THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOM8BURG-, COLUMBIA COL NT i , PA. Miscellaneous. I'earl l)iur nml Slunks. Tlio pearl dlvcru of tlio Unrommilcl Cont Hre not unfrnieniljr nttackcJ by ground ulinrk", m n rule, n shark will leave n man with ft tUrk nkln alone J but when litincry It rarely uiakoi difference between n Kurn on I Hindoo. Knowing thU tlio dl ve r frniuently arm thonneWc wltli a stout bambiMi, In the h3 of n cro, with the MiremetlM made sharp, Willi thU font pointed daKSt-r they will dare any nliark I' seize them, for, a (lie mimler turns on lt back and opem In mouth f r tlie blto, they dexlcrousl tliriift tho bamboo cron between the hw. Gcat care Is taken of strength of the bamboo: the consequence U that the hark- on clo'ing its m null to get the first laite ol Its anticipated m.'al, drives the .pikes well home between its javis. Fishermen ray that once a shark has a sturdy, well pointed and pl.iced bambu in Its distented mouth, no efforts of tin creature can rid it of the wood. Its effort! are being described as being lnot curlou ami comic. Tlio direr, as soon ns lie ha impealed his enemy, has to get out of the wav ns fast as oowible, for a blow from the tail of an Infuriated shark lsnnjok As fir the comic side of the picture, it must lo aludico.mijsht for little fihcs to wltnes,to s-e their dreaded, but now impotent, nrch fjs wildly tearing about, hither and lither, in the deep, with a cnin-btr between lit distented jaws. Kowiso Kyi: is Orills. I'crsom win have only small farms or garden plot", and wish to grow n little rye, for the sake of ll c straw or for other purposes, can do it viry successfully In drills, which should be at such a distance apart as will admit of hor' culture. In this way, with ft little compo- In ilin furrows. I have crown it. even 01 rather thin soil, at the rate of twenty-tm bushels ncracre.and the straw from five ati' n half to six feet in heiirlit. Such a yield I think is much better than the average broad east culture. The culture is a small Heir ind the harvesting, without implcmcn s idipted to il.isalit.lomoretroubhanrc; bu for small plots ofground it is ft very sati-lac tory way, particularly where the land is no rich. Theculture is especially bemliciai If any one doubts it, let hlni try two pleco side by side on the same quality of land.air he will ceae doubting, The effect may no be nuite as marked as in the case of fodder corn, siwn broadcast or grown in drill- but the difference will be clear. And it i natural that this should bo the cae. Alnio anv veectatlon let lo take care of itself al ter seeding or planting, with no soil-stirrinj to mltieate the severely ol droughts, cannot make the growth it would with good culti vation. Hye is no exception. It might in t pay so well on a large scale; but even tint is not certain, in case we had implements adapted to this mode of culture. Workiiigmen. Before you begin your heavy spring woil nfter a winters retaqation.your system need. cleansing and strengthening to prevent m attack of Ague, liilliousness or Spring IV ver, or some other Spring sickness that will unfit vou far a season's work, l ou will eav time, much sickness and great expense it you will uo one bottle of Hop Hitters ii. vnnr family lis month. Don't wait, feei another column. As wo arc rapidly floating dowu life's rug cod stream of time toward the briuk of eter uity, let us think and do nothing but thu which will bo worthy cf praic by our lellow travellers, aud commcndablo in the sight of God. We are but mere mortals, having our habitation in the dust, and as year by year swiftly brings us to where we shall finally be laid by our earthly friend', let us hasten t sow seed from which, alter wo have passed away, conquest after conquest will bo the fruits, llcware of lovo for earthly things ; wo must steel our hearts and minds again-1 even tlio Ihouiht of joys which have no con necting link with the endless chain of heav enly bliss ; but, rather, let us fix our affec tions oil heaven that hetven of everla-tin? r-t toward which tho faithful and p'wu Christiau is journeying the only spot wheie the acmo of mortal hope can terminate. Many ladies misinterpret their sulTrim!" Try a hox or 'Sellera' 1iver Pills.' Sold I y all druggists. asliiii?t"n us a Voter' Washington voinl ul all the Fairfax elec tions until the rlo-o of his life, unilorm'y supporting tbo Federal candidates. A -though Hying some distance from the Court Houe, at the Alexandria market, he gener ally voted early. The polls were reached hy a flight of sleps outside which in 1799 hud become old nod shaky. When the ( reached Ihe steps ho put one i'oot upon them and shook the crazy accnt as if to try its strength, Instantly twenty brawny arms, one above the other, grasped the stairway, and a dozen men's shoulders grasped it. Nor did a man move until the venerable chief deposited his vote and re lumed. "I saw his last bow," said one of them half a century afterward: "it was more than kingly." Jlarptr'i Magas'mt. 1IL0WINU lUr A KKKOSKSK 1.AM1". A very common uiothod of extinguisliin; kerosene lamp is to turn dowu tho wick until only a minute flauio is viiiblo and then blow down the chimney. 1 his is a very danger ous practice, being very frequently tlio case of OKidosions. People who uso kerosene lamps thould make it an absoluto rule nover to attempt to extinguish a lightod lamp ih that way, however small tho flame. Seicu tilic reasons miglit lo gi en Pt such advice, but tlio best reason that can possibly be giv en is tlio fact that explosions frcqucutly re suit from a neglect of it. It is just as easy to blow into tho lower end ol tho chimney ns tho top, tho only differenco being that in the former caso tho person blowing is required to stoop a little, whiloiu tho latter such an in diction of the body is not required. The city editor oi the Des Moines, Iowa I.eaJtr has sued a man for f 2U0 for money loaned, Two hundred dollars I A city edi tor 1 1 Money to loan 1 1 I Why, what are ' Bless our souls, this looks 1 There need of investigation hete.J'Ma. larmrer, A physician told a Chicago man that he could cure him of his love of whiskey, and the horrified man at once notified the doctor that he should employ another medical ad viser, 'Merit will win,' is illustrated hy tlio rap' idly increasing demand for Days Kidney Pad, I'or ealo by Peoples' Drug Store. During tho eight years in which Thomas Jeflerson practiced law he was employed in yi cases, llevolutloihosrever, turned him from law to statesmanship and he uever re turned the practice. Twenty-five thousand quails are being Imported from England to be eet at liberty in Pennsylvania. News from all Around. Tho services of llin Philadelphia Ice boats have not been required In n slnglo in stance during the winter ol iniH-mi. "Mv bov " said a distinguished mer chant to his son, who was nmlltaiing mat- rimony,be sure,lu your selection, to net Hold ofa piece of goods that will not wash," A printer. In settlnc up the sentence. "we are hut ptrls of a stupendous whole," by n inlslako ol a lelter made it reau, we are hut par i of a stupendous whale. " Puke a ticket, nir.for Ihe benefit of the Widows' and (India- s' l'und siielety ?'' "Well, y a-a si don't care so much for the orphaiis, but go It strong for t lie widows " The United Stales Supreme court hss ttchled that cnplUl invested In national hanks cannot bu assessed by the Stato all thnritins nt a higher late than other moil eyed capital. Uellclon apparently nourishes In Vad- vlllp. The r.pUcopal parish there have of ferred Mrs. l.atey of Omaha $1,200 to sing for them a year, and her sister. Mls Spoor 000. Thpre U allltle tltflictiltv with refirencr to the will ol'thp lnt&MintnrChiimHer, it nut having tho reinito iitimhfr nf witnee. atnl nil hU riHl ctnti' in WaHliincton will havo to bu sold nt auction touivu a col id title. "If it wmin't for tho hone thp heart wuulii brfftk." tliH old wotnnn ?alit w lie n ahe hurled Ikt evcuth liuhtiud, and looked nnxiouly amoug the funeral crowd for an other. The easiest wav to ret n llvlnc." nays a vagabond jxxM, mm to nit on a irate and wait for cood luck, In tate eond Jucr don't come Hlotgt )ouare no worse olf than you was betore. An insuinnce agent, ursine a rilizen lo get liis lilo insured.s.uti, "net your llle in sured lor ten-tlioiiaiiil dollars, ami then if you die next week the witldtr's heart will sing lor joy." "Lor, Jaui" said a fair invalid of our acquaintance, "1 do feel so bail I Do, please, mate me a tumbler ol uranuy aim not wat er, as lint and strong as you can, and just ake me lake tt wlietlier I will or no.' A Cleveland drummer rtcelved J200 from Jlill Creek township, Mercer county, f ir (I'linaccs lo his samples caused by liis tumbling in the mud ou account of the bad condition ol the road. An Iowa woman examined a straw col ter in a hardware store, and she lias iust re- overed ioOO damages for the loss of two linger', on llio ground that the machine was not labelled 1 dangerous. Williamsport lumber manufacturers es. timate that two hundred millions of feet of lumber have already been cut and banked oo ihe streams ready to be floated lo Hie hoom when the spring freshets set in. busy season is anticipated at the mill;. Johnathan presented himself and his Intended lo the minister for the purpose of being married. Iteing questioned if Ihev hail tteen published, oh, I guess so,for I toltl it to Uncle lien, and he told his wife mor'n a week ago. As little four"year old child in Portland told his father ho was a fool. On being rep rimanded liy liis mother andrequirfd to say he was sorry, he toddled up to the insulted parent and exclaimed. "Papa Pain smrv you's a fool." A fellow coming out of a tavern one. cold frosty morning, rather lop-heavy, fell on the doorstep. Trvinc to refrain liis font ing he remarked, "If it be true that the wicked stand ou slippery ground, I must be long to another class.for its more than 1 can do." A genius once undertook to name and classify tho different sort of fools in the world j "hirst, the ordinary fool ; second ihe fool who is one and don't know it third, the fool that is not sati-lied with be ing a fool iii reality, but undertakes in ad' tiou, to play fool. I heard a cood thlnir one cveninir at a paity. Miss Joy was present, and in the course oi me evening somo one used Ilia quotation, A tiling ol beautv is a piy :or -ver," when she exclaimed. ' Oh I'm triad I'm not a beauty, fjr I should want lo be jcy ror ever." A celebrated barrister retired from practice, was one dav asked his sincere onin- ion of the law. "Why. the fact is.'' rfinin eil ho, "if any man were to obtain the coat upon my back, anil tlire.iten my refusil with a l.isuit, he should certainly haye it, least in defending my coat I should loose my wmsicuai uisti. The fastest liu.c ever made liv a I'reiuht train between St. Louis and Texas has iu-t i... it. 'PI ... .. u-cn iii,ij, iiiiiiiru, .tit-ir weie itvmiy cars, wiili a thousand kres of beer. Galveston and other I exas cities hail run out ol beer. mid were thirsty ; henco the hurry. Ihe crematory nt ashinclnn. Pa. promises to become a profitable .investment. I lie manager s.iy that ho has aim icat on from a hundred persons in. vari ius parts of ine country who express a uesire to lio in cinerated there alter death. Tho charce is Hiirlv-hive dollars. No ti scount on chil drcn. A hen always kicks bacVwards after In) inn an egg. A llrnfgeport i niikee is tt ported to have turned this fact to account in inven ing a tlevicu to prevent the sa'e i stale eggs. When the hen kicks she hit an electric disk, to winch is attached a nil ber stamp, and the apparatus btanips the uaie on encu egg. A schoolmaster in a neichborinc town while on his morning walk, passed hv ihv ooor oi a neignuur, who was excavatln log Irom a pig trough. "Why" sa d the .schoolmaster, ".Mr 6. have you not liirni ture enough yet?" "Yes," said the man 'enough lor my own family, but I pxtiiwt ... i i . i. , , . . . . .. : . , . ' . to uoani mo sciioounasier uus winter, am am iiin&iug prupariuions, Jones who has been to see the goldirrs says that tiie curiousest thing about them U the odd oaths the otlicers use. And they swear rigut uioug, lie says, v neu til want the men to march, they veil out, 'II the right Hank I march, ',lfy comnanv right wheel," or somo other equally funnv ititprt cation, ltut, says Jones, it brings Ihe men every tune, manes uiem jump as ihouuli . i", I,...! i; iinin ,., r- .tits. J. r, iMvi", ui .orrision. is nn in her seventy-seventh year. At about lit Usual nge her teeth begHii to fail and slip fi nallv lost them all. In the niiiinier of 1ST. she began to be troubled with pain in her upper jaw iii.u soon a mil nurd set of teeth made llieir npperance. i uey grew to the usual size and havo since remained ii, good cuiiiuiioii, uih no ociY vcciu appeared in the lower jaw. A llradford dispatch to (lie Phll.i.lAi phia JHeti states that tlie Knights of Labor are uuy in an niai region creating di-con tent, s',w lug uissriiuuo attu creating niril; among the mineis. The number now on strike Is estimated at between it.OOO am) n.uou i no coai ami truiisjinrisiion Coiupan ies announce their intention of relo-lm. ti,, demand Ihe strikers made. Tho malcontent stoutly assert mey are wen organized, liavi abundant means to inainialii a ' nmoirll u and In tho evuit of their funds giving out llieir treasury win uo neu supplied mo totuiiis in j4uwi, null uliilt iHuor or ganizations througiiout the Union. Jlauv secret emlssailes are ai work, and Mollie iiaguires outlawry is greauy icared. Th Concordia, Kansas, J.'ntcrprw tell of a spring of water of which su gar is made. It says ' W had a call las! I..... 11. It 11 Mill , . ititirsuay irom -ur. n i .miiis, now nvtrp ou ins new miin, norm wist m iiurr uat M Mills produced for our inspection t luinpnf ugar,which ho had made from su caucht as it raivTrom a livlin: sprint? oi his place. The process of insnuficture was similiur to that by wnicu maple sugar U produced fioui the sap of Ihe maple tree, namely, by 'boillug it down.' This expert ment was Hindu last Suuday and the amount of sugar 'tried out' from three gallons of snriuir water was ono aud a half pound Mr. Mills had his attention called to tlie pe culiar quality of the water ol this spring hy the fact thak tits cattle relusetl to tlrink It and then by personal 'sanplinir.'its sweet ness induced him to try the experiment of sugar-making from sucn singular material, witli the result stated. We teded tho sugar which has n'ui'Jit Ihe Identical appearance of maple aud were truckwitn the similar ity of its taste. There is enough difference however, to convince one that It is not in pie, but that it U an exceliant quality ot su gar," 0 ATARRgH A PHYSICIAN'S TE8TIM0NY. 30 Years a Physlolan. 12 Years n Sufferer. Tried Regular Remedies. Tried Patent Modicrfios. Perma nently curod by SANFORD'S RADICAL GUSE. lKTtA WKrKft roTTK!l,-R-ni I hive pne 1L tl t M illrlno li.r 1'nrlv iili'l h.i i- lun a t r.r r i - jneir r. r trt vm nti 1 1 nv iihm! )i iir , f .lift nn 1 1 irj i x I liiivi' it Ihllttf I'l tltn i m.erht ttir Id v ihilt nv n rmiv ri t rdkraiidll iln.iT't I hfl" iihiccd n irj nn h ni m lit Pie 1 . . S ' ' ' I'tt.'ii" t rj i in i'i 'i' I m ii civ r m- run u.i i rit h- . 1.1 nl l m : f lliiwotl t!u fllr.rllnfn In ilm l ituv.n il tun 1 ii in nnv 1 itM' liiiil pt fnifn'iit ("t;ri, VniirtMlHi ri I! ' l Dftnl'ilr i littppv cmMmtti 'i iti'1 cf ttiiit i iftt itnplciuant mtit uuiicruu ol ill m - H.v!i,in,ll !i. (irPT. t). V.. Ornv A Ho i t"iir-1 Dniiiirlft Muscat ui , I i ! i scTlSK, Imri, Mnrdi i't t 77. T'i xftl'to "f tltli rcmeily must not be ov ntk ' t)(C ( lift' of IIium SYMPATHETIC DISEASES, AIT-rMl.v . r fi tv, l'ir, Tltr.inl, l.iintf. nn 1 I i ( MAI I U't HI Wll i I I l.lrillV OH . Mt . II . r r i or tT ilm. 1 1 l"tlnint il n-iil i'i.i'.i. ( i Mill i Cr I'll' I.HH lit), till llll"Hlll' U 1 ! C lli I't n't tt l luiltli-i f l ii l I i' i tit Ii ti n l"' I'rfl ' .T ttrl uml r t I ii i ti m ' "i II !Hi T. ( t 1:1 . 1 ' r.i'Ct tmuiloni ltolu tliuui camuit liu runBuualily nil I. It ! tint Ihroo irnr. lii X Wrollp'.t P Mill T rl'lir. w il u'fillitlori' t.i t i.ntiil '.liu lith.tst ' t t mi 1 It I ni ritl)! I'B wn tr Ifiil Mulu . tn I'nllfon I i. i ' I. 1 1 1 lynlitri' BtKii'liiltri' I litr i rtitfir'nM in 'I it n 1 Ii 1,1' Ihn Inn. nirii Mful i' iiirilll '11 r i ti ib!i tr -al'ii' 1 1 1 ri'ntjrrh . vfru ii'ii"ji il t 1 I .ft . il l.i ,1'' I t-r Imii-t llltpiiri!!' h !n i I 1 r n' I v Ih tin' .ti I'll M.t t'.nt W Oiln flic 11 1 .'.t' ii tr ell', . I.,r 1'itl irrli lii hi'' 11 pi r ' . i t t i, it'i p'lit ur t rii t'U ii i i n"mit I.'- ri'i'iilli il I" 11 hcl t " i ! i it' iik llt i-'iicr t. ti ii. 1 ii il ii,' ii p-i I III ll U I I I i rl 1 1 i r ii 'i I'ticK " ' r t i.iis Hi S'ltifur i -. I'CtlO'il l"l t i -till Aliolmi'i'i'iil t t nut til I n t"' -t ii 1 1 Ii, lli'i.iiiil A, -in MM! 1 I.A'lIi , ,1,11 I,.,,,,. COLLINS' iG SIMPLY WONDERFUL KiNtTsrov, Mix v., i p ii : .SI , t CO- ill I 'Ll I -s' nt t 11. AH I 1 t'l. M t (il.lsU I 1 I piU, nii'l am uooiit .uullDK tit. in t -si. I . McMoi.l.ov. lit y, !ui ., Aliit IH.l.t It ha nv m i.inru:ooI ttia i nil uitii r mrilH'liicit. Ho now Ki' i u BftiM ' I, tor thu tint tlmu 1 1 tnr t j. rtr. Ki7 Jam Dcrrinin- Eiima. III., ! Apr. I i, ISTT.f 1 lik tho one 1 mt w. 11. '1 hey rro tlii1 t'cpt nliwu'i , no ilouljf 1 1 Uu ort 1. . 1 . M ('11 ILL. A "il tlrnvR, Mo., ( MiiKiiuMt;;. s Acn pt :ii ill uiU I. r tlio i'ru i l rlv tlirnmltiiJttttiCoL- 1 INK' 1'I.Ah I'K KM h I t 1H' fOllltl Unit' iitf". W . U. Mooi.k. QOLLSriS' VOLTAiC PLASTER for loc il pilrt, U".('n',B porcii'tH, v nikrir?, iinmb n , n.xl i itt .miti i tf l.i-luij,'-, Iit, l- lilnc), FplciTi, tiowcl-, l'l-ii'fl r,ti trt, iii iinirli tc i'Qiifil lo Tunc 13, '79 ly. R'.SLY'S PUR3 UTILED G5c rjxtrnet S2i WITCH HAZEL OA', ll.MAMi:i.lS V1HGJXICA. In ini.tlliy lo any inirtc, and only halt tlio price. cuziiotlit'S'iic. rinisr, -c. I'flitHs iievl.telte, loullmch3. rii'ac:ie, sore r.jes Nose lileed. I'leetllne l.iiiies, l'nltitiil, Whiles Akllnn.t lti'i ices swellings. I in .s. etc i.nri'M 1.1 uis- Sculls, minis, ns. wounns ttiieiiiuaiisiii. Krislin-liis, 1'itiloHlin, Varlctiso veliis,'Ncnr.iiiiii,.vc N At UMTS VNlVEIls.M, III'MK' Y t'Oll IN U'UN'Al. AMI liXl Klt.NAl. IM., If yourirjg(flstliasnotgotlthae. htm order It tit tin; pruiii leiui. I'lIAtthES r. UI-Lr.Y, Wholes.ilu Drugclst, HI cuunlaudt M New York. .Ian 23, si), 3m NIC V V LltM! TLe wvll known u. It. WiUTIJ. I'roprlenr tt tin OltANiiLVIIXi; AUHtCL'tTLTliAL WOHKS luviri'.I.IaliaU Inltrost In th suuei '.I. W.i'onniT, 'I In coiiipuny h.ivn repiiimt tin- uorK", ium arc pit- nn ir Arienlniriil Imu't'ir.t'titH. 'I lici lut iut cinnPlntcM aiirw It It luml nut' niun.mmiiu tin MhK will bent tti- i lulil luuul Ann Minaco n!uw.s or tointers lur 'It Hatiu. . in v 1 iiicsiM'ruiin LWan- tr vMtH cctilru lmku nr rid Ih thu1. called Hie irti l)ntlili'er an-l liillw.ty pnwosmi ;i v l'npi-ut'.t plan. v,v'turc LAND KOiJ.IIHS wltti cuit irtm he.i M. C irn I'luws tl. iblf a ul slmrle tltlV'tur hltt' lllll HOWS. .Mill UHMJl-tfS. t IIUIII f even (IcHtTlptiun wltn nniiniiiin'i-f. UV fuit-t jut H on lutn I a hrif us.irttiHMit ir I'lnw tli irik r .rnur own .iml ollit-r plows thai ! Uad lutlic (Miintn we wnmii ie unii rhuiu in uorkui mtti'i'i.ti i r nie muih iiuiuhj . uinirwuih t w TritiU'd'tn if i' MUl-fieiloti, .r the money le- luntlMl WIJcH-V COMI'i: lrl'. iiriBcrs, ami Hi pu "'i in riH-i nl re rupiiI'dtu c.ill ni.d ex aiiiiiiv ti (ore n mlnMntf fttuU re. WHITE & CONNER, Jan. 10, 0 ly uliAS't.r.Vll.l.U, r. COOLEV CREAMER- ;oi.i ? l-AHis, 1870. llUTTKn moue ny tuis n r o o o a a awarded !vi:i'.i'vr.iii at International Hairy Fair, is;s,andi(ii.i Al.andl'lltvr 1'lti: .1111 .11 at fame Fair, 1STU. I HINT I'ltU ?liu.n at lioyal Agrt culiural txhlbltion, Lon don, IS79. It require, no milk rnnm. II riit.i-. ill! ofereiim he;een inliklun.. Jt Hn.rai ni-iier c ........ It rvqutre. lc. lubor. It I. more thoroiiBhly iimde. It i. ehrnper, ana rites better fcn.fftCtlon than any other vf ay or ettlnn milk. riff. WTTi.n mSde nr Tliia bVSTRM is ex. EXCELLtl) IX 116 KKEI'INO QUALIT11.3. vi:iisi lielloi Falls Vt. fib .j, BEST EH THE WOKLO ! SALERATUS Wlikli is tho uamo thing. Impure iilrrnltif orlll-Cuilt Soil a iwliti U U the umt til tn ki Unfit wtlKht y it I r I ' hlle tolui It 11111 y it jfur Mliltr, fx 11 in I nt it by ftt hut ciniivvniHON avi'iii (iinuu a; CO'S AilM AM) II MMKK" III. AM) Mill aliuw tho (llll'tif litr St- that yoiti 11 nm, Ituk lliif hutla I hlto 11 ml I'l lIT. 111 tthuuld ! AM SIMU.Wl bl (JM'A. UK1) 11 nil tot i'ouil, ABlmrlebutsoMLrotcat of tlio rnnt..r itivn value otUifferont brm.ln or sort irful' pm n to dissolve a Ui'tucrtkixmutui of tu b kmi w n i tboutaplnt of tttcr (bot ireierrt 'it in tl-p flau-iea.fctlrringUDtlUUintliuruuplily di-aiuM I 'ibe deleterious Innnlul lo mattt r iu ilutiiiifri' r bo4i vnUboBUtn.u a:;i rn-ttlfu bnu t tiit lulDUteior bj iner, by tbe tullky aiM'ti"'" 1 uf tbenolutton ami tUo quantity filjauu; V.odj matter accor Jiiitt to quality. lie aureanaatfor CburcU k ( ".' Wan.. Raler&tua aud see that tbir iiauia i tu tU package and you will get tbu purwt au.l w biuEt made. TLeuneot pretrr tDco to tt&kliig lowd.r, aavc tc-aty tliui iu cost. pco one pound package for valuable lufornia ou aud read carefully. SHOW THIS TO YOUR OROCER. Jaiiu.u) in, jui M. G. SLOAN & BRO. Manulocturcra ot Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, PLATKOKM WAGONS, Ac. Flrst-clasa work always on baud. HBl'AIUIKa NKATLY DONE. Trices reduced to suit tlio times. JOB PIUNTInQ Nwtly-and cheaply executea at the Columbian Office, PLASTER . I"! AST JOHMSOW'S i v a LAllORATOrtY, 77 W.3d St., New York City larz or jbkjit citr. 5 tTBAIir JIAEE.l i ff3 PTtUKVPfi'TA IT)1 H Ropsmsrs. ' d If" NJt.Jwirr. IlhniMU- )t Ism, tlfumn. MItarl ItlstttHr. Iillousncs?,Yt'rouft Ddiilllit.tic, Tho Best BEMBDT KNOWN ts Ma I ;o,ooo agents iurr. eoi.d sura is;o 9.000,000 Bottles. TJit$ Syrup Possesses Varhd Properties. Tt Mlmtiliitc Ihn I'jtTnllnnln t'-o Hnllvn, Hvlilrh conrrrt tlio nlnrrh nnd mtntr tif Ihe food Into ulueo'P. A Orflclener In Iit)nllne cniHCVlnd nnilHnutlnu of tli" fund lit tli Atomnrli. If the inrdlrlno U inkni limtinlU htrl nfier cntlnfi the lL'rutcntulluu ofjood U lrPTcnlcih It nrt upon tho T.lver Itnrt upon tlio Ii hitter. II ItpRiilHtt tho Itimeli It 1'nrlfles tho Illond. It uirii iho rvo1llSJl:tem. It ProinntPH Dlgeatlm. II NnurlMlir stri'mnhrn mid TnTlcnrniri. It cnrrlo olTlho (lid lllood ml tttnUi " It opprn iho tnrri f tho Mii mid ltitluc-a Ilealthjr rrrtvpirntlon. It neutralizes tho hrrrdilary (alrt. cr poiwn H th Mood, which,J.ryniptl.i. aud ull taanner of fcVin dlncasen end Internal Inimcrn. Tlioro aro no spirits employed in Its mnunfacture, and It can bo takm Ly tl.omost d.iUcatolvil. or hy Iho asod and fecldo, care cnty ic:nj trgaireJ in at tint tan to dirtcthnu TRICE CP LAUGH - 01.00 miCS 02 SL'ALL EOXTLia, - - DO Read tho VOLUNTARY 1 EST1MONIAL5 of Persons ho have been CURLD by tho use ofthoBUjOD PURIFIER. Uct Mctlioine Kver tNetl. Kfllon. Wvntnlnccoutitv. I'i. Dear Mr: 1 had been troubled Tor n tcnir time Willi a ruin In mv toIIUCll, und found no relh f until I ht'irun nIrk'yo'ir Indian lllood Hrup. 1 Unci tt tho bca medlclhi1 In uvn, and I can rcrcinmPtid It to nil, oil nnd ounir. It suvis tinny dollars In doctors' bills, nnd one Hrjf IwtMc did mo moru gooil liuu live uoiitUH wotuioi oiuer mtnicinr. Mat rum i-riiuarr. An AstmiHiing Cure. Monroe. Wromlnir countv. I', lioar sir: I hid hi-en altllcttd utth a Coiuh, I.oh or Annptlto and nvsnepsia for ti'ii j.-arn. I conld llUL I'H'p I ij aiii'iia iii my uiisim-3-v, uiin iu-ui iiik ui our Jusllj colfhrattnt Indlin lllu.jdSriip, I ri'soUi-d tx) try It, which I did, nnd in a short time was much nnprovcu. i miwiunoii kooh Apptuit. mm im.r enjoytu KOOti ncaiin ever tiLC i eommenrru ns w. ii. uiuarr. rfick Headttche Cured. linumnn'M tTtvct. Wromlntf rnuntV. 1'a. IcarSlr:I hid Mck lleadtciie and bylhoustiof yourin.iuri uoou "iun t was crivat y roiit'fu. reeorrmeudall to try lualuatIo nronertUs. .1. s. uurnttt. Tlie lU'inctly did more tlianhu Kxpt-cUd, N'i'W hrrrv. tAncinincrouid v. I)tar Sir: Tho Indian lllood sjrup did moio than I expt'Ctcd It would and It ban cuied me or Llwr Complaint. 1 use It us a Medicine and would not by WUIluUL it. Mrs. Mar Chaiman. Headaiche nnd l)i7ine. Willi. unvncrt. I.noinln!r rountv. l'a. Ipar Mr: Your lurdan Mood s. nip has curod mo or Ileadacho, Ilzzln"Bs and ioasor Apitltf. I am now able lo work In my f ictory. M wile de rUcd moio beucllt Irwn Its usu than frutn any other iiieuieine. Henry llusscl. Woutd not be Without ii. 'llllarnnfirt. breomlntr i ount. I'rt. Dear Sir: The Ind-an Hlood svrun H tho IteM I over WMi and I would not ba without tt. It Is ooii lor un compiamis. John l.uiMiart. Di-ea-'e' of the Slomacli. n.iton. Wvnmiiiirfountv. IM Dear Sir :-TliHN to leitlfy that I htnl a Weak Motnafh ami no tut it or any ii arty ro'.d wlulier. Ii.v.i trlend's ad l-l 1 tninnifiavd tin- iim' of yoiir ludlui ill.xxl sprup whtch atler .i Miort I'etuillv rt Hevil me and I nm now cai .iilldny I choow. Vuur SMUp (jlvta unlcr&il ar.iraci. on. KllZHbt'th Uii-Js U!. All t at it U rreoniniPti'led Ui h". ttu-ra IIoiim'. (.'nlumlil.i. l'a. ivir !r:-l have iih-m runr iacmIbi I In'll.m Him! r i'i ilin! It litis tiniM-it Jus' as renii'MMitud. 1 im ttO 111 til Mill ll iu ill. Win. lftn WIioUkiiIq .Mfidmttt, .'itlt !-tri'( t. I'liatiinious lit-niimneiittaiinn Ttcrollottlnffaiiatl.'lrU'biln:ou for Hie In .(Mil fiiip: II. II. HrfiitT.rrirltMHr V It It. 4. (1. Mnltli, ut ltiUIMntt'tl WoiK-t. .Mrs Miul-r. or v ilumijl-i. Hri'MiT, ft WiihlitititMtiburjjli, 4 jlm Ken8, ul s.iui ll,irtxr. WouM not bo Without it. !'. uton. Otlutnbl.i co'iMy. Im. v-nr Mr: I Une hhoiI voir nxrllut Isnuv I i - in. l CuiiM nut liiJiiif mukouiu. Mrs. Ujiut. Ne r I'.ii tu Ctm. lUst I.i inun AVjominif c u. I'.i. ir sir :-t was tk lor ihri stars, uik uml pr. f ".ii).ial tMMtnu'nt wwi 1 the tlinu without l injr I'fiit infti, .i i u? iumuii ii hi ii;, juuri iMms Kuioa svurrnuii afirra short tr al. I uuii'i liijufit la betterli'-uUli tlmn t hut W-en tnr six ph nm. 1 IRTUU ltdll Sure Ctiru fur Hver Coniplaiat. lioiirjurc. Culiimbl.t t u. Pa Hear Sir i 'I hi Is I c cntlis t bar uiir Indian vixtov VHU ills vwu usrn nv ua, iur i.iutuiiii a nr. wuirli liad ix en trotihiini; inn ror a lonir Hint l tic rived laura bpiifllt Iroiu tho ao or tho Mrua nun iroman ui'cr iiK'nu'iru. i noariuy iwoin- Lri nf Appt'tite. ltohrhburL- col uiab'a counts l'a. ltur Mr:! hist iiMfil your exe'tom Isnus PiLOouSvKt i lor 1.0-h or piie(itt nd Wtakachsi tin- .s'uuiuu!i, with Sfry Iifiivllt-Ul rvMiiH. I bi'll- sour tnt'illiMiit to l the Kri'tt-bt blow) punil kDowu.nad u ivNo all who nius bubtiireilDna I u to glvu tt a tptody trt tl. laitw in Shouhlnr- lirhrhburtr. Columbia cjuutl. Ta. Hear Mr : This Is to certify Unit sour Imusn , llLiioo 'vRt i' luMtriodtly rt'llMPd me of r.ilnsln ) s ioulder audciu'st, svhirhl had tn'Mi ulllliit-d w'b lor j cars. 1 ivoommendH stry blgbij. -Mrs. jury i. t'.i . KMtify Complain1. Hi nr Columbl.i t ouii' r. i .r .li. Mv P.iftixr t tliM'll fcllfft lint Willi ntdiiHv Cnni'il.iint u Ion 2 Hinu and h id luen (tii- (l.r itif tiiih irmiiiueiit. b'lf tho diidor. could not i tTci t ac'iw I hno Ivn vibject in Nuinbnt-j$ MIHl t"liKllt1 III HI IA'l(..llU. ti'iiuiui'U Di'lld I t VOIir luVl'tl iblrt IMMIK IIUHW bVKl'l' IH'Ift our SfTL'ut. Wui, 11 rotriT, anu it has curt-n inv uum 'unrllv. anlmvium Uid'hIi bctlvr. H dws not tr mbloiaa lull so much. Vour nurtlcluc K excel k-ut. , ... joaiiin iiniiu. rfinile Complaints. Itfiir (I.ui t'oluinblu coutilA . Tu. iMirHlr! TbNlstotrrtlfytlul I puniaHMii homo ot nur Indian Huhsii hVBrr lor ms wife for lutl.t-1 mallinttntrt'Jjulet'oiiipUlnt, audit hislxenlur nlltt. . u liiTiirr Ilft Metlicino KverUttl. l.inr can. tuUiinbl'i',ounT. l'a. iiftiir sir i-Mv lltilH tun was troubhd'wtth hit watr iMHMnic from him owtUiitU, Ua andnltrht, i ii tttiiiHii twniljctiirMaiid lis'o him lut'uK'lne. uu tunimnt i.rrtxt. I irfiiiiFiit, sniiin cf our 1 1 U'bratt'd Isons liLuuDM'KiT. athurl trial of which, cured ldm. . , Uunbcii camp. Dycpepia nnd Indigestion. N.iimldi. Pnlmntilfl f'llllllli. I'll. l)arsir For many st'ars my slt ua atlllcttd ullli llwn.tit.hi- nml wn MDl'I.t I'Olt MPrablt' IIIOIH'S sHho"it rnvlslng Ufneilt. Wo pnt un H homo of ' our Inpun KuioiiSVKCi' undfehH beruti lolmproso In UeultU irom llt lime uu oomi-in- u u . buloinon OSnjder Iit r Complaint. ivt.tralt.i. t I'lilln' lit l'a !-ar sir: -ThliUt toocrtlfy that I u isnuw. Hand could hpixM attend to ius work I think my uu-r WfH afTtH-led. 1 ptotMirulf-omoof sour Khun Iluon iSYMii ami now. wut-r ni uu, .' nnu u wv mm. i lecommnd lla Usotoail. l)y-pppia ai'd Neuralgia. m-.i Park. T.U7Prne CO.. Pa. IWur Mr Yuiir Mlllillilrt INDIIN IlLOOU hVKLT llftS 1 prteciuil u trmai mt uro in mv cipf. 1 bod been allllcted slth the Dy-Hneitftla aad Neur.,' M, but utn now eiuiruly wull. Mrs. John TUornton. Hilious Stomach Cured, 11 pjirk. Luzcrno C" . IM. Iear fe'r:! basw Un troubled ssliU imioui I Oomplalataudby the uf of our Jmuas lli-oun hvat ettluwt'lttioiiwlly cured ine. John N Vli:um jspep-drt Cured. iini iflik-. t.ii7 mnid. Pa. Dear Mr :- our valuable Indian m.ujobSKCi-has cuiMiiwoxivniepua. Mrti. K 11 Adklns, Liver Complaint. Htdti Park. Luzerne Co . Pa. tln. MmiaiiOMii irnutiieii sith I.Uercom- plaint, but I ss as permanently cured byuiLnjrjuur DeoW,l87My wco J.1 I l , I BLOOM SB UBG STATE, NORMAL SCHOOL SIXTH NOllMAL SCHOOL DloTlUOT. Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Rev. D. J. WALLER, Jr., A. M., Principal. ... . . ... . . i ii..iini.,.A ti.r.'nii.f.nii1 nnrl r'loBiltm Innrnlnrr. HxriUKM,. anat prt'?(-nt cqiiMiiuifn. ;t-nwr v l!"l?'"L '.I'i , J.V., ' ii hS. iliilltllnsHxtiiu'loui, InMtlDit miiUMinmouious , lomincteij wuu.ii c. .tu......vU, ,.suv. , intKtcr.itp. Fifty eruia wpok iii'iiiumiuu umiiiuiiuciuik .uioi... , . I oiirous or ht'tn iiu:s' iiw- li.i 1. MmM School. II. l'rppnralory. III. bUinciilary. l , w.imrai. . Vilitincl Coiin-e-: I ILCininerciiil. III. Cour-e iii Mtnic. IV. Course in Art. AllllllKi vtn. . .... ...,., i .i,,i Tt,o M,.mt.r.tarv m-lontllli' ni.'l I'l'UHtcil t otirwi Piwnwimliiitrli):irnpi: MitHloict il- hli-iu"nti Mauler or mo wiettofs i .iiiuwroi timiaini;'). uruuuaiua I 1.y".1 .L "r...... u i I., tt... inn.... it tin. Ilimfil nf T tHf ci-. tiic m ii Jin J""." ,m.-?rtlH"tl In tlii- stai i- lilt-ral. ffi tuSlMalSnS uiJ 51 Kn! " - a m!h It pruinlVo, catalog, atiurrs. ;'-'!;i;;)1f'),I1) ,,, ,.,,,,,., llo,ir(, Nert . lint conic at once nnd look tlirough tlie largest stoek of Meady-Made Clothing IN THE ir VH CANNOT SUIT IN READY-MADE, WK CAN SELL YOU THE CLOTH, OR TAKE YOUR MEASURE, AND MAKi: YOU A SUIT IN CITY STYLE UKTMIl AND THAN ANY OTHER ST0S3 IN TOWN. CLOTHS, OASblMERES, SOLD BY THE YARD. 1 Now gelling at the RESaXABIiE. STORE OP BATH) L'OWMKEMjt. ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE ieoRj EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris, 1878 AND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, PHILADELPHIA, 1876, A." Very STRONG, SMOOTH, an EXCELLENT THREAD." riinnllnAfir .110 ME INDU n V M " I KI n. MuNTll triurimieed. ti a dav at homo mad in thu Indu-.trlou- tupltal not rcqulied ; wo svill ou .Men, wwncji, uojs aim ciris ni.iko nionc ribtcr at wmk tor us than atnnsthlriL tl-f. The uoikU II, 'lit . nd pie ibant, at.d unh as anyunu can g;o ru'tit ir Those wlionic i-p smio ho this not let ulllhctid us their tidrm --i s ul om c and mo (or IhetuM iscs Cot' Ointir and tern.siKP. Nowlsine linn- Tli 'e idreatl sak rc Mi) 4 un l.xr'o um3 cr iuoiji-j Adda 'Mil I. ii a: ne Oct a. .&-ly Warner's sate Kidney ana Liver Cure. t PormerlM Dr. fmln'jt Kletmu t,r 8 A VPsotable nrejiaratlon nnd the onlt nui 3 rii-ly iu thu uorhl for ItrJiElit'N IliM:n.. Mni.-ftt.ail(l .U HIUllCJ, J I !, Ulltl trinarj lUciitf. ttj "1 tsttraonluN of tbe Llfihest order in proof Of t hesa statements. 5"i"or thflcurif of IHnlM'tcb, call for YVar-llfi-'a SjiIo IlJalielro -iu. it jot for tho euro nt llrlulit and ih other diseases, cill for lHirun ftutu Uidm ijuil LlttTdire. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. it thebestlttotxl I'lirKlcr. andttlmulatei v f . nunon to nioro ht.iltliful action, uud 13 thus a benellt tn ull dlspaji-s. H cures Scruftilou und other NUIn TniiM (ions and Uv ncs, latluding Cuun-rk, 1 1. fi'i . and other Sunn, l)BIflu. U i-iiUnrM oT (tie Moiimrl., oiiliialluti, IHuliH M, iiiitrul llvlill. IO, etc., art) cured by the Null ltliunw It at u nequaled ns an appetizer and regular tunic ilultlea of two films ; rrtces, 30c. aud fel.oo. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly elves ltrt and Sleep tothesutterinff, cure lleuiliulitt and cui itlehi. preents 11U'PI1'1 U,and reliesf!iNeioii ru tuition brouglit ou by etcehelva drink, oier work, mental nhocks, aud other causes. l'owerfut us H Is to stop tain and soothe dis turbed rervei, tt uver Injures tbe tjatem. u bether taken in small or Isrtre doses. lio tiles of two sizes i jirlces, 50c. and 91.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an Immediate and active stimuli tor a Torpid Llftr. nnd cute Costlvsoaii, PyipfpiU 8U- lOtUDtll. i. nuious xusr ihmh, UiUrls, FTcr nd A fni, and h tild b used whenevt-r tbe ttuuelMtln not oniTiiirt fifct-ly and rfgularly. h tilltrr i'ltla rvuulr th maII duivt tor Ihuruuib M rarr't bafv Krutrdlrt Kr H. H.Warner & Co., I'ruprlrlur. x ROCHESTER. N. Y. ' C ,'krad tur ftapkUt net ,.1,1 iw,y 1 s It rob. Tl T'rairVib'.' tnruQ. f t tur M i ui. bv r-- Curd, c i U vii, Li ir st y t art; i meut, and 11 F( Hit tlUlull tibotit buttering or .su. li n s fire Nvj ri'iindy Ci rtRii t ef ii u in !) pn s V Umrmu ttnd rc- Vrii-tttuu bi)d for illui inzDnalma irof. snd Jiui ut'akdili it. lCclidullB HllUt tin I'ureU uld by llruuBlals. or ,..r... ..i.m,d .11 April 18, T.-'.y www r -JCf 1? fffclm icfilXylJi . T mMM All k 1 mm i f nwfa m a? ki t an- rii t.i-ii... '. rvj.1V.1." '"".Vli'V'V.., , .k. MnnnnY t .tltlcatc? amt tlw Hem Ittc ftnJ coarH-f nro not Inrtrlor to Itaow or our wist I'oiifBj'S. . ,..,,, aid In ilulclupliisf liclr potvewf ami opportunity for well 1H labor alter lcai lnS behool. i ol Tl.M,.,.. P. V. lltU..MYi:H, Seerctary. COUNTY. NOVELTIES Hats, Caps, &c, For Men and Boys, Pearl Shirts, Under Clothing Pretty suits for little hoys, Cheap suits for Men, Cheap Overcoats, Trunks, Satchels. Bags, etc Gum Clothing, &c. THIRTY SEWING S.F.T. tZTABUSNtO I8G. MANUFACTURED at MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. bTUART&BROhiviTCD) iGn'TS.IirtWl AfZ?4:iPARIS. PHILADELPHIA. AWARDED I NEW YORK BOSTON . Highest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 501 Broadway, New York, Manufacturers, importers X Dealers In VolvGtrrames,Alburas,Graphoscopes. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Smraving:. Chromes, Photographs. nd klnilrccl gooii Celebrities, Actresses, etc., PhotographMaterials We are lit adquarrcis fur everj thins In the way of Steroapticcns and Magio Lanterns, r'.-'hstM(!hoin','tl.(bestoflt8Cl4S8ln tho market. UuiU'irul rUotouTaphlc TranMrencliB ot Mutu ary 'd K(iffrv nirs for tho window, i i x x i.l.iss. Maiiiif.icturerrt ot Vtlvct Frames fi u Mlnlatun. and con cx (iUss riciurcs. i at.ilok'uts of lanterns and Mldt-H, with tl'ttis tor usltif, u'ut ou rtcelpt ol tn ctnU. J.iu 0,'so-ly j TXIU JOIINMIX UEYOX.VIMi M i hi rf Iron. ln'TiitifuIly orna t 1 l.'liti'd. Ailj l-I ibio hlvo. ( h .ip nnd wruu,' t'l'iuut p t nit -f o ili-r. ! ir w rVi.d fur ci"i).U-o cirnilar nd nrl.-o ht. K:id '-'."i c nt- f ir our new llludfratM I'at'il ,-tn' of Sohocl 'It li uidbiO '' JUtf or i.V u 'i r tUf ild Aiu' if. EASEX, PRATT & CO., i Hvad garters for ail School upp!lei, 112 S, ltl (1UIMI ST 11 1.1 T, I N?it u, iy rv Y0I1K. Tor el ng f pells, i. ml nil a lfV0 vlU Vo rsld or a cau Umi ji utters Hill nut llio. tloo and I- vf H'lfriu, nia, airr. fi-lyVjullDiililtti.f, Burhulp.' "Uea t -f, rrocnro and uxj 11 n i'. liter. Irdy ilmnroDi; cjiliuynud luiy." nii Vltters bidlJs jup, ti-iii. l.i ns S'iJ 1 c ure s i i. .inn il 1 f ruia tUo Ci -t tu.f." "LadlCI, dO yoq I 'nt.W irJ Vr. nary i iuii1aliucf ad l.aIthyandtoaiiitful k i ii ti in Thinri' viiy I'l tl, 111 men usu hop iiiiwra. cured Lyliwp J.i UUIV Tli proiiteit fp! ErtUir, h to iu a oh I lmd nn 1 lln-r r- ,u- 1 uur Hup liiucrs." ClcrBymen, I iw. )or Koii"is J ' k ers nnd I ndu it cd Hop Hitter dilr" Itnp Hitters tins ri- tri d toH'H.rle y uid lifalth, p rft tv '( s troiulatciupurauco, 'Ron r stomach, lleb Hop fnrmt CVrrU a IU IWk K st, i I't 't M thu uud Kt. .Xk i hl.on u , iPtoiimrh, Ll r hi I J Kidu m U Tipriici 11 to u 1 ot..t. . A. I linuridili. U I. I. (Mi an ni inif h ii f 'i- drunkt ii i n, U I lit ftt "11 ll 1 ..ILM. I uud i.rww,.L. Alt iTv f ' I 1 1' M heiiti ho and dlit. u ni's,JlnlUu'rsrun,a Ifln trMa Jln.iJttirs 1 Gianni i. ur iy. L'JM l JI.I11UI i. ur iy, tnociicir, ,V Fend t ffr I . Clrctilar, BCPBfmrarinl I ;May ?, Wf, WW PTTT?W Contumptlon t Asthma, INiljY OUXVUi, Never yet failed, iaarees Wlt4"'n.!) 'UOME.-nMltmrK. Md. m. . sooi;-CAn. .Mm .S3 rurnuimrt a bountiful mmnly or pure.son - V. Course In I'liylcil Culture. sttnt.. lllntnm.n. rnnforrlnc the folloivlt iu u.i. - ....... Weaver & Go's Ads, o a o c c a O Mfi rnlee It tn rj taf, nialliri Del cf bow long Hand Inner t. w rtcfjly rfftfil It Iniiant rellrf andcurpi Itia m i fii rara In frciu tw lt thrf- If imed dtr.l- ti i i u ' i f li a n t tv -n If A Ircl, iu- tt-l a t, I- Hi dial Itwii i- h-uall tLT.CrtifrnliiKint lorl.S anil I ;in;i'T 1:10 l'riiiiklln StM IliilUniorr, ld. sept, :a, INSTITUTE. KBtabltBhrdln 1R72 for tho cure Of t'UIHlT, 'llUIMir., ITIt'fTM, hi'nlilli. Iltlil Skill lllht'llf.PB. without thotiROof knlfo or loss of LhnxlnudlUtlo pain. For lufonoatlon. circulars and reforeneeB, luldreBj Dr. l J t'UMi, Aurora, liana Co , 111. s?pt. 19,'73-ly. J W at CO. THI5 NCW fefSjT ACTin TPTTC1C! : -Ctt f I Iu Tad d FmIdi f-om al I oihara, la fttp-ihapa, with tlf-AdjunllDg Ua'l Id center, adapti ItMlf to all poillloM of tha Irnilr, whiU tba fiAU tn th cp PRtSStS BACK ih INTtSTINf.? iWi A PIRSPN WOULD wlf I He fin era. uTlu ,ttn irCtua tlie tlernti Ii held anrly flay ai a m,tii. an I radical cor cer tain. It 11 nf, dura hie an I chtip, hutlr nml, (.rculiri "" Eggleston Truss Co., Chlcaao, III., Sept. . I9-1J-. .1 V &. 00. QONSUMPTIOW can be curMlvnlm I'fmltiuictl nsn rf Osmund roil I'onnimptlnn. Courtis ColiH, Asilm.u. lironcliltli and nil tcruiilous ill-ran".. Af-V. uur ilmreNl ti iniiiiiii's und iul.1- n i nliii-r. ir ii" iiui i Pf j I will wwi I iiwlllo on receipt ot tl .nH.i ... i' i'ii vi a nMl'N. 13 hl'llltll AYi'llllC, New Yoifc. X01 SI, 'I9.-CU1 J w k CO. cover, sionl nnd 11 .ok. only ttl lot.MV nr.'ani. 1:1 stoiw, swis Iteed, 2 Knee swel s. Mool ll'nl llook.onb t5-.un. :i?-.ssiop or can. sioil Hook, imlv fxt ,5. circular n'lii nee SililrchS. IIL'NNKLI. Mll.I.KU. UwUtuwu, I'D.'j am wic HA Cured Painlessly. rim incili'ltic tnld for a Kin.ill niirLrlu ubuo til CO-tff pniiipoui)illii(f All Cd' i"i tr.'iil-"! by special prescript on. tor lull panicuiaifj auaics-iiiio im comilt, HU S. Ii. COLLINS, or Mrs. S. li. rolllm, L.i Vorlo Ind fib G-6in w&co $55.66 AllENTS 1'HOHT 1'Kll 1VEKK Wll nrovo Iter forfeit ivi u. $1 oullli live. j:. ii. niuMii r .v. ui ireetew Voik, N. Y. Jv ,t co feblio-lm 3JI(,inei9 Larj per CilMMIINlUl'Kdl'U'. :c iiitHtrtiuu A ear. ra I. on AllKNTf. V.NTi:0. llosiou. Ma-ss. feb!3, nn. H.i.. IU&TiNus. 4T Corn bill REVARD TfTTZZ ltPind, lubincor tllMrd-d 1'Ui'H tbAt Di lUnc'- I'llo Iti-iticil vfiUtocum. liitej nutiia diitH r-in f, cur s coxes ot lone Handing in 1 wi-ilf, and rilinfirr f&-ea inSd.i)a, rflllTinN ".;?; iVruj-uff mi ynttt on til btark a o'tS'ima o'l lir. J. I'. Jf ltr4 "rnifwr(i, I'hll-i. SI A Kit tie, S(U byalldrncr'ials, h--t by nudl by J, 1' Milt n.M. !., J'rur., Ji. W. t.ur, Tubtu tini Atvu jU..lW.tU,)lu, "O.-ly ftU G1LM0RE & CO., i:Mill.ll.lie,l ll!.. Ponsioiis, Iniircuso of Pensions, nnd all utlier clubmen of Claims for Mildlera uud hoi merit' iieir, prosicuiea. Auaress vun biuinp. iiii.Mdiii: co. dec 5-tf Wttsliliiston, !. C. AND Paper Hanging. VM. P. BODINE, IRON bT 11KLOW SE 'ONI), IILOOMMII'WI, 1 la prepared to do all kind of house rMNiiNo rialn and Ornamental PAPR HANGING, 110TII HKCOKATIVB AND I'LAIN. All KlmlM (il I'lirnlliirc It c pal red aim inline an. Kooil as new, NONE UL'T FIllST-CLAbS W01IKMEN I'JII'LOYED Estimatcn Mado on all Work. W.M. F. I10D1NE. OCt. l.ISTS. TIII3 PAPER IS ICEPT ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OP XEdWox, ...TINTS mm c nr-1 imii uno rniLiiucLrtiiA tui.t 11, .linn uml j;iultiu si.. Wlio i il I1 i Vtyt. COTIMATTC ' 1 l'.t Cmll ltntt. tol IftlM LC3rr.r,ir.eipMrAari-rll.lii fctud M3c. for AYKIt ii aOS'i JIANUA1- 9 ly. J W & CO. litSCNSlDLCl1 I OLD m I1ELIADLE, Da S.mroiiu's Ltvnu iNraortAtori i !ia n Stnntlaril lamily llomctly for J 5 iiiaenncs of tlio Liver, Stomach .'v3 J STiieS liIuvigoratorJ . ...... uv.i iiatirf in uiy tirnctico! !H V for more than 35 years, J ii -with unprecedented results. J ' SEND FOR CIRCULAR. S 5S, T.W. SANFORD, M.D., w?SaSffi5 5 AIT tlllt (.r.HT MILt.TKLL TOU !T. ItCI't TUIllS. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES IffSlSW N OltTllKUN CENTJtAL ItAILWW WIXTKH TIMK TA11LK. on nnd nftor Sundar. .luno 23. ItTH. the ti.ilni on tho riiliadolphta t Erie IU Iroad Dhlsloinll ru as follows : WESTWAIW. Erlo Mall leaves Philadelphia U n p r " Ilarrl&buoj 4 'ft urn ' " William port 8.,iu , " " dcrspy Nhor t7 a ; " " lck Haven t 40 a i " " Konovo ll u a , " nrrlve at Krle 1 f.i .i - Niagara I3xpre"i IcaAea I'lilladelphla h na a m nun itinu k 1 " arr. at WllllamMpurt ii25p i " Lock UaK'u 8 r.n p Fast Une leines I'lilhulelr-liU 11 co a tn " IlHtrWbury B i.y (i " nrrhc at Wllllamsuort 7 v . " Lock llaen 8 40 p KASTWA III). 1'aclilc Jispress leases I-ock Haven J 'o " 14 llllamsruirt M arrlte at HarrWburj: " " Philadelphia Day Express leaves " " Ick llaen ' V llilnmsport " arrive at llnrilshuri? " I'hlladclphU Erlo M all lcaes Itenovo H " Ixjckilaen " Wtllla-nsport " arrle3 at n.irrlsiitiri; " " Philadelphia Fast Lino leaves lillatnsport 1 arrives at 1 Ian lsimrtf ' " Phlladelpula 8 12 Hip i a 40 r t.i 11 ?im 12 40 (l 4 '( p 1 20 p in H 40 I' Ji r" n 11 lop 2 r a ' HOll i. Vt i.'i a :t 'it j 7 40 ll .j Erin Mall west and Dav Eviircsii East, mik conneclloiiBfttNorthumberiund with L..C It. 1 trains for tikesbarie and hcranton, Krle Mall West. Niagara Exnres West, anl List Line. West make closo eoiitif-etlon at WlUlon. , jrt wlilt N. c. 1(. W trains norlli. Nl.Lrftia Exnrchs West and Day EMiitf-i IM make cIomj counectiwii atLotkllaen with U L v It. it. trains. trains L. s. a: M, n It. it. : at Coiry u h l . v. it. it. : nt liinnonum witn il v. x, v . it and nt Driftwood with A. v. It. It. IMrinr rnrw will run liftnunn l'min-inlrilim ir1 wiiiatnnoit on Mflara hxpiess west, and Da;. t:x press nasi, neeping ears ou hii Qiyia trains. tieneral m: . I ui.l iii.n. ur.iiii. J..vil, .ll COJITANI. on and nfier November 20tb. 1S73. trains is Ul ftimtiiiry us tullou s : roiuuvAiiii. Kile Mall 6. 'Ju a. ni., arrive r.Hnlrn 11 Cimandaltfua j ' ltocliebter t Nlagaia It 41 Kenovo acenmmodat Ion 11.10 a. 111. arrli e 1 m port 12.M p. m. a.m., nrrlve Elmlra 10.S0 a a. Uunalo Dxprcss 7.15a. m.arrlio llunaloS.yo SOUT1IWA11D. Uutfalo Express s.m a. m. arrlie Ilarrlsburf 11 llaltlmoi 0 b.41 Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m arrlvo Ilarrtsburg 11 Washington " 11 llaltlinoiecik 11 WasUlnKlon Uarrlsburg uecommodallon burc 10.50 p. ra. arrive Baltimore 11 Washington c Erlo Mall 1!.55 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg 3 (15 a. 1. " llaltlmoro 8.40 11 " Wabblngton 10.35 ' All dally oiicept Sunday. D. M. IIOYD, Jr., (ieneral rassragi f 'n . . xi Anjxjm v. , ..... 1 iT "T,lT?rT?xTTi nr.. ti ccr;i FP. TBAINS. May ll, 1879. TRAINS LR1TE KCfERT AS lOLI.OWBtSCNDAV EX' n'K ror Now yoru, rniladelphla, ltcadlne, I' Tamaqua, c, 11,43 a. m For catavvlssa, 11,43 a. in. 7,21 and 7,35 p. n. For WUUamsport,o,2S 9,05 a. m. and 4,0c p. 11 TUAIK3 EOK KCPEKT I F.AVK A8 FOLLOWS, (St A O CEfTED.) Loavo New Vork, 8,43 a. m. Leave l'Ulladelpbla, 9,45 a. ra. Leal 0 Heading, ll.Ma, m., 1'ottsvllle, i M and Tamaqua, 1,35 p. m. LeaioCatawlssa, 6,20 8,50 a.m. and 4,01) p. n Leave Wiuiamspoi 1,9.438.01,2,15 p. in. and 4, I'assensers to atdlroui New VorUand i't pblaco Ihroug.i nliLoutcliangoof ears. J. E. WOOTTlv Ueneral Man - C. (I, HANCOCK, tieneral Ticket Agent. Jan.u, isid tr. DKI.AWAKE, LACKAWANNA WESTERN ItMLItOAD. BLOOMBBUKO DIVISION. Ttmo-Table No. 39, Takes enect at 4. MONDAY. JUNE 10, ISIS. NOUT1I, bTATIUNS bill ' p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p 1 9 35 2 n 30 4 12 9 40 9 371 9 30, 9 21 9 19 9 14 , scran ton...., 9 23 9 17 9 OS 5 5S 3 51 -ueiiciue Tajlorvllle,, 9 45 . .Lackawanna... ritthtoii.... 19 5s .. Wcbt.i'iitston,. 1 ... Msoinius 10 07 , Maltby?... .1 Iiennelt, 1 Klnghton 110 1S 2 1 2 8 51 3 411 I 43 3 41 12 41 12 C 3 30 3 10 s 33 9 13 iwngsiou iu .. Plymouth June. . .. I'D mouth... . Avondale N'anlleoWH.... 3 11 8 S3 3 20 S 53 10 S9 J 3 a 3 2u 8 8 f 8 12 3 12 S 01 3 U4- 7 51 2 51 T 38 S 39 7 2 2 34 I 23 2 2i I IS T 14 7 10 7 l2 2 '4 0 53 1 57 8 47 '111 31 10 42 10 M 111 07 11 13 111 2'l 8 89! 8 231 Uunloek's reek. ..hhlckshlnny... ....luck's Kerry.... ...Death lluvcn... Derwlck .... lirlar Creek.... Willow drove..., lime lltdge Esnv 8 II 8 12 8 00 4 ' 4 .1 i 2J 4 to 4 4i 4 49 4 5 6 11 3 I 7 44 7 351 1, 39 11 45 . .Hlooniaburir. 0 50 6 43 1 51 7 33 uujieri, I'i 5. 1 43 1 21 I 29 Catawlsaa lirldgc. 11 57 6 27 t 15 3 (10 7 11 Dauvlllo 12 18 Uhulasky.,..HI Cameron..... 8 45 .Northumberland. 1 00 r.m. 12 45 6 45 0 a.m. r.m. p.m. W. F. HALaTKAD, ! Kupjrlutendent's once, scranton, June 10, VrAINVIlI01IT & CO., WHOLESALE GKOCEKS, I'uiUDiLrnu, Dealers In TEAS, SYltUTS, COFFEE, SUOAK, MOLAbSE"' HUE, UNCUS, BICABB B0D1, iC, tC, N E, Corner Second and Arch Btreeta, I ""Orders will receive prompt attention. 5 nnu xioweiB. it. la i-iirciy tJXl l.i 0 j Vegetable, It novor .V? i ijj 5 Debilltnlca It la ,iljn) J ' C"