tu
siui' ut iiR'k-iip eieiei
1 Muiii'U'im. l.nj oeM li tnrliiu iiinMla tsiisi
is. N)iiiu4 rortiiirieiilDir it hi
" 'ui He- 1 Ulelliiunu for (lrii linok t uu
" t'luuiu.ljui'K u l o. lur st. laiiiun V n
" . ," ' Ull'P UUi 1 Wl
" .1 J. llrower .1. I. llUi, tfiT, t Ut
" e . ii liai kli'.v ktvIum ad olk'lt)r leiem
'r. j uueltl on lor JHS II HI
" lo. k io'i, aei
Total aui't cm resut enfivntiw rot )ear itm J
otimH wiuuHieaiEsini.
airele-ree of 'it riHlel , m yi
urui'm Ol i fiuui Wy. H O 13
Uulr I
9 IS,
TNI ,1.1
tiT :.
m at.' lux on lniidi'il ueUt nslJ
Tuu tsmela nul.1
li ii ri'si putef mill Ism- s
i 'iniiiiii.s iiaiu em 1 ui.eku elebt
I'oiiiliilaslot) ul treeuaeilre'r
Hut eije-e' lu tri'uauri'ra ueuielie
Total i-xrsinetlletre'si
IHUuit uiiiiuiauntiiaol'ii
Aui'iuni reiiuuing iovipia
Hi' till' UUell'n,lltIilHl uiulltura
UleuituurKUilirivliirirrilb tliat t. Iiaiu
ot I lie
ii.'ii uu- lun-vuiuir ne-iouutaiuiil swuiuiuls una
,H. ... uu v. tt''0U lllU MUI''.
V. I' Kl INK, i
'1 PA
I, i KINOIIAJI,. Auditors.
eiiur, 1.1111, I
AlillIK, tt '
Pluinbor, Gao Pittor, Tin and .Shoot Iron Workor,
.liop in Opera 1 1 nine, Otli door
If IS Tilt OM It MiHt ltl.1ll.IIY TC1VT MX It I' I II.-.
Orr r 1000 l)vmiitils luivi siu'iud a ptrpir sluUii'J
thai I lu
iii'f in XJvitv way Superior to tho Ord.naryi ainw-aeUng Torous Plaster.
Wlu m& WUihUxlw& .Blfl'BB Store
(Vinior Mitin tind Murh t Stitcts
Hit nn ii'tn
ca 1 lh
ji int i
It consists Of
Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty. Patent Medicines,
iS)ice, ccc.
Tim Hetail M$Mximmk
t'aX' Y Aiti'iri.Ks,
HAIlt lUUSillKs,
(Uid ill fact every thing tlnil hIioi
reiniluttil Uriiir irloro.
Tliey :ue the sole Maiiiifacuiivs nf the (.'elebrateil
i n i (111 ,11
Also the Manufuetm-cis and Kole Proprietors
E1?. W. M. BlCKl.EY'H Celebrated and
Conipoimd Aromatic Wine of Gentian and
Jion. Improved Crenin Camphor. Worm Kil
ling Agent, Improved llnsu Pectoral.
The Best Remedies Made.
Highly Eccommentled 'by Physicians.
Wmm BR 0T:iIi:i:!:!S;
Eg3S&aS3EB?i1tiT12aI,f.n-9 ''Sfie.
i ll. s-e;at',5V(:.-riS5S;V
t k, . WW;.'-
wn ;t o .1 iii ' 1 tu ijivo
customers uho Ituva tha chotco
s,,,- m
twenty yannsi Ht retailing, wo ennnot nfforxl to lose our good
n mo by lank of proper fcervica to absent customers. Write
pi duly, and describe fully what la wanted, and about tho
price defetrod.
John Wanamaker,
Largcsi Dry Goods Houso,
ys , ,
iv Vi i .1,1 i.iin
pJcmoCKiii of Tar
iffK INHALArvT vi.ii.'e.i. .',..m.u.,, e.
Lilian J A-viv. lr llr. 51. W . Cahf, ti JI ArcU M., I'lillu., k'. .
.1 i'l V'O
AXLE GREASE. ! IS" ! '1!"
Ill'St l I'," ' II
AlwtejJ 'i. il i i i
aiieli'iilii" i ' - - I ii
KVITl lit' l..l
KfUlllll'', ui-a 1 hi li
i. li'll'.-e
1 -
i., s,
i,h I.
'. I- il
I- '11 1' .11'
e i.ll li i
I,. H nl. n. .11..
ui'lll '', l.
Korji it ntl i-inji tin1, Awn m i'l two Alwl
ouf li If i.i uu l.d M mui .-t'l.i.iin ull llii'sjot
rVHf(lt' P'-n'i'. I ii i wu tmii Mm.irn wild i
IU t ili'lilul UT (HI UllU. U. a. OA 1. 1.,
ARtfeli r,, t at.
r i pui v, 4W,
Pert' s Palmt Etail MacMr.e
Kwrj- 'li' nthMi fit M ut-iier ft r liit tt
Inwt,i . -i 'i i.uu, v, miutf tutu itwr Ui tUv
uwl in t itMiiurn trw.
h.M i. I'L. W iKi uoM. Keiintu hiiuare. V&.
1 ttprtl4W.
oceiii'in Ire-e- to Awnu,
and all epe
wtiel.'. AUJrae 1 . II. sauiee
upi IIV, IW
Cir7,77A KA" ftriQ exia'iiw' to age'iiu.
T.r.. '' AUUIOHU'.O. VahfcllV, AUL'UktU
oprw sj, eJMy
m i mr 1 1.
in 1 I
in 1 ,it I d 1
t r tin-1 .
l cn 3 cars oulJ
patrlLUlar. to
i' :,'i. inf.s
cm i;s,
31'ott.Si' s i.ti'i,
too i ii nrtfiitssi
ltl lie kept in a complete und well
i fTsfc i. K ST23
Out of town
i ""ople wliocnn-
in.'t conveniently
trnvc ' , mny hnvo t.nm-
fici tent them of Dry
Gi i I rind, nil other goods
thnt wo bcII, If thoy will write
chin je, unci no need to
not buitod. Wq mnko it
lUtcndto huch letters quickly;
orclera oomo wo eenrl tho exnet
0 w ititfdf nnd it exnotly tnmo price
1 t ii 'omiTa jiny wlicn hero buying In
When yjo'l nro not ns ordered, wo
Hiivlna tralnctl nnd responsible
to U'ao iliucrctioti In fUIlnrj orders.
grant baitemcuoii to tho mnny
With t reputntlon of
Ih t Trrr'lil' llTfHt'.
ni inn,; 1 r ii i a, i
f yrUArC
.,1 uluL
,, , ,i ,. . i "' i "
i i t I i llr M V. e.Al-K'1 I' U'.'ii lc il- ',
'i fr'LOV tt HKT-t.SiS AA W Tl
.MiuGALAKV mpiranth. All PyDtTtJCCC
HQ U'I uncut. H II. I w promptly pM, SLOAN
OUl A 1 ii, HUG n u'i Sl. eiiirluiinil, O,
i uprntf. 4W
nil m Mini ire fnrMii
(1 ii in In II". tatm-sfclin: uu Uu- H' h if .luM-ptl
' (illlJ Mi ' I If'" I t'M i slli, IinW Vn U'l( 1 1 t' Mie uu-
iloihl,'l'ii f r ilif I'tirix v i1 lun'ilin; or imnllDiT
un uiitl Hh kind i f I t-iMmn n,i are tuuui
u ti -win u' vvil' ohti uuiltuiurilliik' io law.
UlirilfclU. l-vi-au Juh.N WATIhlih.
1 1..
loit'sNorii i:.
KkTAllCOK Jlll U'KS.1 Mil I s, lifce'lA.ll.
lt'iiera ii bti uii'iit iiv ,n tlii' I'sutH i't .lolin
Me'H- yiilllda, lute i l tlie-IOM li i'l I lis.lusliliri; t-e,u.
t I, ei'tiiiti, l'e lili'a.. eltre Uhtst luiae. In , , tru It'll
l tlii' ItettlUe r ul ke lelci UI M to luifti . Sli'l e-jn-rilelbe
f llie. te Kit ol l.lea H'sturif, ufoii said. Ml p.r
"uun ,.M . ,n,u,M .,11 Bl. I.I' VSII.H I'l SIH llfet
elLl t un? ItliluslcU Ii. e te .1 nl Hie I.i fi r seltle uu III,
i.i.'l Uiii.e li..iel,li. ion,., i .iiiii' n. iii.,t" i nu nt
mill;.. ajnuut
Ul. l
11. V .
. Mi l.ts.i ! i s.
uriti it iss'nw
Jj.M1.N1VI JiATdl; 3 .kTK i:
i e'liers il AiU'U ihih'Ii ii i ii it ,,nir
e,su, luet-,ii i eufee le ll'l,: 1 11, ailllilla o 11
l . ileeeikti-.i. Line, tn u U n Hi In; iiret
kulet Count Ui lleui.r(lslleU I mi ll f 1 1, l. r. An
lieTbeiim lia li g i lulu luniii I iii'ih.i, ni' 'i'
itue..tiil tei 'le m at lie In li i sittl.iieit . I el i-
tuuettve) lo u us..' i ujiue 1 1 v ' I . i.i i!tii i
,, ... ttM.IIAUTII.NK.
ur ills. Attoi tie, Aein n.wruicr,
IlLiun 1 mni. j, rMMon,
blue iiiisAiurb', l'a. u,r itvieiHS
- uc
Ml - .
1 1 mm
K ,11
! At. Ul V.