The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 23, 1880, Image 1
I THE COLUMBIANS 'RATES op advertising. .fir 11811 DIHOORAT.dlAR OT TltK NORTH 4NDCOI.CH- tasuod weekly, every Krlday mornlnif, at t ,iuaiiiiii(i. e' COHNTV. n. IW " . . i wo poixari por your, M conta itlacount allowed i sricx. 'One Inch Two Inches Three Inches. 1H, IK, IH, til, t'i.CO ll.SO f S.CXI 16.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 S.liO 4.t u t.eo It.eo It fs.ui ll.i IMS) Wl n'intv the terms are a por year.Mrlctly In advance. sin n.iner clHcotit lam d, excopt at tlio option of the nihil sliers, until nil arrearages are paid, but lonir iP'.1 L,.i5 iroiiiu after tho oxnlrat on of tlin in-si roiirinclics t.00 7.00 .IO U.WI ,ouarter column .oo s.oo 1e.oo ts.eo H5.1- .Halt cotumu H.oo ts.oo lr will not be given, in moors sent out of tlioHUite or to distant post 11 "n tiiunt bo paid for In advance, unlr-si a respnn. iiiim i ncrsnn In Columbia county aisuines to pay the I nrrlptloiMlue on demand. I'DSTAdK Is no longer oxacted from subicrlberaln de county. JOB PBINTINa. mo Inbblcirliepartmentnf the Coi.tJMiUAN tsvery .mniote.andour.l b I'rlntlncwllleomparofavora. . villi tMtof the largo cities. All workdouoon I, 11 ind.neatly and at moderate prices. One eoluuin , wi.oo lo.oo ro.cio Yearly advertisements payable quarterly, Tr sic nt advertisements must be paid for betorelnscrtoo i epi w nere parties nave account. Igal adtrtlsementstvto dollars per Inch for thru insertions, nnti at inai raie ror aaamonai inseruu wituoui reference to lengttu Executor'a.Amtnlstrator's and Auditor's notice 0. E. ELWELTj. mn ii iiiuiin inreeuonars, iusi to pam for when inserted. Translentor Local notices, twenty cents a line Pirv rvr rtvt tit i v em viv vv ..'regularadvertlsemcntsbalf rates. 1 Hh COLUMBIAN. OL. Al , NO, I. cards In the "liuslness Directory" column, otl Uor.UMHIA IIEMOUIIAT, VOL XLV, NO. R idollar per teart or each lice. ELwELL, n , . BITTEUBENDEIt, "-Frl-dort, j. i: BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 18S0. lie ;0tillililll REWARD Jftia'SE Itlind, jUhipft-.r-r UlcrM! l'llr-th.t ...Uln, I'lln Krmruriiiliitoour. Uifpi immediato trlit-f, euro cunn of Ion it Manilmir In 1 wwk, unci nrrlinurr ran In 2 djr. CAUTION L?:..'zv;i ,.rnl.rj'n s llnrh ,1 II. nf Arm.. an I "TiS 'J!'.'"-.? I b"ltl. M.I "'JiLSiliu. ' ' "I '! 1 '"M. !. jr.S w"wr. " '!"-J. ,1'fc .No'!. Hi ula it r y THE BL ATCHLEY PUMP for rutcrns or Wells of nny depth, Plain, Iron, forcel.iln.ur Copper lined, lirancU M O, MX. iO, No. 1. H, lilt, it No. I For sain by (ho Ilartlwnre Timlo, Country Mores, I'ump makers, Itialfhl'-y .Manuracturer. Bw M.irk-t street, I hlla itdpliH, ''a Aqueduct fljw fur I'lirms Mltics'nni Ltrii", etc, from llo5 li dies In bore, nnd turned ami bored wort; ot all descriptions luado to order, aprlli, VvMJm sis FATTND LEftN. " If ou are too fat or too lean and want to Know iimr to clunffo your condition, fend for a copy of ,... tmrk- utand Iiin. 11 contains com Die I u lh irlenl Dietetic and Therapeutic liistructlons that ?lllenablo any ono to rrduoo their tloih ir corpulent of lncreawtt If emaciated. It Is written In u clear vtcomprelienslo stjlo and Us directions can be eislly understood. It should be read by eery fatr.r lean neriun. m-in. iui ten iimriuii ouhiiii nin IrELKA; co.. an Aim St., New ork. April , Ctu. aUtc, Paper Hanging. VM". F. HODINE. I HON ST., 11E1.0W MECON1), HLOOMSIIL'Hd, PA H prepared to do all kludi of HOUSB PAIWTINO Plain and Ornamental PAPER HANGING, llOTII IIECOHAT1VE AND PLAIN. All Klnils orJ'uriiHiu-t! Hetali-fil. ami niiidv as kmmI as iicav. NONE llt'T riHST CLASS WOliK.MKN 1 MI'LOYEH Estimates Sffado on all Worli. W.M. I 110D1NK. G1U10RE & CO., (IMnMM.r.l ISC...J Pensions, Increase of Pensions!, and nil other classes ot Clalim for Mdleis and sol diers' Heirs, pn seemed. AddrehS Willi fctulnp, (IILMOIIE i. CO., dec n-lt Washington, 1). C. W. H. HOUSE, HLOOAISBURGjCOL. CO. VA. Ml styles ot work doiiu In a Kiipei lor manner, work wurr.intcdos lepresented 'I'bktii I.xtract- unuoirr I'aik. (HKidsels fr t0 tiniee corner irtiu oittl Iron stn-ets. TV lie ripen at nil hour Uurlif tin il,n. ill bo at (ho ofllco of nr. L. H. KIIiik In CahuJis-. on Wednebday of each week. Nov. 'My III-OOMHHUIK! DIIiKCTOItY. PUOl'EsSIONAL C'AISIM. . , ti. HAUKI.Kt", ( )Ili - , in llrowei ri building, vnd story, icooins 4 & a IJ. llOltlSOX, Ollii.- . in Hartman'H building, Main street. 0 I!. V.f. M. nUHKIt.&iwon ami l'liv..i .lan. Ollllo .Market llt'et. AboeMll East li. KVAXS, M. I)., SniKeon ami I'liyfi . ei.m, (Ofllco and Itesldcnce on Third street ' I!. McKKIA'Y, JI. 1)., Surceon and l'liy blelau, north sldo Main street, below Market D It. J. C. liUTTKIt, PHYSICIAN' &SUKOEON, onice, North Market Btreet, Oct, 1, '19. llloomaburg, I'a. D n. i. l. itAins, 1'UAOTICAL DENTIST, Mam street, opposlto Episcopal chuich, Uloora. burir, l'a. ttr Teeth extracted without pain. Oct. 1 ls;u MISCELLANEOUS c. M. DMNKKK, (SUN and LOCKSMITH. sewing Machines and Machinery of all kinds re- dalred. Oi'SKi IIol'sk llulldlng, liloomsburg, l'a. D AVID LOWENIIKIUI, Tailor Main St., auoe Central Hotel. S. KUIIN, dealer ii. Meat, Tallow, etc., Ccutrn street, between Second and Thlid. II HOSKNHTOCK, I'liotograplier, over , Clark 1: Wolf'sstore, Main street. A UCiUS'lUri KUEUNl), I'raetical liomein patlile Horse and Cow Hoctor, liloomsburg, i'a. lei). U, VJ-tf Vir Y. KESTEIt, MERCHANT TAILOH. ItoomNo. 15, OrKKtllot'.v HriuuMi, liloomsburg. npi llia.iSTS. OATAWlStiA. Vy M. L. EYEHLY, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, cauwlssa, l'a. collections promptly made and remitted, oniee onposlte cataw lasa Deposit Uank. m-3S T II. IUIAWN, A T T 0 11 N E Y-A T-L A W , cat aw Issa, l'a. omcc,coincrot Third and Main stieets. CARPETS Laree-a stoek In New York city. Lowest I'rlee, eouslitlng ot Moipu-ttes, MIuhih. Axiiiiiisttrs. Vt-lM'fh. lloily and Tapestrj Hrussels, 'I breo I'll s and Ingrain Carpels (wlih bor- ilors to match), OU-ClOlllb tttll W1U1II3J, ilUlKltfar, IV Li U.M'AZ cntTAINS, $l.w) inT ptilr, lo the finest SHEPPARD KNAPP, lsa a; mi sixth Ave., cor. uth st N. Y. March sei, era, abAco. i: F. HAHTMAN UEFKE8ENTSTUK rOUXIWlsa AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES! Lycoming ot Muocv I'ennsi ivanla. North Atnc-lcao of Philadelphia, l'a franklin, of " " Pennsylvania of " Farmers of York, Pa, Hanoierot Now York, ilanhattanof " omce on Market Street No. t, liloomsburg, l'a, ecu w, PATENTS and laow to obtain them, ramphlet free, upon receipt of Stamp for post age, Address aiLMOItE, SMITH & CO. 000 J-U 10 LAWYERS, Q II. HUOdKWAY, A l i o UN I;Y-.VT-li A v, Cni.fMtiiAN r.nnnvi, lilcomsbiirK, I'a. Memb'r of the I'nlted states Law Aisoclallon. Collections made In my part of Ann rlca or Europe. J KWALLEK, A ttornoynt-LtfW. oniee, second doortioin 1st National Hank. IlLooMSHUltd, I'A. Ian. It, l:s A 1 1 oxm (jy-n t- Ijiw. Itiereaso of l'cinions Oblaltied, Collections Made. IlLOOMSUUltd, I'A onico In Ent's llni.msn. Q U W.J.nilCKALEW, ATTOltNEYS-AT-IAW, liloomsburg, I'a. Ofllco on Main strict, first door below Court House J 0IIN M. CLAHK, ATTOliNEY-'AT-LAW, liloomsburg, I'a. onico over Schujler's Hardware More. ILLMEYEK, ATTOHNEY AT LAW OtrtCK-In llarman's llulldlng, Main street. Hibomsburg, I'a. K. II. BOB'T. R. LITTL8. P II. fc K, It. LITTLE, J' ATTOHNKYS-AT-LAW, liloomsburg, l'a. Q W. MILLER, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW oniccln Urower's building, second No. 1. liloomsburg, I'a. B. FRANK ZARR. Attorney-nt-1 jiiw- I1I.00.MHI1URC1, I'A. oniee eninerot Centre and .Main Mrccts. Clark - liullillng. (!,ui be cotnulled in Gerniati. Jan. 10, 'sM-tt t EO. E. ELWELL, A T TO R N E Y-A T-L A V, Coi.vmsian llnuuMi, liloomsburg, I'a. Mei-ber ot the United states Law Association. Collections made In nuj part ot America or Kurore oet. 1, lsT'j, S. kSOllll. 1 s. WISTt.HsTKSV. ICNOUR ,t WINTERS TEEN, Attoi'nuys-iit-iaw. oniee in Hart in ill's mock, corner Main and Mar ket streets, HlooinslHirg. l'a. Pensions mid Jluuiilin Colhcteil. 11. 1'. Sll Mll'I.Ks: 1). LCAC'OCK. 3STE"W FIBM. SHARPLESS & LEACOCK, Cor. Centre and Hall ltoad sts., near L. .V II. liepot. Lowest Prices will net to undersold. MuhUtacturelsf'tMlNi: CAH WHEELS, Coal llreak er and Hrldge c.istln.'s, Wau-r Pipes, stoics, lln waie, plows, IKON t'ENCE, and all klndsof Iron ai..l Hrass castings. The orUluil Montroe, Iron beam, right hand, left hand, and sldo hill Plows, the best In the mark et, and all kinds of plow repairs. cook stoves, r.oom stoves, and stoves for heating stoics, -chool houses, churches, ,tc. Also the larg est stock nt repairs for city stoics, wholesale and retail, such us Flic Hrlclc.rirates, Cross Pieces, Lids Ac. Ac., stoic Pipe, cook Hollers, skimts, cake I'lates, large Iron Kettles, I'.'J gallons to 1, tarrel.-) I'arm Hells, sl-d soles, Wagon Hoves, "Allentown Bone Manure" I'LASTEIi, SAl.T, Ac, AO. Jan n, 'so-ii THE DAVIS. THE LATKST IS THKKEST Tlie Greatest Sewing MacliioB of tbe Age Don't fail t en lliis ttonilirlul iii'( enl pn. faction, tliH New l).ni- Viriajil Fotil liuttle Sewing Jlni'liine. Maiiufai; tureil at Wale-liiwn, New York. All are iiinlinlly i n vil t il tn cull uuil in spect the New M.uhiiie nnd oblnlii samples nl work, mure beautiful anil ilfsiralile lliun ever befure accdiniili'lieil ami ullcrly impossible for any oilier to chiphead . Thousands witiifiMtiK the immeie rnnpr of iiork, ami i)i-rrdiiijf their olil inncliinfn fur tlio si:w MAtlllXK, is Miiiiiieui prooi 1 1 iu Kiiperloiiiy ami luii'K l"r the Davis a triule that runs tlie LitU'iy tu iis fulltut ca pacity. The Vertical Feed, Which siiperceilis the uiuler lent, is the hi'ice upon nlileh swings the iM'AK.vl.i.i.- l.l) bl'CCl'.sS, Composed of only 13 Working Parts, while others have from forty to seventy-five, makint! the lrat complicated, the most dur able and most reliable machine iu u-e. It positively leads all olheis, noixi. AWA with all ba-tiii', end is the Uhiitim- ut'.N vis'n iiiiti-rii' Mii'insi'. is mi: WORM)! mil L'ives ueneral witisfaclion. Will be sold at the recent popular Ki:in t'i:ii m-wix of I'liicts. Samples of work free. J, riAi;i'Zi:i!, Oen'l Acnt. liloomsburg, l'a, oct. 3, 79-ly. F IKE INSUSANCK. CIIII1STIAN V. KNAl'I', LLOOMSIIflill, I'A, 1IIUTIMI AMKIIICA AK-l'IIAM'K l (lM AN IKI1MAN VlllKlN.srilAM'K COMPANY . NTKINAI, FI1IB ISSl'KANCtt COMCANJ'. L.MlIT, lnuil-Si-, ,, i hc.u 01 n cuktobatiom are w i II iaonnl li)' BCC ami hkk tuth" aiiaimveueercUiil u ! tied by aui rourtof law Jlielrasseliiarealllniesl li In ouiiCUiiitlkiianil aru llaWe 10 tiio hazaril 1 oshin 1-komiti.v aril H0MHI.V adjutled and paid aa soon as determined by i'iihihtun k KMi e.betc- 41. AUKSTtMl AMl-HCK lll.OimUll ml, I'A. lUeiieoploof Columbia ciunty thould patronlzo llienc' i cy liero Iohm's It any aro wttled and paid ' i'ltOMI-TNEbii, mVlTX Wilt UEAUNd Nov, 1, 'WA DMINtSTUATOIl'B NOTICE. K'TATI! OK HANNAH I.AMOM, PKCKAKIl. Utters tifadmlnlMrntlnn on the estntn ot Hannah .n-i .iwiiin ih i., , niiimoil CO., I'll.. deceased, have bit-ii granie,l by the Kegisterol .aid enunrv tn th. iitt.l. r.ln,.,.., n..i h... ImUngcliilnis ngnlnrt the esinte of ibiMleeedent ale reijuesiivi io present them lor ettl. inent.nnd those lndibtcl to ibe estate to innke piiuni nt to the un dersigned Administrator wlihnui deliy. e ii I it rl p aprll !, 1n Cw Administrator, mtixis m. toils' noitck KSTATKOV WU. (I. gl K IIFeKA.Ktl, U'tlirsnf Adniltilstratiun onthe estate of Urn. H. iulck,l.ito of Montour tow rship, Columbia eo. deceased. Iine been grunted by the l.'egUter ot said county to undersigned Administrator.. All persons having ctalrns ntriiltist tho estate are requested to present them fnr settlement and those Indebted to make prompt pa)inent. limit li. ortrK, JAMES (Jl'icu, march M, tn cw Admlnlslratois. I', o. linx linpcit Columbia county, l'a. DMINISTUATOU'S NOTICE KSTATK 01 NKIJiON' IIBSH, 1iKlKAsm. Utters of adm'nlslratlon on the estate of Nelson Hess, lste ot the loumhlpet siignilrwf.Collimtilu eo. deceased, hae 1 n grnnti dliv the Iteglster of said county to the in d. rslgned Adtnlnlstrntor, All n r sons haling clnlms agatnst thepsiatearereuuesteil to present ihmiror settument and those Indebted to make panieiit without Helix. ii. r. Kitir, nprll !, w cw Administrator. JXECL'TOR'S NOTICE. mETl OK EltMETII ADAM', DFCEASED, Letters Testamentary on tlio estate of Elizabeth Adams late of the township ef Madison. Columbia countv, l'e una, deceased, hale liccn granted by the Iteglster of said county lo.tno. K. simlt. AH pel-sons haling claims against be i state of the decedent are ri'iuestesl to presen' them for settlement, nnd ttiose Indebted to the e-stnte tomake pajmcnt to tho undersigned Kxccutor without deiav. Ull. It. UL 1.1.. .lersejtown. Lvtcuior aprll 5,'sn-r,,' PIMPLES. I will in ill Pin tin1 rcclpp for u simple Vfj;e ta ble lUhiHlm will it-inoi 'inn, I'UKi KLEn n.M 1'l.Eainl I'lult In t, li'inliiLr tin' i'kln vnrt, cltar and beautiful. fii-itHiiM m-tloTi-s fur pn tlwinsr a iuu riant KKmib of lull diialni'il licl(ir -niooih Ucv, AUdn s-s Ini tu-itiL; it eiit fctnmp, lit n. uiuIl1I .t ( o , no Ann m. N. . tUAro March sr., i m. IIKALEK IN Silverware. Watc'nos, Jcwolry.Ciccks -Jcc. All klndsof Watches, ilueif .mil 'eelr tn at i repalte'l nod warranted, may IT. 73 if FOB S-A-Xj23 A ALL ltLH MILL PROPERTY, CONTAIN IN i 28 Acrrcs of Xand Mill In gooil condition. Three inn of htone.-. (ioul WA'l i:it l't)Wj:ii. Terms rebonabte. I'm ftntlu r particulars ap ly to .KHIN PHAiilJ:, MorduisUle, fehl.J, tf L THli ONLY CT. K I'nr llhiltrie-., (irneL !ritp UiI'-Iu'm Hit eii.r, I'nhi lit (lie lliu U, ttinhiii( In If t it i ii in i:pel i he I i Ine, ( at u 1 1 Ii nt the Itliubler It urn lnu nr riilnliil I'llnatiiii., Itiitk 1IU--1 Depuoii, Aih i-iIimi-ot Ihe spine, Nmic llihllil. I't -mule culiiii'-, mill all IH.eaejs) i the Kidney, Bladder and Urinating Organs, It avoids Inn il mcdlelnts. Is i umfori Uii- tn the path lit. Ct i lain In lii llecr, ainl CI Kl'swheu iiothlt-g eNe can, Audd all oili r lliliie I'ml-... liian voitlili" linltut ons tue being loieid upon the m.ii Ut. e will hei d cert Ilk an si,f cuiej. and our book, "Mow u I ire was haied," tree- upon tin ucelft of iour addn h. l - i'Al UmIi1Uv DruL'iltf, or w nt b mail on uielpt of prlei . s'.'.Oll, Distributing Ageucy at tho PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, itloomsltiii'K, I'a. jan it. so 1 an.l fc- t PERRY 1 fMU KILLER r l i I mi :' Us I U Li w ! H f J L'.i.". .-.litt f r..i y DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. ' April i. 'v row roil (aOUfftlt C old. JlruacliIiUt Ilimritfnt'iiw $ Ticklluif orl)rjiui.ul' Tliruul, hurt) Tliroali L'uia lu lltt Ilmd, Croui, Jllllut'UXUf VlioaiiiK-rouilit t'utJ lu tlio llutti'Ui Aktluiiullo I'vusli. Aut rt llcfolConniiiiiytltr. W.CIl.t.HI'UIN IIUOH' I).. I'runrlHor, 1117 Arrh Klreet, l'l.lludi Udilu, l'a, 1; I ill mi r i v 1 11 k t'liiii iiiriiii'.jMi ai 1, iiiiiiihiikik NrnraUlii Ciirni Hy lir. llurr's Neuralgia nnd sick llendaeho Pills. A universal cure tor Neuralgia, sick Headache, Ner. ions lleaiiuhe, lijspepsla, Constipation, Paralysis, sleeplessness, I'alpatntton of thn lie an . and Head ache ailslng from oier llmulatlng either from opium or Alcoholic stimulants. These Pills are a special Prepirntlon nn'y for the cure of speclnl dKeasen iinmeil nnd for these diseases they are worthy rif u trial by nil Inn llb-ent surrerers. 'Ihey uri prepared to cure Neliralgll, suk lle'adaehe, Nervous llendache, IijRpepsin, con stipation, Paralysis, steeples? ness, and loss of Ner vous Knergy. 'Ihey are pleasant to take, (they dls nlic In the mouth) harmless, and tiTt dually care all dlsenses arising Irom a deranged Ncnous Njslem. Ihey cot.taln no opium or other narcotic. 1'iepaieii bv A. I.. Hurr, M. 1)., scranton, I'a. I reneh Itlrhards X Co., Phllnta , agents. sent by mall on receipt of price, 5u cents. Long llraneh. Dec. so liso. lir. A. 11. Purr, Pear sir: Xour Neuralgia Pills cured me, and 1 wns the greatest of surferers. I halo slnee bought them for my sister and others and they euro eieiy case. Capt Cromwell, Long Hranch Pier. I'lttston, l'a., Feb Mil, lssn. Dr. A. K Purr. Dear "In lv wlfo had the Neuralgia iur ten navs nnd ner poisiriun gave ner no reuei. i called on Dr. Knanp and got a bottle of your Neural, gta Pills and Ihey relieied her In a few hours. Thomas 1- ord, Agt Dupont Powder Co. e A. Kir lin, Illoomsturg, sas: I hale soM these Pills beioro and they glio gocd satisfaction and cure. For Sale C. A, Uelm, Blssmsburg drugjitt. teb no, 'sihl TOT1CE. uXoitre N lifrobv phen that the follow lmr acaunta haetn nfilnl In tlr 's onicc of fo lumttl. 1 county, nnd bo present nl tn the Court of Common Metis of villi toutitj on the 4th day of M.iy, und conllrmed alter the fourth d.xv ol said term iinlesH exceptions no tiled within that time, 1. The first and partial account or Martin. a&VasM' Knee of .t. J. lloagland. 2. The second nnd llnal arcoutit of M. n. IIuj;hca( nssince 01 esiey ri rry. 3. Aeeinnt of Herman l'ahrlnper. a-sslgnee of I.H eai rahrl tiger of Locust township. WM.MAM Mtlt'KtlAt'M, Prothy. lUoomshurg, Aprll 1, Imi. VT0TICK. Notice Is heiebyKhen tothe creditors of tho un-d.-rsi j-ned. nnd in ml nersons whom It mav concern. that he will upply to the court of Common l'leas of Columbia ronntv for the tunellt of the !nsolent Uiwsof thU Commonwealth r. u Monday, the thltd rla of Ma. !. at whlih time any nersot h hiulmr anv object Limn to hU lln l dlseiurtfo as an lnsoheni debtor can appear unu inake tues.ime kiown. aprll ti, 'Mi-te JAMKs It. HALL. A I'DITOII'S NOriCK. KTITK OF (IKOKflB Mill Kit, PECKAKIl. The underslnned auditor appointed by the Or ch.niH' Court or Columbia county, to make illstrt' i.ntlou or the fund In the hands of the executors ot (.enrire Miller, deeeavd. to and unions tin) pirtlei i'lii n ieu inereio, w in mi ai ms oniee in njoniii-uurtfi on I hursil i . Auill vth. .smi. at ten o'clock in the fi)i. on. in in ul lend to the dtltlfs of his uDPOllitment I wh- n mid wle-io all peisons liaMnir dalms ai;alnvt iu! i ""tiiie will uppeiii andpnne the same or b de- b.irn ! iiuhi .ihi fch.necr sai'iiund. ' C. . MILLL'lt. Audttcr. March 2 la. UIMTOH'S NOTICK. cmrvnii CnrNTV. ss : Amoii-the ncords and nrm'i ciIIpl's of the Court f rmauion I'teas ot slid county Inter alia It Is thus cuiit.iim'd. InilL.'untterof the assigned eatsite of Uazletlne and si ,.i l.iten i, isvi, on innttm of W. L Kjerly. court appoint Paul V. irt. audHoi to distribute the mon e in the hands ot U . II. bbotl assignee .n jei re P' it or amllior In aid eolaLe, to and among tho jar Hi mtithd theicto. liY TIlLCdl KT. In puis'ianee rf th" above order the auditor will meet ,.!l mirtles liiteiested in sdd funl at Ids onii" in li'o ni-b iru' upon ihe tiTth da. of iprl' Ish), at in ticii.eKiii ine rorcntton, wnen uimiumuiu-i win m m. ii). mill .ill n.HltrR liiteievifil nre l.debv notltU i: to appear nt the above gluui time and pUco or le toreer ticuarrea ii-om n snaiu in sun run i. l'AI L K. Wirt, Auditor Maiih W, v 4 IMMTOU'K NOriCK. 2. ET TK OF IMFI. rFil.FK, DFrKlHl. Notice Is heieiiv irlveti that the underslned ap- iioliiTed i the in pmius Court ortuiumbu counts ii illsi 1 1 tun m lin- f itul In ttir iKinds nt tlhMln Tea e it'imlnWtrator (it lunh-1 iwier Jr. deceased to and uinniitr in- pjille-i entitli'd then t. ; will attend at his unitr In ;i(Kmhurir. on aturda.. Ma t-s-u at in o clock In the furermun ; when und where ail n. i -on- h liiL'-cla'ms uinin the s M rut tl aie h- MUtn il to oil sent them or it- fot Mr duianed fnnu uintii-r to tor a sli.uv of hJlJ lund. .u ui n . nti:i:zK aprll 2, tso-i" Auditor. I'l'ier mill tuiir. Th.Mrne amiduiu 10 Ilia t m cis ut nitu-!ii.i is llus i ti. r s sKmi.tpii nut, -rs. ids liiislli'ihe Is mil1 ! Hir'nnsi popular icnii'fllps an iiu'e nt succL'ssrill iimiii ti i.,rv tnef lib's, anil 1- In Uiiiiiensi' d'lnu. uIiiii'x.t in tills i onilneni reitr and nnim I'lWv A iilni i;l.iss inn inrei' iirues a iu is ini' uesi pi's inii i.n'iurnili tnr 'THTjunlfrini: a malarlgus at implirii . regulalln tl,c Unr, and lmli;orullni,r mi si ini ii'n Tor bain by all Drtiffglsts and Dca'ers generally. iwts, ly, Fitters A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY For Internnl nntl External Uso, Ii a SURE CURE for all tho Di :ase for vshich It l fecommended, and is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In the hands of even tho mo"' inexperienced persons. It is a surf mill iiuiek remril fi'r COl'lill's, SOIIi: T1IIIO VT, Cllll.l.'s, and .lnalar trjlibles alTonl. ihju.i rtli.j i i -:,i . t r i..-, it llll'IITlintl , an.l Is I l.i' lust l.niiiiu riimilj U 1IV. .IIATls.H an. I MXItAMilA. THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Il lin lice ii ii -.til w Nticli iiiiulrrfiil MiirornN "i all v,rt ,S ih, u , i Mr ( It CIIOU KA, 111 UIMMi:. iivi:nti:u . n t .i imi:i. t ouri.iT". -i iir J at v tt j tr f r theit durtt& HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT USE IN ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. it u Tti:( i.iimi:mu:i imdIcIuh-.. nu-.!iiuritM llnNtir-, liniitiHi r- til I'liinitUltin- W urU-liuii-, umJ rurliirit'x. NiirKi'N hi ltiiiuU iu churt, tj ;it Imu'j v i r lnTt wtio lu i r k vt it a trial IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. li .h iilunva 1 Mil f - I'll 111 In lilt' It tick ti lid Mile, f IlriilMt ' 1 ' i"fnincn n'i,t n ail . ('tiln iruln vuti' iiiiriiot riiiim tic ormi. ( n f.ri:i,v mi witikm't it, itn ut i uali a irauj tt1 t l"1 'i J trj 1 auJ it i-ri' ( ll wltlilii tli' r arb it ti i ( at 'J.i. Ocausl f?l,MI a 'ttii uua au ii 'Maiu (riu all ilrue--nat- Proprietors, Pa. Tir.OWNIXn Is aresn'.ar in-diluatoof na d.i luc,a .kiUful llunuacUit, and a Uiirmi-n tU .: .t 1IU"C .VC'ii- iukU and Cold) CordUl I. 11 1 1) ,. re-.-jltif i..crotUoii. . .bi.ti t. rs 8. loutlflo ri scan U in c' 1 1 . '-y and n.edtrlne, a. 14 1 ,:u'y n liyUioratldilyftltin .uumd iu unparalli '. d i".Uay. Tlio ciis.'uanlaluji.aiiufait trail at 1 att tttntt a. tirat a. tlut 1 ( any ot'.' r n. 'U. Inu vj .u tlio market, and t It is fc'1 1 at tlia eiiDedingly low prlco of A!)e, tT K fujilo biitt' t tf t t Shwrt tuua tVy) 'J. t-U. Poetical. WHAT I mvk roi:. I Us o for those wlio lote Ine, for those I know aro true, Tor tlio Heaven llial mnllesnbuie mo And nnalts my spirit, too; Tor all liuiinn lies that bind me, for tlio tak my (lodaa tinned me, Tor the brlslit hopes kit behind me, And tlio irood that I ran do. I Hie to learn their slury, lio'io nirferel fur my sake, To emulate tliclrflory, And tollow In their wakej Itartis, martyrs, patriots, sages, Tho noble of all nges lioso deeds crown history's oaes, And time's Rfent voluino make. 1 tho to hall that season Hy sifted minds foretold. When men Bhall Iho by reason, And not alone for gold. When man to man united, And every wrong thing righted, As Kden was of old, 1 loo to hold communion With all that h dlMne, T feel that tin. re is union 'Tulit Nature's head and mine, To profit by affliction, Heap truth from lleldsof Iktlon, ilrow wiser from conWctlun FiiltlUIng Clod's design, I lho for 'hoso who love me, for those win know mo Irue, For the lleaien that smiles aboo 1110 And wolts my spirit too; I "or tho w rongs tliat need reslslanee, Tor the futuie In the distance, And the good that 1 can do. Select Story. THAT lillY. 'Husbaml, there is someboily out in tlie urJ saw ing wooil. Who ili you suppose it 1 ?' farmer Granger liimeil himself in beil, listened a moment, and then, with the sleepy IbIi of 0110 who that the time for Ire.uniiiR is over and work hours aro at hand, replied; Itisold Warner, likely. Ho s hail lime to cetover li it tantrum. I'll vte.' The larmer's toilet was not one that rt- piired hours to perfect, and before Mrs, ranner had concluded that it was time to bo stirriiiL'. the brown trousers and blue frock of her hu-band could have been seen nt the further end of the big kitchen, while two keen (iray eyes were peering through the half open blind .'() red-nosed, linfrcaril faced old man met his gaz.e. but a pale-cheeked, bare-footed boy, whoso low whistle kept time worked, while the heap of slicks at his fen ive evidence that his saw had made ipuck pace since siinrie. 'What are you about, boy?' was the farm er's salutation, as no apiiro.iencu ine wnou pile. '1 iliousht, may be, you would give me ainie breakfast, if I sawed awhile, ' answered the lad, looking up to nolo how his propo tit ion would be received. Iireakfasil 01' course! We never turn folks away hungiy. Where did you coin from?' 'Over IUst,' was the indefinite reply. ' Where'd you sleep last night?' 'Under lliebii'hes, down the road apiece the boy answered. Well, vou're 11 great one! I shouldn't wonder, now, if you'd run awa?' hall inter- rog.itul the farmer, with a pleasant twinkle 111 Ids eve. 'Wo vou mind telling your iianu'.'' '.lap, sir.' '.lap, lie)?' That's what Ihey call me my real name is Jasper.' U lin are they -your father ami your molliei." 'I haven't any, sir,' 'limbers and sisters'" 'Not one,' was ihe cort reply Tlie farmer looked sharply at the boy fioio under his broa I brimmed hat, as the plied to and fr), and doubtless he would have pushed his impiiries still further had not the impatient lowing of Whitney and Doll reminded him that It was milking tune. 'Well, you don't look over and above s'rongi'h. loll il betlcr let that wooil alone till jou get some victuals down.' 'I'll ra'lier keep on,' was the only aiiswei iml the woik proceeded with 110 interru tion till I.hel, the three year old pet of the family, camo trotting around the corner of the house to announce in her baby fahiun that 'betas.' was ready. Come right in, come right iu. You've earned 11 good meal of victual-;' and Fanner Granger lol the way, with his little girl perched upon his shoulder The lad silently took the place assigned him at one end of tho table, opposite l'.ihel and her father, while Mrs. (i ranger and happy-faced old lady occupied heat mi eilb er sol The first supply of broiled ham and bakei put.iinis bad di-appeared (nun tbe boy's plate nnd the second installment wiisvauidi ing bit by bit, when Mr.s. Granger suddenly discovered that lie had no butter. 'N'". ma'am: I don't care for it -tills bread is giiml enough n itliout butte r,' wai there ply when the plate wns pa-srd. Mrs. Granger neeived llils compliment wiili 11 plea(d miile, and an extra bngi doughnut immediately found its way to ac company the butlevlo-s brtad. 'I'd like to work a while longer to pay for that breakfast,' remarked the boy ns ho fol lowed the lirnwr through the w owl house. ' haven't ta'ted -anything so good for 11 long time; and the saw was taken up without waiting for peiniission. 'Well, if you've a mind to cut and pile ii a spell, you can stay and get your dinner Wo always mean to have good victuals and plenty of them. Mrs. Granger stopped now and then to look out of the buttery window; and 'I won der who that boy Is anyhow?' was repealed more than once that morning to grandma, who sat in tlie litUo old rocker quietly knit- ting. 'Now, where are you bound lor?' ques tloucd the farmer, as the lad picked up Ills bundle alter diuiier and seemed ready to take his Departure, 'I don't know, sir,' ho replied, digging his toos into the dirt. 'I spose I'll stop any where 1 can get work. 'What's the mater witlilhls place?' wilh a twinkle of tho gray eyes, 'There's wood to rut, und it'll tako three or fuiirdays at the least calculation. I'll agreo to give you enough to eat and a comfortable bed. May bo by that time you w ill want to run home again,' The boy's eye's Hashed, but lie et Ids lips firmly together and made no answer for a minute. Then hp said; Vou are very kind sir. Ill stnv If vou will let me.' Solomon Granger, you aro crazy!' ex claimed tho nervous little woman when her husband related the foregoing conversation. The idea nf having that boy in the house all night. 1 shan't ?leep 11 wink, Mkely as not he'll kill us nil before morning, and mnkeoir with everything there is here,' 'Oh, no; I guess he's nil right,' was the farmer's rejoinder, while a sweet voice came from over the knitting. 'I never saw a boy with such a face that had anything in hi in but good, honest blood. Depend on't, Lowly, there ain't nothing wrong about the boy.' lint suspicious Jilt. Granger locked her pantry door that night, her china closet, the sparo front room, tho trunk in the attic that held her best linen, and lastly the door of her grandma's room the old lady pro testing, 'I ain't a mile afraid, Lowly,' liav- ing 110 effect on her. 'Well, I'm thankful we're all here,' was the good woman's ejaculation, as shcunbolt- ed her bedroom door alter a night of uneasy dreams. I don't know what the boy might do. It lidgels me lo death to have him around. I do wish you would find out who he is, Solomon. 'lie don't seem Inclined to tell, nnd I dqn't want to be too inquisitive, wife. It will come out sooner nr later. ' Two days passed. The lad kept faithfully athis work, saying little and revealing tio'h- ing in regard to himself. The farmer's wife meanwhile worried and fretted, turned a lozen Leys at night, and was surprised when morning dawned tn find everything un touched. ' What are you going to do about going lo church?' she asked, anxiously, on J-unday morning 'There's that boy.' There's room enough in the wagon,' re ponded the husband, serenely. I know but 'tant a bit likely he'll want to go. And I don t dare lo leave him nt home. There'll be no telling what he'll do.' I wouldn't worry about that liny. He ain't goirg oil' n ith the house.' Well, I shall lock up everything, and take Liliel, tiio. We cm eo ne honi" at noon if he gets tired. He's been here ju-t long enough lo linil out where I keep my silver and all. And theie's grandma il ain't safe lo leave her alone villi hind" 'Law, me, Low ly ! that boy ain't agoing to hurt me;' and the old lady laughed a low, incredulous laugh. 'I ain't so sure about it,' said Mrs. Grang er, nodding mysteriously. If an thing should linppin I should neer forgive myell'. I wish he would go with us hu-band.' l'he proli'-rcd Mat Jioweier, was declined, tho boy saying: 'My clothes ain't fit. I'd rather slay round here.' .So Mrs. Granger, with numberless misgiv ings, clambered into the high wagon, tucked Libel in beside her, and oil' they went, oxer the hills, to the town, two miles away. L"t nie see,' began grandma, when the hut load of neighbors had passed the gale, your name is Jasper, ain't il?' 'Jasper, ma'am.' 'Yes. Well, Jasper, can you read?' 'Yes, ma'am.' 'Well, s'posin' you read nut loud lo me a pull,' and u little old book was brought out (mm the grial chest in Ihe corner, enlitlid Tales of a Grandmother.' So the li iy read; and grandma folding her Wiinkled hands hands that weri always busy on other days leaned back with a In ik of contentment 011 her sveet old f.ic, think ing to herself, 'As if I'd b afeared n' that boy.' ' You iiri-t ha' been to ehool con-ideia- ble,' was the comment, when the first chap- It r was i ndiil. '! never went, was the lo'pouse. 'Ntvei! who learned you (oread, then?' 'Mother.' 'And she's dead? you say.' 'Yes, ma'am,' The boy seimcd leluclant to engase in any conversation, and hastened to begin the sic ond chapter. Some time pas.ed, till nt length, the one auditor falling asleep, the story was conlinuidin silence. Grandma's nap was brought to a sudden elosH by a rap on the null r door. Two men stood on Ihe ilnorsti p, ill look- ii'g tellows, and very dirty io appe ir.ime. Can yon give us something to eat?' a-ked one. Sartin, snrlin; come right in and sit lown,' said the old lady, bustling nli'to the pautry. ' Which i!o you like the be-t apple pie or custard?' And soon a bountiful rcpat was spread upon the table, and Ihe many good tilings vanished without ceremony. The bo eyed the twosharply.whilegrand- 111 1. alter leceivli.g somew hat ciiisty an swers to the few kindly oiirstions, sal placid y rocking. The cts of the men roved searching!' about the room. I'limlly ono nskdl- "Folks gone to church?' 'Li, yes,' replied the old lady, innocently. 'Our folks never stay at home for nothing. Tne speaker threw a quick glance toward his companion, the oilier nodded. Ncilbtr inurement escaped tlio pair of watchful eyes in tho corner. nwnient after tho boy left his font in tho room, stopped by tbe window to looli up the road, aud then, going through the hall which led out of the foot of the kitch en, he called from the foot of the stair-: 'Dave! Dave! you asleep then?'' 'What do you waul'' sounded a gruff voice down the. stairway.' 'Uunie down, can't you? And bring alou Tige and l'rllz. Don't go to sleep again.' Grandma heard in mingled amazement and alarm. Could the boy b? In league will) thesi) men, and another iu waiting 111 stairs! As if in conlirnia'ion of her fears, a low growl souudod Irnni the room above Then camo a shap yelp, followed by little whines of impitleuce; and wilh a carele-ss 'Hurry I up, Dave!' tho lad walked leisurely back to - the kitchen. As he reached tho door, grand ma, overwhelmed with consternation, made la desperate rush for tho bedroom beyond locking the door behind tier, The men iu the meantime had ueared the outer door. 'tint some dogs up there, havo ye? said one, wilh a disagreeable leer. 'You heard 'em, did you?' was tho carele-s rejoinder. 't'ome ou.Jiin!' addressing his companion 'We might as well clear our game's ii "Don't bo a foul!' was the reply iu an uu pertone, Who s afraid o pups! l er dogs aln t tierce, bo they, youngster?' 'l'rllz. ain't over and above friendly to strangers,' replied the boy, cooly, 'and if I were you I 'wouldn't be found here when Tige gels out for a run ' Thru in a louder tone. 'Dave, ain't you coming? Hut don't let Tige loose III! these men get away.' At this the tramps moved off, cursing tho dop, and muttering low, rathful threats, while the lad, with a final, 'I advise you to put a good piece of the road between you and Tige!' closed the door, soltly sliding the bolt. Then going to the room where grandma lty crouched upon the bed, scarcely daring to stir, lie called through the keyhole: They are gone. You can come out now.' 'The dogs!' gasped a faint voice. 'There ain't any!' he answered softly. 'Open the door and I'll tell you.' The bolt was cautiously withdrawn and Ihe old lady's face appearrd, white and ter rified. 'Come and sit down,' said the boy tender ly, 'I am sorry l frightened you so. I was afraid it would, but I really could not help it.' 'I won't stir a step!' said grandma, tcut ly. 'What do you mean by this ? You can't fool me. I heard the dogs and the men too.' A low, pleasant laugh sounded through the room. "Twin only me, grandma! I .saw thoe men only meant mischief, and I knew xinie thing must be done pretty quick, so I made them believe there was somebody up there.' 'Hut the dog-!' cried the old lady bewil dered. Where are the dog.?' 'I made them bark! Listen!' And then came from the throat of the lit tle ventriloquist such a torrent of growN, whines and yelps, interspersed with 'Dow n Tige!' and 'He still, Fritz." that the door wm swung open, and grandma leaned against the wall, exclaiming: 'Well, I n"ver in all my life! If you don't beat all the boys I eyer did s"e! and there I supposed you was eoiinivln' with them crit ters, and I was t scirt I was just as weak as a rag." Awhile after this fright at the farm hou-e Old Hilly with his load of tluee, was plod ding peacefully over the brow of the little hill, a quarter of a mile from home, when suddenly ,'drs. Granger's voice, wild with terror, rang out sharply on Ilia si ill ail: 'The hou-e is afire!' she screamed. And Graiidin.i! oh! Solomon; if grandma is kill ed I will never forgive mjself, novel! Why did we leave that boy? Oh, run tho horse, Solomon, run the horse!' 'Xoiisen-i !' said the easy-going fanner, Xeveithele-s, he whipped up Old Hill), ami aniou-ly scanned the 0 imer of the roof visible behind the trees where the smoke was coiling up gray and thiik. A dozen or more nf well-directed pails of water had done the work, however; and only wet, "liioked timbers and n blackened die nf rubbish met the firmer'" eye when he sprang from his wagon and alighted at ttie side of the breathless litile worker. The sight of the house and barn untouch td, and grandma standing iu the door alive and well, put all fear to flight in an instant Hut there was a story tn relate, and the boy stood modestly by while grandma dwelt upon the exciting events of tlie past hour. Th' tramps, it nj,s supposed, weie the lneeuili iiries; but happily the fire hud been disi-oi ered in lime lo prevent any damage. J lie reluroing loads 01 ctnireli g ier, eairer to know Ihe cause ol Ihe e.xeile luent, -t-ippi il at the firm irn'e, and t' lad -iidJenly f mud himself the hero of tne our I lol. I '. in .ill the I mil qna'iii's of Tige and Kii z.. I'nele (!eng-'- doys!' exelaioiHil Hie liov, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 1 tl I I II Hie words wen pokin the hetrers bad iirer besnl i. Knele Griirue' bt-lnre. To u wi'b n br'g blush bo ilr,,piri Iwhitld one of t' e inei nil for a time let toe talk g i of unln-tdi-i- Where o' dogeb s?' persist, d L hi I, a lew minutes laier, unable to ini' 'r-i.uid from whence the .niiud pn ceiled; while ihe oil ers biuntied and wondered, :is the leiittilt qui.-t llinl I lie powiis which had il me null effective service that dav. I do believe that boy -avid inv life, Low ly. Depend on't, lb- L ml s-nt him!' and grandma, e-itieliiilioL' her st-irif wil'i a Ioiil' Irawu br-ath, sat d-mn on the d i-ir se ind was iniiiedia'i Iv ngig-d in an mg talk with old Mrs. Atkins. It was in my hours belnre the quiet -etlled down iiii'iu tl.o inmMfsi of the litile lanii house; but In f re they -etlled for the nielli 'ell lit r Granger noil Ida wife learteil that was net it'll, lo know ol Ja-per Good rich's lo-mer life. The only reason I haven't told you.' -aid the bov, i'l reply tn ihe farmer's ipieslinu, U bic.iisa I u a.- nfraidynu would rcinl ine back, it might as well come out, though I have tun away, but I'll never go back to Uncle George's I'll die first!' It was a short .iory. Until lie was several years old he knew only a happy life. Then his falher s health failing and a sea voyag" being decided upon, his father and mother saaled for France, le aving l.ini in care of the village minister nnd wile. In -ix mouths came the news of his father's tie nth, and some weeks la'cr his moth.r, l.m, dii d, and was burii-1 1 1 a for,. , land The boy n uiaiued rli h's lii.ndsa few months out;', for on the minister's removal lo anothei town he was taken possession of bv a halt brother of his fither'-.a rascillv, unprinci pled man, who had no love or kind leeliug lor Ins Mil" o-"ie. e wa. siiameliillv treated 1 1 1 ot could onlur.) il no longer. and ho d lemniicd lo seek a home among sirangeis. 'I wauled lo s'ay,' tlie boy concluded, hut 1 didn't dare to tell you for fear you would send me back ' Never, mv boy !' interrupted the farmer, earnesMv "iiii can s'ay with us till v hi ti li el ii li iter liuuii' ; wo II do all we can for you. 'Well,' said Mrs, Granger, as she lav ilortii that night, 'the idea id my dtr tru-ling mat in: i Hectare a uiakes mo led mean to tin n t: of it. F.arlv the next morning the farmer har nessed Old llillv, and dre.-ed iu his Sunday best took the Last road over the 'mountain.' He returned late in Ihe afternoon. The announcement made at the tea table was startling lout least one hearer. 'I have seen nur uncle, Jasper!' The boy's face paled, hut the farmer's next words were reassuring. 'He was ini lined at first to be a little ug ly, but ii tit r I'd bad my say he culled down a irillle, and 1 lauey lie won t give vou anv further trouble. You can stay here just as long as yini please.' 'I knew there was nothing wrong about that boy, said grandma, with a triumphant nod toward the radiant Jasper, 'Depend on it. Lowly, tho Lord sent him. Jturliniton i' rye. I'rofit, l,'J00. "To sum it up, six long ycara ot bed-rid den icknes, costing $200 per year, total fl,S00 allot this expen-e was stopped by three bottles of Hop Hitters taken hy my wife. She has dono lier own housework for a year since, without the loss of a day, and I want everybody to know it for their benefit. Tlie enormous advance iu the price nf paper may be in part accounted for by the fact that it is now utd in various arts and manufactures not connected with printing; for instance, tho construction of the astro nomical tower, twenty-nine feet In diame ter, at the Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, which is made of paper, "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup without excep tion, lias given satisfaction. Our readers give it a trial. Druggist! keep It. Price 25 cents per bottle. The building in which tbe siege of Parii was first exhibited in Xew York, and subse quently in Philadelphia and Hoslon, has been sold at auction ill the latter city for "oil, and shipped to Chicago. I) iwu the road to poverty and death, plunges the man, by taking costly and poi sonous medicines, when one of Day's Kid ney Pads would nnke lilm a hale and hearty man. Hishop lliivman at the New York confer- enceof the Methodist church gavesome rath er notable advice to several young men who are about to be admitted to the ministry. He told them to look out for women that is, not f. succumb to the multifarious fasci nations of the sex, which so much disturbs the peace of mind of this world. He inform ed them that the women looked up to them with reverence, not because ot their being men of of ability or address, but because of their being dieipes of Christ. He solemnly told t hem never to take advantage nf their position. There was a place of "ternal tor ment, nnd it whs far to good for a minister who would hjiray the confidence reposed in him. Hishop Hiwman seems to know what he i.s talking abou'; he has heard of the de. lorable plight into w hich so manv ministers have lallcu of late liiriugh the waywardness of lip.. The fact that such advice should eem necessary may reasonably call for the most solemn reflections. 1 hia. Times, The bet remedy for Liver Complaint is sellers' Lher Pills," Only 2" cats per box. sold bv all druggists. The only difference between a railroad ticket and an egg is that the ticket is good until Used. Since taking Dr. Lindsey's Hlood Search er that old sore of mine is entirely cured." Mild by all drupgisls. Tlie young man who wants to get up with tlie sun must not sit up too late with the laughter. OUR PUZZLE CORNER. . co.vnun i:i hy iv. ii, eastmak. Contributions ol original puzzles aro so licited from every riader, Address all com munications relating to this department to W . II. La-tman, Auburn. Me.l cuiiss woi'.D i:.niiima. My first i- in fail, but not in win; My second is iu brandy, hut not in gin; My third is in eel, lu- not in perch; My fourth is in pustor, but not in church; My fifth i-in euye, tun not iu coop; My si'li is in M'Sooner, but not in sloop; My -eveii'li is in sow, I lit not in seed; My lhi ii is in nc'iou, but n d Indeed; My niioii I- itnl .id, tint not in adve; Io avoid mi) whole we 1. 1 . should strive. Mi:i.nitiiok. immiiN idwx.s. I' 1 h ie a irsit on which is printed, '' L ive one another.'' 2. He will return to New Yors; to-night. u. A lady nt Newp-irt lauded at Ports no U'll. -I Gilo Ihe cup to Newell. fi. How in:h nil oversight could occur is a iny-ti ry. li A lal ha- b en in that old building. 7 lie wis it tier slain or waylaid and taken cip ive. Jkmiy. rnunuM. ' "Tw ice us many eges us you I'll eat ll of yours you'll give me two." "An equal number we will get If two igns I uisy have from you," ' fwas thus two hungry men conversed; How many ggs bad each at tirsi? Jerky. roNeT..w.i:i I'lili.Osoi'iiY. Are we all .keptics, think you? A Miiee asks, "Are we not justified in beii g si ?" Perhaps, but we should not rashly decide. May we, then, ie properly directed. What .111.11111 man do belive w ilhout seeirg. Na; but are we alwayc seeing alight? Cnticeahd ill the above are six words which ask a question that has furnished food for tlie philosophic il thought of all aes MKI.ANtTIION. SIJUAI'.I". WORD, 1. Part o the head. 2. One of the early inhabitants of the '.Utli. 3. A hollow place in the earth. t. A laige bird found in Australia. Jennie K. ANhYlT.HS 10 LAST PUZZLES Xtwterieat Vnigma. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." W'urd Puttie. Hides, ides, side, shed, die, bid. Pnaiiilalnliuns. 1. Crash, rash, ash, 2. swell, well, ell. 3, Price, rice, ice. -I. Grasp, rasp, asp. Charatlt. Man-grove. Curtailments. I. Karl, ear, 1. Harn, bar. H, Tear, tea. t. lloct, roc. fi. Fort. for. r.raiuly, Wine and Hitters. Speer's P. J. Brandy, Port Grape Wine and Wine Hitters have an extensive and re liable demand. Physicians recommend them iu preference lo any other goods of the kind, Speer's Vineyard at Passaic, New Jersey, and his wlue was awarded the high, est premium at the Centennial, For sale by (', A. Kleiui, liloomsburg,